Butt-Head the Baldy Bull

Once, not so very long ago, in a sweepin romantically set pasture there lived this young baldy angus bull, Butt- Head. Now Butt-Head was seemingly your average young bull. He spent most his days out yonder playin and frolickin with them other boy and girl cows, steers and heifers. But one day the farmer that owned the herd decided it was high time he separated out the youngins from the herd. This was a common weaning process which allowed the mommas to finally get rid of those big babies who didn't really need momma's milk, anymore, anyhow. 

Well, when the farmer came and got the youngins, Butt- Head figured this was just a field trip or somethin. So, he went along like all the others. The farmer took the rowdy bunch to a holding pen in a barnyard about three miles away. As it got closer to nightfall they all started to wonder what was goin on. Butt-Head started to get mad. He thought about his momma and all that pretty green pasture. As he looked around him he saw the other calves lookin sad and depressed. He got even madder. He got so mad he charged straight for the reinforced fence, and busted right through it. 

The next day, the farmer went to check on the calves and found most of them wanderin around the pen. He then found the hole in the fence where Butt-Head had crashed out. There were a few calves wanderin outside of this hole. But Butt-Head was long gone. 

So, the farmer drove back to the pasture from where he took the calves to see if, by chance, he would see Butt-Head along the way. He looked up and down every holler between the barnyard and the pasture, and never found the young bull. Finally, when he arrived at the pasture he looked out at the herd. Sure enough, smack dab in the middle of the herd next to his momma stood Butt-Head. He had traveled the three miles in the dark through the woods and broke back into the pasture through a high voltage electric fence. Well, the ol farmer just scratched his head. He had never seen the likes of that before. He then figured he would plan a little better and try it again. 

So, after a couple days the farmer had a newly reinforced holding pen, with extra support. He was ready to try it again with that honery young bull. Once again, he loaded up Butt-Head. This time it was much more difficult to get him loaded since he had figured out what was probably going to happen. After some time, they eventually got him to the distant pen. Well, I'll have you know that the very next day Butt-Head was right back in that pretty green pasture standing by his momma's side, just a smilin. 

The farmer tried a couple of more times, but with the same result each time. So, he finally gave up. Butt-Head was allowed to stay with his momma and other family. He was so happy. Yet, now that he had been out and about and this pasture didn't seem quite big enough for him anymore. He suddenly yearned to explore beyond his set boundaries. After all, it wasn't his idea to get outside the fence to begin with. If the farmer wanted him outside then it must be okay? 

It wasn't long before Butt-Head began venturing out past the electric fence. Sure it hurt, but the pain was worth the pleasures he found on the other side. He became so good at getting out that the younger calves soon idolized Butt-Head for his prowess at escape. Like most youngsters, this sense of breaking the rules seemed very attractive and cool. 

Well, sure as the cow jumped over the moon, the number of escapees began to grow. Butt-Head was quite the rebel. He and his band of desperados began a daily ritual of routing the areas just outside the electric fence (It was hard for some of the little ones to get too far from their mommas' watchful eyes.) However, their range of destruction began to increase, one patch of green grass after another. 

Now, living just on the other side of the hill from the pasture, where this herd of cattle called home, lived a man named "Hoopie Mayberry." His close friends called him "Hoop", for short. Hoop was in the process of building a new house. It was a large beautiful farm house. Hoop had saved for this place his whole life. When Butt-Head and his gang started roaming closer and closer to the house, Hoop became concerned. 

At first, it seemed harmless enough that the small herd was grazing lazily on the sparse patches of grass growing around the house. Yet, the roague bandits became bolder each day, becoming less afraid of Hoop and his family. It wasn't long before the trouble began.