Astrobiology News
Virtual Classroom


Astrobiology: The Living Universe is the web's premiere educational resource for astrobiology, featuring in-depth information and interviews on exobiology, planetary biology, the origins of life and human spaceflight. Our site doesn't end with that however - every single page within this website is also available in an enhanced PDF printable format and we have a network of forums and interactive applets as well as a number of Flash animations. Find out more about the Living Universe >>

30/1/01: We're finally back, and we're working flat-out to update every single page within this website, and not just that but also to ensure that no page is more than one month out of date. 16 of the updated articles are now online, and soon you'll be able to know that you're reading the most comprehensive and up-to-date source of information on Astrobiology on the entire Internet. Expect further news soon...



Featured Topic: Unplanned terraformation

Terraformation, the process of transforming an inhospitable planet into a hospitable one, can go horribly wrong. Just look at what we've done with Earth - humans are making Earth progressively more inhospitable with every passing year. Find out more >>


An interview with Dr. Matt Golombek

Dr. Matt Golombek was the principal scientist for the hugely successful Mars Pathfinder mission in 1997. We talked to Dr. Golombek about the implications of liquid water on Mars and future missions. Read the interview >>


Visit the Forums

We believe in user-feedback at Astrobiology: The Living Universe which is why we've implemented an extensive forum system where you can comment on every individual page in the website and have your questions answered. Visit the forums >>


Thanks to Ibiblio who are hosting this website.


© 2000/2001 Adrian Hon, Katherine Harris, David Sewell

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