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Call for Papers - Researching New York 2002

Call for Papers

Researching New York 2002:
Perspectives on Empire State History

University at Albany - State University of New York
November 21
st and 22nd, 2002

The organizers of the 4th Annual Researching New York Conference welcome proposals for papers, panels, workshops, roundtables, and exhibits on New York State history from the colonial period to the present. The conference will be held at the University at Albany - State University of New York on November 21st and 22nd, 2002.

Our conference brings together researchers, archivists, librarians, historians, graduate students, museum curators, Web site creators, and documentarians. This year?s conference is part of the Albany Heritage Semester and will have several sessions devoted to Albany?s history, including the keynote speech by Joseph E. Persico, ?The Rockefeller Years:  Transforming Albany.? As in previous years, the conference will emphasize the integral relations between researchers and archival resources. 

Proposals are due by July 15, 2002. Full panel proposals (including chair/commentator) are encouraged. Partial panels and individual submissions are welcome. For panels and partial panels, please submit a one page abstract of the complete session, a one page abstract of each paper or presentation, and a one page curriculum vita for each participant. For individual submissions, please submit a one page abstract and one page curriculum vita. All submissions must include name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address. We prefer electronic submission to resrchny@albany.edu or you can mail your proposal to:
Researching New York 2002
Department of History - Ten Broeck 105
University at Albany - SUNY
Albany, NY 12222        

Conference updates and the conference program will be posted to our Web site: http://nystatehistory.org/researchny.

Researching New York 2002 is sponsored by:      
The University at Albany, State University of New York:  Department of History, the History Graduate Student Organization, and the Office of the Provost on behalf of the Albany Heritage Program and The New York State Archives & Archives Partnership