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Archives in HBR Case Study for June 2002

Hello all.  I'm delurking long enough to point out an article that might be of interest:
In the June 2002 issue of Harvard Business Review, the HBR Case Study is entitled "The Skeleton in the Corporate Closet."  The case study involves the archivist (& a patron) finding a letter hidden in the company founder's writing desk that might indicate the founder may have stolen the idea for the company's first patent and product that the company was founded of off.  It goes into the ethics of what to do with the information.  Still I thought it was interesting to see the reference to the archives. 
As a side note, while not of major importance to the article, I found the relationship between the archivist and the VP he reports to interesting.
"A day passed before David [the archivist] appeared at the door of Jill Pierce, the communications VP who was his boss, and asked for a meeting at her convenience.  Masking her surprise (in her seven years as his superior, she couldn't recall his ever initiating contact), she invited him in on the spot." (p. 36)
HBR still has the case study from May up on the website, so I can't link, but wanted to share.  Have a great memorial day weekend!
Jennifer Carle
Internet Project Specialist,
Alexandria, VA