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RAIN 623 Weekly Update: Government (20)

Sacramento Bee 6/15/02
Veteran INS official charged with stealing and selling documents

Federal Computer Week 6/18/02
Army cleaning up Web sites

Government Computer News 6/18/02
PTO awards electronic-filing contracts
By Wilson P. Dizard III
GCN Staff
The Patent and Trademark Office today negotiated zero-dollar contracts with five
companies to sell electronic-filing services for patent applications.
The companies will integrate their applications with PTO’s existing Electronic Filing System. EFS has proven so difficult to use that PTO receives about 3 percent of patent applications through it [see story at www.gcn.com/21_15/news/18990-1.html].

The Times 6/18/02
Snoopers' charter delayed until autumn
by pa news
Controversial proposals to allow public bodies access to phone and e-mail records have been put on hold until the next session of Parliament at the earliest, it emerged today.
David Blunkett, Home Secretary, is postponing introduction of the Bill to allow for further discussions about the implications. The Government first announced a delay in plans to push through the controversial package yesterday.

Wired 6/18/02
England Halts 'Big Brother' Regs

The Guardian 6/18/02
Police in new email spying row
Secret plan to prevent disclosure at trials

BBC News 6/18/02
Army websites expose security data

Federal Computer Week 6/19/02
Air Force lab opening info exchange

The Oklahoman 6/19/02
Court's computers audited
By John Greiner, Randy Ellis and Jack Money
State auditors have uncovered evidence that Supreme Court computer employees mishandled travel claims, used state computers for personal use and can't properly account for about 60 old computers, the Supreme Court's chief justice said Tuesday.
Auditors also found pornography on computers used by "a couple of judges and court clerks and some sheriffs" linked through the court's new computer system, Chief Justice Rudolph Hargrave said.

Federal Computer Week 6/19/02
NARA overwhelmed, report says

BBC News 6/19/02
Mexico reveals 'dirty war' files

AP 6/19/02
President Fox releases Mexico's secret archives to public

Reuters 6/19/02
Mexico Opens Secret Files on Massacre, 'Dirty War'

nzoom.com 6/19/02
Now it's time to snoop the net

Charleston Daily Mail 6/20/02
Agency records' destruction illegal, judge says

Washington Technology 6/21/02
Digital dark age: Many fed e-records lost
By Joab Jackson
Most federal electronic records of historical interest are not being adequately preserved and may be permanently lost, according to a General Accounting Office report released June 17.
The report, “Information Management: Challenges in Managing and Preserving Electronic Records,” was commissioned by House Government Reform subcommittee on government efficiency, financial management and intergovernmental relations and the Appropriations subcommittee on postal service and general government.

Richmond Times Dispatch 6/22/02
Shelter employees caught in kitten rescue scheme resign

Richmond Times Dispatch 6/22/02
Online court data policy studied
Panel to weigh privacy concerns at meeting

Salt Lake Tribune 6/22/02
Eatery Inspection Info May Get Easier to Obtain

Richmond Times Dispatch 6/22/02
Gilmore urged to release files
Lawmaker says disclosure is best

Peter A. Kurilecz CRM, CA
Richmond, Va