Elizabeth Kline kline_dekooning at earthlink.net
Mon Jun 2 16:59:24 EDT 2008

On Jun 2, 2008, at 10:03 AM, Elizabeth Kline wrote:

> However, it has been suggested more than once that what we have here
> in Jn 6:16-21 (Matt. 14:22-27Mk 6:45-62) is a theophany and that the
> language of Jn 6:20 EGW EIMI has a primary and a secondary function/
> meaning. The primary function is to identify himself to the twelve.
> The secondry function is use the language of deity within a theophanic
> event. It certainly isn't neccessairy to point out that this language
> is so used in the LXX.
> For discussions of this see R.E.Brown (John AB, v1 p533) and
> G.R.Beasley-Murray (John WBC, pp 63, 89-90). Also C.H.Dodd is quoted
> in L.Morris (NICNT John 1971, p350, n43) as recognizing this primary
> and secondary function/meaning of EGW EIMI in Jn 6:20.

A more accessable presentation of the theophanic reading of Mk 6:45-62  
(Jn 6:16-21, Matt. 14:22-27), including the primary and  secondary  
function/meaning of EGO EIMI, can be found in W.Lane (NICNT Mark, 1974  
pp. 236-7). Lane also suggests the isianic  second exodus[1] as a  
framework for makeing sense of the language and imagry of this pericope.

Elizabeth Kline

[1] In the unlikely event that someone might want to read a mongraph  
on this, Rikki Watts, Isaiah's New Exodus and Mark (Tubingen: J. C. B.  
Mohr Siebeck, 1997 repr., Biblical Studies Library; Grand Rapids:  
Baker, 2000).

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