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NOT A JOKE: Wireless 'Smart Glass' Knows When You Need a Drink

Title: NOT A JOKE: Wireless 'Smart Glass' Knows When You Need a Drink

Dear Colleagues,

Who said RFID "Radio Frequency Identification" isn't coming to the masses.
In a recent news release April 05, 2002 at the following www site http://www.wirelessnewsfactor.com/perl/printer/17133/ we are advised that:

"Restaurant and tavern patrons tired of having to catch the attention of a server or elbow their way to the bar for a drink refill will appreciate a new wireless system that automatically notifies those pouring and delivering the beverages that a glass is getting low."

What price the future?
When were are still unsure if it is the left, or is that right side of our brain that is being cooked each time we use a Mobile, or in the USA, Cell Phone and the only relief is to drown your sorrows with a beer or three or some alcoholic liquid of your choice, they are after us again.

Now bars and restaurants will be bathed in the reassuring invisible glow of RADIO FREQUENCY WAVES so that when we are unsure wether to use the left or right side of our head to minimise the effect of radiation from our mobile phone we can get a full dose of radiation, front on, at the bar or table.

If the radiation doesn't get you then alcoholism may be the way out in a NO TECH BAR.
Can you imagine the new advertising gimmicks to keep you out of harms way?
Over and out before I get ZAPPED by Mitsubishi at my favourite drinking hole.

Regards, Laurie

Mr Daniel Lawrance [Laurie] Varendorff, ARMA

A Records Management Professional, and proud of the fact

Consultant/Trainer/Tutor/Presenter: Records and Information Management

Imaging and Micrographic Specialist: 26 years experience

The Varendorff Consultancy

The Australian Distributor for A&P International

Scanner & Micrographic Resolution Test Targets

Visit our www site: http://www.pressenter.com/~apintl/

ABN: 77 836 801 165

27 Ronneby Rd, Lesmurdie, Western Australia 6076 - AUSTRALIA

PHONE: + 61 [08] 9291 6925 - MOBILE: + 61 0417 094 147

EMAIL: Laurie.Varendorff@Bigpond.com