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email reference

Our Library just started an "Ask a Librarian" feature, too.  Although the site states that the service, which promises 48 hour response M-F, is for the Hollins community only, our first question was a genealogy question from someone who wasn't a Hollins person!  I answered it, of course, because I would normally answer this type of question anyway.  The site is primarily intended for general reference questions rather than archival but I'm sure we'll continue to get both.  Maybe we need an "Ask an Archivist" link too! :)

I usually try to respond as soon as possible to folks, letting them know that I received the question and approximately when I can get back to them.  I often have to ask them additional questions to clarify what they want.

I like email questions because it cuts down on the number of unexpected folks who don't make an appointment and expect immediate service, even though I have other commitments.  I'm always amazed at people who have driven for hours and just show up without checking first to see if there will be someone to help them.  (I am a lone arranger with other duties in the library.)  I remember an elderly couple who showed up 5 minutes before closing on a Friday and insisted I help them.  Apparently they had just found out that the archives wasn't open on Saturdays and they had driven all the way from Timbuctoo just to visit.  I let them stay for about 15 minutes before I finally said "We'll, I really have to go."  Sigh!
I'm a little more hard-nosed about it now but I usually tell them I'll send them a couple of photocopies if they can't come back. 

Like other small private schools, we are always conscious of potential donors (or someone who knows a high school-aged girl who hasn't decided where she's going to college yet).  I try to be as courteous and gracious as possible to leave a positive impression, even though that can be a challenge at times!

Beth S. Harris, 
Special Collections Management Librarian
Wyndham Robertson Library / Hollins University
POB 9000 / 7950 E. Campus Drive 
Roanoke, VA  24020-1000
Phone: 540.362.6237 / Fax: 540.362.6756

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