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Re: And now for something completely different:

Title: And now for something completely different:
As you know, several areas of the country are drought-stricken. However, the potato farmers in Idaho have solved the lack of water there by a new agricultural technique that I know you'll find interesting.   As you know, a potato (or any root vegetable, for that matter) is almost all water.  The Idaho potato farmers alternate planting, one row of potatoes, the next onions...one row of potatoes, the next onions. That explains the odd appearance of the fields that were normally all potatoes.  Anyway, the onions make the eyes of the potatoes water....thereby alleviating drought conditions  (am I glad no one is close enough to pelt me with rotten veggies down here!)  

Sharon Lee Butcher
Reference Librarian
AEDC Technical Library
100 Kindel Drive, Ste C212
Arnold AFB, TN  37389-3212
Fax:  931-454-5421

-----Original Message-----
From: Lucinda Glenn [mailto:lglenn@GTU.EDU]
Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2002 1:19 PM
Subject: Re: And now for something completely different:

A search of the Library of Congress came up with a book:  Spudding in:  Recollections of Pioneer Days in the California Oil Fields by William Rintoul (San Francisco:  California Historical Society, 1976).  A fascinating read I am sure.
Lucinda (I'm going on vacation next week, but will not set an autoreply!) Glenn
Graduate Theological Union Archives
Berkeley, CA
-----Original Message-----
From: Moser, Dennis [mailto:dmoser@LEE.EDU]
Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2002 11:05 AM
Subject: And now for something completely different:

Okay, so Holly's cleaning up some OCR'd texts and she came across this one. If anyone out there working in  petrochem industry-related archives can identify this term, you win the prize (as yet undetermined beyond our aeternal gratitude).

"New Drilling Record Set!

Humble set a new drilling record in California when its first well in the Fillmore field, Caistic Junction District, was completed on July 6.

Subsequent to SPUDDING, the Filmore Operating Unit 1, Well 1, was drilled..."

Spudding?!?! Not an arcane Irish faminee's tactic for gaining sustenance...certainly not an Idahoan defense mechanism, for sure.

Time to take off the gloves, (latex, nitirile, or otherwise) get to the task at hand and help us finger this one out. We've already digitized all we can, so we can't go out on a limb to guess with this one.

Dennis "Yes, I WOULD like fries with that and could you do them up in light crude, please" Moser