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Women's Collections Roundtable

Society of American Archivists Conference in
Birmingham, AL

SAA Women?s Collections Roundtable will meet on
Friday, August 23rd, from 4:45-6:15pm

Greetings to all Women?s Collections RT members!
Katherine Fleming, current chair, will be unable
to attend the meeting this year so I am planning
the agenda and would value input from members.


I am pleased to announce that Lola Hendricks, Oral

History Assistant, Birmingham Civil Rights
Institute, will be addressing the RT about the
Birmingham Oral History Project and women?s roles
and perspectives during the Civil Rights
Movement. Ms. Hendricks will be sharing her own
experiences as well as those of other women in the



Any members with new business please e-mail me to
add your items to the agenda. I plan to leave
time for introductions and round robin
discussion. If you are unable to attend the
conference this year please feel free to e-mail me

and I will share your reports, news, projects, or
interests with the group. Please bring or e-mail
your ideas for session topics for next year?s SAA
conference as proposals are usually due by


Ellen Swain, University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign, has volunteered to take this
year?s meeting minutes, and Sarah Keene,
University of Michigan, has volunteered to serve
as the RT?s web coordinator on the SAA site. We
are also looking for a member to serve as
co-chair 2002-2004.

Tanya Zanish-Belcher has offered to coordinate
dinner at a local restaurant for interested RT
members on Thursday, August 22nd. Please
contact Tanya to sign up at

I look forward to hearing from you!

Kate Colligan, Co-Chair 2001-2003
Associate Archivist, Archives Service Center
University of Pittsburgh
7500 Thomas Blvd
Pittsburgh, PA 15208

Phone: (412) 244-7074
Fax : (412) 244-7077
E-mail: katec@pitt.edu