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RAIN 0316 Weekly Update: Andersen (22)

Smartpros.com 03/07/02
Depositions of Senior Andersen Employees Document Collapse of Careers
HOUSTON, March 7, 2002 (Knight Ridder/Tribune
Business News) — The Andersen accounting firm was just admitting it had destroyed Enron Corp. documents when a back-office employee told Stephen Goddard, managing partner of the firm's Houston office, how bad it was: Enough papers to fill at least 30 footlocker-sized containers had been trashed.

New York Times 03/08/02
Andersen Told It May Face Charges Soon
Fri Mar 8, 3:02 PM ET
The government has warned Arthur Andersen that obstruction of justice charges in the Enron investigation could be made public against it in as little as a week, and the firm is working with prosecutors to determine whether a resolution of the criminal case can be reached, people involved in the case said yesterday.

New Haven Register 03/10/02
Testimony focuses on shredding of papers
Knight Ridder March 10, 2002
CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Shannon Adlong, an executive assistant in Andersen LLP's Houston offices, discovered two bags of destroyed documents and the scattered remains of food near a shredding machine one Monday last October.
She came to a quick conclusion: Someone had been busy over the weekend.

AFXpress 3/12/02
Arthur Andersen to be charged over Enron document shredding - report
WASHINGTON (AFX) - Federal prosecutors have told Arthur Andersen LLP they intend to charge the firm with obstruction of justice for failing to prevent document shredding at Enron Corp, the Washington Post reported, citing legal sources.

Washington Post 3/12/02
U.S. Tells Andersen To Expect Charges
Firm Is Given Until Thursday To Plead Guilty

Houston Chronicle 03/12/02
No order to destroy Enron documents?
Andersen manager cites firm's policy
An Arthur Andersen manager says she did not recall lead partner David Duncan ordering the destruction of Enron-related documents at an Oct. 23 meeting, but that she and others did step up the process of reviewing such documents for destruction shortly afterward.
In a deposition taken late last week, Kim Latham, who was working on the Enron audit, said it was longstanding Andersen policy to routinely destroy documents created during an audit.

Wall Street Journal 03/14/02
Grand Jury Indicts Andersen
In Connection With Enron Case
WASHINGTON -- A federal grand jury on Thursday charged Arthur Andersen LLP with the obstruction of justice in the investigation into Enron Corp., putting the future of the accounting firm in doubt.
The one-count indictment came after Andersen spurned a 9 a.m. EST Thursday deadline to plead guilty to charges stemming from its admitted destruction of Enron-related documents.

AP 3/15/01
Andersen Swiftly Fighting Indictment
Fri Mar 15, 2:07 AM ET
By MARCY GORDON, AP Business Writer
WASHINGTON (AP) - The Arthur Andersen accounting firm plans to fight swiftly an indictment accusing it of obstructing justice by destroying documents in the politically charged Enron affair. A federal investigation of Enron's former auditor continues even as prosecutors hold out the possibility of a plea agreement.

AP 3/15/01
Andersen Indicted in Enron Scandal
By PETE YOST, Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON (AP) - The government charged the Arthur Andersen accounting firm with obstruction of justice, securing its first indictment in the collapse of the Enron Corp., which has shaken the business world and roiled the White House and Congress.

Wall Street Journal 03/15/02
Indictment by Justice Department Puts Arthur Andersen's Fate on Line

AP 3/15/02
Andersen Staffers Detail Shredding
Fri Mar 15, 6:39 AM ET
By KRISTEN HAYS, Associated Press Writer
HOUSTON (AP) - An office manager at Arthur Andersen's Houston office said the employee in charge of the firm's "shred room" noticed an increase in Enron-related papers in late October 2001 that coincided with revelations of possible Enron accounting abuses.

New York Times 3/15/02
Andersen Charged With Obstruction in Enron Inquiry
ASHINGTON, March 14 — In the first criminal charge ever brought against a major accounting firm, Arthur Andersen has been indicted on a single count of obstruction of justice for destroying thousands of documents related to the Enron (news/quote) investigation, the Justice Department announced today.

Bloomberg News 03/15/02
Arthur Andersen Indicted in Enron Case Over Shredding
By Anna Marie Stolley and James Rowley
Washington, March 14 (Bloomberg) -- Arthur Andersen LLP was indicted on a charge it
illegally destroyed ``tons'' of Enron Corp. documents, obstructing the U.S. government's investigation of the energy trader's collapse.

Evening Standard 3/15/02
Andersen hit by new Enron claim
by James Langton in New York
The London office of accounting giant Andersen colluded with their US colleagues to shred crucial documents connected to the Enron scandal, it is alleged today.

Houston Chronicle 03/15/01
Andersen indicted in scandal
Charge says firm shredded tons of files
WASHINGTON -- The Arthur Andersen accounting firm obstructed justice by engaging in a "wholesale destruction" of tons of Enron-related documents, a federal indictment unsealed Thursday charged.
Andersen called the indictment "an extraordinary abuse of prosecutorial discretion" and was the equivalent of a "death penalty" against the firm.

Washington Post 03/15/02
Andersen Charged in Shredding Probe
Enron Auditor Calls Obstruction Of Justice Allegation Baseless
By Susan Schmidt and David S. Hilzenrath
Federal prosecutors yesterday announced the indictment of Arthur Andersen LLP for obstruction of justice, charging the firm with "widespread criminal conduct" for
destroying "tons" of records about its accounting work for Enron Corp.
The government charged that the massive shredding of Enron-related documents and the purging of electronic files was launched last October in multiple Andersen offices,
including at the company's Chicago headquarters, in Portland, Ore., and London.

Financial Times 3/15/02
Ormerod says Houston controlled shredding in UK
By Financial Times reporters
John Ormerod, managing partner of Andersen's UK arm, moved to distance his operation from the US criminal investigation into the accountant's handling of Enron, despite US federal charges that documents were destroyed in Andersen's London office.
Mr Ormerod maintained that questions over the firm's work for Enron remained a US issue.
"What has happened is that we have had people from the Houston office on secondment here. But these were not people who were from the UK firm and they were dealing directly with Houston on these matters, Mr Ormerod said.

Evening Standard 3/15/02
Legal threat to Andersen UK staff
by James Langton in New York and Nick Goodway in London, Evening
SOME OF London's most senior and highest paid accountants risk being dragged into the Enron scandal. Leading fraud lawyer Steven Philippsohn warned that accounting giant Andersen's UK employees could face legal action even if they had not directly been
involved in shredding documents, as the US justice department has claimed.

Sydney Morning Herald 3/15/02
Andersen accused of
shredding frenzy
By Caroline Overington, Herald Correspondent in New York
The shredders were working overtime, gobbling up documents by the trunkload, while computer hard drives were wiped and emails killed off.

Los Angeles Times 3/15/02
U.S. Indicts Enron Auditor in Shredding
Inquiry: Andersen faces an obstruction of justice charge after failing to reach a
plea agreement with prosecutors.

The Guardian (UK) 3/15/02
Legal action 'will put Andersen to death' warrant

Chicago Tribune 3/15/02
Andersen charged in shredding
Firm vows to fight, says indictment a `gross abuse of power' based on `flimsy' evidence

Peter A. Kurilecz CRM, CA
Richmond, Va