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Re: ARCHIVES Digest - 29 Apr 2002 to 30 Apr 2002 (#2002-121)

Susan Knoer
Reference Assistant
Special Collections
Ekstrom Library
University of Louisville
Louisville, KY 40292
502/852-8734 FAX

There are 38 messages totalling 2342 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. International Fellows in Archiv
  2. Business proposal--yet another scam (3)
  3. NARA Vacancy--Archivist, Clinton Pres. Materials Project, Little
Rock, AR
  4. New England Archivists Newsletter deadline
  5. re. paper dolls (2)
  6. [RE: Database design query]
  7. Some Interesting Items
  8. Digital Images (2)
  9. Help needed - health insurance for employees of small non-profits
 10. Scan artist (5)
 11. Closing Announcement
 12. International Fellows in Archives
 13. Archivaria 52 - Table of Contents
 14. Scan artist -- free option
 15. IASSIST 2002 Conference (2)
 16. Batchin' it
 17. Workshop on art restoration & preservation for the beginner
 18. mold
 19. another interesting reading
 20. DVD
 21. DVD I am also interested
 22. Mold
 23. New Member (4)
 24. Recent UFT Job Posting on the Listserv (4/23/02)

A posting from the Archives & Archivists LISTSERV List!

To subscribe or unsubscribe, send e-mail to
      In body of message:  SUB ARCHIVES firstname lastname
                    *or*:  UNSUB ARCHIVES
To post a message, send e-mail to archives@listserv.muohio.edu

Or to do *anything* (and enjoy doing it!), use the web interface at

Problems?  Send e-mail to Robert F Schmidt <rschmidt@lib.muohio.edu>


Date:    Tue, 30 Apr 2002 14:27:34 +0300
From:    alist04 <alist04@ARCHIMAC.ORG>
Subject: International Fellows in Archiv

Please respond to the list. I am interested in the replies too.

On 29/4/02 17:02, Mindy Gordon wrote:
>Seeking Information Pertaining to International Archival Fellowships
>I would be interested in obtaining any information from institutions
>have sponsored a practicing archivist from a developing country to
>participate in an archival administration fellowship in the United
>or Canada.
>Please respond off-list to this request to:

Greetings from Istanbul, Turkiye
Bekir Kemal Ataman
ArchiMac BBS Sysop & Webmaster


Date:    Tue, 30 Apr 2002 08:33:45 -0400
From:    "Jones, Virginia" <vjones@NNGOV.COM>
Subject: Re: Business proposal--yet another scam

For more information on the "Nigerian" or "4-1-9" type scams see the
awareness advisory from the U.S. Secret Service (U.S. Dept. of
Treasury) web
site at http://www.secretservice.gov/alert419.shtml.

Ginny Jones
(Virginia A. Jones, CRM, MIT/LIT)
Records Manager
Newport News Dept. of Public Utilities
Newport News, VA

> -----Original Message-----
> From: M. Segal [mailto:datawrangler@EARTHLINK.NET]
> Sent: Monday, April 29, 2002 9:44 PM
> Subject: Business proposal--yet another scam
> I'm not sure if the e-mail (with "Business proposal" in the
> subject line)
> went to the listserv or if I'm just the only lucky person to
> get it this
> evening. Here's a link to a web site with other instances of
> this type of
> nuisance mail:
> http://www.crimes-of-persuasion.com/Nigerian/review_panel.htm
> You may have to cut and paste the link.
> Sincerely,
> Marcia Segal
> American Folklife Center
> Library of Congress
> A posting from the Archives & Archivists LISTSERV List!
> To subscribe or unsubscribe, send e-mail to
> listserv@listserv.muohio.edu
>       In body of message:  SUB ARCHIVES firstname lastname
>                     *or*:  UNSUB ARCHIVES
> To post a message, send e-mail to archives@listserv.muohio.edu
> Or to do *anything* (and enjoy doing it!), use the web interface at
>      http://listserv.muohio.edu/archives/archives.html
> Problems?  Send e-mail to Robert F Schmidt <rschmidt@lib.muohio.edu>


Date:    Tue, 30 Apr 2002 08:36:16 -0400
From:    Jennifer Heaps <jennifer.heaps@NARA.GOV>
Subject: NARA Vacancy--Archivist, Clinton Pres. Materials Project,
Little Rock,

Vacancy Announcement


POSITION:  Archivist

SALARY:  $37,428 PA TO $48,652 PA (GS-9); $45,285 PA to $58,867

SERIES AND GRADE:  GS-1420-9/11 (promotion potential:  GS-12)

ISSUE DATE:  04/30/02

CLOSING DATE:  05/14/02

Your completed application must be postmarked by the closing date.

Employing agency and duty location:  National Archives and Records =
Administration, Office of Presidential Libraries, Clinton Presidential
Materials Project, 1000 LaHarpe Blvd., Little Rock, AR.
(Relocation expenses will NOT be paid.)

The complete vacancy announcement is available at


Date:    Tue, 30 Apr 2002 08:57:02 -0400
From:    Ellen Doon <ellen.doon@YALE.EDU>
Subject: New England Archivists Newsletter deadline

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed

The deadline for submission of press releases, job and people
announcements, and calendar events
for the NEA Newsletter is Wednesday, May 15.   Submissions received by
date will be included in the July issue.  We are especially looking
news items from organizations in New England, but we welcome news of
broader appeal and importance.  Please send submissions in electronic
to Ellen Doon at <ellen.doon@yale.edu>.

The NEA Newsletter is a quarterly publication. Deadlines for submission
in February, May, August, and November.

Thank you,

Ellen Doon
Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library
Yale University
e-mail: <ellen.doon@yale.edu>
Tel: (203) 432-8114

Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii"

The deadline for submission of press releases, job and people
announcements, and calendar events<br>
for the <i>NEA Newsletter</i> is Wednesday, May 15.&nbsp;&nbsp;
Submissions received by this date will be included in the July
issue.&nbsp; We are especially looking for news items from
in New England, but we welcome news of broader appeal and
importance.&nbsp; Please send submissions in electronic form to Ellen
Doon at &lt;ellen.doon@yale.edu&gt;.<br>
The <i>NEA Newsletter</i> is a quarterly publication. Deadlines for
submission are in February, May, August, and November. <br>
Thank you,<br>
Ellen Doon<br>
Beinecke Rare Book &amp; Manuscript Library<br>
Yale University<br>
e-mail: &lt;ellen.doon@yale.edu&gt;<br>
Tel: (203) 432-8114<br>



Date:    Tue, 30 Apr 2002 08:56:23 -0400
From:    Christine Crawford-Oppenheimer <c_crawfo@CULINARY.EDU>
Subject: re. paper dolls

I'm trying to respond to Sami Pierson's question about paper dolls,
but after the first time I read it, the message keeps crashing my
e-mail program every time I try to open it (although my e-mail program
can read HTML messages, they often crash it....)

Anyway, if the dolls are mostly movie stars, you might want to look
at the books of paper dolls by Tom Tierney, published by Dover. Many
of these are movie stars, and so you might have some of his dolls.  He
lives in my county; he has dedicated part of the revenue from his
books to a local library, and several years ago, he gave a very
humorous talk for the annual meeting of the organization I then worked
for. For example, he decided to do a paper doll of the Pope (John Paul
II) and his editor was horrified because your basic paper doll is
usually designed wearing underwear, and you couldn't have the Pope in
underwear! They compromised by putting the basic doll in a simple
white cassock. Mr. Tierney (or maybe a friend) later gave some copies
of the paper doll book to the Pope, and he seemed to enjoy them.

Christine Crawford-Oppenheimer
Information Services Librarian

The Culinary Institute of America
1946 Campus Drive
Hyde Park, NY  12538
(845) 451-1322


Date:    Tue, 30 Apr 2002 09:00:56 -0400
From:    Kristine Marconi McGee <kmarconi@PRINCETON.EDU>
Subject: [RE: Database design query]

Jackie Esposito wrote:

> Penn State is in the second year of building such a website -- See
> www.psubldg.libraries.psu.edu.
> Hope this helps.
> Jackie

> >>We are designing an Access database for our Web site
> >>that will cover the history of selected buildings on
> >>our campus, intended for casual researchers who are
> >>interested in basic information: date of construction,
> >>architect, name history, etc.
> >>
> >>To assemble this we will be pulling information from
> >>several sources: our buildings vertical file,
> >>photographs, and campus maps (for location info only,
> >>though we might include scanned map images later). We
> >>also plan to include additional-source citations for
> >>those interested in deeper research.
> >>
> >>Have any C&U archivists had experience with this kind
> >>of project before? What data elements did you include?
> >>Did you create a fully-local db from scratch, or did
> >>you find a particular established format (MARC, Dublin
> >>Core, etc) helpful? Perhaps a blend?
> >>
> >>You may reply either to the list, or directly to me at
> >>my email below (not my Yahoo account, please). If youb
> >>have a project like this already up on the Web to
> >>show, please pass along the URL for it too, if you
> >>wish.
> >>
> >>Thank you in advance!
> >>
> >>David McCartney
> >>University of Iowa
> >>
> >>*****************************************************
> >>David McCartney
> >>University Archivist
> >>The University of Iowa Libraries
> >>Dept. of Special Collections
> >>Main Library
> >>Iowa City, Iowa 52242-1420
> >>
> >>Website: http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/spec-coll/
> >>Personal Website:
> >>http://staffweb.lib.uiowa.edu/dmccartn/
> >>Telephone: 319.335.5921
> >>Fax: 319.335.5900
> >>Email: david-mccartney@uiowa.edu
> >>
> >>*****************************************************
> >>
> >>__________________________________________________
> >>Do You Yahoo!?
> >>Yahoo! Health - your guide to health and wellness
> >>http://health.yahoo.com
> >>
> >>A posting from the Archives & Archivists LISTSERV List!
> >>
> >>To subscribe or unsubscribe, send e-mail to
> >>       In body of message:  SUB ARCHIVES firstname lastname
> >>                     *or*:  UNSUB ARCHIVES
> >>To post a message, send e-mail to archives@listserv.muohio.edu
> >>
> >>Or to do *anything* (and enjoy doing it!), use the web interface
> >>      http://listserv.muohio.edu/archives/archives.html
> >>
> >>Problems?  Send e-mail to Robert F Schmidt
> >
> >
> >
> >William L. Joyce
> >Dorothy Foehr Huck Chair
> >    and Head, Special Collections Library
> >104 Paterno Library
> >Penn State Libraries
> >University Park, PA.  16802-1808
> >Telephone and voice mail: (814)-865-1794
> >Fax:  (814)-863-5318
> >E-mail: wlj2@psulias.psu.edu
> Jackie R. Esposito
> "Change your opinions, keep to your principles.
> Change your leaves, keep intact your roots." Victor Hugo
> Jackie R. Esposito, University Archivist
> Eberly Family Special Collections Library
> 122 Paterno Library, University Park, Pa 16802
> (814)863-3791 [New Phone #], (814)863-5318 - Fax


Date:    Tue, 30 Apr 2002 13:06:46 -0000
From:    Butcher Sharon L Contr AEDC/ACS
Subject: Re: re. paper dolls

I see a paper doll magazine (unsure of title) on big newstands like
or Barnes & Noble....  I imagine lots of ads related to dolls, paper

Sharon Lee Butcher
Reference Librarian
AEDC Technical Library
100 Kindel Drive, Ste C212
Arnold AFB, TN  37389-3212
Fax:  931-454-5421

-----Original Message-----
From: Christine Crawford-Oppenheimer [mailto:c_crawfo@CULINARY.EDU]
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2002 7:56 AM
Subject: re. paper dolls

I'm trying to respond to Sami Pierson's question about paper dolls,
but after the first time I read it, the message keeps crashing my
e-mail program every time I try to open it (although my e-mail program
can read HTML messages, they often crash it....)

Anyway, if the dolls are mostly movie stars, you might want to look
at the books of paper dolls by Tom Tierney, published by Dover. Many
of these are movie stars, and so you might have some of his dolls.  He
lives in my county; he has dedicated part of the revenue from his
books to a local library, and several years ago, he gave a very
humorous talk for the annual meeting of the organization I then worked
for. For example, he decided to do a paper doll of the Pope (John Paul
II) and his editor was horrified because your basic paper doll is
usually designed wearing underwear, and you couldn't have the Pope in
underwear! They compromised by putting the basic doll in a simple
white cassock. Mr. Tierney (or maybe a friend) later gave some copies
of the paper doll book to the Pope, and he seemed to enjoy them.

Christine Crawford-Oppenheimer
Information Services Librarian

The Culinary Institute of America
1946 Campus Drive
Hyde Park, NY  12538
(845) 451-1322

A posting from the Archives & Archivists LISTSERV List!

To subscribe or unsubscribe, send e-mail to
      In body of message:  SUB ARCHIVES firstname lastname
                    *or*:  UNSUB ARCHIVES
To post a message, send e-mail to archives@listserv.muohio.edu

Or to do *anything* (and enjoy doing it!), use the web interface at

Problems?  Send e-mail to Robert F Schmidt <rschmidt@lib.muohio.edu>


Date:    Tue, 30 Apr 2002 13:31:12 -0000
From:    Butcher Sharon L Contr AEDC/ACS
Subject: Some Interesting Items

I ran into someone at a flea market this weekend who has some
titles that I thought might be of interest to those on the listserve.
her permission, I took a few titles that if anyone is interested in,
contact her directly at   murfe2000@yahoo.com       The items seemed
really quite nice condition....

"The Show Starts on the Sidewalk: Architectural History of the Movie
Theatre"    Valentine     ISBN  0300066473
"Tool Making for Woodworkers"  Larsen       ISBN 0964399946
(reproduction of early tools)
"The Mountie from Dime Novel to Disney"   Dawson      ISBN  1896357164
"Balloons to Bombers:  Aviation in Albuquerque 1882-1945"    Alberts
"My Connemara"  Steichen  (Carl Sandburg's granddaughter's acct of
up near NC farm of famous poet)  (No ISBN)

I think all were softbound.

Sharon Lee Butcher
Reference Librarian
AEDC Technical Library
100 Kindel Drive, Ste C212
Arnold AFB, TN  37389-3212
Fax:  931-454-5421


Date:    Tue, 30 Apr 2002 09:49:03 -0400
From:    Trina Purcell <tpurcell@POLITICALLIBRARY.ORG>
Subject: Digital Images


I've been doing some research prior to digitizing our collections, and
know that images are typically created in TIFF format and then
images are created for web database. I know that there are very good
reasons for using the TIFF format (longevity, flexibility, easy

My question is, are there exceptions to the rule? Have people found
situations in which high quality master files aren=92t needed? Perhaps
cost-related reasons, speed, temporary web-exhibits etc? Or perhaps
due to the nature of the collections. As an example, do I really need
images of every newspaper clipping in every collection?

Appreciate your thoughts on this.



Date:    Tue, 30 Apr 2002 07:53:23 -0600
From:    Carol A Edwards <cedwards@USGS.GOV>
Subject: Re: Business proposal--yet another scam

Dear colleagues:

I regularly (though thankfully not frequently!!) receive via email
variations on the
Nigerian scam, including what I think is a new (to me, anyway)
family named Edwards killed in automobile accident in Africa,
trying to locate relatives so the deceased family's $6 million dollar
estate can be
settled, etc. etc. .... I also received the same message intended for
I'm assuming the result of some sort of "wild card" email address.
Ever onwards (no, I haven't lost any relatives in a car accident in

Carol A. Edwards
USGS Field Records Library
MS 914, Box 25046, Federal Center
Denver, CO 80225-0046
email: cedwards@usgs.gov
phone: 303-236-1005
fax: 303-236-0015


Date:    Tue, 30 Apr 2002 09:56:33 -0400
From:    Thomas Berry <tberry@HCEA.NET>
Subject: Help needed - health insurance for employees of small

Good morning!

So my wife and I are both sick at home with roaring colds and here
comes the
mailman with a notice that our health insurance is going up 30%!

Can anyone out there recommend a decent health insurance program that
be beneficial (as in good coverage but not exorbitantly priced) for the
full-time employee of a non-profit organization?

Many thanks for any and all help given.

Best wishes,

Thomas Berry, Archivist/Web Editor
Historical Construction Equipment Association
16623 Liberty Hi Road
Bowling Green, Ohio 43402
Phone 419-352-5616
Fax 419-352-6086


Date:    Tue, 30 Apr 2002 10:00:30 -0400
From:    "Eric v.d. Luft, Ph.D., M.L.S." <lufte@MAIL.UPSTATE.EDU>
Subject: Re: Help needed - health insurance for employees of small

Tom (who has my entire sympathy) asks:

> Can anyone out there recommend a decent health insurance program ...

That's an oxymoron if I ever read one! They're all sleazy rip-off
rackets. The only difference is
that some are even worse. Tom apparently has one of the really bad

Unfortunately ...



Eric v.d. Luft, Ph.D., M.L.S.
Curator of Historical Collections, Health Sciences Library
SUNY Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, NY 13210
<http://web.upstate.edu/lufte/> -- 315-464-4585
Listowner: ALHHS-L <http://web.upstate.edu/lufte/alhhs-l.html>
For e-mail pertaining to libraries, librarianship, or the history of
 medicine, please use <lufte@mail.upstate.edu> not <lufte@upstate.edu>
For all other e-mail, please use <gegensatz@alumni.bowdoin.edu>

"Be always sure you're right, then go ahead."
                                          -- Davy Crockett
                                [Autobiography, 1834, title page]


Date:    Tue, 30 Apr 2002 08:26:44 -0600
From:    "Scott, Kim A." <kascott@MONTANA.EDU>
Subject: Scan artist

No, Im not talking about some business proposition in the subject

Trinas' question on the TIFF scanning is interesting, and I am
certainly no
expert on the various options available for storing graphic images (in
of taking the "School for Scanning" course last year).  However, I can
that we routinely scan everything as a TIFF file first, store the files
on a
CD, and then use a software package called "Debablizer" to convert
of said files to low resolution jpegs for web posting, etc.  Its
slick, and seems to be an answer to the whole scanning problem for
us....except for the customers who still expect us to scan everything!

Kim "Yes, we plan on having the entire collection online immediately
my retirement" Scott

-----Original Message-----
From: Trina Purcell [mailto:tpurcell@POLITICALLIBRARY.ORG]
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2002 7:49 AM
Subject: Digital Images


I've been doing some research prior to digitizing our collections, and
know that images are typically created in TIFF format and then
images are created for web database. I know that there are very good
reasons for using the TIFF format (longevity, flexibility, easy

My question is, are there exceptions to the rule? Have people found
situations in which high quality master files aren't needed? Perhaps
cost-related reasons, speed, temporary web-exhibits etc? Or perhaps
due to the nature of the collections. As an example, do I really need
images of every newspaper clipping in every collection?

Appreciate your thoughts on this.



Date:    Tue, 30 Apr 2002 11:06:24 -0400
From:    Christine Crawford-Oppenheimer <c_crawfo@CULINARY.EDU>
Subject: Re: Business proposal--yet another scam

This sounds like a high-tech variation on scams that have been going on
for over 100 years for certain common names, coincidentally, among
others, =
Edwards heirs! One of them has to do with land in Manhattan that
Trinity =
Church stands on that was supposedly never transferred properly (see =
http://www.ancestry.com/library/view/ancmag/2602.asp  for a story about
one group of scammers for this) and is actually owned by heirs of a man
named Edwards-- or is it owned by heirs of Anneke Jans Bogardus?

I thought that Trinity Church had something on their web site about
this, =
but can't locate it.

Christine Crawford-Oppenheimer
Information Services Librarian

The Culinary Institute of America
1946 Campus Drive
Hyde Park, NY  12538
(845) 451-1322

>>> Carol A Edwards <cedwards@USGS.GOV> 04/30/02 09:53AM >>>
Dear colleagues:

I regularly (though thankfully not frequently!!) receive via email
variations on the
Nigerian scam, including what I think is a new (to me, anyway)

family named Edwards killed in automobile accident in Africa,
trying to locate relatives so the deceased family's $6 million dollar
estate can be
settled, etc. etc. .... I also received the same message intended for
I'm assuming the result of some sort of "wild card" email address.
Ever onwards (no, I haven't lost any relatives in a car accident in =

Carol A. Edwards
USGS Field Records Library
MS 914, Box 25046, Federal Center
Denver, CO 80225-0046
email: cedwards@usgs.gov=20
phone: 303-236-1005
fax: 303-236-0015

A posting from the Archives & Archivists LISTSERV List!

To subscribe or unsubscribe, send e-mail to

      In body of message:  SUB ARCHIVES firstname lastname
                    *or*:  UNSUB ARCHIVES
To post a message, send e-mail to archives@listserv.muohio.edu=20

Or to do *anything* (and enjoy doing it!), use the web interface at

Problems?  Send e-mail to Robert F Schmidt <rschmidt@lib.muohio.edu>


Date:    Tue, 30 Apr 2002 12:33:22 -0400
From:    David Osielski <david.osielski@WHEATON.EDU>
Subject: Closing Announcement

Due to major renovations this summer, the Wheaton College (IL) Archives
Special Collections reading room will be CLOSED from May 13 until
August 26,
2002.  We will have limited access to our stacks and may be unable to
all email and/or voicemail requests.  Please send your comments to
special.collections@wheaton.edu or telephone:(630) 752-5705

David Osielski
Reference Archivist
Archives & Special Collections
Buswell Memorial Library
Wheaton College
Wheaton, IL 60187-5593
630.752.5855 FAX


Date:    Tue, 30 Apr 2002 09:56:57 -0700
From:    "Travers, Bonnie" <traversb@U.LIBRARY.ARIZONA.EDU>
Subject: Re: Scan artist

Wow, Debablizer is quite an expensive software for converting purposes.
think we use something cheap like a $40 ACDSee package to do that. =
also getting something called Content dm.  But, back to the original
question...we don't use high quality images for our exhibition
documentation...just burn our still images as jpegs onto a cd for
files. Some of our exhibition events are also videotaped...and we've =
kept the analog vhs tapes for those.  But other repositories may treat
systematic exhibition documentation differently.     Bonnie Travers
Bonnie L. Travers, Special Collections Librarian
P.O. Box 210055=20
Tucson, AZ=A0=A0 85721-0055=20
Phone: 520.621.4295
Fax:=A0=A0=A0=A0 520.621.9733
E-mail: Traversb@u.library.arizona.edu


-----Original Message-----
From: Scott, Kim A. [mailto:kascott@MONTANA.EDU]
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2002 7:27 AM
Subject: Scan artist

No, Im not talking about some business proposition in the subject =

Trinas' question on the TIFF scanning is interesting, and I am =
certainly no
expert on the various options available for storing graphic images (in
of taking the "School for Scanning" course last year).  However, I can
that we routinely scan everything as a TIFF file first, store the files
on a
CD, and then use a software package called "Debablizer" to convert =
of said files to low resolution jpegs for web posting, etc.  Its
slick, and seems to be an answer to the whole scanning problem for
us....except for the customers who still expect us to scan everything!

Kim "Yes, we plan on having the entire collection online immediately =
my retirement" Scott

-----Original Message-----
From: Trina Purcell [mailto:tpurcell@POLITICALLIBRARY.ORG]
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2002 7:49 AM
Subject: Digital Images


I've been doing some research prior to digitizing our collections, and
know that images are typically created in TIFF format and then =
images are created for web database. I know that there are very good
reasons for using the TIFF format (longevity, flexibility, easy =

My question is, are there exceptions to the rule? Have people found
situations in which high quality master files aren't needed? Perhaps =
cost-related reasons, speed, temporary web-exhibits etc? Or perhaps =
due to the nature of the collections. As an example, do I really need
images of every newspaper clipping in every collection?

Appreciate your thoughts on this.


A posting from the Archives & Archivists LISTSERV List!

To subscribe or unsubscribe, send e-mail to =
      In body of message:  SUB ARCHIVES firstname lastname
                    *or*:  UNSUB ARCHIVES
To post a message, send e-mail to archives@listserv.muohio.edu

Or to do *anything* (and enjoy doing it!), use the web interface at

Problems?  Send e-mail to Robert F Schmidt <rschmidt@lib.muohio.edu>


Date:    Tue, 30 Apr 2002 12:22:24 -0500
From:    Jennifer Rawlings <Jennifer_Rawlings@NPS.GOV>
Subject: Re: Scan artist

If you have Adobe Photoshop already you can use that to convert from
to JPGs and BMPs, you just write an action (basically just record your
movements once and it can batch process stuff quite nicely).  But
is very pricey so don't buy it just for that!

Jennifer Rawlings
Jefferson National Expansion Memorial
St. Louis, MO


Date:    Tue, 30 Apr 2002 12:07:55 -0500
From:    "Moser, Dennis" <dmoser@LEE.EDU>
Subject: Re: Digital Images

This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not
this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.

Content-Type: text/plain;


Kim Scott is right...this is a "fun" one.

My question to you would be, "How do you plan to use the scans of your
newspaper clippings?" If you are doing an OCR on them and presenting
"content," on the web (in effect, a transcription of the text), then
"master" file would be a small (relative to the size of the original
file) text file. If you are combining some "image" aspect of the
then you will need to retain some kind of "master" image file format
TIFF). The same would hold true if you are simply displaying "page"
images...you'll need that master TIFF somewhere.

Of course, one of the other questions would be "Can you afford to
the documents?" If yes, then don't worry about saving a master TIFF.

Dennis Moser, MILS
Project Director, IMLS National Leadership Grant
Digital Imaging Faculty
Lee College
P.O. Box 818, Baytown, TX 77522-0818
(281)425-6819/(281)425-6557 (fax)

> ----------
> From:         Trina Purcell
> Reply To:     Trina Purcell
> Sent:         Tuesday, April 30, 2002 08:49
> Subject:      Digital Images
> Hello,
> I've been doing some research prior to digitizing our collections,
> I've
> know that images are typically created in TIFF format and then
> images are created for web database. I know that there are very good
> reasons for using the TIFF format (longevity, flexibility, easy
> etc).
> My question is, are there exceptions to the rule? Have people found
> situations in which high quality master files aren't needed? Perhaps
> cost-related reasons, speed, temporary web-exhibits etc? Or perhaps
> due to the nature of the collections. As an example, do I really need
> images of every newspaper clipping in every collection?
> Appreciate your thoughts on this.
> Trina

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<META HTTP-EQUIV=3D"Content-Type" CONTENT=3D"text/html; =
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<TITLE>RE: Digital Images</TITLE>

<P><FONT COLOR=3D"#0000FF" FACE=3D"Charcoal">Trina,</FONT>

<P><FONT COLOR=3D"#0000FF" FACE=3D"Charcoal">Kim Scott is right...this
is a &quot;fun&quot; one.</FONT>

<P><FONT COLOR=3D"#0000FF" FACE=3D"Charcoal">My question to you would
be, &quot;How do you plan to use the scans of your newspaper =
clippings?&quot; If you are doing an OCR on them and presenting the =
&quot;content,&quot; on the web (in effect, a transcription of the =
text), then your &quot;master&quot; file would be a small (relative to
the size of the original TIFF file) text file. If you are combining =
some &quot;image&quot; aspect of the clipping, then you will need to =
retain some kind of &quot;master&quot; image file format (i.e., TIFF).
The same would hold true if you are simply displaying &quot;page&quot;
images...you'll need that master TIFF somewhere.</FONT></P>

<P><FONT COLOR=3D"#0000FF" FACE=3D"Charcoal">Of course, one of the =
other questions would be &quot;Can you afford to re-scan the =
documents?&quot; If yes, then don't worry about saving a master =

<P><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Geneva">Dennis Moser, MILS</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Geneva">Project Director, IMLS National =
Leadership Grant</FONT>

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