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Chief R. Deerfoot

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A friend of mine is trying to find information about Dr. Chief R. Deerfoot.  Someone has offered to donate a heartometer, made by the Cameron Heartometer Co., to a local museum with which she is connected.  The heartometer, a quasi-quackery instrument used to measure blood pressure, was made for Chief R. Deerfoot (ca. 1930, she thinks). Early searches have provided little information, except that he may have been an evangelist in the Tennessee or Oklahoma area.
The label on the heartometer reads:
Cameron Heartometer Company
Made for
Dr Chief R Deerfoot
Chicago, USA
The museum to which it has been offered is in Alabama, and they don't know of a connection with Chief Deerfoot.  If someone has information about him, or knows of a more appropriate repository for his heartometer, please let me know and I will relay the info to her.
Thanks in advance for any help,
Vicki Johnson
Dorothy Carpenter Medical Archives
Wake Forest University School of Medicine