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RAIN 0505 Weekly Update: Government (29)

The Express-Times 4/25/02
Identity problem costs jobs
The Express-Times
MANSFIELD TWP. - About 20 workers at the ShopRite supermarket off Route
57 have temporarily lost their jobs due to problems with their Social Security
numbers, a store official said Wednesday.

Newsmax.com 4/28/02
The High Cost of Openness
Notra Trulock
The Energy Department recently declassified its fifth report to Congress on "inadvertent" disclosures of classified nuclear weapons information. For the past three years, classification experts have been scouring millions of pages of supposedly declassified government documents dumped into the public domain under the Clinton administration's misguided openness policy. They have uncovered a gold mine of nuclear warhead secrets that, according to an Energy Department assessment, "would aid an adversary in obtaining a weapon of mass destruction."

FCW.com 4/29/02
Interior agency gets smart
Business intelligence software makes sense of disparate information

Cairo Times 4/29/02
With a little byte of luck
Can e-government really work in Egypt?

Washtech.com 4/29/02
Federal Trade Commission Runs Web Dragnet

Los Angeles Times 4/30/02
Details of Sept. 11 Plot Elude U.S. Investigators
Terrorism: The hijackers concealed their scheme expertly, which raises concerns about how to thwart an attack.

Law.com 4/30/02
High Court to Decide if States Must Disclose Traffic Safety Records
Gina Holland
The Associated Press
The U.S. Supreme Court said Monday it will decide whether states can keep secret information about traffic accidents collected as part of a federal highway safety law.
Justices will decide if a county in Washington state has to turn over records to families suing over serious accidents.

Education Week 5/1/02
Scoring Backlogs, Paperwork
Problems Accompany New GED

Washington Post 5/1/02
After Years of Secrecy, Mexico Adopts Freedom of Information Law

Dallas Morning News 5/1/02
Records space a top issue again
Officials at retreat say growth makes storage the No. 1 need
By JEFF MOSIER / The Dallas Morning News
A year and a half after voters rejected a $1 million bond proposal for records storage,
Rockwall County officials agree that that remains their top need.
During their annual planning workshop on Monday, county elected officials and department heads selected six priorities for the coming year, with storage topping the list.

Providence Journal 5/1/02
Union drive for some school workers passes records hurdle
Journal Staff Writer
JOHNSTON -- School Department officials yesterday said they have reached a compromise over access to employee records that should allow a union organizing drive to proceed for about 10 part-time employees.

The Northwestern 5/2/02
2000 pres ballots nearing dump deadline
Once lauded as precious proof that "every vote counts," thousands of locally
cast ballots in the close-call 2000 presidential election are nearing their DDay.
That’s "D," as in "dump."
More-than 76,000 Winnebago County ballots documenting the one of the
closest presidential elections ever in the nation, state and Fox Valley are
nearing shredding time. Ballots from the historic 2000 contest between
President Bush and then Vice President Al Gore are destined for a recycling
center or the landfill in September, when a statutory 22-month holding period
for the ballots ends.

Washington Post 5/2/02
More Mistakes Made at D.C. Jail
Man Imprisoned In Error; Robber Wrongly Freed
By Serge F. Kovaleski
A homeless man was mistakenly imprisoned at the D.C. jail and an adjacent correctional
treatment facility for five months because Department of Corrections workers failed to
update computer records to indicate that a court had ordered his release within two days of his arrest.

Bradenton Herald 5/2/02
Manatee clerk urges Bush veto
Official says he must shut down Web site if an open-records law

Orlando Sentinel 5/2/02
Legislators move to seal more records

Black Hills Pioneer 5/2/02
Agriculture secretary says Forest Service is bogged
down in litigation, red tape

Cleburne Times-Review 5/2/02
Law library to be available on line

The Mercury News 5/2/02
Non-profits say they're drowning in paperwork
By John Boudreau
To understand the difficulties non-profits endure when applying for government grants, a process that requires countless hours filling out antiquated paperwork, one need
look no further than the Community Association for Rehabilitation in Palo Alto.
On a small desk against a wall sits an IBM Wheelwriter electric typewriter. The mid-sized non-profit, which serves people with disabilities, spends $300 a year to maintain the machine. Why? Because some state government departments still require grant proposals be filled out with a typewriter.

Snoqualmie Valley Record 5/2/02
City unveils new-look Web site

Reuters 5/3/02
California governor suspends official in Oracle deal
By Jenny O'Mara
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Reuters) - California Gov. Gray Davis accepted the resignation of one official on Thursday and suspended another in a growing scandal surrounding a $95 million software deal with Oracle Corp. for software few state agencies wanted or needed. The moves came as state troopers were called to secure the shredders and trash at California's Department of Information Technology.

AP 5/3/02
Computer software contract causes political furor in California Gov. Gray Davis'
By STEVE LAWRENCE, Associated Press Writer
SACRAMENTO, Calif. - Two state officials were removed and Gov. Gray Davis (news - web sites) sent law officers to a government agency to prevent document shredding in a growing political furor over a software contract with Oracle Corp.

Dayton Daily News 5/3/02
State steps up probe of computer misuse
By Liz Sidoti
Associated Press
COLUMBUS | As part of a crackdown on computer misuse, the state has investigated at least 15 current and former public employees, including three state workers who kept nude pictures of teen-age girls on their computers, The Associated Press has learned.

Herald Tribune 5/3/02
Court records to stay on Web for now
TALLAHASSEE -- The records county clerks of court put online will stay there for now.
At a Thursday morning meeting, local clerks of court R.B. "Chips" Shore of Manatee County and Karen Rushing of Sarasota County convinced members of the governor's staff that a bill creating a retroactive exemption for bank account and credit card numbers would shut down their free Web sites.

The Oklahoman 5/3/02
State health officials hope to force reports release

AP 5/4/02
Bush Archives Ruled Open to Public
Sat May 4, 6:45 AM ET
By NATALIE GOTT, Associated Press Writer
AUSTIN, Texas (AP) - President Bush (news - web sites)'s gubernatorial records are subject to the state's open public records law even though they are housed at his father's presidential library, the state attorney general ruled.
Texas Attorney General John Cornyn (news, bio, voting record) said in a ruling Friday that gubernatorial records in an "alternative repository" remain the property of the state and are subject to the Texas Public Information Act.




Beaver County Times 5/4/02
BVIU fixed problem that led to criticism in audits

Peter A. Kurilecz CRM, CA
Richmond, Va