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RAIN 0505 Weekly Update: Technology (17)

American City & Country April 2002
Following the paperless trail

Fortune 4/12/02
Merrill Lynch's E-Mail Mess
Here's how Merrill Lynch's public stock recommendations compare with analysts'
internal e-mail comments.

GAIN 4/25/02
Epson Unveils Seven-Color Archival Desktop Stylus Photo 2200

Salt Lake Tribune 4/28/02
DNA Kit Can Help Define Family History

ZDNET 4/29/02
Cybersquatters claim victory in domain battle

Boston Globe 4/29/02
EMC hopes new 'pizza box' strategy delivers

The Telegraph 4/29/02
500,000 to provide DNA samples for 'biobank'

Chicago Tribune 4/29/02
Outsiders can easily tap into
wireless networks
Radio signals leak onto street, provide pathway

The Times 4/30/02
Papering over the computer myth
By Dearbáil Jordan
THE paperless office, the Utopia of technophiles and wishful conservationists, has been exposed as little more than a marketing ploy for IT companies pushing their wares.
The concept of the paperless office grew from the propaganda that accompanied the advance of technology. It was widely claimed that as e-mail became commonplace people would stop printing out memorandums and, perish the thought, bring piles of paper documents to meetings.

BBC News 4/29/02
Employees seen as computer saboteurs

FCW.com 5/1/02
Getting map data on right course
BY Brian Robinson
Delaware has launched a new Web-based mapping tool that eventually will make all of the state's differently-sourced geographic data compatible, and it also will offer the
public the chance to weigh in on how that data should be updated.

Washington Post 4/29/02
E-Mail Opens New Door For Familiar Scam Tactic

Wall Street Journal 5/2/02
Bibliography Mess: Web Muddles
The Fineries of Scholarly Citations
How to cite a book in a bibliography:
Dickens, Charles. A tale of two cities. New York: Vintage
Classics; 1990. 380 p.
How to cite an e-book in a bibliography:
Dickens, Charles. A tale of two cities [Internet]. Charlottesville
(VA): University of Virginia Library, Electronic Text Center;
1994; c1999 [updated 1996 May; cited 2002 Apr 29]. 820K bytes.
Available from: http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/toc/modeng/public/DicTale.html

New York Times 5/02/02
Virtually Rebuilt, a Ruin Yields Secrets

New York Times 5/02/02
Hard-Drive Magic: Making Data Disappear
THE State of Pennsylvania learned the hard way that files do not actually disappear
when they are sent to the Recycle Bin on a desktop.
Earlier this year, after the state's Department of Labor and Industry sold a cache of surplus computers to local resellers, thousands of files of information about state employees were discovered still on the hard disks. A local television station, thinking the machines might still hold confidential data, had bought some and turned them over to a Harrisburg forensics company, which found the files in the nether regions of the hard drives. After the news broke, the company gave its findings to the state.

New York Times 5/02/02
Threat Is Seen to Microsoft Windows

New York Times 5/2/02
Instead of a Password, Well-Placed Clicks
XY$Z4#T. It is a password only a security expert could love.
Most people have trouble remembering random combinations of letters and symbols. So
they jot difficult passwords down near their computer or replace them with far simpler
combinations, making their systems vulnerable to attack.
To solve this problem, some researchers are investigating an alternative to text passwords: pictures.

Peter A. Kurilecz CRM, CA
Richmond, Va