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Re: Aktionsart vs.aspect fits


	Just to keep this on the light side, can anyone apply the concepts of
aktionsart and aspect to the energizer rabbit?  It keeps going and going
and going....nothing outlasts the Energizer.  Nothing.

	Could anyone explain to me why some translations use the phrase "gave
some to be ..." in Ephesians 4:11 whenthe word "some" doesn't occur
here?  When I attempt to translate I get something like this, "he gave
from the apostles...from the.....from the..."  If I am correct (porb.
not) this is an instrumental genitives used here.   The various offices
of the Body being instruments.  According to what I gather out of
context  the thing being given is "gvwsis" and "pistews" through the
work of the offices in the Church.  Anyone care to comment on this?

Larry A. Hartman
Defense Language Institute Alumnus
Department of Arabic Studies
