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FF: Where Can I get me one of them Archives Droids?

Title: RE: Jocast Nu has no action figure :((
Ahhh!~ Archive DROIDS...a great idea but, noting the salary ranges for archivists, they'll never get the cost down low enough to undersell a human.
Although if the DROIDS are a part of an IT budget, I am sure the money will be found by any means necessary, because it involves computery-type do-hickeys which do something that will "increase our on-line presence." 
Hail to humans!  Although the things I could do with an Archives droid.....
Specs for the archives droid? hmmm
24/7 processing prowess!
"Hands of silk" with no messy human secretions!  Featuring the Four Fingers of Preservation 1) deacidification sprayer finger, 2) vacuum finger, 3)#1 pencil finger, 4) fine    brush finger Also, if you act now you get the...
freeze drier in belly, 
OCR/ICR eyes,
acid free paper/folder dispenser,
the charm of James Bond to get the "holy grail collection,"
a pillowy posterior so that the anterior interface is protected from marathon processing sessions,
the "I love my job and who needs money to do this?" (tm) smile and
finally an ATM!
Lucas would have to give it a code: CAD-PFA Droid: Collect Arrange Describe Publish Finding Aid


Chuck Piotrowski
Campus Records Manager
Chancellor's Office Administrative Records Supervisor
Office of the Chancellor
296 McHenry Library
UC Santa Cruz
1156 High St.
Santa Cruz, CA 95064

-----Original Message-----
From: Osier, Nina [mailto:Nina.Osier@STATE.ME.US]
Sent: Friday, May 24, 2002 7:31 AM
Subject: Re: Jocasta Nu has no action figure

At least they had a live staff!  I thought at first, watching the movie, that we'd be treated to an "archives" staffed by droids.  :-)
Happy Friday to all,

Nina M. Osier, Director
Division of Records Management Services
Maine State Archives