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Peter A. Kurilecz CRM, CA
Richmond, Va

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Courier New" LANG=3D"0">GCN.com 7/01/02
<BR>Is DVD a wise archival option? Maybe, feds say
<BR>By Patricia Daukantas
<BR>=E2=80=9CMost applications take data preservation for granted,=E2=80=9D=20=
says National Institute of Standards and Technology researcher Oliver Slatte=
ry, and that=E2=80=99s why he is studying the interoperability and durabilit=
y of DVD technology.
<BR>At the recent DVD 2002 conference in Gaithersburg, Md., Slattery and Ric=
hard Harada, executive director of the High-Density Storage Association, des=
cribed their joint effort to test DVD storage hardware, software and media.
<BR>Slattery said they use temperature, humidity and light chambers to accel=
erate aging of optical media and gauge its lifetime.
<BR>InformationWeek 7/1/02
<BR>Searching For Simplicity July 1, 2002
<BR>The newest toolkit from corporate search vendor Verity Inc. includes fea=
tures that automate complex indexing and taxonomy creation, simplifying the=20=
process of creating an accurate business search engine.
<BR>Information Week 7/8/02
<BR>Guarded Optimism
<BR>Even as companies plug more holes, the threats grow more sophisticated
<BR>By George V. Hulme
<BR>It wasn't so long ago that IT directors such as David Johnson at Kyanite=
 Mining Corp. believed they were losing the battle against viruses, worms, a=
nd other malicious data destroyers. Soon after computer systems were cleared=
 of one bug, another with a nickname such as Code Red or I Love You swept th=
rough their networks, clogging E-mail servers, infecting partners' and custo=
mers' networks, and sometimes wiping out information.
<BR>Wired 7/11/02
<BR>F U Cn Rd Ths, So Can Translator
<BR>By Elisa Batista
<BR>Sending text messages on a cell phone is so popular in Europe that the n=
ew leader of the Methodist church recently blamed it for undermining human r=
<BR>InfoWorld 7/12/02
<BR>Healthy challenges
<BR>By Jack Mccarthy
<BR>MIKE WOJCIESZEK, CTO of VA San Diego Healthcare, is an active member of=20=
the hospital's
<BR>task force grappling with the increasingly complex challenges of electro=
nic medical record keeping.
<BR>What has been as important as his role on the task force is a change to=20=
the CTO's placement on the hospital organizational chart. Wojcieszek now rep=
orts to the associate chief of staff for health care analysis -- a doctor. "=
I used to report to the COO, but senior management felt that as our [informa=
tion system] evolves into a clinical management system, the clinical side sh=
ould have more to say," Wojcieszek explains.
<BR>ComputerWorld 7/15/02
<BR>Case studies in IT security and disaster recovery
<BR>Here are examples of three IT managers who have taken creative approache=
s to dealing with issues such as recovering from laptop crashes and monitori=
ng all of those security sensors.
<BR>Cleveland Plain Dealer 7/15/02
<BR>Self-shredding e-mail
<BR>Chris Seper
<BR>Plain Dealer Reporter
<BR>Your e-mail will self-destruct.
<BR>An upcoming version of Microsoft's e-mail program Outlook will let autho=
rs decide how long an e-mail message will exist and whether it can be sent t=
o other people or printed out for posterity.
<BR>It's one of a series of new controls Microsoft is preparing that would g=
ive users greater control over their written words in an era when everything=
 from private love letters to company secrets spread across the Internet lik=
e oil spills.
<BR>Content Wire 7/16/02
<BR>Classification Engine Categorizes Complex Character-Based Languages
<BR>Mohomine Classifier Offered for Usage in Intelligence Communities
<BR>Mohomine, a provider of software for integrating text into enterprise ap=
plications, developed mohoClassifier v2.3 (mC,) a classification engine capa=
ble of categorizing documents written in complex character-based languages.
<BR>allNetDevices.com 7/17/02
<BR>Wirelessly View Complex Docs and Drawings
<BR>By Matthew A. Peretz
<BR>Digital Paper Corporation announced today the availability of DigitalPap=
er Wireless 5.1.
<BR>DigitalPaper Wireless 5.1 leverages DirectSight, Digital Paper's patente=
d technology, that enables viewing of any document--regardless of size or co=
mplexity--without attaching, sending, or downloading files or applets. The d=
ocuments never leave the customer's secure environment.
<BR>InfoWorld 7/17/02
<BR>FCC sets rules for how carriers share customer data
<BR>By Scarlet Pruitt
<BR>THE U.S. FEDERAL Communications Commission (FCC) set forth new rules thi=
s week on how telecommunications carriers can share certain customer informa=
tion, giving telecom-related service providers a faster track to consumer da=
<BR>Carriers can share caller information with affiliates or third-party age=
nts that
<BR>provide communications-related services using an "opt-out" approach, the=
 FCC said. The policy means that consumers' information will be shared unles=
s they opt-out when receiving a notice of the carrier's intent to share thei=
r information.
<BR>Rocky Mountain News 7/17/02
<BR>FCC rules on sharing of customer records
<BR>Telephone companies can give information to other divisions
<BR>By News Staff And Wire Reports
<BR>Federal regulators adopted rules Tuesday that would prevent telephone an=
d paging companies from sharing customer information with organizations that=
 don't provide communications services.=20
<BR>But the rules would allow phone companies such as Qwest Communications t=
o share customer records with its other divisions to sell related services s=
uch as Internet or voice mail.
<BR>InfoWorld 7/17/02
<BR>Gov't, groups release Win 2000 security benchmark
<BR>By Sam Costello
<BR>A GROUP OF private sector organizations and government agencies will rel=
ease Wednesday a new benchmark testing tool designed to let users and admini=
strators more easily configure security settings on their Microsoft Windows=20=
2000 systems.
<BR>Information Week 7/17/02
<BR>Tooled To The Net
<BR>NewsFactor 7/18/02
<BR>Plumbing the Personal Data Depths
<BR>By Brian McDonough
<BR>Developers of deep Web mining technology acknowledge concerns about how=20=
personal data is used, but say the problem must be handled by those who deci=
de what information goes on the Internet.
<BR>NewsFactor 7/17/02
<BR>Bringing a Much Bigger Internet to Light
<BR>By Brian McDonough
<BR>What may prove valuable about deep-Web mining is the ability to interpre=
t individual pieces of data that might not otherwise be of much use.
<BR>First Monday 7/2002
<BR>After the Dot-Bomb: Getting Web Information Retrieval Right This Time
<BR>by Marcia J. Bates
<BR>In the excitement of the "dot-com" rush of the 1990's, many Web sites we=
re developed that provided information retrieval capabilities poorly or sub-=
optimally. Suggestions are made for improvements in the design of Web inform=
ation retrieval in seven areas.
<BR>Classifications, ontologies, indexing vocabularies, statistical properti=
es of databases
<BR>(including the Bradford Distribution), and staff indexing support system=
s are all discussed.
<BR>New York Times 7/19/02
<BR>Bracing for the storm
<BR>Rachel Konrad, Staff Writer, News.com
<BR>Like many companies near seismic faults in Silicon Valley, eBay has emer=
gency plans in case an earthquake destroys critical Internet connections. Bu=
t these days another kind of tremor is a more imminent danger.
<BR>The costly disruption or slowdown of service because of financially stra=
pped telecommunication providers is the latest major concern for companies.
<BR>"We talk about natural or financial disasters and don't necessarily dist=
<BR>between the two," eBay spokesman Kevin Pursglove said. "If the service a=
in't there, it ain't there. That's the bottom line. It doesn't matter why or=
 how it happened. We just need contingency plans to take care of customers."
<BR>PC Magazine 8/2002
<BR>Corporate Portals: More than Just a Pretty Face
<BR>By Richard V. Dragan
<BR>Step into a doctor's office at a Providence Health System hospital in Po=
rtland, Oregon, and you'll see the latest portal technology in practice. Fro=
m a single screen, a doctor can examine patient X rays, review lab results,=20=
and submit insurance claims. In fact, similar portals are being peered into=20=
every day at close to 50 hospitals around the country.
<BR>Peter A. Kurilecz CRM, CA
<BR>Richmond, Va</FONT></HTML>


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