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Re: NT texts in a variety of languages

Mari Broman Olsen wrote:

> For a research project I am interested in getting NT texts in as many
> languages as possible, particularly in those languages not covered by
> CCAT and Accordance/Gramcord (French, German, English, Spanish,
> Hebrew, Latin, Samarian [!]).  I didn't have much luck with a web
> search.  Where else might I obtain them free or at a low cost? [...]


This probably won't be much help, but AudioForum has audio tapes of the
NT in a whole slew of languages.

Again, given the format, this probably isn't what you're looking for.
Similarly the tape sets are not particuarly cheap.  Still, I thought I'd
pass the bits along.

OTOH, perhaps you could contact them to see where they got the text for
their readers and/or if those texts are easily available.
Nichael Cramer
work: ncramer@bbn.com
home: nichael@sover.net
