Elizabeth Kline kline_dekooning at earthlink.net
Sat Jun 14 14:21:43 EDT 2008

On Jun 14, 2008, at 6:41 AM, John Sanders wrote:

> I would change my mind quickly and easily if Elizabeth or someone  
> could indicate with examples from the literature where SUMMARTUREW  
> with DOTIKH case only indicates associativeness.

Thank you George for the citation.


I don't recall stating that "SUMMARTUREW with DOTIKH case only  
indicates associativeness" in Rom. 8:16. That was a term used by  
Wallace along with 'intensive'.

Yesterday I took up my yellowed copy of Moule's Idiom Book (pp. 87-88)  
where he lists some preposition verb compounds under the heading  
'intensification simply'. I started looking at the SUN compounds to  
see what I could learn. About the third word in the list SUMPNIGW  
doesn't look like a valid example. It is used in the parable of the  
sower where the weeds choke the grain by crowding them out. Certainly  
doesn't take much imagination to see how SUN contributes to SUMPNIGW  
in this context. This is not a case where the 'associative' tag would  
work. I have no particular interest in the that or any other tag the  
Wallace uses. My compliant against the 'intensification' tag, as I  
have said previously, it is too inclusive to be very useful. It is  
also difficult to falsify.

Another verb in Moule's 'intensification simply' list is SUNQALW used  
in Matt. 21:44 [text?] and Lk 20:18. This is another case where I  
think we might be able to come up with a semantic motivation for SUN  
in SUNQLAW. Perhaps not.

BTW, Moule doesn't include SUMMARTUREW in his 'intensification simply'  

Elizabeth Kline

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