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Re: Research Collections and ILLs

One answer to the why can you copy in a library but not in the archives collection is that the library is paying a subscription for the journal (or paid in the past for older journals).  Copying from copies that you don't have a subscription to is the problem - and libraries do have restrictions about the number of times copies can be made from journals.  If patrons are doing the copying, then the responsibility falls on the patron. But if the library is making copies (say for Interlibrary Loan), then they are expected to keep use statistics for each journal on a yearly basis. I believe our ILL dept. pays an extra fee at times to be able to make additional copies from a journal. And wasn't it the TEXACO corporate library that got in trouble for making multiple copies and routing them? - they got sued and ended up having to buy multiple subscriptions (as well as pay a fine).

Jan Blodgett
College Archivist and Records Management Coordinator
E.H. Little Library - Davidson College
Davidson, NC 

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