
johan lust (Johan.Lust@theo.kuleuven.ac.be)
Mon, 20 May 96 17:46:15 CET

Dear Colleague

For more objective information about our Lexicon of the Septuagint (more
objective than that given by K.W.Woodruff), one may consult the reviews of
the first volume, such as those in Old Testament Abstracts 58 (1993) 162;
Svensk Exeg. Arsb. 58 (1993) 165-167 (Caragounis); Ephem. Theol. Lov. 69
(1993) 117-124 (Vervenne); Biblica 75 (1994) 434-439 (Muraoka); Rev. Theol.
Louv. 24 (1993) 84-85 (Bogaert); Zeitschr. fur Theol. und Kirche 116 (1994)
83-85 (Oesch).
The Lexicon covers all the Words in Rahlfs' edition of the Septuagint. Each
word is provided with morphological tagging. For each word one or more
translations are given, with references to examples. In addition to these
translations, some categories of special cases are provided: first,
expressions which can be labeled as classical Greek, second, passages in
which the Greek text may be corrupt, third, passages in which the Greek text
differs from the MT, having misread the Hebrew, or read it differently, or
having used a slightly divergent text. When available, a bibliographical note
is added to each lemma.
The second volume, covering the second part of the alphabet, will be
published this year.

Best greetings

Johan Lust