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SAA College & University Archives Section

The College & University Archives section of SAA is seeking two discussion group leaders for the following topics at their annual meeting in Birmingham, AL:

Value of Digitization Projects:
What are the characteristics of a worth-while project? Is there a genre of college/university materials that are best fit for digitization projects? Directories? Group photos of graduating classes? Other images? Course catalogs? Finding aids to record groups?

This discussion seeks to be an early conversation for those who are on the verge of making decisions to digitize.

Hiring Times Are A' Changin'?
With the changing tide of the economy, managers are pressured to rewrite traditional job descriptions and see candidates with widely varied backgrounds applying for archival positions. What makes a good candidate these days? Is it still a viable practice to retain our traditional hiring practices?

This discussion will focus on all levels of staffing in archives: from support through professional staff, and in-between.

If you have an interest in leading either of these two discussion groups, please contact Nanci Young, C&U section chair, at
Thank you.

Nanci A. Young, College Archivist
Smith College Archives
Northampton, MA 01063
(413) 585-2976 (ph)
(413) 585-2886 (f)

Tom Rosko
University Archivist and Director, UK Records Program
University of Kentucky
Special Collections and Archives
Margaret I. King Library
Lexington, KY 40506-0039

859-257-9611 (ph) ~ 859-257-6311 (fax)