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The Exeter Express & Echo 5/23/02
A rare 17th-Century pewter flagon stolen half a century ago from a Devon=20
church has finally been returned to its home.
Mystery surrounded the whereabouts of the antique metal jug since its theft=20
from Sidbury Parish Church, near Sidmouth, in 1952.

Boston Globe 5/25/02
City's historic archives still seek a worthy home
By Sarah Schweitzer, Globe Staff, 5/25/2002
or 13 years, the city's most precious documents have been preserved in=20
low-tech fashion: with drawn window shades to block the damaging rays of the
sun and air conditioning units to help suck humidity out of one-time=20
Not that the city's five staff archivists haven't pined for glass cases,=20
climate control and a mention on the tourist circuit. They maintain a=20
collection, after all, that includes a pair of petitions signed by Paul=20
Revere, an 1808 letter by Thomas
Jefferson defending the country's embargo of France, and John Hancock's 1777=
missive denying Charlestown residents compensation for homes burned in the=20


Perthshire Advertiser 5/24/02
Search for Toll House owner
Gordon Bannerman
THE negelected 18th Century toll house on Perth Bridge could be given a new=20
lease of life.
Perth and Kinross Council is preparing to sell the building or let it on a
long-term lease.
But the local authority=E2=80=99s archivist is currently involved in extensi=
detective work to confirm that the title of the property belongs to Perth an=
Kinross Council.

Richmond Times Dispatch 5/25/02
FAITH & VALUES: Portrayals of faith
U.Va. displays Depression-era photographs

The Guardian 5/26/02
Nelson's battle plan is revealed on scrap of paper
Vanessa Thorpe, Arts and Media Correspondent
It may look like a random doodle, but a rough drawing found almost by chance=
on the back of a scrap of yellowing paper has proved to be our closest=20
contact yet with the mind of Britain's greatest naval hero.
When Admiral Horatio Nelson defeated the French at Trafalgar in 1805, he=20
changed the course of history. Today, following an extraordinary research=20
coup for the historian Colin White, Nelson's lost battle plan is to go on=20
display for the first time in the National Maritime Museum at Greenwich.
News of the discovery of the only hand-drawn tactical map of Trafalgar broke=
this weekend and has excited historians all over Britain.

Peter A. Kurilecz CRM, CA
Richmond, Va

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Courier New" LANG=3D"0">Hyde Park Townsman 5/16/02
<BR>New center to open Wallace Center at FDR site
<BR>The Morning Call 5/19/02
<BR>Book brings collection of Allentown photos down from the shelf
<BR>By Frank Whelan
<BR>As curator for the Raymond E. Holland Regional and Industrial History Co=
llection, Carol Front must keep things organized. And row on row of gray, ar=
chival boxes containing
<BR>historical photos and other memorabilia show she has that covered.
<BR>But Holland, an Allentown businessman and president of the Lehigh County=
 Historical Society, has also given Front another mission. "Ray believes tha=
t his collection is useless unless it is known and being used," she says. "H=
e has said, 'You don't buy history to put it under the bed.'"
<BR>Washington Post 5/19/02
<BR>Douglas Pike, Vietnam War Historian, Dies
<BR>The Weekly Standard 5/20/02
<BR>A Historian and Her Source
<BR>The Bryn Mawr School in Baltimore puts an academic's book on hold.
<BR>by Beth Henary
<BR>WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT an exclusive, 117-year-old private girls' school
<BR>would object to having its history written by a capable historian? For r=
easons that
<BR>remain obscure, the Bryn Mawr School in Baltimore is blocking publicatio=
n of a book
<BR>about the school that was originally written--with the school's cooperat=
ion--as a Ph.D.
<BR>dissertation at Tulane University. Professional historians are up in arm=
<BR>Harvard Crimson 5/20/02
<BR>Libraries To Unveil New Catalog on Web
<BR>Hartford Courant 5/20/02
<BR>Hooked On Women's Hoops History
<BR>Newsday 5/14/02
<BR>The Cradle Rocks
<BR>Fasten your seatbelts. On Monday, Long Island's Cradle of Aviation
<BR>Museum takes flight, adding an IMAX Theater, interactive displays
<BR>and human drama to its already impressive collection of aircraft
<BR>Washington Times 5/22/02
<BR>NEH halts backing for gun historian's grant
<BR>Bermuda Sun 5/22/02
<BR>Soaring demand for aviation film
<BR>By Don Burgess
<BR>THE MARYLAND Historical Society says a 20-minute film movie celebrating=20=
the inaugural flight of Pan Am=E2=80=99s Bermuda Clipper should be restored=20=
within nine months, and is =E2=80=9Cflabbergasted=E2=80=9D at the number of=20=
people seeking a copy of the film.
<BR>AP 5/22/02
<BR>Baltimore School Lifts Book Ban
<BR>BALTIMORE (AP) - After a protest from historians and other scholars, a
<BR>private girls school said it would lift a two-year publication ban on a=20=
<BR>history of the school.
<BR>In a letter faxed Tuesday to the author, Andrea D. Hamilton, the Bryn Ma=
<BR>School trustee board placed one condition on publication: a disclaimer t=
<BR>the book is "not an official or sanctioned history."
<BR>Dayton Daily News 5/22/02
<BR>War stories come to life on public TV
<BR>Detroit News 5/22/02
<BR>Howell Library keeps archive
<BR>Historical data aids family tree search, tracing old homes
<BR>By Craig Sullivan / Special to The Detroit News
<BR>HOWELL -- Livingston County residents interested in their family history=
 can visit an archive in the basement of the Howell Library.
<BR>About a dozen or so visit the archive each week. When they do, they're u=
sually searching for information on one of two topics.
<BR>"Mainly it is either for family obituaries or for information about thei=
r houses. People want to know how old their houses are and who built them be=
cause they want to restore them," said Milton Charboneau, one of two full-ti=
me volunteers at the archive.
<BR>Chicago Tribune 5/22/02
<BR>Wire recordings revive voices from the past
<BR>Mary Schmich
<BR>If you've ever kept a message on your answering machine so that you can=20=
thrill to hearing it a ridiculous number of times, then you understand how a=
 voice can keep the past present. You understand a voice's power to revive t=
he dead, retrieve the lost, reincarnate the vanished, to repeat a moment tha=
t can never really come again.
<BR>And if you understand that, you'll understand Steve Gwost's odd passion.
<BR>New York Times 5/23/02
<BR>Garment District Past for Sale
<BR>The history of New York City's garment district is on display =E2=80=94=20=
or at least jumbled in a heap in a corner =E2=80=94 at Simon Greenspan Hardw=
are, on West 35th Street just east of Eighth Avenue.
<BR>Garter-belt clips? Got 'em. Button-making supplies? Got 'em. Hangers tha=
t predate plastic? Kerosene lamps? Window-screen patches? Parts for machines=
 no one has used since the Hoover administration? The shelves are brimming,=20=
and you should see the basement.
<BR>Houston Press 5/23/02
<BR>Scene's From A City's Soul
<BR>Houston failed to preserve much of its heritage. Now the fight is on to=20=
protect the priceless photographic images of that vanishing past from the sa=
me fate.
<BR>By Richard Connelly
<BR>When Amy Braitsch thinks of Houston, she likely thinks of vinegar. And m=
achine parts. And a black-and-white city of balloon-tired roadsters and cram=
med downtown sidewalks filled with people heading to the latest Clark Gable=20=
<BR>And then she probably thinks of vinegar again.
<BR>Braitsch, a recent University of Texas graduate, spent much of last spri=
ng in a small room in Austin, tediously opening boxes and boxes filled with=20=
envelopes, envelopes that were filled with aging photographic negatives.=20
<BR>Swift County Monitor 5/23/02
<BR>Book makes case for rethinking local history
<BR>By Nancy L. Torner
<BR>Center for Rural and Regional Studies
<BR>If for you local history amounts to little more than a long parade of ir=
relevant names, places and dates, or if it breeds nostalgia, Joseph A. Amato=
 wants you to think again.
<BR>With a grant from the Minnesota Historical Society, the author and profe=
ssor of history and rural and regional studies at Southwest State University=
 in Marshall set out to write a local and regional history book that departe=
d from the norm.
<BR>The Neshoba Democrat 5/23/02
<BR>Museum in shambles financially
<BR>Special to The Democrat
<BR>The Neshoba County Philadelphia Historical Museum is in dire need of fin=
ancial support and could close without it, says the president of the board.
<BR>=E2=80=9CIt is to the point I am ready to close the doors,=E2=80=9D said=
 Mazine Winstead, the president of the board.
<BR>New York Times 5/23/02
<BR>Photographic Homes and Joke Captions
<BR>HOTOGRAPHY has met its pixel-perfect match in the Web. Photos =E2=80=94=20=
profound, profane or merely pretty =E2=80=94 abound online. Never has the ge=
neral public had such broad access to the photographic record, from historic=
al images to news photos to microscopic "beershots." And did you hear the on=
e about the funny captions?
<BR>The Owings Mills Times 5/22/02
<BR>Hallowed Walls
<BR>McDonogh School honors students who died serving their country
<BR>Lansing State Journal 5/24/02
<BR>State historical items on display today
<BR>Old constitutions and other artifacts mark history day
<BR>By Kirsten Buys
<BR>From early versions of the Michigan Constitution to century-old lighthou=
se plans
<BR>and maps, state officials today will offer a rare glimpse into the past=20=
as part of
<BR>Michigan History Day.
<BR>More than 50 items usually kept behind locked doors for preservation wil=
l be on display at the Michigan Library and Historical Center in downtown La=
<BR>"Diversity is the Michigan Week theme and we're going to have a diversit=
y of materials out there," state archivist Dave Johnson said.
<BR>The Exeter Express &amp; Echo 5/23/02
<BR>A rare 17th-Century pewter flagon stolen half a century ago from a Devon=
 church has finally been returned to its home.
<BR>Mystery surrounded the whereabouts of the antique metal jug since its th=
eft from Sidbury Parish Church, near Sidmouth, in 1952.
<BR>Boston Globe 5/25/02
<BR>City's historic archives still seek a worthy home
<BR>By Sarah Schweitzer, Globe Staff, 5/25/2002
<BR>or 13 years, the city's most precious documents have been preserved in d=
<BR>low-tech fashion: with drawn window shades to block the damaging rays of=
<BR>sun and air conditioning units to help suck humidity out of one-time cla=
<BR>Not that the city's five staff archivists haven't pined for glass cases,=
 climate control and a mention on the tourist circuit. They maintain a colle=
ction, after all, that includes a pair of petitions signed by Paul Revere, a=
n 1808 letter by Thomas
<BR>Jefferson defending the country's embargo of France, and John Hancock's=20=
1777 missive denying Charlestown residents compensation for homes burned in=20=
the Revolution.
<BR>Perthshire Advertiser 5/24/02
<BR>Search for Toll House owner
<BR>Gordon Bannerman
<BR>THE negelected 18th Century toll house on Perth Bridge could be given a=20=
new lease of life.
<BR>Perth and Kinross Council is preparing to sell the building or let it on=
<BR>long-term lease.
<BR>But the local authority=E2=80=99s archivist is currently involved in ext=
ensive detective work to confirm that the title of the property belongs to P=
erth and Kinross Council.
<BR>Richmond Times Dispatch 5/25/02
<BR>FAITH &amp; VALUES: Portrayals of faith
<BR>U.Va. displays Depression-era photographs
<BR>The Guardian 5/26/02
<BR>Nelson's battle plan is revealed on scrap of paper
<BR>Vanessa Thorpe, Arts and Media Correspondent
<BR>It may look like a random doodle, but a rough drawing found almost by ch=
ance on the back of a scrap of yellowing paper has proved to be our closest=20=
contact yet with the mind of Britain's greatest naval hero.
<BR>When Admiral Horatio Nelson defeated the French at Trafalgar in 1805, he=
 changed the course of history. Today, following an extraordinary research c=
oup for the historian Colin White, Nelson's lost battle plan is to go on dis=
play for the first time in the National Maritime Museum at Greenwich.
<BR>News of the discovery of the only hand-drawn tactical map of Trafalgar b=
roke this weekend and has excited historians all over Britain.
<BR>Peter A. Kurilecz CRM, CA
<BR>Richmond, Va</FONT></HTML>


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