[B-Greek] John's Theme of "Sending"

Bryant J. Williams III bjwvmw at com-pair.net
Wed Jun 18 16:46:57 EDT 2008

Dear List,

I'm reading through John's gospel and have been impressed with how often this
gospel refers to the theme of "sending" (both APOSTELLW and PEMPW, the 2 words
appear to be used interchangeably in John). There appear to be 4 significant
1. God sends John the Baptist
2. God sends Jesus
3. Jesus sends His disciples
4. Jesus sends the Holy Spirit
Are you aware of any articles or other references that treat this topic? One
specific area especially of interest to me is whether some such title as, "The
Sent One" (from Heb SHALACH), might have been understood in 2nd temple times as
a designation of the Messiah. Some verses even appear to make belief that Jesus
is the Sent One as the content of saving faith (see,11:42; 17:3,8,21,23,25).

Thank you,

En Xristwi,

Rev. Bryant J. Williams III

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