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Ethics survey - Results

As promised, here are the results of my ethics survey (the role of this LISTSERV versus the SAA Code of Ethics in solving real-world ethical questions in modern archives) which I posted on April 2, 2002.  Thank you to everyone who responded.
1.  How do you solve ethical dilemmas in your day-to-day archives work?
     [  4    ]  Refer to the SAA Code of Ethics
     [  5    ]  Ask the listserv
     [  15  ]  Refer to Institutional policy
     [  14  ]  Other:
     Common Sense (2)
     Ask colleagues/supervisor (7)
     Years of experience
     Refer to Museum Ethics
     ACRL Standards for ethical conduct
2.  Do you use the SAA Code of Ethics as a "living document" in your day-to-day work?
     [  5    ]  Yes
     [  9    ]  No
     [  11  ]  Sometimes
3.  If the Code of Ethics is not your first reference point for ethical dilemmas, why?
     [  7    ]  it's too vague
     [  0    ]  it's outdated
     [  6    ]  doesn't deal with "real" situations
     [  2    ]  listserv is easier/faster
     [  10  ]  Other:
     Institutional policies take priority (2)
     It never occurred to me to use the Code of Ethics
     It's good to discuss the nuances of situations with others
     Years of experience
     Doesn't cover some issues
     It is unnecessary and irrelevant - have done fine without it so far
     Follow my own ethics
     We don't have a copy at my institution
     The Code of Ethics is meant to be general only
4.  What technology issues have caused ethical dilemmas for you?
     [  12  ]  Online access
     [   8   ]  eBay (selling, buying or competing for materials)
     [   9   ]  Donor relations (privacy)
     [   4   ]  Other:
     Access/privacy (2)
     Digital media use and access issues (digital photocopying, scanning, cameras)
    Copyright issues (3)
5.  If the SAA Code of Ethics was revised to incorporate issues that technology raises, would you use it more?
     [  14  ]  Yes
     [   8   ]  No