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Bookmobile Photo Archives

Hello -
You may want to contact the Univ. of Illinois Archives, Urbana, IL to see if they are interested in your collection.
According to the archives web page and areas of interest, "librarianship" is one of their areas of collecting.
 Univ. of Illinois

Room 19 Library
1408 W. Gregory Dr.
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Urbana, IL,   61801


 Phone: (217) 333-0798
 Fax: (217) 333-2868
 E-mail: illiarch@uiuc.edu
The archives also is the repository for the American Library Assoc. archives, so it is a logical place for researchers
in other aspects of libraries and librarianship to visit.
Jean E. DeLauche
Women's International Bowling Congress
Bowling Headquarters
5301 S. 76th St.
Greendale, WI 53129
1-800-514-2695, ext. 3379
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