[B-Greek] Perseus Synonyms? (EKKLHSIA and SULLOGOS?)

newsgroupstuff newsgroupstuff at gmail.com
Thu Jun 12 05:48:49 EDT 2008


I'm just wondering if someone can help explain something I came across.

I wanted to compare two words: EKKLHSIA and SULLOGOS. I expected them to be synonyms, but if I look up either on Perseus, neither comes up for the other as a synonym. Is there something very different about the meanings of these two words? Does anyone know how the computer of Perseus determines synonyms, and why these don't come up as synonymns?

Here are the LSJ definitions from Perseus, and from this there seems some overlap in the terms:

ἐκκλησί-α, ἡ, (ἔκκλητος) assembly duly summoned, less general than σύλλογος, Th.2.22, Pl.Grg.456b, etc. ; applied to the Homeric Assemblies, Arist.Pol.1285a11 ; to the Samian Assembly, Hdt.3.142 ; to the Spartan, Th.1.87 ; to the meeting of the Amphictyons at Delphi, Aeschin.3.124 ; at Athens, ἐ. κύριαι, opp. σύγκλητοι, Arist.Ath.43.4 ; κυρία ἐ., at Amorgos, IG12(7).237.46 ; ἐ. συναγείρειν, συνάγειν, συλλέγειν, ἀθροίζειν, call an assembly, Hdt.3.142, Th.2.60, 8.97, X.HG1.6.8 ; ἐ. ποιεῖν Ar.Eq.746, Th.1.139,al. ; ἐ. ποιεῖν τινί Ar.Ach.169 ; διδόναι τινί Plb.4.34.6 ; ἐ. γίγνεται an assembly is held, Th.6.8 ; καταστάσης ἐ. Id.1.31 ; ἦν ἐ. τοῖς στρατηγοῖς And.1.2 ; ἐ. διαλύειν, ἀναστῆσαι, dissolve it, Th.8.69 (Pass.),X.HG2.4.42 ; ἀφιέναι Plu.TG16 ; ἐ. ἀνεβλήθη was adjourned, Th.5.45 ; ἐ. περί τινος Ar. Av.1030, etc. 

σύλλογ-ος, ὁ, assembly, concourse, meeting of persons, whether legal or riotous, ς. ἐγίνετο Hdt.8.74; Ἀχαιῶν ς., name of a play by Sophocles; ξ. γυναικοπληθεῖς E.Alc.951; ς. στρατεύματος Id.IA514, cf. 825; ἐν θεοῖς ς. σοῦ πέρι ἔσται Id.Hel.878; ς. ποιῆσαι Th.1.67, 4.114 (cf. ἐκκλησία); ς. ποιέεσθαι Hdt.7.8 init., 8.24, cf. E.Heracl.335; ς. διαλύειν Hdt.7.10.δ'; of the people, διαλύεσθαι ἐκ τοῦ ς. Id.3.73; ς. σχολαστικοί Arist.Pol.1313b3; συμπόσια καὶ ἄλλοι ς. Phld.Mus. p.110K.; ὁ ς. ὁ Ἁλικαρνασσέων SIG45.1 (Halic., v B.C.), cf. 278.3 (Priene, iv B.C.), al.; at Athens, of any special public meeting or assembly, opp. the common ἐκκλησία, Th.2.22, Pl.Lg.764a; ἐκκλησίᾳ καὶ ἄλλῳ ς. παντί, ὅστις ἂν πολιτικὸς ς. γένηται Id.Grg.452e, cf. X.An.5.7.2, D.19.122; freq. of a muster of forces, X.Cyr.6.2.11, al.; so ς. νεῶν And.3.38; ς. θεραπηΐης a medical consultation, Hp. Praec.13. 


Craig Johnson
Brisbane, Australia
Blog: http://bloggledegook.blogspot.com/ 

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