Re: Chaismus: Greek, Latin, Hebrew

Michael A. Ferrando (
Wed, 19 Nov 1997 17:22:13 -0500 (EST)

On Wed, 19 Nov 1997, clayton bartholomew wrote:

> I have been studying a 5th cent. (?) Latin creed, Quicunque (Athanasian
> Creed) and have noted examples of *chaisumus, patterns of an: A B ... B
> A, structure. This pattern appears in Paul' s writings and in the Hebrew
> OT. What about Latin? Was this structure used widely in ancient Latin?
> If so, was it just a literary device that was floating around in the
> ancient Mediterranean and used by everyone?
> Clay Bartholomew
> Three Tree Point
> PostScript
> Anyone who would like to read an excellent monograph on Quicunque
> (Athanasian Creed) should get their hands on "The Athanasian Creed", by
> J.N.D. Kelly, Harper and Row, 1964.

I did read this work,
(the English text that is)
and it surprised me that
when I received the book
from the stacks here at
the Library of Congress
that it was not about
the Nicean Creed of 325 AD,
but another.

And further, now that my
ignorance was enlightened
since it was this creed
that so many deists struggled
with in the latter part of
the 17th Century (notably
Isaac Newton who was able
to continue his chair at
Oxford without taking the
vows affirming the creed)
was infact as termed by one
theologian. Neither.

"The Athansius Creed is Neither."

Not by Athansius nor is it a Creed
never having been ratified by a
council of any kind.

But I cannot remember who that
theologian was.

Any hints.

In Christ,