[B-Greek] EIS in Matthew 10:41-42

Cliff Boyd jamescboyd at gmail.com
Fri Jun 13 12:55:51 EDT 2008

Every other place that I have examined the word EIS in the GNT, I have been
able to understand it to mean something like "into" or "in order to" as a
forward-looking preposition.  In Mat. 10:41-42, I am not sure I understand
the meaning of EIS.  Barnes says, "To receive in the 'name' of a prophet is
to receive 'as' a prophet; to do proper honour to his character, and to
evince attachment to the cause in which he was engaged."  My father
suggested, "One who receives a prophet in order to honor or acknowledge that
he has the name (reputation, identity, designation) of a prophet..."  Some
scholars seem to suggest that EIS could mean "because of" here.  Wha'd'y'all
Cliff Boyd

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