1 Peter 3:19-20 APEIQHSASIN and word order (?)

David Miller (g344906@trin.edu)
Tue, 25 Feb 1997 22:48:18 -0600


In my former and first posting to this list a few days ago I made
some comment about not being able to check the archives because I
don't have access to the internet. I thought that the way I said it
would be more interesting than simply saying: "I don't have access
to the internet and would be happy to know if this has already been
discussed or where to go for more information." I regret that it was
also less polite.

I also mentioned Wayne Grudem's suggestion that since APEIQHSASIN is
not in attributive position after KAI TOIS EN FULAKH PNEUMASIN
POREUQEIS in 1 Pe 3:19-20, it must be an adverbial temporal participle.

I am now wondering what lets us know when a temporal participle
refers to action that precedes or is subsequent to the main verb?

In regards to the "Spirits in prison" in 1 Pe 3:19-20, I. H. Marshall
has commented that since APEIQHSASIN is in the aorist it must refer
to action that precedes the "preaching".

However, Stanley Porter in his <Idioms of the Greek NT> suggests that
when a participle precedes the main verb it refers to action that
occurs before the main verb and when a participle follows a main verb
it tends to refer to action that is simultaneous or subsequent to the
main verb (meaning in this case that the preaching to the spirits in
prison occured at the same time as the disobedience)

Any idea which is right here?
David Miller
MA New Testament student
Deerfield, IL