Re: "will have been bound"

Cal Redmond (
Mon, 20 May 1996 01:20:03 -0400

michael zarb wrote:
> I am new to this list. Have the tenses in Mt 16:19 and 18:18 been discussed
> on this forum?
> Are the periphrastic future perfects to be taken seriously?
> What are the grammatical arguments supporting the usual translation, "will
> be bound" and "will be loosed", instead of the more natural, i.e.equivalent
> to classical rendering, "will have been bound" and "will have been loosed"?
> I wonder whether the grammarians revising Blass-Debrunner-Funk are going to
> include this matter.
> Any help will be appreciated.
> Michael Zarb
> Cobble Hill, BC, Canada
> e-mail:

In my earlier comments, I called the verbs "perfect passives." Of
course you all know that I meant future perfects. ;-) This is a
strange verbal transformation that occurs too late at night when one
should be sleeping.

Cal Redmond