Re: Information on annoying posts

David John Marotta (djm5g@Virginia.EDU)
22 May 96 08:51:22 EDT

This person is *not* subscribed with the string kimhe in their email
address. This usually happens because of one of the following:

1. They receive b-greek as a result of a rebroadcast.
2. Their email address has changed significantly.
3. They have suceeded in unsubcribing by the time I look for them.

You can send the following commands to


This returns a list of everyone on B-GREEK and she could look for any
old alias of her name listed there. If she finds an old alias she can
let me know what it is and I will take it off. I probably have to be
bothered for this changes.

Thanks for your help!

David John Marotta, Medical Center Computing, Stacey Hall
Univ of Virginia (804) 982-3718 wrk INTERNET:
Box 512 Med Cntr (804) 924-5261 msg PRODIGY: KCMR45A
C'ville VA 22908 (804) 296-7209 fax IBM US: usuvarg8
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To: David John Marotta <>
From: Tony Prete <>
Subject: Re: Information on annoying posts


First, many thanks for all the detective work to uncover the magazine
maniac. Clearly, more is at stake here than just some annoying posts. People
like that are jeopardizing the freedom and flexibility of the Net. Perhaps a
taste of their own annoyance will succeed where reasonable requests cannot.

On another matter, I received the following in regard to helping people
disengage from B-Greek:

>X-POP3-Rcpt: tonyp@water
>Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 10:27:31 -0400 (EDT)
>From: Kim Haines-Eitzen <>
>Subject: Re: unsubscribe
>To: Tony Prete <tonyp>
>Thank you for your tip on unsubscribing to b-greek. I am fully aware of
>how these things are normally done, but unfortunately I have tried for
>almost a month now to unsubscribe the way you suggested. It hasn't
>worked and I have sent the message over and over to the majordomo
>Sorry to clutter the list, but I didn't know what else to do.
>Kim Haines-Eitzen

Is there anything you can do to help? Should I be telling her something that
I'm not?

Strength and peace,

Tony Prete
Haddonfield, N.J
(609) 428-1203.