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NHPRC Issues Call for Host Institution Applications for 2003-2004

NHPRC Issues Call for Host Institution Applications for 2003-2004 NHPRC Fellowship in Archival Administration 

August 2, 2002
Michael T. Meier
National Historical Publications and Records Commission
National Archives and Records Administration
700 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Room 111
Washington, D.C. 20408-0001

The National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC) is now accepting applications for the 2003-2004 year from archival repositories interested in serving as host institutions for an NHPRC Fellow in Archival Administration.
 State and local government agencies, colleges, universities, and other non-profit organizations, and Federally acknowledged or State-recognized Native American tribes or groups are eligible to apply.  The position will focus on active hands-on experience in administration and management.
The application should be post-marked no later that October 1, 2002.
The Commission views the fellowship as an opportunity for professional archivists with at least one year demonstrated experience to gain new or additional experience with archival administrative  procedures and problems.  Archives interested in applying to serve as host institutions should be able to expose the fellow to a wide variety of archival administrative experiences, as well as formal management or supervisory training, during the nine to twelve months the fellow will be associated with the host's program.  In addition, the project director should be a mentor to the fellow and take an active role in the fellow's development. 
The fellow's stipend is $35,000, with a benefit payment of $8,750.  Host institutions are awarded $1,500, to interview prospective applicants and to use for the fellow's professional travel during the fellowship year.   
The host institution will be chosen by December 1, 2002.  Applications for prospective fellows will be made available at that time.  Applications from potential fellows are due by March 1, 2003.
The Commission encourages any interested archives to contact the Commission staff to discuses their applications.   The Commission staff will work with applicants to assure that their proposals include the range of administrative opportunities desired by the Commission.  
Interested organizations should request guidelines and application forms from:
National Historical Publications and Records Commission
National Archives and Records Administration, room 111
7th and Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, D.C 20408
The forms are also available on the Commission's web-site:

For further information, please contact Michael T. Meier of the Commission staff at (202) 501-5610, ext. 252 or be e-mail at: michael.meier@arch1.nara.gov