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ACTION ALERT -- NCC WASHINGTON UPDATE, Vol. 8, #20, May 21, 2002

-----Original Message-----
From: rbcraig@nccph.org [mailto:rbcraig@nccph.org]
Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2002 6:52 AM
To: NCCmailings List Member
#20, May 21, 2002

NCC WASHINGTON UPDATE, Vol. 8, #20, May 21, 2002
by Bruce Craig <rbcraig@nccph.org>
National Coordinating Committee for the Promotion of History (NCCPH)


Last week, the House Committee on Government Reform, Subcommittee on
Government Efficiency, Financial Management and Intergovernmental Relations
scheduled a mark-up of Representative Stephen Horn's (R-CA) legislation,
"The Presidential Records Act Amendments of 2002" (H.R. 4187) for this
Wednesday.  The bill is designed to overturn President Bush's Executive
Order 13233 that establishes new procedures for implementation of the
Presidential Records Act (PRA) (see "Horn Bill on the "Fast-track" --
Burton Sends Warning to Bush," in NCC WASHINGTON UPDATE, Vol. 8, #16, April
26, 2002). Now, however, we learn due to White House pressure, the mark-up
is postponed until after the Memorial Day recess. This gives the White
House time to derail the measure.

Several weeks ago, passage of the bill out of the House Committee by a wide
partisan margin was virtually assured as a growing number of Democrats and
Republicans were adding their names to the list of co-sponsors. Now,
however, the Bush Administration is beginning to swing into action. Already
they have persuaded at least one Republican member to withdraw his
co-sponsorship of the bill. The apparent strategy is to divide the
Republican co-sponsors so that when the measure passes out of Committee
next week, it will appear not to have strong bi-partisan support.

The White House is concentrating its lobbying efforts on Republican members
of the House, particularly targeting Republican members of the Committee on
Government Reform.  The history and archival communities with an interest
in the measure need to respond and swing into action!

NCC ACTION ITEM: If your member of Congress is a Republican, ESPECIALLY IF
them TODAY. Ask them if they are a cosponsor of  "The Presidential Records
Act Amendments of 2002" (H.R. 4187) introduced by Representative Horn on
April 11, which is supported by House Government Reform Committee Chair Dan
Burton, and by a bi-partisan list of over 30 co-sponsors. If they are a
co-sponsor of the measure, thank them for their continuing support. If they
are not a co-sponsor, urge them to become one.

To call the Member of the House of Representatives, dial the Capitol
switchboard telephone number at (202) 224-3121 and ask to be connected with
your Congressional representative's office.

It is especially important that ALL of the following Republican members of
the Committee on Government Reform be contacted by constituents: Constance
A. Morella of Maryland; Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, John Mica, Joe Scarborough,
Dan Miller, Dave Weldon, and Adam Putnam of Florida; John McHugh and
Benjamin A. Gilman of New York; Thomas M. Davis III, Jo-Ann Davis, and
Edward L. Schrock of Virginia; Mark Souder of Indiana; C.L. "Butch" Otter
of Idaho; Bob Barr of Georgia; Ron Lewis of Kentucky; Todd Platts of
Pennsylvania; Steven C. LaTourette of Ohio; Doug Ose of California;
Christopher Shays of Connecticut; and Chris Cannon of Utah. If any of the
above Members represent you in Congress, PLEASE CALL.

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