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(different) evil lurker wakes to pick a nit

Mike Tarabulski opined:

<Date:    Wed, 20 Mar 2002 12:26:15 -0800
<From:    Michael Tarabulski <tarabuls@UIDAHO.EDU>
<Subject: Re: confessions of an evil lurker <g>
<----- Original Message -----
<From: "Chris Flynn" <cflynn@fna.fsn.uidaho.edu>
<Snip, snail, puppy dog tail
<> Come towards the light, seek not the dark, dank and foreboding world out
<> sight and out of mind? We need more like you otherwise Tarabulski might
<> start posting again and where will we be then? > Chris
<Hey, I represent that remark!  And enough already with the Force, Force
<Gump! Glad y'all ain't Anakin of mine.
<Michael "This Space Intentionally Left Blank" Tarabulski
<International Jazz Collections
<Lionel Hampton Center
<P.O. Box 444407
<Moscow, ID 83844-4407
<Phone: 208-885-3870

Now, given my relatively recent subscription to this list, I don't even get
why Mr. Tarbulski's name was being taken in vain (though I did do a stint
the Institute of Jazz Studies in Newark a while back) but I do think that
self-respecting stooge (or is it Stooge?) would seriously resemble that
remark, then pick two.

Just keeping things straight. Oh well, nevermind.

Peter "Boy, you don't even want to know how I'd fix this list, real good"

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