[B-Greek] The Pachomian monastic library

Wieland Willker wie at uni-bremen.de
Thu Jun 19 02:52:35 EDT 2008

I have uploaded the following article with the consent of the author:  

"The Pachomian monastic library at the Chester Beatty Library and the Bibliothèque Bodmer"
by James M. Robinson
Claremont, Calif.: Inst. for Antiquity and Christianity, 1990

In this article James Robinson tracks down the (pre-)history of the Chester Beatty and the Bodmer papyri. This is a must-read for every Bible scholar. 
The file also includes the complete postscript that appeared three years later, giving important additional info. (Note that this postscript is longer than the one that came with the 2nd printing of the original publication). 

Download the PDF (9 MB) here: 

(links to: http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/foto-ag/files/Pachomian%20Library%20Robinson.pdf )

Best wishes
Wieland Willker, Bremen, Germany
mailto:wie at uni-bremen.de
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