[p. iii]













1922 [p. iv]

Printed in the United States of America

[p. v]


[p. vi] [p. vii]


The need of a new Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament will hardly be questioned. Thayer's monumental work, deservedly the standard for more than thirty years past, and, supplemented by later literature, still likely to remain a standard of reference for some time to come, was rather too bulky to serve as a table companion to the New Testament for the average man. A smaller book, which would lend itself more readily to constant reference, has been a real and growing want for the student.

This want has been enhanced by the progress of lexical study during the last quarter century. The study of vernacular texts, which in recent years received a new impetus through the discovery of vast numbers of non-literary papyri, chiefly in Egypt, has removed all doubt as to the category to which the language of the New Testament belongs. It is now abundantly clear that the diction of the apostolic writers is not a peculiar isolated idiom, characteristic of Jewish Hellenists, but simply the common speech of the Greek-speaking world at the time when the New Testament books were written.

While the statement just made has come to be a commonplace, it has not been so for long. There has arisen, therefore, the need not only of the collection and arrangement in convenient form (a need which is now being supplied for the advanced scholar in Moulton and Milligan's Vocabulary of the Greek Testament) of the results of pioneer study in the papyri, but also of a systematic revision, in the light of recent research, of many of the views regarding the diction and vocabulary of the New Testament which were commonly accepted thirty or even twenty years ago.

The considerations therefore —so well set forth by Dr. Moulton in his Prolegomena— which call for an entirely new grammar of the New Testament, apply also to the work of the Lexicographer. And the materials for his work —still [p. viii] steadily accumulating— have been liberally furnished by the special studies of Deissmann and Thumb in Germany and Moulton and Milligan in Great Britain and have also found their way into the more recent commentaries.

The new impulse given to the study of the Septuagint by the publication of the Oxford Concordance by Hatch and Redpath, the Cambridge Manual Edition of the Septuagint and its accompanying Introduction by Dr. Swete, together with the Grammar of Mr. Thackeray, has also had its influence on New Testament studies. While Dr. Abbott's caution [1. Essays, 67ff.] as to the possibility of exaggerating the influence of the Septuagint still holds good, the evidence of the papyri has brought about a growing sense of its value to the student of the New Testament. More reference therefore has been made, it is believed, in this Lexicon to the usage of the Septuagint than in any previous work of the same kind, so that even where there may not appear to be any special significance in the Old Testament usage with respect to a particular word, the student will always have an idea of the extent and character of the use which was made of it in that version which was the most familiar form of the Old Testament to the writers of the New.

The books mentioned in the list which follows are, out of a larger number to which I would register here a general acknowledgement of indebtedness, those which appeared to be, on the whole, the more accessible and useful to the average reader. Among the Lexicons, an almost equal debt is owed to Liddell and Scott and to Thayer. The classification of meanings in the latter, a characteristic excellence, often defies improvement, while Preuschen, though on the whole adding little to the work of his predecessors, is often helpful in this same particular. Not a few suggestions of fresh treatment have come from Fr. Zorell, S.J., whose scholarly work is quite modern and remarkably free from the ecclesiastical bias which one might have expected to find in it.

Of the commentaries, besides those available to Thayer, the most helpful for lexical purposes have been those of Hort, Swete and Mayor in Macmillan's Series, also the International Critical Commentaries, especially the more recent issues. Some of Bishop Lightfoot's best lexical work is to be found in his posthumous Notes on Epistles of St. Paul, while Dr. Field's Notes on the Translation of the New Testament, contain a wealth of learning and sound judgment [p. ix] such as would be hard to parallel within the limits of a single volume.

On points of grammar, references are mainly made to Dr. Moulton's Prolegomena and the English Translation of Blass, as the most recent and convenient of first-rate authorities.

A brief treatment is given of the more important synonyms, in the belief that while classical distinctions cannot always be pressed in late and colloquial usage, it is an advantage to know something of the distinctive features of synonymous words as traceable in their etymology and literary history.

For the text of the New Testament the standard adopted is that of Moulton and Geden's Concordance, [1. A Concordance to the Greek Testament, by Rev. W. F. Moulton, M.A., D.D., and Rev. A. S. Geden, M.A. Second Edition. T. & T. Clark, 1899.] which, as the latest and best work of its kind, is likely to remain the recognised authority for many years to come. The Greek text followed therefore is that of Westcott and Hort, with which are compared the texts of the Eighth Edition of Tischendorf and of the English Revisers, the marginal readings of each being included. From the Textus Receptus as such, no reading which modern editors have rejected is as a rule recorded, except in cases where a word would otherwise be dropped from the vocabulary of the New Testament. Sometimes, also, reference is made to a reading of the Receptus to which some particular interest is attached.

The asterisks and daggers in the margin follow, with the kind permission of the publishers and Mr. Geden, the notation of the Concordance. There is, however, the one difference, that whereas in Moulton and Geden the time limit marked by the dagger is the beginning of the Christian era, it seemed better for the purpose of the Lexicon to include in the category of "late Greek" all words found only in Greek writers after the time of Aristotle. [2. See below, p. xvi.]

It remains to express in general terms my grateful acknowledgement to colleagues and friends in McGill University with its affiliated Theological Colleges and in my own Alma Mater, the University of Bishop's College, Lennoxville, as well as to many English friends, in Cambridge and elsewhere, who have given me valued advice and encouragement.

All these will pardon me if I single out for special mention the one name of Dr. J. H. Moulton, the genial master-crafts- [p. x] man of that science to which I have sought in a humble way to contribute what I could. At the beginning of my undertaking he took me in, a stranger, and gave me ungrudgingly of his counsel and direction, and also my first introduction to the publishers through whom the appearance of the work under the best possible auspices was assured.

To the manifold assistance I have had from fellow-workers, both by word of mouth and through the printed page I would fain attribute most of the value which this modest effort may possess. For its deficiencies I am alone responsible, and I can only hope that in spite of them this book may sustain the note sounded in the last word in the alphabetical order of the New Testament Vocabulary —ὠφέλιμος— and may serve in a small way to the more faithful and intelligent study of the Book of the New Covenant of our Lord and Saviour in the language in which it was written.

The foregoing paragraphs were written early in 1917, when, with the last sheets of the Lexicon, they were sent overseas for publication. The manuscript has thus been inaccessible for revision, whence the absence of any reference to much valuable material that has appeared, both in books and in periodicals, during the last four years, including the second volume of the Grammar of Dr. Moulton, whose tragic death as a victim of the ruthless warfare of the submarines was reported a few days after the earlier part of this Preface was written. The student is recommended to supplement the grammatical references in the body of the Lexicon by consulting the Index to Vol. II. of Dr. Moulton's Grammar.

I take this opportunity of adding to the acknowledgements already made my thanks to Professors A. R. Gordon and S. B. Slack of McGill University and to the Rev. R. K. Naylor, sometime classical tutor at McGill, for their kindness in proof-reading, to the publishers for their generous enterprise at a time of unprecedented difficulty in the production of books, and to the compositors and readers of the Aberdeen University Press for their painstaking and accurate performance of a difficult task.



September, 1921.

[p. xi]



absol. = absolute.
acc. = accusative.
act. = active.
ad fin. = ad finem.
adj. = adjective.
adv. = adverb.
al. = alibi (elsewhere).
aor. = aorist.
Apocr. = Apocrypha.
App. = Appendix.
Aram. = Aramaic.
Att. = Attic.
bibl. = biblical.
bis = twice.
c. = cum (with).
cf. = confer (compare).
cl. = classics, classical.
cogn. = cognate.
compar. = comparative.
contr. = contracted.
dat. = dative.
e.g. = exempli gratia (for instance).
eccl. = ecclesiastical.
esp. = especially.
ex. = example.
exc. = except.
f. = and following (verse).
ff. = and following (verses).
fig. = figurative.
freq. = frequent.
fut. = future.
gen. = genitive.
Gk. = Greek.
Heb. = Hebrew.
i.e. = id est.
ib. = in the same place.
id. = the same.
impers. = impersonal.
impf. = imperfect.
impv. = imperative.
in l. = in loco.
indic. = indicative.
inf. = infinitive.
infr. = infra.
Ion. = Ionic.
l.c. = loco citato.
m. = masculine.
metaph. = metaphorically.
meton. = metonymy.
MGr. = Modern Greek.
n. = note, neuter.
neg. = negative.
nom. = nominative.
om. = omit, omits.
opp. = opposed to.
optat. = optative.
pass. = passive.
pers. = person.
pf. = perfect.
plpf. = pluperfect.
prep. = preposition.
prop. = properly.
ptcp. = participle.
q.v. = quod vide.
rei = of the thing.
s. = sub.
s.v. = sub voce.
se. = scilicet (that is).
seq. = sequente (followed by).
subjc. = subjunctive.
subst. = substantive.
superl. = superlative.
supr. = supra.
syn. = synonym.
Targ. = Targum.
V. = vide.
vb. = verb.
v.l. = variant reading.
v.s. = vide sub.

= Equivalent to, equals.

< Derived from or related to.

[p. xii]




Ge = Genesis.
Ex = Exodus.
Le = Leviticus.
Nu = Numbers.
De = Deuteronomy.
Jos = Joshua.
Jg = Judges.
Ru = Ruth.
I, II Ki = I, II Kings (E.V., Samuel).
III, IV Ki = III, IV Kings (E.V., I, II Kings).
I, II Ch = 1, II Chronicles.
II Es = II Esdras (E.V., Ezra).
Ne = Nehemiah.
Es = Esther.
Jb = Job.
Ps = Psalms.
Pr = Proverbs.
Ec = Ecclesiastes.
Ca = Canticles.
Is = Isaiah.
Je = Jeremiah.
La = Lamentations.
Ez = Ezekiel.
Da = Daniel.
Ho = Hosea.
Jl = Joel.
Am = Amos.
Ob = Obadiah.
Jh = Jonah.
Mi = Micah.
Na = Nahum.
Hb = Habakkuk.
Ze = Zephaniah.
Hg = Haggai.
Za = Zachariah.
Ma = Malachi.
I Es = I Esdras.
To = Tobit.
Jth = Judith.
Wi = Wisdom.
Si = Sirach.
Ba = Baruch.
Da Su = Susannah.
Da Bel = Bel and the Dragon
Pr Ma = Prayer of Manasseh
I-IV Mac = I-IV Maccabees.

New Testament.

Mt = St. Matthew.
Mk = St. Mark.
Lk = St. Luke.
Jo = St. John.
Ac = Acts.
Ro = Romans.
I, II Co = I, II Corinthians
Ga = Galatians.
Eph = Ephesians.
Phl = Philippians.
Col = Colossians.
I, II Th = I, II Thessalonians.
I, II Ti = I, II Timothy.
Tit = Titus.
Phm = Philemon.
He = Hebrews.
Ja = James.
I, II Pe = I, II Peter.
I-III Jo = I-III John.
Ju = Jude.
Re = Revelation.


Al. = anon, version quoted by Origen.
Aq. = Aquila.
AV = Authorized version.
B = Beza.
E = Elzevir.
EV = English version (A.V. and R.V.).
Gr. Ven. = Graecus Venetus.
L = Lachmann.
LXX = Septuagint.
R (in LXX refs.) = Sixtine Ed. of LXX (1587).
Rec. = Received Text.
RV = Revised Veision.
R, txt., mg. = R.V. text, margin.
Sm. = Symmachus.
T = Tischendorf.
Th. = Theodotion.
Tr. = Tregelles.
Vg. = Vulgate.
WH = Westcott and Hort.

[p. xiii]


(i/, ii/, etc. = 1st, 2nd century, etc.)

Ael. = Aelian, ii/A.D.
Æsch. = Æschylus, v/B.C.
Æschin. = Æschines, iv/B.C.
Anth. = Anthology.
Antonin. = M. Aurel. Antoninus, ii/A.D.
Apoll. Rhod. = Apollonius Rhodius, ii/B.C.
Arist. = Aristotle, iv/B.C.
Aristoph. = Aristophanes, v/B.C.
Ath. = Athanasius, iv/A.D.
CIG = Corpus Inscriptionum Græcarum.
Dio Cass. = Dio Cassius, ii/A.D.
Diod. = Diodorus Siculus, i/B.C.
Diog. Laert. = Diogenes Laertius, ii/A.D.
Dion. H. = Dionysius of Halicarnassus, i/B.C.
Diosc. = Dioscorides, i-ii/A.D.
Eur. = Euripides, v/B.C.
Eustath. = Eustathius, xii/A.D.
FlJ = Flavius Josephus, i/A.D.
Greg. Naz. = Gregory of Nazianzus, iv/A.D.
Hdt. = Herodotus, v/B.C.
Heliod. = Heliodorus, iv/A.D.
Herm. = Hermas, ii/A.D.
Hes. = Hesiod, ix/B.C.?
Hipp. = Hippocrates, v/B.C.
Hom. = Homer, ix/B.C.?
Inscr. = Inscriptions.
Luc. = Lucian, ii/A.D.
Lys. = Lysias, v/B.C.
Menand. = Menander, iv/B.C.
π. = Papyri.
Paus. = Pausanias, ii/A.D.
Phalar. = Phalaris, Spurius Epp.?
Philo. = Philo Judæus, i/A.D.
Pind. = Pindar, v/B.C.
Plat. = Plato, v-iv/B.C.
Plut. = Plutarch, ii/A.D.
Polyb. = Polybius, ii/B.C.
Socr., HE = Socrates, Hist. Eccl., v/A.D.
Soph. = Sophocles, v/B.O.
Strab. = Strabo, i/B.C.
Test. Zeb. = Testimony of Zebedee, ii/A.D.
Theogn. = Theognis, vi/B.C.
Theophr. = Theophrastus, iv/B.C.
Thuc. = Thucydides, v/B.C.
Xen. = Xenophon, v-iv/B.C.


Abbott, Essays = Essays chiefly on the Original Texts of the Old and New Testaments, by T. K. Abbott. Longmans, 1891.
Abbott, JG = Johannine Grammar, by E. A. Abbott. London, 1906.
Abbott, JV = Johannine Vocabulary, by the same. London, 1905.
AR = St. Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians, by J. Armitage Robinson. Second Edition. Macmillan, 1909.
BDB = A Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament, by Brown, Driver, and Briggs. Oxford, 1906.
Blass, Gosp. = Philology of the Gospels, by F. Blass. Macmillan, 1898.
Blass, Gr. = Grammar of N.T. Greek, by F. Blass, tr. by H. St. J. Thackeray. Macmillan, 1898.
Boisacq = Dictionnaire Etymologique de la langue Grecque, par Emile Boisacq. Paris, 1907-1914.
Burton = New Testament Moods and Tenses, by E. de W. Burton. Third Edition. Univ. Chicago, 1898.
CGT = Cambridge Greek Testament for Schools and Colleges.
Charles, APOT = Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament, by R. H. Charles. Oxford, 1913.
CR = Classical Review. London, 1887 ff.
Cremer = Biblico-Theological Lexicon of N.T. Greek, by H. Cremer. Third English Edition, with Supplement. T. & T. Clark, 1886.
Dalman, Gt. = Grammatik des jüdish-palästinischen Aramäish, by G. Dalman. Leipzig, 1894. [p. xiv]
Dalman, Words = The Words of Jesus, by G. Dalman. English Edition. T. & T. Clark, 1902.
DAC = Dictionary of the Apostolic Church, edited by J. Hastings. Vol. I. Scribners, 1915.
DB = Dictionary of the Bible, edited by J. Hastings. 5 vols. (i-iv, ext. = extra vol.). Scribners, 1898-1904.
DB 1-vol. = Dictionary of the Bible (in one volume), by J. Hastings. Schribners, 1909.
DCG = Dictionary of Christ and the Gospels, edited by J. Hastings. 2 vols. Scribners, 1907-08.
Deiss., BS = Bible Studies, by G. A. Deissmann. Second English Edition, including Bibelstudien and Neue Bibelstudien, tr. by A. Grieve. T. & T. Clark, 1909.
Deiss., LAE = Light from the Ancient East, by A. Deissmann, tr. by L. R. M. Strachan. Second Edition. Hodder, 1908.
EB = Encyclopaedia Biblica. 4 vols. London, 1899-1903.
Edwards, Lex. = An English-Greek Lexicon, by G. M. Edwards. Camb., 1912.
EGT = Expositor's Greek Testament.
Ellic. = Commentary on St. Paul's Epistles, by C. J. Ellicott. Andover, 1860-65.
Enc. Brit. = Encyclopaedia Britannica. Eleventh Edition. Camb. Univ. Press, 1910.
Exp. Times = The Expository Times, edited by J. Hastings. T. & T. Clark, 1890 ff.
Field, Notes = Notes on the Translation of the N.T., by F. Field, Camb., 1899.
Gifford, Inc. = The Incarnation, by E. Gifford. Hodder, 1897.
Grimm-Thayer = A Greek-English Lexicon of the N.T., being Grimm's Wilke's Clavis Novi Testamenti, tr. by J. H. Thayer. New York, 1897.
Hatch, Essays = Essays in Biblical Greek, by Edwin Hatch. Oxford. 1889.
Hort = Commentaries on the Greek Text of the Epistle of St. James (1:1-4:7); The First Epistle of St. Peter (1:1-2:17'); and the Apocalypse of St. John (1-3), by F. J. A. Hort. Macmilian, 1898-1909.
ICC = International Critical Commentary. Scribners.
Interp. Comm. = Interpreter's Commentary. N.Y., Barnes & Co.
Jannaris = A Historical Greek Grammar, by A. N. Jannaris. Macmilian, 1897.
JThS = Journal of Theological Studies. London, 1899 ff.
Kennedy, Sources = Sources of N.T. Greek, by H. A. A. Kennedy. T. & T. Clark, 1895.
Kühner3 = Ausführliche Grammatik der griechischen Sprache, by R. Kühner. Third Edition, by F. Blass and B. Gerth, 4 vols., 1890-1904.
Lft. = Commentaries on St. Paul's Epistles to the Galatians (1892); Philippians (Third Edition, 1873); and Colossians and Philemon (1892), by J. B. Lightfoot. Macmilian. Also Apostolic Fathers, by the same. 5 vols. Macmilian, 1890.
Lft., Notes = Notes on Epistles of St. Paul, by J. B. Lightfoot. Macmilian, 1895.
LS = A Greek-English Lexicon, by H. G. Liddell and R. Scott. Seventh Edition. Harper, 1889.
Mayor = Commentaries on the Epistle of St. James (Third Edition, 1910), and the Epistle of St. Jude and the Second Epistle of St. Peter. Macmilian, 1907. [p. xv]
Mayser = Grammatik der gr. Papyri aus der Ptolemäerzeit, by E. Mayser. Leipzig, 1906.
M'Neile = The Gospel according to St. Matthew, by A. H. M'Neile. Macmillan, 1915.
Meyer = Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the N.T., by H. A. W. Meyer. Eng. tr., T. & T. Clark, 1883.
Milligan, Selections = Selections from the Greek Papyri, by G. Milligan. Cambridge, 1910.
MM (xi-xxv) = Lexical Notes from the Papyri, by J. H. Moulton and and G. Milligan. Expositor VII, vi, 567 ff.; VIII, iv, 561 ff.
MM (s.v.) = The Vocabulary of the Greek Testament, by J. H. Moulton and G. Milligan. Part I (α); Part II (β-δ). Hodder, 1914-15 (remaining parts in preparation).
M, Pr. = A Grammar of N.T. Greek. Vol. I, Prolegomena, by J. H. Moulton. Third Edition. Scribners, 1908.
M, Th. = St. Paul's Epistles to the Thessalonians, by G. Milligan. Macmillan, 1908.
Moffatt = James Moffatt, An Introduction to the Literature of the N.T. Scribners, 1911.
Mozley, Ps. = The Psalter of the Church, by P. W. Mozley, Cambridge, 1905.
NTD = The New Testament Documents, by G. Milligan. Macmillan, 1913.
Page = The Acts of the Apostles, by T. E. Page. Macmillan, 1903.
Backham = The Acts of the Apostles, by R. B. Rackham. Methuen, 1901.
Ramsay, St. Paul = St. Paul the Traveller and the Roman Citizen, by W. M. Ramsay. Hodder, 1895.
Rendall = The Epistle to the Hebrews, by F. Rendall. Macmillan, 1911.
Rutherford, NPhr. = The New Phrynichus, by W. G. Rutherford. Macmillan, 1881.
Schmidt = J. H. Heinrich Schmidt, Synonymik der Griechischen Sprache. 4 vols. Leips., 1876-1886.
Simcox = W. H. Simcox, the Language of the New Testament. Second Edition. Hodder, 1892.
Soph., Lex. = Greek Lexicon of the Roman and Byzantine Periods, by E. A. Sophocles. Scribners, 1900.
Swete = Commentaries on the Gospel according to St. Mark (Third Edition, 1909) and the Apocalypse of St. John, by H. B. Swete. Macmillan, 1906.
Thackeray, Gr. = A Grammar of the O.T. in Greek I, by H. St. J. Thackeray. Cambridge, 1909.
Thayer = Grimm-Thayer, q.v.
Thumb, Handh. = Handbook of the Modern Greek Vernacular, by A. Thumb. Tr. from the Second German Edition by S. Angus. T. & T. Clark, 1912.
Thumb, Hellen. = Die Griechische Sprache im Zeitalter des Hellenismus, von A. Thumb. Strassburg, 1901.
Tdf., Pr. = Novum Testamentum Graece, C. Tischendorf. Editio octava critica maior. Vol III, Prolegomena, by C. R. Gregory. Leipzig, 1894.
Tr., Syn. = Synonyms of the N. T. , by R. C. Trench. Ninth Edition. Macmillan, 1880.
Vau. = St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans, by C. F. Vaughan. Sixth Edition. Macmillan, 1885.
Veitch = Greek Verbs, Irregular and Defective, by W. Veitch, Oxford, 1887. [p. xvi]
Viteau = Étude sur le grec du N,T., by J. Viteau. Vol. I, Le Verbe: Syntaxe des Propositions, Paris, 1893; Vol. II., Sujet: Complément et Attribut, 1896.
VD, MGr. = E. Vincent and T. G. Dickson, A Handbook to Modern Greek. Second Edition. Macmillan, 1904.
Westc. = Commentaries on the Gospel according to St. John, by B. F. Westcott, 2 Vols., Murray, 1908; the Epistle to the Ephesians, Macmiilan, 1906; the Epistles of St. John, Third Edition, Macmillan, 1892.
WH = The N.T. in the original Greek, by B. F. Westcott and F. J. A. Hort. Vol. II, Introduction and Appendix. Macmillan, 1881.
WM = A Grammar of N.T. Greek, tr. from G. B. Winer's 7th Edition, with large additions, by W. P. Moulton. Third Edition. T. & T. Clark, 1882.
WS = Grammatik des neutestamentlichen Sprachidioms, von G. B. Winer, 8te Aufl. von P. W. Schmiedel. Göttingen, 1894.
Zorell = Novi Testamenti Lexicon Graecum (Cursus Scripturae Sacrae I, vii), auctore Fr, Zorell, S.J. Paris, 1911.

* A single asterisk at the beginning of an article denotes (as in Moulton And Geden's Concordance) that the word to which it is attached is not found in the LXX or other Greek Versions of the O.T. and Apocrypha.

** A double asterisk similarly affixed denotes that the word occurs either in the Apocrypha or in the later Greek Versions of the O.T., but not in the LXX Version of the Hebrew Canonical books, and therefore either has, as a rule, no (known) Hebrew equivalent, or else was used in a translation not known to the N.T. writers. The later Greek versions (Aq., etc.) are cited, as a rule, only when a word is not found in LXX.

* A single asterisk placed after a list of passages from the LXX signifies that the word occurs nowhere else in that Version.

† A dagger at the beginning of an article denotes that the word is not found in Greek writers of the classical period.

† A dagger at the close of an article signifies that all the instances of the word's occurrence in the N.T. have been cited.

An inferior numeral after a biblical book (e.g. III Macc 6) indicates the number of times a word occurs in that book.

[p. 1]



Α, α, ἄλφα (q.v.), τό, indecl.,

alpha, the first letter of the Greek alphabet. As a numeral, ά = 1, α = 1000. As a prefix, it appears to have at least two and perhaps three distinct senses:
1. ἀ- (before a vowel, ἀν-) negative, as in ἄ-γνωστος, ἄ-δικος.
2. ἀ-, ἁ- copulative, indicating community and fellowship, as in ἁ-πλοῦς, ἀ-κολουθέω, ἀ-δελφός.
3. An intensive force (LS, s. α), as in ἀ-τενίζω is sometimes assumed (but v. Boisacq, s.v.).

[NT: 5x] Ἀαρών (Heb. אַהֲרוֹן), indecl. (in FlJ, -ῶνος),

Aaron (Ex 4:14, al.): Lk 1:5, Ac 7:40, He 5:4, 7:11, 9:4.†

[NT: 1x] Ἀβαδδών (Heb. אֲבַדֹּון, destruction; LXX, ἀπώλεια, only in Wisdom Lit., of the place of the ruined dead: Jb 26:6, 28:22, 31:12, Ps 88:12, Pr 15:11*), indecl.;

in NT, Abaddon, the angel of the Abyss: Re 9:11.†

[NT: 1x] * αβαρής, -ές (< βαρός),

without weight; metaph. (MM, VGT, s.v.) not burdensome: II Co 11:9.†

[NT: 3x] Ἀββά (T, -ᾶ), indecl. (Aram, אַבָּא, emphatic form of אַב = Heb. אָב, father),

used in the phrase Ἀ. ὁ παήρ, Abba, Father (v. Swete on Mk, I.c.): Mk 14:36, Ro 8:15, Ga 4:6.†

[NT: 1x] Ἀβειληνή (T, Rec. Ἀβι-), -ῆς, ἡ, (sc. χώρα),

Abilene, a district in the Anti-Lebanon: Lk 3:1.†

[NT: 4x] Ἄβελ, (WH, Ἅ-), , indecl. (הֶבֶל),

Abel (Ge 4:2-10): He 11:4, 12:24; αἵμα Ἄ., Mt 23:35, Lk 11:51.†

[NT: 3x] Ἀβιά (Heb. אֲבִיָּה, אֲבִיָּהוּ), , indecl. (in FlJ, Ἀβίας, -α),

Abia, Abijah.
1. Son of Rehoboam (III Ki 14:1): Mt 1:7.
2. A priest of the line of Eleazar (I Ch 24:3, 10): Lk 1:5.

[NT: 1x] Ἀβιάθαρ, , indecl. (Heb. אֶבְיָתָר),

Abiathar (I Ki 21:1): Mk 2:26.†

[NT: 1x] Ἀβιληνή v.s. Ἀβειληνή.

[NT: 2x] Ἀβιούδ, , indecl. (Heb. אֲבִיָּהוּד),

Abiud, Abihud: Mt 1:13.†

[NT: 73x] Ἀβραάμ (Heb. אַבְרָהָם), , indecl. (in FlJ, Ἄβραμος, -ου; MM, VGT, s.v.),

Abraham (Ge 17:5 al.): Mt 1:1, 2 al.

[p. 2]

[NT: 9x] ἄ-βυσσος, -ον (Ion. βυσσός = βυθός),

1. in cl., boundless, bottomless (e.g. ἄ. πέλαγος, ἄ. πλοῦτος Æsch.).
2. [In LXX (for תְּהוֹם, Ge 1:2, al.; exc. Is 44:27, Jb 41:22 for צוּלָה, מְצוּלָה, Jb 36:16 for רַחַב) and] NT, as subst. (MM, VGT, s.v.), ἡ ἄ. (sc. χώρα), the abyss;
(a) of the sea (Ge 1:2);
(b) of the underworld, as the abode of the dead: Ro 10:7 (a paraphrase of De 30:13 LXX); as the abode of demons, Lk 8:31, Re 9:1, 2, 11, 11:7, 17:8, 20:1, 3 (Cremer, 2).

[NT: 2x] Ἄγαβος, -ου, ὁ

Agabus: Ac 11:28, 21:10.†

[NT: 2x] *† ἀγαθοεργέω, -ῶ,

to do good, show kindness: 1 Ti 6:18 (Cremer, 8).†

[NT: 9x] ἀγαθὀ-ποιέω, -ῶ (= cl. ἀγαθὸν ποιεῖν, εὐεργετεῖν), [in LXX: Nu 10:32, Jg 17:13 A, Ze 1:12 (יטב hi.), To 12:13 B, I Mac 11:33, II Mac 1:2 * ;]

to do good;
(a) univ.: I Pe 2:15, 20, 3:6, 17, III Jo 11;
(b) for another's benefit: Mk 3:4 (T, ἀγαθὸν ποιῆσαι), Lk 6:9;
(c) acc. pers., Lk 6:33, 35 (Cremer, 8).

[NT: 1x] *† ἀγαθοποιία, -ας, ἡ (< ἀγαθοποιός),

well-doing: I Pe 4:19.†

[NT: 1x] **† ἀγαθοποιός, -όν = cl. ἀγαθουργός, [in LXX, of a woman who deals pleasantly in order to corrupt, Si 42:14 * ;]

doing well, acting rightly (Plut.): I Pe 2:14 (Cremer, 8; MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 102x] ἀγαθός, -ή, -όν, [in LXX chiefly for טוֹב ;]

in general, good, in physical and in moral sense, used of persons, things, acts, conditions, etc., applied to that which is regarded as "perfect in its kind, so as to produce pleasure and satisfaction, . . . that which, in itself good, is also at once for the good and the advantage of him who comes in contact with it" (Cremer, 3): γῆ, Lk 8:8; δένδρον, Mt 7:18; καρδία, Lk 8:15; δόσις, Ja 1:17; μέρις, Lk 10:42; ἔργον (freq. in Pl.), Phl 1:6; ἐλπίς, II Th 2:16; θησαυρός, Mt 12:35; μνεία, I Th 3:6 (cf. II Mac 7:20); as subst., τὸ ἀ, that which is morally good, beneficial, acceptable to God, Ro 12:2; ἐργάζεσθαι τὸ ἀ, Ro 2:10, Eph 4:28; πράσσειν, Ro 9:11, II Co 5:10; διώκειν, I Th 5:15; μιμεῖσθαι, III Jo 11; κολλᾶσθαι τῷ ἀ, Ro 12:9; ερωτᾶν περὶ τοῦ ἀ., Mt 19:17; διάκονος εἰς τὸ ἀ., Ro 13:4; τὸ ἀ. σου, thy favour, benefit, Phm 14; pl., τὰ ἀ., of goods, possessions, Lk 12:18; of spiritual benefits, Ro 10:15, He 9:11, 10:1. is opp. to πονηρός, Mt 5:45, 20:5; κακός, Ro 7:19; φαῦλος, Ro 9:11, II Co 5:10 (cf. MM, VGT, s.v.).
SYN.: καλός, δίκαιος. κ. properly refers to goodliness as manifested in form: ἀ. to inner excellence (cf. the cl. καλὸς κἀγαθός and ἐν καρδία κ. καὶ ἀ., Lk 8:15). In Ro 5:7, where it is contrasted with δ., ἀ. implies a kindliness and attractiveness not necessarily possessed by the δίκαιος, who merely measures up to a high standard of rectitude (cf. ἀγαθωσύνη).

[NT: 1x] *† ἀγαθουργέω, -ῶ, contracted form (rare, v. WH, App., 145) of ἀγαθοερ- (q.v.),

to do good: Ac 14:17.†

[NT: 4x] ἀγαθωσύνη (on the termination, v.s. ἁγιότης, and cf . WH, App., 152; MM, VGT, s.v.), -ης, ἡ (< ἀγαθός), [in LXX for טוֹבָה, טוֹב, טוּב, only in Heb. bks. ;]

goodness (representing "the kindlier, as δικαιοσύνη, the sterner element in the ideal character," AE, Eph., 5:9; on its relation to χρηστότης, v. Tr., Syn., §lxiii): Ro 15:14, Ga 5:22, II Th 1:11.†

[NT: 5x] ἀγαλλίασις, -εως, ἡ (< ἀγαλλιάω), [in LXX (most freq. in Pss. and [p. 3] often coupled with εὐφροσύνη, as Ps 44(45):15) chiefly for גִּיל ;]

exultation, exuberant joy: Lk 1:44, Ac 2:46, He 1:9, Ju 24; χαρὰ καὶ ἀ., Lk 1:14 (Cremer, 592).†

[NT: 11x] ἀγαλλιάω, -ῶ, Hellenistic form of cl. ἀγάλλω, to glorify, mid. -ομαι, to exult in; [in LXX (most freq. in Pss.) chiefly for גיל, רנן pi. ;]

to exult, rejoice greatly: seq. ἐπί, c. dat., Lk 1:47; c. dat. mod., I Pe 1:8, Re 19:7. Mid., with same sense: Mt 5:12, Lk 10:21, Ac 2:26, 16:34, I Pe 4:13; seq. ἵνα, Jo 8:56; ἐν, Jo 5:35 (1 aor. pass. perh. as mid.; but v. Mozley, Psalter, 5), I Pe 1:6 (Cremer, 590).†

[NT: 4x] ** ἄ-γαμος, -ον [in LXX: IV Mac 16:9 * ;]

unmarried: I Co 7:8, 32; fem. (= cl. ἄνανδρος), ib. 11, 34.†

[NT: 7x] ** ἀγανακτέω, -ῶ (<ἄγαν, much, ἄχομαι, to grieve), [in LXX: Wi 5:22, 12:27, Da TH Bel 28, IV Mac 4:21 * ;]

to be indignant: Mt 21:15, 26:8, Mk 10:14, 14:4; seq. περί, Mt 20:24, Mk 10:41; seq. ὅτι, Lk 13:14 (v. MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 1x] ** ἀγανάκτησις, -εως, ἡ (< ἀγανακτέω), [in LXX: Es 18:3 א 1 * ;]

indignation: II Co 7:11 (v. MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 143x] ἀγαπάω, -ῶ, [in LXX chiefly for אהב ;]

to love, to feel and exhibit esteem and goodwill to a person, to prize and delight in a thing.
1. Of human affection, to men: τ. πλησίον, Mt 5:43; τ. ἐχθρούς, ib. 44; to Christ, Jo 8:42; to God, Mt 22:37; c. acc. rei, Lk 11:43, Jo 12:43, Eph 5:25, II Tim 4:8, 10, He 1:9, I Pe 2:17, 3:10, II Pe 2:15, I Jo 2:15, Re 12:11.
2. Of divine love;
(a) God's love: to men, Ro 8:37; to Christ, Jo 3:35;
(b) Christ's love: to men, Mk 10:21; to God, Jo 14:31; c. cogn. acc., Jo 17:26, Eph 2:4.
SYN.: φιλέω. From its supposed etymology (Thayer, LS; but v. also Boisacq) ἀ. is commonly understood properly to denote love based on esteem (diligo), as distinct from that expressed by φιλέω (amo), spontaneous natural affection, emotional and unreasoning. If this distinction holds, ἀ. is fitly used in NT of Christian love to God and man, the spiritual affection which follows the direction of the will, and which, therefore, unlike that feeling which is instinctive and unreasoned, can be commanded as a duty. (Cf. ἀγάπη, and v. Tr., Syn. §xii; Cremer, 9, 592; and esp. MM, VGT, s.v.)

[NT: 116x] ἀγάπη, -ης, ἡ [in LXX for אַהֲבָה, which is also rendered by ἀγάπησις and φιλία ;]

love, goodwill, esteem. Outside of bibl. and eccl. books, there is no clear instance (with Deiss., LAE, 18:4, 70:2, cf. the same writer in Constr. Quar., ii, 4; and with MM, VGT, s.v., cf. Dr. Moulton in Exp. Times, xxvi, 3, 139). In NT, like ἀγαπάω, -ῶ,
1. Of men's love:
(a) to one another, Jo 13:35;
(b) to God, I Jo 2:5.
2. Of divine love;
(a) God's love: to men, Ro 5:8; to Christ, Jo 17:26;
(b) Christ's love to men: Ro 8:35.
3. In pl., love feasts: Ju 12 (DB, iii, 157).
SYN.: φιλία. ἀ., signifying properly (v.s. ἀγαπάω) love which chooses its object, is taken over from LXX, where its connotation is more general, into NT, and there used exclusively to express that spiritual bond of love between God and man and between man and man, in Christ, which is characteristic of Christianity. It is thus [p. 4] distinct from φιλία, friendship (Ja 4:4 only), στοργή, natural affection (in NT only in compounds, v.s. ἄστοργος) and ἔρως, sexual love, which is not used in NT, its place being taken by ἐπιθυμία. (Cf. ἀγαπάω; and v. Abbott, Essays, 70f.; DB, vol. i., 555; Cremer, 13, 593; MM, VGT, s.v.).

[NT: 61x] ἀγαπητός, -ή, -όν (< ἀγαπάω), [in LXX chiefly for יָתִיד, יָדִיד ;]

beloved (v. M, Pr., 221);
(a) by God: of Christ, Mt 3:17; of men, Ro 1:7;
(b) by Christians, of one another: I Co 4:14; freq. as form of address, ib. 10:14; opp. to ἐχθρός, Ro 11:28 (v. AR, Eph., 229; Cremer, 17; MM, VGT, s.v.).

[NT: 2x] Ἅγαρ (Rec. Ἄ-), , indecl. (in FlJ, Ἀγάρα, -ης, Heb. הָגָר),

Hagar (Ge 16): Ga 4:24,25.†

[NT: 3x] * ἀγγαρεύω (from the Persian; cf. Vg. angiare, and the Heb. אִגֶרֶת; on the orthogr., v. Bl., §6, 1; M, Pr., 46),

to impress into public service, employ a courier; hence, to compel to perform a service (prob. common in the vernac.; cf. Deiss., BS, 86f., MM, Exp., iv; VGT, s.v.): Mt 5:41, 27:32, Mk 15:21.†

[NT: 1x] ἀγγεῖον, -ου, τό (< ἄγγος), [in LXX chiefly for כְּלִי ;]

a vessel (v. MM, VGT, s.v.): Mt 25:4.†

[NT: 2x] ἀγγελία, -ας, ἡ (< ἄγγελος), [in LXX chiefly for שְׁמוּעָה ;]

a message: I Jo 1:5, 3:11 (Cremer, 18; MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 2x] ἀγγέλλω (ἄγγελος), [in LXX for נגד hi. ;]

to announce, report: Jo 4:51 (WHR omit), 20:18 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 176x] ἄγγελος, -ου, ὁ, [in LXX chiefly for מַלְאָךְ ;]

1. a messenger, one sent: Mt 11:10, Ja 22:25.
2. As in LXX, in the special sense of angel, a spiritual, heavenly being, attendant upon God and employed as his messenger to men, to make known his purposes, as Lk 1:11, or to execute them, as Mt 4:6. The ἄ. in Re 1:20-2:1, al., is variously understood as
(1) a messenger or delegate,
(2) a bishop or ruler,
(3) a guardian angel,
(4) the prevailing spirit of each church, i.e. the Church itself. (Cf. Swete, Ap)., in l.; DB, iv, 991; Thayer, s.v.; Cremer, 18; MM, VGT, s.v.)

[NT: 1x] ἄγγος, -εος, τό, [in LXX for כְּלִי, כְּלוּב ;]

a vessel: Mt 13:48.†

[NT: 2x] ἄγε, prop. imperat. of ἄγω,

come! used as adv. and addressed, like φέρε, to one or more persons: Ja 4:13, 5:1.†

[NT: 7x] ἀγέλη, -ης, ἡ (< ἄγω), [in LXX chiefly for עֵ֫דֶר ;]

a herd: Mt 8:30-32, Mk 5:11, 13, Lk 8:32,33.†

[NT: 1x] *† ἀγενεαλόγητος, -ον (< γενεαλογέω),

without genealogy, i.e. without recorded pedigree (cf. Ne 7:64): He 7:3 (Cremer, 152; MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 1x] ἀγενής, -ές (< γένος),

1. unborn (Plat.);
2. of no family, ignoble, base (opp. to ἀγαθός, Soph., Fr., 105): opp. to εὐγενής, I Co 1:28 (for exx. from π., v. MM, VGT, s.v.).

[NT: 28x] ἁγιάζω, Hellenistic form of ἁγίζω (< ἅγιος),

to make holy, consecrate, sanctify; [in LXX chiefly for קדשׁ pi., hi. ;]
1. to dedicate, separate, [p. 5] set apart for God; of things: Mt 23:17,19, II Ti 2:21; of persons: Christ, Jo 10:36, 17:19.
2. to purify, make conformable in character to such dedication: forensically, to free from guilt, I Co 6:11, Eph 5:26, He 2:11, 10:10, 14, 29, 13:12; internally, by actual sanctification of life, Jo 17:17, 19, Ac 20:32, 26:18, Ro 15:16, I Co 1:2, 7:14, I Th 5:23, Re 22:11; of a nonbeliever influenced by marriage with a Christian, I Co 7:14.
3. In the intermediate sense of ceremonial or levitical purification:
(a) of things, II Ti 2:21;
(b) of persons, He 9:13.
4. to treat as holy: Mt 6:9, Lk 11:2, I Pe 3:16 (Cremer, 53, 602; MM, VGT, s.v.).

[NT: 10x] ἁγιασμός, -οῦ, ὁ (< ἁγιάζω), [in LXX: Ez 45:4 (מִקְדָּשׁ), Si 7:31, etc. ;]

as an active verbal noun in -μός, it signifies properly the process τὸ ἁγιάζειν, rather than the resultant state, ἁγιωσύνη, hence,
1. consecration;
2. sanctification: so strictly in Ro 6:19,22 (but v. Meyer), I Co 1:30, I Th 4:3,7, II Th 2:13, He 12:14, I Pe 1:2. Elsewhere it perhaps (Ellic.; but v. Milligan, Th., 48) inclines to the resultant state: I Th 4:4, I Ti 2:15 (Cremer, 55, 602).

[NT: 233x] ἅγιος, -α, ον (< τό ἅγός, religious awe; ἅζω, to venerate), [in LXX chiefly for קֹ֫דֶשׁ ;]

primarily, dedicated to the gods, sacred (Hdt.; rare in Att., never in Hom., Hes. and Trag., who use ἁγνός), hence, holy, characteristic of God, separated to God, worthy of veneration.
1. Its highest application is to God himself, in his purity, majesty, and glory: Lk 1:49, Jo 17:11, Re 4:8. Hence
(a) of things and places which have a claim to reverence as sacred to God, e.g. the Temple: Mt 24:15, He 9:1;
(b) of persons employed by him, as angels: I Th 3:13; prophets, Lk 1:70; apostles, Eph 3:5.
2. Applied to persons as separated to God's service:
(a) of Christ, Mk 1:24, Jo 6:69, Ac 4:30;
(b) of Christians, Ac 9:13, Ro 1:7, He 6:10, Re 5:8.
3. In the moral sense of sharing God's purity: Mk 6:20, Jo 17:11, Ac 3:14, Re 3:7.
4. Of pure, clean sacrifices and offerings: I Co 7:14, Eph 1:4.
SYN.: ἁγνός, pure, both in ceremonial and spiritual sense; ἱερός (sacer), sacred, that which is inviolable because of its (external) relation to God; ὅσιος (sanctus as opp. to nefas), that which is based on everlasting ordinances of right. (Cf. Tr., Syn., §lxxxviii; DB, ii, 399 f.; Cremer, 34, 594-601; MM, VGT, s.v.)

[NT: 1x] **† ἁγιότης, -ητος, ἡ (< ἅγιος), [in LXX: II Mac 15:2 * ;]

sanctity, holiness, regarded, properly, as an abstract quality (v. next word, and cf. Lft. Notes, 49; MM, VGT, s.v.): II Co 1:12, He 12:10.†

[NT: 3x] ἁγιωσύνη (cf. ἀγαθωσύνη), -ης, ἡ (< ἅγιος), [in LXX: Ps 29 (30):4 96(97):12 (קֹדֶשׁ), 95(96):6 (עֹז), 144(145):5 (הוֹד), II Mac 3:12 * ;]

holiness, the state in man resulting from ἁγιασμός, q.v.: Ro 1:4, II Co 7:1, I Th 3:13 (Cremer, 52; MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 1x] ἀγκάλη,-ης, ἡ (< ἄγκος, a bend), [in LXX for אַצִּיל, חֵיק ;]

the bent arm: Lk 2:28 (cf. ἐναγκαλίζομαι).†

[NT: 1x] ἄγκιστρον, -ου, τό (< ἄγκος, a bend), [in LXX חַכָּה, etc. ;]

a fish-hook: Mt 17:27.†

[p. 6]

[NT: 4x] ** ἄγκυρα, -ας, ἡ (< ἄγκος, a bend), [in Sm.: Je 52:18 * ;]

an anchor: Ac 27:29, 30 40 ; fig. (MM, VGT, s.v.), He 6:19.†

[NT: 2x] *† ἄγναφος, -ον (= ἄγναπτος, < γνάπτω, late form of κνάπτω, to card wool),

uncarded, undressed, i.e. new (MM, VGT, s.v.): Mt 92:6, Mk 2:21.†

[NT: 2x] ἁγνεία (WH, ἁγνία), [in LXX for טָהֳרָה, נָזִיר, נֶזֶר, etc. ;]

purity: I Ti 4:12, 5:2 (Cremer, 58. For exx. of ceremonial use in π., v. MM, Exp., iv).†

[NT: 7x] ἁγνίζω (> ἁγνός), [in LXX always ceremonially, chiefly for קָדַשׁ ;]

to purify, cleanse from defilement;
(a) ceremonially: Jo 11:55, Ac 21:24, 26 24:18;
(b) morally: Ja 4:8, I Pe 1:22, I Jo 3:3.
SYN.: καθαρίζω, q.v. (and v.s. ἁγνός).

[NT: 1x] ἁγνισμός, -οῦ, ὁ (> ἁγνίζω), [in LXX: Nu 6:5 (נֵזֶר) 8:7 19:17 (חַטָּאָה), etc. ;]

purification: in ceremonial sense, Ac 21:26 (LXX).†

[NT: 22x] ἀγνοέω, -ῶ (> ἁγνίζω), [in LXX for שָׁגָה, שָׁגַג, אָשַׁם, etc. ;]

1. to be ignorant, not to know: absol., Ι Ti 1:13, He 5:2; c. acc., Ac 13:27 17:23, Ro 10:3, II Co 2:11; ἐν οἷς, II Pe 2:12; seq. ὅτι, Ro 2:4 6:3 7:1, I Co 14:38; οὐ θέλω ὑμᾶς ἀγνοεῖν, a Pauline phrase: c. acc., Ro 11:25; seq. ὑπέρ, II Co 1:8; περί, I Co 12:1, I Th 4:13. ὅτι, Ro 1:13, I Co 10:1 (for similar usage in π., V. MM, VGT, s.v.). Pass.: I Co 14:38, II Co 6:9, Ga 1:22.
2. not to understand: c. acc., Mk 9:32, Lk 9:45.

[NT: 1x] ἀγνόημα, -τός, τό (< ἀγνοέω), [in LXX: Ge 43:12 (מִשְׁגֶּה), To 3:3, Jth 5:20, Si 23:2 51:19, I Mac 13:39 * ;]

a sin of ignorance (so in π.; v. MM, VGT, s.v.): He 9:7.†

[NT: 4x] ἄγνοια, -ας, ἡ (< ἀγνοέω), [in LXX chiefly for אָשָׁם, שְׁגָגָה ;]

ignorance : Ac 3:17 17:30, Eph 4:18 (with sense of wilful blindness; cf. MM, VGT, s.v.), I Pe 1:14.†

[NT: 10x] ἁγνός, -ή, -όν (< ἅγος, v.s. ἅγιος), [in LXX chiefly for טָהוֹר (Pss, and Pr. only), also II Mac 13:8, IV Mac 18:7, al. ;]

1. free from ceremonial defilement , in a condition prepared for worship (for exx. of pagan usage, V. MM, VGT, s.v.).
2. holy, sacred, venerable (II Mac, l.c.).
3. As in OT (cl.), pure, chaste, undefiled, guiltless;
(a) of persons: II Co 7:11 11:12, I Ti 5:22, Tit 2:5, I Jo 3:3;
(b) of things: Phl 4:8, Ja 3:17, I Pe 3:2.
SYN.: εἰλικρινής (q.v.), pure, primarily as winnowed, purged, first found in ethical sense in NT (sincere). On the equivalence of ἁ. and καθαρός (q.v.), v. DCG, ii, 459a though Westc. (Epp. Jo., 101) notes a distinction between them.

[NT: 2x] ἁγνότης, -τητος, ἡ (< ἁγνός),

purity, chastity (cf. ἁγιότης): II Co 6:6 11:3.†

[NT: 1x] * ἁγνῶς (< ἁγνός), adv.,

purely, with pure motives: Phl 1:17.†

[NT: 2x] ἀγνωσία, -ας, ἡ (< γινώσκω), [in LXX: Jb 35:16 (בִּבְלִי־דַּעַת), Wi 13:1, III Mac 5:27 * ;]

ignorance (opp. to γνῶσις): I Co 15:34, I Pe 2:15 (v. Hort in l.; MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 1x] ** ἄγνωστος, -ον (< γινώσκω), [in LXX: Wi 11:18 18:3, II Mac 1:19 2:7 (Cremer, 157) * ;]

unknown: Ac 17:23 (cf. MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[p. 7]

[NT: 11x] ἀγορά, -ας, ἡ (< ἀγείρω, to bring together) [in LXX for עִזָּבוֹן, שׁוּק ;]

1. an assembly (Hom., Xen., al.).
2. a place of assembly, a public place or forum, a market-place (Hom., Thuc, al.; LXX): Mt 11:16 20:2 23:7, Mk 6:56 (cf . MM, VGT, s.v., ἀγυιά) 7:4 (Bl., §46, 7) 12:38, Lk 7:32 (Bl., l.c.) 11:43 20:46, Ac 16:19 17:7 (Cremer, 59; MM, VGT, s.v.).

[NT: 30x] ἀγοράζω (< ἀγορά), [in LXX chiefly for שׁבר, קנה ;]

1. to frequent the ἀγορά (Hdt., al.).
2. to buy in the market, purchase (Xen., al.; LXX; in π. very common in deeds of sale, v. MM, VGT, s.v.): absol., Mt 21:12, Mk 11:15; c. acc. rei, Mt 13:44, 46, al.; seq. παρά, c. gen. pers., Re 3:18 (LXX, Polyb.); ἐκ, Mt 27:7; c. gen. pret., Mk 6:37, al.; metaph., I Co 6:20 7:23, II Pe 2:1, Re 5:9 14:3, 4.

[NT: 2x] * ἀγοραῖος, -ον (< ἀγορά),

1. frequenting the ἀγορά , a lounger in the ἀγορά (Xen., al.): Ac 17:5.
2. In late writers (Strab., al.), proper to the ἀγορά : ἀγοραῖοι (sc. ἥμεραι) ἀγονται (cf. Lat. conventus agere), court-days are kept, Ac 19:38 (for exx. of both usages, v. MM, VGT, s.v.).

[NT: 2x] * ἄγρα, -ας, ἡ (< ἄγω),

1. the chase, a hunting or catching: Lk 5:4.
2. that which is taken, a catch: of fish, Lk 5:9.

[NT: 1x] * ἀγραυλέω, -ῶ (< ἀγραυλος, dwelling in the field; < ἀγρός, αὐλή),

to live in the fields: Lk 2:8.†

[NT: 1x] ἀγρεύω (ἄγρα), [in LXX: Jb 10:16, Pr 5:22 6:25,26, Ho 5:2 (לקח ni., שׁחט, etc.)* ;]

to catch or take by hunting or fishing; metaph., Mk 12:13.†

[NT: 2x] * ἀγρι-έλαιος, -ον

1. of the wild olive (Anth.).
2. As subst., the wild olive: Ro 11:17, 24 (CGT, in 1.; MM, VGT, s.v.).

[NT: 3x] ἄγριος, -α, -ον (< ἀγρός), [in LXX for שָׂדֶה, etc. ;]

1. living in fields, wild: μέλι. Mt 3:4, Mk 1:6.
2. savage, fierce: Ju 13. (Cf. usage in π. of a malignant wound; MM, VGT, s.v.)

[NT: 11x] Ἀγρίππας, (Bl., §7, 2),

Agrippa (II): Ac 25:13, 22, 23, 24, 26 26:1, 2, 19, 27, 28, 32. (For Agrippa I, v.s. Ἡρῴδης, 3.) †

[NT: 37x] ἀγρός, -οῦ, ὁ, [in LXX chiefly for שָׂדֶה ];

1. a field: Mt 6:28, al.
2. the country: Mk 15:21, al.; pl., country places, farms: Mk 5:14 6:36 56, Lk 8:34 9:12.
3. = χωρίον a piece of ground: Mk 10:29, Ac 4:27, al. (On the occurrence of this word as compared with χώρα, χωρίον v. MM, VGT, s.v.)

[NT: 4x] ἀγρυπνέω, -ῶ (< ἄγρυπνος, seeking sleep ; < ἀγρεύω, ὕπνος), [in LXX chiefly for שׁקד ;]

to be sleepless, wakeful (Theogn., Xen., al.); metaph. (LXX) = cl. ἐγρήγορα, to be watchful, vigilant: Mk 13:33, Lk 21:36, Eph 6:18, He 13:17.†
SYN.: γρηγορέω, q.v.; νήφω, associated with γ. in I Pe 5:8, expressing a wariness which results from self-control, a condition of moral, not merely mental alertness (v. M, Th., I, 5:6).

[NT: 2x] ** ἀγρυπνία, -ας, ἡ (v. supr.), [in LXX: Si 9, II Mac 2:26 * ;]

sleeplessness, watching: II Co 6:5 11:27. (Plat., Hdt.; for exx. in π., v. MM, VGT, s.v.) †

[p. 8]

ἀγυιά, v.s. ἀγορά, [in LXX: III Mac 1:20 4:3 *].

[NT: 67x] ἄγω, [in LXX for בּוא hi., לקח, נהג, etc. ;]

1. to lead, bring, carry: c. ace, seq. ἐπί, εἰς, ἕως, πρός and simple dat.; metaph., to lead, guide, impel: Jo 10:16 Ro 2:4, He 2:10, II Ti 3:6, al.
2. to spend or keep a day: Lk 24:21, Ac 19:38
3. Intrans., to go: subjunc., ἄγωμεν, Mt 2:46, al. (Cramer, 61; MM, VGT, s.v.).

[NT: 1x] ἀγωγή, -ῆς, ἡ (< ἄγω), [in LXX: Es 2:20 10:3, II Mac 4:16 6:8 11:24, III Mac 4:10 * ;]

1. a carrying away.
2. a leading, guiding; metaph., training; hence, from the expression ἀ. τοῦ βίου, absol., conduct, way of life: II Ti 3:10 (Cremer, 61; MM, VGT, s.v.).

[NT: 6x] ἀγών, -ῶνος, ὁ (< ἄγω), [in LXX: Is 7:13 (לאה), Es 4:17, Wi 4:2 10:12, II Mac 6, IV Mac 5 * ;]

1. a gathering, esp. for games.
2. a place of assembly.
3. a contest, struggle, trial; metaph. (MM, VGT, s.v.),
(a) of the Christian life as a contest and struggle: Phl 1:30, I Th 2:2, I Ti 6:12, II Ti 4:7 He 12:1;
(b) solicitude, anxiety: Col 2:1.

[NT: 1x] ** ἀγωνία, -ας, ἡ (< ἀγών), [in LXX: II Mac 3:14,16 15:19 * ;]

1. a contest, wrestling (Eur., Xen.).
2. Of the mind, great fear, agony, anguish (Dem., Arist.): Lk 22:44 (cf . Field, Notes, 77 f. ; Abbott, Essays, 101 f. ; MM, VGT, s.v.).

[NT: 8x] ἀγωνίζομαι (< ἀγών), [in LXX: Da TH 6:14 (שׂוּם בָּל), Si 4:28, I, II, IV Mac 5 * ;]

1. to contend for a prize: I Co 9:25,
2. to fight, struggle, strive: Jo 18:36; metaph. (MM, VGT, s.v.). Col 1:29 4:12, I Ti 4:10 6:12, II Ti 4:7; c. inf. (Field, Notes, 66), Lk 13:24 (Cremer, 609)

[NT: 9x] Ἀδάμ, indecl. (Heb. אָדָם),

Adam: Lk 3:38, Ro 5:14, I Co 15:22,45, I Ti 2:13,14 Ju 14. Christ ὁ ἔσχατος Ἀ., I Co 15:45.†

[NT: 1x] * ἀδάπανος, -ον (< δαπάνη),

without expense, free of charge: I Co 9:18.†

[NT: 1x] Ἀδδεί (Rec. Ἀδδί), ,

Addei: Lk 3:28.†

[NT: 26x] ἀδελφή, -ῆς, ἡ (< ἀδελφός), [in LXX for אָהוֹת ;]

a sister: Mt 19:29, al.; metaph. (MM, VGT, s.v.), of a member of the Christian community: Ro 16:1, I Co 7:15 Ja 21:15, al.

[NT: 343x] ἀδελφός, -οῦ, ὁ (< ἀ- copul., δελφύς, womb),

in cl., a brother, born of the same parent or parents. [In LXX (Hort, Ja., 102f.), for אָח ;]
1. lit. of a brother (Ge 4:2, al.).
2. Of a neighbour (Le 19:17).
3. Of a member of the same nation (Ex 2:14, De 15:3). In NT in each of these senses (1. Mt 1:2, al.; 2. Mt 7:3; 3. Ro 9:3) and also,
4. of a fellow-Christian: I Co 1:1, Ac 9:30. This usage finds illustration in π., where ἀ. is used of members of a pagan religious community (M, Th., I, 1:4; MM, VGT, s.v.). The ἀδελφοὶ τ. Κυρίου (Mt 12:46-49 13:55 28:10, Mk 3:31-34, Lk 8:19-21, Jo 2:12 7:3, 5 10 20:17, Ac 1:14, I Co 9:5) may have been sons of Joseph and Mary (Mayor, Ja., Intr. viff.; DB, i, 320ff.) or of Joseph by a former marriage (Lft., Gal., 252ff.; DCG, i, 232ff.), but the view of Jerome, which makes ἀ. equivalent to ἀνεψιός, is inconsistent with Greek usage. (Cremer, 66.)

[NT: 2x] **† ἀδελφότης, -ητος, ἡ (< ἀδελφός), [in LXX: I Mac 12:10,17, IV Mac 5 * ;]

1. abstract, brotherhood, brotherly affection (LXX).
2. Concrete, the brotherhood, the Christian community: I Pe 2:17 5:9 (MM, VGT, s.v.).

[p. 9]

[NT: 2x] ἄ-δηλος, -ον (< δῆλος), [in LXX: Ps 50 (51):6 (בַּטֻחוֹת) ;]

1. unseen, unobserved, not manifest (Ps, l.c.): Lk 11:44.
2. uncertain, indistinct: I Co 14:8.

[NT: 1x] *† ἀδηλότης, -ητος, ἡ (< ἄδηλος),

uncertainty: I Ti 6:17.†

[NT: 1x] * ἀδήλως (< ἄδηλος),

adv. uncertainly: of direction, I Co 9:26.†

[NT: 3x] ** ἀδημονέω, -ῶ (on the derivation, v. MM, VGT, s.v.), [in Aq.: Jb 18:20; Sm.: Ps 60 (61):3 115:2 (116:11), Ec 7:17(16), Ez 3:15 * ;]

to be troubled, distressed (MM, l.c.): Mt 26:37, Mk 14:33, Phl 2:26.†

[NT: 10x] ᾅδης, -ου, ὁ [in LXX ehiefly for שְׁאוֹל, also for דּוּמָה, מָוֶת, etc. ;]

1. in Hom., Hades (Pluto), the god of the underworld.
2. the abode of Hades, the underivorld; in NT, the abode of departed spirits, Hades: ἐν τ. ᾅ., Lk 16:23; εἰς ᾅ., Ac 2:27,31; πύλαι ᾅδου, Mt 16:18; κλεῖς τοῦ ᾅ., Re 1:18; metaph., ἕως ᾅ., Mt 11:23, Lk 10:15; personified, Re 6:8 20:13,14 (Cremer, 67, 610; MM, VGT, s.v.).

[NT: 1x] ἀ-διά-κριτος, -ον (< διακρίνω), [in LXX: Pr 25:1 * ;]

1. not to be parted, mixed, undistinguishable (cf. Pr, l.c., and v. Lft., Ignat. Eph., §3).
2. without uncertainty (Hort, in l., but v. MM, VGT, s.v.): Ja 3:17.

[NT: 2x] *† ἀδιάλειπτος, -ον (< διαλείπω),

unremitting, incessant: Ro 9:2, II Ti 1:3. (For exx., v. MM, VGT, s.v.) †

[NT: 4x] **† ἀδιαλείπτως (v. supr.), adv., [in LXX: I Mac 12:11, II Mac 4, III Mac 6:33 * ;]

unremittingly, incessantly: Ro 1:9, I Th 1:3 2:13 5:17.†

[NT: 28x] ἀδικέω, -ῶ (< ἄδικος), [in LXX for עשׁק, עוה, etc. ;]

1. intrans., to be ἄδικος, do wrong, act wickedly or criminally: Ac 25:11, I Co 6:8, II Co 7:12, Col 3:25, Re 22:11; to do hurt, Re 9:19.
2. Trans.
(a) to do some wrong: ὃ ἠδίκησεν, Col 3:25; to wrong some one, Mt 20:13, Ac 7:26, 27 25:10, II Co 7:2, Ga 4:12, Phm 18, II Pe 2:13; pass., Ac 7:24, II Co 7:12; mid., I Co 6:7 (suffer . . . to be wronged; WM, §38, 3; but v. Bl., §54, 5; and cf. ἀποστερέω);
(b) to injure, hurt: Lk 10:19 Re 2:11 6:6 7:2, 3 9:4,10 11:5.

[NT: 3x] ἀδίκημα, -τος, τό (< ἀδικέω), [in LXX for עָוֹן, פֶּשַׁע, etc. ;]

a wrong, injury, misdeed (MM, VGT, s.v.): Ac 18:14 24:20, Re 18:5.†

[NT: 25x] ἀδικία, -ας, ἡ (< ἄδικος), [in LXX for עָוֹן, פֶּשַׁע, עָוֶל, etc. ;]

1. injustice: Lk 18:6, Ro 9:14.
2. unrighteousness, iniquity: Jo 7:18, Ac 8:23, Ro 1:18, 29 2:8 6:13, II Ti 2:19, I Jo 1:9 5:17; opp. to ἀλήθεια, I Co 13:6, II Th 2:12; to δικαιοσύνη ], Ro 3:5; ἀπάτη τῆς ἀ., II Th 2:10; μισθὸς ἀδικίας, Ac 1:18, II Pe 2:13,15; ἐγράται τῆς ἀ., Lk 13:27; μαμωνᾶς τῆς ἀ., Lk 16:9; κόσμος τῆς ἀ., Ja 3:6; οἰκονόμος τῆς ἀ., Lk 16:8.
3. = ἀδίκημα, an unrighteous act: ironically, a favour, II Co 12:13; pl., He 8:12 (Cremer, 261; MM, VGT, s.v.).

[NT: 12x] ἄδικος, -ον (< δίκη), [in LXX for שׁקר, עול, etc. ;]

1. unjust: Ro 3:5, He 6:10.
2. unrighteous, wicked: Lk 16:11 18:11, Ac 24:15, I Co 6:1,9 I Pe 3:18; opp. to δίκαιος, Mt 5:45; to εὐσεβής, II Pe 2:9; to πιστός, Lk 16:10 (Cremer, 200).

[NT: 1x] ἀδίκως, adv. (< ἄδικος), [in LXX for שׁקר, עול, etc. ;]

unjustly, undeservedly: I Pe 2:19.†

[NT: 1x] Ἀδμείν (WH, mg., Ἀδάμ), 6, indecl.,

Admin.: Lk 3:33.†

[p. 10]

[NT: 8x] ἀ-δόκιμος, -ον, [in LXX: Pr 25:4, Is 1:22 (סִיג) * ;]

1. of things (prop. of metals: LXX, ll. c.), not standing the test, rejected: γῆ, He 6:8.
2. Of persons, rejected after testing, reprobate: Ro 1:28, I Co 9:27, II Co 13:5-7, II Ti 3:8, Tit 1:16 (Cremer, 212).

[NT: 1x] * ἄδολος, -ον,

1. guileless (Pind., Thuc).
2. Of liquids (Æsch., Eur., and late prose writers), genuine, pure (in π. and in MGr. of wine, also of corn: MM, VGT, s.v.; Milligan, NTD, 77): of milk, metaph., I Pe 2:2.
SYN.: ἀκέραιος (q.v.), ἄκακος, ἁπλοῦς.

[NT: 1x] Ἁδραμυντηνός (T, Rec. Ἀδραμυττηνός), -ή,-όν,

of Adramyttium, a seaport of Mysia: Ac 27:2.†

[NT: 1x] Ἁδρίας (T, Rec. Ἀδρίας), -ου, ὁ,

the Adriatic sea, in later Greek usage extended to take in all the waters between Greece and Italy: Ac 27:27.†

[NT: 1x] * ἁδρότης, -τος, ἡ (< ἁδρός, thick, well-grown),

1. thickness, vigour.
2. abundance, bounty: II Co 8:20.

[NT: 2x] ἀδυνατέω, -ῶ (< ἀδύνατος), [in LXX: De 17:8, Za 8:6 (פּלא ni.), Jb 42:2 (בּצר ni.), al. ;]

1. [Abbott-Smith omits this number] to be unable (cl., Philo; π., v. MM, VGT, s.v.).
2. In LXX and NT (Kennedy, Sources, 124; Hatch, Essays, 4; Field, Notes, 46 f.), to be impossible: Mt 17:20, Lk 1:37.

[NT: 10x] ἀ-δύνατος, -ον, [in LXX for אֶבְיוֹן, דַּל, etc. ;]

1. of persons, unable, powerless: Ac 14:8; fig. Ro 15:1 (MM, VGT, s.v.).
2. Of things, impossible: Mt 19:26, Mk 10:27, Lk 18:27, Ro 8:3, He 6:4,18 10:4 11:6.

[NT: 5x] ᾄδω (Attic form of Ion. and poët. ἀείδω), [in LXX chiefly for שִׁיר ;]

to sing,
(a) intrans., c. dat. (MM, VGT, s.v.), of praise to God: Eph 5:19, Col 3:16 ;
(b) trans., c. cogn. acc.: ᾠδὴν, Re 5:9 14:3 15:3.

[NT: 7x] ἀεί, adv., [in LXX: Is 42:14 (מֵעוֹלָם) 51:13 (תָּמִיד), Ps 94(95):10, al. ;]

1. of continuous time, unceasingly, perpetually: Ac 7:51, 2 Co 4:11 6:10, Tit 1:12, He 3:10.
2. Of successive occurrences, on every occasion (MM, VGT, s.v.): I Pe 3:15, II Pe 1:12.

[NT: 10x] ἀετός, -οῦ, ὁ, [in LXX for נֶשֶׁר ;]

an eagle: Re 4:7 8:13 (Rec. ἀγγέλου) 12:14. Where carrion is referred to, ἀ. is probably a vulture (cf. Jb 39:30, Pr 30:17): Mt 24:28, Lk 17:37 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 9x] ἄζυμος, -ον (< ζύμη), [in LXX for מָצָּה; τὰ ἄ. (sc. λάγανα, cakes) = הַמָצָּה ;]

unleavened: ἡ ἑορτὴ τῶν ἄ. (הַג הַמָצָּה), the paschal feast (also called τὰ ἄ., Mk 14:1), Lk 22:1; ἡμέρα τῶν ἄ., Mt 26:17, Mk 14:12, Lk 22:7; ἡμέραι, Ac 12:3 20:6. Fig., of Christians, free from corruption: I Co 5:7; exhorted to keep festival, ἐν ἀζύμοις (sc. ἄρτοις, λάγανοις, or, indefinitely, "unleavened elements"), ib. 8 (Cremer, 724).†

[NT: 2x] Ἀζώρ, ὁ, indecl.,

Azor: Mt 1:13,14.†

[NT: 1x] Ἄζωτος, -ου, ἡ (Heb., אַשְׁדּוֹד),

Azotus, a Philistine city: Ac 8:40.†

[NT: 1x] ἀηδία, -ας, ἡ (< ἀ- neg., ἦδος, pleasure), [in LXX: Pr 2329 (שִׂיחַ)* ;]

1. of things or persons, unpleasantness, odiousness (Hipp., Dem., al.);
2. dislike (Plat.), disagreement (MM, VGT, s.v.): Lk 23:12 D.

[p. 11]

[NT: 7x] ἀήρ, ἀέρος, ὁ, [in LXX: II Ki 22:12 (= Ps 17(18):11 שׁחק), Wi 8 ;]

in Hom., Hes., the lower air which surrounds the earth, as opp. to the purer αἰθήρ of the higher regions; generally, air (MM, VGT, s.v.): Ac 22:23, I Th 4:17, Re 9:2 16:17; of the air as the realm of demons, Eph 2:2; ἀ. δέρειν, of striving to no purpose, I Co 9:26; εἰς ἀ. λαλεῖν, of speaking without effect, not being understood, I Co 14:9.†

[NT: 3x] ** ἀθανασία, -ας, ἡ (< ἀ-θάνατος, undying; V. MM, VGT, s.v.), [in LXX: Wi 3:4 4:1 8:13,17 15:3, IV Mac 14:5 16:13 * ;]

immortality: I Co 15:53,54 I Ti 6:16 (cf. Cremer, 285 f.).†

[NT: 2x] ** ἀ-θέμιτος (late form of ἀθέμιστος, LS, MM, VGT, s.v.), -ον (< θέμις, custom, right), [in LXX: II Mac 6:5 7:1 10:34, III Mac 5:20 * ;]

(a) of persons, lawless (III Mac, l.c.);
(b) of things, lawless, unlawful: Ac 10:28, I Pe 4:3.†
SYN.: v.s. ἄθεσμος.

[NT: 1x] * ἄ-θεος, -ον,

1. in cl.
(a) slighting or denyiyig the gods (Plat.; cf. MM, VGT, s.v.);
(b) godless, ungodly (Pind.);
(c) abandoned by the gods (Soph.)
2. In the NT (cf. Lft. on Ign. ad Trail, §3), of the heathen, without God, not knowing God (Cremer, 281): Eph 2:12.

[NT: 2x] **† ἄθεσμος, -ον (< θεσμός, law, custom), [in LXX: III Mac 5:12 6:26 * ;]

lawless, esp. of those who violate the law of nature and conscience (cf. MM, VGT, s.v.): II Pe 2:7 3:17.†
SYN.: ἀθέμιτος, ἄνομος, κακός, πονηρός, φαῦλος (v. Tr., Syn., §lxxiv; DCG, ii, 821b).

[NT: 16x] ἀθετέω, -ῶ (< τίθημι), [in LXX for seventeen different words, פּשׁע, מרד, בּגד, מעל, etc., often meaning, as I Ki 13:3 (Heb., al.), to revolt; properly, to make ἄθετον , or do away with what has been laid down (v. DCG, i, 453 f.)].

1. to set aside, disregard (in Gramm., to reject as spurious): διαθήκην , Ga 3:16; ἐντολήν , Mk 7:9; νόμον . He 10:28; πίστιν , I Ti 5:12.
2. to nullify, make void: Lk 7:30 (v. Field, Notes, 59), I Co 1:19, Ga 2:21.
3. to reject: Mk 6:26 (Field, op. cit., 30), Lk 1O:16, Jo 12:48, I Th 48, Ju 8 (for exx. in π., v. MM, VGT, s.v.).

[NT: 2x] ἀθέτησις, -εως, ἡ (< ἀθετέω), [in LXX, usually of unfaithful, rebellious action: I Ki 24:12 (פֶּשַׁע), Je 12:1 (בֶּגֶד), Da TH 9:7 (מַעַל), II Mac 14:28 * ;]

a disannulling, setting aside: He 7:18 9:26 (for similar usage in π., v. Deiss., BS, 228 f.; MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 4x] Ἀθῆναι, -ῶν, αἱ (plural because consisting of several parts),

Athens: Ac 17:15,16 18:1, I Th 3:1.†

[NT: 2x] Ἀθηναῖος, -α, -ον,

Athenian: Ac 17:21,22.†

[NT: 2x] * ἀθλέω, -ῶ (in cl. also ἀθλεύω, < ἆθλος, a contest, in war or in sport),

to contend in games, wrestle, combat: II Ti 2:5.†

[NT: 1x] *† ἄθλησις, -εως, ἡ (< ἀθλέω),

a contest, combat, esp. of athletes; fig., a struggle: He 10:32 (for exx., v. MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 1x] ἀθροίζω (< ἀθρόος, assembled in crowds, MM, VGT, s.v.; < θρόος, a noise, tumult), [in LXX chiefly for קבץ ;]

to gather, assemble: Lk 24:33.†

[NT: 1x] ἀθυμέω, -ῶ (ἄ-θυμος, without heart), [in LXX for חרה, etc. ;]

to be disheartened: Col 3:21.†

[p. 12]

[NT: 2x] ἀθῷος (Rec. wrongly, -ῶος; LS, s.v.; Mayser, 131), -ον (< θωή, a penalty), [in LXX chiefly for נקה ni., pi., נָקִי ;]

1. unpunished (MM, VGT, s.v.).
2. innocent: Mt 27:4 (WH, R, mg., δίκαιον) 27:24.

[NT: 1x] αἴγειος (WH, -γιος), -α, -ον (< αἶξ, a goat), [in LXX for עֵז ;]

of a goat: He 11:37 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 6x] αἰγιαλός, -οῦ, ὁ (on the derivation, v. Boisacq, s.v.), [in LXX: Jg 5:17 (חוֹף), Si 24:14 * ;]

the sea-shore, beach (cf. Field, Notes, 146; DCG, i, 175 f.; MM, VGT, s.v.): Mt 13:2,48 Jo 21:4, Ac 21:5 27:39,40.†

[NT: 5x] Αἰγύπτιος, -α, ον,

Egyptian: Ac 7:22,24,28 21:38, He 11:29.†

[NT: 25x] Αἴγυπτος, ου, ἡ,

Egypt: Mt 2:13-15,19, Ac 2:10 7:9-39, He 3:16 11:26,27; γῆ Αἴ., Ac 7:40 13:17, He 8:9, Ju 5 (cf. Ex 5:12, al.); ἡ Αἴ., Ac 7:11; fig., of Jerusalem as hostile to God, Re 11:8.†

[NT: 2x] ** ἀΐδιος, -ον (< ἀεί), [in LXX: Wi 7:26, IV Mac 10:15 * ;]

everlasting (freq. in Inscr.; MM, VGT, s.v.): Ro 1:20, Ju 6.†
SYN.: αἰώνιος, also freq. in Inscr. (Deiss., BS, 363 J. The etymological distinction between the meanings of the two words seems not to be retained in late Greek (v. Thayer, s.v., αἰώνιος; cf. Cremer, 79, 611).

[NT: 1x] ** αἰδώς (-όος), -οῦς, ἡ, [in LXX: III Mac 1:19 4:5 * ;]

a sense of shame, modesty: I Ti 2:9 (for exx., v. MM, VGT, s.v.).†
SYN.: αἰσχύνη (v. Thayer, 14; Tr., Syn., §xix; Cremer, 611 f.; CGT on I Ti, l.c.).

[NT: 2x] Αἰθίοψ, -οπος, ὁ (< αἴθω, to burn, ὤψ, face; i.e. swarthy), [in LXX for כּוּשׁ ;]

Ethiopian: Ac 8:27.†

Αἰλαμίτης, v.s. Ἐλαμείτης.

[NT: 97x] αἷμα, ατος, τό, [in LXX for דָּם ;]

1. In the ordinary sense: Mk 5:25, Lk 8:43,44 22:44, Jo 19:34, Ac 15:20,29 21:25, Re 8:7,8 11:6 16:3,4,6 19:13.
2. In special senses:
(a) of generation, origin, kinship (cl.): Jo 1:13 (v. MM, VGT, s.v.);
(b) as in OT (AR on Eph, l.c.), in the phrase σάρξ καὶ αἷ. (αἷ. κ. σ.), to indicate human nature as opp. to God and created spirits: Mt 16:17, I Co 15:50, Ga 1:16, Eph 6:12, He 2:14;
(c) of things in colour resembling blood: Ac 2:19,20, Re 6:12 14:18-20.
(d) of bloodshed, a bloody death (cl.): Mt 23:30,35 27:4,6,8,24,25, Lk 11:50,51 13:1, Ac 1:19 5:28 18:6 20:26 22:20, He 12:4, Re 6:10 17:6 18:24 19:2 ; αἷ. ἐκχέειν (Deiss., LAE, 428; MM, VGT, s.v., αἷ.), Ro 3:15, Re 16:6;
(e) of sacrificial blood, as an expiation: He 9:7,12,13,18-22,25 10:4 11:28 13:11; of the blood of Christ, Mt 26:28, Mk 14:24, Lk 22:20, Jo 6:53,54,56, Ac 20:28, Ro 3:25 5:9, I Co 10:16 11:25,27, Eph 1:7 2:13, Col 1:20, He 9:12,14 10:19,29 12:24 13:20, I Pe 1:2,19, I Jo 1:7 (cf. 5:6,8), Re 1:5 5:9 7:14 12:11. (Cremer, 69 f., 612 f.)

[NT: 1x] *† αἱματεκχυσία, -ας, ἡ (< αἷμα, ἐκ, χέω),

shedding of blood (Eccl.; Cremer, 71): He 9:22.†

[NT: 1x] αἱμορροέω, (< αἷμα, ῥέω), [in LXX: Le 15:33 (דָּוֶה) * ;]

to lose blood, suffer from a flow of blood (Hipp.): Mt 9:20.†

[NT: 2x] Αἰνέας, -οῦ, ὁ,

Æneas: Ac 9:33,34.†

[p. 13]

[NT: 1x] αἴνεσις, -εως, ἡ (< αἰνέω), [in LXX chiefly for תּוֹדָה, תְּהִלָּה ;]

praise (Eccl.): θυσία αἰνέσεως (Le 7:12, זֶבַח תּוֹדָה), He 13:15.†

[NT: 9x] αἰνέω, -ῶ (< αἶνος), poët., Ion. and late prose (MM, VGT, s.v.) for cl. ἐπαινέω, [in LXX chiefly for הלל, ידה ;]

to praise: c. acc, τ. θεόν, Lk 2:13,20 19:37 24:53, Ac 2:47 3:8,9, Ro 15:11; c. dat., τ. Θεῷ (Je 20:13, al. for הִלֵּל לְ; v. Field, Notes, 245), Re 19:5.†
SYN.: ἐξομολογέω, εὐλογέω, εὐχαριστέω, μακαρίζω (v. DCG, i, 211).

[NT: 1x] αἴνιγμα, -ατος, τό (< αἰνίσσομαι, to speak in riddles; < αἰνός = δεινός, dread, strange), [in LXX for חִידָה, Nu 12:8 and always exc. De 28:37 (שַׁמָּה) ;]

a dark saying, riddle: I Co 13:12 (cf. Nu, l.c.).†

[NT: 2x] αἶνος, ου, ὁ, [in LXX for הלל pi, עֹז ;]

poët, and Ion.,
1. = μῦθος, a tale (Horn., al.).
2. = Att. ἔπαινος, praise (Horn., al.): Mt 21:16 (LXX), Lk 18:43.
3. In π., a decree (MM, VGT, s.v.).

[NT: 1x] Αἰνών, , indecl. (cf. Heb.עַיִן, a spring),

Aenon: Jo 3:23.†

[NT: 9x] αἵρεσις, -εως, ἡ (< αἱρέω, -ομαι), [in LXX for נְדָבָה,]

1. capture.
2. choosing, choice (v. MM, VGT, s.v.).
3. that which is chosen, hence, opinion; esp. a peculiar opinion, heresy: I Co 11:19, Ga 5:20, II Pe 2:1 R, txt.
4. In late writers (MM, VGT), of a set of persons professing particular principles or opinions, a school, sect, party, faction: Ac 5:17 15:5 24:5,14 26:5 28:22, I Co, Ga, II Pe, l.c., R, mg. (Cremer, 614).

[NT: 1x] αἱρετίζω, [in LXX chiefly for בּחר (v. Cremer, 615) ;] = αἱρέομαι (Hipp., Inscr.),

to choose: Mt 12:18 (LXX, ἀντιλήμψομαι).†

[NT: 1x] * αἱρετικός, -ή, όν (< αἱρέομαι),

1. capable of choosing (Plat.).
2. causing division, heretical, factious (Cremer, 614): as subst., Tit 3:10.

[NT: 3x] αἱρέω, [in LXX for אמר hi., בּחר, etc. ;]

to take; Mid., -ομαι (M, Pr., 158 f.; MM, VGT, s.v.), to choose: Phl 1:22, II Th 2:13, He 11:25. (Cf. ἀν-, ἀφ-, δι-, ἐξ-, καθ-, περι-, προ-αιρέω.) †

[NT: 101x] αἴρω, [in LXX chiefly for נשׂא, also for לקח, etc. ;]

1. to raise, take up, lift or draw up: Jo 8:59 11:41, Ac 27:17, al.
2. to bear, carry: Mt 4:6 16:24, al.
3. to bear or take away, carry off, remove: Mt 21:21, Jo 19:31, I Co 5:12 6:15 (v. Lft., Notes, 216), al.; of the taking away sin by Christ, Jo 1:29, I Jo 3:5. (Cf. ἀπ’, ἐξ-, ἐπ-, μετ-, συν-, ὑπερ-αίρω). For exx. from π., v. MM, VGT, s.v.)

[NT: 1x] αἰσθάνομαι, [in LXX for בּין, חפז, ידע ;]

to perceive: c.acc. rei (Bl., §36, 5; MM, VGT, s.v.), Lk 9:45 (Cremer, 619 f.).†

[NT: 1x] αἴσθησις, -εως, ἡ (< αἰσθάνομαι), [in LXX chiefly for דַּעַת ;]

perception (MM, VGT, s.v.): Phl 1:9.†
SYN.: ἐπίγνωσις, q.v. (cf. Cremer, 620).

[NT: 1x] αἰσθητήριον, -ου, τό (< αἰσθάνομαι), [in LXX: Je 4:19 (קִיר), IV Mac 2:22 * ;]

sense, organ of perception: He 5:14 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 3x] * αἰσχροκερδής, -ες (< αἰσχρός, κέρδος),

greedy of base gains: I Ti 3:3,8 [Abbot-Smith omits I Ti 3:3] , Tit 1:7.†

[p. 14]

[NT: 1x] *† αἰσχροκερδῶς, adv.,

from eagerness for base gain: I Pe 5:2 (here only).†

[NT: 1x] * αἰσχρολογία, -ας, ἡ (< αἰσχρός, λέγω),

abusive language, abuse (Lft., ICC, in l.; MM, VGT, s.v.): Col 3:8.†

[NT: 4x] αἰσχρός, -ά, όν (< αἶσχος, shame, disgrace), [in LXX: Ge 41:3 ff. (רַע, רֹעַ), Jth 12:12, al. ;]

base, shameful: I Co 11:6 14:35, Eph 5:12, Tit 1:11 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 1x] * αἰσχρότης, -τητος, ἡ (< αἰσχρός),

baseness: Eph 5:4.†

[NT: 6x] αἰσχύνη, -ης, ἡ (< αἶσχος, shame, disgrace), [in LXX chiefly for בּשֶׁת ;]

shame (MM, VGT, s.v.): subjectively, Lk 14:19, II Co 4:2; objectively, Phl 3:19, He 12:2; as something to be ashamed of, Re 3:18; pl. (Bl., §32, 6), shameful deeds, Ju 13.†
SYN.: αἰδώς, q.v.

[NT: 5x] αἰσχύνω (< αἶσχος, shame), [in LXX chiefly for בּוּשׁ ;]

1. to disfigure (Hom.).
2. to dishonour (Pr 29:15).
3. to make ashamed (Si 13:7). Pass., to be put to shame, be ashamed: II Co 10:8; Phl 1:20, I Pe 4:16, I Jo 2:28; c. inf. (M, Pr., 205), Lk 16:3 (cf. ἐπ- (-ομαι), κατ- αἰσχύνω).

[NT: 70x] αἰτέω, -ῶ, [in LXX chiefly for שׁאל ;]

to ask, request: absol., Mt 7:7, Ja 1:6; c. acc. pers., Mt 5:42, Lk 6:30; c. acc. rei, seq. ἀπό, Mt 20:20, I Jo 5:15; id. seq. παρά, Ac 3:2, Ja 1:5; c. dupl. acc. Mt 7:9, Mk 6:22, Jo 16:23. Mid. (on the distinction bet. mid. and act., v. M, Pr., 160): absol., Mk 15:8, Jo 16:26, Ja 4:3; c. acc. rei, Mt 14:7, Mk 6:24, al.; c. acc. pers., Mt 27:20, Lk 23:25; c. acc. rei, seq. παρά, Ac 9:2; c. acc. et inf., Lk 23:23. c. inf. Ac 7:46, Eph 3:13 (cf. ἀπ-, ἐξ-, ἐπ-, παρ-, προσ- αιτέω).
SYN.: ἐρωτάω, q.v., πυνθάνομαι. On the proper distinction between these words, v. Tr., Syn., § xl, Thayer, s.v. αἰ. In late Gk., however, αἰ. and ἐ. seem to have become practically synonymous (cf. Ac 3:2,3; v. Field, Notes, 101 f.; M, Th., I, 4:1; M, Pr., 66n; MM, VGT, s.v.).

[NT: 3x] αἴτημα, -ατος, τό (< αἰτέω), [in LXX chiefly for שְׁאֵלָה ;]

that which has been asked for, a petition, request: Lk 23:24, Phl 4:6, Jo 5:15.†
SYN.: v.s. δέησις.

[NT: 20x] αἰτία, -ας, ἡ, [in LXX: Ge 4:13 (עָוֹן), Pr 28:17 (עָשַׁק), and freq. in Wi, II, III Mac ;]

1. cause, reason, occasion, case: Mt 19:3, Lk 8:47, Ac 10:21 22:24 28:20, II Ti 1:6,12, Tit 1:13, He 2:11 ; εἰ οὕτως ἐστιν ἡ αἰ. (cf. Lat. si ita res se habet, and v. MM. VGT, s.v.), Mt 19:10.
2. In forensic sense,
(a) accusation: Ac 25:18,27;
(b) cause for punishment, crime: Mt 27:37, Mk 15:26, Jo 18:38 19:4,6, Ac 13:28 23:28 28:18.
SYN.: ἔλεγχος, a charge, whether moral or judicial, which has been proven, αἰ. is an accusation simply, false or true.

[NT: 1x] * αἴτιον, -ου, τό, v.s. αἴτιος.

[NT: 5x] αἴτιος, -α, ὁ (< αἰτία), [in LXX: I Ki 22:22 (סבב) Da LXX Bel 41, TH ib. 42, Su 53, II Mac 4:47 13:4, IV Mac 1:11 * ;]

1. causative of, responsible [p. 15] for; as subst., ὁ αἰ., the cause, author: He 5:9; τὸ αἰ., the cause, Ac 19:40.
2. blameworthy, culpable; as subst., ὁ αἰ., the culprit, the accused (Lat. reus); τὸ αἰ. (= αἰτία, 3), the crime, Lk 23:4,14,22.

[NT: 1x] *† αἰτίωμα (Rec. αἰτίαμα, the usual form; v. MM, VGT, s.v.), -τος, τό (< αἰτιάομαι, αἰτία),

a charge, accusation: Ac 25:7.†

[NT: 2x] ** αἰφνίδιος (in Lk, l.c., ἐφν- WH; v. M, Pr., 35), -ον (< αἴφνης = ἄφνως, suddenly), [in LXX: Wi 17:15, II Mac 14:17, III Mac 3:24 * ;]

sudden, unexpected: Lk 21:34, I Th 5:3.†

[NT: 3x] αἰχμαλωσία -ας, (< αἰχμάλωτος), [in LXX chiefly for שְׁבִי, גּוֹלָה ;]

captivity (Diod., al.): Re 13:10; pl., abstr. for concr., = αἰχμάλωτοι, Eph 4:8 (LXX).†

[NT: 1x] αἰχμαλωτεύω (< αἰχμάλωτος), [in LXX chiefly for שׁבה ;] = αἰχμαλωτίζω, q.v.,

to lead captive: Eph 4:8 (LXX).†

[NT: 4x] αἰχμαλωτίζω (< αἰχμάλωτος), [in LXX chiefly for שׁבה ;] in late writers = cl. αἰχμάλωτον ποιῶ (ἄγω),

to take or lead captive: seq. εἰς, Lk 21:24 (cf. To 1:10); metaph., Ro 7:23, II Co 10:5, II Ti 3:6.†

[NT: 1x] αἰχμάλωτος, -ον (< αἰχμή, a spear, ἁλίσκομαι, to be taken), [in LXX chiefly for שָׁבָה, גּוֹלָה ;]

captive: Lk 4:18 (LXX).†

[NT: 122x] αἰών, -ῶνος, ὁ, [in LXX chiefly for עַד ,עוֹלָם ;]

1. in cl., like Lat. aevum (LS, MM, VGT, s.v.), a space of time, as, a lifetime, generation, period of history, an indefinitely long period; in NT of an indefinitely long period, an age, eternity, usually c. prep. (MM, VGT);
(a) of the past: ἀπ’ αἰ. (cf. Heb. מֵעוֹלָם), Lk 1:70;
(b) of the future: εἰς τ. αἰ. (cf. לְעוֹלָם), forever, Mt 21:19; id., c. neg., never, Jo 4:14; more strongly, εἰς τὸν αἰ. τοῦ αἰ., He 1:8 (LXX); εἰς τοὺς αἰ., Mt 6:13; εἰς τοὺς αἰ. τῶν αἰ. (cf. Is 45:17, עַד־עוֹלְמֵי עַד), Ro 16:27, LT; cf. also Eph 3:21, II Pe 3:18, Ju 25, Re 14:11.
2. οἱ αἰ., the worlds, the universe, "the sum of the periods of time, including all that is manifested in them": He :12 11:3 (cf. I Ti 1:17, where τῶν αἰ. are prob. "the ages or world-periods which when summed up make eternity".
3. the present age (Heb. הָעוֹלָם הַזֶּה): ὁ αἰ., Mt 13:22; ὁ αἰ. οὗτος, Mt 12:32; ὁ νῦν αἰ., I Ti 6:17; ὁ ἐνεστὼς αἰ., Ga 1:4; similarly, of the time after Christ's second coming (הָעוֹלָם הַבָּא), ὁ αἰ. ἐκεῖνος, Lk 20:35; ὁ αἰ. μέλλων, Mt 12:32; ὁ αἰ. ὁ ἐρχόμενος, Mk 10:30.
SYN.: κόσμος, the ordered universe, the scheme of material things; οἰκουμένη, the inhabited earth; in contrast with both of which αἰ. is the world under aspects of time (cf. Westc. on He 1:2; Tr., Syn., §lix; Thayer, s.v., αἰ.; Cremer, 74, 620; MM, VGT).

[NT: 71x] αἰώνιος, -ον (as usual in Attic), also -α, -ον. II Th 2:16, He 9:12; (< αἰών), [in LXX chiefly for עוֹלָם ;]

age-long, eternal,
(a) of that which is without either beginning or end: Ro 16:26, He 9:14;
(b) of that which is without beginning: Ro 16:25, II Ti 1:9, Tit 1:2;
(c) of that which is without end (MM, VGT, s.v.): σκηναί, Lk 16:9 οἰκία, II Co 5:1; διαθήκη, He 13:20; εὐαγγέλιον, Re 14:6; παράκλησις, II Th 2:16; λύτρωσις, [p. 16] He 9:12; κληρονομία, ib. 15; κόλασις, Mt 25:46; κρίμα, He 6:2; κρίσις, Mk 3:29; ὄλεθρον, II Th 1:9; πῦρ, Mt 18:8; freq. c. ζωή, q.v.
SYN.: ἀΐδιος, q.v.

[NT: 10x] ἀκαθαρσία, -ας, ἡ (< ἀκάθαρτος), [in LXX chiefly for טֻמְאָה, טָמֵא ;]

uncleanness, impurity,
(a) physical (MM, VGT, s.v.): Mt 23:27;
(b) moral: Ro 1:24 6:19, II Co 12:21, Ga 5:19, Eph 4:19 5:3, Col 3:5, I Th 2:3 4:7.

[NT: 1x] *† ἀκαθάρτης, -τος, ἡ,

uncleanness: Re 17:4, Rec. (for τ. ἀκάθαρτα).†

[NT: 32x] ἀκάθαρτος, -ον (< ἀ- neg., καθαίρω), [in LXX chiefly for טָמֵא ;]

unclean, impure;
(a) physically (LS, MM, VGT, s.v.);
(b) ceremonially: Ac 10:14,28 11:8, I Co 7:14, II Co 6:17, Re 18:2;
(c) morally: Eph 5:5, Re 17:4; c. πνεῦμα, as always in Gosp., Mt 10:1 12:43, Mk 1:23,26,27 3:11,30 5:2,8,13 6:7 7:25 9:25, Lk 4:33,36 6:18 8:29 9:42 11:24, Ac 5:16 8:7, Re 16:13 (cf. Cremer, 320).

[NT: 1x] *† ἀκαιρέομαι, -οῦμαι (< ἄκαιρος, unseasonable),

to have no opportunity (opp. to εὐκαιρέω): Phl 4:10.†

[NT: 1x] ** ἀκαίρως, adv. (< ἄκαιρος, unseasonable), [in LXX: Si 35 (32):4 * ;]

out of season, unseasonably: opp. to εὐκαίρως (q.v.), II Ti 4:2 (cf. Cremer, 740; MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 2x] ἄκακος, -ον, [in LXX for פְּתִי, תָּם, etc. ;]

(a) as in cl. (Æsch., Plat., al.), of persons, simple, guileless: Ro 16:18, He 7:26 (cf. Cremer, 327);
(b) of things, undamaged (? MM, VGT, s.v.).

[NT: 14x] ἄκανθα, -ης, ἡ (< ἀκή, a point), [in LXX chiefly for קוֹץ, also for סִיר, שַׁיִת, etc. ;]

a prickly plant, thorn, brier; in NT always pl.: Mt 7:16 13:7,22 27:29, Mk 4:7,18, Lk 6:44 8:7,14, Jo 19:2, He 6:8 (v. MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 2x] ἀκάνθινος, -ον (< ἄκανθα), [in LXX: Is 34:13 (סיר) * ;]

1. of thorns: Mk 15:17, Jo 19:5.
2. of acantha-wood (Hdt.; π. ap. MM, VGT, s.v.).

[NT: 7x] ἄ-καρπος, -ον, [in LXX: Je 2:6 (צַלְמָוֶת), Wi 15:4, IV Mac 16:7 ;]

unfruitful, barren: fig., Mt 13:22, Mk 4:19, I Co 14:14, Eph 5:11, Tit 3:14, II Pe 1:8, Ju 12.†

[NT: 1x] **† ἀ-κατά-γνωστος, -ον (< καταγινώσκω), [in LXX: II Mac 4:47 ;]

not open to just rebuke, irreprehensible: Tit 2:8 (v. Cremer, 676; and for other exx., MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 2x] ἀ-κατα-κάλυπτος, -ον (< κατακαλύπτω), [in LXX: Le 13:45 A (פָּרוּע) * ;]

uncovered, unveiled: I Co 11:5, 13.†

[NT: 2x] *† ἀ-κατά-κριτος, -ον (< κατακρίνω),

1. uncondemned (EV): Ac 16:37, 22:25.
2. = cl. ἄκριτος, without trial, not yet tried (MM, VGT, s.v.) Ac, ll. cc.

[NT: 1x] **† ἀ-κατά-λυτος, -ον (< καταλύω), [in LXX: IV Mac 10:11 * ;]

indissoluble: He 7:16.†

[NT: 1x] *† ἀκατάπαυστος, -ον (< καταπαύω),

that cannot cease, not to be restrained: c. gen. rei, II Pe 2:14, T, Tr. txt.†

[p. 17]

[NT: 5x] ἀκαταστασία, -ας, ἡ (< ἀκατάστατος) , [in LXX: Pr 26:28 (מִדְחֶה), To 4:13 * ;]

instability (MM, VGT, s.v.); hence, confusion, tumult: I Co 14:33, Ja 3:16; pl. (Bl., §32, 6), Lk 21:9, II Co 6:5, 12:20 (Polyb., al.; v. Cremer, 739).†

[NT: 2x] ἀ-κατά-στατος, -ον (καθίστημι), [in LXX: Is 54:11 (סֹעֲרָה) ;]

unsettled, unstable: Ja 1:8, 3:8.†

[NT: 1x] ἀκατάσχετος, -ον (< κατέχω), [in LXX: Jb 31:11, III Mac 6:17 * ;]

that cannot be restrained: Ja 3:8 Rec. (for -στατος, q.v.).†

[NT: 1x] Ακελδαμά, -δαμάχ, v.s. Αχελδαμάχ.

[NT: 3x] ** ἀκέραιος, -ον (< κεράννυμι), [in LXX: Es 8:13 * ;]

unmixed, pure, hence, metaph. (cf. MM, VGT, s.v.), guileless, simple: Mt 10:16, Ro 16:19, Phl 2:15.†
SYN.: ἄδολος, ἄκακος, ἁπλοῦς (cf. Ellic. on Phl., l.c.; Tr., Syn., §lvi).

[NT: 1x] ** ἀκλινής, -ές (κλίνω), [in LXX: IV Mac 6:7 17:3 * ;]

unbending, firm: metaph. (MM, VGT, s.v.). He 10:23.†

[NT: 1x] ** ἀκμάζω (< ἀκμήν), [in LXX: IV Mac 2:3 * ;]

to be at the prime; of produce of the ground, to be ripe (Thuc.): Re 14:18 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 1x] * ἀκμήν, acc. of ἀκμή,

a point, used as adv., at the present point of time, even now, even yet: Mt 15:16.†

[NT: 24x] ἀκοή, -ῆς, ἡ (< ἀκούω), [in LXX: Ex 15:26, al. for שׁמע, its parts and derivatives, exc. De 11:22 (שׁמר) ;]

1. hearing, the sense of hearing: I Co 12:17, II Pe 2:8; "Hebraic dative," ἀκοῇ ακούειν (freq. in LXX; V. M, Pr., 14, 75), Mt 13:14, Ac 28:26.
2. organ of hearing, the ear (Arist., al.; MM, VGT, s.v.): II Ti 4:3-4; pl., Mk 7:35, Lk 7:1, Ac 17:20, He 5:11.
3. a thing heard, i.e.,
(a) a message, teaching: Jo 12:38 and Ro 16:16,17 (LXX), Ga 3:2,5 R, mg.; λόγος ἀκοῆς, I Th 2:13, He 4:2;
(b) a report, rumour: c. gen, pers., Mt 4:24, 14:1, 24:6; Mk 1:28 13:7 (Cremer, 82, 623; MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 90x] ἀκολουθέω, -ῶ (< ἀκόλουθος, following; < ἀ- cop., κέλευθος, poët., away), [in LXX chiefly for הָלַךְ ;]

to accompany, follow: Mt 4:25, al. Metaph., of discipleship: Mt 9:9, Mk 9:38, Jo 12:26, al. Absol.: Mt 18:10; more freq., c. dat. (cl.), Mt 8:1, al.; seq. μετά, c. gen, (cl.; Eutherford, N.Phr., 458 f.), Lk 9:49; ὀπίσω, c. gen. (Heb. הָלַךְ אָהֲרֵי), Mt 10:38 (cf. ἐξ-, ἐπ-, κατ-, παρ-, συν-ἀκολουθέω).
SYN.: (cl.) ἕπομαι, not in NT (v. Cremer, 80; MM, VGT, s.v.).

[NT: 428x] ἀκούω, [in LXX chiefly for שׁמע ]

to hear, listen, attend, perceive by hearing, comprehend by hearing.
1. Intrans.: Mk 4:3 7:37, Ja 2:5, Re 2:7, al.; τ. ὠσίν, Mt 13:15 (LXX); c. cogn. dat., ακοῇ ἀ. (v.s. ἀκοή), Mt 13:14, Ac 28:26 (LXX); ὁ ἔχων ὦτα (οὖς) ἀκούειν, ἀκουσάτω, Mt 11:15, Mk 4:23, Re 2:7, al.
2. Trans., prop. c. acc. rei, of thing heard, gen. pers., from whom heard (LS, s.v.): Ac 1:4; c. acc. rei, Mt 12:19, Jo 3:8 (Abbott, JG, 76), Ac 22:9, al.; c. dupl. acc., Jo 12:18, I Co 11:18; c. gen. rei, Jo 7:40 (Abbott, JV, 116); τ. φωνῆς (cf. Heb. שָׁמַע בְּקֹול, Ex 18:19), Jo 5:25, 28 Ac 9:7 (on the distinction bet. this and ἀ. φωνήν, ib. 4, v. M, Pr., 66; Field, Notes, 117; Abbott, Essays, 93f.); of God answering [p. 18] prayer, Jo 9:31, I Jo 5:14, 15; c. acc. rei, seq. παρά, Jo 8:26, 40 Ac 10:22, II Ti 2:2; id. seq. ἀπό, I Jo 1:5; c. gen. pars. seq. ptcp., Mk 14:58, Lk 18:36, al. (On NT usage generally, v. Bl., §36, 5; Cremer, 82.)

[NT: 2x] ** ἀκρασία, -ας, ἡ (< ἀκρατής, q.v.), [in LXX: I Mac 6:26 * ;]

in Arist. and later writers = ἀκράτεια (Lft., Notes, 222 f.), want of power, hence want of self-control, incontinence: Mt 23:25, I Co 7:5.†

[NT: 1x] ἀκρατής, -ές (< κράτος), [in LXX: Pr 27:20 * ;]

(a) powerless, impotent;
(b) in moral sense, lacking self-control, incontinent: II Ti 3:3.†

[NT: 1x] ἄκρατος, -ον (< κεράννυμι), [in LXX: Ps 75:8 (חֲמַר), Je 25:15 (חֵמָה), III Mac 5:2 * ;]

unmixed, pure: οἶνος, Re 14:10.†

[NT: 1x] ἀκρίβεια, -ας, ἡ (< ἀκριβής), [in LXX: Da LXX TH 7:16 (יַצִּיב), Wi 12:21, Si 16:25 42:4 * ;]

exactness, precision (for exx., v. MM, VGT, s.v.): Ac 22:3.†

[NT: 1x] ἀκριβής, -ές [in LXX: Da LXX 2:45 6:12 (יַצִּיב) Da 4:25, Es 4:5, Si 18:29 19:25 31:24 32:3 * ;]

exact, precise, careful, of things and persons: superl., Ac 26:5.†

[NT: 2x] ** ἀκριβόω, -ῶ (< ἀκριβής), [in Aq.: Is 30:8 49:16 * ;]

to enquire with exactness, learn carefully: Mt 2:7, 16 (for similar ex., v. MM, VGT, sv.).†

[NT: 10x] ἀκριβῶς adv. (< ἀκριβής), [in LXX: De 19:18 (יָטַב), Da TH 7:19 (יְצֵב), Ez 39:14, Wi 19:18, Si 18:29 ;]

with exactness, carefully: Mt 2:8, Lk 1:3, Ac 18:25, Eph 5:15, I Th 5:2 (M, Th., in l). Compar., ἀκριβέστερον (Milligan, NTD, 111; MM, VGT, s.v.), Ac 18:26 23:15, 20 24:22.†

[NT: 4x] ἀκρίς, -ίδος, ἡ [in LXX chiefly for אַרְבֶּה, also for חָגָב, etc. ;]

a locust: Mt 3:4, Mk 1:6, Re 9:3, 7.†

[NT: 1x] *† ἀκροατήριον, -ου, τό (< ἀκροάομαι, to listen)

a place of audience: Ac 25:23 (Plut.).†

[NT: 4x] ἀκροατής, οῦ, ὁ (v. supr.) [in LXX: Is 3:3 (לַחַשׁ), Si 3:29 ;]

a hearer: Ro 2:13, Ja 1:22, 23, 25.†

[NT: 20x] ἀκροβυστία, -ας, ή (perh. an Alexandrian form of cl. ἀκροποσθία; cf. MM, VGT, s.v.) [in LXX for עׇרְלָה ;]

the prepuce, foreskin (LXX), hence abstr., uncircumcision: Ac 11:3, Ro 2:25-27 3:30 4:10-12, I Co 7:18-19, Ga 5:6 6:15, Col 2:13 3:11 By meton., the uncircumcised: Ro 4:9, Ga 2:7, Eph 2:11.†

[NT: 2x] ἀκρο-γωνιαῖος, -αία, -αῖον (< ἄκροι, γωνία, an angle) [in LXX: Is 28:16 (פִּנָּה) * ;] = Attic γωνιαῖος (freq. in Inscr.; MM, VGT, s.v. ἀ.),

at the extreme angle: ὁ ἀ., the corner foundation stone, Eph 2:20, I Pe 2:6.†

[NT: 1x] * ἀκροθίνιον, -ου, τό (< ἄκρος, θίς, a heap),

prop., the top of a heap, hence, in pl.,
1. first-fruits (Xen.; MM, VGT, s.v.).
2. In war, the choicest spoils (cf. Hdt., viii, 121 f.): He 7:4.

ἄκρον, -ου, τό, v.s. ἄκρος

[NT: 6x] ἄκρος, -α, -ον [in LXX for קֶצַח, בֹּהֶן, etc. ;]

highest, extreme; as subst., τὸ ἄ., the top, extremity: Mk 13:27, Lk 16:24, He 11:21; pl. (cf. MM, VGT, s.v.), Mt 24:31.†

[p. 19]

[NT: 6x] Ἀκύλας, -ου (and ; MM, VGT, s.v.), (Lat.),

Aquila: Ac 18:2, 18 18:26, Ro 16:3, I Co 16:19, II Ti 4:19.†

[NT: 3x] **† ἀκυρόω, -ῶ (< κῦρος, authority), [in LXX: I Es 6:32 Es 6:1-34, II Mac 6:1-31 * ;]

to revoke, invalidate (MM, VGT, s.v.): Mt 15:6, Mk 7:13, Ga 3:17 (Plut.).†

[NT: 1x] ** ἀκωλύτως adv. (< κωλύω), [in Sm.: Jb 34:31 * ;]

without hindrance (so freq. in legal documents; MM, VGT, s.v.): Ac 28:31.†

ἀκων (Attic contr. for ἀέκων), -ουα, -ον (< ἀ- neg., ἅκων, willing), [in LXX: Jb 14:17, II Mac 11:12 * ;]

unwilling: I Co 9:17.†

[NT: 2x] ἀλάβαστρον, -ου, τό (also -ος, ὁ, ἡ; colloq. and κοινή for ἀλάβαστος), [in LXX: IV Ki 21:13 (צַלַּחַת)* ;]

a box of alabaster (ἀλαβαστίτης) for ointment: Mt 26:7, Mk 14:3, Lk 7:37 (v. DCG, i, 41b; MM, VGT, s.v.).†

** ἀλαζονία(Rec. -εία, the earlier form), -ας, ἡ (< ἀλαζών), [in LXX: Wi 5:8 17:7, 2; IV Mac 5:1-38 * ;]

the character of an ἀλαζών, boastfulness, vainglory, vaunting: Ja 4:16 (Mayor, in l), I Jn 2:16.†

[NT: 2x] ἀλαζών, -όνος, ὁ, ἡ (< ἄλη, wandering) [in LXX: Jb 28:8 (שַׁחַץ) Hb 2:5 (יָהִיר), Pr 21:24 (לוּץ)* ;]

prop, a vagabond, hence, an impostor, a boaster: Ro 1:30, II Ti 3:2.†
SYN.: ὐβριστής, ὑπερήφανος (v. Tr., Syn., § xxix; Lft., Notes, 256)

[NT: 2x] ἀλαλάζω (onomat. from the battle-cry ἀλαλά), [in LXX chiefly for רוּעַ hi., יָלַל ;]

prop, to raise a war-cry, shout with triumph or joy; rarely of grief, to wail: Mk 5:38 (cf. Je 4:8); of a cymbal, ἀλαλάζον (RV. clanging), I Co 13:1 (cf. ὀλολύζω).†

[NT: 1x] ἀ-λάλητος, -ον (< λαλέω),

inexpressible, not to be uttered: Ro 8:26.†

[NT: 3x] ἄ-λαλος, -ον (< λάλος, talkative), [in LXX: Ps 31:18 (אָלַם ni.) Ps 38:13 (אִלֵּם)* ;]

dumb, speechless: Mk 7:37 9:17, 25.†

[NT: 7x] ἅλας (T, ἅλα), -ατος, τό, late form of cl. ἅλς, -ος, ὁ (MM, VGT, s.v.), [in LXX chiefly for מְלַח ;]

salt, lit, and fig.: Mt 5:13, Mk 9:50 Lk 14:34; like cl. ἅλες, wit, of wisdom and grace in speech: Col 4:6.†

ἁλεεύς (Rec. ἁλιεύς, the older form; WH, App., 151, -έως, ὁ (< ἅλς, the sea) [in LXX for דָּג, דַּוָּג ;]

a fisherman: Mt 4:18, 19, Mk 1:16, 17, Lk 5:2

[NT: 9x] ἀλείφω (cf. λίπος, oil), [in LXX: Ge 31:13, Ex 40:15, Nu 3:3 (מָשַׁח), Ez 13:10 ff. (טוּחַ), Ru 3:3, II Ki 12:20 14:2, IV Ki 4:2, II Ch 28:15, Mi 6:15, Da LXX TH Da 10:3 (סוּךְ), Es 2:12, Jth 16:8 * ;]

to anoint, festally or in homage: c. acc rei or pers., Mt 6:17, Jo 12:3, Mk 16:1; seq. dat., ἐλαίῳ, Mk 6:13, Ja 5:14; μύρῳ, Lk 7:38, 46, Jo 11:2.†
SYN.: χρίω, μυρίζω (against the distinction made bet. ἀ. and χ. in Tr., Syn., § 38, v. MM, VGT, s.v., ἀ.)

[NT: 1x] ἀλεκτοροφωνία, -ας, ἡ (< ἀλέκτωρ, φωνή),

cock-crowing, i.e. the third watch in the night: Mk 13:35.†

[NT: 12x] ἀλέκτωρ, -ορος, ὁ (poët. form of ἀλεκτρυών; v. MM, VGT, s.v.), [in LXX: Pr 30:31) (זַרְזִיר; BDB, Lex., 267)* ;]

a cock: Mt 26:34, Mk 14:30, 68 14:72 Lk 22:34, 60-61, Jo 13:38 18:27.†

[p. 20]

[NT: 2x] Ἀλεξανδρεύς, -έως, ὁ

an Alexandrian: Ac 6:9 18:24.†

Ἀλεξανδρινός (Rec. -δρῖνο; v. Kühner3, II, 296), -ή, -όν,

Alexan­drian: Ac 27:6 28:11.†

[NT: 6x] Ἀλέξανδρος, -ου, ὁ,

1. Son of Simon of Cyrene: Mk 15:21
2. A kinsman of the High Priest: Ac 4:6.
3. A certain Jew: Ac 19:33.
4. A coppersmith: I Ti 1:20.
5. Perh. = 4 (v. Ellic. on I Ti, l.c.): II Ti 4:14.

[NT: 2x] ἄλευρον, -ου, τό (< ἀλεύω, to grind), [in LXX for קֶמַח, Nu 5:15, al. ;]

real: Mt 13:33, Lk 13:21.†

[NT: 109x] ἀλήθεια, -ας, ἡ (< ἀληθής), [in LXX chiefly for אֱמֶת (on which, v. Cremer, 627f.), אֱמוּנָה ;]

truth (v. DB, iv, 818f.).
1. Objectively, "the reality lying at the basis of an appearance; the manifested, veritable essence of a matter" (Cremer, 86): Ro 9:1, al.; of religious truth, Ro 1:25, al.; esp. of Christian doctrine, Ga 2:5, al.; ἀ. θεοῦ, Ro 15:8.
2. Subjectively, truthfulness, truth, not merely verbal (cl.), but sincerity and integrity of character: Jo 8:44, III Jo 3.
3. In phrases (MM, VGT, s.v.): ἐπ’ ἀληθείας, Mk 12:14, al.; ἀ. λέγειν (εἰπεῖν, λαλεῖν), Ro 9:1, II Co 12:6, Eph 4:25, al.; ἀ. ποιεῖν, Jo 3:21, I Jo 1:6 (cf. DB, iv, 818b, ff.).

[NT: 2x] ἀληθεύω (< ἀληθής), [in LXX: Ge 20:16 (יָכַח) Ge 42:16 (אֶמֶת), Pr 21:3 (מִשְׁפָּט), Is 44:26 (שָׁלַם), Si 34:4 * ;]

to speak the truth (R, mg., deal truly; Field, Notes, 192): Ga 4:16, Eph 4:15.†

[NT: 25x] ἀληθής, -ές (< λήθω = λανθάνω, hence primarily, unconcealed, manifest; hence, actual, real), [in LXX for אֶמֶת, etc. ;]

(a) of things, true, conforming to reality: Jo 4:18 5:31-32 6:55 (= ἀληθινός, q.v.) Jo 8:13-14, 17 10:41 19:35 21:24, Ac 12:9, Phl 4:8, Tit 1:13, I Pe 5:12, II Pe 2:22, I Jn 2:6, III Jn 12;
(b) of persons, truthful: Mt 22:16, Mk 12:14, Jo 3:33 7:18 8:26, Ro 3:4, II Co 6:8.†
SYN.: ἀληθινός, real, genuine, ideal, as opp. to spurious or imperfect ἀληθής, true to fact, as opp. to false, lying, denotes the actuality of a thing: ἀληθινός, its relation to the corresponding con­ception. (Cf. Tr., Syn., § viii; Cremer, 84 f., 631 Abbott, JV, 234 f.; DB, iv, 818 f.; MM, VGT, s.vv.)

[NT: 28x] ἀληθινός, -ή, -όν (< ἀληθής), [in LXX for אֶמֶת ;]

true, in the sense of real, ideal, genuine: Lk 16:11 Jo 1:9 4:23, 37 6:32 7:28 8:16 15:1 17:3 19:35, I Th 1:9, He 8:2 9:24 10:22, I Jn 2:8 Jn 5:20, Re 3:7, 14 6:10 15:3 16:7 19:2; = ἀληθής, Re 19:9 21:5 22:6 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†
SYN.: ἀληθής, q.v

[NT: 2x] ἀλήθω (κοινή form of the Attic ἀλέω), [in LXX for טָחַן ;]

to grind: Mt 24:41, Lk 17:35.†

[NT: 44x] ἀληθῶς adv. (< ἀληθής). [in LXX (Je 28:6, Ps 58:1, al.) chiefly for אָמֵן and cogn. forms ;]

truly, surely: Mt 14:33 26:73 Mk 14:70 15:39, Lk 9:27 12:44 21:3, Jo 1:48 4:42 6:14 7:26, 40 8:31 17:8 Ac 12:11, I Th 2:13, I Jn 2:5.†

ἁλιεύς, v.s. ἁλεεύς.

[NT: 1x] ἁλιεύω (< ἁλιεύς), [in LXX: Je 16:16 (דִּיג)* ;]

to fish: Jo 21:3 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[p. 21]

[NT: 2x] ἁλίζω (< ἅλς), [in LXX for מָלַח ;]

to salt, season with salt: Mt 5:13, Mk 9:49.†

[NT: 1x] ἀλίσγημα, -τος, τό (< late ἀλισγέω, to pollute)

pollution: Ac 15:20.†

[NT: 638x] ἀλλά (ἀλλ’ usually bef. α and υ, often bef. ε and η, rarely bef. ο and ω, never bef. ι; Tdf., Pr., 93 f.; WH, App., 146), adversative particle,

stronger than δέ; prop. neuter pl. of ἄλλος, used adverbially, with changed accent; hence prop. otherwise, on the other hand (cf. Ro 3:31);
1. opposing a previous negation, but: οὐ (μὴ) . . . ἀ., Mt 5:15, 17 Mk 5:39, Jo 7:16, al.; rhetorically subordinating but not entirely negativing what precedes, οὐ . . . ἀ., not so much . . . as, Mk 9:37, Mt 10:20, Jo 12:44, al.; with ellipse of the negation, Mt 11:7-9, Ac 19:2, I Co 3:6 6:11 7:7, II Co 7:1, Ga 2:3, al.; in opposition to a foregoing pos. sentence, ἀ. οὐ, Mt 24:6, I Co 10:23; οὐ μόνον . . . ἀ. καί, Jo 5:18, Ro 1:32, al.; elliptically, after a negation, ἀ. ἵνα, Mk 14:49, Jo 1:8 9:3, al.; = εἰ μή (Bl., §77, 13; M, Pr., 241; but cf. WM, §iii, 10), Mt 20:23, Mk 4:22.
2. Without previous negation, to express opposition, interruption, transition, etc., but: Jo 16:20 12:27, Ga 2:14; before commands or requests, Ac 10:20 26:16, Mt 9:18, Mk 9:22, al.; to introduce an accessory idea, II Co 7:11; in the apodosis after a condition or concession with εἰ, ἐάν, εἴπερ, yet, still, at least, Mk 14:29, I Co 9:2, II Co 4:16, Col 2:5, al.; after μέν, Ac 4:17, Ro 14:20, I Co 14:17; giving emphasis to the following clause, ἀλλ’ ἔρχεται ὥρα, yea, etc., Jo 16:2; so with neg., ἀλλ’ οὐδέ, nay, nor yet, Lk 23:15.
3. Joined with other particles (a practice which increases in late writers; Simcox, LNT, 166), ἀ. γε, yet at least, Lk 24:21, I Co 9:2; ἄ ἤ., save only, except, Lk 12:51, II Co 1:13; ἀ. μὲν οὖν, Phl 3:8 (on this usage, v. MM, VGT, s.v.).

[NT: 6x] ἀλλάσσω (< ἄλλος), [in LXX chiefly for חָלַף, מוּר hi., etc. ;]

1. to change: Ac 6:14, Ga 4:20.
2. to transform: I Co 15:51-52, He 1:12.
3. to exchange: c. acc, seq. ἐν (= בְּ, Ps 106:20) instead of simple gen. (Bl., § 36, 8), Ro 1:23
(cf. ἀπ-, δι-, κατ-, ἀπο-κατ-, μετ-, συν-αλλάσσω; v. MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 1x] ** ἀλλαχόθεν adv. (< ἀλλος), [in LXX: IV Mac 1:7 * ;] = ἀλλοθεν (v.MM, VGT, s.v.)

from another place: Jo 10:1.†

[NT: 1x] *† ἀλληγορέω, -ῶ (< ἄλλος, ἀγορεύω)

to speak allegorically (Cremer, 96 ff.): Ga 4:24.†

ἁλληλουιά (Rec. ἀλληλούϊα; Heb. הָלַל יָהּ, praise the Lord), [in LXX in the titles of certain Psa (104 (105), al.), and at the end of Ps 150:1-6; also To 13:18, III Mac 7:13 ;]

hallelujah, alleluia: Re 19:1, 3-4 19:6.†

[NT: 100x] ἀλλήλων (gen. pl.), dat. -οις, -αις, acc. -ους, -ας, -α (no nom.), recipr. pron. (< ἄλλος),

of one another, mutually: Mt 25:32, Mk 4:41, Jo 13:22, al.

[NT: 1x] ἀλλογενής, -ές (< ἄλλος, γένος), [in LXX chiefly for זוּר, נֵכָר ;]

of another race, a foreigner ( = ἀλλόφυλος; Cremer, 150; MM, VGT, s.v.): Lk 17:18.†

[p. 22]

[NT: 3x] ἅλλομαι [in LXX for צָלַח, דָּלַג pi., etc. ;]

to leap: Ac 3:8 14:10; of water, to spring up, Jo 4:14 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 155x] ἄλλος, -η, -ο, (cf. Lat. alius, Eng. else), [in LXX for אַחֵר ,אֶחָד, etc. ;]

other, another: absol., Mt 20:3, al.; ἄ. δέ, I Co 3:10 12:8; pl., Mk 6:15; attached to a noun, Mt 2:12 4:21, al.; c. art., ὁ ἄ., the other, Mt 5:39, Jo 19:32 (Bl., §47, 8); οἱ ἄ., the others, the rest, Jo 20:25, I Co 14:29; ἄ. πρὸς ἄλλον = πρὸς ἀλλήλους (BL, §48, 10), Ac 2:12; ἄλλ’ (i.e. ἄλλο) (Bl., §77, 13), Lk 12:51; seq. πλήν, Mk 12:32; εἰ μή, Jo 6:22; παρά c. acc., I Co 3:11.
SYN.: ἕτερος, q.v. ἄ. denotes numerical, ἕ. qualitative difference (Cremer, 89). ἄ. generally "denotes simply distinction of individuals, ἕ. involves the secondary idea of difference in kind" (v. Lft., Meyer, Ramsay, on Ga 1:6, 7; Tr., Syn., §xcv; BL, §51, 6; M, Pr., 79f., 246; MM, VGT, s.vv.). As to whether the distinction can be maintained in I Co 12:8, 10 v. ICC, in l., and on He 11:35f., v. Westc, in l.

[NT: 1x] * ἀλλοτρι-επίσκοπος (Rec. ἀλλοτριοεπ-), -ου, ὁ

one who meddles in things alien to his calling: I Pe 4:15 (v. ICC, in l; Deiss., BS, 224-4; MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 14x] ἀλλότριος, -α, -ον (< ἄλλος), [in LXX for זוּר, נֵכָר, אַחֵר ;]

1. be-longing to another, not one's own (opp. to ἴδιος): Lk 16:12, Ro 14:4 15:20 (Field, Notes, 165 f.), II Co 10:15-16, I Ti 5:22, He 9:25.
2. foreign, strange, alien (opp. to οἰκεῖος; v. MM, VGT, s.v.): Mt 17:25-26, Jo 10:5, Ac 7:6, He 11:9, 34.†

[NT: 1x] ἀλλόφυλος, -ον (ἄλλος, φῦλον, a tribe), [in LXX chiefly for פְּלֶשֶׁת ;]

foreign, of another race (MM, VGT, s.v.); as opp. to a Jew, a Gentile: Ac 10:28.†

[NT: 1x] ἄλλως adv. (< ἄλλος),

otherwise: I Ti 5:25.†

[NT: 3x] ἀλοάω, -ῶ (< ἅλως, v.s. ἅλων; and cf. MM, VGT, s.v.), [in LXX chiefly for דּוּשׁ ;]

to thresh: I Co 9:9 9:13; I Ti 5:18.†

[NT: 3x] ἄ-λογος, -ον [in LXX: Ex 6:12 (שָׂפָה עָרֵל), Nu 6:12 (נָפַל), Jb 11:12, Wi 11:15-16, IV Mac 3:1-21 * ;]

1. without reason, irrational: ζῷα, II Pe 2:12, Ju 10.
2. contrary to reason: Ac 25:27 (v. MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 1x] ἀλόη, -ης, ἡ [in LXX: Ca 4:14 א (אֲהָלִים)* ;]

the aloe, aloes (the powder of a fragrant wood): Jo 19:39.†

[NT: 1x] ἅλς, ἁλός, ὁ

variant for ἅλας (q.v.): Mk 9:49, Rec. WH, mg., R, mg.†

[NT: 1x] ἁλυκός, -ή, -όν (< ἅλς), [in LXX for מְלַח, שִׂדִּים ;]

salt: Ja 3:12.†

* ἄλυπος, -ον (< λύπη),

free from grief: Phl 2:28.†

[NT: 11x] ** ἅλυσις, -εως, ἡ [in LXX: Wi 17:17 * ;]

a chain, bond: Mk 5:3-4, Lk 8:29, Ac 12:6-7 21:33 28:20, Eph 6:20, II Ti 1:16, Re 20:1.†

[NT: 1x] * ἀ-λυσιτελής, -ές

(cf. λυσιτελέω), unprofitable: He 13:17.†

Ἀλφαῖος (WH, Ἀλ-), -ου, ὁ (Aram. חַלְפַּי)

1. Father of Levi: Mk 2:14.
2. Father of James: Mt 10:3, Mk 3:13, Lk 6:15, Ac 1:13.†

[NT: 2x] ἅλων, -ωνος (for Attic ἅλως, -ω, v. MM, VGT, s.v.), , [in LXX [p. 23] chiefly for גֹּרֶן ;]

a threshing floor: Mt 3:12, Lk 3:17 (here prob. by meton. = the grain on the threshing floor).†

[NT: 3x] ἀλώπηξ, -εκος, ἡ [in LXX for שׁוּעָל ;]

a fox: Mt 8:20, Lk 9:58; metaph., of Herod, Lk 13:32.†

[NT: 1x] ἅλωσις, -εως, ἡ (< ἁλίσκομαι), [in LXX: Je 50:46 (תָּפַשׂ ni.)* ;]

a taking, capture: II Pe 2:12.†

[NT: 10x] ἅμα adv.,

at once (Lat. simul): Ac 24:26 27:40, Ro 3:12 (one and all = יַחַד, Ps 14:3), Col 4:3, I Ti 5:13, Phm 22; seq. σύν, I Th 4:17 5:10; as prep. c. dat., together with: Mt 13:29 (v. MM, VGT, s.v.); also, c. adv., ἅ. πρωΐ (cl., ἅ. ἕω, etc.), early in the morning: Mt 20:1.†

[NT: 1x] ** ἀμαθής, -ές (< μανθάνω), [in Sm.: Ps 49:11 * ;]

unlearned, ignorant: II Pe 3:16 (on the rareness of this word, v. MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 1x] *† ἀμαράντινος, -ον (< ἀμάραντος),

of amaranth (Inscr.); hence un­fading: I Pe 5:4.†

[NT: 1x] **† ἀμάραντος, -ον (< μαραίνομαι), [in LXX: Wi 6:12 (σοφία)* ;]

un­fading (whence ὁ ἀ., the amaranth, an unfading flower): I Pe 1:4 (cf. MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 43x] ἁμαρτάνω (pres. formed from aor. ἁμαρτεῖν), [in LXX for חָטָא, also for אָשַׁם, רָשַׁע, etc. ;]

1. to miss the mark (Hom., Æsch., al.), hence metaph. (Hom., al.), to err, do wrong
2. In LXX and NT, to violate God's law, to sin (for non-Christian exx., v. MM, VGT, s.v.): absol., Mt 18:25 27:4, Lk 17:3, Jo 5:14 8:11 9:2-3 Ro 2:12 3:23 5:12, 14 5:16 6:15, I Co 7:28 7:36 15:34, Eph 4:26, I Ti 5:20, Tit 3:11, He 3:17 10:26, I Pe 2:20, II Pe 2:4 2:4 I Jn 1:10 Jn 2:1 Jn 3:6-9 Jn 5:18; c. cogn. acc, ἁ. ἁμαρτίαν (cf. Ex 32:30, חֲטָאָה חָטָא), I Jn 5:16; seq. εἰς, Mt 18:21, Lk 15:18, 21 17:4, Ac 25:8 (καίσαρα). I Co 6:18 8:12 (Field, Notes, 173); ἐνώπιον, Lk 15:18, 21; πρὸς θάνατον (cf. Nu 18:22, מוּת חֵטְא), I Jn 5:16 (Cremer, 98, 633).†

[NT: 4x] ἁμάρτημα, -τος, τό (< ἁμαρτεῖν, v. supr.), [in LXX for חַטָּאָה, עָוֺן etc. ;]

an act of disobedience to divine law (Lft., Notes, 273), a sinful deed, a sin: Mk 3:28-29, Ro 3:25, I Co 6:18, II Pe 1:9, WH, mg.; αἰώνιωv ἀ. (DCG, i, 788a), Mk 3:29 (for exx. from π., v. MM, VGT, s.v.).†
SYN.: ἀγνόημα, ἁμαρτία, ἀνομία, ἀσέβεια, ἥττημα, παράβασις, παρακοή, παρανομία, παράπτωμα (ν. Cremer, 100; Tr., Syn., § lxvi; DB, iv, 532; DCG, l.c.; Westc, Eph., 165 f.)

[NT: 173x] ἁμαρτία, -ας, ἡ (< ἁμαρτάνω, q.v.), [in LXX chiefly for חַטָּאת and cogn. forms, also for פֶּשַׁע ,עָוֹן, etc. ;]

prop. a missing the mark; in cl. (v. reff. to CR in MM, VGT, s.v.);
(a) guilt, sin (Plat., Arist., al.);
(b) more freq., from Æsch. down, a fault, failure. In NT (as LXX) always in ethical sense;
1. as a principle and quality of action, = τὸ ἁμαρτάνειν, a sinning, sin: Ro 5:12, 13 20; ὑφ’ ἁμαρτίαν εἶναι, Ro 3:9; ἐπιμένειν, Ro 6:1; ἀποθνήσκειν, νεκρὸν εἶναι τῇ ἁ., Ro 6:2, 11; τὴν ἀ. γινώσκειν, Ro 7:7; σῶμα τῆς ἁ., Ro 6:6; ἀπάτη τῆς ἁ., He 3:13; personified as a ruling principle, ἁ. βασιλεύει, κυριεύει, etc., Ro 5:21 [p. 24] 6:12, 14 7:17, 20; δουλεύειν, Ro 6:6; δοῦλος τῆς ἁ., ib. 17; νόμος τῆς ἁ., Ro 7:23 8:2; δύναμις τῆς ἁ., I Co 15:56 (cf. Ge 4:7).
2. As a generic term (disting. fr. the specific terms ἁμάρτημα, q.v., etc.) for concrete wrongdoing, violation of the divine law, sin: Jo 8:46, Ja 1:15, al.; ποιεῖν (τὴν) ἁ., Jo 8:34, II Co 11:7, I Jo 3:8; εἴχειν ἁ., Jo 9:41 15:22, 24 19:11, I Jo 1:8; in pl. ἁμαρτίαι, sin in the aggregate, I Th 2:16 (v. Milligan, in l.); ποιεῖν ἁμαρτίας, Ja 5:15; πλῆθος ἁμαρτιῶν, Ja 5:20, I Pe 4:8; ἄφεσις ἁμαρτιῶν, Mt 26:28, Mk 1:4, al.; ἐν ἁμαρτίαις εἶναι, I Co 15:17; collectively, αἴρειν τὴν ἁ. τ. κόσμου, Jo 1:29; ἀποθνήσκειν ἐν τῇ ἁ., Jo 8:21.
3. = ἁμάρτημα, a sinful deed, a sin: Mt 12:31, Ac 7:60, I Jo 5:16.
SYN.: v.s. ἁμάρτημα.

[NT: 1x] * ἀμάρτυρος, -ον (< μάρτυς),

without witness: Ac 14:17.†

[NT: 47x] ἁμαρτωλός, -όν (< ἁμαρτάνω), [in LXX chiefly for רָשָׁע ;]

sinful, a sinner: of all men, I Ti 1:15; of those especially wicked, I Ti 1:9, I Pe 4:18; p1., Mt 9:10-13 11:19 26:45, al. (v. MM, VGT, s.v.; Cremer, 102, 634)

[NT: 2x] * ἄμαχος, -ον (< μάχη);

1. invincible (freq. in cl.).
2. abstaining from fighting, non-combatant (Xen.). Metaph. (cf. MM, VGT, s.v.), not contentious: I Ti 3:3, Tit 3:2.†

[NT: 2x] * ἀμάω, -ῶ (in cl. chiefly poët.),

to reap: Ja 5:4.†

[NT: 1x] ἀμέθυστος, -ου, ἡ (acc to Plut., < ἀ- μεθύω, being regarded as an antidote against drunkenness) [in LXX: Ex 28:19 36:19 39:12 Ez 28:13 * ;]

amethyst, a purple quartz: Re 21:20.†

[NT: 4x] ἀμελέω, -ῶ (< μέλει), [in LXX: Je 4:17 (מָרָה) Je 31:32 (בַּעַל), Wi 3:10, II Mac 4:14 * ;]

(a) absol., to be careless, not to care: Mt 22:5;
(b) c. gen., to be careless of, to neglect: I Ti 4:14, He 2:3 8:9 (v. MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 5x] ἄ-μεμπτος, -ον (< μέμφομσι), [in LXX chiefly for תָּם ;]

blameless, free from fault (in π. of a marriage-contract; M, Th., I, 3:13; cf. MM, VGT, s.v.): Lk 1:6, Phl 2:15 3:6, I Th 3:13 (WH, mg., -ως) He 8:7.†
SYN.: ἄμωμος, ἀνέγκλητος, ἀνεπίλημπτος, q.v. (Tr., Syn., § ciii)

[NT: 2x] ἀ-μέμπτως, adv. (< ἄμεμπτος), [in LXX: Es 3:13 * ;]

blamelessly (Lft., Notes, 28, 89; MM, VGT, s.v. -ος): I Th 2:10 3:13 WH mg., 5:23.†

[NT: 2x] ** ἀμέριμνος, -ον (< μέριμνα), [in LXX: Wi 6:15 7:23 * ;]

free from anxiety or care: Mt 28:14, I Co 7:32 (for exx., v. MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 2x] *† ἀ-μετάθετος, -ον (< μετατίθημι), [in LXX: III Mac 5:1 Mac 5:12 * ;]

immutable: He 6:18; as subat., τὸ ἀ., immutability, He 6:17 (v. MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 1x] * ἀ-μετα-κίνητος, -ον (< μετακινέω),

immovable, firm: I Co 15:58.†

[NT: 2x] * ἀ-μεταμέλητος, -ον (< μεταμέλομαι),

not repented of, unregretted: Ro 11:29, II Co 7:10.†

[NT: 1x] *† ἀμετανόητος, -ον (< μετανοέω)

1. impenitent: Ro 2:5
2. = ἀμεταμέλητος (π., Philo, al.; v. Deiss., BS, 257; MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 2x] * ἄμετρος, -ον (< μέτρον),

without measure: adverbially, εἰς τὰ ἄ., excessively, II Co 10:13 10:15

[NT: 129x] ἀμήν, indecl. (Heb. אָמֵן, verbal adj. fr. אמן, to prop. ni., be firm), [in LXX: I Ch 16:36, I Es 9:46, Ne 5:13 8:6, To 8:8 14:15, III Mac 7:23, [p. 25] IV Mac 18:24 (elsewhere ''א is rendered ἀληθινός, Is 65:16; ἀληθῶς, Je 35 (28):6; γένοιτο, Nu 5:22, De 27:15ff., III Ki 1:36, Ps 40 (41):13 71 (72):19 105 (106):48, Je 11:5)*.]

1. As adj. (cf. Is, l.c.), ὁ ἀ., Re 3:14.
2. As adv.,
(a) in solemn assent to the statements or prayers of another (Nu, Ne, etc., ll. c.): ὁ ἀ., I Co 14:16;
(b) similarly, at the end of one's own prayer or ascription of praise: Ro 1:25 15:33, Ga 1:5, I Ti 1:17;
(c) in the Gospels, exclusively, introducing solemn statements of our Lord, truly, verily: Mt 5:18, 26 Mk 3:28 (v. Swete, in l.), Lk 4:24, al.; ἀ. ἀ., always in Jo 1:52 3:3 5:19, al.; τὸ ναί, καὶ . . . τὸ ἀ., II Co 1:20 (on usage in π., v. MM, VGT, s.v.).

[NT: 1x] * ἀμήτωρ, -ορος, ὁ, ἡ (< μήτηρ), without a mother (freq. in Gk. writers of the gods): ἀπάτωρ ἀ.

of one without recorded genealogy, He 7:3 (cf. MM, VGT, s.v.)

[NT: 4x] ** ἀ-μίαντος, -ον (< μιαίνω), [in LXX: Wi 3:13 4:2 8:20, II Mac 14:36 Mac 15:34 * ;]

undefiled, free from contamination (in π., of αἰθήρ; MM, VGT, s.v.): He 7:26 13:4, I Pe 1:4, Ja 1:27.†
SYN.: ἄμωμος, ἄσπιλος (Cremer, 784)

[NT: 3x] Ἀμιναδάβ, indecl. (Heb עַמִּינָדָב),

Amminadab: Mt 1:4, Lk 3:33 (WH om.).†

[NT: 5x] ἄμμος, -ου, ἡ [in LXX chiefly for חוֹל ;]

sand, sandy ground: Mt 7:26, Ro 9:27, He 11:12, Re 18:1, Re 20:8.†

[NT: 4x] ἀμνός, -οῦ, ὁ [in LXX chiefly for כֶּבֶשׂ ;]

a lamb: fig., of Christ (DCG, ii, 620b), Jo 1:29, 36, Ac 8:32 (LXX), I Pe 1:19 (cf. ἀρνίον; Cremer, 102, 635).†

[NT: 1x] ** ἀμοιβή, -ῆς, ἡ (< ἀμείβομαι, to repay); [in Aq., Sm.: Pr 12:14, al. ;]

requital, recompense: I Ti 5:4 (for illustration from τ.. v. MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 9x] ἄμπελος, -ου, ἡ [in LXX for גֶּפֶן ;]

vine: Mt 26:29, Mk 14:25, Lk 22:18 Ja 3:12; fig., of Christ, Jo 15:1, 4-5; of his enemies (on the usage here, v. MM, VGT, s.v.): Re 14:18-19.†

[NT: 1x] ἀμπελουργός, -οῦ, ὁ, ἡ [in LXX for כֹּרֵם ;]

a vine dresser: Lk 13:7.†

[NT: 23x] ἀμπελών, -ῶνος, ὁ (< ἄμπελος), [in LXX for כֶּרֶם ;]

a vineyard: Mt 20:1 ff. Mt 21:28 ff, Lk 13:6 20:9 ff., I Co 9:7. Æschin., 49, 13; Diod., al.; v. MM, VGT, s.v.; LS, s.v. ἀμπελουργεῖον.)

[NT: 1x] Ἀμπλιᾶτος (T, -ίατος; Rec. Ἀμπλιᾶς; v. MM, VGT, 5.v.), -ου, ὁ

Ampliatus: Ro 1:6 8:8.†

ἀμύνω [in LXX (mid.): Jos 10:13 (נָקַם), נָקַם), Ps 118:10-12 מוּל hi.), Is 59:16 (יָשַׁע hi.), Wi 11:3, al. ;]

to ward off, etc. Mid.
(a) to defend oneself against;
(b) to requite;
(c) = act., to defend, assist (Isa, l.c.): c. acc pers., Ac 7:24 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†

ἀμφιάζω (< ἀμφί, on both sides: v. M, Pr., 100), Hellenistic for ἀμφιέννυμι (cf. MM, VGT, s.v.), [in LXX for לָבַשׁ, etc. ;]

to clothe: Lk 12:28 (T, -έζει).†

ἀμφι-βάλλω (v. supr.), [in LXX: Hb 1:17 * ;]

= περιβάλλω, to throw around, as a garment: absol. (MM, VGT, s.v.), of casting a net: Mk 1:16 (Rec. βάλλονταν ἀμφίβληστρον).†
SYN.: δίκτυον, σαγήνη. ἀ. is a casting-net, σ. a drag-net, δ. is the more general term - a net of any kind (Tr., Syn., § lxiv).

[p. 26]

[NT: 1x] ἀμφίβληστρον, -ου, τό (< ἀμφιβάλλω), [in LXX chiefly for חֵרֶם ;]

something thrown around, as a garment; spec., a casting-net: Mt 4:18.†

ἀμφιέζω, v.s. ἀμφιάζω.

[NT: 3x] ἀμφιέννυμι (< ἕννυμι, to clothe),

to clothe: Mt 6:30 11:8, Lk 7:25 (cf. ἀμφιάζω).†

[NT: 1x] Ἀμφίπολις, -εως, ἡ

Amphipolis, in Macedonia, so called because the river Strymon flowed around it: Ac 17:1.†

[NT: 1x] ἄμφοδον, -ου, το (< ἀμφί ὁδός), [in LXX for אַרְמוֹן (Je 17:27 30:10 49:27)* ;]

prop., a road around anything (RV, the open street): Mk 11:4, Ac 19:28, WH, mg.†

[NT: 14x] ἀμφότεροι, -αι, -α

(replaces ἄμφω in κοινή, V. M, Pr., 57; used of more than two, Pr., 80; MM, VGT, s.v.), both of two: Mt 9:17, al.

[NT: 1x] * ἀ-μώμητος, -ου (< μωμάομαι),

blameless: II Pe 3:14.†
SYN.: ἄμεμπτος (q.v.), ἀνέγκλητος, ἀνεπίλημπτος

* ἄμωμον, -ου, τό,

amomum, a fragrant plant of India (RV, spice): Re 18:13

[NT: 8x] ἄ-μωμος, -ον (< μῶμος, q.v.), [in LXX chiefly for תָּמִים ];

of sacrificial victims, without blemish: of Christ, He 9:14, I Pe 1:19; etbically, unblemished, faultless: Eph 1:4 5:27, Phl 2:15, Col 1:22, Ju 24, Re 14:5 (Cremer, 425, 788; MM, VGT, s.v.).†
SYN.: ἀμίαντος, ἄσπιλος

[NT: 1x] Ἀμών, indecl. (Heb. אָמוֹן),

Amon, King of Judah: Mt 1:10 (Rec.).†

[NT: 83x] Ἀμώς, indecl. (Heb. אָמוֹץ, Is 1:1; עָמוֹס, Am 1:1; אָמוֹן, IV Ki 21:18 ff. B)

1. as in 2Ki, Lc. B (Α. Ἀμμών; Jos., Ἀμμών, "Αμωσσς), Amon: Mt 1:10.
2. Amos: Lk 3:25.†

[NT: 716x] ἄν, conditional particle,

which cannot usually be separately translated in English, its force depending on the constructions which contain it (see further, LS, s.v.; WM, §xlii; M, Pr., 165 ff.; MM, VGT, s.v.).
1. In apodosis,
(i) c. indic, impf. or aor., expressing what would be or would have been if (εἰ c. impf., aor. or plpf.) some condition were or had been fulfilled: Lk 7:39 17:6, Jo 5:46, Ga 1:10, Mt 12:7 24:43, I Co 2:8, Ac 18:14, I Jo 2:19, al. The protasis is sometimes understood (as also in cl.): Mt 25:27, Lk 19:23. In hypothetical sentences, expressing unreality, ἄν (as often in late writers, more rarely in cl.) is omitted: Jo 8:39 15:24 19:11, Ro 7:7, Ga 4:15;
(ii) c. opt., inf., ptcp. (cl.; v. LS, s.v.; M, Int., §275; M, Pr., 167:4).
2. In combination with conditional, relative, temporal, and final words;
(i) as in cl., c. subj.,
(a) in protasis with εἰ, in Attic contr. ἐάν, q.v.;
(b) in conditional, relative, and temporal clauses (coalescing with ὅτε, ἐπεί, etc.; v.s. ὅταν, ἐπάν, etc.), ever, soever;
(α) c. pres., ἡνίκα, II Co 3:15; ὃς ἄν, Ro 9:15 (LXX) 16:2, al.; ὅσοι ἄν, Lk 9:5; ὡς ἄν, Ro 15:24 (M, Pr., 167);
(β) c. aor., ὃς ἄν, Mt 5:21, 22, 31; ἕως ἄν, until, Mt 2:13, Mk 6:10, al.; ὡς ἄν, as soon as (M, Pr., 167), I Co 11:34, Phl 2:23. On the freq. use of ἐάν [p. 27] for ἄν with the foregoing words, v.s. ἐάν;
(ii) in late Gk., when some actual fact is spoken of, c. indic.: ὅταν (q.v.); ὅπου ἄν, Mk 6:56 (M, Pr., 168); καθότι ἄν, Ac 2:45 4:35; ὡς ἄν, I Co 12:2.
3. in iterative construction, c. impf. and aor. indic. (M, Pr., 167): Ac 2:45 4:35, I Co 12:2.
4. c. optat., giving a potential sense to a question or wish: Ac 8:31 26:29.
5. Elliptical constructions: εἰ μή τι ἄν (M, Pr., 169), I Co 7:5; ὡς ἄν, c. inf., as it were (op. cit. 167), II Co 10:9.

ἄν, contr. from ἐάν, q.v.

[NT: 13x] ἀνά

prep. (the rarest in NT; M, Pr., 98; MM, VGT, s.v.), prop.,
upwards, up, always c. acc
1. In phrases: ἀ. μέσον, among, between, c. gen., Mt 13:1-58 25:1-46, Mk 7:31, I Co 6:5 (M, Pr., 99), Re 7:17 [so in LXX for בְּתוׄך׃]; ἀ. μέρος, in turn, I Co 14:27 (both found in Polyb.; cf. MGr. ἀνάμεσα).
2. Distrib., apiece, by: Mt 20:9-10, Lk 9:3 (WH om.), Lk 9:14 Lk 10:1, Jo 2:6, Re 4:8.
3. Adverbially ("a vulgarism," B1., § 51, 5; cf. Deiss., BS, 139 f.), ἀ. εἷς ἕκαστος, Re 21:21.
As prefix, ἀ. signifies
(a) up: ἀναβαίνειν;
(b) to: ἀναγγέλλειν;
(c) anew: ἀναγεννᾶν;
(d) back: ἀνακάμπτειν.

[NT: 2x] ἀνα-βαθμός, -οῦ, ὁ (< ἀναβαίνω), [in LXX for מַעֲלָה: מַעֲלָה: III Ki 10:19-20, IV Ki 9:13 20:9 ff, II Ch 9:18-19, Is 38:8, Ez 40:6, 49; ᾠδὴ τῶν ἀ., tit. Ps 120:1-7 121:1-8 122:1-9 123:1-4 124:1-8 125:1-5 126:1-6 127:1-5 128:1-6 129:1-8 130:1-8 131:1-3 132:1-18 133:1-3 134:1-3)* ;]

1. a going up, an ascent (Pss, ll. c. ?).
2. a step (LXX); p1., a flight of stairs: Ac 21:35, 40. (On the formation -θμός, v. MM, VGT, s.v.)†

[NT: 82x] ἀναβαίνω [in LXX chiefly for עָלָה ;]

to go up, ascend,
(a) of persons: ἐπί συκομωρέαν, Lk 19:4; εἰς τ. πλοῖον, Mk 6:51; εἰς Ἱεροσόλυμα, Mt 20:17; εἰς τ. ἱερόν, c. inf. (M, Pr., 205), Lk 18:10; with mention of place of departure, Mt 3:16 (ἀπό), Ac 8:39 (ἐκ);
(b) of things, to rise, spring up, come up: a fish, Mt 17:27; smoke, Re 8:4; plants growing, Mt 13:7; metaph., of things coming up in one's mind (as Heb. לֵב אֵל עָלָה; IV Ki 12:4, al.), Lk 24:38, I Co 2:9; of prayers, Ac 10:4; messages, Ac 21:31 (for late exx., v. MM, VGT, s.v.)

ἀνα-βάλλω [in LXX: Ps 78:21 89:38 (עָבַר), I Ki 28:14, Ps 104:2 (עָטָה) ;]

to defer, put off (MM, VGT, s.v.): mid., Ac 24:22.†

[NT: 1x] ἀνα-βιβάζω (causal of ἀναβαίνω), [in LXX chiefly for עָלָה hi., also for רָכַב hi., etc. ;]

to make go up, draw up, as a ship (Xen.): σαγήνην, Mt 13:48 (metaph., MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 25x] ἀνα-βλέπω [in LXX chiefly for נָשָׂא ;]

1. to look up: Mk 8:24, al.; seq. εἰς, Mt 14:19, al. (Xen., Plat.).
2. to recover sight (Plat., Aristoph.; cf. MM, VGT, s.v.): Mt 11:5, Jo 9:11, al

[NT: 1x] ἀνά-βλεψις, -εως, ή (< ἀναβλέπω), [in LXX: Is 61:1 (פְּקַח־קוֹחַ)* ;]

recovery of sight: Lk 4:18 (Lxx).†

[NT: 1x] ἀνα-βοάω, -ῶ [in LXX for צָעַק, זָעַק, קָרָא, etc. ;]

to cry out: Mt 27:46 (WH, ἐβόησεν; v. MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 1x] ἀναβολή, - ῆς, ἡ (< ά αβάλλω), [in LXX for בּנף, etc. ;]

delay: Ac 25:17 (for exx. of other meanings, v. MM, VGT, s.v.).†

* ἀνάγαιον (Rec. ἀνώγεον; on the form, v. Rutherford, NPhr., [p. 28] 357 f.; MM, VGT, s.v.), -ου, τό (< ἀνά, γῆ),

an upper room: Mk 14:15, Lk 22:12.†
SYN.: ὑπερῷον

[NT: 14x] ἀν-αγγέλλω [in LXX chiefly for נָגַד hi ;]

1. to bring back word, report (Æsch., Thuc., al.): Jo 5:15 (WH, εἶπεν), Ac 14:27 15:4, II Co 7:7
2. Later, = ἀπαγγέλλω (MM, VGT, s.v.), to announce, declare (LXX; Cremer, 24): Mt 28:11 (WH, ἀπ-), Jo 4:25 16:13-15, Ac 19:18 20:20, 27 Ro 15:21, I Pe 1:12, I Jn 1:5.†

[NT: 2x] **† ἀνα-γεννάω, -ῶ [in LXX: Sir prol.17 א* (ΑΒאc παρα-)* ;]

to beget again: metaph., of spiritual birth, I Pe 1:3 1:23 (cf. Cremer, 147; MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 32x] ἀνα-γινώσκω (Attic ἀναγιγν-), [in LXX chiefly for קָרָא ;]

1. to know certainly, know again, recognize.
2. Of written characters, to read: Mt 24:15, Mk 13:14, Ac 15:31 23:34, Eph 3:4; c. acc rei, Mt 22:31, Mk 12:10 Lk 6:3, Jo 19:20, Ac 8:30, 32, II Co 1:13, Re 1:3; c. acc pers., Ἠσαίαν τ. προφήτην, Ac 8:28, 30; seq. ἐν, Mt 12:5 21:42, Mk 12:26 (so. ἐν τ. νόμῳ), Lk 10:26; seq. ὅτι, Mt 19:4 21:16; τί ἐποίησε, Mt 12:3, Mk 2:25; pass. II Co 3:2; of reading aloud (MM, VGT, s.v.), Lk 4:16, Ac 13:27 15:21, II Co 3:15, Col 4:16, I Th 5:27 (M, Th., in l).†

[NT: 9x] ἀναγκάζω (< ἀνάγκη), [in LXX: Pr 6:7 (שֹׁטֵר), I Es 3:24, I Mac 2:25, al. ;]

to necessitate, compel by force or persuasion, constrain: c. acc, II Co 12:11; id. c. inf., Mt 14:22, Mk 6:45, Lk 14:23, Ac 26:11 (on the impf. here, v. Field, Notes, 141; M, Pr., 128 f., 247), Ga 2:14 6:12; pass., C. inf., Ac 28:19, Ga 2:3 (for exx., v. MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 8x] ** ἀναγκαῖος, -αῖα, -αῖον (< ἀνάγκη), [in LXX: Es 8:13, Wi 16:3, Sir prol.22, II Mac 4:23 Mac 9:21, IV Mac 1:2 * ;]

1. necessary: Ac 13:46, I Co 12:22, II Co 9:5, Phl 2:25, Tit 3:14, He 8:3; comp. -αιότερον, Phl 1:24.
2. Of persons connected by bonds of nature or friendship, near, intimate (Field, Notes, 118; ΜΜ, VGT, s.v.): ἀ. φίλοι, Ac 10:24.†

[NT: 1x] * ἀναγκαστῶς adv.,

necessarily or by constraint: opp. to ἑκουσίως, I Pe 5:2 (rare).†

[NT: 17x] ἀνάγκη, -ης, ἡ [in LXX chiefly for מָצוֹק, צַר ;]

1. necessity: ἔχειν ἀ-, c. inf., to be compelled, Lk 14:18 23:17 (Rec., R, mg.), I Co 7:37, Ju 3, He 7:27; ἐξ ἀ., κατ' ἀ., of necessity, II Co 9:7, He 7:12, Phm 14; ἀ. μοι ἐπίκειται, n. is laid on me, I Co 9:16; c. inf. (= ἀναγκαῖον ἐστι), Mt 18:7, Ro 13:5, He 9:16, 23
2. force, violence, hence pain, distress (Diod., al.; LXX; v. M, Th., 41; MM, VGT, s.v.; cf. θλίψις): Lk 21:23, I Co 7:26, I Th 3:7; pl. (v. B1., § 32, 6; Swete, Mk., 153), ἐν ἀ., II Co 6:4 12:10.†

ἀνα-γνωρίζω [in LXX: Ge 45:1 (יָדַע hith.)* ;]

to recognize: Ac 7:13 (WH, txt., ἐγνωρίσθη).†

[NT: 3x] ἀνά-γνωσις, -εως, ἡ [in LXX: Ne 8:8 (מִקְרָא), I Es 9:48, Sir prol. 9, 13 * ;]

1. recognition (Hdt.).
2. reading (Plat., al.): of the public reading of Scripture (Milligan, NTD, 173, 210 f.): Ac 13:15, II Co 3:14, I Ti 4:13 (Cremer, 158; MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 23x] ἀν-άγω [in LXX chiefly for עָלָה hi. ;]

to lead or bring up: seq. είς, c. acc loc., Mt 4:1, Lk 2:22 4:5 (WH om. είς, κ.τ.λ.), Ac 9:39 16:34; of raising the dead (cl.), ἐκ νεκρῶν, Ro 10:7, He 13:20; to produce and set before, [p. 29] τ. λαῷ, Ac 12:4 (MM, VGT, s.v.); in sacrificial sense (MM, 1 c.), to offer, θυσίαν, Ac 7:41. Mid., in nautical sense (Hom., Hdt., Thuc., al.), to put to sea: Lk 8:22, Ac 13:13 16:11 18:21 20:3, 13 21:1-2 27:2, 4 27:12, 21 28:10-11 (cf.ἐπ-ανάγω).†

[NT: 2x] ἀνα-δείκνυμι [in LXX: Hb 3:2 (יָדַע), Da LXX 1:11 (מָנָה), Da 1:20 (מָצָא), 1Esdra.6.2, 3Mac.9 * ;]

1. to lift up and show, show forth, declare (cf. II Mac 2:8, v. MM, VGT, s.v.): Ac 1:24.
2. to consecrate, set apart, (Strab., Plut., Anth.): Lk 10:1.†

[NT: 1x] **† ἀνά-δειξις, -εως, ἡ (< ἀναδείκνυμι), [in LXX: Si 43:6 * ;]

a sheaving forth, announcement: Lk 1:80.†

[NT: 2x] ** ἀνα-δέχομαι [in LXX: II Mac 6:19 Mac 8:36 * ;]

1. to assume, undertake (in π. freq. as legal term: MM, VGT, s.v.): ἐπαγγελίας, He 11:17.
2. = cl. ὑποδέχομαι, to receive: of guests, Ac 28:7.†

[NT: 1x] ** ἀνα-δίδωμι [in LXX: Si 1:22, II Mac 13:15 * ;]

1. to give forth, send up, as of plants (Hdt., al.).
2. to give up, yield, hand over (MM, VGT, s.v.): Ac 23:33.†

[NT: 2x] **† ἀνα-ζάω, -ῶ [in Al.: Ge 45:27 * ;]

to live again, regain life (cf. cl. ἀναβιόω; Cremer, 722; and for other exx., v MM, VGT, s.v.): metaph. of moral revival, Lk 15:24 (WH, mg., ἔζησεν); of sin, Ro 7:9.†

[NT: 3x] ἀνα-ζητέω, -ῶ [in LXX: Jb 3:4 (דָּרַשׁ), Jb 10:6 (בָּקַשׁ pi.), II Mac 13:21 * ;]

to look for or seek carefully ("specially of searching for human beings, with an implication of difficulty": MM, VGT, s.v.): Lk 2:44-45 Ac 11:25.†

[NT: 1x] ἀνα-ζώννυμι [in LXX: Jg 18:16, Pr 31:17 (חָגַר)* ;]

to gird up: fig., τ. ὀσφύας τ. διανοίας, I Pe 1:13.†

** ἀνα-ζωπυργέω, -ῶ (< ζωός, πῦρ), [in LXX: I Mac 13:7 * ;]

to kindle afresh: metaph., II Ti 1:6 (for vernac. exx., v. MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 1x] ἀνα-θάλλω (< θάλλω, to flourish), [in LXX: Ps 28:7 (עָלַז), Ez 17:24 (פָּרַח hi.), Ho 8:9, Wi 4:4, Si 5:1-15 * ;]

to revive: Phl 4:10 (of MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 7x] ἀνάθεμα, -τος, τό (< ἀνατίθημι),

Hellenistic for Attic ἀνάθημα (Bl., § 27, 2);
1. prop. = τὸ ἀνατιθέμένον, that which is laid by to be kept, a votive offering (as ἀνάθημα in II Mac 2:13, Lk 21:5—where LT read -θεμα, v. M, Pr., 46).
2. [As equiv. in LXX for חֵרֶם,] devoted, a thing devoted to God (v. Driver, De., 98 f., and cf. Le 27:28-29), hence;
(a) of the sentence pronounced (De 13:15), a curse: Ac 23:14;
(b) of the object on which the curse is laid, accursed (De 7:26): Ro 9:3, I Co 12:3 16:22, Ga 1:8-9 (v. ICC on Ro.; Lft., Ga., ll. c.; Cremer, 547; Tr., Syn., § v; MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 4x] ἀνα-θεματίζω (< ἀνίθεμα), [in LXX chiefly for חָרַם hi. (Nu 21:2, I Ki 15:3, al.), I Mac 5:5 ;]

to devote to destruction, declare or invoke ana­thema: absol., Mk 14:71; ἐαντόν, to bind oneself under a curse: Ac 23:12, 14 23:21 (cf. καταναθεματίζω, and on the occurrence of the word in π., v. Deiss., LAE, 92 f.; MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 2x] ἀνα-θεωρέω, -ῶ

to observe carefully, consider well: Ac 17:23, He 13:7 (Diod., al.).†

[NT: 1x] ** ἀνάθημα, -τος, τό (cf. ἀνάθημα, and v. MM, VGT, s.v.), [in LXX [p. 30] often as v.l. for ἀνάθεμα (חָרַם), and in Nu 21:3, Jg 1:17 for חׇרְמָה, but prop. in III Mac 3:17, al. ;]

a gift set up in a temple, a votive offering: Lk 21:5 (LT, -θεμα).†

** ἀναιδία (Rec. -εία, as in cl.), -ας, ἡ (< αἰδώς), [in LXX: Si 25:22 * ;]

shamelessness, importunity: Lk 11:8 (for exx. from π., v. MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 1x] ἀν-αίρεσις, -εως, ἡ (< ἀναιρέω), [in LXX: Nu 11:15 (הָרַג), Jg 15:17 (רָמָה), Jth 15:4, II Mac 5:13 * ;]

1. a taking up or away (Thuc.).
2. a destroying, slaying, murder (Field, Notes, 116; MM, VGT, s.v.): Ac 8:1.†

[NT: 25x] ἀν-αιρέω, -ῶ [in LXX for הָרַג hi., מוּת hi., נָכָה hi., etc. ;]

1. to take up: mid., Ac 7:21.
2. to take away, make an end of, destroy (for late exx. of various senses, v. MM, VGT, s.v.);
(a) of things (as freq. in cl. of laws, etc.): He 10:9;
(b) of persons, to kill: Mt 2:16, Lk 22:2 23:32, Ac 2:23 5:33, 36 7:28 9:23-24, 29 10:39 12:2 13:28 16:27 22:20 23:15, 21 23:27 25:3 26:10, II Th 2:8, WH, txt., R, txt.†

[NT: 2x] ἀν-αίτιος, -ον (< αἰτία), [in LXX: De 19:10, 13 21:8-9 (נָקִי), Da LXX TH Sus1:62, always of αἷμα (of. MM, VGT, s.v.)* ;]

guiltless, innocent: Mt 12:5, 7.†

[NT: 2x] * ἀνα-καθ-ίζω (v.s. καθίζω);

1. trans., to set up.
2. Intrans., to sit up: Lk 7:15 (WH, mg., ἐκάθισεν), Ac 9:40 (freq. in medical writings: MM, VGT, s.v.).

[NT: 1x] ἀνα-καινίζω (< καινός), [in LXX: II Ch 15:8, Ps 103:5 104:30, La 5:21 (חָדַשׁ pi., hith)., Ps 39:2 (עָכַר ni.), I Mac 6:9 * ;]

to renew: He 6:6 (Isocr., Plut.).†

[NT: 2x] ἀνα-καινόω, -ῶ

= ἀνακαινίζω (cf. MM, VGT, s.v.),
to make new: II Co 4:16, Col 3:10 (v. Cremer, 323).†

[NT: 2x] ἀνακαίνωσις, -εως, ἡ (< ἀνακαινόω),

renewal: Ro 12:2, Tit 3:5 (Cremer, 324; MM, VGT, s.v.).†
SYN.: παλινγενεσία, in NT, new birth, of which ἀ. is the conse­quent renewal or renovation, in which man as well as God takes part (v. Tr., Syn., § xviii)

[NT: 2x] ἀνα-καλύπτω [in LXX chiefly for גָּלָה ni., pi. ;]

to unveil: metaph. of removing hindrance to perception of spiritual things, II Co 3:14 3:18.†

[NT: 4x] ἀνα-κάμπτω [in LXX: I Ch 19:5, Je 3:1, al. (שׁוּב), Je 15:5 (סוּר) ;]

1. trans., to bend or turn back.
2. Intrans., to return: Mt 2:12, Ac 18:21, He 11:15; metaph. (cf. MM, VGT, s.v.), Lk 10:6.†

[NT: 14x] ** ἀνά-κειμαι [in LXX: I Es 4:10, To 9:6 א * ;]

1. in cl., as pass. of ἀνατίθημ, to be laid up, laid: Mk 5:40 Rec.
2. In late writers (cf. MM, VGT, s.v.) = κεῖσθαι, κατακεῖσθαι, to recline at table: Mt 26:20; part. ἀνακείμενος, Mt 9:10 22:10-11 26:7, Mk 6:26 14:18 16:14, Lk 22:27, Jo 6:11 12:2 13:23, 28.†
SYN.: ἀνακλίνω, ἀναπίπτω, the latter denoting an act rather than a state and thus in Jo 13:25 differing from ἀνάκειμαι (see. Jo 13:23) by indicating a change of position.

** ἀνα-κεφαλαιόω, (v.s. κεφαλαιόω) [in Th., Al.: Ps 72:20 * ;]

to sum up, gather up, present as a whole: mid., Ro 13:9, Eph 1:10 (on WH. v. Lft., Notes, 321 L; AR, in l; Cremer, 354, 748).†

[p. 31]

[NT: 6x] ** ἀνα-κλίνω [in LXX: III Mac 5:16 * ;]

to lay upon, lean against, hence,
(a) to lay down: Lk 2:7;
(b) to make to recline: Mk 6:39, WH, mg., Lk 12:37. Pass., to lie back, recline: Mt 8:11 14:19, Lk 13:29.†
SYN.: ἀνάκειμαι (q.v.), ἀναπίπτω

[NT: 5x] ἀνα-κράζω [in LXX for קָרָא, etc. ;]

to cry out, shout: Mk 1:23 6:49, Lk 4:33 8:28 23:18.†

[NT: 16x] ἀνα-κρίνω [in LXX: I Ki 20:12 (חָקַר), Da LXX Su 1:13, LXX, TH Su 1:48, 51 * ;]

to examine, investigate, question (Lft., Notes, 181 f.): Ac 17:11, I Co 2:14-15 4:3-4 9:3 10:25 10:27 14:24; in forensic sense (MM, VGT, s.v.; esp. of examination by torture; v. Field, Notes, 120 f.), Lk 23:14, Ac 4:9 12:19 24:8 28:18.†
SYN.: v.s. ἐξετάζω

[NT: 1x] ** ἀνά-κρισις, -εως, ἡ [in LXX: III Mac 7:5 * ;]

an examination: spec. of legal preliminary investigation, Ac 25:26 (v. MM, VGT, s.v.).†

* ἀνα-κυλίω,

(a) to roll up;
(b) to roll back: Mk 16:4 (Rec. ἀποκ-).†

άνα-κύπτω [in LXX: Jb 10:15 (נָשָׂא רֹאשׁ), Da LXX, Su 1:35 * ;]

to lift oneself up;
(a) bodily; Lk 13:11, Jo 8:7, 10;
(b) mentally, to be elated: Lk 21:28 (cf. MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 13x] ἀνα-λαμβάνω [in LXX chiefly for נָשָׂא, also for לָקַח, etc. ;]

1. to take up, raise: Mk 16:19, Ac 1:2, 11 1:22 10:16, I Ti 3:16.
2. to take up, take to oneself: Ac 7:43 20:13-14 23:31, Eph 6:13, 16, II Ti 4:11 (for late exx., v MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 1x] * ἀνά-λημψις, -εως, ἡ (κοινή form of ἀνάληψις; v. Th., Gr., 108 f.),

a taking up: Lk 9:51 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†
ἀνά-ληψις, -εως, ἡ, Rec. for ἀνάλημψις, q.v.

[NT: 2x] ἀν-αλίσκω (on the etymology, v. MM, VGT, s.v.), [in LXX chiefly for אָכַל also for כָּלָה, etc. ;]

1. to expend.
2. to consume, destroy: Lk 9:54, Ga 5:15, II Th 2:8, Rec. WH, mg.†

[NT: 1x] ** ἀναλογία, -ας, ἡ (< λόγος), [in Al.: Le 27:1-34"18 * ;]

proportion (MM, VGT, s.v.): Ro 12:6 (cf. Cremer, 397).†

[NT: 1x] ** ἀνα-λογίζομαι [in LXX: Wi 17:13 א, II Mac 12:43 A, III Mac 7:7 * ;]

to consider: He 12:3 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 1x] ** ἄναλος, -ον (< ἅλς), [in Aq.: Ez 13:10-11, 15 22:28 * ;]

saltless, insipid: Mk 9:50.†

[NT: 1x] * ἀνά-λυσις, -εως, ἡ (< ἀναλύω),

a loosing, e.g. of a vessel from its moorings, hence, departure: from life, II Ti 4:6.†

[NT: 2x] ** ἀνα-λύω [in LXX: I Es 3:3, To 2:9, Jth 13:1, Si 3:15, Wi 3:1-19 2:1-24,3 Mac.10 * ;]

1. to unloose.
2. to unloose for departure, depart (MM, VGT, s.v.): from life, Phl 1:23
3. to return, Lk 12:36.†

[NT: 1x] ἀναμάρτητος, -ον (< ἁμαρτεῖν), [in LXX: De 29:19 (18) II Mac 8:4 Mac 12:42 * ;]

1. without missing, unerring (Xen.).
2. In moral sense, faultless (Plat.), without sin: Jo 8:7 (v. Cremer, 102, 634; MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 1x] ἀνα-μένω [in LXX for קָוָה pi. ;]

to await "one whose coming is expected, perhaps with the added idea of patience and confidence" c. acc, I Th 1:10 (v. M, Th., in l; MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[p. 32]

ἀνα-μιμνήσκω [in LXX for זָכַר hi. ;]

to remind, call to one's remembrance: c. acc rei, I Co 4:17; c. inf., II Ti 1:6. Pass., to remember, call to mind: Mk 11:21 14:72, II Co 7:15, He 10:32.†

[NT: 4x] ἀνάμνησις, -εως, ἡ (< ἀναμιμνήσκω), [in LXX: Ps 38:1-22 70:1-5 title. (זָכַר hi.), Le 24:7 (אַזְכָּרָה), Nu 10:10 (זִכְרוֹן), Wi 16:6 * ;]

remembrance: εἰς τ. ἐμὴν ἀ., Lk 22:19 (WH om.), I Co 11:24-25; ἀ. ἁμαρτιῶν, He 10:3 (v. Abbott, Essays, 122 ff.; DCG, ii, 74a).†
SYN.: ὑπόμνησις (v. Tr., Syn., § cvii).

[NT: 1x] ἀνα-νεόω, -ῶ (< νέος), [in LXX: Jb 33:24, Es 3:13, 1; Ezr.3.1-13, IV Mac 8:1-29 * ;]

to renew: pass., Eph 4:23 (v. Cremer, 428; MM, VGT, s.v.)†

[NT: 1x] * ἀνα-νήφω

to return to soberness: metaph., II Ti 2:26 (of. ἐκνήφω).†

Ἀνανίας (WH, Ἁναν-), -α, ὁ (Heb. חֲנַנְיָה),

1. of Jerusalem: Ac 5:1, 3 5:5.
2. Of Damascus: Ac 9:10-13, 17 22:12.
3. High Priest: Ac 23:2 24:1.†

ἀν-αντί-ρητος (Τ, -ρρητος, -ον (< ῥητός, spoken), [in Sm.: Jb 11:2 33:13 * ;]

not to be contradicted, undeniable: Ac 19:36 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†

* ἀν-αντι-ρήτως (T, -ρρήτως), adv.,

without contradiction: Ac 10:29.†

[NT: 1x] ἀν-άξιος, -ον (ἀ- neg., ἄξιος), [in LXX: Je 15:19 א2 (זָלַל), Es 8:13, Si 25:8 * ;]

unworthy: c. gen., I Co 6:2 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 1x] ** ἀναξίως (v. supr.), adv., [in LXX: II Mac 14:42 * ;]

in an unworthy manner: I Co 11:27.†

[NT: 5x] ἀνά-παυσις, -εως, ή (ἀνάπαύω) [in LXX chiefly for נוּחַ and its derivatives, שַׁבָּת and its cognates (Ex, Le) ;]

cessation, rest, refreshment: Mt 11:26 12:43, Lk 11:24, Re 4:8 14:11.†
SYN.: ἄνεσις (lit, the relaxation of the strings of a lyre), prop. signifies the rest or ease which comes from the relaxation of unfavour­able conditions, as, e.g. affliction: ἀνάπ., the rest which comes from the temporary cessation of labour (v. Tr., Stn., § xl; Cremer, 827; MM, VGT, s.v.)

[NT: 12x] ἀνα-παύω, [in LXX for fourteen different words, chiefly נוּחַ, also רָבַץ, שָׁאַן, etc. ;]

to give intermission from labour, to give rest, refresh: Mt 11:28, I Co 16:18, Phm 20; pass., Phm 7, II Co 7:13. Mid., to take rest, enjoy rest: Mt 26:45, Mk 6:31 14:41, Lk 12:19, Re 6:11 14:13; as in Heb. ofIs 11:2 (עַל נוּחַ), τὸ πνεῦμα ἐφ' ὑᾶμς ἀ., I Pe 4:14. (In π. this word is used as a technical agricultural term; v. MM, VGT, s.v.; and cf. Le 2634 f.; Cremer, 826.)†

[NT: 1x] ἀνα-πείθω [in LXX: Je 29:8 (נָשָׁא hi.), I Mac 1:11 * ;]

to per­suade, incite: Ac 18:13 (cf. MM, VGT, s.v.).†

* ἀνάπειρος, v.s. ἀνάπηρος.

[NT: 5x] * ἀνα-πέμπω

1. to send up,
(a) to a higher place (Æsch., Plat., al.);
(b) to a higher authority (Deiss., BS, 229; MM, VGT, s.v.; cf. also Field, Notes, 140): Lk 23:7, 15, Ac 25:21.
2. to send back (Pind.): Lk 23:11, Phm 11.†

ἀνα-πηδάω, -ῶ (< πηδάω, to leap), [in LXX: I Ki 20:34 (קוּם) I Ki 25:10, Es 5:1, To.4 * ;]

to leap up: Mk 10:50 (Rec. ἀναστάς)

[p. 33]

[NT: 2x] ** ἀνά-πηρος (WH, -ειρος; v. Field, Notes, 67), -ον (πηρός, maimed) [in LXX: To 14:2 א, II Mac 8:24 * ;]

maimed, crippled: Lk 14:13, 21.†

[NT: 12x] ἀνα-πίπτω [in LXX: Ge 49:9 (כָּרַע) To 2:1 7:8, Jth 12:10, Si 25:18 32:2, Da TH Sus 1:37 * ;]

1. (cl.) to fall back.
2. In late writers = ἀνα-κλίνομαι, to recline for a repast (MM, VGT, s.v.): at table, Lk 11:37 14:10 17:7 22:14, Jo 13:12 21:20; on the ground, Mt 15:35 Mk 6:40 8:6 Jo 6:10; to lean back, Jo 13:25 (T, ἐπιπεσών; v.s. ἀνάκειμαι, ad fin.).†
SYN.: ἀνάκειμαι (q.v.), ἀνακλίνομαι

[NT: 6x] ἀνα-πληρόω, -ῶ [in LXX chiefly for מָלֵא, Le 12:6, al.; also שָׁלַם (Ge 15:16, III Ki 7:51, Is 60:20), etc. ;]

1. to fill up, make full (in π. of com­pleting contracts and making up rent; cf. MM, VGT, s.v.): τόπον, take one's place (cf. Heb. מָקוֹם שָׁלַם), I Co 14:16; άμαρτίας, complete the number, I Th 2:16; τ. νόμον, observe perfectly, Ga 6:2; pass., προφητεία, fulfilled, Mt 13:14.
2. to supply: τό ὑστέρημα, I Co 16:17, Phl 2:30 (Cremer, 838).†

[NT: 2x] *† ἀναπολόγητος, -ον (< ἀπολογεόμαι),

without excuse, inexcusable (in Polyb., al., as a forensic term; v. Lft., Notes, 252): Ro 1:20 2:1.†

[NT: 1x] ἀνα-πτύσσω [in LXX for פָּרַשׂ,etc. ;]

to unroll: τ. βιβλίον, Lk 4:17 (WH, R, ἀνοίξας).†

[NT: 2x] ἀν-άπτω [in LXX chiefly for יָצָא ;]

to kindle: Lk 12:49, Ja 3:5 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 1x] ἀν-αρίθμητος, -ον (< ἀριθμέω), [Jb 31:25, al.],

innumerable: He 11:12.†

[NT: 2x] ** ἀνα-σείω [in Aq.: I Ki 26:19, Jb 2:3; Aq., Sm.: Is 36:18 * ;]

1. to shake out, shake back, move to and fro (Thuc., a1.).
2. In late writers (Diod., al.; v. MM, VGT, s.v.), to stir up; metaph., to excite: τ. ὄχλον, Mk 15:11; τ. λαόν, Lk 23:5.†

[NT: 1x] * ἀνα-σκευάζω (< σκεῦος, a vessel),

prop, to pack up baggage, hence, to dismantle, ravage, destroy; metaph., to unsettle, subvert (MM, VGT, s.v.): ψυχάς, Ac 15:24.†

[NT: 2x] ἀνα-σπάω, -ῶ [in LXX for לָקַח, עָלָה hi. ;]

to draw up: Lk 14:5, Ac 11:10 (in π. of pulling up barley; MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 42x] ἀνά-στασις, -εως, ή (< ἀνίστημι), [in LXX: Ze 3:8 (קוּם), La 3:63 (קִימָה), קִימָה), Ps 66:1-20 title., Da LXX 11:20, II Mac 7:14 Mac 12:43 * ;]

1. a raising up, awakening, rising (in Inscr. of the erection of a monument, v. MM, VGT, s.v.): Lk 2:34.
2. a rising from the dead (v. DCG, ii, 605b);
(a) of Christ: Ac 1:22 2:31 4:33 Ro 6:5, Phl 3:10, I Pe 3:21; ἐξ ἀ. νεκρῶν, Ro 1:4 (ICC, in l); ἐκ νεκρῶν, I Pe 1:3;
(b) of persons in OT hist. (e.g. III Ki 17:17 ff.): He 11:35;
(c) of the general resurrection: Mt 22:23, 28 22:30 Mk 12:18, 23 Lk 20:27, 33 20:36, Jo 11:24, Ac 17:18 23:8 24:15, II Ti 2:18; ἀ. ἐκ νεκρῶν, Lk 20:35, Ac 4:2; τῶν νεκρῶν, Mt 22:31, Ac 17:32 23:6 24:21 26:23, I Co 15:12-13 15:21 15:42, He 6:2; ἀ. ζωῆς, resurrection to life (cf. II Mac 7:14, ἀ. εἰς ζωήν) and ἀ. τ. κρίσεως, τ. to judgment, Jo 5:29; ἀ. τ. δικαίων, Lk 14:14; κρείττων ἀ., He 11:35; on ἡ ἀ. ἡ πρώτη, Re 20:5-8, v. Swete, in l, Weste. on Jo 5:1-47, but v. also Thayer, s.v.; by meton. of Christ as Author of ἀ., Jo 11:25 (v. DB, iv, 231; Cremer, 307).†

[NT: 3x] ἀνα-στατόω, (< ἀνάστατος, driven from home; < ἀνίστημι), [in [p. 34] LXX: Da 7:23 (דּוּשׁ;* also in Aq., and in π. (v. Deiss., LAE, 80 f.; MM, VGT, s.v.),]

to stir up, excite, unsettle: c. acc;
(a) to tumult and sedition: Ac 17:6 21:38;
(b) by false teaching: Ga 5:12 (v. Milligan, NTD, 73 f.).†

[NT: 1x] * ἀνα-σταυρόω

1. to impale (Hdt.).
2. to raise on a cross, crucify (Polyb., al.).
3. to crucify again: He 6:6 (v. Westc., in l).†

[NT: 1x] ἀνα-στενάζω [in LXX: La 1:4 (אָנַח ni.), Si 25:17), Da TH Sus 1:22, II Mac 6:30 * ;]

to sigh deeply: Mk 8:12.†

[NT: 9x] ἀνα-στρέφω [in LXX chiefly for שׁוּב ;]

1. to overturn: Jo 2:15.
2. to turn back, return: Ac 5:22 15:16.
3. to turn hither and thither; pass., to turn oneself about, sojourn, dwell: Mt 17:22 Rec.; metaph. (like Heb. הָלַךְ, in κοινή writers and in π.; v. Deiss., LAE, 315; BS, 88, 194; MM, VGT, s.v.), to conduct oneself, behave, live: II Co 1:12, Eph 2:3, I Ti 3:15, He 10:33 13:18, I Pe 1:17, II Pe 2:18.
SYN.: περιπατέω (Hellenistic), πολιτεύω

[NT: 13x] ** ἀνα-στροφή, -ῆς, ἡ (< ἀναστρέφομαι) [in LXX: To 4:14, II Mac 5:8 Mac 6:23 * ;]

1. a turning down or back, a wheeling about (Soph., Thuc., al.).
2. In late writers (Polyb., al.; v.s. ἀναστρέφω, and cf. Hort on Ja 3:13; MM, VGT, s.v.), manner of life, behaviour, conduct: Ga 1:13, Eph 4:22, I Ti 4:12, He 13:7, Ja 3:13, I Pe 1:15 1:18 2:12 3:1-2 3:16, II Pe 2:7 3:11.†

[NT: 1x] ἀνα-τάσσομαι [in LXX only as v.l. (Ald.) in Ec 2:20 ;]

to arrange in order, bring together from memory (Blass., Phil. Gosp., 14 ff.; MM, VGT, s.v.): Lk 1:1.†

[NT: 9x] ἀνα-τέλλω [in LXX for צָמַח, פָּרַח, זָרַח, etc. ;]

1. trans., to cause to rise: Mt 5:45.
2. Intrans., to rise: φῶς, Mt 4:16 (= Is 9:1); ὁ ἥλιος, Mt 13:6, Mk 4:6 16:2, Ja 1:11; νεφέλη, Lk 12:54; φωσφόρος, II Pe 1:19; ὁ Κύριος, prob. with ref. to metaph. of sun or star, He 7:14 (cf. ἐξ-ανατέλλω).†

ἀνα-τίθημι [in LXX chiefly for חָרַם (Cremer, 546) ;]

to lay upon, set up, etc. Mid. -εμαι, in late writers (Plut., al.; v. also MM, VGT, s.v.), to set forth, declare: Ac 25:14, Ga 2:2.†

[NT: 11x] ἀνατολή, -ῆς, ἡ (< ἀνατέλλω), [in LXX chiefly for מִזְרָח קָדִים ;]

1. a rising: of light, Lk 1:78.
2. the sun-rising, the east (MM, VGT, s.v.): Mt 2:2, 9, Re 21:13; ἀ. ἡλίου, Re 7:2 16:12 (WΗ, p1.); pl., Mt 2:1 8:11 24:27, Lk 13:29.†

[NT: 3x] ἀνα-τρέπω [in LXX for דָּחָה, הָדַף, etc. ;]

to overturn, destroy: Jo 2:15 WH, txt.; metaph., to subvert (MM, VGT, s.v.): II Ti 2:18, Tit 1:11.†

[NT: 3x] ** ἀνα-τρέφω [in LXX: Wi 7:4 B, IV Mac 10:2 Mac 11:15 א* ;]

to nurse up, nourish, educate, bring up: Lk 4:16, WΗ, mg., Ac 7:20-21 22:3.†

ἀνα-φαίνομαι [in LXX for צָדַק hi., גָּלַשׁ ;]

to bring to light, make to appear: ἀναφάναντες τ. Κύπρον, i.e. having sighted C.: Ac 21:3 WH; pass., to appear, be made manifest: Lk 19:11

[NT: 10x] ἀνα-φέρω [in LXX chiefly for עָלָה hi., also for קָטַר hi., etc. ;]

1. to carry or lead up: c. acc pers., Mt 17:1, Mk 9:2; pass., Lk 24:51 (WH, rejects, R, mg. omits); ἀ. τ. ἁμαρτίας ἐπί τ. ξύλον (v. Deiss., 135, 88 f.; [p. 35] ICC, in l; MM, VGT, s.v.): I Pe 2:24.
2. In LXX and NT, to bring to the altar, to offer (v. Hort on 1Pe, l.c.): θυσίας, etc., He 7:27 13:15, I Pe 2:5; ἐπί τ. θυσιαστήριον, Ja 2:21 (v. Mayor, in l).
3. to bear, sustain (cf. Nu 14:33, Is 53:12): He 9:28.†

[NT: 1x] ἀνα-φωνέω, -ῶ [in LXX for שָׁמַע hi., זָכַר hi. ;]

to cry out, exclaim: Lk 1:42 (Arist., al.).†

[NT: 1x] *† ἀνά-χυσις, -εως, ἡ (< ἀναχέω, to pour out),

a pouring out, overflowing, excess: metaph., I Pe 4:4 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 14x] ἀνα-χωρέω, -ῶ [in LXX for בָּרַח, נוּם, etc. ;]

1. to go back.
2. to withdraw: Mt 9:24; freq. in sense of avoiding danger (MM, VGT, s.v.), Mt 2:12 (but v. Thayer), Mt 2:13-14, 22 4:12 12:15 14:13 15:21 27:5, Mk 3:7, Jo 6:15, Ac 23:19 26:31.†

[NT: 1x] ἀνά-ψυξις, -εως, ἡ (< ἀναψύχω), [in LXX: Ex 8:15 (רְוָחָה)* ;]

a refreshing: Ac 3:19.†

[NT: 1x] ἀνα-ψύχω [in LXX for נָפַשׁ ni., חָיָה, etc. (freq. in sense of revive, refresh oneself) ;]

to refresh: c. acc pers., II Ti 1:16 (MM, VGT, s.v.; Cremer, 588).†

[NT: 1x] * ἀνδραποδιστής, -οῦ, ὁ (< ἀνδράποδον, a slave, captured in war)

a slave-dealer, kidnapper: I Ti 1:10 (v. MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 13x] Ἀνδρέας, -ου, ὁ

Andrew, the Apostle: Mt 4:18 10:2, Mk 1:16, 29 3:18 13:3, Lk 6:14, Jo 1:41, 45 6:8 12:22, Ac 1:13.†

ἀνδρίζω [in LXX for חָזַק אָמַץ (Jos 1:6 ff., I Ch 22:19, al.; in II Ki 10:12, Ps 27:14 31:24 combined with κρατιοῦσθαι, as in 1Co, l.c.) ;]

to make a man of. Mid., to play the man (cf. MM, VGT, s.v.): I Co 16:13.†

[NT: 1x] Ἀνδρόνικος, -ου, ὁ

Andronicus: Ro 16:7.†

[NT: 1x] ** ἀνδρο-φόνος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX: II Mac 9:28 * ;]

a man-slayer: I Ti 1:9 (cf. φονεύς, and v. MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 5x] ** ἀν-έγκλητος, -ον (< ἀ-, ἐγκαλέω), [in LXX: III Mac 5:31 * ;]

not to be called to account, unreprovable: I Co 1:8, Col 1:22, I Ti 3:10, Tit 1:6-7.†
SYN.: ἄμεμπτος, ἀνεπίλημπτος (v. Tr., Syn., § ciii; Cremer, 742; MM, VGT, s.v.)

[NT: 1x] *† ἀν-εκδιήγητος, -ον (< ἀ-, ἐκδιηγέομαι)

inexpressible: II Co 9:15 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 1x] ἀν-εκ-λάλητος, -ον (< ἀ-, ἐκλαλέω),

unspeakable: I Pe 1:8.†

[NT: 1x] * ἀνέκλειπτος, -ον (< ἀ-, ἐκλείπω),

unfailing: Lk 12:33 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†

* αν-εκτός, -όν (also in late Gk. -ή, -όν; < ἀνέχομαι),

tolerable: compar., -ότερος, Mt 10:15 11:22, 24, Lk 10:12, 14

[NT: 1x] ἀν-ελεήμων, -ον (< -ἀ, ἐλεήμων), [in LXX for אַכְזָר ;]

without mercy: Ro 1:13.†

*† ἀν-έλεος, -ον (Attic ἀνηλεής, ἀνελεήμων; MM, VGT, s.v.),

merciless: Ja 2:13.†

*† ἀνεμίζω = Attic ἀνεμόω (< ἄνεμος); pass.,

to be driven by the wind: Ja 1:6.†

[NT: 31x] ἄνεμος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX for רוּחַ ;]

wind: Mt 11:7 14:24, 30 14:32, Mk 4:37, 39 4:41 6:48, 51, Lk 7:24 8:23-24, Jo 6:13, Ac 27:7, 14-15, Ja 3:4, Re 6:13 7:1; pl., [p. 36] Mt 7:25, 27 8:26-27, Lk 8:25, Ac 27:4, Ju 12; οἱ τέσσαρες ἄ. τῆς γῆς, Re 7:1; hence the four quarters of the heavens (v. Deiss., BS, 248; MM, VGT, s.v.), Mt 24:31, Mk 13:27; metaph., of variable teaching, Eph 414.†
SYN.: πνεῦμα, πνοή (and cf. θύελλα, λαῖλαψ).

[NT: 1x] *† ἀν-ένδεκτος, -ον (< ἀ- neg., ἔνδεκτος; < ἐνδέχομαι),

impossible, inadmissible: Lk 17:1.†

[NT: 1x] ** ἀνεξεραύνητος (Rec. -εύνητος, as in Attic; M, Pr., 46), -ον (< ερευνάω), [in Sm. (-ευ-): Pr., 25:3 * ;]

unsearchable: Ro 11:33.†

[NT: 1x] *† ἀνεξί-κακος, -ον (< fut., ἀνέξομαι, κακός)

patiently forbearing (cf. ἀνεξικακία, Wi 2:19; and v. MM, VGT, s.v.): II Ti 2:24.†

[NT: 2x] ἀνεξιχνίαστος, -ον (< ἀ- neg., ἐξιχνιάζω, to track out; < ἴχνος) [in LXX: Jb 5:9 9:10 34:24 (חֵקֶר אַיִן)* ;]

that cannot be traced out: Ro 11:33, Eph 3:8 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 1x] *† ἀν-επ-αίσχυντος, -ον (< ἐπαισχύνομαι)

not to be put to shame: II Ti 2:15.†

[NT: 3x] * ἀν-επί-λημπτος (Rec. -λμπτος; Bl., § 6, 8), -ον (< ἀ- ἐπιλαμβάνω)

without reproach: I Ti 3:2 5:7 6:14.†
SYN.: ἀμεμπτος, ἀνέγκλητος. It is stronger than these, for it implies not only that the man is of good report, but that he is deservedly so (cf. MM, VGT, s.v.).

[NT: 5x] ἀν-έρχομαι [in LXX: III Ki 13:12 (הָלַךְ)* ;]

to go up: Jo 6:3, Ga 1:17-18 (cf. ἐπανέρχ-; and on its use of "going up " to the capital, MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 5x] ἄνεσις, -εως, ἡ (< ἀνίημι), [in LXX: 2Es.4.22 (שָׁלוּ), II Ch 23:15, I Es 4:62, Wi 13:13, Si 15:20 26:10 * ;]

a loosening, relaxation: Ac 24:23 (RV, indulgence; cf. MM, VGT, s.v.); by St. Paul, opp. to θλίψις, expressed or understood, relief: II Co 2:12 7:5 8:13, II Th 1:7.†
SYN.: ἀνάπαυσις (q.v.).†

[NT: 2x] ἀν-ετάζω (< ἀνά, ἐτάζω, to examine; v. MM, VGT, s.v.), [in LXX: Jg 6:29 (דָּרַשׁ), Es 2:23 (בָּקַשׁ), Da TH Su 1:14 * ;]

to examine judicially: Ac 22:24, 29..†

[NT: 3x] ἄνευ

prep. c. gen. (rarer than χωρίς, q.v.; cf. Ellic. on Eph 2:12; MM, VGT, 42),
without: Mt 10:29, I Pe 3:1 4:9.†

[NT: 1x] ἀν-εύ-θετος, -ον (v. MM, VGT, s.v.)

not well placed, not fit: Ac 27:12.†

[NT: 2x] ** ἀν-ευρίσκω (ἀνά, εὑρίσκω), [in LXX: IV Mac 3:14 * ;]

to find out by search, discover (v. Field, Notes, 47 f.): Lk 2:16, Ac 21:4.†

ἀν-έχω [in LXX chiefly for אָפַק hithp. ;]

to hold up; in NT always mid., to bear with, endure: in cl. most freq. c. acc, but in NT c. gen. pers., Mt 17:17, Mk 9:19, Lk 9:41, II Co 11:1 11:19, Eph 4:2, Col 3:13; seq. μικρόν τι, c. gen. pers. and c. gen. rei, II Co 11:1; c. dat. rei, II Th 1:4 (v M, Th., in l); seq. εἴ τις, II Co 11:20; absol., I Co 4:12, II Co 11:4; to bear with = to listen to, c. gen. pers., Ac 18:14; c. gen. rei, II Ti 4:3, He 13:22 (cf. προσανέχω and MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 1x] ἀνεψιός, -οῦ, ὁ (cf. Lat. nepos), [in LXX: Nu 36:11 (דּוֹד בֵּן), To 7:2 9:6 א * ;]

a cousin: Col 4:10 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[p. 37]

[NT: 1x] * ἄνηθον, -ου, τό

anise: Mt 23:23.†

[NT: 3x] ἀν-ήκω (ἀνά, ἥκω), [in LXX: Jos 23:14 (בּוֹא), I Ki 27:8, Sir. prol.10, 1, 2 Mac6* ;]

prop., to have come up to; in later writers, impers. it is due, it is befitting: in ethical sense (MM, VGT, s.v.), Eph 5:4, Col 3:18; τὸ ἀνῆκον, Phm 8.†

[NT: 1x] * ἀν-ήμερος, -ον (ἀ-, ἥμερο ),

not tame, savage (MM, VGT, s.v.): II Ti 3:3.†

[NT: 216x] ἀνήρ, ἀνδρός, ὁ, [in LXX chiefly for אִישׁ, freq. אֱנוֹשׁ, also אָדָם, etc. ;]

a man, Lat. vir.
1. As opp. to a woman, Ac 8:12, I Ti 2:12; as a husband, Mt 1:16, Jo 4:16, Ro 7:2, Tit 1:6.
2. As opp. to a boy or infant, I Co 13:11, Eph 4:13, Ja 3:2.
3. In appos. with a noun or adj., as ἀ. ἁμαρτωλός, Lk 5:8; ἀ. προφήτης, 24:19; freq. in terms of address, as ἀ. ἀδελφοί, Ac 1:16; and esp. with gentilic names, as ἀ. Ἰουδαῖος, Ac 22:3; ἀ. Ἐφέσιοι, 19:35.
4. In general, a man, a male person: = τις, Lk 8:41, Ac 6:11.
SYN.: ἄνθρωπος, q.v. (cf. MM, VGT, s.v.).

ἀνθ-ίοτημι (ἀντί, ἵστημι), [in LXX for עָמַד, יָצַב, etc. ;]

1. in pres., impf., fut. and 1 aor. act., causal, to set against.
2. In mid, and pass., also pf. and 2 aor. act., to withstand, resist, oppose: c. dat., Mt 5:39, Lk 21:15, Ac 6:10 13:8, Ro 9:19 13:2, Ga 2:11, Eph 6:13, II Ti 3:8 4:15, Ja 4:7, I Pe 5:9.†

[NT: 1x] ἀνθ-ομολογέομαι, -οῦμαι (ἀντί, ὁμολογέομαι) [in LXX: Ps 79:13 (יָדָה), Da LXX 4:34 (שְׁבַח), I Es 8:91, Si 20:2, III Mac 6:33 * ;]

1. to make a mutual agreement (Dem., Polyb.).
2. to acknowledge fully, confess (Diod., Polyb., cf. 1Esdras, l.c.).
3. C. dat. pers., to declare one's praises, speak fully in prayer or thanksgiving, give thanks to (cf. Ps, l.c.): Lk 2:38 (Cremer, 771; MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 4x] ἄνθος, -εος, τό [in LXX for צִיץ, etc. ;]

a flower: Ja 1:10-11. I Pe 1:24 (LXX).†

[NT: 2x] ** ἀνθρακιά, -ᾶς, ἡ (< ἄνθραξ), [in LXX: Si 11:32, IV Mac 9:20 * ;]

a heap of burning coals: Jo 18:18 21:9.†

[NT: 1x] ἄνθραξ, -ακος, ὁ [in LXX chiefly for גֶּחֶל ;]

coal, charcoal: . ἄ. πυρός, a burning coal, Ro 12:20.†

[NT: 2x] ἀνθρωπ-άρεσκος, -ον (ἄνθρωπος, ἄρεσκος, pleasing), [in LXX: Ps 53:5 * ;]

studying to please men: Eph 6:6, Col 3:22 (Cremer, 642; MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 7x] ἀνθρώπινος, -η, ον (< ἄνθρωπος), [in LXX for אָדָם, אֱנוֹשׁ ;]

human, belonging to man: χεῖρες, Ac 17:25; σοφία, I Co 2:13; φύσις, Ja 3:7; κτίσις, I Pe 2:13 (MM, VGT, s.v.); ἀ. ἡμέρα, opp. to ἡ ἡμ. (I Co 3:13, God's Judgment-Day), human judgment, I Co 4:3 (v. Lft., Notes, 198); πειρασμὸς ἀ., temptation such as man can bear (AV, such as is common to man, v. Field, Notes, 175), I Co 10:13; ἀνθρώπινον λέγω, I speak in human fashion, with words not properly weighed, Ro 6:19 (v. Field, Notes, 156).†

[p. 38]

[NT: 3x] * ἀνθρωποκτόνος, -ον (< κτείνω, to kill)

a murderer, manslayer (Eur.; v. MM, VGT, s.v.): Jo 8:44, I Jn 3:16.†
SYN.: φονεύς, ἀνδροφόνος (v. Tr., Syn, § 83)

[NT: 550x] ἄνθρωπος, -ου, ὁ, [in LXX chiefly for אִישׁ ,אָדָם, also for אֱנֹושׁ, etc. ;]

1. generically, a human being, male or female (Lat. homo): Jo 16:21; c. art., Mt 4:4 12:35, Mk 2:27, Jo 2:25, Ro 7:1, al; disting. from God, Mt 19:6, Jo 10:33, Col 3:23, al.; from animals, etc., Mt 4:19, Lk 5:10, Re 9:4, al.; implying human frailty and imperfection, I Co 3:4; σοφία ἀνθρώπων, I Co 2:5; ἀνθρώπων ἐπιθυμίαι, I Pe 4:2; κατὰ ἄνθρωπον περιπατεῖν, I Co 3:3; κατὰ ἄ. λέγειν (λαλεῖν), Ro 3:5, I Co 9:8; κατὰ ἄ- λέγειν, Ga 3:15 (cf. I Co 15:32, Ga 1:11); by meton., of man's nature or condition, ὁ ἔσω (ἔξω) ἄ., Ro 7:22, Eph 3:16, II Co 4:16 (cf. I Pe 3:4); ὁ παλαιὸς, καινὸς, νέος ἄ., Ro 6:6, Eph 2:15 4:22, 24 Col 3:9, 10; joined with another subst., ἄ. ἔμπορος, a merchant, Mt 13:45 (WH, txt. om. ἄ.); οἰκοδεσπότης, Mt 13:52; βασιλεύς, 18:23; φάγος, 11:19; with name of nation, Κυρηναῖος, Mt 27:32; Ἰουδαῖος, Ac 21:39; Ῥωμαῖος, Ac 16:37; pl. οἱ ἄ., men, people: Mt 5:13, 16 Mk 8:24, Jo 4:28; οὐδεὶς ἀνθρώπων, Mk 11:2, I Ti 6:16.
2. Indef., ἄ. = τις, some one, a man: Mt 17:14, Mk 12:1, al.; τις ἄ., Mt 18:12, Jo 5:5, al.; indef. one (Fr. on), Ro 3:28, Ga 2:16, al.; opp. to women, servants, etc., Mt 10:36 19:10, Jo 7:22, 23.
3. Definitely, c. art., of some particular person; Mt 12:13, Mk 3:5, al.; οὗτος ὁ ἄ., Lk 14:30; ὁ ἄ οὗτος, ἐκεῖνος, Mk 14:71, Mt 12:45; ὁ ἄ. τ. ἀνομίας, II Th 2:3; ἄ τ. θεοῦ (of Heb. אִישׁ אֱלֹהִים), I Ti 6:11, II Ti 3:17, II Pe 1:21; ὁ υἰὸς τοῦ ἀ., v.s. υἱός.
SYN.: ἀνήρ, q.v. (and cf. MM, VGT, 44; Cremer, 103, 635).

[NT: 1x] *† ἀνθ-υπατεύω (see next word),

to be proconsul: Ac 18:12 Rec. (v.s. ἀνθύπατος).†

[NT: 5x] ἀνθύπατος -ου, (ἀντί, ὕπατος, altern. for ὑπέρτατος),

supreme, a consul, one acting in place of a consul, a proconsul, the administrator of a senatorial province (cf. ἡγεμών, and v. MM, VGT, 44): Ac 13:7-8, 12 18:12 19:38.†

[NT: 4x] ἀν-ίημι (ἀνά, ἵημι), [in LXX for רָפָה, נָשָׂא, etc. ;]

1. to send up, produce, to send back.
2. to let go, leave without support: He 13:5 (cf. De 31:6; Hom., Iliad., ii, 71).
3. to relax, loosen (v. Field, Notes, 124 f.): Ac 16:26 27:40; hence, metaph., to give up, desist from: Eph 6:9.†

ἀν-ίλεως, -ων, v.s. ἀνέλεος.

[NT: 2x] * ἄνιπτος, -ον (ἀ. neg., νίπτω),

unwashed: Mt 15:20, Mk 7:5 (5 Rec).†

[NT: 115x] ἀνίστημι (ἀνά, ἵστημι), [in LXX chiefly for קוּם ;]

1. causal, in fut. and 1 aor. act., c. acc., to raise up: Ac 9:41; from death, Jo 6:39, Ac 2:32; to raise up, cause to be born or appear: Mt 22:24, Ac 3:22, 26.
2. Intrans., in mid. and 2 aor act.;
(a) to rise: from lying, Mk 1:35; from sitting, Lk 4:16; to leave a place, Mt 9:9; pleonastically, as Heb. קוּם, before verbs of going, Mk 10:1, al. (v. Dalman, Words, 23; M, Pr., 14); of the dead, Mt 17:23, Mk 8:31; seq. ἐκ νεκρῶν, Mt 17:9, Mk 9:9;
(b) to arise, appear: Ac 5:36, Ro 15:12 (cf. ἐπ-, ἐξ- ἀνίστημι, and v. Cremer, 306, 738; MM, VGT, s.v.).

SYN.: ἐγείρω.

[p. 39]

Ἄννα, -ας, ἡ (Heb. חָנָה),

Anna, a prophetess: Lk 2:36.†

Ἄννας, (FlJ, Ἄνανος, -ου), ὁ (Heb. חָנַן),

Annas, the high priest: Lk 3:2, Jo 18:13-24, Ac 4:6.†

[NT: 6x] ἀ-νόητος, -ον (ἀ- neg., νοητός; < νοέω), [in LXX: Pr 17:28 (אֱוִיל), Si 42:8, al. ;]

1. not thought on, not understood (Hom., Plat.).
2. not understanding, foolish (Hdt., al., LXX): Lk 24:25, Ro 1:14, Ga 3:1, 3, I Ti 6:9, Tit 3:3 (Cremer, 438, 790; MM, VGT, s.v.).†
SYN.: ἀσύνετος (v. Tr., Syn., § LXXv)

ἀνοια, -ας, ἡ (< ἄ-νοος, without understanding), [in LXX: Pr 14:8, 2215 (אִוֶּלֶת), Wi 15:18, al. ;]

folly, foolishness: II Ti 3:9; expressed in violent rage (cf. Plat., Tim., 86B): Lk 6:11.†

[NT: 77x] ἀν-οίγω (ἀνά, οἴγω = οἴγνυμι) [in LXX chiefly for פָּתַח ;]

to open;
1. trans., c. acc; a door or gate, Ac 5:19 12:14, Re 4:1; pass., Ac 12:10 16:26-27; metaph. of opportunity or welcome, Ac 14:27, Col 4:3, Re 3:20; pass., I Co 16:9, II Co 2:12, Re 3:8; absol. (sc. θύραν), Ac 5:23 12:16; c. dat. pers., Lk 12:36, Jo 10:3; metaph., Mt 7:7-8 25:11, Lk 11:9-10 13:25, Re 3:7; θησαυρούς (Si 43:14), Mt 2:11; τ. μνημεῖα, Mt 27:52; τάφος, Ro 3:13; τ. φρέαρ, Re 9:2; of heaven, Mt 3:16, Lk 3:21, Ac 10:11, Re 11:19 15:5 19:11; σφραγῖδα, Re 5:9 6:1 ff. Re 8:1; βιβλίον, βιβλαρίδιον, Lk 4:17, Re 5:2-5 10:2, 8 20:12; τ. στόμα, Mt 17:27; id. Hebraistically (Nu 22:28, Jb 3:1, Is 50:5, al.), of beginning to speak, Mt 5:2, Ac 8:32, 35 10:34 18:14; seq. εἰς βλαιφημίας, Re 13:6; ἐν παραβολαῖς (Ps 78:2), Mt 13:35; of recovering speech, Lk 1:64; of the earth opening, Re 12:16; τ. ὀφθαλμoύς, Ac 9:8, 40; id. c. gen. pers., of restoring sight, Mt 9:30 20:33, Jo 9:1 o ff. 10:21, 11:37; metaph., Ac 26:18; ἀκοάς, c. gen. pers., of restoring hearing, Mk 7:35.
2. Intrans. in 2 pf., ἀνέῳγα (M, Pr., 154); heaven, Jo 1:51; τ. στόμα, seq. πρός, of speaking freely, II Co 6:11 (cf. δι-ανοίγω and v. MM, VGT, 45).†

[NT: 2x] ἀν-οικο-δομέω, -ῶ [in LXX for בָּנָה, גָּדַר ;]

to build. again, rebuild (MM, VGT, s.v.): Ac 15:16.†

[NT: 1x] * ἄνοιξις, -εως, ἡ (< ἀνοίγω),

an opening (in MGr., springtime): ἐν ἀ., as often as I open, Eph 6:19.†

[NT: 15x] ἀνομία, -ας, ἡ (< ἄνομος), [in LXX for עָוֺן, פָּשַׁע, פֶּשַׁע, תּוֹעֵבַה, רֶשַׁע, etc. ;]

lawlessness, iniquity: Mt 7:23 13:41 23:28 24:12, Ro 6:19, II Co 6:14, II Th 2:3 2:7, Tit 2:14, He 1:9, I Jn 3:4; in pl. (as LXX, Ps 31:1, al.; v. 131., § 32, 6; Swete, Mk., 153), of acts or manifestations of lawlessness: Ro 4:7 (LXX), He 10:17.†
SYN.: v.s. ἁμάρτημα, ἄνομος

[NT: 9x] ἄ-νομος, -ον (ἀ. neg., νόμος), [in LXX for עָוֺן, פָּשַׁע, רֶשַׁע, etc. ;]

1. lawless, wicked: Mk 15:28, Lk 22:37, Ac 2:23, I Ti 1:9, II Pe 2:8; ὁ ἄ., II Th 2:8 (= ὁ ἄνθρωπος τῆς ἀνομίας, II Th 2:3).
2. without law (= οἱ μὴ ὑπὸ νόμον, Ro 2:14): I Co 9:21 (MM, VGT, s.v.).
SYN.: v.s. ἄθεσμος

[NT: 2x] ** ἀνόμως, adv. [in LXX: 2Mac 817* ;]

1. lawlessly (2Mac, l.c.).
2. = χωρὶς νόμου, without law: Ro 2:12.†

[NT: 3x] ἀν-ορθόω, -ῶ (ἀνά, ὀρθόω, to set straight, set up), [in LXX chiefly for [p. 40] כּוּן hi. ;]

to set upright or straight again, restore: of persons, Lk 13:13, He 12:12; of things, σκηνήν, Ac 15:16 (MM, VGT, s.v.; Cremer, 807).†

[NT: 2x] ἀν-όσιος, -ον (ἀ- neg., ὅσιος), [in LXX: Ez 22:9 (זִמָּה, Wi 12:4, II Mac 7:34 Mac 8:32, III Mac 2:2 Mac 5:7, IV Mac 12:11 * ;]

unholy, profane (Cremer, 464): I Ti 1:9, II Ti 3:2 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 2x] ** ἀνοχή, -ῆς, ἡ (< ἀνέχω, -ομαι), [in LXX: I Mac 12:25 (RV, respite)* ;]

1. in cl., a holding back, delaying (MM, VGT, s.v.).
2. forbearance, delay of punishment: Ro 2:4 3:26.†
SYN.: μακροθυμία, ὑπομονή. ἀ., forbearance, is the result and expression of μ., which involves the idea of tolerance, long-suffering, as God with sinners. ὑ. expresses patience with respect to things, as μ. with persons; it is active as well as passive, denotes not merely endurance but perseverance (v. Tr., Syn., § liii; Lft., Notes, 259, 273; DB, ii, 47).

[NT: 1x] ** ἀντ-αγωνίζομαι depon., [in LXX: IV Mac 17:14 * ;]

to struggle against: seq. πρός, c. acc, He 12:4.†

[NT: 2x] ἀντ-άλλαγμα, -τος, τό (ἀντί, ἄλλαγμα; < ἀλλάσσω) [in LXX chiefly for מְחִיר ;]

an exchange, the price received as an equivalent for an article of commerce: Mt 16:26, Mk 8:37 (cf. Si 26:14; and v. Swete, Mk., l.c.; Cremer, 90).†

[NT: 1x] * ἀντ-ανα-πληρόω, -ῶ (ἀντί, ἀναπληρόω),

to fill up in turn: Col 1:24 (v. Lft., in l; MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 7x] ἀντ-απο-δίδωμι (ἀντί ἀποδίδωμι), [in LXX for שָׁלַם pi., גָּמַל, שׁוּב hi., etc. ;]

to give back as an equivalent, recompense, requital (the ἀντί ex­pressing the idea of full, complete return; v. Lft., Notes, 46);
(a) in favourable sense: Lk 14:14, Ro 11:35, I Th 3:9;
(b) in unfavourable sense: Ro 12:19, II Th 1:6, He 10:30.†

[NT: 2x] ἀντ-από-δομα, -τος, τό (< ἀνταποδίδωμι) [in LXX chiefly for גְּמוּל ;] ( = cl. -δοσις, q.v.)

(a) in favourable sense: Lk 14:12;
(b) in unfavourable sense: Ro 11:9.†

[NT: 1x] ἀντ-από-δοσις, -εως, ἡ (v. supr.), [in LXX chiefly for גְּמוּל, שִׁלּוּם ;]

recompense: Col 3:24 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 2x] ἀντ-απο-κρίνομαι (ἀντί, ἀποκρίνω), [in LXX: Jg 5:29, Jb 16:9 (8) Jb 32:12 (עָנָה)* ;]

to answer again, reply against: seq. πρός, c. acc rei, Lk 14:6; c. dat. pers., Ro 9:20.†

ἀντ-εῖπον (άντί, εἶτον), [in LXX for H7725 hi., דָבַר pi., עָנָה, etc. ;]

2 2 aor., without present in use, to speak against, gainsay: Lk 21:15, Ac 4:14.†

ἀντ-ὲχω (ἀντί, ἔχω), [in LXX for חָזַק hi., etc. ;]

1. trans., to hold against.
2. Intrans., to withstand. Mid. 1. in cl., to hold out against.
3. (cf. MM, VGT, s.v.), to hold firmly to, cleave to: c. gen. (v. Bl., § 36, 2), Mt 6:24, Lk 16:13, I Th 5:14 (v. M, Th., in l), Tit 1:9.†

[NT: 22x] ἀντί (the ι is elided only in ἀνθ' ὧν), prep. c. gen. (cf. MM, VGT, s.v.);

1. prop, in local sense, over against, opposite, hence
2. instead of, in place of, for (Hom., etc.): Mt 5:38 17:27, Lk 11:11, I Co 11:15, He 12:2; c. artic. inf. (cl.), Ja 4:15; of succession, Mt 2:22; χάριν ἀ. χάριτος, Jo 1:16 (M, Pr., 100); of price in exchange, He 12:16; λύτρον ἀ. πολλῶν, Mt 20:28, Mk 10:45 (M, Pr., 105); of requital, Ro 12:17, I Th 5:16, [p. 41] I Pe 3:9 (cf. Wi 11:15); ἀνθ' ὧν, because, Lk 1:20 19:44, Ac 12:23, II Th 2:10 (cl., LXX for אֲשֶׁר תַּחַת); id. therefore (cl., LXX), Lk 12:3; ἀ. τούτου (LXX for כֵּן נַעֲרָה)Eph 5:31. As a prefix, ἀντι- (before vowels ἀντ-, ἀνθ'-), denotes
(a) over against, ἀντιπέραν;
(b) co-operation, ἀντιβάλλειν;
(c) requital, ἀντιμισθία;
(d) opposition, ἀντίχριστος;
(e) substitution, ἀνθύπατος.
Compounds of ἀ. usually govern dat. (B1., § 37, 7).†

[NT: 1x] ** ἀντι-βάλλω [in LXX: II Mac 11:13 * ;]

to throw in turn, exchange: metaph., λόγους (cf. Lat. conferre sermons; v. Field, Notes, 81), Lk 24:17.†

*† ἀντι-δια-τίθημι

in mid, to place oneself in opposition, oppose: II Ti 2:25 (EV; but v. Field, Notes, 215 f.; cf. MM, VGT, s.v.)

[NT: 5x] ἀντίδικος, -ον (< δίκη), [in LXX for רִיב ;]

as subst., an opponent in a lawsuit, adversary: Mt 5:25, Lk 12:58 18:3, I Pe 5:8 (Cremer, 696; MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 1x] * ἀντί-θεσις, -εως, ή (< τίθημι),

opposition: I Ti 6:20.†

[NT: 1x] ἀντι-καθ-ίστημι [in LXX: De 31:21 (עָנָה), Jos 5:7, Mi 2:8 (קוּם) * ;]

1. causal in Pres. impf. fut. and 1 aor.; to replace, oppose.
2. Intrans. in pass. and 2 aor. act.;
(a) to supersede;
(b) to resist: He 12:4.†

[NT: 1x] * ἀντι-καλέω, -ῶ

to invite in turn: Lk 14:12.†

[NT: 8x] ἀντί-κειμαι [in LXX for אָיַב, צוּר, שָׂטַן, etc. ;]

1. to lie opposite to.
2. to oppose, withstand, resist: c. dat., Lk 13:17 21:15, Ga 5:17, I Ti 1:10; as participial subst. () ἀντικείμενος, I Co 16:9, Phl 1:28, II Th 2:4, I Ti 5:14 (Cremer, 746).†

[NT: 1x] ** ἄντικρυς (Tr. -ύς, Rec. ἀντικρύ), adv. (< ἀντί) [in LXX: Ne 12:8 (נֶגֶד), III Mac 5:16 * ;]

in cl., outright; in κοινή (= cl. καταντικρύ), over against: Ac 20:15 (v. Bl., § 5, 4; 40, 7; Rutherford, NPhr., 500 f.; MM, VGT, s.v.).†

ἀντι-λαμβάνω [freq. in LXX for חָזַק hi., סָמַךְ, etc ;]

to take instead of or in turn. Mid., c. gen., to take hold of;
(a) of persons, to help (v. MM, VGT, s.v.): Lk 1:54, Ac 20:35;
(b) of things, to partake of: I Ti 6:2 (v. Field, Notes, 210; Cremer, 386; and cf. συν-αντιλαμβάνω).†

[NT: 11x] ἀντι-λέγω [in LXX: Ho 4:4 (רִיב hi.), Is 50:5 (סוּג ni.) Is 22:22 65:2, Si 4:25, III Mac 2:28, IV Mac 4:7 Mac 8:2 * ;]

cοntradict, oppose, resist (v. Field, Notes, 106; MM, VGT, s.v.); absol.: Ac 28:19, Ro 10:21, Tit 1:9 2:9; c. dat., Jo 19:12, Ac 13:45; c. acc et inf., Lk 20:27 T; pass., Lk 2:34, Ac 28:22.†

[NT: 1x] ἀντί-λημψις (Rec. -ληψις; v. MM, VGT s.v.; M, Pr., 56), -εως, ἡ (< ἀντιλαμβάνομαι) [in LXX for עֹז, זְרוֹעַ, etc., freq. in Ps 2:1-12,3Mac.; freq. also in π. in petitions to the Ptolemies in sense of βοήθεια (v. Deiss., LAE, 107; BS, 92, 223) ;]

1. cl. a laying hold of, an exchange.
2. Hellenistic (LXX, π.) help: pl. of ministrations of deacons; I Co 12:28 (DB, ii, 347 f.; Cremer, 386).†

ἀντί-ληψις, v.s. ἀντίλημψις.

[NT: 4x] ἀντιλογία, -ας ἡ (< ἀντιλέγω), [in LXX chiefly for רִיב ;]

gain-saying, strife (the latter sense being found in π.; v. MM, VGT, s.v.; cf. Field, Notes, 106): He 6:16 7:7 12:3, Ju 11.†

[p. 42]

[NT: 1x] * ἀντι-λοιδορέω, -ῶ

to revile in turn: I Pe 2:23.†

[NT: 1x] **† ἀντί-λυτρον, -ου, τό [in Al.: Ps 49:9 * ;]

a ransom: I Ti 2:6 (v. CGT, in l; and cf. λύτρον).†

[NT: 1x] *† ἀντι-μετρέω, -ῶ

to measure in return: Lk 6:38 (WH, mg., μετρέω).†

[NT: 2x] *† ἀντιμισθία, -ας, ἡ (< ἀντίμισθος, for a reward)

a reward, requital: in good sense, II Co 6:13; in bad sense, Ro 1:27 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 18x] Ἀντιόχεια, -ας, ἡ

1. in Syria: Ac 11:19-22, 26-27 13:1 14:26 15:22-23, 30 15:35 18:22, Ga 2:11
2. In Pisidia: Ac 13:14 14:19, 21, II Ti 3:11.†

[NT: 1x] Ἀντιοχεύς, -έως, ὁ

a citizen of Antioch, an Antiochian: Ac 6:5.†

[NT: 2x] **† ἀντι-παρ-έρχομαι [in LXX: Wi 16:10 * ;]

to pass by opposite to: Lk 10:31-32 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†

Ἀντίπας (T, Ἀντείπας), (in some MSS. it appears to be indecl.; but v. M, Pr 12:1-28; it is abbrev. from Ἀντίπατρος), ,

Antipas: Re 2:13.†

[NT: 1x] Ἀντιπατρίς, -ίδος, ἡ

Antipatris, bet. Joppa and Caesarea: Ac 23:31.†

ἀντί-περα (Rec. ἀντιπέραν, LTr. ἀντιπέρα) adv., = cl. ἀντιπέρας (MM, VGT, 49),

on the opposite side: c. gen., Lk 8:26.†

[NT: 1x] ἀντι-πίπτω [in LXX: Ex 26:5 (קָבַל), Ex 26:17 (שׁוּב), Nu 27:14 (מְרִיבָה) Jb 23:13 (שָׁלַב hi.) * ;]

1. to fall against or upon (Arist., Polyb.).
2. to strive against, resist (Arist.): c. dat., Ac 7:51

[NT: 1x] * ἀντι-στρατεύομαι

to make war against: c. dat., Ro 7:23.†

ἀντι-τάσσω (Att..., -ττω) [in LXX for לוּץ hi., נָשָׂא, etc. ;]

to range on battle against; mid., to set oneself against, resist: absol., Ac 18:6; c. dat., Ro 13:2, Ja 4:6 5:6, I Pe 5:5 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 2x] ** ἀντί-τυπος, -ον (v.s. τύπος), [in LXX: Es 3:13 A * ;]

1. act. striking back; metaph., resisting, adverse.
2. Pass. struck back; metaph., corres­ponding to (MM, VGT, s.v.);
(a) as impression of a seal or copy of an archetype (τύπος) (RV, Like in pattern), He 9:24;
(b) as the reality (of which τύπος is the copy or adumbration) (RV, after a true likeness), I Pe 3:21 (Cramer, 357).†

*† άντι-χριατος, -ον, ό

Antichrist, "one who assuming the guise of Christ opposes Christ" (Westc., Epp. Jo., 70): I Jn 2:18 Jn 2:22 Jn 4:3, I Jn 1:7 pl. I Jn 2:18 (cf. ψευδόχριστος, and v. MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 4x] ἀντλέω, -ῶ (< ἄντλος, bilge-water in a hold), [in LXX for שָׁאַב, etc. ;]

1. prop., to bale out.
2. Generally, to draw water: absol., Jo 2:8 4:15; ὕδωρ, Jo 2:9 4:7 (on its use of the water made wine, v. DCG, ii, 815a; MM, VGT, s.v.; Field, Notes, 84 f.).†

[NT: 1x] *† ἄντλημα, -τος, τό (< ἀντλέω),

(a) prop., what is drawn (Diosc.);
(b) a vessel to draw with, a bucket (Plut.; v. Abbott, Essays, 88): Jo 4:11.†

[NT: 1x] **† ἀντοφθαλμέω, -ῶ (ἀντί, ὀφθαλμός), [in LXX: Wi 12:14 * ;]

to look in the face, look straight at (Polyb.). Metaph., to face, withstand (Wis, l.c., Polyb.): c. dat., ἀ. τ. ἀνέμῳ, as nautical term, to beat up against the wind (v. DB, ext., 366 f.; MM, VGT, s.v.): Ac 27:15.†

[NT: 4x] ἄνυδρος, -ον (< ἀ- neg., ὕδωρ) [in LXX for צִיָּה, יְשִׁימוֹן (γῆ ἄ), [p. 43] etc. ;]

waterless: τόποι, Mt 12:43, Lk 11:24; πηγαί, II Pe 2:17; νεφέλαι, Ju 12 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 6x] ** ἀν-υπόκριτος, -ον (< ά- neg., ὑποκρίνομαι) [in LXX: Wi 5:18 18:16 * ;]

unfeigned: Ro 12:9, II Co 6:6, I Ti 1:5, II Ti 1:5, Ja 3:17, I Pe 1:22 (Cremer, 380; MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 4x] **† ἀνυπότακτος, -ον (< ά- neg., ὑποτάσσω) [in Sm.: I Ki 2:12 10:27 (for LXX, λοιμός, בְּלִיַּעַל בֵּן)* ;]

of things, not subject to rule: He 2:8; of persons, unruly: I Ti 1:9, Tit 1:6, 10 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 9x] ἄνω adv (< ἀνά),

(a) up, upwards: Jo 11:41, He 12:15;
(b) above (opp. to κάτω): Act_2:19; with art. , Ga 4:26, Phl 3:14; τά, Jo 8:23, Col 3:1-2; ἕως ἄ. (up to the brim), Jo 2:7 (Cremer, 106; MM, VGT, s.v.).†

ἀνώγαιον, ἀνώγεον, v.s. ἀνάγαιον.

[NT: 13x] ἄνωθεν adv (< ἄνω),

(a) from above: ἀπὸ ἄ., Mt 27:51, Mk 15:38; ἐκ τῶν ἄ., Jo 19:28; meaning, from heaven: Jo 3:31 19:11, Ja 1:17 3:15, 17 .
(b) from the first, from the beginning: Lk 1:3, Ac 26:5; whence
(c) anew, again: Jo 3:3, 7, (so most, but v. Meyer, in l; cf. Field, Notes, 86 f.); πάλιν ἄ., Ga 4:9 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 1x] * ἀνωτερικός, -ή όν (< ἀνώτερος)

upper: Ac 19:1.†

[NT: 1x] ἀνώτερος, α, -ον [in LXX: Ne 3:25 (עֶלְיוֹן), Ez 41:7 (מַעַל), To 8:3 * ;]

only in neut., as adv. (cf. ἐξώτερος),
(a) of motion, higher: Lk 14:10;
(b) of rest, above, before: He 10:8.†

[NT: 2x] ἀν-ωφελής, -ές (ἀ- neg., ὄφελος), [in LXX: Is 44:10 (יָעַל בִּלְתִּי) Je 2:8 (יָעַל לֹא), Pr 28:3, Wi 1:11 * ;]

unprofitable: Tit 3:9; neut. as subst., unprofitableness: He 7:18.†

αξίνη, -ης, ἡ [in LXX for גַּרְזֶן, קַרְדֹּם ;]

an axe: Mt 3:10, Lk 3:9.†

[NT: 41x] ἄξιος, -α, -ον (< ἄγω, in sense, to weigh), [in LXX for בֵּן (De 25:2), מָלֵא, שָׁוָה; freq. in Wis, 2Mac ;]

1. Part One
(a) of weight, worth (often c. gen., cf. Pr 315, 811), seq. πρός: Ro 8:18 (v. Field, Notes, 157);
(b) befitting, meet: c. gen., Mt 3:8, Lk 3:8 23:41, Ac 26:20, I Co 16:4 (v. M, Pr., 216); absol., II Th 1:3;
(c) of persons, worthy;
2. Part Two
α in good sense: c. gen. rei, Mt 10:10, Lk 7:4 10:7, Ac 13:46, I Ti 1:15 4:9 5:18 6:1; c. aor. inf. (v. M, Pr., 203): Lk 15:19, 21, Act_13:25, Re 4:11 5:2, 4 5:9, 12; seq. ἵνα: Jo 1:27; ἅς, Lk 7:4; absol., but of what understood: Mt 10:11, 13 22:8, Re 3:4; c. gen. pers., Mt 10:37-38, He 11:38;
β in bad sense; c. gen. rei, Lk 12:48 23:15, Ac 23:29 25:11, 25 26:31, Ro 1:32; absol., Re 16:6 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 7x] ἀξιόω, -ῶ (< ἄξιος), [in LXX chiefly for בְּעָא, בָּקַשׁ; freq. in Wi 1:1-16, 2 Mac ;]

(a) to deem worthy: c. acc et inf. (v. MM, VGT, s.v., and cf. κατ-αξιόω), Lk 7:7; id. et gen. rei, II Th 1:11; pass. c. gen. rei, I Ti 5:17, He 3:3 10:29
(b) to think fit: c. inf. (v. M, Pr., 205), Ac 15:38 28:22.†

[NT: 6x] ** ἀξίως, adv. [in LXX: Wi 7:15 16:1, Si 14:11 * ;]

worthily: Ro 16:2, Eph 4:1, Phl 1:27; c. gen. (freq. in Inscr.; Deiss., BS, 248; MM, VGT, 51), ἀ. τ. Κυρίου, Col 1:10; τ. θεοῦ I Th 2:12, III Jn 6.†

[NT: 5x] ἀόρατος, -ον (< ὁράω), [in LXX: Ge 1:2 (תֹּהוּ), Is 45:3 (מִסְתָּר), II Mac 9:5 * ;]

unseen, invisible: Ro 1:20, Col 1:15-16, I Ti 1:17, He 11:27.†

[p. 44]

[NT: 45x] ἀπ-αγγέλλω [in LXX chiefly for נָגַד hi. ;]

of a messenger, speaker, or writer, to report, announce, declare: c. acc rei, Ac 4:23, al.; c. dat. pers., Mt 2:8, al.; seq. ὃτι, Lk 18:37; πῶς, Lk 8:36; περί, Lk 7:18 13:1, Ac 28:21, I Th 1:9; λέγων, Ac 22:26; c. acc et inf., Ac 12:14; seq. εἰς, Mk 5:14, Lk 8:34 (MM, VGT, s.v.; Cremer, 25)

ἀπ-άγχω (< ἄγχω, to press, strangle), [in LXX: II Ki 17:23 (חָנַק), To 3:10 * ;]

to strangle; mid., to hang oneself (or, to choke; v. M, Pr., 155): Mt 27:5.†

[NT: 16x] ἀπ-άγω [in LXX for נָהַג, הָלַךְ hi., etc. ;]

to lead away: Lk 13:15, Ac 23:17 24:7 (R, mg.), I Co 12:2; esp. of leading to trial (so as law term in Attic), prison and death (MM, VGT, s.v.): Mt 26:57 27:2, 31, Mk 14:44, 53 15:16, Lk 21:12 22:66 23:26, Ac 12:19; of the direction of a way: Mt 7:13-14 (cf. συν-απ-άγω).†

[NT: 1x] ἀ-παίδευτος, -ον (< παιδεύω), [in LXX for כְּסִיל, etc., chiefly in Wis. lit. ;]

uninstructed, ignorant: II Ti 2:23.†

[NT: 22x] ἀπ-αίρω [in LXX chiefly for נָסַע ;]

to lift off, hence, to take away; pass.: Mt 9:15, Mk 2:20, Lk 5:35.†

[NT: 4x] ἀπ-αιτέω, -ῶ [in LXX: De 15:2-3, al. (נָגַשׂ), Si 20:15, Wi 15:8, al. ;]

to ask back, demand back: Lk 6:30 12:20 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 1x] * ἀπ-αλγέω, -ῶ

1. prop., to cease to feel pain for (Thuc., ii, 61).
2. In late Gk.
(a) to despair (Polyb., i, 35, 5);
(b) to become callous, reckless (Polyb., xvi, 12, 7; MM, VGT, s.v.): Eph 4:19.†

[NT: 3x] ἀπ-αλλάσσω [in LXX for סוּר hi., etc. ;]

to remove, release: He 2:15; pass., to depart: Ac 19:12; in legal sense (MM, VGT, s.v.), seq. ἀπό, c. gen. pers., to be quit of: Lk 12:58 (Cremer, 90, 632).†

ἀπ-αλλοτριόω, -ῶ [in LXX for זוּר, H5110 etc. ;]

to alienate, estrange; pass.: Eph 2:12 4:18, Col 1:21 (MM, VGT, s.v.; Cremer, 95, 633).†

ἀπαλός, -ή, -όν [in LXX for רַךְ ;]

tender: Mt 24:32, Mk 13:28.†

[NT: 7x] ἀπαντάω, -ῶ [in LXX chiefly for פָּגַע ;]

1. to go to meet.
2. to meet; c. dat.: Mk 14:13, Lk 17:12 (WH, mg., ὑπ-; in Rec. freq. as v.1. for ὑπ-, q.v.).†

[NT: 4x] ἀπάντησις, -εως, ἡ (< ἀπαντάω), [in LXX chiefly for קָרָא ;]

usually with v.l., ὑπ-; a meeting; εἰς ἀ., c. gen. or dat., to meet: Mt 25:6 27:32 (WH, txt., omits), Ac 28:15, I Th 4:17 (v. M, Th., in l; M, Pr., 14, 242; MM, VGT, s.v.; Lft., Notes, 69).†

[NT: 14x] ἅπαξ adv., [in LXX for אֶחָד, פַּעַם ;]

(a) once: II Co 11:25, Heb_9:26-27; ἔτι ἅ., He 12:26-27; ἅ. τ. ἐνιαυτοῦ, He 9:7; καί ἅ. κ. δίς, twice: Phl 4:16, I Th 2:18;
(b) once for all: He 6:4 9:28 10:2, I Pe 3:18, Ju 3 5 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 1x] *† ἀ-παρά-βατος, -ον (< παραβαίνω),

inviolable, and so unchangeable: He 7:24 (v. Westc., in l; Cremer, 653; MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 1x] * ἀ-παρα-σκεύαστος, -ον (< παρασκευάζω)

unprepared: II Co 9:4.†

[NT: 11x] ἀπ-αρνέομαι (-οῦμαι) depon., [in LXX: Is 31:7 (מָאַס) * ;]

to deny, i.e. to refuse to recognize, to ignore: c. acc, of oneself (DCG, ii, 598 f.), Mt 16:24, Mk 8:34 (MM, VGT, s.v.), Lk 9:23 (WH, mg., txt., ἀρν-) of Peter's denials of Christ, Mt 26:34-35, 75, Mk 14:30-31, 72, Lk 22:34, 61; pass., Lk 12:9 (Cremer, 111).†

[p. 45]

[NT: 1x] * ἀπάρτι (WH, ἀπ' ἄρτι; cl., ἀπαρτί, ν. MM, VGT, s.v.); adv., [not in LXX, where עַתָּה is rendered by ἀπὸ τοῦ νῦν ;]

from now, henceforth: Jo 13:19 14:7, Re 14:13.†

[NT: 1x] ἀπαρτισμός, -οῦ, ὁ (< ἀπαρτίζω, to finish),

completion: Lk 14:28 (cf. MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 9x] ἀπ-αρχή, -ῆς, ἡ (< ἀπάρχομαι, to make a beginning in sacrifice, offer first fruits) [in LXX chiefly for תְּרוּמָה, רֵאשִׁית ;]

1. the beginning of a sacrifice.
2. first fruits: τοῦ φυράματος (cf. Nu 15:20), Ro 11:16. Metaph., ἀ. τοῦ πνεύματος: Ro 8:23; of Christians: Ro 16:5, 1, I Co 16:15, II Th 2:13 (WH, mg., R, mg., txt., ἀπ' ἀρχῆς; v. Lft., Notes, 119 f.), Ja 1:18, Re 14:4; of Christ: I Co 15:20 15:23 (Cremer, 117; MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 34x] ἅπας, -ασα, -αν (strengthened form of πᾶς, v.s. ἅ-),

all, the whole, altogether: bef. subst. with art., as Lk 3:21; or after, as Mk 16:15]; absol., in masc., as Lk 5:26; in neut., as Ac 2:44; ἅ. οὗτοι, Ac 2:7 (LT); ἅ. ὑμεῖς, Ga 3:28 (TTr.). Most freq. in Lk, Ac (v. MM, VGT, s.v.)

[NT: 3x] ἀπατάω, -ῶ (< ἀπάτη), [in LXX for פָּתָה, נָשָׁא hi., etc. ;]

to deceive: c. acc, Ja 1:26; c. acc pers., dat. rei, Eph 5:6; pass., I Ti 2:14 (on its infrequency in late writers, v. MM, VGT, s.v.; cf. ἐξαπατάω).†

[NT: 7x] ἀπάτη, -ης, ἡ [in LXX: Ec 9:6 א (no Heb. equiv.), Jth 9:3, 10 9:13 16:8, IV Mac 18:8 * ;]

deceit, deceitfulness: Col 2:8; τοῦ πλούτου, Mt 13:22, Mk 4:19 (MM, VGT, s.v.); τῆς ἀδικίας, II Th 2:10; τῆς ἁμαρτίας, He 3:13; αἱ ἐπιθυμίαι τῆς ἀ., Eph 4:22. pl., ἀπά ται (v. M, Th., i.e.; NTD, 75; MM, l.c.): II Pe 2:13 (WH, mg., R., txt., ἐν ἀγάπαις).†

[NT: 1x] * ἀπάτωρ, -ορος, ὁ, ὴ (< ἀ- neg., πατήρ)

1. fatherless.
2. without father (MM, VGT, s.v.), i.e., with no recorded genealogy: He 7:3.†

[NT: 1x] **† ἀπ-αύγασμα, -τος, τό (< αὐγή, brightness, whence ἀπαυγάζω, to radiate or reflect) [in LXX: Wi 7:26 * ;]

of light beaming from a luminous body, radiance, effulgence: He 1:3.†

ἀπ-εῖδον (WH, ἀφ-, ν. Bl., § 4, 3), 2 aor. without present in use (cf. εἶδον), serving as aor. to ἀφοράω, q.v

[NT: 7x] ** ἀπείθεια (WH, -θία, exc. He 11:1-40. c.), -ας, ἡ (< ἀπειθής), [in LXX IV Mac 8:9 Mac 8:18 Mac 12:4 * ;]

disobedience (MM, VGT, s.v.): Ro 11:30, 32, He 4:6, 11; υἱοὶ τῆς ἀ. (gen. of definition, v. M, Pr., 73 f.), Eph 2:2 5:6, Col 3:6 (T, WH R, mg., omit).†

[NT: 14x] ἀπειθέω, -ῶ (< ἀπειθής), [in LXX for מָרָה, סָרַר, etc. ;]

as in cl. (MM, VGT, s.v.); to disobey, be disobedient: absol., Ac 14:2 19:9, Ro 10:21 11:31 15:31, He 3:18 11:31, I Pe 3:20; c. dat., Jo 3:36, Ro 2:8 11:30, I Pe 2:8 3:1 4:17 (Cremer, 475).†

[NT: 6x] ἀπειθής, -ές (< πείθομαι), [in LXX for מַרְאָה, מְרִיא, סָרַר ;]

disobedient: absol., Lk 1:17, Tit 1:16 3:3; c. dat., Ac 26:19, Ro 1:30, II Ti 3:2.†

ἀπειθία, -ας, ἡ, v.s. ἀπείθεια.

[NT: 2x] ἀπειλέω, -ῶ (ἀπειλή) [in LXX: Na 1:4 (גָּעַר), Is 66:14 (זָעַם), Si 19:17, al. ;]

to threaten: I Pe 2:23; mid., Ac 4:17 (v. MM, VGT, s.v., and cf. προσαπειλέω).†

[p. 46]

[NT: 3x] ἀπειλή, -ῆ, ἡ [in LXX for גְּעָרָה, etc. ;]

threatening, threat: Ac 4:29 9:1, Eph 6:9.†

[NT: 8x] ἄπ-ειμι (εἰμί, sum) [in LXX for כָּחַד ni., נָדַח ni. ;]

to be absent: I Co 5:3, II Co 10:1 10:11 13:2 13:10 Phl 1:27, Col 2:5.†

* ἄπ-ειμι (εἶμι, ibo)

to depart: Ac 17:10.†

[NT: 1x] ἀπ-εῖπον, 2 aor. without present in use [in LXX for מָאַס, אָמַר, etc. ;]

1. to tell out.
2. to forbid (III Ki 11:2).
3. to renounce: 1 aor. mid. (WH, App., 164; MM, VGT, s.v.), II Co 4:2.†

*† απείραστος, -ον (< πειράζω for cl. ἀπείρητος, < πειράω),

untempted, untried, without experience: Ja 1:13 (v. Hort, in l; MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 1x] ἄπειρος, -ον (< ἀ- neg., πεῖρα, trial), [in LXX: Nu 14:23, Za 11:15 (אֱוִלִי) Je 2:6 (עֲרָבָה) * ;]

without experience of: c. gen. rei, He 5:13 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†

[NT: 8x] ἀπ-εκ-δέχομαι depon.,

to await or expect eagerly (Lft., Notes, 149; MM, VGT, s.v.): absol., I Pe 3:20; C. acc rei, Ro 8:19, 23 8:25, I Co 1:7, Ga 5:5; c. acc pers., Phl 3:20, He 9:28.†

[NT: 1x] *† ἀπ-έκ-δυσις, -εως, ἡ (ἀπεκδύω)

a putting or stripping off: Col 2:11 (MM, VGT, s.v.).†

*† ἀπ-εκ-δύω

to strip off clothes or arms; mid., to strip off from oneself: Col 3:9; to strip, despoil (mid, for act., ICC, in l; but cf. Lft., Ellic.), Col 2:15.†

[NT: 1x] ἀπ-ελαύνω [in LXX for נָצַל, שָׁלַח ;]

to drive away: Ac 18:16 (MM, s.v.).†

[NT: 1x] *† ἀπ-ελεγμός, -οῦ, ὁ (< ἀπελέγχω, to convict, refute),

refutation, disrepute: ἐλθεῖν εἰς ἀ., Ac 19:27 (not elsewhere; v. MM, s.v.).†

[NT: 1x] * ἀπ-ελεύθερος, -ου, ὁ, ἡ

a freedman: τ. κυρίου (MM, s.v.), I Co 7:22.†

[NT: 1x] Ἀπελλῆς, -οῦ, acc -ῆν (MM, s.v.), ὁ

Apelles: Ro 16:10.†

[NT: 1x] ἀπ-ελπίζω [in LXX: Is 29:19 (אֶבְיוֹן), Jth 9:11, Es 4:17, Si 22:21 27:21, II Mac 9:18 * ;]

1. to give up in despair, despair of (Polyb., Diod., LXX).
2. to hope to receive from or in return (Field, Notes, 59; Cremer, 712; Soph., Lex., s.v.): c. acc (M; Pr., 65; MM, s.v.), Lk 6:35.†

[NT: 5x] ἀπ-έναντι

adv. c. gen. (Hellenistic, common in LXX);
1. over against (MM, s.v.): Mt 27:61, Mk 12:41, WH, mg.
2. before, in the presence of: Mt 27:24 (WH, mg.), Ac 3:16, Ro 3:18.
3. against: Ac 17:7.†

[NT: 1x] ἀπέραντος, -ον (< περαίνω, to complete, finish) [in LXX: Jb 36:26 (חֵקֶר אַיִן) 3Mac.20 * ;]

endless, interminable: I Ti 1:4.†

*† ἀπεριστπάστως adv. (< περισπάω the adj. occurs in Wi 16:11 Si 41:1);

without distraction: I Co 7:35.†

[NT: 1x] ἀ-περί-τμητος, -ον (< περιτέμνω), [in LXX chiefly for עָרֵל ;]

uncir­cumcised; metaph. (τ.) καρδίαις (cf. Je 9:26, al.): Ac 7:51 (ἄσημος, found in π., appears to have been the word used by Greek-speaking Egyptians: v. Deiss., BS, 153; cf. also Cremer, 885; MM, s.v.)†

[NT: 126x] ἀπέρχομαι, [in LXX chiefly for הלךְ ;]

1. to go away, depart (also, in late writers, with "perfective" force, to arrive at a destination, the [p. 47] thought being carried on to the goal; M, Pr., 111f., 247; MM, s.v.);
(a) absol.: Mt 13:25, al.; ptcp., ἀπελθών, used pleonastically with other verbs as in Heb. (Dalman, Words, 21), Mt 13:28, al.;
(b) with mention of place or person: εἰς, Mt 14:15; ἐπί, Lk 24:24; πρός, Re 10:9; ἀπό, Lk 1:38; ἐξω, Ac 4:15; ἐκεῖ, Mt 2:22.
2. As in LXX, seq. ὀπίσω, c. gen. (Heb. הָלַךְ אַחֲרֵי), to go after, follow: Mk 1:20, Jo 12:19; metaph., Mk 1:42, Re 21:1.

[NT: 25x] ἀπ-έχω [in LXX chiefly for רָחַק ;]

1. trans.,
(a) to hold back, keep off;
(b) to have in full, to have received (on the " punctiliar " force of the compound, v. M, Pr., 109, 247): c. acc, Mt 6:2, 5 6:16, Lk 6:24, Phl 4:18, Phm 15 (for illustr. from π., where it is used in receipts, v. Deiss., BS, 229; LAE, 110 f.; MM, s.v.); impers., ἀπέχει (Field, Notes, 39), it is enough: Mk 14:41.
2. Intrans., to be away, distant: absol., Lk 15:20; seq. ἀπό, Mt 14:24 15:8, Mk 7:6, Lk 7:6 15:20 24:13. Mid., to abstain: c. gen., Ac 15:29, I Ti 4:3, I Pe 2:11; seq. ἀπό, Ac 15:20, I Th 4:3 5:22.†

[NT: 8x] ** ἀπιστέω, -ῶ (< ἄπιστος), [in LXX: Wi 1:2 10:7 12:17 18:13, Si 1:27, II Mac 8:13 * ;]

1. to disbelieve, be faithless: Mk 16:11, 16, Lk 24:11, 41, Ac 28:24, I Pe 2:7; so prob. also Ro 3:3, II Ti 2:13 (ICC, CGT, in ll; MM, s.v.).
2. = ἀπειθέω (Hdt.; on this sense in Ro, 2Ti, ll. c., v. Vaughan on Ro, l.c.; Lft., Notes, 265; Thayer, s.v.).†

[NT: 11x] ** ἀπιστία, -ας, ἡ (< ἄπιστος), [in LXX: Wi 14:25, IV Mac 12:4 * ;]

want of faith, unbelief: Mt 13:58, Mk 6:6 9:24 16:14, Ro 3:3 (but v.s. ἀπιστέω) Ro 4:20 11:20, 23, I Ti 1:13, He 3:12, 19 (DCG, ii, 775a; Cremer, 492).†

[NT: 23x] ἄ-πιστος, -ον (< ἀ- neg., πιστός) [in LXX: Pr 17:6 28:25, Is 17:10 * ;]

(a) of things, incredible: Ac 26:8;
(b) of persons, without faith or trust, unbelieving: Mt 17:17, Mk 9:19, Lk 9:41 12:46, Jo 20:27, Tit 1:15, Re 21:8; specif., of unbelievers as opp. to Christians: I Co 6:6 7:12-15 10:27 14:22-24, II Co 4:4 6:14-15, I Ti 5:8 (cf. Lft., Notes, 265; Cremer, 491).†

ἀπλότης, -ητος, ή (< ἁπλοῦς), [in LXX: IV Ki 15:11 (תֹּם), I Ch 29:17 (לֵבָב יֹשֶׁר, ἁ. τῆς καρδίας, cf. Col 3:22, where v. Lft.), Wi 1:1, al. ;]

simplicity, sincerity: Ro 12:8, II Co 11:3, Eph 6:5, Col 3:22; as manifested in generous, unselfish giving, liberality, graciousness: II Co 8:2 9:11 9:13 (v. ICC, Ro 12:8; Hort, Ja 1:5, and v.s. ἁπλῶς).†

[NT: 2x] ἁπλοῦς, -ῆ, -οῦν (contr. fr. -όος; < ἁ.- cop., πλόος), [in LXX: Pr 11:25 * ;]

simple, single: in a moral sense (DCG, ii, 628 f.), ἀφθαλμός, Mt 6:22, Lk 11:34. (In π. of a marriage dowry, v. MM, s.v.).†
ἁπλόος, v.s. ἁπλοῦς
SYN.: ἄδολος, ἄκακος, ἀκέραιος (Tr., Syn., § lvi; Cremer, 107, 639)

[NT: 1x] ἁπλῶς adv. (< ἁπλοῦς), [in LXX: Pr 10:9 (תֹּם), Wi 16:27, II Mac 6:6 * ;]

simply, sincerely, graciously: Ja 1:5. ("Later writers comprehend under the one word the whole magnanimous and honour­able type of character in which ... singleness of mind is the central feature "-Hort, Ja., l.c.)†

[NT: 616x] ἀπό (on the freq. neglect of elision bef. vowels, v. Tdf., Pr., 94, [p. 48] WH, App., 146), prep. c. gen. (WM, 462ff.; on its relation to ἐκ, παρά, ὑπό, ib. 456f.), [in LXX for לְ ,בְּ ,מִן ;]

from (i.e. from the exterior).
1. Of separation and cessation;
(1) of motion from a place: Mt 5:29, 30 7:23, Lk 5:2 22:41, al.;
(2) in partitive sense (M, Pr., 72, 102, 245; MM, s.v.; Bl., §40, 2), Mt 9:16 27:21, Jo 21:10, Ac 5:2, al.; also after verbs of eating, etc.;
(3) of alienation (cl. gen. of separation), after such verbs as λούω (Deiss., BS, 227), λύω, σώζω, παύω, etc.; ἀνάθεμα ἀ., Ro 9:3; ἀποθνήσκειν ἀ., Col 2:20; σαλευθῆναι, II Th 2:2, καθαρός, -ίζειν, ἀ. (Deiss., BS, 196, 216), Ac 20:26, II Co 7:1, He 9:14;
(4) of position, Mt 23:34 24:31, al.; after μακράν, Mt 8:30; transposed before measures of distance, Jo 10:18 21:8, Re 14:20 (Abbott, JG, 227);
(5) of time, ἀπὸ τ. ὥρας, ἡμέρας, etc., Mt 9:22, Jo 19:27, Ac 20:18, Phl 1:5, al.; ἀπ’ αἰῶνος, Lk 1:70, al.; ἀπ’ ἀρχῆς, etc., Mt 19:4, Ro 1:20; ἀπὸ βρέφους, II Ti 3:15; ἀφ’ ἧς, since, Lk 7:45, al.; ἀπὸ τ. νῦν, Lk 1:48, al.; ἀπὸ τότε, Mt 4:17, al.; ἀπὸ πέρυσι, a year ago, II Co 8:10 9:2; ἀπὸ πρωΐ, Ac 28:23;
(6) of order or rank, ἀπὸ διετοῦς, Mt 2:16; ἀπὸ Ἀβραάμ, Mt 1:17; ἐβδομος ἀπὸ Ἀδάμ, Ju 14; ἀπὸ μικροῦ ἕως μεγάλου, Ac 8:10, He 8:11; ἄρχεσθαι ἀπό, Mt 20:8, Jo 8:9, Ac 8:35, al.
2. Of origin;
(1) of birth, extraction, and hence, in late writers,
(a) of local extraction (cl. ἐξ; Abbott, JG, 227ff.), Mt 21:11, Mk 15:43, Jo 1:45, Ac 10:38, al.; οἱ ἀπὸ Ἰταλίας (WM, §66, 6; M, Pr., 237; Westc, Rendall, in l.), He 13:24;
(b) of membership in a community or society (BL, §40, 2), Ac 12:1, al.;
(c) of material (= cl. gen.; Bl. l.c.; M, Pr., 102), Mt 3:4 27:21;
(d) after verbs of asking, seeking, etc., Lk 11:50, 51 I Th 2:6 (Milligan, in l.);
(2) of the cause, instrument, means or occasion (freq. = ὑπό, παρά, and after verbs of learning, hearing, knowing, etc.; Bl., §40, 3), Mt 7:16 11:29, Lk 22:45, Ac 2:22 4:36 9:13 12:14, I Co 11:23, Ga 3:2, al.; ἀπὸ τ. ὄχλου, Lk 19:3 (cf. Jo 21:6, Ac 22:11); ἀπὸ τ. φόβου, Mt 14:26, al. (cf. Mt 10:26 13:44).
3. Noteworthy Hellenistic phrases: φοβεῖσθαι ἀπό (M, Pr., 102, 107); προσέχειν ἀπό (M, Pr., 11. c.; Milligan, NTD, 50); ἀπὸ νότου (Heb. מִגֶּנֶב), Re 21:13; ἀπὸ προσώπου (מִפְּנֵי), II Th 1:9 (Bl., §40, 9); ἀπὸ τ. καρδιῶν (בְּלֵב), Mt 18:35; ἀπὸ ὁ ὤν (WM, §10, 2; M, Pr., 9), Re 1:4.
4. In composition, ἀπό denotes separation, departure, origin, etc. (ἀπολύω, ἀπέρχομαι, ἀπογράφω); it also has a perfective force (M, Pr., 112, 247), as in ἀφικνεῖσθαι, q.v.

[NT: 4x] ἀπο-βαίνω [in LXX for הָיָה, etc. ;]

to step off, disembark: Lk 5:2, Jo 21:9; metaph., of events, to issue, turn out (Field, Notes, 74): Lk 21:13, Phl 1:19 (MM, s.v.).†

[NT: 3x] ἀπο-βάλλω [in LXX: Is 1:30 (נָבֵל) and elsew. without Heb. equiv. ;]

to throw off: Mk 10:50; metaph., to lose, let go (Field, Notes, 231 f.; MM, s.v.): He 10:35.†

[NT: 1x] ἀπο-βλέπω [in LXX for פָּנָה, etc. ;]

to look away from all else at one object; hence, to look steadfastly: He 11:26 (cf. ἀφοράω).†

[NT: 1x] ** ἀπό-βλητος, -ον (< ἀποβάλλω), [in Aq.: Le 7:18, al.; Sm.: Ho 9:3 (טָמֵא) ;]

to be thrown away, rejected: I Ti 4:4 (Hom., Plut.).†

[NT: 2x] * ἀπο-βολή, -ῆς, ἡ (< ἀποβάλλω);

1. a throwing away, rejection: opp. to πρόσλημψις, Ro 11:15.
2. a losing, loss: Ac 27:22.†

[p. 49]

** ἀπο-γίνομαι (cl. -γίγν-) [in LXX: Da TH Da 2:1 * ;]

1. to be away, removed from.
2. to depart life, to die (MM, s.v.): τ. ἀμαρτίαις, i.e. with ref. to sins, I Pe 2:24 (Cremer, 149, 668).†

[NT: 2x] ἀπο-γραφή, -ῆς, ἡ (ἀπογράφω) [in LXX: Da 10:21 (כָּתָב), I Es 8:30, AB, II Mac 2:1, III Mac 2:32 Mac 4:15 Mac 4:17 Mac 7:22 * ;]

1. a written copy.
2. As law term, a deposition (Demos.).
3. In late writers, a register, enrolment, census (MM, s.v.; Deiss., LAE, 160, 268 f.): Lk 2:2, Ac 5:37.†

[NT: 4x] ἀπο-γράφω [in LXX: Jg 8:14, Pr 22:20 (כָּתַב), I Es 8:30, III Mac 2:29 Mac 4:14 Mac 6:34 Mac 6:38 * ;]

1. to write out, copy.
2. to enrol; mid., to enrol oneself: Lk 2:1 (M, Pr., 162; but. v. ICC, in l), Lk 2:3, 5; pass., He 12:23 (v. reff, s.v. ἀπογραφή ).†

[NT: 4x] ἀπο-δείκνυμι [in LXX: Es 2:9 (רָאָה), al. ;]

1. to bring out, show forth, exhibit (Lft., Notes, 200; ICC, in l): I Co 4:9.
2. to declare, show: Ac 2:22
3. to prove: Ac 25:7.
4. As freq. in late Gk., to proclaim to an office: seq. ὅτι, II Th 2:4 (Milligan, in l; MM, s.v.; Lft., Notes. 113.)†

[NT: 1x] ** ἀπό-δειξις, -εως, ἡ (< ἀποδείκνυμι) [in LXX: III Mac 4:20, IV Mac 3:19 Mac 13:10 * ;]

1. a showing off.
2. As used by Gk. philosophers, demonstration, certain proof: I Co 2:4 (v. ICC, in l; MM, s.v.; Lft., Notes, 173).†


= ἀποδεκατόω, q.v.,
to tithe, pay a tenth of: Lk 18:12.†

ἀπο-δεκατοω, [in LXX for עָשַׂר in both senses foll., e.g. (1) Ge 28:22 (2) I Ki 8:15 ;]

1. c. acc rei, to tithe, pay a tenth of: Mt 23:23, Lk 11:42.
2. C. acc pers., to exact tithes from: He 7:5.
3. to decimate (Socr., HE, 573 A; v. Kennedy, Sources, 117).†

[NT: 2x] *† ἀπό-δεκτος, -ον (< άποδέχομαι),

acceptable: I Ti 2:3 5:4.†

[NT: 11x] ** ἀπο-δέχομαι [in LXX: To 7:17, Jth 13:13; Jdt.13.1, IV Ma 10:1-21 * ;]

to accept gladly, welcome, receive: Lk 8:40 9:11, Ac 18:27 21:17 28:30; metaph., c. acc rei, Ac 2:41 24:3 (MM, s.v.; Cremer, 688).†

[NT: 6x] ἀπο-δημέω, -ῶ (< ἀπόδημος), [in LXX: Ez 19:3 A * ;]

to be or go abroad (M, Pr., 130, 2): Mt 21:33 25:14-15, Mk 12:1, Lk 15:13 20:9.†

[NT: 1x] * ἀπό-δημος, -ον

gone abroad (RV, sojourning in another country): Mk 13:34.†

[NT: 48x] ἀπο-δίδωμι [in LXX for מָכַר, שׁוּב hi., נָתַן, שָׁלֵם pi., etc. ;]

to give up or back, restore, return: Mt 27:58, Lk 4:20 9:42 19:8; esp. of wages, debts, oaths, etc. (MM, s.v.), to render what is due, to pay (Deiss., LAE, 334 f.): absol., Mt 18:25, 28, Lk 7:42. c. acc, Mt 5:26 18:29-30, 34 20:8 21:41 22:21, Mk 12:17, Lk 10:35 12:59 20:25, Ro 13:7, He 12:11, Re 22:2; ὅρκους, Mt 5:33 (cf. Nu 30:3, De 23:21 al.); of conjugal duty, τ. ὀφειλήν, I Co 7:3; ἀμοιβάς, I Ti 5:4; μαρτύριον, to give (as in duty bound) testimony, Ac 4:33; λόγον, to render account, Mt 12:36, Lk 16:2, Ac 19:40, He 13:17, I Pe 4:5; hence of requital, recompense, both in good and bad sense, Mt 6:4, 6 6:18 16:27, Ro 2:6, II Ti 4:8 4:14 Re 18:6 22:12; κακὸν ἀντὶ κακοῦ, Ro 12:17, I Th 5:15, I Pe 3:9. Mid., to give up of one's own, hence to sell (fr. Hdt. on): c. acc rei, Ac 5:8, He 12:16; c. acc pers., Ac 7:9 (cf. ἀνταποδίδωμι) .†

[NT: 1x] * ἀπο-δι-ορίζω (< διορίζω, < ἅρος, a limit),

to mark off, hence metaph. to make separations: Ju 19 (Cremer, 806).†

[p. 50]

[NT: 9x] ἀπο-δοκιμάζω [in LXX: Ps 118:22, al. (מָאַס) ;]

to reject: Mt 21:42 (LXX), Mk 8:31 12:10 (LXX) Lk 9:22 17:25 20:17 (LXX), He 12:17, I Pe 2:4 2:7 (LXX) (Cremer, 701; MM, s.v.).†

[NT: 2x] * ἀπο-δοχή, -ῆς, ἡ (< ἀποδέχομαι),

acceptance, approbation (Field, Notes, 203): I Ti 1:15 4:9 (Cremer, 686; MM, s.v.).†

[NT: 2x] * ἀπό-θεσις, -εως, ἡ (< ἀποτίθημι),

a putting away: I Pe 3:21, II Pe 1:14.†

[NT: 6x] ἀπο-θήκη, -ης, ἡ (< ἀποτίθημι), [in LXX for אוֹצָר, טֶנֶא, etc. ;]

a storehouse, granary: Mt 3:12 6:26 13:30, Lk 3:17 12:18, 24.†

[NT: 1x] **† ἀπο-θησαυρίζω [in LXX: Si 3:4 * ;]

to treasure up, store away: I Ti 6:19.†

[NT: 1x] ἀπο-θλίβω [in LXX for לָחַץ, Nu 22:25 * ;]

to press hard: Lk 8:45.†

[NT: 111x] ἀπο-θνῄσκω, [in LXX chiefly for מוּת ;]

to die: of natural death, Mk 5:35, al.; of violent death (pass. of ἀποκτείνω), esp. of Christ, Mt 26:35, Jo 12:33, He 10:28, al.; of spiritual death, Jo 6:50, Ro 8:13, al.; c. dat. ref., Ro 6:2, 10 14:7, 8, Ga 2:19; acc., , Ro 6:10; seq. ἐν, Mt 8:32, Jo 8:21, 24 I Co 15:22, He 11:37, Re 14:13; seq. ὑπέρ, περί, Jo 11:50, 51 18:14, Ro 5:6-8 14:15, I Co 15:3, II Co 5:15, I Th 5:10, I Pe 3:18; ἀπό, Col 2:20; ἐκ, Re 8:11; fig., I Co 15:31 (cf. συν-αποθνήσκω, and V. Milligan, NTD, 258f.; DCG, i, 791b; Cremer, 286; MM, s.v.; on the perfective force of this verb, M, Pr., 112, 114; and on the distinction bet. pres. and aor., ib. 113 f.).

ἀπο-καθ-ιστάνω, ἀποκαθιστάω see next word.

ἀπο-καθ-ίστημι (ἀποκαθιστάω, Mk 9:12, Rec., -ιστάνω, LTTr.; cf. Ac 1:6; -κατιστάνω, WH), [in LXX chiefly for שׁוּב ;]

1. to restore, i.e. to a former condition: of health, Mt 12:13, Mk 3:5 8:25, Lk 6:10; of social or political affairs, Mt 17:11, Mk 9:12, Ac 1:6.
2. to give back, bring back: He 13:19 (so in π., MM, s.v.; cf. also Cremer, 312).†

[NT: 26x] ἀπο-καλύπτω [in LXX chiefly for גָּלָה ]

1. in general sense (cl.), to reveal, uncover, disclose,
(a) of things: Mt 10:26, Lk 2:35 12:2, I Co 3:13;
(b) of persons: pass., Christ, Lk 17:30; Antichrist, II Th 2:3 2:6 2:8
2. In LXX and NT, in special sense of divine revelation: Mt 11:25 (on the tense, v. M, Pr., 136), ib. Mt 11:27 16:17, Lk 10:21-22, Jo 12:38, Ro 1:17-18 8:18, I Co 2:10 14:30, Ga 1:16 3:23, Eph 3:5, Phl 3:15, I Pe 1:5-12 5:1 (Westc., Eph., 178 f.; M, Th., 149 f.).†
SYN.: φανερόω (v. Thayer, 62; Cremer, 342).†

[NT: 18x] ἀπο-κάλυψις, -εως, ἡ (< ἀποκαλύπτω), [in LXX: I Ki 20:30 (עֶרְוָה), Si 11:27 22:22 42:1 * ;]

an uncovering, laying bare (Plut.). Metaph., a reveal­ing, revelation: a disclosure of divine truth, or a manifestion from God: Lk 2:32 Ro 2:5 8:19 16:25, I Co 1:7 14:6 14:26, II Co 12:1 12:7, Ga 1:12 2:2, Eph 1:17 3:3 II Th 1:7 I Pe 1:7 1:13 4:13, Re 1:1.†
SYN.: ἐπιφάνεια, παρουσία, φανέρωσις (v. Tr., Syn., xciv; Lft., Notes, 102, 178; Westc, Eph., 178 f.; M, Th., 145 ff.; Cremer, 343)

[NT: 2x] *† ἀπο-καραδοκία, -ας, ἡ (< ἀποκαραδοκέω, used by Aq. in Ps 37:7 for חוּל; < ἀπό, κάρα the head, δοκέω, in Ion., to watch),

to watch with outstretched head, watch anxiously (Polyb., π.; v. Deiss., LAE, 374.5, 377 f.), Ro 8:19, Phl 1:20 (Lft., in l; Cremer, 177).†

[p. 51]

[NT: 3x] ἀπο-κατ-αλλάσσω (cf. καταλλάσσω: ἀπό here signifies completely, v. Lft., Col., l.c.; Ellic., Eph., l.c.; but also Mey., Eph., l.c.),

to reconcile completely: Eph 2:16, Col 1:20-21.†

[NT: 1x] * ἀπο-κατά-στασις, -εως, ἡ (< ἀποκαθίστημι),

restoration: Ac 3:21 (in τ. of repairs and restorations of temples, v. MM, s.v.).†

ἀπο-κατ-ιστάνω, v. ἀποκαθίστημι.

[NT: 4x] ἀπό-κειμαι [in LXX: Ge 49:10 (שִׁילֹה), Jb 38:23 (חָשַׂךְ), II Mac 12:45, IV Mac 8:11 * ;]

to be laid up, in store, laid away: Lk 19:20. Metaph., C. dat. pers., to be reserved (Dem., Plat.; and v. MM, s.v.): Col 1:5, II Ti 4:8, He 9:27.†

[NT: 4x] ἀπο-κεφαλίζω (< ἀπό, κεφαλή), [in LXX: Ps 151:7 * ;]

to behead: Mt 14:10, Mk 6:16, 28 Lk 9:9.†

[NT: 1x] ἀπο-κλείω [in LXX chiefly for סָגַר ;]

to shut fast: Lk 13:25.†

[NT: 6x] ἀπο-κόπτω [in LXX for קָצַץ, כָּרַת, etc. ;]

to cut off: Mk 9:43, 45, Jo 18:10, 26 Ac 27:32. Mid., to mutilate oneself, have oneself mutilated: Ga 5:12 (cf. De 23:1 LXX; and v. Cremer, 751; MM, s.v.).†

[NT: 1x] ἀπό-κριμα, -τος, τό (< ἀποκρίνω);

1. prop., a judicial sentence: II Co 1:9, R, mg.
2. an answer (v. Thayer, s.v.): II Co 1:9, R, txt. (In FlJ, Ant., xiv, 10, 6, of a rescript of the Senate; in Inscr. of an official decision, Deiss., BS, 257; a reply to a deputation, MM, s.v.: cf. also Cremer, 3'75).†

[NT: 232x] ἀπο-κρίνω, [in LXX chiefly for ענה ;]

in cl.,
1. to separate, distinguish.
2. to choose.
Mid., to answer: Mt 27:12, Mk 14:61, Lk 3:16 23:9, Jo 5:17, 19 Ac 3:12. In late Gk. the pass, also is used in this sense, and pass. forms are the more freq. in NT (M, Pr., 39, 161; MM, s.v.);
(a) in general sense: absol., Mk 12:34; c. acc. rei, Mt 22:46; c. dat. pers., Mt 12:38; seq. πρός, Ac 25:16;
(b) Hebraistically
(i) like ענה, to begin to speak, take up the conversation (Kennedy, Sources, 124f.): Mt 11:25, al.,
(ii) redundant, as in the Heb. phrase וַיַּעַן וַיּאֹמֶר (Dalman, Words, 24f., 38; M, Pr., 14; Bl., §58, 4; 74, 2; Cremer, 374): ἀποκριθεὶς εἶπε, Mt 4:4; ἔφη, 8:8; λέγει, Mk 3:33; in Jo most freq. (ἀπεκ. κ. εἶπε, 1:49.

[NT: 4x] ἀπό-κρισις, -εως, ἡ (< ἀποκρίνομαι), [in LXX for דָּבָר, etc. ;]

an answering, an answer: Lk 2:47 20:26, Jo 1:22 19:9.†

[NT: 4x] ἀπο-κρύπτω [in LXX chiefly for סָתַר ;]

to hide, conceal, keep secret: c. acc, Lk 10:21; pass., I Co 2:7, Eph 3:9, Col 1:26 (MM, s.v.).†

[NT: 3x] ἀπόκρυφος, -ον (< ἀποκρύπτω), [in LXX Chiefly for סֵתֶר ;]

hidden: Mk 4:22, Lk 8:17, Col 2:3 (v. Lft., in l; MM, s.v.).†

[NT: 74x] ἀπο-κτείνω (also in late forms -κτέννω, Mt 10:28, a1., LTTr., -κτεννύω, Mk 12:5, WH), [in LXX for הָרַג, מוּת ;]

to kill: Mt 14:5, al.; seq. instr. ἐν (q.v.), Eph 2:16, Re 2:23, al. Metaph.: Ro 7:11; τ. ἔχθραν, Eph 2:16; τὸ γράμμα ἀποκτείνει II Co 3:6 (on the perfective force of this verb, v. M, Pr., 114)

[NT: 2x] ** ἀπο-κυέω (Rec. -κύω), -ῶ (< ἀπό, κυέω or κύω, to be pregnant), [in LXX: IV Mac 15:17 * ;]

prop., "the medical word for birth as the close of pregnancy" (Hort, Ja., 26 f.). In κοιν, "an ordinary syn. of τίκτω, but definitely 'perfectivised' (M, Pr., 111 ff.; MM, s.v.) by the
[p. 52] ἀπό, and so implying safe delivery," to bring forth, give birth to: Ja 1:15, 18.†

[NT: 4x] ἀπο-κυλίω (v.s. κυλίω), [in LXX: Ge 29:3, 8 29:10 (גָּלַל) Jth 13:9 * ;]

to roll away: Mt 28:2, Mk 16:3, Lk 24:2.†

[NT: 15x] ἀπο-λαμβάνω [in LXX: Nu 34:14 (לָקַח (De 25:5 A, Is 5:17, II Mac 4:46 Mac 6:21 Mac 8:6, IV Mac 18:23 * ;]

1. to receive from another; absol., to receive as one's due: Lk 16:25 18:30 (v.l. λάβῃ) Lk 23:41, Ro 1:27, Ga 4:5, Col 3:24, II Jn 8.
2. to receive back: Lk 6:34 15:27.
3. to take apart or aside: Mk 7:33 (cf. use in π. of the recluses of the Serapeum; MM, s.v.).†

[NT: 2x] ** ἀπόλαυσις, -εως, ἡ (< ἀπολαύω, to take of, enjoy a thing) [in LXX: III Mac 7:16 * ;]

enjoyment: I Ti 6:17, He 11:26 (for late exx., v. MM, s.v.).†

[NT: 10x] ἀπο-λείπω [in LXX for H2308 יָתַר, etc. ;]

1. to leave, leave behind (in π. a term. techn. in wills; v. MM, s.v.): II Ti 4:13 4:20, Tit 1:5; pass., to be reserved, remain: He 4:6, 9 10:26.
2. to desert, abandon: Ju 6.†

[NT: 1x] ἀπο-λείχω (for ἐπιλ-, q.v.),

to lick up: Lk 16:21, Rec.†

[NT: 90x] ἀπ-όλλυμι and ἀπολλύω [in LXX for אָבַד, etc. (38 words in all)].

1. Act.,
1 to destroy utterly, destroy, kill: Mk 124, 922, al.; τ. ψνχήν, Mt 10:28, al.;
2 to lose utterly: Mt 10:42, al.; metaph., of failing to save, Jo 6:39 18:9.
2. Mid.,
1 to perish;
(a) of things: Mt 5:29, Jo 6:12, He 1:11 (LXX, al.;
(b) of persons: Mt 8:26, al. Metaph., of loss of eternal life, Jo 3:15-16 10:28 17:12, Ro 2:12, I Co 8:11 15:18, II Pe 3:9. In οἱ ἀπολλὺμενοι, the perishing, contrasted in I Co 1:18, al., with οἱ σωζόμενοι, the "perfective" force of the verb, WH. " implies the completion of the process of destruction," is illustrated (v. M, Pr., 114 f.; M, Th., ii, 2:10);
2 to be lost: Lk 15:4 21:18. Metaph., on the basis of the relation between shepherd and flock, of spiritual destitution and alienation from God: Mt 10:6 15:24, Lk 19:10 (MM, s.v.; DCG, i, 191 f., ii, 76, 554; Cremer, 451)

[NT: 1x] Ἀπολλύων, -οντος, ὁ (pres. ptcp. of ἀπολλύω),

Apollyon, i.e. the Destroyer: Re 9:11 (cf. Ἀβάδδων). (Cremer, 453; DB, i, 125, 172.) †

[NT: 1x] Ἀπολλωνία, -ας, ἡ

Apollonia, a city of Macedonia: Ac 17:1.†

Ἀπολλώς, -ώ, ὁ (perh. contr. from Ἀπολλώνιος, Ac 18:24 D)

Apollos: Ac 18:24 19:1, I Co 1:12 3:4-6 3:22 4:6 16:12, Tit 3:13.†

[NT: 10x] ἀπολογέομαι, -οῦμαι (< ἀπό, λόγος), [in LXX: Je 12:1 (רִיב) Je 31:6, II Mac 13:26 * ;]

1. to defend: c. acc, Ro 2:15.
2. to defend one's self: absol., Lk 21:14, Ac 26:1; seq. ὅτι, Ac 25:8; τί, to adduce something in one's defence, Lk 12:11, Ac 26:24 (ταῦτα) Ac 24:10 (τὰ περὶ ἐμαυτοῦ); περί, c. gen. rei, and ἐπί, c. gen. pers., Ac 26:2; c. dat. pers., Ac 19:33, II Co 12:19.†

[NT: 8x] ** ἀπολογία, -ας, ἡ (< ἀπολογέομαι), [in LXX: Wi 6:10 * ;]

a speech in defence: Ac 25:16, II Co 7:11, Phl 1:7, 16, II Ti 4:16; c. dat. pers., I Co 9:3, I Pe 3:15; seq. πρός, Ac 22:1.†

ἀπο-λούω [in LXX: Jb 9:30 (רָחַץ)* ;]

to wash off, wash away; mid., metaph., c. acc rei, to wash off oneself: ἀμαρτίας, Ac 22:16; absol., ἀπελούσασθε, ye washed yourselves clean (cf. Cremer, 406), I Co 6:11.†

[NT: 10x] ἀπο-λύτρωσις, -εως, ἡ (< ἀπολυτρόω, to release on payment of [p. 53] ransom, cf. λύτρον), [in LXX: Da (LXX) Da 4:30 c * ;]

release effected by pay­ment of ransom, redemption, deliverance; metaph., He 11:35; of deliverance thr. Christ from evil and the consequences of sin: Lk 21:28, Ro 3:24 (Vau., in l) 8:23, I Co 1:30, Eph 1:7, 14 4:30, Col 1:14, He 9:15. (On the extent to WH. the word retains the sense of ransom, v. ICC, Ro 3:24, Westc., He., 297 ff.; v. also ICC, Eph., 11; DCG, ii, 605; Cremer, 410; Deiss., LAE, 331; Lft., Notes, 271, 316; Tr., Syn., § 77.)†

[NT: 64x] ἀπο-λύω [in LXX for שׁוּב, etc., freq. in 1-4 Mac ;]

1. to set free, release: Lk 13:12, Jo 19:10, al.; a debtor, Mt 18:27; metaph., of forgive­ness, Lk 6:37.
2. to let go, dismiss (Field, Notes, 9 f.): Mt 15:23, Lk 2:29 9:12, Ac 19:41, al.; of divorce, τ. γυναῖκα: Mt 1:19 5:31-32 19:3, 8 19:10 Mk 10:2, 4 10:11, Lk 16:18; with ref. to Gk. and Rom. (net Jewish) custom, τ. ἄνδρα: Mk 10:12. Mid., to depart: Ac 28:25 (MM, s.v.)

** απο-μάσσω (< μάσσω, Att... -ττω, to touch, handle), [in LXX: To 7:17 * ;]

to wipe off, wire clean: mid., Lk 10:11.†

[NT: 1x] ἀπο-νέμω (< νέμω, to distribute), [in LXX: De 4:19 (חָלַק), III Mac 1:7 Mac 3:16 * ;]

to assign, apportion: I Pe 3:7. (In π. of a Prefect who renders to all their dues; v. MM, s.v.)†

[NT: 1x] ἀπο-νίπτω [in LXX for שָׁטַף, רָחַץ, מָחָה ;]

to wash off: mid. (reflex.), τ. χεῖρας, Mt 27:24.†

[NT: 1x] ἀπο-πίπτω [in LXX for מָלַל, נָפַל, etc. ;]

to fall off: Ac 9:18.†

[NT: 2x] ἀπο-πλανάω, -ῶ [in LXX for נָדַח hi., נָטָה hi., שׁוּב pi. ;]

to cause to go astray; metaph., of leading into error: Mk 13:22; pass., to be led astray: I Ti 6:10.†

[NT: 6x] * ἀπο-πλέω, -ῶ

to sail away: Ac 13:4 14:26 20:15 27:1 (Burton, 159).†

[NT: 1x] ἀπο-πλύνω [in LXX chiefly for כָּבַס pi. ;]

to wash off: v.l. for πλύνω, Lk 5:2, Rec.†

[NT: 2x] ἀπο-πνίγω [in LXX: Na 2:13 (חָנַק pi.), To 3:8 * ;]

to choke: Mt 13:7, Lk 8:7; pass., of drowning (= καταποντίζομαι), Lk 8:33.†

[NT: 6x] ἀπορέω, -ῶ (< ἄπορος, ἀ- neg., πόρος, a way, resource), [in LXX for צָרַר, מוּךְ, etc. ;]

to be at a loss, be perplexed: absol., Mk 6:20 (ἐποίει, R, mg.); mid., be in doubt: absol., II Co 4:8; c. acc, Ac 25:20; seq. περί, Lk 24:4; ἐν, Ga 4:20; περὶ τίνος λέγει, Jo 13:22.†
SYN.: διαπορέω, διακρίνομαι, διστάζω, μετεωρίζομαι (v. DCG, i, 491)

[NT: 1x] ἀπορία, -ας, ἡ (< ἀπορέω), [in LXX for בֶּהָלָה, etc. ;]

perplexity: Lk 21:25 (MM, s.v.; on the construction, v. Field, Notes, 74 f.).†

[NT: 1x] ἀπο-ρίπτω (Rec. -ρρίπτω, c1.), [in LXX for שָׁלַךְ hi., etc. ;]

to throw away, cast forth: reflexively, Ac 27:43 (BV, cast themselves overboard; v. MM, s.v.).†

[NT: 1x] * ἀπ-ορφανίζω (< ἀπό, ὀρφανός),

to be bereaved (prop., of a parent, Lft., Notes, 36); metaph., I Th 2:17 (where Field thinks it = χωρισθέντες, Notes, 199).†

[NT: 1x] ἀπο-σκευάζω [in LXX: Le 14:36 (פָּנָה pi.) * ;]

to pack and carry off; mid., to pack and remove one's goods: Ac 21:15, Rec. (v. ἐπισ-).†
[in LXX for pm pi., etc. ;]
to equip, make ready; mid., to make one's preparations: Ac 21:15.†

[NT: 1x] *† ἀπο-σκίασμα, -τος, τό (< ἀποσκιάζω, to cast a shadow; v,s. σκία)

a shadow: Ja 1:17 (MM, s.v.).†

[p. 54]

[NT: 5x] ἀπο-σπάω, -ῶ [in LXX for נָתַק: ni., hi., etc. ;]

to draw off or away, tear away (MM, s.v.): Ac 20:30; μάχαιραν, draw a sword, Mt 26:51; pass., to be parted or withdrawn (Field, Notes, 134; but v. Thayer, s.v.), Lk 22:41, Ac 21:1.†

άποστασία, -ας, ἡ (< ἀφίστημι), [in LXX for מַעַל, etc. ;]

defection, apostasy, revolt; in late Gk. (MM, Exp., viii; Lft., Notes, 111; Cremer, 308) for cl. ἀπόστασις, freq. in sense of political revolt, in LXX (e.g. Jos 22:22, II Ch 29:19, Je 2:19) and NT always of religious apostasy: Ac 21:21, II Th 2:3.†

[NT: 3x] ἀποστάσιον, -ου, τό (< ἀφίστημι), [in LXX; De 24:1, 3, Je 3:8, Is 50:1 (כְּרִיתוּת) * ;]

1. in cl., only in phrase ἀποστασίου δίκη, an action against a freedman for forsaking his προστάτης (Dem.).
2. In LXX, βιβλίον ἀποστασίου, a bill of divorce: Mt 19:7, Mk 10:4; in same sense ἀ. alone (MM, s.v.), Mt 5:31 (for other late exx., v. MM, l.c.; Kennedy, Sources, 121).†

[NT: 1x] ** ἀπο-στεγάζω (< στέγη), [in Sm.: Je 29:11 * ;]

to unroof: Mk 2:4.†

[NT: 136x] ἀπο-στέλλω, [in LXX very freq., almost always for שׁלח ;]

prop., to send away, to dispatch on service;
1. to send with a commission, or on service;
(a) of persons: Christ, Mt 10:40; the apostles, 10:16; servants, Mk 12:2; angels, 13:27;
(b) of things: ὄνος, Mt 21:3; τὸ δρέπανον, Mk 4:29; τ. λόγον, Ac 10:36; τ. ἐπαγγελίαν (i.e. the promised Holy Spirit), Lk 24:49, Rec.; seq. εἰς, Mt 20:2, Lk 11:49, Jo 3:17; ὀπίσω, Lk 19:14; ἔμπροσθεν, Jo 3:28; πρὸ προσώπου, Mt 11:10; πρός, Mt 21:34; with ref. to sender or place of departure: ἀπό, Lk 1:26 (Rec. ὑπό); παρά, Jo 1:6; ἐκ, ib. 1:19; ὑπό, Ac 10:17 (Rec. ἀπό); seq. inf., Mk 3:14, al.; ἵνα, Mk 12:2, al.; εἰς (of purpose), He 1:14; without direct obj.: seq. πρός, Jo 5:33; λέγων, Jo 11:3; ἀποστείλας, c. indic., Mt 2:16, Ac 7:14, Re 1:1.
2. to send away, dismiss: Lk 4:18, Mk 5:10 8:26 12:3 (cf. ἐξ-, συν-αποστέλλω).
SYN.: πέμπω, the general term. ἀ. "suggests official or authoritative sending" (v. Thayer, s.v. πέμπω; Westc., Jo., 298; Epp. Jo., 125; Cremer, 529; MM, s.v.).

[NT: 6x] ἀπο-στερέω, -ῶ (< στερέω, to rob), [in LXX: Ex 21:10 (גָּרַע), De 24:14 (עָשַׁק), Ma 3:5, Si 4:1 29:6-7 31:21-22 * ;]

to defraud, deprive of, despoil (in cl. chiefly of the misappropriation of trust funds, Field, Notes, 33; cf. MM, s.v.): absol., Mk 10:19, I Co 6:8; c. acc pers., I Co 7:5. Mid., endure deprivation: I Co 6:7 (WM, § 38, 3; but v. Bl., § 54, 5; M, Pr., 162); pass., ἀπεστερημένοι, bereft of: I Ti 6:5.†

[NT: 5x] ἀπο-στολή, -ῆς, ἡ (< ἀποστέλλω), [in LXX: De 22:7, III Ki 4:34 9:16 Ps 78:49, Ec 8:8, Ca 4:13 (for שָׁלַח and its cognates), I Es 9:51 Es 9:54, Je 32:36, Ba 2:25, I Mac 2:18, II Mac 3:2 *.]

1. In cl., a sending away (MM, s.v.), as, an expedition (Hdt.).
2. In LXX
(a) discharge, dis­missal (Ec 8:8);
(b) a gift (III Ki 9:16, I Mac 2:13).
3. In NT, the office of an Apostle of Christ, apostleship: Ac 1:25, Ro 1:5, I Co 9:2, Ga 2:8 (Cremer, 530).†

[NT: 80x] ἀπόστολος, -ου, ὁ (< ἀοστέλλω), [in LXX; III Ki 14:6 A (שָׁלַח) * ;] [p. 55]

1. a fleet, an expedition (Dem.).
2. a messenger, one sent on a mission (Hdt., LXX, l.c., and π.; v. M, Pr., 37 f.; MM, s.v.; M, Th., i, 2:7 and reff.): Jo 13:16, II Co 8:23 Phl 2:25.
3. In NT, an Apostle of Christ
(a) with special ref. to the Twelve: Mt 10:2, Mk 3:14, Lk 11:49, Eph 3:5, Re 18:20, al., equality with whom is claimed by St. Paul, Ga 1:1, 11 ff, I Ti 2:7, a1.;
(b) in a wider sense of prominent Christian teachers, as Barnabas, Ac 14:14, apparently also Silvanus and Timothy, I Th 2:6, and perhaps Andronicus and Junias (Junia?), Ro 16:7 (v. ICC, in l); of false teachers, claiming apostleship: II Co 11:5 11:13, Re 2:2. (On the different uses of the term in NT, v. Lit., Gal., 92-101; Cremer, 530; DB, i, 126; DCG, i, 105; Enc. Br., ii, 196 ff.)

[NT: 1x] * ἀποστοματίζω (< στόμα),

1. In cl., to speak from memory, to dic­tate to a pupil (Plat.).
2. In late Gk., to catechize, question: Lk 11:53 (MM, s.v.).†

[NT: 44x] ἀπο-στρέφω [in LXX chiefly for שׁוּב ;]

trans., c. acc,
(a) to turn away, remove: Ro 11:26, II Ti 4:4; metaph., to turn away from allegiance, pervert: Lk 23:14;
(b) to turn back, return: μάχαιραν, Mt 26:52. Pass., reflex., to turn oneself away from: c. acc, Mt 5:42, II Ti 1:15, Tit 1:14, He 12:25; so act., absol., Ac 3:26 (cf. Si 8:5; Bl., § 53, 1; Cremer, 880).†

[NT: 1x] * ἀπο-στυγέω, -ῶ (< στυγέω, to hate),

to abhor: Ro 12:9.†

[NT: 3x] *† ἀποσυνάγωγος, -ον (< συναγωγή),

expelled from the congregation (Field, Notes, 96), excommunicated: Jo 9:22 12:42 16:2 (Cremer, 64, 607).†

ἀπο-τάσσω [in LXX: Ec 2:20 (יָאַשׁ pi.), I Es 6:27, Je 20:2, 1-18; I Mac 4:1-61 * ;]

to set apart. Mid., in late Gk. (El., § 37, 1; Swete, Mk., 136 f.; MM, e. dat.,
(a) to take leave of: Mk 6:46, Lk 9:61, Ac 18:18, 21, II Co 2:13;
(b) to forsake: Lk 14:33.†

[NT: 2x] ** ἀπο-τελέω, -ῶ [in LXX: I Es 5:73, I Mac 15:39 * ;]

to bring to an end, complete, accomplish (cf. MM, s.v.): Lk 13:32, Ja 1:15.†

[NT: 11x] ἀπο-τίθημι [in LXX chiefly for נוּחַ hi. ;]

to put off or aside; in NT always mid.,
(a) to put of from oneself as a garment: τ. ἱμάτια, Ac 7:58; metaph., in ethical sense, to put of, lay aside: Ro 13:12, Eph 4:22, 25, Col 3:8, He 12:1, Ja 1:21, I Pe 2:1;
(b) to stow away, put: ἐν τ. φυλακῇ (MM, s.v.), Mt 14:3.†

[NT: 2x] ἀπο-τινάσσω [in LXX: Jg 16:20 A (נָעַר ni.), I Ki 10:2 (נָטַשׁ), La 2:7 (נָאַר pi.) * ;]

to shake of: Lk 9:5, Ac 28:5.†

[NT: 1x] ἀπο-τίνω (or -τίω) [in LXX chiefly for שׂוּם pi. ;]

to pay off, repay: Phm 19 (MM, s.v.).†

[NT: 1x] * ἀπο-τολμάω, -ῶ

to be quite bold, make a bold venture: Ro 10:20.†

[NT: 2x] **† ἀποτομία, -ας, ἡ (< ἀποτέμνω, to cut of), [in Sm.: Je 51:35, Na 3:1 * ;]

steepness, sharpness; metaph., severity (MM, s.v.): Ro 11:22.†

[NT: 2x] ** ἀποτόμως adv., [in LXX: Wi 5:22 * ;]

abruptly, curtly, hence sharply, severely: II Co 13:10, Tit 1:13 (MM, s.v.).†

** ἀπο-τρέπω [in LXX: Si 20:29 48:18, III Mac 1:23, IV Mac 1:33 Mac 16:12 * ;]

to turn away; mid., to turn oneself away from: c. acc, II Ti 3:5.†

[NT: 1x] * ἀπουσία, -ας, ἡ (< ἄπειμι);

1. absence (Æsch., Thuc.): Phl 2:12,
2. deficiency, waste (MM, s.v).†

[p. 56]

[NT: 9x] ἀπο-φέρω [in LXX for הָלַךְ, etc. ;]

to carry off, bear, or lead away: c. acc, Mk 15:1, I Co 16:3, Re 17:3 21:10. Pass., Lk 16:22, Ac 19:12.†

[NT: 3x] ** ἀπο-φεύγω [in LXX: Si 22:22 * ;]

to flee from, escape: c. acc, II Pe 2:18 2:20; c. gen., II Pe 1:4.†

[NT: 3x] ἀπο-φθέγγομαι [in LXX for נָבָא, etc. ;]

to speak forth, give utterance: Ac 2:4, 14 26:25 (MM, s. v.).†

[NT: 1x] *† ἀπο-φορτίζομαι (< φορτίζω, to load),

to discharge a cargo (Field, Notes, 134), to unlade: c. acc, τ. γόμον, Ac 21:3.†

[NT: 1x] *† ἀπό-χρησις, -εως, ἡ (< ἀποχράομαι, to use to the full, abuse)

abuse, misuse: Col 2:22 (MM, s.v.).†

[NT: 5x] ἀπο-χωρέω, -ῶ [in LXX: Je 46:5 (סוּג), II Mac 4:33, III Mac 2:33 * ;]

to go away, depart, withdraw: seq. ἀπό, Mt 7:23, Lk 9:39, Ac 13:13 (absol., Lk 20:20, Tr., mg.).†

ἀπο-χωρίζω [in LXX: Ez 43:21 (מִפְקָד)* ;]

to separate, part asunder: pass., Re 6:14; reflexively, to separate oneself: Ac 15:39.†

[NT: 1x] ** ἀπο-ψύχω [in LXX: IV Mac 15:18 * ;]

1. to breathe out life, expire (Thue.; LXX, l.c.).
2. to leave off breathing, faint (Hom., Od., xxiv, 348): seq. ἀπό, Lk 21:26.†

Ἀππιος, -ου, ὁ

Appius; Ἀππίου Φόρον, Appii Forum (Market of Appius), a town in Italy: Ac 28:15.†

[NT: 1x] *† ἀ-πρόσ-ιτος, -ον (< πρόσειμι, to go to),

unapproachable: φῶς, I Ti 6:16.†

[NT: 3x] **† ἀπρόσκοπος, -ον (< προσκόπτω), [in LXX: Si 32:21, III Mac 3:8 * ;]

1. act., not causing to stumble: metaph., of not leading others into sin, I Co 10:32.
2. Pass., not stumbling, without offence, blameless: Ac 24:16, Phl 1:10 (for exx., v. MM, s.v.).†

[NT: 1x] *† ἀπροσωπολήμπτως (Rec. -λήπτως, cl.), adv. (< α- neg., προσωπολήμπτης),

without respect of persons, impartially: I Pe 1:17.†

[NT: 1x] ** ἄ-πταιστος, -ον (< πταίω), [in LXX: III Mac 6:39 * ;]

without stumbling, sure-footed: metaph. (MM, s.v.), Ju 24.†

[NT: 39x] ἅπτω [in LXX chiefly for נָגַע ;]

prop., to fasten to; hence, of fire, to kindle, light: Lk 8:16 11:33 15:8, Ac 28:2. Mid., c. gen., to fasten oneself to, cling to, lay hold of (so in π.; MM, s.v.): Mt 8:3, 15, Jo 20:17, al.; of carnal intercourse, I Co 7:1; with reference to levitical and ceremonial prohibitions, II Co 6:17, Col 2:21; of hostile action, I Jn 5:18 (cf. ἀν-, καθ-, περι- άπτω)
SYN.: θιγγάνω, ψηλαφάω. ἅ. is the stronger, θ., to touch, the lighter term. ψ. is to feel, as in search of something (Tr., Syn., § xvii; Lft., Col., 201 f.)

[NT: 1x] Ἀπφία, -ας, ἡ

Apphia: Phm 2 (MM, s.v.).†

ἀπ-ωθέω, -ῶ [in LXX for זָנַח, מָאַס, etc. ;]

to thrust away. Mid., to thrust away from oneself, refuse, reject: c. acc pers. (MM, s.v.), Ac 7:27, 39 13:46, Ro 11:1-2, I Ti 1:19.†

[NT: 18x] ἀπώλεια, -ας, ἡ (< ἀπόλλυμι), [in LXX (Cremer, 797) for אָבַד, אֵיד, etc. ;]

destruction, waste, loss, perishing (in π., of money, v. MM, s.v.): Mt 26:8, Mk 14:4, Ac 8:20, Ro 9:22, I Ti 6:9, II Pe 2:1; in special sense of [p. 57] the loss of eternal life, perdition, the antithesis of σωτηρία: Mt 7:13, Jo 17:12, Phl 1:28 3:19, II Th 2:3, He 10:39, II Pe 2:3 3:7 3:16, Re 17:8, 11 (DB, iii, 744).†

[NT: 1x] ἀρά, -ᾶς, ἡ [in LXX chiefly for אָלָה ];

1. a prayer (MM, s.v.).
2. (as in Homer) a curse, malediction: Ro 3:14 (LXX),†

[NT: 158x] ἄρα, illative particle, expressing a more subjective or informal inference than οὖν,

then: prop. (as in cl.), the second word in the sentence, Ro 7:21 8:1, Ga 3:7; ἐπεὶ ἄρα, I Co 7:14 (with another word between) 5:10; as the first word, Lk 11:48, Ac 11:18, Ro 10:17, I Co 15:18, II Co 5:15 7:12, He 4:9; so prop. in apodosis after protasis with εἰ, Mt 12:28, Lk 11:20, Ga 2:21 3:29 5:11, He 12:8 (κενὸν ἄρα), I Co 15:14; often in interrogations, direct and indirect, τίς (τί) ἄρα, Mt 18:1 19:25, 27 24:45, Mk 4:41, Lk 1:66 8:25 12:42 22:23, Ac 12:18; εἰ ἄρα, Mk 11:13, Ac 8:22; εἴπερ ἄρα, I Co 15:15; οὐκ ἄρα, Ac 21:38; μήτι ἄρα, II Co 1:17; in strengthened forms, ἄρα γε, ἄραγε, Mt 7:20 17:26, Ac 17:27, and more freq. ἄρα οὖν (Epp. Paul.), so then, Ro 5:18 7:3, 25 8:12 9:16, 18 14:19, Ga 6:10, Eph 2:19, I Th 5:6, II Th 2:15 (Bl., §77, 2; 78, 5; MM, s.v.).†

[NT: 18x] ἆρα, interrog. particle,

implying anxiety or impatience, "quite rare and only in Luke and Paul, therefore a literary word" (Bl., §77, 2).
1. (num igitur) expecting a neg. reply, Lk 18:8; ἆρά γε, Ac 8:30.
2. (ergone) in apodosis, expecting an affirm. reply, Ga 2:17 (Bl., l.c.; Lft., Ga., in l.; MM, s.v.).

[NT: 2x] Ἀραβία, -ας, ἡ

Arabia: Ga 1:17 4:25.†

ἀραβών, v.s. ἀρραβών.

ἄραγε, v.s. ἄρα.

ἆράγε, v.s. ἆρα.

[NT: 2x] Ἀράμ indec. (Heb. רָם),

Aram: Mt 1:3-4, Lk 3:33 (R, txt., WH, Ἀρνεί).†

* ἄραφος, -ον (Rec. ἄρραφο), (< ῥάπτω, to sew)

without seam: Jo 19:23.†

[NT: 1x] Ἄραψ, -αβος, ὁ

an Arabian: Ac 2:11.†

[NT: 1x] ἀργέω, -ῶ (< ἀργός), [in LXX: Es 4:24, Ec 12:3 (בָּטֵל), I Es 2:30, Si 33:27), II Mac 5:25 * ;]

to be idle; τὸ κρίμα . . . ἀ., lingers (cf. MGr. ἀργά, late: MM, s.v.): II Pe 2:3.†

[NT: 8x] ἀργός, -όν (in late Gk., incl. NT, -ή, -όν; < ἀ- neg., ἔργον) [in LXX: III Ki 6:7 (מַסָּע), Wi 14:5 15:15, Si 37:11 38:28 * ;]

inactive, idle: Mt 20:3, 6, I Ti 5:13, Tit 1:12, II Pe 1:8. Metaph., of things, inactive, ineffective, worthless: ῥῆμα, Mt 12:36; πίστις, Ja 2:20 (v. Cremer, 259 f.).†
SYN.: βραδύς, slow; νωθρός, sluggish (Tr., Syn., § civ)

[NT: 3x] ἀργύρεος (v. MM, s.v.), -οῦς, -ᾶ, -οῦν (< ἄργυρος), [in LXX for כֶּסֶף ;]

of silver: Ac 19:24 (WH, br.), II Ti 2:20, Re 9:20.†

[NT: 20x] ἀργύριον, -ου, τό (< ἄργυρος), [in LXX for כֶּסֶף (Ge 13:2, al.), exc. La 4:1 (כֶּתֶם) ;]

prop., a piece of silver (Lft., Notes, 191); in NT,
(a) silver: Ac 3:6 7:16 19:19 20:33, I Co 3:12, I Pe 1:18;
(b) money: [p. 58] Mt 25:18, 27, Mk 14:11, Lk 9:3 19:15, 23 22:5, Ac 8:20;
(c) a silver coin: p1., Mt 26:15 27:3-6, 9 28:12, 15, where the value is that of a shekel or tetradrachm; ἀργυρίου μυριάδες πέντε (prob. drachmas; MM, s.v.), Ac 19:19.†

[NT: 1x] ἀργυροκόπος, -ου, ὁ (< ἄργυρος, κόπτω, to beat) [in LXX: Jg 17:4, Je 6:29 (צָרַף) * ;]

a silversmith: Ac 19:24 (Plut.; 77., v. MM, s.v.).†

[NT: 5x] ἄργυρος, -ου, ὁ (< ἀργός, shining), [in LXX for כֶּסֶף ;]

silver (on its relation to ἀργύριον, v. MM, s.v.): Mt 10:9, Ac 17:29, Ja 5:5, Re 18:12.†

Ἄρειος Πάυος (T, Ἄριος Π.), -ου, ὁ

Hill of Pres or Mars, Areopagus; also, the Court of Areopagus, the highest tribunal of Athens: Ac 17:19, 22.†

[NT: 1x] Ἀρεοπαγίτης (T, -είτης), -ου, ὁ (v. supr.),

a judge of the Court of Areopagus: Ac 17:34.†

ἀρεσκία (Rec. -εία), -ας, ἡ (< ἀρέσκω), [in LXX (-εία): Pr 31:30 (חֵן) * ;]

pleasing, desire to please: Col 1:19 In Gk. writers (Arist., Polyb.), most freq. in bad sense, but in π., Inscr., and in Philo, as above (v. Deiss., BS, 224; MM, s.v.; Cremer, 642).†

[NT: 17x] ἀρέσκω [in LXX chiefly for טוֹב ;]

1. to please (Hom., Hdt., al.): c. dat. pers., Mt 14:6, Mk 6:22, Ro 8:8 15:2, I Th 2:15 4:1, I Co 7:32-34 Ga 1:10, II Ti 2:4; seq. ἐνώπισν (= Heb. בּעֵנֵי, Bl., § 37, 1; 40, 7), Ac 65.
2. In late Gk., esp. in Inscr., to render service to (v. M, Th., ICC, 1 Co., ll c.; Cremer, 640 f.); Ro 15:1, 3, I Co 10:33, I Th 2:4.†

[NT: 4x] ἀρεστός, -ή, -όν (< ἀρέσκω), [in LXX for יָשָׁר, etc. ;]

pleasing, agreeable (Hdt., Xen., and later writers; v. Cremer, 641 f; MM, s.v.): c. dat. pers., Jo 8:29, Ac 12:3; seq. ἐνώπιον, c. gen. (Bl., § 37, 1; 40, 7), I Jn 3:22; ἀρεστόν ἐστιν, c. acc et inf (El., § 69, 5; 72, 5), Ac 6:2.†

Ἀρέτας (WH, Ἀρ.; Intr., 313), -α, ὁ,

Aretas, an Arabian king: II Co 11:32 (Deiss., BS, 183 f., thinks the proper spelling Ἀρέθας was changed, as Schürer suggests, "by desire to Hellenise a barbaric name by assimilation to ἀρετή").†

[NT: 5x] ἀρετή, -ῆς, ἡ [in LXX, in sing.: Hb 3:3, Za 6:13 (הוֹד), in pl.: Is 42:8, 12 43:21 63:7 (תְּהִלָּה), Wi 4:1 5:13 8:7 2:1-24; 4Mac.2.2 * ;]

prop., whatever procures pre-eminent estimation for a person or thing, in Hom. any kind of conspicuous advantage. Later confined by philos. writers to intrinsic eminence-moral goodness, virtue;
(a) of God: II Pe 1:3;
(b) of men: Phl 4:8, II Pe 1:5; pl. (Isa, Es, ll. c.), excellencies: I Pe 2:9 (the usage appears to be a survival of an early comprehensive sense in which the original idea is blended with the impression which it makes on others, i.e. praise, renown; v. Hort, 1 Pe., 129. Deiss., BS, 95 f., thinks it means manifestations of divine power, as in current Gk. speech; cf. also MM, s.v.)†

[NT: 1x] ἀρήν, ἀρνός, ὁ (nom, not in use, exc. in early times: v. MM, s.v.), [in LXX for מְרִיא, כֶּבֶשׂ, etc. ;]

a lamb: Lk 10:3.†

[NT: 3x] ἀριθμέω, -ῶ [in LXX for סָפַר pi., פָּקַד pi., etc. ;]

to number (esp. for payment, MM, s.v.): Mt 10:30, Lk 12:7, Re 7:9.†

[p. 59]

[NT: 18x] ἀριθμός, -οῦ, ὁ [in LXX chiefly for מִסְפָּר ;]

number, a number: Lk 22:3, Jo 6:10, Ac 4:4 5:36 6:7 11:21 16:5, Ro 9:27, Re 5:11 7:4 9:16 13:17-18 15:2 20:8 (for exx. of mystical use in π., v. MM, s.v.).†

Ἁριμαθεία (WH, Ἁρ.), -ας, ἡ [in LXX: Ἁριμαθάιμ, I Ki 1:1, al. (רָמָה) ;]

Arimathæa: Mt 27:57, Mk 15:43, Lk 23:51, Jo 19:38.†

Ἄριος, v.s. Ἄρειος.

[NT: 5x] Ἀρίσταρχος, -ου, ὁ (< ἄριστος, ἀρχός; i.e. best-ruling)

Aristarchus: Ac 19:29 20:4 27:2, Col 4:10, Phm 24

[NT: 3x] ἀριστάω, -ῶ (< ἄριστον), [in LXX: Ge 43:25 (לֶחֶם אָכַל), I Ki 14:24 (לֶחֶם), III Ki 13:7 (סָעַד), To 2:1 * ;]

1. prop., to breakfast: Jo 21:12, 15
2. In late Gk., to take a meal, dine: Lk 11:37.†

[NT: 4x] ἀριστερός, -ά, -όν [in LXX for שְׂמֹאול ;]

left, on the left: ὅπλα, II Co 6:7; ἡ ἀ.. (sc. χείρ), Mt 6:3; ἐξ ἀριστερῶν, on the left (MM, s.v. ): Mk 10:37, Lk 23:33.†

[NT: 1x] Ἀριστόβουλος, -ου, ὁ (< ἄριστος, βουλή, i.e. best-counselling)

Aristobulus, a Christian: Ro 16:10.†

[NT: 3x] ἄριστον, -ου, τό [in LXX: III Ki 3:1 (לֶחֶם), To 2:1, 4, al. ;]

1 1, prop., breakfast.
2. In late Gk. = cl. δεῖτνον, dinner: Mt 22:4, Lk 11:38 14:12.†

[NT: 3x] **† ἀρκετός, -ή, -όν (< ἀρκέω), [in Aq.: De 25:2 * ;]

sufficient: Mt 6:34 (on the neut., v. B1., § 31, 2); seq. ἵνα (M, Pr., 210), Mt 10:25; c. inf., I Pe 4:3 (for exx., v. Deiss., BS, 257; MM, s.v.).†

[NT: 8x] ἀρκέω, -ῶ [in LXX for הוֹן, etc. ;]

1. to keep off; c. dat., to assist.
2. to suffice: c. dat. pers., Jo 67, II Co 12:9; impers., Mt 25:9, Jo 14:8 (MM, s.v.). Pass., to be satisfied: c. dat. rei, Lk 3:14, I Ti 6:8, He 13:5; seq. ἐπί, III Jn 10.†

ἅρκος (Rec. (cl.) ἅρκιος), [in LXX for דֹּב ;] -ου, ὁ, ἡ,

a bear: Re 13:2. (This form is also found in late Inscr.; MM, s.v.)†

[NT: 4x] ἅρμα, -τος, τό (< ἀραρίσκω, to join), [in LXX רָכַב ;]

a chariot: Ac 8:28-29, 38, Re 9:9.†

[NT: 1x] Ἁρμαγεδών (WH, Ἃρ Μαγεδών; Rec. Ἀρμαγεδδών, prop. = הַר מְגִדּוֹן), cf. LXX, Μαγεδών, II Ch 35:22, Μαγεδώ, Jg 1:27; Har-Magedon (AV, Armageddon): Re 16:16 (v. Swete, in l, but also Thayer, s.v.).†

indecl., Re 16:16, see, Ἁρμαγεδών
Magedon: Re 16:16 (WH, Ἅρ M. for Ἁρμαγεδών, q.v.).†

ἁρμόζω (< ἁρμός), [in LXX for אמן, etc. ;]

1. to fit, join.
2. of marriage, to betroth. Mid.,
(a) to join to oneself, marry, take to wife; (b) to give in marriage: II Co 11:2 (for this there is no direct parallel. But v. M, Pr., 160; MM, s.v.).†

[NT: 1x] ** ἁρμός, -ου, ὁ [in LXX: Si 27:2, IV Mac 10:5 * ;]

a joining, joint: He 4:12.†

ἄρνας, v.s. ἀρήν.

Ἀρνεί (Rec. Ἀράμ), ὁ, indecl.,

Arnei: Lk 3:33.†

[NT: 33x] ἀρνέομαι -οῦμαι, depon., [in LXX: Ge 18:15 (כָּחַשׁ pi.), Wi 12:27 16:16 17:10, IV Mac 8:7 Mac 10:15 * ;]

1. to deny, say no, opp. to είπεῖν: absol., Mt 26:70, Lk 8:45; seq. ἅτι, I Jn 2:22; c. inf., He 11:24
2. In late Gk. (MM, s.v.), c. acc pers., to deny, refuse to acknowledge, disown: Ac 3:14 7:35; [p. 60] Ἰησοῦν, Mt 10:33, II Ti 2:12, I Jn 2:22, Ju 4; ἑαυτόν, Lk 9:23, II Ti 2:13 (prove false to)
3. C. acc rei (in cl. to refuse), to deny, abjure: I Ti 5:8, Tit 2:12, II Ti 3:5 (cf. ἀπαρνέομαι)

[NT: 30x] ἀρνίον, -ου, τό (dimin. of ἀρήν; v. MM, s.v.), [in LXX: Ps 114:4, 6 (pl., צֹאן בֵּן), Je 11:19 (כֶּבֶשׂ), Je 50:45 (צָעִיר)* ;]

a little lamb, a lamb: Jo 21:15, Re 2:7.†

[NT: 3x] ἀροτριάω, -ῶ (< ἄροτρον), [in LXX: De 22:10, al. (חָרַשׁ), Is 7:25 (עֲדַר) ;]

later form of ἀρόω, to plough (MM, s.v.): Lk 17:7, I Co 9:10.†

[NT: 1x] ἄροτρον, -ου, τό (< ἀρόω, to plough), [in LXX chiefly for אֵת ;]

a plough: Lk 9:62.†

[NT: 3x] ἁρπαγή, -ῆς, ἡ (< ἁρπάζω), [in LXX (as also ἅρπαγμα) for גָּזֵל, etc. ;]

pillage, plundering, robbery: Mt 23:25, Lk 11:39, He 10:34.†

[NT: 1x] *† ἁρπαγμός, οῦ, ὁ (< ἁρπάζω);

1. prop., acc, to the rule of its formation (Bl., § 27, 2), actively, the act of seizing, robbery (Plut., Deu Puer. Educ., p. 12A), Phl 2:6, AV (Waterland, Works, II, 108; Cremer, 649 f.; Meyer, in l; cf. also JThS, July, 1909, April, 1911; MM, s.v.).
2. Passively = ἅρπαγμα (Ez 22:25, of a lion's prey, ), a thing seized, hence, a prize: Phi, l.c., RV (Lft., Ellic., ICC, in l; Donaldson, NCrat., 450 ff.; and esp. Gifford, The Incarnation, 59-71, and reff. in DB, ii, 835 B). The lexical data favour the active meaning, but as they also admit the possibility of the alternative, most modern expositors have accepted the latter as seeming to suit the logic of the passage better. The lexical difficulty, however, remains (MM, s.v., esp. the last ref.). As to the usage of St. Paul, he seems inclined to adopt the -μα form where it is appropriate (e.g. Ro 11:9, where cf. LXX; I Co 13:9, 2 Co 19), and there is certainly a presumption in favour of the active meaning here from the fact that he does not use the LXX ἅρπαγμα. Suggestions looking to a fresh exegesis are given in JThS, ll c.†

[NT: 14x] ἁρπάζω [in LXX chiefly for גָּזַל, טָרַף ;]

to seize, catch up, snatch away, carry off by force: c. acc rei, Mt 12:29 13:19, Jo 10:12, 28-29; τ. βασιλείαν τ. θεοῦ, Mt 11:12; c. acc pers., Jo 6:15, Ac 8:39 23:10, Ju 23; pass., seq. ἕως, II Co 12:2; εἰς, II Co 12:4, I Th 4:17; πρός, Re 12:5 (cf. δι-, συν-αρπάζω, and v. MM, s.v.).†

[NT: 5x] ἅρπαξ, -αγος, ὁ, ἡ (< ἁρπάζω), [in LXX: Ge 49:27 (טָרַף) * ;]

rapacious: Mt 7:15, Lk 18:11; as subst., a swindler, an extortioner (MM, s.v.), I Co 5:10-11 6:10.†

[NT: 3x] ἀρραβών (T, ἀραβ-: 2Co, ll. c.), -ώνος, ὁ, [in LXX: Ge 38:17-20 (עֲרָבוֹן)* ;]

an earnest, part payment in advance for security, a first instalment: II Co 1:22 5:5, Eph 1:14. (The word is found in cl. and was prob. brought to Greece by the Phænicians (AR, Eph., l.c.). It is found in π. with both spellings (v. Milligan, NTD, 73). In MGr. ἀρραβῶνα is an engagement ring; v. MM, s.v.)†

ἄρραφος, v.s. ἄραφος.

ἄρρην, v.s. ἄρσην.

[p. 61]

[NT: 1x] ** ἄρρητος, -ον (< ἀ- neg., ῥητός, ῥέω), [in Sm.: Le 18:23 * ;]

1. unspoken (Hom., al.).
2. unspeakable (Hat., al.; freq. in Inscr.; MM, s.v.): II Co 12:4.†

[NT: 5x] ἄρρωστος, -ον (< ἀ- neg., ῥώννυμι), [in LXX: III Ki 14:5Α, Ma 1:8 (חָלָה), Si 7:35 * ;]

feeble, sickly: Mt 14:14, Mk 6:5, 13 16:18, I Co 11:30.†

[NT: 2x] *† ἀρσενοκοίτης, -ου, ὁ (< ἄρσην, κοιτή),

a sodomite: I Co 6:9, I Ti 1:10.†

ἄρσην (ἄρρην, T, in Ro 1:27; Rec. in Re 12:5, 13) -ενος, ὁ, ἡ, ἄρσεν, τό (old Attic for ἄρρην, v. supr.; both forms are found in π.; MM, s.v.), [in LXX chiefly for זָכָר ;]

male: Mt 19:4, Mk 10:6, Lk 2:23, Ro 1:27, Ga 3:28, Re 12:5, 13.†

[NT: 1x] Ἀρτεμᾶς, -ᾶ, ὁ

Artemas: Tit 3:12.†

[NT: 5x] Ἄρτεμις, -ιδος, ἡ

Artemis, an Asiatic goddess, to be disting. from the Gk. goddess of the same name: Ac 19:24, 27-28

[NT: 1x] *† ἀρτέμων, -ωνος (Rec. -ονος), ὁ (< ἀρτάω, to fasten to),

a fore-sail or top-sail: Ac 27:40 (v. DB, ext., 366b, 399a; MM, s.v.).†

[NT: 36x] ἄρτι adv., [in LXX: Da LXX 9:22 10:11 (עַתָּה), al. ;] adv.,

of coincidence, denoting strictly present time, as contrasted with past or future, just, just now, this moment: Mt 3:15 9:18 26:53, Jo 13:7, Ga 4:20, I Th 3:6 (v. Lft., Notes, 44; Milligan, in l), Re 12:10; opp. to past time, Jo 9:19, 25 13:33, I Co 16:7, Ga 1:9-10; to future, Jo 13:37 16:12, 31, I Co 13:12, II Th 2:7, I Pe 1:6 1:8; ἄχρι τῆς ἅ. ὥρας, I Co 4:11; ἕως ἄ., Mt 11:12, Jo 2:10 5:17 16:24, I Co 4:13 8:7 15:6, I Jn 2:9; ἀπ' ἄ., v.s. ἀπάρτι (v. Rutherford, NPhr., 70 f; MM, s.v.).†
SYN.: νῦν, now, "the objective, immediate present; ἤδη, now, already, " the subjective present, with a suggested reference to some other time or to some expectation". (Thayer, 75.)

[NT: 1x] *† ἀρτι-γέννητος, -ον (< ἄρτι, γεννάω),

new-born: I Pe 2:2 (Luc.).†

[NT: 1x] * ἄρτιος, -α, -ον

fitted, complete: II Ti 3:17 (MM, s.v.).†

[NT: 97x] ἄρτος, -ου, ὁ, [in LXX chiefly for לֶחֶם ;]

bread, a loaf: Mt 4:3, 4 Mk 3:20, al.; ἄρτοι τ. προθέσεως, bread of the setting forth, i.e. the shewbread. Metaph., ὁ ἄ. τ. θεοῦ, τ. ζωῆς, ref. to Christ, Jo 6:33, 35; in general, food: Mt 6:11, al.; ἄ. φαγεῖν (Heb. אֲכֹל לֶחֶם), to eat (MM, s.v.), Lu 14:1, al.

[NT: 3x] ** ἀρτύω [in Sm.: Ca 8:2 * ;]

1. to arrange, make ready (Hom.).
2. Of food (as in comic writers), to season (MM, s.v.): Mk 9:50, Lk 14:34, Col 4:6.†

[NT: 1x] Ἀρφαξάδ, (Heb. אַרְפַּכְשַׁד),

Arphaxad: Lk 3:36.†

[NT: 2x] *† ἀρχ-άγγελος, -ου, ὁ (< ἄρχι-, ἄγγελος),

archangel, a chief angel: I Th 4:16, Ju 9 (Cremer, 24; MM, s.v.).†

[NT: 11x] ἀρχαῖος, -αία, -αῖον (< ἀρχή), [in LXX chiefly for קֶדֶם ;]

original, ancient: Mt 5:21, 33, Lk 9:8, 19, Ac 15:7, 21 21:16, II Co 5:17, II Pe 2:5, Re 12:9 20:2.†
SYN.: παλαιός, old, without the reference to beginning and origin contained in ἀ. The distinction is observed in π. (MM, s.v.). ἀ. is the antithesis to καινός: παλ. to vέος (v. Westc., He., 223; Cremer, 116)

[p. 62]

[NT: 1x] Ἀρχέλαος, -ου, ὁ

Archelaus, son of Herod the Great, King of Judma, Samaria and Idumæa: Mt 2:22.†

[NT: 55x] ἀρχή, -ῆς, ἡ [in LXX for קֶדֶם, רֹאשׁ, רֹאשׁ, etc. ;]

1. beginning, origin;
(a) absol., of the beginning of all things: of God as the Eternal, the First Cause, Re 21:6 (cf. 18); similarly, of Christ, Re 22:13; of Christ as the uncreated principle, the active cause of creation, Re 3:14; in his relation to the Church, Col 1:18; ἐν ἀ., Jo 1:1-2; ἀπ' ἀ. (and ἀπ' ἀ. κτισεως), Mt 19:4, 8 24:21, Mk 10:6 13:19, Jo 8:44, II Th 2:13, II Pe 3:4, I Jn 1:1 Jn 2:13-14 Jn 2:24; κατ ἀρχἀς, He 1:10;
(b) relatively: He 7:3; ἀ. ὠδίνων, Mt 24:8, Mk 13:9; τ. σημείων, Jo 2:11; τ. ὑποστάσεως, He 3:14; τ. λογίων, He 5:12; ὁ τ. ἀρχῆς τ. Χριστοῦ λόγος, the account of the beginning, the elementary view of Christ, He 6:1; ἀρχὴν λαμβάνειν, to begin, He 2:3; ἐξ ἀ., Jo 6:64 16:4; ἀπ' ἀ., Lk 1:2, Jo 15:27, I Jn 2:7 Jn 2:24 Jn 3:11, II Jn 5-6; ἐν ἀ., Ac 11:15 26:4, Phl 4:15; τὴν ἀρχήν, adverbially, at all (Hdt., al.; v MM, s.v.): Jo 8:25.
2. an extremity, a corner: Ac 10:11 11:5.
3. sovereignty, principality, rule (cf. DB, i, 616 f.): Lk 12:11 20:20, Ro 8:38, I Co 15:24, Eph 1:21 3:10 6:12, Col 1:16 2:10, 15 Tit 3:1, Ju 6 (Cremer, 113).†

[NT: 4x] ἀρχηγός, -όν [in LXX for רֹאשׁ, נָשִׂיא etc. ;]

beginning, originating: more freq., as subst.;
1. founder, author (Lat. auchor; so some­times in π., v. MM, s.v.; Milligan, NTD, 75): Ac 3:15 (R, mg.), He 2:10 (R, txt.; but v. Westc., in l, and Page, Ac., l.c.).
2. prince, leader (so in MGr., v. Kennedy, Sources, 153): Ac 3:15 (R, txt.) Ac 5:31, He 2:10 (cf. R, mg.) 122 (Cremer, 117).†

[NT: 1x] ἀρχ-ιερατικός, -ή, -όν (< ἀρχιερύς),

high-priestly: Ac 4:6

[NT: 122x] ἀρχιερεύς, -έως, ὁ, [in LXX for כּ'' הָרֹאשׁ,כּ'' הַגָּדוֹל ,כּהֵן ;]

1. high-priest: Mk 2:26 14:47, al.; of Christ: He 2:17 3:1, al.
2. In pl., chief priests, including ex-high-priests and members of high-priestly families: Mt 2:4, Mk 8:31, al. (Cremer, 294; DCG, i, 297f.; MM, s.v.).

[NT: 1x] **† ἀρχι-ποίμην, -ενος, ὁ [in Sm.: IV Ki 3:4 * ;]

found on an Egyptian mummy label (Deiss., LAE, 97 ff.; cf. MM, s.v.); used by modem Greeks of tribal chiefs; chief shepherd. of Christ, I Pe 5:4.†

[NT: 2x] Ἄρχιππος, -ου, ὁ

Archippus: Col 4:17, Phm 2.†

[NT: 9x] *† ἀρχισυνάγωγος, -ου, ὁ (< συναγωγή),

ruler of a synagogue, an administrative officer, supervising the worship (הַכְּנֵםֶת רֹאשׁ): Mk 5:22, 35-36 5:38 Lk 8:49 13:14, Ac 13:15 18:8, 17 (Inscr., v. MM, s.v.; cf. also DB, ext., 101).†

[NT: 1x] ἀρχι-τέκτων, -ονος, ὁ (< τέκτων), [in LXX: Is 3:3 (חָרָשׁ) Si 38:27. II Mac 2:29 * ;]

a master-builder, architect: I Co 3:10 (in π. of building contractors, MM, s.v.).†

[NT: 1x] *† ἀρχι-τελώνης, -ου, ὁ

a chief tax-collector, chief publican: Lk 19:2.†

[NT: 3x] *† ἀρχι-τρίκλινος, -ου, ὁ (< τρί-κλινος or -ον, a room with three couches)

the superintendent of a banquet, whose duty it was to arrange the tables and food (DB, ii, 253): Jo 2:8-9.†

[p. 63]

[NT: 89x] ἄρχω [in LXX for חָלַל, מָשַׁל, etc. ;]

1. to begin.
2. to rule (v. DCG, ii, 538b.): c. gen., Mk 10:42, Ro 15:12. Mid., to begin: seq. ἀπό, Mt 16:21 20:8, Lk 14:18 23:5 24:27, 47, Jo 8:9, Ac 1:22 8:35 10:37, I Pe 4:17; c. inf., an Aramaic pleonasm, Mk 1:45 2:23 5:17, Lk 3:8, al. (v. M, Pr 14:1-35 f.; Dalman, Words, 27; MM, s.v.)

[NT: 37x] ἄρχων, -οντος, ὁ (pres. ptcp. of ἄρχω), [in LXX for נָשִׂיא., רֹאשׁ, שַׂר, etc. ;]

a ruler, chief: Jesus, Re 1:5; rulers of nations, Mt 20:25, Ac 4:26 7:35; magistrates, Ac 23:5, Ro 13:3; judges, Lk 12:58, Ac 7:27, 35 16:19; members of the Sanhedrin, Lk 14:1 23:13, 35 24:20, Jo 3:1 7:26, 48 12:42, Ac 3:17 4:5, 8 13:27 14:5; rulers of synagogues, Mt 9:18, 23, Lk 8:41 18:18; οἱ ἄ. τ. αἰῶνος τούτου, I Co 2:6-8; of the devil: ἄ. τῶν δαιμονίων, Mt 9:34 12:24, Mk 3:22, Lk 11:15; ὁ ἄ. τοῦ κόσμου, Jo 12:31 14:30 16:11; ἄ. τ. ἐξουσίας τ. ἀέρος, Eph 2:2 (MM, s.v.; DB, iii, 838; Ext., 99 f; DCG, ii, 419; DCG, s.v. Archon).†

[NT: 4x] ἄρωμα, -τος, τό [in LXX for בֶּשֶׂם ;]

spice: Mk 16:1, Lk 23:56 24:1, Jo 19:40.†

Ἀσά, v.s. Ἀσάφ.

ἀσαίνω, v.s. σαίνω.

[NT: 2x] ἀ-σάλευτος, -ον (< σαλεύω), [in LXX: Ex 13:16, De 6:8 11:18 (טוֹפָפָה)* ;]

unmoved, immovable: Ac 27:41; metaph., He 12:28.†

Ἀσάφ, indecl. (Heb. אָסַף), [H609]

Asaph, an obvious error for Ἀσά, found in the best texts, and adopted by LTTr. and WH, R, mg.: Mt 1:7-8.†

[NT: 3x] ἄ-σβεστος, -ον (< σβέννυμι), [in LXX for נָפַח לֹא, Jb 20:26 א3 A (ἄκαυστον, א2 B)* ;]

unquenched, unquenchable: πῦρ, Mt 3:12, Mk 9:43, Lk 3:17.†

[NT: 6x] ἀσέβεια, -ας, ἡ (< ἀσεβής), [in LXX for פֶּשַׁע, רֶשַׁע, etc. ;]

ungodliness, impiety: Ro 1:18 11:26, II Ti 2:16, Tit 2:12; ἔργα ἀσεβείας, ungodly deeds, Ju 15; ἐπιθυηίαι τ. ἀσεβειῶν, desires for ungodly things or deeds, Ju 18 (DB, iv, 532; Cremer, 523; MM, s.v.).†

[NT: 1x] ἀσεβέω, -ῶ (< ἀσεβής), [in LXX for פָּשַׁע, רָשַׁע ;]

to be ungodly, act profanely: II Pe 2:6; c. cogn. acc (MM, s.v.), Ju 15.†

[NT: 9x] ἀσεβής, -ές (σέβω, to reverence), [in LXX chiefly for רָשַׁע ;]

un­godly, impious: Ro 4:5 5:6, I Ti 1:9, I Pe 4:18, II Pe 2:5-6 3:7, Ju 4 15.†

[NT: 10x] ** ἀσέλγεια, -ας, ἡ (< ἀσελγής, licentious; v. MM, s.v.), [in LXX: Wi 14:26, III Mac 2:26 * ;]

licentiousness, wantonness, excess: Mk 7:22, Ro 13:13, II Co 12:21, Ga 5:19 (Lft., in l), Eph 4:19, I Pe 4:3, II Pe 2:2 2:7 2:18, Ju 4.†
SYN.: ἀσωτία, profligacy, prodigality (v. Tr., Syn., § xvi; DB, iii, 46).

[NT: 1x] ἄσημος, -ον (< σῆμα, a mark), [in LXX: Ge 30:42 (עָטַף), Jb 42:11, III Mac 1:3 * ;]

without mark (in π. of an uncircumcised boy: Deiss., BS, 153; MM, s.v.). Metaph. (MM, s.v.), unknown, obscure: litotes, οὐκ ἄ (Eur., al.), πόλις, Ac 21:39.†

[NT: 2x] Ἀσήρ, indecl. (Heb. אָשֵׁר),

Asher: Lk 2:36, Re 7:6.†

[p. 64]

[NT: 24x] ἀσθένεια, -ας, ἡ (< ἀσθενής), [in LXX for כָּשַׁל, etc. ;]

weakness, frailty, sickness: Lk 13:11-12, Jo 11:4, Ac 28:9, Ro 6:19 8:26, II Co 11:30 13:4, Ga 4:13 (MM, s.v.), He 5:2 7:28 11:34; ἐν ἀ., Jo 5:5, I Co 2:3 15:43, II Co 12:9; pl., Mt 8:17, Lk 5:15 8:2, II Co 12:5 12:9-10, I Ti 5:23, He 4:15.†
SYN.: μαλακία, νόσος (v. DB, iii, 323a)

[NT: 33x] ἀσθενέω, -ῶ ( ἀσθενής) [in LXX chiefly for כָּשַׁל ;]

to be weak, feeble: Ac 20:35, Ro 8:3, II Co 11:21 12:10 13:4 13:9; c. dat., πίστει (Cremer, 527), Ro 4:19 14:1; same implied, Ro 14:2, 21, I Co 8:11-12, II Co 11:29; εἰς, II Co 13:3. Specif., of bodily debility, to be sick: Mt 25:36, 39, Lk 4:40, Jo 4:46 5:3, 7 5:13 11:1-3, 6 Ac 9:37, Phl 2:26-27, II Ti 4:20, Ja 5:14; οἱ ἀσθενοῦντες, the sick: Mt 10:8 (MM, s.v.), Mk 6:56, Lk 9:2, Ac 19:12.†

[NT: 1x] * ἀσθένημα, -τος, τό (< ἀσθενής),

an infirmity (MM, s.v.): Ro 15:1.†

[NT: 26x] * ἀσθενής -ές (< ἀ- neg., σθένος, strength), [in LXX for עָנִי, etc. ;]

without strength, weak, feeble: I Co 1:27 4:10 12:22, II Co 10:10, Ga 4:9, I Th 5:14, He 7:18, I Pe 3:7. Rhetorically, τό ἀ. τ. θεοῦ, God's action of apparent weakness: I Co 1:25; of bodily debility, sick, sickly: Mt 25:39 (Rec.) Mt 25:43-44, Lk 9:2 (Rec.) Lk 10:9, Ac 4:9 5:15-16 In moral and spiritual sense (MM, s.v.; Cremer, 526), Mt 26:41, Mk 14:38, Ro 5:6, I Co 8:7 8:9-10 9:22 11:30.†

[NT: 18x] Ἀσία, -ας, ἡ

Asia, the Roman province: Ac 2:9 6:9 16:6 19:1, 10 19:22, 26 (M, Pr., 73), Ac 19:27 Ac 20:4, 16 20:18 21:27 24:18 27:2, Ro 16:5, I Co 16:19, II Co 1:8, II Ti 1:15, I Pe 1:1, Re 1:4.†

Ἀσιαός, -ή, -όν

Asian, of Asia, Asiatic; as subst., (οἱ) Ἀ.: Ac 20:4.†

[NT: 1x] *† Ἀσιάρχης, -ου, ὁ

an Asiarch, one of ten officers elected by the various cities in the province of Asia whose duty it was to celebrate at their own charges the public games and festivals: Ac 19:31 (Strab., Inscr.; DB, s.v.).†

[NT: 1x] * ἀσιτία, -ας, ἡ (< ἄσιτος),

fasting, abstinence from food: Ac 27:21.†
SYN.: νηστεία (MM, ut infr.)

[NT: 1x] * ἄσιτος, -ον (< ἀ- neg., σῖτος)

fasting, without eating (cf. MM, s.v.): Ac 27:33.†

[NT: 1x] ** ἀσκέω, -ῶ [in LXX: II Mac 15:4 * ;]

1. to adorn (poët.).
2. to practise, exercise (Hdt., Xen.).
3. to endeavour (Xen., al.): c. inf., Ac 24:16.†

[NT: 12x] ἀσκός, -οῦ, ὁ [in LXX for חֵמֶת, נֹאד, נֶבֶל ;]

a leather bottle, wine-skin: Mt 9:17, Mk 2:22, Lk 5:37-38.†

[NT: 1x] ** ἀσμένως adv. (< ἥδομαι, to be glad), [in LXX: II Mac 4:12 Mac 10:33, III Mac 3:15 Mac 5:21 * ;]

gladly: Ac 21:17.†

ἄ-σοθος, -ον [in LXX: Pr 9:8 א2 Α * ;]

unwise, foolish: Eph 5:15.†

[NT: 59x] ἀσπάζομαι depon., [in LXX: Ez 18:7, Jg 18:15 (שָׁלוֹם שָׁאַל), Es 5:2, I Mac 7:29, al. ;]

to welcome, greet, salute: c. acc pers., Mt 5:47, Mk 9:15, Ac 21:7, al.; id. seq. ἐν φιλήματι, Ro 16:16, I Co 16:20, II Co 13:12, I Th 5:26, I Pe 5:14; τ. ἐκκλησίαν (Deiss., BS, 257), Ac 18:22; as term. tech. for conveying greetings at the end of a letter (MM, s.v.), used by an amanuensis (Milligan, NTD, 23), Ro 16:22 (on the aoristic Pres., here [p. 65] and elsewhere, v. M, Pr., 119; Bl., § 56, 4); κατήντησαν . . . ἀσπασάμενοι (on this constr., v. El., § 58, 4; M, Pr., 132, 238), Ac 25:13 (cf. ἀπ-ἀπ-ασπάζομαι).†

**† ἀπ-ασπάζομαι, depon., [in LXX: Tob 10:13 א* ;]

to take leave of: c. acc: Ac 21:6.†

[NT: 10x] * ἀσπασμός, -οῦ, ὁ (< ἀσπάζομαι),

a salutation (so always in RV), greeting: oral, Mt 23:7, Mk 12:38, Lk 1:29, 41 1:44 11:43 20:46; written, I Co 16:21, Col 4:18, II Th 3:17.†

[NT: 4x] **† ἄ-σπιλος, -ον (< ἀ- neg., σπῖλος) [in Sm.: Jb 15:15 (LXX, καθαρός)* ;]

spotless, unstained: I Pe 1:19; metaph., I Ti 6:14, Ja 1:27, II Pe 3:14 (for exx., v. MM, s.v.).†
SYN.: ἀμίαντος, ἄμωμος

[NT: 1x] ἀσπίς, -ίδος, ἡ [in LXX for פֶּתֶן, etc. ;]

an asp: Ro 3:13.†

[NT: 1x] * ἄσπονδος, -ον (< σπονδή, a libation);

1. without truce (Thuc.).
2. admitting of no truce, implacable (Dem., al.): II Ti 3:3.†

[NT: 2x] *† ἀσσάριον, -ον, τό (dim. of Lat. as),

an assarion, a farthing, one-tenth of a drachma: Mt 10:29, Lk 12:6 (MM, s.v.; DB, iii, 428; DCG, ii, 200).†

[NT: 1x] * ἆσσον (Rec., after Vg., Ἄσσον), adv. (compar. of ἄγχι, near),

nearer: Ac 27:13 (RV, close in shore; v. B1., § 11, 3; 44, 3; poets, Ion, and late prose).†

Ἄσσος, -ου (also Ἀσσός, -οῦ), ή

Assos, a city on the E. coast of Asia Minor: Ac 20:13-14 (v.s. ἆσσον).†

[NT: 1x] **† ἀστατέω, -ῶ (< ἄστατος, unstable), [in Aq.: Is 58:7 (LXX, ἄστεγος)* ;]

to be unsettled, be homeless, lead a vagabond life (Cremer, 738 MM, s.v.): I Co 4:11

[NT: 2x] ἀστεῖος, -ον (< ἄστυ, a city), [in LXX: Ex 2:2 (טוֹב), Nu 22:32 (οὐκ ἀ. יָרַט), Jg 3:17 (בָּרִיא), Jth 11:23, Da LXX, Sus 1:7, II Mac 6:23 * ;]

1. of the town.
2. (Like Lat. urbanus),
(a) courteous,
(b) elegant (in π., of clothing, MM, s.v.), comely, fair (as in Ex, l.c), He 11:23, Ac 7:20.†

[NT: 24x] ἀστήρ, -έρος, ὁ [in LXX chiefly for כּוֹכָב ;]

a star: Mt 2:2, 7-10 :, Mk 13:25, I Co 15:41, Re 6:13 8:10-12 9:1 12:1, 4; metaph., ὁ ἀ. ὁ πρωϊνός Re 2:28 22:16; ἀ. πλαῆται, Ju 13; ἀ. ἑπτά, symbolizing the angels of the seven churches, Re 1:16, 20 2:1 3:1 (cf. ἄστρον, and v. DCG, ii, 674 f.; MM, s.v.).†

[NT: 2x] *† ἀ-στήρικτος, -ον (< στηρίζω),

unstable, unsettled: II Pe 2:14 3:16.†

[NT: 2x] * ἄστοργος, -ον (< στοργή, family affection, love of kindred, v.s. ἀγάπη)

without natural affection: Ro 1:31, II Ti 3:3 (MM, s.v.).†

[NT: 3x] **† ἀστοχέω, -ῶ (στόχος, a mark), [in LXX: Si 7:19 8:9 * ;]

to miss the mark, fail: c. gen., I Ti 1:6 (so in π., MM, s.v.); seq. περί, I Ti 6:21, II Ti 2:18.†

[NT: 9x] ἀστραπή, -ῆς, ἡ [in LXX for בָּרָק ;]

lightning: Mt 24:27 28:3, Lk 10:18 17:24; pl., Re 4:5 8:5 11:19 16:18; of a lamp, shining brightness, Lk 11:36.†

[NT: 2x] ἀστράπτω [in LXX for בָּרָק ;]

to lighten, flash forth: Lk 17:24 24:4 (MM, s.v.).†

[NT: 4x] ἄστρον, -ου, τό [in LXX chiefly for כּוֹכָב ;]

(a) mostly in pl. (as [p. 66] in cl.), the stars: Lk 21:25, Ac 27:20, He 11:12;
(b) in sing. (Xen., al.), only of some noted star; the symbol or image of a star, Ac 7:43 (cf. ἀστήρ, and v. MM, s.v.).†

Ἀσύγκριτος, v.s. Ἀσύνκριτος.

[NT: 1x] ** ἀ-σύμφωνος, -ον [in LXX: Wi 18:10, Da, LXX, Bel 1:15 * ;]

dissonant, discordant; metaph., at variance: πρὸς ἀλλήλους, Ac 28:25.†

[NT: 5x] ἀ-σύνετος, -ον [in LXX: De 32:21 (נָבָל). Jb 13:2 (נָפַל), Ps 92:6 (כְּסִיל), Ps 76:5, Wi 2:1-24, Si 6:1-37 * ;]

without understanding or discernment: Mt 15:16, Mk 7:18 (Swete, in l), Ro 1:21, 31 10:19 (for an ex. of its use in the moral sense, v. MM, s.v.).†

[NT: 1x] ἀ-σύν-θετος, -ον (< συντίθεμαι ν. M, Pr., 222; MM, s.v.), [in LXX: Je 3:7-11 (בָּגַד)* ;]

false to engagements, not keeping covenant, faithless (MM, s.v.): Ro 1:31.†

Ἀσύνκριτος (Rec. Ἀσύγκρ.), -ου, ὁ

Asyncritus: Ro 16:14.†

[NT: 3x] ἀσφάλεια, -ας, ἡ (< ἀσφαλής), [in LXX for בָּטַח, etc. ;]

1. firmness.
2. certainty: Lk 1:4.
3. security: Ac 5:23, I Th 5:3.
(In π. it is used as a law-term, proof, security; v. MM, s.v.; M, Th., l.c.)†

[NT: 5x] ἀσφαλής, -ές (< ἀ- neg., σφάλλω, to trip up), [in LXX for אָשַׁר pu., etc. ;]

certain, secure, safe: Ac 21:34 22:30 25:26, Phl 3:1, He 6:19 (MM, s.v.).†

[NT: 4x] ἀσφαλίζω (< ἀσφαλής), [in LXX: Ne 3:15 (חָזַק hi.), Is 41:10 (תָּמַךְ), Wi 4:17 10:12 13:15 * ;]

to make firm, secure: mid., Mt 27:65-66, Ac 16:24; pass., Mt 27:64 (MM, s.v.).†

[NT: 8x] ἀσφαλῶς adv., [in LXX: Ge 34:25 (בֶּטַח), To 6:4, Wi 18:6, Ba 5:7, I Mac 6:40, III Mac 7:6 * ;]

(a) safely: Mk 14:44, Ac 16:23;
(b) assuredly: Ac 2:36.†

[NT: 2x] ἀσχημονέω, -ῶ (< ἀσχήμαων), [in LXX: Ez 16:7, 22 16:39 23:29 (עֶרְיָה); De 25:3 (קָלָה ni.)* ;]

to act unbecomingly, behave dishonourably: I Co 13:5; seq. ἐπί, ib. I Co 7:36 (MM, s.v.).†

[NT: 2x] ἀσχημοσύνη, -ης, ή (< ἀσχήμων), [in LXX chiefly for עֶרְוָה ;]

unseemliness: Ro 1:27 (MM, s.v.); euphemism for ἡ αἰσχύνη, as freq. in LXX, shame, nakedness: Re 16:15.†

[NT: 1x] ἀσχήμων, -ον (< ἀ- neg., σχῆμα) [in LXX: Ge 34:7 (נְבָלָה), De 24:1 (עֶרְוָה), Wi 2:20, Da TH Sus 1:63, II Mac 9:2 * ;]

1. shapeless.
2. uncomely, unseemly: I Co 12:23.†

[NT: 3x] ἀσωτία, -ας, ή (< ἀ- neg., σώζω), [in LXX: Pr 28:7 (זָלַל), II Mac 6:4 * ;]

prodigality, wastefulness, profligacy: Eph 5:18, Tit 1:6, I Pe 4:4 (MM, s.v.).†
SYN.: ἀσέλγεια, q.v

[NT: 1x] * ἀσώτως adv. (< ἄσωτος, prodigal, wasteful), [in LXX for סָרַר, Pr 7:11 * ;]

wastefully: Lk 15:13
(EV, in riotous living; but not necessarily dissolute; cf. MM, ut supr.; Milligan, NTD, 79).†

[NT: 1x] * ἀτακτέω -ῶ (< ἄτακτος),

primarily, of soldiers marching, to be out of order, to quit the ranks; hence, metaph., to be remiss, fail in the performance of duty (in π., of truancy on the part of an apprentice): II Th 3:7 (on ἀ. and its cognates, v. M, Th., 152 ff.; MM, s.vv.).†

[p. 67]

** ἀ-τακτος, -ον (< τάσσω), [in LXX: III Mac 1:19 * ;]

out of order, out of place (Lat. inordinatus), freq. of soldiers not keeping the ranks, or an army in disarray (cf. III Mac 1:19); hence, metaph., irregular, disorderly (v. previous word): I Th 5:14.†

[NT: 2x] ** ἀ-τάκτως adv., [in Sm.: IV Ki 9:20 * ;]

disorderly, irregularly: II Th 3:6 3:11.†

[NT: 2x] ἄτεκνος, -ον (< τέκνον), [in LXX: Ge 15:2, Le 20:20-21 (עֲרִירִי), Is 49:21, Je 18:21 (שָׁכֹל), Si 16:3 * ;]

childless: Lk 20:28-29.†

[NT: 14x] ** ἀτενίζω (< ἀτενής, strained, intent; < τείνω), [in LXX: I Es 6:28, III Mac 2:26 * ;]

to look fixedly, gaze (MM, s.v.): c. dat. pers., gaze upon: Lk 4:20 22:56, Ac 3:12 10:4 14:9 23:1; seq. εἰς, c. acc pers., Ac 3:4 6:15 13:9; metaph., Ac 1:10 7:55 11:6, II Co 3:7 3:13.†

[NT: 2x] ** ἄτερ prep., [in LXX: II Mac 12:15 * ;]

in cl. most freq. in poets; without, apart from: c. gen., Lk 22:6, 35 (for exx. from π., v. MM, s.v.).†

[NT: 7x] ἀτιμάζω (< ἄτιμος), [in LXX for בּוּז, קָלָה, etc. ;]

to dishonour, insult: Mk 12:4, TTr., mg., WH, Lk 20:11, Jo 8:49, Ro 2:23, Ja 2:6; pass.: Ac 5:41, Ro 1:24 (cf ἀτιμάω).†

* ἀ-τιμάω, -ῶ (< τιμή),

to dishonour, despise: c. acc pers., Mk 12:4, LTr., txt. (cf. ἀἀτιμάζω).†

[NT: 7x] ἀτιμία, -ας, ἡ (ἄτιμος) [in LXX for כְּלִמָּה, קָלוֹן, etc. ;]

dishonour, disgrace: I Co 11:14, II Co 6:8; εἰς ἀ., Ro 9:21, II Ti 2:20; ἐν ἀ., I Co 15:43; κατ' ἀ., II Co 11:21; πάθη ἀτιμίας, base passions, Ro 1:26.†

[NT: 4x] ἄτιμος, -ον (< τιμή), [in LXX: Is 3:5 (קָלָה ni.), Is 53:3 (בָּזָה), Jb 30:4, 8 (שֵׁם בְּלִי), שֵׁם בְּלִי), Wi 5:1-23, Si 1:1-30 * ;]

without honour, dishonoured, despised: Mt 13:57, Mk 6:4, I Co 4:10; comp., I Co 12:23.†

[NT: 1x] ἀτιμόω, -ῶ (< ἄτιμος), [in LXX chiefly for בָּזָה ;]

= ἀτιμάζω, to dishonour, treat with indignity: Mk 12:4, Rec.†

[NT: 2x] ἀτμίς, -ίδος, ἡ [in LXX for עָנַן, תִּמֹּר, etc. ;]

vapour: Ja 4:14; ἀ. καπνοῦ, Ac 2:19 (LXX).†

[NT: 1x] ** ἄ-τομος, -ον (< τέμνω), [in Sm.: Is 54:8 (MM, s.v.) * ;]

indivisible; of time, ἄτομον, a moment: ἐν ἄ., I Co 15:52.†

[NT: 4x] ἄ-τοπος, -ον (< τόπος), [in LXX: Jb 4:8 11:11, Pr 30:20, al., for אָוֶן, etc. ;]

1. out of place, not befitting.
2. marvellous, strange (of symptoms, Hipp.): Ac 28:6; hence, in late Greek, with ethical sense,
3. improper, unrighteous (so in LXX, and for exx. from π., v. M, Th., l.c.; MM, s.v.): Lk 23:41, Ac 25:5, II Th 3:2.†

Ἀτταλία (Rec. -άλεια), -υς, ἡ

Attalia, a city of Pamphylia: Ac 14:25.†

[NT: 1x] αὐγάζω (< αὐγή), [in LXX: Le 13:24-28, 38 14:56 (בֹּהֶרֶת) Le 13:39 (כֵּהֶה)* ;]

1. Trans. (cl.), to irradiate.
2. Intrans.
(a) (poët.), to see clearly (so perh. 2 Co, l.c.; MM, s.v.)
(b) as in LXX, to shine forth: II Co 4:4 (cf. δι-, κατ-αυγάζω).†

[NT: 1x] αὐγή, -ῆς, ἡ [in LXX: Is 59:9 (נְגֹהָה), II Mac 12:9 * ;]

1. brightness
[p. 68]
2. Later (as in MGr.; MM, s.v.), daylight, dawn: Ac 20:11 (Cremer, 118).†
SYN.: φέγγος (v. Thayer, s. φ.; DB, iii, 44a; Tr., Syn., § xlvi).

Αὔγουστος, -ου, ὁ

(Lat.), Augustus, the Roman Emperor: Lk 2:1 (cf. Σεβαστός; and v. MM, s.v.).†

[NT: 2x] αὐθάδης, -ες (< αὐτος, ἥδομαι), [in LXX: Ge 49:3, 7 (עַז), Pr 21:24 (יָהִיר)* ;]

self-pleasing, arrogant: Tit 1:7, II Pe 2:10 (Cremer, 654).†
SYN.: φίλαυτος (v. Tr., Syn., § xciii)

[NT: 2x] ** αὐθαίρετος, -ον (< αὐτός, αἱρέομαι), [in Sm.: Ex 35:5, 22 * ;]

1. self-chosen.
2. of one's own accord: II Co 8:3 8:17.†

[NT: 1x] *† αὐθεντέω, -ῶ (< αὐθέντης, i.e. αὐτο- ἕντης, one who acts on his own authority, in π., an autocrat; cf. Wi 12:6; cf. -ία, III Mac 2:29; -ικος is freq. in vernacular, MM, s.v.)

to govern, exercise authority over: I Ti 2:12.†

[NT: 3x] ** αὐλέω, -ῶ (< αὐλός), [in Al.: III Ki 1:40 * ;]

to play on a flute, to pipe: mid., Mt 11:17, Lk 7:32, I Co 14:7.†

[NT: 12x] αὐλή, -ῆς, ἡ [in LXX chiefly for חָצֵר ;]

1. in Hom., an open courtyard before a house, hence, an enclosure in the open, a sheepfold: Jo 10:1, 16
2. the court, courtyard, round which a house is built: Mt 26:3, 58 26:69, Mk 14:54, 66 15:16 Lk 11:21 22:55, Jo 18:15; τ. ναοῦ, Re 11:2. a dwelling, a palace (so, acc to Grimm-Th., s.v.): Mt 26:3, 58, Mk 14:54 15:16, Lk 11:21, Jo 18:15 (but v. MM, s.v.; cf. also DB, ii, 25, 287).†

[NT: 2x] * αὐλητής, -οῦ, ὁ (< αὐλέω),

a flute-player: Mt 9:23, Re 18:22 (MM, s.v.).†

[NT: 2x] αὐλίζομαι (< αὐλή), [in LXX chiefly for לוּן ;]

1. prop., to lodge in a courtyard.
2. to lodge in the open.
3. to pass the night, lodge (LXX; MM, s.v.): Mt 21:17, Lk 21:37.†

[NT: 1x] αὐλός, -οῦ, ὁ (< ἄω, to blow), [in LXX chiefly for חָלִיל ;]

a pipe: I Co 14:7.†

[NT: 23x] αὐξάνω (and the earlier form αὔξω, Eph 2:21, Col 2:19; MM, s.v.), [in LXX chiefly for פָּרָה ;]

1. trans., to make to grow: I Co 3:6-7, II Co 9:10. Pass., to grow, increase, become greater: Mt 13:32, Mk 4:8, II Co 10:15, Col 1:6; τῇ ἐπιγνώσει τ. θεοῦ, Col 1:10; εἰς σωτηρίαν, I Pe 2:2.
2. In later Gk. (but nowhere in LXX), intrans., to grow, increase: of plants, Mt 6:28, Lk 12:27 13:19; of infants, Lk 1:80 2:40; of a multitude, Ac 7:17; of the increase of the Gospel: ὁ λόγος ηὔξανε, Ac 6:7 12:24 19:20; of Christ as a leader, Jo 3:30; of Christian character: εἰς Χριοτόν, Eph 4:15; εἰς ναόν, Eph 2:21; ἐν χάριτι, II Pe 3:18; τὴν αὔξησιν τ. θεσῦ, Col 2:19 (cf. συν, ὑπερ-αυξάνω).†

[NT: 2x] ** αὔξησις, -εως, ἡ (< αὔξω), [in LXX: II Mac 5:16 * ;]

increase, growth: Eph 4:16, Col 2:19.†

αὔξω, v.s. αὐξάνω.

[NT: 14x] αὔριον adv., [in LXX for מָחָר ;]

to-morrow: Mt 6:30, Lk 12:28, Ac 23:20 25:22, I Co 15:32, Lk 13:32-33, Ja 4:13; ἡ αὔ. (sc. ἡμέρα, MM, s.v.), [p. 69] Mt 6:34, Ac 4:3; ἐπὶ τὴν αὔ., Lk 10:35, Ac 4:5; τὸ (WH om.) τῆς Ja 4:14.†

[NT: 2x] ** αὐστηρός, -ά, -όν (< αἄω, to dry up) [in LXX: II Mac 14:30 * ;]

prop., stringent, harsh to the taste. Metaph., in Inscr., of a rough country; of disposition and manners, strict, severe (as in π., of an inspector; MM, s v): Lk 19:21-22.†
SYN.: σκληρός (Tr., § xiv)

[NT: 2x] * αὐτάρκεια, -ας, ἡ (< αὐτάρκης, q.v.),

(a) sufficiency (MM, s.v.): in subjective sense (v. Milligan, NTD, 57), II Co 9:8;
(b) contentment: I Ti 6:6.†

[NT: 1x] αὐτάρκης, -ες (< αὐτός, ἀρκέω), [in LXX: Pr 30:8 (חֹק), Si 5:1 11:24 31:28 40:18, IV Mac 9:9 * ;]

as in cl., in philosophical sense, self-­sufficient, independent; subjectively, contented: Phl 4:11 (in non-lit. π., the word means simply enough, sufficient; MM, s.v.).†

[NT: 1x] *† αὐτο-κατά-κριτος, -ον (< αὐτός, κατακρίνω),

self-condemned: Tit 3:11 (Eccl., Cremer, 377; MM, s.v.).†

[NT: 2x] αὐτόματος -ον, and -η, -ον (etym. doubtful; v. Boisacq, Prellwitz, s.v.), [in LXX, Le 25:5, 11, IV Ki 19:29 (סָפִיחַ), Jos 6:5, Jb 24:24, Wi 17:6 * ;]

1. of persons, acting of one's own will.
2. Of inanimate things and natural agencies, of itself, of its own accord: γῆ Mk 4:28 (MM, s.v.); πύλη, Ac 12:10.†

[NT: 1x] * αὐτόπτης, -ου, ὀ

an eye-witness: Lk 1:2.†

[NT: 5100x] αὐτός, -ή, -ό, determinative pron., in late Gk. much more freq. than in cl. (WM, 178f.; Jannaris, HGG, §1399).

1. Emphatic (so always in nom. exc. when preceded by the art., v. infr., iii);
(1) self (ipse), expressing opposition, distinction, exclusion, etc., αὐ. ἐκχυθήσεται, Lk 5:37; αὐ. ἐγινώσκεν, Jo 2:25; αὐ.ὑμεῖς, Jo 3:28; καὶ αὐ. ἐγώ, Ro 15:14; αὐ. Ἰησοῦς, Jo 2:24; αὐ. καὶ οἱ μετ’ αὐτοῦ, Mk 2:25; ὑμεῖς αὐ., Mk 6:31; esp. (as freq in cl.) αὐ. ὁ, Mt 3:4, Mk 6:17, Jo 16:27, I Th 3:11, al.; in late Gk., sometimes weakened, ἐν αὐτῇ τ. ὥρᾳ, in that hour, Lk 10:21 (M, Pr., 91; MM, s.v.);
(2) emphatic, he, she, it (M, Pr., 86; Bl., §48, 1, 2, 7), Mt 1:21, 12:50, Lk 6:35, al.; pointing to some one as master (cl.), Mt 8:24, Mk 4:38, al.; αὐ., καὶ αὐ. = οὗτος, ὁ δε (BL, §48, 1), Mt 14:2, Mk 14:15, 44, Lk 1:22, 2:28, al.
2. In oblique cases (cl.), for the simple pron. of 3rd pers., he, she, it, Mt 7:9, 10:12, 26:44, al.; with ptcp. in gen. absol., Mt 9:18, Mk 13:1, al. (for irreg. constructions, V. Bl., §74, 5); pleonastically after the relative (cf. Heb. אֲשֶׁר לֹו; WM, 184ff.; Bl., §50, 4; MM, s.v.), Mk 7:25, Re 3:8, 7:2, al.; in constr. ad sensum, without proper subject expressly indicated, Mt 4:23, Ac 8:5, II Co 2:13, al.; gen. αὐτοῦ = ἐκείνου, Ro 11:11, I Th 2:19, Tit 3:5, He 2:4.
3. ὁ, ἡ, τὸ αὐ., the same: He 1:12, 13:8; τὸ αὐ., ποιεῖν, Mt 5:46, 47, al.; φρονεῖν, Ro 12:16, 15:5, Phl 2:2, al.; τὰ αὐ., Ac 15:27, Ro 2:1, al.; κατὰ τὸ (τὰ) αὐ. (MM, s.v.), Ac 14:1, Lk 6:23, al.; ἐπὶ τὸ αὐ., together (MM, s.v.), Mt 22:34, Ac 1:15, al.; ἓν κ. τὸ αὐ., I Co 11:5, 12:11; c. dat. (cl.), I Co 11:5; with a noun, λόγος, Mk 14:39; μέτρος, Phl 1:30; πνεῦμα, I Co 12:4.

[NT: 4x] αὐτοῦ adv., prop. neut. gen. of αὐτός, [in LXX for פֹּה, בָּזֶה ;] [p. 70]

there: Mt 26:36, Mk 6:33, WH, mg., Lk 9:27, Ac 15:34, WH, mg., R, mg., Ac 18:19 21:4 .†

αὑτοῦ, -ῆς, -οῦ

= ἑαυτοῦ (q.v.), Mt 6:34, Lk 12:17, al. (MM, s.v.)

** αὐτόφωρος, -ον (< αὐτός, φώρ, a thief) [in Sm.: Jb 34:11 * ;]

prop. with ref. to theft, then generally, in the very act: as freq., neut. dat. after ἐπί, Jo 8:4 (Rec., ἐπαυτοφώρῳ).†

[NT: 1x] * αὐτό-χειρ, -ρος, ὁ, ἡ (< αὐτός, χείρ),

with one's own hand: Ac 27:19.†

* αὐχέω, -ῶ, (< αὔχη, boasting),

to boast: c. acc (MM, s.v.), μεγάλα αὐχεῖ (Rec. μεγαλαυχεῖ, q.v.), Ja 3:5.†

[NT: 1x] * αὐχμηρός, -ά, -όν (< αὐχμός, drought);

1. dry
2. squalid, dismal: II Pe 1:19 (MM, s.v.).†

[NT: 10x] ἀφ-αιρέω, -ῶ [in LXX (Cremer, 615 f.) for סוּר, עָבַר, H7311 כָּרַת, etc. (35 words in all) ;]

to take from, take away, take off: c. acc, τὸ ὠτίον, Mt 26:51, Mk 14:47 (ὠτάριον, WH), Lk 22:50 (οὖς); ὄνειδος, Lk 1:25; seq. ἀπό, Re 22:19, Lk 16:3 (mid.); pass., C. gen., Lk 10:42; ἀ. ἁμαρτίος, He 10:4, Ro 11:27 (mid.) (MM, s.v.).†

[NT: 1x] ἀφανής, -ές (< φαίνω), [in LXX: Ne 4:8(2), Jb 24:20, Si 20:30 41:14, II Mac 3:34 * ;]

unseen, hidden: He 4:13.†

[NT: 5x] ἀφανίζω (< ἀφανής), [in LXX for שָׁמֵם ni., שָׁמַד hi., etc. ;]

1. to make unseen, hide from sight (Xen., a1.).
2. Later (MM, s.v.)
(a) to destroy: Mt 6:19-20;
(b) to disfigure: Mt 6:16. Pass., to vanish: Ja 4:14; to perish: Ac 13:41(LXX).†

[NT: 1x] ἀφανισμός, -οῦ, ὁ (< ἀφανίζω), [in LXX chiefly for שַׁמָּה, שְׁמָמָה ;]

vanishing: He 8:13.†

[NT: 1x] * ἄφαντος, -ον (< φαίνομαι), poët. and late prose (MM, s.v.)

invisible, hidden: Lk 24:31.†

[NT: 2x] *† ἀφεδρών, -ῶνος, ὁ (cf. ἄφεδρος, Le 12:5) = cl. ἄφοδος (MM, s.v.),

a privy, drain: Mt 15:17, Mk 7:19 (ὀχετόν, WH, mg.).†
**ὀχετός, -οῦ, ὁ
(< ὀχέω, to carry) [in Sm.: Jb 22:24, Ps 65:10 al. ;]
1. a water-pipe, channel.
2. the intestinal canal: Mk 7:19, WH, mg. (for ἀφεδρών).†

[NT: 1x] * ἀφειδία (L, -εία), -ας, ἡ (< ἀφειδής, unsparing);

1. extravagance.
2. unsparing treatment, severity: Col 2:23.†

ἀφεῖδον, v.s. ἀπεῖδον.

[NT: 1x] *† ἀφελότης, -ητος, ἡ

= cl. ἀφέλεια (v. MM, s.v.),
simplicity: Ac 2:46

[NT: 17x] ἄφεσις, -εως, ἡ (< ἀφίημι), [in LXX for יוֹבֵל, דְּרוֹר, etc. (v. Deiss., BS, 98 ff.; MM, s.v.) ;]

1. dismissal, release: Lk 4:18.
2. Metaph., of sins (never in LXX), pardon, remission of penalty: ἁμαρτιῶν, Mt 26:28, Mk 1:4, Lk 1:77 3:3 24:47, Ac 2:38 5:31 10:43 13:38 26:18, Col 1:14; παραπτωμάτων, Eph 1:7; absol., Mk 3:29, He 9:22 10:18 (cf. DB, ii, 56; DCG, i, 437, ii, 605; Cremer, 297 f.).†
SYN.: πάρεσις, q.v. (and cf. Tr., § xxxiii)

[NT: 2x] ἁφή, -ῆς, ἡ (< ἅπτω, to fasten, fit), [in LXX for נֶגַע, freq. in Le ;]

a joint (MM, s.v.): Eph 4:16, Col 2:19 (Lft., in l).†

[NT: 7x] **† ἀφθαρσία, -ας, ἡ (< ἄφθαρτος), [in LXX: Wi 2:23 6:19, IV Mac 9:22 Mac 17:12 * ;]

incorruptibility, immortality: Ro 2:7, I Co 15:42 15:50 15:53-54, II Ti 1:10; ἀγαπώντων . . . ἐν ἀ., Eph 6:24 (v. AR, in l).†
ἀ-φθορία, -ας, ἡ
(< φθείρω), [in LXX: Ha 2:17 (שְׁדֵפָה)* ;]
uncorruptness: Tit 2:7 (Rec. ἀφθορία).†

[p. 71]

[NT: 8x] ** ἄ-φθαρτος, -ον (< φθείρω), [in LXX: Wi 12:1 18:4 * ;]

imperishable, immortal;
(a) of things: I Co 9:25, I Pe 1:4 1:23 3:4;
(b) of persons: of men, I Co 15:52; of God, Ro 1:23, I Ti 1:17 (MM, s.v.).†

[NT: 143x] ἀφ-ίημι, [in LXX for נשׂא, נוח hi., נתן, סלח ni., עזב, etc. ;]

1. to send forth, send away, let go: of divorce (DB, iii, 274a), τ. γυναῖκα (Hdt.), I Co 7:11-13; of death, τ. πνεῦμα (Ge 35:18, Hdt., al.), Mt 27:50; (φωνήν, to utter a cry, Mk 15:37; of debts, to remit, forgive (cl.), τ. δανεῖον, Mt 18:27; τ. ὀφειλήν, Mt 18:32; esp. of sins (Cremer 296f.), τ. ἁμαρτίας, ἁμαρτήματα, ἀνομίας, Mt 9:2, Ro 4:7 (LXX), I Jo 1:9, al.; punctiliar and iterative pres. (M, Pr., 119), Mk 2:5, Lk 11:4; Ion. pf., ἀφέωνται (M, Pr., 38), Lk 5:23.
2. to leave alone, leave, neglect: Mt 4:11 5:24 15:14, Mk 1:20, 31 Jo 4:3, 28 al.; τ. ἐντολὴν τ. θεοῦ, Mk 7:8; τον̀ τ. ἀρχῆς τ. Χριστοῦ λόγον, He 6:1; τ. ἀγάπην τ. πρώτην, Re 2:4; ptcp., ἀφείς, pleonastic (as in Aram.; M, Pr., 14; Dalman, Words, 21f.), Mt 13:36 22:22, Mk 8:13, al.
3. to let, suffer, permit: Mt 3:15; c. acc., Mt 3:15, 19:14, al.; c. acc. rei et dat. pers., Mt 5:40; c. inf. pres., Mt 23:14, al.; aor., Mk 5:37, al.; in late Gk. (M, Pr., 175f.), seq. ἵνα, Mk 11:16, Jo 12:7; c. subjunct. (M, Pr., l.c.; Bl., §64, 2), Mt 7:4 27:49, Mk 15:36, Lk 6:42 (see further MM, s.v.).

[NT: 3x] ἀφ-ικνέομαι, -οῦμαι [in LXX for בּוֹא, etc. ;]

perfective of ἱκνέομαι, to come (M, Pr., 247), to arrive at, come to, reach: metaph. (MM, s.v.), Ro 16:19.†

[NT: 1x] *† ἀ-φιλ-άγαθος, -ον

without love of good: II Ti 3:3 (not elsewhere in Gk. lit., but v. MM, s.v.).†

[NT: 2x] *† ἀ-φιλ-άργυρος, -ον

without love of money, not avaricious; I Ti 3:3, He 13:5. (For other instances, v. MM, s.v.)†

[NT: 1x] ** ἄφ-ιξις, -εως, ἡ (< ἀφικνέομαι), [in LXX: III Mac 7:18 * ;]

in cl. usually, arrival; rarely, departure: Ac 20:29 (so in π., cf. MM, s.v.; M, Pr 26:1-28, n.).†

ἀφ-ίστημι [in LXX for סוּר, מָעַל, etc. (41 words in all) ;]

1. trans. in pres., impf., fut., 1 aor., to put away, lead away; metaph., to move to revolt: Ac 5:37.
2. Intrans. in pf., plpf., 2 aor., to stand off, depart from, withdraw from: c. gen., Lk 2:37; seq. ἀπό, Lk 4:13 13:27, Ac 5:38 12:10 15:38 19:9 22:29, II Co 12:8; metaph., ἀπὸ ἀδικίας, II Ti 2:19; ἀπὸ θεοῦ, (fall away, apostatize), He 3:12 Mid. (exc. 1 aor., WH. is trans.), to withdraw oneself from, absent oneself from: Lk 2:37; metaph., fall away, apostatize: absol., Lk 8:13; c. gen., I Ti 4:1 (MM, s.v.; Cremer, 308).†

[NT: 3x] ἄφνω adv., [in LXX for פִּתְאוֹם ;]

suddenly: Ac 2:2 16:26 28:6.†

[NT: 4x] ἀφόβως adv. (< φόβος), [in LXX: Pr 1:33 (פַּחַד), Wi 17:4 * ;]

without fear: Lk 1:74, Phl 1:14, I Co 16:10, Ju 12.†

[NT: 1x] ** ἀφ-ομοιόω, -ῶ [in LXX: Wi 13:14, Ep. Jer 1:5, 63, 71* ;]

to make like: pass., He 7:3.†

[NT: 2x] ἀφ-οράω, -ῶ [in LXX: IV Mac 17:10 (είς θεόν)* ;]

(a) to look away [p. 72] from all else at, fix one's gaze upon: metaph. (MM, s.v.), He 12:2;
(b) simply, to see: ἀφίδω (v.s. ἀπεῖδον, and Lft., Phi., in l; MM, s.v.), Phl 2:23 (v. Ellic., in l).†

[NT: 10x] ἀφ-ορίζω [in LXX (Cremer, 805 f.) for בָּדַל hi., סָגַר hi., נוּף hi., רוּם hi etc. ;]

(a) to mark off by boundaries from, separate from: c. acc, Ac 19:9, Ga 2:12; id. seq. ἐκ (ἀπό), Mt 13:49 25:32 (MM, s.v.); of excom­munication, Lk 6:22. Pass., absol., II Co 6:17;
(b) to set apart, devote to a special purpose (seq. εἰς): c. acc, Ga 1:15. Mid., Ac 13:2, Ro 1:1 (DB, iii 588).†

[NT: 7x] ἀφ-ορμή, -ῆς, ἡ [in LXX: Ez 5:7 (הָמוֹן), Pr 9:9, III Mac 3:2 * ;]

prop., a starting point; in war, a base of operations; metaph., an occasion, incentive, opportunity (MM, s.v.): II Co 11:12, Ga 5:13; ἀφ. λαμβάνειν, Lk 11:24, WH, mg., Ro 7:8, 11; ἀφ. διδόναι, II Co 5:12, I Ti 5:14.*

[NT: 2x] * ἀφρίζω (< ἀφρός),

to foam at the mouth: Mk 9:18, 20.†

[NT: 1x] * ἀφρός, -οῦ, ὁ

foam: Lk 9:39 (MM, s.v.).†

[NT: 4x] ἀφροσύνη, -ης, ἡ (< ἄφρων), [in LXX for אִוֶּלֶת, נְבָלָה, etc. ;]

foolishness: Mk 7:22, II Co 11:1 11:17 11:21.†

[NT: 11x] ἄφρων, -ον gen. -ονος (< φρήν), [in LXX for כְּסִיל, נָבָל, etc. ;]

without reason, senseless, foolish, expressing "want of mental sanity and sobriety, a reckless and inconsiderate habit of mind" (Hort; cf. MM, s.v.): Lk 11:40 12:20, Ro 2:20, I Co 15:36, II Co 11:16 12:6 12:11, I Pe 2:15; opp. to φρόνιμος, II Co 11:19; to συνιέντες, Eph 2:17.†

**† ἀφ-υπιόω, -ῶ (< ὑπνόω, to put to sleep), [in Al.: Ge 28:11 * ;]

1. to awake from sleep (Anth.).
2. = cl. καθυπνόω (MM, s.v.), to fall asleep: Lk 8:23.†

ἀφ-υστερέω, -ῶ, [in LXX: Ne 9:20 (מָנַע), Si 14:14 * ;]

1. as in cl., to be late (Polyb., Sir, l.c.).
2. Trans., to keep back (Ne, i.e.; v. Mayor, Ja., 157 f.): pass., Ja 5:4 (MM, s.v.).†

ἀφωνος, -ον (φωνή) [in LXX: Is 53:7 (עָלַם ni.), Wi 4:19, II Mac 3:29 * ;]

dumb, speechless: Ac 8:32 (LXX); of idols (MM, s.v.), I Co 12:2; of beasts, II Pe 2:19; τοσαῦτα γένη φωνῶν καὶ οὐδὲν ἄ.—so many kinds of voices and none voiceless, i.e. without signification, unintelligible: I Co 14:10.†

Ἄχαζ (WH, Ἄχας), ὁ (Heb. אָחָז),

Ahaz: Mt 1:9.†

Ἀχαία (T, Ἀχαΐα), -ας, ἡ (Bl., § 46, 11)

Achaia, the Roman province: Ac 18:12, 27 19:21 Ro 15:26, I Co 16:15, II Co 1:1 9:2 11:10, I Th 1:7-8.†

[NT: 1x] Ἀχαϊκός, -οῦ, ὁ

Achaicus: I Co 16:17.†

[NT: 2x] ** ἀχάριστος, -ον (< χαρίζομαι), [in LXX: Wi 16:29, Si 29:17, 25, IV Mac 9:10 * ;]

(a) ungracious, unpleasing;
(b) ungrateful, thankless: Lk 6:35, II Ti 3:2.†

Ἄχας, v.s. Ἄχαζ.


Achim: Mt 1:14.†

[NT: 3x] *† ἀ-χειρο-ποίητος, -ον (< χειροποίητος)

not made by hands: Mk 14:58, II Co 5:1; metaph., περιτομή ἀ. (i.e. spiritual ), Col 2:11 (MM, s.v.).†

[p. 73]

Ἀχελδαμάχ (T


[NT: 1x] ** ἀχλύς, -ύος, ἡ [in Aq.: Ez 12:7; Sm.: Jb 3:5 * ;]

a mist, esp. a dimness of the eyes: Ac 13:11 (v. Tr., Syn., § c).†

[NT: 2x] ἀ-χρεῖος, -ον (< χρεῖος, useful), [in LXX: II Ki 6:22 (שָׁפָל), Ep. Je 17:1-27 * ;]

useless, unprofitable: Mt 25:30, Lk 17:10 (MM, s.v.).†

ἀχρεόω (Rec. -ειόω, Polyb., LXX), -ῶ (< ἄχρεος = ἀχρεῖος) [in LXX (-ειόω) for אָלַח ni., etc. ;]

to make useless, unprofitable: pass., Ro 3:12 (LXX).†

ά-χρηατος, -ον [in LXX: Ho 8:8 (חֵפֶץ אַיִן), Wi 2:11, Si 16:1, al. ;]

useless; unserviceable: opp. to εὔχρηστος, Phm 11.†

[NT: 44x] ἄχρι (and Epic ἄχρις, bef. vowel (v. MM, s.v.), Ro 11:25 T, Ga 3:19 T, WH, mg., He 3:13);

1. adv., utterly (Hom.).
2. Prep. c. gen., until, unto, as far as;
(a) of time Ac 3:21 22:22, Ro 1:13 5:13, I Co 4:11, II Co 3:14, Ga 4:2, Phl 1:6; ἄ. καιροῦ, Lk 4:13, Ac 13:11; ἄ. ἧς ἡμέρας, Mt 24:38, Lk 1:20 17:27, Ac 1:2 (τῆς ἡ. ἧς), Ac 1:22; ἄ. ταύτης τ. ἡμέρας (τ. ἡ. ταύτης), Ac 2:29 23:1 26:22; ἄ. ἡμερων πέντε, Ac 20:6; ἄ. αὐγῆς, Ac 20:11; ἄ. τοῦ νῦν, Ro 8:22, Phl 1:5; ἄ. τέλους, He 6:11, Re 2:26;
(b) of space: Ac 11:5 13:6 20:4 (R, txt., WH, mg.) Ac 28:15, II Co 10:13-14, He 4:12, Re 14:20 18:5;
(c) of measure or degree: ἄ. θανάτου, Ac 22:4, Re 2:10 12:11.
3. As conj., until;
(a) ἄχρι alone: c. subj. aor., Ga 3:19 (ἄ. οὗ T, WH, mg.); id. without ἄν (Bl., § 65, 10), Re 7:3 15:8 20:3, 5; c. indic. fut., Re 17:17;
(b) ἄ. οὗ (i.e. ἄ.. τούτου ᾧ): c. indic. aor., Ac 7:18; impf., Ac 27:33; c. subj. aor. (Bl., ut supr.), Lk 21:24, Ro 11:25, I Co 11:26 15:25, Ga 3:19, T, WH, mg.; id. with ἄν, Re 2:25; c. indic. pres., while, He 3:13 (cf. μέχρι).†

[NT: 2x] ἄχυρον, -ον, τό [in LXX chiefly for תֶּבֶן ;]

chaff: Mt 3:12, Lk 3:17.†

[NT: 1x] ** ἀ-ψευδής, -ές (< ψεῦδος), [in LXX: Wi 7:17 * ;]

free from false-hood, truthful: Tit 1:2.†

*† ἄψινθος, -ου, ἡ (also ἀψίνθιον, τό; ἀψινθία, ἡ),

wormwood: as a proper name, Re 8:11.†

[NT: 1x] ** ἄψυχος, -ον (< ψυχή), [in LXX: Wi 13:17 14:29 * ;]

inanimate, lifeless: I Co 14:7.†


Β, β, βῆτα, τὸ, indecl.,

beta, b, the second letter. As a numeral, β' = 2; β, = 2000.

[NT: 1x] Βάαλ (Rec. βαάλ) , ὁ, ἡ, indecl. (Heb. בַּעַל, lord),

Baal: Ro 11:4 (LXX). The fem. art. here agrees with the usage of LXX, where, following a similar Hebrew practice (בֹּשֶׁת for בַּעַל), αἰσχύνη appears to have been substituted in reading for the written Βάαλ (cf. III Ki 18:19), and to account for the freq. use of the fem. art. bef. Β. The usage, however, is not general, and in the passage cited in Ro (III Ki 19:18), LXX reads τῷ Β.

[p. 74]

[NT: 12x] Βαβυλών, -ῶνος, ἡ (בָּבֶל, Heb. form of Assyr. Bab-ili, Gate of God),

Babylon: Mt 1:11, 12 17, Ac 7:43 (LXX); symbolically, of Rome: Re 14:8 16:19 17:5 18:2, 10, 21, and prob. also I Pe 5:13.†

βαθέως, v.s. βαθύς.

[NT: 1x] βαθμός, -οῦ, ὁ, Ion. form of βασμός (< βαίνω, to step), [in LXX I Ki 5:5 (מִפְתָּן), IV Ki 20:9, 10 11 (מַעֲלָה), Si 6:36 * ;]

a step (IV Ki, l.c., of degrees of a dial); metaph., a degree, standing: I Ti 3:13.†

[NT: 8x] βάθος, -εος (-ους), τό, [in LXX for מְצוּלָה ,תַּחְתִּי, etc. ;]

depth: Mt 13:5, Mk 4:5, Ro 8:39, Eph 3:18; τὸ β., the deep sea: Lk 5:4; metaph., β. πλούτου . . . Θεοῦ, Ro 11:33; τὰ β. τ. Θεοῦ (the Divine counsels), I Co 2:10; ἡ κατὰ βάθους πτωχεία, deep poverty, II Co 8:2.†

[NT: 1x] βαθύνω (< βαθύς), [in LXX for עמד: Ps 91 (92):5, Je 29 (49):8 30(49)30 * ;]

to deepen: Lk 6:48.†

[NT: 4x] βαθύς (gen. -έως, vernac., Lk, l.c.; Bl., §8, 5), -εῖα, -ύ, [in LXX chiefly for עמק ;]

deep; Jo 4:11; metaph., ὄρθρου βαθέως (v. supr.), early dawn, Lk 24:1; ὕπνος, Ac 20:9; τὰ β. τοῦ Σατανᾶ, Re 2:24.†

**† βαΐον, ου, τό (also βὰϊον, another form of βὰϊς, from the Egyptian), [in LXX: I Mac 13:51 * ;] (freq. in Egyptian π., v. MM, Exp., x)

a palm-branch: Jo 12:13 (DB, i, 314).†

[NT: 3x] Βαλαάμ, , indecl. (Heb. בִּלְעָם), as in LXX (FlJ has ὁ βάλαμος);

Balaam (Nu 22-24): II Pe 2:15, Ju 11, Re 2:14.†

[NT: 1x] Βαλάκ, , indecl. (Heb. בָּלָק),

Balak; (Nu 22:2): Re 2:14.†

[NT: 4x] βαλλάντιον (Rec. βαλά-), -ου, ὁ, [in LXX: Jb 14:17 (צְרוֹר), Pr 1:14 (כִּיס), To 1:14 8:2, Si 18:33 א 2 * ;]

a purse: Lk 10:4 12:33 22:35, 36.†

[NT: 122x] βάλλω, [in LXX for נפל, שׂום, ידד, etc. ;]

prop., of a weapon or missile; then generally, of things and persons, lit. and metaph., to throw, cast, put, place: c. acc., seq. εἰς, Mt 4:18, and freq. ἐπί, Mt 10:34; κάτω, Mt 4:6; ἔξω, Mt 5:13; ἀπό, Mt 5:29; ἐκ, Mk 12:44; δρέπανον, Re 14:19; μάχαιραν, Mt 10:34; κλῆρον, Mt 27:35; of fluids, to pour: Mt 9:17, Jo 13:5; pass., to be laid, to lie ill: Mt 9:2; ἐβλήθη (timeless aor., M, Pr., 134), Jo 15:6; intrans., to rush (Bl., §53, 1): Ac 27:14. Metaph., β. εἰς τ. καρδίαν, Jo 13:2 (cf. usage in π., without idea of violence; also of liquids; MM, Exp., x; v. also Cremer, 120, 657; cf. ἀμφι-, ἀνα-, ἀντι-, ἀπο-, δια-, ἐκ-, ἐμ-, παρ-εμ-, ἐπι-, κατα-, μετα-, παρα-, περι-, προ-, συμ-, ὑπερ-, ὑπο-βάλλω).

[NT: 77x] βαπτίζω (< βάπτω), [in LXX: IV Ki 5:14 (טבל), Is 21:4, Jth 12:7, Si 31 (34)30 * ;]

to dip, immerse, sink;
1. generally (in Polyb., iii, 72, of soldiers wading breast-deep; in i, 51, of the sinking of ships); metaph., to overwhelm (Is, l.c.; cf. MM, Exp., x); c. cogn. acc., βάπτισμα β., Mk 10:38, 39 Lk 12:50. Mid.,
2. to perform ablutions, wash oneself, bathe (Ki, Jth, Si, ll. c.): Mk 7:4; aor. pass, in same sense, Lk 11:38.
3 Of ablution, immersion, as a religious rite, to baptize;
(a) (a) absol.; Mk 1:4, Jo 1:25, 26 28 3:22, 23, 26 4:2 10:40, I Co 1:17; ὁ βαπτίζων (= ὁ βαπτιστής, M, Pr., 127), Mk 6:14, 24; c. acc., Jo 4:1, Ac 8:38, I Co [p. 75] 1:14, 16; c. cogn. acc., τὸ βάπτισμα, Ac 19:4 (cf. Mk 10:38, supr.); pass., to be baptized, receive baptism: Mt 3:13, 14, 16, Mk 16:16, Lk 3:7, 12 21 7:29 (τ. βάπτισμα) ib. 30, Ac 2:41 8:12, 13 36 9:18 10:47 16:15, 33 18:8; mid., 22:16 (M, Pr., 163);
(b) with prepositions: ἐν, of the element, Mt 3:6, 11 Mk 1:4, 5 8, Lk 3:16, Jo 1:26, 31 33 3:23, Ac 1:5 2:38 10:48 11:16, I Co 10:2; εἰς, of the element, purpose or result (Lft., Notes, 155), Mt 3:1 28:19, Mk 1:9, Ac 8:16 19:3, 5 Ro 6:3, I Co 1:13, 15 10:2 12:13, Ga 3:27; c. dat., ὕδατι, Lk 3:16, Ac 1:5 11:16; ὑπὲρ τῶν νεκρῶν, perh. to fulfil the wish of a dead friend, I Co 15:29 (v. ICC, in l.; cf. DB, i, 238ff.; DCG, i, 169a; ii, 605b; Cremer, 126).

[NT: 19x] *† βάπτισμα, -τος, τό (< βαπτίζω) , prop., the result of the act, τὸ βαπτίζειν, as distinct from βαπτισμός, the act itself,

immersion, baptism;
1. metaph., of affliction: Mk 10:38, 39 Lk 12:50.
2. Of the religious rite of baptism;
(a) of John's baptism: Mt 3:7 21:25, Mk 11:30, Lk 7:29 20:4, Ac 1:22 10:37 18:25 19:3; β. μετανοίας, Mk 1:4, Lk 3:3, Ac 13:24 19:4;
(b) of Christian baptism; Ro 6:4, Eph 4:5, Col 2:12 (Tr., -μῷ, q.v.), I Pe 3:21 (cf. Cremer, 130; Tr., Syn. §xcix).

[NT: 4x] *† βαπτισμός, -οῦ, ὁ (< βαπτίζω) , prop., the act of which βάπτισμα is the result;

1. a dipping, washing, lustration: Mk 7:4; of Jewish ceremonial. He 9:10; in He 6:2, βαπτισμῶν διδαχήν (-ῆς), "the pl. and the peculiar form seem to be used to include Christian baptism with other lustral rites" (Westc, in l.).
2. baptism: FlJ, Ant., 18, 5, 2 (of John's baptism), and some Fathers (v. Soph., s.v.). Not so in NT, unless ἐν τ. βαπτισμῷ, in the act of baptism, Col 2:12, be read with Tr. (Rec., WH, R, -ματι).

[NT: 12x] *† βαπτιστής, -ου, ὁ (< βαπτίζω) ,

a baptizer: of John the Baptist, Mt 3:1 11:11, 12 14:2, 8 16:14 17:13, Mk 6:25 8:28, Lk 7:20, 33 9:19.†

[NT: 4x] βάπτω, [in LXX chiefly for טבל ;]

(a) to dip: Lk 16:24, Jo 13:26 (ἐμβ-, L);
(b) to dip in dye, to dye: Re 19:13 (Rec.; ῥεραντισμένον, WH; περιρεραμμένον, T; ῥεραμμένον, Swete, in l., q.v.).

[NT: 1x] βάρ (Aram.: בַּר, son), indecl.:

β. Ἰωνᾶ, son of Jonah, Mt 16:17, Rec. (L, T, WH, Βαριωνᾶ, q.v.).†

[NT: 11x] Βαραββᾶς, -ᾶ, ὁ (Aram. בַּר־אַבָּא, lit., son of a father, i.e. acc. to Jerome, filius magistri),

Barabbas: Mt 27:16, 17 20, 21, 26, Mk 15:7, 11 15, Lk 23:18, Jo 18:40. (In Mt 27:16, some MSS. read Ἰησοῦν Β.; v. WH, App., 19f.).†

[NT: 1x] Βαράκ, , indecl. (Heb. בָּרָק),

Barak (Jg 4:6): He 11:32.†

[NT: 1x] Βαραχίας, -ου, ὁ (Heb. בֶּרֶכְיָה),

Barachiah: Mt 23:35, v.s. Ζαχαρίας.†

[NT: 6x] βάρβαρος, -ον (prob. onomatop., descriptive of unintelligible sounds), [in LXX: Ps 113 (114):1 (לעז), Ez 21:31 (36) (בּער), II Mac 2:21 4:25 10:4, III Mac 3:24 * ;]

barbarous, barbarian, strange to Greek language and culture (and also, after the Persian war, with the added sense of brutal, rude): Ac 28:2, 4 Ro 1:14, I Co 14:11, Col 3:11 (v. Lft., in l., and Notes, 249).†

[NT: 6x] βαρέω, -ῶ (later form of βαρύνω, q.v.), [in LXX: Ex 7:14 (כָּבֵד), [p. 76] II Mac 13:9 * ;]

to depress, weigh down. In NT, in pass. only: Mt 26:43, Lk 9:32 21:34, II Co 1:8 5:4, I Ti 5:16.†

[NT: 2x] βαρέως, adv. (< βαρύς), [in LXX: β. φέρειν, Ge 31:35 (חרה בעיני); β. ἀκούειν, Is 6:10 (כּבד hi.)* ;]

heavily, with difficulty: Mt 13:15, Ac 28:27 (LXX).†

[NT: 4x] Βαρθολομαῖος, -ου, ὁ (Aram. בַּר־תָּלְמַי, son of Tolmai),

Bartholomew, the Apostle (v.s. Ναθαναήλ): Mt 10:3, Mk 3:18, Lk 6:14, Ac 1:13.†

[NT: 1x] Βαρι-ησοῦς, -οῦ, ὁ (Aram. בַּר־יֵשׁוּעַ, son of Joshua),

Bar-Jesus: Ac 13:6 (v.s. Ἐλύμας).†

[NT: 1x] Βαριωνᾶς, -ᾶ, ὁ (Aram. בַּר־יוֹנָה, son of Jonah),

Bar-Jonah, a surname of Peter: Mt 16:17.†

[NT: 28x] Βαρναβᾶς, -α, ὁ (Aram. בַּר, son, as prefix to another word interpreted in Ac 4:36, τῆς παρακλήσεως, perh. נְבוּאָה, wh., however, should be rendered by προφητεία as in II Es 6:14, LXX. Deiss., BS, 309f., thinks Β. may be a variant of the name Βαρνεβοῦς, son of Nebo, found in a Syrian Inscr., altered with a view to disguising its origin; v. also Milligan, NTD, iii; Dalman, Gr., 142),

Barnabas: Ac 4:36 9:27 11:22, 30 12:25 13-15, I Co 9:6, Ga 2:1, 9 13, Col 4:10.†

[NT: 6x] βάρος, -εος, τό, [in LXX: Jg 18:21 (כּבד), Jth 7:4, Si 13:2, II Mac 9:10, III Mac 5:47 * ;]

(a) a weight, burden, lit. and metaph.: Mt 20:12, Ac 15:28, II Co 4:17, Re 2:24; ἀλλήλων τὰ β., one another's faults, Ga 6:2; ἐν β., burdensome: I Th 2:6, R, txt., but v. infr.;
(b) in late Gk. (Soph., Lex., s.v.), dignity, authority: ἐν βάρει, I Th 2:6 (R, mg.; v. Milligan, ICG, in l.).†
SYN.: ὄγκος, an encumbrance; φορτίον, a burden, that which is borne.

[NT: 2x] Βαρσαββᾶς (Rec. -αβᾶς), -ᾶ (Aram., son of Sabba),

1. the surname of one Joseph: Ac 1:23.
2. The surname of one Judas: Ac 15:22.

[NT: 1x] Βαρτίμαιος, -ου, ὁ (-μαῖος, T; perh. Aram. בַּר־טִמְאַי, v. DB, iv, p. 762),

Bartimæus: Mk 10:46.†

[NT: 1x] βαρύνω,

to weigh down = βαρέω (q.v.): Lk 21:34, Rec.†

[NT: 6x] βαρύς, -εῖα, ύ, [in LXX chiefly for כָּבֵד ;]

heavy: Mt 23:4. Metaph., burdensome: ἐντολή, I Jo 5:3; severe (perh. impressive): ἐπιστολή, II Co 10:10; weighty: τὰ βαρύτερα τ. νόμου, Mt 23:23; αἰτιώματα, Ac 25:7; violent, cruel (EV, grievous): λύκος, Ac 20:29.†

[NT: 1x] * βαρύτιμος, -ον (< βαρύς, τιμή),

of great value, very costly: Mt 26:7 (T, πολυτίμου) .†

[NT: 12x] βασανίζω (< βάσανος), [in LXX: I Ki 5:3, Si 4:17, and freq. in Wi, II, IV Mac ;]

1. prop., to rub on the touchstone, put to the test.
2. >to examine by torture, hence, generally, to torture, torment, distress: Mt 8:6, 29 14:24, Mk 5:7 6:48, Lk 8:28, II Pe 2:8, Re 9:5 11:10 12:2 14:10 20:10.

[NT: 6x] ** βασανισμός, -οῦ, ὁ (< βασανίζω), [in LXX: IV Mac 9:6 11:2 * ;]

torture, torment: Re 9:5 14:11 18:7, 10, 15.†

[p. 77]

[NT: 1x] * βασανιστής, -οῦ, ὁ (< βασανίζω) ,

prop., a torturer; used of a gaoler, Mt 18:34.†

[NT: 3x] βάσανος, -ου, ὁ (of Oriental origin), [in LXX chiefly for כְּלִמָּה ,אָשָׁם, and freq. in IV Mac ;]

1. prop., touchstone, a dark stone used in testing metals.
2. examination by torture.
3. torment, torture: Mt 4:24, Lk 15:23, 28.

[NT: 162x] βασιλεία, -ας, ἡ (< βασιλεύω), [in LXX chiefly for מַמְלָכָה ,מַלְכוּת ;]

1. prop. abstract, sovereignty, royal power, dominion: Lk 1:33 22:29, Jo 18:36, Ac 1:6, He 1:8, I Co 15:24; λαβεῖν β., Lk 19:12, 15 Re 17:12; δοῦναι τὴν, ib. 17; ἔχειν β., ib. 18; ἔρχεσθαι ἐν τ. (εἰς τὴν) β., Mt 16:28, Lk 23:42; β. τ. θεοῦ, Re 12:10.
2. By meton., concrete (MM, Exp., x),
(a) a kingdom, the territory or people over whom the king rules (Es 5:3, al.): Mt 4:8 12:25, 26 24:7, Mk 3:24 6:23, Lk 4:5, He 11:33, al.;
(b) the royal majesty (cf. our phrase His Majesty), the king himself (τ. σπέρμα τῆς β., IV Ki 11:1).
3. In LXX (Wi 6:5, To 13:1, al.), Targ. and NT, of the Messianic rule and kingdom, ἡ β. τ. θεοῦ, τ. οὐρανῶν (Heb. מַלְכוּת שָׁמַיִם, Aram. מַלְכוּתָא דִשׁמַיָּא; v. Dalman, Words, 91-147; Cremer, 132, 658), the kingdom of God (on the equivalence of the two phrases, v. Dalman, op. cit., 93, 218f.); τ. θεοῦ, Mt 6:33 12:28, al.; τ. οὐρανῶν, Mt 3:2 4:17, al.; τ. Χριστοῦ (מַלִכוּת דִמְשִׁיחא, Targ. Jon. on Is 53:10), Eph 5:5; τ. κυρίου, II Pe 1:11, Re 11:15; τ. Δαυείδ, Mk 11:10; absol., ἡ β., Mt 4:23, Ja 2:5, al. The kingdom is regarded as present: Mt 11:12, Lk 17:21, Ro 14:17, al.; as that which is to be consummated in the future, Mt 6:10, Mk 9:1, Jo 3:5, II Pe 1:11, al. Noteworthy phrases are: ζητεῖν τὴν β., Mt 6:33; δέχεσθαι, Mk 10:15; κλρονομεῖν, Mt 25:34; διδόναι, Lk 12:32; παραλαμβάνειν, He 12:28; αὐτῶν (τοιούτων) εστὶν ἡ β., Mt 5:3, 10 19:14, Mk 10:14, Lk 18:16; διὰ τὴν β., Mt 19:12; ἕνεκεν τῆς β., Lk 18:29; εὐαγγελίζεσθαι, κηρύσσειν, διαγγέλλειν τὴν β., Lk 4:43 9:2, 60; ἤγγικεν ἡ β., Mt 3:2, Mk 1:15; κλεῖς τῆς β., Mt 16:10; κλείειν τὴν β., Mt 23:14; υἱοὶ τῆς β., Mt 8:12 13:38 (cf. Cremer, 132, 658).

[NT: 1x] βασίλειον, -ου, τό (< βασίλειος, q.v.), [in LXX for הֵיכָל ( Na 2:6, Da 6:18*), מַמְלָכָה ( III Ki 3:1 14:8, IV Ki 15:19*), etc. ;]

1. a capital city.
2. Freq. in pl., τὰ β., a palace: Lk 7:25.

[NT: 1x] βασίλειος, -ον (also -α, -ον; < βασιλεύς), [in LXX; Ex 19:6, De 3:10 (מַמְלָכָה), Ex 23:22, Wi 18:15, III Mac 3:28, IV Mac 3:8 * ;]

royal: I Pe 2:9 (LXX) (v. Hort, in l.).†

[NT: 115x] βασιλεύς, -έως, ὁ, [in LXX chiefly for מֶלֶךְ ;]

a king: Mt 1:6 2:1; used by courtesy of Herod the Tetrarch, Mt 14:9; of the Roman Emperor, as freq. in κοινή (Deiss., LAE, p. 367), I Pe 2:13, 17; of the Christ, in the phrase ὁ β. τ. Ἰουδαίων, Mt 2:2, al.; τοῦ Ἰσραήλ, Mk 15:32, Jo 1:50 12:13; of God, Mt 5:35, I Ti 1:17, Re 15:3; β. βασιλέων, Re 17:14 19:16; β. τ. βασιλευόντων, I Ti 6:15 (on the associations of the word to Jewish Hellenists, v. Cl. Rev., i, 7).†

[p. 78]

[NT: 21x] βασιλεύω, (< βασιλεύς) , [in LXX for מלךְ, its parts and derivatives, exc. IV Ki 15:5 (ישׁב) ;]

to be king, to reign, rule: I Ti 6:15; c. gen. (cl.), Mt 2:22; seq. ἐπί, c. acc. (= Heb. מלךְ על; Bl., §36, 8), Lk 1:33 19:14, 27 Ro 5:14; ἐπὶ τ. γῆς, on earth, Re 5:10; of God, Re 11:15, 17 19:6; of Christ, Lk 1:33, I Co 15:25, Re 11:15; of Christians, Re 5:10 20:4 (constative aor., M, Pr., 130), ib. 6 22:5. Metaph., Christians, Ro 5:17, I Co 4:8; θάνατος, Ro 5:14, 17; ἁμαρτία, Ro 5:21 6:12. Ingressive aor. (M, Pr., 109), to begin to reign: I Co 4:8, Re 11:17 19:6 (Cremer, 137).†

[NT: 5x] βασιλικός, -ή, -όν (< βασιλεύς) , [in LXX for מֶלֶךְ and its cognates ;]

royal, belonging to a king: χώρα, Act 12:20; ἐσθής, Ac 12:21; νόμος β., a supreme law, "a law which governs other laws and so has a specially regal character" (Hort), or because made by a king (LAE, p. 3673), Ja 2:8; τις, one in the service of a king, a courtier, Jo 4:46, 49 (WH, mg., βασιλίσκος).†

βασιλίσκος, -ου, ὁ (dim. of βασιλεύς), [in LXX a basilisk: Ps 90 (91):13 (פֶּתֶן), Is 59:5 (אֶפְעֶה)* ;]

prop., a petty king: Jo 4:46, 49 WH, mg. (v.s. βασιλικός).†

βασίλισσα, -ης, ἡ (in Attic, βασιλεία, βασιλίς), [in LXX chiefly for מַלְכָּה ;]

a queen: Mt 12:42, Lk 11:31, Ac 8:27, Re 18:7.†

[NT: 1x] βάσις, ־εως, ἡ (< βαίνω), [in LXX chiefly for אֶדֶן ;]

1. a step (Æsch., al.).
2. Hence, a foot (Plat.; Wi 13:18): Ac 3:7.

[NT: 1x] βασκαίνω, [in LXX: De 28:54, 56 (רעע), Si 14:6, 8*.]

1. to slander (Dem.).
2. to blight by the evil eye, to fascinate, bewitch: Ga 3:1.

[NT: 27x] βαστάζω, [in LXX: Jg 16:30 (נטה), Ru 2:16, II Ki 23:5, IV Ki 18:14 and Jb 21:3 (נשׂא), Si 6:25, Da TH Bel 36 * ;]

1. to take up with the hands, to lift: λίθους, Jo 10:31.
2. to bear, to carry, as a burden, and metaph., to endure; Mt 3:11 20:12, Mk 14:13, Lk 7:14 10:7 11:27 14:27 22:10, Jo 16:12 19:17, Ac 3:2 9:15 15:1 21:35, Ro 11:18 15:1, Ga 5:10 6:2, 5 17, Re 2:2, 3 17:7.
3. In late writers (MM, Exp., ii, iii, x),
(a) to take away; Mt 8:17 (Is 53:4, Heb.);
(b) to carry off, steal: Jo 12:6 20:15.

[NT: 5x] βάτος, -ου, ὁ, ἡ, [in LXX (always masc, as in Attic): Ex 3:2-4, De 33:16 (סְנֶה), Jb 31:40 (בָּאְשָׁה)* ;]

a bramble-bush: Lk 6:44, Ac 7:30, 35; ἐπὶ τοῦ (τῆς) β., in the place concerning the bush: Mk 12:26, Lk 20:37.†

[NT: 1x] βάτος, -ου, ὁ (Heb. בַּת), [in LXX (also βαίθ, βάδος): II Es 7:22 * ;]

bath, a Jewish liquid measure, = μετρητής (q.v.), or about 8 3/4 gals.: Lk 16:6.†

[NT: 1x] βάτραχος, -ου, ὁ, [in LXX: Ex 8, Ps 77 (78):45 104 (105):30 (צְכַרִדֵּעַ), Wi 19:10 * ;]

a frog: Re 16:13.†

[NT: 1x] *† βατταλογέω, -ῶ (Rec. βαττολ-, D, βλαττ- = βατταρίζω, prob. onomatop.; v. MM, s.v.; DCG, ii, 499b, 790a);

to stammer, repeat idly: Mt 6:7 (Cremer, 765).†

[NT: 6x] βδέλυγμα, -τος, τό (< βδελύσσω), [in LXX chiefly for שֶׁקֶץ ,תּוֹעֵבָה ;]

an abomination, a detestable thing: Lk 16:15, Re 17:4, 5 21:27; τὸ [p. 79] β. τ. ἐρημώσεως (Da LXX 12:11, cf . I Mac 1:54; DB, i, 12f.; DCG, i, 6f.), Mk 13:14, Mt 24:15 (Cremer, 138).†

[NT: 1x] βδελυκτός, ή, -όν (< βδελύσσω), [in LXX: Pr 17:15 (תֹּועֵבָה), Si 41:5, II Mac 1:27 * ;]

abominable, detestable: Tit 1:16 (Cremer, 137).†

[NT: 2x] βδελύσσω (< βδέω, to stink), [in LXX chiefly for שׁקץ ,תּעב ;]

in cl., mid. only (Attic, -ττομαι); to make foul; pass., Re 21:8; mid., to turn away in disgust from, to detest: Ro 2:22 (Cremer, 137).†

[NT: 8x] ** βέβαιος, -ον (also -α, -ον; < βαίνω), [in LXX: Es 3:13, Wi 7:23, III Mac 5:31 7:7, IV Mac 17:4 * ;]

firm, secure: ἄγκυρα, He 6:19; metaph., sure (esp. "in the sense of legally guaranteed security," Deiss., BS, 109; cf . two foll. words): ἐπαγγελία, Ro 4:16; ἐλπίς, II Co 1:6; λόγος, He 2:2; παρρησία, He 3:6; ἀρχή (τ. ὑποστάσεως), He 3:14; διαθήκη, He 9:17; κλῆσις κ. ἐκλογή, II Pe 1:10; comp. (-ότερος), προφητικὸς λόγος, II Pe 1:19.†

[NT: 8x] βεβαιόω, -ῶ (< βέβαιος), [in LXX: Ps 40 (41)12 (נצב hi.), 118 (119)28 (קוּם pi.), III Mac 5:42 * ;]

to confirm, establish, secure, of things (cl.): λόγον, Mk 16:[20]; ἐπαγγελίας, Ro 15:8; of persons (DCG, ii, 605): I Co 1:8, II Co 1:21. Pass., I Co 1:6, Col 2:7, He 2:3 13:9 (as an Attic legal term, to guarantee the validity of a purchase, establish or confirm a title; v. next word, Cremer, 139; cf. δια-β.).†

[NT: 2x] βεβαίωσις, -εως, ἡ (< βεβαιόω, q.v.), [in LXX: Le 25:23 (צְמִיתֻת), Wi 6:19 * ;]

confirmation: τ. εὐαγγελίου, Phl 1:7; εἰς β., He 6:16, a phrase freq. in π. of guarantee in a business transaction (Deiss., BS, 104ff.; Cremer, 140).†

[NT: 5x] βέβηλος, -ον (< βαίνω, whence βηλός, a threshold), [in LXX chiefly for חֹל ;]

1. permitted to be trodden, accessible (v. DCG, ii, 422b); hence,
2. (opp. to ἱερός) unhallowed, profane: of things, I Ti 4:7 6:20, II Ti 2:16; of men, I Ti 1:9, He 12:16 (cf. κοινός; Cremer, 140).

[NT: 2x] βεβηλόω, -ῶ (< βέβηλος), [in LXX chiefly for חלל ;]

to profane: τ. σάββατον, Mt 12:5; τ. ἱερόν, Ac 24:6 (Cremer, 141).†
SYN.: κοινόω, q.v.

[NT: 7x] Βεελζεβούλ (WH, App., 159, Rec., βεελζεβούλ), , indecl. (Heb. בַּעַל, lord, and the Talmudic זִבּוּל, from זֶבֶל, dung (Dalman, Gr., 137n), or perh. זִבֻל, habitation, but, v. DB, iv, 409f.; DCG, i, 181). The AV, RV, Beelzebub, comes through Vg. from IV Ki 1:2, בַּעַל זִבוּב, lord of flies (LXX, βάαλ μυῖα, Sm., βεελζεβούβ),

Beelzebul, Beelzebub, a name of Satan: Mt 10:25 12:24, 27 Mk 3:22, Lk 11:15, 18 19.†

Βελίαλ, , indecl. (Heb. בְּלִיַּעַל, worthlessness, but v. DB, i, 268),

Belial, a name of Satan: II Co 6:15, Rec. See next word.†

[NT: 1x] Βελιάρ, , indecl. (another form of previous word, "due to harsh Syriac pronunciation," or else < Heb. בֵּל יַעַר, lord of the forest),

Beliar, a name of Satan: II Co 6:15 (v. DB, i, 269).†

* βελόνη, -ῆς, ἡ (< βέλος),

1. a sharp point, as of a spear.
2. a needle: Lk 18:25 (Rec. ῥαφίς, q.v.).

[p. 80]

[NT: 1x] βέλος, -εος, τό (< βάλλω), [in LXX chiefly for חֵץ ;]

a missile, a dart: Eph 6:16.†

βελτίων, -ον (gen. -ονος), comp. of ἀγαθός, [in LXX chiefly for טוֹב ;]

neut. as adv., better, very well: II Ti 1:18 (also Ac 10:28 D). On elative use in these passages, v. M, Pr., 78, 236.†

[NT: 4x] Βενιαμίν, (Rec. -μίν), , indecl. (Heb. בֶּנְיָמִין),

Benjamin: Ac 13:21, Ro 11:1, Phl 3:5, Re 7:8.†

[NT: 3x] Βερνίκη (elsewhere Βερενίκη), Macedonian form of Φερενίκη, cf. Veronica, Victoria), -ης, ἡ,

Bernice, Berenice, dau. of Herod Agrippa I: Ac 25:13, 23 26:3o.†

Βέροια, -ας, ἡ,

Berœa, a city of Macedonia: Ac 17:10, 13.†

[NT: 1x] Βεροιαῖος, -α, -ον,

Berœan: Ac 20:4.†

Βεώρ, , indecl. (Heb. בְּעוֹר),

Beor, father of Balaam: II Pe 2:15 (Rec. Βοσόρ).†

[NT: 1x] Βηθαβαρά, -ας (Rec. -ρᾶ, indecl.; Heb. בֵּית עֲבָרָה, place of crossing; -αραβᾷ, R, mg.),

Bethabara: Jo 1:28, Rec. (WH, R, βηθανία).†

[NT: 12x] Βηθανία, -ας (also -ιά, indecl., Lk 19:29 and in B*, Mk 11:1), , (Heb. בֵּית עֲנִיָּה, house of affliction, acc. to Jerome, or perh., house of dates, cf. Bethphage),

1. a village fifteen furlongs from Jerusalem, the modern El Azerîyeh: Mt 21:17 26:6, Mk 8:22 (WH, mg.) 11:1, 11, 12 14:3 Lk 19:29 24:50, Jo 11:1, 18 12:1.
2. A place on E. bank of Jordan: Jo 1:28 (R, mg., Βηθαβαρά, q.v.).

[NT: 1x] Βηθεσδά, , indecl. (deriv. uncertain, v. Westc. on Jo 5:2, and DB, i, 279),

Bethesda, a pool in Jerusalem: Jo 5:2, Rec. (Βηθζαθά, WH, Βηθσαϊδά, WH, mg.).†

Βηθζαθά, , indecl. (perh. Aram. בֵּית זַיְתָה, house of olives)

Bethzatha: Jo 5:2, WH (Rec. Βηθεσδά, q.v.).†

[NT: 8x] Βηθλέεμ, , indecl. (Heb. בֵּית לֶחֶם, house of bread),

Bethlehem, a town 6 m. S. of Jerusalem: Mt 2:1, 5 6, 8, 16, Lk 2:4, 15 Jo 7:42.†

[NT: 5x] Βηθσαιδά (Rec. -σαϊδά), and -δάν (Mt, Mk, ll. c.), , indecl. (Syr., house of fish),

Bethsaida, a town on NE. shore of the Sea of Galilee: Lk 9:10. It is generally supposed that a second B. on the W. shore is referred to in Mt 11:21, Mk 6:45 8:22, Lk 10:13, Jo 1:45 12:21 (DB, i, 282f.; but v. Swete on Mk 6:45).
2. 2. v.l. for Βηθζαθά, Βηθεσδά, Jo 5:2.

[NT: 3x] Βηθφαγή (L, -γῆ), , indecl. (Aram. בֵּית־פַּגֵּי, house of unripe figs; Dalman, Gr., 191),

Bethphage: Mt 21:1, Mk 11:1, Lk 19:29.†

[NT: 12x] βῆμα, -τος, τό (< βαίνω), [in LXX: De 2:5 (מִדְרָךְ), Ne 8:4 (מִגְדָּל), I Es 9:42, Si 19:30 45:9, II Mac 13:26 * ;]

1. a step, stride, pace: Ac 7:5.
2. a raised place, a platform reached by steps, originally that in the Pnyx at Athens from which orations were made; freq. of the tribune or tribunal of a Roman magistrate or ruler: Mt 27:19, Jo 19:13, Ac 12:21, 18:12, 16, 17 25:6, 10, 17; β. τοῦ θεοῦ, Ro 14:10; τ. Χριστοῦ, II Co 5:10.

[p. 81]

[NT: 1x] βήρυλλος, -ου, ὁ, ἡ, [in LXX: To 13:17 (-ύλλιον in Ex 28:20, שֹׁהַם * ;]

beryl, a jewel of sea-green colour: Re 21:20.†

[NT: 3x] βία, -ας, ἡ, [in LXX for פֶּרֶךְ, etc. ;]

strength, force, violence: Ac 5:26 21:35 24:7 27:41.†

[NT: 2x] βιάζω (< βία), and depon. -ομαι, [in LXX for פּרץ, פּצר, etc. ;]

to force, constrain, rare in act. (poet, and late prose), but found in cl. in pass., and so perh. βιάζεται, suffereth violence, Mt 11:12, EV (but v. infr.), whether
(a) in good sense, of disciples (Thayer, al.), or
(b) in bad sense, of the enemies of the kingdom (Meyer, in l.; Dalman, Words, 139ff.; Cremer, 141ff.). Mid., advanceth violently, Mt, l.c. (Deiss., BS., 258; Banks, v. ref. in DCG, ii, 803f.); seq. εἰς, to press violently, or force one's way into, Lk 16:16 (v. ICC, in l., and in Mt, l.c.; cf. παραβιάζομαι and v. MM, s.v.).

[NT: 1x] βίαιος, -α, -ον (< βία), [in LXX for אָנַשׁ, עַז, צַר, etc. ;]

violent: Ac 2:2.†

[NT: 1x] *† βιαστής, -οῦ, ὁ (< βιάζω), late form of βιατάς;

1. strong, forceful.
2. violent (Philo): Mt 11:12 (v.s. βιάζω).

[NT: 3x] *† βιβλαρίδιον, -ου, τό (dim. of βιβλάριον, dim. of βίβλος),

a little book: Re 10:2, 8 (WH, βιβλιόν, T2, 7 βιβλιδάριον) 9, 10. Not hitherto found elsewhere.†

βιβλιδάριον, -ου, τό, v.s. βιβλαρίδιον.

[NT: 34x] βιβλίον, -ου, τό (dim. of βίβλος, q.v.), [in LXX also in the alternat. form βυβ-, chiefly for סֶפֶר and the most freq. of the cognate forms ;]

1. a paper, letter, written document: β. ἀποστασίου, bill of divorce, Mt 19:7, Mk 10:4.
2. a book, a roll: Lk 4:17, 20 Jo 20:30 21:25, Ga 3:10, II Ti 4:13, He 9:19 10:7, Re 1:11 5:1-9 6:14 10:8 20:12 22:7-19; β. τ. ζωῆς, Re 13:8 17:8 20:12 21:27.

[NT: 10x] βίβλος, -ου, ἡ (variant form of βύβλος, the Egyptian papyrus, paper made from its fibrous coat), [in LXX for סֶפֶר, the form βύβ- being sometimes used ;]

a book, a roll, used much less freq. than βιβλίον, and with a "connotation of sacredness and veneration" (MM, Exp., x), Mt 1:1 Mk 12:26, Lk 3:4 20:42 Ac 1:20 7:42 19:19; β. τ. ζωῆς, Phl 4:3, Re 3:5 20:15.†

[NT: 1x] βιβρώσκω, poët, and late prose, [in LXX for אכל ;]

to eat: Jo 6:13.†

[NT: 2x] Βιθυνία, -ַας,

Bithynia, a province in Asia Minor: Ac 16:7, I Pe 1:1.†

[NT: 10x] βίος, -ου, ὁ, [in LXX chiefly for יָמִים ;]

1. period or course of life, life: Lk 8:14, I Ti 2:2, II Ti 2:4, I Jo 2:16.
2. living, livelihood, means (in Pr 31:14 for לֶחֶם; v. DCG, ii, 39a): Mk 12:44, Lk 8:43 15:12, 30 21:4, I Jo 3:17.†
SYN.: ζωή, is life intensive, "vita quâ, vivimus," the vital principle; βίος, life extensive, "vita quam vivimus," (1) the period of life, (2) the means by which it is sustained. Hence, in cl., ζ., being confined to the physical life common to men and animals, is the [p. 82] inferior word (cf. zoology, biography). In NT, ζωή is elevated into the ethical and spiritual sphere (cf. Tr., Syn., §xxvii).

[NT: 1x] βιόω, -ῶ (< βίος), [in LXX: Pr 7:2 9:6 (חיה), Jb 29:18, Wi 4:4 א 1, 12:23, Si 40:28, IV Mac 5:22 17:18 * ;]

to spend life, to live: τ. χρόνον βιῶσαι (cl., more freq. 2 aor., -ναι), I Pe 4:2 (cf. Jb, l.c.).†
SYN.: ζάω (q.v.).

[NT: 1x] **† βίωσις, -εως, ἡ (< βιόω), [in LXX: Si prol. 12 * ;]

manner of life: Ac 26:4.†

[NT: 3x] * βιωτικός, -ή, -όν (< βιός),

pertaining to life, hence, worldly (Field, Notes, 171): Lk 21:34, I Co 6:3, 4.†

[NT: 1x] βλαβερός, -ά, -όν (< βλάπτω), [in LXX: Pr 10:26 * ;]

hurtful: I Ti 6:9.†

[NT: 2x] βλάπτω, [in LXX: Pr 25:20, To 12:2, Wi 10:8 18:2, II Mac 12:22, IV Mac 9:7 * ;]

to hurt, injure: c. acc., Mk 16:[18], Lk 4:35.†

[NT: 4x] βλαστάνω, [in LXX for צמח, etc. ;]

1. to sprout: Mt 13:26, Mk 4:27, He 9:4.
2. In late Gk., causal, to make to grow, produce: c. acc., Ja 5:18.

[NT: 1x] Βλάστος, -ου, ὁ,

Blastus, chamberlain of Agrippa: Ac 12:20.†

[NT: 34x] βλασφημέω, -ῶ (< βλάσφημος), [in LXX: IV Ki 19:4 (יכח hi.) ib. 6, 22 (גּדף pi.), Is 52:5 (נאץ hith.), Da LXX 3:29 (96) (אמר שׁלח), To 1:18, Da TH Bel 9, II Mac 2 * ;]

1. to speak lightly or profanely of sacred things (in cl., opp. of εὐφημέω), esp. to speak impiously of God, to blaspheme, speak blasphemously: absol., Mt 9:3 26:65, Mk 2:7, Jo 10:36, Ac 26:11, I Ti 1:20, II Pe 2:12; τ. θεόν, Ac 19:37, Re 16:11, 21; τὸ ὄνομα τ. θεοῦ, Re 13:6 16:9; δόξας, Ju 3, II Pe 2:10; εἰς τὸ πνεῦμα τὸ πνεῦμα τὸ ἅγιον, Mk 3:29, Lk 12:10.
2. to revile, rail at, slander: absol., Lk 22:65, Ac 13:45 18:6, I Pe 4:4; c. acc., Mt 27:39, Mk 3:28 15:29, Lk 23:39, Tit 3:2, Ja 2:7, Ju 10. Pass.: Ro 2:24 3:8 14:16, I Co 10:30, I Ti 6:1, Tit 2:5, II Pe 2:2 (Cremer, 570).

[NT: 18x] βλασφημία, -ας, ἡ (< βλάσφημος), [in LXX: Ez 35:12 (נֶאָצָה), Da TH 3:29 (96) (שׁלה) , To 1:18, I Mac 2:6, II Mac 8:4 10:35 15:24 * ;]

(a) railing slander: Mt 12:31 15:19, Mk 3:28 7:22, Eph 4:31, Col 3:8, I Ti 6:4, Ju 9, Re 2:9
(b) spec., impious speech against God, blasphemy: Mt 26:65, Mk 14:64, Lk 5:21, Jo 10:33, Re 13:5; ὄνομα βλασφημίας, Re 13:1 17:3; c. gen. obj. Mt 12:31; πρὸς τ. θεόν, Re 13:6 (Cremer, 570; DB, i, 305; DCG ii, 423).†

[NT: 4x] βλάσφημος, -ον (< βλασ-, of uncertain deriv., v. Thayer, Boisacq; + φήμη, speech), [in LXX: Is 66:3 (מְבָרֵךְ אָוֶן), Wi 1:6, Si 3:16, II Mac 9:28 10:4, 36 * ;]

(a) evil-speaking, slanderous, blasphemous: Ac 6:11, II Ti 3:2, II Pe 2:11 (cf. Ju 9);
(b) as subst. a blasphemer: I Ti 1:13 (Cremer, 570).

[NT: 1x] * βλέμμα, -τος, τό (< βλέπω),

a look, a glance: βλέμματι καὶ ἀκοῇ, II Pe 2:8, sight and hearing, a sense not found for β. in Gk. lit., but perh. recognized in the vernacular (ICC, in l.)†

[NT: 132x] βλέπω, [in LXX chiefly for ראה, also for פּנה, etc. ;]

1. of bodily sight;
(a) to see, have sight (opp. to τυφλὸς): Mt 12:22, Jo 9:7, Ac 9:9, Ro 11:8, Re 3:18, al.;
(b) to perceive, look (at), see: absol., [p. 83] Ac 1:9; c. acc., Mt 7:3, Mk 5:31, Lk 6:41, Jo 1:29, al.; ὅραμα, Ac 12:9; γυναῖκα, Mt 5:28; βιβλίον, Re 5:3, 4; τ. βλεπόμενα, II Co 4:18.
2. Metaph., of mental vision;
(a) to see, perceive, discern: absol., Mt 13:13, Lk 8:10; δι ̓ ἐσόπτρου, I Co 13:12; c. acc., He 2:9 10:25; seq. ὅτι, He 3:19, Ja 2:22;
(b) to consider, look to, take heed: absol., Mk 13:23, 33; c. acc., I Co 1:26, al.; seq. πῶς, c. indic., Lk 8:18, I Co 3:10, Eph 5:15; seq. τί, c. indic., Mk 4:24; seq. εἰς πρόσωπον, of partiality, Mt 22:16, Mk 12:14. Colloq. (for ex. from π., V. Deiss., LAE, 122; M, Pr., 107; MM, Exp., x; Milligan, NTD, 50), β. ἑαυτόν: Mk 13:9; seq. ἵνα μή, II Jo 8; β. ἀπό, Mk 8:15 12:38; seq. μή (cl. ὁρᾶν), c. fut. indic., Col 2:8, He 3:12; id. c. aor. subj., Mt 24:4, Mk 13:5.
3. Of situation and direction (Lat. specto), to look, face (towards), places, etc. (seq. πρός, Xen, Hell., vii, 1, 17; Ez 40:23, 24): seq. κατά, c. acc., Ac 27:12 (cf. ἀνα-, ἀπο-, δια-, ἐμ-, ἐπι-, περ-, προ-βλέπω), v. DCG, i, 446; ii, 596.

[NT: 1x] *† βλητέος, -α, -ον (gerundive of βάλλω),

(that which) one must put: Lk 5:38.†

Βοάζ, v.s. Βοός.

[NT: 1x] Βοανηργές, indecl. (on the derivation, v. Dalman, Gr., 144; Words, 42; Swete, Mk., l.c.; DCG, i, 216),

Boanerges: Mk 3:17.†

[NT: 12x] βοάω, -ῶ (< βοή), [in LXX chiefly for זעק, צעק, קרא ;]

1. absol., to cry, call out: Mt 3:3, 27:46, Mk 1:3 15:34, Lk 3:4 9:38 18:38, Jo 1:23, Ac 8:7 17:6 25:24, Ga 4:27.
2. C. dat., to call on for help (Heb. זעק על, Ho 7:14, al.), Lk 18:7.†
SYN.: καλέω, to call, invite, summon; κράζω, to cry, harshly or inarticulately, as animals; κραυγάζω, intensive of κράζω. βοάω expresses emotion, whether joy, fear, etc.

Βοές, , v.s. Βοός.

[NT: 1x] βοή, -ῆς, ἡ, [in LXX for זְעָקָה, etc. ;]

a cry: Ja 5:4.†

[NT: 2x] βοήθεια, -ας, ἡ (v.s. βοηθέω), [in LXX for עֵזֶר, etc. ;]

help: He 4:16; pl., helps, "frapping," a technical nautical term (MM, Exp., x; DB, ext., 367): Ac 27:17.†

[NT: 8x] βοηθέω, -ῶ (< βοή + θέω, to run), [in LXX chiefly for עזר ;]

to come to aid, to help, succour: absol., Ac 21:28; c dat., Mt 15:25, Mk 9:22, 24 Ac 16:9, II Co 6:2 (LXX), He 2:18, Re 12:16.†

[NT: 1x] βοηθός, -ον (v.s. βοηθέω), [in LXX chiefly for עזר ;]

1. (poët. -όος), hasting to the war-cry (Hom.).
2. helping, auxiliary; as subst. (Hdt.), a helper: He 13:6 (LXX).

[NT: 3x] βόθυνος, -ου, ὁ (= βόθρος, more freq. in cl.), [in LXX chiefly for פַּחַת ;]

a pit: Mt 12:11 15:14, Lk 6:39 (cf. DB, iii, 885; DCG, ii, 367).†

[NT: 1x] βολή, -ῆς, ἡ (< βάλλω), [in LXX: Ge 21:16 (טחה), II Mac 5:3, III Mac 5:26 * ;]

a throw; λίθου β. (Thuc., v, 65, 2), a stone's throw: Lk 22:41.†

[NT: 2x] * βολίζω (< βολίς, in sense of sounding-lead),

to heave the lead, take soundings: Ac 27:28.†

[NT: 1x] βολίς, -ίδος, ἡ (< βάλλω), [in LXX for חֵץ, יָרָה, etc. ;]

a dart, javelin: He 12:20, Rec. (LXX).†

[p. 84]

[NT: 1x] Βοός and Βοές (RV, Βοάζ, Rec. Βοόζ), , indecl. (Heb. בֹּעַז),

Boaz (Ru 2:1): Mt 1:5, Lk 3:32.†

[NT: 1x] βόρβορος, -ου, ὁ, [in LXX: Je 45(38):6 (טִיט)* ;]

mud, filth: II Pe 2:22.†

[NT: 2x] βορρᾶς, -ᾶ (Attic contr. of Βορέας, the North wind personified), [in LXX for צָפֹון ;]

1. Boreas, the North wind.
2. the north: Lk 13:29, Re 21:13.

[NT: 9x] βόσκω, [in LXX for רעה ;]

prop., of a herdsman, to feed: Mt 8:33, Mk 5:14, Lk 8:34 15:15; metaph., of Christian pastoral care, Jo 21:15, 17. Pass., of cattle, to feed, graze: Mt 8:30, Mk 5:11, Lk 8:32.†
SYN.: ποιμαίνειν, to tend, shepherd, a wider term, including oversight as well as feeding (v. Tr., Syn., §xxv).

[NT: 1x] Βοσόρ v. Βεώρ.

[NT: x] βοτάνη, -ῆς, ἡ (< βόσκω), [in LXX for עֵשֶׂב, דֶשֶׁא, חָצִיר ;]

1. grass, fodder.
2. green herb: He 6:7.†
SYN.: λάχανον, a garden herb, a vegetable.

[NT: 1x] βότρυς, -οῦ, ὁ, [in LXX for אֶשְׁכֹּל ;]

a cluster of grapes: Re 14:18 (cf. στραφυλή) .†

[NT: 2x] βουλευτής, -οῦ, ὁ (< βουλεύω), [in LXX: Jb 3:14 12:17 (יעץ)* ;]

a councillor, a senator; of a member of the Sanhedrin: Mk 15:34, Lk 23:50.†

[NT: 6x] βουλεύω (< βουλή), [in LXX chiefly for יעץ ;]

to take counsel, deliberate, resolve. In mid.,
1. to take counsel with oneself, consider: seq. εἰ, Lk 14:31.
2. to determine with oneself, resolve: c. inf., Ac 5:33 27:39; c. acc., II Co 1:17; seq. ἵνα, Jo 11:53 12:10 (cf. παρα-, συμ-).

[NT: 12x] βουλή, -ῆς, ἡ (< βούλομαι), [in LXX freq. for עֵצָה ;]

counsel, purpose (in cl., esp. of the gods): Lk 23:51, Ac 4:28 5:38 19:1 27:12, 42; pl., I Co 4:5; of the Divine purpose, He 6:17; τ. βουλὴν τ. θελήματος αὐτοῦ, Eph 1:11; β. τ. Θεοῦ, Lk 7:30, Ac 2:23 13:36 20:27.†

[NT: 3x] βούλημα, -τος, τό (< βούλομαι), [in LXX: Pr 9:10 (דַּעַת), II Mac 15:5, IV Mac 8:18 * ;]

purpose, will: Ac 27:43, Ro 9:19, I Pe 4:3.†
SYN.: θέλημα.

[NT: 37x] βούλομαι, [in LXX for חפץ, אבה, יעץ, etc. ;]

to will, wish, desire, purpose, be minded, implying more strongly than θέλω (q.v.), the deliberate exercise of volition (v. Hort on Ja 1:18): c. inf. (M, Pr., 205; Bl., §69, 4), Mk 15:15, Ac 5:28, 33 12:4 15:37 17:20 18:15, 27 19:30 22:30 23:28 27:43 28:18, II Co 1:15, I Ti 6:9, He 6:17, II Jo 12, III Jo 10, Ju 5; c. acc., II Co 1:17; c. acc. et inf., Phl 1:12, I Ti 2:8 5:14, Tit 3:8, II Pe 3:9; of the will making choice between alternatives, Mt 1:19 11:27, Lk 10:22, Ac 25:20, I Co 12:11, Ja 3:4 4:4; εἰ βούλει (cl., a courteous phrase = θέλεις, colloq.; Bl., §21, 8; LS, s.v.), Lk 22:42; c. subjc., adding force to a question of deliberation (Bl., §64, 6), Jo 18:39; βουληθείς, of set purpose (v. Hort, in l.), Ja 1:18; impf., ἐβουλόμην (= cl. βουλοίμην ἄν; Bl., §63, 5; Lft., Phm. 13), Ac 25:22, Phm 13 (v. also Cremer, 143).†

[p. 85]

[NT: 2x] βουνός, -οῦ, ὁ (a Cyrenaїc word, Hdt., iv, 199), [in LXX chiefly for גִּבְעָה ;]

a hill: Lk 3:5 (LXX) 23:30.†

[NT: 8x] βοῦς, βοός, ὁ, ἡ, [in LXX chiefly for בָּקָר ;]

an ox, a cow: Lk 13:15 14:5, 19 Jo 2:14, 15 I Co 9:9 (LXX), I Ti 5:18.†

[NT: 2x] * βραβεῖον, -ου, τό (< βραβεύς, an umpire),

a prize in the games: I Co 9:24; metaph., of the Christian's reward, Phl 3:14.†

[NT: 1x] ** βραβεύω (< βραβεύς, an umpire), [in LXX: Wi 10:12 * ;]

(a) prop., to act as umpire; hence,
(b) generally, to arbitrate, decide (Isocr., Dem.; Lft., Col., l.c.; MM, s.v.): Col 3:15;
(c) in some late writers, to direct, rule, control (so in Col., l.c., acc. to Thayer, s.v., Meyer, in l.), (cf. κατα-βραβεύω).

[NT: 2x] βραδύνω (< βραδύς), [in LXX: Ge 43:10 (מההּ hith.), De 7:10, Is 46:13 (אחר pi.), Si 32 (35):18 * ;]

1. trans., to retard (Soph., Is, l.c.).
2. More freq. intrans., to be slow, to tarry: I Ti 3:15, II Pe 3:9.

[NT: 1x] *† βραδυπλοέω, -ῶ (< βραδύς, πλοῦς),

to sail slowly: Ac 27:7.†

[NT: 3x] * βραδύς, -εῖα, -ύ,

slow: εἰς τὸ λαλῆσαι, Ja 1:19; metaph., of the understanding: β. τ. καρδίᾳ, assoc. with ἀνόητος, Lk 24:25.†

[NT: 1x] * βραδύτης, -ῆτος, ἡ,

slowness: II Pe 3:9.†

[NT: 3x] βραχίων, -ὀνος, ὁ, [in LXX, β. Κυρίου, freq. for זְרוֹעַ יהוָֹה ;]

the arm; as in OT, β. Κυρίου, metaph., for the Divine power: Lk 1:51, Jo 12:38 (LXX), Ac 13:17.†

[NT: 5x] βραχύς, -εῖα, -ύ, [in LXX chiefly for מְעַט ;]

(a) of time; short, little: βραχύ, Ac 5:34; μετὰ β., Lk 22:58; β. τι, a short time, He 2:7, 9 RV, mg.;
(b) of distance: Ac 27:28;
(c) of quantity or value, little, few: Jo 6:7, He 2:7, 9 RV, txt.; pl., διὰ βραχέων, in few words, He 13:22.

[NT: 8x] ** βρέφος, -ους, τό, [in LXX: Si 19:11, I Mac 1:61, II Mac 6:10, III Mac 5:49, IV Mac 4:25 * ;]

1. an unborn child: Lk 1:41, 44.
2. a newborn child, a babe: Lk 2:12, 16 18:15, Ac 7:19, I Pe 2:2; ἀπὸ βρέφους, from infancy, II Ti 3:15.

[NT: 8x] βρέχω, [in LXX chiefly for מטר ;]

1. to wet: Lk 7:38, 44.
2. In late Gk. writers and vernac. = ὕειν, to send rain, to rain (Kennedy, Sources, 39, 155): Mt 5:45; trop., β. πῦρ κ. θεῖον, Lk 17:29; impers., βρέχει, it rains: Ja 5:17; with ὐετός as subj., Re 11:6.

[NT: 12x] βροντή, -ῆς, ἡ, [in LXX for רַעַם ;]

thunder: Mk 3:17, Jo 12:29, Re 4:5 6:1 8:5 10:3, 4 11:19 14:2 16:18 19:6.†

[NT: 2x] βροχή, -ῆς, ἡ (< βρέχω), [in LXX: Ps 67 (68):9, 104 (105):32 (גֶּשֶׁם)* ;]

1. = βροχετός, a wetting (in π., of irrigation in Egypt; Deiss., LAE, 77).
2. As in MGr. (Kennedy, Sources, 153), = ὑετός, rain: Mt 7:25, 27.

[NT: 1x] βρόχος, -ου, ὁ, [in LXX: Pr 6:5 (יָד) 7:21 (חֵלֶק) 22:25 (מֹוקֵשׁ), III Mac 4:8 * ;]

a noose, a slip-knot, a halter: metaph., a restraint (not, as AV, R, txt., a snare): I Co 7:35.†

[p. 86]

[NT: 7x] βρυγμός, -οῦ, ὁ (< βρύχω), [in LXX: Pr 19:12 (נַהַם), Si 51:3 * ;]

a biting, a gnashing of teeth: Mt 8:12 13:42, 50 22:13 24:51 25:30, Lk 13:28.†

[NT: 1x] βρύχω (Attic, βρύκω), [in LXX: Jb 16:10(9), Ps 34 (35):16 36 (37):12 111 (112):10, La 2:16 (חרק)* ;]

1. to bite or eat greedily.
2. to gnash, grind, with the teeth: Ac 7:54.

[NT: 1x] * βρύω, poët., late prose and vernac.,

to be full to bursting;
1. of the earth producing vegetation.
2. Of plants putting forth buds.
3. Of springs, to gush with water: Ja 3:11.

[NT: 17x] βρῶμα, -τος, τό (cf. βιβρώσκω), [in LXX chiefly for אֹכֶל ;]

food: Ro 14:15, 20 I Co 8:8, 13 10:3; pl., Mt 14:15, Mk 7:19, Lk 3:11 9:13, I Co 6:13, I Ti 4:3, He 9:10 13:9; trop., of spiritual food, Jo 4:34, I Co 3:2 (cf. βρῶσις).†

[NT: 1x] βρώσιμος, -ον (< βρῶσις), [in LXX: Le 19:23, Ne 9:25, Ez 47:12 (מַאֲכָל)* ;]

eatable: Lk 24:41.†

[NT: 11x] βρῶσις, -εως, ἡ (cf. βιβρώσκω), [in LXX chiefly for parts and derivatives of אכל ;]

1. eating: β. καὶ πόσις, Ro 14:17, Col 2:16 (v. Lft., ICC, in l.); c. gen. obj., I Co 8:4; metaph., corrosion, rust: Mt 6:19, 20.
2. As also in cl. (Hom., al.) = βρῶμα, food: Jo 6:27a, II Co 9:10, Col 2:16 (EV, but v. supr.). He 12:16; metaph., of spiritual nourishment, Jo 4:32 6:27b, 55.†

[NT: 2x] ** βυθίζω (< βυθός), [in LXX: II Mac 12:4 * ;]

trans., to cause to sink, to sink: metaph., εἰς ὄλεθρον, I Ti 6:9; pass., to sink, intrans.: Lk 5:7.†

[NT: 1x] βυθός, -οῦ, ὁ, [in LXX: Ex 15:5, Ne 9:11 (מְצוֹלָה), Ps 67 (68):22 68 (69):2, 15 106 (107):24 (מְצוּלָה)* ;]

1. the bottom.
2. the depth of the sea, the deep sea: II Co 11:25.

[NT: 3x] *† βυρσεύς, -έως, ὁ (< βύρσα, a hide), late form for βυρσοδέψης,

a tanner: Ac 9:43 10:6, 32.†

[NT: 5x] βύσσινος, -η, -ον (< βύσσος), [in LXX chiefly for שֵׁשׁ, בּוּץ, etc. ;]

made of βύσσος, fine linen: Re 18:12, 16 19:8, 14.†

[NT: 1x] βύσσος, -οῦ, ἡ (cf. Heb. בּוּץ), [in LXX chiefly for שֵׁשׁ, בּוּץ ;]

byssus, a fine species of flax, also the linen made from it: Lk 16:19.†

[NT: x] βωμός, -οῦ, ὁ (< βαίνω), [in LXX (Hex.) for מִזְבֵּחַ, in Proph., chiefly for בָּמָה ;]

1. any raised place, a platform.
2. an altar: Ac 17:23 (cf. θυσιαστήριον and v. DB, i, 75).


[NT: 1x] Γαββαθα (Rec. -θᾶ), , indecl.,

Gabbatha, the Greek transliteration of an uncertain Aramaic word (DB, s.v.; Dalman, Words, 7), used as the equivalent of λιθόστρωτον, stone pavement: Jo 19:13.†

[NT: 2x] Γαβριήλ, , indecl. (Heb. גַּבְרִיאֵל, hero of God),

the archangel Gabriel: Lk 1:19, 26.†

[p. 87]

[NT: 1x] *† γάγγραινα, -ης, ἡ,

a gangrene, an eating sore, which leads to mortification: II Ti 2:17.†

[NT: 1x] Γάδ, , indecl. (Heb. גָּד),

Gad (Ge 30:11 49:13, al.): Re 7:5.†

[NT: 1x] Γαδαρηνός, -ή, -όν (< Γαδαρά, Gadara, the capital of Peræa),

Gadarene, of Gadara: Mt 8:28 (Rec. Γεργεσηνῶν), Mk 5:1, Rec. (Edd., Γερασηνῶν), Lk 8:26, 37 Rec. (Edd., Γερασηνῶν).†

[NT: 1x] † γάζα, -ης, ἡ (a Persian word), [in LXX for גִּנְזִין, II Es 5:17 6:1 7:20, 21, Es 4:7; גִּזְבָּר, II Es 7:21; Is 39:2 * ;]

treasure: Ac 8:27.†

[NT: 1x] Γάζα -ης, (Heb. עַזָּה),

Gaza, in OT, one of the five chief cities of the Philistines: Ac 8:26.†

[NT: 5x] γαζο-φυλάκιον, -ου, τό (< γάζα, φυλακή), [in LXX chiefly for לִשְׁכָּה, נִשְׁכָּה (IV Ki 23:11, al.), once for גְּנָזִים (Es 3:9); το͂ γ., τᾶ γ., of a temple treasury, Ne 10:37, II Mac 3:6, al. ;]

treasury: also, apparently, the trumpet-shaped chests into which the peoples' temple-offerings were thrown (DB, iv, 96; DCG, ii, 748): Mk 12:41, 43 Lk 21:1, Jo 8:20.†

[NT: 5x] Γαῖος, -ου, ὁ (Γάϊος, Rec.),

Gaius, the name of a Christian;
1. of Macedonia: Ac 19:29.
2. Of Derbe: Ac 20:4.
3. Of Corinth: Ro 16:23, I Co 1:14.
4. The one to whom in Ep. Jo is addressed: III Jo 1.

[NT: 5x] γάλα, -ακτος, τό [in LXX for חלב ;]

milk: I Co 9:7. Metaph., of elementary Christian teaching: I Co 3:2, He 5:12, 13; τὸ λογικὸν ἄδολον γ., the rational (spiritual) genuine milk (v. Hort, in l.), I Pe 2:2 (in support of AV, milk of the word, v. ICC, in l.).†

[NT: 1x] Γαλάτης, -ου, ὁ (originally syn. with cl. Κέλτης; cf. I Mac 8:2, and v. next word),

a Galatian: Ga 3:1.†

[NT: 4x] Γαλατία, -ας, ἡ,

1. a gentilic region in Asia Minor, settled by Gauls (iii/B.C).
2. A Roman Province which included this region (DB, ii, 85ff.): I Co 16:1, Ga 1:2, II Ti 4:10 (T, Tr., mg., Γαλλίαν), I Pe 1:1.

[NT: 2x] Γαλατικός, -ή, -όν (v. previous word),

Galatian, belonging to Galatia: Ac 16:6 18:23.†

[NT: 3x] * γαλήνη, -ης, ἡ,

a calm: Mt 8:26, Mk 4:39, Lk 8:24.†

[NT: 61x] Γαλιλαία, -ας, ἡ (Heb. הַגָּלִיל, the circle, district),

Galilee, the name of the northern region of Palestine in NT times: Γ. τῶν ἐθνῶν, Mt 4:15 (LXX); θάλασσα τῆς Γ., Mt 15:29 (cf. Jo 6:1).

[NT: 11x] Γαλιλαῖος, -αία, -αῖον,

Galilæan: Mt 26:69, Mk 14:70, Lk 13:1, 2 22:59, 23:6, Jo 4:45, Ac 1:11 2:7 5:37.†

[NT: 1x] Γαλλία, -ας, ἡ,

Gaul: T., Tr., mg., for Γαλατία, II Ti 4:10.†

[NT: 3x] Γαλλίων, -ωνος, ὁ,

Gallio, proconsul of Achaia: Ac 18:12, 14 17.†

[NT: 2x] Γαμαλιήλ, (Heb. גַּמְלִיאֵל),

Gamaliel the elder, a Pharisee and Doctor of the Law: Ac 5:34 22:3.†

[NT: 28x] * γαμέω, -ῶ, [in LXX: Es 10:3, II Mac 14:25, IV Mac 16:9 * ;]

to marry;
1. of the man, to marry, take to wife (ducere): absol., Mt 19:10 22:25, 30 24:38, Mk 12:25, Lk 17:27, 20:34, 35, I Co 7:28, 33; c. acc.: Mt 5:32 19:9, Mk 6:17 10:11, Lk 14:20 16:18.
2. Of the woman,
(a) mid. (and in late [p. 88] writers, pass.), to give oneself in marriage, marry (nubere): I Co 7:39;
(b) in Hellenistic (M, Pr., 159), act. (as of the man), to marry: absol., I Co 7:28, 34 I Ti 5:11, 14. c acc., Mk 10:12.
3. Of both sexes: absol., I Ti 4:3, I Co 7:9, 10 36.

[NT: 5x] *† γαμίζω (< γάμος),

to give in marriage, a daughter: I Co 7:38. Pass., Mt 22:30 24:38, Mk 12:25, Lk 17:27 20:35 (WH, mg., γαμίσκονται; cf. γαμίζω).†

[NT: 2x] * γαμίσκω, = γαμίζω, q.v.: Lk 20:34, 35 WH, mg. (Arist.).†

[NT: 19x] γάμος, -ου, ὁ, [in LXX for מִשְׁתֶּה ;]

1. a wedding, esp. a wedding-feast: Mt 22:8, 10 11, 12, Jo 2:1-3, Re 19:7, 9; pl. (Field, Notes, 16), Mt 22:2-4, 9 25:10, Lk 12:36 14:8.
2. marriage: He 13:4 (Cremer, 666).

[NT: 1041x] γάρ, co-ordinating particle, contr. of γε ἄρα,

verily then, hence, in truth, indeed, yea, then, why, and when giving a reason or explanation, for, the usage in NT being in general accord with that of cl.;
1. explicative and epexegetic: Mt 4:18 19:12, Mk 1:16 5:42 16:4, Lk 11:3o, Ro 7:1, I Co 16:5, al.
2. Conclusive, in questions, answers and exclamations: Mt 9:5 27:23, Lk 9:25 22:27, Jo 9:30, Ac 8:31 16:37 19:35, Ro 15:26, I Co 9:10, Phl 1:18 (Ellic., in l.), I Th 2:20, al.
3. Causal: Mt 1:21 2:2, 5, 6, 3:23, Mk 1:22, 9:6, Lk 1:15, 18, Jo 2:25, Ac 2:25, Ro 1:9, 11, I Co 11:5, Re 1:3, al.; giving the reason for a command or prohibition, Mt 2:20 3:9, Ro 13:11, Col 3:3, I Th 4:3, al.; where the cause is contained in an interrog. statement, Lk 22:27, Ro 3:3 4:3, I Co 10:29; καὶ γάρ, for also, Mk 10:45, Lk 6:32, I Co 5:7, al. id. as in cl. = etenim, where the καί loses its connective force (Bl., §78, 6; Kühner 3, ii, 854f.), Mk 14:70, Lk 1:66 22:37, II Co 13:4. The proper place of γάρ is after the first word in a clause, but in poets it often comes third or fourth, and so in late prose: II Co 1:19. Yet "not the number but the nature of the word after which it stands is the point to be noticed" (v. Thayer, s.v.).

[NT: 9x] γαστήρͅ, -τρός, ἡ, [in LXX for בֶּטֶן, ἐν γ. ἔχειν for הרה, ἐν γ. λαμβάνειν for חרה ;]

1. the belly: metaph., a glutton, Tit 1:12.
2. the womb: ἐν γ. ἔχειν, to be with child, Mt 1:18, 23 (LXX) 24:19, Mk 13:17, Lk 21:23, I Th 5:3, Re 12:2; εν γ. συλλαμβ., to conceive, Lk 1:31.

[NT: 12x] γε, enclitic postpositive particle, rarer in κοινή than in cl., giving special prominence to the word to which it is attached, distinguishing it as the least or the most important (Thayer, s.v.),

indeed, at least, even (but not always translatable into English);
1. used alone: Lk 11:8 18:5 Ro 8:32.
2. More freq. with other particles: αλλά γε, Lk 24:21, I Co 9:2; ἄρα γε, Mt 7:20 17:26, Ac 17:27; ἆρά γε, Ac 8:30; εἴ γε (Rec. εἴγε), II Co 5:3, Ga 3:4, Eph 3:2 4:21, Col 1:23 (v. Meyer, Ellic., on Ga, Eph, ll. c.; Lft., on Ga, Col, ll. c.); εἰ δὲ μήγε, following an affirmation, Mt 6:1, Lk 10:6 13:9; a negation, Mt 9:17, Lk 5:36, 37 14:32, II Co 11:16; καί γε (Rec. καίγε, cl. καὶ . . . γε), Lk 19:42 (WH om.), Ac 2:18 17:27; καίτοιγε (L καίτοι γε, Tr. καί τοι γε), Jo 4:2; μενοῦνγε (v. s.v.); μήτι γε, v.s. μήτι; ὄφελόν, I Co 4:8.

[NT: 1x] Γεδεών, , indecl. in LXX and NT, in FlJ, Ant., v. 6, 3 and 4 -ῶνος (Heb. גִּדְעוֹן),

Gideon (Jg 6-8): He 11:32.†

[p. 89]

[NT: 12x] γέεννα (γέενα, Mk 9:45, Rec.), -ης, ἡ (perh. through Aram. גֵּיהִנָּם, from Heb. גֵּי הִנֹּם, Ne 11:30; גֵּי בֶּן־הִנֹּם, Jo 18:16; גֵּי בּנֵי־הִנֹּם, IV Ki 23:10; valley of (the son, sons of) lamentation); [in LXX the nearest approach to γ. is γαίεννα, Jos 18:16 (Γαὶ Ὀννόμ, A), elsewhere φάραγξ Ὀνόμ (Jos 15:8, al.), V. Swete on Mk 9:43 ;]

Gehenna, a valley W. and S. of Jerusalem, which as the site of fire-worship from the time of Ahaz, was desecrated by Josiah and became a dumping-place for the offal of the city. Later, the name was used as a symbol of the place of future punishment, as in NT: Mt 5:29, 3o 10:28, Mk 9:43, 45 47, Lk 12:5, Ja 3:6; γ. τ. πυρός, Mt 5:22 18:19, prob. with ref. to fires of Moloch (DB, ii, 119b); υἱὸς γεέννης, Mt 23:15; κρίσις γεέννης, 23:33.†

[NT: 2x] Γεθσημασεί (Rec. -νῆ, LTr. -νεῖ) indecl. (Heb. גֵּת שְׁמָנִי, oil-press),

Gethsemane: called in Jo 18:1 a κῆπος, but named only in Mt 26:36, Mk 14:32.†

[NT: 4x] γείτων, -ονος, ὁ, ἡ (< γῆ), [in LXX chiefly for שָׁכֵן ;]

a neighbour: Lk 14:12 15:6, 9 Jo 9:8.†

[NT: x] γελάω, -ῶ, [in LXX chiefly for צחק, שׂחק ;]

to laugh: Lk 6:25; fut., γελάσω) (M, Pr., 154), ib. 21 (cf. κατα-γελάω).†

[NT: 1x] γέλως, -ωτος, ὁ, [in LXX chiefly for שְׂחוֹק ;]

laughter: Ja 4:9.†

[NT: 8x] γεμίζω (< γέμω), [in LXX: Ge 45:17 (טען), III Mac 5:47, IV Mac 3:14 * ;]

to fill;
1. properly, of a ship (Thuc, al.): Mk 4:37 (pass.).
2. In late writers, generally (MGr., v. Kennedy, Sources, 155), c. acc., seq. gen., Mk 15:36, Jo 2:7 6:13, Re 15:8; ἀπό, Lk 15:16, Rec. WH, mg.; ἐκ, Lk 15:16, WH, Re 8:5. Pass., absol.: Lk 14:23.

[NT: 11x] γέμω (used only in pres. and impf.), [in LXX for מלא, נשׂא ;]

to be full;
1. properly, of a ship (Xen.).
2. Generally (Plat., al.),
(a) c. gen. rei: Mt 23:27, Lk 11:39, Ro 3:14 (LXX), Re 4:6, 8 5:8 15:7 17:3 (Rec.) 4 21:9
(b) seq. ἐκ: Mt 23:25;
(c) c. acc. rei (called a solecism in WM, 251; Bl., §36, 4), as in later Gk. from Byz. to Mod. times (Jannaris, Gr., 1319): Re 17:3.

[NT: 43x] γενεά, -ᾶς, ἡ (< γίγνομαι), [in LXX chiefly for דּוֹר, דֹּר (Cremer, 148) ;]

1. race, stock, family (in NT, γέννημα, q.v.).
2. generation;
(a) of the contemporary members of a family: pl., Mt 1:17 (cf. Ge 31:3, מוֹלֶדֶת); metaph., of those alike in character, in bad sense, Mt 17:17, Mk 9:19, Lk 9:41 16:8, Ac 2:40;
(b) of all the people of a given period: Mt 24:34, Mk 13:30, Lk 21:32, Phl 2:15; pl., Lk 1:48; esp. of the Jewish people, Mt 11:16 12:39, 41 42, 45 16:4 23:36, Mk 8:12, 38 Lk 7:31 11:29, 30-32, 50, 51 17:25, Ac 13:36, He 3:10 (LXX); τὴν γ. αὐτοῦ τίς διηγήσεται, Ac 8:33 (LXX);
(c) the period covered by the life-time of a generation, used loosely in pl. of successive ages: Ac 14:16 15:21, Eph 3:5, Col 1:26; εἰς γενεὰς καὶ γ. (= לִדוֹר וָדוֹר, al.), Lk 34:17, al), Lk 1:50; εἰς πάσας τὰς γ. τοῦ αἰῶνος τῶν αἰώνων, Eph 3:21 (Ellic, in l.; DCG, i, 639f.).

[NT: 1x] γενεαλογέω, -ῶ (< γενεά, λέγω), [in LXX: I Ch 5:1 (יחשׁ)* ;]

to trace ancestry, reckon genealogy; pass., seq. ἐκ: He 7:6.†

[p. 90]

[NT: 2x] * γενεαλογία, -ας, ἡ (v. previous word);

1. the making of a pedigree.
2. a genealogy: pl., I Ti 1:4, Tit 3:9 (v. CGT, in l., and ib. Intr., xlix ff.; DB, ii, p. 141).

[NT: 2x] * γενέσια, -ων, τά, neut. pl. of adj. -ιος, -ον, relating to birth (< γένεσις);

1. in Attic Gk., a commemoration of the dead.
2. In late Gk., a birthday feast (= cl. γενέθλια; so in π., v. MM, Exp., x; cf. also Ῥutherford, NPhr., 184): Mt 14:6, Mk 6:21.

[NT: 5x] γένεσις, -εως, ἡ (< γίγνομαι), [in LXX chiefly for תֹּולֵדֹת ;]

1. origin, lineage: βίβλος γενέσεως (as in Ge 2:4a 5:1), Mt 1:1.
2. birth: Mt 1:18, Lk 1:14 (Rec. γέννησις); πρόσωπον τῆς γ., face of his birth ("what God made him to be," Hort., in l.), Ja 1:23; ὁ τροχὸς τῆς γ., the wheel (course) of birth or creation ("the wheel of man's nature according to its original Divine purpose," Hort), Ja 3:6.

[NT: 1x] γενετή, -ῆς, ἡ = γενεή, Ion. for γενεά, [in LXX: Le 25:47 (עֵקֶר מִשְׁפָּחָו), Es 4:17 * ;]

birth: ἐκ γ., Jo 9:1.†

[NT: x] γένημα, -τος, τό (< γίγνομαι), [in LXX chiefly for תְּבוּאָה ;] a form not found in cl., but used in LXX, NT and π. (Bl., §3, 10; M, Pr., 45; Deiss., BS, 184), as distinct from γέννημα, q.v.,

of fruit, produce of the earth : Mt 26:29, Mk 14:25, Lk 12:18 22:18, II Co 9:10 (Rec. γέννημα).†

[NT: 97x] γεννάω, -ῶ (< γέννα, poët. for γένος), [in LXX chiefly for ילד ;]

1. of the father, to beget: c. acc., Mt 1:1-16, Ac 7:8, 29; seq. ἐκ, Mt 1:3, 5, 6.
2. Of the mother, to bring forth, bear: Lk 1:13, 57 23:29, Jo 16:21; εἰς δουλείαν, Ga 4:24. Pass.
(1) to be begotten: Mt 1:20;
(2) to be born: Mt 2:1, 4 19:12 26:24, Mk 14:21, Lk 1:35, Jo 3:4, Ac 7:20, Ro 9:11, He 11:23; seq. εἰς, Jo 16:21 18:37, II Pe 2:12; ἐν, Ac 2:8 22:3, (ἁμαρτίαις), Jo 9:34; ἀπό, He 11:12 (WH, mg., ἐγεν-); ἐκ, Jo 1:13 3:6 8:41; c. adj., τυφλὸς γ., Jo 9:2; [Ῥωμαῖος ], Ac 22:28; κατὰ σάρκα: κ. πνεῦμα: Ga 4:29. Metaph.; μάχας, II Ti 2:23; ὑμᾶς ἐγέννησα, I Co 4:15, (ὅν), Phm 10; in quotation, Ps 2:7 (LXX), Ac 13:33, He 1:5 5:5; of Christians as begotten of God, born again: Jo 1:13 3:3, 5-8, I Jo 2:29 3:9 4:7 5:1, 4, 18 (cf. ἀνα-γεννάω); (Cremer, 146).

[NT: 4x] γέννημα, -τος, τό (< γεννάω), [in LXX chiefly for תְּבוּאָה ;]

offspring of men or animals: ἐχιδνῶν, Mt 3:7 12:34 23:33, Lk 3:7 (and elsewhere in Rec. for γένημα, q.v.).†

[NT: 3x] Γεννησαρέτ (Rec. Γενησ-, Mk, l.c.; Targ. גְּנֵיסַר), [in LXX: Γεννησάρ (as in some MSS. Mt, Mk), I Mac 11:67 * ;]

Gennesaret, a fertile plain on W. shore of the Sea of Galilee; ἡ γῆ, Mt 14:34, Mk 6:53; ἡ λίμνη (יָם כִּנֶּרֶת, Nu 34:11, elsewhere ἡ θάλασσα τ. Γαλιλαίας, Mk 1:16; ἡ θ. τ. Τιβεριάδος, Jo 6:1), Lk 5:1.†

[NT: 2x] γέννησις, -εως, ἡ, [in LXX: I Ch 4:8 (מִשְׁפָּחָה), Ec 7:2 (ילד ni.; γένεσις, Aא), Wi 3:13 א 1 (γένεσις, ABא 2), Si 22:3 * ;]

1. begetting.
2. birth: Mt 1:18, Lk 1:14, Rec.

[NT: 2x] γεννητός, -ή -όν (< γεννάω), [in LXX: Jb 11:2, 12 14:1 15:14 25:4 [p. 91] (ילד)* ;]

begotten, born: pl., γ. γυναικῶν (cf. יְלוּד אִשָּׁה, Jb 14:1), periphrasis for mankind, Mt 11:11, Lk 7:28 (Cremer, 147).

[NT: 20x] γένος, -ους, τό (< γίγνομαι), [in LXX for עַם, מִין, זֶרַע, etc. ;]

1. family: Ac 4:6 7:13 13:26.
2. offspring: Ac 17:28, 29 Re 22:16.
3. race, nation; Mk 7:28, Ac 4:36 7:19 18:2, 24, II Co 11:26, Phl 3:5, Ga 1:14, I Pe 2:9.
4. kind, sort, class: Mt 13:47 17:21, Rec., Mk 9:29, I Co 12:10, 28 14:10.

[NT: 3x] Γεργασηνός, -ή, -όν,

Gerasene, of Gerasa, not the G. of Decapolis, 30 m. S.E. of the Lake, but a Gerasa or Gergesa (perh. the mod. Kersa) on E. shore; as subst., pl. οἱ Γ., Mk 5:1, Lk 8:26, 37 (Γεργεσηνῶν, RV, mg. 1; Γαδαρηνῶν, RV, mg. 2).†

[NT: 1x] Γεργεσηνός, -ή, -όν,

Gergesene: Lk 8:26, 37 TR, mg. 1 (LTr., WH, R, txt., Γερασηνῶν; R, mg. 2, Γαδαρηνῶν).†

[NT: 1x] γερουσία, -ας, ἡ (< γέρων), [in LXX (Hex. only in OT) for זָקֵן ;]

a council of elders, senate; in NT, of the Sanhedrin (Cl. Rev., i, 43f.; DB, ext., 99): Ac 5:21.†

[NT: 1x] γέρων, -οντος, ὁ, [in LXX for זָקֵן ;]

an old man: Jo 3:4.†

[NT: 15x] γεύω, [in LXX chiefly for טעם ;]

to make to taste. Mid., to taste eat: absol., Ac 10:10 20:11, Col 2:21; c. gen., Mt 27:34, Lk 14:24, Ac 23:14; c. acc. (not cl., but v. Westc, Heb., l.c.; M, Pr., 66, 245), Jo 2:9. Metaph., He 6:4; ῥῆμα θεοῦ, He 6:5 (on case, v. supr., and cf. Milligan, NTD, 68) θανάτου (cf. Talmudic טַעַם מִיתָה), Mt 16:28, Mk 9:1, Lk 9:27, Jo 8:52, He 2:9; seq. ὅτι, I Pe 2:3 (Cremer, 148).†

[NT: 1x] γεωργέω, -ῶ (< γεωργός), [in LXX: I Ch 27:26 (עָשָׂה מְלֶאכֶת הַשָּׂדֶה), I Es 4:6, I Mac 14:8 * ;]

to till the ground: pass., He 6:7.

[NT: 1x] γεώργιον, -ου, τό (< γεωργός), [in LXX, freq. in Pr., for שָׂדֶה, etc. ;]

1. a field (Pr 24:5, 30, Strabo).
2. cultivation, husbandry, tillage (Pr 6:7 9:12, Je 28:23, Si 27:6): I Co 3:9.

[NT: 19x] γεωργός, -οῦ, ὁ (< γῆ, ἔργω = ἔρδω, to do), [in LXX for אִכָּר, etc. ;]

1. a husbandman: II Ti 2:6, Ja 5:7.
2. a vine-dresser (cf. ἀμπελουργός, Lk 13:7): Mt 21:33-35, 38, 40, 41, Mk 12:1, 2 7, 9, Lk 20:9, 10 14, 16, Jo 15:1.

[NT: 275x] γῆ, γῆς, ἡ, [in LXX for אֲדָמָה ,אֶרֶץ, etc. ;]

1. the earth, world: Lk 21:35, Ac 1:8, He 11:13, Re 3:10, al.; opp. to οὐρανός, Mt 5:18 11:25, Mk 13:27, al.
2. land;
(a) opp. to sea or water: Mk 4:1, Lk 5:3, Jo 6:21, al.;
(b) as subject to cultivation: Mt 13:5, Mk 4:8, Lk 13:7, He 6:7, al.;
(c) the ground: Mt 10:29, Mk 8:6, Lk 24:5, Jo 8:6, al.;
(d) a region, country: Lk 4:25, Ro 9:28, Ja 5:17; γῆ Ἰσραήλ, Mt 2:20, 21; Χαλδαίων, Ac 7:4; ἡ Ἰουδαία γῆ, Jo 3:22; c. gen. pers., Ac 7:3.

[NT: 1x] γῆρας, Attic, gen. (-αος) -ως, dat. ; Ion. and κοινή, -εος (-ους), dat. -ει, τό, [in LXX for שֵׂיבָה, etc. ;]

old age: ἐν γήρει, Lk 1:36.†

[NT: 2x] γηράσκω (also γηράω; < γῆρας), [in LXX chiefly for זקן ;]

to grow old: Jo 21:18, He 8:13.†
SYN.: παλαιοῦμαι.

[p. 92]

γίγνομαι, v.s. γίνομαι.

[NT: 667x] γίνομαι, Ion. and κοινή for Att. γίγν- (M. Pr., 47; Bl., §6, 8 Mayser, 166 f.), [in LXX chiefly for היה ;]

1. of persons, things occurrences, to come into being, be born, arise, come on: Jo 1:15 8:58, I Co 15:37; a first appearance in public, Mk 1:4, Jo 1:6, al.; seq. ἐκ (of birth), Ro 1:3, Ga 4:4; διά, Jo 1:3; βροντή, Jo 12:29; σεισμός, Re 6:12; γογγυσμός, Ac 6:1; χαρά, Ac 8:8, many other similar exx.; ἡμέρα, Lk 22:66, al.; ὀψέ, Mk 11:19; πρωΐα, Mt 27:1; νύξ, Ac 27:27.
2. Of events, to come to pass, take place, happen: Mt 5:18, Mk 5:14, Lk 1:20 2:15, Ac 4:21, II Ti 2:18, al.; μὴ γένοιτο [LXX for חָלִילָה, Jo 22:29, al.], far be it, God forbid: Ro 3:4 (ICC, in l.), I Co 6:15 and freq. in Pl.; καὶ ἐγένετο, ἐγένετο δέ ([in LXX for וַיְהִי ;] v. Burton, 142 f.; M, Pr., 16f.; Dalman, Words, 32 f.; Robertson, Gr., 1042 f.), c. indic, Mt 7:28, Lk 1:8, al.; seq. καί et indic., Lk 8:1, Ac 5:7, al.; c. acc. et inf., Mk 2:23, Lk 3:21, al.; ὡς δὲ ἐγένετο, seq. τοῦ c. inf., Ac 10:25; c. dat. pers., to befall one: c. inf., Ac 20:16; c. acc. et inf., Ac 22:6; c. adv., εὖ, Eph 6:3; τ́ ἐγένετο αὐτῷ (Field, Notes, 115), Ac 7:40 (LXX); seq. εἰς, Ac 28:6.
3. to be made, done, performed, observed, enacted, ordained, etc.: Mt 6:10 19:8, Mk 2:27 11:23, Ac 19:26, al.; seq. διά c. gen., Mk 6:2, Ac 2:43; ὑπό, Lk 13:17; ἐκ, Lk 4:23; ἐν, I Co 9:15; ἀπογραφή, Lk 2:2; ἀνάκρισις Ac 25:26; ἄφεσις, He 9:22; ὁ νόμος, Ga 3:17; τὸ πάσχα, Mt 26:2.
4. to become, be made, come to be: c. pred., Mt 4:3, Lk 4:3, Jo 2:9, I Co 13:11, al.; seq. ὡς, ὡσεί, Mt 10:25, Mk 9:26; εἰς (M, Pr., 71f.), Mk 12:1o, al.; c. gen. Re 11:15; id., of age, Lk 2:42; c. dat., γ. ἀνδρί ([LXX for הָיָה לְאִישׁ, Ru 1:12, al. ;] v. Field, Notes, 156), Ro 7:3, 4; seq. ἐν, Ac 22:17, Re 1:10, al.; ἐπάνω, Lk 19:19; μετά, c. gen., Mk 16:[10], Ac 9:19; seq. εἰς, ἐπί (Field, Notes, 135), κατά (ib., 62), c. acc. of place, Ac 20:16 21:35 27:7, al.; seq. ἐκ, Mk 9:7, Lk 3:22, II Th 2:7, al. Aoristic pf. γέγονα (M, Pr., 52, 145f.; Field, Notes, 1f.), Mt 25:6, Lk 10:36, al. Aor. ἐγενήθη (for ἐγένετο, M, Pr., 139f.; Mayser, 379), Mt 11:23, al. (Cf. απο-, δια-, επι-, παρα-, συμ-, παρα-, προ-.)

[NT: 220x] γινώσκω (= γιγν-: v. previous word. So also vulgar Attic, in Inscr., v. Thumb, MGV, 207), [in LXX chiefly for ידע ;]

to be taking in knowledge, come to know, recognize, perceive, understand; in past tenses to know, realize; pass., to become known: c. acc., Mt 22:18, Mk 5:43, Col 4:8, I Th 3:5, al. Pass., Mt 10:26, Phl 4:5, al.; seq. ὅτι, Mt 21:45, Jo 4:1, al.; τί, Mt 6:3; ἀπό, Mk 15:45; , Ro 7:15; τ. λεγόμενα, Lk 18:34; τ. θέλημα, Lk 12:47; τ. καρδίας, Lk 16:15; c acc. pers., of recognition by God, I Co 8:3, Ga 4:9; by Christ, neg., Mt 7:23; freq. of the knowledge of divine things, of God and Christ; τ. θεόν, Ro 1:21 Ga 4:9; τ. πατέρα, Jo 8:55; τ. κύριον, He 8:1 (LXX); νοῦν κυρίου, Ro 11:34; Χριστόν, Jo 17:3, I Jo 3:6; τὰ τοῦ πνεύματος, I Co 2:14; τ. πνεύμα, I Jo 4:6; τ. ἀλήθειαν, Jo 8:32; of Christ's knowledge of the Father (ἐπιγ.), Mt 11:27 (Dalman, Words, 282ff.). In Hellenistic writers [LXX for Heb. ידע, Ga 4:1, al.], of sexual intercourse, to know carnally: Mt 1:25, Lk 1:34 (Cremer, 153).
SYN.: γ., to know by observation and experience is thus prop. disting. from οἶδα, to know by reflection (a mental process, based on [p. 93] intuition or information); cf. also ἐφίστημι, συνίημι. (Cf. ἀνα-, δια-, ἐπι-, κατα-, προ-γινώσκω.)

[NT: 1x] γλεῦκος (-εος), -ους, τό, [in LXX for יַיִן, Jb 32:19 * ;]

must, sweet new wine (Arist.): Ac 2:13.†

[NT: 4x] γλυκύς, -εῖα, -ύ, [in LXX chiefly for מָתֹוק ;]

Ja 3:11, 12; opp. to πικρόν, ἁλυκόν, Re 10:9, 10.†

[NT: 50x] γλῶσσα, -ης, ἡ, [in LXX chiefly for לָשׁוֹן ;]

1. the tongue, as the organ of speech: Mk 7:33, 35 Lk 1:64 16:24, Ac 2:26 (LXX), Ro 3:13 (LXX) 14:11 (LXX), I Co 14:9, Phl 2:11, Ja 1:26 3:5, 6 8, I Pe 3:10 (LXX), I Jo 3:18, Re 16:10; of a tongue-like object, Ac 2:3.
2. a tongue, language: Ac 2:11; joined with φυλή, λαός, ἔθνος, freq. in pl., Re 5:9 7:9 10:11 11:9 13:7 14:6 17:15; λαλεῖν ἑτέραις γ., Ac 2:4; γ. λαλεῖν καιναῖς, WH, txt. (RV, mg., omit καιναῖς), Mk 16:17; λαλεῖν γλώσσαις, γλώσσῃ (v. ICC, ll. c.; DB, iv, 793ff.), Mk 16:17, WH, txt., R, mg., Ac 10:46 19:6, I Co 12:30 13:1 14:2, 4-6, 13, 18, 23, 27, 39; γλῶσσαι (= λόγοι ἐν γλώσσῃ, I Co 14:19), I Co 13:8 14:22; γένη γλωσσῶν, I Co 12:10, 28; προσεύχεσθαι γλώσσῃ, I Co 14:14; γλῶσσαν ἔχειν, I Co 14:26 (Cremer, 163, 679).

[NT: 2x] γλωσσόκομον, -ου, τό, vernac. form of cl. γλωσσοκομεῖον (< γλῶσσα, κομέω), [in LXX for אָרוֹן, II Ki 6:11, II Ch 24:8, 10 11 * ;]

1. = cl. -εῖον (v. supr.), a case for holding the reeds or tongues of musical instruments.
2. As in LXX, π. (MM, s.v.), a box, chest: Jo 12:6 13:29.

[NT: 1x] γναφεύς, -έως, ὁ, Ion. and κοινή form of Att. κναφεύς (< κνάπτω, to card wool), [in LXX for כָּבַס, IV Ki 18:17, Is 7:3 36:2 * ;]

a fuller, cloth-dresser: Mk 9:3.†

[NT: 4x] ** γνήσιος, -α, -ον (< γίγνομαι), [in LXX: Si 7:18, III Mac 3:19 * ;]

1. prop., lawfully begotten, born in wedlock (in π., γυνὴ γ., a lawful wife; MM, s.v.).
2. true, genuine, sincere: Phl 4:3, I Ti 1:2, Tit 1:4; as subst., τὸ γ. = ἡ γνησιότης, sincerity, II Co 8:8.

[NT: 1x] ** γνησίως, adv., [in LXX: II Mac 14:8, III Mac 3:23 * ;]

sincerely, honourably: Phi 2:20 (for a parallel in π., v. MM, s.v.).†

[NT: 1x] γνόφος (later form of δν-), [in LXX for אָפֵל, עֲרָפֶל, etc. ;]

darkness, gloom (including "an element of tempest," Tr., Syn., §c): He 12:18.†
SYN.: ἀχλύς, ζόφος, σκότος (Tr., l.c.; DB, i, 457a).

[NT: 9x] γνώμη, -ης, ἡ (< γιγνώσκω), [in LXX: Da TH 2:15 (דָּת), Ps 82(83):3 (סוֹד), elsewhere, chiefly II Es, for טְעֵם ;]

1. a means of knowing, a token (Theogn.).
2. In Attic writers, the mind, its operations and results (v. Edwards, Lex., App., A);
(a) mind, understanding;
(b) purpose, intention: Ac 20:3;
(c) judgment, opinion: I Co 1:10, Re 17:13;
(d) counsel, advice: I Co 7:25, 40 II Co 8:10, Phm 14;
(e) royal purpose, decree (as in Da, I and II Es): Re 17:17 (Cremer, 671).

[NT: 25x] γνωρίζω (< γιγνώσκω), [in LXX chiefly for ידע hi. ;]

1. as most commonly in cl., to come to know, discover, know: Phl 1:22 (but cf. R, [p. 94] mg.).
2. to make known: c. acc., Ro 9:22, 23; c. acc. rei da.t. pers., Lk 2:15, Jo 15:15 17:26, Ac 2:28 (LXX), I Co 15:1, II Co 8:1, Ga 1:11, Eph 1:9 6:19, 21 Col 4:7, 9 II Pe 1:16; c. dat., seq. ὅτι, I Co 12:3; seq. τί, Col 1:27; περί, Lk 2:17. Pass., Ac 7:13, Ro 16:26, Eph 3:3, 6 10, Phl 4:6 (Cremer, 677; cf. ἀνα-, δια-γνωρίζω).

[NT: 29x] γνῶσις, -εως, ἡ (< γιγνώσκω), [in LXX chiefly for דַּעַת ;]

1. a seeking to know, inquiry, investigation.
2. knowledge, in NT, specially of the kn. of spiritual truth: absol., Lk 11:52, Ro 2:20 15:14, I Co 1:5 (Lft., Notes, 147) 8:1, 7, 10, 11, 13:2, 8 14:6, II Co 6:6 8:7 11:6, Eph 3:19, Col 2:3, I Pe 3:7, II Pe 1:5, 6; c. gen. obj., σωτηρίας, Lk 1:77; τ. δόξης τ. θεοῦ, II Co 4:6; τ. θεοῦ, II Co 2:14 10:5; Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ, Phl 3:8 (v. Deiss., LAE, 3838), II Pe 3:18; c. gen. subjc., θεοῦ, Ro 11:33; λόγος γνώσεως, I Co 12:8; ψευδωνύμου γνώσεως, I Ti 6:20.
SYN.: σοφία, φρόνησις (cf. ἐπί-γνωσις and v. Lft. on Col 2:3; Cremer, 156).

[NT: 1x] γνώστης, -ου, ὁ (< γιγνώσκω), [in LXX chiefly for יִדְּעֹנִי ;]

one who knows, an expert: Ac 26:3.†

[NT: 15x] γνωστός, -ή, -όν, later form of γνωστός (< γιγνώσκω), [in LXX for various parts of ידע ;]

known: Ac 9:42; c. dat., Jo 18:15, 16 (Rec.), Ac 1:19 2:14 4:10 13:38 15:18 19:17 28:22, 28; γ. σημεῖον, a notable (EV) sign, one that is matter of knowledge, Ac 4:16; γνωστὸν, Ac 15:17, 18; τὸ γνωστὸν θεοῦ, Ro 1:19; in pl., as subst., γνωστοί, acquaintances, Lk 2:44 23:49; so in sing., Jo 18:16 (WH).†

[NT: 8x] γογγύζω, [in LXX chiefly for לוּן ;]

to mutter, murmur: I Co 10:10; seq. κατά, Mt 20:11; πρός, Lk 5:30; περί, Jo 6:41, 61; μετ’ ἀλλήλων, Jo 6:43; c. acc., seq. περί, Jo 7:32 (cf. δια-γογγύζω).†

[NT: 4x] γογγυσμός, -οῦ, ὁ, [in LXX: Is 58:9 (אָוֶן), Ex 16:7-9, Nu 17:5, 10 (תְּלוּנָה), Wi 1:10, 11 Si 46:7 * ;]

a murmuring, muttering: Jo 7:12, Ac 6:1; ἄνευ γ., I Pe 4:9; pl., χωρὶς γ., Phl 2:14.†

[NT: 1x] **† γογγυστής, -οῦ, ὁ (< γογγύζω); [in Sm.: Pr 26:22, Is 29:24; Th.: Pr 26:20 * ;]

a murmurer: Ju 16.†

[NT: 1x] * γόης, -ητος, ὁ (γοάω, to wail),

1. a wailer.
2. a wizard.
3. an impostor (cf. γοητεία, trickery, II Mac 12:24): II Ti 3:13.

[NT: 2x] Γολγοθά (Rec. -θᾶ; WH, mg., Γολγόθ, Jo, l.c., Aram. גָּלְגָּלְתָּא = Heb. גֻּלְגֹּלֶת, LXX, κρανίον, Jg 9:53, II Ki 9:35); indecl. (exc. Mk 15:22, -άν),

Golgotha, the place of the crucifixion: Mt 27:33, Mk 15:22, Jo 19:17.†

[NT: 4x] Γόμορρα, -ας, ἡ, and -ων, τά (Heb. עֲמֹרָה),

Gomorrah, one of the cities of the plain (Ge 19): Mt 10:15, Ro 9:29 (LXX), II Pe 2:6, Ju 7.†

[NT: 3x] γόμος, -ου, ὁ (< γέμω), [in LXX: Ex 23:5, IV Ki 5:17 (מַשָּׂא) * ;]

a ship's freight, cargo: Ac 21:3, Re 18:11, 12.†

[NT: 20x] γονεύς, -έως, ὁ (< γίγνομαι), [in LXX for אָב, אֵם ;]

a begetter, a father; mostly in pl., οἱ γ., parents: Lk 2:41, 43 8:56 21:16, Jo 9:2, 3 20, 22, 23 [p. 95] Ro 1:30, II Co 12:14, Eph 6:1, Col 3:20, II Ti 3:2; acc. pl. (Hellenistic, v. Thackeray, Gr., i, 148), γονεῖς, Mt 10:21, Mk 13:22, Lk 2:27 18:29, Jo 9:18.†

[NT: 12x] γόνυ, -ατος, τό, [in LXX chiefly for בֶּרֶךְ ;]

the knee: He 12:12; of a suppliant, προσπίπτειν τοῖς γ., Lk 5:8; so also τιθέναι τὰ γ., to kneel: Lk 22:41, Ac 7:60 9:40 20:36 21:5; in mockery, Mk 15:19; κάμπτειν τὰ γ., to bend the knee: Ro 11:4 (LXX) 14:11 (LXX), Eph 3:14, Phl 2:10.†

[NT: 4x] *† γονυπετέω, -ῶ) (< γόνυ, πίπτω);

1. to fall on the knees: seq. ἔμπροσθεν, Mt 27:29.
2. to fall down before one: c. acc., Mt 17:14, Mk 1:40, R, txt., 10:17.

[NT: 14x] γράμμα, -τος, τό (< γράφω), [in LXX for סֵפֶר, etc. ;]

1. that which is traced or drawn, a picture.
2. that which is written;
(1) a character, letter: Ga 6:11;
(2) a writing, a written document;
(a) a bill or account: Lk 16:6, 7;
(b) a letter: Ac 28:21;
(c) τὰ ἱερὰ γ., the sacred writings, i.e. the OT: II Ti 3:15 (so in Philo, Vit. Mos., iii, 39) ;
(d) τὸ γ., the letter, the written word as an external authority in contrast with the direct influence of the Spirit as manifested in the new Covenant: Ro 2:27, 29 7:6, II Co 3:6, 7;
(3) τὰ γ., letters, i.e. learning: Jo 7:15, Ac 26:24. (In π. an illiterate person is very frequently referred to as γράμματα μ̔̀ εἰδότης, and this "never means anything else than inability to write": MM, Exp., x; but v. also Cremer, 166; DCG, i, 202; ii, 584.)

[NT: 63x] γραμματεύς, -έως (acc. pl., -εῖς, v. Bl., §8, 2), (< γράμμα), [in LXX always for שׁטר in Hex., elsewhere chiefly for ספר ;]

1. a secretary; γ. τ. πόλεως, a state-clerk: Ac 19:35.
2. In π., of a military officer (Deiss., BS, 110f.). So Jg 5:14, IV Ki 25:19 (ספר), al.
3. a scribe, a biblical scholar, teacher of the law (so first in I Es 8:3, II Es 7:6; in Lk 5:17, νομοδιδάσκαλος; in Lk 10:25, νομικός): Mt 7:29, Mk 1:22, and freq. in Gosp. γ. καὶ ἀρχιερεῖς, Mt 2:4, et al.; γ. κ. Φαρισαῖοι, Mt 5:20, et al.; γ. μαθητευθεὶς τῇ βασιλείᾳ τ. οὐρ., Mt 13:52; ποῦ σοφός; ποῦ γ., I Co 1:20 (Cremer, 167; DB, iv, 420, 800).

[NT: 1x] γραπτός, -ή, -όν (< γράφω), [in LXX for מִכְתָּב ;]

1. painted.
2. written: Ro 2:15.

[NT: 50x] γραφή, -ῆς, ἡ (< γράφω), [in LXX chiefly for כְּתָב ;]

1. a drawing, painting.
(a) writing;
(b) that which is written, a writing: πᾶσα γ., II Ti 3:16; γ. ἅγιαι, Ro 1:2; προφητικαί, Ro 16:26; al αἱ γ. τ. προφητῶν, Mt 26:56; ἡ γ., αἱ γ., the sacred writings, the Scriptures (i.e. the OT; v. Milligan, NTD, 205); in pl., when the sacred writings as a whole are meant, e.g. Mt 21:42 26:54, Jo 5:39, Ro 15:4; in sing., when a particular passage is referred to, as in Lk 4:21, Jo 19:24, Ro 4:3 9:17 10:11 11:2, Ja 2:23 (Cremer, 165; DCG, ii, 584).

[NT: 191x] γράφω, [in LXX chiefly for כּתב ];

1. to scrape, graze (Hom.), and later (Hdt.) to sketch, draw.
2. to write;
(a) of forming or tracing letters on writing material: Jo 8:[6], Ga 6:11, II Th 3:17;
(b) to express in writing, commit to writing, record: Lk 1:63, Jo 19:21, 22 Re 1:11, 19 al.; of scripture as a standing authority (Deiss., BS, 112ff.), γέγραπται, it [p. 96] stands written (Luther), Mt 4:4, Mk 7:6, Lk 4:8, Ro 1:17, I Co 1:31, al.; id. seq. ἐν, Mk 1:2, Ac 1:20, al.; c. acc., to write of: Jo 1:46, Ro 10:5; seq. περί, Mt 26:24, Mk 14:21, Jo 5:46; al.; c. dat. (WM, §31, 4), Lk 18:31; id. seq. ἵνα (M, Pr., 207f.), Mk 12:19, Lk 20:28; κατὰ τ. γεγραμμένον, II Co 4:13; γεγραμμένον ἐστί, Jo 2:17; ἐγράφη, Ro 4:24; ἐπ’ αὐτῷ γεγραμμένα, Jo 12:16;
(c) of writing directions or information, c. dat. pers.: Ro 15:15, II Co 7:12, al.;
(d) of that which contains the record or message: βιβλίον, Mk 10:4, Jo 21:25, Re 5:1; τίτλον, Jo 19:19; ἐπιστολήν, Ac 23:25; ἐντολήν, Mk 10:5 (cf. ἀπο-, ἐγ-, ἐπι-, κατα-, προ-).

[NT: 1x] γραώδης, -ες (γραῦς, an old woman, εἶδος),

anile, old-womanish: I Ti 4:7.†

[NT: 22x] γρηγορέω, -ῶ, = Attic ἐργήγορα, pf. of ἐγείρω, q.v., [in LXX (later bks. only) chiefly for שׁקד ;]

1. to be awake; metaph., of being alive, I Th 5:10.
2. to watch: Mt 24:43 26:38, 40 Mk 13:34 14:34, 37 Lk 12:37, 39; metaph., Mt 24:42 25:13 26:41, Mk 13:35, 37 14:38, Ac 20:31, I Co 16:13, I Th 5:6, I Pe 5:8, Re 3:2, 3 16:15; seq. ἐν, Col 4:2. (Cf. δια-γρηγορέω.†
SYN.: v.s. ἀγρθπνέω.

[NT: 4x] ** γυμνάζω (< γυμνός), [in LXX: II Mac 10:15 * ;]

1. properly, to exercise naked.
2. Generally, to exercise, train the body or mind: I Ti 4:7, He 5:14 12:11, II Pe 2:14.

[NT: 1x] ** γυμνασία, -ας, ἡ (< γυμνάζω), [in LXX: IV Mac 11:20 * ;]

exercise: I Ti 4:8.†

[NT: 1x] *† γυμνιτεύω (Rec. γυμνητ-, V. Tdf ., Pr., 81),

to be naked or scantily clad: I Co 4:11 (cf. ἐν ψύχει κ. γυμνότητι, II Co 11:27; γυμνοί, Ja 2:15. In κοινή writers, γ. also means to go light-armed.†

[NT: 15x] γυμνός, -ή, -όν, [in LXX chiefly for עָרוֹם ;]

naked, without clothing, and sometimes (as freq. in cl.) scantily or poorly clad (Is 20:2ff., To 1:16, II Mac 11:12): Mt 25:36, 38 43, 44, Mk 14:52, Jo 21:7, Ac 19:16, Ja 2:15, Re 3:17 16:15, 17:16; as subst., to γ., the naked body, Mk 14:51. Metaph., of things exposed, He 4:13; of the soul without a body (Plat., Crat., c., 20, and cf. Deiss., LAE, 293), II Co 5:3; of seed, bare, I Co 15:37 (Cremer, 168).†

[NT: 3x] γυμνότης, -ητος, ἡ (< γυμνός), [in LXX for עֵירֹם, De 28:48 * ;]

nakedness: Ro 8:35, II Co 11:27, Re 3:18.†

[NT: 1x] * γυναικάριον, -ου, τό (dim. of γυνή),

a little woman; contemptuously, a silly woman (EV): II Ti 3:6.†

[NT: 1x] γυναικεῖος, -α, -ον (< γυνή), [in LXX chiefly for אִשָּׁה ;]

female: I Pe 3:7.†

[NT: 215x] γυνή, -αικός, ἡ, [in LXX for אִשָּׁה ;]

1. a woman, married or unmarried: Mt 11:11 14:21, al.; ὕπανδρος γ., Ro 7:2; γ. χήρα, Lk 4:26; in vocat., γύναι implies neither reproof nor severity, but is used freq. as a term of respect and endearment, Mt 15:28, Jo 2:4, 4:21 19:26.
2. a wife: Mt 1:20, I Co 7:3, 4 al.; γ. ἀπολύειν, Mk 10:2, al.; γ. ἔχειν Mk 6:18; γ. λαβεῖν, Mk 12:19; γ. γαμεῖν, Lk 14:20.
3. a deaconess, I Ti 3:11 (CGT, in l.).

[NT: 1x] Γώγ, (Heb. גּוֹג), indecl.,

Gog, assoc. with Magog (q.v): Re 20:8.†

[p. 97]

[NT: 9x] γωνία, -ας, ἡ (< γόνυ), [in LXX chiefly for פִּנָּה ;]

an angle, a corner: Mt 6:5, Ac 26:26; τ. τέσσαρας γ. τ. γῆς, Re 7:1, 20:8; κεφαλὴ γνωνίας (רֹאשׁ פִּנָּה, Ps 117(118):22, LXX), Mt 21:42, Mk 12:10, Lk 20:17, Ac 4:11, I Pe 2:7.†


Δ, δ, δέλτα, τό, indecl.,

the fourth letter. As a numeral, δ ́ = 4, δ, = 4000.

Δαβίδ, v.s. Δαυείδ.

[NT: 13x] ** δαιμονίζομαι (in cl. also δαιμονάω; < δαίμων), [in Aq.: Ps 90(91):6 * ;]

to be under the power of a δαίμων (δαιμόνιον, q.v.), to be possessed: Mt 15:22; elsewhere always ptcp., -ιζόμενος, -ισθείς: Mt 4:24; 8:16, 28, 33 9:32 12:22, Mk 1:32 15 16 18, Lk 8:36, Jo 10:21 (Cremer, 171).†

[NT: 63x] δαιμόνιον, -ου, τό (neut. of δαιμόνιος, -α, -ον, divine), [in LXX (so also in π; v. MM, Exp., x) for שֵׁד, אֱלִיל, (freq. in To) ;]

1. as in cl.;
(a) the Divine power, Deity (Hdt., Plat., al.);
(b) an inferior divinity, deity or demon (as in magical π, Deiss., BS, 281; MM, Exp., x): ξένα δ., Ac 17:18.
2. (a) in OT, heathen deities, false gods (e.g. De 32:17, Ps 95 (96):5);
(b) in NT, evil spirits, demons: θύουσιν δαιμονίοις, I Co 10:20; διδασκαλίαι δαιμονίων, I Ti 4:1; προσκυνεῖν τὰ δ., Re 9:20; ἄρχων τῶν δ., Mt 9:34; especially (syn. with πνεῦμα ἀκάθαρτον) as operating upon and "possessing" (of. δαιμονίζομαι) men: Mt 11:18, et al.; εἰσέρχεσθαι δ. εἰς. . ., Lk 8:30; δ. ἔχειν, Lk 4:33; δ. ἐκβάλλειν, Mt 7:22 In the phrase πνεῦμα δαιμονίου ἀκαθάρτου, Lk 4:33, the wider cl. usage (1. b) is recognised, ἀκ. being elsewhere in NT, the epithet of πν., and δ. = πν. ἀκ. (v. ICC, in l; Cremer, 168)

[NT: 1x] **† δαιμονιώδης, -ες (< δαιμόνιον, εἶδος), [in Sm.: Ps 90(91):6 * ;]

demon-like: Ja 3:15 (Cremer, 171).†

[NT: 1x] δαίμων, -ονος, ὁ, ἡ [in LXX for גַּד, Is 65:11 (א; δαιμονίῳ, AB) * ;]

in cl. and NT = δαιμόνιον; a demon: Mt 8:31.†

[NT: 1x] δάκνω [in LXX for נשׁךְ, Ge 49:17, al., exc. De 8:15 (שׂרף) ;]

to bite: metaph., Ga 5:15.†

[NT: 10x] δάκρυον (poët. form δάκρυ), -ου, τό, [in LXX for דִּמְעָה ;]

a tear: Mk 9:24 (WH, txt., R, txt. omit), Ac 20:19, 31, II Co 2:4, II Ti 1:4, He 5:7 12:17, Re 7:17 21:4; metaph., dat. pl., δάκρυσι (La 2:11, Thuc., vii, 75; Bl., § 9, 3), Lk 7:38, 44.†

[NT: 1x] δακρύω [in LXX for בָּכָה, etc. ;]

to weep, shed tears: Jo 11:35.†
SYN.: κλαίω, of audible weeping, to cry; ὀδύρομαι, of grief expressed verbally, to lament; θρηνέω, of formal lamentation, to sing a dirge; ἀλαλάζω, to wail in Oriental fashion; στενάζω, of grief expressed by inarticulate sounds, to groan.

δακτύλιος, -ου, ὁ (< δάκτυλος), [in LXX chiefly for טַבַּעַת ;]

a ring: Lk 15:22.†

[p. 98]

[NT: 8x] δάκτυλος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX chiefly for אֶצְבַּע ;]

a finger: Mt 23:4, Mk 7:33, Lk 11:46 16:24, Jo 8:6, 8 20:25, 27; metaph., δ. θεοῦ (cf. Ex 8:19), Lk 11:20.†

[NT: 1x] Δαλμανουθά,

Dalmanutha, an unidentified place near the Sea of Galilee: Mk 8:10 (cf. Μαγαδάν).†

[NT: 1x] Δαλματία (L, Δελ-), -ας, ἡ

Dalmatia, a part of Illyria on E. coast of the Adriatic: II Ti 4:10.†

[NT: 4x] δαμάζω [in LXX: Da 2:40 (חֲשַׁל) * ;]

to tame, subdue: Mk 5:4, Ja 3:7; metaph., τ. γλῶσσαν, Ja 3:8 (Field, Notes, 237f.).†

[NT: 1x] δάμαλις, -εως, ἡ (fem. of δαμάλης, a bullock), [in LXX chiefly for פָּרָה, עֶגְלָה ;]

a heifer, He 9:13.†

[NT: 1x] Δάμαρις, -ιδος, ἡ (< δάμαρ, poët., a wife),

Damaris: Ac 17:34.†

[NT: 1x] Δαμασκηνός, -ή, -όν

of Damascus, Damascene: II Co 11:32.†

[NT: 15x] Δαμασκός, -οῦ, ἡ (Heb. דַּמֶּשֶׂק),

Damascus: Ac 9:2ff. 22:5ff. 26:12, 20, II Co 11:32, Ga 1:17.†

δανείζω, v. δανίζω.

δάνειον, v. δάνιον.

δανειστής, v. δανιστής.

[NT: 4x] δανίζω (late form of cl. -είζω, Rec., Bl., § 3; Thackeray, Gr., 85f.) [in LXX chiefly for לוה (Pr 19:17) ;]

to lend money on interest: Lk 6:34, 35; mid., to borrow: Mt 5:42.†
SYN.: κίχρημι (v.s. χράω), to lend in a friendly way.

[NT: 1x] Δανιήλ, , indecl. (Heb. דָּנִיֵּאל, God is my Judge),

Daniel, the prophet: Mt 24:15.†

[NT: 1x] δάνιον, -ου, τό (late form of δάνειον, Rec.; v.s. δανίζω), [in LXX: De 24:11 (נָשָׁה) 15:8, 10 (עָבַט hi.), IV Mac 2:8 * ;]

a loan: Mt 18:27.†

[NT: 1x] δανιστής, -οῦ, ὁ (late form of -ειστής, Rec.; v.s. δανείζω), [in LXX: IV Ki 4:1, Ps 108(109):11 (נשׁה), Pr 29:13 (רָשׁ), Si 29:28 * ;]

a money-lender: Lk 7:41.†

[NT: 5x] ** δαπανάω, -ῶ [in LXX: To 1:7, I Mac 14:32, al. ;]

1. to spend, expend: c. acc., Mk 5:26; seq. ἐπί, c. dat. pers., Ac 21:24; ὑπέρ, II Co 12:15.
2. to consume, squander: Lk 15:14; ἐν τ. ἡδσναῖς (on the constr. with ἐν, v. Hort, Mayor, in l.), Ja 4:3 (cf. ἐκ-, προσ- δ.).†

[NT: 1x] δαπάνη, -ης, ἡ [in LXX: Es 6:4, 8 (נִפְקָא), Da LXX Bel 1:21, al. ;]

expense, cost: Lk 14:28.†

[NT: 54x] Δαυείδ (Rec. Δαβίδ), , indecl. (Heb. דָּוִד),

David, King of Israel: Mt 1:6; 12:3, et al.; σκηνὴ Δ., Ac 15:16; κλεὶς Δ., Re 3:7; θρόνος Δ., Lk 1:32; ῥίζα Δ., Re 5:5; βασιλεία Δ., Mk 11:10; υἱὸς Δ., the Messiah (Ps. Sol., 17:23; for other reff. in Jewish lit., v. Dalman, Words, 317), Mt 1:1 9:27, et al.; ἐν Δ., i.e. the Psalter, He 4:7

[NT: 2797x] δέ (before vowels δ’; on the general neglect of the elision in NT, v. WH, App., 146; Tdf., Pr., 96), post-positive conjunctive particle; [p. 99]

1. copulative, but, in the next place, and, now (Abbott, JG, 104): Mt 1:2ff., II Co 6:15, 16, II Pe 1:5-7; in repetition for emphasis, Ro 3:21, 22, 9:30, I Co 2:6, Ga 2:2, Phl 2:8; in transition to something new, Mt 1:18, 2:19, Lk 13:1, Jo 7:14, Ac 6:1, Ro 8:28, I Co 7:1 8:1, al.; in explanatory parenthesis or addition, Jo 3:19, Ro 5:8, I Co 1:12, Eph 2:4, 5:32, al.; ὡς δέ, Jo 2:9; καὶ . . . δέ, but also, Mt 10:18, Lk 1:76, Jo 6:51, Ro 11:23, al.; καὶ ἐὰν δέ, yea even if, Jo 8:16.
2. Adversative, but, on the other hand, prop., answering to a foregoing μέν (q.v.), and distinguishing a word or clause from one preceding (in NT most freq. without μέν; Bl., §77, 12): ἐὰν δέ, Mt 6:14, 23, al.; ἐγὼ (σὺ, etc.) δέ, Mt 5:22, 6:6, Mk 8:29, al.; ὁ δέ, αὐτὸς δέ, Mk 1:45, Lk 4:40, al.; after a negation, Mt 6:19, 20, Ro 3:4, I Th 5:21, al.

[NT: 18x] δέησις, -εως, ἡ (< δέομαι), [in LXX for תְּחִנָּה, רִנָּה, תְּפִלָּה, etc. ;]

1. a wanting, need (so Ps 21(22):25).
2. an asking, entreaty, supplica­tion; in NT always addressed to God: Lk 1:13, II Co 1:11, Phl 1:19, II Ti 1:3, Ja 5:16, I Pe 3:12 (LXX); with νηστεῖαι, Lk 2:37; προσυνχή, -αί, Eph 6:18, Phl 4:6, I Ti 2:1 5:5; ἱκετηρίαι, He 5:7; προσκαρτέρησις, Eph 6:18; ἐντεύξεις, I Ti 2:1; δ. ποιεῖσθαι (Deiss., BS, 250), Lk 5:33, Phl 1:4 (pl.), I Ti 2:1; seq. ὑπέρ, II Co 9:14, Phl 1:4; περί, Eph 6:18; πρός, Ro 10:1.†
SYN.: προσευχή, used of prayer in general, while δ. gives prominence to the sense of need; on the other hand, δ. is used as well of requests from man to man, while π. is limited to prayer to God. ἔντευξις, in the π., is the regular word for petition to a superior (Deiss., BS, 250; cf. the Pauline ἐντυγχάνειν, to entreat). Cf. also εὐχή. (Ja 5:15), αἴτημα, ἱκετηρία (Tr., Syn., § li; Cremer, 73, 174, 684).

[NT: 11x] δεῖ impersonal (δέω), [in LXX chiefly for infin. with לְ ;]

one must, it is necessary: c. inf., Mt 26:54, Mk 13:7, Ac 5:29, al.; c. acc. et inf., Mt 16:21, Mk 8:31, Jo 3:7, Ac 25:10, al.; with ellipse of acc., Mt 23:23; of acc., and inf., Mk 13:14, Ro 1:27 8:26; οὐ (μὴ) δεῖ (non licet), ought not, must not: Ac 25:24, II Ti 2:24; impf., ἔδει, of necessity or obligation in past time regarding a past event (Bl., § 63, 4), Mt 18:33, Lk 15:32, Jo 4:4, Ac 27:21, al.; periphr., δέον ἐστίν (as in Attic, χρεών ἐστι = χρή, v.s. δέον), Ac 19:36; id., with ellipse of ἐστίν, I Pe 1:6 τὰ μὴ δέοντα (= ἃ οὐ δεῖ I Ti 5:13.
SYN.: ὀφείλει, expressing moral obligation, as distinct from δεῖ, denoting logical necessity and χρή, a need which results from the fitness of things (v. Tr., Syn., § cvii, 10; Westc. on He 2:1, I Jn 2:6; Hort on Ja 3:10).

[NT: 1x] * δεῖγμα, -τος, τό (< δείκνυμι);

1. (cl.) a thing shown, a specimen.
2. = cl. παράδ- (cf. ὑπόδ-, II Pe 2:6), an example (a warning): Ju 7.†

[NT: 2x] *† δειγματίζω (< δεῖγμα),

a rare word (ICC, ll. c.), to make a show of, to expose: Mt 1:19 (Rec. παραδ-, q.v.), Col 2:15.†

[NT: 33x] δείκνυμι, δεικνύω (v. Bl., § 23, 1; Veitch, s.v.), [in LXX chiefly for רָאָה hi. ;]

to show, c. acc rei (pers.), dat. pers.;
(a) to show, exhibit: Mt 4:8 8:4, Mk 1:44 14:15, Lk 4:5 5:14 20:24 22:12 24:40, Jo 2:18 5:20 10:32; 20:20 Ac 7:3 (LXX), I Ti 6:15, Re 17:1 21:9, 10 22:1, 8, pass., He 8:5 (LXX);
(b) to make known: Mt 16:21, Jo 14:8, 9, Ac 10:28, I Co 12:31, Re 1:1 4:1 22:6;
(c) to prove: Ja 2:18 3:13.†

[p. 100]

[NT: 1x] δειλία, -ας, ἡ (< δειλός), [in LXX for אֵימָה, מְחִתָּה, etc. ;]

cowardice, timidity (never in good sense): II Ti 1:7.†
SYN.: φόβος, fear, in general, good or bad; εὐλάβεια (q.v.), apprehension generally, but chiefly pious fear, "that careful and watchful reverence which pays regard to every circumstance in that with which it has to deal" (cf. Tr., Syn., § x).†

[NT: 1x] δειλιάω, -ῶ (< δειλία), [in LXX for חתת ni., פּחד, etc. ;]

= the more freq. ἀποδ-, to be cowardly, timid, fearful: Jo 14:27.†

[NT: 3x] δειλός, -ή, όν (< δέος), [in LXX for רַךְ, etc. ;]

cowardly, fearful: Mt 8:26, Mk 4:40, Re 21:8.†

[NT: 1x] ** δεῖνα, ὁ, ἡ, τό (gen. -νος, dat. -νι, acc. -να), [in Aq.: Ru 4:1, I Ki 21:2 (3) (Sm. also), IV Ki 6:8 * ;]

such an one, a certain one, whom one cannot or will not name: Mt 26:18.†

[NT: 2x] δεινῶς , adv. (< δέος), [in LXX: Jb 10:16, Wi 17:3, al. ;]

1. terribly: Mt 8:6.
2. vehemently: Lk 11:53.†

[NT: 4x] δειπνέω, -ῶ (< δεῖπνον, q.v.), [in LXX: Pr 23:1 (לחם), To 7:8 8:1, Da LXX 11:27 * ;]

to take the chief meal of the day, to dine, to sup: Lk 17:8 22:20 (WH, br., R, mg. omits), I Co 11:25; metaph., Re 3:20.†

[NT: 16x] δεῖπνον, -ου, τό [in LXX chiefly for פַּת־בַּג (Da) ;]

the chief meal of the day, dinner, supper: Mt 23:6, Mk 12:39, Lk 14:17, 24 20:46, Jo 13:2, 4 21:20, I Co 11:21; δ. ποιεῖν, Mk 6:21, Lk 14:12, 16, Jo 12:2; κυριακὸν (q.v.) δ., I Co 11:20; metaph. (Dalman, Words, 118), δ. τ. γάμου τ. ἀρνίου, Re 19:9; δ. τ. μέγα τ. Θεοῦ, Re 19:17.†

[NT: 1x] *† δεισιδαιμονία, -ας, ἡ (< δεισιδαίμων, q.v.);

1. fear of the gods;
(a) piety, religion;
(b) superstition.
2. Objectively, a religion: Ac 25:19 (Cremer, 72, 682).†

[NT: 1x] * δεισι-δαίμων, -ον (< δείδω, to fear; δαίμων, deity)

reverent to the deity, religious; compar. -μονεστέρους (AV, too superstitious, R, txt., somewhat superstitious, a sense in wh. the word is sometimes used; cf. Field, Notes, 125), more religious, God fearing, than others, quite religious (Abbott, Essays, 105 ff.; Deiss., LAE, 285): Ac 17:22.†
SYN.: εὐσεβής (q.v.), θεοσεβής, θρῆσκος (Cremer, 681; DB, ext., 142 a).

[NT: 25x] δέκα, οἱ, αἱ, τά,

ten: Mt 20:24, al.; θλίψις ἡμερῶν δ., i.e. of brief duration: Re 2:10.†

[NT: 2x] δεκα-δύω, Rec. for δώδεκα Ac 19:7 24:11.†

δεκα-έξ, = ἑκκαίδεκα,

sixteen (Jannaris, Gr., § 645): Re 13:18, L, mg. (for ἑξήκοντα ἕξ; v. Swete, in l.).†

δεκα-οκτώ, T for δέκα ὀκτώ,

eighteen: Lk 13:4.†

[NT: 3x] δεκα-πέντε [in LXX: Ex 27:15, I Mac 10:40, al. ;]

late form of πεντεκαίδεκα, fifteen: Jo 11:18, Ac 27:5, WH, mg., ib. 28, Ga 1:18.†

[NT: 3x] Δεκά-πολις, -εως, ὴ

Decapolis, a region east of the Jordan con­taining ten cities: Mt 4:25, Mk 5:20 7:31.†

[NT: 5x] δεκατέσσαρες, -ων, oἱ, αἱ, -α, τά [in LXX: Ge 31:41, To 8:19, al. ;]

= cl. τεσσαρεσκαίδεκα, more freq. in later Gk. than the older form and in MGr. (for thirteen and upwards) universal, fourteen: Mt 1:17, II Co 12:2, Ga 2:1 (cf. τεσσαρεσκαιδέκατος).†

[p. 101]

[NT: 4x] δεκάτη, -ης, ἡ prop. fem. (sc. μέρος) of δέκατος, -η, -ον, [in LXX for מַעֲשֵׂר: Ge 14:20, Ne 12:44, et al. ;]

a tenth part, a tithe: He 7:2, 4; 8, 9 (for a curious inversion of the Biblical use, v. MM, s.v.).†

[NT: 3x] δέκατος, -η, -ον (< δέκα), [in LXX for מַעֲשֵׂר and cognate forms ;]

tenth: Jo 1:40, Ac 19:9 (WH, txt., RV omit), Re 11:13; 21:20.†

[NT: 2x] δεκατόω, -ῶ, = cl. -τεύω (< δεκάτη), [in LXX: Ne 10:37 (38) (עשׂר pi.) * ;]

to take tithe of: c. acc. pers., He 7:6; pass. to pay tithe: He 7:9.†

[NT: 5x] δεκτός, -ή, -όν verbal adj. of δέχομαι, [in LXX chiefly for רָצוֹן: Pr 11:1, al. ;]

acceptable: Lk 4:19 (LXX) 24, Ac 10:35, II Co 6:2 (LXX), Phl 4:18 (cf. εὐπροσδ-).†

[NT: 3x] * δελεάζω (< δέλεαρ, a bait),

to allure by a bait: metaph., to allure, entice: c. acc, II Pe 2:14, 18; pass., Ja 1:14.†

Δελματία, v.s. Δαλματία.

[NT: 25x] δένδρον, -ου, τό [in LXX for עֵץ, etc. ;]

a tree: Mt 3:10, al.; δ. ἀγαθόν, Mt 7:17, 18; δ. καλόν, Mt 12:33, Lk 6:43; δ. σαπρόν, Mt 7:17, 18 12:33, Lk 6:43; γίνεσθαι δ., Mt 13:32; γ. εἰς δ., Lk 13:19.

*† δεξιο-βόλος, -ου, ὁ (< δεξιός, βάλλω),

one who throws with the right hand: L for δεξιολάβος, Ac 23:23.†

[NT: 1x] * δεξιολάβος, -ου, ὁ (< δεξιός, λαμβάνω),

a kind of soldier, prob. a spearman (Vg., lancearius) or slinger: Ac 23:23.†

[NT: 54x] δεξιός, -ά, -όν [in LXX chiefly for יָמִין ;]

the right: Mt 5:29, Jo 18:10, al.; ὅπλα δ., weapons carried in the right hand, i.e. for offence, II Co 6:7 ; ἡ δ. χείρ, Mt 5:30, Lk 6:6, al.; ἡ δ. (sc. χείρ), Mt 6:3, al.; ἐπὶ τὴν δ., in the right hand (R, txt., on R, mg.), Re 5:1; διδόναι τὴν δ., in friend­ship (Deiss., BS, 251), Ga 2:9; metaph. of power, τῇ δ. αὐτοῦ, Ac 2:33 5:31; τὰ δ., the right side, Mk 16:5; ἐκ δεξιῶν, on the right hand, c. gen., Mt 25:33, 34, Mk 15:27, Lk 1:11, al.; of a place of honour in the Messianic Kingdom (cf. III Ki 2:19, Ps 44(45):10), καθίσαι ἐκ δεξιῶν, Mt 20:21, Mk 10:37; of the heavenly session of Christ, Mt 26:64, Mk 14:62, He 1:13 (Cremer, 172)

[NT: 12x] δέομαι (mid. of δέω, II, q.v., as depon.) [in LXX for חנן, etc. ;]

to want for oneself;
1. to want, need:
(a) absol.;
(b) c. gen.
2. to beg, request, beseech, pray;
(i) in general: absol., Ac 26:3, WH; c. gen. pers., Lk 5:12; 8:28; 38 (ἐδεῖτο; T, ἐδέετο, cf. Veitch, s.v. δέω) 9:38, Ac 8:34; 21:39, II Co 5:20, Ga 4:12; seq. ἵνα, Lk 9:40; seq. τό, c. inf., II Co 10:2; c. gen. pers. et rei, II Co 8:4;
(ii) of prayer to God: absol., Ac 4:31; seq. εἴ πως, Ro 1:10; ἵνα, Lk 21:36; 22:32; εἰς τό, I Th 3:10; ὑπὲρ ἐμοῦ πρὸς τ. κύριον, ὅπως, Ac 8:24; c. gen., τοῦ κυρίου, ὅπως, Mt 9:38, Lk 10:2; τοῦ Θεοῦ, Ac 10:2; seq. εἰ ἄρα, Ac 8:22.†
SYN.: αἰτέω, and cf. δέησις.

δέον, -οντος, τό (neut. part. of δεῖ, used as subst.), [in LXX Sir prol. 3, 4, I Mac 12:11, II Mac 1:18 *; pl. τὰ δ., for לֶחֶם Ex 16:22, III Ki 4:22 (5:2), Pr 24:31 (30:8); שְׁאֵר, Ex 21:10; פַּת־בַּג, Da TH 11:26, To 5:14, [p. 102] II Mac 13:20 * ;]

that which is needful, due, proper: δ. ἐστίν (periphr. for δεῖ, q.v.), Ac 19:36, with ellipse of ἐστίν, I Pe 1:6; τὰ μὴ δ., I Ti 5:13.†

[NT: 1x] ** δέος, -ους, τό (< δείδω), [in LXX: II Mac 3:17, 30 12:22 13:16 15:23 * ;]

fear, awe, reverence: μετὰ εὐλαβείας καὶ δ., He 12:28.†
SYN.: δειλία, φόβος.

[NT: 1x] Δερβαῖος, -α, -ον

of Derbe: Ac 20:4.†

[NT: 3x] Δέρβη, -ης, ἡ,

Derbe, a city of Lycaonia: Ac 14:6, 20 16:1.†

[NT: 1x] δέρμα, -τος, τό (< δέρω), [in LXX for עוֹר ;]

the skin, hide of beasts: ἐν αἰγίοις δ., He 11:37.†

[NT: 2x] δερμάτινος, -η, -ον (< δέρμα), [in LXX for עוֹר ;]

of skin, leathern: Mt 3:4, Mk 1:6 (cf. IV Ki 1:8).†

δέρρις, -εως, ἡ (< δέρος = δέρμα) [in LXX: Ex 26:7 ff. (יְרִיעָה), Za 13:4 (אַדֶּרֶת), etc. ;]

a skin: Mk 1:6 (D, from Za, l.c.; Swete, in l; Rec., Edd. τρίχας; cf. MM, Exp., x).†

[NT: 15x] δέρω [in LXX: Le 1:6, II Ch 29:34; 35:11 (פָּשַׁט hi.)* ;]

1. to skin, flay.
2. (of. Eng. slang, hide) to beat, thrash: c. acc, Mt 21:35, Mk 12:3, 5, Lk 20:10, 11 22:63, Jo 18:23, Ac 5:40 16:37 22:19; ὡς ἀέρα δέρων, I Co 9:26; εἰς πρόσωπου δ., II Co 11:20. Pass., Mk 13:9, Lk 12:47, 48 (δαρήσεται πολλάς, ὀλίγας, Sc. πληγάς).†

[NT: 3x] δεσμεύω (< δεσμός), [in LXX for אָסַר (Jg 16:11, al.), אָלַם pi. (Ge 37:7, al.), etc. ;]

1. to put in chains: Lk 8:29, Ac 22:4.
2. to bind, tie together: φορτία, Mt 23:4.†

[NT: 1x] δεσμέω, -ῶ

Rec. for δεσμεύω, q.v.: Lk 8:29.†

[NT: 1x] δέσμη (Rec. δεσμή), -ης, ἡ (< δέω), [in LXX for אֲגֻדָּה, Ex 12:22 * ;]

a bundle: δήσατε αὐτὰ εἰς δέσμας (D, Orig., omit εἰς, and Blass thinks original reading, δέσμας δέσμας; v. Deiss., LAE, 125), Mt 13:30.†

[NT: 16x] δέσμιος, -ον (also -α, -ον; < δεσμός), [in LXX for אסר;]

1. binding.
2. bound, captive; ὁ δ., as subst., a prisoner: Mt 27:15, 16, Mk 15:6, Ac 16:25, 27 23:18 25:14, 27 28:16 (Rec.) 17, He 10:34 13:3; ὁ δ. τοῦ Χριστοῦ, Eph 3:1, II Ti 1:8, Phm 1, 9; ὁ δ. ἐν κυρίῳ, Eph 4:1.†

[NT: 3x] δεσμός, -οῦ, ὁ (< δέω), [in LXX chiefly for אסר ;]

a band, bond: metaph., Lk 13:16; ὁ δεσμὸς τ. γλώσσης, Mk 7:35 (for this expression in π., v. Deiss., LAE, 306 ff.; of actual bonds, v. Ruth., Gr., 9). Pl., δεσμοί, Phl 1:13; δεσμά (as also in cl.), Lk 8:29, Ac 16:26 20:23; gen., dat., Ac 23:29 26:29, 31, Phl 1:7, 14, 17, Col 4:18, II Ti 2:9, Phm 10, He 11:36, Ju 6; ἐν τοῖς δ. τοῦ εὐαγγελίου Phm 13.†

[NT: 3x] *† δεσμο-φύλαξ, -κος, ὁ (δεσμός, φύλαξ),

a prison-keeper, gaoler: Ac 16:23, 27, 36 (cf. ἀρχιδ-, Ge 39:21).†

[NT: 4x] δεσμωτήριον, -ου, τό [in LXX for בֵּית סֹהַר (Ge), אָסִיר ;]

a prison: Mt 11:2, Ac 5:21, 23 16:26.†

[NT: 2x] δεσμώτης, -ου, ὁ [in LXX for אסר, מַסְגֵּר ;]

a prisoner: Ac 27:1, 42.†

[NT: 10x] δεσπότης, -ου, ὁ [in LXX chiefly for אָדוֹן, אֲדֹנָי; in Jth 9:17, δ. τ. οὐρανῶν κ. τ. γῆς];

a master, lord, correlative of δοῦλος, οἰκέτης: I Ti 6:1, 2, II Ti 2:21, Tit 2:9, I Pe 2:18; as title of God, voc., δέσποτα (so usually in [p. 103] LXX), Lk 2:29, Ac 4:24; ὁ δ. = voc. δέσποτα (cf. B1., § 33, 4), Re 6:10; of Christ, II Pe 2:1, Ju 4, R, txt. (but cf. mg.).†
SYN.: κύριος (q.v.), implying limitation of authority and a more general relation than δ., which "denoted absolute ownership and uncontrolled power" (Thayer).

[NT: 9x] δεῦρο adv., [in LXX chiefly for לֵךְ, לֵכָה ;]

1. of place;
(a) hither, with verbs of motion;
(b) (in cl. chiefly poët.) as an imperat., here! come!: Mt 19:21, Mk 10:21, Lk 18:22, Jo 11:43, Ac 7:3 (LXX), 34 (LXX), Re 17:1 21:9.
2. Of time, hitherto, now: Re 1:13.†

[NT: 12x] δεῦτε adv., as pl. of δεῦρο, 1. (b), q.v., [in LXX chiefly for לְכוּ ;]

come on! come here! come!: c. imperat., Mt 25:34 28:6, Jo 4:29 21:12, Re 19:17; c. subjc., Mt 21:38, Mk 12:7; seq. ὀπίσω, Mt 4:19, Mk 1:17; πρός, Mt 11:28; εἰς, Mt 22:4, Mk 6:31.†

[NT: 1x] * δευτεραῖος, -α, -ον (< δεύτερος), adj. with adverbial sense;

on the second day: δευτεραῖοι ἤλθομεν, Ac 28:13.†

[NT: 1x] *† δευτερό-πρωτος, -ον

second first (in what sense, there is no satisfactory explanation. The reading is prob. not original, v. ICC, in l.; DCG, i, 411; ii, 541, 724): Lk 6:1, WH, mg., R, mg.†

δεῦτερος, -α, -ον,

second in order, with or without idea of time: Mt 22:26, 39, al.; θάνατος, Re 2:11 20:14 21:8; χάρις, II Co 1:15. In neut. as adv., secondly, a second time; opp. to πρῶτον: Jo 3:4 21:16, I Co 12:28, Re 19:3; τὸ δ., II Co 13:2, Ju 5; ἐν τ. δ., at the second time: Ac 7:13; in later usage (as I Mac 9:1), ἐκ δ., Mk 14:72, Jo 9:24, Ac 11:9, He 9:28.

[NT: 56x] δέχομαι, depon. mid., [in LXX chiefly for לקח ;]

to receive, accept;
1. c. acc rei, of taking or accepting what is offered: γράμματα, Lk 16:6, 7; id. in different sense, Ac 28:21; ποτήριον, Lk 22:17; παιδίον (εἰς τ. ἀγκάλας), Lk 2:28; περικεφαλαίαν, μάχαιραν, Eph 6:17; ἐπιστολάς, Ac 22:5; τ. βασιλείαν τ. Θεοῦ, Mk 10:15, Lk 18:17; λογία ζῶντα, Ac 7:38; εὐαγγέλιον, II Co 11:4; τ. χάριν τ. Θεοῦ, II Co 6:1; metaph., of mental acceptance, Mt 11:14; τ. λόγον, Lk 8:13, Ac 8:14 11:1 17:11, I Th 1:6 2:13, Ja 1:21; τὰ τ. πνεύματος, I Co 2:14; τ. παράκλησιν, II Co 8:17; τ. ἀγάπην τ. ἀληθείας, II Th 2:10.
2. c. acc pers., of receiving kindly or hospitably, Mt 10:14 40, 41, Mk 6:11, Lk 9:5 53 10:8, 10, Jo 4:45, II Co 7:15 11:16, Ga 4:14, Col 4:10, He 11:31; παιδίον, Mt 18:5, Mk 9:37, Lk 9:48; εἰς οἴκους, σκηνάς, Lk 16:4, 9; δέξαι τ. πνεῦμά μου, Ac 7:59; ὃν δεῖ οὐρανὸν δέασθαι, Ac 3:21 (cf. ἀνα-, ἀπο, δια-, εἰσ-, ἐκ-, ἀπ-εκ-, ἐν-, ἐπι-, παρα-, προσ-, ὑπο-δέχομαι; Cremer, 174).†

[NT: 138x] δέω (I), [in LXX chiefly for אסר ;]

to tie, bind, fasten;
(1) c. acc. rei, seq. εἰς δεσμάς, Mt 13:30; of an ass, Mt 21:2, Mk 11:2, 4 Lk 19:30.
(2) c. acc. pers., of swathing a dead body, ὀθονίοις, Jo 19:40; δεδομένος τ. πόδας . . . κειρίαις (Bl., §34, 6; Kühner 3, iii, 125), Jo 11:44; of binding with chains, ἀγγέλους, Re 9:14; a demoniac, πέδαις κ. ἁλύσεσι, Mk 5:3, 4; captives, Mt 12:29 14:3 22:13 27:2, Mk 3:27 6:17 15:1, 7, Jo 18:12, 24, Ac 9:2, 14, 21, 21:11, 13 22:5, 29 24:27, Col 4:3, Re 20:2; ἁλύσεσι, Ac 12:6 21:33. Metaph., ὁ λόγος τ. Θεοῦ, II Ti 2:9; of Satan binding by disease (MM, s.v.), Lk 13:16; of constraint or obligation, Ac 20:22; of the marriage bond, [p. 104] I Co 7:39; id. c. dat. pers., ἀνδρί, Ro 7:2; γυναικί, I Co 7:27; in Rabbinic lang. (Dalman, Words, 213f.), to forbid, declare forbidden, Mt 16:19 18:18 (cf. κατα-, περι-, συν-, ὐπο-δέω; Cremer, 82).

δέω (II) Attic,

to want, miss; mid., δέομαι, q.v.

[NT: 6x] δή

consecutive co-ordinating particle with no exact equiv. in Eng., giving greater exactness and emphasis to the word or words to which it is attached; sometimes translatable as now therefore, then, verily, certainly.
1. With verbs: imperat., Ac 6:3 (WH, mg.) 13:2, I Co 6:20; hort. subjc., Lk 2:15, Ac 15:36; indic., δή που (Τ, δήπου, q.v.), He 2:16.
2. With pronouns: ὃ δή, now this is he who, Mt 13:23.†

*† δηλαυγῶς, adv. (< δῆλος, αὐγή ),

clearly: Mk 8:25, T, WH, mg. (for τηλαυγῶς, q.v.).†

[NT: 3x] δῆλος, -η, -ον [in LXX for אוּר, etc. ;]

1. visible.
2. clear to the mind, evident: Mt 26:73; δ. (sc. ἐστίν), seq. ὅτι, I Co 15:27, Ga 3:11.†
SYN.: φανερός, with ref. to outward appearance, manifest as opp. to concealed; δ. with ref. to inner perception, evident, known, under­stood.

[NT: 7x] δηλόω, -ῶ [in LXX chiefly for ידע ;]

to make plain, declare: c. acc., I Co 3:13, Col 1:8, He 9:8 12:27; c. dat. pers., II Pe 1:14; c. dat. pers., seq. περί (pass.), I Co 1:11; seq. εἰς, I Pe 1:11.†
SYN.: ἐμφανίζω, to make manifest, render visible to the sight; δ. to render evident to the mind.

[NT: 3x] Δημᾶς, (perh. contracted from Δημήτριος),

Demas, a companion of St. Paul: Col 4:14, Phm 24, II Ti 4:10.†

[NT: 1x] δημηγορέω, -ῶ (< δῆμος, ἀγορεύω, to speak in the assembly), [in LXX: Pr 24:66 (30:31), IV Mac 5:15 * ;]

to deliver an oration: Ac 12:21.†

[NT: 3x] Δημήτριος, -ου, ὁ

1. a silversmith, Ac 19:24 38.
2. A Christian disciple, III Jn 12.†

[NT: 1x] ** δημιουργός, -οῦ, ὑ (< δῆμος, ἔργον), [in LXX: II Mac 4:1 * ;]

1. one who works for the people.
2. Univ., an author, builder, maker; the maker of the world (Xen., Mem., I, 4, 9, al.), He 11:10.†
SYN.: κτίστης, creator, τεχνίτης, craftsman, designer. In He, l.c., τ. has reference to the plan, δ. to its execution.

[NT: 4x] δῆμος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX chiefly for מִשְׁפָּחָה ;]

1. a district, country.
2. the common people, the people generally; esp. the people assembled: Ac 12:22 17:5 19:30 33.
SYN.: λαός, the people at large: δ., the people as a body politic; opp. to δ. is ὄχλος, the unorganized multitude. ἔθνος, in sing., means in NT as in Gk. writers generally, a nation, but in pl. denotes the rest of mankind apart from the Jews: Gentiles. λ. also, rare in cl. (Att... λεώς), is freq. in LXX and NT, and usually limited to the chosen people, Israel (cf. Cl. Rev., i, 42 f.; Cremer, 689).

[NT: 4x] ** δημόσιος, -α, -ον (< δῆμος), [in LXX: II Mac 6:10, III Mac 2:27 4:7 * ;]

belonging to the people, public: Ac 5:18; dat. fem. used adverbially (cl.);
(a) at the public expense, by public consent;
(b) publicly: Ac 16:37 18:28 20:20.†

[NT: 16x] *† δηνάριον, -ου, τό

the Lat. denarius, a Roman coin, nearly equal [p. 105] to the δραχμή, q.v.: Mt 18:28 20:2, 9, 13 22:19, Mk 6:37 12:15 14:5, Lk 7:41 10:35 20:24, Jo 6:7 12:5, Re 6:6; τὸ ἀνὰ δ., Mt 20:10.†

[NT: 1x] δή-ποτε indef. adv. (also written δή ποτε), with generalizing force;

1. absol., sometime.
2. With adv. or relat., -soever: ᾦ δ., Jo 5:4 (L, οἱῳδηποτοῦν).†

[NT: 1x] * δή-που (WH, δή που), indef. adv.,

mostly in sense of surely, of course, we know: He 2:16 T (WH, δή που).†

Δία, acc. of Ζεύς, q.v.

[NT: 720x] διά (before a vowel δ’, exc. Ro 8:10, II Co 5:7, and in pr. names; Tdf., Pr., 94), prep. c. gen., acc, as in cl.;

1. c. gen., through;
(i) of Place, after verbs of motion or action: Mt 2:12 12:43, Mk 2:23, Lk 4:30, Jo 4:4, II Co 11:33, al.; σώζεσθαι (διας-) δ. πυρός, ὕδατος, I Co 3:15, I Pe 3:20; βλέπειν δ. ἐσόπτρου, I Co 13:12; metaph., of a state or condition: Ro 14:20, II Co 2:4 5:7, 10; δ. γράμματος, ἀκροβυστίας (Lft., Notes, 263, 279), Ro 2:27 4:11; δι ̓ὑπομενῆς, Ro 8:25.
(ii) Of Time;
(a) during which: Mt 26:61, Mk 14:58, Lk 5:5; δ. παντὸς τοῦ ζῆν, He 2:15; δ. παντός (διαπαντός in Mk 5:5, Lk 24:53), always, continually, Mt 18:10, Ac 2:25 (LXX) 10:2 24:16, Ro 11:10 (LXX), II Th 3:16, He 9:6 13:15.
(b) within which: Ac 1:3; δ. νυκτός, Ac 5:19 16:9 17:10 23:31;
(c) after which (Field, Notes, 20; Abbott, JG, 255f.): Mk 2:1, Ac 24:17, Ga 2:1.
(iii) Of the Means or Instrument;
(1) of the efficient cause (regarded also as the instrument): of God, Ro 11:36, I Co 1:9, Ga 4:7, He 2:10 7:21; of Christ, Ro 1:8 5:1, 17, I Co 15:21, I Pe 4:11, al.; δ. τ. ὑμῶν δεήσεως, Ro 1:12, II Co 1:4, Ga 4:23, al.;
(2) of the agent, instrument or means;
(a) c. gen. pers., Mt 11:2, Lk 1:70, Jo 1:17, Ac 1:16, Ro 2:16, I Co 1:21, Eph 1:5, He 2:14, Re 1:1, al.; ὑπὸ τ. κυρίου δ. τ. προφήτου (δ. τ. κυρίου, I Th 4:2 (M, Th., in l.); Lft., Rev., 121f.), Mt 1:22 2:15, Ro 1:2; δ. ἐπιστολῆς ὡς δ. ἡμῶν (Field, Notes, 202), II Th 2:2; δ. Σ. (NTD, 22), I Pe 5:12;
(b) c. gen. rei (where often the simple dat. is used in cl.; Jannaris, Gr., 375), Jo 11:4, Ac 5:12; δ. τ. πίστεως, Ro 3:30; δ. λόγου θεοῦ, I Pe 1:23; δ. παραβολῆς, Lk 8:4; δουλεύειν δ. τ. ἀγάπης, Ga 5:13; δ. ἐπαγγελίας, Ga 3:18,
2. C. acc.;
(i) rarely, as c. gen., through (Hom), δ. μέσον Σαμαρίας (ICC, in l.; Bl., §42, 1; Robertson, Gr., 581), Lk 17:11.
(ii) by reason of, because of, for the sake of;
(a) c. acc pers. (M, Pr., 105), Mk 2:27, Jo 6:57 11:42, Ro 8:20;
(b) c. acc. rei, δ. φθόνον, Mt 27:18, Mk 15:10; δ. φόβον, Jo 7:13 20:19; δ. ἀγάπην, Eph 2:4; δ. τοῦτο, freq., for this cause, therefore, Mt 6:25, Mk 6:14, Lk 11:49, Jo 6:65, al.; id. seq. ὅτι, Jo 5:16 10:17, al.; δ. τί, why, Mt 9:11, 14 Mk 2:18, Jo 7:45, al.; δ. τό, c. inf., Mk 5:4, Lk 9:7, Ja 4:2.
3. In composition,
(1) through, as in διαβαίνω;
(2) of separation, asunder, as in διασπάω;
(3) of distribution, abroad, as in διαγγέλλω;
(4) of transition, as διαλλάσσω;
(5) of "perfective" action (M, Pr., 112f., 115f.), as διαφύγω, διακαθαρίζω.

[NT: 3x] δια-βαίνω [in LXX chiefly for עבר ;]

1. to make a stride.
2. to step across, cross over;
(a) trans.: τ. θάλασσαι, He 11:29;
(b) intrans.: seq. εἰς, Ac 16:9; πρός, Lk 16:26.†

[NT: 1x] δια-βάλλω [in LXX: Da LXX 3:8, Da TH 3:8; 6:24 (25) (אֲכַל קְרַץ), II Mac 3:11, IV Mac 4:1 * ;]

1. to throw across.
2. To slander, defame, accuse falsely or maliciously: Lk 16:1 (Cremer, 120).†

[p. 106]

[NT: 2x] * δια-βεβαιόομαι, -οῦμαι

to affirm confidently: Tit 3:8; seq. περί, I Ti 1:7 (Cremer, 140).†

* δια-βλέπω

1. to took straight before one.
2. to see clearly: Mt 7:5, Mk 8:25, Lk 6:42 (cf. διάβλεψις, Aq., Is 61:1, for LXX ἀνάβ-).†

[NT: 35x] διάβολος, -ον (< διαβάλλω, q.v.) [in LXX for שָׂטָן (as Jb 1:6), exc. Es 7:4 8:1 (צַר, צָרַר) ;]

slanderous, accusing falsely. As subst., ὁ, ἡ, δ.;
(a) generally (of. Es, ll. c.), a slanderer, false accuser: I Ti 3:6, 7 (CGT, in l., but v. infr.) 3:11, II Ti 3:3, Tit 2:3;
(b) as chiefly in LXX, of Satan, the Accuser, the Devil: Mt 4:1, 5, 8, 11 13:39 25:41, Lk 4:2, 3, 6, 13 8:12, Jo 13:2, Ac 10:38, Eph 4:27 6:11, I Ti 3:6, 7 (but v. supr.), II Ti 2:26, He 2:14, Ja 4:7, I Pe 5:8, Ju 9, Re 2:10 12:9, 12 20:2, 10; εἶναι ἐκ τοῦ δ., Jo 8:44, I Jn 3:8; τέκνα τοῦ δ., I Jn 3:10; υἱὸς, Ac 13:10; metaph., of Judas, Jo 6:70 (Cremer, 121; DCG, ii, 605).†

δι-αγγέλω [in LXX for ספר pi., etc. ;]

to publish abroad, proclaim: c. acc, Lk 9:60, Ac 21:26, Ro 9:17 (LXX).†

διά-γε (WH, διά γε), v.s. γέ.

[NT: 3x] ** δια-γίνομαι (Ion. and late Gk. for διαγίγν-), [in LXX, II Mac 11:26 * ;]

1. to go through, to pass, e.g. τ. νύκτα; absol., to live.
2. Of time, to intervene, elapse: ptcp., c. ἡμερῶν τινῶν, Ac 25:13; ἱκανοῦ χρόνου, ib. 27:9; τ. σαβάτου, Mk 16:1.†

[NT: 2x] δια-γινώσκω (v. previous word), [in LXX chiefly for ידע, and cf. II Mac 9:15 ;]

1. to distinguish, ascertain exactly: Ac 23:15
2. As Athen. law-term, to determine: τὰ καθ' ὑμᾶς, your case, Ac 24:22 (Cremer, 673).†

[NT: 1x] *† δια-γνωρίζω

to publish abroad:
Lk 2:17, Rec. (ἐγνώρισεν, Edd.).†

[NT: 1x] ** διά-γνωσις, -εως, ἡ (< διαγιγνώσκω), [in LXX: Wi 3:18 * ;]

1. a distinguishing, also as medical term.
2. As law-term (Lat. cognitio), determination, decision: Ac 25:21 (Cremer, 674).†

[NT: 2x] δια-γογγύζω [in LXX chiefly for לין, לון, as Ex 16:2, and cf. Si 34(31):24 ;]

of a number, to murmur or mutter among themselves: Lk 15:2 19:7.†

[NT: 1x] *† δια-γρηγορέω, -ῶ

(a) prop., to remain awake (R, mg.);
(b) to be fully awake (R, txt.): Lk 9:32.†

[NT: 2x] δι-άγω [in LXX for עבר hi., etc. ;]

1. to carry over.
2. Of time, to pass: βίον, I Ti 2:2; absol., to live, seq. ἐν, Tit 3:3.†

[NT: 1x] δια-δέχομαι [in LXX for מִשְׁנֶה (Deiss., BS, 115), פַּרְבָּר ;]

to receive through another, receive in turn: Ac 7:45 (RV, in their turn; v. Field, Notes, 116).†

[NT: 3x] διάδημα, -τος, τό (< διαδέω, to bind round), [in LXX for כֶּתֶר (as Es 1:11), etc. ;]

the band round the τιάρα of a Persian king; a diadem, the badge of royalty: Re 12:3 13:1 19:12.†
SYN.: στέφανος, the badge of "victory, of valour, of nuptial joy, of festal gladness " (but v. M, Th., i, 219; cf. DB, i, 530, 604).

δια-διδωμι [in LXX for חלק pi., etc. ;]

1. to hand over, deliver: Re 17:13, Rec.
2. to distribute: Lk 11:22 18:22, Jo 6:11, Ac 4:35

[p. 107]

[NT: 1x] διά-δοχος, -ου, ὁ, ἡ (< διαδέχομαι), [in LXX: I Ch 18:17 (לְיַד), II Ch 26:11 (שַׂר) 28:7 (מִשְׁנֶה), Si 46:1 48:8, II Mac 4:29 14:26 * ;]

a successor: Ac 24:27 (for usage in LXX and π. in sense of court official, v. Deiss., BS, 115).†

[NT: 3x] δια-ζώννυμι, (also -ννύω) [in LXX for חֲגוֹר, Ez 23:15 A * ;]

to gird round: ἑαυτόν, Jo 13:4; pass., ib. 13:5; mid., to gird oneself with: c. acc, Jo 21:7.†

[NT: 33x] διαθήκη, -ης, ἡ (< διατίθημι), [freq. in LXX, and nearly always for בְּרִית ;]

1. as usually in cl., a disposition, testament, will (Plat., al.): Ga 3:15 (R, mg., but v. Lft., in l.), He 9:16, 17 (R, txt.; MM, Exp., xi,; Milligan, NTD, 75; Abbott, Essays, 107; Deiss., LAE, 341; but v. infr.).
2. As in LXX (for בְּרִית) = cl. συνθήκη, a convention, arrangement, covenant (exc. in the disputed cases mentioned above, always between God and man, "perhaps with the feeling that the δια- compound was more suitable than the συν- for a covenant with God---συνθ. might suggest equal terms," MM, Exp., l.c.): Ga 3:15 (R, txt., but v. supr., and cf. Thayer, s.v.), He 9:16, 17 (R, mg., Westc., in l.,; Hatch, Essays, 47; but v. supr.), Mt 26:28, Mk 14:24, Lk 1:72, Ac 3:25 7:8, Ro 11:27 (LXX), II Co 3:14, Ga 3:17, He 7:22 8:6, ib. 9, 10 (LXX) 9:4, 15-17 20 (LXX) 10:16 (LXX), 29 12:24 13:20, Re 11:19; καινὴ δ., Mt 26:28, and Mk 14:24 (R, mg.), Lk 22:20, I Co 11:25, II Co 3:6, He 8:8 (LXX) 9:15; pl. Ro 9:4, Ga 4:24, Eph 2:12.†

[NT: 3x] δι-αίρεσις, -εως, ἡ (< διαιρέω), [in LXX chiefly for מַחֲלֹקֶת ;]

1. a distinction, diference.
2. a division, distribution: I Co 12:4-6 (cf. διαιρέω; Cremer, 616).†

[NT: 2x] δι-αιρέω, -ῶ [in LXX for בּתר (as Ge 15:10), חלק (as Jos 18:5), etc. ;]

1. to divide into parts, cut asunder.
2. to distribute: c. acc. rei, dat. pers., Lk 15:12, I Co 12:11.†

* δια-καθαίρω,

to cleanse thoroughly: Lk 3:17.†

[NT: 1x] *† δια-καθαρίζω

= θαίρω: Mt 3:12.†

[NT: 1x] *† δια-κατ-ελέγχομαι

to confute completely: Ac 18:28.†

[NT: 37x] * διακονέω, (< δίακονος);

1. generally, to minister, serre, wait upon, especially at table, to do one a service, cure for one's needs: absol., Mt 20:28, Mk 10:45, Lk 10:40 22:26, 27, Jo 12:2, I Pe 4:11; ὅσα διηκόνησεν, II Ti 1:18; c. dat. pers., Mt 4:11 8:15 25:44 27:55, Mk 1:13, 31 15:41, Lk 4:39 8:3 12:37 17:8, Jo 12:26, Ac 6:2 19:22, Ro 15:25, Phm 13, He 6:10.
2. to serve as deacon: I Ti 3:10, 3:13.
3. C. acc. rei, to minister, supply, supply by ministration: I Pe 1:12 4:10; pass., II Co 3:3 8:19, 20.†
SYN.: λειτουργέω, q.v. (Cremer, 179).

[NT: 34x] διακονία, -ας, ἡ (< διάκονος), [in LXX for נַעַר, שָׁרַת pi.: Es 6:3, Es 6:5 A; I Mac 11:58 * ;]

the office and work of a διάκονος, service, ministry;
(a) of domestic duties (Field, Notes, 63): Lk 10:40
(b) spec. of religious ministration, and the exercise of ministerial functions in the Church: Ac 1:17, 25 6:1, 4 11:29 12:25 20:24; 21:19, Ro 11:13 12:7 15:31, I Co 16:15, II Co 4:1 6:3 8:4 9:1, 13, Eph 4:12, Col 4:17, I Ti 1:12, II Ti 4:5, 11, He 1:14, Re 2:19; δ. τ. [p. 108] θανάτου, II Co 3:7; τ. πνεύματος, ib. 3:8; τ. κατακρίσεως, τ, δικαιοσύνης, ib. 3:9; τ. καταλλαγῆς, ib. 5:18; τ. λειτουργίας, ib. 9:12; c. obj. gen., τὴν ὑμῶν δ., ib. 11:8; pl., I Co 12:5.†

[NT: 29x] διάκονος, -ου, ὁ, ἡ (derivation unknown), [in LXX for נַעַר, שָׁרַת pi.: Es 6:3, 5, א B Es 1:10 2:2, Pr 10:4, IV Mac 9:17 * ;]

1. in general, a servant, attendant, minister: Mt 20:26 22:13 23:11, Mk 9:35 10:43, Jo 2:5, 9, I Co 3:5, Ga 2:17, Eph 6:21, Col 4:7; δ. θεοῦ, Ro 13:4, II Co 6:4, I Th 3:2; δ. Χριστοῦ, II Co 11:23, Col 1:7, I Ti 4:6; cf. ὁ δ. ὁ ἐμός, Jo 12:26; δ. περιτομῆς, Ro 15:8; δ. καινῆς διαθήκης, II Co 3:6; δ. δικαιοσύνης, II Co 11:15; δ. [εὐαγγελίου], Eph 3:7, Col 1:23; δ. [ἐκκλησίας], Col 1:25.
2. As technical term for Church officer (so in pre-Christian times, v. M, Th., I, 32), a deacon: Phl 1:1, I Ti 3:8, 12; fem. (cf. Eccl. διακονίσσα), Ro 16:1 (cf. I Ti 3:11, and CGT, in l., also M, Th., l.c.).†
SYN.: δοῦλος, bondman; θεράπων, servant acting voluntarily; ὑπηρέτης, servant, attendant, by etymol. suggesting subordination. All these imply relation to a person, in distinction from which δ. represents rather the servant in relation to his work. Cf. also λειτουργός, a public servant, in which the idea of service to the community is prominent; οἰκέτης, a house servant.

[NT: 8x] διακόσιοι, -αι, -α

two hundred: Mk 6:37, et al.

δι-ακούω [in LXX: De 1:16 (שׁמע), Jb 9:33 (יָד שִׁית hi.)* ;]

to hear through, hear fully; technically, to hear judicially (as De, l.c.; of. Deiss., BS, 230): Ac 23:35.†

[NT: 19x] δια-κρίνω [in LXX for שׁפט, דִּין, etc. ;]

1. to separate, hence, to distinguish, discriminate, discern: μηδὲν δ., Ac 11:12; οὐδὲν δ. μεταξύ, Ac 15:9; σε, I Co 4:7; τὸ σῶμα, I Co 11:29.
2. to settle, decide, judge, arbitrate: Mt 16:3, I Co 6:5 11:29 (ICC, in l.), ib. 31 14:29. Mid, and pass.;
1. to get a decision, contend, dispute: seq. πρός, Ac 11:2; c. dat. (but v. ICC, in l.), Ju 9; absol., Ju 22 (R,mg.).
2. Hellenistic (NT and Eccl., but not LXX), to be divided in one's mind, to hesitate, doubt: Mt 21:21 Ro 14:23, Ja 1:6; ἐν ἐαυτῷ, Ja 2:4; ἐν τ. καρδίᾳ, Mk 11:23; μηδὲν δ., Ac 10:20; δ. τ. ἀπιστίᾳ, Ro 4:20, Ju 22 (R, txt.).†

[NT: 3x] διά-κρισις, -εως, ἡ (< διακρίνω) [in LXX for מִפְלָשׂ, Jb 37:16 * ;]

the act of judgment, discernment: Ro 14:1, I Co 12:10, He 5:14.†

** δια-κωλεύω [in LXX: Jth 4:7 12:7 * ;]

to hinder, prevent: c. acc, Mt 3:14.†

[NT: 2x] ** δια-λαλέω, -ῶ [in Sm.: Ps 50(51):16, et al. ;]

1. to talk with: πρός, Lk 6:11.
2. to talk over: pass., Lk 1:65.†

[NT: 13x] δια-λέγομαι (mid. of διαλέγω, to pick out, distinguish, as depon.), [in LXX: Ex 6:27, Is 63:1 (דּבר pi.), Jg 8:1 (ריב), I Es 8:46, Es 5:2, Si 14:20, II Mac 11:20 * ;]

to converse with, discourse (v. Cl. Rev., i, 45), discuss, argue: Ac 18:4 19:8,9 20:9; c. dat. pers., Ac 17:17 18:19 20:7, He 12:5; seq. πρός, Mk 9:34, Ac 17:17 24:12; περί Ac 24:25, Ju 9; ἀπὸ τ. γραφῶν, Ac 17:2.†

[NT: 1x] δια-λείπω [in LXX for יחל (as I Ki 10:8), etc. ;]

to intermit, leave off for a time: Lk 7:45.†

[p. 109]

[NT: 6x] διά-λεκτος, -ου, ἡ (< διαλέγομαι), [in LXX: Da LXX 1:4 (לָשׁוֹן), Es 9:26 * ;]

1. conversation, discourse, speech (Plat., Dem., al.).
2. As in Polyb. and later writers, the language or dialect of a particular country or district: Ac 1:19 2:6, 8 21:40 22:2 26:14.†

**† δια-λιμπάνω, [in LXX: To 10:7*];

to intermit, cease: Ac 8:24, WH, mg.†

δι-αλλάσσω [in LXX: I Ki 29:4 (רָצָה hithp.), I Es 4:31, al. ;]

1. to change, exchange.
2. to change enmity for friendship, to reconcile: pass., c. dat. pers., Mt 5:24. "The word denotes mutual concession after mutual hostility, an idea absent from καταλλ-," q.v. (Lft., Notes, 288; cf. Deiss., LAE, 178; Cremer, 91, 632).†

[NT: 16x] δια-λογίζομαι, depon. [in LXX chiefly for חשׁב, freq. in Pss. ;]

1. to balance accounts (Dem.).
2. to consider, reason (Isocr.): Lk 1:29 5:21; ἐν τ. καρδία, Mk 2:6, 8, Lk 5:22; περί Lk 3:15; ἐν ἑαυτῷ (-οῖς), Mt 16:7-8, Mk 2:8, Lk 12:17; πρὸς ἑ., Mk 9:33 11:31, Lk 20:14; παρ' ἑ., Mt 21:25 (ἐν ἑ., T, WH, mg.); πρὸς ἀλλήλους, Mk 8:16; ὅτι, Mk 8:17, Jo 11:50, Rec. (DB, i, 611; Cremer, 400).†

[NT: 14x] δια-λογισμός, -οῦ, ὁ (< διαλογίζομαι) [in LXX chiefly for מַחֲשָׁבָה ;]

a thought, reasoning, inward questioning: Mt 15:19, Mk 7:21, Lk 2:35 5:22 6:8 9:46, 47 24:38, Ro 1:21 14:1, I Co 3:20 (LXX), Phl 2:14; κριταὶ δ. πονηρῶν, gen. of qual. (cf. Pr 12:5), Ja 2:4; χωρὶς ὀργῆς καὶ δ. (where perh. δ., like מְזִמָּה, in Ps 138(139):20, al., implies evil intention), I Ti 2:8 (v. Hort, in l.; cf. Cremer, 400).†

[NT: 1x] δια-λύω [in LXX for אבה, חבל, etc. ;]

to part asunder, dissolve; of an assembly, pass., to disperse: Ac 5:36.†

[NT: 15x] δια-μαρτύρομαι, depon., of Ionic origin, intensive of the simple μαρτύρομαι, q.v., [in LXX chiefly for עוּד hi., usually c. dat. pers., De 4:26 8:19, I Ki 8:9, al. ;]

solemnly to protest: Lk 16:28, Ac 2:40 8:25 10:42 18:5 20:21, 23, 24 23:11 28:23, I Th 4:6, He 2:6; in adjuration, seq. ἐνώπιον τ. θεοῦ, I Ti 5:21, II Ti 2:14 4:1 (Cremer, 415).†

[NT: 1x] δια-μάχομαι [in LXX for לחם ni., Da LXX 10:20; Si 8:1, 3 38:28 51:19 * ;]

1. to struggle against.
2. In argument, to contend: Ac 23:9.†

[NT: 5x] δια-μένω [in LXX for עמד, etc.;]

to remain, continue: Lk 1:22 22:28, Ga 2:5, He 1:11 (LXX), II Pe 3:4.†

[NT: 11x] δια-μερίζω [in LXX chiefly for חלק pi. ;]

1. to distribute: c. dat. pers., Ac 2:45; seq. εἰς, Lk 22:17, pass., Ac 2:3. Mid. to distribute among themselves: Mt 27:35, Mk 15:24, Lk 23:34; with redundant ἑαυτοῖς, Jo 19:24 (LXX) (v. M, Pr., 157).
2. to divide, separate: pass., seq. ἐπί, c. acc., Lk 11:17-18; ἐπί, c. dat., Lk 12:52-53.†

[NT: 1x] δια-μερισμός, -οῦ, ὁ (< διαμερίζω), [in LXX: Ez 48:29 (מַחֲלֹקֶת), Mi 7:12 * ;]

a division: opp. to εἰρήνη, Lk 12:51.†

[NT: 1x] δια-νέμω [in LXX for חלק, De 29:25 * ;]

to distribute, divide: pass., to be spread about, Ac 4:17.†

[NT: 1x] δια-νεύω [in LXX: Ps 34(35):19 (קרץ), Si 27:22 * ;]

to wink at, nod to, beckon to: Lk 1:22.†

[p. 110]

[NT: 1x] δια-νόημα, -τος, τό (< διανοέομαι, to think), [in LXX for מַחֲשָׁבָה, etc., Is 55:9, al., freq. in Sir ;]

a thought: Lk 11:17.†

[NT: 12x] διάνοια, -ας, ἡ [in LXX chiefly for לֵב, לֵבָב ;]

the understanding, mind: Lk 1:51, Eph 4:18, Col 1:21, I Pe 1:13, II Pe 3:1, I Jn 5:20; pl., Eph 2:3; in quotations from LXX, Mt 22:37, Mk 12:30, Lk 10:27, He 8:10 10:16 (Cremer, 79, 438).†

[NT: 8x] δι-αν-οίγω [in LXX for פֶּטֶר (Ex, Nu), פָּקַח, פָּתַח, etc. ;]

to open up completely, to open: Lk 2:23 (LXX); pass., Mk 7:34, Ac 7:56. Metaph., δ. τ. νοῦν, Lk 24:45, τ. καρδίαν, Ac 16:14, pass., οἱ ὀφθαλμοί, Lk 24:31; of explaining, τ. γραφάς, Lk 24:32, Ac 17:3.†

[NT: 1x] δια-νυκτερεύω (cf. διημερεύω, to pass the day) [in LXX: Jb 2:9 * ;]

to pass the night: seq. ἐν τ. προσευχῆ, Lk 6:12.†

[NT: 1x] ** δι-ανύω [in LXX: II Mac 12:17 * ;]

1. to accomplish fully, finish, complete: Ac 21:7 (EV).
2. In late writers (Xen., al., Clem., I ad Cor., xxv, 3), to continue: Ac, l.c. (Field, Notes, 134f.).†

[NT: 7x] δια-παντός, v. διά, c. gen.

[NT: 6x] δια-περάω, -ῶ [in LXX: De 30:13, Is 23:2 (עבר), עבר), I Mac 6:1-63 * ;]

to pass over, cross over: Mt 9:1; seq. ἐπὶ τ. γῆν, Mt 14:34, Mk 6:53; εἰς, Mk 5:21, Ac 21:2; πρὸς ἡμᾶς, Lk 16:28.†

[NT: 1x] * δια-πλέω, -ῶ

to sail across: Ac 27:5.†

δια-πονέω, -ῶ [in LXX: Ec 10:9 (עָצַב ni.), II Mac 2:28; in Aq.: Ge 6:6, I Ki 20:3 * ;]

to work out with labour. Pass., to be worn out, sore troubled: Mk 14:4 (WH, mg.), Ac 4:2 16:18.†

δια-πορεύω [in LXX for עָבַר, הָלַךְ, etc. ;]

to carry over. Pass., to pass across, journey through: absol., Lk 18:36, Ro 15:24; seq. κατὰ πόλεις κ. κώμας, Lk 13:22; διά, c. gen., Mk 2:23, Lk 6:1 (cf. Pr 9:12 c, Wi 3:1); c. acc, Ac 16:4.†

[NT: 4x] ** δι-απορέω, -ῶ [in Sm.: Ps 77:5, Da 2:1 * ;]

to be quite at a loss, be in great perplexity: absol., Ac 2:12; seq. διὰ τό, c. inf., Lk 9:7; περί, Ac 5:24; ἐν ἑαυτῷ, Ac 10:17.†

[NT: 1x] * δια-πραγματεύομαι , "perfective compound" (v. M, Pr., 118);

1. to examine thoroughly (Plat.).
2. In late writers (Dion. Hal.), to gain by trading: Lk 19:15.†

δια-πρίω [in LXX: I Ch 20:3 (סוּר) * ;]

to saw asunder. Pass., metaph. (vernacular?), EV, cut to the heart: Ac 5:33; seq. τ. καρδίαις αὐτῶν, Ac 7:54.†

[NT: 3x] δι-αρπάζω [in LXX for בָּזַז, גָּזַל, שָׁסַס, etc. ;]

to plunder: Mt 12:29, Mk 3:27.†

δια-ρήσσω (so WH, exc. Ac, l.c.), δια-ρρήσσω (poetic and late form of διαρρήγνυμι), [in LXX chiefly for קָרָא ;]

to break asunder, burst, rend: δεσμά, Lk 8:29; pass., δίκτυα, Lk 5:6; ἱμάτια, χιτῶνας, in grief or anger (as Ge 37:29, al.), Mt 26:65, Ac 14:14, Mk 14:63.†

[NT: 2x] δια-σαφέω, -ῶ (< σαφής, clear), [in LXX: De 1:5 (בָּאַר pi.), Da LXX 2:6 (חָוָה aphel.), I-III Ma 9 * ;]

to make clear, explain fully: c. acc. rei, dat. pers., Mt 13:26 18:31.†

[p. 111]

[NT: 1x] δια-σείω [in LXX: Jb 4:14 (פָּחַד hi.), III Mac 7:21 * ;]

to shake violently; metaph., to intimidate: Lk 3:14.†

[NT: 9x] δια-σκορπίζω [in LXX for פּוּץ, זָרָה, etc. ;]

to scatter abroad, disperse: of sheep, Mt 26:31 = Mk 14:27 (LXX); of persons, Lk 1:51, Ac 5:37, opp. to συνάγω, Jo 11:52; of winnowing grain, Mt 25:24, 26; metaph., of property, to squander, waste: Lk 15:13 16:1.†

[NT: 2x] δια-σπάω, -ῶ [in LXX chiefly for נָתַק, as Jg 16:9 ;]

to break or tear asunder: pass., ἁλύσεις, Mk 5:4; Παῦλος, Ac 23:10.†

[NT: 3x] δια-σπείρω [freq. in LXX for פּוּץ, etc. ;]

to scatter abroad, disperse: Ac 8:1, 4 11:19.†

[NT: 3x] δια-σπορά, -ᾶς, ἡ (< διασπείρω), [in LXX of Israelites dispersed and exiled in foreign lands, as De 28:25 (זַעֲוָה) De 30:4 (נָדַח ni.), Is 49:6 (נער); by meton., of the exiles themselves (as Ps 147:2, II Mac 1:27) ;]

a dispersion: δ. τῶν Ἑλλήνων, Jo 7:35; metaph., of Christians (DB, iii, 782 f.), Ja 1:1, I Pe 1:1 (v. Hort, in ll).†

δια-στελλω [in LXX for בָּדַל hi. (De 10:8, al.), זְהַר hi. (Ez 3:18-19, al.), and 19 other words]

1. to divide, distinguish, define.
2. to command, charge expressly: pass., τὸ διαστελλόμενον, He 12:20. Mid., in late Gk. with same sense (so Ez, l.c.; et al. in LXX; MM, s.v.); a. dat. pers., Mk 8:15, Ac 15:24; seq. ἵνα, Mt 16:20, Mk 5:43 7:36 9:9.†

[NT: 1x] διάστημα, -τος, τό (< διίστημι), [in LXX for רֶוַח, etc. ;]

an interval, space: of time (Sir, prol. 24), Ac 5:7.†

[NT: 3x] δια-στολή, -ῆς, ἡ (< διαστέλλω), [in LXX for פְּדוּת: Ex 8:23, etc. ;]

1. a separation.
2. a distinction, difference: Ro 3:22 10:12, I Co 14:7.†

[NT: 7x] δια-στρέφω [in LXX for הָפַךְ, עָקַשׁ, etc. ;]

to distort, twist; metaph., to distort, pervert: Lk 23:2, Ac 13:8, 10; διεστραμμένος, perverse: Mt 17:17, Lk 9:41, Ac 20:30, Phl 2:15.†

δια-σώζω [in LXX for מָלַט, יָשַׁע, etc. ;]

to bring safely through a danger: Lk 7:3, Ac 27:43; seq. πρός, Ac 23:24. Pass., to come safe through: Ac 28:1; ἐπὶ τ. γῆν, Ac 27:44; ἐκ τ. θαλάσσης, Ac 28:4; δι' ὕδατος, I Pe 3:20; of sickness, to recover: Mt 14:36.†

[NT: 2x] δια-ταγή, -ῆς, ἡ (< διατάσσω), [in LXX: Es 4:11 (פַּרְשֶׁגֶן)* ;]

in late writers (Deiss., LAE, 86 ff.) for cl. διάταξις (WH., however, is found in LXX, Ps 119:91, al.);
(a) disposition (cf. διάταξις for צָבָא; Sm., IV Ki 23:4, Je 8:2 19:13); εἰς διαταγὰς ἀγγέλων, AV, by the disposition of angels (Alf., in l, Field, Notes, 116; but v. infr.): Ac 7:53;
(b) ordinance (C. I. 3465): Ro 13:2, Ac 7:53, R, txt. (and v. mg.; Page and EGT, in l; but also v. supr.).†

[NT: 1x] διά-ταγμα, -τος, τό (< διατάσσω), [in LXX: Es 7:11 (נִשְׁתְּוָן), Es 3:13, Wi 11:7 * ;]

an edict, mandate: He 11:23.†

[NT: 1x] ** δια-ταράσσω [in Sm.: III Ki 20:43 * ;]

to agitate greatly (Lat. perturbare): Lk 1:29,†

[p. 112]

[NT: 16x] δια-τάσσω [in LXX for שׂוּם, שָׁמַר, etc. ;]

to charge, give orders to, appoint, arrange, ordain: c. dat., Mt 11:1, I Co 9:14 16:1; seq. inf., Lk 8:55, Ac 18:2. Mid., I Co 7:17, Ac 20:13; c. acc, I Co 11:34; c. dat, Tit 1:5; seq. inf., Ac 7:44 24:23. Pass., τὸ διατεταγμένον, Lk 3:13, Ac 23:31; τὰ διαταχθέντα, Lk 17:9-10; διαταγείς, Ga 3:19.†

[NT: 1x] δια-τελέω, -ῶ [in LXX: De 9:7 (הָיָה), Je 20:7, 18 (כָּלָה), Es 8:13, II Mac 5:27 * ;]

prop. trans., to accomplish; used with ellipse of obj. as intrans. (Bl., § 81, 1), and joined to participles (in Ac, Lc., to adj.; v. Bl., § 73, 4) with adverbial sense (= continuously), to continue: Ac 27:33.†

[NT: 2x] δια-τηρέω, -ῶ [in LXX for שָׁמַר, נָצַר, etc.; seq. ἀπό (for מִן), as in Ps 12:7 (8) ;]

to keep carefully: Lk 2:51; seq. ἐκ, Ac 15:29.†

[NT: 0x] δια-τί T, Rec. for διὰ τί, v.s. διά.

δια-τίθημι [in LXX chiefly for כָּרַת, freq. δ. διαθήκην (כָּרַת) ;]

to place separately, arrange, dispose. Mid, only in NT;
1. (a) in general, to dispose of; c. dat. pers., to assign to one, Lk 22:29;
(b) to dispose of by a will, make a testament (in cl., δ. διαθήκην also in this sense): He 9:16-17 (but cf. R, mg., and v.s. διαθήκη).
2. δ. διαθήκην, to make a covenant (Aristoph.): c. dat. pers., He 8:10 (LXX); seq. πρ, c. acc pers., Ac 3:25, He 10:16 (LXX) (cf. ἀντι-διατίθημι).†

[NT: 9x] δια-τρίβω [in LXX Le 14:8 (יָשַׁב), Je 35:7 (גּוּר), To 11:8, 12, Jth 10:2, II Mac 14:23 * ;]

to rub hard, rub away, consume; δ. χρόνον, ἡμέρας, to spend time: Ac 14:3, 28 16:12 20:6 25:6, 14. Intransitively with ellipse of object (El., § 81, 1), to spend time, stay: Jo 3:22 11:54, Ac 15:35, Ac 12:19.†

[NT: 1x] ** δια-τροφή, ῆς, ἡ (< διατρέφω, to support, sustain), [in LXX: I Mac 6:49 * ;]

food, nourishment: I Ti 6:8.†

[NT: 1x] **† δι-αυγάζω [in Aq.: Jb 25:5 * ;]

to shine through, to dawn: II Pe 1:19 (cf. ἕως οὗ διαπνεύσῃ ἡ ἡμέρα, Ga 2:17).†

** διαυγής, -ές (< αὐγή), [in Aq.: Pr 16:2 * ;]

transparent: Re 21:21.†

διαφανής, -ές (< διαφαίνω to show through, shine through) [in LXX: Ex 30:34 (זַךְ), Is 3:22 (גִּלָּיוֹן), Es 1:6 * ;]

transparent: Re 21:21 (Rec.; v. διαγής).†

[NT: 13x] δια-φέρω [in LXX for שְׁנָא (שְׁנָא (Da 7:1-28 only); I Ki 17:39, Es 3:13, al. ;]

1. trans.,
(a) to carry through: seq. διά, Mk 11:16;
(b) to carry about, spread abroad: pass., Ac 13:49 27:27.
2. Intrans.,
(a) to differ: τὰ διαφέροντα, Ro 2:18, Phl 1:10 (R, mg., but v. infr.); impers., διαφέρει, it makes a difference, it matters: Ga 2:6;
(b) to excel: c. gen. Mt 6:26 10:31 12:12, Lk 12:7, 24, I Co 15:41, Ga 4:1; τὰ διαφέροντα, Ro 2:18, Phl 1:10 (R, txt.; for discussion and reff. v. ICC on Ro, Phi, ll. c.).†

[NT: 1x] δια-φεύγω [in LXX: Jos 8:22 (פָּלִיט), Jos 10:28 (שָׂרִיד), etc. ;]

to flee through, escape: Ac 27:42.†

[NT: 3x] *† δια-φημίζω

in late writers only, to spread abroad: τ. λόγον (= דָּבָר, the matter), Mk 1:45, Mt 28:15; c. acc pers., to spread abroad one's fame: Mt 9:31.†

[p. 113]

[NT: 6x] δια-φθείρω [in LXX chiefly for שָׁחַת hi. ;]

1. to destroy utterly: Lk 12:33, Re 11:18; pass., to be destroyed, disabled: Re 8:9, II Co 4:16.
2. In moral sense, to corrupt, deprave: τ. γῆν, Re 11:18; pass., διεφθαρμένοι τ. νοῦν, I Ti 6:5.†

δια-φθορὰ, -ᾶς, ἡ (< διαφθείρω), [in LXX chiefly for שָׁחַת, and cogn. forms ;]

1. destruction.
2. corruption (physical or moral): of the grave, Ac 2:27 (LXX), Ac 2:31 13:34-37.†

[NT: 4x] διά-φορος, -ον (< διαφέρω), [in LXX for שְׁנָא (Da 7:7, 19); also as in Polyb., iv, 188, al., Τὸ δ., τὰ δ., money: Si 27:1 42:5, II Mac 3:6 ;]

1. different: Ro 12:6, He 9:10.
2. excellent: compar., -ώτερος, He 1:4 8:6.†

[NT: 1x] δια-φυλάσσω [in LXX chiefly for שָׁמַר (as Ps 91:11) ;]

to guard carefully (M, Pr., 116), defend: c. acc, Lk 4:10 (LXX).†

* δια-χειρίζω (< χείρ),

to have in hand, conduct, manage. Mid.
(a) = act.;
(b) in late writers (Polyb., FlJ, al.), to lay hands on, kill: c. acc, Ac 5:30 26:21.†

* δια-χλευάζω, intensive of χλευάζω,

to scoff, mock:
(a) c. acc;
(b) absol., Ac 2:13.†

δια-χωρίζω [in LXX: Ge 1:4 ff (בָּדַל hi.), Ge 13:9 ff. (פָּרַד ni.), etc. ;]

to separate entirely. Mid., to separate oneself, depart: seq. ἀπό Lk 9:33.†

[NT: 2x] διδακτικός, -ή, -όν (= cl. διδασκαλικός)

apt at teaching: I Ti 3:2, II Ti 2:24.†

[NT: 3x] διδακτός, -ή, -όν (< διδάσκω), [in LXX: Is 54:13 (לִמּוּד), I Mac 4:7 * ;]

1. that can be taught.
2. taught; c. gen., of source of teaching (in cl., poët. only);
(a) of persons: δ. θεοῦ, Jo 6:45 (LXX);
(b) of things, λόγοις δ. πνεύματος, I Co 2:13.†

[NT: 21x] διδασκαλία, -ας, ἡ (< διδάσκω), [in LXX: Pr 2:17 (אַלּוּף), Is 29:13 (לָמַד), Si 24:33 39:8 * ;]

teaching, instruction, in both active and objective senses, most freq. the latter: Ro 12:7 15:4, Eph 4:14, I Ti 4:6, 13, 16 5:17 6:1, 3, II Ti 3:10 3:16, Tit 2:7, 10; ὑγιαινοῦσα δ., I Ti 1:10, II Ti 4:3, Tit 1:9 2:1; pl., δ. τ. ἀνθρώπων, Col 2:22; δ. δαιμονίων, I Ti 4:1, δ. διδάσκειν, Mt 15:9, Mk 7:7 (LXX) (Cremer, 182).†
SYN.: διδαχή

[NT: 59x] * διδάσκαλος, -ου, ὁ (< διδάσκω), [in LXX: Es 6:1, II Mac 1:10 * ;]

given as rendering of Heb. רַבִּי ,רַבּוֺן (NT, Ῥαββεί, Ῥαββουνεί q.v.);
a teacher: Jo 1:39 20:16; of Jewish teachers, Lk 2:46, Jo 3:10, cf. Ro 2:20-21; of John Baptist, Lk 3:12; of Jesus, Jo 3:2, 10 8:4 11:28 13:13-14, and often in Syn., most freq. in voc., as title of address, as Mt 8:19, Mk 4:38; of Jesus by himself, Mt 23:8; of an apostle, I Ti 2:7, II Ti 1:11; of Christians, I Co 12:28-29, Eph 4:11, Ac 13:1, Ja 3:1; of false teachers, II Ti 4:3 (Cremer, 181; DB, i, 609, iii, 294, iv, 691)
SYN.: παιδευτής, q.v

[NT: 97x] διδάσκω [in LXX chiefly for למד pl., also for ידע hi., ירה hi., etc. ;]

to teach (i.e. instruct) a person, teach a thing;
1. trans.: c. acc. [p. 114] pers., Mt 5:2, Mk 1:22, al.; seq. ὅτι, Mk 8:31; περί, I Jo 2:27; c. inf., Lk 11:1; c. acc. rei, Mk 6:30 12:14; c. cogn. acc., Mt 15:9 (LXX); c. dupl. acc, Mk 4:2, Jo 14:26; pass., Ga 1:12, II Th 2:15; c. dat. pers. (like Heb., cf. Jb 21:23, but prob. a vernac. usage, v. Swete, in l.), Re 2:14.
2. Absol., to teach, give instruction: Mt 4:23, Mk 1:21, and often in Gosp., Ro 12:7, I Co 4:17, I Ti 2:12, al.
SYN.: παιδεύω (cf. Westc., Heb., 402; Cremer, 180).

[NT: 30x] διδαχή, -ῆς, ἡ (< διδάσκω), [in LXX: Ps 60:1-12 title. (לָמַד pi.); Sm.: De 33:8 * ;]

1. objectively, teaching, doctrine, that which is taught: Mk 1:27, Jo 7:16, Ac 17:19, Ro 6:7 16:17, II Jn 10, Re 2:24; c. gen. poss., Mt 7:28 16:12 22:33, Mk 1:22 11:18, Lk 4:32, Jo 18:19, Ac 5:28, Re 2:14-15; ἡ δ., of Christ, Jo 7:17, Ac 13:12, II Jn 9; of. τὴν δ., Tit 1:9; c. gen. obj., βαπτισμῶν δ., He 6:2; pl., He 13:9.
2. Actively, teaching: Ac 2:42, II Ti 4:2; ἐν τ. δ., in the course of his teaching: Mk 4:2 12:38; λαλεῖν ἐν δ., I Co 14:6; ἔχειν δ., I Co 14:26 (DCG, i, 485; Cremer, 181).†
SYN.: διδασκαλία

δίδραχμος, -ον (< δίς, δραχμή),

worth two drachmae; τὸ δ. (sc. νόμισμα, coin),
[in LXX chiefly for שֶׁקֶל (Ge 23:15, a1.), also for כֶּסֶף: Ge 20:16, De 22:29 ;]
a double drachma, nearly equal to the Jewish half-shekel, the amount of the Temple tax: Mt 17:24 (DB, iii, 428).†

[NT: 3x] Δίδυμος, -ου, ὁ (prop. name from δίδυμος, -η, -ον, double, sc. παῖς, twin)

Didymus, surname of the apostle Thomas: Jo 11:16 20:24 21:2.†

[NT: 415x] δίδωμι, [in LXX chiefly for נָתַן (53 words in all) ;]

to give—in various senses, acc. to context—bestow, grant, supply, deliver, commit, yield: absol., Ac 20:35; c. acc. rei et dat. pers., Mt 4:9 5:31, Jo 1:12, al. mult.; c. dat. pers., seq. ἐκ, Mt 25:8; id. c. gen. part.. Re 2:17; c. acc. pers., Jo 3:16, Re 20:13, al.; δεξιάς, Ga 2:9; φίλημα, Lk 7:45; γνῶσιν, Lk 1:77; κρίσιν, Jo 5:22; of seed yielding fruit, Mk 4:7, 8; ἐργασίαν (Deiss., LAE, 117f.), Lk 12:58; c. inf. fin., Mt 27:34, Mk 5:43, Lk 8:55, Jo 6:52, al.; c. dat. pers. et inf., Lk 1:74, al.; c. acc. et inf., Ac 2:27, Re 3:9; c. dupl. acc., Mt 20:28, Mk 10:45, Eph 1:22 4:11, II Th 3:9, I Ti 2:6, al.; ἑαυτὸν δ. εἰς (Polyb., al.), Ac 19:31; c. dat. pers., seq. κατά (MM, Exp., xi), Re 2:28 (LXX); δ. ἵνα, Re 3:9; δέδωκα ἐνώπιόν σου θύραν ἀνεῳγμένην, Re 3:8.
SYN.: δωρέομαι.

[NT: 6x] ** δι-εγείρω [in LXX: Jth 1:4, Es 1:1, II Mac 7:21 Mac 15:10, III Mac 5:15 * ;]

to arouse completely, arouse as from rest or sleep: Lk 8:24; pass., Mk 4:39, Lk 8:24; of the sea, Jo 6:18. Metaph., of the mind: ἐν ὑπομνήσει, II Pe 1:13 3:1.†

*† δι-ενθυμέομαι, -οῦμαι, depon.,

to consider, reflect: seq. περί, Ac 10:19.†

δι-έ-οδος, -ου, ἡ [in LXX chiefly for תּוֹצָאָה, as Nu 34:4ff, and freq. in Jos;]

in π. of the conclusion of a trial (MM, Exp., xi); a way out through, an outlet; pl., δ. τῶν ὁδῶν, RV, the partings of the highways: Mt 22:9.†

[NT: 1x] *† δι-ερμηνευτής, -οῦ, ὁ (< διερμηνεύω),

an interpreter: I Co 14:28.†

*† δι-ερμηνεία, ας, ἡ

interpretation: I Co 12:10, L, txt. (not else­where).†

[p. 115]

[NT: 6x] **† δι-ερμηνεύω [in LXX: II Mac 1:36 * ;]

intensive of ἐρμηνεύω, to interpret;
(a) to explain, expound: c. acc, Lk 24:27; absol., I Co 12:30 14:5 14:13 14:27;
(b) to translate: Ac 9:36.†

[NT: 43x] δι-έρχομαι [in LXX for אֵבֶר, הָלַךְ, בּוֹא, etc. ;]

1. to go through, pass through;
(a) of things: Mt 19:24, Mk 10:25, Lk 2:35, al.;
(b) of persons: Lk 19:4; c. acc loc., Lk 19:1, He 4:14, Ac 12:10; seq. διά, c. gen. loc., Mt 12:43, I Co 10:1; seq. εἰς, Mk 4:35; ἕως, Lk 2:15.
2. to go about: Lk 9:6, Ac 20:25; of a report, to spread, go abroad (Thuc.), Lk 5:15

[NT: 1x] * δι-ερωτάω, -ῶ

to find by inquiry: c. acc, Ac 10:17.†

[NT: 1x] ** διετής, -ές (< δίς, ἔτος), [in LXX: II Mac 10:3 * ;]

1. lasting two years.
2. two years old: ἀπὸ δ. (sc. παιδός, or neuter; cf. I Ch 27:23, ἀπὸ εἰκοσαετοῦς), Mt 2:16.†

[NT: 2x] διετία, -ας, ἡ (< διετής), [in LXX (Græc. Ven.): Ge 41:1 45:5 * ;]

the space of two years: Ac 24:27 28:30.†

[NT: 8x] δι-ηγέομαι, -οῦμαι [in LXX chiefly for סָפַר pi. ;]

to set out in detail, recount, describe: absol., He 11:32; c. acc rei, Ac 8:33; c. dat. pers., seq. πῶς, Mk 5:16, Ac 9:27 12:17; ἅ εἶδον, Mk 9:9; ὅσα ἐποίησε, -αν, Lk 8:39 9:10.†

[NT: 1x] δι-ήγησις, -εως, ἡ (< διηγέομαι), [in LXX: Jg 7:15 מִסְפָּר Hb 2:6 חִידָה), freq. in (Si 6:35, al.), II Mac 2:32 Mac 6:17 ;]

a narrative: Lk 1:1 (cf. Milligan, NTD, 130).†

[NT: 4x] ** δι-ηνεκής, -ές (< διήνεγκα, aor. of διαφέρω) [in Sm.: Ps 48:15, 89:30 ;]

unbroken, continuous: adverbially, εἰς τὸ δ., continually (for exx., v. Deiss., BS, 251), He 7:3 10:1, 12 10:14

[NT: 1x] *† διθάλασσος, -ον (δις, θύλασσα);

1. divided into two seas (as the Euxine, Strab., ii, 522).
2. dividing the sea: τόπον δ., a tongue of land, or reef, running out into the sea: Ac 27:41.†

δι-ικνέομαι (Rec. διϊκ-), -οῦμαι, [in LXX for בָּרַח hi., Ex 26:28 * ;]

to go through, penetrate: He 4:12.†

δι-ίσπημι (Rec. διΐσ), [in LXX: Ez 5:1 (חָלַק pi.), Pr 17:9 (פָּרַד hi.), etc. ;]

to set apart, separate; of time (or space), to make an interval, intervene: διαστάσης ὥρας μιᾶς, Lk 22:59; βραχὺ διαστήσαντες, Ac 27:28. In pass., mid. and 2 aor., pf. and plpf. act., to part, withdraw: Lk 24:51.†

* δι-ισχυρίζομαι (T, Rec. διϊσ-), depon.;

1. to lean upon.
2. to affirm confidently: c. ptcp., Lk 22:59; c. acc. et inf. (Bl., § 70, 3), Ac 12:15.†

[NT: 1x] δικαιοκρισία, -ας, ἡ

righteous judgment: Ro 2:5 (cf. τ. δικαίας κρίσεως, II Th 1:5; τὴν δ. κ., Jo 7:24. For use in π., v. Deiss., LAE, 89 f.).†

[NT: 79x] δίκαιος, -α, -ον (< δίκη), [in LXX chiefly for צַדִּיק (for rendering of צַדִּיק in sense of correct, v. Deiss., BS, 115 f.); sometimes for נָקִי as Pr 1:11, al. ;]

in early Gk. writers
(a) of persons, observant of δίκη, custom, rule, right, righteous in performing duties to gods and [p. 116] men ;
(b) of things, righteous, in accordance with right.
1. righteous, chiefly in the broad sense, as above, of the person or thing corresponding to the Divine standard of right
(a) of persons: of God, Ro 3:26, I Jn 2:29 Jn 3:7; of Christ, Ac 3:14 7:52 22:14, I Pe 3:18, I Jn 2:1; of men, Mt 1:19 (Abbott, Essays, 75 f.) Mt 10:41 13:17, 43 13:49, Lk 1:6, 17, Ro 5:7, I Ti 1:9, Ja 5:6, I Pe 3:12, I Jn 3:7, Re 22:11, al.; δ. καὶ εὐλαβής, Lk 2:25; ἅγιος, Mk 6:20; ἀγαθός, Lk 23:50; φοβούμενος τ. θεόν, Ac 10:22; opp. to ἀμαρτωλοὶ καὶ ἀσεβεῖς, I Pe 4:18; ἄδικοι, Mt 5:45, Ac 24:15; δ. ἐκ πίστεως, Ro 1:17, Ga 3:11, He 10:38 (LXX); δ. παρὰ τ. θεῷ, Ro 2:13
(b) of things: ἔργα δ., opp. to πονηρὰ, I Jn 3:12; ἐντολή, Ro 7:12; metaph., αἷμα, Mt 23:35; τὸ δ., Lk 12:57; δ. ἐστιν, Ac 4:19, Eph 6:1, Phl 1:7; , Mt 20:4; ὅσα, Phl 4:8
2. In narrower sense
(a) of persons, as in later cl. writers, just, rendering to each his due: Tit 1:8, I Jn 1:9; δ. κριτής, II Ti 4:8
(b) of things: τὸ δ., Col 4:1; δ., sc. ἐστιν, II Th 1:6; κρίσις δ., Jo 5:30; ὁδοί, Re 15:3
SYN.: ἀγαθός (q.v.), καλός, χρηστός (Cremer, 183, 690).

[NT: 92x] δικαιοσύνη, -ης, ἡ (< δίκαιος), [in LXX chiefly for צֶדֶק, and cognates, Ge 15:6, al., rarely for חֶסֶד, Ge 19:19 ;]

the character of ὁ δίκαιος (q.v.)
1. in broad sense, righteousness, conformity to the Divine will in purpose, thought and action: Mt 5:6, Jo 16:8, Ac 13:10, Ro 4:3; λόγος δικαιοσύνης, teaching of r., He 5:13; βασιλεὺς δ. (cf. FlJ, BJ, vi, 10, β. δίκαιος), He 7:2; ὅπλα δ., Ro 6:13; ὁδὸς δ., Mt 21:32; θώραξ τῆς δ., Eph 6:14; διὰκονοι δ., II Co 11:15; ὁσιότης καὶ δ., Lk 1:75, cf. Eph 4:24; ἀγαθωσύνῃ καὶ δ., Eph 5:9; δ. κ. εἰρήνη κ. χαρά, Ro 14:17; δ. κ. ἁγιασμός, I Co 1:30; opp. to ἁμαρτία, Ro 8:10; ἀνομία, II Co 6:14; άδικία, Ro 3:5; ποιεῖν τὴν δ., I Jn 2:29 Jn 3:7; id. as an inclusive term for the active duties of the religious life (ICC, in l; Abbott, Essays, 73 ff), Mt 6:1; ἐργάζεσθαι δ., Ac 10:35; διώκειν δ., I Ti 6:11; πληροῦν πᾶσαν δ., Mt 3:15; ζῆν τῇ δ., I Pe 2:24; δ. θεοῦ, a righteousness divine in its character and origin, Mt 6:33, Ja 1:20, (where it also includes the idea of God's personal r.; v. ICC, on Ro 1:17) Ro 1:17 3:5, 21-26 10:3, II Co 5:21, Phl 3:9; ἡ δ. τ. πίσιεως, Ro 4:11; ἡ ἐκ π. δ., Ro 9:30; ἡ κατὰ π. δ., He 11:7; opp. to this is ἡ ἐκ νόμου δ., Ro 10:5; ἡ δ. ἐν ν., Phl 3:6; ἡ ἰδία δ., Ro 10:3, cf. Phl 3:9
2. In narrower sense (cf. δίκαιος), justice: Ac 17:31, II Pe 1:1, Re 19:11 (DCG, ii, 529 ff.; Cremer, 190, 690).

[NT: 39x] δικαιόω, -ῶ (< δίκαιος), [in LXX chiefly for צָדַק pi., hi., (1) as Ez 16:51, Je 3:11 (cf. NT usage); (2) as De 25:1; Ex 23:7, Is 50:8 ;]

1. in cl.,
(a) c. acc rei, to deem right;
(b) c. acc pers., to do one justice; pass., δικαιοῦσθαι, to be treated rightly, opp. to ἀδικεῖσθαι.
2. In NT, as in LXX, and as usual with verbs in -όω from adjectives of moral meaning;
(1) to show to be righteous: Mt 11:19, Lk 7:35, Ro 3:4 (LXX), I Ti 3:16;
(2) to declare, pronounce righteous: Lk 7:29 10:29 16:15 18:14, Ro 2:13 3:24, 26 3:28 4:5 8:30, 33, Tit 3:7; seq. ἀπό, Mt 11:19, Lk 7:35, Ac 13:39, Ro 6:7; ἐκ πίστεως, Ro 3:30 5:1, Ga 2:16 3:8, 24; ἐξ ἔργων, Ro 3:20 (LXX) Ro 4:2, Ga 2:16, Ja 2:21, 24-25; ἐκ τ. λόγων, Mt 12:37; διὰ τ. πίστεως, Ro 3:30; c. dat., Ro 3:24, 28, Tit 3:7; seq. ἐν, Ac 13:39, Ro 3:4 5:9, I Co 4:4 6:11, Ga 2:17 3:11 5:4, I Ti 3:16 (v. Cremer, 193, 693; DB, ii, 826 ff.).†

[p. 117]

[NT: 10x] δικαίωμα, -τος, τ (< δικαιόω), [in LXX most freq. for חֹק, in Ez, chiefly for מִשְׁפָּט, in Pss, τὰ δ., freq. for פִּקּוּד ;]

a concrete expression of righteousness, the expression and result of the act of δικαίωσις, "a declaration that a thing is δίκαιον, or that a person is δίκαιος," hence,
(a) an ordinance: δ. τ. θεοῦ, Ro 1:32; τ. κυρίου, Lk 1:6; τ. νόμου, Ro 2:26 8:4; λατρείας, He 9:1; σαρκός, He 9:10;
(b) a sentence: of acquittal, Ro 5:16 (also Ro 5:18; ICC, in l), or of condemnation;
(c) a righteous act: Ro 5:18 (RV), Re 15:4 19:8 (on the usage of π., v. MM, Exp., iii, xi).

[NT: 5x] δικαίως adv. (< δίκαιος, q.v.), [in LXX for צֶדֶק, etc. ;]

1. righteously: I Co 15:34, I Th 2:10, Tit 2:12.
2. justly: Lk 23:41, I Pe 2:23.†

[NT: 2x] δικαίωσις, -εως, ἡ (< δικαιόω), [in LXX for מִשְׁפָּט, Le 24:22 * ;]

the act of pronouncing righteous, justification, acquittal: Ro 4:25 5:18 (Cremer, 199).†

[NT: 2x] δικαστής, -οῦ, ὁ (< δικάζω), [in LXX for שָׁפַט ;]

a judge: Ac 7:27, 35 (LXX).†
SYN.: κριτής, WH. "gives prominence to the mental process" (Thayer). δ. is the forensic term. In Attic law, the δικασταί were jurors, with a κριτής as presiding officer (LS, s.v.; Enc. Brit. 11, xii, 504 f.)

[NT: 3x] δίκη, -ης, ἡ [in LXX for נָקָם, רִיב, etc. ;]

1. custom.
2. right.
3. a judicial hearing; hence its result, the execution of a sentence, punishment: δ. τίνειν, II Th 1:9; δ. υπεχειν, Ju 7.
4. Personified (cf. Lat. Justitia), justice, vengeance: Ac 28:4.†

[NT: 12x] δίκτυον, -ον, τό [in LXX chiefly for רֶשֶׁת, שְׂבָכָה ;]

general term for a net: Mt 4:20-21, Mk 1:18-19, Lk 5:2, 4-6, Jo 21:6, 8 21:11
SYN.: ἀμφίβληστρον (q.v.), σαγήνη.

*† διλογος, -ον (< δίς, λέγω),

1. in sense of διλογεῖν, -ία (Xen.), given to repetition.
2. In NT, prob. (cf. δίγλωσσος, Pr 11:13, Si 5:9) double-tongued: I Ti 3:8.†

[NT: 52x] διό

conjunct. for δι' ,
wherefore, on which account: Mt 27:8, Lk 7:7, Ac 15:19, Ro 1:24, al.; δ. καί, Lk 1:35, Ac 10:29 24:26, Ro 4:22 15:22, II Co 1:20 4:13 5:9, Phl 2:9, He 11:12 13:12 (v. Ellic. on Ga 4:31).

[NT: 2x] δι-οδεύω, [in LXX chiefly for עבר ;]

1. to travel through: c. acc., Ac 17:1
2. to travel along (Ba 4:2, I Mac 12:32-33): Lk 8:1.†

[NT: 1x] Διονύσιος, -ου, ὁ

Dionysius, an Athenian: Ac 17:34.†

[NT: 2x] ** διό-περ conjunct. (διό, q.v., strengthened by πέρ), [in LXX: Jth 8:17; Jdt.8.1-36; II Mac 5:1-27 * ;]

for which very reason: I Co 8:13 10:14.†

[NT: 1x] * διοπετής (written also διϊπ-), -ές (< δῖος, πίπτω, v. Page on Ac, l.c.; DB, i, 605, n., ext., 112a; Field, Notes, 130 f.),

fallen from heaven (R, mg.): τὸ δ. (sc. ἄγαλμα, statue, image), Ac 19:35.†

* διόρθωμα, -τος, τό (< διορθόω, to make straight, set right),

a correction, reform: Ac 24:3.†

[p. 118]

* διόρθωσις, -εως, ἡ (v. supr.),

1. a making straight.
2. a reforming, reformation (used in late writers of laws, etc.): He 9:10 (Cremer, 807).†

[NT: 4x] δι-ορύσσω [in LXX: Jb 24:16, Ex 12:5, 7 12:12, (חָתַר) * ;]

to dig through: c. acc, of house-breaking (as in π.; MM, Exp., xi), Mt 24:43, Lk 12:39; absol., Mt 6:19-20.†

[NT: 1x] Διόσ-κουροι, -ων, οἱ (Ion. and κοινή form of Att..., Διόσκοροι; < Διός, gen. of Ζεύς + κόρος, a son),

the Dioscuri (Castor and Pollux), twin sons of Zeus and Leda (RV, The Twin Brothers): Ac 28:11.†

[NT: 23x] δι-ότι , conjunct., for διὰ τοῦτο, ὅτι (Lat. propterea quod),

because: Lk 1:13 2:7 21:28, Ac 13:35 18:10 20:26 22:18, Ro 1:19, 21 3:20 8:7, 21, I Co 15:9, Phl 2:26, I Th 2:8, 18 (Lft., Notes, 37) I Th 4:6, He 11:5, 23, Ja 4:3, I Pe 1:16 1:24 2:6. It is usually stronger than ὅτι, but sometimes, as in Lk 1:13, Ro 1:19, I Th 2:18, approximates to MGr. sense, for; cf. Milligan, Th., l.c.†

[NT: 1x] Διοτρέφης (Rec. -τρεψής), -ες (< Διός, gen. of Ζεύς + τρέφω: cherished by Zeus),

as proper name, Diotrephes: III Jn 9.†

διπλόος (poët., διπλός, whence corp. -ότερον), -όη, -όον (-οῦ, -ῆ, -οῦν) [in LXX for כָּפַל, מִשְׁנֶה, and cognates ;]

twofold, double: I Ti 5:17, Re 18:6; διπλότιρον, in twofold measure: Mt 23:15.†

[NT: 1x] * διπλόω, -ῶ (< δυτλόος),

to double: δ. τὰ διπλᾶ, Re 18:6.†

[NT: 6x] δίς adv.,

twice: Mk 14:30, 72; δ. τ. σαββάτου, Lk 18:12; καὶ ἅπαξ κ. δ., Phl 4:16, I Th 2:18; δ. ἀποθανόντα, Ju 12 (v. Mayor, ICC, in l); δ. μυριάδες, Re 9:16.†


old nom. for Ζεύς (q.v.), whence gen. Διός, acc. Δία: Ac 14:12-13.†

**† δισ-μυριάς, -άδος, ἡ, [in LXX: II Mac 6:1-31 * ;]

twice ten thousand: Re 9:16 (LT; δὶς μυριάδες, WH; δύο μ., Rec.).†

[NT: 2x] * διστάζω (< δίς),

to doubt, hesitate: Mt 14:31 28:17.†
SYN.: ἀπορέω, διαπορέω, διακρίνομαι, μετεωρίζομαι (v. DCG, i, 491)

[NT: 3x] δίστομος, -ον (< δίς, στόμα), [in LXX: Jg 3:16, Ps 149:6, Pr 5:4 (פֶּה), Si 21:3 * ;]

1. of rivers and roads, double-mouthed, double branching.
2. Of swords (Eur.; LXX, ll c.), two-edged: He 4:12, Re 1:16 2:12.†

[NT: 1x] δισ-χίλιοι, -αι, -α

two thousand: Mk 5:13.†

δι-υλίζω (< δια, ὑλίζω, to strain) [in LXX: Am 6:6 * ;]

1. to strain thoroughly (Archytas; Am., l.c.).
2. Later, to strain out: fig., Mt 23:24.†

[NT: 1x] ** διχάζω (δίχα, apart), [in Aq.: Le 1:17, De 14:6 * ;]

to cut apart, divide in two; metaph., to set at variance: Mt 10:35.†

[NT: 2x] ** διχοστασία, -ας, ἡ (< διχοστατέω, to stand apart), [in LXX: I Mac 3:29 * ;]

standing apart, dissension: Ro 16:17, Ga 5:20.†

[NT: 2x] διχοτομέω, -ῶ (< διχοτόμος, < δίχα, τέμνω), [in LXX: Ex 29:17 (נָתַח pi.) ;]

to cut in two, cut asunder: perh. metaph. of severe scourging (but v. Meyer on Mt, l.c., and cf. I Ki 15:33, II Ki 12:31, He 11:37), Mt 24:51, Lk 12:46.†

[NT: 16x] διψάω,-ῶ (< δίψα, thirst), [in LXX chiefly for צָמֵא ;]

to thirst: absol., Mt 25:35, 37 25:42, 44, Jo 4:13, 15 19:28, Ro 12:20 (LXX), I Co 4:11; fig., [p. 119] Jo 4:14 6:35 7:37, Re 7:16 21:6 22:17; c. acc (= cl. c. gen.), τ. δικαιοσύνην, Mt 5:6.†

[NT: 1x] δίψος, -εος (-ους), τό (late form of δίψα), [in LXX chiefly for and cognates ;]

thirst: II Co 11:27.†

[NT: 2x] *† δίψυχος, -ον (< δίς, ψυχή),

of two minds, wavering: Ja 1:8 4:8 (Cremer, 588; DB, iv, 528).†

[NT: 10x] διωγμός, -oῦ, ὁ (< διώκω), [in LXX: Pr 11:19 (רָדַף pi.), La 3:19 (מָרוּד), II Mac 12:23 * ;]

persecution: Mt 13:21, Mk 4:17 10:30 Ac 8:1 13:50, Ro 8:35, II Co 12:10, II Th 1:4, II Ti 3:11.†

[NT: 1x] *† διώκτης, -ου, ὁ (< διώκω),

a persecutor: I Ti 1:13.†

[NT: 45x] διώκω [in LXX chiefly for רָדַף ;]

1. to put to flight, drive away: Mt 23:34.
2. to pursue;
(a) of persons; c. acc, without hostility, to follow after: Lk 17:23; with hostile purpose: Ac 26:11, Re 12:13. Hence, to persecute: Mt 5:10-12, 44 10:23, Lk 11:49 21:12, Jo 5:16 15:20, Ac 7:52 9:4-5 22:4, 7-8 26:14-15 Ro 12:14, I Co 4:12 15:9, II Co 4:9, Ga 1:13, 23 4:29 5:11 6:12, Phl 3:6, II Ti 3:12;
(b) metaph., c. acc rei, of seeking eagerly after: Ro 9:30, I Ti 6:11, II Ti 2:22; νόμον δικαιοσύνης, Ro 9:31; τ. φιλοξενίαν, Ro 12:13; εἰρήνην, He 12:14, I Pe 3:11; τὰ τῆς εἰ., Ro 14:19; τ. ἀγάπην, I Co 14:1; τὸ ἀγαθόν, I Th 5:15; absol., to follow on, drive, or speed on (Æsch.), Phl 3:12, 14.†

[NT: 5x] δόγμα, -τος, τό (< δοκέω), [in LXX chiefly for דָּת, טְעֵם ;]

1. an opinion.
2. A public decree, ordinance: of Roman rulers, Lk 2:1, Ac 17:7; of the Jewish law, Eph 2:15, Col 2:14; of the Apostles, Ac 16:4 (Cremer, 205).†

δογματίζω [in LXX: Es 3:9 (כָּתַב ni.), Da LXX 2:13, 15 (דָּת), I Es 6:34, II Mac 10:3 Mac 15:36, III Mac 4:11 * ;]

to decree. Mid., to subject oneself to an ordinance: Col 2:20.†

[NT: 62x] δοκέω, -ῶ (< δόκος, opinion, < δέκομαι, Ion, form of δέχ-), [in LXX for טוֹב, נָדַב, etc. ;]

1. to be of opinion, suppose: Mt 24:44, Lk 12:40, He 10:29; c. inf., Mt 3:9, Lk 8:18 24:37, Jo 5:39 16:2, Ac 12:9 27:13, I Co 3:18 7:40 8:2 10:12 14:37, Ga 6:3, Phl 3:4, Ja 1:26; c. acc et inf., I Co 12:23, II Co 11:16; seq. ὅτι, Mt 6:7 26:53, Mk 6:49, Lk 12:51 13:2, 4 19:11, Jo 5:45 11:13, 31 13:29 20:15, I Co 4:9, II Co 12:19, Ja 4:5.
2. to seem, be reputed: Ac 25:27; c. inf., Mk 10:42, Lk 10:36 22:24, Ac 17:13 26:9, I Co 11:16 12:22, II Co 10:9, Ga 2:6, 9, He 4:1 12:11; οἱ δοκοῦντες, those of repute, Ga 2:2. Impers., it seems, c. dat. pers.;
(a) to think: Mt 17:25 18:12 21:28 22:17, 42 26:66, Jo 11:56, He 12:10;
(b) to please, seem good to: c. inf., Lk 1:3, Ac 15:22, 25 15:23, 34.†
SYN. (δοκέω 1): ἡγέομαι 2, νομίζω2, οἴομαι; ἡ. and ν. properly express belief resting on external proof, ἡ. denoting the more careful judgment; δ. and οἴ. imply a subjective judgment which in the case of οἴ. is based on feeling, in δ. on thought (v. Schmidt, c. 17) (δοκέω2): φαίνομαι; φ., from the standpoint of the object, "expresses how a matter phenomenally shows and presents itself"; δ., from the standpoint of the observer, expresses one's subjective judgment about a matter (v. Tr., Syn., LXXx; Cremer, 204).

[p. 120]

[NT: 22x] δοκιμάζω (< δόκιμος), [in LXX chiefly for בָּחַן ;]

1. primarily of metals (Pr 8:10 17:3, Si 2:5, Wi 3:6), to test, try, prove (in the hope and expectation that the test will prove successful, v. reff. s. Syn.): χρυσίον, I Pe 1:7; other things, Lk 12:56 14:19, II Co 8:8, Ga 6:4, I Th 2:4 5:21; τὰ διαφέροντα, Ro 2:18, Phl 1:10 (R, mg., but v. infr.); πνεύματα, I Jn 4:1; of men, I Ti 3:10 (pass.); ἑαυτόν, I Co 11:28, II Co 13:5; seq. subst. clause, Ro 12:2, I Co 3:13, Eph 5:10
2. As the result of trial, to approve, think fit: Ro 1:28 14:22, I Co 16:3, II Co 8:22, I Th 2:4 (δεδοκιμάσμεθα); τὰ διαφέροντα, Ro 2:18, Phl 1:10, R, txt. (but v. supr.; cf. διαφέρω).†

** δοκιμασία, -ας, ἡ (< δοκιμάζω), [in LXX: Si 6:21 * ;]

a testing, proving: He 3:9 (LXX).†
SYN.: πειράζω (v. Tr., Syn., LXXiv; Cremer, 494 ff., 699 ff.).

[NT: 7x] *† δοκιμή, -ῆς, ἡ (< δόκιμος), [in Sm.: Ps 68:31 * ;]

1. the process of trial, proving, test: II Co 8:2 9:13
2. The result of trial, approval, approvedness, proof: Ro 5:4, II Co 2:9 13:3, Phl 2:22 (Cremer, 212, 701).†

[NT: 2x] δοκίμιον, -ου, τό [in LXX: Pr 17:3 27:21 (מִצְרֵף) * ;]

usually regarded as a variant form of δοκιμεῖον, a test, and so perh. Ja 1:3 (v. Mayor, in l), but see next word (cf. Cremer, 212, 702).†

δοκίμιος, -α, -ον (< δοκιμή), [in LXX: ἀργύριον δ. (עֲלִיל), Ps 12:6; and as v.l. for δόκιμος (B), ἀργυρίου δ. (זָקַק pual.), I Ch 29:4 (Bab); εἰ δ .ίστιν (יְקָר), Za 11:13 א c a vid, Q *)* ;]

= δόκιμος,
tested, approved: τὸ δ. ὑμῶν τ. πίστεως, that which is approved in your faith, I Pe 1:7 (where Hort suggests the v.l. δόκιμος, found in some cursives), Ja 1:3 (but v. Mayor, in l For full discussion of this word, not hitherto found in a Gk. Lexicon, and for exx. of its use in π., v. Deiss. (to whom is due the credit of its discovery), BS, 259 ff.; MM, Exp., xi; cf. also Milligan, NTD, 76).†

δόκιμος, -ον (< δέκομαι = δέχομαι) [in LXX for זָקַק pual., etc. ;]

primarily of metals, tested, accepted, approved: of persons, Ro 14:18 16:10, I Co 11:19, II Co 10:18 13:7, II Ti 2:15, Ja 1:12 (Cremer, 212, 697).†

[NT: 6x] δοκός, -οῦ, ἡ (δέχομαι) [in LXX for קוֹרָה, etc. ;]

a beam of timber: Mt 7:3-5, Lk 6:41-42 (DCG, i, 176).†

[NT: 1x] δόλιος, -α, -ον (< δόλος), [in LXX—chiefly in Pss, Pr, Sir—for etc. ;]

deceitful: II Co 11:13.†

[NT: 1x] δολιόω (< δόλιος), [in LXX: Nu 25:18, Ps 105:25 (נָכַל), Ps 5:6 (חָלַק hi.) * ;]

to deceive: ἐδολιοῦσαν (-σαν, freq. in κοινή Gk. for impf. 3rd pers. pl.), Ro 3:13 (LXX).†

[NT: 14x] δόλος, -ου, ὁ, [in LXX chiefly for מִרְמָה;]

1. in Hom., a bait.
2. a snare.
3. In the abstract, craft, deceit: Mt 26:4, Mk 7:22 14:1, Jo 1:47, Ac 13:10, Ro 1:29, II Co 12:16, I Th 2:3, I Pe 2:1 2:22 3:10 (LXX) (λαλῆσαι δ.).†

[NT: 1x] δολόω, -ῶ (δόλος) [in LXX: Ps 15:3 (רָגַל), Ps 36:2 (חָלַק hi.) * ;]

1. to ensnare.
2. As of wine, to adulterate, corrupt: τ. λόγον τ. θεοῦ, II Co 4:2.†
SYN.: καπηλεύω q.v.

[p. 121]

[NT: 11x] δόμα, -τος, τό (< δίδωμι), [in LXX for מַתָּנָה, etc. ;]

a gift: Mt 7:11, Lk 11:13, Eph 4:8 (LXX), Phl 4:17.†
SYN.: δόσις, δῶρον, δωρεά, δώρημα

[NT: 166x] δόξα, -ης, ἡ (< δοκέω), [in LXX very freq. for כָּבוֹד, also for הוֹד ,פִּפְאֶרֶת, etc., 25 words in all ;]

in cl.,
1. expectation, judgment, opinion (IV Mac 5:18).
2. opinion, estimation in which one is held, repute; in NT, always good opinion, hence reputation, praise, honour, glory: Lk 14:10, Jo 12:43, He 3:3; opp. to αἰσχύνη, Phl 3:19; to ἀτιμία, II Co 6:8; δ. κ. τιμή, Ro 2:7, 10 I Pe 1:7, II Pe 1:17; ζητεῖν, Jo 5:44 7:18 8:50, I Th 2:6; λαμβάνειν, Jo 5:41, II Pe 1:17, Re 5:12; διδόναι δ. τ. θεῷ (cf. נָתַן כָּבוֹד לַיהוָֹה, Je 13:16, al.), Lk 17:18, Jo 9:24, Ac 12:23, Ro 4:20, Re 4:9; εἰς (τ.) δ. θεοῦ, Ro 3:7 15:7, Phl 1:11, al.; in doxologies, τ. θεῷ (ᾧ) ἡ δ., Lk 2:14, Ro 11:36 16:27, Ga 1:5, Eph 3:21, al.
3. Later also (not cl.) as in LXX (= הוֹד, Jb 39:20, I Ch 29:25; כָּבֹוד, Jb 19:9, Es 5:11, al.), visible brightness, splendour, glory: of light, Ac 22:11; of heavenly bodies, I Co 15:40ff.; esp. that wh. radiates from God's presence, as manifested in the pillar of cloud and in the Holy of Holies (= כָּבוֹד, Ex 16:10 25:22 40:34, al.; and new Heb. שְׁכִינָה, II Mac 2:8; v. DB, iv, 489b), Ro 9:4, Ja 2:1 (v. Hort, Mayor, in l.); hence of the manifested glory of God, Ro 1:23, Col 1:11 Eph 1:6, 12 17 3:16; of the same as communicated to man through Christ, II Co 3:18 4:6; and of the glorious condition into which Christians shall enter hereafter, Ro 8:18, 21 9:23, II Ti 2:10, al.
SYN.: ἔπαινος τιμή (v. Hort on I Pe 1:7).

[NT: 61x] δοξάζω (< δόξα), [in LXX chiefly for כָּבַד ni., pi., also for פָּאַר, etc. ;]

1. to think, suppose, hold an opinion (Æsch., Plat., al.).
2. To bestow δόξα (q.v.) on, to magnify, extol, praise (Thuc., iii, 45; Plut., al.): c. acc, Mt 5:16, Mk 2:12, Jo 8:54, Ro 15:6, I Pe 2:12, al.; id. seq. ἐπί Lk 2:20; ἐν, Ga 1:24, I Pe 4:16.
3. In LXX and NT (v.s. δόξα, 3), to clothe with splendour, glorify (Ex 34:29-30, Ps 37:20, Is 44:23, Es 3:1, al): Ro 8:30, II Co 3:10, II Th 3:1, I Pe 1:8, al.; of Christ, Jo 7:39 8:54, al. (on the Johannine use, v. Cremer, 211; Westc., Jo., Intr.); of the Father, Jo 13:31-32, I Pe 4:11, al. (cf. ἐν-, συν-δοξάζω).

[NT: 2x] Δορκάς, -άδος, ἡ (δορκάς, a gazelle),

Dorcas, also called Ταβειθά, q.v.: Ac 9:36, 39.†

[NT: 2x] δόσις, -εως, ἡ (δίδωμι) [in LXX for חֹק (Ge 47:22), (Pr 21:14 25:14), freq. in Sir. ;]

1. properly, the act of giving: Phl 4:15.
2. Objectively, a gift: Ja 1:17.†
SYN.: v.s. δόμα

[NT: 1x] δότης, -ου, ὁ (< δίδωμι), [in LXX: Pr 22:8 * ;]

= δοτήρ,
a giver: II Co 9:7 (LXX) (not elsewhere).†

[NT: 1x] *† δουλαγωγέω, -ῶ (< δοῦλος, ἄγω),

to make a slave, bring into bondage: I Co 9:27 (Cremer, 703).†

[NT: 5x] δουλεία (T, -λία), -ας, ἡ (< δουλεύω), [in LXX, as Ex 13:3, for עֶבֶד and cognates ;]

slavery, bondage: Ro 8:15, 21 Ga 4:24 5:1, He 2:15.†

[p. 122]

[NT: 26x] δουλεύω (< δοῦλος), [in LXX for עָבַד, as Ge 14:4, exc. Da TH Da 7:14, 27 (פְּלַח), Is 56:6 (שָׁרַת pi.)* ;]

to be a slave, be subject to, serve: absol., Ro 7:6, Ga 4:25, I Ti 6:2; c. dat pers., Mt 6:24, Lk 15:29 16:13, Ro 9:12 (LXX); of nations, Jo 8:33, Ac 7:7 (LXX); θεῷ, τ. κυρίῳ, Mt 6:24, Lk 16:13, Ac 20:19, Ro 12:11 (R, mg., καιρῷ) Ro 16:18, Eph 6:7, Col 3:24, I Th 1:9; τ. Χριστῷ, Ro 14:18, Col 3:24; νόμῳ θεοῦ, Ro 7:25; τ. θεοῖς, Ga 4:8; τ. καιρῷ, Ro 12:11 (R, mg. for κυρίῳ); ἀλλήλοις, Ga 5:13; σὺν ἐμοί Phl 2:22; τ. ἁμαρτίᾳ, Ro 6:6; νόμῳ ἁμαρτίας, Ro 7:25;
ἐπιθυμίαις κ. ἡδοναις, Tit 3:3; τ. κοιλία, Ro 16:18; μαμωνᾷ, Mt 6:24, Lk 16:13; τ. στοιχείοις τ, κόσμου, Ga 4:9 (Cremer, 217).†

[NT: 3x] δούλη, , v.s. δοῦλος.

[NT: 124x] δοῦλος, -η, -ον, [in LXX, ὁ δ. nearly always for עֶבֶד; ὁ δ. chiefly for שִׁפְחָה ,אָמָה ;]

1. in bondage to, subject to: Ro 6:19.
2. As subst., ὁ, ἡ δ., a slave;
(a) fem., ἡ δ., a female slave, bondmaid (Cremer, 702; DB, iii, 215): Lk 1:38, 48 Ac 2:18 (LXX);
(b) masc., ὁ δ., a slave, bond-man: Mt 8:9 18:23, al.; opp. to ἐλεύθερος, I Co 7:22 12:13, Ga 3:28, Eph 6:8, Col 3:11, Re 6:15 13:16 19:18; opp. to κύριος, δεσπότης, οἰκοδεσπότης, Mt 10:24 13:27, 28 Lk 12:46, Jo 15:15, Eph 6:5, Col 3:22 4:1, al.; metaph., δ. Χριστοῦ, τοῦ Χρ., Ἰησοῦ Χρ., Ro 1:1, I Co 7:22, Ga 1:10, Eph 6:6, Phl 1:1, Col 4:12, Ja 1:1, II Pe 1:1, Ju 1; δ. τ. θεοῦ, τ. κυρίου, Ac 16:17, II Ti 2:24, Tit 1:1, I Pe 2:16, Re 7:3 15:3; δ. πονηρός, ἀχρεῖος, κακός, Mt 18:32 24:48 25:26, 30, Lk 17:10 19:22; δ. ἁμαρτίας, Jo 8:34, Ro 6:17, 20; τ. φθορᾶς, II Pe 2:19.
SYN.: διάκονος (q.V.), θεράπων, ὐπηρέτης (v. DB, iii, 377; iv, 461, 469; DCG, i, 221; ii, 613; Cremer, 215, 702).

[NT: 7x] δουλόω, -ῶ (< δοῦλος), [in LXX for עָבַד ;]

to enslave, bring into bondage: Ac 7:6 (LXX), II Pe 2:19; metaph., I Co 9:19; pass., seq. ἐν, I Co 7:15; τ. θεῷ, Ro 6:22; τ. δικαιοσύνῃ, Ro 6:18; οἴνῳ, Tit 2:3; ὑπὸ τὰ στοιχεῖα τ. κόσμου, Ga 4:3 (Cremer, 217).†

[NT: 2x] δοχή, -ῆς, ἡ (< δέχομαι), [in LXX: Ge 21:8, Es 1:3, al. (מִשְׁתֶּה), Da LXX 5:1 (לֶחֶם) ;]

a feast, banquet: Lk 5:29 14:13.†

[NT: 13x] δράκων, -ο τος, ὁ [in LXX chiefly for תַּנִּין ;]

a dragon, a mythical monster: fig., of Satan, Re 12:3-17 13:2, 4 13:11 16:13 20:2.†

[NT: 1x] δράσσομαι [in LXX for נָשַׁק pi., Ps 2:12; elsewhere קָמַץ, as Le 2:2 ;]

to grasp with the hand, to lay hold of: metaph., c. acc (M, Pr., 65), I Co 3:19 (LXX).†

[NT: 3x] δραχμή, -ῆς, ἡ (< δράσσομαι), [in LXX: in Hex. for in בֶּקַע, שֶׁקֶל Ezra for אֲדַרְכֹּן, דַּרְכְּמוֹן ;]

a drachma, nearly equal to the Roman denarius (v.s. δηνόριον): Lk 15:8-9 (DCG, ii, 200).†

[NT: 8x] δρέπανον, -ου, τό (later form of Attic δρεπάνη, < δρέπω, to pluck), [in LXX for מַזְמֵדָה, חֶרְמֵשׁ, etc. ;]

a sickle, pruning-hook; Mk 4:29, Re 14:14-19.†

[p. 123]

[NT: 3x] δρόμος, -ου, ὁ (< δραμεῖν, v.s. τρέχω) [in LXX chiefly for מְרוּצָה ;]

a course: fig., of life or ministry, Ac 13:25 20:24, II Ti 4:7.†

[NT: 1x] Δρούσιλλα (Rec. Δρουσίλλα), ης, ἡ

Drusilla, wife of Felix: Ac 24:24.†

[NT: 210x] δύναμαι, depon., [in LXX chiefly for יָכֹל ;]

to be able, have power, whether by personal ability, permission, or opportunity: c. inf. (M, Pr., 205; WM, §44, 3) pres., Mt 6:24, Mk 2:7, Jo 3:2, I Co 10:21, al.; c. inf. aor., Mt 3:9, Mk 1:45, Jo 3:3, 4 Ro 8:39, al.; c. acc., to be able to do something: Mk 9:22, Lk 12:26; II Co 13:8; absol., to be able, capable, powerful: I Co 3:2 10:13.

[NT: 119x] δύναμις, -εως, ἡ (< δύναμαι), [in LXX for עֹז ,גּבוּרָה ,צָבָה ,(חֵיל) חַיִל, etc.; 35 words in all ;]

power, might, strength; relatively, ability, power to perform: Mt 25:15, Ac 3:12, He 11:11; κατὰ δ., II Co 8:3; παρὰ δ., ib.; ὑπὲρ δ., II Co 1:8; of pecuniary ability, II Co 8:3, Re 18:3; absol., power, might: Lk 24:49, Ac 1:8; opp. to ἀσθένεια, I Co 15:43; ἡ δ. τ. ἁμαρτίας, I Co 15:56; of power in action, Ro 1:16, 20 I Co 1:18, Phl 3:10, al.; ἡ δ. τ. θεοῦ, Mt 22:29, Mk 12:24, Ro 1:20, al.; opp. to μόρφωσις, II Ti 3:5; in doxologies, Re 4:11 7:12, al.; ἐν δ., Mk 9:1, Lk 4:36, Ro 1:4, al.; of the power of performing miracles, Ac 6:8, II Th 2:9; pl., Mt 13:54, Mk 6:14, Ga 3:5, al.; of the force or meaning of a word (Plat., al.), I Co 14:11. By meton., of persons or things;
(a) of God, Mt 26:64, Mk 14:62 (Dalman, Words, 200ff.);
(b) of angels, Ro 8:38, Eph 1:21, I Pe 3:22;
(c) of armies, pl. [LXX for צְבָאוֹת ], metaph., of the stars, Mt 24:29, Mk 13:25, Lk 21:26;
(d) of that wh. manifests God's power: Christ, I Co 1:24; τ. εὐαγγέλλιον, Ro 1:16; ἡ δ. τ. κυρίου, I Co 5:4;
(e) of mighty works (Tr., Syn., §xci), δ. ποιεῖν, Mk 6:5 9:39; pl., Mt 7:22, Mk 6:2, Lk 10:13, al.; σημεῖακ. δ., Ac 8:13; δ. κ. τέρατα κ. σημεῖα, Ac 2:22, II Co 12:12.
SYN.: βία, ἐνέργεια, ἐξουσία, ἰσχύς, κράτος (v. Tr., l.c.; Cremer, 218, 236; DB, i, 616; iv, 29; DCG, i, 607; ii, 188).

[NT: 2x] δυναμόω, -ῶ (< δύναμις), [in LXX for עָזַז, Ps 52:7 68:28; גָּבַר pi., hi., Ec 10:10, Da TH 9:27 * ;]

to make strong, strengthen: Eph 6:10 (WH, mg.; ἐνδυν-, WH, txt., RV), Col 1:11, He 11:34.†

[NT: 3x] δυνάστης, -ου, ὁ (< δύναμαι), [in LXX for גִּבּוֹר, עָרִיץ, בַּיִת, etc. ;]

a prince, ruler, potentate: Lk 1:52; of God (Si 46:5, 16, II Mac 15:3), I Ti 6:15; of a high official (cf. δυνάσται Φαραώ, Ge 50:4), Ac 8:27 (Cremer, 221).†

[NT: 3x] δυνατέω, -ῶ (< δυνατός),

to be able, be powerful, mighty: c. inf., Ro 14:4, II Co 9:8; absol., opp. to ἀσθενῶ II Co 13:3.†

[NT: 32x] δυνατός, -ή, -όν (< δύναμαι), [in LXX for גִּבּוֹר, חַיִל, etc. ;]

1. strong, mighty, powerful: absol., Lk 1:49, 1 Col 1:26; οἱ δ., the chief men, Ac 25:5 ; of spiritual strength, Ro 15:1, II Co 12:10 13:9; seq. ἐν, Lk 24:19, Ac 7:22 18:24; πρός, II Co 10:4.
2. C. inf., able to do; Lk 14:31, Ac 11:17, Ro 4:21 11:23, II Ti 1:12, Tit 1:9, He 11:19, Ja 3:2.
3. Neut., δυνατόν, possible: Mt 19:26, Mk 9:23 10:27 14:36, Lk 18:27, Ac 2:24 20:16; εἰ δ. (ἐστι), [p. 124] Mt 24:24 26:30, Mk 13:22 14:35, Ro 12:18, Ga 4:15; τὸ δ. (= ἡ δύναμις) αὐτοῦ, Ro 9:22.†

[NT: 2x] δύνω Ion, and trag. form of δύω, [in LXX chiefly for בּוֹא ;]

to enter, sink into; of the sun (sc. όντον), set: Mk 1:32, Lk 4:40
(cf. ἐκ-, ἀπ-εκ-, ἐν-, ἐπ-εν-, παρ-εισ-, ἐπι-δύνω).†
δύω, v.s. δύνω

[NT: 135x] δύο, numeral, indecl. exc. in dat., δυσί, δυσίν (Attic δυοῖν),

two: Mt 19:6, Mk 10:8, Jo 2:6, al.; with pl. noun, Mt 9:27 10:10, al.; οἱ, τῶν, τοὺς δ., Mt 19:5 20:24, Mk 10:8, Eph 2:15, al.; δ. ἐξ, Lk 24:13; distrib., ἀνὰ, κατὰ δ., two and two, two apiece: Lk 10:1 (WH, ἀνὰ δ. [δύο]), Jo 2:6, I Co 14:27; δύο δύο (= ἀνὰ δ., as LXX, Ge 6:19 for שְׁנַיִם שְׁנַיִם, but not merely "Hebraism," cf. μυρία μυρία, Æsch., Pers., 981, and for usage in π. and MGr., v. M, Pr., 21, 97), Mk 6:7; εἰς δ. (two and two, Xen., Cyr., 7, 5, 17), into two parts, Mt 27:51, Mk 15:38.


inseparable prefix, opp. to εὖ, like un-, mis- (in unrest, mischance), giving the idea of difficulty, opposition, injuriousness, etc.

[NT: 2x] δυσ-βάστακτος, -ον (< βαστάζω), [in LXX for נֵטֶל, Pr 27:3 * ;]

hard to be borne: Mt 23:4 (om. WH, txt., R, mg.), Lk 11:46.†

* δυσεντερία, -ας, ἡ,

Rec. for δυσεντέριον (q.v.), Ac 28:8.†

*† δυσεντέριον, -ου, τό (ἔντερον, intestine), late form of δυσεντερία (Rec., l.c.),

dysentery: Ac 28:8.†

[NT: 1x] *† δυσερμήνευτος, -ον (< ἑρμηνεύω),

hard of interpretation: He 5:11.†

[NT: 1x] δύσκολος, -ον (< κόλον, food), [in LXX for אֵיד, Je 29:9 (Je 49:8) (of. δυσκολία, Jb 34:30; εὔκολος, II Ki 15:3) * ;]

1. properly, of persons, hard to satisfy with food, hence, generally, hard to please (Eur., Plat.).
2. Of things, difficult, hard (Arist.): Mk 10:24.†

[NT: 3x] * δυσκόλως adv.,

with difficulty: Mt 19:23, Mk 10:23, Lk 18:24.†

[NT: 5x] δυσμή, -ῆς, ἡ (= δύσις, < δύνω), [in LXX for בּוֹא, עֲרָבָה, etc. ;]

mostly in pl., opp. to ἀνατολαί;
1. a setting, as of the sun (acc. to Thayer, s.v., so perhaps in Lk 12:54).
2. the quarter of sunset, the west: anarth., Mt 8:11 24:27, Lk 12:54 13:29, Re 21:13.†

δύσις, -εως, (< δύνω), [in LXX: Ps 104:19 (מָבוֹא) * ;]

1. a sinking, setting, as of the sun (Æsch.): Mk 16:1-20 [alt. ending].
2. the sun-setting, the west (Thuc.).†

[NT: 1x] * δυσνόητος, -ον (< νοέω),

hard to understand: II Pe 3:16.†

** δυσφημέω, (< δύσφημος, slanderous), [in LXX: I Mac 7:41 * ;]

1. intrans., to use evil words (Æsch.).
2. Trans., to speak ill of, defame (Soph.): pass., I Co 4:13.†

** δυσφημία, -ας, ἡ (< δύσφημος, slanderous), [in LXX: I Mac 7:38, III Mac 2:20 * ;]

evil-speaking, defamation: opp. to εὐφημία, II Co 6:8.†

[NT: 75x] δώδεκα, οἱ, αἱ, τά indecl.

numeral, twelve: Mt 9:20 10:1, al.; οἱ δ., the apostles, Mt 10:5, Mk 4:10, al.; in Ac 19:7 24:11, for Rec. δεκαδύο.

[NT: 1x] δωδέκατος, -η, -ον

twelfth: Re 21:20.†

*† δωδεκά-φυλος, -ον (< δώδεκα, φυλή),

of twelve tribes: as subst. neut., τό δ. (cf. λαὸς ὁ δ., Sibyll. Orac.), the twelve tribes, Ac 26:7.†

[p. 125]

[NT: 7x] δῶμα, -τος, τό (< δέμω, to build), [in LXX for גָּג ;]

chiefly in poets and late (not Attic) prose;
1. a house, hall.
2. In LXX (and Hom., Od., x, 554; cf. MGr., terrace), house-top: ἐπὶ τ. δῶμα, Lk 5:19, Ac 10:9; ἐπὶ τ. δώματος, -άτων, Mt 10:27 24:17, Mk 13:15, Lk 12:3 17:31.†

[NT: 11x] δωρεά, -ᾶς, ἡ (< δίδωμι), [in LXX chiefly (-άν) for חִנָּם, as Ge 29:15 ;]

a gift: Ac 11:17, Ro 5:15, He 6:4; δ. τ. θεοῦ, Jo 4:10, Ac 8:20; τ. Χριστοῦ, Eph 4:7; τ. πνεύματος, Ac 2:38 10:45; τ. δικαιοσύνης, Ro 5:17; τ. χάριτος, Eph 3:7; ἀνεκδιηγήτὶῳ δ., II Co 9:15. Acc, δωρεάν, adverbially (as freq. in LXX),
(a) freely, as a gift: Mt 10:8, Ro 3:24, II Co 11:7, II Th 3:8, Re 21:6 22:17;
(b) in vain, uselessly: (Jo 15:25 LXX) Ga 2:21.†
SYN.: v.s. δόμα

[NT: 9x] δωρεάν, v.s. δωρεά.

δωρέω, -ῶ [in LXX: Ge 30:20 (זָבַד), Es 8:1, Pr 4:2 (נָתַן), Le 7:15 (קׇרְבָּן), I Es 1:7 Es 8:14 Es 8:55, Si 7:25 * ;]

to present, bestow. As depon. (with same sense), -Ιομαι,.-οίμαι: Mk 15:45, II Pe 1:3-4.†
SYN.: δίδωμι, q.v

[NT: 2x] ** δώρημα, -τος, τό (< δωρέω), [in LXX: Si 31:18 (Si 34:18)* ;]

a gift, boon: Ro 5:16, Ja 1:17.†
SYN.: v.s. δόμα

[NT: 19x] δῶρον, -ου, τό (< δίδωμι), [in LXX chiefly for קׇרְבָּן, also for מִנְחָה, etc. ;]

a gift, present: Mt 2:11, Re 11:10; of gifts and sacrifices to God, Mt 5:23-24 8:4 15:5 23:18-19, Mk 7:11, Lk 21:1, 4, He 5:1 8:3-4 9:9 11:4; δ. θεοῦ, Eph 2:8.†
SYN.: s.v. δόμα

* δωροφορία, -ας, ἡ,

a bringing of presents: LTr., mg., for διακονία, Ro 15:31.†


Ε, ε, ἒ ψιλόν (ἐψῖλον), τό, indecl.,

epsilon, ĕ, the fifth letter. As a numeral, ε' = 5, ε, = 5000.

[NT: 1x] ἔα, interj.,

expressing surprise, indignation, fear (in cl. chiefly in poët.), ah! ha!: Lk 4:34.†

[NT: 334x] ἐάν, contr. fr. εἰ ἄν, conditional particle,

representing something as "under certain circumstances actual or liable to happen," but not so definitely expected as in the case of εἰ c. ind. (Bl., §65, 4; cf. Jo 13:17, I Co 7:36), if haply, if;
1. c. subjc. (cl.);
(a) pres.: Mt 6:22, Lk 10:6, Jo 7:17, Ro 2:25, 26 al.;
(b) aor. (= Lat. fut. pf.): Mt 4:9 16:26 (cf. ptcp. in Lk 9:25; M, Pr., 230), Mk 3:24, Lk 14:34, Jo 5:43, Ro 7:2, al.; = cl. εἰ, c. opt., Jo 9:22 11:57, Ac 9:2; as Heb. אִם = ὅταν, Jo 12:32 14:3, I Jo 2:28 3:2, He 3:7 (LXX).
2. C. indic, (as in late writers, fr. Arist. on; v. WH, App., 171; VD, MGr. 2, App., §77; Deiss., BS, 201f., LAE, 155, 254; M, Pr., 168, 187; Bl., §65, 4);
(b) pres.: I Th 3:8 (v. Milligan, in l.).
3. With other particles: ἐ. καί (Bl., §65, 6), Ga 6:1; ἐ. μή (M, Pr., 185, 187; Bl., l.c.), c. subjc. pres., Mt 10:13, I Co 8:8, Ja 2:17, I Jo 3:21; aor., Mt 6:15, Mk 3:27, Jo 3:3, Ro 10:15, Ga 1:8 2:16 (v. Lft., Ellic., in ll.); ἐ. τε . . . ἐ. τε, [in LXX for אִם . . . אִם, Es 19:13, al.,] Ro 14:8.
4. = cl. ἄν (q.v.) after relat. pronouns and adverbs (Tdf., Pr., 96; WH, App., 173; M, Pr., 42f.; Bl., §26, 4; Mayser, 152f.; Deiss., BS, 202ff.): ὃς ἐ., Mt 5:19, Mk 6:22, 23 Lk 17:32, I Co 6:18, al.; ὅπου ἐ., Mt 8:19; ὁσάκις ἐ., Re 11:6; οὗ ἐ., I Co 16:6; καθὸ ἐ., II Co 8:12; ὅστις ἐ., Ga 5:10.

[NT: 816x] ἑαυτοῦ, -ῆς, -οῦ, dat. -ῷ, etc., acc. -όν, etc., pi. -ῶν, etc. (Att. contr. αὑτοῦ, etc); reflex pron.;

1. prop, of 3rd person (Lat. sui, sibi, se), of himself, herself, itself, etc.: Mt 27:42, Mk 15:31, Lk 23:35, al.; added to a middle verb, διεμερίσαντο ἑαυτοῖς, Jo 19:24; to an active verb, Ac 14:14 (M, Pr., 157); ἀφ’ ἑαυτοῦ, Lk 12:57 21:30, Jo 5:19, al. (v.s. ἀπό); δι’ ἑαυτοῦ, Ro 14:14; ἐν ἑ., Mt 3:9, Mk 5:30, al.; εἰς ἑ., Lk 15:17; καθ’ ἑαυτόν, Ac 28:16, Ja 2:17; παρ’ ἑαυτῷ, at his own house, I Co 16:2; πρὸς ἑ., with, to himself, Lk 18:11; as poss. pron. (with emphasis weakened; v. M, Pr., 87f.), τ. ἑαυτῶν νεκρούς, Lk 9:60.
2. As reflexive 1st and 2nd pers. (so also freq. in cl., chiefly poetry), Mt 23:31, Mk 9:50, Ro 8:23, I Th 2:8, al.
3. In pl., for reciprocal pron., ἀλλήλων, -οις, -ους, of one another, etc.: Mt 21:38, Mk 16:3, Eph 5:19, al.

[NT: 13x] ἐάω, -ῶ, [in LXX for רפה hi., etc. ;]

1. to let, permit: c. acc., c. inf., c. acc. et inf. (M, Pr., 205): Mt 24:43, Lk 4:41 22:51, Ac 14:16 16:7 19:3o 23:32 27:32 28:4, I Co 10:13.
2. to let alone, leave: ἀγκύρας, Ac 27:40 (cf. προσ-εάω).

[NT: 5x] ἑβδομήκοντα, οἱ, αἱ, τά, indecl. (< ἑπτά),

seventy: Lk 10:1, 17 Ac 7:14 23:23 27:37.†

[NT: 1x] ἑβδομηκοντάκις, adv., [in LXX for שִׁבְעִים, Ge 4:24 * ;]

seventy times: ἑ. ἑπτά, seventy times seven, Mt 18:22 (R, txt., ICC, in l.), or seventy-seven times (R, mg.; cf. M, Pr., 98; WM, 314; Meyer, in l.).†

[NT: 9x] ἕβδομος, -η, -ον (< ἑπτὰ), [in LXX chiefly for שְׁבִיעִי ;]

seventh: Jo 4:52, He 4:4 (LXX), Ju 14, Re 8:1 10:7 11:15 16:17 21:20.†

[NT: 1x] Ἔβερ (Rec. Ἐβέρ), , indecl. (Heb. עֵבֶר, Ge 10:24),

Eber (OT, Heber): Lk 3:35.†

[NT: 1x] *† Ἑβραϊκός, -ή, -όν,

Hebrew: Lk 23:38, Rec.†

[NT: 4x] Ἑβραῖος (WH, Ἐβ-), -α, -ον (Aram, עִבְרַי), as subst., ὁ Ἑ., [in LXX for עֵבֶר, עִבְרִי ;]

a Hebrew.
1. In OT, of Israelites in contrast with those of another race (Ge 14:13, Ex 1:15, De 15:12, al.).
2. In NT as the correlative of Ἑλληνιστής, a Jew who had adopted, in greater or less degree, Greek culture and Greek language. The distinction was not merely linguistic (DB, ii, 325); as far as it was so, Συριστής would be a more correct Greek term for the Jew of Semitic speech (v.s. Ἑβραΐς, and cf. Dalman, Words, 7): Ac 6:1, II Co 11:22, Phl 3:5.

[NT: 3x] **† Ἑβραΐς (WH, Ἐβ-), -ίδος (Aram. עִבְרַי), peculiar form of Ἑβραϊκός, [p. 127] [in LXX, ἡ Ἑ. φωνή, IV Mac 12:7 16:15 * ;]

in NT, ἡ Ἑ. διάλεκτος, Hebrew, i.e. the Aramaic vernacular of Palestine: Ac 21:40 22:2 26:14.†

[NT: 7x] **† Ἑβραϊστί (WH, Ἐβ-), adv., [in LXX: Si prol. 13 * ;]

in Hebrew: Re 9:11; elsewhere, in Aramaic (v. supr.): Jo 5:2 19:13, 17, 20 20:16, Re 16:16.†

ἐγγίζω (< ἐγγύς). [in LXX for נגשׁ, קרב, etc. ;]

1. trans., to bring near: Ge 48:10, Is 5:8.
2. Intrans., to come near: absol., Mt 26:46, Mk 14:42, Lk 18:40 19:41 21:20, 28 24:15, Ac 21:33 23:15; c. adv., ὅπου, Lk 12:33; c. dat., Lk 7:12 15:1, Luke.15.25 22:47, Ac 9:3 10:9 22:6; τ. θεῷ, He 7:19, Ja 4:8; seq. εἰς, Mt 21:1, Mk 11:1, Lk 18:35 19:29 24:28; πρός, c. dat., Lk 19:37; μέχρι θανάτου, Phl 2:30; of time, ὥρα, Mt 26:45; ἡμέρα, Ro 13:12, He 10:25; καιρός, Mt 21:34, Lk 21:8; χρόνος, Ac 7:17; ἑορτή, Lk 22:1; παρουσία, Ja 5:8; τέλος, I Pe 4:7; ἐρήμωσις, Lk 21:20; ἀπολύτρωσις, Lk 21:28; ἤγγικεν ἡ βασιλεία (for similar expressions in Targ., v. Dalman, 106), Mt 3:2 4:17 10:7 Mk 1:15, Lk 10:9 (ἐφ ̓ ὑμᾶς) 10:11 (cf. προσ-εγγίζω), and v. Cremer, 224).

ἔγγιστος, v.s. ἐγγύς.

[NT: 3x] ἐγ-γράφω, v.s. ἐνγράφω.

[NT: 1x] ** ἔγγυος, -ου, ὁ, ἡ, [in LXX: Si 29:15, 16 II Mac 10:28 * ;]

a surety: He 7:22 (exx. from π., v. MM, Exp., xi; cf. Cremer, 222).†

[NT: 31x] ἐγγύς, adv., [in LXX chiefly for קָרֹוב ;]

1. of place: Jo 19:20, 42; as prep. c. gen. (M, Pr., 99), Lk 19:11, Jo 3:23 6:19, 23 11:18, 54, Ac 1:12; c. dat., Ac 9:38 27:8; superl., ἔγγιστα, Mk 6:36, WH, mg.; metaph., ֹοἱ ἐ., opp. to οἱ μακράν, Eph 2:17; ἐ. γίνεσθαι, Eph 2:13; ἐ. σου τὸ ῥῆμα, Ro 10:8 (LXX).
2. Of time: Mt 24:32 26:18, Mk 13:28, 29 Lk 21:30, 31 Jo 2:13 6:4 7:2 11:55, Re 1:3 22:10; ὁ κύριος ἐ., Phl 4:5; seq. ἐπὶ θύραις, Mt 24:33; compar., ἐγγύτερον (neut. of adj. -ος, used adverbially), Ro 13:11 (cf. R, txt.); as prep. c. gen., ἐ. κατάρας, He 6:8; ἀφανισμοῦ, He 8:13 (cf. Cremer, 223).

[NT: 1x] ἐγγύτερος, v.s. ἐγγύς.

[NT: 144x] ἐγείρω, [in LXX for קוּם, etc. ;] trans. (imperat. ἔγειρε used intransitively, Mt 9:5, Mk 2:11, al.);

1. to awaken, arouse from sleep: Mk 4:38, Ac 12:7; metaph., of spiritual awakening, Ro 13:11 (pass.), Eph 5:14; pass., to be aroused, wake up: Mt 25:7, Mk 4:27; ἀπὸ τ. ὕπνου, Mt 1:24.
2. Freq. in NT, to raise from the dead: νεκρούς, Jo 5:21, Ac 26:8, II Co 1:9; ἐκ νεκρῶν, Jo 12:1, Ac 3:15, Ro 8:11, al.; pass., rise from death: Mt 11:5, Lk 7:22, Jo 2:22, Ro 6:9, al.; ἀπὸ τ. νεκρῶν, Mt 14:2, al.
3. In late Gk.,
(a) to raise, from sitting, lying, sickness; mid. and pass., to rise: Mt 9:5, 7 Mk 1:31 9:27 10:49, al.; redundant, like Heb. קוּם, Mt 2:15 9:19, Re 11:1 (v. Dalman, 23f.);
(b) to raise up, cause to appear: Ac 13:22 (cf. Jg 2:18); τέκνα, Mt 3:9; pass., to appear: Mt 11:11, Mk 13:22, al.
4. to rouse, stir up; pass., to rise against: Mt 24:7, Mk 13:8.
5. Of buildings, to raise: τ. ναόν, Jo 2:19, 20 (cf . De 16:22, Si 49:13); (cf. δι-, ἐξ-, συν-εγείρω, and V. Cremer, 224).

[NT: 1x] ἔγερσις, -εως, ἡ (< ἐγείρω, -ομαι)), [in LXX: Jg 7:19, Ps 138 (139)2 (קוּם), I Es 5:62 * ;]

1. a rousing (Plat.).
2. a rising (Ps, l.c.): from death, Mt 27:53.

[NT: 1x] ἐγκάθετος, v.s. ἐνκ-

[NT: 1x] ἐγκαίνια, v.s. ἐνκ-

[p. 128]

[NT: 2x] ἐγκαινίζω, v.s. ἐνκ-.

ἐγκακέω, v.s. ἐνκ-.

[NT: 7x] ἐγκαλέω, -ῶ, [in LXX for אמר, etc.; c. dat., Za 1:4 (קָרָא אֶל), Wi 12:12, Si 46:19 ;]

1. to call in, demand.
2. to bring a charge against, accuse: c. dat. pers. (as in cl.), Ac 19:38 23:28; seq. κατά, c. gen. pers., Ro 8:33. Pass., to be accused: c. gen. rei; στάσεως, Ac 19:40; ὦν (perh. by attraction = ), Ac 26:2; seq. περί, c. gen. rei, Ac 23:29 26:7 (Cremer, 743).

SYN.: αἰτιάομαι (q.v.), διαβάλλω, ἐπικαλέω, κατηγορέω.

[NT: 10x] ἐγκαταλείπω, [in LXX chiefly for עזב ;]

1. to leave behind: ἡμῖν σπέρμα, Ro 9:29 (LXX).
2. to abandon, desert, forsake: c. acc. pers., Mt 27:46 (LXX), Mk 15:34 (ib.), Ac 2:27 (LXX) (WH, ἐνκ-), II Ti 4:10, 16 He 13:5 (LXX); τ. ἐπισυναγωγήν (cf. MM, Exp., xi), He 10:25. Pass., Ac 2:31 (WH, ἐνκ-), II Co 4:9.

[NT: 1x] ἐγκατοικέω, v.s. ἐνκ-.

ἐγκαυχάομαι, v.s. ἐνκ-.

[NT: 6x] ἐγκεντρίζω, v.s. ἐνκ-.

[NT: 2x] * ἔγκλημα -τος, τό (< ἐγκαλέω),

an accusation, charge: Ac 23:29 25:16 (Cremer, 743).†

[NT: 1x] *† ἐγκομβόομαι, -οῦμαι (< κόμβος, a knot, whence ἐγκόμβωμα, a garment tied on over others, used especially of a frock or apron worn by slaves),

to put on oneself, as a garment, gird on: ἀλλήλοις τ. ταπεινοφροσύνην (as for service, RV, cf. Thayer, s.v., but cf. also ICC, in l.), I Pe 5:5.†

[NT: 1x] ἐγκοπή, v.s. ἐνκ-.

[NT: 5x] ἐγκόπτω, v.s. ἐνκ-.

[NT: 4x] ** ἐγκράτεια, -ας, ἡ (-< ἐγκρατής), [in LXX: Si 18:15, 30 IV Mac 5:34 * ;]

1. prop., mastery, control.
2. (sc. ἑαθτοῦ) self-control: Ac 24:25, Ga 5:23, II Pe 1:6 (v. DB, iv, 558b 695a; Page on Ac, l.c.).

[NT: 2x] ἐγκρατεύομαι, depon., [in LXX for אפק, Ge 43:31, I Ki 13:12, Es 5:10 א 3 * ;]

to exercise self-control: I Co 7:9; c. acc., πάντα (v. Bl., 91), I Co 9:25.†

[NT: 1x] ** ἐγκρατής, -ές (< κράτος), [in LXX: Wi 8:20, Si 6:27 15:1 26:15 27:30, al. ;]

1. strong, powerful.
2. C. gen. rei, master of, hence,
3. (sc. ἑαυτοῦ), self -controlled, exercising self-control: Tit 1:8.
SYN.: σώφρων (v. reff. s. ἐγκράτεια).

[NT: 1x] ἐγ-κρίνω, v.s. ἐνκ-.

[NT: 2x] ἐγ-κρύπτω, [in LXX for טמן, etc. ;]

to conceal in: c. acc., seq. εἰς, Mt 13:33.†

[NT: 1x] ἔγκυος, v.s. ἐνκ-.

[NT: 1x] ἐγχρίω, [in LXX: Je 4:30 (קרע). To 2:10 6:8 11:7 * ;]

to rub in, anoint: mid., c. dupl. acc., Re 3:18.†

[NT: 2572x] ἐγώ, gen, etc., ἐμοῦ, ἐμοί, ἐμέ (enclitic μου, μοι, με), pl. ἡμεῖς, -ῶν, -ῖν, -ᾶς, pers. pron.

(a) The nom. is usually emphatic, when expressed as subjc, as in Mt 3:11, Mk 1:8, Lk 3:16, al. But often there is no apparent emphasis, as Mt 10:16, Jo 10:17; ἰδοὺ ἐ. (= Heb. הִנֵּנִי, cf. I Ki 3:8), Ac 9:10; ἐ. (like Heb. אֲנִי), I am, Jo 1:23 (LXX), Ac 7:32 (LXX). [p. 129]
(b) The enclitic forms (v. supr.) are used with nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, where there is no emphasis: ἐν τ. πατρί μου, Jo 14:20; μου τ. λόγους, Mt 7:24; ὀπίσω μου, Mt 3:11; ἰσχυρότερός μου, ib.; λέγει μοι, Re 5:5; also with the prep. πρός, as Mk 9:19, al. The full forms (ἐμοῦ, etc.) are used with the other prepositions, as δι' ἐμοῦ, ἐν ἐμοί, εἰς ἐμέ, etc., also for emphasis, as Lk 10:16, Jo 7:23, Mk 14:7, al.
(c) The gen. μου and ἡμῶν are often used for the poss. pronouns ἐμός, ἡμέτερος: τ. λαόν μου, Mt 2:6; μου τῂ ἀπιστιᾳ, Mk 9:24.
(d) τί ἐμοὶ καὶ σοί ( = Heb. מַה־לִי וָלָךְ, Jg 11:12, al.), i.e. what have we in common: Mt 8:29, Mk 1:24, 5:7, Lk 8:28, Jo 2:4; τί γάρ μοι, I Co 5:2.
(e) The interchange of ἐγώ and ἡμεῖς, common in π., appears in Pauline Epp. (v. M, Pr., 86f., M, Th., 131f.).
(f) κἀγώ (= καὶ ἐγώ, and I, even I, I also: Mt 2:8, Lk 2:48, Jo 6:56, Ro 3:7, I Co 7:40, al.; κἀγώ . . . καί, both . . . and, Jo 7:28.

[NT: 1x] ἐδαφίζω (< ἔδαφος) [in LXX chiefly for רטשׁ pu. ;]

1. to beat level like a threshing floor (Theophr.).
2. to dash to the ground (Field, Notes, 74): Lk 19:44 (cf. Ps 136(137):9, Ho 14:1).

[NT: 1x] ἔδαφος, -εος (-ους), τό, [in LXX for עָפָר, קַרְקע, etc. ;]

bottom, pavement, ground: Ac 22:7.†

[NT: 3x] **ἑδραῖος, -ον (< ἕδρα, a seat), [in Sm.: Ps 32 (33):14, al. ;]

1. sitting, seated.
2. steadfast, firm; metaph., of moral fixity: I Co 7:37 15:58, Col 1:23.

[NT: 1x] *† ἑδραίωμα, -τος, τό (< ἑδραῖος),

a support, bulwark, stay (Vg. fermamentum): I Ti 3:15 (eccl.).†

[NT: 2x] Ἑζεκίας (Rec. Ἐζ-), -ου, ὁ (Heb. חִזְקִיָּה, strength of Jehovah),

Hezekiah, King of Judah: Mt 1:9, 10.†

[NT: 1x] *† ἐθελο-θρησκία (Rec. -εία), -ας, ἡ,

self-imposed worship: Col 2:23 (eccl.; cf. DB, iv, 923a; Cremer, 733).†

ἐθέλω, v.s. θέλω.

[NT: 1x] ** ἐθίζω, [in LXX: Si 23:9, 13 II Mac 14:30 ;]

to accustom: pass. pf. ptcp., τὸ εἰθισμένον, the established custom, Lk 2:27.†

[NT: 1x] **† ἐθνάρχης, -ου, ὁ (< ἔθνος, ἄρχω), [in LXX: I Mac 14:47 15:1, 2 * ;]

an ethnarch, a provincial governor (cf. I Mac, ll. c.; FlJ, Ant., xiii, 6, 6; Dalman, 332): II Co 11:32.†

[NT: 5x] **† ἐθνικός, -ή, -όν, [in Al.: Le 21:7 * ;]

1. national (Polyb.).
2. foreign (gramm.); in NT, as subst., ὁ ἐ., the Gentile (the adj. "describes character rather than mere position"; cf. ἔθνος, and v. Cremer, 228): Mt 5:47 6:7 18:17, III Jo 7.

[NT: 1x] *† ἐθνικῶς, adv.,

in Gentile fashion: Ga 2:14.†

[NT: 162x] ἔθνος, -ους, τό, [in LXX chiefly for עַם ,גּוֹי ;]

1. a multitude, a company, whether of beasts or men (Hom.).
2. a nation, people: Mt 21:43 24:7, Mk 13:8, Lk 22:25, Ac 10:35, al.; in sing., of the Jewish people, Lk 7:5 23:2, Jo 11:48, 50-53 18:35, Ac 10:22 24:3, 10 26:4 28:19.
3. In pl., as in OT, τὰ ἔ. (like Heb. הַגּוֹיִם), the nations, as distinct from Israel, [p. 130] Gentiles: Mt 4:15 6:32, Ac 26:17, Ro 3:29 11:11 15:10, Ga 2:8, al.; of Gentile Christians, Ro 11:13 15:27 16:4, Ga 2:12, 14, Eph 3:1.
SYN.: λαός (v. DCG, ii, 229; Cremer, 226).

[NT: 13x] ** ἔθος, -εος (-ους), τό (< ἔθω), [in LXX: Wi 14:16, Da TH Bel 15, I Mac 10:89, II Mac 11:25 13:4, IV Mac 18:5 א R* ;]

habit, custom; Lk 22:39, Jo 19:40, Ac 16:21 25:16, He 10:25; in Lk 1:9 Ac 6:14 15:1 21:21 26:3 28:17, almost in the narrower sense of law (Deiss., BS, 251 f.).†

[NT: 4x] ἔθω, pf. with pres. sense εἴωθα, [in LXX: Nu 24:1 (כְּפַעַם־בְּפַעַם), Da LXX Su 13, Si 37:14, IV Mac 1:12 * ;]

to be accustomed, wont: Mt 27:15, Mk 10:1; ptcp., τὸ εἰθός, custom: κατὰ τὸ εἰ. (Nu, l.c.), Lk 4:16, Ac 17:2.†

[NT: 507x] εἰ, conjunctive particle, used in conditions and in indirect questions.

I. Conditional, if;
1. c. indic, expressing a general assumption;
(a) pres.: seq. indic, pres., Mt 11:14, Ro 8:25, al.; seq. imperat., Mk 4:23 9:22, Jo 15:18, I Co 7:9, al.; seq. fut. indic., Lk 16:31, Ro 8:11, al.; seq. pf. or aor., with negation in apodosis, Mt 12:26, Ro 4:14, al.; similarly, seq. impf., Lk 17:6, Jo 8:39; seq. quæst., Mt 6:23, Jo 5:47 7:23 8:46, I Pe 2:20;
(b) fut.: Mt 26:33, I Pe 2:20;
(c) pf.: Jo 11:12, Ro 6:5, al.;
(d) aor.: Lk 16:11 19:8, Jo 13:32, 18:23, Re 20:15, al.
2. Where the assumption is certain = ἐπεί: Mt 12:28, Jo 7:4, Ro 5:17, al.
3. Of an unfulfilled condition, c. indic, impf., aor. or plpf., seq. ἄν, c. imp. or aor. (v.s. ἄν, I, i).
4. C. indic., after verbs denoting wonder, etc., sometimes, but not always, coupled with an element of doubt: Mk 15:44, I Jo 3:13, al.
5. C. indic., as in LXX (Nu 14:3o, I Ki 14:45, al. = Heb. אִם), in oaths, with the formula of imprecation understood in a suppressed apodosis (WM, 627; Burton, §272): Mk 8:12, He 3:11 (LXX) 4:3 (LXX).
6. Rarely (cl.) c. optat., to express a merely possible condition: Ac 24:19 27:39, I Co 14:10 15:37, I Pe3:14, 17.
II. Interrogative, if, whether.
1. As in cl., in indir. questions after verbs of seeing, asking, knowing, saying, etc.: c. indic. pres., Mt 26:63, Mk 15:36, Ac 19:2, II Co 13:5, al.; fut., Mk 3:2, Ac 8:22, al.; aor., Mk 15:44, I Co 1:16, al.; c. subjc. aor. (M, Pr., 194), Phl 3:12.
2. As in LXX (= Heb. אִם and interrog. הֲ, Ge 17:17, al.; v. WM, 639f.; Viteau, i, 22), in direct questions: Mk 8:23 (Tr., WH, txt.), Lk 13:23, 22:49, Ac 19:2, al.
III. With other particles.
1. εἰ ἄρα, εἴγε, εἰ δὲ μήγε, v.s. ἄρα, γε.
2. εἰ δὲ καί, but if also: Lk 11:18; but even if, I Co 4:7, II Co 4:3 11:16.
3. εἰ δὲ μή, but if not, but if otherwise: Mk 2:21, 22 Jo 14:2, Re 2:5, al.
4. εἰ καί, if even, if also, although: Mk 14:29, Lk 11:8, I Co 7:21, II Co 4:16, Phl 2:17, al.
5. καὶ εἰ, even if, v.s. καί
6. εἰ μή, if not, unless, except, but only: Mt 24:22, Mk 2:26 6:5, Jo 9:33, I Co 7:17 (only), Ga 1:19 (cf. ἐὰν μή, 2:16; v. Hort., Ja., xvi); ἐκτὸς εἰ μή, pleonastic (Bl., §65, 6), I Co 14:5 15:2, I Ti 5:19.
7. εἰ μήν = cl. ἦ μήν (M, Pr., 46), in oaths, surely (Ez 33:27, al.): He 6:14.
8. εἴ πως, if haply: Ac 27:12, Ro 1:10.
9. εἴτε . . . εἴτε, whether . . . or; Ro 12:6-8, I Co 3:22 13:8, al.

[NT: 1x] εἰδέα (Rec. ἰδ-, as in cl.; v. Tdf., Pr., 81), -ας, ἡ (< εἶδον), [in [p. 131] LXX (v.l. ἰδ-): Ge 5:3 (דְּמוּת), Da TH 1:13, 15 (מַרְאֶה), Ep. Je 63, II Mac 3:16 * ;]

appearance, look: Mt 28:3.†

εἶδον, v.s. ὁράω.

[NT: 5x] εἶδος, -ους, τό, [in LXX for מַרְאֶה, , etc. ;]

1. that which is seen, appearance, external form: Lk 3:22 9:29, Jo 5:37, II Co 5:7 (ICC in l.).
2. form, sort, kind: I Th 5:22.

[NT: 1x] εἰδώλον (Rec. -εῖον), -ου, τό (< εἴδωλον), [in LXX: Da LXX 1:2 (בֵּית אוֹצַר אֱלֹהִים), Bel 9, I Es 2:10, I Mac 1:47 10:83 * ;]

an idol's temple: I Co 8:10 (cf. Ἀσταρτεῖον, I Ki 31:10; v. ICC, in I Co, l.c.).†

[NT: 9x] **† εἰδωλόθυτος, -ον, (< εἴδωλον, θύω), [in LXX: IV Mac 5:2 * ;]

sacrificed to idols: τὸ, τὰ εἰ, Ac 15:29 21:25, I Co 8:1, 4 7, 10 10:19, Re 2:14, 2o.†

[NT: 4x] *† εἰδωλο-λατρία (-εία, Rec.), -ας, ἡ (< εἴδωλον, λατρεία),

idolatry: I Co 10:14, Ga 5:20, Col 3:5; pl. (Bl, §32, 6), I Pe 4:3 (Cremer, 390).†

[NT: 7x] *† εἰδωλολάτρης, -ου, ὁ (< εἴδωλου + λάτρις, a hireling),

an idolator: I Co 5:10, 11 6:9 10:7 Eph 5:5 Re 21:8 22:15 (Cremer, 709).†

[NT: 11x] εἴδωλον, -ου, τό (< εἶδος), [in LXX for אֱלֹוהָּ, גְּלוּלִים, etc. ;]

1. in cl.
(a) a phantom, image, likeness;
(b) an image in the mind, an idea, fancy.
2. In LXX and NT,
(a) an image of a god, an idol (cf. Polyb., xxxi, 3, 13): Ac 7:41, I Co 12:2, Re 9:20;
(b) the false god or idol worshipped in an image (ICC, on I Th, l.c.): Ac 15:20, Ro 2:22, I Co 8:4, 7 10:19 II Co 6:18, I Th 1:9, I Jo 5:21.†

[NT: 6x] εἰκῇ (-ῆ, Rec., as in cl.), adv., [in LXX: Pr 28:25 (εἰκῇ)* ;]

1. without cause or reason: Mt 5:22 (E, mg.), Col 2:18 (ICC).
2. vainly, fruitlessly, to no purpose: Ro 13:4, I Co 15:2, Ga 3:4 4:11, Col 2:18.

[NT: 11x] εἴκοσι (never -ιν in WH, cf. Bl., §5, 3, and note), indecl., οἱ, αἱ, τά,

twenty: Lk 14:31, Jo 6:19, Ac 1:15 27:28, I Co 10:8, Re 4:4, 10 5:8 11:16 19:4.†

[NT: 1x] εἴκω, [in LXX: II Ki 12:7 (ענה), Wi 18:25, IV Mac 1:6 * ;]

to yield: Ga 2:5 (cf. ὑπ-είκω).†

εἴκω (obsolete pres.), v.s. ἔοικα [Transcriber note: This form does not occur in Abbott-Smith. It should be on p. 158.] .

[NT: 23x] εἰκών, -όνος (cf. ἔοικα), [in LXX chiefly for צֶלֶם ;]

an image, likeness: Mt 22:20, Mk 12:16, Lk 20:24, Ro 1:23, I Co 15:49, Re 13:14, 15 14:9, 11 15:2 16:2 19:20 20:4; opp. to σκιά, He 10:1; of man, εἰ. θεοῦ, 1 Co 11:7; of the regenerate, εἰ. τ. θεοῦ Col 3:10 (v. Lft., in l.); εἰ. τ. υἱοῦ τ. θεοῦ, Ro 8:29, II Co 3:18; of Christ, εἰ. τ. θεοῦ, II Co 4:4, Col 1:15.†
SYN.: ὁμοίωμα, denoting resemblance, which may however be merely accidental. εἰ. is a derived likeness and like the head on a coin or the parental likeness in a child, implies an archetype.

Cf. also εἶδος, appearance, not necessarily based on reality; σκιά, a shadowed resemblance; χαρακτήρ, the impress of a stamp; μόρφη (q.v.), the form as indicative of the inner being.

[NT: 3x] ** εἰλικρινία (Rec., cl., -κρινεία), -ας, ἡ (< εἰλικρινής), [in LXX: Wi 7:25 A * ;]

sincerity, purity: I Co 5:8, II Co 1:12 2:17.†

[NT: 2x] ** εἰλικρινής, -ές, [in LXX: Wi 72^ kB * ;]

unalloyed, pure (Lat. sincerus; v. DCG, ii, 635a);
(a) of unmixed substances;
(b) of abstract ideas;
(c) of ethical purity: Phl 1:10, II Pe 3:1.†
SYN.: ἁγνός (q.v.), καθαρός, cf. Tr., Syn.: §lxxxv; DB, iv, 176a; Cremer, 378; Westc. on I Jo 3:3.

[p. 132]

εἰλικρινία (Rec, cl., -κρινεία), -ας, ἡ (< εἰλικρινής), [in LXX : Wi 7:25 A.*;]

sincerity, purity: I Co 5:8, II Co 1:12 2:17.†

εἱλίσσω, v.s. ἑλέσσω [Transcriber: Is this word in Abbott-Smith?.]

[NT: 2456x] εἰμί,

with various uses and significations, like the English verb to be.
I. As substantive verb.
1. Of persons and things, to be, exist: Ac 17:28, Jo 1:1, 8:58, 17:5, al; ὁ ὢν καὶ ὁ ἦν (for past ptcp.), Re 1:4, 8, 4:8, 11:17, 16:5 (v. Swete, Ap., 5; M, Pr., 228); τὰ (μὴ) ὄντα, Ro 4:17, I Co 1:28.
2. Of times, events, etc., to be, happen, take place: Mt 24:3, Mk 14:2, 15:42, Lk 21:23, Jo 4:6, 23, 5:10, al.
3. to be present, be in a place, have come: Mt 2:13, 15, Mk 1:45, 5:21, 15:40, Lk 1:80, 5:29, Jo 7:30, al.; seq. εἰς, Mk 2:1; seq. ἐκ, (ἐξ), Mt 1:20, 21:25, Mk 11:30, Jo 3:31, al.
4. Impers., ἔστι, ἦν, etc.;
(a) there is (Fr. il y a), was, etc.: Mt 16:28, Lk 16:19, Jo 3:1, 5:2, Ro 3:10, al.; c. dat. (of the possessor; Bl., §37, 3), Mt 16:22, Lk 1:7, Jo 18.10, Ro 9:2, al.; ἔστιν ὅς, ὅστις (chiefly in pl), Mt 16:28, 19:2, Mk 9:1, al.;
(b) c. inf., = ἔξεστιν (q.v.), it is possible: He 9:5, I Co 11:20, RV (but v. ICC, in l.).
II. As copula uniting subject and predicate.
1. Expressing simply identity or equivalence: Mt 5:13, 14:15, Lk 1:18, 19, Jo 1:1, 4:19, Re 3:9, al. mult.
2. Explicative, as in parable, figure, type, etc.: Mt 13:19, I Co 9:2, 10:4, 11:25, Ga 4:24, Re 17:15, al.; ταῦτ’ ἔστιν, Mt 27:46, Mk 7:2, Ro 7:18 al.; ὅ ἐστιν, Mk 3:17, Col 1:24, He 7:2, al.; akin to this is the sacramental usage: Mt 26:26-28, Mk 14:22, 24, Lk 22:19, I Co 11:24 (v. ICC on Mk, I Co, ll. c.; DB, iii, 148 f.).
3. C. gen.: qual., etc., Mk 5:42, Lk 3:23, I Co 14:33, He 12:11, al.; part., I Ti 1:20, II Ti 1:15; poss., Mt 5:3, 10, Mk 12:7, Lk 4:7; of service or partisanship, Ro 8:9, I Co 1:12, II Co 10:7, II Ti 2:19.
4. C. dat. (BL, §37, 3): Ac 1:8, 9:15, Ro 4:12, I Co 1:18, 2:14, Re 21:7, al.
5. C. ptcp., as a periphrasis for the simple verb (Bl., §62, 1, 2; M, Pr., 225 ff.);
(a) c. ptcp. pf. (cl.): Mt 10:30, Lk 9:32, Jo 3:24, Ac 21:35, I Co 15:19, al;
(b) c. ptcp. pr. (esp. in impf., as in Heb. and Aram.; Dalman, Words, 35 f.), Mt 7:29, Mk 1:22, Lk 4:31, 14:1, Ac 1:10, al. mult., id. for imper. (M, Pr., 180f., 182f.), with ellipsis of εἰμί, Ro 12:9, 10, He 13:5, al.;
(c) c. ptcp. aor. (cl), Lk 23:9.
6. Seq. εἰς (cf. Heb. הָיָה לְ), a vernac. usage (M, Pr., 71): Mt 19:5, Mk 10:8, He 8:10, al.
7. C. adv.: Mt 19:20, Mk 4:26, Lk 18:11, al.
8. Ellipses;
(a) of the copula (Bl., §30, 3): Mt 8:29, 24:32, Jo 21:22, 23, He 6:4, al.;
(b) of the predicate: ἐγώ εἰμί, Mt 14:27, Mk 6:50, al.; absol. (cf. De 32:39; אֲנִי הוּא), Mk 13:6, Jo 4:26, al. (cf. ἄπ-, ἔν-, πάρ-, συμ-πάρ-, σύν-ειμι).

εἵνεκεν, v.s. ἕνεκα.

εἴ-περ, v.s. εἰ.

εἶπον, 2 aor. of obsol. pres. ἔπω (cf. Veitch), used as aor. of λέγω, q.v.

εἴ-πως, v.s. εἰ.

[NT: 4x] εἰρηνεύω (< εἰρήνη), [in LXX chiefly for שׁלם, שׁקט ;]

1. to bring to peace, reconcile (so I Mac 6:60).
2. to keep peace, be at peace: Mk 9:50, Ro 12:18, II Co 13:11, I Th 5:13 (cf. Si 28:9; Cremer, 246).

[NT: 92x] εἰρήνη, -ης, ἡ, [in LXX chiefly for שָׁלוֹם ;]

1. of public peace, freedom from war: Lk 14:32, Ac 12:20 24:2; of the church, Ac [p. 133] 9:31.
2. Of peace between persons, concord, agreement : Mt 10:34, Lk 12:51, Ro 14:17, I Co 7:15, Ga 5:22, Ja 3:18; ζητεῖν εἰ., I Pe 3:11; διώκειν, II Ti 2:22; ib. seq. μετὰ πάντων, He 12:14; by meton., of him who brings peace, Eph 2:14.
3. As in LXX (= Heb. שָׁלוֹם , Aram. שְׁלָם), of a state of security and safety: Jo 16:33, Ro 2:10, I Th 5:3,́ whence the formulae, ὕπαγε (πορεύου) εἰς εἰ, Mk 5:34, Lk 7:50 (cf. I Ki 1:17, al.; לְכִי לְשָׁלוֹם); εἰ. ὑμῖν (שָׁלוֹם לָכֶם), Jo 20:19, 21, 26; ἀπολύειν ἐν εἰ., Lk 2:29, cf. I Co 16:11; ἡ εἰ. ὑμῶν, Mt 10:13, Lk 10:6; υἱὸς εἰρήνης, ib.
4. Of spiritual peace, the peace of Christ's kingdom (DCG, ii, 330f.): Lk 1:79 2:14 Jo 16:33, Ro 2:10 5:1 8:6, al.; ὁ κύριος τῆς εἰ., II Th 3:16; ὁ θεὸς τῆς εἰ., Ro 15:33 16:20, II Co 13:11, al.; in epistolary salutations, Ro 1:7, I Co 1:3, Ga 1:3, I Th 1:1, I Pe 1:2, II Jo 3, Re 1:4, al. (v. Cremer, 244).

είρηνικός, -ή, -όν (< εἰρήνη), [in LXX for שָׁלוֹם and cognates ;]

peaceful: He 12:11, Ja 3:17.†

[NT: 1x] εἰρηνο-ποιέω, -ῶ [in LXX: Pr 10:10 * ;]

to make peace: Col 1:20.†

[NT: 1x] * εἰρηνοποιός, -όν

peace-making, a peacemaker: Mt 5:9

[NT: 2112x] εἰς, prep. c. acc.,

expressing entrance, direction, limit, into, unto, to, upon, towards, for, among (Lat. in, c. acc.).
I. Of place.
1. After verbs of motion;
(a) of entrance into: Mt 8:23, 9:7, Mk 1:45, Lk 2:15, 8:31, al.;
(b) of approach, to or towards: Mk 11:1, Lk 6:8, 19:28, Jo 11:31, 21:6, al.;
(c) before pl. and collective nouns, among: Mk 4:7, 8:19, 20, Lk 11:49, Jo 21:23, al.;
(d) Of a limit reached, unto, on, upon: Mt 8:18, 21:1, Mk 11:1, 13:16, Lk 14:10, Jo 6:3, 11:32, al.; c. acc. pers. (as in Ep. and Ion.), Ac 23:15, Ro 5:12, 16:19, II Co 10:14;
(e) elliptical: ἐπιστολαὶ εἰς Δαμασκόν, Ac 9:2; ἡ διακονία μου ἡ εἰς Ἱ., Ro 15:31; metaph., of entrance into a certain state or condition, or of approach or direction towards some end (Thayer, B, i, 1; ii, 1), εἰς τ. ὄνομα, M, Pr., 200.
2. Of direction;
(a) after verbs of seeing: Mt 6:26, Mk 6:41, Lk 9:16, 62, Jo 13:22, al.; metaph., of the mind, He 11:26, 12:2, al.;
(b) after verbs of speaking: Mt 13:10, 14:9, I Th 2:9, al.
3. After verbs of rest;
(a) in "pregnant" construction, implying previous motion (cl.; v. WM, 516; Bl., §39, 3; M, Pr., 234f.): Mt 2:23, 4:13, II Th 2:4, II Ti 1:11, He 11:9, al.;
(b) by an assimilation general in late Gk (v. Bl., M, Pr., ll. c.) = ἐν: Lk 1:44, 4:23, Ac 20:16, 21:17, Jo 1:18 (but v. Westc, in l.), al.
II. Of time, for, unto;
1. accentuating the duration expressed by the acc.: εἰς τ. αἰῶνα, Mt 21:19; εἰς γενεὰς καὶ γ., Lk 1:50; εἰς τ. διηνεκές, He 7:3, al.
2. Of a point or limit of time, unto, up to, until: Mt 6:34, Ac 4:3, 25:21, Phl 1:10, 2:16, I Th 4:15, II Ti 1:12; of entrance into a future period, σεις τὸ μέλλον (v.s. μέλλω), next (year), Lk 13:9 (but c. ICC, in l.); εἰς τ. μεταξὺ σάββατον, on the next Sabbath, Ac 13:42; εἰς τὸ πάλιν (v.s. πάλιν, II Co 13:2.
III. Of result, after verbs of changing, joining, dividing, etc.: στρέφειν εἰς, Re 11:6; μετας-, Ac 2:20, Ja 4:9; μεταλλάσσειν, Ro 1:26; σχίζειν εἰς δύο, Mt 27:51, al.; predicatively with εἴναι, Ac 8:23.
IV. Of relation, to, towards, for, in regard to (so in cl., but more freq. in late Gk., εἰς encroaching on the simple dat., which it [p. 134] has wholly displaced in MGr.; Jannaris, Gr., §1541; Robertson, Gr., 594; Deiss., BS, 117f.): Lk 7:30, Ro 4:20, 15:2, 26, I Co 16:1, Eph 3:16, al.; ἀγάπη εἰς, Ro 5:8, al.; χρηστός, Eph 4:32; φρονεῖν εἰς, Ro 12:16; θαρρεῖν, II Co 10:1.
V. Of the end or object: εὔθετος εἰς, Lk 14:34; σόφος, Ro 16:19; ἰσχύειν, Mt 5:13; εἰς τοῦτο, Mk 1:38, al.; ἀφορίζειν εἰς, Ro 1:1; indicating purpose, εἰς φόβον, Ro 8:15; εἰς ἔνδειξιν, Ro 3:25; εἰς τό, c. inf. (= ἵνα or ὥστε; Bl., §71, 5; M, Pr., 218ff.): Mt 20:19, Ro 1:11, I Co 9:18, al.
VI. Adverbial phrases: εἰς τέλος, εἰς τὸ πάλιν, etc (v.s. τέλος, πάλιν, etc.).


ιά, ἕν, gen. ἑνός, μιᾶς, ἑνός,
cardinal numeral, one;
1. one, as opp. to many: Mt 25:15, Ro 5:12, I Co 10:8, al.; as subst., Ro 5:15, Eph 2:14; id. c. gen. partit., Mt 5:19, al.; seq. ἐκ (ἐξ), Mk 14:18, Jo 6:8, al.; metaph., of union and concord, Jo 10:30 17:11, Ro 12:4-5, Phl 1:27; ἀπὸ μιᾶς (B1., § 44, 1), Lk 14:18; c. neg., εἷς. . . οὐ (μή), more emphatic than οὐδείς, no one, none (cl.), Mt 5:18 10:29, Lk 11:46 12:6.
2. Emphati­cally, to the exclusion of others;
(a) a single (one): Mt 21:24, Mk 8:14; absol., I Co 9:24, al.; οὐδὲ εἷς, Mt 27:14, Jo 1:3, Ro 3:10, al.;
(b) one, alone: Mk 2:7 10:18, Lk 18:19;
(c) one and the same: Ro 3:30, I Co 3:8 11:5 12:11, I Jn 5:8.
3. In late Gk., with weakened force, = τις or indef. art. (of. Heb. אֶחָד, Ge 22:13, al.; v. B1., § 45, 2; M, Pr., 96 f.): Mt 8:19 19:6, Re 8:13, al.; εἷς τις (Bl., l.c.), Lk 22:50, Jo 11:49
4. Distributively: εἷς καστος (cl.), Lk 4:40, Ac 2:6, al.; εἷς . . . καὶ εἷς (cl., εἷς μὲν . . . εἷς δέ), Mt 17:4, Mk 9:5, Jo 20:12, al. (cf. LXX and use of Heb. אֶחָד, Ex 17:12, al); εἷς . . . ὁ ἕτερος (ἄλλος) = cl. ὁ μὲν (ἕτερος) . . . ὁ δέ (ἕτερος), Mt 6:24, Lk 7:41, Re 17:10; καθ' εἷς, εἷς κ. είς (in which καθ' is adverbial, or the expression formed from the analogy of ἕν καθ' ἔν; M, Pr., 105), one by one, severally: Mk 14:19, Ro 12:5, al.; εἷς τὸν ἕνα = ἀλλήλους (B1., 45, 2; M, Pr., 246), I Th 5:11.
5. As ordinal = πρῶτος (like Heb. אֶחָד; Bl., § 45, 1; M, Pr., 95 f.), first: Mt 28:1, Mk 16:2, al

[NT: 11x] εἰσ-άγω [in LXX chiefly for בּוֹא, hi. ;]

to bring in: c. acc, Lk 2:27, Jo 18:16, Ac 7:45; seq. εἰς, Lk 22:54, Ac 9:8 21:28-29, 37 22:24, He 1:6; ὧδε, Lk 14:21.†

είσ-ακούω [in LXX chiefly for שָׁמַע, also for עָנָה, etc. ;]

to listen to, in two senses;
(a) to obey: I Co 14:21 (cf. De 1:43, Si 3:6)
(b) to listen, assent to; pass., to be heard: of persons praying, Mt 6:7, He 5:7; of the prayer offered, Lk 1:13, Ac 10:31 (cf. Ps 4:2, Si 34:26); v. Cremer, 624).†

[NT: 1x] εἰσ-δέχομαι [in LXX for קָבַץ ;]

to admit, receive: II Co 6:17 (LXX) (Cremer, 687).†

[NT: 4x] εἴσ-ειμι [in LXX for בּוֹא ;]

to go in, enter: seq. εἰς, Ac 3:3 21:26, He 9:6; πρὸς Ἰάκωβον, Ac 21:18.†

[NT: 194x] εἰσ-έρχομαι, [in LXX chiefly for בּוֹא ;]

to go in or into, enter: Mt 9:25, Lk 7:45, al.; seq. εἰς, Mt 10:12, Mk 2:1, al.; seq. διά (πύλης, θύρας, etc.), Mt 7:13, Jo 10:1, al.; ὑπὸ τ. στέγην, Mt 8:8; c. adv.: ὅπου, Mk 14:14, He 6:20; ὧδε, Mt 22:12; ἔσω, Mt 26:58; seq. πρός, c acc. pers., Mk 15:43, Lk 1:28, Ac 10:3 11:3 16:40 17:2 28:8, Re 3:20; of demons taking possession, Mk 9:25, Lk 8:30 [p. 135] 22:3, Jo 13:27; of food, Mt 15:11, Ac 11:8. Metaph., of thoughts, Lk 9:46; εἰς κόπον, Jo 4:38; εἰς πειρασμόν, Mt 26:41, Lk 22:40, 46; of hope as an anchor, He 6:19; βοαί, Ja 5:4; πνεῦμα ζωῆς, Re 11:11; εἰς τ. κόσμον (cf. Wi 2:24 14:14, Jo 18:37), Ro 5:12, He 10:5; in counterparts of Jewish Aram. phrases relating to the theocracy (cf. Dalman, Words, 116ff.): εἰς τ. γάμους, Mt 25:10; εἰς τ. χάραν τ. κυρίου, Mt 25:21, 23; εἰς τ. ζωήν, Mt 18:8, 9 19:17, Mk 9:43, 45; εἰς τ. βασιλ. τ. οὐρανῶν, Mt 5:20 7:21, al. (v.s. βασιλεία); εἰς τ. κατάπαυσιν, He 3:11, 18 4:1ff.; εἰς τ. δόξαν, Lk 24:26; εἰσ. καὶ ἐξερχ., to go in and out (like Heb. בֹוא וְצֵאת, De 28:6, etc.), of familiar intercourse, Ac 1:21; fig., of moral freedom, Jo 10:9 (cf. ἐπ-, παρ-, συν-εισέρχομαι).

* εἰσ-καλέω, -ῶ,

to call in: mid., c. acc pers., Ac 10:23.†

[NT: 5x] εἴσ-οδος, -ου, ὁ (< ὁδός) [in LXX chiefly for בּוֹא ;]

1. a means of entering, place of entrance: He 10:19, II Pe 1:11 (cf. Westc., He., l.c.; MM, Exp., xii; but v. infr.).
2. a going in, entrance: Ac 13:24; c. gen. loc., He 10:19 (Thayer, s.v.; but v. supr.); seq. εἰς, II Pe 1:11 (Mayor, in l.; Thayer; but v. supr.); πρός, II Th 1:9 2:1.†

[NT: 1x] εἰσ-πηδάω, -ῶ [in LXX: Am 5:19 (בּוֹא), Da TH Sus 1:26* ;]

to spring in, rush in: Ac 14:14 (Rec.), Ac 16:29 (for exx. from π., v. MM, Exp., xii).†

ἐκ-πηδάω, -ῶ [in LXX: De 33:22 (זָנַק), etc. ;]

to spring forth: εἰς τ. ὄχλον (cf. Ju 14:17), Ac 14:14 (for ex. in π., v. MM, Exp., xii).†

[NT: 18x] εἰσ-πορεύομαι [in LXX chiefly for בּוֹא ;]

to go into, enter: Lk 8:16 11:33 19:30; seq. εἰς, Mk 1:21 6:56 11:2, Lk 22:10, Ac 3:2; πρός, c. acc pers., Ac 28:30; ὅπου, Mk 5:40; κατά τ. οἴκους, house after house, Ac 8:3; of things (food), Mt 15:17, Mk 7:15, 18-19 Metaph. (cf. εἰοέρχομαι, 2), Mk 4:19, Lk 18:24; εἰσ. καὶ ἐκπορ., to associate with, seq. μετά (cf. εἰσέρχομαι), Ac 9:28.†

[NT: 1x] ** εἰσ-τρέχω [in LXX: II Mac 5:26 * ;]

to run in: Ac 12:14.†

[NT: 8x] εἰσ-φέρω [in LXX chiefly for בּוֹא hi. ;]

to bring in, into: c. acc pers., Lk 5:18-19; seq. εἰς, Mt 6:13, Lk 11:4; ἐπί, Lk 12:11; c. acc rei, seq. εἰς, I Ti 6:7; pass., He 13:11.†

[NT: 15x] εἶτα adv.,

denoting sequence;
1. of time; then, next: Mk 8:25, Lk 8:12, Jo 13:5 19:27 20:27, I Ti 3:10, Ja 1:15; seq. gen. abs., Mk 4:17; in enumerations, I Co 15:5 15:7 15:24, I Ti 2:13.
2. In argument;
(a) therefore, then,
(b) furthermore: He 12:9 (cf. εἶτεν).†

[NT: 65x] εἴτε, v.s. εἰ.

* εἶτεν,

Ion. and Hellenistic for εἶτα (q.v.), then: Mk 4:28.†

εἴωθα, v.s. ἔθω.

[NT: 914x] ἐκ (ἐξ), prep. c. gen.,

from out of, from (see Addendum, p. 492).
[This entry is included here, but in the print version the entry is found on p. 492. ] ἐκ, before a vowel ἐξ, prep. c. gen.,
of motion outwards, separation from (opp. to εἰς; = Lat. e, ex), from out of, from among, from.
I. Of Place,
1. of motion, out of, forth from, off from: Jo 6:31, Ac 9:3, Ga 1:8, al.; esp. after verbs of motion, Mt 8:28 17:9, Mk 1:25 7:28, Jo 1:33 20:1, Ac 12:7, 17 27:30, al.; constr. praeg., σώζειν (διας) ἐκ, Ju 5, Ac 28:4. Metaph., Mt 7:4, 5, I Pe 2:9; ἐκ τ. χειρός (-ῶν), seq. gen. pers., Lk 1:74, Jo 10:28, 29, 39, Ac 12:4 24:7, Re 19:2; πίνειν (q.v.) ἐκ; of the place from which an action proceeds, Lk 5:3 (cf. 12:36, Jo 13:4, II Co 2:4).
2. Of change from one place or condition to another: Jo 8:42, Ro 6:13 13:11, Re 7:14, al.; c. ellips. of verb of motion, II Ti 2:26, II Pe 2:21, Re 2:21, al.
3. Of separation or distinction from a number, before collective or pl. nouns: Mt 13:47, 49, Jo 12:1, Ac 3:15, I Pe 1:3, al.; after εἷς, Mt 10:29 Lk 17:15, al.; οὐδείς, Jo 7:19, al.; πολλοί, Jo 11:19, al.; τις, Lk 11:15, al.; τίς, Mt 6:27, al.; in partitive phrase as subject of sentence, Jo 16:17; Hebraistically, ἐκ μέσου seq. gen., = ἐκ (Heb. מִתֹּוךְ), Mt 13:49, al.
4. Of position or direction (so in cl. = ἔξω): ἐκ δεξιῶν (v.s. δεξιός); ἐξ ἐναντίας, Mk 15:39 (metaph., Tit 2:8); ἐκ ῥιζῶν (i.e., utterly), Mt 11:20.
II. Of Time,
1. of the point of time from which, from, since: ἐκ γενετῆς, Jo 9:1, cf. Mk 10:20, Lk 23:8, Ac 24:10, al.
2. Of succession in time: ἐκ δευτέρου, a second time, Mk 14:72, al., cf. Mt 26:44; ἡμέραν ἐξ ἡμέρας, from day to day, II Pe 2:8.
III. Of Origin,
1. of nativity, lineage, race: κοίτην (ἐν γαστρί) ἔχειν, Ro 9:10, Mt 1:18; γεννᾶν ἐκ, Mt 1:3ff.; γεννᾶσθαι (γίνεσθαι) ἐκ, Jo 3:6 8:41, Ga 4:4; ἐκ πνεύματος (θεοῦ), Jo 1:13 3:5ff., al. ἔρχεσθαι, εἶναι, etc., ἐκ τ. πολέως, Jo 1:44; φυλῆς, Lk 2:36, al.; τ. ἐξουσίας Ἡρῴδου, Lk 23:7; ὁ ὢν ἐκ τ. γῆς, Jo 3:31.
2. Of the author, occasion or source: Mt 5:37, Jo 2:16, Ro 2:29, I Co 8:6, Ga 5:8, al.; ἐκ (τ. θεοῦ, I Co 7:7, II Co 5:1, I Jo 4:7; ἐκ τ. πατρός, Jo 6:65, al.; ἐκ τ. γῆς ἐστιν, λαλεῖ, Jo 3:31; εκ καρδίας, Ro 6:17, cf. Mk 12:30, I Ti 1:5; ἐκ ψυχῆς, Eph 6:6, Col 3:23; ἐκ πίστεως, Ro 14:23; κρίνειν ἐκ, Lk 19:22, Re 20:12.
3. Of the agent, after passive verbs: Mt 15:5, Mk 7:11, II Co 2:2, al.; freq. in Re after αδικεῖσθαι (2:11), etc.
4. Of cause, dependence, source of supply: τ. πόνου (των), Re 16:10, 11; τ. φωνῶν, Re 8:13; ἐκ τούτου, Jo 6:66 19:12 (but v. Meyer, in ll.); ἐκ θεοῦ λαλεῖν, II Co 2:17; ἐκ τ. ἀληθείας, Jo 18:37, I Jo 3:19; ὁ ἐκ πίστεως, Ro 3:26 4:16; οἱ (ὄντες) ἐκ περιτομῆς, Ac 11:2, Ro 4:12, Ga 2:12, Col 4:11; πίνειν ἐκ, Mt 26:29, Mk 14:25, Jo 4:13, al.; θερίζειν, Ga 6:8; μετέχειν ἐκ (= partit. gen.), I Co 10:13; c. inf., ἐκ τοῦ ἔχειν, II Co 8:11.
5. Of material: Mt 27:29, Jo 2:15 19:2, Ro 9:21, I Co 11:12, Re 18:12, al.; allied to which is its use of price (= cl. gen.): Mt 27:7, cf. ib. 20:2, Ac 1:18.
IV. By attraction = ἐν (cl.): τὰ ἐκ τ. οἰκιας, Mt 24:17; τ. ἐξ αὐτοῦ δύναμιν, Mk 5:30 (v. Field, in l.); ὁ πατὴρ ὁ ἐξ οὐρανοῦ, Lk 11:13.
V. Adverbial phrases: ἐξ ἀνάγκης, II Co 9:7, He 7:12; ἐξ ἰσότητος, II Co 8:13; ἐκ μέρους, I Co 12:27 13:9-12; ἐκ μέτρου, Jo 3:34; ἐκ συμφώνου, I Co 7:5.
VI. in composition, ἐκ signifies,
1. procession, removal: ἐκβαίνω, ἐκβάλλω.
2. Opening out, unfolding: ἐκτείνω; metaph., ἐξαγγάλλω.
3. Origin: ἔκγονος.
4. Completeness: ἐξαπορέω (v. M, Pr., 237), ἐκπληρόω, ἐκτελέω.

[NT: 1x] * ἑκάστοτε adv.,

each time, always: II Pe 1:15.†

[p. 136]

[NT: 17x] ἑκατόν, οἱ, αἱ, τά

a hundred: Mt 13:8, 23 Lk 15:4, al.; κατὰ ἑ, Mk 6:40; εἰς, ἐν ἑ., Mk 4:8, 20

[NT: 1x] ἑκατονταετής (Rec. έτης), -ές (< ἑκατόν, ἔτης) [in LXX for שָׁנֶה מֵאָה בֵּן, Ge 17:17 * ;]

a hundred years old: Ro 4:19.†

[NT: 17x] ἑκατοντάρχης (-άρχος, Mt 8:5, 8 27:54, Lk 7:2, Ac 22:25 28:16; cf. M, Pr., 48); -ου (< ἑκατόν, ἄρχω,), [in LXX for מֵאָה שַׂר ;]

a centurion: Mt 8:13, Lk 7:6 23:47, Ac 10:1, 22 21:32 22:26 23:17, 23 24:23 27:1, 6 27:11, 31 27:43 (cf. κεντυρίως).†

[NT: 81x] ἐκ-βάλλω [in LXX chiefly for גָּרַשׁ pi., also for שָׁלַךְ hi., יָצָא hi., יָרַשׁ hi., etc. ;]

1. to drive, cast or send out, to expel: c. acc rei, mid. (σῖτον), seq. εἰς, Ac 27:38; pass., Mt 15:17; c. acc pers., Mt 21:12, Mk 11:15, al.; δαιμόνια, Mt 7:22, Mk 1:34, al.; id. seq. ἐκ, Mk 7:26; παρά, Mk 16:9; ἐν, Mk 3:22; (ἐν) τ. ὀνόματι, Mt 7:22, Mk 9:38; λόγῳ, Mt 8:16; seq. ἔξω, Jo 6:37; id. c. gen., Mk 12:8, al.; of expulsion from home, Ga 4:30; from the Church, III Jn 10.
2. In LXX and NT (like Heb. יָצָא and Aram. הַנְפֵּק), to command or cause to depart: Mt 9:38, Mk 1:12 (v. Swete, in l.), ib. Mk 1:43 5:40, Lk 10:2, Ja 2:25; τ. κρίσιν εἰς νῖκος (to cause to proceed to its goal), Mt 12:20 (LXX).
3. to reject (cl.): τ. ὄνομα ὑμῶς ὡς πονηρόν (cf. De 25:14), Lk 6:22; to leave out, Re 11:2.
4. to take, draw or pluck out;
(a) with violence: Mt 7:5, Mk 9:47, Lk 6:42;
(b) to bring forth or out of: Mt 12:35, Lk 10:35.

[NT: 2x] ** ἔκ-βασις, -εως, ἡ (< ἐκβαίνω), [in LXX: Wi 2:17 8:8 11:14 * ;]

1. a way out (Hom., Xen.): I Co 10:13.
2. the issue (Menand.) He 13:7.†

ἐκ-βαίνω, [in LXX for עָלֶה ;]

to go out: He 11:15.†

[NT: 1x] ἐκ-βολή, -ῆς (< ἐκβάλλω), [in LXX: Ex 11:1 (גָּרַשׁ), Jos 1:5 (ἐκβολὴν ποιεῖσθαι, טול hi.), Ez 47:8 (יָצָא)* ;]

1. a throwing out.
2. a jettison, a throwing overboard of cargo: Ac 27:18 (cf. Jos, l.c.; and v. Field, Notes, 144 f.).†

[NT: 4x] *† ἐκ-γαμίζω

Rec. for γαμίζω, q.v.: Mt 22:30 24:38, Lk 17:27, I Co 7:38. Not elsewhere.†

[NT: 2x] ἐκ-γαμίσκω

Rec. for γαμίσκω, q.v.: Lk 20:34-35. Not elsewhere.†

ἔκ-γονος, -ον (< ἐκγίγνομαι, to be born of), [in LXX for פְּרִי (neut.), בֵּן, etc. ;]

1. c. gen., born of.
2. As subst., ὁ, ἡ ἔ., a child, son or daughter; in pl., descendants: τέκνα ἢ ἔ., children or grand-children, I Ti 5:4.†

*† εκ-δαπανάω, -ῶ

strengthened form of δαπανάω, to spend wholly; pass., with reflexive force, to spend oneself wholly: seq. ὑπέρ, II Co 12:15.†

[NT: 6x] ἐκ-δέχομαι [in LXX for עֶרֶב, קָבַץ, etc. ;]

1. to take or receive from (Hom., Hdt., a1.).
2. (Rare in cl.), to expect, await: c. acc rei, Jo 5:3, He 11:10, Ja 5:7; c. acc pers., Ac 17:16, I Co 11:33 16:11; seq. ἕως, He 10:13 (Cremer, 687).†

[NT: 1x] ** ἔκ-δηλος, -ον (< δῆλος), [in LXX: III Mac 3:19 Mac 6:5 * ;]

strengthened form of δῆλος, q.v., quite clear, evident: II Ti 3:9.†

[p. 137]

[NT: 3x] * ἐκ-δημέω, -ῶ (< ἔκδημος, from home; cf. -ία, III Mac 4:11)*;

to be from home, absent: II Co 5:6; seq. ἀπό, II Co 5:8; seq. ἐκ, II Co 5:9 (cf. ἀπο-, ἐνδημέω).†

[NT: 4x] ἐκ-δίδωμι [in LXX for נָתַן, etc. ;]

1. to surrender, give up, give out.
2. to let out for hire (Hdt.); mid. (as freq. in π.; v. MM, Exp., xii); to let out to one's advantage, Mt 21:33, 41, Mk 12:1, Lk 20:9.†

[NT: 2x] ἐκ-δι-ηγέομαι, -οῦμαι depon., [in LXX chiefly for סָפַר, pi. ;]

to tell in detail, relate, declare: Ac 13:41 (LXX) Ac 15:3.†

[NT: 6x] ἐκδικέω, -ῶ (< ἔκδικος), [in LXX for פָּקַד, נָקַם, שָׁפַט, etc. ;]

1. to vindicate: c. acc pers., Lk 18:3, 5.
2. to avenge: c. acc pers., ἑαυτούς, Ro 12:19; c. acc rei, παρακοήν, II Co 10:6; αἷμα, Re 6:10 19:2 (Cremer, 203; for exx. from π. in both senses, v. MM, Exp., xii).†

[NT: 9x] ἐκ-δίκησις, -εως, ἡ (< ἐκδικέω), [in LXX chiefly for נָקָם ;]

vengeance, vindication: Lk 21:22, Ro 12:19 (v. MM, Exp., xii), He 10:30 (LXX), II Co 7:11; of the injured person, c. gen., Lk 18:7-8; c. dat., Ac 7:24; of the offender, c. gen. obj., I Pe 2:14; c. dat., II Th 1:8 (cf. Si 12:6).†

[NT: 2x] ** ἔκδικος, -ον (< δίκη), [in LXX: Wi 12:12, Si 30:6, IV Mac 15:29 * ;]

1. without law, unjust.
2. exacting penalty from; as subst., an avenger: Ro 13:4; seq. περί, I Th 4:6 (in π., a legal representative; Milligan, Th., l.c.).†

[NT: 1x] ἐκ-διώκω [in LXX for בָּרַח hi., צָמַת, הָדַף, etc. ;]

to chase away, drive out: I Th 2:15 (cf. De 6:19, Jl 2:20).†

[NT: 1x] ** ἔκ-δοτος, -ον (< ἐκδίδωμι), [in LXX: Da TH Bel 1:22 * ;]

given up, delivered over: Ac 2:23 (for construction, v. Field, Notes, 111 f.).†

[NT: 1x] * ἐκ-δοχή ῆς, (< ἐκδέχομαι);

1. in cl.,
(a) a receiving from, succession;
(b) an interpretation.
2. In NT, = προσδοκία, expectation: He 10:27 (cf. Field, Notes, 231; Cremer, 688).†

[NT: 6x] ἐκ-δύω [in LXX chiefly for פָּשַׁט ;]

to take of, strip of, strip: c. acc pers. (sc. clothing), Mt 27:28; c. acc pers. et rei, Mt 27:31, Mk 15:20, Lk 10:30; mid., to put off: fig., of the body, II Co 5:4.†

[NT: 95x] ἐκεῖ adv., [in LXX chiefly for שָׁם ;]

1. properly, of place, there: Mt 2:13 5:24, al.; οἱ ἐ., Mt 26:71; οὗ . . . ἐ., Mt 6:21 18:20 24:28, Mk 6:10, Lk 12:34; pleonastic, ὅπου . . . ἐ. (= שָׁם אֲשֶׁר, De 4:5, al.), Re 12:6, 14 (cf. Bl., § 50, 4).
2. As often in cl. (Hdt., Thuc., al.), with verbs of motion, for ἐκεῖσε, thither: Mt 2:22 17:20 24:28 26:36, Mk 6:33, Lk 12:18 17:37 21:2, Jo 11:8 18:2-3, Ro 15:24

[NT: 27x] ἐκεῖθεν adv., [in LXX chiefly for שָׁם ;]

1. of place, thence: Mt 4:21, Mk 6:1, al.
2. Of time, thereafter (v.s. κἀκεῖθεν).

[NT: 243x] ἐκεῖνος, -η, -ο (< ἐκεῖ), [in LXX chiefly for הַהוּא ,הוּא, and cogn. forms ;] demonstr. pron.,

that person or thing (ille), implying remoteness as compared with οὗτος (hic);
1. absol., emphatic he, she, it: opp. to οὗτος, Lk 18:14, Ja 4:15; ἡμεῖς, He 12:25; ὑμεῖς, Mk 4:11; ἄλλοι, Jo 9:9; ἐγώ, Jo 3:30; to persons named, Mk 16:[10, 13, 20], Jo 2:21; of one (absent) who is not named, contemptuously (Abbott, JG, §§2385, [p. 138] 2732), Jo 7:11 9:28; with respect, of Christ, I Jo 2:6 3:3, al.; referring to a preceding noun, Mk 16:[10], Jo 7:45; resumption of a participial subject, Jo 1:33 9:37 10:1, Ro 14:14, al. (on its reference in Jo 19:35, v. Westc, in l.; Moffatt, Intr., 568; Sanday, Fourth Gospel, 77ff.).
2. As adj., joined, like οὗτος, to a noun with the article: Mt 7:25, Mk 3:24, Jo 18:15, al.; esp. of time, past or future: ἐν τ. ἡμέραις ἐ., Mt 3:1, Mk 1:9, Ac 2:18 (LXX), al.; ἐν ἐ. τ. ἡμέρᾳ, esp of the Parousia, Mt 7:22, Lk 6:23, II Th 1:10, II Ti 1:12; adverbially, ἐκεινής (sc. ὁδοῦ) = cl. ἐκεινῇ (Bl., §36, 13), that way, Lk 19:4.

[NT: 2x] ἐκεῖσε adv., [in LXX: Jb 39:29 שָׁם * ;]

thither: Ac 21:3; constr. pregn. (MM, Exp., xii; Field, Notes, 134), τοὺς ἐ. ὄντας, Ac 22:5.†

[NT: 7x] ἐκ-ζητέω, -ῶ [in LXX chiefly for דָּרַשׁ, also for נָצַר, בָּקַשׁ, etc. ;]

1. to seek out or after, search for: c. acc pers. (I Mac 9:26); fig., τ. κύριον, θεόν (cf. Ps 14:2, Am 5:4, al.), Ac 15:17, Ro 3:11, He 11:6; εὐλογίαν, He 12:17; ἐξεζήτησαν κ. ἐξηραύνησαν (as in I Mac 9:26), sought and searched out: I Pe 1:10.
2. As in II Ki 4:11, Ez 3:18, 20 al. (דָּרַשׁ), to demand, require: Lk 11:50-51

*† ἐκ-ζήτησις, -εως, ἡ (< ἐκζητέω),

a questioning (RV), subject for dispute: I Ti 1:4.†

**† ἐκ-θαμβέω, -ῶ (< ἔκθαμβος), [in LXX: Si 30:9 * ;]

1. to be amazed.
2. to amaze, terrify (Si 30:9). Pass., to be amazed, terrified: Mk 9:15 14:33 16:5-6.†

[NT: 1x] **† ἔκ-θαμβος, -ον (< θάμβος), [in LXX: Wi 10:19, Da TH Da 7:7 (dreadful, terrible: אֵמְתָּנִי) * ;]

amazed (cf. Polyb., xx, 10, 9): Ac 3:11.†

**† ἐκ-θαυμάζω, [in LXX: Si 27:23 43:18, IV Mac 17:17 * ;]

strengthened form of θαυμ-; to wonder greatly: Mk 12:17.†

[NT: 1x] ** ἔκ-θετος, -ον (< ἐκτίθημι), [in Al.: Ez 42:3 * ;]

cast out: ποιεῖν ἔ. = ἐκτιθέναι, Ac 7:19.†

[NT: 2x] ἐκ-καθαίρω [in LXX for בָּעַר, etc. ;]

1. to cleanse thoroughly, cleanse out: c. acc, ἑαυτόν, II Ti 2:21; of the impurity removed, ζυμήν, I Co 5:7.†

[NT: 1x] ἐκ-καίω [in LXX chiefly for בָּעַר ;]

1. to burn up.
2. to kindle. Pass., to burn: metaph., of the passions (cf. Si 16:6, Jb 3:17), Ro 1:27.†

ἐκκακέω, -ῶ, v.s. ἐνκακέω.

[NT: 2x] ἐκ-κεντέω, -ῶ [in LXX chiefly for דָּקַר ;]

1. to prick out, put out (Arist.).
2. to pierce (Polyb., LXX): c. acc pers., Jo 19:37 (LXX), Re 1:7.†

[NT: 3x] ἐκ-κλάω, -ῶ [in LXX: Le 1:17 (שָׁסַע pi.)* ;]

to break off: pass., Ro 11:17-20.†

[NT: 2x] ἐκ-κλείω [in LXX: ἐ. κρίσιν, for נָטָה hi., Ex 23:2 (also as v.l., Jb 34:20, Ps 67:1-7 (Ps 68:30) * ;]

to shut out: Ga 4:17. Pass., Ro 3:27.†

[NT: 114x] ἐκκλησία, -ας, ἡ (< ἐκ-καλέω), [in LXX chiefly for קָהָל, otherwise for one of its cogn. forms ;]

1. prop., an assembly of citizens regularly convened (in Thuc., ii, 22, opp. to σύλλογος, a concourse): Ac 19:32, 39 41.
2. In LXX of the assembly, congregation, community of Israel (De 4:10 23:2, al.): Ac 7:38, He 2:12 (LXX).
3. NT, esp. of an assembly or company of Christians, a (the) church;
(a) of gatherings for worship: [p. 139] I Co 11:18 14:19, 34 35;
(b) of local communities: Ac 8:3, I Co 4:17; with name added, Ac 8:1, Ro 16:1, I Th 1:1, al.; pl., Ac 15:41, I Co 7:17; τ. Χριστοῦ, Ro 16:16; τ. Ἀσίας, I Co 16:19; τ. ἁγίων, I Co 14:33; εἰπο]ν τ. ἐκκλησίᾳ, Mt 18:17 (but v. Hort, Ecclesia, 10); of a house-congregation (DB, i, 431a), Ro 16:5, I Co 16:19, Col 4:15, Phm 2;
(c) of the whole body of Christians: Mt 16:18, I Co 12:28, Eph 1:22, Phl 3:6, al.; τ. θεοῦ, Ac 20:28 (Κυρίου, T, R, mg.), I Co 15:9, Ga 1:13, I Ti 3:15; ἐ. προτοτόκων ἀπογεγραμμένων ἐν οὐρανοῖς, He 12:23.
SYN.: συναγωγή, q.v. (v. Tr., Syn., §i; DB, i, 426; Hort, Ecclesia, esp. 4ff., 107ff.; Hamilton, People of God, ii, 37ff.; reff. s.vv. "Church," "Congregation," in DB and DCG; Cremer, 332).

[NT: 3x] ἐκ-κλίνω [in LXX for נָטָה, סוּר, etc. ;]

intrans., to turn aside, turn away: metaph., from the right path, absol., Ro 3:12 (LXX); from evil, absol., I Pe 3:11; seq. ἀπό, c. gen. pers., Ro 16:17.†

[NT: 1x] * ἐκ-κολυμβάω, -ῶ

to swim out of: Ac 27:42.†

[NT: 1x] * ἐκ-κομίζω

to carry out: as freq., a corpse for burial, Lk 7:12.†

** ἐκ-κοπή, -ῆς, ἡ [in Aq.: Is 51:1 * ;]

in T for ἐνκοπή (q.v.): I Co 9:12.†

ἐκ-κόπτω, [in LXX for כָּרַת, etc. ;]

to cut out, cut off, cut down: of a hand, foot, Mt 5:30 18:8; a tree, Mt 3:10 7:19 Lk 3:9 13:7, 9; fig., of a branch, Ro 11:22; seq. ἐκ, Ro 11:24; metaph., τ. ἀφορμήν (cf. Jb 19:10 ἐλπίδα), II Co 11:12.†

ἐκ-κόπτω, [in LXX for כָּרַת, etc. ;]

to cut out, cut off, cut down: of a hand, foot, Mt 5:30 18:8; a tree, Mt 3:10 7:19 Lk 3:9 13:7, 9; fig., of a branch, Ro 11:22; seq. ἐκ, Ro 11:24; metaph., τ. ἀφορμήν (cf. Jb 19:10 ἐλπίδα), II Co 11:12.†


Lk 19:48 (WH, v.s. ἐκκρέμαννυμι).†

ἐκ-κρέμαννυμι, [in LXX for קָשַׁר, Ge 44:30 * ;]

to hang from or upon; mid., ἐκκρέμαμαι: fig., ἐξεκρέματο αὐτοῦ άκούων (Rec.; WH read ἐξεκρέμετο, which implies a Pres. ἐκκρέμομαι, otherwise unknown; cf. Veitch, s.v. κρέμαμαι), Lk 19:48.†

[NT: 1x] ** ἐκ-λαλέω, -ῶ [in LXX: Jth 11:9 * ;]

to speak out, divulge: Ac 23:22.†

[NT: 1x] ἐκ-λάμπω [in LXX for אוֹר hi., etc. ;]

to shine forth: Mt 13:43.†

** ἐκ-λανθάνω [in Sm.: Ps 13:2 * ;]

to escape notice utterly; mid., to forget utterly: He 12:5.†

ἐκ-λέγω [in LXX chiefly for בָּחַר ;]

to pick out, choose. In NT always mid. (exc. Lk 9:35, ἐκλελεγμένος, WH, ἀγαπητός, R, mg.), to pick out for oneself, choose (cf. M, Pr., 157 f.): c. acc rei, Lk 10:42 14:7; c. acc pers., Ac 6:5 15:22, 25; of Christ (v. supr.), Lk 9:35; of Christ's choice of disciples, Lk 6:13, Jo 6:70 13:18 15:16, 19 Ac 1:2; of the Divine choice: of persons, Mk 13:20, Ac 1:24 13:17 15:7, Eph 1:4, Ja 2:5; of things, I Co 1:27-28 (Cremer, 402, 773).†

[NT: 4x] ἐκ-λείπω [in LXX for כָּלָה, כָּרַת ni., תָּמַם, etc., 47 different words in all ;]

1. trans., to leave out, pass over.
2. Intrans., to leave off, cease, fail: μαμωνᾶς, Lk 16:9; πίστις, Lk 22:32; ἔτη, He 1:12 (LXX); of the sun in an eclipse, Lk 23:45.†

[NT: 22x] ἐκ-λεκτός, -ή, -όν (< ἐκλέγω), [in LXX for בָּחַר (so prob. in Is 28:16, Pr 17:3, for MT בָּחַן), בָּרִיא, etc. ;]

1. choice, select (cl., rarely; Thuc., Plat., al.), hence, eminent: Ro 16:13 (cf. Ez 27:24).
2. As in [p. 140] Inscr. (MM, Exp., xii), chosen; esp. as in LXX, of Israel, elect, chosen of God (Is 65:9, Ps 105:43, al.); so in NT;
(a) of Christ: Lk 23:35 (cf. Is 42:1); fig., λίθος, I Pe 2:4-6 (LXX);
(b) of holy angels: I Ti 5:21;
(c) of Christians: Mt 24:22, 24, Mk 13:20, 22 13:27, II Ti 2:10, I Pe 1:1; τ. θεοῦ, Lk 18:7, Ro 8:33, Col 3:12, Tit 1:1; τ. Χριστοῦ, Mt 24:31; ἐ. κυρία, II Jn 1; ἀδελφή, II Jn 13; γένος, I Pe 2:9 (LXX); κλητοὶ καὶ ἐ. κ. πιστοί, Re 17:14; opp. to κλητός (not so in Epp.; v. Lft. on Col 3:12), Mt 20:16 (T, WH, txt., R, omit) Mt 22:14 (Cremer, 405, 775).†

[NT: 7x] ** ἐκλογή, ῆς ἡ (< ἐκλέγω), [in Aq.: Is 22:7; Sm., Th.: Is 37:24 * ;]

a choice, selection; in NT, always of the Divine choice (EV, election): σκεῦος ἐκλογῆς, gen. qual., a chosen vessel; κατ ἐ., Ro 9:11 11:5, 28; c. gen. pers., I Th 1:4, II Pe 1:10; by meton., ἡ ἐ. = οἱ ἐκλεκτοί, Ro 11:7.†

[NT: 6x] ἐκ-λύω [in LXX for רָפָה, etc. ;]

1. to loose, release.
2. to unloose, as a bow-string, to relax, enfeeble; pass., to be faint, grow weary: Mt 15:32, Mk 8:3; of mental weariness, Ga 6:9, He 12:3, 5 (LXX).†

[NT: 5x] ** ἐκ-μάσσω [in LXX: Si 12:11, Ep. Je 13:1-27 24:1-10 * ;]

to wipe off: c. acc, Lk 7:38, 44, Jo 11:2 12:3 13:5.†

[NT: 2x] ἐκ-μυκτηρίζω [in LXX: Ps 2:4 22:7 35:16 (לָעַג), I Es 1:51 A* ;]

to hold up the nose in derision at, scoff at: c. acc, Lk 16:14 23:35.†

[NT: 1x] ἐκ-νεύω [in LXX: Jg 4:18 (סוּר) Jg 18:26, IV Ki 2:24 23:16 (פָּנָה), Mi 6:14 (סוּג hi.), III Mac 3:22 * ;]

1. to bend the head aside (Xen.).
(a) to shun, avoid (Diod.);
(b) to withdraw: Jo 5:13

[NT: 1x] ἐκ-νήφω [in LXX: Ge 9:24, Hb 2:7 (יָקַץ), Jl 1:5, Hb 2:19 (יָקַץ hi.), I Ki 25:37 (יָצָא), Si 31:2 * ;]

to become sober after drunkenness: metaph., of sobriety of mind, I Co 15:34.†

ἐκούσιος, -ον (< έκών), [in LXX chiefly for נְדָבָה, as Nu 15:3 (κατ' ) ;]

usually of actions, voluntary: κατ., of free will (Lft., in l), Phm 14.†

[NT: 2x] ἑκουσίως adv., [in LXX: Ps 54:6 (נְדָבָה) II Mac 14:3, al. ;]

voluntarily, willingly: He 10:26, I Pe 5:2.†

[NT: 2x] *† ἔκ-παλαι adv. (of a class of compound adverbs common in late Gk.; v. Mayor on 2 Pe, l.c.),

for a long time, from of old: II Pe 2:3 3:5.†

[NT: 4x] ἐκ-πειράζω [in LXX: De 6:16 8:2, 16 Ps 78:18 (נָסָה pi.) * ;]

= cl. ἐκπειράομαι,
to put to the proof or test, make trial of, tempt: c. acc, of God, Mt 4:7 (LXX), Lk 4:12 (ib.), I Co 10:9; of Christ, Lk 10:25 (Cremer, 497).†

[NT: 2x] ἐκ-πέμπω [in LXX for שָׁלַח ;]

to send forth: Ac 13:4 17:10.†

*† εκ-περισσῶς, adv.,

more exceedingly: Mk 14:31 (of. ὑπερπερ-).†

[NT: 1x] ἐκ-πετάννυμι [in LXX chiefly for פָּרַשׂ, as Is 65:2 (hithp.) ;]

to spread out (as a sail), stretch forth: Ro 10:21(LXX).†

[NT: 10x] ἐκ-πίπτω [in LXX: Is 40:8 28:1, 4 (הֶבֶל), Jb 14:2 (מָלַל, v. RV. mg), Jb 15:30 (סוּר), Jb 15:33 (שָׁלַךְ hi.), etc. ;]

to fall out of, fall from, fall [p. 141] off: seq. ἐκ τ. χειρῶν, Ac 12:7; absol., Ac 27:32; of the withering of flowers (as LXX, ll c.), Ja 1:11, I Pe 1:24 (LXX); of navigators falling off from a straight course, Ac 27:17, 26 27:29 Metaph., c. gen. rei: Ga 5:4, II Pe 3:17; absol., fall from its place, fail, perish: Ro 9:6.†

[NT: 3x] * ἐκ-πλέω, -ῶ

to sail away: Ac 20:6; seq. εἰς, Ac 15:39 18:18.†

[NT: 1x] ** ἐκ-πληρόω [in LXX: II Mac 8:10, III Mac 1:2 Mac 1:22 * ;]

1. to fill full, make up a number.
2. to fulfil (MM, Exp., xii; Cremer, 839), Ac 13:32.†

[NT: 1x] **† ἐκ-πλήρωσις, -εως, ἡ) [in LXX: II Mac 6:14 * ;]

a completion, fulfilment: Ac 21:26.†

ἐκ-πλήσσω (Attic -ττω, Ac 13:12), [in LXX: (pass.) Ec 7:16, (שָׁמֵם hithp.), Wi 13:4, II Mac 7:12, IV Mac 8:4 Mac 17:16 * ;]

1. prop., to strike out, drive away.
2. to strike with panic or shock, to amaze, astonish: pass., Mt 13:54 19:25, Mk 6:2 7:37 10:26, Lk 2:48; seq. ἐπί, c. dat. rei, Mt 7:28 22:33, Mk 1:22 11:18, Lk 4:32 9:43, Ac 13:12.†
SYN.: " πτωεῖν G?, to terrify, agitate with fear;
τρεμεῖν, to tremble, predominantly physical;
φοβεῖν, to fear, "the general term," Thayer;
cf. also φρίσσω, to shudder, and v.s. δειλία

[NT: 3x] * ἐκ-πνέω, -ῶ,

to breathe out; sc. βίον, ψυχήν (expressed in cl., Æsch., al.; cf. LS, s.v.), to breathe one's last, expire: Mk 15:37, 39 Lk 23:46. For force of aorist, v. Swete, Mk 15:37.†

ἐκ-πορεύω [in LXX chiefly for יָצָא ;]

to make to go out; pass. and mid., to go forth: Lk 3:7, Ac 25:4; of demons leaving one possessed, Mt 17:21 (WH om.), Ac 19:12; of excrement, Mk 719; seq. ἀπό, Mt 20:29, Mk 10:46; ἐκ, Mk 13:1 (of the dead rising, Jo 5:29); ἐκεῖθεν, Mk 6:11; ἔξω, Mk 11:19; είς, Mk 10:17, Jo 5:29; ἐπί, c. acc pers., Re 16:14; πρός, c. acc pers., Mt 3:5, Mk 1:5; εἰσπορ- (q.v.) καὶ ἐ., Ac 9:28; metaph., to come forth, proceed: of feelings, etc., Mk 7:23; seq. ἐκ, Mt 15:11, 18 Mk 7:15, 20-21, Lk 4:22, Eph 4:29; ῥῆμα, seq. διά, Mt 4:4 (LXX); of lightning and flame, Re 4:5 9:17-18 11:5; a river, Re 22:1; a sword, Re 1:16 19:15; a rumour, seq. εἰς, Lk 4:37; of the Holy Spirit, seq. παρά, Jo 15:26.†

[NT: 1x] ἐκ-πορνεύω [in LXX chiefly for זָנָה, freq. of spiritual unfaithfulness ;]

strengthened form of πoρνεύω, implying excessive indulgence; mid, to give oneself up to fornication: Ju 7.†

[NT: 1x] * ἐκ-πτύω

1. to spit out.
2. to spit at in disgust, to abominate, loathe (= cl. ἀποπτ-, καταπτ-): Ga 4:14.†

[NT: 4x] ἐκ-ριζόω, -ῶ [in LXX: Jg 5:14 (שֶׁרֶשׁ), Je 1:10 (נָתַשׁ), Ze 2:4 (גָּרַשׁ A, עָקַר BS), Da 7:8 (עָקַר), Da LXX 4:11, 23, Wi 4:4, Si 3:9 49:7, I Mac 5:51, II Mac 12:7 * ;]

to root out, pluck up by the roots: c. acc rei, Mt 13:29 15:13 Lk 17:6, Ju 12.†

[NT: 7x] ἔκ-στασις, -εως, ἡ (ἐξίστημι) [in LXX: Ge 27:33, I Ki 14:15, Ez 26:16, al. (חֲרָדָה); II Ch 14:14 17:10 20:29 (פַּחַד), al. ;]

1. a displacement (Arist.).
2. An abnormal condition of the mind, in which the subject passes out of his usual self-control (Hippocr.); in NT (Kennedy, Sources, 121 f.);
(a) a trance: Ac 10:10 11:5 22:17;
(b) amazement: Mk 5:42 16:8, Lk 5:26, Ac 3:19.†

ἐκ-στρέφω [in LXX: De 32:20, Am 6:13 Ez 16:34 A (הָפַךְ), Za [p. 142] 11:16 (פָּרַק pi.), Ez 13:20 (צוּד pi.)* ;]

1. to turn out of (Hom.).
2. to turn inside out; metaph., to change entirely, pervert (Aristoph.): Tit 3:11.†

[NT: 1x] ἐκ-ταράσσω [in LXX: Ps 18:4 (עֵת pi.), Ps 88:16 (צוּם), צוּם), Wi 17:3-4 18:17 * ;]

to throw into great trouble, agitate: Ac 16:20.†

[NT: 16x] ἐκ-τείνω [in LXX for שָׁלַח, נָטָה, etc. ;]

to stretch out or forth: τ. χεῖρα (as often in LXX), Mt 8:3 12:13 14:31 26:51, Mk 1:41 3:5, Lk 5:13 6:10 Jo 21:18, Ac 26:1; seq. ἐπί, c. acc pers., towards, Mt 12:49; against, Lk 22:53; εἰς ἴασιν, Ac 4:30; of anchors, to cast, Ac 27:30.†

[NT: 2x] ἐκ-τελέω, -ῶ [in LXX: De 32:45 (כָּלָה), II Ch 4:5, (Da TH Da 3:40), II Mac 15:9 * ;]

to bring to an end, finish, complete: Lk 14:29-30.†

[NT: 1x] **† ἐκ-τένεια, -ας, ἡ (< ἐκτενής), [in LXX: Jth 4:9, II Mac 14:38, III Mac 6:41 * ;]

zeal, intentness, earnestness (cf. Deiss., BS, 262): Ac 26:7.†

[NT: 2x] ** ἐκτενής, -ές (< ἐκτείνω), [in LXX: III Mac 3:10 Mac 5:29 * ;]

stretched, strained. Metaph., earnest, zealous: I Pe 4:8 .†

[NT: 3x] ἐκτενῶς adv., [in LXX: Jon.3.8 (חׇזְקָה), Jl 1:14, Jth 4:12, III Mac 5:9 * ;]

fervently, earnestly: Ac 12:5, I Pe 1:22; compar., Lk 22:44 (WH br., R, mg., omits).†

[NT: 4x] ἐκ-τίθημι [in LXX for נָתַן ni., etc. ;]

to set out, expose: Ac 7:21, Metaph., to set forth, expound: Ac 11:4 28:23; c. acc rei, Ac 18:26.†

[NT: 4x] ἐκ-τινάσσω [in LXX for נָעַר ni., pi., etc. ;]

to shake off: κονιορτόν, Mt 10:14; χοῦν, Mk 6:11. Mid.: κονιορτόν, Ac 13:51; ἱμάτια, Ac 18:6 (cf. MM, Exp., iii).†

[NT: 14x] ἕκτος, -η, -ον

the sixth: Mt 20:5, al

[NT: 8x] ἐκτός, adv. [in LXX Jg 8:26 20:15, III Ki 10:13, al. (בַּד, Jg 5:28 (בַּד), בַּד), Ca 4:1-3 (בַּד), al, ;]

1. as adv., outside, beyond: τὸ ἐ., c. poss. gen., the outside, Mt 23:26; in late Gk. (v. Deiss., BS, 118), pleonastic, ἐκτός εἰ μή, I Co 14:5 15:2, I Ti 5:19.
2. With force of prep., c. gen.;
(a) outside of: I Co 6:18, II Co 12:2;
(b) beyond, besides, except: Ac 26:22, I Co 15:27.†

ἐκ-τρέπω [in LXX for הָפַךְ, Am 5:8 * ;]

to turn out of the course, turn aside, c. acc Pass., with middle sense, intrans., to turn aside: He 12:13 (R, txt., for be put out of joint, R, mg., v. Thayer, s.v. Westc., in l); fig., seq. εἰς, I Ti 1:6; ἐπί, II Ti 4:4; ὀπίσω, I Ti 5:15; c. acc, to shun, avoid: I Ti 6:20.†

[NT: 2x] ἐκ-τρέφω [in LXX for גָּדַל, etc. ;]

1. prop., of children, to nurture, bring up: Eph 6:4.
2. to nourish: Eph 5:29.†

ἔκτρομος, -ον, = ἔντρομος,

exceedingly terrified: He 12:21 (for exx. from π., v. Deiss., BS, 290; LAE, 254).†

[NT: 1x] ἔκ-τρωμα, -τος, τό (< ἐκτιτρώσκω, to miscarry), [in LXX: Jb 3:16, Ec 6:3 (; also in Aq., Ps 58:9, Nu 12:12 (נָפַל) * ;]

an abortion, an untimely birth (v. Field, Notes, 179): I Co 15:8.†

[p. 143]

[NT: 8x] ἐκ-φέρω [in LXX chiefly for יָצָא hi. ;]

1. to carry out, bring out: c. acc rei, Lk 15:22, I Ti 6:7; c. acc pers., Mk 8:23, Ac 5:15; of the dead for burial (cf. κομίζω), Ac 5:6, 9-10.
2. to bring forth;
(a) of women (Hipp., Arist., al.);
(b) of the ground (Hdt.): He 6:8.†

[NT: 8x] ἐκ-φεύγω [in LXX for נוּס, etc. ;]

to flee away, escape: absol., Ac 16:27, I Th 5:3, He 2:3; seq. ἐκ, Ac 19:10; c. acc pers., He 12:25; c. acc rei, Lk 21:36, Ro 2:3; τ. χεῖρας αὐτοῦ, II Co 11:33.†

[NT: 1x] ἐκ-φοβέω, -ῶ [in LXX chiefly for חָרֵד hi. ;]

to frighten away, terrify: c. acc pers., II Co 10:9.†

[NT: 2x] ἔκφοβος, -ον [in LXX: ἔ. εἶναι for יָגֹר, De 9:19; also I Mac 13:2 * ;]

affrighted, terrified: Mk 9:16, He 12:21.†

[NT: 2x] ** ἐκ-φύω [in OT (Sm.) Ps 104:14; (Al.) Is 61:11 * ;]

to cause to grow out, put forth (leaves): Mt 24:32, Mk 13:28.†

[NT: 27x] ἐκ-χέω also Hellenistic, ἐκχύνω (in Th.: IV Ki 14:14 *), and ἐκχύννω (q.v.) [in LXX chiefly for שָׁפַךְ ;]

to pour out: φιάλην, Re 16:1-4, 8 16:10, 12 16:17; κέρματα, Jo 2:15; αἷμα, Mt 23:35 (cf. MM, Exp., xii), Lk 11:50, Ac 22:20, Ro 3:15 (LXX) Re 16:6. Pass., αἷμα, Mt 26:28, Mk 14:24, Ac 22:20; οἶνος, Mt 9:17, Lk 5:37; σπλάγχνα, Ac 1:18. Metaph., τ. πνεῦμα, Ac 2:17-18 (LXX), Ac 2:33 10:45, Tit 3:6; ἀγάπη, Ro 5:5 (cf. Si 36:8, ὀργήν); pass., of persons (like Lat. effundor), to give oneself up to (RV, ran riotously in): Ju 11.†

**† εκ-χύννω

Hellenistic form of ἐκχέω, q.v. (E1., § 17): Mt 23:35 26:28, Mk 14:24, Lk 5:37 11:50 22:20, Ac 1:18 10:45 22:20, Ro 5:5, Ju 11.†
ἐκ-χωρέω, -ῶ
[in LXX: Nu 16:45 (רוּם ni.), Jg 7:3 (צָפַר), Am 7:12 (בָּרַח), I Es 4:44 Es 4:57, I Mac 9:62 * ;]
to depart, withdraw: Lk 21:21.†

[NT: 3x] ἐκ-ψύχω [in LXX: Jg 4:21 A (עוּף), Ez 21:7 (כָּהָה pi.)* ;]

to expire, breathe one's last: Ac 5:5, 10 12:23 (cf. ἐκπνέω; Cremer, 906).†

[NT: 2x] ἑκών, -οῦσα, -όν [in LXX: Ex 21:13, Jb 36:19 * ;]

willing, of one's own free will: Ro 8:20, I Co 9:17 (Cremer, 246).†

[NT: 13x] ἐλαία (Attic, ἐλάα), -ας, ἡ [in LXX for זַיִת ;]

1. an olive tree: Ro 11:17, 24, Re 11:4; τ. ὄρος τῶν ἐ. (זַיִת הַר, Za 14:4), the Mount of Olives: Mt 21:1 24:3 26:30, Mk 11:1 13:3 14:26, Lk 19:37 22:39; τὸ καλούμενον ἐ. (T, ἐλαιών, q.v.), Lk 19:29 21:37.
2. an olive (Aristoph.): Ja 3:12.†

[NT: 11x] ἔλαιον, -ου, τό [in LXX chiefly for שֶׁמֶן ;]

olive-oil: Lk 16:6, Re 6:6 18:13; for lamps, Mt 25:3-4, 8; for healing, Mk 6:13, Lk 10:34, Jo 5:14; for anointing at feasts, Lk 7:46, He 1:9 (LXX).†
SYN.: μύρον, ointment, v. Tr., Syn., 135

ἐλαιών, -ῶνος, ὁ (< ἐλαία), [in LXX for זַיִת ;]

olive-grove, olive-garden (so in FlJ and in π.; Deiss., BS, 209 ff.; MM, Exp., iii; M, Pr., 49, 69, 235): Lk 19:29 21:37 (WH, -ῶν; v. their App., 158; Field, Notes, 73; El., § 10, 5; 33, 1; Thayer, s.v.), Ac 1:12 (where EL, ll c., proposes the conjectural emendation ἐλαιῶν for -ῶνος).†

Ἐλαμείτης (Rec. -αμίτης), -ου, ὁ (Heb. אֵילָם) [in LXX (cl.) [p. 144] Ἐλυμαίος, Ἔλαμος: Jth 1:6; Ἀιλαμείτης (vv.ll. Ἐλ-, -αμίτης; Bl., § 3, 7): Is 11:11 21:2 22:6) ;]

an Elamite: Ac 2:9.†

[NT: 4x] ἐλάσσων (-ττων, Heb_7:7, WH, 1Ti_5:9), -ον (formed, with superl. ἐλάχιστος, from the epic ἐλαχύς, little, and serving as compar. of μικρός), [in LXX for מָעַט, etc. ;]

less, in age, rank or quality: Jo 2:19, Ro 9:12 (LXX), He 7:7; neut., -ον, adverbially: I Ti 5:9.†

[NT: 1x] ἐλαττονέω, -ῶ (< ἔλαττον), [in LXX (with -όω) chiefly for חָסֵר ;]

to be less (RV, had no lack): II Co 8:15 (LXX) (a rare word; cf. MM, Exp., xii).†

[NT: 3x] ἐλαττόω, -ῶ (< ἐλάιττων), [in LXX (where also -σσῶ) chiefly for חָסֵר, and very freq. in Sir ;]

to make less: He 2:7 (LXX); pass., Jo 3:30, He 2:9.†

[NT: 5x] ἐλαύνω [in LXX: Is 41:7 (הָלַם) Is 33:21 (שַׁיִט), etc. ;]

to drive: of the wind, Ja 3:4, II Pe 2:17; of sailors rowing or sailing a boat, Mk 6:48, Jo 6:19; of demons, Lk 8:29 (cf. ἀπ-, συν-ελαύνω).†

[NT: 1x] *† ἐλαφρία, -ας, ἡ

lightness, levity: II Co 1:17.†

[NT: 2x] ἐλαφρός, -ά, -όν [in LXX chiefly for קַל, קָלָל ;]

light in weight easy to bear: Mt 11:30; θλίψρις (EV, our light affliction), II Co 4:17.†

[NT: 14x] ἐλάχιστος, -η, -ον (v.s. ἐλάσσων),

smallest, least: as proper superlat., I Co 15:9; elsewhere, as usually in late Gk., intensive (B1., § 11, 3); Mt 2:6 (LXX) Mt 25:40, 45 Lk 12:26 16:10 19:17, I Co 4:3 6:2, Ja 3:4; ἐ. ἐν τ. βασιλείᾳ τ. οὐρανῶν, Mt 5:19 (v. Dalman, Words, 113). Compar., ἐλαχιστότερος (for corresp. superl., v. LS; v. also Bl., § 44, 3); less than the least: Eph 3:8.†

[NT: 1x] ἐλαχιστότερος (for corresp. superl., v. LS; v. also Bl., § 44, 3);

less than the least: Eph 3:8.†

[NT: 2x] Ἐλεάζαρ(Heb. אֶלְעָזָר), , indecl.,

Eleazar: Mt 1:15.†

ἐλεάω, later form of ἐλεέω, q.v., [in LXX as v.l. in To 13:2, Ps 37:26, al. ;]

in NT: Ro 9:16, Ju 23, WH.†
SYN.: οἰκτείρω (v. Tr., Syn., § xlvii; Thayer, s.v. ἐλεέω; Cremer, 249)

ἐλεγμός, -οῦ, ὁ (< ἐλέγχω), [in LXX: Ps 38:14 39:11 (תּוֹכֵחָה), Si 20:29 21:6 41:4, al. ;]

reproof: II Ti 3:16.†

ἐλεγξις, -εως, ἡ (< ἐλέγχω), [in LXX: Jb 21:4 23:2 (שִׂיחַ) * ;]

re­buke: II Pe 2:16.†

ἔλεγχος, -ου, ὁ (ἐλέγχω) [in LXX: freq. in Pr, Jb (יָכַח) יָכַח) Wi 5:1-23, Si 3:1-31, etc. ;]

a proof, test: He 11:1.†

[NT: 17x] ἐλέγχω [in LXX chiefly for יָכַח hi. ;]

1. in Hom., to treat with contempt.
2. to convict: c. acc, Mt 18:15 (RV, show him his fault), Tit 1:9; seq. περί, Jo 8:46 16:8, Ju 15; pass., Ja 2:9.
3. to reprove, re­buke: I Ti 5:20, II Ti 4:2, Tit 1:13 2:15, Re 3:19; pass., seq. περί, Lk 3:19; ὑπό, He 12:5 (LXX).
4. to expose: Eph 5:11; pass., Jo 3:20, I Co 14:24 (RV reprove, mg. convict), Eph 5:13 (RV, as 1 Co, l.c., of. AR on Eph 5:11; MM, Exp., xii; cf. ἐξ-, δια-κατ-ελέγχομαι).†
SYN.: ἐπιτιμῶ, expressing simply rebuke, which may be un­deserved (Mt 16:22) or ineffectual (Lk 23:40), while ἐλ. implies rebuke which brings conviction (v. Tr., Syn., § iv)

[p. 145]

[NT: 2x] ἐλεεινός, -ή, -όν (< ἔλεος in Re, l.c., WH have the Attic poëtic form, ἐλεινός),

pitiable, miserable: Re 3:17; comparat., I Co 15:19.†

[NT: 28x] ἐλεέω (in Ro 9:16, Ju 22, -άω, q.v.), -ῶ (< ἔλεος), [in LXX (Hex, Pss, Pr) chiefly for חָנַן, also freq. in Proph. for רָחַם, etc. ;]

to have pity or mercy on, to show mercy: absol., Ro 9:16 12:8; c. acc, Mt 9:27 15:22 17:15 18:33 20:30-31, Mk 5:19 10:47-48, Lk 16:24 17:13 18:38-39 Ro 9:15, 18 11:32, Phl 2:27, Ju 22. Pass., to have pity or mercy shown one (EV, obtain mercy): Mt 5:7, Ro 11:30-31, I Co 7:25, II Co 4:1, I Ti 1:13 1:16, I Pe 2:10.†

[NT: 13x] ἐλεημοσύνη, -ης, ἡ (< ἐλεέω), [in LXX chiefly for חֶסֶד, צְדָקָה ;]

1. mercy, pity.
2. almsgiving, alms (like the German Almosen, a corruption of the Greek word ): Mt 6:4; ποιεῖν ἐ., Mt 6:2-3, Ac 9:36 10:2 24:17; ἐ. διδόναι, Lk 11:41 (cf. Mt 23:36; Dalman, Words, 62 f.) 12:33; αἰτεῖν, Ac 3:2; λαβεῖν, Ac 3:3; πρὸς (in order to ask) ἐ., Ac 3:10; pl., Ac 10:4, 31 (Cremer, 711).†

[NT: 2x] ἐλεήμων, -ον [in LXX chiefly for חַנּוּן ;]

merciful: Mt 5:7, He 2:17.†

ἐλεινός, v.s. ἐλεεινός.

Ἐλεισάβετ (T, Rec. Ἐλισ-; v. WH, App., 155), ἡ indecl. (Heb. אֱלִישֶׁבַע)

Elizabeth: Lk 1:5 ff.†

[NT: 27x] ἔλεος, -ους, τό (cl. -ου, ὁ, and so Rec., Mt 9:13 12:7 23:23, Tit 3:5, He 4:16; on the Hellenistic form τό ἔ., v. WH, App., 158; M, Pr., 60; Mayser, 277; Kühner, i, 515), [in LXX chiefly for חֶסֶד ;]

mercy, pity, compassion;
1. of men: Mt 9:13 (LXX) Mt 12:7 23:23; ποιεῖν ἔ. (and id. seq. μετά, c. gen.; cf. Heb. עִם חֶסֶד עָשָׂה, Ge 21:23, al.), Lk 10:37, Ja 2:13 3:17.
2. Of God: Lk 1:50, 54 1:58, Ro 15:9, Eph 2:4, II Ti 1:16 1:18, Tit 3:5, He 4:16, I Pe 1:3; esp. in benedictions, Ga 6:16, I Ti 1:2, II Ti 1:2, II Jn 3, Ju 2; σκευὴ ἐλέους, Ro 9:23; σπλάγχνα ἐλέους, Lk 1:78; ποιεῖν ἔ. (v. supr.), Lk 1:72; τ. ὑμετέρῳ ἐλέει, Ro 11:31.
3. Of Christ: Ju 21.†
SYN.: οἰκτιρμός (v.s. ἐλεέω)

[NT: 11x] ἐλευθερία, -ας, ἡ [in LXX: Le 19:20 (חֻפְשָׁה), I Es 4:49 Es 4:53, Si 7:21, Si 33:25, I Mac 14:27, III Mac 3:28 * ;]

liberty: with reference to the religious life, I Co 10:29, II Co 3:17, Ga 2:4 5:1, I Pe 2:16, II Pe 2:19; ὁ νόμος τῆς ἐ., Ja 1:25 2:12; ἡ ἐ. τῆς δόξης, Ro 8:21; ἐπ' ἐ., Ga 5:13 (on which formula, cf. Deiss., LAE, 327 ff.; Cremer, 251).†

[NT: 23x] ἐλεύθερος, -α, -ον [in LXX chiefly for חׇפְשִׁי ;]

(a) in civil sense, not a slave: Jo 8:33, I Co 7:21-22 12:13, Ga 3:28, Eph 6:8, Col 3:11, Re 6:15 13:16 19:18; fem., Ga 4:22-23, 30;
(b) as regards restraint and obligation in general: Mt 17:26, I Co 9:1; seq. ἐκ, I Co 9:19; ἀπό, Ro 7:3; c. inf., I Co 7:39; from the law, Ga 4:26, I Pe 2:16; [p. 146] from sin, Jo 8:32, 36; τῇ δικαιοσύνῃ, as regards righteousness, Ro 6:20 (Cremer, 249).†

[NT: 7x] ἐλευθερόω, -ῶ [in LXX: Pr 25:10. II Mac 1:27 Mac 2:22 * ;]

to make free from sin, Jo 8:32, 36; seq. ἀπό, Ro 6:18, 22 8:2, 21; τ. ἐλευθερία (dat. commodi), Ga 5:1 (on the "punctiliar" force of this verb, v. M, Pr. 149; cf. also Cremer, 251).†

[NT: 1x] *† ἔλευσις, -εως, ἡ

a coming: Ac 7:52.†

[NT: 1x] ἐλεφάντινος, -η, -ον (< ἐλέφας, ivory), [in LXX for שֵׁן ;]

of ivory: Re 18:12.†

Ἐλιακείμ(Heb. אֶלְיָקִים),

Eliakim, an ancestor of Jesus: Mt 1:13, Lk 3:30.†

* ἕλιγμα, -τος, τό (< ἑλίσσω),

a roll: Jo 19:39, WH, txt. (μῖγμα, Rec.; μίγμα, WH, mg., R, txt.).†

[NT: 1x] Ἐλιέζερ(Heb. אֱלִיעֶזֶר), , indecl.,

Eliezer, an ancestor of Jesus: Lk 3:29.†

[NT: 2x] Ἐλιούδ,

Eliud, an ancestor of Jesus: Mt 1:14-15.†

Ἐλισάβετ, v.s. Ἐλεισ-.

[NT: 1x] Ἐλισαῖος (Rec. Ἐλισσαῖος; Τ, Ἑλισ-), -ου, ὁ (Heb. אֱלִישָׁע),

Elisha, the prophet: Lk 4:27.†

[NT: 2x] ἑλίσσω [in LXX: Is 34:4 (גָּלַל ni.), Ps 102:26 (חָלַף hi.), etc. ;]

to roll, roll up: He 1:12 (LXX), Re 6:14.†

ἑλκος, -εος (-ους), τό [in LXX: Ex 9:9-11, Le 13:18-27, IV Ki 20:7, Jb 2:7 (שְׁחִין) ;]

1. a wound (Hom.).
2. a sore, an ulcer (Thuc., al.): Lk 16:21, Re 16:2, 11.†

[NT: 1x] * ἑλκόω, -ῶ

1. to wound.
2. to ulcerate; pass., to suffer from sores: pf. ptcp., εἱλκωμίνος (Rec. ἡλκ-), EV, full of sores, Lk 16:20.†

ἐλκύω, v.s. ἕλκω.

[NT: 8x] ἕλκω (Hellenistic form ἑλκύω in Jo 11:1-57. c., Ac 16:19), [in LXX for מָשַׁךְ, etc. ;]

to draw: c. acc rei, Jo 18:10 21:6; c. acc pers., seq. ἔξω, Ac 21:30; εἰς, Ac 16:19, Ja 2:6. Metaph., to draw, lead, impel: Jo 6:44 12:32. (For discussion of ἕ. in Oxyrh. Log., v. Deiss., LAE, 437 ff.)†

[NT: 1x] Ἑλλάς, -άδος, ἡ [in LXX: Is 66:19, Ez 27:13 (יָוָן), I Mac 1:1 Mac 8:9 * ;]

with varying usage as to geographical limits; in NT = 'Αχαία (cf. Ac 18:12),
Greece: Ac 20:2.†

[NT: 25x] Ἕλλην, -ηνος, ὁ [in LXX: Jl 3:6, Za 9:13 (יָוָן), etc.; I Mac 1:19, al. * ;]

a Greek; opp. to βάρβαρος, Ro 1:14; usually in ΝΤ of Greek Gentiles, opp. to Ἰουδαῖοι: Jo 7:35, Ac 11:29 14:1 16:1, 3 18:4 19:19, 17 20:21 21:28 Ro 1:16 2:9-10 3:9 10:12, I Co 1:22 1:24 10:32 12:13, Ga 2:3 3:28, Col 3:11; of proselytes, Jo 12:29, Ac 17:4.†

Ἑλληνικκός, -ή, -όν [in LXX: Je 46:6 50:16 (יָנָה: aliter in Heb.), II Mac 4:10 Mac 4:15 Mac 6:9 Mac 11:24 Mac 13:2, IV Mac 8:8 * ;]

Greek: τ. Ἑλληνικῇ (sc. γλωσσῇ), Re 9:11.†

[NT: 2x] Ἑλληνίς [in LXX: II Mac 6:8 A * ;]

a Greek (i.e. Gentile) woman: Mk 7:26, Ac 17:12.†

[NT: 3x] *† Ἑλληνιστής, -οῦ, ὁ (< Ἑλληνίζω, to Hellenize, affect Greek cus­toms),

a Hellenist (RV, Grecian Jew): Ac 6:1 9:29 11:20.†

[p. 147]

[NT: 2x] * Ἑλληνιστί adv.,

in Greek: Jo 19:20; Ἑ. (sc. λαλεῖν) γινώσκεις, Ac 21:37 (cf. Field, Notes, 135).†

*† ἐλλογάω, -ῶ (a κοινή word, elsewhere usually -έω; cf. Bl., § 22, 2),

to charge to one's account, impute: Phm 18 (on parallels, cf. Deiss., LAE, 79 f., 335 f.; Milligan, NTD, 73; MM, Exp., xii); of sin, Ro 5:13 (Cremer, 400).†

Ἐλμαδάμ (L, Ἑλ-; Rec. -μωδάμ), ό, indecl.,

Elmadam, an ancestor of Jesus: Lk 3:28.

[NT: 31x] ἐλπίζω [in LXX chiefly for בָּטַח, also for חָסָה, יָחַל pi., hi., etc. ;]

to look for, expect, hope (for): c. acc rei, Ro 8:24-25, I Co 13:7, He 11:1; c. dat. rei (τ. τύχῃ, Thuc., iii, 97, 2), Mt 12:21; seq. καθώς, II Co 8:5; c. inf., Lk 6:34 23:8, Ac 26:7, Ro 15:24, I Co 16:7, II Co 5:11, Phl 2:19, 23, I Ti 3:14, II Jn 12, III Jn 14; seq. ὅτι, c. pres., Lk 24:21; c. fut., Ac 24:26, II Co 1:13 13:6, Phm 22. As in LXX (WM, § xxxiii, d; and esp. in the pf., Ellic. on I Ti 4:10; Bl., § 59, 2), c. prep.; εἰς, Jo 5:45 (v. Ellis., l.c.), I Pe 3:5; seq. ὅτι, II Co 1:10; ἐπί, c. dat., Ro 15:12 (LXX I Ti 4:10 6:17; ἐν, I Co 15:19; c. acc, I Pe 1:13 (aor. imper. v. Bl., § 58, 2); τ. θεόν, I Ti 5:5 (of. ἀπ-, προ-ελπίζω, v. Cremer, 255).†

[NT: 53x] ἐλπίς (ἑλ-, Ro 8:20, WH, v. Bl., § 4, 3; M, Pr., 44), -ίδος, ἡ [in LXX for בָּטַח and its derivatives, תִּקְוָה (freq. in Jb), etc. ;]

expectation (in cl., rarely of evil, mostly of good, and so always in NT), hope;
1. of hope in general: II Co 1:6; c. gen. obj., Ac 16:19; art. inf., Ac 27:20, I Co 9:10; παρ' ἐλπίδα, Ro 4:18; ἐπ' ἐλπίδι, I Co 9:10.
2. Of religious hope: ἐπ' ἐλπίδι, Ac 2:26 26:6, Ro 4:18 8:20, Tit 1:2; τῇ ἐ. ἐσώθημεν, Ro 8:24; κατ' ἐλπίδα ζωῆς αἰωνίου, Tit 3:7; of the Messianic hope of Israel, Ac 23:6 26:6-7 28:20; of Christian hope, Ro 5:2-5 12:12 15:4, 13, I Co 13:13, II Th 2:16, He 3:6 6:11 7:19 10:23, I Pe 1:3 1:21 3:15; c. gen. obj., Ro 5:2, Col 1:27, I Th 1:3 5:8, Tit 1:2; c. gen. of that on which the hope is based, Ac 26:6, Eph 1:18 4:4, Col 1:23; ὁ θεὸς τῆς ἐ., Ro 15:13; ἔχειν ἐ. (= cl. ἐλπίζειν), Ac 24:15, Ro 15:4, II Co 3:12 10:15, Eph 2:12, I Th 4:13; seq. ἐπί, c. dat., I Jn 3:3; εἰς, Ac 24:15; ὅτι, Ro 8:20, Phl 1:20-21. Meton.,
(a) of the author or ground of hope (cl.): I Th 2:19, I Ti 1:1; c. gen. obj., Col 1:27;
(b) of the thing hoped for: Ga 5:5, Col 1:5, Tit 2:13, He 6:18 (Cremer, 252, 712).†

[NT: 1x] Ἐλύμας, -α, ὁ (< Aram. or Arab., cf. DB, i, 246 b)

Elymas: Ac 13:8.†

ἐλωί ( Rec.; ἑλωΐ LT; Aram. אֱלָהּ),

Eloi: Mt 27:46, Mk 15:34 (LXX).†

[NT: 37x] ἐμαυτοῦ, -ῆς, -oῦ

reflex prop. of first pers., used only in gen., dat. and acc sing.,
of myself: Lk 7:7, al.; ἀπ' , Jo 5:30 7:17, 28 8:28, 42 10:18 14:10; ὑπ' ἐμαυτόν, Mt 8:9, Lk 7:8

[NT: 16x] ἐμ-βαίνω [in LXX for עָלָה, etc. ;]

to step into: Jo 5:4 (WH, RV omit); εἰς πλοῖον, to embark: Mt 8:23 9:1 13:2 14:22 15:39, Mk 4:1 5:18 6:45 8:10, 13, Lk 5:3 8:22, 37, Jo 6:17, 24 21:3, Ac 21:6.†

[NT: 1x] ἐμ-βάλλω [in LXX for שׂוּם, etc. ;]

to cast into: seq. εἰς, Lk 12:5 (cf. MM, Exp., vii, 93).†

[NT: 2x] * ἐμ-βάπτω

to dip in: τ. χεῖρα ἐν τ. τρυβλίῳ, Mt 26:23; mid., seq. εἰς, Mk 14:20.†

[p. 148]

[NT: 1x] ἐμβατεύω [in LXX: c. acc, Jos 19:49 (נָחַל, Jos 19:51 (חָלַק pi.); seq. εἰς, I Mac 12:25 Mac 13:20 Mac 14:31 Mac 15:40; metaph., II Mac 2:30 * ;] (< ἐμβάτης < ἐμβαίνω)

1. to step in or on (Soph.), hence
(a) to frequent, haunt, dwell in (Æsch., Eur.); metaph., Col 2:18 (dwelling in, R, txt.; taking, R, mg.);
(b) to invade (1Mac, ll c.; metaph., Col, Lc.).
2. to enter on, come into possession of (Eur., Dem.; LXX, Jos, H. c.); on the difficulties of reading and interpretation in this passage, v. Lft, Col., 194 f., 252; ICC, 268 ff.; Field, Notes, 197; Milligan, NTD, 177; and for exx. from π., MM, Exp., xii (cf. κενεμβ.).†

[NT: 1x] ἐμ-βιβάζω [in LXX: IV Ki 9:23 (רָכַב hi.), Pr 4:11 (דָּרַךְ hi.) * ;]

1. to set in, put in.
2. to put on board ship, embark: c. acc pers., seq. εἰς, Ac 27:6.†

[NT: 12x] ἐμ-βλέπω [in LXX for רָאָה, III Ki 8:8, al.), פָּנָה (Jb 6:28 A, al.); metaph., Is 51:1 (נָבַט hi.), Si 2:10, etc. ;]

to look at: c. acc rei, Mk 8:25; c. dat. pers. (part., seq. λέγει, εἶπεν, cf. Xen., Cyr., i, 3, 2), Mt 19:26, Mk 10:21, 27 14:67, Lk 20:17 22:61 (ἐνέβλεψεν), Jo 1:36, 43; absol., to look, Ac 22:11; metaph., to consider: Mt 6:26.†

[NT: 5x] ἐμ-βριμάομαι (T, -έομαι; Bl., § 22, 1), -ῶμαι (< βρίμη, strength, bulk, whence βριμάομαι, to snort with anger), depon., with aor. mid. and pass., [in LXX (Hatch, Essays, 25): Da LXX 11:30 (also Aq., Ps 7:12; Sm., Is 17:13) * ;]

to snort in (of horses, Æsch.), hence, to speak or act with deep feeling (DCG, i, 62b);
(a) to be moved with anger (cf. ἐμβρίμημα, La 2:6): c. dat., Mk 14:5, Jo 11:33; ἐν ἑαυτῷ, Jo 11:38;
(b) to admonish sternly: c. dat., Mt 9:30, Mk 1:43.†

[NT: 1x] ἐμέω, -ῶ [in LXX: Is 19:14 (קֵא)* ;]

to vomit: fig., Re 3:16.†

[NT: 1x] *† ἐμ-μαίνομαι depon.,

to rage against: c. dat., Ac 26:11.†

[NT: 1x] Ἐμμανουήλ, (Heb. עִמָּנוּאֵל, Is 7:14),

Immanuel: Mt 1:23 (LXX).†


Emmaus, a place 60 furlongs from Jerusalem: Lk 24:13.†

[NT: 4x] ἐμμένω [in LXX chiefly for קוּם ;]

1. to abide in: Ac 28:30.
2. to abide by, be true to: seq. ἐν; τ. πίστει, Ac 14:22; τ. διαθήκῃ, He 8:9 (LXX); c. dat., τ. γεγραμμένοις (dat. ptcp. as in legal formula; cf. Deiss., BS, 248; MM, Exp., xii): Ga 3:10 (LXX).†

Ἑμμώρ (T, Ἐμμώρ, Rec. -όρ indecl. (Heb. חֲמוֹר),

Emmor (Ge 33:19): Ac 7:16.†

[NT: 63x] ἐμός, -ή, -όν

poss. prop. of first pers., representing the em­phasized gen. ἐμοῦ,
mine, subjectively and objectively, i.e. belonging to, proceeding from or related to me: Mt 18:20, Mk 8:38, Jo 3:29 (most freq. in this gospel), al.; absol., τὸ ἐμόν, τὰ ἐμά, Mt 20:15 25:27, Lk 15:31, Jo 10:14 16:14-15 17:10; = gen. obj. (cl.), εἰς τ. ἐμὴν ἀvάμνησιν, Lk 22:19, I Co 11:24-25; c. gen. expl., τ. ἐμῇ χειρὶ Παύλου, I Co 16:21, Col 4:18, II Th 3:17

*† ἐμπαιγμονή, -ῆς, ἡ (< ἐμπαίζω, q.v.),

mockery: II Pe 3:3.†

[NT: 1x] ἐμ-παιγμός, -οῦ, ὁ (< ἐμπαίζω, q.v.), [in LXX: Ez 22:4 (קַלָּסָה), Ps [p. 149] 38:7 B א1 קָלָה ni.), Wi 12:2, Si 27:28, II Mac 7:7, III Mac 5:22 * ;]

a mocking: He 11:36.†

[NT: 13x] ἐμ-παίζω [in LXX for עָלַל hithp., שָׂחַק, etc. ;]

= Attic προσ-, καταπαίζω,
to mock at, mock (Hdt.): c. dat., Mt 27:29, 31, Mk 15:20, Lk 14:29 22:63 23:36; pass., Mt 2:16, Lk 18:32; absol., Mt 20:19 27:41, Mk 10:34 15:31, Lk 23:11.†

[NT: 2x] ἐμ-παίκτης, -ου, ὁ (< ἐμπαίζω, q.v.), [in LXX: Is 3:4 (תַּעֲלוּל) * ;]

a mocker: II Pe 3:3, Ju 18.†

ἐμ-περι-πατέω, -ῶ, v.s. ἐνπ-.

ἐμ-πίπλημι (on ἐμπίμπ-, v. LS, s.v., Bl., § 6, 8), and ἐμπιπλάω (Ac 14:17), [in LXX chiefly for מָלֵא, שָׂבַע ;]

to fill full, fill up, satisfy: c. acc pers. et gen. rei, Lk 1:53, Ac 14:17; pass., Lk 6:25, Jo 6:12; metaph., c. gen. pers., to take one's fill of: Ro 15:24 (cf. Da LXX Su 32).†

ἐμ-πίπρημι, ἐμπρήθω (for the form, v.s. ἐμπίπλημι, and cf. Veitch, s.v. πίμπρημι), [in LXX chiefly for שָׂרַף ;]

to set on fire: πόλιν, Mt 22:7; pass., of the body, to become inflamed: Ac 28:6 (T; πίμπρημι WH, q.v.).†

[NT: 7x] ἐμ-πίπτω [in LXX chiefly for נָפַל ;]

to fall into: seq. εἰς, Mt 12:11, Lk 6:39 10:36; metaph., εἰς κρίμα, I Ti 3:6; ὀνειδισμόν I Ti 3:7; πειρασμόν, I Ti 6:9; εἰς χεῖρας θεοῦ (cf. II Ki 24:14, I Ch 21:13, Si 2:18), He 10:31.†

ἐμ-πλέκω [in LXX: Pr 28:18 (נָפַל), II Mac 15:17 * ;]

to weave in, entwine; pass., metaph., to be involved, entangled in: II Ti 2:4, II Pe 2:20.†

[NT: 1x] *† ἐμ-πλοκή, ῆς, ἡ (< ἐμπλίκω),

a braiding: τριχῶν, I Pe 3:3.†

ἐμ-πνέω, -ῶ, v.s. ἐνπ-.

[NT: 2x] ἐμ-πορεύομαι depon. (< ἔμπορος), [in LXX chiefly for סָחַר ;]

1. to travel, esp. for business.
2. to traffc, trade: Ja 4:13.
3. C. acc rei
(a) to traffic in;
(b) to import: (Ho 12:1, for יָבַל hoph.).
4. C. acc pers., to make a gain of: II Pe 2:3.†

ἐμπορία, -ας, ἡ (< ἔμπορος), [in LXX for סָחַר, רָכַל etc. ;]

commerce, business, trade: Mt 22:5.†

[NT: 1x] ἐμπόριον, -ον, τό (ἔμπορος) [in LXX: De 33:19 (סָפַן), Ez 27:3 (רָכַל); ἐ. εἶναι, Is 23:17 (זָנָה)* ;]

a trading place, exchange: οἶκος ἐμπορίου, Jo 2:16.†

[NT: 5x] ἔμ-πορος, -ου, ὁ (< πόρος, a journey), [in LXX chiefly for סָחַר, רָכַל ;]

1. a passenger on shipboard, one on a journey.
2. a merchant: Mt 13:45, Re 18:3, 11 18:15, 23.†

ἐμ-πρήθω, v.s. ἐμπίπρημι.

[NT: 48x] ἔμ-προσθεν adv.

of place (in cl. also of time),
[in LXX chiefly for עֳנִי ;]
1. adverbially, before, in front: Lk 19:28; εἰς τὸ ἔ., Lk 19:4; opp. to ὄπισθεν, Re 4:6; opp. to τὰ ὀπίσω, τὰ ἔ., Phl 3:13.
2. As prep., before;
(a) in front of: Mt 5:24 6:2 7:6 11:10 27:29, Lk 5:19 7:27 14:2, Jo 3:28 10:4, Re 19:10 22:8;
(b) in the presence of: Mt 27:11, Ga 2:14, I Th 1:3 2:19 3:9 3:13; ὁμολουεῖν, ἀρνεῖσθαι (Dalman, Words, 210), Mt 10:32, 36 26:70, Lk 12:8; in forensic sense, Mt 25:32 27:11, Lk 21:36, Ac 18:17, II Co 5:10, I Th 2:19, I Jn [p. 150] 3:19; εὐδοκία (θέλημά) ἐστι ἔ. θεοῦ (a targumic formula; Dalman, Words, 211), Mt 11:26 18:14, Lk 10:21;
(c) in the sight of: Mt 5:16 6:1 17:2 23:14, Mk 2:12 9:2, Lk 19:27, Jo 12:37, Ac 10:4;
(d) of rank and dignity (Dem., Plat., al.; LXX, Ge 48:20): Jo 1:15, 30.†

[NT: 6x] ἐμ-πτύω [in LXX: seq. εἰς, Nu 12:14 A, De 25:9 (יָרָק)* ;]

= cl., καταπτύω (Ruth., NPhr., 66),
to spit upon: c. dat., Mk 10:34 14:65 15:19; seq. εἰς, Mt 26:67 27:30. Pass., Lk 18:32.†

[NT: 2x] ἐμφανής, -ές (< ἐμφαίνω, to show in, exhibit), [in LXX: Mi 4:1, Is 2:2 (כּוּן ni.), Wi 6:22 7:21 14:17; ἐ. γίνεσθαι, Ex 2:14 (יָדַע ni.), Is 65:1 (דָּרַשׁ ni.)* ;]

manifest: Ac 10:40; metaph., Ro 10:20 (LXX) (v.s. ἐπιφανής).†

[NT: 10x] ἐμφανίζω [in LXX for יָדַע hi., etc. ;]

1. to manifest, exhibit: ἐαυτόν, c. dat pers., Jo 14:21-22 (DCG, ii, 112b). Pass. and mid., to show oneself, appear: Mt 27:53, He 9:24 (cf. MM, Exp., xii).
2. to declare, make known: seq. ὅτι, He 11:14; c. dat. pers., Ac 23:15; c acc rei, seq. πρός, Ac 23:22; κατά, c. gen. pers., Ac 24:1 25:2; περί, Ac 25:15.†
SYN.: δηλόω, q.v

[NT: 5x] ** ἔμ-φοβος [in LXX: Si 19:24, I Mac 13:2 * ;]

1. terrible.
2. in fear (of Godly fear, Si 19:24), terrified: Lk 24:5, 37, Ac 10:4 24:25, Re 11:13.†

[NT: 1x] ἐμ-φυσάω, -ῶ (< φυσάω, to blow), [in LXX for נָפַח, etc. ;]

to breathe into (cf. Ge 2:7, Wi 15:11, a1.), breathe upon: Jo 20:22.†

[NT: 1x] ** ἔμ-φυτος, -ον (< ἐμφύω, to implant), [in LXX: ἔ. ἡ κακία αὐτῶν, Wi 12:10 * ;]

1. innate (Wi 12:10).
2. rooted, implanted: Ja 1:21 (v. Mayor, in l).†

[NT: 2918x] ἐν, prep, (the most freq. of all in NT), c. dat. (= Heb. בְּ, Lat. in, c. abl.).

I. Of place, c. dat. rei, pers., in, within, on, at, by, among: ἐν τ. πόλει, Lk 7:37; τ. οφθαλμῷ, Mt 7:3; τ. κοιλίᾳ, Mt 12:40; τ. ὄρει, II Pe 1:18; τ. θρόνῳ, Re 3:21; τ. δεξιᾷ τ. θεοῦ, Ro 8:34; ἐν ἡμῖν [Abbott-Smith has ὑμῖν.] , Lk 1:1; of books, ἐν τ. βιβλίῳ, Ga 3:10; τ. νόμῳ, Mt 12:5, al.; ἐν τοῖς τ. Πατρός, in my Father's house (RV; cf. M, Pr., 103), Lk 2:49; trop., of the region of thought or feeling, ἐν τ. καρδίᾳ (-αις), Mt 5:28, II Co 4:6, al.; τ. συνειδήσεσιν, II Co 5:11; after verbs of motion, instead of εἰς (constructio praegnans, a usage extended in late Gk. beyond the limits observed in cl.; cf. Bl., §41, 1; M, Th., 12), ἀποστέλλω . . . ἐν, Mt 10:16. δέδωκεν ἐν τ. χειρί (cf. τιθέναι ἐν χερσί, Hom., Il., i, 441, al.), Jo 3:35; id. after verbs of coming and going (not in cl.), εἰσῆλθε, Lk 9:46; ἐξῆλθεν, Lk 7:17.
II. Of state, condition, form, occupation, etc.: ἐν ζωῇ, Ro 5:10; ἐν τ. θανάτῳ, I Jo 3:14; ἐν πειρασμοῖς, I Pe 1:6; ἐν εἰρήνῃ, Mk 5:25; ἐν δόξῃ, Phl 4:19; ἐν πραΰτητι, Ja 3:13; ἐν μυστηρίῳ, I Co 2:7; ἐν τ. διδαχῇ, Mk 4:2; of a part as contained in a whole, ἐν τ. ἀμπέλῳ, Jo 15:4; ἐν ἑνὶ σώματι, Ro 12:4; of accompanying objects or persons (simple dat. in cl.), with, ἐν αἵματι, He 9:25; ἐν δέκα χιλιάσιν, Lk 14:31 (cf. Ju 14, Ac 7:14); similarly (cl.), of clothing, armour, arms, ἐν στολαῖς, Mk 12:38; ἐν ἐσθῆτι λαμπρᾷ, Ja 2:2; ἐν μαξαίρῃ, Lk 22:49; ἐν ῥάβδῳ, I Co 4:21 (cf. ἐν τόξοις, Xen., Mem., 3, 9, 2); of manner (cl.), ἐν τάχει (= ταχέως), Lk 18:8 (cf. Bl., §41, 1); of spiritual influence, ἐν πνεύματι, Ro 8:9; ἐν π. ἀκαθάρτῳ, Mk 1:23; of the mystical relation of the Christian life and the believer himself, to God and Christ (cf. ICC, Ro., 160f.; [p. 151] Mayor on Ju 1; M, Pr., 103): ἐν Χριστῷ, Ro 3:24, 6:11, I Co 3:1, 4:10, II Co 12:2, Ga 2:17, Eph 6:21, Col 4:7, I Th 4:16, al.
III. Of the agent, instrument or means (an extension of cl. ἐν of instr.—v. LS, s.v. Ill—corresponding to similar use of Heb. בְּ), by, with: ἐν ὑμῖν κρίνεται ὁ κόσμος (= cl. παρά, C. dat.), I Co 6:2; ἐν τ. ἄρχοντι τ. δαιμονίων, Mt 9:34; ἐν αἵματι, He 9:22; ἐν ὕδατι, Mt 3:11, al.; ἐν μαχαίρᾳ ἀποκτενεῖ (cf. the absol. ἐν μ., ἐν ῥάβδῳ, supr., II, which some would classify here), Re 13:10 (cf. 6:8). Allied to this usage and distinctly Semitic are the following: ἠγόρασας . . . ἐν τ. αἵματι σου (cf. BDB, s.v. בְּ, III, 3), Re 5:9; ὁμολογεῖν ἐν (= Aram. אודי בּ; cf. McNeile on Mt, I.c.; M, Pr., 104), Mt 10:32, Lk 12:8; ὀμνύναι ἐν (= cl. acc., so Ja 5:12), Mt 5:34, al.; also at the rate of, amounting to, Mk 4:8 (WH; vv. ll., εἰς, ἒν), Ac 7:14 (LXX).
IV. Of time,
(a) in or during a period: ἐν τ. ἡμέρᾳ (νυκτί), Jo 11:9, al.; ἐν σαββάτῳ, Mt 12:2, al.; ἐν τῷ μεταξύ, meanwhile, Jo 4:31;
(b) at the time of an event: ἐν τ. παρουσίᾳ, I Co 15:23; ἐν τ. ἀναστάσει, Mt 22:28;
(c) c. art. inf.,
(α) pres. (so sometimes in cl., but not as in NT = ἕως; V. M, Pr., 215), while: Mt 13:4, Mk 6:48, Ga 4:18, al.;
(β) aor., when, after: Lk 9:36, al.;
(d) within (cl.): Mt 27:40,
V. In composition: (1) meaning: (a) with adjectives, it signifies usually the possession of a quality, as ἐνάλιος, ἐν́δοξος; (b) with verbs, continuance in (seq. ἐν) or motion into (seq. εἰς), as ἐμμένω, ἐμβαίνω. (ii) Assimilation: ἐν becomes ἐμ- before β, μ, π, φ, ψ; ἐγ- before γ, κ, ξ, χ; ἐλ- before λ. But in the older MSS of NT, followed by modern editions, assimilation is sometimes neglected, as in ἐνγράφω, ἐγκαινίζω, etc.

[NT: 2x] ἐν-αγκαλίζομαι (< ἀγκάλη), [in LXX for חִבֻּק pi., Pr 6:10 24:33 * ;]

to take into one's arms: Mk 9:36 10:16.†

* ἐν-άλιος, -ον (also -α, -ον; < ἅλς, the sea),

of the sea: τὰ ἐ., marine creatures, Ja 3:7.†

[NT: 2x] ἔν-αντι adv.,

a κοινή word (MM, Exp., xii),
before; as prep., c. gen.: Lk 1:8, Ac 7:10 (WH, ἐναντίον), Ac 8:21.†

[NT: 8x] ἐν-αντίος, -α, -ον (< ἀντίος, set against), [in LXX: ἐξ ἐναντίας, for נֶגֶד, etc.; ἐναντίον, for פָּנִים etc. ;]

over against, opposite, contrary: ἄνεμος, Mt 14:24, Mk 6:48, Ac 27:4; ἐξ ἐναντίας (ellipse obscure, v. Bl., § 44,1; Mozley, Ps 42:1-11), c. gen., Mk 15:39. Metaph., opposed, hostile: I Th 2:15, Ac 26:9 28:17; ὁ ἐξ ἐ., Tit 2:8. Neuter., -ίον, adv., as prep. c. gen., before, in the presence of: Lk 1:6 20:26 24:19 Ac 7:10 (ἔναντι, T), Ac 8:32 (LXX).†

[NT: 2x] ἐν-άρχομαι [in LXX chiefly for חָלַל hi. ;]

to begin, make a beginning: Ga 3:3, Phl 1:6.†

ἐνατος, (Rec. ἔνν-), -η, -ον

ninth: Re 21:20; of the ninth hour (3 o'clock, p.m.), Mt 20:5 27:45-46, Mk 15:33-34, Lk 23:44, Ac 3:1 10:3, 30.†

[NT: 1x] ἐνδεής, -ές (< ἐνδέω, to lack) [in LXX for חָסֵר, אֶבְיוֹן, etc. ;]

in want, needy: Ac 4:34,†

[p. 152]

[NT: 1x] * ἔν-δειγμα, -τος (< ἐνδείκνυμι),

a plain token, proof: II Th 1:5 (cf. ἔνδειξις, which refers rather to the "act of proving"; ἔ., with the passive formation, to the thing proved, v. Lft., Notes, 100; M, Th., l.c.).†
SYN.: τεκμήριον

[NT: 11x] ἐν-δείκνυμι [in LXX for לָכַד, גָּמַל, רָאָה hi. ;]

to mark, point out. Mid„
1. to show forth, prove: c. acc rei, Ro 2:15 9:22, Eph 2:7, Tit 2:10 3:2, He 6:11; seq. ἐν, c. dat. pers., Ro 9:17 (LXX), I Ti 1:16; seq. εἰς, He 6:10 (c. cogn. acc), II Co 8:24.
2. to manifest (by act): c. acc rei et dat. pers., II Ti 4:14 (cf. Ge 50:15, 17, and v. MM, Exp., xiii).†

[NT: 4x] * ἔν-δειξις, -εως, ἡ (< ἐνδείκνυμι),

a pointing out, showing forth, proof (v.s. ἔνδειγμα): Ro 3:25-26, II Co 8:24, Phl 1:28.†

[NT: 6x] ἕν-δεκα, οἱ, αἱ, τά

eleven: of the eleven apostles, οἱ, ἕ., Mt 28:16, Mk 16:14, Lk 24:9, 33, Ac 1:26 2:14.†

[NT: 3x] ἑν-δέκατος, -η, -ον

eleventh: Mt 20:6, 9, Re 21:20.†

έν-δέχομαι [in LXX: Ps 119:122 (עָרַב), II Mac 11:18 * ;]

1. to admit, approve.
2. to be possible; impers., ἑνδέχεται, it is possible: c. acc et inf., Lk 13:33 (Cremer, 687).†

[NT: 3x] * ἐνδημέω, -ῶ (< ἔνδημος, living in a place),

to live in a place, be at home: ἐν τ. σώματι, II Co 5:6 5:9; πρὸς τ. Kύριον, II Co 5:8.†

[NT: 2x] ἐνδιδύσκω [in LXX: II Ki 1:24 13:18, Pr 31:21 (לָבַשׁ), Jth 9:1 10:3, Si 50:11 * ;]

to put on: c. dupl. acc, Mk 15:17 (ἐνδύουσι, Rec.). Mid., to put on oneself, be clothed in: c. acc rei, Lk 16:19 (cf. MM, Exp., xii).†

[NT: 2x] * ἔνδικος, -ον (< δίκη),

righteous, just: Ro 3:8, He 2:2 (Cremer, 204).†

ἐν-δόμησις, -εως, ἡ, v.s. ἐνδώμ-.

ἐν-δοξάζω [in LXX for כָּבַד ni., Ex 14:4, 17-18, Ez 28:22, etc.; for עָרַץ, Ps 89:7; Si 38:6, al. ;]

to glorify: pass., II Th 1:10-12.†

[NT: 4x] ἔνδοξος, -ον (< δόξα [in LXX for כָּבַד, etc. ;]

1. held in honour, of high repute: I Co 4:10.
2. glorious, splendid: of deeds, τά ἔ., Lk 13:17; of clothing, Lk 7:25. Metaph., ἐκκλησία, Eph 5:27 (cf. παράδοξος).†

[NT: 8x] ἔνδυμα, -τος, τό (< ἐνω), [in LXX chiefly for לְבוּשׁ ;]

raiment, clothing, a garment: Mt 3:4 6:25, 28 7:15 22:11-12 28:3, Lk 12:23.†

[NT: 7x] ἐν-δυναμόω, -ῶ [in LXX: Jg 6:34, I Ch 12:18 A (לָבַשׁ), Ps 52:7 (עָזַז)* ;]

to make strong, strengthen: c. acc, pers., Phl 4:13, I Ti 1:12, II Ti 4:17. Pass., Ac 9:22; C. dat., Ro 4:20; seq. ἐν, II Ti 2:1 (ἐν Κυρίῳ), Eph 6:10 (Cremer, 221).†

[NT: 1x] ἐν-δύνω, v.s. ἐνδύω.

[NT: 1x] ἔν-δυσις, -εως, ἡ (< ἐνδύω), [in LXX: Jb 41:13 (לְבוּשׁ), Es 5:1 * ;]

a putting on: ίματίων, I Pe 3:3.†

[NT: 27x] ἐν-δύω (ἐνδύνω, II Ti 3:6), [in LXX chiefly for לָבַשׁ ;]

1. c. acc pers., Mt 27:28 (WH, mg., R, mg.); c. dupl. acc, Mt 27:31, Mk 15:20, Lk 15:22; mid., to put on oneself, be clothed with: c. acc rei, Mt 6:25, Mk 6:9, Lk 8:27 12:22, Ac 12:21; ptcp., Mt 22:11, Mk 1:6, II Co 5:3, Re 1:13 15:6 19:14; of armour (fig.): Ro 13:12, Eph 6:11, 14, I Th 5:8; metaph., δύναμιν, Lk 24:49; ἀφθαρσίαν, ἀθανασίαν, I Co 15:53-54; τ. καινὸν ἄνθρωπον, Eph [p. 153] 4:24, Col 3:10; σπλάγχνα οἰκτιρμοῦ, Col 3:12; Ἰησ. Χριστόν, Ro 13:14, Ga 3:27,
2. to enter, press into: II Ti 3:6 (cf. ἐπ-ενδύω).†

*† ἐν-δώμησις (Rec. -δόμησις), -εως, ἡ (< δωμάω, to build),

a build­ing in: ἡ ἐ. τ. τείχους αὐτῆς ἴασπις, its wall had jasper built into it, Re 21:18 (v. MM, Exp., xiii; Swete, Ap., l.c.).†

[NT: 2x] ἐν-έδρα, -ας, ἡ (< ἕδρα, a seat), [in LXX: Jos 8:7-9, Ps 10:8 (אָרַב)* ;]

a lying in wait, an ambush: Ac 23:16 (Rec. ἔνεδρον, a form freq. in LXX), Ac 25:8.†

[NT: 2x] ἐνεδρεύω (< ἐνέδρα), [in LXX chiefly for אָרַב ;]

to lie in wait for: c. acc pers., Lk 11:54, Ac 23:21.†

[NT: 1x] ἔνεδρον, -ου, τό, v.s. ἐνέδρα.

[NT: 1x] ἐν-ειλέω, -ῶ [in LXX I Ki 21:9 לוּט * ;]

to roll in, wind in: c. acc pers. et dat. rei, Mk 15:46.†

[NT: 1x] ἔν-ειμι

1. to be in, within (Jb 27:3, al.): ptcp. pl., τὰ ἐνόντα, Lk 11:41 (R, txt., cf. MM, Exp., xii).
2. to be possible: Lk 11:41 (R, mg.).†

[NT: 4x] ἕνεκα (so Mt 19:5, Lk 6:22, Ac 19:32 26:21; elsewhere, prop, only before a vowel, ἕνεκεν; εἵνεκεν, originally Ionic: Lk 4:18 18:29, Ac 28:20, II Co 3:10), prep. c. gen.,

on account of, because of: Mt 5:10-11 16:25 19:29, Mk 8:35, Lk 6:22, Ac 28:20, Ro 8:36, II Co 3:10; ἕ. τούτου, Mt 19:5; υούτων, Ac 26:21; τίνος ἕ., Ac 19:32; seq. τοῦ, c. inf., II Co 7:12; οὗ ἕν., Lk 4:18

ἐνενήκοντα (Rec. ἐννεν-), οἱ, αἱ, τά indecl.,

ninety: Mt 18:12-13, Lk 15:4, 7.†

ἐνεός (Rec. ἐνν-), -οῦ, ὁ [in LXX: Is 56:10 (אִלֵּם), Ep. Je 41:1-18; ἐ. ποιεῖν, Pr 17:28 * ;]

dumb, speechless: Ac 9:7.†

[NT: 8x] ** ἐνέργεια, -ας, ἡ (< ἐνεργής), [in LXX: Wi 7:17, 26 13:4 18:22, II Mac 3:29, III Mac 4:21 Mac 5:12 Mac 5:28 * ;]

operative power (as distinct from δύναμις, potential power), working: of God, Eph 1:19 3:7 4:16, Phl 3:21, Col 1:29 2:12; of Satan, II Th 2:9 2:11 (cf. M, Th., l.c.; AR, Eph., 241 ff.; Cremer, 261).†

[NT: 21x] ἐνεργέω, -ῶ [in LXX: Nu 8:24 B (עֲבֹדָה צָבָא), Is 41:4, Pr 21:6 (פָּעַל), Pr 31:12 (גָּמַל), I Es 2:20, Wi 15:11 16:17 * ;] (for full lexical treatment, v. AR, Eph., 243 ff.);

1. intrans., to be at work or in action, to operate (opp. to ἀργέω): seq. ἐν, c. dat. pers., Mt 14:2, Mk 6:14, Eph 2:2; c. dat. pers., seq. εἰς (Lft., in l), Ga 2:8.
2. Trans., to work, effect, do: c. acc rei, I Co 12:11, Eph 1:11; id, seq. ἐν, c. dat. pers., I Co 12:6, Ga 3:5, Phl 2:13; ἐ. ἐνέργειαν, Eph 1:19-20 Pass. (taken as mid. by Lft., Ga., 204 f.; but v. AR, Eph., l.c.; Milligan, Th., 28 f.; Mayor, Ja., 177 ff.), in NT, "always used of some principle or power at work" (Meyer), to be actuated, set in operation: II Th 2:7; seq. ἐν, Ro 7:5, II Co 1:6 4:12, Eph 3:20, Col 1:29, I Th 2:13; seq. διά, c. gen. rei, Ga 5:6; ἐνεργουμένη (M, Pr., 156), Ja 5:16 (Cremer, 262).†

[NT: 2x] *† ἐνέργημα, -τος, τό (< ἐνεργέω),

effect, operation (Polyb.): pl., I Co 12:6 12:10 (Cremer, 262, 713).†

[NT: 3x] * ἐνεργής, -ές (late form of ἐνεργός, on WH. cf. AR, Eph., 241),

at work, active, effective: I Co 16:9, Phm 6, He 4:12 (Cremer, 261).†

[NT: 2x] ἐν-ευλογέω, -ῶ [in LXX chiefly for בָּרַךְ ;]

to bless: pass., seq. ἐν, Ac 3:25 (LXX), Ga 3:8 (LXX) (Cremer, 770).†

[p. 154]

[NT: 3x] ἐν-έχω [in LXX: Ge 49:23 (סָתַם), Ez 14:4, 7, III Mac 6:10 * ;]

1. to hold in; pass., to be held, entangled: c. dat. rei; jig., ζυγῷ δουλείας, Ga 5:1 (cf. MM, Exp., xii); θλίψρεσιν, II Th 1:4 (cf. ἀσεβείσιν, 3Mac, l.c.).
2. to set oneself against, be urgent against (as Ge, l.c.; for con­struction, v. Swete, Mk., l.c.): Mk 6:19, Lk 11:53.†

[NT: 8x] ** ἐνθά-δε adv., [in LXX: II Mac 12:27, III Mac 6:25 * ;]

(a) here: Lk 24:41, Ac 10:18 16:28 17:6 25:24;
(b) hither: Jo 4:15-16, Ac 25:17.†

[NT: 2x] ἐνθυμέομαι, -οῦμαι (< θυμός), [in LXX for דָּמָה pi., etc. ;]

to reflect on, ponder: c. acc rei, Mt 1:20 9:4.†

** ἐνθύμησις, -εως, ἡ (< ἐνθυμέομαι), [in Sm.: Jb 21:27, Ez 11:21 * ;]

consideration, pondering (EV, device): Ac 17:29; pl., thoughts, feel­ings: Mt 9:4 12:25, He 4:12.†
SYN.: ἔννοια, the action of the reason; while ἐνθ. is rather that of the affections (cf. Westc., Heb., l.c.)

[NT: 6x] ** ἔνι Ionic form of ἐν (ἐνί), with strengthened accent; [in LXX: Si 37:2, IV Mac 4:22 * ;]

= ἔνεστι,
is in, has place, can be: I Co 6:5, Ga 3:28 (tris) Col 3:11, Ja 1:17 (cf. Lft., Ga.; Hort and Mayor, Ja., ll. c.).†

[NT: 14x] ἐνιαυτός, -oῦ, ὁ [in LXX for שָׁנֶה ;]

1. prop., a cycle of time.
2. = ἔτος, a year: Jo 11:49, 51 18:13, Ac 11:26 18:11, Ja 5:17, Re 9:15; pl., of sabbatical years, Ga 4:10; ποιεῖν ἐ., to spend a year, Ja 4:13;ἅπαξ τοῦ ἐ., He 9:7; κατ' ἐ., He 9:25 10:1, 3; ἐ. δεκτόν, Lk 4:19 (LXX).†

[NT: 7x] ἐν-ίστημι [in LXX: IV Ki 13:6 A (עֶמְדָּה), III Ki 12:24, I Es 5:47 Es 9:6, Es 3:13, 1; 4Ma.9.1-32 * ;]

to place in; in pf., plpf., 2 aor. and in mid., intrans.;
(a) to be at hand, impend, threaten: II Ti 3:1;
(b) to be present: II Th 2:2 (but v. Thayer, s.v.); pf. ptcp., present: I Co 7:26, Ga 1:4, He 9:9; pl., Ro 8:38, I Co 3:22 (Cremer, 3O9).†

[NT: 2x] ἐν-ισχύω [in LXX for חָזַק, etc. ;]

to strengthen: in spiritual sense, Lk 22:43; pass., Ac 9:19 (Rec. ἐνισχύσεν, became strong, as in LXX, Ge 12:10 48:2, al.).†

ἐνκάθετος (Rec. ἐγκ-), -αν (< ἐγκαθίημι), [in LXX: Jb 31:9 (אָרַב), Jb 19:12 * ;]

suborned to lie in wait, lying in wait: as subst., Lk 20:20.†

† ἐνκαίνια (Rec. ἐγκ-), -ων, τά (< ἐν, καινός), [in LXX for HSjrj, II Es 6:16, 17, Ne 12:27, Da TH 3:2 (and cf. ἐγκαινισμός, Nu 7:10, al., -ισις, Nu 7:88) *;]

dedication (anniversary of the cleansing of the Temple from the defilements of Antiochus Epiphanes) : Jo 10:22.†

† ἐν-καινίζω (Rec. ἐγκ-, v.s. ἐν), [in LXX: (to renew) I Ki 11:14, II Ch 15:8, Ps 50(51):10 (Br-m pi.); (to dedicate) De 20:5, II Ch 7:5 (-^jn); Is 16:11 41:1 45:16 (aliter in Heb.), Si 33(36):6, I Mac 4:36,54,57 5:1, II Mac 2:29 *;]

1. to innovate (Eust.). 2. to renew (LXX ut supr.). 3. to initiate, inaugurate, dedicate (LXX ut supr.) : διαθήκην, He 9:18 ; ὁδόν, ib. 10:20 (Cremer, 323).†

**† ἐν-κακέω, -ῶ (LTr., ἐγκ-; Rec. ἐκκ-; cf. WH, Notes, 157 f.; < κακός, cowardly), [in Sm.: Ge 27:46, Nu 21:5, Pr 3:11, Is 7:16 *;]

to lose heart : Lk 18:1, II Co 4:1,16, Ga 6:9, Eph 3:13, II Th 3:13 (Cremer, 330).†

[p. 155]

* ἐν-κατοικέω, -ῶ (Rec. ἐγκ-, v.s. ἐν),

to dwell among: seq. ἐν, II Pe 2:8.†

ἐν-καυκάομαι (Rec. ἐγκ-, v.s. ἐν), -ῶμαι [in LXX: 51(52):1 96(97):7 (הָלַל hithp.); Ps 73(74):4 (שָׁאַג); Ps 105(106):47 (שָׁבַח)* ;]

to take pride in, glory in: seq. ἐν, II Th 1:4.†

** ἐν-κεντρίζω (Rec. ἐγρ-, v.s. ἐν; < κεντρίζω, to graft), [in LXX: Wi 16:11 *;]

to ingraft, graft in. fig., c. acc. pers., Ro 11:17,19,23,24.†

*† ἐν-κοπή (Rec. ἐγκ-, v.s. ἐν; T, ἐκκ-), -ῆς, ἡ (< ἐγκόπτω) ;

1. an incision, a cutting, break. 2. Metaph., an interruption, a hindrance: I Co 9:12.†

* ἐν-κόπτω (Rec. ἐγκ-, v.s. ἐν; and in I Pe, l.c., ἐκκ-);

1. to cut into (as in breaking up a road), hence, 2. to hinder: c. acc. Ac 24:4, I Th 2:18, . inf., Ga 5:7; seq. τοῦ, c. inf., Ro 15:22; εἰς τό, c. inf, I Pe 3:7.†

* ἐν-κρίνω (Rec. ἐγκ-, v.s. ἐν),

to reckon among : ἑαυτούς, II Co 10:12.†

** ἔνκυoς (Rec. ἐγκ-, v.s. ἐν), -ον (< κύω, to conceive), [in LXX: Si 42:10 * ;]

pregnant, big with child : Lk 2:5.†

ἐννέα, οἱ, αἱ, τά, indecl.,

nine: Lk 17:17; ἐνενήκοντα ἐ., Mt 18:12-13, Lk 15:4, 7.†

ἐννενήκοντα, v.s. ἐνεν-.

ἐννεός, v.s. ἐνεός.

[NT: 1x] ἐν-νεύω [in LXX: Pr 6:13 10:10 (קָרַץ), Si 27:22 A * ;]

to nod to, make a sign to: c. dat. pers., Lk 1:62.†

[NT: 2x] ἔννοια, -ας, ἡ (< νοῦς), [in LXX: Pr 1:4 2:11 3:21 4:1 5:2 8:12 16:22 18:15 19:7 23:4, 19 24:7 (מְזִמָּה, etc.), Wi 2:14, Da TH Sus 1:28* ;]

1. thinking, consideration.
2. a thought, purpose, design: He 4:12, I Pe 4:1.†
SYN.: ἐνθῦμησις, q.v. (Cremer, 439)

[NT: 2x] ** ἔν-νομος, -ον [in LXX: Sir, Pr 1:1-33 ogue 12* ;]

1. lawful, legal (MM, Exp., xiii): Ac 19:39.
2. Of persons,
(a) law-abiding;
(b) under law: ἔ. Χριστοῦ, in relation to Christ, I Co 9:21 (Cremer. 435).†

*† ἔννυχα, v.s. ἔννυχος.

ἔννυχος, -ον (< νύξ), [in LXX: III Mac 5:5 * ;] (in cl. poët.; prose in late Gk. only)

nightly. Neut., adverbially, ἔννυχα (Rec. -χον), by night: Mk 1:35.†

[NT: 5x] ἐν-οικέω, -ῶ [in LXX chiefly (29/36) for יָשַׁב ;]

to dwell in; metaph., seq. ἐν, c. dat. pers: ὁ θεός, II Co 6:16; τ. πνεῦμα, Ro 8:11, II Ti 1:14; ὁ λόγος, Col 3:16; πίστις, II Ti 1:5; ἁμαρτία, Ro 7:17.†

ἐν-ορκίζω, [in LXX: Ne 13:25 A (שָׁבַע hi.)* ;]

to adjure: c. dupl. acc (like ορκίζω, q.v.), ὑμᾶς τ. κῦριον, I Th 5:27.†

[NT: 2x] * ἑνότης, -ητος, ἡ (< εἷς),

unity, unanimity: Eph 4:3, 13.†

[NT: 2x] ἐν-οχλέω, -ῶ (< ὄχλος), [in LXX for חָלָה ;]

to trouble: c. acc, He 12:15. Pass., seq. ἀπό, Lk 6:18.†

[NT: 10x] ἔνοχος, -ον (= ἐνεχόμενος), (in LXX for רָשַׁע hi., etc. ;]

1. held in, bound by: c. gen. (cl. c. dat.), δουλείας, He 2:15.
2. In law-phrases
(a) liable to a charge or action (cl. c. dat., of crime): c. dat., of the tribunal (MM, Exp., xiii), Mt 5:21-22; seq. εἰς (Field, Notes, 4 f.), Mt 5:22
(b) c. gen., of the punishment (Ge 26:11): θανάτου, Mt 26:66, Mk 14:64;
(c) c. gen. (cl. c. dat„ rarely c. prep.; MM, Exp., xiii), of the crime [p. 156] (II Mac 13:6): Mk 3:29;
(d) c. gen., of the thing injured, guilty (absol., in Cl.): I Co 11:27, Ja 2:10 (cf. Is 54:17; DB, ii, 268a).†

ἐν-περι-πατέω, -ῶ (Rec. ἐμπ-, v.s. ἐν) [in LXX: Le 26:12 Jb 1:7, al. (הָלַךְ hithp.), Wi 19:21 ;]

to walk about in or among: seq. ἐν., dat. pers., II Co 6:16 (LXX),†

ἐν-πνέω, -ῶ (Rec. ἐμπ-, v.s. ἐν) [in LXX: De 20:16, Jos 10:28 ff. Jos 11:11, 14 (ptcp. neut., for נֶפֶשׁ, נְשָׁמָה), Wi 15:11 * ;]

1. to breathe on.
2. to breathe;
(a) absol.;
(b) c. gen. part.: fig., ἀπειλῆς κ. φόνου, Ac 9:1.†

[NT: 3x] ἔνταλμα, -τος, τό (< ἐντέλλω), [in LXX: Jb 23:11 (אָשֻׁר) Jb 23:12, Is 29:13 (מִצְוָה), Is 55:11 (aliter in Heb.)* ;]

a precept: pl., Mt 15:9 (LXX), Mk 7:7, Col 2:22.†

[NT: 2x] ἐνταφιάζω [in LXX: Ge 50:2 (חָנַט; cf. ἐνταφιαστής, Ge 50:2 for רָפָא; v. Deiss., BS, 120 f.; MM, Exp., xiii)* ;]

a κοινή word (Deiss., LAE, 723),
to prepare for burial: Mt 26:12, Jo 19:40.†

[NT: 2x] *† ἐνταφιασμός, -οῦ (< ἐνταφιάζω),

preparation for burial: Mk 14:8, Jo 12:7.†

ἐν-τέλλω [in LXX, as in NT (and mostly in Hdt.), always mid., chiefly for צָוָה pi. ;]

-ομαι, to command, enjoin, instruct: seq. περί He 11:22; c. inf., Mt 19:7; c. dat. pers., Ac 1:2; οὕτως, Ac 13:47; καθώς, Jo 14:31 (ἐντολὴν ἔδωκεν, WH); seq. λέγων, Mt 17:9; c. inf., Jo 8:5; ἵνα, Mk 13:34; c. acc rei, Mt 28:20, Mk 10:3, Jo 15:14, 17; seq. περί, c. gen. pers., Mt 4:6 and Lk 4:10 (LXX); διαθήκην ἐ. πρός, c. acc pers., He 9:20 (LXX) (cf. Si 45:3).†
κελεύω, to command, of verbal orders in general;
παραγγέλλω, to charge, esp. of the transmitted orders of a military com­mander; ἐντέλλω points rather to the contents of the command (v. Thayer, s.v. κελεύω)

[NT: 10x] ἐντεῦθεν adv. (< ἔνθεν), [in LXX chiefly for זֶה ;]

1. of place, hence: Lk 4:9 13:31, Jo 2:16 7:3 14:31 18:36; ἐ. καὶ ἐ. (for cl. ἔνθεν κ. ἔνθεν), on this side and on that, on each side, Jo 19:18; similarly, ἐ. καὶ ἐκεῖθεν, Re 22:2.
2. Of time, thereupon.
3. Causal; hence, therefore: Ja 4:1.†
adv., [in LXX for זֶה, פֹּה, etc. ;]
hence: Mt 17:20, Lk 16:26.†

** ἐν-τευξις, -εως, ἡ (< ἐντυγχάνω, q.v.), [in LXX: II Mac 4:3 * ;]

1. a lighting upon, meeting with.
2. conversation.
3. a petition (in this sense common in π.; cf. Deiss., BS, 121 f., 146; MM, Exp., iii): I Ti 4:5; p1., I Ti 2:1.†
SYN.: δέησις (q.v.)

[NT: 5x] ἔντιμος, -ον (< τιμή), [in LXX for חוֹר, etc. ;]

honoured, prized, precious: of persons, Lk 7:2, Phl 2:29; compar., Lk 14:8; of things, metaph., λίθος, I Pe 2:4 2:6 (LXX).†

[NT: 67x] ἐντολή, -ῆς, ἡ (< ἐντέλλω, q.v.), [in LXX chiefly for מִצְוָה; in pl. freq. in Pss for פִּקּוּד ;]

1. generally, a charge, injunction, order, command: Lk 15:29, Jo 10:18 11:57 12:49-50 14:31, Ac 17:15, Col 4:10; ἐ. σαρκίνη, He 7:16, 18
2. Esp. of religious precepts and commandments;
(a) of God's commandments: in OT, Mt 15:3 22:36, 38 22:40 Mk [p. 157] 7:8-9; Mk 10:5, 19 12:28, 31 Eph 2:15, He 9:19; esp. of the decalogue, Mt 5:19 19:17, Mk 10:19, Lk 18:20 23:56, Ro 7:8-13 13:9, Eph 6:2; of God's command­ments in general, Lk 1:6, I Co 7:19, I Jn 2:3-8 Jn 3:22-24 Jn 4:21 Jn 5:2-3, Re 12:17 14:12; collectively, ἡ ἐ. (cf. τ. ἔργον τ. θεοῦ, Jo 6:29), I Ti 6:14, II Pe 2:21 3:2;
(b) of things commanded Christ by the Father: Jo 12:49-50 14:31 15:10;
(c) of the precepts of Christ: Jo 13:34 14:15, 21 15:10, 12, I Co 14:37.
3. Phrases: seq. ἵνα, Jo 13:34 15:12, I Jn 3:23 Jn 4:21, II Jn 6; ἐντολὴν (ὰς) παραβαίνειν, Mt 15:3; ἀκυροῦν, Mt 15:6 Rec.; τηρεῖν, Mt 19:17 Jo 15:10, al.; ποιεῖν, I Jn 5:2; διδόναι, Jo 11:57; λαμβάνειν, Jo 10:18, II Jn 4; ἔχειν, Jo 14:21, He 7:5; ἐ. καὶ δικαιώματα, Lk 1:6; ἐντολαὶ ἀνθρώπων (of Jewish tradition), Tit 1:14; i. καινή, Jo 13:34, I Jn 2:7, II Jn 5.†

[NT: 1x] * ἐντόπιος, -ον (< τόπος),

of a place, resident: Ac 21:12.†

[NT: 2x] ἐντός (< ἐν), adv., [in LXX: Jb 18:20, Ps 39:3 109:22, Ca 3:10; ὁ, τὸ, τὰ ἐ., Ps 103:1, Is 16:11, Da TH Da 10:16, Si 19:26, I Mac 4:48 * ;]

within: c. gen., ἐ. ὑμῶν, within you (i.e. in your hearts, R, txt.), or among you (R, mg.), Lk 17:21 (cf. Field, Notes, 71; Thayer, s.v.; ICC, Lk, l.c.; Dalman, Words, 145 ff.); τὸ ἐ., Mt 23:26.†

[NT: 9x] ἐν-τρέπω [in LXX for כָּנַע ni., כָּלַם ni., etc. ;]

to turn about; metaph., put to shame: c. acc, I Co 4:14; pass., II Th 3:14, Tit 2:8; mid., to reverence: c. acc pers. (cl. c. gen.), Mt 21:37, Mk 12:6, Lk 18:2, 4 20:13, He 12:9 (cf. MM, Exp., iii, xiii).†

* ἐν-τρέφω

to train up, nurture; pass., metaph., τοῖς λόγοις τ. πίστεως, I Ti 4:6.†

[NT: 3x] ἔν-τρομος, -ον [in LXX: Da TH Da 10:11 (רָעַד hi.); ἔ. γίγνεσθαι, Ps 18:7 77:18 (רַעַשׁ), Wi 17:10, I Mac 13:2 * ;]

trembling with fear (Pint.): Ac 7:32 16:29, He 12:21 (ἔκτρ-, WH, mg.).†

[NT: 2x] ἐν-τροπή, -ῆς, ἡ [in LXX: Jb 20:3, Ps 35:26 44:15 69:7, 19 71:13 109:29 (כְּלִמָּה)* ;]

1. c. gen. pers., respect, reverence (Soph., Polyb., al.).
2. Absol., shame (Hipp.): I Co 6:5 15:34.†

[NT: 1x] ἐν-τρυφάω, [in LXX: Is 55:2 57:4 (עָנַג hith.), Hb 1:10 (קָלַס hith.), IV Mac 8:8, etc. ;]

to revel in: ἐν-τ. ἀπάταις, II Pe 2:13 (v. Mayor, in l).†

[NT: 5x] ἐν-τυγχάνω [in LXX: Da TH Da 6:12-13 (קֶרֶב) Wi 8:20 16:28, II Mac 2:25 Mac 4:36 Mac 6:12 Mac 15:39, III Mac 6:37; seq. κατά, I Mac 8:32 Mac 10:61-64 Mac 11:25 * ;]

1. to fall in with.
2. to meet with in order to converse.
3. to petition, make petition: c. dat. pers., seq. ὑπέρ c. gen. pers., Ac 25:24 (cf. Field, Notes, 140), He 7:25, Ro 8:27, 34 (θεῷ, not expressed); seq. κατά, against: Ro 11:2 (cf. ἔντευξις, ὑπερ-εντυγχάνω).†

[NT: 3x] * ἐν-τυλίσσω

to wrap up (LS), roll or coil about (DCG, ii, 227, 507a): c. acc et dat., Mt 27:59 (iv, Tr. [WH], cf. similar sentence in π.; MM, Exp., xiii), Lk 23:53; pass., Jo 20:7.†

[NT: 1x] ἐν-τυπόω, -ῶ (< τύπος), [in LXX for פִּתּוּחַ, Ex 39:30) A * ;]

to imprint, engrave: pass. ptcp., c. dat., II Co 3:7.†

[NT: 1x] ** ἐν-υβρίζω [in OT (Al.), Le 24:11 * ;]

to insult, mock at: He 10:29.†

ἐνυπνιάζω (< ἐνύπνιον), [in LXX, as in NT, -ομαι, depon., chiefly for חָלַם ;]

to dream: ἐνυπνίοις ἐ., Ac 2:17 (LXX); pres. ptcp., Ju 8.†

[p. 158]

[NT: 1x] ἐνύπνιον, -ου, τό (< ὕπνος), [in LXX chiefly for חֲלוֹם ;]

a dream: pl., Ac 2:17.†

ἐνώπιος, -ον (< ὤψ), [in LXX for פָּנִים, etc. ;]

face to face, in sight (Theocr.; ἄρτοι ἐ., Ex 25:29): neut., ἐνώπιον, in vernacular, with force of prep. c. gen. [in LXX for פָּנִים, עַיִן, etc., cf. Dalman, Words, 31 f., 209 f., and Deiss., BS., 213], in NT, most freq. in Lk, Ac, Re, never in Mt, Mk, before, in the presence of: Lk 1:19 Lk 4:7, Ac 4:10 Ac 6:5, Re 1:4 2:14, al.; esp. ἐ. Κυρίου (θεοῦ), in the sight of God, or with God as witness or as judge, Ro 14:22, I Co 1:29, I Ti 2:3, Ja 4:10, I Pe 3:4, al.

[NT: 1x] Ἐνώς (Heb. אֱנוֹשׁ), ,

Enos (Ge 4:26): Lk 3:38.†

[NT: 1x] ἐνωτίζομαι (< οὖς), depon. mid., [in LXX chiefly for אָזַן hi. ;]

to give ear to, hearken to: c. acc, Ac 2:14.†
Also used for יָחַל שָׁמַע

Ἐνώχ (Heb. חֲנוֹךְ), ,

Enoch (Ge 5:18): Lk 3:37, He 11:5, Ju 14.†

[NT: 13x] ἕξ, οἱ, αἱ, τά

six: Mt 17:1, Lk 13:14, al.

ἐξ, v.s. ἐκ.

[NT: 2x] ἐξ-αγγέλλω [in LXX chiefly for סָפַר pi. ;]

to tell out, proclaim: I Pe 2:9 [Mk 16:1-20, "shorter conclusion"] (Cremer, 29).†

[NT: 4x] ἐξ-αγοράζω [in LXX: καιρόν ὑμεῖς ἐξαγοράζετε (זְבַן), Da LXX TH Da 2:8 * ;]

1. to redeem, ransom (esp. of slaves): metaph., Ga 3:13 4:5.
2. to buy up; mid., to buy up for oneself: τ. καιρόν, Eph 5:16, Col 4:5 (Cremer, 60).†

[NT: 12x] ἐξ-άγω [in LXX chiefly for יָצָא hi. ;]

to lead out: c. acc, Mk 15:20, Jo 10:3, Ac 5:19 7:36 16:37-39; seq. ἔξω, Lk 24:50; ἐκ, Ac 7:40 12:17 13:17, He 8:9; εἰς, Ac 21:38.†

[NT: 8x] ἐξ-αιρέω -ῶ [in LXX chiefly for נָצַל hi. ;]

to take out: c. acc, ὀφθαλμόν, Mt 5:29 18:9; mid.
(a) to take out for oneself, choose: Ac 26:17 (Thayer, s.v.; Page, Ac., l.c., but v. infr.);
(b) to deliver: Ac 7:10, 34 (LXX) Ac 12:11 Ac 23:27 Ac 26:17 (EV, but v. supr.), Ga 1:4.†

[NT: 1x] ἐξ-αίρω [in LXX for נָסַע, יָרַשׁ hi., כָּרַת ni., מוּת, בָּעַר pi., etc. ;]

to lift up, lift off the earth, remove: I Co 5:13 (LXX)

* ἐξ-αιτέω, -ῶ

to ask from; mid., to ask for oneself, demand: aor., ἐξῃτήσατο, c. acc (obtained you by asking, R, mg.), Lk 22:31 (v. Field, Notes, 76; Cremer, 73).†

[NT: 5x] ἐξ-αίφνης (WH, ἐξέφνης, exc. Ac 22:6; v. App., p. 151, and cf. M, Pr., 35), adv. (< ἄφνω), [in LXX chiefly for פִּתְאוֹם ;]

suddenly Mk 13:36, Lk 2:13 9:39, Ac 9:3 22:6.†

[NT: 3x] ἐξ-ακολουθέω, -ῶ [in LXX Am 2:4, Je 2:2 (אַחַר הָלַךְ), Is 56:11 (פָּנָה), Jb 31:9 (פָּתָה ni.), Si 5:2, Da LXX TH Da 3:1-30 :(41) * ;]

to follow, follow up (in various senses): metaph., II Pe 1:16 2:2 2:15

ἐξακόσιοι, -αι, -α.

six hundred: Re 13:18 14:20.†

[NT: 5x] ἐξ-αλείφω [in LXX for טוּחַ, Le 14:42, al.; metaph., מָחָה, שָׁחַת, [p. 159] etc. ;]

1. to plaster, wash over (LXX).
2. to wipe off, wipe out: δάκρυον, Re 7:17 21:4; metaph., χειρόγραφον, Col 2:14; τ. ὄνομα, seq. ἐκ, Re 3:5 (MM, Exp., xiii); pass., ἀμαρτίαι (ἐξαλιφθῆναι, WH), Ac 3:19 (cf. Ps 51:11 Ps 109:13, Is 43:25, Si 46:20 (ἁμ. ἀπαλ-), III Mac 2:19).†

[NT: 1x] ἐξ-άλλομαι [in LXX for קָלַל (Hb 1:8), etc. ;]

to leap up: Ac 3:8.†

[NT: 1x] * ἐξ-ανάστασις, -εως, ἡ (< ἐξανίστημι),

a rising again: ἐκ τ. νεκρῶν, Phl 3:11 (Cremer, 308).†

[NT: 2x] ἐξ-ανα-τέλλω [in LXX: Ge 2:9, Ps 104:14 Ps 132:17 Ps 147:8 (צָמַח hi.); Ps 112:4 (זָרַח) * ;]

1. trans., to cause to spring up (LXX).
2. Intrans. (as ἀνατέλλω, Ge 3:18), to spring up: Mt 13:5, Mk 4:5.†

ἐξ-ανίσημι [in LXX chiefly for קוּם ;]

1. trans., to raise up: σπέρμα (cf. Ge 38:8), Mk 12:19, Lk 20:28.
2. In 2 aor. act., intrans., to rise: Ac 15:5.†

[NT: 6x] ἐξ -απατάω, -ῶ strengthened form of ἀπατάω, [in LXX: Ex 8:29 (הָתַל hi.), Da TH Sus 5:6* ;]

to deceive: c. acc, Ro 7:11 Ro 16:18, I Co 3:18, II Co 11:3, II Th 2:3; pass., I Ti 2:14.†

[NT: 1x] ἐξάπινα = ἐξαπίνης, ἐξαίφνης (q.v.), [in LXX for פִּתְאוֹם, etc. ;]

suddenly: Mk 9:8.†

ἐξ-απορέω, -ῶ [in LXX, pass., for פּוּן, Ps 88:15 * ;]

so in NT, depon. pass., to be utterly at a loss, be in despair: absol. (as Ps, l.c.), II Co 4:8; τοῦ ζῆν, II Co 1:8.†

[NT: 13x] ἐξ-απο-στέλλω [in LXX freq., chiefly for שָׁלַח pi. ;]

1. to send forth: c. acc pers., Ac 7:12 12:11, Ga 4:4; τ. ἐπαγγελίαν, Lk 24:49; τ. πνεῦμα, Ga 4:6; [τ. κήρυγμα, Mk 16:1-20, "shorter conclusion," WH ;] seq. εἰς, Ac 22:21; pass., ὁ λόγος, Ac 13:26.
2. to send away: c. acc pers., seq. εἰς, Ac 9:30; seq. ἕως, Ac 11:22; c. inf., Ac 17:14; κενόν, Lk 1:53 20:10-11.†

[NT: 2x] ἐξ-αρτίζω (< ἄρτιος), [in LXX. Ex 28:7 (חָבַר pu.) * ;]

1. to com­plete, finish: τ. ἡμέρας, Ac 21:5.
2. to furnish, supply: pass., II Ti 3:17 (for exx., v. MM, Exp., xiii; Cremer, 651).†

[NT: 1x] ἐξ-αστράπτω [in LXX: Nu 3:3 (בָּרָק), Ez 1:4 (לָקַח hithp.) 17 Da LXX 106 (קָלַל)* ;]

to flash like lightning, gleam, be radiant: ἱματισμός, Lk 9:29.†

[NT: 6x] * ἐξ-αυτῆς (a κοινή word, = ἐξ αὐτῆς τ. ὥρας)

at once, forthwith: Mk 6:25, Ac 10:33 Ac 11:11 Ac 21:32 Ac 23:30, Phl 2:23.†

[NT: 2x] ἐξ-εγείρω [in LXX for עוּר ni., hi., etc. ;]

to raise up: Ro 9:17 (cf. ICC, in l); from the dead, I Co 6:14.†

[NT: 4x] ἔξ-ειμι (< εἶμι),

to go forth: Ac 13:42 Ac 17:15 Ac 20:7; seq. ἐπί, c. acc, Ac 27:43.†

ἔξ-ειμι (< εἰμί), v.s. ἔξεστι.

ἐξ-ελίγχω [in LXX Pr 30:6, Mi 4:3, Is 2:4 (יָכַח hi.), Wi 12:17, IV Mac 2:12 * ;]

to convict: Ju 15, Rec. (for ἐλέγχω, WH, q.v.).†

[NT: 1x] ἐξ-έλκω [in LXX: Ge 37:28 (מָשַׁךְ), etc. ;]

to draw out or away: metaph., ὑπὸ τ. ἐπιθυμίας, Ja 1:14 (v. Mayor, in l).†

[NT: 1x] *† ἐξέραμα, -τος, τό (< ἐξεράω, to evacuate, disgorge)

a vomit: II Pe 2:22 (LXX).†

[NT: 1x] ἐξ-εραυνάω (Rec. ἐξερευνάω), -ῶ, [in LXX for חָקַר, נָצַר, etc. ;]

to search out, search carefully: seq. περί, I Pe 1:10.†

[p. 160]

ἐξερευνάω, v.s, ἐξεραυνάω.

[NT: 218x] ἐξέρχομαι, [in LXX chiefly and very freq. for יצא, also for עלה ,בֹּוא, etc. ;] depon.,

to go, or come out of: Mt 10:11, Mk 1:35, Jo 13:30, al.; c. inf., Mt 11:8, Mk 3:21, Lk 7:25, 26 Ac 20:8; id. seq. ἐπί, Mt 26:55, al.; εἰς, Mk 1:38; ἵνα, Re 6:2; ἐ. seq. ἐκ (cl. c. gen. loc.), Mk 5:2, Jo 4:30, al.; ἔξω, c. gen., Mt 21:17, Mk 14:68, Ac 16:13, He 13:13; ἀπό, Mk 11:12, Lk 9:5, Phl 4:15; ἐκεῖθεν, Mt 15:21, Mk 6:1, Lk 9:4, al.; of demons expelled, seq. ἐκ (ἀπό), c. gen. pers., Mk 1:25, 26 5:8, Lk 4:35, al.; of prisoners released, Mt 5:26, Ac 16:40; ptcp., ἐξελθών, c. indic., of verb of departure (cf. Dalman, Words, 20f.), Mt 8:32 15:21 24:1, Mk 16:8, Lk 22:39, Ac 12:9, 17 al. Metaph.,
(a) of persons: II Co 6:17, I Jo 2:19; of birth or origin, Mt 2:6 (LXX), He 7:5 (cf . Ge 35:11); of escape from danger, ἐκ τ. χειρὸς αὐτῶν, Jo 10:39; of public appearance, I Jo 4:1;
(b) of things: Mt 24:27; esp. of utterances, reports, proclamations: φωνή, Re 16:17 19:5; φήμη, Mt 9:26, Lk 4:14; ἀκοή, Mk 1:28; λόγος, Jo 21:23; δόγμα, Lk 2:1 (cf. δι-εξέρχομαι).

[NT: 31x] ἔξ-εστι (< εἰμί), impers. verb.,

it is permitted, lawful: Mk 2:24, Ac 8:37 (R, mg.), I Co 10:23; c. inf., Mt 12:2, 10 12 14:4 15:26 19:3 22:17 27:6, Mk 3:4 12:14, Lk 6:2, 9 14:3, Jo 5:10; seq. acc., Mk 2:26, Lk 6:4 20:22; c. dat. pers. et inf., Mt 20:15, Mk 6:18 10:2, Jo 18:31, Ac 16:21 21:37 22:25 (inf. understood), I Co 6:12; ἐξόν (sc. ἐστί), Ac 2:29, II Co 12:4; ἐξὸν ἦν, Mt 12:4.†

[NT: 3x] ἐξ-ετάζω (< ἐτάζω (rare), to examine), [in LXX: De 13:14-15 De 19:18, I Ch 28:9 A (דָּרַשׁ), דָּרַשׁ), Ps 11:5-6 (בָּחַן), Wi 6:3, Si 3:21, al. ;]

to examine closely, inquire carefully (of ): seq. περί (c. ἀκριβῶς), Mt 2:8; seq. τίς, Mt 10:11; c. acc pers., Jo 21:12.†
SYN.: ἀνακρίνω, ἐραυνάω (v. DCG, ii, 594b)

ἐξέφνης, v.s. ἐξαίφνης.

[NT: 6x] ἐξ-ηγέομαι, -οῦμαι [in LXX chiefly for סָפַר pi. ;]

to lead, show the way; metaph., to unfold, narrate, declare: c. acc rei, Lk 24:35 Ac 21:19; c. dat. pers., Ac 10:8; θεόν (understood), Jo 1:18; seq. ὅσα, Ac 15:12; καθώς, Ac 15:14.†

[NT: 9x] ἑξήκοντα, οἱ, αἱ, τά

sixty: Mt 13:8, 23, Mk 4:8, 20, Lk 24:13, I Ti 5:9, Re 11:3 Re 12:6 Re 13:18.†

[NT: 13x] ἑξῆς adv. (< ἔχω),

in order, successively, next: τῇ ἑ. ἡμέρᾳ, Lk 9:37; ἐν τῷ ἑ. (sc. χρόνῳ), soon after, Lk 7:11; τῇ ἑ. (sc. ἡμέρα), Ac 21:1 Ac 25:17 Ac 27:18.†

ἐξ-ηχέω, -ῶ [in LXX: Jl 3:14 (הָמוֹן), Si 40:13, III Mac 3:2 * ;]

to sound forth (as a trumpet, or thunder; v. M, Th., l.c.): pass., I Th 1:8.†

ἐξις, -εως, ἡ (< ἔχω), [in LXX, cf. Sir, prol.9 ;]

habit, use, experience: He 5:14.†

[NT: 17x] ἐξ-ίστημι (also in Hellenistic -ιστάνω, Act 8:9), [in LXX for H2730, etc. (29 words in all) ;],

1. causal in Pres., impf., fut., 1 aor., to put out of its place; metaph., ἐ. τινά φρενῶν (Eur.), to drive one out of his senses, hence, absol., to confound, amaze: c. acc pers., Lk 24:22, Ac 8:9, 11.
2. Intr. in pass. and mid., also in 2 aor., pf., plpf. act., seq. ἐκ or c. gen., to stand aside from, retire from; esp. τ. φρενῶν, to lose [p. 161] one's senses (Eur.), hence, absol.;
(a) to be beside oneself, be mad: Mk 3:21, II Co 5:13 (opp. to σωφρονεῖν);
(b) to be amazed, confounded: Mt 12:23, Mk 2:12 Mk 5:42 Mk 6:51, Lk 2:47 Lk 8:56, Ac 2:7, 12 Ac 8:13 Ac 9:21 Ac 10:45 Ac 12:16 (Cremer, 309).†

[NT: 1x] **† ἐξ-ισχύω [in LXX: Si 7:6 * ;]

to have strength enough, to be quite able: c. inf., Eph 3:18.†

[NT: 3x] ἔξ-οδος, -ου, ὁ (< ὁδός), [in LXX chiefly for מוֹצָא also חוּץ, etc. ;]

a going out, departure: He 11:22; of death, Lk 9:31, II Pe 1:15.†

έξ-ολεθρεύω (so best MSS. and WH; also read -οθρεύω), [in LXX freq. (rare in Gk. writers) for כָּרַת ni., hi., etc. ;]

to destroy utterly: seq. ἐκ τ. λαοῦ, Ac 3:23 (LXX).†

[NT: 10x] ἐξ-ομολογέω, -ῶ and depon. mid., -έομαι, -οῦμαι [as always in LXX chiefly for יָדָה hi. ;]

1. act. = cl. ὁμολογέω, to profess or agree to do (Field, Notes, 75): Lk 22:6.
2. Mid., to acknowledge, confess (MM, Exp., xiv): τ. ἁμαρτίας, Mt 3:6, Mk 1:5, Ja 5:16; τ. πράξεις, Ac 19:18; seq. ὅτι, Phl 2:11; c. dat. pers., to make acknowledgment to one's honour, to praise, give praise to (as in LXX; Kennedy, Sources, 118): Ro 14:11(LXX) Ro 15:9 (LXX); seq. ὅτι, Mt 11:25, Lk 10:21 (Cremer, 771).†

ἐξ-όν, v.s. ἔξστι.

[NT: 1x] ἐξ-ορκίζω (later form of ἐξορκόω ), [in LXX: Jg 17:2 (אָלָה), Ge 24:3, III Ki 22:16 (שָׁבַע hi.)* ;]

1. to administer an oath to (Dem., Polyb., al.).
2. to adjure: c. acc pers., seq. κατά, c. gen. (as freq. in magic π.; MM, Exp., xiv), Mt 26:63.†

[NT: 1x] *† ἐξ-ορκιστής, -οῦ, ὁ (< ἐξορκίζω),

1. one who administers an oath.
2. an exorcist: Ac 19:13.†

[NT: 2x] ἐξ-ορύσσω [in LXX: Pr 29:22; ὀφθαλμόν (-ούς), Jg 16:21, I Ki 11:2 (נָקַר)* ;]

to dig out, dig up: στέγην, Mk 2:4; metaph., ὀφοαλμούς (cf. LXX, ll c.; Herod., viii, 116), Ga 4:15.†

[NT: 1x] ἐξ-ουδενέω (Rec. -όω; T, -θανόω), -ῶ, [in LXX (with vv. ll. -όω, -θενέω, -θενόω) for בּוּז, בָּזָה, מָאַס, בּוּס, etc. ;]

to despise, set at nought: Mk 9:12 (cf. ἐξουθενέω).†

ἐξ-ουδενόω, v.s. ἐξουδενέω.

[NT: 11x] ἐξ-ουθενέω, -ῶ (< οὐθείς, q.v.), [in LXX (v.s. ἐξουθενέω): I Ki 2:30, al., and as v.l. for -δενέω, -όω, -θενόω* ;]

to set at nought, despise utterly, treat with contempt: c. acc pers., Lk 18:9 23:11, Ro 14:3, 10, I Co 16:11; c. acc rei, Ga 4:14, I Th 5:20; pass., of persons: Mk 9:12 (T, -όω), I Co 6:4; of things λίθος, Ac 4:11 (LXX ἀπεδοκίμασαν); λόγος, II Co 10:10; τὰ ἐξουθενημένα, I Co 1:28.†
SYN.: ἀθετέω, καταφρονέω (v. DCG, i, 453b)

ἐξουθενόω, -ῶ,

v.l. for -έω (q.v.): Mk 9:12 T.†

[NT: 102x] ἐξουσία, -ας, ἡ (< ἔξεστι), [in LXX: IV Ki 20:13, Ps 113 (114):2 135 (136)8, 9, Is 39:2, Je 28 (51):28 (מֶמְשָׁלָה), freq. in Da for Aram. שָׁלְטָן, etc., Wi 10:14, Si 9:13, al. ;]

1. prop., liberty or power to act, freedom to exercise the inward force or faculty expressed by δύναμις (q.v.): I Co 9:12; ἐ. ἔχειν, II Th 3:9; id. seq. inf., Jo 10:18, I Co 9:4, 5; c. gen. obj., Ro 9:21; seq. ἐπί, c. acc., Re 22:14; περί, I Co 7:37.
2. Later [p. 162] (cf. Milligan, Th., 114; MM, Exp., xiv), of the power of right, authority: Mt 21:33, Mk 11:28, Lk 20:2; of Messianic authority, Mt 9:6, Mk 2:10, al.; of apostolic authority, II Co 10:8 13:10; of the authority of government: Mt 8:9 28:18, Ju 25, Re 12:10, al.; esp. of judicial authority, Lk 20:20, Jo 19:10, 11.
3. Meton.,
(a) jurisdiction: Lk 23:7 (cf. I Mac 6:11, Is 39:2);
(b) a ruler or magistrate: Ro 13:1-3; pl., Lk 12:11, Ro 13:1, Tit 3:1;
(c) of supramundane powers (syn. with ἀρχή, δύναμις, θρόνος, κυριότης): I Co 15:24, Eph 1:21 3:10, Col 2:10, I Pe 3:22, al. (Cremer. 236).
SYN.: v.s. δύναμις.

[NT: 4x] ἐξουσιάζω (< ἐξουσία) [in LXX (freq. in Ec) chiefly for שָׁלַט ;]

1. to exercise authority (Arist.).
2. Trans., to exercise authority over: c. gen. pers., Lk 22:25; c. gen. rei, I Co 7:4; pass., to be held under authority (v. Lft., Notes, 214): seq. ὑπό, I Co 6:12.†

[NT: 1x] ἐξοχή, -ῆς, ἡ (< ἐξέχω, to stand out), [in LXX for שֵׁן, Jb 39:28 * ;]

1. a projection (ἐ. πέτρας, Jb 39:28).
2. Metaph., eminence, excellence: οἱ κατ' ἐ., the chief men, Ac 25:23.†

[NT: 1x] ἐξ-υπνίζω [in LXX: Jg 16:14, 20, III Ki 3:13 (יָקַץ), Jb 14:12 (עוּר ni.)* ;]

to awaken out of sleep (= ἀφυπνίζω): c. acc pers., Jo 11:11.†

[NT: 1x] **† ἔξ-υπνος, -ον (< ὕπνος), [in LXX: I Es 3:3 * ;]

roused out of sleep: Ac 16:27.†

[NT: 63x] ἔξω adv. (< ἐξ), [in LXX for חוּץ ;]

1. outside, without;
(a) adverbially: Mt 12:46, Mk 3:31 11:4, Lk 8:20, Jo 18:16, al.; c. art., ὁ ἔ., he who is without; metaph., in pl., οἱ ἔ., of those outside the Church, I Co 5:12-13, Col 4:5 (Lft., in l), I Th 4:12; ὁ ἔ. ἄνθρωπος, II Co 4:16; αἱ ἔ. πόλεις, Ac 26:11;
(b) as prep. c. gen.: Lk 13:33, Ac 21:5, He 13:11-12
2. After verbs of motion;
(a) adverbially, forth, out: Mt 5:13 Mk 14:68, Lk 22:62, Jo 19:4, 13, Ac 9:40, al.;
(b) as prep. c. gen., out of: Mt 21:17, Mk 11:19 12:8, Lk 4:29, Ac 7:58, He 13:13, al

[NT: 13x] ἔξωθεν adv. (< ἔξω opp. to ἔσωθεν), [in LXX for חוּץ ;]

1. prop. (in answer to the question, Whence ?), from without: Mk 7:18
2. More often (= ἔξω; cf. Bl., § 25, 3), without: Mt 23:27-28 Mk 7:18, II Co 7:5; τὸ ἔ., Mt 23:25, Lk 11:39-40; οἱ ἔ., I Ti 3:7, Mk 4:11 (WH, mg.); ὁ ἔ. κόσμος, I Pe 3:3; ἐκβάλλειν ἔ., Re 11:2. As prep. c. gen.: Mk 7:15, Re 11:1-19 IV Ki 14:20 (cf. Robertson, Gr., 548).†

[NT: 2x] ἐξ-ωθέω, -ῶ [in LXX chiefly for נָדָה hi. ;]

1. to thrust out: Ac 7:45.
2. to drive out of the sea, drive on shore: Ac 27:39 (WH, txt., ἐκσῶσαι).†
to preserve from danger, bring safe: Ac 27:39 (ἐξῶσαι, WH, mg., R, txt., v.s. ἐξωθέω).†

[NT: 3x] ἐξώτερος, -α, -ον (compar., from ἔξω; opp. to ἐσώτερος) [in LXX chiefly for חִיצוֹן ;]

outer: σκότος, Mt 8:12 Mt 22:13 Mt 25:30.†

[NT: 1x] ἑορτάζω (< ἑορτή), [in LXX for חָגַג ;]

to keep festival: I Co 5:8.†

[NT: 25x] ἑορτή, -ῆς, ἡ [in LXX for חַג (chiefly), מוֹעֵד ;]

a feast, festival: Lk 2:42, Jo 5:1, Jo 6:4 Jo 7:37, Col 2:10; ἡ ἑ. τοῦ πάσχα, Lk 2:41, Jo 13:1; τ. ἀζύμων, Lk 22:1; ἡ σκηνοπηγία, Jo 7:2 (Deiss., LAE, 116); ἐν τ. ἑ., Mt 26:5, Mk 14:2, Jo 4:45 7:11 12:20 (εἶναι ἐν ἑ.), Jo 2:23; εἰς τ. ἑ. (for the feast), [p. 163] Jo 13:29; ἀναβαίνειν, ἔρχεσθαι εἰς τ. ἑ., Jo 4:45 7:8-10 11:56 12:12; τῆς ἐ μεσούσης, Jo 7:14; κατὰ ἑ. (at each feast), Mt 27:15, Mk 15:6, Lk 23:17, R, mg.; τ. ἑ. ποιεῖν, Ac 18:21; κατὰ τὸ ἔθος τῆς ἑ., Lk 2:42.†

[NT: 52x] ἐπ-αγγελία, -ας, ἡ (< ἐπαγγέλλω), [in LXX: Ps 56:8 (סֵפֶר), etc. ;]

1. a summons (as Attic law-term, Dem., al.).
2. a promise (Dem., Arist., al.): Ac 23:21; esp. in NT of the divine promises, Ac 7:17, Ro 4:14, 16 Ro 9:4, Ga 3:17-18, 21 4:23, He 8:6 11:9, 17, II Pe 3:9; c. inf., He 4:1; γίνεται, etc., c. dat. pers., Ac 2:39, Ro 4:13, Ga 3:16; seq. πρός, Ac 13:32 26:6; έπαγγέλεσθαι τὴν ἐ., I Jn 2:25; ἔχειν ἐπαγγελίας, He 7:6, II Co 7:1; εἷναι νἐ έπαγγελίᾳ, Eph 6:2; ἡ γῆ τῆς ἐ., He 11:9; τὰ τέκνα τῆς ἐ., Ro 9:8, Ga 4:28; τ. πνεῦμα τῆς ἐ. τ. ἅγιον, Eph 1:13; αἱ διαθῆκαι τῆς ἐ., Eph 2:12; ἡ ἐ. τ. θεοῦ, Ro 4:20; pl., II Co 1:20; αἱ ἐ. τ. πατέρων, Ro 15:8; c. gen. obj., τ. ζωῆς (v. Dalman, Words, 103), I Ti 4:8; τ. παρουσίας αὐτοῦ, II Pe 3:4; κατ ̓ ἐπαγγελίαν, Ac 13:23, Ga 3:29, II Ti 1:1; δι ̓ ἐπαγγελίας, Ga 3:18; συμμέτοχα τῆς ἐ., Eph 3:6; λόγος ἐπαγγελίας, Ro 9:9. By meton. (cf. ἐλπίς), of a promised blessing: Lk 24:49, Ac 1:14, Ga 3:22, He 6:12-17 10:36 11:13, 33 11:39; c. gen. epexeg., Ac 2:33 Ga 3:14, He 9:15 (Cremer, 27).†

[NT: 15x] ἐπ-αγγέλλω [in LXX: Es 4:8 (אָמַר), Pr 13:12, Wi 2:13, al. ;]

1. to announce, proclaim.
2. (a) to promise;
(b) to profess. Mid., also freq. in both these senses;
(c) to promise: c. dab. pers., He 6:13; c. acc rei, Ro 4:21, Tit 1:2; c. dat pers. et acc rei, Ja 1:12 2:5, II Pe 2:19; ἐπαγγελίαν, I Jn 2:25; c. inf., Mk 14:11, Ac 7:5; seq. λέγων, He 12:26; ptcp., He 10:23 11:11;
(d) to profess: θεοσέβειαν, I Ti 2:10; γνῶσιν, I Ti 6:21. Pass., Ga 3:19 (cf. προ-επαγγέλλω; and v. Cremer, 26).†

[NT: 2x] * ἐπ-άγγελμα, -τος, τό (< ἐπαγγέλλω),

a promise: II Pe 1:4 3:13.†

[NT: 3x] ἐπ-άγω [in LXX for בּוֹא hi., etc. (29 words in all) ;]

to bring upon: c. dat. et acc, II Pe 2:5; ἑαυτοῖς ἐ. (for cl. mid., v. Mayor, in l), II Pe 2:1; ἐ. τὸ αἷμα (cf. Ge 209), Ac 5:28.†

[NT: 1x] ἐπ-αγωνίζομαι depon.;

1. to contend with (Plut.).
2. to contend for (C.I., 2335, 19): c. dat. rei, Ju 3.†

[NT: 1x] *† ἐπ-αθροίζω

to assemble besides (Plut.): pass., Lk 11:29.†

[NT: 1x] Ἐπαίνετος (Rec. -τός), -ου, ὁ

Epænetus, a Christian of Borne: Ro 16:5.†

[NT: 6x] ἐπ-αινέω, -ῶ [in LXX for הָלַל pi., שָׁבַח pi. ;]

to praise: c. acc, Ro 15:11, I Co 11:22; seq. ὅτι, Lk 16:8, I Co 11:2; absol., seq. ὅτι, I Co 11:17.†

[NT: 11x] ἔπ-αινος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX for תְּהִלָּה, etc. ;]

praise: Ro 2:29 Ro 13:3, I Co 4:5, II Co 8:18, Eph 1:6, 12 1:14, Phl 1:11 Phl 4:8, I Pe 1:7 2:14.†

[NT: 19x] ἐπ-αίρω [in LXX for נָשָׂא, רוּם, etc. ;]

to lift up, raise: τ. ἀρτέμονα, Ac 27:40; χεῖρας, Lk 24:50, I Ti 2:8; κεφαλάς, Lk 21:28; ὀφθαλμούς, Mt 17:8, Lk 6:20 16:23 18:13, Jo 4:35 6:5 17:1; φωνήν, Lk 11:27, Ac 2:14 14:11 22:22; τ. πτέρναν (fig.), Jo 13:18. Pass., Ac 1:9; metaph., to be lifted up with pride: II Co 10:5 11:20.†

[NT: 11x] ἐπ-αισχύνομαι [in LXX: Jb 34:19 (נָשָׂא), Ps 119:6 (בּוּשׁ), Is 1:29 A (חָפֵר) * ;]

to be ashamed (of): absol., II Ti 1:12; c. acc pers., Mk 8:38, Lk 9:26; c. acc rei, Ro 1:16, II Ti 1:8 1:16; ἐπί, c. dat. rei, Ro 6:21; c. inf., He 2:11; c, acc pers, et inf., He 11:16,†

[p. 164]

[NT: 1x] ἐπ-αιτέω, -ῶ, [in LXX: Psa_109:10 (H7592) Sir_40:28 * ;]

1. to ask besides.
2. to beg (as a mendicant; cf. MM, Exp., xiv): Lk 16:3 18:35 (Cremer, 74).†

[NT: 4x] ἐπ-ακολουθέω, -ῶ [in LXX (chiefly metaph.) for אָחַר, הָלַךְ, etc. ;]

to follow after; in NT metaph.; absol.: Mk 16:20 (illustrated by use in verifying accounts; v. MM, Exp., xiv; Milligan; NTD, 78); c. dat. pers., of sins, I Ti 5:24 (cf. Ellic. and CGT, in l); τ. ἴχνεσιν, I Pe 2:21; ἔργῳ ἀγαθῷ, I Ti 5:10.†

[NT: 1x] ἐπ-ακούω [in LXX for שָׁמַע, עָנָה, etc. ;]

1. to listen to.
2. to hearken to, hear with favour (one's prayer): c. gen. pers., II Co 6:2 (LXX).†

[NT: 1x] * ἐπ-ακροάομαι, -ῶμαι

to listen attentively: Ac 16:25 (cf. Page, in l).†

[NT: 3x] ἐπ-άν conj. (< ἐπεί, q.v., ἄν)

later form of ἐπήν,
after, when: c. subjc. Pres., Lk 11:34; c. subjc. aor., Mt 2:8, Lk 11:22.†

* ἐπανάγκης, -ες (< ἀνάγκη), only in neut.;

1. ἐπάναγκες (sc. ἐστί), it is compulsory, necessary.
2. As adv., of necessity: Ac 15:28.†

[NT: 3x] ἐπ-αν-άγω [in LXX: Za 4:12 (רוּק hi.), Si 17:26 26:28, II Mac 9:21 Mac 12:4 * ;]

to bring up or back (sc. ναῦς); to put out to sea (DB, iii, 63b): Lk 5:3-4; intrans., to return: Mt 21:18.†

* ἐπ-ανα-μιμνήσκω

to remind again: c. acc pers., Ro 15:15.†

ἐπ-ανα-παύω [in LXX, mid., for נוּחַ, שָׁעַן ni ;]

to refresh, cause to rest (upon); mid., to rest upon: metaph., c. dat., Ro 2:17; seq. ἐπί, c. acc, Lk 10:6 (Cremer, 827).†

[NT: 2x] ἐπ-αν-έρχομαι [in LXX for שׁוּב, etc. ;]

to return: Lk 10:35 19:15.†

ἐπ-αν-ίστημι [in LXX chiefly for קוּם ;]

to raise up against; mid., to rise up against: seq. ἐπί, c. acc pers., Mt 10:21, Mk 13:12.†

[NT: 1x] ** ἐπ-αν-όρθωσις, -εως, ἡ (< ἐπανορθόω, to correct, restore; of. II Mac 2:22) [in LXX: I Es 8:52, I Mac 14:34 * ;]

correction: of life, II Ti 3:16 (cf. MM, Exp., xiv).†

[NT: 19x] ἐπ-άνω adv., [in LXX for מַעֲלָה, עַל, מֵעָל, etc. ;]

1. adverbially;
(a) of place: Lk 11:44;
(b) of number, more than: Mk 14:5, I Co 15:6.
2. As prep. C. gen.;
(a) of place: Mt 2:9 5:14 21:7 23:18-22 27:37 28:2, Lk 4:39 10:19, Re 6:8 20:3;
(b) of pre-eminence: Lk 19:17-19, Jo 3:31.†

* ἐπ-άρατος, -ον (< ἐπαράομαι, to imprecate),

accursed: Jo 7:49 (for exx. from π., v. MM, Exp., xiv; cf. Cremer, 108).†

[NT: 3x] ** ἐπ-αρκέω, -ῶ [in LXX: I Mac 8:26 Mac 11:35 * ;]

1. to be strong enough for.
2. to ward off.
3. to aid, relieve: c. dat. pers., I Ti 5:10 5:16 (mid., WH, mg.).†

[NT: 2x] ἐπαρχεία (Rec. -χία, v. Bl., § 3, 5), -ας, ἡ (< ἔπαρχος, a prefect), [in LXX: Es 4:11 (מְדִינָה), Jth 3:6 A* ;]

the jurisdiction of a prefect, a province: Ac 23:3, 34 25:1.†
*†ἐπάρχεισς, -ον,
of a prefect: ἡ ἐ. (sc. ἐξουσία) = ἐπαρχεια, q.v., Ac 25:1 (WH, mg.).†

[p. 165]

[NT: 1x] ἔπ-αυλις, -εως, ἡ (< αὐλή), [in LXX for חָצֵר, טִירָה, (l.c.), etc. ;]

a dwelling, habitation: Ac 1:20 (LXX).†

[NT: 17x] ἐπ-αύριον, adv. [in LXX for מָחָר, Ge 30:33, elsewhere, Ex 9:6, al., for מׇחֳרָת ;]

on the morrow: in NT, ἡ ἐ. (sc. ἡμέρα), Mt 27:62, Mk 11:12, Jo 1:29, Ac 10:9, al

[NT: 3x] Ἐπαφρᾶς, -ᾶ (B1., § 7, 4), ,

Epaphras: Col 1:7 4:12, Phm 23.*†

[NT: 1x] ἐπ-αφρίζω

to foam up: metaph., τ. αἰσχύνας, Ju 13.†

[NT: 2x] Ἐπαφρόδιτος, -ου, ὁ (i.e. charming);

Epaphroditus: Phl 2:5 4:18.†

[NT: 2x] ἐπ-εγείρω [in LXX for עוּר hi., קוּם hi., etc. ;]

to rouse up, excite: C. acc rei, διωγμόν, Ac 13:50; ψυχάς, Ac 14:2.†

[NT: 26x] ἐπεί

conj. (ἐπί, εἰ),
when, since;
1. of time, when, after: Lk 7:1 (Rec., WH, mg.).
2. Of cause, since, because: Mt 18:32 21:46 27:6, Mk 15:42, Lk 1:34, Jo 13:29 19:31, Ac 13:46 (Rec., WH, mg.), I Co 14:12, II Co 11:18 13:3, He 5:2, 11 6:13 9:17 11:11; ἐ. οὖν, He 2:14 4:6. With ellipsis, otherwise, else: Ro 11:6, 22, He 9:26; ἐ. ἄρα, I Co 5:10 7:14; introducing a question, Ro 3:6, I Co 14:16 15:29, He 10:2 (cf. IV Mac 1:33 Mac 2:7 Mac 2:10 Mac 4:24-26).†

[NT: 10x] ἐπει-δή

1. of time, when now, after that: Lk 7:1 (WH, txt.).
2. Of cause, seeing that, forasmuch as: Lk 11:6, Ac 13:46 (WH, txt., RV) Ac 14:12 15:24, I Co 1:21-22 14:16 15:21, Phl 2:26.†

[NT: 1x] * ἐπει-δή-περ

forasmuch as ("a stately compound," freq. in cl. and suitable for the formal introduction of Lk): Lk 1:1.†

[NT: 2x] * ἐπ-εῖδον 2 aor. without Pres. in use; [in LXX chiefly for רָאָה ;] to regard with attention, look upon (in cl., of the gods)

1. with a view to bless: c. inf., Lk 1:25 (cf. DB, 136b).
2. To punish: seq. ἐπί, Ac 4:29.†

ἔπ-ειμι [in LXX: Ex 8:22 (עָמַד), Si 42:19, etc. ;]

1. to come upon, approach
2. Of time, to come on or after; mostly as ptcp., ἐπιών, -οῦσα, όν, next, following: τῇ- ἔ. (sc.ἡμέρᾳ, as freq. in late Gk.), Ac 16:11 20:15 21:18; ἡμέρᾳ (as usual in cl.), Ac 7:26; νυκτί, Ac 23:11.†

[NT: 1x] ἐπεί-περ

conj., since indeed: Ro 3:30 (Rec.; εἴπερ, WH).†

[NT: 1x] * ἐπ-εισ-αγωγή, -ῆς, ἡ

a bringing in besides or in addition (Hipp., FlJ, al.): He 7:19 (cf. MM, Exp., xiv).†

* ἐπ-εισ-έρχομαι [in LXX: I Mac 16:16 (c. dat.) * ;]

to come in upon: seq. ἐπί Lk 21:35.†

ἐπειτα, adv. of sequence [in LXX: Nu 19:10 A, Is 16:2, IV Mac 6:3 * ;]

thereupon, thereafter, then: Lk 16:7, Ga 1:21, Ja 4:14; seq. μετὰ τοῦτο, Jo 11:7; μετὰ ἔτη τρία, Ga 1:18; διὰ δεκατεσσάρων ἐτῶν, Ga 2:1; πρῶτον . . . ἔ., I Co 15:46, I Th 4:17, He 7:2; πρότεφον . . . ἔ, He 7:27; ἀπαρχὴ . . . ἔ., I Co 15:23; εἶτα . . . ἔ., I Co 15:5-6 (WH, txt.); . . . ἔ., I Co 15:5-7 (WH, mg.); τρίτον . . . ἔ. (his), I Co 12:28.†

[NT: 1x] ἐπ-έκεινα adv. (= ἐπ' ἐκεῖνα), [in LXX: Le 22:27, Nu 32:19, al. (הָלְאָה), etc. ;]

beyond; c. gen., Ac 7:43 (LXX)

* ἐπ-εκ-τείνω

to extend: mid., to stretch forward: c. dat., Phl 3:13.†

[p. 166]

[NT: 1x] ἐπενδύτης, -ου, ὁ (< ἐπενδύω), [in LXX for מְעִיל Le 8:7 A (Aq. ἐπένδυμα), III Ki 18:4 A, IV Ki 13:18 * ;]

an outer tunic (RV, coat): Jo 21:7 .†

*† ἐπ-εν-δύω

= -δύνω (Hdt.),
to put on over; pass. (Plut., al.), to have on over, be clothed upon: II Co 5:2-4.†

ἐπ-έρχομαι, [in LXX for בּוֹא, עָבַר, etc. ;]

1. to come to, arrive, come on: seq. ἀπό, c. gen. loc., Ac 14:19 (ἐπῆλθαν; cf. M, Pr., 65; Deiss., BS, 191); of time, Eph 2:7.
2. to come upon (as in Hom.): of calamities, Lk 21:26, Ac 8:24 13:40, Ja 5:1; of an enemy, Lk 11:22; of the Holy Spirit, Lk 1:35, Ac 1:8, [in LXX: γίγνομαι ἐπί, Jg 14:6, III Ki 11:6, al.].†

[NT: 56x] ἐπ-ερωτάω, -ῶ [in LXX chiefly for שָׁאַל, also for דָּרַשׁ, etc. ;]

1. to in­quire of, consult, question: c. acc pers., Mk 12:34, Lk 2:46, al.; c. dupl. acc, Mk 7:17 11:29, Lk 20:40, al.; c. acc pers., seq. λέγων, Mt 12:18, Mk 9:11; εἰ, Mk 8:23, Lk 23:6, al.; ἐ. θεόν, Ro 10:20 (LXX).
2. In late Gk., to beg of, demand of: c. acc pers. et inf., Mt 16:1 (cf. ἐρωτάω; and v. Cromer, 716)

[NT: 1x] ** ἐπ-ερώτημα, -τος, τό [in LXX: Da TH Da 4:14 (שְׁאֵלָא), Si 33:3 * ;]

1. a question, au inquiry (Hdt., Thuc.).
2. a demand: I Pe 3:21 (v. ICC, in l).†

[NT: 5x] ἐπ-έχω [in LXX for חָדַל, etc.; also Si 8:1 34:2, II Mac 5:25 Mac 9:25, al. ;]

1. to hold upon.
2. Like παρέχω (as in Hom., al.), to hold out, offer: λόγον ζωῆς, Phl 2:16.
3. to hold or direct towards, Sc.νοῦν;
(a) absol., to intend, purpose;
(b) to observe, give attention to (v. MM, Exp., xiv): seq. πῶς, Lk 14:7; c. dat. pers., Ac 3:5, I Ti 4:16.
4. to stay, wait: Ac 19:22 (in legal phrase, MM, Exp., l.c.).†

[NT: 2x] * ἐπηρεάζω (< ἐπήρεια, spiteful abuse),

to revile: c. acc pers., Lk 6:28; c. acc rei (but v. ICC, in l), I Pe 3:16.†

[NT: 1758x] ἐπί (before a smooth breathing ἐπ’, before a rough breathing ἐφ’), prep. c. gen., dat., acc. (acc. most freq. in NT),

with primary sense of superposition, on, upon.
I. C. gen.,
1. of place, answering the question, where?
(a) of the place on which, on, upon: ἐπὶ (τ.) γῆς, Mt 6:10, 19, al.; τ. κεφαλῆς, I Co 11:10; τ. νεφελῶν, Mt 24:3o, al.; like ἐν, in constr. praegn. after verbs of motion: βάλλειν, Mk 4:26; σπείρειν, ib. 31; ἔρχεσθαι, He 6:7, al.; fig., ἐπ’ ἀληθείας (MM, s.v. ἀ.); of the subject of thought or speech, Ga 3:16; of power or authority, over, πάντων, Ro 9:5: τ. γάζης, Ac 8:27; ἐξουσία, Re 2:26 20:6;
(b) of vicinity, at, by: τ. θαλάσσης, Jo 6:9; τ. ὁδοῦ, Mt 21:19; τοῦ βάτου, Mk 12:26 (v. Swete, in l.); c. gen. pers., in the presence of, before, Mt 28:14, Ac 23:30, I Co 6:1, al.
2. Of time,
(a) c. gen. pers., in the time of: ἐπὶ Ἐλισαίου, Lk 4:27; ἐπὶ Κλαυδίου, Ac 11:28; ἐπὶ Ἀβιάθαρ ἀρχιερέως, when A. was high priest, Mk 2:26;
(b) c. gen. rei, at, at the time of: Mt 1:11, He 1:2, II Pe 3:3; ἐπὶ τ. προσευχῶν, Ro 1:10, Eph 1:16, I Th 1:2, Phm 4.
II. C. dat., of place, answering the question, where?
(a) lit., on, upon: Mt 9:16, 14:8, al.; after verbs of motion (v. supr., I, 1, (a)), Mt 9:16 Ac 8:16; above, Lk 23:38; at, by, Mk 13:29, Jo 5:2, Ac 5:9, al.;
(b) metaph., upon, on the ground of, Lk 4:4 (LXX); in the matter of, Mk 6:52 (v. Swete, in l.); upon, of, concerning, Ac 5:35, 40; of the ground, reason or motive (Bl., §38, 2; 43, 3), Mt 18:3 19:9, Ro 12:12, al.; ἐφ’ ᾧ, for the reason that, [p. 167] because, Ro 5:12 II Co 5:4; after verbs of motion, over, Mt 18:13, Ro 16:19, al.; of a condition (cl.), Ro 8:20, I Co 9:10; ἐπὶ δυσὶ μάρτυσιν (v. Westc. on He 9:10), He 10:28; of purpose or aim, Eph 2:10, Phl 4:10; of authority, over, Mt 24:47 Lk 12:44; of hostility, c. dat. pers. (cl.), against, Lk 12:52; in addition to (cl.), II Co 7:13; of an adjunct, in, at, on, Phl 1:3 2:17.
III. C. acc.,
1. of place of motion upon or over, answering the question, whither?
(a) lit., upon, over: Mt 14:28, 29, Lk 5:19, al. mult.; in NT also, answering the question, where? (as c. gen., dat.), Mk 4:38 11:2, Lk 2:25, Jo 1:32; ἐπὶ τ. αὐτό, Ac 1:15 2:1, al.; of motion to a vicinity, to, Mk 16:2, Ac 8:36, al.;
(b) metaph. (in wh. "the acc. is more widely prevalent than it strictly should be," Bl., §43, 1); of blessings, evils, etc., coming upon one, c. acc. pers., Mt 10:13 12:28, Ac 2:17, Jo 18:4, Eph 5:6, al.; of addition (dat. in cl.), λύπη ἐπὶ λύπην, Phl 2:27; ἐπικαλεῖν ὄνομα ἐπί (v.s. ἐπικαλέω), Ac 15:17, Ja 2:7; καλεῖν ἐπί, to call after, Lk 1:59; of number or degree: ἐπὶ τρίς (cl. εἰς τ.), thrice, Ac 10:16 11:10; ἐπὶ πλεῖον, the more, further, Ac 4:17 II Ti 2:16 3:9 (v. also infr., 2, (a)); ἐφ’ ὅσον (v. infr., ib.), forasmuch as, Mt 25:40, 45, Ro 11:13; of power, authority, control, Lk 1:33, Ac 7:10 Ro 5:14, He 3:6, al.; of the direction of thoughts and feelings, unto, towards, Lk 1:17 23:28, Ac 9:35, 42, Ro 11:22, Ga 4:9, Eph 2:7, I Ti 5:5, al.; of purpose, for, Mt 3:7, Lk 23:48; ἐφ’ ὅ πάρει (Rec. ἐφ’ ᾧ, Mt 26:50; of hostility, against, Mt 24:7, Mk 3:24-26 10:11 13:8, Lk 9:5, Jo 13:18, Ac 7:54, I Co 7:36, II Co 1:23; Of reference, concerning, for (cl. usually dat.), Mk 9:12 15:24, Jo 19:24, Ro 4:9.
2. Of time,
(a) during, for: Lk 4:25 (WH, txt., omits ἐπί), Ac 13:31 16:18, He 11:30, al.; ἐφ’ ὅσον (χρόνον), as long as, for so long time as, Mk 9:15 Ro 7:1, al. (for ἐφ’ ὅ in another sense, v. supr., 1, (b)); ἐφ’ ἱκανόν (v.s. ), Ac 20:11; ἐπὶ πλεῖον (v. supr., 1, (b)), yet longer, further, Ac 20:9 24:4;
(b) on, about, towards (cl. εἰς): Lk 10:35 Ac 3:1 4:5.
IV. In composition, ἐπί signifies: up, ἐπαίρω; upon, ἐπίγειος, ἐπιδημέω, ὠπικαθίζω; towards, επιβλέπω, ὠπεκτείνω; over (of superintendence), ἐπιστάτης; again, in addition, ἐπαιτέω; against, ἐπιορκέω, ἐπιβουλή.

[NT: 6x] ἐπι-βαίνω [in LXX chiefly for רָכַב ;]

1. to get up on, mount: seq. ἐπί, c. acc, Mt 21:5 (LXX); to embark in (a boat), go aboard: c. dat., Ac 27:2; seq. εἰς, Ac 21:6 (Rec.); absol., Ac 21:2.
2. to go up to, go on to, enter: seq. εἰς, Ac 20:18 21:4; c. dat., Ac 25:1.†

[NT: 18x] ἐπι-βάλλω [in LXX for שָׁלַח, שִׁית, etc. ;]

1. trans., to cast, lay or put upon: c. acc et dat., Mk 11:7, I Co 7:35; c. acc, seq. ἐπί c. acc, Re 18:10, WH, mg.; τ. Χεῖρα (-ας) ἐπί (B1., § 37, 7), of seizing a prisoner, Mt 26:50, Lk 20:19 21:12, Jo 7:30, Ac 5:18 21:27; c. dat. (Polyb.), Mk 14:46 Ac 4:3; c. inf., Ac 12:1; τὴν χ. ἐπ' ἄροτρον, Lk 9:62; ἐπίβλημα ἐπὶ ἱμάτιον, Lk 5:36; ἐπὶ ἱματίῳ, Mt 9:16.
2. Intrans.,
(a) to throw oneself or rush upon: τ. κύματα εἰς τ. πλοῖον, Mk 4:37; metaph., to put one's mind upon (but v. Field, Notes, 41 ff.), ἐπιβαλὼν ἔκλαιεν, when he thought thereon (sc. τ. ῥήματι), he wept (EV, txt.; R, mg., he began to weep; cf. M, Pr., 131): Mk 14:72 (v. also Swete, in l);
(b) to fall to one's share: τὸ ἐπιβάλλον (sc. dat.; Hdt., a1., a technical formula freq. in π.; Deiss., BS, 230, LAE, 152), Lk 15:12.†

[p. 168]

[NT: 3x] ἐπι-βαρέω, -ῶ

to put a burden on, be burdensome: fig., absol., II Co 2:6; c. acc pers., I Th 2:9, II Th 3:8 (cf. M, Th., I, 29).†

[NT: 3x] ἐπι-βιβάζω [in LXX chiefly for רָכַב hi. ;]

to place upon: c. acc pers., Lk 10:34 19:35, Ac 23:24.†

[NT: 3x] ἐπι-βλέπω [in LXX for נָבַט hi., פָּנָה, רָאָה, etc. ;]

to look upon. In NT, as in LXX (I Ki 1:11 9:1, Ps 25:16; To 3:3, al.), to look on with favour: seq. ἐπί c. acc pers., Lk 1:48 9:38, Ja 2:3.†

[NT: 4x] ἐπί-βλημα, -τος, τό [in LXX: Is 3:22 * ;]

1. that which is thrown over, a cover.
2. a tapestry, hanging (Is, l.c.).
3. that which is put on;
(a) embroidery;
(b) a patch: Mt 9:16, Mk 2:21, Lk 5:36.†

[NT: 1x] ἐπι-βοάω, -ῶ

to cry out: Ac 25:24 (Rec., for βοάω, q.v.).†

[NT: 4x] ἐπι-βουλή, -ῆς, ἡ [in LXX: Es 2:22, I Es 5:73, II Mac 5:7, al. ;]

a plan against, a plot: Ac 9:24 20:3, 19 23:30.†

[NT: 1x] ἐπι-γαμβρεύω (< γαμβρός, a connection by marriage) [in LXX: Ge 34:9, I Ki 18:21 ff., II Ch 18:1, Es 9:14 (חָתַן hithp.), Ge 38:8 R (יָבַם pi.), I Mac 10:54-56 * ;]

1. to enter into affinity with: c. dat. (LXX, H. c., exc. Ge 38:8).
2. to marry (as deceased husband's next of kin, cf. Ge 38:8): c. acc, Mt 22:24.†

[NT: 7x] * ἐπί-γειος, -ον (< ἐπί, γῆ),

of the earth, earthly: τὰ ἐ., Jo 3:12 Phl 2:10 3:19 (anarth.); σώματα, I Co 15:40; οἰκία, II Co 5:1; σοφία, Ja 3:15 (Cremer, 153).†

[NT: 1x] ** ἐπι-γίνομαι (v.s. γίνομαι) [in LXX: Ep. Je 47:1-7, III Mac 2:6 * ;]

to arrive, arise, come on: Ac 28:13.†

[NT: 44x] ἐπι-γινώσκω [in LXX chiefly for נָכַר: hi., also for יָדַע, etc. ;]

"directive" of γινώσκω (AR, Eph., 249), as in cl.;
1. to observe, perceive, discern, recognize;
(a) absol.: Ac 25:10, I Co 13:12; seq. ὅτι, Lk 1:22; τ. πνεύματι, seq. ὅτι, Mk 2:8;
(b) c. acc rei: Lk 1:4 5:22, Ac 12:14 27:39, Ro 1:32, II Co 1:13, Col 1:6, I Ti 4:3; ἐν ἐαυτῷ, Mk 5:30; seq. ὅτι, I Co 14:37;
(c) c. acc pers.: Mt 11:27 14:36 17:12, Mk 6:33 (T, αὐτούς, but LTr., WH, R, omit the prop., and LTr., WH, txt., read ἔγνωσαν), Mk 6:54 Lk 24:16, 31, I Co 16:18, II Co 1:14; seq. ἀπό, c. gen. rei, Mt 7:16, 20; seq. ὅτι, Ac 3:10 4:13, II Co 13:5; pass., I Co 13:12; opp. to ἀγνοούμενοι, II Co 6:9.
2. to discover, ascertain, determine: Ac 9:30; seq. ὅτι, Lk 7:37 23:7, Ac 19:34 22:29 24:11 28:1; c. acc rei, seq. quæst., Ac 23:28; δι' ἣν αἰτίαν, Ac 22:24; παρά, c. gen. pers., seq. περ, c. gen. rei, Ac 24:8; τ. ὁδὸν τῆς δικαιοσύνης, II Pe 2:21 (cf. Lft., Col., 136; Cremer, 159; M, Pr., 113; AR, Eph., 248 ff.).†

[NT: 20x] ἐπί-γνωσις, -εως, ἡ (< ἐπιγινώσκω, q.v.), [in LXX: III Ki 7:14 (B. γν-), Pr 2:5, Ho 4:1, 6 6:6 (דַּעַת), Jth 9:14, II Mac 9:11 * ;]

acquaintance, discernment, recognition (Plut., al.): Phl 1:9, Col 3:10; c. gen. rei, Col 1:9 2:2, Phm 6; τ. ἀληθείας, I Ti 2:4, II Ti 2:25 3:7, Tit 1:1, He 10:26; τ. ἁμαρτίας, Ro 3:20; c. gen. pers., of God: Eph 1:17, Col 1:10, II Pe 1:2-3; of Christ: Eph 4:13, II Pe 1:8 2:20; of God and Christ: II Pe 1:2; κατ ̓ ἐ., Ro 10:2; ἔχειν ἐν ἐ., Ro 1:28 (v. AR, Eph., 248 ff.; and for a somewhat different view, Thayer, s.v.; Lft. on Col, 1:9; Tr., Syn., LXXv; Cremer, 159 f.; cf. αἴσθησις).†

[p. 169]

[NT: 5x] * ἐπι-γραφή, -ῆς, ἡ (< ἐπιγράφω),

an inscription: Mt 22:20, Mk 12:16 15:26, Lk 20:24 23:33.†

[NT: 5x] ἐπι-γράφω [in LXX for כָּתַב, Nu 17:2; fig., Je 31:33, al. ;]

to write upon, inscribe: Mk 15:26, Ac 17:23, Re 21:12; fig., He 8:10 (LXX) He 10:16.†

[NT: 7x] ἐπι-δείκνυμι [in LXX: Pr 12:17 (פּוּחַ hi.), Is 37:26 (בּוֹא hi.), Esp. Jer.59, II Mac 15:32, al ;]

1. to show, exhibit, display: c. acc et dat., Mt 16:1 22:19 24:1, Lk 17:14. Mid., to display for oneself or as one's own (but cf. El., § 55, 1): Ac 9:39.
2. to show, point out, prove: c. acc, He 6:17; c. acc et inf., Ac 18:28 (cf. MM, Exp., xiv).†

[NT: 2x] ** ἐπι-δέχομαι [in LXX: Jth 13:13 B2, I Mac 10:1 Mac 14:23, Si 51:26, al. ;]

1. in cl., of things, to allow of, admit of (Dem., Arist., al.). In late writers,
2. to accept besides (Polyb.), to accept (in π. of the terms of a lease; v. ICC, on 3Jo, l.c.): III Jn 9.
3. (a) to receive besides (Menand.);
(b) to receive hospitably (1Mac, Sir, ll c.): III Jn 10

[NT: 2x] * ἐπι-δημέω, -ῶ (< δῆμος);

1. to be at home (Thuc., Plat., al.),
2. to stay in a place, sojourn (Plat., Xen., al.; and v. MM, Exp., xiv): Ac 2:10 17:21; seq. ἐν, Ac 18:27 (WH, mg.).†

[NT: 1x] *† ἐπι-δια-τάσσομαι

to add provisions to a document: Ga 3:15 (cf. ἐπιδιαθήκη, a second will, F1J, BJ, ii, 2, 3; the word is used of wills in π., cf. Deiss., LAE, 87).†

[NT: 9x] ἐπι-δίδωμι [in LXX for נָתַן, etc. ;]

1. to give over, to hand: c. acc rei et dat. pers., Mt 7:9, 19, Lk 11:11-12 24:30, 42, Ac 15:30; pass. c. dat. pers., Lk 4:17.
2. to give in, give way: absol., Ac 27:15.†

[NT: 1x] *† ἐπι-δι-ορθόω

to set in order further: Tit 1:5 (Inscr.; Cremer, 8O8).†

[NT: 1x] ἐπι-δύω [in LXX: De 24:15, Jos 8:29, Je 15:9 (בּוֹא)* ;]

to go down, set (of the sun): Eph 4:26.†

ἐπιείκεια, v.s. ἐπιεικία.

[NT: 5x] ἐπιεικής, -ές (< εἰκός, likely), [in LXX: Ps 86:5 (סַלָּח), Es 8:13 * ;]

1. seemly, fitting (Hom.).
2. equitable, fair, moderate: I Ti 3:3, Tit 3:2, I Pe 2:18, Ja 3:17; τὸ ἐ. (Thuc., i, 76), Phl 4:5 (cf. Mayor, Ja, l.c., and v.s. ἐπιεικία).†
ἐπιείκεια v.s. ἐπιεικία

ἐπιεικία (Rec. -είκεια), -ας, ἡ (< ἐπιεικής), [in LXX: Wi 2:19 12:18 Ba 2:27, from LXX Ba 4:24, TH (3:42), II Mac 2:22 Mac 10:4, III Mac 3:15 Mac 7:6 * ;]

fairness, moderation, gentleness ("sweet reasonableness," Matthew Arnold): Ac 24:4; c. πραΰτης, II Co 10:1.†
SYN.: πραΰτης (v. Tr., Syn., § xliii)

[NT: 13x] ἐπι-ζητέω, -ῶ [in LXX chiefly for דָּרַשׁ, IV Ki 8:8, Is 62:12, al.; also for בָּקַשׁ, III Ki 20:1, Ec 7:28), Ho 3:5; פָּקַד, IV Ki 3:8 ;]

"directive" of ζητέω (MM, Exp., xiv),
to inquire for, seek after, wish for: c. acc rei, Mt 6:32 12:39 16:4, Lk 12:30, Ac 19:39, Ro 11:7, Phl 4:17, He 11:14 13:14; c. acc pers., Lk 4:42, Ac 12:19; c. inf., Ac 13:7.†

[NT: 1x] ** ἐπιθανάτιος, -ον [in LXX: From Bel 1:31 ;]

condemned to death: I Co 4:9.†

[NT: 6x] ἐπί-θεσις, -εως, ἡ (< ἐπιτίθημι), [in LXX: II Ch 25:27 (קֶשֶׁר), Ez [p. 170] 23:11 (עֲגָבָה) II Mac 4:41 Mac 5:5 Mac 14:15 * ;]

1. a laying on: χειρῶν, Ac 8:18, I Ti 4:14, II Ti 1:6, He 6:2 (cf. Westc., He., l.c.; CGT on 1Ti, l.c.).
2. an attack, assault (2Mac, ll.c.).†

[NT: 16x] ἐπιθυμέω, -ῶ (< θυμός), [in LXX chiefly for אָוָה pi., hithp.; also for חָמַד, etc. ;]

to set one's heart upon, desire, lust after, covet: absol., Ja 4:2, Ro 7:7 13:9 (LXX), I Co 10:6 (of. IV Mac 2:6); seq. κατά (against, in opposition to), Ga 5:17; prop. (as in cl.) c. gen., Ac 20:33, I Ti 3:1; in late Gk. also c. acc (M, Pr., 65), Mt 5:28 (Rec. αὐτῆς; T omits; cf. Ex 20:17, Mi 2:2, Wi 16:3, al.); c. inf., Mt 13:17, Lk 15:16 16:21 17:22, I Pe 1:12, Re 9:6; c. acc et inf., He 6:11; as in Hebrew, ἐπιθυμία ἐπεθύμησα, Lk 22:15.†
SYN.: ὀρέγω (cf. Field, Notes, 204), θέλω (DCG. i, 453)

[NT: 1x] ἐπιθυμητής, -οῦ, ὁ (< ἐπιθυμέω) [in LXX: Nu 11:34 (אָוָה hithp.); εἶναι ἐ., Pr 1:22 (חָמַד)* ;]

one longing for, lustful after: κακῶν, I Co 10:6.†

[NT: 38x] ἐπιθυμία, -ας, ἡ (< έπιθυμέω), [in LXX chiefly for תַּאֲוָה, אָוָה; also for חֶמֶד, etc. ;]

desire, longing: Lk 22:15 (v.s. ἐπιθυμέω), Phl 1:23, I Th 2:17, Re 18:14; p1., Mk 4:19; esp. with ref. to forbidden things, desire, lust (Vg., concupiscentia): Ro 7:7-8, Ja 1:14-15, II Pe 1:4; pl., Ga 5:24, I Ti 6:9, II Ti 2:22 4:3, I Pe 1:14 4:2; πάθος ἐπιθυμίας, I Th 4:5; ἐ. κακή, Col 3:5; c. gen., μιασμοῦ, II Pe 2:10 (v. Mayor, in l); τ. καρδιῶν, Ro 1:24; τ. κόσμου (aroused by the world), I Jn 2:17; τ. σώματος, Ro 6:12; τ. ἀπάτης, Eph 4:22 (v. ICC, in l); τ. σαρκός, I Jn 2:16, II Pe 2:18 (without art.), Ga 5:16; τ. ὀφθαλμῶν, I Jn 2:16; σαρκικαὶ ἐ., I Pe 2:11 (cf. IV Mac 1:32); κοσμικαί, Tit 2:12; εἰς ἐπιθυμίας, Ro 13:14; ποιεῖν τὰς ἐ., Jo 8:44; ὑπακούειν ταῖς ἐ., Ro 6:12; δουλεύειν, ἄγεσθαι, ἐπιθυμίαις, Tit 3:3, II Ti 3:6; πορεύειθαι ἐν ἐ., I Pe 4:3; κατά, Ju 16 18, II Pe 3:3; ἀναστρέφεσθαι ἐν ταῖς ἐ., Eph 2:3.†
SYN.: πάθος (q.v.), ὄρεξις

[NT: 1x] ἐπι-καθ-ίζω [in LXX for רָכַב, etc. ;]

to sit upon: Mt 21:7.†

ἐπι-καλέω, -ῶ [in LXX chiefly for קָרָא ;]

1. to call, name, surname: c. acc (cl.), Mt 10:25; pass., Ac 1:23 4:36 10:5, 18 10:22 11:13 12:12, 25, He 11:16; τ. ὄνομα, seq. ἐπί (denoting possession, as Heb. עַל. . שֻׁם קָרָא), Ac 15:17 (LXX), Ja 2:7 (see. CB on Am 9:12).
2. Mid. (so also act.; cl., LXX), to call upon, invoke, appeal to (θεόν, θεούς, Hdt., Xen., al.; cf. Deiss., LAE, 426): Καίσαρα (Σεβαστόν, Ac 25:25), Ac 25:11-12, 21 26:32 28:19; sc. τ. Κύριον Ἰησοῦν, Ac 7:59; μάρτυρα (cl.) τ. θεόν, II Co 1:23; πατέρα, I Pe 1:17; τ. κύριον, Ro 10:12, II Ti 2:22; τ. ὄνομα κυρίου (μου, σου; like Heb. יְהֹוָה שֻׁם קָרָא), Ac 2:21 (LXX) Ac 9:14, 21 22:16, Ro 10:13-14 (LXX) I Co 1:2 (Cremer, 335, 742).†

[NT: 1x] ἐπι-κάλυμμα, -τος, τό (< ἐπικαλύπτω), [in LXX: Ex 26:14 39:34, (מְכַסֶּה), IV Ki 17:19 (מָסָךְ), Jb 19:29 (aliter in Heb.)* ;]

a cover, veil: metaph., τ. κακίας, I Pe 2:16.†

[NT: 1x] ἐπι-καλύπτω [in LXX for כָּסָה, etc. ;]

to cover over, cover up: metaph., Ro 4:7 (LXX).†

[p. 171]

[NT: 2x] ἐπι-κατ-άρατος, -ον (< ἐπικαταράομαι, to imprecate curses on), [in LXX for אָרַר, also Wi 3:12 14:8, IV Mac 2:19 ;]

accursed: Ga 3:10 (LXX) Ga 3:13 (LXX κεκαταραμένος) (Cremer, 109).†

ἐπι-κείμαι [in LXX: Ex 39:31 (נָתַן), Jb 19:3 (הָכַר hi.) Jb 21:27 (חָמַס), I Mac 6:57, II Mac 1:21, III Mac 1:22 * ;]

to be placed, lie on: Jo 21:9; seq. ἐπί, c. dat., Jo 11:38; fig., He 9:10; ἀνάγκη, I Co 9:16; χειμῶν, to threaten, come on: Ac 27:20; of persons, to press upon: Lk 5:1 23:23.†

[NT: 1x] * ἐπι-κέλλω

of a ship, to run ashore: c. acc, Ac 27:41.†

* ἐπι-κεφάλαιον, -ου, τό,

a poll-tax: Mk 12:14 (WH, mg., for κῆνσον, as in D, Syrr. Sin. pesh., 124, etc.).†
SYN.: τέλος (q.v.), φόρος

[NT: 1x] ** ἐπικουρία, -ας, ἡ (< ἐπικουρέω to be an ἐπίκουρος, an ally) [in LXX: Wi 13:18 * ;]

aid, assistance: Ac 26:22.†

Ἐπικούριος (Rec. -ειος), -ου, ὁ

an Epicurean, a follower of Epicurus: Ac 17:18.†

[NT: 1x] ** ἐπι-κρίνω [in LXX: II Mac 4:47, III Mac 4:2 * ;]

to decree, give sentence: c. acc et inf., Lk 23:24.†

ἐπι-λαμβάνω [in LXX for חָזַק hi., אָחַז, etc. ;]

always mid. in LXX and NT (v. Cremer, 758), to lap hold of: c. gen. pers., Mt 14:31, Ac 17:19 21:30, 33; c. acc pers. (not cl.), Lk 9:47 14:4 23:26 (WH, but v. Bl., 1015), Ac 9:27 16:9 18:17; c. gen. rei, Mk 8:23, Ac 23:10, He 8:9 (LXX); c. gen. pers. et rei, Lk 20:20, 26; τ. αἰωνίου (ὄντως) ζωῆς, I Ti 6:12 6:19. Metaph. (as in Si 4:11), He 2:16 (v. Westc., in l).†

[NT: 8x] ἐπι-λανθάνομαι (alternative mid, form of ἐπιλήθω, to cause to forget) [in LXX chiefly for שָׁכַח ;]

to forget, neglect: c. inf., Mt 16:5, Mk 8:14; c. gen., He 6:10 13:2, 16; c. acc (as occasionally in cl.; MM, Exp., xiv), Phl 3:13; ὁποῖος ἦν, Ja 1:24; pass. ptcp. (cf. Is 23:16, Si 3:14 23:14, Wi 2:4), Lk 12:6.†

ἐπι-λέγω [in LXX chiefly for בָּחַר ;]

1. to say in addition (Hdt.).
2. to call by name, to call: Jo 5:2.
3. to choose; mid., to choose for oneself: Ac 15:40.†

[NT: 1x] ἐπι-λείπω [in LXX: Ob 5 א1 R (שָׁאַר hi.) * ;]

to fail: c. acc pers., He 11:32.†


to lick over: c. acc, Lk 16:21 (of. MM, Exp., xiv).†

[NT: 1x] **† ἐπι-λησμονή, -ις, ή (< επιλήθω), [in LXX: Si 11:27 * ;]

forgetful­ness: ἀκροατὴς ἐ. (gen. of qual.), Ja 1:25.†

ἐπί-λοιπος, -ον (< λοιπός), [in LXX for יָתַר, שָׁאַר ;]

still left, remaining: χρόνος, I Pe 4:2.†

[NT: 1x] ** ἐπί-λυσις -εως, (< ἐπιλύω), [in Aq.: Ge 40:8; Sm.: Ho 3:4 * ;]

1. release.
2. solution, interpretation: II Pe 1:20.†

[NT: 2x] ** ἐπι-λύω [in Aq.: Ge 40:8 41:8, 12; Th.: Ho 3:4 * ;]

1. to loose, release.
2. to solve, settle, explain: Mk 4:34, Ac 19:39.†

[NT: 1x] * ἐπι-μαρτυρέω, -ῶ

to bear witness to: c. acc et. inf., I Pe 5:12,†

[NT: 1x] ἐπιμέλεια, -ας, ἡ (< ἐπιμελέομαι), [in LXX: Pr 3:8 (שִׁקּוּי), Wi 13:13, Es 6:10, I Mac 16:14, al. ;]

attention, care: Ac 27:3 (v. Field, Notes, 143).†

ἐπι-μελεομαι, -οῦμαι [in LXX: Ge 44:21 (עַיִן שׂוּם) I Es 6:27, [p. 172] Pr 27:25, Si 30:25, I Mac 11:37 * ;]

to take care of: c. gen., Lk 10:34-35, I Ti 3:5.†

[NT: 1x] ἐπιμελῶς adv., [in LXX for רַק, etc. ;]

carefully: Lk 15:8.†

ἐπι-μένω [in LXX: Ex 12:39 (מָהַהּ hith.)* ;]

to stay on, tarry or abide still: seq. έν, I Co 16:8; αὐτοῦ, there, Ac 15:34 (WH, txt., RV, txt., omit) Ac 21:4; c. dat., τ. σαρκί, Phl 1:24; seq. παρά, c. dat. pers., Ac 28:14; πρός, c. acc pers., I Co 16:7, Ga 1:18; c. acc temp., Ac 10:48 21:4, 10 28:12, 14, I Co 16:7. Metaph., to continue in a pursuit or state: c. dat., τ. ἀμαρτίᾳ, Ro 6:1; τ. ὰπιστίᾳ, Ro 11:23; τ. πίστει, Col 1:23; αὐτοῖς (v. CGT, in l), I Ti 4:16; τ. χρηστότητι, Ro 11:22; c. ptcp. (cf. Bl., § 73, 4; 76, 2), Jo 8:7, Ac 12:16.†

[NT: 1x] ἐπι-νεύω [in LXX: Pr 26:24 (נָכַר ni.), I Mac 6:57, II Mac 4:10 Mac 11:15 Mac 14:20 * ;]

to nod in command or approval, to nod approval, consent: Ac 18:20.†

[NT: 2x] ἐπίνοια, -ας, ἡ (< ἐπινοέω, to contrive) [in LXX: Je 20:10, Wi 6:16 9:14 14:12 15:4, Si 40:2, II Mac 12:45, IV Mac 17:2 * ;]

a thought, design: Ac 8:22.†

[NT: 1x] ** ἐπιορκέω, -ῶ (< ἐπίορκος), [in LXX: I Es 1:48, Wi 14:28 * ;]

to swear falsely, forswear oneself: Mt 5:33.†

[NT: 1x] ἐπί-ορκος, -ον [in LXX: Za 5:3 (שָׁבַע ni.) * ;]

1. of oaths, sworn falsely.
2. Of persons, perjured; as subst., a perjurer, false swearer: I Ti 1:10.†

ἐπιοῦσα, v.s. ἔπειμι.

[NT: 2x] *† ἐπιούσιος, -ον (cf. περιούσιος, [in LXX for סְגֻלָּה, etc.]),

found only in the phrase ἄρτος ἐ., EV, daily; R, mg., for the coming day: Mt 6:11, Lk 11:3. (Several derivations find support, each pointing to a different meaning.
1. < ἐπιοῦσα (sc. ἡμέρα) (or, < ἐπὶ τὴν ἰοῦσαν (sc. ήμέραν), Zorell, s.v.), hence, for the morrow or for the coming day (R, mg.).
2. (a) < ἐπί + οὐσία, hence, for subsistence, needful (Am. R, mg.);
(b) < ἐπί + εἶναι in fern. ptcp. form, hence, pertaining to (the day). For renderings of versions and views of various writers, v. reff. in DB, ext., 36 f.; DCG, ii, 58 f., 62a; ICC on Lk, l.c. The EV, daily, is based on the Vg. (Lk; OL, Mt, Lk, quotidianus). "It is difficult not to think that τὸν ἐ. rests upon misunderstanding of an original Aramaic phrase, or upon a Greek corruption" (ICC on Mt, l.c.; cf. also Cremer, 239).†

[NT: 11x] ἐπι-πίπτω [in LXX chiefly for נָפַל ;]

to fall upon (Field, Notes, 25): c. dat. pers., Mk 3:10 (v. Swete, in l), Ac 20:10; seq. ἐπὶ τ. τράχηλον (as Ge 46:29, To 11:8, III Mac 5:49, al.), Lk 15:20, Ac 20:37. Metaph., φόβος, Lk 1:12, Ac 19:17, Re 11:11; ὀνειδισμοί, Ro 15:3 (LXX); of the Holy Spirit: seq. ἐπί, c. dat., Ac 8:16; ἐπί, c. acc, Ac 10:44 11:15; absol., Ac 23:7.†

[NT: 1x] * ἐπι-πλήσσω

1. to strike at, to punish.
2. to rebuke, reprove: I Ti 5:1.†

[NT: 9x] ἐπι-ποθέω, -ῶ [in LXX for יָאַב, אָרַג, כָּסַף hi., etc. ;]

to long for, desire: c. inf., Ro 1:11, II Co 5:2, I Th 3:6, II Ti 1:4, Phl 2:26 (WH, [txt.]); [p. 173] c. acc rei, I Pe 2:2; c. acc pers., II Co 9:14, Phl 1:8 2:26 (WH, mg); absol., Ja 4:5 (v. Mayor, in l).†

[NT: 2x] **† ἐπι-πόθησις, -εως, ἡ [in Aq.: Ez 23:11 * ;]

longing: II Co 7:7 7:11.†

[NT: 1x] *† ἐπι-πόθητος, -ον

greatly desired, longed for: Phl 4:1.†

ἐπιπόθία (WH, -ας, ἡ = ἐπιπόθησις,

longing: Ro 15:23.†

[NT: 1x] ἐπι-πορεύομαι [in LXX: Le 26:33 (אָחַר), Ez 39:14 (עָבַר), Ep. Je 6:2, II Mac 2:28, III Mac 1:4 * ;]

to travel, journey to: seq. πρός, c. acc pers., Lk 8:4.†

[NT: 3x] *† ἐπι-ράπτω (Rec. -ρράπτω),

to sew upon: seq. ἐπί, c. acc, Mk 2:21.†

ἐπι-ρίπτω (Rec. -ρρίπτω, as in cl.), [in LXX chiefly for שָׁלַךְ hi. ;]

1. to cast at.
2. to cast or place upon: c. acc seq. ἐπί, c. acc, Lk 19:35; metaph., τ. μέριμναν, I Pe 5:7 (LXX).†

[NT: 2x] ἐπίσημος, -ον (< σῆμα, a mark), [in LXX: Ge 30:42 (קָשַׁר), Es 5:4 8:13, I Mac 11:37 Mac 14:48, II Mac 15:36, III Mac 6:1 * ;]

1. bearing a mark; of money, stamped, coined.
2. Metaph.,
(a) in good sense, notable, illustrious: Ro 16:7;
(b) in bad sense, notorious: Mt 27:16.†

[NT: 1x] ἐπισιτισμός, -οῦ, ὁ (< ἐπισιτίζομαι, to supply with provisions), [in LXX: Ge 42:25, al. (צֵידָה), Jth 2:18 4:5 ;]

1. a foraging.
2. provisions, food: Lk 9:12.†

[NT: 11x] ἐπι-σκέπτομαι (late form of ἐπισκοπέω, q.v.), [in LXX very freq., chiefly for פָּקַד ;]

1. to inspect, examine.
2. (a) to visit: c. acc, Ac 7:23 15:36 (cf. Jg 15:1); especially, the sick and afflicted (as in MGr. and sometimes in cl.), Mt 25:36, 43, Ja 1:27 (cf. Si 7:35);
(b) in LXX and NT (as פָּקַד in Ge 21:1, Ex 4:31, Ps 8:5, al.), to visit with help, to care for: Lk 1:68, 78 7:16, Ac 15:14, He 2:6;
(c) to visit with punishment (Je 9:25, Ps 89:33, al.; cf. MM, Exp., xiv; Cremer, 863).†

[NT: 1x] *† ἐπι-σκηνόω, -ῶ

to tent upon, spread a tabernacle over: metaph., seq. ἐπ' ἐμέ (RV, rest upon, cover), II Co 12:9.†

[NT: 5x] ἐπι-σκιάζω [in LXX: Ex 40:35 (שָׁכַן), Ps 91:4 140:7 (סָכַךְ), Pr 18:11 * ;]

to throw a shadow upon, overshadow: c. dat., Ac 5:15; of a shining (Mt, l.c., and cf. Ex 40:29, 35, II Mac 2:8) cloud, c. dat., Mk 9:7; c. acc, Mt 17:5, Lk 9:34; metaph. (cf. Pss, Pr, ll.c.), of the Holy Spirit, Lk 1:35.†

[NT: 2x] ἐπι-σκοπέω, -ῶ [in LXX for פָּקַד ni., etc. ;]

1. to look upon, observe, examine: seq. μή, He 12:16.
2. As ἐπισκέπτομαι in LXX, NT, to visit, care for: I Pe 5:2 (R, txt.; WH cm.; Cremer, 527).†

[NT: 4x] ἐπι-σκοπή, -ῆς, ἡ [in LXX chiey for פָּקַד פְּקֻדָּה ;]

1. a visiting, visitation (εἰς ἐ. τοῦ παιδός, Lucian, dial. deor., 20, 6); as in LXX (after Heb.), of God's visitation in mercy, or in judgment (Le 19:20 Jb 10:12, Je 6:15, Wi 2:20, al.): Lk 19:44, I Pe 2:12 (v. Hort, in l).
2. office, charge, esp. office of an ἐπίσκοιος (q.v.): Ac 1:20 (LXX), I Ti 3:1 (Cremer, 527 f., 864; DCG, ii, 809b).†

[p. 174]

[NT: 5x] ἐπί-σκοπος, -ου, ὁ (< σκοπός, a watcher), [in LXX for פָּקַד, its parts and derivatives, Nu 4:16 31:14, Jg 9:28, IV Ki 11:15 11:18, II Ch 34:12 34:17, Ne 11:9, 14 11:22; אֵל, Jb 20:29; נָגַשׂ:, Is 60:17; Wi 1:6, I Mac 1:51 * ;]

a superintendent, guardian, overseer (cl.; for exx. v. LS, s.v.): Ac 20:28, I Pe 2:25 (ICC, in l); as technical term for a religious office (Deiss., BS, 230 f.), in later Paul. epp. of the head of a church (Vg. episcopus), a bishop: Phl 1:1, I Ti 3:2, Tit 1:7 (v. reff. s.v. ἐπισκοπή).†

ἐπι-σπάω, -ῶ [in LXX: Is 5:18 (מָשַׁךְ), etc. ;]

to draw on: mid., in peculiar sense of effacing signs of Judaism (cf. I Mac 1:15, FlJ, Ant., xii, 5, i; v. Thayer, s.v.), to become as uncircumcised: I Co 7:18.†

* ἐπι-σπείρω,

to sow upon or besides: ἀνὰ μέσον, Mt 13:25.†

[NT: 14x] ἐπίσταμαι (prob. an old mid, of ἐφίστημι, q.v.), [in LXX chiefly for יָדַע ;]

to know, know of, understand: c. acc pers., Ac 19:15; c. ptcp., Ac 24:10; c. acc rei, Mk 14:68, Ac 18:25, I Ti 6:4, Ja 4:14, Ju 10; seq. περί, Ac 26:26; ὅτι, Ac 15:7 19:25 22:19; ὡς, Ac 10:28; πῶς, Ac 20:18; ποῦ, He 11:8.†
SYN: γινώσκω (q.v.), οἶδα

** ἐπί-στασις, -εως, ἡ (< ἐφίστημι), [in LXX: II Mac 6:3 * ;]

1. a stopping, halting (as of soldiers): ὄχλου, collecting a crowd (v. Rack-ham, Acts, l.c.): Ac 24:12 (WH, Rec. ἐπισύστασις).
2. superintendence, attention (but v. Thayer, s.v.; Field, Notes, 185 f.): II Co 11:28 (WH, Rec. ut supr.).†

[NT: 7x] ἐπιστάτης, -ου, ό (< ἐφίστημι), [in LXX: IV Ki 25:19, Je 29:26 52:25 (פָּקִיד), II Ch 31:12 (נָגִיד), II Mac 5:22, etc. ;]

a chief, commander, master: Lk 5:5 8:24, 45 9:33, 49 17:13 (cf. Dalman, Words, 336 ff.).†

[NT: 3x] ἐπι-στέλλω [in LXX: III Ki 5:8 Ne 6:19 (שָׁלַח), Jth 15:4, I Mac 10:25 Mac 12:7 Mac 13:18 (in each case with v.l. ἀποσ-) * ;]

1. to send to.
2. to send a message by letter, to write word (MM, Exp., xiv): c. dat. pers., Ac 21:25, He 13:22; seq. τοῦ, c. inf., Ac 15:20.†

[NT: 1x] ἐπιστήμων, -ον, gen., -ονoς (ἐπίσταμαι) [in LXX: De 1:13 4:6, Is 5:21 (בִּין ni.), I Es 8:44, Si 10:25 21:15, etc. ;]

knowing, skilled: Ja 3:13.†

[NT: 4x] ἐπι-στηρίζω [in LXX for סָמַךְ, etc. ;]

to make stronger, confirm: c. acc, Ac 14:22 15:32, 41.†

[NT: 24x] ἐπι-στολή, -ῆς, ἡ (< ἐπιατέλλω), [in LXX for אִגֶּרֶת, etc.; freq. in Mac ;]

1. a message.
2. a letter, an epistle: Ac 9:2, I Co 5:9, al.; pl., Ac 22:5, I Co 16:3, al.; ἐ. σνστατικαί, II Co 3:1 (cf. Milligan, NTD, 254 f.). (On the NT ἐπιστολαί, cf. Milligan, Th., 121 ff.; NTD, 85 ff.; Deiss., BS, 3 ff.; St. Paul, 8 ff.)

[NT: 1x] * ἐπι-στομίζω (< στόμα),

to bridle; metaph., to stop the mouth, to silence: Tit 1:11.†

[NT: 36x] ἐπι-στρέφω [very freq. in LXX, chiefly for שׁוּב, in its various senses, also for פָּנָה, etc. ;]

1. trans., to turn about, round or towards, hence metaph., to turn, cause to return (to God, virtue, etc.): Lk 1:16-17 (cf. Ma 3:24), Ja 5:19-20.
2. Intrans.,
(a) to turn, turn oneself around: Ac 16:18; c. inf., Re 1:12; seq. πρός, Ac 9:40; so also pass. (cl.), [p. 175] Mk 5:30 8:33, Jo 21:20; metaph., of turning to God (v. Field, Notes, 246 ff.), ἐπὶ τ. κύριον (θεόν), Ac 9:35 11:21 14:15 15:19 26:20; πρὸς τ. θεόν, I Th 1:9, II Co 3:16; ἀπὸ σκότους εἰς φῶς, Ac 26:18; pass., I Pe 2:25;
(b) to return (as in MGr.): Lk 8:55, Ac 15:36; seq. ὀπίσω, c. inf., Mt 24:18; seq. εἰς, Mt 12:44, Mk 13:16, Lk 2:39 17:31; ἐπί, II Pe 2:22; metaph., seq. ἐπί, Ga 4:9; πρός, Lk 17:4; of moral reform, Mt 13:15, Mk 4:12, Lk 22:32, Ac 3:19 28:27; pass., Mt 10:13 (Cremer, 531, 881).†

[NT: 1x] ἐπι-στροφή, -ῆς, ἡ (ἐπιστρέφω) [in LXX: Ez 47:7 (שׁוּב), Si 18:21 49:2, etc. ;]

a turning about; metaph., conversion (Field, Notes, 246): Ac 15:3.†

[NT: 8x] * ἐπι-συν-άγω [in LXX for אָסַף, קָבַץ, etc. (Cremer, 65) ;]

1. to gather together: Mt 23:37 24:31, Mk 13:27, Lk 13:34; pass., Mk 1:33, Lk 12:1 17:37, (cf. Ps 102:23 106:47, II Mac 1:27, al.).
2. to gather together against (Mi 4:11, Za 12:3, I Mac 3:58, al.).†

[NT: 2x] **† ἐπι-συν-αγωγή, -ῆς, ἡ (< ἐπισυνάγω), [in LXX: II Mac 2:7 * ;]

a gathering together, assembly: He 10:25; seq. ἐπί, II Th 2:1 (cf. 2Mac, l.c.).†

[NT: 1x] ἐπι-συν-τρέχω

to run together again: Mk 9:25 (v. Swete, in l).†

ἐπι-σύστασις, -εως, ἡ (< ἐπισυνίστημι) [in LXX: Nu 16:40 (עֵדָה) Nu 26:9 (נָצָה hi.), I Es 5:73 A* ;]

a gathering, a riotous throng: Rec. (for ἐπίστασις, q.v.), Ac 24:12, II Co 11:28.†

[NT: 1x] ** ἐπισφαλής, -ές (< σφάλλω, to cause to full), [in LXX: Wi 9:14 (cf. -ῶς, Wi 4:4) * ;]

1. prone to fall (Plat.).
2. dangerous (Hipp., Plut., al.): Ac 27:9.†

[NT: 1x] ** ἐπ-ισχύω [in LXX: Si 29:1, I Mac 6:6 * ;]

1. to make stronger (Sir, l.c.).
2. to grow stronger; metaph., be more urgent: Lk 23:5.†

[NT: 1x] **† ἐπι-σωρεύω [in Sm.: Jb 14:17, Ca 2:4 * ;]

to heap together; metaph., διδασκάλους, II Ti 4:3.†

[NT: 7x] ἐπι-ταγή, -ῆς, ἡ (< ἐπιτάσσω), [in LXX: Da LXX 3:16 (פִּתְגָּם), I Es 1:18, Wi 14:16 18:16 19:6, III Mac 7:20 * ;]

= cl., ἐπίταγμα,
a command, Ro 16:26, I Co 7:6 7:25, II Co 8:8, I Ti 1:1, Tit 1:3 (for use in Inscr. of divine commands, v. MM, Exp., xiv); μετὰ πάσης ἐ, with all authority: Tit 2:15.†

[NT: 10x] ἐπι-τάσσω [in LXX for אָמַר, צָוָה, etc. ;]

to command, charge: c. acc rei, Lk 14:22; c. dat. pers., Mk 1:27 9:25, Lk 4:36 8:25; id. c. acc rei, Phm 8; id. c. inf., Mk 6:39, Lk 8:31, Ac 23:2; id. c. imperat., Mk 9:25; c. acc et inf., Mk 6:27.†
SYN.: κελεύω

[NT: 10x] ἐπι-τελέω, -ῶ [in LXX for כָּלָה, עָשָׂה, etc. ;]

to complete, accomplish, execute: c. acc rei, Ro 15:28, II Co 7:1 8:6 8:11, Phl 1:6, He 8:5; of religious services (cf. Hdt., ii, 37, al.), He 9:6; art. inf., II Co 8:11. Mid.,
(a) to complete for oneself, make an end (R, mg.; pass., R, txt; cf. Meyer, in l): Ga 3:3;
(b) to pay in full, pay the tax, be subject to: c. acc (cf. Xen., Mem., iv, 8, 8), I Pe 5:9 (pass., RV, etc.; cf. Thayer, s.v.; ICC, in 1).†

[NT: 1x] ἐπιτήδειος, -α, -ον [in LXX: I Ch 28:2, Wi 4:5, I Mac 4:46, al. ;]

1. suitable, convenient,
2. useful, necessary: τὰ ἐ., necessaries, Ja 2:16,†

[p. 176]

[NT: 39x] ἐπι-τίθημι [in LXX for נָתַן, שָׁוָה, etc. ;]

1. to lay, set or place upon: c. acc rei, seq. ἐπί, c. acc rei, Mt 23:4, Lk 15:5, Jo 9:6 (WH, txt. Jo 9:15), Ac 15:10 28:3; ἐπί, c. gen. rei, Mt 27:29; ἐν, ib.; c. dat. pers., σταυρόν, Lk 23:26; στέφανον, Jo 19:2; ὄνομα, Mk 3:16-17; πληγάς, Lk 10:30, Ac 16:23; ἐπί c. acc pers., Re 22:18; of the laying on of hands, τ. χεῖρα (-ας), seq. ἐπί c. acc pers., Mt 9:18, Mk 16:13, Ac 8:17 9:17; c. dat. pers., Mt 19:13, 15, Mk 5:23 6:5 7:32 8:23, Lk 4:40 13:13, Ac 6:6 8:19 9:12 13:3 19:6 28:8, I Ti 5:22. Mid.,
(a) to provide: Ac 28:10 (RV, put on board; cf. Field, Notes, 149);
(b) to throw oneself upon, attack: c. dat. pers., Ac 18:10.
2. to add to: Re 22:18 (v. supr., and cf. Swete, in l).†

ἐπι-τιμάω, -ῶ [in LXX for גָּעַר, Ge 37:10, Ps 9:5, Za 3:2; Si 11:7, al. ;]

1. to honour.
2. to raise in price
3. to mete out due measure;
(a) to award;
(b) to censure, rebuke, admonish: absol., II Ti 4:2; c. dat., Mt 8:26 17:13 19:13, Mk 4:39 8:32 10:13, Lk 4:39, 41 8:24 9:21, 42 9:55 17:3 18:15 19:39, Ju 9; seq. ἵνα, Mt 12:16 16:20 20:31, Mk 3:12 8:30 10:48, Lk 18:39; seq. λέγων, λέγει, etc., Mt 16:22, Mk 1:25 8:33 9:25, Lk 4:35 23:40.†
SYN.: ἐλέγχω, q.v

[NT: 1x] ἐπιτιμία, -ας, ἡ (< ἐπιτιμάω), [in LXX: Wis_3:10 * ;]

1. citizenship, franchise.
2. As in Inscr. (LS, s.v.), LXX, l.c. (= cl. τὸ ἐπιτίμιον), punishment, penalty: II Co 2:6.†

[NT: 18x] ἐπι-τρέπω [in LXX (usually with v.l. ἐπιστρ-): Ge 39:6 (עָזַב), etc. ;]

1. to turn to, commit, entrust.
2. to yield, permit: I Co 16:7, He 6:3; c. dat. pers., Mk 5:13, Jo 19:38; id. c. inf. (cf. M, Pr., 205), Mt 8:21 19:8, Lk 8:32 9:52, 61 Ac 21:39-40 27:3, I Ti 2:12; c. inf., Mk 10:4. Pass., c. dat. et inf., Ac 26:1 28:16, I Co 14:34.†

* ἐπιτροπεύω (< ἐπίτροπος, a procurator),

to govern: Lk 3:1 (WH, mg., for ἡγεμονεύοντος, an obvious correction for precision).†

[NT: 1x] ** ἐπι-τροπή, -ῆς, ἡ (< ἐπιτρέπω), [in LXX: II Mac 13:14 * ;]

power to decide, authority: Ac 26:12.†

[NT: 3x] ** ἐπίτροπος, -ου, ὁ (< ἐπιτρέπω), [in LXX: II Mac 11:1 Mac 13:2 Mac 14:2 * ;]

1. an administrator, a steward: Mt 20:3, Lk 8:3.
2. a guardian (c. gen. pers., 2Mac, ll. c.): Ga 4:2.†

[NT: 5x] ἐπι-τυγχάνω [in LXX: Ge 39:2 (צָלַח hi.), Pr 12:27 (חָרַךְ)* ;]

1. to light upon.
2. to obtain, attain to: Ja 4:2, c. gen. rei (as in cl.), He 6:15 11:33; c. acc (late Gk.), Ro 11:7 (Rec. τούτου).†

[NT: 4x] ἐπι-φαίνω [in LXX for עוּר hi., etc. ;]

1. to show forth.
2. (= pass. in cl.) to appear: Ac 27:20; c. dat. pers., Lk 1:79; metaph., Tit 3:4; c. dat., Tit 2:11 (Cremer, 567).†

[NT: 6x] ἐπιφάνεια, -ας, ἡ (< ἐπιφανής), [in LXX: II Ki 7:23 (יָרֵא), Es 5:1, Am 5:22, II Mac 2:21 Mac 3:24 Mac 5:4 Mac 12:22 Mac 14:16 Mac 15:27, III Mac 2:9 Mac 5:8 Mac 5:51,* ;] (in late Gk. and Inscr., freq. of deities, v. MM, Exp., xiv)

a manifestation, appear­ance: II Th 2:8, I Ti 6:14, II Ti 1:10 4:1 4:8, Tit 2:13 (cf. M, Th., 148 f.).†

[NT: 1x] ἐπιφανής, -ές (< ἐπιφαίνω), [in LXX (v. Thayer, s.v.) for יָרֵא, etc., Jg 13:6, Jl 2:11, 31 al.; II Mac 6:23, III Mac 5:35, al. ;]

renowned, illustrious, notable: Ac 2:20 (LXX) (cf. MM, Exp., xiv).†

[NT: 1x] ἐπι-φαύσκω (variant form of ἐπιφώσκω, q.v.), [in LXX: Jb 25:5 [p. 177] (אהל hi.) Jb 31:26 41:18 (הָלַל hi.) * ;]

to shine forth: fig., c. dat., Eph 5:14 (on v.l. -ψαύσει, v. ICC, Westc., AR, in l).†

[NT: 2x] ἐπι-φέρω [in LXX chiefly for שָׁלַח ;]

1. to bring upon or against: κρίσιν, Ju 9.
2. to impose, inflict: Ro 3:5.†

[NT: 4x] ** ἐπι-φωνέω, -ῶ [in LXX: I Es 9:47 AR, II Mac 1:23, III Mac 7:13 * ;]

to call out, shout: c. acc rei, Ac 21:34; c. dat. pers., Ac 22:24; seq. λέγοντες, Lk 23:21; prat. rect., Ac 12:22.†

[NT: 2x] ἐπι-φώσκω [in LXX for הָלַל hi., Jb 41:18 A (Βא, ἐπιφαύσκ-) * ;]

1. to let shine.
2. to dawn (cf. MM, Exp., xiv): Lk 23:54; seq. εἰς, Mat_28:1.†

[NT: 3x] ἐπιχειρέω, -ῶ (< χεῖρ), [in LXX for חָשַׁב, Ex 9:25; גָּמַל, II Ch 20:11, al. ;]

1. to pat one's hand to.
2. to take in hand, attempt: c. inf., Lk 1:1, Ac 9:29 19:13.†

[NT: 1x] ἐπι-χέω [in LXX chiefly for יָצַק. Ge 28:18, al. ;]

to pour upon: Lk 10:34.†

[NT: 5x] ** ἐπι-χορηγέω, -ῶ [in LXX: Si 25:22, II Mac 4:9 A * ;]

to supply, provide: c. acc rei, II Pe 1:5; id. c. dat. pers., II Co 9:10, Ga 3:5; pass., Col 2:19, II Pe 1:11 (cf. χορηγέω, and v. MM, Exp., xiv).†

[NT: 2x] *† ἐπι-χορηγία, -ας, ἡ (< ἐπιχορηγέω),

a supply: Eph 4:16, Phl 1:19.†

[NT: 2x] ** ἐπι-χρίω [in Sm.: Ez 13:10 22:28 * ;]

to spread on, anoint: c. acc, Jo 9:11; id. seq. hi-I, c. acc, Jo 9:6 (cf. MM, Exp., xiv).†

[NT: 7x] * ἐπ-οικοδομέω, -ῶ

in NT, always metaph., of the spiritual life regarded as a building (Cremer, 449);
1. to build upon: I Co 3:10 3:12 3:14; pass., Eph 2:20.
2. to build up: Col 2:7, I Pe 2:5 (T, οἰκοδ- WH, Rec.), Ju 20.†

ἐπ-ονομάζω [in LXX chiefly for קָרָא ;]

to name, call by a name, surname: pass., Ro 2:17.†

[NT: 2x] ** ἐπ-οπτεύω [in Sm.: Ps 10:14 33:13 * ;]

to watch (in Hom., as an overseer; cf Ps, ll. c.), look upon: I Pe 2:12 3:2.†

[NT: 1x] ** ἐπόπτης, -ου, ὁ [in LXX (of God): Es 5:1, II Mac 3:39 Mac 7:35, III Mac 2:21 * ;]

1. an overseer (LXX, ll. c.).
2. a spectator: II Pe 1:16 (of ἐ. as applied to God, v. parallels in Inscr., MM, Exp., xiv; of the use of this term in the mysteries, v. Mayor on 2Pe, l.c.; Thayer, s.v.).†

[NT: 1x] ἔπος, -εος (-ους), τό [in LXX: Za 7:3, Si 44:5 * ;]

a word: ὡς ἔ. εἰπεῖν (cl.), so to speak: He 7:9.†
SYN.: λόγος, reasoned speech; ῥῆμα, mere articulated utterance; ἔ., the articulated expression of a thought

[NT: 19x] ἐπουράνιος, -ον (< οὐρανός), [in LXX: Ps 68:14 (שַׁדַּי), DA TH Da 4:23 A (שָׁמַיִם) II Mac 3:39, III Mac 6:28 Mac 7:6, IV Mac 4:11 AR, IV Mac 11:3 א* ;]

in or of heaven, heavenly (in Hom., of the Gods): οἱ ἐ., opp. to ἐπίγειοι and καταχθόνιοι, Phl 2:10; to χοϊκός, I Co 15:48-49; σώματα (v. Lft., Col., 376), I Co 15:40; βασιλεία, II Ti 4:18; παπρίς, He 11:16; Ἱερουσαλήμ, He 12:22; κλῆσις (cf. Lft. on Phl 3:14), He 3:1; τὰ ἐ., He 8:5 9:23; opp. to ἐπίγειος, Jo 3:12; id., of the heavenly regions, Eph 1:3, 20 2:6 3:10 6:12; ἡ δωρεὰ ἡ ἐ., He 6:4 (Cremer, 468).†

[p. 178]

ἐπτά, οἱ, αἱ, τά

seven: Mt 12:45 18:22 (cf. ἑβδομηκοντάκις), Mk 8:5, al.; οἱ ἐ, Ac 21:8

ἐπτάκις adv.,

seven times: Mt 18:21-22, Lk 17:4.†

ἐπτακισχίλιοι, -αι, -α

seven thousand: Ro 11:4.†

Ἐραστος, -ου, ὁ

1. a companion of St. Paul, Ac 19:22, and prob. II Ti 4:20.
2. The treasurer of Corinth, Ro 16:23.†

[NT: 6x] ἐραυνάω, -ῶ late form of ἐρευνάω (Rec., ll. c.; cf. Bl., § 6, 1; M, Pr., 46), [in LXX, ἐρευν- (exc. I Ch 19:3 A), for חָפַשׂ pi., חָקַר, etc. ;]

to search, examine: Jo 7:52; c. acc rei, Jo 5:39, Ro 8:27, I Co 2:10, Re 2:23; seq. orat. obliq., I Pe 1:11.†
SYN.: v.s. ἐξετάζω

[NT: 37x] ἐργάζομαι (< ἔργον), [in LXX for עָבַד, פָּעַל, עָשָׂה, etc. ;]

1. intrans.,
(a) to work, labour: Mt 21:28, Lk 13:14, Jo 5:17 9:4 b, Ac 18:3, I Co 9:6, II Th 3:10-12; τ. χερσίν, I Co 4:12, I Th 4:11; νυκτὸς κ. ἡαέρας, I Th 2:9, II Th 3:8; of working for pay, Mt 21:28; for reward, Ro 4:4-5;
(b) to work at a trade or business, to trade: seq. Iv (Dem.), Mt 25:16.
2. Trans.,
(a) to work, work out, do, produce, perform: c. acc, II Co 7:10, Col 3:23, II Th 3:11, Ja 1:20, II Jn 8, seq. εἰς, III Jn 5; ἔργον, Ac 13:41 (LXX); id. seq. εἰς, Mt 26:10; ἐν, Mk 14:6; ἔργα, Jo 3:21; τὰ ἔ. τ. θεοῦ, Jo 6:28 9:4; τὸ ἔ. κυρίου, I Co 16:10; τ. ἀγαθόν, Ro 2:10, Eph 4:28 (v. AR, Eph.) 190); id. seq. πρός, Ga 6:10; κακόν, seq. dat. pers. (more freq. dupl. acc, in cl.), Ro 13:10; δικαιοσύνην, Ac 10:35, He 11:33; ἀνομίαν, Mt 7:23; ἁμαρτίαν, Ja 2:9; σημεῖον, Jo 6:30; τ. ἱερά, I Co 9:13; τ. θάλασσαν (work the sea, i.e. make one's living from it), Re 18:17;
(b) to work for, earn by working (cl.): Jo 6:27 (cf. κατ-, περι-, προσ-εργάζομαι; Cremer, 258; on the force of the aorist of this verb, v. M, Pr., 116).†

[NT: 6x] ἐργασία, -ας, ἡ (< ἔργον), [in LXX for מְלָאכָה, עֲבֹדָה, etc. ;]

1. work, business: Ac 16:16, 19 19:24-25; δὸς ἐ. (Lat. da operam), Lk 12:58.
2. working, performance: Eph 4:19.†

[NT: 16x] ** ἐργάτης, -ου, ὁ (< ἐργάζομαι, q.v.), [in LXX: Wi 17:17, Si 19:1 40:18, I Mac 3:6 * ;]

1. prop., a field labourer, husbandman: Mt 9:37-38 20:1-2, 8, Lk 10:2, Ja 5:4 (cf. Wis, l.c.).
2. Generally, a workman, labourer: Mt 10:10, Lk 10:7, Ac 19:25 (opp. to τεχνίτης), I Ti 5:18; of Christian teachers, II Co 11:13, Phl 3:2, II Ti 2:15.
3. a worker, doer: τ. ἀδικίας, Lk 13:27 (cf. 1Mac, l.c.).†

[NT: 169x] ἔργον, -ου, τό (originally Ϝέργον, work), [very freq. in LXX, chiefly for מַשֶׂה, מְלָאכָה, also for עֲבֹדָה, פֹּעַל, etc. ;]

1. work, task, employment: Mk 13:34, Jo 4:34 17:4, Ac 13:2, Phl 1:22 2:30, I Th 5:13, al.; of an enterprise or undertaking (De 15:10, Wi 2:12), Ac 5:38.
2. a deed, action: Tit 1:16, Ja 1:25 . listing, from λόγος, Lk 24:19, Ro 15:18, II Th 2:17, I Jo 3:18; ἐν λόγοις κ. ἔ., Ac 7:22; of acts of God, Jo 9:3, Ac 13:41 (LXX), He 4:10, Re 15:3; of Christ, Mt 11:2; esp. in Jo, e.g. 5:20, 36 7:3 10:38 14:11, 12 15:24; in ethical sense, of human actions (AR, Eph., 190), bad or good, [p. 179] Mt 23:3, Lk 11:48, Jo 3:20, 21 Ja 2:14ff. 3:13, Re 2:5 3:8; τὸ ἔ., collectively, Ga 6:4, Ja 1:4, I Pe 1:17, Re 22:12; τὸ ἔ. τ. νόμου, Ro 2:15; ἔ. ἀγαθόν, Ro 2:7, Col 1:10, II Th 2:17, Tit 1:16, al.; καλόν, Mt 26:10, Mk 14:6; pl. (as freq. in cl.), Mt 5:16, I Ti 5:10, 25 He 10:24; ἔ. πίστεως, I Th 1:3, II Th 1:11; ἔ. πονηρά, Col 1:21, II Jo 11; νέκρα, He 6:1 9:14; ἄκαρπα, Eph 5:11; ἔ. ἀσεβείας, Ju 15; τ. σκότους, Ro 13:12, Eph 5:11; ἔ. νόμου, Ro 3:20, 28 Ga 2:16 3:2, 5 10.
3. that which is wrought or made, a work: I Co 3:13-15; τ. χειρῶν, Ac 7:41; of the works of God, He 1:10; γῆ κ. τὰ ἐν αὐτῇ ἔ., II Pe 3:10; τὸ ἔ. τ. θεοῦ, Ro 14:20.

[NT: 2x] ἐρεθίζω [in LXX: Da LXX 11:10, 25 (גָּרָה hithp.), I Mac 15:40, II Mac 14:17, etc. ;]

1. to stir up, provoke (as in cl.): Col 3:21.
2. In good sense (cf. ἐρεθισμός, excitement, in MGr.), to stir up, stimulate: II Co 9:2.†

[NT: 1x] ἐρείδω (chiefly in poets and late prose for ἐρυγγάνω), [in LXX for תָּמַךְ (Pr 4:4 5:5 11:16, al.), etc. ;]

to prop, fix firmly: act., as mid., ἐρείσασα, of a ship driving ashore (RV, struck), Ac 27:41.†

[NT: 1x] ἐρεύγομαι [in LXX chiefly for שָׁאַג, Ho 11:10, Am 3:4, 8 al.; also for נָבַע, Ps 19:2, etc. ;]

1. to spit or spue out.
2. Prop., of oxen (Hom.), to bellow, roar; whence, as in LXX, to speak aloud, utter: Mt 13:35 (LXX). (For other examples of softened force of words in late Gk., cf. σκύλλω, τρώγω, χορτάζω.) †

ἐρευνἀω, -ῶ, v.s. ἐραυνάω.

[NT: 4x] ἐρημία, -ας, ἡ (< ἔρημος), [in LXX: Is 60:20, Ez 35:4 (חָרַב, חׇרְבָּה), Ez 35:9 (שְׁמָמָה), Wi 17:17, Si 47:17, Ba 4:33, IV Mac 18:8 * ;]

a solitude, wilderness: Mt 15:33, Mk 8:4, II Co 11:26, He 11:38.†

[NT: 48x] ἔρημος (in older Gk. ἔρῆμος), -ον [in LXX chiefly for מִדְבָּר ;]

solitary, lonely, desolate, deserted:
(a) of persons, γυνή, Ga 4:27 (LXX);
(b) of places, Mt 14:13, 15 23:38 (WH, om.), Mk 1:36 6:32, Lk 4:42 9:12, al.; as subst., ἡ ἔ. (sc. χώρα; as in Hdt., ii, 32, al.), the desert, Mt 3:1, 3, Mk 1:3-4, Jo 3:14, al.; pl., αἱ ἔ., desert places, Lk 1:80 5:16 8:29

[NT: 5x] ἐρημόω, -ῶ (< ἔρημος), [in LXX for חָרַב hi., שָׁמֵם ni., etc. ;]

to desolate, lay waste: Mt 12:25, Lk 11:17, Re 17:16 18:16, 19.†

[NT: 3x] ἐρήμωσις, -εως, ἡ (< ἐρημόω), [in LXX for שָׁמֵם, שָׁמֵם, Le 26:34-35, Ps 73:10, Da 9:27 11:31 12:11, al.; חׇרְבָּה, Je 7:34 22:5, al. ;]

a making desolate, laying waste: Lk 21:20; βδέλυγμα ἐρημώσεως (Da, ll. c., I Mac 1:54), Mt 24:15 (LXX), Mk 13:14.†

[NT: 9x] ἐρίζω (< ἔρις), [in LXX for מָרָה, etc. ;]

to wrangle, strive: Mt 12:19 (LXX, κεκράζεται).†

** ἐριθία (T, cl., -εία), -ας, ἡ, [in Sm.: Ez 23:11 * ;] (on the origin and history of the word, v. Hort, Ja., 81 fly.; Ellic. on Ga 5:20; Cremer, 262)

ambition, self-seeking, rivalry: Ja 3:14, 16; κατ' ἐριθίαν, Phl 2:3; οἱ ἐξ ἐ., Ro 2:8, Phl 1:17; pl. (Bl., § 32, 6; WM, 220; Swete, Mk., 153), II Co 12:20, Ga 5:20.†

[NT: 2x] ἔριον, -ου, τό [in LXX for צֶמֶר, Le 13:47, Is 1:18, al. ;]

wool: He 9:19, Re 1:14.†

[p. 180]

[NT: 11x] ἔρις, -ιδος acc, ἔριν (on the declension, v. B1., § 8, 3; WH, App., 157), , [in LXX: Ps 139:20, Si 28:11 40:5, 9 * ;]

strife, wrangling, contention: Ro 1:29 13:13, I Co 3:3, II Co 12:20, Ga 5:20, Phl 1:15, I Ti 6:4, Tit 3:9; pl. (v.s. ἐριθία), Ro 13:13, WH, mg., I Co 1:11, Ga, l.c., WH, mg.†

[NT: 1x] **† ἐρίφιον, -ου, τό (dim, of ἔριφος, q.v.) [in LXX: To 2:13 * ;]

Mt 25:33, Lk 15:29 (ἔριφον, WH, txt.).†

[NT: 2x] ἔριφος, -ου [in LXX chiefly for גְּדִי ;]

a kid: Mt 25:32, Lk 15:29, WH, txt.†

[NT: 1x] Ἑρμᾶς, -ᾶ, acc, -ᾶν (Doric form of Ἑρμῆς),

Hermas, a Christian: Ro 16:14.†

[NT: 2x] ἑρμηνεία, v.s. ἑρμηνία.

[NT: 3x] ἑρμηνεύω [in LXX: Es 4:7 (תִּרְגַּם), Es 10:3 Jb 42:17β* ;]

1. to explain.
2. to interpret: Lk 24:27 (WH, mg.), Jo 1:39, 43 9:7, He 7:2.†

ἑρμηνία (T, cl., -εία), -ας, ἡ, (< ἑρμηνεύω), [in LXX (-εία), Sir, prol. 14 Si 47:17, from LXX Si 5:1 * ;]

interpretation: I Co 12:10 14:26.†

[NT: 4x] Ἑρμῆς, -οῦ

acc, Ἑρμῆν, ὁ,
(a) the Greek god (Lat. Mercurius): Ac 14:12;
(b) a Christian: Ro 16:14.† (see)

[NT: 1x] Ἑρμογένης, -ους, ὁ

Hermogenes, a Christian: II Ti 1:15.†

[NT: 4x] ἑρπετόν, -οῦ, τό (< ἕρπω, to crawl), [in LXX chiefly for רֶמֶשׂ, שֶׁרֶץ ;]

a creeping thing, reptile: Ac 10:12 11:6, Ro 1:23, Ja 3:7.†

ἐρυθρός, -ά, -όν [in LXX for אֱדֹם, Is 63:2; ἐ. θάλασσα for סוּף -יָם Ex 10:19, al. ;]

red: ἡ ἐ. θάλασσα, the Red Sea, Ac 7:36, He 11:29.†

[NT: 629x] ἔρχομαι, [in LXX very freq. for בּוֹא, also for הלךְ ni., אתה, etc., 34 words in all ;]

1. to come;
(a) of persons, either as arriving or returning from elsewhere: Mt 8:9, Mk 6:31, Lk 7:8, Jo 4:27, Ro 9:9, al.; seq. ἀπό, Mk 5:35 7:1, Jo 3:2, al.; ἐκ, Lk 5:17, Jo 3:31, al.; εἰς, Mk 1:29, al.; διά seq. εἰς, Mk 7:31; ἐν (Cremer, 263f., but v.s. ἐν), Ro 15:29, I Co 4:21; ἐπί, c acc., Mk 6:53 11:13, Jo 19:33, al.; κατά, c. acc., Lk 10:33 Ac 16:7; παρά, c gen., Lk 8:49; c. acc., Mt 15:29, Mk 9:14, al.; c. dat. comm., incomm. (M, Pr., 75, 245), Mt 21:5, Re 2:5, 16; with adverbs: πόθεν, Jo 3:8, al.; ἄνωθεν, Jo 3:31; ὄπισθεν, Mk 5:27; ὧδε, Mt 8:29; ἐκεῖ, Jo 18:3; ποῦ, He 11:8; seq. ἕως, Lk 4:42; ἄχρι, Ac 11:5; with purpose expressed by inf., Mk 5:14, Lk 1:59, al.; by fut. ptcp., Mt 27:49; ἵνα, Jo 12:9; εἰς τοῦτο, ἵνα, Ac 9:21; διά, c. acc., Jo 12:9; before verbs of action, ἔρχεται καί, ἦλθε καί, etc.: Mk 2:18, Jo 6:15, al.; ἔρχου καὶ ἴδε, Jo 1:47 11:34; ἐλθών (redundant; Dalman, Words, 20 f.), Mt 2:8 8:7, Mk 7:25, Ac 16:39, al.; similarly ἐρχόμενος, Lk 15:25, al.; of coming into public view: esp. of the Messiah (ὁ ἐρχόμενος, Mt 11:3, al.; v. Cremer, 264), Lk 3:16, Jo 4:25; hence, of Jesus, Mt 11:19, Lk 7:34, Jo 5:43, al.; of the second coming, Mt 10:23, Ac 1:11, I Co 4:5, I Th 5:2, al.;
(b) of time: ἔρξονται ἡμέραι (pres. for fut.: Bl., §56, 8), Lk 23:29, He 8:8 (LXX); fut., Mt 9:15, Mk 2:20, al.; ἔρξεται ὥρα, ὅτε, Jo 4:21, 23. al.; ἦλθεν, ἐλήλυθε ἡ ὥρα, Jo 13:1 16:32 17:1; ἡ ἡμέρα τ. κυρίου, I Th 5:2; καιροί, Ac 3:19;
(c) of things and [p. 181] events: κατακλυσμός, Lk 17:27; λιμός, Ac 7:11; ἡ ὀργή, I Th 1:10; ὁ λύχνος, Mk 4:21 (v. Swete, in l.). Metaph., τ. ἀγαθά, Ro 3:8; τ. τέλειον, I Co 13:10; ἡ πίστις, Ga 3:23, 25; ἡ ἐντολή, Ro 7:9; with prepositions: ἐκ τ. θλίψεως, Re 7:14; ἐις τ. χεῖρον, Mk 5:26; εἰς πειρασμόν, ib. 14:38, al.
2. to go: ὀπίσω, c. gen. (Heb. הָלַךְ אַחֲרֵי), Mt 16:24, Mk 8:34, Lk 9:23; σύν, Jo 21:3; ὁδόν, Lk 2:44. (Cf. ἀν-, ἐπ-αν-, ἀπ-, δι-, εἰς, ἐπ-εἰσ-, συν-εἰσ-, ἐξ-, δι-εξ-, ἐπ-, κατ-, παρ-, ἀντι-παρ-, περι-, προ-, προσ-, συν-έρχομαι.)
SYN.: πορεύομαι, χωρέω (v, Thayer, s.v. ἔρξομαι).

[NT: 63x] ἐρωτάω, -ῶ [in LXX chiefly for שָׁאַל ;]

1. to ask, question (cl.): absol., Lk 19:31 22:68, Jo 8:7 c. acc pers., Jo 9:21 16:19, 30 8:21; seq. λέγων, Mt 16:13, Lk 23:3, Jo 1:19, 21 5:12 9:19 16:5; c. dupl. acc (WM, § 32, 4a), Mt 21:24, Mk 4:10, Lk 20:3, Jo 16:23 (M, Pr., 66„); c. acc pers., seq. περί, Lk 9:45, Jo 18:19.
2. In late Gk. (Milligan, NTD, 51; not, as Cremer, 716, Thayer, s.v., a "Hebraism"), = αἰτέω (q.v.), to ask, request: c. acc pers., Jo 14:16; seq. imperat., Lk 14:18-19 Phl 4:3; λέγων, Mt 15:23, Jo 12:21; seq. ἵνα (M, Pr., 208), Mk 7:26, Lk 7:36 16:27, Jo 4:47 17:15 19:31, 38, I Th 4:1, II Jn 5; ὅπως, Lk 7:3 11:37, Ac 23:20; c. inf., Lk 5:3 8:37, Jo 4:40, Ac 3:3 10:48 23:18, I Th 5:12; c. acc pers., seq. περί, Lk 4:38 Jo 17:9, 20, I Jn 5:16; ὑπέρ, II Th 2:1-2; τὰ (WH, txt., om. τὰ) πρὸς εἰρήνην, Lk 14:32 (cf. δι-, ἐπ-ερωτάω)
SYN.: v.s. αἰτέω

[NT: 8x] ** ἐσθής, -ῆτος, ἡ (< ἕννυμι, to clothe; hence, ἐσθής, Lk, ll c., Elz.) [in LXX: I Es 8:71 Es 8:73, II Mac 8:35 Mac 11:8 * ;]

clothing, raiment: Lk 23:11 24:4, Ac 10:30 12:21, Ja 2:2-3.†

[NT: 1x] ** ἔσθησις, -εως, ἡ [in LXX: pl., II Mac 3:33, III Mac 1:16 * ;]

clothing: pl., Ac 1:10.†

[NT: 163x] ἐσθίω, and (poet, and late prose) ἔσθω, [in LXX chiefly for אכל ;]

to eat;
(a) absol.: Mt 14:20, 21 Mk 6:31, Jo 4:31, al.; ἐν τ. φαγεῖν (on this aor. form, v. M, Pr., 111), I Co 11:21; διδόναι φαγεῖν, c. dat. pers., Mk 5:43, al.; ἐ. καὶ πίνειν, Mt 6:25, 31 Lk 10:7, al.; of ordinary use of food and drink, I Co 9:4 11:22; of partaking of food at table, Mk 2:16, Lk 5:30, al.; opp. to fasting, Mt 11:18, Lk 5:33, al.; of revelling, Mt 24:49, Lk 12:45 .
(b) c. acc. rei: Mt 6:25, Mk 1:6, Jo 6:31, Ro 14:2, al.; ἄρτον (Heb. אָכַל לֶחֶם), Mt 15:2, Mk 3:20, al.; τὸν ἑαυτοῦ ἄ., II Th 3:12; ἄ. seq. παρά, gen. pers., II Th 3:8; τά seq. id., Lk 10:7; τ. πάσχα, Mt 26:17, Mk 14:12 al; τ. κυριακὸν δεῖπνον, I Co 11:20; τ. θυσίας, I Co 10:18; seq. ἐκ (= cl. part. gen.), Jo 6:26, 5o, 51, I Co 11:28; ἀπό (cf. Heb. אָכַל מִן), Mt 15:27, Mk 7:28; metaph., to devour, consume: He 10:27, Ja 5:3, Re 17:16 (cf. κατ-, συν-εσθίω) .

Ἐσλεί (Rec. 'Ἐσλί, v. WH, Notes, 155), ,

Esli, an ancestor of Jesus: Lk 3:25.†

[NT: 2x] ** ἔσ-οπτρον, -ου, ὁ [in LXX: Wi 7:26, Si 12:11 * ;]

a mirror: I Co 13:12, Ja 1:23.†

[NT: 3x] ἑσπέρα, -ας, ἡ (prop, fem, of ἕσπερος), [in LXX chiefly for עָרַב ;] [p. 182]

(a) (sc. ὥρα), evening: Lk 24:29, Ac 4:3 20:15 28:23;
(b) (so. χώρα), the west.†

ἑσπερινός, -ή, -όν (= the more freq. ἑσπέριος, -α, -ον), [in LXX for עֶרֶב, IV Ki 16:15, Ps 141:2, al. ;]

of the evening, evening: Lk 12:38 (WH, - mg. -).†

Ἑσρώμ (Ἑσρών, Lk, l.c.; Rec. Ἑσρ-), ὁ (Heb. חֶצְרוֹן, Ge 46:12, Nu 26:21, I Ch 25:1-31, al.), [in LXX both forms, ut supr. (cf. ICC, on Mt, l.c.; WH, § 408) ;]

Esrom (AV), Hezron (RV), an ancestor of Jesus: Mt 13:1-58, Lk 3:35.†

Ἑσρών, Ἐσρ-,, v.s. Ἑσρώμ.

[NT: 52x] ἔσχατος, -η, -ον [in LXX chiefly for אַחֲרִית אַחֲרוֹן ;]

last, utmost, extreme;
(a) of place: of the lowest or least honoured place, Lk 14:9-10; τ. ἔσχατον, c. gen. part., Ac 1:8 13:47;
(b) of time: Mt 20:12, 14, Mk 12:6, 22, opp. to πρῶτος, Mt 20:8, I Co 15:45, Re 2:19, al.; τὰ ἔ. καὶ T. πρῶτα, Mt 12:45, Lk 11:26, II Pe 2:20; of the Eternal, ὁ πρῶτος καὶ ὁ ἔ., Re 1:17 2:8 22:13; in phrases relating to the Messianic age and the consummation of the Kingdom of God: ἐπ' ἐσχάτου (-ων) τ. ἡμερῶν, He 1:2, II Pe 3:3; τ. χρόνων, I Pe 1:20; ἔ. ὥρα, I Jn 2:18; ἐπ' ἐ. χόνου, Ju 18; ἐν ἐ. ἡμέραις, Ac 2:17, Ja 5:3, II Ti 3:1; neut., ἔσχατον, as adv., Mk 12:22, I Co 15:8;
(c) of rank: Mk 9:35, I Co 4:9

[NT: 1x] * ἐσχάτως adv.,

extremely, utterly; ἐ. ἔχειν (= Lat. in extremis esse), only in late writers (cf. ἐν ἐσχάτοις εἶναι, FlJ, Ant., ix, 8, 6), to be at the point of death: Mk 5:28.†

[NT: 9x] ἔσω Ion, and old Att.. form of εἴσω (< εἰς), adv., [in LXX for etc. ;]

1. prop., after verbs of motion (to) within, into: Mt 26:58, Mk 14:54; c. gen., Mk 15:16.
2. As freq. in cl. (= cl. ἔνδον), after verbs of rest, within: Jo 20:26, Ac 5:23; οἱ ἔ. (opp. to οἱ ἔξω), I Co 5:12; ὁ ἔ. ἄνθρωπος, Ro 7:22, II Co 4:16, Eph 3:16.†

[NT: 12x] ἔσωθεν (< ἔσω), adv., [in LXX for בַּיִת, פָּנִים and cognate forms ;]

1. from within: Mk 7:21, 23, Lk 11:7.
2. within: Mt 7:15 23:25-28, II Co 7:5, Re 4:8 5:1; τὸ ἔ., Lk 11:40; id. c. gen., Lk 11:39.†

[NT: 2x] ἐσώτερος, -α, -ον (compar. of ἔσω), [in LXX chiefly for פְּנִימִי and cognate forms ;]

inner: Ac 16:24; τὸ ἐ., He 6:19.†

[NT: 3x] ἑταῖρος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX chiefly for רֵעַ and cognate forms, also Si 11:6 37:2 ff., al. ;]

a companion, comrade: Mt 11:16 (WH, ἑτέροις); voc., as term of address, my friend: Mt 20:13 22:12 26:50.†

[NT: 1x] **† ἑτερό-γλωσσος (Att.. -ττος), -ον, [in Aq.: Ps 114:1, Is 33:19 * ;]

of alien speech, of another tongue (v. Cremer, 681): I Co 14:21 (aliter in LXX).†

[NT: 2x] *† ἑτεροδιδασκαλέω, -ῶ

to teach other or different doctrine: I Ti 1:3 6:3 (cf. CGT, in l; Milligan, NTD, 102).†

[NT: 1x] *† ἑτερο-ζυγέω, -ῶ [in LXX cf. ἑτερόζυγος, Le 19:19 (יְקַמְעָם)* ;]

to be unequally yoked: metaph., c. dat. pers., II Co 6:14.†

[p. 183]

[NT: 98x] ἕτερος, -α, -ον, [in LXX chiefly for אַחֵר ;]

distributive pron., prop. dual (BL, §13, 5; 51, 6), denoting the second of a pair, but in late Gk. encroaching on ἄλλος (M, Pr., 79f.);
1. of number, other; c. art., the other;
(a) of two, Lk 5:7 9:56, al.; opp. to ὁ πρῶτος, Mt 21:30; ὁ εἷς, Mt 6:24, Lk 7:41, Ac 23:6, al.; ἕ. μὲν . . . ἕ. δέ, the one . . . the other: I Co 15:40; the next: Lk 6:6 9:56 (sc. ἡμέρα, Xen.), Ac 20:15 27:3; = ὁ πλησίον, one's neighbour: Ro 2:1 13:8, I Co 6:1, al.;
(b) of more than two, another: Mt 8:21 11:3, Lk 6:6 22:65, Jo 19:37, Ro 8:39, al.; pl., Ac 2:13; οἱ μὲν . . . ἄλλοι δὲ . . . ἕ. δέ, Mt 16:14; τινὲς . . . ἕ. δέ, Lk 11:16.
2. Of kind or quality, other, another, different (Plat., Dem., al.): Mk 16:[12], Lk 9:29, Ac 2:4, I Co 14:21, II Co 11:4, Ga 1:6, al. (cf. ἑτερό-γλωσσος, -διδασκαλέω, -ζυγέω).
SYN.: ἄλλος, q.v. (v. reff. ut supr., also Robertson, Gr., 748ff.).

[NT: 1x] ἑτέρως adv.,

differently, otherwise: Phl 3:16.†

[NT: 82x] ἔτι adv.,

yet, as yet, still;
1. of time;
(a) of the present (adhuc): Mk 5:35, I Co 3:3 15:17, Ga 1:10, al.;
(b) of the past, mostly c. impf.: Mt 12:46, Lk 8:49 15:20, Jo 20:1, Ac 9:1, Ro 5:6, 8, II Th 2:5, He 7:10 9:8, al.;
(c) of the future: Lk 1:15, II Co 1:10;
(d) with a neg.: Mt 5:13, Lk 16:2 20:36, He 10:2, Re 3:12 20:3, al.
2. Of degree, even, yet, still, further: c. compar., Phl 1:9, He 7:15; of what remains, Mk 12:6, Jo 4:35 7:33, al.; of what is added, Mt 18:16 26:65, He 11:32 12:26-27; of con­tinuance apart from the idea of time, Ro 3:7 6:2 9:19, Ga 5:11; ἔτι δἐ, Ac 2:26 (LXX), He 11:36; ἔτι τε καί, Lk 14:26, Ac 21:28

[NT: 40x] ἑτοιμάζω (< ἕτοιμος), [in LXX chiefly for כּוּן hi. (Hatch, Essays, 51 a.) ;]

to prepare, make ready;
(a) absol., of hospitable preparation: Mk 14:15, Lk 9:52 12:47 22:9, 12; c. inf., Mt 26:17; ἵνα, Mk 14:12;
(b) c. acc rei: Mt 22:4 26:19, Mk 14:16, Lk 12:20 17:8 22:8, 13 23:56 24:1, Jo 14:2-3, Phm 22, Re 9:7 16:12; seq. εἰς, II Ti 2:21; of God's ordaining coming events (Dalman, Words, 128); of blessing, Mt 20:23 25:34, Mk 10:40, Lk 2:31, I Co 2:9, He 11:16, Re 12:6; of judgment, Mt 25:41; of preparation for the Messiah, τ. ὁδὸν κυρίου, Mt 3:3, Mk 1:3, Lk 1:76 3:4 (LXX);
(c) c. acc pers.: Lk 1:17, Ac 23:23, Re 19:7, seq. ἵνα, Re 8:6; εἰς, II Ti 2:21, Re 9:7, 15 21:2.†

[NT: 1x] ἑτοιμασία, -ας, ἡ (< ἑτοιμάζω, q.v.), [in LXX for כּוּן hi., כֵּן, מָכוֹן, and cognate forms, Es 2:68 3:3, Ps 10:17 65:9 89:14, Na 2:4, Za 5:11, Ez 43:11, Da TH Da 11:7, 20-21, Wi 13:12 * ;]

1. = ἑτοιμότης,
(a) readiness (Hipp.);
(b) preparation (LXX; e.g. ἑ. τ. καρδίας, Ps 10:17): Eph 6:15, EV.
2. foundation, firm footing (Ps 89:14): Eph, l.c. (Hatch, Essays, 55; Exp. Times, ix, 38; but v. also Abbott, Essays, 95).†

[NT: 17x] ἕτοιμος, -ον also (in cl. after Thuc.) (II Co 9:5, I Pe 1:5), -ον, [in LXX chiefly for כּוּן, מָכוֹן (cf. Hatch, Essays, 51 ff.) ;]

prepared, ready;
(a) of things: Mt 22:4, 8, Mk 14:15, II Co 9:5 10:16, I Pe 1:5; ἔρχεσθε ὅτι ἤδη ἕτοιμά ἐστιν (Field, Notes, 67), Lk 14:17; ὁ καιρός, Jo 7:6;
(b) of persons: Mt 24:44 25:10, Lk 12:40, Ac 23:21; seq. πρός, Tit 3:1, I Pe 3:15; c. inf., Lk 22:23; τοῦ, c. inf. (WM, § 44, 4a; Robertson, Gr., 1068), Ac 23:15; ἐν ἑ. ἔχω (MM, Exp., xiv), c. inf., II Co 10:6.†

[p. 184]

[NT: 3x] ἑτοίμως, adv. [in LXX: Es 7:17 ff, Da LXX TH Da 3:15 * ;]

readily: I Pe 4:5; ἑ. ἔχω, to be ready (Deiss., BS, 252; MM, Exp., xiv): c. inf., Ac 21:13, II Co 12:14.†

[NT: 49x] ἔτος, -ους, τό [in LXX for שָׁנֶה ;]

a year: Lk 3:1, He 1:12, Re 20:3, al.; ἔτη ἔχειν, Jo 5:5 8:57; εἶναι, γίνεσθαι, ἐτῶν, Mk 5:42, Lk 2:42, Ac 4:22, I Ti 5:9; dat. pl. of space of time, Jo 2:20, Ac 13:20; acc, in ans. to how long? Mt 9:20, Mk 5:25, Lk 2:36, Ac 7:6, He 3:9, al.; preceded by a prep.: dim, Lk 8:43, Ro 15:23; διά, c. gen. (v.s. διά), Ac 24:17, Ga 2:1; ἐκ, Ac 24:10; εἰς, Lk 12:19; ἐπί, c. acc, Ac 19:10; μετά, c. acc, Ga 1:18 3:17; πρό, c. gen., II Co 12:2; κατ' ἔτος, yearly, Lk 2:41
SYN.: ἐνιαυτός, q.v.; cf. LS, s.v. ἐνιαυτός

[NT: 6x] εὖ adv. (prop. neuter of old Epic ἐΰς, good, noble) [in LXX, εὖ γίγνεσθαι, εὖ ποιεῖν (יָטַב) ;]

well: εὖ γιν., Eph 6:3 (LXX); εὖ ποιεῖν, c. dat. (cf. Si 12:1-2), to do good, Mk 14:7 (where Nestle suggests εὐποιεῖν, q.v.); εὖ πράσστειν, to fare well, Ac 15:29; in replies (= εὖγε), good! well done! Mt 25:21, 23 Lk 19:17 (εὖγε, WH, txt.).†
in replies, well! good! well done!: Lk 19:17 (WH for Rec. εὖ, q.v.).†

Εὔα (WH, Εὔα, § 408; Rec. Εὖα; S (in I Ti), Εὖα), -ας, ἡ (Heb. חַוָּה, Ge 3:20),

Eve, wife of Adam: II Co 11:3, I Ti 2:13.†

[NT: 54x] εὐαγγελίζω [in LXX for בָּשַׂר pi., hith.; for good news in general: I Ki 31:9, al.; of God's loving kindness, Ps 40:10 96:2, and esp. of Messianic blessings, Is 40:9 60:6, al. ;]

to bring or announce glad tidings;
1. act. (only in late writers): c. acc pers., Re 10:7; seq. ἐπί, c. acc pers., Re 14:6; pass., of things, to be proclaimed as glad tidings: Lk 16:16, Ga 1:11, I Pe 1:25; impers., I Pe 4:6; of persons, to have glad tidings proclaimed to one: Mt 11:5, Lk 7:22, He 4:2, 6
2. Depon. mid. (cl.), to proclaim glad tidings, in NT esp. of the Christian message of salvation: absol., Lk 9:6, Ro 15:20, al.; c. dat. pers., Lk 4:18 (LXX), Ro 1:15, al.; in same sense c. acc pers. (not cl.), Lk 3:18, Ac 16:10, Ga 1:9, I Pe 1:12; c. acc rei, εἰρήνην, Ac 10:36, Ro 10:15 (LXX); τ, βασιλείαν τ. θεοῦ, Lk 8:1; c. dat. pers., Lk 1:19 4:43, Eph 2:17 3:8; αὐτῷ τ. Ἰησοῦν, Ac 8:35 17:18; c. dupl. acc, Ac 13:32; c. acc pers. et inf., Ac 14:15; τ. κώμας (πολεῖς), Ac 8:25, 40 14:21 (cf. προ-ευαγγελίζομαι)

[NT: 76x] εὐαγγέλιον, -ου, τό [in LXX for בְּשׂוֹרָה, II Ki 4:10 18:22 18:25 * ;]

1. in cl.,
(a) a reward for good tidings (Hom.; pl., LXX, II Ki 4:10);
(b) in pl., εὐ. θύειν, to make a thank-offering for good tidings (Xen., al.).
2. Later (Luc., Plut., al.), good tidings, good news; in NT of the good tidings of the kingdom of God and of salvation through Christ, the gospel: Mk 1:15, Ac 15:7, Ro 1:16, Ga 2:2, I Th 2:4, al.; c. gen. obj., τ. βασιλείας, Mt 4:23; τ. Χριστοῦ, Ro 15:19, al.; τ. κυρίου ἡμῶν Ἰησοῦ, II Th 1:8; τ. υἱοῦ τ. θεοῦ, Ro 1:9; τ. δόξης τ. μακαρίου θεοῦ, I Ti 1:11; τ. δόξης τ. Χριστοῦ, II Co 4:4; of the author, τ. θεοῦ, Ro 15:16, al.; of the teacher, ἡμῶν, Ro 2:16, II Co 4:3, I Th 1:5, II Ti 2:8; of the taught, τ. περιτομῆς, τ. ἀκροβυστίας, Ga 2:7; ἡ ἀλήθεια τοῦ εὐ., Ga 2:5, 14 Col 1:5; ἡ ἐλπὶς (πίστις) τοῦ εὐ., Col 1:23, Phl 1:27 (v. Cremer, 31 ff.; and on the later eccl. use of the word„ M, Th., 143 f.)

[NT: 3x] *† εὐαγγελιστής, -οῦ, ὁ

an evangelist;
(a) in NT, a preacher of [p. 185] the gospel: Ac 21:8, Eph 4:11, II Ti 4:5;
(b) later, a writer of a gospel (eccl.).†

εὐαρεστέω, -ῶ [in LXX chiefly for הָלַךְ hith., Ge 5:22, 24, Ps 26:2 56:13, al., Si 44:16 ;]

to be well pleasing: τ. θεῷ (LXX, ll. c.), He 11:5-6. Pass., to be well pleased: c. dat., He 13:16.†

**† εὐ-άρεστος, -ον [in LXX: Wi 4:10 9:10 * ;]

well-pleasing, acceptable: Ro 12:2; c. dat. pers., Ro 12:1 14:16, II Co 5:9, Eph 5:10, Phl 4:18; id. seq. ἐν, Tit 2:9 (κυρίῳ), Col 3:20; ἐνώπιον, He 13:21 (for ex. in Inser., v. Deiss., BS, 215).†

* εὐ-αρέοτως adv.,

acceptably: τ, θεῷ, He 12:28.†

[NT: 1x] Εὔβουλος, -ου, ὁ.

Eubulus, a Christian: II Ti 4:21.†

[NT: 3x] εὐγενής, -ές (< εὖ, γένος), [in LXX: Jb 1:3 (גָּדוֹל), II Mac 10:13 R, IV Mac 6:5 Mac 9:13 Mac 9:23 Mac 9:27 Mac 10:3 Mac 10:15 * ;]

1. well born, of noble race: Lk 19:12, I Co 1:26.
2. noble-minded: compar., -έστερος, Ac 17:11.†

[NT: 2x] ** εὐδία, -ας, ἡ (< εὔδιος, calm) [in LXX: Si 3:15 * ;]

fair weather: Mt 16:2 (Rec., R, txt.).†

[NT: 21x] εὐ-δοκέω, -ῶ (on the derivation, v. EL, § 28, 6) [in LXX chiefly for רָצָה, also for אָבָה, חָפֵץ, etc. ;]

1. c. inf. (Polyb., al.), to be well pleased, to think it good, to give consent (so freq. in π. in legal docu­ments; Milligan, Th., 22 f.): Lk 12:32, Ro 15:26-27, I Co 1:21, Ga 1:15, Col 1:19, R, mg. (ICC, in l, but v. infr.), I Th 2:8 3:1; μᾶλλον εὐ., II Co 5:8; c. acc et inf. (Polyb., i, 8, 4), Col, l.c., R, txt. (Lft., in l).
2. to be well pleased or take pleasure with or in a person or thing;
(a) c. dat. (Polyb., al.; I Mac 1:43, I Es 4:39): II Th 2:12;
(b) as freq. in LXX,
α c. acc: Mt 12:13, He 10:5, 8 (LXX);
β seq. ἐν (cf. Heb. בּ רָצָה, Ps 149:4): Mt 3:17 17:5, Mk 1:11, Lk 3:22 (on the tense, v. M, Pr., 134 f.; DCG, i,308 b), I Co 10:5, II Co 12:10, He 10:38 (LXX);
(c) seq. εἰς: II Pe 1:17. (cf. συν-ευδοκέω, and v. Cremer, 213 f.; Field, Notes, 48 f.; DCG, i, 355a.)†

[NT: 9x] εὐδοκία, -ας, ἡ (< εὐδοκέω, q.v.), [in LXX: Ps 5:12, al. (רָצוֹן), freq. in Sir; in Inscr. (I.G., 5960), LXX, and NT = εὐδόκησις (Died.) ;]

good pleasure, good-will, satisfaction, approval: Mt 11:26, Lk 10:21, Ro 10:1, Eph 1:5, 9, Phl 1:15 2:13; c. gen. obj., II Th 1:11 (v. Milligan, in l); ἐν ἀνθρώποις εὐδοκία, Rec., R, mg., WH, mg. (v. Field, Notes, 48 f.), Lk 2:14; -ας, Lk, l.c., R, txt., WH, txt. (v. ICC, in l; WH, App., in l).†

[NT: 2x] εὐεργεσία, -ας, ἡ (< εὐεργέτης), [in LXX: Ps 78:11 (עֲלִילָה), Wi 16:11, 24, II Mac 6:13 Mac 9:26, IV Mac 8:17 * ;]

a good deed, kindness, benefit: I Ti 6:2; c. gen. pers. (εὐ. πόλεως, Plat., leg., 805b), Ac 4:9,†

[NT: 1x] εὐεργετέω, -ῶ (< εὐεργέτης), [in LXX: Ps 13:6 (גָּמַל), Wi 3:5, al. ;]

to do good, bestow benefit: Ac 10:33.†

[NT: 1x] ** εὐεργέτης, -ου, ὁ [in LXX: Es 8:13, Wi 19:14, II Mac 4:2, III Mac 3:19 Mac 6:24 * ;]

a benefactor: Lk 22:25 (for contemp. usage, v. Deiss., LAE, 248).†

[NT: 3x] εὔ-θετος, -ον (< τίθημι), [in LXX: Ps 32:6 (מָצָא), From [p. 186] Th Sus 1:15* ;]

ready for use, fit: of things, c. dat., He 6:7; seq. εἰς, Lk 14:35; of persons, c. dat., Lk 9:62 (for rabbinic parallels, v. Dalman, Words, 119 f.).†

[NT: 36x] εὐθέως adv. (< εὐθύς), [in LXX: Jb 5:3 (פִּתְאוֹם), Wi 5:12, I Mac 11:12, al. ;]

straightway, at once, directly: Ga 1:16, Ja 1:24, III Jn 14 (cf. Dalman, Words, 28 f.), Re 4:2, and freq. in Mt, Lk, Jo, Ac (in Mk, εὐθύς), q.v.)

[NT: 2x] *† εὐθυδρομέω, -ῶ

of ships, to run a straight course (Philo): Ac 16:11 21:1.†

[NT: 3x] ** εὐθυμέω, -ῶ (< ὔθυμος), [in Sm.: Ps 32:11, Pr 15:15 * ;]

1. trans., to make cheerful (Æsch.).
2. Intrans. (Eur., Plut.; so mid. in Xen., Plat.), to be of good cheer: Ac 27:22, 25, Ja 5:13.†

[NT: 1x] ** εὔ-θυμος, -ον [in LXX: II Mac 11:26 * ;]

1. kind (Hom.).
2. of good cheer (Æsch., al.): Ac 27:36.†

* εὐθύμως, adv.,

cheerfully: Ac 24:10.†

[NT: 2x] εὐθύνω (< εὐθύς), [in LXX: Nu 22:23, Jos 24:23 (נָטָה hi.), Jg 14:7, I Ki 18:20 18:26 (יָשַׁר) Pr 20:24, Si 2:2, 6, al. ;]

1. to direct: Ja 3:4.
2. to make straight: Jo 1:23 (LXX, ἑτοιμάσατε).†

[NT: 59x] εὐθύς, -εῖα, -ύ [in LXX chiefly for יָשַׁר ;]

1. straight, direct: τρίβοι, Mt 3:3, Mk 1:3, Lk 3:4 (LXX); εἰς εὐθειας, (sc. ὁδούς), Lk 3:5; εὐ. ὐδός, fig., Ac 13:10, II Pe 2:15; as pr. name of a street, Ac 9:11.
2. In moral sense, straightforward, right: καρδία, Ac 8:21 (cf. Ps 7:11 32:11, al.).†
adv., [in LXX (more freq. than εὐθέως) chiefly for יָשַׁר ;]
= εὐθέως, straightway, directly: Mt 3:16 13:20-21 14:27 21:2-3 26:74, Lk 6:49, Jo 13:30, 32 19:34, Ac 10:16, 42 times in Mk.

[NT: 1x] εὐθύτης, -ητος, ἡ (< εὐθύς), [in LXX chiefly for יֹשֶׁר, מִישׁוֹר and cognate forms ;]

uprightness: He 1:8 (LXX).†

[NT: 3x] *† εὐκαιρέω, -ῶ (= cl., εὖ σχολῆς ἔχειν; used by Polyb. and Philo; cf. Rutherford, NPhr. 205; MM, Exp., xiv),

to have leisure or opportunity: I Co 16:12; c. inf., Mk 6:31; seq. εἰς, to devote one's leisure to, Ac 17:21.†

[NT: 2x] εὐκαιρία, -ας, ἡ (< εὔκαιρος), [in LXX: Ps 9:10 (v. Soph., Lex., s.v.) Ps 10:1 145:15 (עֵת), Si 38:24, I Mac 11:42 * ;]

fitting time, opportunity: seq. ἵνα, Mt 26:16; τοῦ, c. inf., Lk 22:6.†

[NT: 2x] εὔ-καιρος, -ον [in LXX: Ps 104:27 (עֵת), II Mac 14:29 Mac 15:20-21, III Mac 4:11 Mac 5:44 * ;]

timely, seasonable, suitable (Cremer, 740): ἡμέρα, Mk 6:21 (or empty, as in Byz. and MGr.; v. MM, Exp., xiv); βοήθεια, He 4:16.†

[NT: 2x] ** εὐκαίρως adv., [in LXX: Si 18:22 * ;]

seasonably, in season: Mk 14:11; opp. to ἀκ- (Kühner3, iv, 346 d), II Ti 4:2.†

**† εὔ-κοπος, -ον [in LXX: Si 22:15, I Mac 3:18 * ;]

with easy labour, easy: compar., -ώτερόν ἐστι, c. inf., Mt 9:5, Mk 2:9, Lk 5:23; c. acc et inf., Mt 19:24, Mk 10:25, Lk 16:17 18:25 (Polyb.; the adv. -ως occurs in Aristoph., Fr., 615).†

[p. 187]

[NT: 2x] εὐλάβεια, -ας, ἡ (< εὐλαβής), [in LXX: Je 22:24 (דְּאָגָה), Pr 28:14, Wi 17:8 * ;]

1. caution, discretion (Soph., Plat., al.).
2. In later Gk. (Diod., Plut., al.), also reverence, godly fear: He 5:7 12:28.†

[NT: 1x] εὐλαβέομαι, -οῦμαι [in LXX: Pr 30:5, Na 1:7 (חָסָה), al., for 15 different Heb. words in all; also Si 7:29 41:3, al. ;]

1. to be cautious, to beware: Ac 23:10 (Rec.; φοβηθείς, WH, RV).
2. to reverence: He 11:7 (cf. Cremer, 388).†

[NT: 4x] εὐλαβής, -ές (< εὖ, λαβεῖν), [in LXX: Mi 7:2 AB2 (חָסִיד); εὐ. ποιεῖν, Le 15:31 (נָזַר hi.), Si 11:7 א2* ;]

1. cautious, circumspect.
2. devout, religious, reverent: Ac 2:5 8:2 22:12; δίκαιος καὶ εὐ., Lk 2:25.†

[NT: 41x] εὐλογέω, -ῶ [in LXX chiefly for בָּרַךְ pi. ;]

1. to speak well of, praise (cl.; LXX De 8:10, al.): τ. θεόν, Lk 1:64 2:28 24:51, 53 (αἰνοῦντες, T, WH, mg.), Ja 3:9; absol., to give praise, Mt 14:19 26:26 (v. Swete on Mk 14:22), Mk 6:41 14:22 (v. Swete, in l), Lk 24:30, I Co 14:16.
2. As in LXX (= בָּרַךְ pi.);
(a) to bless, invoke blessings on (Ge 24:60, Nu 23:20, al.): absol., I Co 4:12, I Pe 3:9; c. acc pers., Lk 2:34 6:28 24:50-51, Ro 12:14, He 7:1, 6-7 11:20-21; εὐλογημένος (= בָּרַךְ; v. Lft., Notes, 310; DCG, i, 189), blessed, Mt 21:9 23:39 (LXX), Mk 11:9-10, Lk 13:35 19:38 (LXX), Jo 12:13; c. acc rei, Mk 8:7, Lk 9:16, I Co 10:16;
(b) with God as subject (Ps 44:3, al.), to bless, prosper, bestow blessings on: c. acc pers., Ac 3:26, Ga 3:9, Eph 1:3 (Lft., Notes, 311), He 6:14; εὐλογημένος, Lk 1:28 (WH, tit., R, tit., omit) Lk 1:42; εὐλογημένοι τ. πατρός (cf. Is 61:9), Mt 25:34; pass. Ac 3:25 (cf. ἐν-, κατ-ευλογέω).†
SYN.: v.s. αἰνέω, and cf. DCG, i, 189, 211; Cremer, 766

[NT: 8x] εὐλογητός, -όν (< εὐλογέω), [in LXX chiefly for בָּרַךְ ;]

(a) of men (Ge 12:2 A, De 7:14, Jg 17:2 B, Ru 2:20, I Ki 15:13);
(b) of God (Lft., Notes, 310 f.), as chiefly in LXX (Ge 9:26, Ex 17:10, Ps 18:46, al.): Lk 1:68, Ro 1:25 9:5 (ICC, in l), II Co 1:3 11:31, Eph 1:3, I Pe 1:3; absol., ὁ εὐλογητός (Dalman, Words, 200; JThS, v, 453), Mk 14:61 (Cremer, 769).†

[NT: 16x] εὐλογία, -ας, ἡ [in LXX chiefly for בְּרָכָה ;]

1. fair speaking, flattering speech: χρηστολογίας καὶ εὐ., Ro 16:18.
2. praise: of God (as in late Inscr.; LS, s.v.) and Christ, Re 5:12-13 7:12
3. In LXX and NT: blessing, benediction;
(a) the act of blessing: I Co 10:16, He 12:17, Ja 3:10;
(b) concrete, a blessing: Ro 15:29, II Co 9:5-6, Ga 3:14, Eph 1:3, He 6:7, I Pe 3:9 (cf. De 11:26, Si 7:32, al.).†

[NT: 1x] *† εὐ-μετά-δοτος, -ον (< εὖ, μεταδιδωμι),

ready to impart: assoc. with κοινωνικός (for the distinction between the two, v. Field, Notes, 213; CGT, in l), I Ti 6:18.†

[NT: 1x] Εὐνίκη (Rec. -νείκη), -ης,

Eunice, Timothy's mother: II Ti 1:5.†

[NT: 1x] εὐ-νοέω, -ῶ (< εὔνοος, friendly), [in LXX: Es 8:13 Bא1, Da LXX 2:43, III Mac 7:11 * ;]

to be favourable, kindly disposed: c. dat., Mt 5:25.†

[p. 188]

[NT: 1x] εὔνοια, -ας, ἡ (< εὔνοος), [in LXX: Es 2:23, al. ;]

goodwill: Eph 6:7 (of slaves; cf. MM, Exp., xiv).†

[NT: 2x] *† εὐνουχίζω (< εὐνοῦχος),

to make a eunuch of, castrate: pass., Mt 19:12; metaph., εὐ. έαυτόν, ib.†

[NT: 8x] εὐνοῦχος, -ου, ὁ (i.e. ὁ τὴν εὐνὴν(bed) ἔχων), [in LXX for סָרִיס (perhaps not of necessity an actual eunuch; DB, s.v.), Ge 39:1, al., Wi 3:14, Si 20:4 30:20 ;]

an emasculated man, a eunuch: Mt 19:12; one such holding, as was common, high office, as of chamberlain, at court, Ac 8:27, 34-39; metaph., of one naturally incapacitated for or volun­tarily abstaining from wedlock, Mt 19:12.†

[NT: 1x] Εὐοδία (Rec. -ωδία), -ας, ἡ

Euodia (not as AV, Euodias), a Christian woman: Phl 4:2.†

Εὐωδία, -ας, ἡ, Phl 4:2, Rec. (for Εὐοδία, q.v.).†

εὐ-οδόω, -ῶ (< ὁδός), [in LXX chiefly for צָלַח hi. ;]

to help on one's way (Soph., al.). Pass., to have a prosperous journey; metaph. (Hdt., al.), to prosper, be prospered, be successful: III Jn 2, Ro 1:10, I Co 16:2 (on the tense, v. M, Pr., 54; ICC, in l).†

*† εὐ-πάρ-εδρος, -ον (< εὖ, πάρεδρος, sitting near; cf. Wi 9:4)

constantly attendant or waiting on: τ. κυρίῳ, I Co 7:35 (Rec. εὐπρόσ-).†

[NT: 1x] ** εὐ-πειθής, ές, (< εὖ, πείθομαι), [in LXX: IV Mac 12:6 AR* ;]

ready to obey, compliant: Ja 3:17.†

[NT: 1x] * εὐ-περί-στατος, -ον (< εὖ, περιΐστημι),

of sins, readily besetting: He 12:1 (on form and sense of the word, v. Westc., in l).†

εὐ-ποιέω, , = εὖ ποιέω,

to do good (whence εὐποιία, q.v.): εὐποιῆσαι, Mk 14:7 B (also Is 41:23 B, al.; v. Nestle, in Exp. T., xxiii, 7).†

*† εὐ-ποιία (Rec. -ιΐα), -ας, ἡ

1. beneficence, doing good: He 13:16.
2. a benefit (FlJ, Ant., ii, ll, 2, al.).†

εὐ-πορέω, -ῶ (< εὔτορος, well provided for) [in LXX: Le 25:26, 49 נָשַׂג hi.), Le 25:23 (v.l.), Wi 10:10 * ;]

to prosper, be well off: Ac 11:29.†

[NT: 1x] εὐ-πορία, -ας, ἡ (< εὔπορος), [in LXX for חַיִל, IV Ki 25:10 A (freq. in Aq.)* ;]

1. facility.
2. plenty, wealth: Ac 19:25.†

[NT: 1x] εὐ-πρέπεια, -ας, ἡ (< εὐπρεπής, comely), [in LXX for הָדָר, etc. ;]

goodly appearance, comeliness: Ja 1:11.†

εὐ-πρόσ-δεκτος, -ον (< εὖ, προσδέχομαι)

more usual than δέκτος, q.v., acceptable: Ro 15:16, 31, II Co 6:2 8:12, I Pe 2:5.†

[NT: 1x] *† εὐ-πρόσ-εδρος, -ον

Rec. for εὐπάρεδρος, q.v.: I Co 7:35.†

[NT: 1x] **† εὐ-προσωπέω, -ῶ (< εὐπρόσωπος, fair of face), [in Al.: Ps 141:6, v.l. for -ίζω* ;]

to look well, make a fair show: metaph. (as in 7.; v. Deiss., LAE, 96), Ga 6:12.†

Εὐρ-ακύλων (Rec. εὐροκλύδων, q.v.), -ωνος (< Εὖρος, the East wind, and Lat. Aquilo; Vg., Euroaquilo),

the Euraquilo, a N.E. wind (i.e. between Eurus and Aquilo): Ac 27:14.†

[NT: 176x] εὑρίσκω, [in LXX chiefly for מצא, also for נשׂג hi., etc. ;]

to find, with or without previous search: absol., opp. to ζητέω, Mt 7:7, 8 Lk 11:9, 10; c. acc., Mt 2:8, Mk 1:37, Ac 13:22, II Ti 1:17, al.; pass., οὐχ εὑ., of disappearance, He 11:5, Re 16:20, al.; γῆ κ. τὰ ἐν αὐτῇ ἔργα εὑρεθήσεται (for conjectures as to the meaning of this reading, v. Mayor, ICC, in l.), [p. 189] II Pe 3:10, WH, R, mg. Metaph., to find, find out by inquiry, learn, discover: Lk 19:48, Ac 4:21; αἰτίαν, Jo 18:38, Ac 13:28, al.; pass., Mt 1:18, Lk 17:18, Ro 7:10, I Co 4:2, Ga 2:17, I Pe 1:7, Re 5:4, al.; of attaining to the knowledge of God, εὑ. θεόν, Ac 17:27; pass., Ro 10:20 (LXX). Mid., to find for oneself, gain, procure, obtain: c. acc. rei, λύτρωσιν, He 9:12; act. in same sense (so cl. poets, but not in Attic prose), Mt 10:39 11:29, Lk 1:30, Ac 7:46, II Ti 1:18, al. (cf. ἀν-ευρίσκω).

εὐρο-κλύδων (G, εὐροκλ-), -ωνος, ὁ (< Εὖρος (v.l. < εὐρύς, broad), κλύδων),

Euroclydon (prob. a sailor's corruption of Εὐρακύλων, q.v.): Ac 17:14, Rec,†

[NT: 1x] εὐρύ-χωρος, -ον (< εὐρύς, broad + χώρα), [in LXX for רָחַב ni., and cognate forms (Is 30:23, al.), exc. II Ch 18:9 (גֹּרֶן ;]

spacious, broad: Mt 7:13.†

[NT: 15x] εὐ-σέβεια, -ας, ἡ (< εὐσεβής, q.v.), [in LXX: Pr 1:7, Is 33:6 (יִרְאָה), Pr 13:11 (aliter in Heb.), Is 11:2 (יְהֹוָה יִרְאָה), I Es 1:23, Wi 10:12, Si 49:3, and very freq. in 4Mac ;]

1. piety, reverence (towards parents and others).
2. piety towards God, godliness: Ac 3:12, I Ti 2:2 4:7-8 6:5-6 6:11, II Pe 1:3 1:6-7,; τὸ τῆς εὐ. μυστήριον, I Ti 3:16; ἡ κατ' εὐ. διδασκαλία, I Ti 6:3; ἡ ἀλήθεια ἡ κατ' εὐ., Tit 1:1; μόρφωσις εὐσεβείας, II Ti 3:5; pl. (v. Bl., § 32, 6; Mayor on Ja 2:1), II Pe 3:11 (on the use of εὐ. and cognates in Past. Epp., v. CGT, on I Ti 2:2; cf. also Cremer, 524).†

[NT: 2x] ** εὐ-σεβέω, -ῶ (< εὐσεβής, q.v.), [in LXX: Da LXX Sus 1:64, IV Mac 9:6 אR, IV Mac 11:5 Mac 11:8 Mac 11:23 Mac 18:2 * ;]

to reverence, show piety towards; c. acc (else­where more freq. seq. εἰς., περί, πρός): οἶκον, I Ti 5:4; θεόν, Ac 17:23 (Cremer, 525).†

[NT: 5x] εὐσεβής, -ές (< εὖ, σέβομαι), [in LXX: Pr 12:12, Is 24:16 26:7 (צַדִּיק), Mi 7:2 (חָסִיד), Is 32:8 (נָדִיב), and freq. in Sirach and 4Maccabees ;]

pious, godly, devout: Ac 10:2, 7, II Pe 2:9.†
SYN.: θεοσεβής, θρῆσκος (v. Tr., Syn., § xlviii; DB, ii, 221 f.; Cremer, 524 f., 858)

[NT: 2x] ** εὐσεβῶς adv., [in LXX: IV Mac 7:21 * ;]

piously, religiously: II Ti 3:12, Tit 2:12.†

[NT: 1x] εὔσημος, -ον (< εὖ + οῆμα, a sign) [in LXX for כֶּסֶא, Ps 81:3 (-ως, from LXX 219)* ;]

1. conspicuous (cf. Ps, l.c.).
2. clear to the understanding, distinct: I Co 14:9.†

[NT: 2x] ** εὔσπλαγχνος, -ον (εὖ, σπλάγχνον, q.v.), [in Man.1.7 (Camb. Manual LXX, iii, 825) ;]

1. in Hippocr., as medical term (LS, s.v.).
2. Metaph. (cf. εὐσιλαγχνία, Eurip., Rhes., 192), in NT, tenderhearted, compassionate: Eph 4:32, I Pe 3:8.†

[NT: 3x] * εὐσχημόνως adv. (< εὐσχήμων),

decorously, becomingly: I Co 14:40; περιπατεῖν, Ro 13:13, I Th 4:12.†

[NT: 1x] ** εὐσχημοσύνη (< εὐσχήμων), [in LXX: IV Mac 6:2 * ;]

seemliness, comeliness: I Co 12:23.†

εὐσχήμωι, -ον (εὖ, σχῆμα), [in LXX: Pr 11:25 * ;]

1. elegant, graceful, comely (Eur., Plat., al.): τὰ εὐ. ἡμῶν (opp. to τὰ ἀσχ- ἡμ-), [p. 190] I Co 12:24; in moral sense, seemly, becoming, I Co 7:35.
2. Also in late Gk. (v. Swete, Mk., l.c.; MM, Exp., xiv), wealthy, influential (RV, of honourable estate): Mk 15:43, Ac 13:50 17:12.†

[NT: 2x] εὐτόνως adv. (< εὖ, τείνω), [in LXX forשׁוֹפָר Jos 6:8 * ;]

vigorously, vehemently: Lk 23:10, Ac 18:28.†

[NT: 1x] * εὐτραπελία, -ας, ἡ (< εὖ, τρέπω),

1. versatility, wit, facetiousness (Hippocr., Plat., al.).
2. = βωμολογία, coarse jesting, ribaldry (Abbott, Essays, 93): Eph 5:4.†
SYN.: μωρολογία, v. Tr., Syn., § xxxiv

[NT: 1x] Εὔτυχος, -ου, ὁ (εὖ, τυχή),

Butychus, a young man: Ac 20:9.†

[NT: 1x] ** εὐφημία, -ας, ἡ (< εὔφημος), [in Sm.: Ps 42:5 47:2 100:2 126:2 * ;]

good report, praise: opp. to δυσφημία, II Co 6:8.†

[NT: 1x] εὔφημος, -ον (εὖ, φήμη), [in Sm.: Ps 63:6 ;]

primarily, utter­ing words or sounds of good omen, hence,
1. avoiding ill-omened words, religiously silent.
2. fair-sounding, auspicious (R, mg., gracious): Phl 4:8.†

[NT: 1x] * εὐ-φορέω, -ῶ

to be fruitful: Lk 12:16.†

[NT: 14x] εὐφραίνω [in LXX chiefly for שָׂמַח, qal, pi. ;]

to cheer, gladden: c. acc pers., opp. to λυπεῖν, II Co 2:2. Pass., to be happy, rejoice, make merry: Lk 15:32, Ac 2:26 (LXX) Ro 15:10 (LXX), Ga 4:27 (LXX), Re 11:10 12:12; seq. ἐν, Ac 7:41; ἐπί c. dat., Re 18:20; of merry-making at a feast (III Ki 4:20; of. Kennedy, Sources, 155; Field, Notes, 69 f.), Lk 12:19 15:23-24, 29 (LXX) (λαμπρῶς) Lk 16:19.†

[NT: 2x] Εὐφράτης, -ου, ὁ

the river Euphrates: Re 9:14 16:12.†

εὐφροσύνη, -ης, ἡ (< εὔφρων, cheerful) [in LXX chiefly for שִׂמְחָה ;]

rejoicing, gladness: Ac 2:28 (LXX) Ac 14:17.†

[NT: 38x] ** εὐχαριστέω, -ῶ [in LXX: Jth 8:25 Wi 18:2, II Mac 1:11 Mac 10:7 A II Mac 12:31 R, III Mac 7:16 * ;]

to be thankful, give thanks (chiefly in late writers and Inscr.; cf. Milligan, Th., 5; Ellic. on Col 1:12; Lft., Notes, 9): Ro 1:21, I Co 14:17, I Th 5:18; of giving thanks before meat, Mt 15:36 26:27, Mk 8:6 14:23, Lk 22:17, 19, Jo 6:11, 23, I Co 11:24; c. dat. pens., τ. θεῷ, Lk 17:16, Ac 27:35 28:15, Ro 14:6 16:4, I Co 14:18, Phl 1:3, Col 1:3, 12, Phm 4; seq. διὰ Ἰ. Χριστοῦ, Ro 1:8 7:25 R, WH, mg., Col 3:17; ἐν ὀνόματι Χρ., Eph 5:20; seq. περί, I Th 1:2, II Th 1:3; ὅτι, Ro 1:8, II Th 2:13; ἐπι, c. dat. rei, I Co 1:4; ὐπέρ, I Co 10:30, Eph 1:16 5:20; ὅτι, Lk 18:11, Jo 11:41, I Co 1:14, I Th 2:13, Re 11:17; pass. (Deiss., BS, 122 f.), II Co 1:11.†
SYN.: v.s. αἰνέω; and cf. Cremer, 903 f

[NT: 15x] ** εὐχαριστία, -ας, ἡ (< εὐχάριστος), [in LXX: Es 8:13, Wi 16:28, Si 37:11, II Mac 2:27 * ;]

1. thankfulness, gratitude (Polyb.; Es, Sir, 2Mac, ll. c.): Ac 24:3.
2. giving of thanks, thanksgiving (so in π. and Inscr.; M, Th., 41 f.): I Co 14:16, II Co 4:15, Eph 5:4, Phl 4:6, Col 2:7 4:2, I Th 3:9, I Ti 4:3-4, Re 4:9 7:12; c. dat. pers., II Co 9:11 (cf. τ. θεοῦ, Wis, l.c.); pl., II Co 9:12, I Ti 2:1 (Cremer, 904).†

[NT: 1x] εὐχάριστος, -ον (< εὖ, χαρίζομαι), [in LXX for חֵן, Pr 11:16 * ;]

1. = εὔχαρις, winning, gracious, agreeable (Pr, l.c.).
2. grateful, thankful: Col 3:15.†

[p. 191]

[NT: 3x] εὐχή, -ῆς, ἡ (< εὔχομαι), [in LXX chiefly for נָדַר ;]

1. a prayer: Ja 5:15.
2. a vow: Ac 18:18 21:23.†
SYN.: v.s. δέησις

[NT: 7x] εὔχομαι [in LXX chiefly for נָדַד, also for עָתַר hi., etc. ;]

to pray: c. acc rei, II Co 13:9; c. dat. pers., τ. θεῷ, Ac 26:29; seq. πρὸς τ. θεόν, II Co 13:7; c. acc et inf., Ac 27:29, III Jn 2; seq. ὑπέρ, Ja 5:16; ηὐχόμην εἶναι (On impf. here, v. ICC, in l, Lft., Phm 13), Ro 9:3 (Cremer, 718).†

[NT: 3x] εὔ-χρηστος, -ον (εὖ, χράομαι), [in LXX: Pr 31:13 (חֵפֶץ), Wi 13:13 * ;]

useful, serviceable: c. dat. pers., II Ti 2:21; id. seq. εἰς, c. dat. rei, II Ti 4:11; opp. to ἄχρηστος, Phm 11.†

[NT: 1x] *† εὐψυχέω, -ῶ (< εὔψυχος, courageous),

to be of good courage: Phl 2:19.†

[NT: 3x] εὐωδία, -ας, ἡ (< εὐώδης, fragrant; < ὄζω) [in LXX for נִיחוֹחַ, Ge 8:21, al. (ὀσμὴ εὐωδίας); Si 20:9 24:15, al. ;]

fragrance: metaph., Χριστοῦ εὐ,., II Co 2:15; ὀσμὴ εὐωδίας (a metaphor of sacrifice, most freq. in Pent. and Ez.), Eph 5:2, Phl 4:18.†

[NT: 9x] εὐώνυμος, -ον (εὖ, ὄνομα), [in LXX chiefly for שְׂמֹאול ;]

1. of good name or omen.
2. Euphemistic for ἀριστερός, left: Ac 21:3, Re 10:2; ἐξ εὐωνύμων, on the left: Mt 20:21, 23 25:33, 41 27:38, Mk 10:40 15:27.†

[NT: 1x] ἐφάλλομαι [in LXX for צָלַח, I Ki 10:6 11:6 16:13 * ;]

to leap upon: seq. ἐπί c. acc pers. Ac 19:16.†

[NT: 5x] * ἐφ-άπαξ, adv.

1. once for all (Eupol.): Ro 6:10 He 7:27 9:12 10:10.
2. at once: I Co 15:6.†

ἐφεῖδον, v.s. ἐπεῖδον.

[NT: 1x] Ἐφεσῖνος, -η, -ον

Ephesian: Re 2:1, Rec. (ἐν Ἐφέσῳ, WH, RV).†

[NT: 5x] Ἐφέσιος, -α, -ον

Ephesian: Ac 18:27 19:28, 34-35 21:29.†

[NT: 16x] Ἔφεσος, -ου, ἡ

Ephesus, a city in Asia Minor Ac 18:19, 21 18:24, 27 19:1, 17 19:26 (on the gen., v. M, Pr., 73) Ac 20:16-17, I Co 15:32 16:8, Eph 1:1, I Ti 1:3, II Ti 1:18 4:12, Re 1:11 2:1.†

[NT: 1x] * ἐφ-ευρετής, -οῦ, ὁ (< ἐφευρίσκω, to find out)

an inventor, contriver: κακῶν (cf. κακίας εὑρετής, II Mac 7:31), Ro 1:30.†

[NT: 2x] ἐφ-ημερία, -ας, ἡ (< ἐφήμερος), [in LXX chiefly for מִשְׁמֶרֶת, מַחֲלֹקֶת ;]

1. a course of daily services (Ne 13:30, I Ch 25:8, al.).
2. a class or course of priests detailed for service in the temple (I Ch 23:6, al.): Lk 1:5, 8 (cf. MGr., ἐφημέριος, priest).†

[NT: 1x] * ἐφ-ήμερος, -ον (ἐπί, ἡμέρα),

1. lasting for a day.
2. daily, for the day: Ja 2:15.†

ἔφιδε, v.s. ἐπεῖδον.

[NT: 2x] ** ἐφ-ικνέομαι, -οῦμαι [in LXX: Si 43:27, 30 R (ἀφικ- ABא)* ;]

to come to, to reach: seq. ἄχρι, II Co 10:13; εἰς, II Co 10:14.†

[NT: 21x] ἐφ-ίστημι [in LXX for נָצַב ni., שִׁית, נָתַן, etc. ;]

1. causal in pres., impf., fut., 1 aor., to set upon or by, set up, etc. (Æsch., Hdt., [p. 192] Arist., al).
2. Intrans. in mid, and in pf. and 2 aor. act.;
(a) to stand upon;
(b) to be set over;
(c) to stand by, be present, be at hand, come on or upon: Lk 2:38 10:40 20:1, Ac 6:12 12:7 22:13, 20 23:27, II Ti 4:2; c. dat. pars., Lk 2:9 24:4, Ac 4:1 23:11; c. dat. bc., Ac 17:5; seq. έπί, c. acc, Ac 10:17 11:11; of rain, Ac 28:2; of evils impending, c. dat. pers., I Th 5:3; seq. έπί (Wi 6:9), Lk 21:34; of time, II Ti 4:6 (cf. κατ-, συν-εφίστημι).†

[NT: 1x] Ἐφραίμ, (-ΐμ, Tr.)

Ephraim, a town near Jerusalem: Jo 11:54.†

ἐφφαθά (Aram. אֶתְפְּתח, v. Abbott, Essays, 142 ff.; DCG, i, 522)

ephphatha, be opened: Mk 7:34.†

ἐχθές (Rec. χθές), adv., [in LXX for תְּמוֹל, etc. ;]

yesterday: Jo 4:52, Ac 7:28, He 13:8 (on the form, v. Rutherford, NPhr., 370 f.).†

[NT: 6x] ἔχθρα, -ας, ἡ (< ἐχθρός), [in LXX for אֵיבָה, שִׂנְאָה, etc. ;]

enmity: Lk 23:12, Ro 8:7, Ga 5:20, Eph 2:15-16, Ja 4:4.†
ἀηδία, -ας, ἡ
(< ἀ- neg., ἦδος, pleasure), [in LXX: Pr 23:29 (שִׂיחַ)* ;]
1. of things or persons, unpleasantness, odiousness (Hipp., Dem., al.)
2. dislike (Plat.). disagreement (MM, VGT, s.v.): Lk 23:12 D.†

[NT: 32x] ἐχθρός, -ά, -όν (< ἔχθος, hatred), [in LXX chiefly for אֵיבָה, also for עָר, etc. ;]

1. hated, hateful (Hom.): opp. to ἀγαπητός, Ro 11:28.
2. Actively, hating, hostile: Ro 5:10, I Co 15:25, II Th 3:15; c. gen. pers. (cl.), Ja 4:4; τ. διανοίᾳ, Col 1:21; ἐ. ἄνθρωπος, Mt 13:28; as subst., ὁ ἐ., an enemy, I Co 15:26; the devil, Mt 13:39, Lk 10:19; c. gen. pers., Mt 22:44 Mk 12:36, Lk 20:43, Ac 2:35, I Co 15:25, He 1:13 10:13 (LXX); Mt 5:43-44 10:36 13:25, Lk 1:71, 74 6:27, 35 19:27, 43, Ro 12:20, Ga 4:16, Re 11:5, 12; c. gen. rei, Ac 13:10, Phl 3:18.†

[NT: 5x] ** ἔχιδνα, -ης, ἡ [in OT (Aq.), Is 59:5 * ;]

a viper: Ac 28:3; metaph., γεννήματα ἐχιδνῶν, Mt 3:7 12:34 23:33, Lk 3:7.†

[NT: 708x] ἔχω, [in LXX for אָצֵל (ἐχόμενος), יֵשׁ,בַּעַל, etc., 59 words in all ;]

(on the Aktionsart of the various tenses, v. M, Pr., 110, 145, 150, 183), to have, as in cl., in various senses and constructions.
I. Trans.;
1. 1. to have, hold, hold fast, etc.;
(a) to hold, as, in the hand: Re 5:8 14:6, al.; ἐν τ. χειρί, Re 1:16 10:2, al.;
(b) of arms and clothing, = φέρω, φορέω, to bear, wear: Mt 3:4 22:12, al.; so freq. pres. ptcp. (LS, s.v., A, I, 6; Bl., 74, 2), Mk 11:13, Jo 18:10, Re 9:17, al.;
(c) of a woman, ἐν γαστρὶ ἔ, to be with child: Mk 13:17, Ro 9:10;
(d) to hold fast, keep: Lk 19:20; metaph., of the mind and conduct, Mk 16:8 (cf. Jb 21:6, Is 13:8; Deiss., BS, 293; Field, Notes, 44f.), Jo 14:21, Ro 1:28, I Ti 3:9, II Ti 1:13, Re 6:9, al.;
(e) to involve: He 10:35 (LXX), Ja 1:4, I Jo 4:18; (f) = Lat. habere (Bl., §34, 5; 73, 5), to hold, consider: c. acc. et predic. ptcp., Lk 14:18; c. acc, seq. ὡς, Mt 14:5; εἰς (Hebraism), Mt 21:46; on (Bl., §70, 2), Mk 11:32.
2. to have, possess;
(a) in general, c. acc. rei: Mt 19:22, Mk 10:22, Lk 12:19, Jo 10:16, I Co 11:22, al.; of wealth or poverty, absol., ἔχειν (neg. οὐκ, μή), Mt 13:12 25:29, II Co 8:12; ἐκ τ. ἔχειν, according to your means, II Co 8:11;
(b) of relationship, association, et.: πατέρα, Jo 8:41; γυναῖκα (MM, xiv), I Co 7:2; φίλον, Lk 11:5; βασιλέα, Jo 19:15; ποιμένα, Mt 9:36; c. dupl. acc, Mt 3:9, al.;
(c) of parts or members: ὦτα, Mt 19:15; μέλη, Ro 12:4; θεμελίους, [p. 193]
(d) c. acc, as periphrasis of verb: μνεῖαν ἔ. (= μεμνῆσθαι), I Th 3:6; ἀγάπην, Jo 13:35; γνῶσιν, I Co 8:1; πεποίθησιν, II Co 3:4; θλίψιν, Jo 16:33, etc. (Thayer, s.v., I, 2, f., g.);
(e) of duty, necessity, etc.: ἀνάγκην, I Co 7:37; νόμον, Jo 19:7; ἐπιταγήν, I Co 7:25; ἀγῶνα, Phl 1:30; κρίμα, I Ti 5:12;
(f) of complaints and disputes; κατά, c. gen. pers., Mt 5:23, Mk 11:25; id. seq. ὅτι, Re 2:4, 20; c. acc. seq. πρός, Ac 24:19, al.;
(g) c. inf.,
(α) (cl.) to be able (Field, Notes, 14): Mt 18:25, Mk 14:8 (sc. ποιῆσαι), Lk 12:4, Ac 4:14, al;
(β) of necessity (BL, §69, 4): Lk 12:50, Ac 23:17-19 28:19.
II. Intrans. (BL, §53, 1), to be in a certain condition: ἑτοίμως ἔ., c. inf., Ac 21:13, II Co 12:14; ἐσχάτως (q.v.), Mk 5:23; κακῶς, to be ill, Mt 4:24, al.; καλῶς, Mk 16:[18]; κομψότερον, Jo 4:52; πῶς, Ac 15:36; impers., ἄλλως εἴχει, it is otherwise, I Ti 5:25; οὕτως, Ac 7:1, al.; τὸ νῦν ἔχον, as things now are (To 7:11), Ac 24:25.
III. Mid., -ομαι, to hold oneself fast, hold on or cling to, be next to: c. gen., τ. ἐχόμενα σωτηρίας, He 6:9 (Rendall, in l.); ptcp., ὁ ἐχόμενος, near, next: of place, Mk 1:38; of time, τ. ἐχομένη (ἡμέρα, expressed or understood), Lk 13:33, Ac 20:15 21:26; (σαββάτῳ), Ac 13:44. (Cf. ἀν-, προσ-αν-, ἀντ-, ἀπ-, ἐν-, ἐπ-, κατ-, μετ-, παρ-, περι-, προ-, προσ-, συν-, ὑπερ-, ὑπ-έχω.)

[NT: 146x] ἕως, relative particle (Lat. donee, usque),

expressing the terminus ad quem (cf. Burton, §321ff.).
I. As conjunction;
1. till, until;
(a) of a fact in past time, c. indic.: Mt 2:9, al. (Wi 10:14, al.);
(b) ἕως ἄν, c. subjc. aor.: Mt 2:13 5:18, Mk 6:10, al.; without ἄν (M. Pr., 168f.; Lft., Notes, 115), Mk 14:32 (Burton, §325), Lk 12:59, II Th 2:7, al.;
(c) c. indic., pres. (Burton, §328; BL, §65, 10): Mk 6:45, Jo 21:22, 23 I Ti 4:13.
2. C. indic., as long as, while (Burton, §327): Jo 9:4 (Plat., Phaedo, 89c).
II. As an adverb (chiefly in late writers).
1. Of time, until, unto;
(a) as prep. c. gen. (BL, §40, 6; M, Pr., 99): τ. ἡμέρας, Mt 26:29, Lk 1:80, Ro 11:8, al.; ὥρας, Mt 27:45, al.; τέλους, I Co 1:8, II Co 1:13; τ. νῦν, Mt 24:21, Mk 13:19 (I Mac 2:33); ἐτῶν ὀγ. (Field, Notes, 49f.), Lk 2:37; τ. ἐλθεῖν, Ac 8:40; before names and events, Mt 1:17 2:15, Lk 11:51, Ja 5:7, al.;
(b) seq. οὗ, ὅτου, with the force of a conjc. (Burton, §330; M, Pr., 91);
(α) ἕ. οὗ (Hdt., ii, 143; Plut., al.): c. indic., Mt 1:25 (WH br., οὗ) 13:33, al.; c. subjc. aor., Mt 14:22, al.;
(β) ἔ. ὅτου: c. subjc., Lk 13:8; c. indic., Mt 5:25 (until), Jo 9:18;
(c) c. adv. (ἔ. ὀψέ, Thuc, iii, 108): ἄρτι, Mt 11:12, Jo 2:10, I Co 4:13, al.; πότε (M, Pr., 107), Mt 17:17, Mk 9:19, Jo 10:24, al.
2. Of place, as far as, even to, unto (Arist., al.);
(a) as prep. c. gen. (v. supr.): Mt 1123, Lk 1015, al.;
(b) c. adv. (BL, §40, 6): ἄνω, Jo 2:7; ἔσω, Mk 14:54; κάτω, Mt 27:51, Mk 15:38; ὧδε, Lk 23:5;
(c) c. prep.: ἔξω, Ac 21:5; πρός, Lk 24:50 (Field, Notes, 83).
3. Of quantity, measure, etc.: Mt 18:21, Mk 6:23, Lk 22:51, al.


[NT: 3x] Ζαβουλών, indecl. (Heb. זְבוּלוּן v. Ge 30:20)

Zebulun, Jacob's tenth son: the tribe of Z., Mt 4:13, 15, Re 7:8.†

[p. 194]

[NT: 3x] Ζακχαῖος, -ου, ὁ (Heb. זַכַּי, cf. Ne 7:14, I Es 2:9, LXX Ζακχού),

Zaccai, Zacchaeus, a publican: Lk 19:2, 5 19:8 (cf. II Mac 10:19).†

Ζαρά, indecl. (Heb. זֶרַח, Ge 38:30),

Zerah, an ancestor of Jesus: Mt 1:3.†

[NT: 11x] Ζαχαρίας, -ου, ὁ (Heb. זַכַּי);

1. Zacharias, father of John the Baptist: Lk 1:5, 12-13 1:18, 21 1:40, 59 1:67 3:2.
2. Zechariah, the son of Jehoiada (in txt. wrongly called son of Barachiah; cf. II Ch 24:19 ff.): Mt 23:35, Lk 11:51.†

[NT: 142x] ζάω, -ῶ, [in LXX chiefly for חיה (most freq. ptcp., ζῶν, inf., ζῆν, for חַי ;]

1. prop., to live, be alive (v. Syn., s.v. βίος; in cl. usually of animal life, but sometimes of plants, as Arist., Eth. N, i, 7, 12): Ac 20:12, Ro 7:1-3, I Co 7:39, Re 19:20, al.; ἐν αὐτῷ ζῶμεν, Ac 17:28; ἐμοὶ τὸ ζῆν Χριστός, Phl 1:21; διὰ παντὸς τοῦ ζῆν (M, Pr., 215, 249), He 2:15; ὃ δὲ νῦν ζῶ ἐν σαρκί, Ga 2:20; ζῇ ἐν ἐμοὶ Χριστός, Ga 2:20; (ὁ) ζῶν, of God (אֵל חַי and cognate phrases, Jos 3:10, Ho 2:1 (1:10), Is 37:4, al.; v. DCG, ii, 39a), Mt 16:16, Jo 6:57, Ro 9:26, I Th 1:9, He 3:12, Re 7:2, al.; in juristic phrase, ζῶ ἐγώ (חַי־אָנִי, Nu 14:21, al.), as I live, Ro 14:11; ζῆν ἐπ’ ἄρτῳ, Mt 4:4, al.; ἐκ, I Co 9:14; of coming to life, Mk 16:[11], Ro 6:10 14:9, II Co 13:4; opp. to νεκρός, Re 1:18 2:8; metaph., Lk 15:32; ζῆν ἐκ νεκρῶν, Ro 6:13; of the spiritual life of Christians, Lk 10:28, Jo 5:25, Ro 1:17 8:13; εἰς τ. αἰῶνα, Jo 6:51, 58; σὺν Χριστῷ, I Th 5:10; ὄνομα ἔχεις ὅτι ζῇς, Re 3:1.
2. As sometimes in cl., = βιόω, to live, pass one's life: Lk 2:36, Ac 26:5, Ro 7:9, Col 2:20; ἐν πίστει, Ga 2:20; ἐν τ. ἁμαρτίᾳ, Ro 6:2; εὐσεβῶς, II Ti 3:12; ἀσώτως, Lk 15:13; c. dat. (cl.), ἑαυτῳ (Field, Notes, 164), Ro 14:7, II Co 5:15; τ. δικαιοσύνῃ, Lk 20:38, Ro 6:10, 11 Ga 2:19; τ. Χριστῷ, II Co 5:15; τ. θεῷ, I Pe 2:24; πνεύματι, Ga 5:25; κατὰ σάρκα, Ro 8:12, 13;
3. Of inanimate things, metaph.: ὕδωρ ζῶν (i.e. springing water, as opp. to still water), in a spiritual sense, Jo 4:10, 11 7:38 (DCG, ii, 39f.): ἐλπὶς ζῶσα, I Pe 1:3; ὁδὸς ζῶσα, He 10:20 (cf. ἀνα-, συν-ζάω; Cremer, 270, 721).

[NT: 12x] Ζεβεδαῖος, -ου, ὁ (Heb. זְבַדְיָה; LXX: Ζαβδειά, Es 8:8 10:20; Ζαβαδαῖας, I Es 9:35; Ζαβαδαῖος, I Es 9:21)

Zebedee, father of James and John the Apostles: Mt 4:21 10:2 20:20 26:37 27:56, Mk 1:19-20 3:17 10:35, Lk 5:10, Jo 21:2.†

[NT: 3x] **† ζεστός, -ή, -όν (ζέω) [in Aq.: Le 6:21; in Al.: Le 7:12 * ;]

boiling hot (Strab., al.): metaph., Re 3:15-16.†

[NT: 2x] ζεῦγος, -εος (-ους), τό (< ζεύγνυμι, to yoke), [in LXX chiefly for צֶמֶד, Jg 19:3, al. ;]

1. a yoke of beasts: Lk 14:19.
2. a pair of any­thing, Lk 2:24 (LXX).†

[p. 195]

*† ζευκτήριος, -α -ον (< ζεύγνυμι),

fit for joining. As subst.,
(a) ζευκτήριον, τό = ζυγόν, a yoke;
(b) ζευκτηρία, -ας, ἡ = ζεύγλη, the crossbar of a double rudder: Ac 27:40 (found nowhere else).†

[NT: 2x] Ζεύς

gen., Διός, dat., Διΐ, acc, Δία (Δίαν, D, al.),
Zeus (Lat. Jupiter): Ac 14:12-13.†

[NT: 2x] ζέω [in LXX for רוּם, רָתַח, metaph., IV Mac 18:20 ;]

to boil, be hot; metaph., of anger, love, zeal: ptcp., fervent: τ. πνεύματι, Ac 18:25, Ro 12:11.†

* ζηλεύω, late and rare form of ζηλόω, q.v.;

1. to envy, be jealous.
2. to be zealous: Re 3:19.†

[NT: 16x] ζῆλος, -ου, ὁ and in late Gk., also -εος, τό (II Co 9:2, Phl 3:6), [in LXX for קִנְאָה, Nu 25:11, al. ;]

1. zeal: II Co 7:11 9:2; κατά ζῆλος, Phl 3:6; c. gen. obj., Jo 2:17 (LXX), Ro 10:2; seq. ὑπέρ, II Co 7:7; c. gen. subj., θεοῦ, II Co 11:2; πυρός, He 10:27 (cf. Is 26:11, Wi 5:18, and cf. Westc., in l).
2. jealousy: Ro 13:13, I Co 3:3 3:2 II Co 12:20, Ga 5:20 (WH, txt, RV), Ja 3:14, 16; πλησθῆναι ζήλου Ac 5:17 13:45; pl., ζῆλοι (v. B1., § 32, 6), Ga 5:20, WH, mg.†

[NT: 11x] ζηλόω, -ῶ [in LXX chiefly for קָנָא pi. ;]

1. to burn with envy or jealousy, to be jealousy: absol., Ac 7:9 17:5, I Co 13:4, Ja 4:2 (R, mg., cf. Mayor, in l).
2. to seek or desire eagerly: c. acc rei, I Co 12:31 14:1 14:39 (cf. Si 50:18, Wi 1:12); c. acc pers., II Co 11:2, Ga 4:17; pass., Ga 4:18.†

[NT: 7x] ζηλωτής, -οῦ, ὁ (< ζηλόω), [in LXX for קַנָּא (θεὸς ζ.), Ex 20:5 34:14, De 4:24 5:9 6:15; קַנּוֹא, Na 1:2 (θεός); pl., I Es 8:72; ζ. τῶν νόμων, II Mac 4:2;τὸν ζ. Φινεές, IV Mac 18:12 (cf. Nu 25:11)* ;]

1. in cl. an emulator, zealous admirer (Plat., al.).
2. eagerly desirous, zealous;
(a) absol., as in OT, ll. c.;
(b) c. gen. obj.: (zealous to acquire or to defend), I Co 14:12, Tit 2:14, I Pe 3:13; τ. νόμου (2Mac, l.c.), Ac 21:20; παραδόσεων, Ga 1:14; c. gen. pers., θεοῦ, Ac 22:3.
3. In FlJ, NT, a Zealot, member of the Jewish party so called: as surname of the Apostle Simon, Lk 6:15, Ac 1:13.†

[NT: 1x] Ζηλωτής

In FlJ, NT,
a Zealot, member of the Jewish party so called: as surname of the Apostle Simon, Lk 6:15, Ac 1:13.†

[NT: 4x] ζημία, -ας, ἡ [in LXX for עָנַשׁ; עֹנֶשׁ ni. and cognate forms ;]

damage, loss: Ac 27:10, 21 Phl 3:8; opp. to κέρδος, Phl 3:7.†

ζημόω, -ῶ (< ζημία), [in LXX chiefly for עָנַשׁ ;]

to damage. Pass., to suffer loss, forfeit, lose: absol., I Co 3:15; seq. ἐν, II Co 7:9; c. acc rei (v. B1., § 34, 6), τ. ψυχήν, Mt 16:26, Mk 8:36; ἑαυτόν, Lk 9:25; τ. πάντα, Phl 3:8.†

[NT: 1x] Ζηνᾶς, -ᾶ, acc -ᾶν (contr. from Ζηνόδωρος),

Zenas: Tit 3:13.†

[NT: 117x] ζητέω, -ῶ, [in LXX chiefly for בּקשׁ pi., also for דּרשׁ, etc. ;]

1. to seek, seek for: Mt 7:7, 8 Lk 11:9, 10; c. acc. pers., Mk 1:37, Lk 2:48, Jo 6:24, al.; id. seq. ἐν, Ac 9:11; c. acc. rei, Mt 13:45, Lk 19:10; seq. ἐν, Lk 13:6, 7; ψυχήν, of plotting against one's life ( Ex 4:19, al.), Mt 2:20, Ro 11:3 (LXX). Metaph., to seek by thinking, search after, inquire into: Mk 11:18, Lk 12:28, Jo 16:19; τ. θεόν, Ac 17:27.
2. to seek or strive after, desire: Mt 12:46, Mk 12:12, Lk 9:9, Jo 5:18, Ro 10:3, al.; τ. θάνατον, Re 9:6; τ. βασιλείαν τ. θεοῦ, Mt 6:33 (Dalman, Words, 121f.); τὰ ἄνω, Col 3:1; [p. 196] εἰρήνην, I Pe 3:11 (LXX).
3. to require, demand: c. acc. rei, Mk 8:12, Lk 11:29, I Co 1:22, II Co 13:3; seq. παρά, Mk 8:11, al.; ἵνα, I Co 4:2 (cf. ἀνα-, ἐκ-, ἐπι-, συν-ζητέω).

[NT: 5x] ζήτημα, -τος, τό (< ζητέω), [in LXX: ζ. τίθεσθαι (דָּרַשׁ ni.), Ez 36:37 A * ;]

an inquiry, question: Ac 15:2 18:15 23:29 25:19 26:3.†

[NT: 7x] * ζήτησις, -εως, ἡ (< ζητέω).

1. a seeking, search.
2. a questioning, inquiry, debate: Ac 15:2, 7, II Ti 2:23, Tit 3:9; seq. περί, Jo 3:26, Ac 25:20, I Ti 6:4.†

[NT: 8x] * ζιζάνιον, -ου, τό (in Talmud זוּנִין),

zizanium (EV, tares), a kind of darnel, resembling wheat: Mt 13:25-40 (cf. DB, s.v. "Tares").†

Ζοροβάβελ (FlJ, Ζοροβάβηλος, -ου), indecl. (Heb. זְרֻבָּבֶל),

Zerubbabel (I Ch 3:19, al.): Mt 1:12-13 Lk 3:27.†

[NT: 5x] ** ζόφος, -ου, ὁ (akin to γνόφος, q.v.), [in Sm.: Ex 10:22, Jb 28:3, Ps 11:2 91:6, Is 59:9 * ;]

in Hom, the gloom of the under-world; hence, darkness, deep gloom (poët. and late prose writers): He 12:18, II Pe 2:4 2:17, Ju 6 13.†
ὁμίχλη, -ης, ἡ,
[in LXX for עֲרָפֶל, etc. ;]
a mist: II Pe 2:17
SYN.: νέφος, νεφέλη, both thicker than ὁ

[NT: 6x] ζυγός (in cl. more freq. τὸ ζυγόν), -οῦ, ὁ (< ζεύγνυμι), [in LXX for עֹל, מֹאזֵן, etc. ;]

1. a yoke; metaph., of bondage or submission to authority: Mt 11:29-30, Ac 15:10, Ga 5:1, I Ti 6:1.
2. a balance: Re 6:5 (of. Is 40:12, al.).†

[NT: 13x] ζύμη, -ης, ἡ [in LXX for חָמֵץ, Ex 12:16 13:3 23:18 34:25, De 16:3; שְׂאֹר, Ex 12:16, 19 13:7, Le 2:11, De 16:4 * ;]

leaven: Mt 13:33, Lk 13:21; τ. ἄρτου, Mt 16:12. Metaph., of a moral influence or tendency, always, exc. in the Parable of the Leaven (Mt 13:33, Lk 13:21), for evil: I Co 5:6-8, Ga 5:9; ζ. τ. Φαρισαίων, Mt 16:6, 11, Mk 8:16, Lk 12:1 (Cremer, 723).†

[NT: 4x] ζυμόω, -ῶ (< ζύμη), [in LXX for חָמֵץ, Ex 12:34, 39 Le 6:17 23:17, Ho 7:4 * ;]

to leaven: Mt 13:33, Lk 13:21, I Co 5:6, Ga 5:9.†

[NT: 2x] ζωγρέω, -ῶ (< ζωός, alive, + ἀγρεύω) [in LXX chiefly for חָיָה hi. ;]

to catch alive, take captive: metaph., Lk 5:10; pass., II Ti 2:26 (on the meaning and construction, v. Ellic., CGT, in l).†

[NT: 135x] ζωή, -ῆς, ἡ (ζάω), [in LXX chiefly for חַיִּים ;]

life (in Hom., Hdt., = βίος, q.v.; later, existence, vita quâ vivimus, as distinct from βίος, vita quam vivimus; opp. to θάνατος);
1. of natural life: Lk 16:25, Ac 8:33, I Co 15:19, I Ti 4:8, He 7:3, Ja 4:14; πνεῦμα ζωῆς, Re 11:11; ψυχὴ ζωῆς ( Ge 1:30), Re 16:3; of the life of one risen from the dead, Ro 5:10, He 7:16.
2. Of the life of the kingdom of God, the present life of grace and the life of glory which is to follow (Dalman, Words, 156ff.; Westc, Epp. Jo., 214ff.; Cremer, 272ff.): Jo 6:51, 53 Ro 7:10 8:6, 10 Phl 2:16, Col 3:4, II Pe 1:3; αἰώνος (reff. supr.; DCG, i, 538a, ii, 30f.), Jo 4:36 12:50 17:3, I Jo 1:2, al.; τ. φῶς τῆς ζ., Jo 8:12; ὁ Λόγος τ. ζ., I Jo 1:1; ὁ ἄρτος τ. ζ., Jo 6:35, 48; δικαίωσις ζωῆς, Ro 5:18; μετάνοια εἰς ζ., Ac 11:18; ἐν αὐτῷ ζ. ἦν, [p. 197] Jo 1:4; ζ. ἡ ἐν. Χ. Ἰ., II Ti 1:1; τὰ πρὸς ζωήν, II Pe 1:3, al.; στέφανος τῆς ζ., Ja 1:12, Re 2:10; χάρις ζωῆς (gen. expl.), I Pe 3:7; ζ. καὶ εἰρήνη, Ro 8:6; ζ. καὶ ἀφθαρσία, II Ti 1:10; ἀνάστασις ζωῆς, Jo 5:29; βίβλος ζωῆς, Phl 4:3, Re 3:5; ξύλον ζωῆς, Re 2:7; ὕδωρ ζωῆς, Re 22:17; meton., of that which has life: τ. πνεῦμα, Ro 8:10; ῥήματα, Jo 6:63; of one who gives life, Jo 11:25 14:6, I Jo 1:2; ἡ ἐντολή, Jo 12:50.
SYN.: v.s. βίος.

[NT: 8x] ζώνη, -ης, ἡ (ζώννυμι) [in LXX for אַבְנֵט, חֲגוֹר, etc. ;]

a belt, girdle: Mt 3:4, Mk 1:6, Ac 21:11, Re 1:13 15:6; as a receptacle for money, Mt 10:9, Mk 6:8.†

[NT: 3x] ζώννυμι and ζωννύω [in LXX chiefly for חָגַר ;]

to gird: c. acc pers., Jo 21:18. Mid., to gird oneself: Ac 12:8 (cf. ἀνα-, δια-, περι-, ὑπο-ζώννυμι).†

ζωογονέω, -ῶ (< ζωός, alive, γένεσθαι), [in LXX Ex 1:17-18, 22, Jg 8:19, I Ki 2:6 27:9 27:11, III Ki 20:31, IV Ki 7:4 (חָיָה pi., hi.), Le 11:47 (חַי)* ;]

1. in cl., to engender, produce alive, endue with life.
2. In LXX. and NT, to preserve alive (DCG, ii, 606; Cremer, 274): Lk 17:33, Ac 7:19, I Ti 6:13 (EV, quickeneth; R, mg., preserveth).†

[NT: 23x] ζῷον (Rec. ζῶον, v. LS, s.v.), -ου, τό (< ζωός, alive), [in LXX for חַי (chiefly) and cognate forms; freq. in Wis ;]

a living creature, an animal: Re 4:6-9 5:6 ff. Re 6:1 ff. Re 7:11 14:3 15:7 19:4; ζῴων τ. αἷμα, He 13:11; ἄλογα ζ., II Pe 2:12, Ju 10.†
SYN.: θηρίον, in which the brutal, bestial element is emphasized, and which is never used of sacrificial animals. On the other hand, ζ. is the more comprehensive, as expressing the vital element common to the whole anima] creation (v. Tr., Syn., LXXxi; Cremer, 274).

ζωο-ποιέω, [in LXX for חָיָה pi., hi., Jg 21:14, IV Ki 5:7, Ne 9:6, Jb 36:6, Ps 70:20, Ec 7:12 * ;]

1. in cl. (= ζωογονέω), to produce alive.
2. In LXX and NT, to make alive, cause to live, quicken (DCG, ii, 606a; Cremer, 275): Jo 5:21 6:53, Ro 4:17 8:11, I Co 15:45, II Co 3:6, Ga 3:21. Pass., I Co 15:22 15:36, I Pe 3:18.†


Η, η, ἦτα, τό, indecl.,

eta, the seventh letter. As a numeral, η' = 8; η, = 8000.

[NT: 332x] , disjunctive and comparative particle (Bl., §36, 12; 77, 11);

1. disjunctive, or;
(a) between single words: Mt 5:17 Mk 6:56, Lk 2:24, Jo 6:19, Ro 1:21, al.;
(b) before a sentence expressing a variation, denial or refutation of a previous statement, freq. in interrog. form: Mt 7:4, 9 Mk 12:14, Lk 13:4, Ro 3:29 6:3 9:21, I Co 6:9, 16 9:6, II Co 11:7; ἤ . . . ἤ, either . . . or, Mt 6:24, Lk 16:13, I Co 14:6;
(c) in a disjunctive question (as Lat. an after utrum): Mt 9:5, Mk 2:9, Lk 7:19, al.; after πότερον, Jo 7:17; μή, I Co 9:8; μήτι, II Co 1:17; ἤ . . . ἤ . . . ἤ, Mk 13:35.
2. Comparative, than: after comparatives, Mt 10:15, Lk 9:13, Jo 3:19, Ro 13:11, al.; after ἕτερον, Ac 17:21; θέλω (Khüner 3, iv, 303), I Co 14:19; πρὶν ἤ, [p. 198] before, seq. acc. et inf., Mt 1:18 Mk 14:30; after a positive adj. (Ge 49:12; cf. Robertson, Gr., 661), Mt 18:8, 9 Mk 9:43, 45 47.
3. with other particles: ἀλλ’ ἤ, v.s. ἀλλά; ἤ γάρ, v.s. γάρ; ἢ καί, or even, or also, Mt 7:10, Lk 11:11, 12 Ro 2:15 4:9, al; ἤτοι . . . ἤ, Ro 6:16 (cf. Wi 11:19).

ἦ (μήν), v.s. εἰ, iii, 7.

* ἡγεμονεύω (< ἡγεμών),

1. to lead the way.
2. to lead in war, command (of. Ramsay, Was Christ born at Bethlehem?; DCG, ii, 463 f.).
3. to be governor of a province: c. gen. loc., Lk 2:2 3:1.†

[NT: 1x] ἡγεμονία, -ας, ἡ (< ἡγεμών), [in LXX: Ge 36:30 (אַלּוּף), Nu 1:52 2:17, (דֶּגֶל), Si 7:4 10:1, IV Mac 6:33 Mac 13:4 * ;]

rule, sovereignty: Lk 3:1.†

ἡγεμών, -όνος, ὁ (ἡγέομαι) [in LXX for אַלּוּף, שַׂר, etc. ;]

1. a leader, guide.
2. a commander.
3. a governor of a province (pro­consul, proprietor, legate, or procurator; but cf. ἀνθύπατος): Mt 10:18, Mk 13:9, Lk 21:12, I Pe 2:14; of the Procurator of Judæa, Mt 27:2, 11 27:14-15, 21 27:27 28:14, Lk 20:20, Ac 23:24, 26 23:33 24:1, 10 26:30.
4. For Heb. אַלְפֵי (LXX, χίλιαι) misread אַלֻּפֵי, leaders: Mt 2:6 (OT).†

[NT: 28x] ἡγέομαι, -οῦμαι depon. mid., [in LXX (chiefly Pres. ptcp.) for נָגִיד, רֹאשׁ, שַׂר, etc. ;]

1. to lead;
(a) to guide, go before;
(b) to rule, be leader: pres. ptcp., ἡγούενος, a ruler, leader (MM, Exp., xiv), Mt 2:6 (LXX), Lk 22:26, Ac 7:10 14:12 15:22, He 13:7, 17 13:24.
2. to suppose, believe, consider, think (Hdt., Soph., al.; of. Lat. duco): c. dupl. acc, Ac 26:2, Phl 2:3, 6 3:7, I Ti 1:12 6:1, He 10:29 11:11, 26, II Pe 1:13 2:13 3:9 3:15; c. acc seq. ὡς, c. acc, II Th 3:15; c. acc seq. adv., I Th 5:13; ὅταν, Ja 1:2; ἀναγκαῖον, c. inf., II Co 9:5, Phl 2:25; δίκαιον, c. inf., II Pe 1:13; c. acc et inf., Phl 3:8 (of. δι-, ἐκ-δι-, ἐξ- προ-ηγέομαι).†
SYN.: v.s. δοκέω

[NT: 3x] ἡδέως adv. (< ἡδύς, sweet), [in LXX: Pr 3:24 (עָרַב), etc. ;]

gladly, with pleasure: Mk 6:20 12:37, II Co 11:19; superlat., ἥδιστα, very gladly (B1., § 11, 3), II Co 12:9 12:15.†

[NT: 61x] ἤδη adv.,

in NT, always of time; now, already: Mt 3:10, Mk 4:37, Lk 7:6, Jo 4:36, al.; νῦν . . . ἤ., now already, I Jn 4:3; ἤ. ποτέ, now at length, c. fut., Ro 1:10 (cf. ἄρτι)

[NT: 2x] ἥδιστα, v.s. ἡδέως.

[NT: 5x] ἡδονή, -ῆς, ἡ (< ἥδομαι, to be glad) [in LXX: Nu 11:8 (טַעַם), Pr 17:1, Wi 7:2 16:20, and freq. in 4Mac ;]

pleasure: II Pe 2:13; pl., Lk 8:14, Tit 3:3, Ja 4:1, †

* ἡδύ-οσμος, -ον (< ἡδύς, ὀσμή)

sweet-smelling; as subst., τὸ ἡ., mint: Mt 23:23, Lk 11:42.†

[NT: 1x] ** ἦθος, -εος (-ους), τό [in LXX: Si 20:26, IV Mac 1:29 Mac 2:7 Mac 2:21 Mac 5:24 Mac 13:27 * ;]

1 1, a haunt, abode.
2. = ἔθος, custom, manner: pl., I Co 15:33.†

[NT: 26x] ἥκω [in LXX chiefly for בּוֹא ;]

pf. with pres. meaning (hence impf. = plpf.), to have come, be present: Mt 24:50, Mk 8:3 (late pf., ἧκα, v. Swete, in l; WH, App., 169), Lk 12:46 15:27, Jo 8:42, He 10:7, 9 10:37, I Jn [p. 199] 5:20, Re 2:25 3:3, 9 15:4; seq. ἀπό, c. gen. loc., Mt 8:11, Lk 13:29; ἐκ, Ro 11:26; id. seq. εἰς, Jo 4:47; μακρόθεν, Mk 8:3; ἐπί, c. acc, Re 3:3. Metaph., of discipleship: Jo 6:37; of time and events: absol., Mt 24:14, Jo 2:4, II Pe 3:10, Re 18:8; seq. ἐπί c acc pers., Mt 23:36, Lk 19:43 (cf. ἀν-, καθ-ήκω).†

ἡλεί (Rec. ἠλί L, ἠλί; Heb. אֵל),

Eli, my God: Mt 27:46 (cf. ἐλωΐ).†

Ἡλεί (Rec. Ἡλί; RV, Ἡλί), , indecl.,

Heli, Joseph's father: Lk 3:23.†

Ἡλείας (Rec. Ἡλίας; L Tr., Ἡίας; T, Ἡλείας; cf. WH, App., 155, Intr., § 408), -ου (, Lk 1:17, WH), (Heb. אֵלִיָּה,),

Elijah (III Ki 17:1-24, al.): Mt 11:14 16:14 17:3-4, 10-12 27:47, 49, Mk 6:15 8:28 9:4-5, 11-13 15:35-36 Lk 1:17 4:25-26 9:8, 19 9:30, 33 9:54, Jo 1:21, 25, Ja 5:17; ἐν Ἠ., in the portion concerning E., Ro 11:2.†

[NT: 8x] ἡλικία, -ας, ἡ (< ἧλιξ, of the same age, mature), [in LXX: Ez 13:18 (קוֹמָה), Jb 29:18, Wi 4:9, Si 26:17, freq. in 2-4 Mac ;]

always of age or maturity; "a stage of growth whether measured by age or stature";
1. (a) age: Mt 6:27, Lk 12:25 (R, mg.), He 11:11;
(b) full age, maturity: Jo 9:21, 23, Eph 4:13.
2. stature: Lk 19:3 (Mt 6:27, Lk 12:25, AV, R, txt.; but the prevailing usage in LXX and π. favours the former meaning in these doubtful passages; cf., Ellic., ICC, AR, on Eph, l.c.; Milligan, NTD, 74 f., and esp., MM, Exp., xv; e contra, Field, Notes, 6).†

[NT: 3x] * ἡλίκος, -η, -ον

1. prop., as big as, as old as.
2. As indirect interrog., what sized, what, how great, how small (the sense to be determined by the context): Col 2:1, Ja 3:5, Ga 6:11 (WH, mg.; πηλ-, WH, txt., RV).†

[NT: 32x] ἥλιος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX chiefly for שֶׁמֶשׁ ;]

the sun: with art. (El., § 46, 5), Mt 5:45 13:43 17:2 24:29, Mk 1:32 4:6 13:24 16:2, Lk 4:40, Ac 2:20 (LXX) Ac 26:13, Eph 4:26, Ja 1:11, Re 1:16 6:12 8:12 9:2 10:1 12:1 16:8 19:17 21:23; βλέπειν τὸν ἥ., Ac 13:11; οὐδὲ μὴ πέσῃ ἐπ' αὐτοὺς ὁ ἥ., Re 7:16; without art., Mt 13:6, Lk 21:25 23:45, Ac 27:20, I Co 15:41, Re 7:2 16:12 22:5.†

[NT: 1x] ἧλος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX: Is 41:7 מַסְמֵר etc. ;]

a nail: Jo 20:25.†

ἡμεῖς, v.s. ἐγώ.

[NT: 389x] ἡμέρα, -ας, ἡ, [in LXX chiefly (very freq.) for יוֹם ;]

1. as distinct from night: gen. ἡμέρας, by day (WM, §30, 11), Re 21:25; ἡ. κ. νυκτός (ν. κ. ̔ἡ.), Ac 9:24, I Th 2:9, II Th 3:8, Re 4:8 (BL, §36, 13); ἡμέρας μέσης, at mid-day, Ac 26:13; acc. durat., τ. ἡμέρας, Lk 21:37; ὅλην τὴν ἡ., Ro 8:36; ἐν ἡμέρα, Jo 11:9, Ro 13:13; ἡμέρας ὁδός, a day's journey, Lk 2:44; ἡ. γίνεται, Lk 4:42 22:66; κλίνει, Lk 9:12, al.; metaph., Jo 9:4, Ro 13:12, I Th 5:4, 5 8, II Pe 1:19.
2. Of a civil day of 24 hours, incl. night: Mt 6:34, Mk 6:21, Lk 13:14, al.; τρίτῃ ἡ., Mt 16:21; ἡμέρᾳ κ. ἡ. (cf. יוֹם בְּיֹום, Es 3:4), II Co 4:16; ὅλην τ. ἡ., Ro 8:36 10:21; pl., Jo 2:12, Ac 9:19, al.; ἡ. τῶν ἀζύμων, Ac 12:3; τ. σαββάτου, Lk 13:14, 16; ἡ κυριάκη ἡ., Re 1:10.
3. In Messianic sense, of the last day: ἡ ἡ. (ἐκείνη, τ. κυρίου, [p. 200] etc.), Mt 7:22, Lk 6:23, Ro 13:12, I Co 1:8, I Th 5:2, II Th 2:2, II Pe 3:10, al; by meton., as compared with the divine judgment on that day, ἡ. ἀνθρωπίνη, of a human tribunal, I Co 4:3 (EV, man's judgment).
4. As in Heb. (also in Gk. writers; Bl, §46, 9; M, Pr., 81), of time in general: Jo 8:56 14:20, II Co 6:2, Eph 6:13, II Pe 3:18; pl. Ac 15:7, Eph 5:16, He 10:32; πᾶσας τὰς ἡ. (cf. כָּל הַיָּמִים, De 4:40, al.; MM, Exp., xv), Mt 28:20; ἐλεύσονται ἡ. ὅταν (ὅτε), Mt 9:15, Mk 2:20, Lk 5:35 17:22; αἱ ἡ., c. gen. pers. (Ge 26:1, al.), Mt 2:1, Lk 1:5, Ac 7:45, I Pe 3:20; ἀρχ̀ ἡμερῶν, He 7:3.

[NT: 9x] ἡμέτερος, -α, -ον (ἡμεῖς), poss. prop. of first pers.,

our: Ac 2:11 24:6 26:5, Ro 15:4, II Ti 4:15, I Jn 1:3 Jn 2:2; τὸ ἡ., Lk 16:12, WH, txt., R, mg. (τὸ ὑμ., Rec., WH, mg., R, txt.); oἱ ἡ., our (people), Tit 3:14.†

ἦ μήν, v.s. .

[NT: 1x] **† ἡμιθανής, -ές (< ἥμι, half + θνήσκω) [in LXX: IV Mac 4:11 * ;]

half-dead: Lk 10:30.†

[NT: 5x] ἥμισυς, -εια, -υ gen., -ους (late, as in π., for cl., -εος Bl., § 8, 4; Mayser, 294), n. p1., ἡμίσια (Rec., cl., -εια), [in LXX for חֵצִי, מַחֲצִית ;] half;

1. as adj., agreeing in gender and number with the substantive following, τὰ ἡμίσια τ. ὑταρχόντων, Lk 19:8.
2. As neut. subst., τὸ ἥμισυ, the half; ἥ. (anarth.), a half: c. gen., ἥ. καιροῦ, Re 12:14; ἕως ἡμίσους τ. βασιλείας μου, Mk 6:23; after a cardinal number, ἡμέρας τρεῖς κ. ἥμισυ, Re 11:9, 11.†

*† ἡμίωρον (Rec. -ιον), -ου, τό (ἥμι, half + ὥρα),

half an hour: Re 8:1.†

[NT: 2x] ἡνίκα

rel. adv. of time,
at which time, when; seq. αν, c. subjc., whensoever: II Co 3:15-16.†

[NT: 1x] ἤπερ, v.s. .

[NT: 1x] * ἤπιος, -α, -ον

mild, gentle: I Th 2:7 (WH, R, mg., νήπιος); seq. πρός, II Ti 2:24.†

[NT: 1x] Ἤρ (L, Ἥρ), , indecl. (Heb. עֵר),

Er, an ancestor of Jesus: Lk 3:28.†

**† ἤρεμος-ον [in LXX Es 3:13 A* ;]

quiet, tranquil (Luc., al.): I Ti 2:2.†
SYN: ἡσύχιος, q.v

[NT: 43x] Ἡρῴδης (Rec. -ώδης), -ου, ὁ

1. Herod the Great: Mt 2:1-23, Ac 23:35.
2. Herod Antipas (ὁ τετραάρχης, Mt 14:1): Mt 14:1, 3 14:6, Mk 6:1-56, Mk 8:15, Lk 1:5 3:1, 19 8:3 9:7, 9 13:31, 23, Ac 4:27 13:1.
3. Herod Agrippa I: Ac 12:1, 6 12:11, 19 12:21 (cf. Ἀγρίππας (II)).†

[NT: 3x] Ἡρῳδιανοί (Rec. Ἡρω-), -ῶν, οἱ,

Herodians, partisans of Herod (cf. τὸυς τὰ Ἡρῴδου φρονοῦνιτας, FlJ, Ant., xiv, 15, 10): Mt 22:16, Mk 3:6 12:13.†

[NT: 6x] Ἡρῳδιάς (Rec. Ἡρω-), -άδος, ἡ

Herodias, granddaughter of Herod the Great: Mt 14:3, 6, Mk 6:17, 19 6:22, Lk 3:19.†

[NT: 1x] Ἡρῳδίων (Rec. Ἡρω-), -ωνος, ὁ

Herodion: Ro 16:11.†

Ἠσαίας (Rec. Ἠσαΐας), -ου, ο (Heb. יְשַׁעְיָה),

Isaiah, the prophet: [p. 201] Mt 3:3 4:14 8:17 12:17 13:14, 35 15:7, Mk 7:6, Lk 3:4 4:17, Jo 1:23 12:38-39, 41, Ac 8:28 28:25, Ro 9:27, 29 10:16, 20 15:12; ἀνεγίνωςκεν τ. προφήτην Ἠ., Ac 8:30; ἐν τ. Ἠ., Mk 1:2.†

[NT: 3x] Ἠσαῦ,

indecl. (Heb. עֵשָׂו, Ge 25:25),
Esau: Ro 9:13 (LXX) He 11:20 12:16.†

ἡσσάομαι, v.s. ἡττάω.

ἥσσων (Rec. ἥττ-, the Attic literary form), ἧσσων,

inferior, less; neut., τὸ ἧ., adverbially, less: II Co 12:15; εἰς τὸ ἧ., for the worse (opp. to κρεῖττον): I Co 11:17.†

[NT: 5x] ἡσυχάζω [in LXX chiefly for שָׁקַט ;]

to be still;
(a) to rest from labour: Lk 23:56;
(b) to live quietly: I Th 4:11;
(c) to be silent: Lk 14:3, Ac 11:18 21:14 (cf. Jb 32:7, Ne 5:8).†
SYN.: σιγάω (q.v.), σιωπάω

[NT: 4x] ἡσυχία, -ας, ἡ (< ἡσύχιος, q.v.), [in LXX for אִישׁוֹן, שָׁלֵו, etc. ;]

1. quietness: II Th 3:12.
2. stillness, silence: Ac 22:2, I Ti 2:11-12

[NT: 2x] ἡσύχιος, -α, -ον (= the more freq. ἥσυχος; cf. Wi 18:14, Si 25:20), [in LXX: Is 66:2 (רוּחַ נָכֶה)* ;]

quiet, tranquil: I Ti 2:2, I Pe 3:4.†
SYN.: ἤρεμος, of tranquillity arising from without; ἡ., from within (v. Ellic. on 1Ti, l.c.; but also v. CGT, ib.).†

[NT: 1x] ἤτοι

disjunct. part.,
whether: Ro 6:16.†

ἡττάω, -ῶ (ἡσσ-, II Co 12:13, v.s. ἥσσων) [in LXX for חָתַת, etc. ;]

1. to be inferior: seq. ὑπέρ, II Co 12:13.
2. to be overcome: absol., II Pe 2:20; c. dat., II Pe 2:19.†

[NT: 2x] ἥττημα, -τος, τό [in LXX for מַס, Is 31:8 * ;]

defect, loss, defeat: Ro 11:12 (cf. Isa, l.c.), I Co 6:7 (cf. Field, Notes, 160 f., 171 f.; Lft., Notes, 212).†

ἥττων, v.s. ἥσσων.

[NT: 1x] ἠχέω, -ῶ (< ἦχος), [in LXX for הָמָה, etc. ;]

to sound: I Co 13:1 (cf. ἐξ-, κατ-ηχέω).†

[NT: 4x] ἦχος, -ου, ὁ (also in late and MGr., -εος, τό, Lk 21:25), [in LXX for הָמוֹן, etc. ;]

1. a noise, sound: Ac 2:2; ἦ. θαλάσσης, Lk 21:25; σάλπιγγος, He 12:19
2. a report: seq. πεφί, Lk 4:37.†


[NT: 2x] Θαδδαῖος, -ου, ὁ (Aram. תּדִאַי, תַּדַּי),

Thaddæus: Mt 10:3, Mk 3:18 (WH, mg., Λεββαῖος, q.v.).†

[NT: 90x] θάλασσα, -ης, ἡ [in LXX chiefly for יָם ;]

the sea: Mt 23:15, Mk 11:23, Lk 21:25, Ro 9:27, He 11:12, Ja 1:6, Ju 13, Re 7:1, al.; τὸ πέλαγος τῆς θ. (v. Tr., ut infr.), Mt 18:6; ὁ οὐρανὸς κ. ἡ γῆ κ. ἡ θ., of the whole world, [p. 202] Ac 4:24, al. (Ha 2:7); θ. ὑαλίνη, Re 4:6 15:2; of the Mediterranean, Ac 10:6, 32 17:14; of the Red Sea, ἐρυθρὰ θ., Ac 7:36, I Co 10:1-2, He 11:20; of an inland lake (as Heb. יָם), θ. τ. Γαλιλαίας, Mt 4:18 15:29, Mk 1:16 7:31; τ. Τιβεριάδος, Jo 21:1; τ. Γ. τ. T., Jo 6:1; of the same, simply ἡ θ., Mt 4:15, Mk 2:13, al
SYN.: πέλαγος, the vast expanse of open water"; θ., "the sea as contrasted with the land" (Tr., Syn., xiii)

[NT: 2x] θάλπω [in LXX for סָכַן, etc. ;]

to heat, warm; metaph.,
(a) to inflame (Trag.);
(b) to foster, cherish: Eph 5:29, I Th 2:7.†

Θάμαρ (Tr., Θαμάρ), ἡ (Heb. תָּמָר, Ge 38:6),

Tamar: Mt 1:3.†

θαμβέω, -ῶ (θάμβος) [in LXX for בָּעַת ni., pi., etc. ;]

1. to be amazed.
2. In late Gk., to astonish, terrify (II Ki 22:5): pass., Mk 1:27 10:32; seq. ἐπί c. dat rei, Mk 10:24.†

[NT: 3x] θάμβος, -ους, τό [in LXX for פַּחַד, etc. ;]

amazement: Lk 4:36 5:9, Ac 3:10.†

[NT: 1x] * θανάσιμος, -ον (< θάνατος),

deadly: Mk 16:18.†

[NT: 1x] θανατη-φόρος, -ον (< θάνατος, φέρω), [in LXX: Nu 18:22 (מוּת), Jb 33:23, IV Mac 8:18 Mac 8:26 Mac 15:26 * ;]

deadly, death-bringing: Ja 3:8.†

[NT: 120x] θάνατος, -ου, ὁ (θνήσκω), [in LXX chiefly for מָוֶת ,מוּת, sometimes דֶּבֶר ;]

1. of the death of the body, whether natural or violent: Jo 11:13, Phl 2:27, He 7:23, al; opp. to ζωή, Ro 8:38, Phl 1:20; of the death of Christ, Ro 5:10, Phl 3:10, He 2:9; ῥυέσθαι (σώζειν) ἐκ θ., II Co 1:10, He 5:7; περίλυπος ἕως θανάτου, Mt 26:38, Mk 14:34; μέχρι (ἄχρι), Phl 2:8, Re 2:10; πληγὴ θανάτου, a deadly wound. Re 13:3; ἰδεῖν θάνατον, Lk 2:26, He 11:5; γεύεσθαι θανάτου, Mk 9:1; ἔνοχος θανάτου, Mk 14:64; θανάτῳ τελευτᾶν ( Ex 21:17, מוּת יוּמָת), Mk 7:10; death personified, Ro 6:9, I Co 15:26, Re 21:4; pl., of deadly perils, II Co 11:23.
2. Of spiritual death: Jo 5:24 8:51, Ro 7:10, Ja 1:15, 5:20, I Jo 3:14 5:16, al.; of eternal death, Ro 1:32 7:5, al.; ὁ θ. ὁ δεύτερος, Re 2:11 21:8 (cf. Cremer, 283ff.; DB, iii, 114ff.; DCG, i, 791f.).

[NT: 11x] θανατόω, -ῶ [in LXX chiefly for מוּת hi., ho., also for הָרַג, etc. ;]

to put to death: c. acc, Mt 10:21 26:59 27:1, Mk 13:12 14:55, Lk 21:16, II Co 6:9, I Pe 3:18; pass., Ro 8:36. Metaph.: Ro 8:13; pass., c. dat, (in relation to), Ro 7:4.†

[NT: 11x] θάπτω [in LXX chiefly for קָבַר ;]

to bury: c. acc, Mt 8:21-22 14:12, Lk 9:59-60, Ac 5:6, 9-10; pass., Lk 16:22, Ac 2:29, I Co 15:4.†

Θαρά (Rec. Θάρα), , indecl. (Heb. תֶּרַח),

Terah (Ge 11:24-28, 31-32): Lk 3:34.†

[NT: 8x] θαρρέω, -ῶ (later form of θαρσέω), [in LXX: Pr 1:21, Ba 4:21, 27, from LXX Ba 6:16, (17), IV Mac 13:11 Mac 17:4 * ;]

to be of good cheer or courage, to be confident: II Co 5:6 5:8, He 13:6; τ. πεποιθήσει, II Co 10:2; seq. εἰς, II Co 10:1; ἐν, II Co 7:16.†
SYN.: τολμάω. "θ. has reference more to the character, τ. to its manifestation " (Thayer, s.v. τολμάω)

[p. 203]

[NT: 5x] θαρσέω, -ῶ (v.s. θαρρέω), [in LXX chiefly for יָרֵא, c. neg. ;]

to be of good courage: imperat., θάραει, -εῖτε, Mt 9:2, 22 14:27, Mk 6:50 10:49, Jo 16:33, Ac 23:11.†

[NT: 1x] θάρσος, -ους, τό

courage: Ac 28:15.†

[NT: 2x] θαῦμα, -τος, τό [in LXX: Jb 17:8 18:20 20:8 21:5 (שַׂעַר, etc.)* ;]

1. a wonder: II Co 11:14.
2. wonder: Re 17:6.†

[NT: 43x] θαυμάζω [in LXX for נָשָׂא, etc. ;]

to marvel, wonder, wonder at: absol., Mt 8:10, 27 9:33 15:31 21:20 22:22 27:14, Mk 5:20 15:5, Lk 1:21 (R, txt.; ICC, in l, but v. infr.), Lk 1:63 8:25 11:14 24:41, Jo 5:20 7:15, Ac 2:7 4:13 13:41, Re 17:7-8; c. acc pers., Lk 7:9; c. acc rei, Lk 24:12 (WH, R, mg. om.), Jo 5:28, Ac 7:31; θαῦμα μέγα, Re 17:6; πρόσωπον (LXX for פָּנִים נָשָׂא, De 10:17, al.), Ju 16; seq. διά, c. acc, Mk 6:6, Jo 7:21; seq. ἐν, c. dat. obj., Lk 1:21 (? R, mg., but v. supr); seq. ἐπί, c. dat. rei, Lk 2:33 4:22 9:43 20:26, Ac 3:12; περί, Lk 2:18; ὀπίσω, Re 13:3; ὅτι, Lk 11:38, Jo 3:7 4:27, Ga 1:6; εἰ, Mk 15:44, I Jn 3:13. Pass. (Si 38:3, Wi 8:11): seq. ἐν, c. dat. pers., II Th 1:10 (cf. ἐκ-θαυμάζω).†

[NT: 1x] θαυμάσιος, -α, -ον (< θαῦμα), [in LXX chiefly for פָּלָא ni. (n. pl. = פָּלָא Jos 3:5 ;]

wonderful; n. pl., wonders: Mt 21:15.†

[NT: 6x] θαυμαστός, -ή, -όν (< θαυμάζω), [in LXX for פָּלָא and cogn. forms (Ps 118:22-23 119:129, Is 25:1, al.), יָרֵא ni. (Ex 15:11, Ps 65:5, al.), אַדִּיר (Ps 8:1, 9 93:4), etc. ;]

wonderful, marvellous: Mt 21:42 (LXX) Mk 12:11, Jo 9:30, I Pe 2:9, Re 15:1, 3.†

[NT: 1x] * θεά, -ᾶς, ἡ (fem. of θεός, q.v.),

a goddess: Ac 19:27.†

[NT: 22x] θεάομαι, -ῶμαι [in LXX; II Ch 22:6 (רָאָה), To 2:2 13:6, 14, Jth 15:8, II Mac 2:4 Mac 3:36, III Mac 5:47 * ;]

to behold, look upon, contemplate, view (in early writers with a sense of wondering), in NT apparently always in literal, physical sense of "careful and deliberate vision which interprets . . . its object": c. acc rei, Mt 11:7, Lk 7:24 23:55, Jo 1:14, 32 4:35 11:45, Ac 22:9, I Jn 1:1; c. acc pers., Mt 22:11, Ac 21:27, Ro 15:24, I Jn 4:12; c. ptcp., Mk 16:14, Lk 5:27, Jo 1:38, Ac 1:11; seq. ὅτι, Jo 6:5, I Jn 4:14; pass., Mt 6:1 23:5, Mk 16:11.†
SYN.: v.s. θεωρέω

[NT: 1x] θεατρίζω (< θέατρον),

to make a spectacle of, expose to contempt (eccl.; ἐκθ-, Polyb.): pass., He 10:33.†

[NT: 3x] * θέατρον, -ον, τό (< θεάομαι),

1. a theatre (used also as a place of assembly): Ac 19:29, 31.
2. Collective for οἱ θεαταί, the spectators.
3. = θέα, θέαμα, a spectacle, show: metaph., I Co 4:9.†

[NT: 7x] θεῖον, -ου, τό [in LXX; Ge 19:24, De 29:23 Jb 18:15, Ps 11:7, Is 30:33 34:9, Ez 38:22 (גׇּפְרִית), III Mac 2:5 * ;]

brimstone: Lk 17:29 (LXX), Re 9:17-18 14:10 19:20 20:10 21:8.†

[NT: 3x] θεῖος, -εία, -εῖον (< θεός), [in LXX: Ex 31:3 35:31, Jb 27:3 33:4, Pr 2:17 (אֵל, אֱלֹהִים, אֱלוֹהַּ), Si 6:35, 1-37 II Ma 3:1-40, III Mac 1:1-29, 4Mac.25 * ;]

divine: [p. 204] δύναμις, II Pe 1:3; φύσις (for parallel in π., v. MM, Exp., xv), II Pe 1:4; τὸ θ.,
the Deity (so in cl.; of God, in Philo and FlJ), Ac 17:29.†

[NT: 1x] **† θειότης, -ητος, ἡ (< θεῖος) [in LXX: Wi 18:9 * ;]

divine nature, divinity: Ro 1:20 (for ex. from π., v. MM, Exp., xv).†
SYN.: θεότης, deity, godhead, divine personality. θει. = divine nature and properties, a summary term for the attributes of deity, differing from θεότης as quality or attribute from essence

[NT: 1x] *† θειώδης, -ες (< θεῖον),

of brimstone, sulphureous: Re 9:17.†

[NT: 62x] θέλημα, -τος, τό (< θέλω), [in LXX chiefly for חָפֵץ, also for רָצוֹן, etc. ;]

(a) objectively = that which is willed: Mt 18:14, Lk 12:47, Jo 5:30, I Co 7:37, I Th 5:18, II Ti 2:26, He 10:10, Re 4:11; θ. τ. θεοῦ, Ac 22:14, Ro 2:18 12:2, Eph 1:9, Col 1:9 4:12, I Pe 4:2; τ. κυρίου, Eph 5:17; pl., of precepts, Mk 3:35, WH, mg., Ac 13:22 (LXX); ἐστιν τὸ θ., c. gen. pers., seq. ἵνα, Jo 6:39-40, I Co 16:12; c. inf., I Pe 2:15; c. acc et inf., I Th 4:3
(b) subjectively = τὸ θέλειν (cf. θέλησις): Lk 23:25, Jo 1:13, I Pe 3:17, II Pe 1:21; ποιεῖν, Mt 7:21 12:50 21:31, Mk 3:35 (pl., WH, mg., v. supr.), Jo 4:34 6:38 7:17 9:31, Eph 6:6, He 10:7, 9 10:36 13:21, I Jn 2:17; γίνεσθαι, Mt 6:10 26:42, Lk 22:42, Ac 21:14; ἡ εὐδοκία ( βουλὴ) τοῦ θ., Eph 1:5, 11; ἐν τῷ θ. τοῦ θεοῦ, Ro 1:10; διὰ θ. θεοῦ, Ro 15:32, I Co 1:1, II Co 1:1 8:5, Eph 1:1, Col 1:1, II Ti 1:1; κατὰ τὸ θ. τ. θεοῦ, Ga 1:4, I Pe 4:19, I Jn 5:14; pl., Eph 2:3 (Cremer, 728).†

[NT: 1x] θέλησις, -εως, ἡ (θέλω) [in LXX: II Ch 15:15, Pr 8:35 (רָצוֹן), Ez 18:23 (חֵפֶץ), LXX Da 11:45 (צְבִי), To 12:18, Wi 16:25, II Mac 12:16, III Mac 2:26 * ;]

in colloq. and MGr. = τὸ θέλειν,
will: He 2:4.†

[NT: 208x] θέλω (the strengthened form ἐθέλω is found in Hom., and is the more freq. in Attic; v. Rutherford, NPhr., 415f.), [in LXX for חפץ ,אבה; c. neg., מאן pi., etc. ;]

to will, be willing, wish, desire (more freq. than βούλομαι, q.v., in vernac. and late Gk., also in MGr.; for various views as to its relation to β., v. Thayer, 286; but v. also BL, §24, s.v.): absol., Ro 9:16, I Co 4:19 12:18, Ja 4:15; τ. θεοῦ θέλοντος, Ac 18:21; c. acc. rei, Mt 20:21, Mk 14:36, Jo 15:7, Ro 7:15, 16 I Co 4:21 7:36, Ga 5:17; c. inf., Mt 5:40, Mk 10:43, Jo 6:21, 67 Ro 7:21, Ga 4:9; c. acc. et inf., Mk 7:24, Lk 1:62, Jo 21:22, 23 Ro 16:19, I Co 14:5, Ga 6:13; οὐ θέλω, Mt 18:30, al.; id. c. inf., Mt 2:18, Mk 6:26, Jo 5:40, I Co 16:7; seq. ἵνα, Mt 7:12, Mk 6:25, Jo 17:24; opp. to ποιέω, πράσσω, ἐνεργέω, Ro 7:15, 19 II Co 8:10, 11 Phl 2:13; seq. (ICG, in l.; Deiss., LAE, 179:24), I Co 14:19; θέλων ἐν ταπεινοφροσυνῄ (of his own mere will, by humility, R, mg), Col 2:18; in OT quotations, for Heb. חפץ, c. acc. pers., Mt 27:43; c. acc. rei, Mt 9:13 12:7, He 10:5, 8; c. inf., I Pe 3:10; for אמר, c. inf., Ac 7:28 (v. Cremer, 726ff.).

[NT: 11x] θεμέλιος, -ον (< τίθημι), [in LXX for אַרְמוֹן, מוֹסָד, etc. ;]

of or for a foundation; as subst., ὁ θ. (sc. λίθος), a foundation stone, foundation: Lk 6:48-49 14:29 (but v. Deiss., BS, 123); pl., οἰ θ. (cl.), He 11:10 Re 21:14, 19; neut., τὸ θ. (Arist., Phys., vi, 6, 10, LXX and later writers), [p. 205] Ac 16:26; metaph., Ro 15:20, I Co 3:10-12 Eph 2:20, I Ti 6:19, II Ti 2:19, He 6:1.†

[NT: 5x] θεμελιόω, -ῶ [in LXX chiefly for יָסַד ;]

to lay the foundation of, to found: c. acc, τ. γῆν, He 1:10 (LXX); pass., Mt 7:25, Lk 6:48; metaph., I Pe 5:10 (R, mg., settle); pass., Eph 3:18, Col 1:23.†

[NT: 1x] *† θεο-δίδακτος, -ον

taught of God (cf. διδακτοὶ θεοῦ, Jo 6:45): I Th 4:9.†

* θεο-λὸγος, -ου, ὁ,

1. one who treats of the Divine nature (applied in cl. to the old poets and philosophers).
2. In eccl., a theologian, divine: Re, tit., Rec.†

[NT: 1x] ** θεομαχέω, -ῶ (< θεομάχος), [in LXX: II Mac 7:19 * ;]

to fight against God: Ac 23:9 (Rec.).†

[NT: 1x] **† θεομάχος, -ον [in Sm.: Jb 26:5, Pr 9:18 21:16 * ;]

fighting against God: Ac 5:39.†

[NT: 1x] *† θεόπνευστος, -ον (< θεός, πνέω),

inspired by God: II Ti 3:16.†

[NT: 1307x] θεός, -οῦ, ὁ, ἡ (Ac 19:37 only; v. M, Pr., 60, 244), late voc., θεέ (Mt 27:46; cf. De 3:24, al.), [in LXX chiefly for אֱלֹהִים, also for אֵל and other cognate forms, יהוה, etc. ;]

a god or deity, God.
1. In polytheistic sense, a god or deity: Ac 28:6, I Co 8:4, II Th 2:4, al.; pl., Ac. 14:11 19:26, Ga 4:8, al.
2. Of the one true God;
(a) anarthrous: Mt 6:24, Lk 20:38, al.; esp. c. prep. (Kühner 3, iii, 605), ἀπὸ θ., Jo 3:2; ἐκ, Ac 5:39, II Co 5:1, Phl 3:9; ὑπό, Ro 13:1; παρὰ θεοῦ, Jo 1:6; παρὰ θεῷ, II Th 1:6, I Pe 2:4; κατὰ θεόν, Ro 8:27, II Co 7:9, 10; also when in gen. dependent on an anarth. noun (Bl., §46, 6), Mt 27:43, Lk 3:2, Ro 1:17, I Th 2:13; as pred., Lk 20:38, Jo 1:1, and when the nature and character rather than the person of God is meant, Ac 5:29, Ga 2:6, al. (M, Th., 14);
(b) more freq., c. art.: Mt 1:23, Mk 2:7, al. mult.; c. prep., ἀπὸ τ. θ., Lk 1:26; ἐκ, Jo 8:42, al.; παρὰ τοῦ θ., Jo 8:40; π. τῷ θ., Ro 9:14; ἐν, Col 3:3; ἐπὶ τῷ θ., Lk 1:47; ἐπὶ τὸν θ., Ac 15:19; εἰς τ. θ., Ac 24:15; πρὸς τ. θ., Jo 1:2; c. gen. pers., Mt 22:32, Mk 12:26, 27, Lk 20:37, Jo 20:17, al.; ὁ θ. μου, Ro 1:8, Phi 1:3, al.; ὁ θ. καὶ πατήρ κ. τ. λ., Ro 15:6, Eph 1:3, Phi 4:20, al.; c. gen. rei, Ro 15:5, 13, 33, II Co 1:3, I Th 5:23; τὰ τ. θεοῦ, Mt 16:23, Mk 12:17, I Co 2:11; τὰ πρὸς τὸν θ., Ro 15:17, He 2:17 5:1; τ. θεῷ, as a superl. (LXX, Jos 3:3), Ac 7:20, II Co 10:4; Hebraistically, of judges (Ps 81(82):6), Jo 10:34 (LXX), 35.

[NT: 1x] θεοσέβεια, -ας, ἡ (< θεοσεβής), [in LXX Ge 20:11 (אֱלֹהִים יִרְאָה), Jb 28:28 (אֲדֹנָי id.), Si 1:24, Ba 5:4, IV Mac 7:6 Mac 7:22, א IV Mac 15:28 א IV Mac 17:15 * ;]

fear of God, godliness: I Ti 2:10.†

[NT: 1x] θεοσεβής, -ές (< θεός, σέβομαι), [in LXX for אֱלֹהִים יָרֵא, Ex 18:21, al. ;]

God-fearing, godly: Jo 9:31.†
SYN.: εὐσεβής (q.v.), θρῆσκος

[NT: 1x] * θεοστυγής, -ές (< θεός, στυγέω),

1. passive, as freq. in cl., hateful to God: Ro 1:30 (R, txt., cf. Lit., Notes, 256).
2. Active, hating God: lb. (R, mg., cf. ICC, in l).†

[NT: 1x] θεότης, -ητος, ἡ

deity, Godhead: Col 2:9
SYN.: θειότης, q.v

[NT: 2x] Θεόφιλος, -ου (θεός, φίλος),

Theophilus: Lk 1:3, Ac 1:1.†

[p. 206]

[NT: 3x] θεραπεία, -ας, ἡ (θεραπεύω) [in LXX for עֶבֶד Ge 45:16 (cf. Es 5:2), etc. ;]

1. service.
2. healing: Lk 9:11 (Field, Notes, 60), Re 22:2.
3. Collective, household attendants, servants: Lk 12:42 (LXX, ll. c.).†

[NT: 43x] θεραπεύω [in LXX for יָשַׁב, etc. ;]

1. to do service, serve: c. acc pers., pass., Ac 17:25.
2. As medical term, to treat (MM, Exp., xv), cure, heal: Mt 12:10, Mk 6:5, Lk 6:7, al.; c. acc pers., Mt 4:24, Mk 1:34, al.; seq. ἀπό, Lk 5:15 6:18 7:21 8:2, 43; θ. νόσον (μαλακίαν), Mt 4:23, al
SYN: ἰάομαι (v. Field, Notes, 60; MM, Exp., l.c.)

[NT: 1x] θεράπων, -οντος, ὁ [in LXX chiefly for עֶבֶד ;]

an attendant, servant: He 3:5 (LXX)
SYN.: v.s. διάκονος

[NT: 21x] θερίζω (< θέρος), [in LXX chiefly for קָצַר ;]

to reap: Mt 6:26, Lk 12:24, Ja 5:4; fig., Mt 25:24, 26, Lk 19:21-22, Jo 4:36-38, II Co 9:6, Ga 6:7, 9, Re 14:15; c. acc, τ. σαρκικά, I Co 9:11; φθοράν, ζωὴν αἰώνιον, Ga 6:8; τ. γῆν, Re 14:16.†

[NT: 13x] θερισμός, -οῦ, ὁ (< θερίζω), [in LXX chiefly for קָצִיר ;]

(a) the act: Jo 4:35;
(b) the time: fig., Mt 13:30, 39, Mk 4:29
(c) the crop: fig., Mt 9:37-38, Lk 10:2, Re 14:15.†

[NT: 2x] ** θεριστής, -οῦ, ὁ (< θερίζω), [in LXX: Da LXX Bel 1:32, Th Bel 1:33* ;]

a reaper: Mt 13:30, 39

θερμαίνω (< θερμός), [in LXX chiefly for חָמַם ;]

to warm, heat; mid., to warm oneself: Mk 14:54, 67, Jo 18:18, 25 Ja 2:16.†

[NT: 1x] θέρμη, -ης, ἡ [in LXX: Jb 6:17, Ps 19:6, Ec 4:11 (חָמַם and derivatives), Si 38:28 * ;]

heat: Ac 28:3.†

[NT: 3x] θέρος, -ους, τό (θέρω, to heat), [in LXX chiefly for קַיִץ ;]

summer: Mt 24:32, Mk 13:28, Lk 21:30.†

θεσσαλονικεύς, -έως, ὁ

a Thessalonian: Ac 20:4 27:2, I Th 1:1, II Th 1:1.†

θεσσαλονίκη, -ης, ἡ

Thessalonica, a city of Macedonia: Ac 17:1, 11 17:13, Phl 4:16, II Ti 4:10.†

[NT: 1x] Θευδᾶς (perh. contr. from Θεόδωρος, but v. MM, Exp., xv), -ᾶ, ὁ

Theudas: Ac 5:36.†

[NT: 58x] θεωρέω, -ῶ (< θεωρός, a spectator, < θεάομαι) [in LXX chiefly for רָאָה, חָזָה ;] (pres. and impf. only, exc. Jo 7:3 (fut.), Mt 28:1, Lk 23:48, Jo 8:51, Re 11:12 (aor.); El., § 24);

1. (cl.), to look at, gaze, behold: absol., Mt 27:55, Mk 15:40, Lk 23:35; seq. πῶς, Mk 12:41; ποῦ, Mk 15:47; c. acc pers., Jo 6:40, 62 12:45 16:10-19, Ac 3:16 20:38 25:24, Re 11:11-12; id. c. ptcp., Mk 5:15, Lk 10:18, Jo 6:19 10:12 20:12, 14, I Jn 3:17; c. acc rei, Mt 28:1, Lk 14:29 21:6 23:48, Jo 2:23 6:2 7:3, Ac 4:13 8:13; id. c. ptcp., Jo 20:6, Ac 7:56 10:11; seq. ὅτι, Ac 19:26.
2. In popular lang. (Kennedy, Sources, 155; EL, § 24, s.v. ὁρᾶν), in pres. and impf. = ὁράω, to see, perceive, discern: seq. ὅτι, Mk 16:4, Jo 4:19 12:19, Ac 19:26 27:10; πόσαι, Ac 21:20; πηλίκος, He 7:4; c. acc rei, Mk 5:38; id. c. ptcp., Ac 17:16 28:6; c. acc pers., Mk 3:11, Jo 14:19, Ac 9:7 17:22; πνεῦμα, Lk 24:37; τὸ π., Jo 14:17; seq. ὅτι, Jo 9:8; c. ptcp., Lk 24:39.
3. Hebraistically, to experience, partake of: τ. θάνατον, Jo 8:51 (cf. Ps 89:49); τ. δόξαν, Jo 17:24 (cf. ἀνα-, παρα-θερρέω).†

[p. 207]

[NT: 1x] θεωρία, -ας, ἡ (v.s. θεωρέω), [in LXX: Da LXX 5:7, II Mac 5:26 Mac 15:12, III Mac 5:24 * ;]

1. a viewing.
2. = θεώρημα, a spectacle, sight: Lk 23:48 (both senses in cl.).†

Θήκη, -ης, ἡ (< τίθημι), [in LXX: Ex 25:27 (בַּיִת), Is 6:13 3:26 * ;]

a receptacle, chest, case: of the sheath of a sword, Jo 18:11.†

[NT: 5x] θηλάζω (< θηλή, a breast), [in LXX chiefly for יָנַק hi. ;]

1. of the mother, to suckle: Mt 24:19, Mk 13:17, Lk 21:23.
2. Of the young, to suck: Mt 21:16; μαστούς, Lk 11:27 (cf. Jb 3:12, Ca 8:1, al.).†

[NT: 5x] θῆλυς, -εια, -υ [in LXX chiefly for נְקֵבָה ;]

female: as subst., ἡ θ., a female, a woman: Ro 1:26-27; τὸ θ.., Mt 19:4, Mk 10:6, Ga 3:28.†

[NT: 1x] θήρα, -ας, ἡ [in LXX for צַיִד, טָרַף, רֶשֶׁת, and cogn. forms ;]

1. a hunting, chase (Hat., Xen., al.).
2. prey, game (c1.).
3. As in Ps 35:8 = רֶשֶׁת, a net: Ro 11:9 (but v. Thayer, s.v.).†

[NT: 1x] θηρεύω (< θήρα), [in LXX for צוּד, etc. ;]

to hunt, ensnare, catch: metaph., Lk 11:54.†

[NT: 1x] θηριομαχέω, -ῶ (< θηρίον, μάχομαι),

to fight with wild beasts (Diod., al.): I Co 15:32.†

[NT: 46x] θηρίον, -ου, τό (dimin. of θήρ), [in LXX chiefly for חַי ;]

a wild beast, beast: Mk 1:13, Ac 11:6 28:4-5, Tit 1:12, He 12:20, Ja 3:7, Re 6:8; of Antichrist, Re 11:7, 13-19.†

[NT: 8x] θησαυρίζω [in LXX for צָפַן, etc. ;]

to lay up, store up: of riches, Ja 5:3; id. c. dat. pers., Lk 12:21, II Co 12:14; c. acc rei, I Co 16:2; θησαυροὺς ἑαυτῷ, Mt 6:19-20; pass., II Pe 3:7; metaph., ὀργὴν ἑαντῷ, Ro 2:5 (cf. Pr 1:18, Pss. Sol 9:9).†

[NT: 17x] θησαυρός, -οῦ, ὁ (< τίθημι), [in LXX chiefly for אוֹצָר ;]

1. a place of safe keeping;
(a) a casket: Mt 2:11;
(b) a treasury (I Mac 3:29 and freq. in cl.);
(c) a storehouse (Ne 13:12, De 28:12, al.): Mt 13:52; metaph., of the soul, Mt 12:35; τ. καρδίας, Lk 6:45
2. a treasure: Mt 6:18-21 13:44, Lk 12:33-34, He 11:26; θ. ἐν οὐρανῷ (v. Dalman, Words, 206 ff.), Mt 19:21, Mk 10:21, Lk 18:22; of the knowledge of God through Christ, II Co 4:7; τ. σοφίας κ. γνώσεως, Col 2:3.†

[NT: 3x] θιγγάνω [in LXX for נָגַע, Ex 19:12 * ;]

1. to touch, handle: Col 2:21, He 12:20 (LXX).
2. to injure (like Heb. נָגַע, and as in Eur., Iph. Aul., 1351): c. gen., He 11:28.†
SYN.: v.s. ἅπτω

[NT: 10x] θλίβω [in LXX chiefly (ὁ θλίβων, ) for צוּר ;]

to press: c. acc pers., Mk 3:9; ὁδὸς τεθλιμμένη, a narrow (compressed) way, Mt 7:14. Metaph. (as freq. in LXX), to oppress, afflict, distress: c. acc pers., II Th 1:6; pass. (Vg., tribulor, tribulation em patior), II Co 1:6 4:8 7:5, I Th 3:4, II Th 1:7, I Ti 5:10, He 11:37 (cf. ἀπο-, συν-θλίβω).†

θλίψις (LTr., θλῖψις), -εως, ἡ (< θλίβω), [in LXX for צָרָה, etc. ;] [p. 208]

pressure (Arist.). In LXX and NT metaph., tribulation, affliction, distress: Mt 24:9, 21 24:29, Mk 13:19, 24, Jo 16:21, Ac 7:11 11:19, Ro 12:12, II Co 1:4 1:8 4:17 6:4 7:4 8:2 8:13, Phl 4:14, II Th 1:6, Ja 1:27, Re 1:9 2:9, 22 7:14; c. ἀνάγκη (q.v.), I Th 3:7; στενοχωρία (which from the order of the words would appear to be the stronger term), Ro 2:9 8:35; διωγμός, Mt 13:21, Mk 4:17, II Th 1:4; θ. ἔχω, Jo 16:33, I Co 7:23, Re 2:10; ἔρχεσθαι ἐπί, Ac 7:11; ἐν θλίψει I Th 1:6; pl., Ac 7:10 14:22 20:28, Ro 5:3, Eph 3:13, I Th 3:3, He 10:33; τ. Χριστοῦ, Col 1:24; θ. τῆς καρδίας, II Co 2:4; θ. ἐγείρειν, Phl 1:17.†
SYN.: ἀνάγκη, διωγμός, στενοχωρία (v. supr., and cf. Tr., Syn, iv; Lft., Notes, 45)

θνήσκω [in LXX chiefly for מוּת ;]

to die; pf. (M, Pr., 114), to be dead: Mt 2:20, Mk 15:44, Lk 7:12 8:49, Jo 11:44 19:33, Ac 14:19 25:19; metaph., of spiritual death, I Ti 5:6 (cf. ἀπο-, συν-απο-θνήσκω).†

[NT: 6x] θνητός, -ή, -όν (< θνήσκω), [in LXX: Pr 3:13 20:24 (אָדָם), Jb 30:23 (חַי), Is 51:12 (מוּת), Wi 9:14 15:17, II Mac 9:12, III Mac 3:29 * ;]

subject to death, mortal: Ro 6:12 8:11, I Co 15:53-54, II Co 4:11 5:4.†

[NT: 4x] θορυβέω, -ῶ (< θόρυβος), [in LXX: Na 2:3 (רָעַל ho.), Da LXX 8:17 (בָּעַת ni.), Jg 3:26, Wi 18:19, Si 40:6 * ;]

1. to make a noise or uproar: mid., of loud and ostentatious lamentation, Mt 9:23, Mk 5:39, Ac 20:10.
2. Trans., to trouble, throw into confusion: τ. πόλιν, Ac 17:5.†

[NT: 7x] θόρυβος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX for הָמוֹן, etc. ;]

a noise, uproar, tumult, as of an excited mob: Mt 26:5 27:24, Mk 14:2, Ac 20:1 21:34 24:18; of mourners, = ὄχλος θορυβούμενος, Mk 5:38.†

*† θορυράζω (< θόρυβος), = τυρβάζω (q.v.),

to disturb, trouble: pass., Lk 10:41.†

[NT: 1x] θραύω [in LXX for 1,21 (De 28:33, Is 42:4 58:6), etc. ;]

to break in pieces, shatter; metaph., to break down: Lk 4:18 (LXX).†

[NT: 1x] * θρέμμα, -τος, τό (τρέφω)

1. a nurseling, esp. of animals (Eur., Plat., al.).
2. cattle: Jo 4:12.†

[NT: 4x] θρηνέω, -ῶ (< θρῆνος), [in LXX chiefly for יָלַל hi., also for קַיִן pit., etc. ;]

1. intrans., to lament, wail: Mt 11:17, Lk 7:32, Jo 16:20.
2. Trans., to bewail: c. acc pers., Lk 23:27.†
SYN.: κλαίω, κόπτομαι, λυπέομαι, πενθέω (v. Tr., Syn., lxv).

[NT: 1x] θρῆνος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX chiefly for קִינָה ;]

a lamentation: Mt 2:18, Rec.†

[NT: 4x] **† θρησκεία (-κία, T), -ας, ἡ (< θρῆσκος), [in LXX: Wi 14:18, 27, Si 22:5 A, IV Mac 5:6 Mac 5:13 * ;]

religion in its external aspect (MM, Exp., xv), worship: Ac 26:5, Ja 1:26-27; θ. τῶν ἀγγέλων, Col 2:18.†
SYN.: v.s. θρῆσκος

θρῆσκος (-κός, WH), -ον, ό

religious, careful of the outward forms of divine service (see previous word)): Ja 1:26.†
SYN.: εὐσεβής, θεοσεβής, δεισιδαίμων (v. Tr., Syn., § xlviii)

[NT: 2x] *† θριαμβεύω (< θρίαμβος, 1. a festal hymn to Bacchus. 2. The Roman triumphus),

1. to triumph (and rarely, c. acc, to triumph over; so perh. Col 2:15, but v. infr.).
2. to lead in triumph: c. acc [p. 209] pers., II Co 2:14; hence, generally, to make a spectacle or show of: Col 2:15 (but v. supr.; cf. MM, Exp., xv; and esp. Field, Notes, 181).†

[NT: 15x] θρίξ, τριχός, ἡ [in LXX chiefly for שֵׂעָר ;]

(a) of the head: Mt 3:4 5:36 10:30, Lk 7:38, 44 12:7 21:18, Jo 11:2 12:3, Ac 27:34, I Pe 3:3, Re 1:14;
(b) of animals: Mk 1:6, Re 9:8.†

[NT: 3x] θροέω, -ῶ (< θρόος, a noise, tumult), [in LXX: Ca 5:4 (הָמָה * ;]

in cl.,
1. to cry aloud, make an outcry.
2. to utter aloud.
3. In NT (and LXX), pass., to be troubled, as by an alarm: Mt 24:6, Mk 13:7, Lk 24:37 (WH, mg.), II Th 2:2 (cf. Kennedy, Sources, 126).†

[NT: 1x] * θρόμβος, -ου, ὁ (< τρέφω, in primary sense to thicken),

a lump, a clot of blood (DCG, ii, 685b): αἵματος, Lk 22:44 (WH, R, mg. omit the passage, v. WH, App., 64 ff.).†

[NT: 62x] θρόνος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX chiefly for כִּסֵּא, Ex 11:5, al. ;]

in Hom., a seat, chair. Later, a throne, chair of state, seat of authority; of kings: metaph., of God, Mt 5:34, Ac 7:49 (LXX), Re 1:4, al.; by meton., for kingly power, sovereignty, Lk 1:32, 52, Ac 2:30; for an angelic hierarchy, Col 1:16; of Christ, Mt 19:28, Re 3:21, al.; of Satan, Re 2:13; τ. θηρίου, Re 16:10; of the Apostles, Mt 19:28, Lk 22:30, cf. Re 20:4; of πρεσβύτεροι, Re 4:4 11:16 (on θ. τῆς χάριτος, He 4:16, v. Westc., in l; Deiss., BS, 135)

[NT: 4x] Θυάτειρα, -ων, τά (-ας, ἡ, Re 1:11 L; cf. WH, App., 156)

Thyatira, a city of Lydia: Ac 16:14, Re 1:11 2:18, 24.†

[NT: 28x] θυγάτηρ, -τρός, ἡ (for use of vocat., cf. M, Pr., 71; WH, App, 158), [in LXX for בַּת (Ge 5:4, al.), exc. Jg 21:14 B, II Ch 21:17 (אִשָּׁה ;]

daughter: Mt 9:18 10:35, 37 14:6 15:22, 28, Mk 5:35 6:22 7:26, 29, Lk 2:36 8:42, 49 12:53, Ac 2:17 (LXX) Ac 7:21 21:9, He 11:24. In NT, as in OT, not in cl.;
(a) as a form of friendly address (cf. Ru 2:2, 22 al.): Mt 9:22, Mk 5:34, Lk 8:48;
(b) metaph.: sc. κυρίου, II Co 6:18 (cf. Is 43:6);
(c) of posterity: θ. Ἀαρών, Lk 1:5; Ἀβραάμ, Lk 13:16 (cf. Is 16:2, IV Mac 15:28, al);
(d) of habita­tion: θ. Σιών, Ἱερουσαλήμ, Mt 21:5 (LXX), Lk 23:28, Jo 12:15 (cf. Is 1:8, Za 9:9, al.).†

[NT: 2x] * θυγάτριον, -ου, τό (dimin. of θυγάτηρ),

a little daughter, a term of endearment used in late Gk. (cf. B1., § 27, 4): Mk 5:23 7:25.†

[NT: 1x] θύελλα, -ης, ἡ (< θύω), [in LXX De 4:11 5:22 (עֲרָפֶל), Ex 10:22 * ;] (poët. in cl.),

a hurricane, cyclone, whirlwind: He 12:18.†
SYN.: λαίλαψ (q.v.)

**† θύινος (usually θύϊνος, as Rec.), -η, -ον (< θυία, θύα, an African aromatic tree, with ornamentally veined wood of varying colour, = Lat. citrinus), [in Sm.: III Ki 10:11 (אַלְמֻגִּים)* ;]

thyme: ξύλον, Re 18:12 (Diosc.).†

[NT: 6x] θυμίαμα, -τος, τό (< θυμιάω), [in LXX chiefly for קְטֹרֶת ;]

fragrant stuff for burning, incense: ἡ ὥρα τοῦ θ., Lk 1:10; θυσιαστήριον τοῦ θ. (Ex 30:27, al.), Lk 1:11; pl., Re 5:8 8:3-4 18:13.†

[NT: 1x] θυμιατήριον, -ου, τό (< θυμιάω), [in LXX: II Ch 26:19, Ez 8:11 [p. 210] (קְטֹרֶת), IV Mac 7:11 * ;]

1. as in cl. (Hdt., iv, 162; Thuc., vi, 46) and LXX, a censer: He 9:4 (but v. infr., and cf. Westc., in l).
2. As in Philo., rer. div., § 46, FlJ, Ant., iv, 2, 4, al., the altar of incense: He, l.c. (but v. supr. and cf. MM, Exp., xv).†

[NT: 1x] θυμιάω, -ῶ (< θύω), [in LXX (with -άζω) chiefly for קָטַר pi., hi. ;]

to burn incense: Lk 1:9.†

θυμομαέω, -ῶ (θυμός, μάχομαι),

to fight desperately, have a hot quarrel: c. dat. pers., Ac 12:20.†

[NT: 18x] θυμός, -οῦ, ὁ (< θύω), [in LXX most freq. for אַף, also for חֱמָא, חָרוֹן, etc., 30 words in all ;]

passion, hot anger, wrath: He 11:27; ὀργὴ καὶ θ., Ro 2:8, cf. Col 3:8; πικρία κ. θ., Eph 4:31; πλησθῆναι, πλήρης θυμοῦ, Lk 4:28, Ac 19:28; θ. ἔχειν, Re 12:12; οἶνος τ. θυμοῦ τ. πορνείας (cf. Je 51:7), Re 14:8 18:3 (cf. Re 17:2); οἶνος τ. θ. τ. θεοῦ, Re 14:10; τ. ὀργῆς τ. θεοῦ, Re 16:19 19:15; ὁ θ. τ. θεοῦ, Re 14:19 15:1, 7 16:1; pl., impulses or outbursts of anger: ἔρις, ζῆλος, θυμοὶ, ἐριθίαι, II Co 12:20, Ga 5:20 (Cremer, 287, 733).†
SYN.: ὀργή, παροργισμός

[NT: 1x] θυμόω, -ῶ (θυμός) [in LXX (chiefly in pass.) for חָרָה, אַף חָרָה hith., etc. ;] (no act. in Attic.);

pass. (and mid.),
to be wroth or very angry: Mt 2:16.†

[NT: 40x] θύρα, -ας, ἡ [in LXX chiefly for פֶּתַח, also for דַּל, דֶּלֶת, etc. ;]

a door: κλείειν (ἀποκ-) τὴν θ., Mt 6:6, Lk 13:25; pass., Mt 25:10, Lk 11:7, Jo 20:19, 26, Ac 21:30; ἀνοίγειν, Ac 5:19; pass., Ac 16:26-27; κρούειν, Ac 12:13; διὰ τῆς θ., Jo 10:1-2; πρὸς τὴν θ., Mk 1:33 11:4 (WH om. τήν), Ac 3:2; τὰ πρὸς τὴν θ., the space by the door, Mk 2:2; πρὸς τῇ θ., Jo 18:16; ἐπὶ τῇ θ, Ac 5:9; πρὸ τῆς θ., Ac 12:6; ἐπὶ τῶν θ., Ac 5:23; ἡ θ. τ. μνημείου, Mt 27:60, Mk 15:46 16:3. Metaph., of Christ, ἡ θ. τ. προβάτων, Jo 10:7, 9; of the Kingdom of Heaven, Lk 13:24; of opportunities, θ. πίστεως, Ac 14:27; θ. μεγάλη, I Co 16:9; θ. τ. λόγου, Col 4:3; θ. ἀνεῳγμένη (ἠνεῳγ-), II Co 2:12, Re 3:8 4:1; of Christ, ἑστηκὼς ἐπὶ τὴν θ. καὶ κρούων, Re 3:20; of his second coming, ἐπὶ θύραις εἶναι, Mt 24:33, Mk 13:29; πρὸ θυρῶν ἑστηκέναι, Ja 5:9.†

[NT: 1x] θυρεός, -οῦ, ὁ (< θύρα), [in LXX for מָגֵן, צִנָּה ;]

1. in Hom., a door-stone.
2. In late Gk. (Polyb., Plut.), the scutum, a large oblong shield: θ. τ. πίστεως, Eph 6:16 (cf. Wi 5:20, where ὁσιότης is likened to the ἀσπίς, the clypeus or small round shield of the light-armed soldier).†

[NT: 2x] θυρίς, -ίδος, ἡ (dim, of θύρα), [in LXX chiefly for חַלּוֹן ;]

a window: Ac 20:9, II Co 11:33.†

[NT: 4x] θυρωρός, -οῦ, ὁ, ἡ (< θύρα, + οὖρος, a guardian) [in LXX: IV Ki 7:11 (שׁוֹעֵר), Ez 44:11 (פְּקֻדָּה), II Ki 4:6 4:1 II Es 7:1-28 * ;]

a door-keeper, porter: , Mk 13:34, Jo 10:3; , Jo 18:16-17

[NT: 28x] θυσία, -ας, ἡ (θύω) [in LXX chiefly for מִנְחָה, זָבַח ;]

1. actively, [p. 211] an offering, sacrifice (Hdt., al.)
2. Objectively, that which is offered, a sacrifice: Mt 9:13 12:7 (LXX), Mk 9:49 (WH, mg.), Eph 5:2, He 10:5, 26; pl. (as usually in cl.), Mk 12:33, Lk 13:1, He 9:23 10:1, 8, (θ. καὶ προσφοράς); θ. ἀνάγειν, Ac 7:41; ἀναφέρειν, He 7:27; προσφέρειν, Ac 7:42, He 5:1 8:3 (δῶρά τε καὶ θ.) He 10:11-12 11:4; δοῦναι, Lk 2:24; pass., He 9:9; διὰ τῆς θ. αὐτοῦ, He 9:26; ἐσθίειν τὰς θ. (Le 7:15 ff) I Co 10:18. Metaph., Phl 4:18, He 13:16; θ. πνευματικαί, I Pe 2:5; θ. ζῶσα, Ro 12:1; θ. αἰνέσεως, He 13:15; θ. . . . τ. πίστεως, Phl 2:17.†

[NT: 23x] θυσιαστήριον, -ου, τό (< θυσιάζω, to sacrifice), [in LXX (where the word first appears) very freq., nearly always for מַדְבַּח ;]

an altar:
(a) generally, Ja 2:21; pl., Ro 11:3 (LXX); metaph., He 13:10 (v. Westc., in l, and esp. his add, note on the history of the word, 455 ff.);
(b) of the altar of burnt-offering in the Temple, Mt 5:23-24 23:18-20, 35, Lk 11:51, I Co 9:13 10:18, He 7:13, Re 11:1;
(c) of the altar of incense in the sanctuary (Ex 30:1, al.), Lk 1:11; symbolically in Heaven, Re 6:9 8:3 9:13 14:18 16:7 (Cremer, 292).†

[NT: 14x] θύω [in LXX chiefly for זָבַח, also for שָׁחַט, etc. ;]

as in c1.;
1. to offer first fruits to a god.
2. to sacrifice by slaying a victim, offer sacrifice: Ac 14:13; c. dat. pers., Ac 14:18; id. c. acc rei, I Co 10:20.
3. to slay, kill: Jo 10:10, Ac 10:13 11:7; c. acc rei, Lk 15:23, 27 15:30; pass., Mt 22:4; τὸ πάσχα (Ex 12:21), Mk 14:12; pass., Lk 22:7, I Co 5:7.†

θωμᾶς, -ᾶ, ὁ (Heb.: תָּאוֹם, a twin; cf. δίδυμος),

Thomas the Apostle: Mt 10:3, Mk 3:18, Lk 6:15, Jo 11:16 14:5 20:24-28 21:2, Ac 1:13.†

[NT: 5x] θώραξ, -ακσς, ὁ [in LXX chiefly for שִׁרְיוֹן and cogn. forms ;]

a breastplate: Re 9:9, 17; θ. τ. δικαιοσύνης, Eph 6:14 (cf. Is 59:17, Wi 5:18-19); θ. πίστεως, I Th 5:8.†


Ἰάειρος, -ου, ὁ (Heb. יָאִיר, Nu 32:41),

Jairus: Mk 5:22, Lk 8:41.†

[NT: 27x] Ἰακώβ, indecl. (Heb. יַעֲקֹב),

1. The patriarch: Mt 1:2 8:11, Jo 4:5-6, Ac 7:8, al,; as in Heb. (cf. Nu 23:7, Is 41:8, Si 23:12, al.), of his descendants, Ro 11:26 (LXX).
2. The father-in-law of Mary: Mt 1:15-16 (on the form as distinct from that of the next word, v. Deiss., BS, 3161)

[NT: 42x] Ἰάκωβος, -ου, ὁ (Heb., v. previous word)

1. Son of Zebedee: Mt 4:21, Mk 1:19, 29, Ac 1:13 12:2, al.
2. Son of Alphæus: Mt 10:3, Mk 2:14, al.; commonly identified with Ἰ. ὁ μικρός, James the little, son of Mary (v.s. Μαρία, 3; Κλωπᾶς), Mt 27:56, Mk 15:40 16:1 (cf. Jo 19:25).
3. The Lord's brother (v.s. ἀδελφός): Mt 13:55, Mk 6:3, Ac 12:17, al., I Co 15:7 (probably), Ga 1:19 2:9, 12, Ja 1:1, Ju 1.
4. The father of the apostle, Ἰούδας Ἰακώβου: Lk 6:16, Ac 1:13

[NT: 3x] ἴαμα, -τος, τό (< ἰάομαι), [in LXX for מַרְפֵּא (II Ch 36:16, Ec 10:4, [p. 212] Je 33:6, etc. ;]

1. most freq. in cl., a means of healing, remedy (Thuc., al.; Wi 11:4 10:9).
2. = ἴασις (q.v.), a healing (Plat.; Jer, l.c.): pl., I Co 12:9 12:28 12:30.†

[NT: 1x] Ἰαμβρῆς,

Jambres (cf. Ex 7:11-12): II Ti 3:8.†

[NT: 1x] Ἰανναί (Rec. -νά), ,

Jannai: Lk 3:24.†


Jannes (cf. Ἰαμβρῆς): II Ti 3:8.†

[NT: 28x] ἰάομαι, -ῶμαι [in LXX for רָפָא (Ge 20:17, al.), exc. Is 30:26 61:1 (חָבַשׁ) ;]

to heal: c. acc pers., Lk 5:17 6:19 9:2, 11 9:42 14:4 22:51, Jo 4:47, Ac 9:34 10:38 28:8; pass., Mt 8:8, 13 15:28, Lk 7:7 8:47 17:15, Jo 5:13; id. seq. ἀπό', Mk 5:29, Lk 6:17; fig., of spiritual healing, Mt 13:15, Jo 12:40, Ac 28:27 (LXX); pass., He 12:13, Ja 5:16, I Pe 2:24.†
SYN.: θεραπεύω, q.v

[NT: 1x] Ἰάρετ (Rec. -ρέδ, L, Ἰάρεθ), ὁ (Heb. יֶרֶד, LXX Ἰάρεδ, FlJ, Ἰάρεδος),

Jared (Ge 5:15): Lk 3:37.†

[NT: 3x] ἴασις, -εως, ἡ (< ἰάομαι), [in LXX chiefly for מַרְפֵּא ;]

a healing, cure: Ac 4:22, 30; pl., Lk 13:32.†
SYN.: v.s. θεραπεία, 2; ἴαμα, 2

[NT: 4x] ἴασπις, -ιδος, ἡ [in LXX: Ex 28:18 36:38 (Ex 39:11) (יַהֲלֹם), Is 54:12 (כַּדְכֹּד), Ez 28:13 (יָשְׁפֵה, v. BDB, Lex., s.v.)* ;]

jasper, apparently not the modern stone of that name, but a translucent stone (DB, s.v.): Re 4:3 21:11, 18-19.†

[NT: 5x] Ἰάσων, -ονος, ὁ

Jason: Ac 17:5-7, 9; perhaps the same, Ro 16:21.†

[NT: 7x] ἰατρός, -οὔ, ὁ (< ἰάομαι), [in LXX for רָפָא ;]

a physician: Mt 9:12, Mk 2:17 5:26, Lk 4:23 5:31 8:43 (om. WH, R, mg.), Col 4:14 (on the status of physicians, v. MM, Exp., xv.).†

[NT: 29x] ἴδε (Attic ἰδέ; the "later" accentuation is also found in Hom.; Veitch, 215)

1. prop., 2 aor. imperat. of ὁράω, q.v.
2. As interjection, apart from the construction of the sentence, and used where one or many are addressed, see! behold! lo!: Mt 25:20, 22 25:25, Mk 2:24 3:34 11:21 13:1, 21 15:4, 35 16:6, Jo 1:29, 36 1:48 3:26 5:14 7:26 11:3, 36 12:19 16:29 18:21 19:4, 14 19:26-27, Ga 5:2.†

[NT: 1x] ἰδέα, -ας, ἡ, v.s. εἰδέα

[NT: 114x] ἴδιος, -α, -ον (in Attic usually -ος, -ον), [in LXX chiefly for pers. suff., also for לָהֶם, etc.; (τὰ ἴ.) בֵּיתוֹ ;]

1. one's own;
(a) of that which is private and personal (in cl. opp. to κοινός, δημόσιος; cf. infr. 3);
(b) of property, friends, home, country, etc. (in cl. opp. to ἀλλότριος; in late writers often, like ἑαυτοῦ, with weakened sense, v. M, Pr., 87ff.; Deiss., BS, 123f.): Lk 6:41, Jo 1:42 5:43, Ac 2:6 20:28, I Co 11:21, Ga 6:5, II Ti 1:9, He 7:27, Ju 6, al.; πράσσειν τὰ ἴ., I Th 4:11; κατὰ τὰς ἰ. ἐπιθυμίας, II Ti 4:3; οἱ ἴδιοι, Jo 1:11 (M, Pr., 90f.; Field, Notes, 84) 13:1, Ac 4:23, I Ti 5:8; τὰ ἴδια, one's home (Field, Notes, l.c.), Lk 18:28, Jo 1:11 16:32 19:27.
2. peculiar, distinct, appropriate, proper: τὸ ἴ. σῶμα, I Co 15:38; ἐν τ. ἰ. τάγματι, I Co 15:23; εἰς τ. τόπον τ. ἴ., Ac 1:25; = αὐτοῦ (v. Deiss., ut. supr.), Mt 22:5, Jo 1:42 (cf. Wi 10:1).
3. Adverbially (v. supr., 1 (a); [p. 213] and cf. WM, 739:2);
(a) ἰδίᾳ, severally, separately: I Co 12:11;
(b) κατ’ ἰδίαν, apart, privately, in private: Mt 14:13, 23 20:17, Mk 4:34 7:33, Lk 10:23, Ac 23:19, al.

[NT: 5x] ἰδιώτης, -ου, ὁ (< ἴδιος), [in LXX: Pr 6:8 (no Heb.)* ;]

1. a pri­vate person, as opp. to the State or an official (βασιλεῖς κ. ἰδιῶται, Pr, l.c.; and cf. MM, Exp., xv).
2. one without professional knowledge, unskilled, uneducated, unlearned: I Co 14:16 14:23-24 (R, mg., without gifts); ἀγράμματοι κ. ἰ., Ac 4:13; c. dat. (= cl. c. gen. rei), λόγῳ, II Co 11:6.†

[NT: 200x] ἰδού, [in LXX chiefly for הִנֵּה,] prop. imperat. 2 aor. mid. of ὁράω, used as a demonstrative particle, with frequency much greater in LXX and NT than in cl. (v. M, Pr., 11),

lo, behold, see: Mt 10:16 11:8 13:3, Mk 3:32, Lk 2:48, I Co 15:51, Ja 5:9, Ju 14, Re 1:7, al.; after gen. absol., Mt 1:20 2:1, 13 12:46, al.; καὶ ἰδού, Mt 2:9 (and freq.), Lk 1:20 10:25, Ac 12:7, al.; in elliptical sentences, taking the place of copula or predicate (like הִנֵּה in Heb.), Mt 3:17, Lk 5:12 22:31, 47 Ac 8:27, 36 al.

[NT: 1x] Ἰδουμαία, -ας, ἡ (Heb. אֱדֹם), [in LXX: II Ki 8:14, a1.; elsewhere, as Ge 25:30, Ἐδώμ ;]

Idumæa: Mk 3:8.†

[NT: 1x] ἱδρώς (Tr. -ῶς), -ῶτος, ὁ [in LXX: Ge 3:19 (זֵעָה), II Mac 2:29, IV Mac 7:8 * ;]

sweat: Lk 22:44 (WH, omit).†

[NT: 1x] Ἰεζάβελ (L, Ἰεζ-; Tr. -βέλ; Rec. -βήλ) ἡ, indecl. (Heb. אִיזֶבֶל; LXX as txt.; FlJ, Ἰεζαβέλη),

Jezebel (III Ki 16:31, al.): symbolically, Re 2:20 (v. Swete, in l).†

[NT: 1x] Ἱεράπολις (WH, Ἱερὰ Πόλις), -εως, ἡ

Hierapolis: a city in the Lyons valley in the Province of Asia: Col 4:13.†

[NT: 2x] ἱερατεία (WH, -ία), -ας, ἡ (< ἱερατεύω), [in LXX for כָּהַן pi., כְּהֻנָּה (Ex 29:9, al.), exc. Ho 3:4 (אֵפוֹד)* ;]

priesthood, office of priest: Lk 1:9, He 7:5.†

[NT: 2x] ἱεράτευμα, -τος, τό (< ἱερατεύω), [in LXX: βασίλειον ἱ., Ex 19:1-25 6:1-30 (כֹּהֵן מַמְלָכָה) Ex 23:22, II Mac 2:17 * ;]

a priesthood, body of priests: ἱ ἅγιον, I Pe 2:5; βασ. ἱ, I Pe 2:9 (LXX, Ex, l.c.).†

[NT: 1x] ἱερατεύω (cl. = ἱεράομαι) [in LXX chiefly for כָּהַן pi. ;]

to be a priest, officiate as a priest: Lk 1:8 (the word is freq. in Inscr.; v. LS, s.v.; Deiss., BS, 215; LAE, 70; Cremer, 734).†

Ἰερειχώ (T, Ἱερ-; Rec. Ἱεριχώ; cf. Bl., § 3, 4, 4; WH, App., 155), indecl. (Heb. יְרִיחוֹ),

Jericho: Mt 20:29, Mk 10:46, Lk 10:30 18:35 19:1, He 11:30.†

[NT: 3x] Ἰερεμίας (T, Rec. Ἱερ-; v. WH, § 408), -ου, ὁ

Heb. Jeremiah the prophet: Mt 2:17 16:14 27:9 (a ref. to Za 11:13).†

[NT: 31x] ἱερεύς, -έως, ὁ (< ἱερός), [in LXX for כָּהֵן ;]

a priest: ἱ. τ. Διός, Ac 14:13; of Jewish priests, Mt 8:4 12:4-5, Mk 1:44 2:26, Lk 1:5 5:14, Jo 1:19, [p. 214] He 8:4, al.; of Christ, He 5:6 (LXX) He 10:21; of Christians, Re 1:6 5:10 20:6 (Cremer, 293; on the acc pl., ἱερεῖς, v. Thack., Gr., 147 f.; Bl., § 8, 2)

Ἱεριχώ, v.s. Ἱερειχώ.

[NT: 30x] ἱερόν, -οῦ τό, v.s. ἱερός.

[NT: 1x] ** ἱεροπρεπής, -ές (< ἱερός, πρέπει) [in LXX: IV Mac 9:25 Mac 11:20 * ;]

suited to a sacred character, reverend (RV, reverent): Tit 2:3 (cf. Tr., Syn., § xcii).†

[NT: 44x] ἱερός, -ά, όν [in LXX: Ez 28:18 (מִקְדָּשׁ); τό ἱ, I Ch 29:4 (בַּיִת), Ez 45:19 (עֲזָרָה); very freq. in I Es 1:1-58 -4 Mac ;]

1. in Hom., marvellous, mighty, divine.
2. (Also in Hom, and later cl.) consecrated to the deity, sacred: pl., ἱ. γράμματα, II Ti 3:15.
3. As subst.,
(a) (so in Hom.), τὰ ἱ., sacrifices, sacred rites, sacred things: I Co 9:13;
(b) later, τὸ ἱ.,., a consecrated or sacred place, a temple: τ. Ἀρτέμιδος, Ac 19:27; of the temple at Jerusalem, i.e. the entire precincts or some part thereof (as distinct from ὁ ναός, q.v., the Sanctuary proper): I Co 9:13, and freq. in Gosp. and esp. in Ac, Mt 12:6, Mk 13:3, Ac 4:1, al. (on the use of ἱ. in Imperial Iuser., v. Deiss., LAE, 380 f.)

[NT: 62x] Ἱεροσόλυμα (WH, Ἰερ-, v. Intr., § 408), -ων, τά (on πᾶσα Ἱ., Mt 2:3, v. WM, 794; M, Pr., 48, 244; Thayer, s.v.), and Ἱερουσαλήμ (WH, Ἰερ-), ἡ., indecl., as always in LXX exc. some parts of Apocr.. (Heb. יְרוּשָׁלִַ͏ם), the former always in FlJ, Mk, Jo EV. and Mt (except. Mt 27:37), and most freq. in Lk, the latter always in He, Re, and by St. Paul (except. Ga 1:17-18 2:1),

Jerusalem: Mt 2:1, Mk 3:8, Jo 1:19, al.; its inhabitants, Mt 2:3 3:5 23:37, Lk 13:34, Symbolically, ἡ- ἄνω Ἱ., Ga 4:26, contrasted with ἡ νῦν Ἱ., Ga 4:25; Ἱ. ἐπουράνιος, He 12:22; ἡ καινὴ Ἱ., Re 3:12 21:2, 10

Ἱεροσολυμεῖτης (WH, Ἰερ-; Rec. -μίτης), -ου, ὁ, [in LXX: Si 50:27 (28) II Mac 4:22 Mac 4:39 (V* -μήτης) 2Ma 18:5* ;]

an inhabitant of Jerusalem: Mk 1:5, Jo 7:25.†

[NT: 1x] ** ἱερο-συλέω, -ῶ (< ἱερόσυλος, q.v.), [in LXX: II Mac 9:2 * ;]

to rob a temple (commit sacrilege, R, mg.): Ro 2:22.†

[NT: 1x] ** ἱερόσυλος, -ον (< ἱερόν, συλάω), [in LXX: II Mac 4:42 (cf. -λημα, II Mac 4:39; -λία, II Mac 13:6)* ;]

robbing temples: Ac 19:37.†

[NT: 1x] **† ἱερουργέω, -ῶ (< ἱερουργός, a sacrificing priest) [in LXX: IV Mac 7:3 R (of. -γία, 4Mac 3:30 א R)* ;]

to perform sacred rites; c. acc, to minister in priestly service (minister in sacrifice, R, mg.), τὸ εὐαγγέλιον, Ro 15:16.†

Ἱερουσαλήμ, v.s. Ἱεροσόλυμα.

[NT: 3x] ἱερωσύνη, -ης, ἡ (< ἱερός), [in LXX: I Ch 29:22 (כָּהַן), I Es 5:38, Si 45:24, I Mac 2:54 Mac 3:49 Mac 7:9 Mac 7:21, IV Mac 5:35 Mac 7:6 * ;]

priesthood: He 7:11-12, 24.†

[NT: 5x] Ἰεσσαί (FlJ, -σσαῖος), ὁ (Heb. יִשַׁי Ru 4:17, al.)

Jesse: Mt 1:5-6, Lk 3:32, Ac 13:22 (LXX), Ro 15:12 (LXX),†

[p. 215]

[NT: 1x] Ἰεφθάε (FlJ, -θάς, -οῦ), ὁ (Heb. יִפְתָּח),

Jephthah: He 11:32.†

Ἰεχονίας, -ον, ό (Heb. יְכׇנְיָה, Jehoiakin),

Jechoniah: Mt 1:11-12.†

[NT: 917x] Ἰησοῦς, -οῦ, dat., voc. -οῦ, acc., -οῦν (Heb. יֵשׁוּעַ ,יְהֹשֻׁעַ ,יְהֹושׁוּעַ),

1. JESUS: Mt 1:21, al.; ὁ Ἰ, ib. 3:13, al.; Ἰ. Χριστός, ib. 1:1, Mk 1:1, al.; Χρ. Ἰ., Ro 2:26, al.; κύριος Ἰ., Ac 28:31, al.; Ἰησοῦ, voc., Mk 1:24, al.
2. Joshua: Ac 7:45, He 4:8.
3. Jesus, son of Eliezer: Lk 3:28.
4. Jesus, surnamed Justus: Col 4:11.
5. v.s. βαραββᾶς.

[NT: 39x] ἱκανός, -ή, -όν (< ἵκω, ἱκάνω, to reach, attain), [in LXX for דַּי, etc. ;]

1. of persons, suffcient, competent, fit: c. inf., Mt 3:11, Mk 1:7, Lk 3:16, I Co 15:9, II Co 3:6, II Ti 2:2; seq. πρός, II Co 2:16; seq. ἵνα, Mt 8:8, Lk 7:6.
2. Of things, in number, quantity or size, sufficient, enough, much, many: absol., ἱκανοί, Lk 7:11 (WH, R, omit) Lk 8:32, Ac 12:12 14:21 19:19, I Co 11:30; ὄχλος ἱ., Mk 10:46, Lk 7:12, Ac 11:24, 26 19:26; κλαυθμός, Ac 20:37; ἀργύρια, Mt 28:12; λαμπάδες, Ac 20:8; λόγοι, Lk 23:9; φῶς, Ac 22:6; ἱ, ἐστιν (cf. לָכֶם רַב, LXX ἱκανούσθω, De 3:26), Lk 22:38; τὸ ἱ. ποιεῖν (Lat. satisfacere; cf. Je 48:30), Mk 15:15; τὸ ἱ. λαμβάνειν (Lat. satis accipere; v. M, Pr 20:1-30 f.), Ac 17:9; of time, ἡμέραι ἱ., Ac 9:23, 43 18:18 27:7; ἱ. χρόνος, Lk 8:27, Ac 8:11 14:3 27:9; pl., Lk 20:9; ἐκ χρόνων ἱ., Lk 23:8; ἀπὸ ἱ. ἐτῶν, Ro 15:23 (WH); ἐφ ̓ ἱκανόν (cf. II Mac 8:25), Ac 20:11.†

[NT: 1x] * ἱκανότης, -ητος, ἡ (< ἱκανός),

sufficiency, ability (Plat.): II Co 3:5.†

[NT: 2x] ἱκανόω, -ῶ (< ἱκανός), [in LXX chiefly for רַב ;]

to make sufficient, render fit: c. dupl. acc, II Co 3:6; c. acc pers. seq. εἰς, Col 1:12.†

ἱκετήριος, -α, -ον (< ἱκέτης, a suppliant), [in LXX: Jb 40:22, II Mac 9:18 * ;]

of a suppliant; as subst., ἡ ἱ. (Sc. ῥάβδος),
1. in cl., an olive-branch, carried by a suppliant.
2. In late Gk. = ἱκεσία, supplication: pl., δεήσεις κ. ἱ., He 5:7
SYN.: v.s. δέησις

[NT: 1x] ἰκμάς, -άδος, ἡ [in LXX. Je 17:8 (יוּבַל), Jb 26:14 (שֶׁמֶץ)* ;]

moisture: Lk 8:6.†

[NT: 6x] Ἰκόνιον, -ου, τό

Iconium, a city of the province of Galatia: Ac 13:51 14:1, 19 14:21 16:2, II Ti 3:11.†

[NT: 1x] ἱλαρός, -ά, -όν (< ἵλαος = ἵλεως, q.v.), [in LXX: Pr 19:12 (רָצוֹן) Pr 22:8, Es 5:1, Jb 33:26, Si 13:26 26:4, III Mac 6:35 * ;]

cheerful, joyous: II Co 9:7 (Pr 22:8 (LXX))†

[NT: 1x] ἱλαρότης, -ητος, ἡ (< ἱλαρός), [in LXX: Pr 18:22 (רָצוֹן)* ;]

cheerfulness: Ro 12:8.†

[NT: 2x] ἱλάσκομαι (< ἵλαος = ἵλεως) [in LXX (cf. Westc., Epp. Jo., 85 f.) for סָלַח, IV Ki 5:18 24:4, Ps 25:11, La 3:42, Da TH Da 9:19; כָּפַר pi., Ps 65:3 78:38 79:9; נָחַם ni., Ex 32:14, Es 4:17 * ;]

1. in cl., c. acc pers., to conciliate, appease, propitiate (= ἐξιλάσκομαι, Ge 32:20, Pr 16:14, Ma 1:9, al.).
2. In LXX (Thackeray, Gr., 270, 1.), Inscr. (Deiss., BS, [p. 216] 224 f.), and NT, to be propitious, merciful (c. dat. rei, Ps 79:9, al.): c. dat pers. (IV Ki 5:18), Lk 18:13.
3. As in Philo (= ἐξιλάσκ-, in LXX: Ez 43:22, al.), to expiate, make propitiation for: τ. ἁμαρτίας, He 2:17 (Cremer, 301 ff., 735).†

[NT: 2x] ἱλασμός, -οῦ (< ἱλάσκομαι), [in LXX: Le 25:9, Nu 5:8 (כִּפֻּר), Ps 130:4, Da TH Da 9:9 (סְלִיחָה), Am 8:14 (אַשְׁמָה), Ez 44:27 (חַטָּאָה), I Ch 28:20, Si 18:20 A, II Mac 3:33 * ;]

1. an appeasing (Plut.).
2. a means of appeasing, propitiation (Philo; Nu, Ez, ll.c.): I Jn 2:2 Jn 4:10.
3. In LXX also forgiveness (Ps, Da TH, ll.c.).†

ἱλαστήριος, -α, -ον (< ἱλάσκομαι), [in LXX: IV Mac 17:22; neut., Ex 25:16 (17) ff. Ex 31:7 35:12 37:6 ff., Le 16:2, 13 ff. Nu 7:89 (כַּפֹּרֶת), Ez 43:14, 17 43:20 (עֲזָרָה) Am 9:1 (on the original here, v. Deiss., BS, 127)* ;]

propitiatory (μνῆμα, FlJ, Ant., xvi, 7, 1; θάνατος, 2Mac, l.c.): of Christ, Ro 3:25; as subst., το ἱ. (sc. ἐπίθεμα, Ex 25:16-17, where the word first occurs in LXX and where ἱ. ἐ. = כַּפֹּרֶת (q.v. in BDB, s.v.), elsewhere rendered simply τὸ ἱ; cf. Deiss., 124 ff.; Westc., He., in l), He 9:5.†

[NT: 2x] ἵλεως, -ων (Att.. for ἵλαος), [in LXX for חָלִיל, I Ki 14:45, II Ki 20:20, al.; ἵ. εἶναι, סָלַח, III Ki 8:30 ff. Je 31:34, al. ;]

propitious, merciful: τ. ἀδικίαες, He 8:12 (Je, l.c.; cf.1 Ki, l.c.); ἵ. σοι (sc. ἔστω ὁ θεός), Mt 16:22 (cf. 1Sam, l.c.).†

[NT: 1x] Ἰλλυρικόν, -οῦ, τό

Illyricum, a region bordering on the Adriatic Sea: Ro 15:19.†

[NT: 4x] ἱμάς, -άντος, ὁ [in LXX: Is 5:27 (שְׂרוֹךְ), Si 33:26, IV Mac 9:11, al ;]

a thong, strap: for binding prisoners (Ma, Sir, ll. c.), Ac 22:25; for fastening sandals, Mk, Lk 3:16, Jo 1:27.†

[NT: 2x] ἱματίζω (< ἱμάτιον),

to clothe: Mk 5:15, Lk 8:35 (elsewhere only in π.; cf. MM, Exp., xv; Deiss., LAE, 78 f.).†

[NT: 60x] ἱμάτιον, -ου, τό (dim, of εἷμα, a garment), [in LXX chiefly for בֶּגֶד also for שִׂמְלָה, שַׂלְמָה, etc. ;]

a garment, but in usage always (exc. in p1., v. infr.) of an outer garment, a mantle, cloak (thrown over the χιτών; v. Rutherford, NPhr., 22; DCG, i, 499a): Mt 9:16, 20-21 Mk 2:21 5:27-28, 30 Jo 19:2, Ac 12:8, al.; opp. to χιτών, Mt 5:40, Lk 6:29, Ac 9:39; pl., garments, clothes (i.e. the cloak and the tunic), Mt 17:2 26:65 27:31, 35, Mk 5:30 15:20, 24, Jo 19:23-24, Ja 5:2, al

[NT: 5x] ἱματισμός, -ού (< ιματίζω), [in LXX: Ge 24:53, II Ch 18:29, Ez 16:18, al. (בֶּגֶד); Ex 3:22 12:35, Ru 3:3, al. (שִׂמְלָה), etc. ;]

clothing, apparel (usually of sumptuous attire; v. Tr., Syn., § 1): Lk 7:25 9:29, Jo 19:24 (Ps 22:19, LXX for לְבוּשׁ), Ac 20:33, I Ti 2:9.†

ἱμείρω [in LXX: Jb 3:21 B3R (ABא, ὁμ-) ;] I Th 2:8 (Rec.), v.s. ὁμείρομαί.

[NT: 663x] ἵνα,

I. adverb (poët., Hom., al.),
1. of place, where, whither.
2. of circumstance, when.
II. Conjunction,
1. prop., final, denoting [p. 217] purpose or end (cl.), that, in order that, usually the first word in the clause, but sometimes (cl. also) preceded by an emphatic word (Ac 19:4, Ro 11:31 (?), Ga 2:10, al.);
(a) c. optat. (so in cl. after historic tenses): after a pres., Eph 1:17 (but WH, mg., subjc.; v. Burton, §225, Rem., 2);
(b) c. subjc.: after a pres., Mk 4:21, Lk 6:34, Jo 3:15, Ac 2:25, Ro 1:11, al.; after a pf., Mt 1:22, Jo 5:23 I Co 9:22, al.; after an imperat. (pres. or aor.), Mt 7:1, Mk 11:25, Jo 10:38, I Co 7:5, al.; after a delib. subjc., Mk 1:38, al.; after a fut., Lk 16:4, Jo 14:3, I Co 15:28, al.; after historic tenses (where optat. in cl.; WM, 359f.; M, Pr., 196f.), Mk 6:41 (impf.), Jo 4:8 (plpf.), Mk 3:14 (aor.), al.;
(c) in late writers (M, Pr., 35; Burton, §§198, 199), c. indic., fut: Lk 20:10, I Pe 3:1, al.;
(d) as often in eccl. writers (Thayer, s.v.), c. indic. pres.: I Co 4:6, Ga 4:17, al. (?; but V. Burton, §198, Rem.);
(e) εἰς (διὰ) τοῦτο, ἵνα: Jo 18:37, I Ti 1:16, al.; τούτου χάριν, Tit 1:5;
(f) elliptical constructions: omission of the principal verb, Jo 1:8, II Th 3:9, I Jo 2:19, al.; of the final verb, Ro 4:16, II Co 8:13, al.
2. In late writers, definitive, = inf. (WM, 420; Bl, §69, 1), that;
(a) after verbs of wishing, caring, striving, etc.: θέλω, Mt 7:12, al.; ζητῶ, I Co 4:2 14:12; ζηλόω, I Co 14:1, al.;
(b) after verbs of saying, asking, exhorting: εἰπεῖν, Mt 4:3, al.; ἐρωτῶ, Mk 7:26, al.; παρακαλῶ, Mt 14:36, I Co 1:10, al., etc.;
(c) after words expressing expediency, etc.: συμφέρει, Mt 18:6, Jo 11:50, al.; ἱκανός, Mt 8:8, Lk 7:6; χρείαν ἔχω, Jo 2:25, al, etc.;
(d) after substantives, adding further definition: ὥρα, Jo 12:23 13:1; χρόνος, Re 2:21; συνήθεια, Jo 18:39; μισθός, I Co 9:18.
3. In late writers, ecbatic, denoting the result, = ὥστε, that, so that (M, Pr., 206ff.; WM, 572; Bl., §69, 3; Burton, §223): Ro 11:11, I Co 7:29, I Th 5:4, al. (but v. Thayer, s.v.); so with the formula referring to the fulfilment of prophecy, ἵνα πληρωθῇ, Mt 1:22 2:14, Jo 13:18, al.

[NT: 6x] ἱνατί

[NT: 10x] Ἰόππη (FlJ, id., and also Ἰόπη), -ης, ἡ, (Heb. יָפוֹ),

Joppa: Ac 9:1-43 10:1-48 11:1-30.†

[NT: 15x] Ἰορδάνης, -ου, ὁ (Heb. יַרְדֵּן),

the Jordan: Mt 3:5, Mk 1:5, al

[NT: 3x] ἰός, -οῦ, ὁ [in LXX: Ez 24:6, 11-12 (חֶלְאָה), Ps 140:3 (חֵמָה), al. ;]

1. an arrow.
2. rust (Ez, l.c.): Ja 5:3 (cf. MM, Exp., xv).
3. poison: fig., Ro 3:13 (Ps. l.c.), Ja 3:8.†

Ἰούδα, v.s. Ἰούδας.

[NT: 45x] Ἰουδαία, -ας, ἡ, v.s. Ἰουδαῖος.

Ἰουδαΐζω (< Ἰουδαῖος), [in LXX: Es 8:17 (יָהַד hith.)* ;]

to can-form to Jewish practice, to Judaize: Ga 2:14.†

[NT: 1x] Ἰουδαϊκός, ή, -όν [in LXX: II Mac 8:11 V, II Mac 13:21 * ;]

Jewish: Tit 1:14.†

[NT: 2x] *† Ἰουδαϊκῶς

in Jewish fashion: Ga 2:14.†

[NT: 193x] Ἰουδαῖος, -αία, -αῖον (< Ἰούδας),

Jewish: ἀνήρ, Ac 10:28 22:3; ἄνθρωπος, Ac 21:39; ψευδοπροφήτης, 13:6; ἀσχιερεύς, 19:14; γυνή, 16:1 24:24; γῆ, Jo 3:22; χώρα, Mk 1:5. Substantively,
(a) Ἰουδαῖος, ὁ, a Jew: Jo 4:9, Ac 18:24, Ro 2:28; pl., Re 2:9 3:9; οἱ Ἰ., Mt 2:2, Mk 7:3, Jo 2:6, al.; Ἰ. τε καὶ Ἕλληνες, Ac 14:1, al.; κ. προσήλυτοι, Ac 2:10; ἔθνη τε κ. Ἰ., Ac 14:5; οἱ κατὰ τὰ ἔθνη, Ac 21:21; of Jewish Christians, Ga 2:13; of the ruling [p. 218] class who opposed Jesus, Jo 1:19 2:18 5:10 11:8 13:33, al.;
(b) Ἰουδαία, -ας, ἡ (sc. γῆ, χώρα, cf. Jo 3:22, Mk 1:5), (Heb. יְהוּדָה), Judæa: Mt 2:1, Lk 1:5, Jo 4:3, al.

[NT: 2x] Ἰουδαϊσμός, -οῦ, ὁ (< Ἰουδαΐζω), [in LXX: II Mac 2:21 Mac 8:1 Mac 14:38, IV Mac 4:26 * ;]

Judaism, the observance of Jewish rites: Ga 1:13-14.†

[NT: 44x] Ἰούδας,

dat. -ᾳ,
acc -αν
(so in LXX, and also rarely, Ἰουδά, indecl.; cf. Thack., Gr., 163) (Heb. יְהוּדָה)
1. Judah, son of Jacob: Mt 1:2-3, Lk 3:33; φυλή Ἰ., Re 5:5 7:5; by meton., of the tribe, He 7:14; of its confines, γῆ Ἰ., Mt 2:6;πόλις Ἰ., Lk 1:39.
2. Judah (unknown): Lk 3:30.
3. Judas Iscariot (v.s. Ἰσκαριώτης): Mt 10:4, Mk 3:19, Lk 6:16, Jo 6:71 13:2, al.
4. Judas, the Lord's brother (v.s. ἀδελφός): Mt 13:55, Mk 6:3 (prob.), Ju 1.
5. Judas the Apostle, son of James (v.s. Θαδδαῖος): Lk 6:16, Jo 14:22, Ac 1:13.
6. Judas, of Damascus: Ac 9:11.
7. Judas, surnamed Βαρσαββᾶς (q.v.): Ac 15:22, 27 15:32.
8. Judas the Galilean: Ac 5:37
(Rec. Ἰούδα)
Joda: Lk 3:26.†

[NT: 1x] Ἰουλία, -ας, ἡ

Julia: Ro 16:15.†

[NT: 2x] Ἰούλιος, -ου, ὁ

Julius: Ac 27:1, 3.†

Ἰουνίας, -α, ὁ (or Ἰουνία, -ας, ἡ, Junia; AV, H, mg.)

Junias: Ro 16:7.†

[NT: 3x] Ἰοῦστος, -ου, ὁ

Justus, the surname of,
1. Joseph Barsabbas: Ac 1:23.
2. Titus, of Corinth: Ac 18:7.
3. Jesus, a Christian of Rome: Col 4:11.†

[NT: 2x] ἱππεύς, -έως (on acc pl., -εῖς, ν. BI., § 8, 2; Thack., Gr., 148), ὁ (< ἵππος), [in LXX chiefly for פָּרָשׁ ;]

a horseman: Ac 23:23, 32.†

** ἱππικός, -ή, -όν (< ἵππος), [in LXX: I Mac 15:33, III Mac 1:1 * ;]

of a horse or of horsemen, equestrian; as subst., τὸ ἱ (sc. στράτευμα), cavalry: He 9:16.†

[NT: 17x] ἵππος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX chiefly for סוּס, sometimes for פָּרָשׁ, רֶכֶב ;]

a horse: Ja 3:3, Re 6:2 ff. Re 9:7 ff. Re 14:20 18:13 19:11 ff,†

[NT: 2x] ἶρις, -ιδος, ἡ [in LXX: Ex 30:24 (קִדָּה)*, (קֶשֶׁת, Ge 9:13, Ez 1:28, is rendered by τόξον) ;]

1. Iris, the messenger of the gods.
2. a rain­bow or halo: Re 4:3 10:1.
3. The plant Iris (cf. Ex., l.c.).†

[NT: 20x] Ἰσαάκ (in MSS. sometimes -σάκ; cf. Deiss., BS, 189; Thack., Gr., 100),

(in FlJ, Ἴσακος, -ου), (Heb. יִצְחָק),
Isaac (Ge 17:19, al.): Mt 1:2, Ro 9:10, al

[NT: 1x] *† ἰσάγγελος -ον (< ἴσος, ἄγγελος),

like or equal to angels: Lk 20:36.†

Ἰσασχάρ, Ἰσαχάρ,, v.s. Ἰσσαχάρ.

ἰσκαριώθ, indecl. (Mk 3:19 14:10, Lk 6:16, elsewhere -ιώτης; V. infr.) and Ἰσκαριώτης, -ου (Heb. prob. קִרְיָא אִישׁ; v. Swete, Mk., 319),

Iscariot: surname of Judas, ll. c. supr., also Mt 10:4 26:14, Mk 14:43 (WH, R, omit), Lk 22:3, Jo 12:4 13:2 14:22; of his father Simon, Jo 6:71 13:26.†

[NT: 8x] ἴσος (epic ἶσος, so sometimes Rec.), -η, -ον, [in LXX for כְּ֜, Jb [p. 219] 5:14; Jb 10:10, al.; אֶחָד, Ez 40:5 ff.; II Mac 9:15, IV Mac 13:20-21, al. ;]

equal, the same in size, number, quality, etc.: δωρεά, Ac 11:17; μαρτυρίαι, Mk 14:56, 59; ἴ. ποιεῖν, c. acc et dat., Mt 20:12; ἑαυτὸν τ. θεῷ, Jo 5:18; τὰ ἴ. ἀπολαβεῖν, Lk 6:34, n. pl., ἴσα, adverbially, Re 21:16; τ. θεῷ, Phl 2:6.†

[NT: 3x] ἰσότης, -ητος, ἡ (< ἴσος), [in LXX: Jb 36:30, Za 4:7 * ;]

1. equality: II Co 8:13-14.
2. equity, fairness: τὸ δίκαιον κ. τὴν ἰ., Col 4:1 (for dis­tinction bet. τὸ δ. and ἡ ἰ, v. ICC, in l).†

[NT: 1x] ἰσότιμος, -ον (< ἴσος, τιμή),

equally privileged, held in equal honour: πίστις, II Pe 1:1 (R, mg., equally precious, but v Field, Notes, 240; Mayor, in l).†

[NT: 1x] ἰσόψυχος -ον (< ἴσος, ψυχή), [in LXX: Ps 55:13 (עֵרֶךְ)* ;]

1. of equal spirit (Æsch., Agam., 1470).
2. like-minded: Phl 2:20.†

[NT: 68x] Ἰσραήλ (FlJ, Ἰσράηλος, -ου), indecl. (Heb. יִשְׂרָאֵל, Ge 32:28),

Israel: ὁ οἶκος Ἰ., Ac 7:42 (LXX), al.; λαός, Ac 4:10; υὁοί, Ac 5:21, al.; αἱ φυλαὶ τοῦ Ἰ., Mt 19:28, al. By meton., for the Israelites, Mt 2:6, Lk 1:54, Ro 11:2, al.; ὁ λαὸς Ἰ., Ac 4:10; γῆ Ἰ., Mt 2:20-21; βασιλεὺς Ἰ., Mt 27:42, Jo 1:50; ἡ ἐλπὶς τοῦ Ἰ., Ac 28:20; ὁ Ἰ. τοῦ θεοῦ (of Christians), Ga 6:16; ὁ Ἰ. κατὰ σάρκα, I Co 10:18

Ἰσραηλείτης (Rec. -λίτης), ου, ὁ [in LXX: Nu 25:8 (יִשְׂרָאֵל), III Ki 21:1 (יִזְרְעֵאלִי; Luc. Ἰεζραηλίτης), etc. ;]

an Israelite, the name expressive of theocratic privilege (v.s. Ἑβραῖος): Ro 9:4 11:1, II Co 11:22; ἀληθῶς Ἰ., Jo 1:48; ἄνδρες Ἰ., Ac 2:22 3:12 5:35 13:16 21:23.†

[NT: 1x] Ἰσσαχάρ (Rec. Ἰσαχ-, Ἰσασχ- (Elz.), T, -άχαρ), indecl. (FlJ, Ἰσάχαρις, Ἰσάσχ-) (Heb. יִשָּׂשכָר, Ge 30:18),

Issachar: Re 7:7.†

[NT: 155x] ἵστημι, and in late writers, also ἱστάνω (Veitch, s.v.; Bl., §23, 2; M, Pr., 55), [in LXX chiefly for עמד, קוּם, also for נצב ni., hi., יצב hith., etc.].

I. Trans, in pres., impf., fut. and 1 aor. act. and in the tenses of the pass.
1. to make to stand, to place, set, set up, establish, appoint: c. acc. pers., Mk 7:9, Ac 1:23 6:13 17:31, He 10:9; id. seq. ἐπί, c. acc. loc, Mt 4:5, Lk 4:9; ἐν μέσῳ, Mt 18:2, Mk 9:36, Jo 8:[3]; ἐνώπιον, Ac 6:6; παρ’ ἑαυτῷ, Lk 9:47; ἐκ δεξιῶν, Mt 25:33; mid., to place oneself, to stand: Re 18:15; so also pass., to be made to stand, to stand: Mt 2:9, Lk 11:18 19:8, II Co 13:1, al.
2. to set in a balance, to weigh (cl.; LXX for שׁקל, Is 46:6, al.): Mt 26:15,
II. Intrans., in pf., plpf. (with sense of pres. and impf.; M, Pr., 147f.) and 2 aor. act., to stand, stand by, stand still: Mt 20:32 26:73, Mk 10:49, Lk 8:44, Jo 1:35 3:29, Ac 16:9, al.; seq. ἐν, Mt 6:5, al.; ἐνώπιον, Ac 10:30, al.; πρός, c. dat. loc., Jo 18:16; ἐπί, c. gen. loc., Lk 6:17, Ac 5:23 25:10, al.; ἔμπροσθεν, Mt 27:11; κύκλῳ, Re 7:11; ἐκ δεξιῶν, Lk 1:11; ἐπί, c. acc., Mt 13:2, Re 3:20; παρά, Lk 5:2; ἐκεῖ, Mk 11:5; ὧδε, Mk 9:1; ὅπου, Mk 13:14; ἔξω, Mt 12:46; μακρόθεν, Lk 18:13; πόρρωθεν, Lk 17:12. Metaph., to stand ready, stand firm, be steadfast: I Co 7:37 10:12, Eph 6:11, 13 14, Col 4:12; τ. πίστει, Ro 11:20; ἐν τ. ἀληθείᾳ, Jo 8:44; εν τ. χάριτι, Ro 5:2; ἐν τ. εὐαγγελίῳ, I Co 15:1 (cf. ἀν-, ἐπ-ἀν-, ἐξ-ἀν, ἀνθ-, ἀφ-, δι-, ἐν-, ἐξ-, ἐπ- (-μαι), ἐφ-, κατ-ἐφ-, συν-ἐφ-, καθ-, ἀντι-καθ-, ἀπο-καθ-, μεθ-, παρ-, περι-, προ-, συν-ίστημι).

[p. 220]

[NT: 1x] ** ἱστορέω, -ῶ (< ἵστωρ, one learned or skilled in) [in LXX: I Es 1:33 Es 1:42 * ;]

1. c. acc rei, to inquire into, learn by inquiry.
2. C. acc pers., to inquire of or about.
3. to narrate, record.
4. In late writers, to visit, become acquainted with: Ga 1:18 (v. Ellic., in l, and cf. MM, Exp., xv).†

[NT: 29x] ἰσχυρός, -ά, -όν (< ἰσχύω), [in LXX for אֵל, גִּבּוֹר, עָצוּם, חָזַק, etc. ;]

strong, mighty, powerful;
(a) of persons, as to body or spirit: Mt 12:29, Mk 3:27, Lk 11:21-22, I Co 4:10 (opp. to ἀσθενής), He 11:34 (ἐν πολέμῳ), Re 5:2 10:1 18:21 19:18; οἱ πλούσιοι κ. οἱ ἰ, Re 6:15; τὰ ἰ. = oἱ ἰ. (cf. IV Ki 24:15), I Co 1:27; of God (cf. De 10:17), Re 18:8; compar., Mt 3:11, Mk 1:7, Lk 11:22, I Co 1:25 (τὸ ἀσθενὲς τ. θεοῦ) I Co 10:22;
(b) of things: λιμός, Lk 15:14; ἐπιστολαί ( βαρεῖαι κ. ἰ.), II Co 10:10; κραυγή, He 5:7; φωνή, Re 18:2; παράκλησις, He 6:18; πόλις, Re 18:10; βρονταί, Re 19:6.†

[NT: 10x] ἰσχύς, -ύος, ἡ [in LXX chiefly for כֹּחַ, also for חַיִל, עַז, גְּבוּרָה, etc. ;]

strength, might, power, force, ability: Re 5:12 7:12; ἰ. κ. δύναμις, II Pe 2:11; τ. κράτος τῆς ἰ. (Is 40:26), Eph 1:19 6:10; ἡ δόξα τῆς ἰ., II Th 1:9; ἐξ ἰ., I Pe 4:11; ἐν ὅλῃ τ. ἰ., Mk 12:30, 33 (LXX) Lk 10:27 (LXX).†
SYN.: δύναμις (q.v., and cf. ICC, Phl 4:13); κράτος (cf. M, Th., I, 1:9)

[NT: 28x] ἰσχύω (< ἰσχύς), [in LXX for חָזַק, גִּבּוֹר, עָצַם, etc. ;]

1. to be strong in body: Mt 9:12, Mk 2:17.
2. to be powerful, have power, prevail: Ac 19:20, Re 12:8; seq. κατά, c. gen. pers., Ac 19:16; c. inf., to be able (MM, Exp., xv): Mt 8:28 26:40, Mk 5:4 9:18 (inf. understood) Mk 14:37, Lk 6:48 8:43 13:24 14:6, 29-30 16:3 20:26, Jo 21:6, Ac 6:10 15:10 25:7 27:16; c. acc, Phl 4:13, Ja 5:16; of things, to avail, be serviceable (MM, Exp., l.c.): Mt 5:13, Ga 5:6, He 9:17 (cf. ἐν-, ἐξ-, ἐπ-, κατ-ισχύω).†

[NT: 1x] ἴσως (< ἴσσς), adv., [in LXX for אוּלַי, אַךְ, הֵן, Ge 32:20, Je 5:4, al. ;]

1. equally.
2. perhaps: Lk 20:13.†

[NT: 4x] Ἰταλία, -ας, ἡ

Italy: ἡ Ἰ. (v. B1., § 46, 11), Ac 18:2 27:1, 6, He 13:14.†

[NT: 1x] Ἰταλικός, -ή, -όν (< Ἰταλία),

Italian: σπεῖρα Ἰ., Ac 10:1.†

Ἰτουραία, v.s. Ἰτουραῖος.

[NT: 1x] Ἰτουραῖος, -αία, -αῖον [in LXX: I Ch 5:19 A (יְטוּר) * ;]

Ituræan (in cl. always ὁι Ἰ., the Ituræans) χώρα (ἡ Ἰτουραίων ὀρεινή, τὰ τῶν Ἰ. μέρη, Strabo, XVI, ii, 16, 20), Lk 3:1 (cf. Exp. (1894), ix, 51 ff., 143 ff., 288 ff.).†

[NT: 2x] * ἰχθύδιον, -ου, τό (dimin. of ἰχθύς),

a little fish: Mt 15:34, Mk 8:7.†

[NT: 23x] ἰχθύς, -ύoς, ὁ [in LXX for דָּג, דָּגָה ;]

a fish: Mt 7:10, Mk 6:38, al.

[NT: 3x] ἴχνος, -εος (-ους), τό [in LXX for כַּף, etc. ;]

a track, footstep: metaph. (as freq. in cl.), στοιχεῖν τοῖς ἴ., Ro 4:12; περιπατεῖν τοῖς ἴ., II Co 12:18; ἐπακολουθεῖν τοῖς ἴ., I Pe 2:21 (cf. MM, Exp., xv).†

Ἰωάθαμ (WH, -θάμ), , indecl. (Heb. יוֹתָם),

Jotham, King of Judah: Mt 1:9.†

[p. 221]

Ἰωάνα (TR, -ννα; v. WH, App., 159), ης, ἡ (Aram יוֺחַן),

Joanna: Lk 8:3 24:10.†

Ἰωανάν (Rec. Ἰωαννᾶς, -ᾶ), indecl. (Heb. יוֹחָנָן),

Joanan (cf. Ἰωάνης): Lk 3:37.†

[NT: 135x] Ἰωάνης (Rec. ννης, q.v.; cf. Dalman, Gr., 142; Tdf., Pr., 79; WH, App., 159; Bl., §3, 10; 10, 2), -ου, dat., -ῃ (but in Mt 11:4. Lk 7:18, 22 Re 1:1, ει), acc., -ην, ὁ (Heb. יוֹחָנָן, LXX: Ἰωανάν, II Ch 23:1, al.; -ννάν, Je 47 (40):8, al., Aq.), Hellenized form of Ἰωανάν,

John ( I Es 8:38(41)*), viz.,
1. John the Baptist: Mt 3:1, al.
2. John the Apostle, son of Zebedee: Mt 4:21, Mk 1:19, Lk 5:10, Ac 1:13, al.
3. The father of St. Peter: Jo 1:43 21:15-17.
4. John surnamed Mark: Ac 12:12, 25 13:5, 13 15:37.
5. The writer of the Apocalypse, traditionally identified with 2: Re 1:1, 4 9.

Ἰωάννης (D, Ἰωνάθας; v. MM, Exp., XV; Bl., §10, 2), ,
John: Ac 4:6 13:5, Tr., WH, Re 22:8 (cf. Ἰωάνης).†

[NT: 1x] Ἰώβ, (Heb. אִיּוֹב),

Job: Ja 5:11.†

Ἰωβήδ (WH, -βήλ, Lk, l.c.; Rec., RV, Ὠβήδ), , indecl.,

Jo bed (Obed): Mt 1:5, Lk 3:32.†

Ἰωβήλ, v.s. Ἰωβήδ.

Ἰώδα (Rec. Ἰούδα),

Joda Lk 3:26.†

[NT: 1x] Ἰωήλ, indecl. (Heb. יוֹאֵל,),

Joel: Ac 2:16.†

Ἰωνάθας, v.s. Ἰώαννης.

[NT: 1x] Ἰωνάμ (Rec. -άν),

Jonam: Lk 3:30.†

[NT: 9x] Ἰωνᾶς, -ᾶ, ὁ (Heb. יוֹנָה),

Jonah, the prophet: Mt 12:39-41 16:4, Lk 11:29-30, 32.†

[NT: 3x] Ἰωράμ, , indecl. (Heb. יוֹרָם),

Joram, Jehoram: Mt 1:8.†

[NT: 1x] Ἰωρείμ,

Jorim: Lk 3:29.†

[NT: 2x] Ἰωσαφάτ, indecl. (Heb. יְהוֹשָׁפָט),

Jehoshaphat: Mt 1:8.†

Ἰωσείας (-σίας, Rec.), -ου, ὁ (Heb. יֹאשִׁיָּה),

Josiah: Mt 1:10-11

[NT: 5x] Ἰωσή, v.s. Ἰωσῆς.

[NT: 3x] Ἰωσῆς, -ῆ (Rec. Lk 3:29; AV, Jose; v.s. Ἰησοῦς, 3), and -ῆτος (Mk, ll c.), ,

1. brother of our Lord: Mk 6:3, Mt 13:55 (Rec., v.s. Ἰωσήφ).
2. Son of Mary: Mt 27:56 (-σήφ), WH, txt), Mk 15:40, 47
3. v.s. Βαρνάβας.

[NT: 35x] Ἰωσήφ indecl. (FlJ, Ἰώσηπος, -ου), (Heb. יוֹסֵף),

1. the Son of Jacob: Jo 4:5, Ac 7:9, 13-14 7:18, He 11:21-22, Re 7:8.
2. In the genealogy of our Lord,
(a) the son of Matthias: Lk 3:24;
(b) the son Joram: Lk 3:30.
3. The husband of Mary, the Lord's mother Mt 1:16 ff, Lk 1:27, Jo 1:46, al.
4. One of the brethren of our Lord (v.s. ἀδελφός): Mt 13:55.
5. Son of Mary: Mt 27:56 (-σῆς, WH, mg., RV).
6. Joseph of Arimatbæa: Mt 27:57, 59, Mk 15:43, 45, Lk 23:50, Jo 19:38.
7. v.s. Βαρνάβας.
8. v.s. Βαρσαβᾶς

[p. 222]


Josech: Lk 3:26.†

Ἰωσίας, v.s. Ἰωσείας.

[NT: 1x] ἰῶτα, τό ,

iota (Heb. י, i.e. the smallest letter): Mt 5:18.†


[NT: 84x] κἀγώ v.s. ἐγώ.

[NT: 5x] καθά adv. (for καθ' ), [in LXX: Ge 7:9 19:8, al. (אֲשֶׁר, כְּ), Is 58:11, Wi 3:10, al. ;]

just as, according as: Mt 27:10 (LXX), Lk 1:2, D (cf. BL, § 78, 1; Phil. Gosp., 8 f.).†

[NT: 3x] καθ-αίρεσις, -εως, ἡ (< καθαιρέω), [in LXX: Ex 23:24 (הָרַס), I Mac 3:43 * ;]

a pulling down, destruction: fig., κ. ὀχυρωμάτων, II Co 10:4; opp. to οἰκοδομή, II Co 10:8 13:10.†

[NT: 9x] καθ-αιρέω, -ῶ [in LXX for נָתַץ, פָּרַץ, יָרַד, etc. ;]

1. to take down: c. acc pers. (the technical term for removal after crucifixion, Field, Notes, 44), Mk 15:36, 46, Lk 23:53, Ac 13:29.
2. to put down by force, pull down, destroy: ἀποθήκας, Lk 12:18 (opp. to οἰκοδομεῖν); δυνάστας, Lk 1:52; ἔθνη, Ac 13:19; pass., Ac 19:27 (diminished, Field, Notes, 129 f.); fig., to refute: λογισμούς, II Co 10:5.†

[NT: 1x] καθαίρω (< καθαρός), [in LXX: Is 28:27 (דּוּשׁ ho.), II Ki 4:6, Je 51:39 א* ;]

to cleanse: of pruning, Jo 15:2 (cf. καθαρίζω).†

[NT: 13x] καθάπερ (for καθ' ἅπερ = καθά) adv., [in LXX for אֲשֶׁר, Ge 12:4, Ex 7:6, al. ;]

just as, even as: Ro 3:4 4:6 9:13 10:15 11:8 12:4, I Co 10:10 12:12, II Co 1:14 3:13 3:18 8:11, I Th 2:11 3:6 3:12 4:6, He 4:2.†

[NT: 1x] ** καθ-άπτω [in Sm.: Ca 1:6 * ;]

1. to fasten on, put upon, c. acc
2. Act. for mid. (cf. Bl., § 53, 3), to lay hold of, attack: c. gen., χειρός, Ac 28:3.†

[NT: 31x] καθαρίζω (Hellenistic-FlJ, Inscr.-for Attic καθαίρω, q.v., on the vulgar -ερ-, Mt 8:3, Mk 1:42, v. Bl., § 6, 1; Thackeray, Gr., 74) [in LXX chiefly for טָהֵר ;]

to cleanse, make clean.
1. In physical sense: c. acc rei, fig., Mt 23:25-26, Lk 11:39; of disease (leprosy), c. acc pers., Mt 8:2-3 10:8 11:5, Mk 1:40-42 Lk 4:27 5:12-13 7:22 17:14, 17; ἡ λέπρα ἐκαθερίσθη (on the spelling v. supr.), Mt 8:3.
2. In ethical sense: τ. καρδίας, Ac 15:9 (cf. Si 38:10); τ. χεῖρας, Ja 4:8; λαὸν ἑαυτῷ, Tit 2:14; τ. ἐκκλησίαν, Eph 5:26; c. acc pers. (rei), seq. ἀπό (131., § 36, 9; Deiss., BS, 216 f.), II Co 7:1, He 9:14, I Jn 1:7 Jn 1:9.
3. In ceremonial sense: Mk 7:19, Ac 10:15 11:9, He 9:22-23 10:2 (cf. δια-καθαρίζω).†

[NT: 7x] καθαρισμός, -oῦ, τό (< καθαρίζω). [in LXX for טָהֵר, טׇהֳרָה, etc. ;]

cleansing, purification: Jo 3:25; c. gen. subjc., τ. Ἰουδαίων, Jo 2:6; c. gen. obj., of women after childbirth, Lk 2:22; of lepers, Mk 1:44, Lk 5:14; c. gen. rei, τ. ἁμαρτιῶν, He 1:3, II Pe 1:9 (Cremer, 319).†

[p. 223]

[NT: 27x] καθαρός, -ά, -όν [in LXX chiefly for טָהוֹר ;]

pure, clean.
1. Physically: Mt 23:26 27:59, Jo 13:10-11 (fig.), Jo 15:3 (fig., as of a vine cleansed by pruning), He 10:22, Re 15:6 19:8, 14 21:18, 21.
2. Ceremonially: Lk 11:41, Ro 14:20, Tit 1:15.
3. Ethically;
(a) of persons: Jo 13:16, Ac 18:6, Tit 1:15; ό κ. τῇ καρδίᾳ (καθαρὸς χεῖρας, Hdt., i, 35), Mt 5:8; seq. ἀπό (cl. c. gen. simp.; ΒΙ., § 36, 11; Deiss., BS, 196; MM, Exp., xv), Ac 20:26;
(b) of things: καρδία, I Ti 1:6, II Ti 2:22; συνείδησις, I Ti 3:9, II Ti 1:3; θρησκεία, Ja 1:27.†
SYN.: v.s. ἁγνός.

[NT: 1x] καθαρότης, -ητος, ἡ (< καθαρός), [in LXX: Ex 24:10 (טֹהַר), Wi 7:24 * ;]

purity, cleanness: c. gen., He 9:13.†

[NT: 3x] καθ-έδρα, -ας, ἡ (< κατά, + ἔδρα, a seat) [in LXX for מוֹשָׁב and cogn. forms ;]

a chair, seat: Mt 21:12, Mk 11:16; of teachers, Mt 23:2.†

[NT: 7x] καθ-έζομαι [in LXX: Le 12:5, al. (יָשַׁב), Jb 39:28 (שָׁכַן) ;]

to sit down, sit: Jo 20:12; seq. ἐν, Mt 26:55, Lk 2:46, Jo 11:20, Ac 6:15; seq. ἐπί, c. gen., Ac 20:9; id. c. dat., Jo 4:6 (cf. παρα-καθέζ-, κάθημαι).†
καθ ̓ εἷς, v.s. (εἷς.)

[NT: 5x] καθ-εξῆς (= cl. ἑξῆς, ἐφεξῆς) adv.,

1. successively, in order: Lk 1:3, Ac 11:4 18:23; τῶν κ.. (those that succeeded him), Ac 3:24.
2. after­wards: ἐν τῷ κ. (sc. χρόνῳ), Lk 8:1.†

[NT: 22x] καθεύδω [in LXX chiefly for שָׁכַב, Ge 28:13, Ps 88:5, al.; also for יָשֵׁן, Ca 5:2, Da LXX TH Da 12:2, al.; for יָשַׁב, I Ki 19:9 ;]

to sleep: Mt 8:24 9:24 13:25 25:5 26:46, 43 26:45, Mk 4:27, 38 5:39 14:37, 40-41, Lk 8:52 22:46, I Th 5:7. Metaph.,
(a) of death (as Ps, Da, ll. c.): I Th 5:10 (cf. Mt 9:24, Mk 5:39, Lk 8:52, and v. Swete, Mk., l.c);
(b) of moral and spiritual insensibility: Mk 13:36, Eph 5:14, I Th 5:6.†
SYN.: (κοιμάω.)

[NT: 2x] * καθηγητής, -οῦ, ὁ (< καθηγέομαι, to go before, guide),

1. prop., a guide.
2. a master, teacher (MGr. professor): Mt 23:16.†

[NT: 2x] καθ-ήκω [in LXX: impers., Le 5:16, Ez 21:27 (32), al. (מִשְׁפָּט); τὰ κ., Ex 5:13, al. (דָבַר), etc. ;]

1. to come down, come to.
2. to be fit, proper: impers., c. acc et inf., Ac 22:22 (on the tense, v. Bl., § 63, 4); τὰ μὴ καθήκοντα, Ro 1:28.†

[NT: 91x] κάθ-ημαι [in LXX chiefly for יָשַׁב ;]

in cl. pres. and impf. only (prop. pf. and plpf. of καθέζομαι; cf. Bl., § 24), in LXX and NT fut. also, to sit, be seated: Mt 11:16 22:44 (LXX), Mk 2:6, Jo 6:3, Ac 2:2, Ja 2:3 (on the vulgar imper. κάθου, v. Kennedy, Sources, 162), Re 4:3, al.; seq. prep. c. acc, ἐπί, Mt 9:9, Mk 2:14, Jo 12:16; παρά, Mt 13:1, Mk 10:46; περί, Mk 3:32, 34; πρός, Lk 22:56; ὑπό, Ja 2:3; εἰς, Mk 13:3; μετά, c. gen. pers., Mt 26:58; ἐκ δεξιῶν, Mt 22:44; ἐπάνω, c. gen., Mt 28:2; ἀπέναντι, c. gen., Mt 27:61; ἐπί, c. dat., Ac 3:10; id. c. gen., Ac 8:28; ἐκεῖ, Mt 15:29; pleonastic (M, Pr., 230, 241; Dalman, Words, 22), Mt 13:2, Ac 23:3, Re 18:7; metaph., Mt 4:16, Lk 1:79 (LXX); of one's domicile (Ne 11:6, Si 50:26; Hdt., v, 63), Lk 21:31, Ac 2:2, Re 14:6 (cf. συν-κάθημαι)

[p. 224]

[NT: 1x] **† καθημερινός, -ή, -όν (< καθ ̓ ἡμέραν), [in LXX: Jth 12:15 * ;]

daily (MGr. καθημερνός): Ac 6:1.†

[NT: 46x] καθ-ίζω [in LXX chiefly for יָשַׁב ;]

1. causal, to make to sit down, set, appoint: Ac 2:30, I Co 6:4, Eph 1:20.
2. Intrans., to sit down, be seated, sit: Mt 5:1, Mk 9:35, Lk 7:15, Jo 8:2, al.; c. inf. tel., I Co 10:7; seq. εἰς, II Th 2:4; ἐπί, c. acc, Mk 11:2, Jo 12:14; id. c. gen., Jo 19:13, Ac 12:21; ὧδε, Mk 14:32; αὐτοῦ, Mt 26:36; ἐν δεξιᾷ, He 1:3; ἐκ δεξιῶν, Mt 20:21, 23; ἐν, Re 3:21; καθίσας pleonastic (M, Pr 14:1-35; Dalman, Words, 22), Mt 13:48, Lk 5:3 14:31 16:6; of settling in a place (ἐς χωρίον, Thuc., iv, 93), seq. ἐν, Lk 24:49 (cf. ἀνα-, ἐπι-, παρα-, περι-, συν-καθίζω)

[NT: 4x] καθ-ίημι [in LXX: Ex 17:11 (נוּחַ hi.), and v.l., I Ch 21:27, Za 11:13, Je 32:14 * ;]

to send or let down: seq. εἰς, Lk 5:19; διά, c. gen., ib., Ac 9:25; ptcp., seq. ἐπί, c. gen., Ac 10:11; ἐκ, Ac 11:5.†

[NT: 21x] καθ-ίστημι (and καθιστάνω, Ac 17:15), [in LXX for פָּקַד, קוּם, שׂוּם, etc., 24 words in all* ;]

(a) to set down;
(b) to bring down to a place (Hom., Xen., al.; II Ch 28:15, I Ki 5:3): Ac 17:15.
2. to set in order, appoint, make, constitute: Tit 1:5, II Pe 1:8; c. dupl. acc, κριτήν, Lk 12:14; ἡγούμενον, Ac 7:10; ἄρχοντα, Ac 7:27, 35 (LXX); ἀρχιερεῖς, He 7:28; seq. ἐπί, c. gen., Mt 24:45 25:21, 23, Lk 12:42, Ac 6:3; id. c. dat., Mt 24:47, Lk 12:44; id. c. acc, He 2:7 (LXX) (WH, R, mg. omit); pass. (v. Mayor, Ja., 115 f.), Ro 5:19, Ja 3:6 4:4; seq. εἰς c. inf., He 8:3; τὰ πρὸς τ. θεόν, He 5:1 (cf. ἀντι-, ἀπο-καθίστημι).

[NT: 3x] καθό (= καθ' ), adv., [in LXX: Le 9:5, 15 (אֲשֶׁר), I Es 1:50, Si 16:20 Ba 1:6, II Mac 4:16 * ;]

as, according as: Ro 8:26, II Co 8:12, I Pe 4:13.†

[NT: 1x] καθόλου (= καθ' ὅλον and so in cl. bef. Arist.) adv., [in LXX: Ex 22:11(10) Am 3:3-4; Ez 13:3, 22 17:14 (τὸ κ, μή = בִּלְתִּי), Da LXX TH Da 3:50* ;]

on the whole, in general: μή κ., not at all, Ac 4:18.†

[NT: 1x] καθ-οπλίζω [in LXX: Je 46:9 (תָּפַשׂ), Mac.9* ;]

to arm fully: pass., Lk 11:21.†

[NT: 1x] καθ-οράω, -ῶ [in LXX: Nu 24:2 (רָאָה), Jb 10:4 39:26, III Mac 3:11 * ;]

1. to look down.
2. to discern clearly: Ro 1:20.†

[NT: 6x] καθότι (= καθ' ὅ τι), adv., [in LXX: Ex 1:12, 17 (אֲשֶׁר), To 1:12, Jth 2:13, al. ;]

1. in dl., according as, just as (Ex, l.c.): Ac 2:45 4:35.
2. In late Gk. = διότι (Tob, l.c.), because: Lk 1:7 19:9, Ac 2:24 17:31.†

[NT: 182x] καθώς, (i.e. καθ’ ὡς), Hellenistic for καθά, q.v., καθάπερ, καθό, καθότι (Mayser, 485; Eutherford, NPhr., 495; Bl., §78, 1),

according as, even as, just as, as: Lk 1:2 (v.s. καθά), 24:39, Jo 5:23, Ac 7:48, I Co 8:2, Ga 3:6, al.; seq. οὕτως, Lk 11:30, Jo 3:14, II Co 1:5, Col 3:13, I Jo 2:6, al.; seq. καί, Jo 15:9, I Co 15:49, I Jo 2:18, al.; οὕτως . . . κ., Lk 24:24; id. with ellipsis of οὕτως, Mt 21:6, Mk 16:7, Ro 1:13, al.; with other elliptical constructions, Jo 6:58 17:21, 22 Ac 15:8, I Th 2:13, I Ti 1:3, I Jo 3:2, 3 12; καθὼς γέγραπται (Deiss., BS, 249), Mt 26:24, Mk 9:13, Ro 1:17, al.; introducing subst. clause as object of verb (as in Heb.), Mt 21:6, Mk 11:6, [p. 225] Lk 5:14, al.; after verbs of speaking, Ac 15:14; of proportion and degree, Mk 4:33, I Co 12:11, 18 al.; of time (Ne 5:6, II Mac 1:31), Ac 7:17.

[NT: 1x] * καθώσπερ (Tr. καθώς περ), adv. (v.s. καθώς),

even as: II Co 3:8 (WH, mg.), He 5:4.†

[NT: 9018x] καί, conj.,

I. Copulative.
1. Connecting single words;
(a) in general: Mt 2:18, 16:1, Mk 2:15, Lk 8:15, He 1:1, al. mult.; repeated before each of the terms in a series, Mt 23:23, Lk 14:21, Ro 7:12, 9:4, al.
(b) connecting numerals (WM, §37, 4): Jo 2:20, Ac 13:20;
(c) joining terms which are not mutually exclusive, as the part with the whole: Mt 8:33, 26:59, Mk 16:17, Ac 5:29, al.
2. Connecting clauses and sentences: Mt 3:12, Ac 5:21, al. mult.; esp.
(a) where, after the simplicity of the popular language, sentences are paratactically joined (WM, §60, 3; M, Pr., 12; Deiss., LAE, 128ff.): Mt 1:21, 7:25, Mk 9:5, Jo 10:3, al.;
(b) joining affirmative to negative sentences: Lk 3:14, Jo 4:11, IIIJo 10;
(c) consecutive, and so: Mt 5:1, 23:32, He 3:19, al.; after imperatives, Mt 4:19, Lk 7:7, al.;
(d) = καίτοι, and yet: Mt 3:14, 6:26, Mk 12:12, Lk 18:7 (Field, Notes, 72), I Co 5:2, al.;
(e) beginning an apodosis (= Heb. וְ; so sometimes δέ in cl.), then: Lk 2:21, 7:12, Ac 1:10; beginning a question (WM, §53, 3a): Mk 10:26, Lk 10:29, Jo 9:36.
3. Epexegetic, and, and indeed, namely (WM, §53, 3c): Lk 3:18, Jo 1:16, Ac 23:6, Ro 1:5, I Co 3:5, al.
4. In transition: Mt 4:23, Mk 5:1, 21, Jo 1:19, al.; so, Hebraistically, καὶ ἐγένετο (וַי:הִי; also ἐγένετο δέ), Mk 1:9 (cf. Lk 5:1; V. Burton, §§357-60; M, Pr., 14, 16).
5. καὶ . . . καί, both . . . and (for τε . . . καί, v.s. τε);
(a) connecting single words: Mt 10:28, Mk 4:41, Ro 11:33, al.;
(b) clauses and sentences: Mk 9:13, Jo 7:28, I Co 1:22, al.
II. Adjunctive, also, even, still: Mt 5:39, 40; Mk 2:28, al. mult.; esp. c. pron., adv., etc., Mt 20:4, Jo 7:47, al; ὡς κ., Ac 11:17; καθὼς κ., Ro 15:7; οὑτω κ., Ro 6:11; διὸ κ., Lk 1:35; ὁ κ. (Deiss., BS, 313ff.), Ac 13:9; pleonastically, μετὰ κ.. (Bl., §77, 7; Deiss., BS, 265f,), Phl 4:3; τί κ., 1 Co 15:29; ἀλλὰ κ., Lk 14:22, Jo 5:18, al.; καίγε (M, Pr., 230; Burton, §437), Ac 17:27; καίπερ, He 5:8; κ. ἐάν, v.s. ἐάν.

Καιάφας (T, Καϊ-), -α ὁ,

Caiaphas (on the name, v. Exp. Times, x, 185): Mt 26:3, 57, Lk 3:2, Jo 11:4 18:13-14, 24 18:28 Ac 4:6.†
Καΐφας, for Καιάφας, q.v.: Lk 3:2 (L)

[NT: 0x] καίγε

From and G1065

Καίν (Τ, Κάϊν), ,

(in FlJ, Κάϊς, -ιος), (Heb. קַיִן; Ge 4:1),
Cain: He 11:4, I Jn 3:12, Ju 11.†

Καινάμ (T, Καϊ-; Rec. Καϊνάν), ό, indecl. (Heb. קֵינָן),

Cainam, Cainan;
1. son of Enos (Ge 5:9): Lk 3:37.
2. Son of Arphaxad (Ge 10:24 (LXX): Lk 3:36.†

[NT: 42x] καινός, -ή, -όν [in LXX (Ez 11:19, al.) for חָדָשׁ, exc. Is 65:15 (אַחֵר) ;]

of that which is unused or unaccustomed, new in respect to form or quality, fresh, unused, novel: opp. to παλαιός, ἀρχαῖος, Mt 9:17 13:52, Mk 2:21-22 Lk 5:36, 38, II Co 5:17, Eph 4:24; πλήρωμα, Mk 2:21; μνημεῖον, Mt 27:60, Jo 19:41; διαθήκη (T, WH, R, txt., omit), Lk 22:20, I Co 11:25, II Co 3:6, He 8:8 (LXX), He 8:13 9:15; οὐρανοί, γῆ, II Pe 3:13, Re 21:1 (LXX) [p. 226] Ἰερουσαλήμ, Re 3:12 21:2; ἄνθρωπος, Eph 2:15 (cf. Ez 18:31); πάντα, Re 21:5; γέννημα τ. ἀμπέλου, Mt 26:29, Mk 14:25; διδαχή, Mk 1:27, Ac 17:19; ἐντολή, Jo 13:34, I Jn 2:7-8, II Jn 5; ὄνομα, Re 2:17 (LXX); ᾠδή, Re 5:9 14:3 (of. Ps 144:9); κτίσις, II Co 5:17, Ga 6:15; γλῶσσαι, Mk 16:17; compar., Ac 17:21.†
SYN.: νέος, "the new primarily in reference to time, the young, recent; κ. . the new primarily in reference to quality, the fresh, unworn". Cf. Tr., Syn., § lx (the distinction, however, is less marked in late Gk.; cf. He 12:24 with He, ll. c. supr., and v. MM, Exp., xv)

[NT: 2x] καινότης, -ητος, ἡ (< καινός), [in LXX: III Ki 8:53, Ez 47:12 * ;]

1. novelty (Thuc., Isocr., LS, s.v.).
2. freshness, newness: ἐν κ. ζωῆς (v. Lft., Notes, 296), Ro 6:4; ἐν κ. πνεύματος, Ro 7:6.†

[NT: 5x] καίπερ concessive particle, [in LXX: Pr 6:8, Wi 11:9, Jh 1:13, Mac.11 * ;]

although: c. ptcp., Phl 3:4, He 5:8 7:5 12:17, II Pe 1:12.†

[NT: 85x] καιρός, -οῦ, ὁ [in LXX chiefly for עֵת, also for מוֹעֵד, etc. ;]

1. due measure, fitness, proportion (Eur., Xen., al.).
2. Of Time (cl. also) in the sense of a fixed and definite period, time, season (Kennedy, Sources, 153): Mt 11:25, Mk 1:15, Lk 21:8, Ro 13:11, Eph 6:18, He 11:15, I Pe 1:5 1:11 Re 1:3, al.; c. gen., πειρασμοῦ Lk 8:13; τ. καρπῶν, Mt 21:34; σύκων, Mk 11:13; pl., Mt 21:41; χρόνοι ἢ (καὶ) κ., Ac 1:7, I Th 5:1; ἐθνῶν, Lk 21:24; of opportune or seasonable time, Ac 24:25, Ga 6:10, Eph 5:16, Col 4:5; c. inf., He 11:15; ὁ κ. οὗτος, Mk 10:30, Lk 18:30; ὁ νῦν κ. (Dalman, Words, 148), Ro 8:18; ὁ κ. ὁ ἐμός, Jo 7:6; κ. δεκτῲ, II Co 6:2 (LXX); δουλεύειν τῷ κ., Ro 12:11, R, mg.; τ. σημεῖα τῶν κ., Mt 16:3; adverbial usages: ἐν κ., Mt 24:45, I Pe 5:6 (cf. καιρῷ, Lk 20:10; τῷ κ., Mk 12:2); ἄχρι καιροῦ, Lk 4:13; πρὸς καιρόν, Lk 8:13, I Co 7:5; κατὰ καιρόν, Ro 5:6; πρὸ καιροῦ, Mt 8:29
SYN.: (χρόνος) time in the sense of duration

[NT: 29x] Καῖσαρ, -αρος, ὁ

Cæsar: Mt 22:17, Lk 2:1, Jo 19:12, Ac 25:8 ff., al

Καισαρία (Rec. -άρεια), -ας, ἡ

1. Cæsarea Philippi, at the foot of Lebanon: Mt 16:13, Mk 8:27.
2. Cæsarea of Palestine, on the sea-coast: Ac 8:4 9:30 10:1, 24 11:11 12:19 18:22 21:8, 16 23:23, 33 25:1, 4 25:6, 13.†

[NT: 2x] ** καίτοι (= καί τοι, and so also written in cl.)

concessive particle, [in LXX: IV Mac 2:6 * ;]
and yet, although: Ac 14:17; c. ptcp., He 4:3.†

[NT: 1x] * καίτοιγε

strengthened form of καίτοι, q.v. (and v.s. γε): Jo 4:2.†

[NT: 11x] καίω [in LXX for בָּעַר, יָקַד, שָׂרַף, etc. ;]

1. to kindle, light: c. acc, λύχνον, Mt 5:15; pass., to be lighted, to burn: ptcp., Lk 12:35, Re 4:5 8:10 19:20; πυρί He 12:18, Re 8:8 21:8; metaph., Lk 24:32, Jo 5:35.
2. to burn, destroy by fire: pass., Jo 15:6, I Co 13:3.†

[NT: 10x] κἀκεῖ (by crasis for καὶ ἐκεῖ, and so sometimes written, v. infr.),

and there, there also: Mt 5:23 (κ. ἐ., Tr., mg.) Mt 10:11 28:10 (κ. ἐ., T), Mk 1:35 (κ. ἐ., L) Mk 1:38 (κ. ἐ., WH) Mk 14:15 (κ. ἐ., WH), Jo 11:54, Ac 14:7 17:13 22:10 25:20 27:6.†

[NT: 10x] κἀκεῖθεν (by crasis for καὶ ἐκεῖθεν, and so sometimes written, v.s. ἐκεῖθεν),

of place, and from thence, and thence: Mk 9:30, Lk 11:53, Ac 7:4 14:26 16:12 20:15 21:1 27:4 28:15.†

[p. 227]

[NT: 22x] κἀκεῖνος, -είνη, -εῖνο (by crasis for καὶ ἐκεῖνος, and so sometimes written, v.s. ἐκεῖνος),

and he, she or it; he, she or it also: Mt 15:18 23:23, Mk 12:4-5 16:11, 13, Lk 11:7, 42 20:11 22:12, Jo 6:57 7:29 10:16 14:12 17:24 19:35, Ac 5:37 15:11 18:19, Ro 11:23, I Co 10:6, II Ti 2:12, He 4:2.†

[NT: 11x] κακία, -ας, ἡ (< κακός), [in LXX chiefly for רָאָה ;]

1. badness in quality (opp. to ἀρετή, excellence).
2. wickedness, depravity, malignity: Ac 8:22, Ro 1:29, I Co 5:8 14:20, Eph 4:31, Col 3:8, Tit 3:3, Ja 1:21, I Pe 2:1 2:16.
3. In late Gk., evil, trouble, affliction (Am 3:6, I Ki 6:9, Ec 7:15, Si 19:6, al.): Mt 6:34 (cf. MM, Exp., xv).†
SYN.: (πονηρία)

[NT: 1x] ** κακοήθεια (WH, -θία), -ας, ἡ (< κακός, ἦθος), [in LXX: Es 8:13, III Mac 3:22 Mac 7:3 A, IV Mac 1:4 Mac 3:4 * ;]

malignity, malevolence: Ro 1:29 (Cremer, 329).†

[NT: 4x] κακολογέω, -ῶ (< κακολόγος, slanderous), [in LXX: Ex 21:16 22:28, I Ki 3:13, Pr 20:20, Ez 22:7 (קָלַל pi., hi.), II Mac 4:1 * ;]

to speak ill of, revile, abuse: c. acc pers., Mt 15:4, Mk 7:10 (LXX) Mk 9:39; c. acc rei, Ac 19:9.†

[NT: 1x] κακοπάθεια (WH, -θία), -ας, ἡ (< κακοπαθής, suffering), [in LXX: Ma 1:13 (תְּלָאָה), תְּלָאָה), II Mac 2:26-27, IV Mac 9:8 * ;]

distress, affliction: Ja 5:10.†

[NT: 3x] κακοπαθέω, -ῶ [in LXX: Jon.4.10 (עָמָל)* ;]

to suffer evil, endure Affliction: II Ti 2:9 4:5, Ja 5:13.†

[NT: 4x] κακο-ποιέω, [in LXX chiefly for רָעַע hi. ;]

to do harm, to do evil: Mk 3:4, Lk 6:9, I Pe 3:17, III Jn 11 (Cremer, 329).†

[NT: 3x] κακοποιός, -όν (< κακόν, ποιέω), [in LXX: Pr 12:4 (בּוּשׁ hi.) Pr 24:19 (רָעַע hi.)* ;]

doing evil; as susbt., an evil-doer: I Pe 2:12 2:14 4:15.†

[NT: 46x] κακός, -ή, -όν [in LXX chiefly for רַע ;]

1. in general, opp. to ἀγαθός, καλός, in various senses, bad, mean, base, worthless (cl.).
2. In ethical sense, base, evil, wicked: of persons, Mt 21:41 24:48, Phl 3:2, Re 2:2; διαλογισμοί, Mk 7:21; ὁμιλίαι, I Co 15:33; ἐπιθυμία (Pr 12:12), Col 3:5; ἔργον, Ro 13:3; neut., κακόν, τὸ κ., evil: Jo 18:23, Ac 23:9, Ro 7:21 14:20 16:19, I Co 13:5, He 5:14, I Pe 3:10-11, III Jn 11; pl., Ro 1:30, I Co 10:6, I Ti 6:10, Ja 1:13; κ. (τὸ, τὰ κ.) ποιεῖν (πράσσειν), Mt 27:23, Mk 15:14, Lk 23:22, Jo 18:30, Ro 3:8 7:19 13:4, II Co 13:7, I Pe 3:12; κατεργάζεσθαι, Ro 2:9; of wrongs inflicted, Ac 9:13, Ro 12:17, 21 13:10, I Th 5:15, II Ti 4:14, I Pe 3:9.
3. pernicious, harmful, evil: Lk 16:25, Ac 16:28 28:5, Tit 1:12, Ja 3:8, Re 16:2 (Cremer, 325, 741).
SYN.: v.s. (ἄθεσμος)

[NT: 4x] κακοῦργος, -ον (contr. from epic κακόεργος), [in LXX. Pr 21:15 (אָוֶן, פָּעַל), Es 8:13, Si 11:33 33:26 (Si 33:26)* ;]

a malefactor, criminal: Lk 23:32-33, 39, II Ti 2:9.†

κακουχέω, -ῶ (< κακόν, ἔχω), [in LXX: III Ki 2:26 11:39 (עָנָה pi., hith.)* ;]

to ill-treat, hurt, torment: pass. ptcp., He 11:37 13:3.†

[NT: 6x] κακόω, -ῶ (< κακός), [in LXX chiefly for רָעַע hi., עָנָה pi. ;]

1. to ill-treat, afflict, distress: c. acc pers., Ac 7:6, 19 12:1 18:10, I Pe 3:13.
2. (not in cl.), to embitter (Ps 106:32): Ac 14:2,†

[p. 228]

[NT: 66x] κακῶς (< κακός), adv., [in LXX: Wi 18:19, IV Mac 6:17.al.; κ. εἰπεῖν, ἐρεῖν (אָרַר, קָלַל pi.), Ex 22:28 (27), Le 19:14, Is 8:21; κ. ἔχειν (חָלָה, Ez 34:4, al. ;]

badly, ill;
(a) in physical sense: κ. ἔχειν, to be ill, Mt 4:24 8:16 9:12 14:35 17:15, Mk 1:32, 34 2:17 6:55 5:31 7:2; πάσχειν, Mt 17:15 (WH, mg.); δαιμονίζεσθαι, Mt 15:22; κακοὺς κ. ἀπολέσει (as freq. in cl., v. LS, s.v.; MM, Exp., xv), evil that they are, he will evilly, etc., Mt 21:41;
(b) in moral sense, wrongly (I Mac 7:42, 4Mac, l.c., al.): κ. λαλεῖν, Jo 18:23; είπεῖν, c. acc pers., Ac 23:5; αἰτεῖσθαι, Ja 4:8,†

[NT: 1x] κάκωσις, -εως, ἡ (κακόω) [Ín LXX (for עָנִי, יָדַע, etc.): Ex 3:7, Je 2:28, Wi 3:2, al. ;]

ill-treatment: Ac 7:34 (LXX),†

[NT: 1x] καλάμη, -ης, ἡ (cf. κάλαμος), [in LXX chiefly for קַשׁ, Ex 5:12, Is 5:24, al. ;]

a stalk of corn, stubble: I Co 3:12.†

[NT: 12x] κάλαμος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX chiefly for קָנֶה, Is 42:3, Ez 40:3 ff., al. ;]

a reed: Mt 11:7 12:20 (LXX) Lk 7:24; hence, acc, to its various uses,
(a) a reed-pipe, flute;
(b) a reed-staff, staff (cf. IV Ki 18:21, ῥάβδος καλαμίνη): Mt 27:29-30, 48, Mk 15:19, 36;
(c) a measuring reed or rod (Ez, l.c.): Re 11:1 21:15-16;
(d) a writing reed, a pen: III Jn 13 (cf. Milligan, NTD, 9, 7).†

[NT: 148x] καλέω, -ῶ, [in LXX chiefly for קרא ;]

1. to call, summon: c. acc. pers., Mt 20:8 25:14, Mk 3:31, Lk 19:13, Ac 4:18; seq. ἐκ, Mt 2:15 (LXX); metaph., I Pe 2:9.
2. to call to one's house, invite: Lk 14:16, I Co 10:27, Re 19:9; εἰς τ. γάμους, Mt 22:3, 9 Lk 14:8, 9 Jo 2:2; ὁ καλέσας, Lk 7:39; οἱ κεκλημένοι, Mt 22:8; metaph., of inviting to partake of the blessings of the kingdom of God (Dalman, Words, 118f.): Ro 8:30 9:24, 25 I Co 7:17, 18; seq. εἰς, I Co 1:9, I Th 2:12, I Ti 6:12; ὁ καλῶν (καλέσας), of God, Ga 1:6 5:8, I Th 5:24, I Pe 1:15, II Pe 1:3; οἱ κεκλκλημένοι, He 9:15; seq. ἐν (ἐπί), I Co 7:15, Ga 5:13, Eph 4:4, I Th 4:7; κλήσει, Eph 4:1, II Ti 1:9.
3. to call, name call by name: pass., Mt 2:23, Lk 1:32, al.; καλούμενος, Lk 7:11, Ac 7:58, al.; ὁ κ. (Deiss., BS, 210), Lk 6:15 22:3 23:33, Ac 10:1, Re 12:9, al.; c. pred nom., Mt 5:9, Lk 1:35, Ro 9:26, Ja 2:23, I Jo 3:1. (Cf. ἀντι-, ἐν-, εἰσ- (-μαι), ἐπι-, μετα-, παρα-, συν-παρα-, προ-, προσ-, συν-καλέω.)

[NT: 1x] * καλλιέλαιος, ου, ἡ

the garden olive (opp. to ἀγριέλ-): Ro 11:24.†

καλλίων, -ον

compar. of καλός, v.s. καλῶς

[NT: 1x] *† καλο-διδάσκαλος, -ου, ὁ

a teacher of that which is good: Tit 2:3.†

Καλοί Λιμένες

Fair Havens, a harbour in Crete: Ac 27:8.†

[NT: 1x] καλο-ποιέω, -ῶ [in LXX: Le 5:4 F (καλῶς π., B) * ;]

to do well, act honourably: II Th 3:13 (cf. Ga 6:9 τὸ καλὸν π.).†

[NT: 137x] καλός, -ή, -όν, [in LXX chiefly for טוֹבָה ,טוֹב, also for יָפֶה, etc. ;]

1. primarily, of outward form ("related to . . . ἀγαθός as the appearance to the essence," Cremer, 339), fair, beautiful: λίθοι (BV, goodly), Lk 21:5.
2. In reference to use, of that which is well adapted to its ends, good, excellent: of fish, τ. καλά (opp. to σαπρά), Mt 13:48; σπέρμα, Mt 13:24, 27, 37, 38; καρπός, Mt 3:10 7:17-19 12:33, Lk 3:9 [WH] 6:43; δένδρον (opp. to σαρπόν), Mt 12:33, Lk 6:43; γῆ, Mt 13:8, 23 Mk 4:8, 20 Lk 8:15; τ. ἅλας, Mk 9:50, Lk 14:34; ὁ νόμος, Ro 7:16, I Ti 1:8; διδασκαλία, I Ti 4:6; [p. 229] καρδία κ. καὶ ἀγαθή, Lk 8:15; παραθήκη, II Ti 1:14; μέτρον, Lk 6:38; βαθμός, I Ti 3:13; θεμέλιος, I Ti 6:19; τὸ κ., I Th 5:21; μαργαρίται, Mt 13:45; οἶνος, Jo 2:10; ποιμήν, Jo 10:11, 14; διάκονος, I Ti 4:6; οἰκονόμος, I Pe 4:10; στρατιώτης, II Ti 2:3; στρατεία, I Ti 1:18; ἀγών, I Ti 6:12, II Ti 4:7; ὁμολογία, I Ti 6:12, 13; ἔργον, Mt 26:10, Mk 14:6, Jo 10:33, I Ti 3:1; pl., Jo 10:32; καλόν, c. inf. et dat., Mt 18:8, 9 I Co 7:1, 26 9:15; id. c. acc. et inf., Mt 17:4, Mk 9:5, 43, 45, 47, Lk 9:33, He 13:9; seq. εἰ, Mt 26:24, Mk 9:42 14:21; ἐάν, I Co 7:8.
3. Ethically, good, in the sense of right, fair, noble, honourable: Ga 4:18, He 5:14; ἔργα, Mt 5:16, I Ti 5:10, 25 6:18, Tit 2:7, 14 3:8, 14 (Field, Notes, 223f.), He 10:24, I Pe 2:12; ἀναστροφή, Ja 3:13, I Pe 2:12; συνείδησις, He 13:18; seq. ἐνώπιον, Ro 12:17, II Co 8:21, I Ti 2:3; το] κ. ποιεῖν (κατεργάζεσθαι), Ro 7:18, 21 II Co 13:7, Ga 6:9, Ja 4:17; καλόν ἐστιν, c. inf., Mt 15:26 (T, ἔξεστιν), Mk 7:27, Ro 14:21, Ga 4:18; μαρτυρία, I Ti 3:7; ὄνομα, Ja 2:7; καύχημα, I Co 5:6 (neg.); θεοῦ ῥῆμα, He 6:5. κ. does not occur in Re.†
SYN.: v.s. ἀγαθός.

[NT: 4x] κάλυμμα, -τος, τό (< καλύπτω), [in LXX: Nu 3:25 4:8 ff. (מְכַסֶּה), Exo_34:33 ff. (מַסְוֶה), etc. ;]

a covering, veil: II Co 3:13-16

[NT: 8x] καλύπτω [in LXX almost always for כָּסָה pi. ;]

in cl., rare in prose,
to cover: c. acc pers., Lk 23:30; c. acc rei et dat., Lk 8:16; pass., Mt 8:24; metaph., to veil, conceal: pf. ptcp. pass., Mt 10:26, II Co 4:3; of the forgiveness of sins (cf. Ps 32:5 85:2; DB, ii, 56b): I Pe 4:8, Ja 5:20; (v.l. for καιομένη, WH, mg., Lk 24:32).†

[NT: 36x] καλῶς adv. (< καλός), [in LXX for parts and derivatives of יָטַב ;]

finely, rightly, well: Lk 6:48, I Co 14:17, Ga 4:17 5:7, Ja 2:3; λέγειν, λαλεῖν, etc., Mt 15:7, Mk 7:6 12:28, Lk 6:26 20:39, Jo 4:17 8:48 13:13 18:23, Ac 28:25; as exclamation of approval, Mk 12:32, Ro 11:20; κ. ποιεῖν, Mt 12:12, I Co 7:37-38 Ja 2:8, 19; c. dat. pers. (cl. acc; WM, § 32, 1 β), Lk 6:27; c. acc rei, Mk 7:37; c. ptcp., Ac 10:33 (M, Pr., 131), Phl 4:14, II Pe 1:19, III Jn 6; προϊστάναι (-ασθαι), I Ti 3:4 3:12 5:17; διακονεῖν, I Ti 3:13; ἀνατρέφεσθαι, He 13:18; ironically, Mk 7:9, II Co 11:4 (but v. CGT, in l); κ. ἔχειν, to be well: Mk 16:18. Compar., κάλλιον (for superl., B1., § 44, 3), very well: Ac 25:10.†

κἀμέ = καὶ ἐμέ, v.s. ἐγώ.

[NT: 6x] κάμηλος, -ου, ὁ, ἡ [in LXX for גָּמַל ;]

camel: Mt 3:4, Mk 1:6; in proverbs, Mt 19:24 23:24, Mk 10:25, Lk 18:25 (on the v.l. κάμιλος, v. WH, Notes, 151).†
κάμιλος, v.s. κάμηλος, and cf. Thayer; LS, s.v

[NT: 4x] κάμινος, -ου, ἡ [in LXX: Ge 19:28, Ex 19:18, Is 48:10, al. (כִּבְשָׁן, כּוּר), Da LXX TH Da 3:6 ff. (אַתּוּן) ;]

a furnace: Mt 13:42, 50, Re 1:15 9:2.†

[NT: 2x] καμμύω (syncopated form of καταμύω, used by Ep. and κοινή writers; Rutherford, NPhr., 426 f.) [in LXX: Is 6:10 (שָׁעַע hi.) Is 29:10 33:15 (עָצַם), La 3:44 AR* ;]

to shut the eyes: τ. ὀφθαλμούς, Mt 13:15, Ac 28:27 (Isa, l.c.).†

[NT: 2x] κάμνω [in LXX: Jb 10:1 (קוּט ni.) Jb 17:2, Wi 4:16 15:9, IV Mac 3:8 Mac [p. 230] 7:13 * ;]

1. to work; hence, from the effect of continued work,
2. to be weary: He 12:3
3. to be sick: Ja 5:15.†

κἀμοι = καὶ ἐμοί, v.s. ἐγώ.

[NT: 4x] κάμπτω [in LXX chiefly for כָּרַע, IV Ki 1:13, II Ch 29:29, Is 45:24 (23), al. ;]

to bend, bow: c. acc rei, γόνυ, τὰ γ.; c. dat. pers., τῇ Βάαλ, Ro 11:4 (LXX); πρὸς τ. πατέρα, Eph 3:14; by meton., πᾶν γόνυ for πᾶς, Ro 14:11 (LXX) Phl 2:10 (cf. ἀνα-, συν-κάμπτω).†

[NT: 17x] κἄν

by crasis for καὶ ἄν (= ἐάν; WH, App., 145b; Thayer, s.v.), c. subjunc.,
1. and if: Mk 16:18 Lk 12:38, Jo 8:55, I Co 13:2-3, Ja 5:15; c. ellips., Lk 13:9.
2. Concessive, even if: Mt 21:21 26:35, Jo 8:14 10:38 11:25, He 12:20.
3. As intensive of simple καί (M, Pr., 167; WM, 730; Jannaris, Gr., 598), even, at least: Mk 5:28 6:56, Ac 5:15, II Co 11:16.†

[NT: 4x] Κανά (Rec. -νᾶ), ,

Cana, of Galilee: Jo 2:1, 11 4:46 21:2.†

Καναναῖος, -ου, ὁ (late Heb. קָנָא),

a Cananæan or Zealot (cf. ζηλωτής): Mt 10:4, Mk 3:18 (Rec. -νίτης).†

Κανανίτης, v.s. Καναναῖος.

[NT: 1x] Κανδάκη, -ης, ἡ

Candace: Ac 8:27.†

[NT: 4x] κανών, -όνος, ὁ (cf. κάννα, and Heb. קָנֶה, a reed), [in LXX: Mi 7:4, Jth 13:6, IV Mac 7:21 (and in Aq., Ps 19:5, Jb 38:5)* ;]

1. a rod or bar (Jth, l.c.).
2. a measuring rule; hence, metaph,
3. a rule or standard: Ga 6:16.
4. a limit (RV, province): II Co 10:13-16. (For the history of the word and esp. its later meanings, v. Westc., Canon, App. A; cf. also MM, Exp., xv; Cremer, 744.)†

Καπερναούμ, v.s. Καφαρναούμ.

[NT: 1x] * καπηλεύω (< κάπηλος, a huckster, cf. Is 1:22 (LXX), Si 26:29)

to make a trade of (RV, mg., make merchandise of), or perhaps (cf. Isa, l.c.) to corrupt (RV, tit.): II Co 2:17.†

[NT: 13x] καπνός, -οῦ, ὁ [in LXX for עָשָׁן ;]

smoke: Re 8:4 9:2-3, 17-18 14:11 15:8 18:9, 18 19:3; ἀτμὶς καπνοῦ, Ac 2:19 (LXX).†

[NT: 2x] Καππαδοκία, -ας, ἡ

Cappadocia, a province of Asia Minor: Ac 2:9, I Pe 1:1.†

[NT: 156x] καρδία, -ας, ἡ, [in LXX chiefly for לֵבָב ,לֵב ;]

the heart,
1. the bodily organ which is regarded as the seat of life ( II Ki 18:14, IV Ki 9:24, al.).
2. In a psychological sense, the seat of man's collective energies, the focus of personal life, the seat of the rational as well as the emotional and volitional elements in human life, hence that wherein lies the moral and religious condition of the man (DB, ii, 317f.; DGG, ii, 344a);
(a) of the seat of physical life ( Jg 19:5, Ps 101 (102):5 103 (104):15): Ac 14:17, Ja 5:5;
(b) of the seat of spiritual life: Mt 5:8, Mk 7:19, Lk 1:51, Ac 5:3, Ro 10:9, 10 Eph 6:5, al.; pl., Mt 9:4, Mk 2:6, al.; opp. to στόμα, χείλεα, πρόσωπον, Mt 15:8, Mk 7:6, Ro 10:8, 9 II Co 5:12; περιτομὴ καρδίας, Ro 2:29; ἐκ κ., Ro 6:17, I Pe 1:22; ἀπὸ τῶν κ., Mt 18:35; ἐν ὅλῃ (ἐξ ὅλης), Mt 22:37, Mk 12:30 (LXX); γινώσκειν (ἐρευνᾶν, δοκιμάζειν) τὰς κ., Lk 16:15, Ro 8:27, I Th 2:4; to think, etc., ἐν τ. κ., Mt 9:4, Mk 2:6, Lk 12:45, Ro 10:6; συνιέναι (νοεῖν) τῇ κ., Mt 13:15, Jo 12:40; ἐπαχύνθη ἡ κ., [p. 231] Mt 13:15 (LXX); πωροῦν τὴν κ., Jo 12:40; κ. εὐθεῖα, Ac 8:21; πονηρά, He 3:12; ἀμετανόητος, Ro 2:5; εἶναι (ἔχειν) ἐν τῇ κ., II Co 7:3, Phl 1:7; ὀδύνη τῇ κ., Ro 9:2.
3. Of the central or innermost part of anything (of the pith of wood, Arist.): τ. γῆς, Mt 12:40 (Cremer, 343ff.).

[NT: 2x] *† καρδιο-γνώστης, -ου, ὁ (< καρδία, γνώστης),

knower of hearts: Ac 1:24 15:8.†

[NT: 66x] καρπός, -οῦ, ὁ [in LXX chiefly for פְּרִי ;]

fruit: of trees, Mt 12:33 21:19, Mk 11:14, Lk 6:44 13:6-7; of vines, Mt 21:34, Mk 12:2, Lk 20:10, I Co 9:7; of fields, Mk 4:29, Lk 12:17, II Ti 2:6, Ja 5:7; βλαστάνειν, Ja 5:18; ποιεῖν (cf. Heb. פְּרִי עָשָׂה), Mt 3:10 7:17-19 13:26, Lk 3:9 6:43 8:8 13:9, Re 22:2; διδόναι, Mt 13:8, Mk 4:7-8; φέρειν, Mt 7:18, Jo 12:24 15:2, 4-5 15:8, 16; ἀποδιδόναι, Mt 21:41, Re 22:2; ὁ κ. τ. κοιλίας (בֶּטֶן פְּרִי, De 28:4), Lk 1:42; τ. ὀσφύος (Ge 30:2, al.), Ac 2:30.
(a) of works, deeds: Mt 3:8 7:16, 20 21:43, Lk 3:8, Jo 15:3, 16; τ. πνεύματος, Ga 5:22; τ. φωτός, Eph 5:9; τ. δικαιοσύνης, Phl 1:11; σφραγίζεσθαι τὸν κ. (Deiss., BS, 238 f.), Ro 15:28; κ. ἀγαθοί, Ja 3:17;
(b) of advantage, profit: Phl 1:22 4:17; ἔχειν, Ro 1:13 6:21-22. συνάγειν, Jo 4:36; κ. τ. δικαιοσύνης, He 12:11, Ja 3:18; of praise, καρπὸν χειλέων (Ho 14:2, al.; cf. Æsch., Eum., 830): He 13:15.†

[NT: 1x] Κάρπος, -ου, ὁ

Carpus: II Ti 4:13.†

[NT: 8x] καρπο-φορέω, -ῶ [in LXX: Hb 3:17 (פָּרַח), Wi 10:7 * ;]

to bear fruit: χόρτον, Mk 4:28 (cf. Wis, l.c.). Metaph., of conduct: Mt 13:23, Mk 4:20, Lk 8:15, Ro 7:4-5, Col 1:10; mid., Col 1:6.†

[NT: 1x] καρπο-φόρος, -ον (< καρπύς, φέρω), [in LXX: Je 2:21 (זֶרַע), Ps 107:34 148:9 (פְּרִי) * ;]

fruitful: Ac 14:17.†

[NT: 1x] καρτερέω, -ῶ [in LXX: Jb 2:9 (חָזַק hi.), Is 42:14 (פָּאָה), Si 2:2 12:15, 2 12:1-18, IV Macc 7:1-23 * ;]

to be steadfast, patient: He 11:27 (cf. προσ-καρτερέω).†

[NT: 6x] κάρφος, -εος (-ους) τό [in LXX: Ge 8:11 (טָרַף) * ;]

a small dry stalk, a twig; metaph., of a minor fault: Mt 7:3-5, Lk 6:41-42.†

[NT: 473x] κατά (bef. a vowel κατ’, καθ’; on the freq. neglect of elision, v. Tdf., Pr., 95; WH, App., 146a), prep. c. gen., acc.,

down, downwards.
I. C. gen. (WM, §47, k; Bl., §42, 2).
1. C. gen. rei, in local sense;
(a) down, down from: Mt 8:32, Mk 5:13, Lk 8:33, I Co 11:4;
(b) throughout (late usage; Bl, l.c.): κ. ὅλης κ.τ.λ., Lk 4:14 23:5, Ac 9:31 10:37;
(c) in a peculiar adjectival phrase: ἡ κ. βάθους, deep or extreme poverty, II Co 8:2.
2. C. gen. pers., usually in hostile sense;
(a) against (in cl. only after verbs of speaking, witnessing, etc.): opp. to ὑπέρ, Mk 9:40; μετά, Mt 12:30; after ἐπιθυμεῖν, Ga 5:17; λαλεῖν, Ac 6:13; διδάσκειν, Ac 21:28; ψεύδεσθαι, Ja 3:14; after verbs of accusing, etc., Mt 5:23, Lk 23:14, Ro 8:33, al.; verbs of fighting, prevailing, etc., Mt 10:35, Ac 14:2, I Co 4:6, al.;
(b) of swearing, by: όμνυμι κ. (BL, §34, 1), He 6:13,16, cf. Mt 26:63.
II. C. acc. (WM, §49d; BL, §42, 2).
1. Of motion or direction;
(a) through, throughout: Lk 8:39 9:6 10:4, Ac 8:1, 36 al.;
(b) to, towards, over against: Lk 10:32 (Field, Notes, 62), Ac 2:1o 16:7, Ga 2:11, Phl 3:14, al.;
(c) in adverbial phrases, at, in, by, of: κατ’ [p. 232] οἶκον, at home, Ac 2:46; κατ’ ἰδίαν (v.s. ἴδιος); καθ’ ἑαυτόν, Ac 28:16, Ro 14:22, Ja 2:17; c. pron. pers., Ac 17:28 18:15, Ro 1:15, Eph 1:15, al.
2. Of time, at, during, about: Ac 8:26 12:1 19:23, Ro 9:9 He 1:10, al.
3. Distributive;
(a) of place: κ. τόποὐς, Mt 24:7, al.; κ. πόλιν, Lk 8:1, 4 al.; κ. ἐκκλησίαν, Ac 14:23.
(b) of time: κ. ἔτος, Lk 2:41; ἑορτήν, Mt 27:15, al.;
(c) of numbers, etc.: καθ’ ἕνα πάντες, I Co 14:31 (on καθ’ εἷς, v.s. εἷς); κ. ἑκατόν, Mk 6:40; κ. μέρος, He 9:5; κ. ὄνομα, Jo 10:3.
4. Of fitness, reference, conformity, etc.;
(a) in relation to, concerning: Ro 1:3, 4 7:22 9:3, 5, I Co 12:6 10:18, Phl 1:12; κ. πάντα, Ac 17:22, Col 3:20, 22 He 2:17 4:15;
(b) according to, after, like: Mk 7:5, Lk 2:27, 29 Jo 7:24 Ro 8:4 14:15, Eph 2:2, Col 2:8, Ja 2:8, al.
III. In composition, κ. denotes,
1. down, down from (καταβαίνω), etc.), hence, metaph.;
(a) victory or rule over (καταδουλόω, -κυριεύω, etc.);
(b) "perfective" action (M, Pr., 111ff.).
2. under (κατακαλύπτω), etc.).
3. in succession (καθεξῆς).
4. after, behind (καταλείπω).
5. Hostility, against (καταλαλέω).

[NT: 81x] κατα-βαίνω [in LXX chiefly for יָרַד ;]

to go or come down, descend.
1. Of persons: Mt 3:16 24:17, Lk 2:51 6:17 10:31 17:31 19:5-6, Jo 4:47, 49 4:51 5:7, Ac 7:34 8:15 10:20 20:10 23:10 24:1, 22 Eph 4:10. seq. ἀπό, Mt 8:1 14:29 27:40, 42 Mk 3:22 15:30, Lk 10:30, Jo 6:38, Ac 25:7, I Th 4:16; ἐκ, Mt 17:9; ἐκ τ. οὐρανοῦ, Mt 28:2, Mk 9:9, Jo 1:32 3:13 6:33, 41-42 6:50-51, 58 Re 10:1 18:1 20:1; εἰς, Mk 1:10, Lk 10:30 18:14, Jo 2:12, Ac 7:15 8:38 14:25 16:8 18:22 25:6, Ro 10:7, Eph 4:9; ἐπί, c. acc loc., Jo 6:16; c. acc pers., Lk 3:22, Jo 1:33, 51; ἐν, Jo 5:4; πρός, c. acc pers., Ac 10:21 14:11, Re 12:12.
2. Of things: σκεῦος, Ac 10:11 11:5; βροχή, Mt 7:25, 27; λαῖλαψ, Lk 8:23; seq. ἀπό, Lk 9:54, Ac 8:26, Ja 1:17; ἐπὶ τ. γῆν, Lk 22:44 (WH, R, mg., reject); ἐκ τ. οὐρανοῦ seq. ἀπό, Re 3:12 21:2, 10; id. seq. εἰς, Re 13:13; ἐπί, c. acc pers., Re 16:21. Fig., κ. ἕως ᾄδον, Mt 11:23, Lk 10:15, WH, txt., Tr., mg. (καταβιβασθήση, T, WH, mg., RV), (cf. συν-καταβαίνω).†

[NT: 2x] κατα-βάλλω [in LXX chiefly for נָפַל hi. ;]

1. to cast down, prostrate: metaph., pass., II Co 4:9.
2. to put down, lay down: metaph., mid., c. acc, θεμέλιον, He 6:1.†

[NT: 1x] *† κατα-βαρέω, -ῶ

to weigh down: metaph., c. acc pers., II Co 12:16.†

κατα-βαρύνω [in LXX: II Ki 13:25 14:26 (כָּבַד), Jl 2:8, Si 8:15 * ;]

= καταβαρέω: pass., Pres. ptcp., Mk 14:40.†

[NT: 2x] κατα-βιβάζω [in LXX for יָרַד (hi., etc.): De 21:4, Ez 31:16, al. ;]

to cause to go down, cast down: pass., ἕως ᾅδου, Mt 11:23 (WH, R, mg.), Lk 10:15 (WH, mg.).†

[NT: 11x] ** κατα-βολή, -ῆς, ἡ (< καταβάλλω), [in LXX: II Mac 2:29 * ;]

1. a laying down: εἰς κ. σπέρματος, He 11:11 (EV, to conceive seed).
2. a foundation (of a house, ii Mac, l.c.): metaph., ἀπὸ κ. κόσμου, Mt 13:35 (LXX) (om. ἀπὸ κ. κόσμου, WH, R, mg.), Mt 25:34, Lk 11:50, He 4:3 9:26, Re 13:8 17:8; πρὸ κ. κόσμου, Jo 17:24, Eph 1:4, I Pe 1:20.†

[NT: 1x] * κατα-βραβεύω (< βραβεύς, an umpire, cf βραβεῖον)

to give judg­ment against, condemn (v. Field, Notes, 196; Abbott, Essays, 104 f.): Col 2:18.†

[NT: 1x] καταγγελεύς, -έως, ὁ

a proclaimer, herald (in Inscr., κ. ἀγώνων, Deiss., LAE, 97): c. gen. obj., Ac 17:18.†

[p. 233]

[NT: 18x] κατ-αγγέλλω [in LXX: Pr 17:5 A, II Mac 8:36 Mac 9:17 * ;]

1. to pro­claim, declare: c. acc rei, Ac 3:24 16:21 17:23; τ. ἀνάστασιν, Ac 4:2; τ. λόγον τοῦ Θ., τ. Κ., Ac 13:5 15:36; ὁδὸν σωτηρίας, Ac 16:17; φῶς, Ac 26:23; τ. μυστήριον τοῦ Θ., I Co 2:1; τ. εὐαγγέλιον, I Co 9:14; τ. θάνατον τοῦ Κ., I Co 11:26; pass., ἄφεσις, Ac 13:33; ὁ λόγος τοῦ Θ., Ac 17:13; ἡ πίστις ὑμῶν, Ro 1:8; c. acc pers., of Christ, ὅν, Ac 17:3, Col 1:28; τ. Χριστόν, Phl 1:17; pass., Phl 1:18.
2. to denounce (Xen., al.); (for comparison with ἀγγέλλω, ἀναγ-, ἀπαγ-, v. Westc. on I Jn 1:5; and cf. προ-καταγγέλλω).†

[NT: 3x] κατα-γελάω, -ῶ [in LXX chiefly for שָׂחַק, Jb 5:22, Pr 29:9, al. ;]

to deride, laugh scornfully at: c. gen. pers., Mt 9:24, Mk 5:40, Lk 8:53.†

[NT: 3x] κατα-γινώσκω (v.s. γινώσκω), [in LXX: De 25:1 (רָשַׁע hi.), Pr 28:11 (חָקַר), Si 14:2 19:5 * ;]

to blame, condemn: c. gen. pers., I Jn 3:20-21; pass., κατεγνωσμένος ἦν (RV, he stood condemned, v. Ellie., in l; but cf. Field, Notes, 188): Ga 2:11.†

[NT: 4x] κατ-άγνυμι [in LXX for נָחַת pi., etc. ;]

to break: c. acc rei, Mt 12:20 (LXX), Jo 19:31-33.†

[NT: 9x] κατ-άγω [in LXX chiefly for יָרַד hi. ;]

to bring down: c. acc pers., Ac 22:30, Ro 10:6; id. seq. εἰς, Ac 9:30 23:15, 20 23:28; as nautical term, to bring to land: τ. πλοῖον ἐπὶ τ. γῆν, Lk 5:11; pass., seq. εἰς, Ac 27:3 2:12.†

[NT: 1x] *† κατ-αγωνίζομαι depon., "perfective" compound (M, Pr., 116);

1. to struggle against.
2. to conquer, overcome: He 11:33.†

[NT: 1x] κατα-δέω, -ῶ [in LXX for חָבַשׁ, etc. ;]

to bind up: τ. τραύματα (cf. Si 27:21), Lk 10:34.†

[NT: 1x] * κατά-δηλος, -ον (δὴλος)

quite manifest, evident: He 7:15.†

[NT: 5x] κατα-δικάζω [in LXX: Ps 94:21 (רָשַׁע hi.), La 3:36 (עָוַת pi.), Wi 2:20, al. ;]

to pass sentence upon, condemn; in cl., c. gen. pers. (acc rei); in late writers (so LXX), c. acc pers. (θανάτῳ, Wis, l.c.): Mt 12:7, Ja 5:6; absol. (as Plat., Legg., 958c), Lk 6:37; pass., Mt 12:37, Lk 6:37.†
to judge: Lk 6:37 (Tr., mg.; v.s. καταδ-; Cremer, 199).†

** κατα-δίκη, -ης, ἡ, [in LXX: Wi 12:27 * ;]

sentence, condemnation: Ac 25:15.†

[NT: 1x] κατα-διώκω [in LXX chiefly for רָדַף ;]

"perfective" compound (M, Pr., 116), to pursue closely, follow up
(a) with hostile intent (Thuc., i, 49, Ge 31:36 al.);
(b) with kindly intention (Ps 23:6, I Ki 30:22, cf. Si 27:17): Mk 1:36.†

[NT: 2x] κατα-δουλόω, -ῶ [in LXX chiefly for עָבַד ;]

to enslave: II Co 11:20, Ga 2:4.†

[NT: 2x] κατα-δυναστεύω [in LXX for יָנָה, עָשַׁק, etc. ;]

to exercise power over, oppress: c. acc pers. (Xen.; LXX, Mi 2:2, Wi 2:10, al.); c. gen. pers., Ja 2:6 (ὑμᾶς, T); pass., Ac 10:38 (cf. MM, Exp., xv).†

*† κατά-θεμα, -τος, τό,

a curse ("perh. somewhat stronger than ἀνάθεμα" Swete, Re., l.c.): Re 22:3 (cf. ἀνάθεμα).†

[NT: 1x] *† κατα-θεματίζω

to curse vehemently: Mt 26:74 (cf. ἀναθεμ-).†

[NT: 13x] κατ-αισχύνω [in LXX chiefly for בּוּשׁ ;]

to disgrace, dishonour, put to shame: c. acc rei, I Co 11:4-5; c. acc pers., I Co 1:27 11:22; pass., [p. 234] to be ashamed: Lk 13:17, II Co 7:14 9:4, I Pe 3:16; as in LXX (Ps 22:6 25:2-3, al.), of unfulfilled hopes: Ro 5:5; pass., Ro 9:33 10:11, I Pe 2:6 (LXX).†

[NT: 12x] κατα-καίω [in LXX chiefly for שָׂרַף; in Ex 3:2 (אָכַל pu.), distinguished from καίω ;]

to burn up, burn completely: c. acc rei, Mt 13:30 Ac 19:19; pass., I Co 3:15, He 13:11, II Pe 3:10, Re 8:7; seq. πυρί Mt 3:12 13:40, Lk 3:17 (cf. Ex 29:14, al.); ἐν πυρί (De 9:21, al.): Re 17:16 18:8.†

κατα-καλύπτω [in LXX chiefly for כָּסָה pi. ;]

to cover up; mid., to cover or veil oneself: I Co 11:6; τ. κεφαλήν, I Co 11:7.†

[NT: 4x] κατα-καυχάομαι, -ῶμαι [in LXX: Za 10:12 (הָלַךְ hith.), Je 50:11 (עָלַז), Je 50:38 (הָלַל)* ;]

1. to boast against, exult over: c. gen., Ro 11:18, Ja 2:13; seq. κατά, c. gen., Ja 3:14 (T, om. κατά).
2. seq. ἐν, to glory in (Za., l.c., Je 27:38).†

[NT: 12x] κατά-κειμαι [in LXX: Pr 6:9 23:34 (שָׁכַב), Jth 13:15, Wi 17:7 * ;]

1. to lie down.
2. to lie sick: Mk 1:30 2:4, Jo 5:6, Ac 28:8; seq. ἐπί c. gen., Ac 9:33; id. c. acc, Lk 5:25; ἐν, Jo 5:3.
3. to recline at meals (cf. ἀνάιειμαι): Mk 14:3, Lk 5:29; seq. ἐν, Mk 2:15, Lk 7:37, I Co 8:10.†

[NT: 2x] κατα-κλάω, -ῶ [in LXX: Ez 19:12 (נָתַשׁ hoph.)* ;]

to break up, break in pieces: Mk 6:41, Lk 9:16.†

[NT: 2x] κατα-κλείω [in LXX: Je 32:3 (כָּלָא), Wi 17:2, 16, II Mac 13:21, III Mac 3:25 * ;]

to shut up:. c. acc pers., seq. ἐν φυλακῇ (-αῖς), Lk 3:20, Ac 26:10.†

κατα-κληροδοτέω, , [in LXX: De 1:38 21:16 A (-νομέω, B), (נָחַל), I Mac 3:36 א R (-νομέω, A)* ;]

Ac 13:19, Rec., = -νομέω, q.v.†

κατα-κληρονομέω, -ῶ [in LXX for נָחַל, יָרַשׁ, etc. ;]

1. to distribute by lot or as an inheritance (Nu 34:18, Jos 14:1, al.): Ac 13:19.
2. to receive by inheritance (De 1:38, al.).†

[NT: 5x] κατα-κλίνω [in LXX: Ex 21:18 (נָפַל), Nu 24:9, Jg 5:27, I Ki 16:11 (כָּרַע), Jth 12:15, III Mac 1:3 * ;]

to lay down, make to lie down, esp. for meals: c. acc pers., Lk 9:14-15; mid., to recline at meals: Lk 7:36 24:30; seq. εἰς, Lk 14:8 (cf. Jth, Lc.).†

[NT: 1x] κατα-κλύζω [in LXX for שָׁטַף, Ps 78:20, al. ;]

to inundate, deluge: pass., II Pe 3:6.†

[NT: 4x] κατα-κλυσμός, -οῦ, ὁ (< κατακλύζω), [in LXX chiefly for מַבּוּל, Ge 6:17, al.; also for שֶׁטֶף, Ps 32:6, al. ;]

a flood, deluge: Mt 24:38-39 Lk 17:27, II Pe 2:5.†

[NT: 2x] κατ-ακολουθέω, -ῶ [in LXX: Je 17:16 (רָאָה), I Mac 6:23, al. ;]

to follow after: Lk 23:55; c. dat. pers., Ac 16:17.†

[NT: 2x] κατα-κόπτω [in LXX for נָכָה hi., כָּתַת pi., etc. ;]

to cut up, cut in pieces (cf. Is 27:9, Je 21:7, II Ch 34:7): ἑαυτὸν λίθοις, Mk 5:5.†

[NT: 1x] κατα-κρημνίζω (< κρημνός), [in LXX: II Ch 25:12 (שָׁלַךְ hi.), II Mac 12:15 Mac 14:43, IV Mac 4:25*.]

to throw over a precipice, cast down head­long: Lk 4:29.†

[NT: 3x] κατά-κριμα, -τος, τό (< κατακρίνω),

penalty (RV, condemnation; but cf. Deiss., BS, 264 f.; MM, Exp., xv): Ro 5:16, 18 8:1.†

[NT: 18x] κατα-κρίνω [in LXX: Es 2:1 (גָּזַר ni.), Wi 4:16, Da LXX TH Sus 1:53, [p. 235] 4:34, TH Sus 1:41,48,53* ;]

to give judgment against, condemn: Ro 8:34; c. acc pers., Mk 14:64, Jo 8:10-11; disting. fr. κρίνειν, Ro 2:1, I Co 11:32; seq. θανάτῳ (cl. -ου or -ον), Mt 20:18, Mk 10:33; pass., Mt 27:3, Mk 16:16, Ro 14:23, I Co 11:32, II Pe 2:6. Metaph., of condemning through a good example: Mt 12:41-42, Lk 11:31-32, Ro 8:3, He 11:7

[NT: 2x] *† κατά-κρισις, -εως, ἡ (< κατακρίνω),

condemnation: II Co 3:9 7:3 (cf. Deiss., LAE, 91 f.).†

[NT: 4x] κατα-κυριεύω [in LXX: Ge 1:28 (כָּבַשׁ), Ps 110:2 Si 17:4, al. ;]

to gain or exercise dominion (over);
(a) absol. (Arist.);
(b) c. gen. (Arist., al.): Mt 20:25, Mk 10:42, Ac 19:16, I Pe 5:3.†
SYN.: (κατεξουσιάζω) (v. Swete, Mk., l.c.)

[NT: 5x] κατα-λαλέω, -ῶ [in LXX chiefly for דָבַר ni., pi. ;]

to speak evil of, rail at: in cl., c. acc; in LXX,
(a) c. gen.,
(b) seq. κατά, c. gen.; in NT, c. gen. (M, Pr., 65): Ja 4:11, I Pe 2:12; pass., I Pe 3:16,†

[NT: 2x] **† κατα-λαλιά, -ᾶς, ἡ (< κατάλαλος), [in LXX: Wi 1:11 * ;]

evil-speaking, railing: p1., II Co 12:20, I Pe 2:1.†

[NT: 1x] *† κατά-λαλος, -ου, ὁ

a railer, defamer: Ro 1:30.†
SYN.: (ψιθυριστής), a whisperer (v. Tr., Syn., § cvii, 15; Lft., Notes, 256)

[NT: 15x] κατα-λαμβάνω [in LXX for נָשַׂג hi., לָכַד, etc. ;]

1. to lap hold of, seize, appropriate: Mk 9:18; c. acc rei, I Co 9:24, Phl 3:12-13
2. to overtake: as carrel, of διώκω (Field, Notes, 158 f.), Ro 9:30; ἡ ἡμέρα, I Th 5:4; of evils, Jo 1:5 12:35 (cf. 617 T); hence, to surprise, discover: Jo 8:3-4],
3. Of mental action, to apprehend, comprehend; so mid., in NT (M, Pr., 158): Eph 3:18; seq. ὅτι, Ac 4:13 10:34; c. acc et inf., Ac 25:25 (MM, Exp., xv).†

[NT: 1x] κατα-λέγω [in LXX: De 19:16 (עָנָה), II Mac 7:30 R * ;]

1. to lay down; mid. (in Hom.), to lie down.
2. to narrate (LXX, ll. c.).
3. to choose out, hence, to enrol (as of soldiers, Hdt., Thuc., a1., v. LS, s.v.): of widows, pass., I Ti 5:9 (cf. Ellic.; CGT, in l).†

[NT: 1x] κατά-λειμμα, -τος, τό (< καταλείπω), [in LXX far שָׁאַר (Is 10:22 14:22), שְׁאֵרִית, etc. ;]

a remnant: Ro 9:27, Rec. (for ὑπόλειμμα, q.v.).†

[NT: 24x] κατα-λείπω [in LXX chiefly far שָׁאַר, ni., hi., also for עָזַב, יָתַר, etc. ;]

1 1, to leave behind, leave: c. acc pers. (rei), Mt 4:13, Mk 12:19, 21, Lk 20:31, Ac 24:27 25:14, He 11:27; of sailing by a place, Ac 21:3; ptcp., καταλιπών, redundant (Dalman, Words, 21 f.), Mt 16:4 21:17; pass., Jo 8:9, I Th 3:1; metaph., εὐθεῖαν ὁδόν, II Pe 2:15.
2. to forsake, abandon: Mt 19:5, Mk 10:7 (LXX) Mk 14:52, Lk 5:28 15:4, Ac 6:2, Eph 5:31 (LXX).
3. to leave remaining, reserve: c. acc et inf., Lk 10:40; ἐμαυτῷ, Ro 11:4 (LXX); pass., He 4:1 (cf. ἐν-κατα-λείπω).†

[NT: 1x] κατα-λιθάζω (= cl. -θόω; cf. -θοβολέω, Ex 17:4, Num_14:10)

to cast stones at, to stone: Lk 20:6.†

[NT: 4x] κατ-αλλαγή, -ῆς, ἡ (< καταλλάσσω), [in LXX: Is 9:5(4), II Mac 5:20 * ;]

1. exchange.
2. reconciliation: Ro 5:11; κ. κόσμου, Ro 11:15; διακονία τῆς κ., II Co 5:18; λόγος τῆς κ., II Co 5:19.†

[p. 236]

[NT: 6x] κατ-αλλάσσω (Att.. -ττω; cf. ἀλλάσσω) [in LXX: Je 48:39 (חָתַת), II Mac 1:5 Mac 7:33 Mac 8:29 * ;]

prop., to change, exchange (esp. of money); hence, of persons, to change from emnity to friendship, to reconcile (for exx. in cl., v. Thayer„ LS): of the reconciliation of man to God (Lft., Notes, 288; ICC on Ro, l.c.; DCG, ii, 474, 797), II Co 5:18-19; pass Ro 5:10, II Co 5:20; of a woman returning to her husband, I Co 7:11 (cf. ἀπο-καταλλάσσω).†

[NT: 1x] κατά-λοιπος, -ον [in LXX for שָׁאַר, שְׁאֵרִית, יָתַר, etc. ;]

left remaining: ἱο κ. τ. ἀνθρώπων, Ac 15:17 (LXX).†

[NT: 3x] κατά-λυμα, -τος, τό (< καταλύω), [in LXX: Ex 4:24 (מָלוֹן), I Ki 9:22 (לִשְׁכָּה), etc. ;]

1. = cl. καταγώγιον (cf. πανδοχεῖον), an inn, lodgingplace: Lk 2:7 (so Ex, l.c., and MGr.).
2. a guest-room (1Sam,l.c.): Mk 14:14, Lk 22:11.†

[NT: 17x] κατα-λύω [in LXX for לוּן, שָׁבַת, etc. ;]

1. to destroy, cast down: Mt 24:2, Mk 13:2, Lk 21:6; τ. ναόν, Mt 26:61 27:40, Mk 14:58 15:29, Ac 6:14; οἰκίαν, II Co 5:1; opp. to οἰκοδομεῖν, Ga 2:18. Metaph., to overthrow, annul, abrogate: Ac 5:38-39; τ. ἔργον τ. θεοῦ, Ro 14:20; τ. νόμον, Mt 5:17 (II Mac 2:22).
2. to unloose, unyoke (e.g. horses), hence intrans., of travellers (cf. κατάλυμα), to take up one's quarters, lodge (cl., Ge 19:2, al.): Lk 9:12 19:7.†

[NT: 1x] κατα-μανθάνω [in LXX: Ge 34:1 (רָאָה), Jb 35:4 (5) (שׁוּר), Si 9:5, 8, al. ;]

to learn thoroughly, observe well, consider carefully (on distinction bet. κ. and μανθάνω, cf. M, Pr., 117): Mt 6:28.†

[NT: 3x] κατα-μαρτυρέω, -ῶ [in LXX: Jb 15:6, Pr 25:18 (עָנָה), al. ;]

to bear witness againt: c. acc rei et gen. pers., Mt 26:62 27:13, Mk 14:60.†

[NT: 1x] κατα-μένω [in LXX for יָשַׁב (Nu 20:1, al.), etc. ;]

to remain permanently, abide: Ac 1:13, I Co 16:6, WH (παραμ-, T, EV).†

[NT: 2x] καταμόνας

Rec. for κατὰ μόνας, v.s. μόνος

[NT: 1x] κατ-ανά-θεμα

Rec. for κατάθεμα, q.v

κατ-ανα-θεματίζω, Rec. for καταθεματίζω, q.v.

[NT: 1x] κατ-αν-αλίσκω [in LXX chiefly forאָכַל ;]

1. to use up, spend.
2. to consume: of fire, ptcp., He 12:29 (LXX).†

[NT: 3x] * κατα-ναρκάω, -ῶ (< ναρκάω, to grow numb, in LXX, in causal sense, for יָקַע, Ge 32:25 (26); without Heb. equiv., Ge 32:32 (33) Jb 33:19, Da LXX 11:6*);

1. to cause to grow numb.
2. Intrans., to grow numb; hence metaph., to be inactive, be burdensome to c. gen., II Co 11:9 12:13-14; pass., to be quite numb (Hippocr.).†

[NT: 1x] * κατα-νεύω

1. to nod assent,
2. to make a sign by nodding the head: c. dat. pers., Lk 5:7.†

[NT: 14x] κατα-νοέω, -ῶ [in LXX for נָבַט hi., רָאָה, etc. ;]

to take note of, perceive, consider carefully: Ac 7:31-32; c. acc rei, Mt 7:3, Lk 6:41 12:24, 27 20:23, Ac 11:6 27:39, Ro 4:19; c. acc pers., He 3:1 10:24, Ja 1:23-24 (on the distinction bet. κ. and νοέω simplex, v. M, Pr., 117).†

[NT: 13x] κατ-αντάω, -ῶ [in LXX: II Ki 3:29 (חוּל), II Mac 4:21 Mac 4:24 Mac 4:44 Mac 6:14 * ;]

to come to, arrive at: seq. εἰς, c. acc loc., Ac 16:1 18:19, 24 21:7 25:13 (v. [p. 237] M, Pr., 132) Ac 27:12 28:13; seq. ἀντικρύ, c. gen., Ac 20:15. Metaph., seq. εἰς, c. acc pers., I Co 10:11 14:36; id. c. acc rei, to attain to: Ac 26:7, Eph 4:13, Phl 3:11.†

[NT: 1x] κατά-νυξις, -εως, ἡ (< κατανύσσω, q.v.), [in LXX: Ps 60:3 (תַּרְעֵלָה), Is 29:10 (תַּרְדֵּמָה)* ;]

1. a pricking.
2. (Perhaps through resembl. of κατανύσσω to -νυστάζω), torpor of mind, stupefaction: Ro 11:8 (LXX) (v. ICC, in l; Field, Notes, 157).†

κατα-νύσσω [in LXX: Ge 34:7 (עָצַב hith.), Le 10:3, Ps 4:4, Psa 29:12, al. (דָּמַם), Da LXX TH Sus 1:10 (רָדַם ni.), Si 12:12 14:1, al. ;]

1. to strike or prick violently.
2. to stun.
3. Of strong emotion, pass., to be smitten: τὴν καρδίαν, Ac 2:37 (v.s. κατάνυξις).†

[NT: 3x] ** κατ-αξιόω, -ῶ [in LXX: II Mac 13:12, III Mac 3:21 Mac 4:11, IV Mac 18:3 * ;]

to deem worthy: c. acc pers. et gen. rei, II Th 1:5; pass. seq. inf., Lk 20:35, Ac 5:41.†

[NT: 5x] κατα-πατέω, -ῶ [in LXX for דָּרַךְ, רָמַס, שָׁאַף, etc. ;]

to tread down, trample under foot: Mt 7:6, Lk 12:1; pass., Mt 5:13, Lk 8:5. Metaph., τ. υἱὸν τ. θεοῦ, He 10:29.†

[NT: 9x] κατά-παυσις, -εως, ἡ (< καταπαύω), [in LXX chiefly for מְנוּחָה, Ps 95:11, Is 66:1, al.; ἡμέρα τῆς κ., II Mac 15:1]

1. in cl., a putting to rest, causing to cease.
2. In LXX and NT, rest, repose: Ac 7:49 (LXX), He 3:11, 18 4:1, 3 4:5, 10-11

[NT: 4x] κατα-παύω [in LXX for נוּחַ, שָׁבַת, etc. ;]

1. trans.,
(a) to cause to cease, restrain: Ac 14:18;
(b) to cause to rest: He 4:8.
2. Intrans., to rest: seq. ἀτό, He 4:4 (LXX), He 4:10.†

[NT: 6x] κατα-πέτασμα, -τος, τό (= cl. παραπέτασμα) [in LXX chiefly for פֹּרֶכֶת (the veil of the Holy of Holies), Ex 26:31, Le 21:23, al.; also for מָסָךְ (the outer veil), Ex 35:12, Num_3:26, al. (elsewhere κάλυμμα) ;]

in NT always the inner veil or curtain of the Temple (or Tabernacle): Mt 27:51, Mk 15:38, Lk 23:45, He 6:19 9:3; fig., ἡ σὰρξ αὐτοῦ He 10:20.†

[NT: 7x] κατα-πίνω [in LXX chiefly for בָּלַע ;]

1. to drink down, swallow: Mt 23:24, Re 12:16.
2. to devour: I Pe 5:8. Metaph., to swallow up, consume: pass., I Co 15:54 (LXX), II Co 2:7 5:4, He 11:29.†

[NT: 3x] κατα-πίπτω [in LXX: Ps 145:14 (נָפַל), etc. ;]

to fall down: Ac 28:6; seq. εἰς, Ac 26:14; ἐπί c. acc, Lk 8:6.†

[NT: 1x] * κατα-πλέω, -ῶ

to sail down, sail to land, put in: εἰς τ. χώραν, Lk 8:26.†

[NT: 2x] ** κατα-πονέω, -ῶ [in LXX: II Mac 8:2 (A), III Mac 2:2 Mac 2:13 * ;]

to wear down, oppress, treat hardly: pass., Ac 7:24, II Pe 2:7.†

κατα-πονίζω [in LXX for טָבַע pu., Ex 15:4 A, בָּלַע pi., שָׁטַף, Ps 55:9 69:2, al. ;]

to throw into the sea, sink or drown therein: Mt 14:30; pass., Mt 18:6.†

[NT: 6x] κατ-άρα, -ας, -ἡ [in LXX chiefly for קְלָלָה ;]

a curse: Ga 3:10, 13 He 6:8, II Pe 2:14; opp. to εὐλογία, Ja 3:10; concrete, of Christ, Ga 3:13 (v. Lft. in l).†

[p. 238]

[NT: 5x] κατ-αράομαι, -ώμαι depon. (< κατάρα), [in LXX chiefly for קָלַל pi. ;]

to curse: c. acc, Mk 11:21; opp. to εὐλογέω, Lk 6:26, Ro 12:14, Ja 3:9; pass. pf. ptcp., accursed, under a curse (v. M, Pr., 221): Mt 25:41.†

[NT: 27x] κατ-αργέω, -ῶ (< κατά, causative, ἀργός = ἀ-εργός), [in LXX: 2Es.4.21; 2Es.4.23; 2Es.5.5; 2Es.6.8 (בְּטֵל)* ;]

to make idle or inactive (χέρας, Eur., Phœn., 753): of soil occupied by an unfruitful tree, Lk 13:7. Metaph. (Inscr.), to render inoperative or invalid, to abrogate, abolish: Ro 3:3, 31, I Co 1:28 6:13 13:11 15:24, Ga 3:17, Eph 2:15, II Th 2:8, II Ti 1:10, He 2:14; pass., Ro 4:14 6:6, I Co 2:6 13:8 13:10 15:26, II Co 3:7 3:11-14 Ga 5:11; seq. ἀπό (of persons), to be separated, discharged or loosed from, Ro 7:2, 6, Ga 5:4.†

[NT: 1x] κατ-αριθμέω, -ῶ [in LXX: II Ch 31:19 (יָחַשׂ hith.), al. ;]

to number or count among: seq. ἐν, Ac 1:1.†

[NT: 13x] κατ-αρτίζω [in LXX chiefly in Ps (Ps 8:2 al.; כּוּן, etc.) and Ezra (כְּלַל) ;]

to render ἄρτιος, i.e. fit, complete;
(a) to mend, repair: Mt 4:21, Mk 1:19;
(b) to furnish completely, complete, equip, prepare: pass., Lk 6:40, Ro 9:22, He 11:3; mid., Mt 21:16 (LXX), He 10:5 (LXX);
(c) in ethical sense, to prepare, complete, perfect: Ga 6:1 (EV, restore), I Pe 5:10; pass., I Co 1:10 (Field, Notes, 167), II Co 13:11, He 13:21 (cf. προ-καταρτίζω).†

[NT: 1x] *† κατ-άρτισις, -εως, ἡ (< καταρτίζω),

a strengthening, making fit: in ethical sense, II Co 13:9.†

[NT: 1x] **† καταρτισμός, -οῦ, ὁ [in Sm.: Is 38:12 * ;]

= κατάρτισις (but v. ICC, Eph. l.c.): Eph 4:12.†

[NT: 4x] ** κατα-σείω [in LXX: Da TH Bel 1:14 AR, I Mac 6:38 * ;]

1. to shake down.
2. Of the hand, to shake or wave as a signal: τ. χεῖρα, Ac 19:33; τ. χειρί, Ac 13:16; id. c. dat. pers., Ac 21:40; seq. inf., Ac 12:17.†

[NT: 2x] κατα-σκάπτω [in LXX for נָתַץ, הָרַס, etc. ;]

to dig down: Ro 11:3 (LXX).†

[NT: 11x] κατα-σκευάζω [in LXX: Is 40:19, 28, (בָּרָא), etc. ;]

to prepare, make ready: τ. ὁδόν, Mt 11:10, Mk 1:2, Lk 7:27; οἶκον, He 3:3-4; σκηνήν, He 9:2, 6; κιβωτόν, He 11:7, I Pe 3:20; pass. pf. ptcp., λαον κ., Lk 1:17.†

[NT: 4x] κατα-σκηνόω, -ῶ [in LXX chiefly for סָכַךְ ;]

to pitch one's tent, lodge, dwell: seq. ἐν, Mt 13:32, Lk 13:19; ὑπό, c. acc, Mk 4:32; ἐπ' ἐλπιδι, Ac 2:26 (LXX).†

[NT: 2x] κατα-σκήνωσις, εως, ἡ [in LXX: I Ch 28:2 (בָּנָה), Ez 37:27 (מִשְׁכָּן) To 1:4, Wi 9:8, II Mac 14:35 (R)* ;]

1. prop., an encamping, taking up one's quarters (Polyb., al., v. LS; and cf. LXX, ll. c.).
2. a lodging, abode: of birds, Mt 8:20, Lk 9:58.†

[NT: 1x] * κατα-σκιάζω

to overshadow: c. acc, He 9:5.†

[NT: 1x] κατα-σκοπέω, -ῶ [in LXX: IV Ki 10:3, I Ch 19:3 (רָגַל pi.), I Mac 5:38 (A)* ;]

to view closely, inspect, spy out: c. acc, Ga 2:4.†

[NT: 1x] κατά-σκοπος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX for רָגַל pi. ;]

a spy: He 11:31.†

[NT: 1x] κατα-σοφίζομαι [in LXX: Ex 1:10 (חָכָם hith.), Jth 5:11 10:19 * ;]

to deal craftily with, outwit: Ac 7:19 (LXX)

[NT: 2x] ** κατα-στέλλω [in LXX: II Mac 4:31, III Mac 6:1 * ;]

1. to let down, lower.
2. to keep down, restrain: c. acc, Ac 19:35-36

[p. 239]

[NT: 1x] **† κατά-στημα, -τος, τό (καθίστημι), in LXX: III Mac 5:45 (-εμα, A) * ;]

1. condition, of health, etc.
2. demeanour: Tit 2:3 (for exx. v. Field, Notes, 220).†

[NT: 1x] κατα-στολή, -ῆς, ἡ (< καταστέλλω), [in LXX: Is 61:3 (מַעֲטֶה)* ;]

1. a letting down, checking.
2. steadiness, quietness in demeanour.
3. LXX and NT (cf. Plut., ii, 65 D; -ίζω = vestire), a garment, dress, attire: I Ti 2:9 (but v. Ellic., in l).†

[NT: 2x] κατα-στρέφω [in LXX for הָפַךְ, etc., Ge 19:21, Je 20:16, al. ;]

1. to turn down, turn over; as, the soil.
2. to overturn, overthrow: Mt 21:12, Mk 11:15; pass. pf. ptcp., Ac 15:16 (LXX).†

[NT: 1x] *† κατα-στρηνιάω, -ῶ

to wax wanton against: c. gen., I Ti 5:11

[NT: 2x] κατα-στροφή, -ῆς, ἡ (< καταστρέφω), [in LXX: Jb 21:17, Pr 1:27 (אֵיד), al. ;]

1. overthrow: II Pe 2:6 (WH, om.).
2. Metaph., subversion, upsetting (cf. καθαίρεσις, II Co 13:10): II Ti 2:14.†

[NT: 1x] κατα-στρώννυμι [in LXX: Nu 14:16 (שָׁחַט), Jb 12:23 (שָׁטַח), שָׁטַח), Jdt.4.1-15; Jdt.2.1-28 Mac.4 ;]

1. to strew or spread over.
2. to lay low, overthrow: I Co 10:5.†

[NT: 1x] κατα-σύρω [in LXX: Je 49:10 (חָשַׂף), Da LXX, Da 11:10, 26 (שָׁטַף) * ;]

1. to pull down.
2. to drag away: c. acc pers., Lk 12:58.†

[NT: 1x] κατα-σφάζω [in LXX: Za 11:5 (הָרַג), Ez 16:40 (בָּתַק pi.), II Mac 8:1-36 ;]

to kill off, slay: c. acc, Lk 19:27.†

[NT: 1x] κατα-σφραγίζω [in LXX: Jb 9:7 37:7 (חָתַם), Wi 2:5 * ;]

to seal up, secure with a seal: Re 5:1.†

[NT: 2x] κατά-σχεσις, -εως, ἡ (< κατέχω), [in LXX nearly always for אֲחֻזָּה ]

1. a holding back.
2. LXX and NT, a holding fast, possession: Ac 7:5, 45.†

[NT: 2x] κατα-τίθημι [in LXX: I Ch 21:27 שׁוּב hi.), Ps 41:8 (יָצַק), I Mac 10:23, al. ;]

to lay down, deposit, lay by: Mk 15:46, T; mid., to lay up for oneself: χάριν (Hdt., al., v. LS, s.v.), c. dat. pers., Ac 24:27 25:9.†

[NT: 1x] **† κατα-τομή, -ῆς, ἡ [in Sm.: Je 31:37 (κατατέμνω is used in LXX of forbidden mutilations: Le 21:5, al.) ;]

1. incision.
2. excision, concision, mutilation: in sarcasm, by paronomasia, in contrast to (true) περιτομή (v3), of Judaizing Christians, Phl 3:2 (v. Lft., in l; Cremer, 883).†

[NT: 1x] κατα-τοξεύω [in LXX: Ex 19:13 (יָרָה), al. ;]

to strike down with an arrow, shoot dead: He 12:20 (LXX) (Rec.; WH, R, om.).†

[NT: 1x] κατα-τρέχω [in LXX: Le 26:37, Jg 1:6 (רָדַף), al. ;]

to run down: seq. ἐπί, c. acc pers., Ac 21:32.†

**† κατ-αυγάζω, [in LXX: Wi 17:5, I Mac 6:39 * ;] (for αὐγάζω, L, mg., Tr., mg.),

to shine down: II Co 4:4.†


v.s. κατεσθίω..

[NT: 4x] κατα-φέρω [in LXX for יָרַד hi., etc. ;]

to bring down: αἰτιώματα, Ac 25:7; ψῆφον, to cast a ballot, Ac 26:10; pass., to be borne down: ὕπνῳ, ἀπὸ τ. ὕ., Ac 20:9.†

[NT: 2x] κατα-φεύγω [in LXX for נוּס, etc. ;]

to flee for refuge: seq. εἰς, Ac 14:6; metaph., c. inf., He 6:18.†

[p. 240]

[NT: 1x] κατα-φθείρω [in LXX chiefly for שָׁחַת hi., Ge 6:12, al. ;]

1 1 to destroy entirely.
2. In moral sense (as LXX), to deprave, corrupt: pass. pf. ptcp., seq. τ. νο ν, II Ti 3:8.†

[NT: 6x] κατα-φιλέω, -ῶ [in LXX chiefly for נָשַׁק ;]

to kiss fervently, kiss affectionately: Mt 26:49, Mk 14:45, Lk 7:38, 45 15:20, Ac 20:37.†

[NT: 9x] κατα-φρονέω, -ῶ [in LXX for בָּגַד, בּוּז, etc. ;]

to think little of, despise: c. gen., Mt 6:24 18:10, Lk 16:13, Ro 2:4, I Co 11:22, I Ti 4:12 6:2, He 12:2, II Pe 2:10.†

[NT: 1x] κατα-φρονητής, -οῦ, ὁ [in LXX for בָּגַד, בֹּגְדוֹת, Hb 1:5 2:5, Ze 3:4 * ;]

a despiser: Ac 13:41.†

[NT: 2x] κατα-χέω [in LXX for יָצַק, נָטָה, עָטָה hi. ;]

to pour down upon: c. gen. (cl.), Mk 14:3; seq. ἐπί, c. gen., Mt 26:7.†

[NT: 1x] * κατα-χθόνιος, -ον (< χθών, the earth),

subterranean, under the earth (in cl., of the infernal gods): of the departed in Hades, opp. to ἐπουράνιος, ἐπίγειος, Phl 2:10.†

[NT: 2x] ** κατα-χράομαι, -ῶμαι [in LXX: Ep. Je.28, III Mac 4:5 Mac 5:22 * ;]

to make full use of, use to the uttermost, use up: I Co 7:31; c. dat., I Co 9:18 (for other senses, v. LS, s.v.)..†

[NT: 1x] κατα-ψύχω [in LXX: Ge 18:4 (שָׁעַן ni.)* ;]

to cool: c. acc, Lk 16:24.†

[NT: 1x] κατείδωλος, -ον (< εἴδωλον),

full of idols: Ac 17:16.†

[NT: 8x] κατέναντι adv., [in LXX chiefly for נֶגֶד, פָּנִים, Ge 7:1, etc. ;]

over against, opposite, before: ἡ, κ. κώμη, Lk 19:30; as prep., c. gen., Mt 21:2 27:24 (ἀπ-, WH, mg.), Mk 11:2 12:41 (ἀπ-, WH, mg.) Mk 13:3; metaph., before, seq. θεοῦ, Ro 4:17, II Co 2:17 12:19.†

[NT: 3x] κατενώπιον adv. (= Hom., κατένωπα), [in LXX: Ps 44:15, al. ;]

over against, before: c. gen., τ. δόξης, Ju 24; metaph. (cf. κατέναντι, and v. Lft., Col., l.c.), τ. θεοῦ, Eph 1:4, Col 1:22.†

[NT: 2x] * κατ-εξουσιάζω

to exercise authority over: c. gen. pers., Mt 20:25, Mk 10:42.†
SYN: (κατακυριεύω) (v. Swete, Mk., l.c.)

[NT: 22x] κατ-εργάζομαι (emphatic form of ἐργάζομαι), [in LXX for פָּעַל, etc. (9 exx., each for a different Heb. word) ;]

to effect by labour, achieve, work out, bring about: c. acc, Ro 4:15 5:3 7:8, 15-20, II Co 7:10, Eph 6:13, Ja 1:3; pass., II Co 12:12; c. acc rei et dat. pers., Ro 7:13, II Co 4:17 7:11 9:11; id. seq. διά, c. gen. pers., Ro 15:18; τ. σωτηρίαν, Phl 2:12; c. acc pers. seq. εἰς, II Co 5:5 (RV, wrought); of evil deeds, Ro 1:27 2:9, I Co 5:3, I Pe 4:3.†

[NT: 16x] ** κατ-έρχομαι [in LXX: To 1:22, א To 2:1, Es 3:13, Wi 11:22, II Mac 11:29 * ;]

to come down, go down: seq. εἰς, Lk 4:31, Ac 8:5 13:4 15:30 19:1, Τ; ἀπό, Lk 9:37, Ac 15:1 18:5 21:10; ἀπό et εἰς, Ac 11:27 12:10; of coming to port by ship, Ac 18:22 21:3 27:5; seq. πρός, c. acc pers., Ac 9:32; metaph., of gifts from God, Ja 3:15.†

[NT: 14x] κατ-εσθίω ("perfective" comp. of ἐσθίω, q.v., and cf. M, Pr., 111) [in LXX chiefly for אָכַל ;]

to eat up, devour: c. acc, of seed, Mt 13:4, Mk 4:4, Lk 8:5; τέκνον, Re 12:4; βιβλαρίδιον, Re 10:9-10; metaph., [p. 241] οἰκίας, Mt 23:13, Mk 12:40, Lk 20:47; τ. βίον, Lk 15:30; c. acc pers., Jo 2:17 (LXX), II Co 11:20, Ga 5:15, Re 11:5 20:9.†

[NT: 3x] κατ-ευθύνω [in LXX for כּוּן ni., hi., etc. ;]

to make or keep straight, direct, guide: metaph., τ. ὁδόν, I Th 3:11; τ. πόδας εἰς ὁδὸν εἰρήνης, Lk 1:79; τ. καρδίας εἰς τ. ἀγάπην, II Th 3:5.†

**† κατ-ευλογέω, -ῶ, [in LXX: To 11:1, 17 * ;]

to bless fervently: Mk 10:16 (v. Swete, in l).†

[NT: 1x] *† κατ-εφ-ίστημι

to rise up against: Ac 18:12.†

[NT: 17x] κατ-έχω [in LXX for אָחַז, חָזַק hi., etc. ;]

1. perfective of ἔχω (M, Pr., 116; M, Th., 155),
(a) to possess, hold fast: Lk 8:15, Jo 5:4, Ro 1:18 (Lft., Notes, 251), I Co 7:30 11:2, II Co 6:10, I Th 5:21, He 3:6, 14 10:23;
(b) to lay hold of, get possession of: Lk 14:9.
2. to hold back, detain, restrain (M, Th., 156 f.): c. acc seq. τοῦ μή c. inf., Lk 4:42; seq. πρός, c. acc, Phm 13; absol., τὸ κατέχον (ὁ κ.), II Th 2:6-7.
3. Intrans., as nautical term, to put in, make for (LS, s.v.): Ac 27:40.†

[NT: 23x] κατηγορέω, -ῶ (< κατά, ἀγορεύω), [in LXX: Da LXX 6:5, (9), I Mac 7:6 Mac 7:25, II Mac 4:47 Mac 10:13 Mac 10:21, IV Mac 9:14 * ;]

to make accusation, accuse,
(a) in general: absol., Ro 2:15; c. gen. pers. (cl., WM, 254), Jo 5:45; irreg. c. acc pers., Re 12:10;
(b) before a judge: absol., Ac 24:2, 19; c. gen. pers., Mt 12:10, Mk 3:2, Lk 6:7 11:54 (WH, txt., R, om.), Lk 23:2, 10, Jo 8:6 Ac 25:5 28:19; id. c. acc rei (cl., but v. WM, l.c.), Mk 15:3-4; c. gen. rei (Dem.), Ac 24:8 25:11; seq. περί, c. gen. rei (Thuc., viii, 85), Ac 24:13; c. acc rei, seq. κατά c. gen. pers. (WM, § 28, 1), Lk 23:14. Pass. (B1., § 54, 3), seq. ὑπό c. gen., Mt 27:12, Ac 22:30; ὁ κατηγορούμενος, Ac 25:16.†

[NT: 3x] * κατηγορία, -ας, ἡ (< κατήγορος),

an accusation, charge: c. gen. pers., Jo 18:29; seq. κατά, c. id., I Ti 5:19; c. gen. rei, Tit 1:6.†

[NT: 4x] κατήγορος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX: Pr 18:17 (רִיב), II Mac 4:5 * ;]

an accuser: Ac 23:30, 35 24:8 (WH, R, txt. om.) Ac 25:16, 18.†

κατήγωρ, (Aram. קָטִיגוֺר; Dalman, Gr., 185; but v. Deiss., LAE, 90 f.),

= κατήγορος,
an accuser: Re 12:10.†

[NT: 1x] * κατήφεια, -ας, ἡ (< κατηφής, downcast, Wi 17:4 *),

dejection: Ja 4:9.†

[NT: 8x] *† κατ-ηχέω, -ῶ

1. to resound.
2. to teach by word of mouth, instruct, inform (v. 131., Phil. Gosp., 20, 31): Ga 6:6; c. acc pers., I Co 14:19; pass. c. acc rei, Lk 1:4 (ICC, in l), Ac 18:25 21:24 (cf. Lk, l.c.), Ga 6:6; seq. κ, c. gen. rei, Ro 2:18; περί, c. gen. pers., Ac 21:21.†

**† κατ-ιόω, -ῶ (intensive of ἰόω; < ἰός) [in LXX: Si 12:11 * ;]

to rust over; pass., become rusted over: Ja 5:3.†

[NT: 3x] κατ-ισχύω [in LXX chiefly for חָזַק ;]

to overpower, prevail against, prevail: absol., Lk 23:23; c. inf., Lk 21:36; c. gen., Mt 16:18.†

[NT: 44x] κατ-οικέω, -ῶ [in LXX very freq. and nearly always for יָשַׁב ;]

1. trans., to inhabit, dwell in: c. acc, Lk 13:4, Ac 1:10 2:9, 14 4:16 9:32, 35 19:10, 17. Re 17:2; of God, Mt 23:21.
2. Intrans., to settle, dwell: Ac 22:12; seq. ἐν (cl.), Ac 1:20 (LXX) Ac 2:5 7:2, 4 7:48 9:22 11:29 13:27 17:24, He 11:9, Re 13:12; seq. εἰς (B1., § 39, 3; M, Pr., 62 f., 234 f.), Mt 2:23 4:13, Ac 7:4; ἐπὶ τ. γῆς (Nu 13:33, al.), Re 3:10 6:10 8:13 11:10 13:8, 14 17:8; ἐπὶ παντὸς [p. 242] προσώπου τ. γ., Ac 17:26; ὅπου, Re 2:13; ἐκεῖ (of demons), Mt 12:45, Lk 11:26. Metaph., of divine indwelling: ὁ Χριστός, Eph 3:17; τ. πνεῦμα, Ja 4:5 (κατῴκισεν, T, WH, R, txt.); τ. πλήωρμα (τ. θεότητος), Col 1:19 2:9; δικαιοσύνη (cf. Wi 1:4), II Pe 3:13 (cf. ἐν-κατοικέω).†
[in LXX for יָשַׁב hi., etc. ;]
to cause to dwell: metaph., c. acc, τὸ πνεῦμα, Ja 4:5 (Rec., R, mg., κατῴκησεν).†

[NT: 1x] κατ-οίκησις, -εως, ἡ (< κατοικέω), [in LXX for יָשַׁב, Ge 10:30, al. ;]

dwelling: Mk 5:3.†

[NT: 2x] κατ-οικητήριον, -ου, τό (< κατοικέω), [in LXX for מוֹשָׁב, מָעוֹן, etc. ;]

a habitation, dwelling-place: Eph 2:22, Re 18:2.†

[NT: 1x] κατ-οικία, -ας, ἡ (< κατοικέω), [in LXX chiefly for מוֹשָׁב, Ex 35:3, al. ;]

1. a dwelling: Ac 17:26.
2. a settlement (Polyb.).†

*† κατοπτρίζω (< κάτοπτρον, a mirror),

to show as in a mirror. Mid., to see oneself mirrored (v. MM, Exp., xv); c. acc rei (R, txt., but v. mg.), to reflect as a mirror: II Co 3:18 (cf. Abbott, Essays, 94).†

[NT: 1x] κατόρθωμα, -τος, τό

Rec, for διόρθωμα (q.v.), Ac 24:3.†

[NT: 9x] κάτω adv. (< κατά), [in LXX for מַטָּה, תַּחַת and cogn. forms ;]

1. down, downwards (with verbs of motion), Mt 4:6, Lk 4:9, Jo 8:6, 8, Ac 20:9.
2. below, beneath: Mk 14:66, Ac 2:19 (LXX); ἕως κ. (Ez 1:27, al.), Mt 27:51, Mk 15:38. τὰ κ. (opp. to τ. ἄνω), Jo 8:23. Compar. κατωτέρω: ἀπὸ διετοῦς καὶ κ. (cf. I Ch 27:21), Mt 2:16.†

[NT: 1x] κατώτερος, -έρα, -ερον (< κάτω), [in LXX for תַּחְתּוֹן, תַּחְתִּי ;]

lower; τὰ. κ. τῆς γῆς (v. AR, Eph., l.c; for rendering this lower earth, v. ICC, Eph, l.c.), the lower parts of the earth (cf. Ps 139:15; cf. also MGr., ἡ κάτου γῆ, the underworld, Thumb, MGV, 334): Eph 4:9.†

κατωτέρω, v.s. κάτω.

Καῦδα (TR, mg., Κλαῦδα; Rec. Κλαύδή), ἡ,

Cauda, Clauda, an island near Crete: Ac 27:16.†

[NT: 2x] καῦμα, -τος, τό (< καίω), [in LXX for חֹם, חֹרֶב, etc. ;]

heat: Re 7:16 16:9.†

[NT: 4x] *† καυματίζω (< καῦμα),

to burn or scorch up: c. acc seq. ἐν πυρί, Re 16:8. Pass., Mt 13:14, Mk 4:6; seq. καῦμα μέγα, Re 16:9.†

[NT: 1x] καῦσις, -εως, ἡ (< καίω), [in LXX for בָּעַר pi., etc. ;]

burning: He 6:8.†

*† καυσόω, -ῶ (< καῦσος, burning heat, fever),

only in pass.,
1. to burn with fever (Galen., al.).
2. In NT, to burn with great heat: II Pe 3:10 3:12 (V. Mayor, in l).†

[NT: 1x] *† καυστηριάζω (Rec. καυτηρ-, and so usually in Gk. writers, v. Soph., Lex., s.v.)

to mark by branding, brand (AV, scar, but v. CGT, in l): metaph., pass. pf. ptcp., I Ti 4:2 (cf. καυτήριον, IV Mac 15:22 *).†

[NT: 3x] καύσων, -ωνος, ὁ (< καίω), [in LXX: Ge 31:40 א (חֹרֶב), Is 49:10 (שָׁרָב), Jb 27:21, Ho 12:1, (2), Ho 13:15, Jon.4.8, Je 18:17, Ez 17:10 19:12 (קָדִים); Je 51:1, From Theodotion Da 3:67) Jth 8:3, Si 18:16 34:16 43:22 * ;]

1. burning heat (Ge, Isa (?), Jth, ll.c., Si 18:16): Mt 20:12, Lk 12:55 (Ja 1:11, AV).
2. a hot [p. 243] wind from the east (Heb. קָדִים, v. LXX, ll.c.), the modern sirocco (v. CGT on Am 4:9): Ja 1:11 (RV, the scorching wind; cf. R, mg., the hot wind, Mt, Lk, ll.c.).†

καυτηριάζω, Rec. for καυστηριάζω, q.v

[NT: 37x] καυχάομαι, -ῶμαι [in LXX for הָלַל hith., etc. ;]

to boast or glory (in LXX, of joyous exultation, and so in the NT quotations, infr.; cf. DB, ii, 790b; Hort on Ja 1:9): absol., I Co 1:31 (LXX) I Co 4:7 13:3, II Co 10:13 10:17 (LXX) II Co 11:16 11:18 12:1 12:6, Eph 2:9, Ja 4:16; c. acc rei, II Co 9:2 11:30; seq. ἐν (LXX), Ro 2:23 5:3, I Co 3:21, II Co 5:12 10:15 11:12 12:5 12:9, Ga 6:13-14 Ja 1:9; ἐν (τ.) θεῷ, Ro 2:17 5:11; ἐν κυρίῳ, I Co 1:31 (LXX) II Co 10:17 (LXX); ἐν Χ. Ἰησοῦ, Phl 3:3; seq. ἐπί c. dat., Ro 5:2; περί, c. gen., II Co 10:8; εἰς, II Co 10:16; ὑπέρ, c. gen. pers., II Co 7:14 12:5; ἐνώπιον τ. θεοῦ, I Co 1:29 (cf. ἐν, κατα-καυχάομαι).†

[NT: 11x] καύχημα, -τος, τό (< καυχάομαι), [in LXX chiefly for תְּהִלָּה, תִּפְאָרָה ;]

1. a boast (Pind.): II Co 5:12 9:3 (Thayer, s.v.; e. contra, 2, Ellic., Lft., on Ga 6:4; Lft., Notes, 204, 277).
2. ground or matter of glorying: Ro 4:2, I Co 5:6 9:15-16, II Co 1:14, Ga 6:4, Phl 1:26 2:16, He 3:6 (cf. καύχησις).†

[NT: 11x] καύχησις, -εως, ἡ (< καυχάομαι), [in LXX for תִּפְאָרָה (I Ch 29:13, Ez 16:12, al) ;]

a boasting, glorying: Ro 3:27, II Co 11:10 11:17, Ja 4:16; seq. ὑπέρ, II Co 7:4 8:24; ἐτί, c. gen., II Co 7:14; ἔχω τὴν κ. ἐν Χρ. Ἰησ., Ro 15:17; στέφανος καυχήσεως (Ez. l.c., al.), I Th 2:19; of the cause of glorying, a boast ( = καύχημα), II Co 1:12.†

καφαρναούμ (Καπερ-, Rec., v. WH, App. 160), ἡ (Heb. נַחוּם כָּפָר Nahum's village)

Capernaum: Mt 4:13, Mk 1:21, Jo 2:12, al

κεγχρεαί, v.s. Κενχρεαί.

κέδρος, -ου, ἡ [in LXX chiefly for אֶרֶז, Nu 24:6, al.; χειμάρρους τῶν Κέδρων, II Ki 15:23, III Ki 15:13 (קִדְרוֹן) ;]

a cedar: χείμαρρος τῶν Κ. (as in 2Sam, 1Ki, ll. c.), Jo 18:1 (Rec. Tr., WH, R, mg.; τοῦ Κέδρου, T, WH, mg., v.s. Κεδρών, and cf. Westc., in l; WH, App., 89 f.; Abbott, JG, 513 ff).†
(v.s. κέδρος), ,
(in FlJ, gen. -ῶνος; Heb. קִדְרוֹן), [in LXX: II Ki 15:23, IV Ki 23:6, al. ;]
Cedron (OT, Kidron): χείμαρρος τοῦ Κ., Jo 18:1 (L, Tr., mg., R, txt.; cf. Bl., 10, 5; Lft., Essays, 172 ff).†

[NT: 24x] κεῖμαι [in LXX: Je 24:1 (יָעַד hoph,), al. ;]

used as passive of τίθημι (LS, s.v.), to be laid, to lie;
(a) of persons: an infant, Lk 2:12, 16; a dead body, Mt 28:6, Lk 23:53, Jo 20:12;
(b) of things, to lie, be laid or set, stand: Mt 5:14, Jo 2:6 19:29 20:5-7 21:9, Re 4:2 21:16; trop., Θεμέλιος, I Co 3:11; seq. prep. c. acc, πρός, Mt 3:10, Lk 3:9; εἰς, Lk 12:19; ἐπί, trop., κάλυμμα, II Co 3:15. Metaph., ὁ κόσμος ἐν τ. πονηριῷ κ., I Jn 5:19; to be laid down, appointed: of law, c. dat. pers., I Ti 1:9; seq. εἰς c. acc (of purpose), Lk 2:34, Phl 1:16, I Th 3:3
(cf. ἀνά-, συν-ανά-, ἀντί-, ἀπό-, ἐπί-, κατά-, παρά-, περί-, πρό-κειμαι).†

[p. 244]

[NT: 1x] κειρία, -ας, ἡ [in LXX: Pr 7:16 (מַרְבַד)* ;]

a vernacular word,
1 1, a bed-cord (Aristoph., AV., 816; Pr, l.c.).
2. In pl., swathings (cf. Field, Notes, 96 f.): Jo 11:44.†

[NT: 4x] κείρω [in LXX chiefly for גָּזַז, Is 53:7, al. ;]

to cut short the hair, shear: a sheep, Ac 8:32 (Isa, l.c.). Mid., to have one's hair cut off, be shorn: absol., I Co 11:6; τ-. κεφαλήν, Ac 18:18.†

Κείς (Rec. Κίς), , indecl. (Heb. קִישׁ),

Kish: Ac 13:21.†

[NT: 1x] κέλευσμα, -τος, τό (< κελεύω), [in LXX: Pr 30:27 * ;]

a call, summons, shout of command: I Th 4:16 (v. M, Th., in l).†

[NT: 25x] ** κελεύω [in LXX: I Es 9:53, To 8:18, al., and freq. in 1-4Mac ;]

to urge on, bid by word of mouth, order, command (mostly of one in authority): c. acc et. inf. aor., Mt 14:19, 28 18:25 27:64, Lk 18:40, Ac 4:15 5:34 8:38 22:30 23:10 25:6, 17; with ellipse of acc, Mt 8:18 14:9 27:58, Ac 12:19 21:33; c. acc et. inf. Pres., Ac 21:34 22:24 23:3, 35 25:21 27:43; with ellipse of acc, Ac 16:22; ptcp. aor., Ac 25:23.†
SYN.: v.s. ἐντέλλω

*† κενεμβατεύω (not elsew., but perh. = -έω, Plut., al.),

to tread on emptiness: ἐώρᾳ (αἰώρα) κ. (conjec. for ἃ ἑόρακμν ἐμβ., Lft., in l), Col 2:18 (cf. also ICC, in l).†

[NT: 1x] **† κενοδοξία, -ας, ἡ (< κενόδοξος), [in LXX: Wi 14:14, II Mac 2:15 Mac 8:10 * ;]

1. foolish fancy, vain opinion, error (LXX, ll. c.).
2. vain­glory, groundless conceit: Phl 2:3.†

[NT: 1x] κενόδοξος, -ον (< κενός, δόξα),

vain-glorious: Ga 5:26.†

[NT: 19x] κενός, -ή, -όν [in LXX chiefly for רִיק and cognate forms ;]

empty (Ge 37:24, Jg 7:16). Metaph.,
(a) empty, vain: λόγοι, Eph 5:6; ἀπάτη, Col 2:8; κήρυγμα, πίστις, I Co 15:14;
(b) vain, fruitless: ἡ χάρις, I Co 15:10; κόπος, I Co 15:50; ἡ εἴσοδος, I Th 2:1; κενά, Ac 4:25 (LXX); εἰς κενόν, in vain, to no purpose (Diod., LXX; cl. διὰ κενῆς), II Co 6:1, Ga 2:2, Phl 2:16, I Th 3:5;
(c) of persons, empty-handed: Mk 12:3, Lk 1:53 20:10-11; vain, Ja 2:20.†
SYN.: μάταιος, of the aim or effect of an action, κ. of its quality (Lft. on Cl. Rom., 1Co., § 7; Tr., Syn., xlix)

[NT: 2x] *† κενοφωνία, -ας, ἡ (< κενός, φωνέω), [cf. κενολογέω (צָפַף), Is 8:19 * ;]

empty talk, babbling: pl., I Ti 6:20, II Ti 2:16.†

[NT: 5x] κενόω, -ῶ (< κενός, q.v.), [in LXX: Je 14:2 15:9 (עָמָל pu.)* ;]

to empty. Metaph., to empty, make empty, vain or of no effect: καύχημα, I Co 9:15; ἑαυτόν, of Christ, Phl 2:7 (v Lft.; ICC, in 1, and esp. Gifford, Incarn., 54 ff.); pass., πίστις, Ro 4:14; ὁ σταυρός, I Co 1:17; καύχημα, II Co 9:3

[NT: 4x] κέντρον, -ου, τό (< εκντέω, to prick), [in LXX: Pr 26:3 (מֶתֶג), Ho 13:14 (קֹטֶב), Ho 5:12, Si 38:25, IV Mac 14:19 * ;]

1. a sting (4Mac, l.c.): Re 9:10. Metaph. (as Ho 13:14): τ. θανάτου, I Co 15:55 (LXX), I Co 15:56,
2. a goad: pl., Ac 26:14.†

[NT: 3x] κεντυρίων, -ωνος, ὁ (Lat. centurio);

a centurion: Mk 15:39, 44-45 (Mt, Lk, use ἑκιτόνταρχος (-ης), q.v).†

Κενχρεαί (Rec. Κεχγ-; ν. WH, App., 150), -ῶν, αἱ,

Cenchreæ, a port of Corinth: Ac 18:18, Ro 16:1.†

[p. 245]

[NT: 1x] κενῶς adv., [in LXX: Is 49:4 (רִיק)* ;]

in vain, to no purpose: Ja 4:5.†

[NT: 2x] * κεραία (WH, κερέα, v. App., 151), -ας, ἠ (< κέρας),

a little horn: of the point or extremity which distinguishes some Heb. letters from others (e.g. ד from ר; DCG, ii, 733), Mt 5:18, Lk 16:17.†

[NT: 3x] κεραμεύς, -εως, ὁ (< κεράννυμι), [in LXX for יָצַר, Ps 2:9, Je 18:2, al. ;]

a potter: Ro 9:21; ὁ ἀγρὸς τοῦ κ., Mt 27:7, (LXX).†

[NT: 1x] κεραμικός, -ή, -όν (< κέραμος), [in LXX: Da LXX 2:41 (פֶּחָר)* ;]

1. (cl.) of a potter (e.g. γῆ).
2. In LXX and NT, = cl., κεραμεοῦς (Plut., κεράμειος, Polyb., -μαῖος, etc), earthen: Re 2:27.†

[NT: 2x] κεράμιον, -ου, τό (< κέραμος), [in LXX: Je 35:5 (גְּבִיעַ), etc. ;]

an earthen vessel, a jar or jug: ὕδατος, Mk 14:13, Lk 22:10.†

κεραμος, -ου, ὁ (< κεράννυμι), [in LXX: II Ki 17:28 (יָצַר כְּלִי)* ;]

1. potter's clay.
2. an earthen vessel.
3. a tile: Lk 5:19.†

[NT: 3x] κεράννυμι [in LXX for מָסַךְ, Is 5:22, al. ;]

to mix, mingle, chiefly of the diluting of wine: Re 18:6; by oxymoron, κεκεράσμενος ἄκρατος, Re 14:10.†
SYN.: μίγνυμι. κ. implies "a mixing of two things, so that they are blended and forma compound, as in wine and water, whereas μ. implies a mixing without such composition, as in two sorts of grain" (LS, s.v. κρᾶσις)

[NT: 11x] κέρας, -ατος (pl. not irreg. as in Attic), τό, [in LXX chiefly for קָרַן ;]

a horn: Re 5:6 12:3 13:1, 11 17:3, 7 17:12, 16; of the projections at the corners of the altar (Ex 29:12, al.): Re 9:13. Metaph., as symbol of strength, κ. σωτηρίας (cf. Ps 18:3, al.): Lk 1:69.†

[NT: 1x] * κεράτιον, -ου, τό (dimin. of κέρας),

1. a little horn (Arist.).
2. In pl. (the fruit of the κερατέα), carob-pods: Lk 15:16.†

[NT: 17x] ** κερδαίνω [in Sm.: Jb 22:3 * ;]

to gain: c. acc, Mt 25:16-17, 20 25:22; τ. κόσμον, Mt 16:26, Mk 8:36, Lk 9:25; absol., to make profit, get gain: Ja 4:13. Metaph., c. acc rei, to save oneself from, avoid: Ac 27:21 (Field, Notes, 145); c. acc pers., to gain, win: Mt 18:15, I Co 9:19-22, Phl 3:8; pass., I Pe 3:1.†

[NT: 3x] ** κέρδος, -εος (-ους), τό [in Aq.: Ez 27:24; Sm.: Ps 30:10, al. ;]

gain: Phl 1:21 3:7, Tit 1:11.†

κερέα, v.s. κεραία.

[NT: 1x] * κέρμα, -τος, τό (< κείρω),

1. a slice, hence,
2. a small coin: pl., Jo 2:15.†

*† κερματιατής, -οῦ, ὁ (κερματίζω, to cut small, coin into small money),

a money changer: Jo 2:14.†

κεφάλαιος, -α, -ον (< κεφαλή), [in LXX (-αιον, τό) for רֹאשׁ, Num_4:2, al. ;]

of the head; metaph., principal, chief; mostly as subst., κεφάλαιον, τό;
1. the chief point: He 8:1.
2. the sum total, amount: Ac 22:28 (other meaning, LS, s.v.).†

κεφαλαιόω, -ῶ, v.s. κεφαλιόω.

[p. 246]

[NT: 75x] κεφαλή, -ῆς, ἡ [in LXX nearly always for רֹאשׁ ;]

the head: Mt 5:35, Mk 6:24, Re 1:14 9:7, al. mult.; fig., ἄνθρακες ἐπὶ τὴν κ., Ro 12:20 (LXX); αἷμι, Ac 18:6; metaph., of a husband, c. gen., I Co 1:13, Eph 5:23; of Christ, I Co 11:3, Eph 4:15 5:23, Col 1:18 2:10, 19; of things, κ. γωνίας, Mt 21:42 (LXX)

[NT: 1x] ** κεφαλιόω (Rec. -αιόω, [so in LXX: Si 32:8 *]), -ῶ (< κεφάλιον, dimin. of κεφαλή, in late writers)

1. (-αιόω) to sum up (Thuc., al.).
2. (In NT, only) to wound on the head: Mk 12:4.†

[NT: 1x] κεφαλίς, -ίδος, ἡ (dimin. of κεφαλή), [in LXX for מְגִלָּה, וָו, etc. ;]

1. a little head.
2. an extremity, capital (of a column).
3. (As in Ex 2:9, Ps 40:8, Es 6:2) a roll: κ. βιβλίου, He 10:7 (LXX).†

* κημόω, -ῶ (< κημός, a muzzle),

to muzzle: I Co 9:9 (TTr., WH, mg.) (cf. φιμόω).†

[NT: 4x] *† κῆνσος, -ου, ὁ (Lat. census),

a poll-tax: Mt 17:25 22:17, Mk 12:14 (WH, mg., ἐπικεφάλαιον); τ. νόμισμα τοῦ κ., Mt 22:19 (v. MM, Exp., xv).†

[NT: 4x] κῆπος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX for גַּן, גַּנָּה, גִּנָּה, De 11:10, Ca 4:12, al. ;]

a garden: Lk 13:19, Jo 18:1, 26 19:41.†

[NT: 1x] * κηπ-ουρός, -οῦ, ὁ (< κῆπος + οὖρος, a watcher)

a gardener: Jo 20:15.†

[NT: 1x] κηρίον, -ου, τό (< κηρός, wax), [in LXX for נֹפֶת, צוּף, Ps 19:10 118:12, Pr 16:24, al. ;]

honeycomb: κ. μελίσσιον, Lk 24:42 (Rec.; WH, txt., R, txt., omit).†

[NT: 9x] κήρυγμα, -τος, τό (< κηρύσσω), [in LXX: II Ch 30:5 (קוֹל), Jon.3.2 (קְרִיאָה), Pr 9:3, I Es 9:3 * ;]

in cl.,
that which is cried by a herald, a proclamation. In NT (v. Lft., Notes, 161), of God's heralds, proclamation, message, preaching (i.e. the substance as distinct from the act which would be expressed by † κήρυξις): Mt 12:41, Lk 11:32, I Co 1:21, II Ti 4:17, Tit 1:3; c. gen. cubic., τὸ κ. μου, I Co 2:4; ἡμῶν, I Co 15:14; c. gen. obj., Ἰησοῦ Χρ., Ro 16:25.†

[NT: 3x] κῆρυξ (κήρ-, T), -υκος, ὁ [in LXX: Da LXX TH Da 3:4 (כָּרוֹז), Ge 41:43, Si 20:15, IV Mac 6:4 * ;]

a herald: I Ti 2:7, II Ti 1:11, II Pe 2:5.†

[NT: 61x] κηρύσσω [in LXX chiefly for קָרָא ;]

to be a herald, to proclaim: Mk 1:45 7:36, Lk 4:18-19 (LXX) (but v. Field, Notes, 174) Lk 8:39, Ro 2:21, I Co 9:27, Ga 5:11, al.; in NT, chiefly of the proclamation of the Gospel, to proclaim, preach: τὸ εὐαγέλιον, Mt 4:23 9:35 24:14 26:13, Mk 1:14 13:10 14:9 16:15, Ga 2:2, Col 1:23, I Th 2:9; seq. εἰς, Mk 1:39 13:10, Lk 4:44, I Th 2:9; ἵνα, Mk 6:12; c. inf.. Ro 2:21; κ. Χριστόν, Ἰησοῦν, Ac 8:5 9:20 19:13, I Co 1:23 15:12, II Co 1:19 11:4, Phl 1:15; I Ti 3:16 (cf. προ-κηρύσσω)

[NT: 1x] κῆτος, -εος (-ους), τό [in LXX: Jon.2.1; Jon.2.10 (דָּג) Ge 1:21 (תַּנִּין), etc. ;]

a huge fish, sea-monster: Mt 12:40 (LXX).†

[NT: 9x] Κηφᾶς, -ᾶ (v. Bl., § 10, 3), ὁ (Aram. כֵּיפָא),

Cephas, i.e. Peter: Jo 1:43, I Co 1:12 3:22 9:5 15:5, Ga 1:18 2:9, 11 2:14.†

[p. 247]

[NT: 6x] κιβωτός, -οῦ, ἡ [in LXX: Ge 6:1-22 7:1-24 8:1-22 9:1-29 (תֵּבָה), elsewhere, very freq., as Ex 25:9 (10), for אָרוֹן ;]

a wooden box or chest: of Noah's ark, Mt 24:38, Lk 17:27, He 11:7, I Pe 3:20; of the ark of the covenant, He 9:4, Re 11:19.†

[NT: 4x] κιθάρα, -ας, ἡ [in LXX chiefly for כִּנּוֹר, freq. in Ps 33:2, al.); and in (Da 3:5, al.) for קִיתָרֹס, itself a transliteration of κίθαρις, the Homeric form of κ. (cf. CB, Dn., lviii) ;]

a lyre, harp: I Co 14:7, Re 5:8 14:2 15:2.†

[NT: 2x] κιθαρίζω [in LXX: Is 23:16 (נָגַן pi.)* ;]

to play upon the lyre or harp: I Co 14:7, Re 14:2.†

* κιθαρ-ωδός, -οῦ, ὁ (< κιθάρα, ἀοιδός, a singer)

one who plays and sings to the lyre, a harper: Re 14:2 18:22.†

[NT: 8x] Κιλικία, -ας, ἡ

Cilicia, a province of Asia Minor: Ac 6:9 15:23, 41 21:39 22:3 23:34 27:5, Ga 1:21.†

κινάμωμον, v.s. κιννάμωμον.

[NT: 4x] κινδυνεύω (< κίνδυνος), [in LXX for יָקֹשׁ ni., etc. ;]

1. to be daring, to venture.
2. to be in danger: Lk 8:23, Ac 19:27, 40, I Co 15:30.†

[NT: 9x] κίνδυνος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX: Ps 116:3 (מֵצַר), Si 3:26, al. ;]

danger, peril: Ro 8:35; pl., II Co 11:26.†

[NT: 8x] κινέω, -ῶ [in LXX for נוּעַ hi., רָמַשׂ, etc. ;]

1. to set in motion, move: Mt 23:4; τ. κεφαλήν (Ps 22:8, al.), Mt 27:39, Mk 15:29; pass. (cf. Ge 7:21), Ac 17:28.
2. to remove: Re 2:5 6:14.
3. to excite, stir up: Ac 24:5; pass., Ac 21:30 (cf. μετα-, συν-κινέω).†

[NT: 1x] κίνησις, -εως, ἡ (< κινέω), [in LXX: Jb 16:6 (5), (נִיד), al. ;]

a moving: Jo 5:3.†

[NT: 1x] κιννάμωμον(Rec. κινάμ-), -υο, τό (from the Phænician, v. LS, s.v., and cf. Heb. קִנָּמוֹן)

cinnamon: Re 18:13.†

Κίς, v.s. Κείς.

κίχρημι, v.s. χράω.

[NT: 11x] κλάδος, -ου, ὁ (< κλάω), [in LXX for דָּלִיָּה, כַּף, etc. ;]

a young tender shoot broken off for grafting; then, a branch: Mt 13:32 21:8 24:32, Mk 4:32 13:28, Lk 13:19; metaph., of descendants (cf. Si 40:15), Ro 11:16-19, 21.†

[NT: 40x] κλαίω [in LXX chiefly for בָּכָה ;]

of any loud expression of pain or sorrow, esp. for the dead, to weep, lament;
(a) intrans.: Mk 5:38-39 14:72 (M, Pr., 131) Mk 16:10, Lk 7:13, 32 7:38 8:52, Jo 11:31, 33 16:20 20:11, 13 20:15 Ac 9:39 21:13, I Co 7:30, Phl 3:18, Ja 4:9 5:1, Re 5:5 18:15, 19; πολύ, Re 5:4; πολλά, Ac 8:24 (WH, mg.); πικρῶς, Mt 26:75, Lk 22:62; opp. to γελάω, Lk 6:21, 25; χαίρω, Ro 12:15; seq. ἐπί, c. acc, Lk 19:41 23:28, Re 18:9;
(b) trans., c. acc pers., to weep or lament for, bewail: Mt 2:18.†
SYN.: v.s. δακρύω

[NT: 13x] * κλάσις, -εως, ἡ (< κλάω),

a breaking: Lk 24:35, Ac 2:42.†

[NT: 9x] κλάσμα, -τος, τό (< κλάω), [in LXX for פַּת, פֶּלַח ;]

a broken piece, fragment: Mt 14:20 15:37, Mk 6:43 8:8, 19-20, Lk 9:17, Jo 6:12-13

[p. 248]

Κλαῦδα, v.s. Καῦδα.

[NT: 1x] Κλαυδία, -ας, ἡ

Claudia: II Ti 4:21.†

[NT: 3x] Κλαύδιος, -ου, ὁ

1. the Emperor: Ac 11:28 18:2.
2. A military tribune, C. Lysias: Ac 23:26.†

[NT: 9x] κλαυθμός, -οῦ, ὁ (< κλαίω), [in LXX chiefly for בְּכִי ;]

crying, weeping, Ac 20:37; κ. καὶ ὀδυρμός, Mt 2:18 (LXX); ὁ κ. καὶ ὁ βρυγμός, Mt 8:12 13:42, 50 22:13 24:51 25:30, Lk 13:28.†

[NT: 14x] κλάω [in LXX: Je 16:7 (פַּרְנַךְ), al. ;]

to break, break in pieces: of bread, Mt 14:19 15:36 26:26, Mk 8:6 14:22, Lk 22:19 24:30, Ac 2:46 20:7, 11 27:35, I Co 10:16 11:24; seq. εἰς, c. acc pers., Mk 8:19 (cf. ἐκ-, κατα-κλάω).†

[NT: 6x] κλείς, -δός Att.. acc, κλεῖν, later -εῖδα, pl., κλεῖδες, -ας, contr., -εῖς, ἡ, [in LXX for מַפְתֵּחַ, Is 22:22, al. ;]

a key. Fig., τ. βασιλείας τ. οὐρανῶν, Mt 16:19; τ. γνώσεως, Lk 11:52; of David (cf. LXX, l.c.), Re 3:7; τ. θανάτου κ. τ. ᾅδου, Re 1:18; τ. ἀβύσσαυ, Re 20:1; τ. φρέατος τῆς ἀ., Re 9:1.†

[NT: 16x] κλείω [in LXX chiefly for סָגַר ;]

to shut: θύραν, Mt 6:6; τ. ἄβυσσον, Re 20:3; pass., θύρα, Mt 25:10, Lk 11:7 (pl.), Jo 20:19, 26, Ac 21:30; δεσμωτήριον, Ac 5:23; πυλῶνες, Re 21:25. Metaph., τ. οὐρανόν, Lk 4:25, Ro 11:6; τ. σπλάγχνα, I Jn 3:17; τ. βασιλείαν, Mt 23:14; id. absol., Re 3:7; τ. θύραν, Re 3:8. (cf. ἀπο-, ἐκ-, κατα-, συν-κλείω.) †

[NT: 1x] κλέμμα, -τος, τό (< κλέπτω), [in LXX: Ge 31:39, Ex 22:3-4 (2-3) (גָּנַב, גְּנֵבָה)* ;]

1. a thing stolen (Arist., LXX)
2. = κλοπή, theft (Plato, al.): pl., Re 9:21.†

Κλεόπας, -α (v. B1., § 7, 2), ὁ

Cleopas: Lk 24:18.†

[NT: 1x] κλέος, -ους, τό [in LXX: Jb 28:22 (שֵׁמַע) Jb 30:8 * ;]

1. a rumour, report.
2. good report, fame, glory: I Pe 2:20.†

[NT: 16x] κλέπτης, -ου, ὁ [in LXX for גַּנָּב ;]

a thief: Mt 6:19-20 24:43, Lk 12:33, 39, Jo 10:1, 10 12:6, I Co 6:10, I Pe 4:15. Fig., ὡς κ. ἐν νυκτί, I Th 5:2 5:4 (κλέπτας, WH, txt., R, mg.; v. Lft., Notes, 73; but cf. also M, Th., l.c.), II Pe 3:10, Re 3:3 16:15. Metaph., of false teachers, Jo 10:8.†
SYN.: λῃστής, a robber, a brigand who plunders, openly, with violence; κ. is a thief who steals in secret, by fraud and cunning (Tr., Syn., § xliv)

[NT: 13x] κλέπτω [in LXX for גָּנַב ;]

to steal: absol., Mt 6:19-20 19:18, Mk 10:19, Lk 18:20, Jo 10:10, Ro 2:21 13:9, Eph 4:28; c. acc, Mt 27:64 28:13.†

[NT: 7x] κλῆμα, -τος, τό (< κλάω), [in LXX chiefly for זְמוֹרָה, דָּלִיָּה, Ez 15:2 17:6-7, al. ;]

a vine-twig, vine-branch: Jo 15:2, 4-6.†

[NT: 1x] Κλήμης, -εντος, ὁ

Clement: Phl 4:3.†

[NT: 18x] κληρονομέω, -ῶ (< κληρονόμος) [in LXX chiefly for יָרַשׁ, also for נָחַל, etc. ;]

1. to receive by lot.
2. to inherit (in cl., usually c. gen. rei): absol., Ga 4:30 (LXX); in general, to possess oneself of, receive as one's own, obtain (as De 4:5, al., cf. Ps 25:3, Is 61:7): c. acc rei (as generally in late Gk., v. M, Pr., 65), of the Messianic Kingdom (cf. Ps 37:11, Si 4:13 37:26, and v. Dalman, Words, 125 ff.) and its bless­ings and privileges, τ. γῆν, Mt 5:5 (cf. LXX); τ. βασιλείαν, β. θεοῦ, Mt 25:34, [p. 249] I Co 6:9-10 15:50, Ga 5:21; ζωὴν αἰώνιον, Mt 19:29, Mk 10:17, Lk 10:25 18:18; σωτηρίαν, He 1:14; τ. ἐπαγγελίας, He 6:12; ἀφθαρσίαν, I Co 15:50; ὄνομα, He 1:4; τ. εὐλογίαν, He 12:17, I Pe 3:9; ταῦτα, Re 21:7 (cf. κατα-κληρονομέω).†

[NT: 14x] κληρονομία, -ας, ἡ (< κληρονόμος) [in LXX chiefly for נַחֲלָה, also for יְרֻשָּׁה, etc. ;]

prop., an inherited property, an inheritance: Mt 21:38, Mk 12:7, Lk 12:13 20:14; in general, a possession, inheritance: Ac 7:5, He 11:8; of the Messianic Kingdom and its blessings, Ac 20:32, Ga 3:18, Col 3:24, Eph 1:14, 18 5:5, He 9:15, I Pe 1:4.†

[NT: 15x] κληρο-νόμος, -ου, ὁ (< κλῆρος, νέμομαι, to possess) [in LXX: Jg 18:7, II Ki 14:7, Mi 1:15, Je 8:10 (יָרַשׁ), Si 23:22 * ;]

1. (as in cl.) an heir: Mt 21:38, Mk 12:7, Lk 20:14, Ga 4:1; of those who as sons of God inherit the privileges of the Messianic Kingdom; of Christ himself, He 1:2; of Abraham, Ro 4:13-14; of Christians, Ro 8:17, Ga 3:29, Tit 3:7, Ja 2:5.
2. (As in LXX: Jg, Mi, Je, ll. c.) a possessor: He 6:17 11:7 (Cremer, 359 f.).†

[NT: 11x] κλῆρος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX chiefly for נַחֲלָה גּוֹרָל ;]

a lot;
(a) that which is cast or drawn: Mt 27:35, Mk 15:24, Lk 23:34, Jo 19:24 (LXX), Ac 1:26;
(b) that which is obtained by casting: Ac 1:17 8:21; of a part in the Kingdom of God (cf. Wis 55), Ac 26:18, Col 1:12; pl. of the "cure" of a presbyter, I Pe 5:3 (v. ICC, in l).†

[NT: 1x] κληρόω, -ῶ [in LXX: I Ki 14:41 (לָכַד ni.), Es 4:11 A (קָרָא ni.), Is 17:11 * ;]

1. to cast lots.
2. to choose by lot.
3. to assign by lot, assign a portion: pass., ἐν ᾧ καὶ ἐκληρώθημεν, Eph 1:11 (on the various interpretations, v. ICC; AR; Ellic., in l).†

[NT: 11x] κλῆσις, -εως, ἡ (καλέω) [in LXX: Je 31:6 (קָרָא), Jth 12:10 A, III Mac 5:14 * ;]

a calling, call; in NT, always of the Divine call to salvation: Ro 11:29, I Co 1:26 7:20, Eph 1:18 4:1, 4, Phl 3:14, II Th 1:11, II Ti 1:9, He 3:1, II Pe 1:10 (Cremer, 332).†

[NT: 10x] κλητός, -ή, -όν (< καλέω), [in LXX for קָרָא, מִקְרָא, Ex 12:16, al. ;]

called, invited (as to a banquet, Æsch., 1Sa 1:41, III Mac 5:14); in NT, always of the Divine call;
(a) to some office: κ. ἀπόστολος, Ro 1:1, I Co 1:1;
(b) to salvation: Ro 8:28, I Co 1:24, Ju 1; κ. καὶ ἐκλεκτοὶ κ. πιστοί, Re 17:14; in gosp. (not in pl., v.s. καλέω) disting. fr.ἐκλεκτός, Mt 20:16 (WH, txt., R, omit), Mt 22:14; κ. Ἰησοῦ Χρ., Ro 1:6; κ. ἅγιοι, saints by calling, Ro 1:7, I Co 1:2.†

[NT: 2x] κλίβανος, -ον, ό (Att.., κρίβ-, but κλ- in Ion., Hdt., ii, 92), [in LXX for תַּנּוּר, Ge 15:17, Ho 7:4, 6 al. ;]

1. in cl., a clibanus, cribanus, an earthen vessel for baking bread.
2. In LXX and NT, a furnace (cf. MM, Exp., xv), an oven: Mt 6:30, Lk 12:28.†

[NT: 3x] κλίμα, -τος, τό (< κλίνω) [in LXX: Jg 20:2 A (פִּנָּה)* ;]

1. an inclination, slope, esp. the slope from the equator to the pole (Arist).
2. a region (Polyb., al.): pl., Ro 15:23, II Co 11:10, Ga 1:21.†

* κλινάριον, -ου, τό,

dimin, of κλίνη,
a couch: Ac 5:15 (cf. κλινίδιον).†

[p. 250]

[NT: 9x] κλίνη, -ης, ἡ (< κλίνω), [in LXX chiefly for מִטָּה ;]

a bed, couch: Mt 9:2, 6, Mk 4:21 7:4, 30, Lk 5:18 8:16 17:34, Re 2:22 (cf. MM, Exp., xv).†

[NT: 2x] * κλινίδιον, -ου, τό

dimin. of κλίνη,
a conch: Lk 5:19, 24 (cf. κλενάριον).†

[NT: 7x] κλίνω [in LXX chiefly for נָטָה ;]

1. to make to bend, to bow: τ. κεφαλήν (of one dying), Jo 19:30; τ. πρόσωτον (of terrified persons), Lk 24:5.
2. to make to lean, to rest: τ. κεφαλήν (in sleep), Mt 8:20, Lk 9:58.
3. As in Hom., of soldiers, to turn (to flight), παρεμβολάς, He 11:34.
4. In late Gk. (as mid, in cl.), to decline: intrans., ἡ ἡμέρα, Lk 9:12 24:29.†

[NT: 1x] κλισία, -ας, ή (< κλίνω), [in LXX: III Mac 6:31 A* ;]

1. a place for reclining; hence,
(a) a hut;
(b) an easy chair;
(c) a couch.
2. a company reclining: pl., Lk 9:14 (cf. FlJ, Ant., xii, 2, 12)

[NT: 2x] κλοπή, -ῆν, ἡ (< κλέπτω), [in LXX for גָּנַב ;]

theft: pl., Mt 15:19, Mk 7:22.†

[NT: 2x] κλύδων, -ωνος, ὁ (κλύζω, of the sea, to wash over), [in LXX: Jon.1.4; Jon.1.12 (סַעַר), al. ;]

a billow, surge: Lk 8:24, Ja 1:6.†
SYN.: κῦμα, a wave

[NT: 1x] κλυδωνίζομαι (< κλύδων), [in LXX: Is 57:20 (גָּרַשׁ)* ;]

to be tossed by waves; metaph., to be tossed like waves (cf. FlJ, Ant., ix, 11, 3): Eph 4:14.†

[NT: 1x] Κλωπᾶς, -ᾶ, ὁ (Aram.; on the original, v. Lft., Gal., 267 f.),

Clopas: Jo 19:25.†

** κνήθω (late form of κνάω),

1. to scratch.
2. to tickle; pass., to itch: II Ti 4:3.†

[NT: 1x] Κνίδος, -ου, ἡ

Cnidus, a city (and peninsula) on S.W. coast of Asia Minor: Ac 27:7.†

[NT: 2x] κοδράντης, -ου, ὁ (Lat. quadrans, the fourth part of an as),

a quadrans (AV, farthing): Mt 5:26, Mk 12:42.†

[NT: 22x] κοιλία, -ας, ἡ (< κοῖλος, hollow), [in LXX chiefly for בֶּטֶן, מֵעֶה, קֶרֶב, De 7:13, II Ki 7:12, Ge 41:21, al.; also (Jb 3:11 10:18 31:15 38:8) for רֶחֶם ;]

1. the belly (stomach or intestines or both): Mt 12:40 15:17, Mk 7:19, Lk 15:16, Ro 16:18, I Co 6:13, Phl 3:19, Re 10:9-10.
2. (As often in LXX) the womb: Lk 1:41-42, 44 2:21 11:27 23:29, Jo 3:4; ἐκ κ. μητρός (cf. Ps 22:11, Jb 1:21, al.), Mt 19:12, Lk 1:15, Ac 3:2 14:8, Ga 1:15.
3. Metaph. (as Heb. בֶּטֶן, cf. Jb 15:35, Pr 20:27, Si 19:12), of the heart: Jo 7:38.†

κοιμάω, -ῶ [in LXX chiefly for שָׁכַב ;]

to lull to sleep, put to sleep. Mid and pass., to fall asleep (M, Pr., 162; M, Th., 1, 4, 13): Mt 28:13, Lk 22:45, Jo 11:12, Ac 12:6. Metaph, of death: Mt 27:52, Jo 11:11 Ac 7:60 13:36, I Co 7:39 11:30 15:6 15:18 15:20 15:51, I Th 4:13-15, II Pe 3:4 (cf. Is 14:8 43:17, II Mac 12:45).†
SYN.: καθεύδω

[NT: 1x] ** κοίμησις, -εως, ἡ [in LXX: Si 46:19 48:13 * ;]

a reclining, resting: Jo 11:13.†

[NT: 14x] κοινός, -ή, -όν [in LXX: Pr 1:14 (אֶחָד) Pr 21:9 25:24 (חֶבֶר), Wi 7:3, al. ;] [p. 251]

1. common (general; = Lat. communis): Ac 2:44 4:32; κ. πίστις, Tit 1:4; σωτηρία, Ju 3
2. common (ordinary; = vulgaris); hence in LXX (I Mac 1:47, al.) and NT, unhallowed, unclean (cl., βέβηλος, q.v.): Mk 7:2, 5, Ac 10:14, 28 11:8, Ro 14:14, He 10:29, Re 21:27.†

[NT: 14x] κοινόω, -ῶ [in LXX: IV Mac 7:6 א R* ;]

1. in cl., to make common.
2. In LXX, l.c., and NT (as κοινός, 2), to make ceremonially unclean, to profane (= cl., βεληλόω): Mt 15:11, 18 15:20, Mk 7:15, 18 7:20, 23, Ac 21:28; pass., He 9:13.
3. to count unclean (cf. δικαιόω): Ac 10:15 11:9.†
SYN.: βεβηλόω. Thayer (s.v. κ.) mentions that Winer Notes the accuracy whereby the Jews are said to use κ. in addressing Jews, Ac 21:28, and β. when speaking to Felix, 24:6 (Cremer, 362)

[NT: 8x] κοινωνέω, -ῶ [in LXX: II Ch 20:35, Jb 34:8, Ec 9:4 (חָבַר), Pr 1:11, Wi 6:23, Si 13:1, al. ;]

to have a share of, go shares in (something) with (some one), take part in: c. gen. rei (as usually in cl., so Pr, l.c.), He 2:14; c. dat. rei, Ro 12:13 15:27, I Ti 5:22, I Pe 4:13, II Jn 11; c. dat. pers., seq. εἰς, Phl 4:15; ἐν, Ga 6:6 (cf. συν-κοινωνέω).†

[NT: 19x] κοινωνία, -ας, ἡ (< κοινωνός), [in LXX: Le 6:2 (יָד תְּשׂוּמֶת), Wi 8:18, III Mac 4:6 * ;]

1. fellowship, communion: Ac 2:42, II Co 6:14, Phl 1:5; τ. υἱοῦ, I Co 1:9; τ. αἵματος, σώματος Χρ., I Co 10:10 : παθημάτων αὐτσῦ, Phl 3:10; τ. πνεύματος, II Co 13:13, Phl 2:1; δεξιὰς κοινωνίας, Ga 2:9; τ. πίστεώς σου, Phm 6; seq. μετὰ: τ. πατρός, I Jn 1:3 Jn 1:6; ἡμῶν, ἀλλήλων, I Jn 1:3 Jn 1:7.
2. contribution (as outcome of fellowship): Ro 15:26, II Co 8:4 9:13, He 13:6 (cf. Art. Communion, DB, i, 460 ff.; MM, Exp., xv).†

[NT: 1x] * κοινωνικός, -ή, -όν (< κοινωνία),

1. sociable.
2. ready to com­municate or impart (R, mg., ready to sympathize, v. Field, Notes, 213 f.): I Ti 6:18.†

[NT: 10x] κοινωνός, -ή, -όν (< κοινός), [in LXX: Pr 28:24, Is 1:23 (חָבֵר), Ma 2:14 (חֲבֶרֶת), Es 8:13, al. ;]

1. as adj., = κοινός.
2. As subst., ὁ, ἡ κ.,
(a) a partner, associate, companion: II Co 8:23, Phm 17; c. dat. pers., Lk 5:10; c. gen. pers., He 10:33; id. seq. ἐν, Mt 23:30;
(b) a partaker, sharer: c. gen. rei, I Co 10:18 10:20, II Co 1:7, I Pe 5:1, II Pe 1:4 (v. Deiss., BS, 368 n2).†

[NT: 4x] κοίτη, -ης, ἡ (in Hom., κοῖτος) [in LXX chiefly for מִשְׁכָּב, also for שְׁכָבָה, etc. ;]

a bed: Lk 11:7; esp. the marriage-bed: κ. ἀμίαντος, He 13:4; κ. ἔχειν, of a woman conceiving, Ro 9:10 (cf. peculiar phrases in LXX, Le 15:18, al.); of illicit intercourse, pl., Ro 13:13.†

[NT: 1x] κοιτών, -ῶνος, ὁ (< κοίτη = Att.., δωμότιον, v. Kennedy, Sources, 40), [in LXX chiefly for חֶדֶר, II Ki 4:7, Jl 2:16; I Es 3:3, al. ;]

a bed-chamber; ὁ ἐπὶ τοῦ κ., a chamberlain: Ac 12:20.†

[NT: 6x] κόκκινος, -η, -ον (< κόκκος, as used of the "berry" of the ilex coccifera, v. DB, iv, 416), [in LXX for תּוֹלָע, תּוֹלָע, שָׁנִי, Ex 25:4, Ge 38:23, Is 1:18, al. ;]

scarlet: Mt 27:28, He 9:19, Re 17:3; neut., without substantive, of clothing, Re 17:4 18:12, 16,†

[p. 252]

[NT: 7x] κόκκος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX: La 4:5 B א R (תּוֹלָע), Si 45:11 * ;]

a grain: Mt 13:31 17:20, Mk 4:31, Lk 13:19 17:6, Jo 12:24, I Co 15:37.†

[NT: 2x] κολάζω (< κόλος, docked), [in LXX: Da 6:12 (13) (no Heb.), I Es 8:24, Wi 3:4 (and freq.), I Mac 7:7, al. ;]

1. to curtail, dock, prune.
2. to check, restrain.
3. to chastise, correct, punish: pass., II Pe 2:9; mid., cause to be punished (III Mac 7:3): Ac 4:21.†

* κολακία (Rec. -εία), -ας, ἡ (< κολακεύω, to flatter),

flattery: I Th 2:5 (v. Lft., Notes, 23).†

[NT: 2x] κόλασις, -εως, ἡ (< κολάζω), [in LXX: Ez 14:3-7 18:30 44:12, (מִכְשׁוֹל) Ez 43:11, λαμβάνειν τὴν κ. (כָּלַם ni.); Wi 11:13 16:2, 24 19:4, Je 18:20, 2-4 Mac.5 * ;]

correction, penalty, punishment: Mt 25:46, I Jn 4:18.†
SYN.: τιμωρία, requital. Arist. distinguishes between κ . as that which, being disciplinary, has reference to the sufferer, and τ. as that which, being penal, has reference to the satisfaction of him who inflicts (v. Thayer, s.v. κ., and cf. Tr., Syn., § vii). But in late Gk. especially, the distinction is not always maintained (v. reff. in Thayer)

Κολασσαεύς (Rec. Κολοσ-), -έως, ὁ

a Colossian: pl., Col., tit. (and subscr., Rec., Tr.).†

Κολασσαί, v.s. Κολοσσαί.

[NT: 5x] *† κολαφίζω (< κόλαφος = Att.., κόνδυλοι, the knuckles, the closed fist)

to strike with the fist, to buffet: Mt 26:67, Mk 14:65, II Co 12:7; pass., I Co 4:11, I Pe 2:20.†

κολλάω, -ῶ (< κόλλα, glue), [in LXX chiefly for דָּבַק ;]

1. to glue or cement together.
2. Generally, to unite, to join firmly. Pass., to cleave to, join (oneself to): c. dat. pers., Mt 19:5(LXX), Lk 10:11 15:15, Ac 5:13 (but v. Field, Notes, 118) Ac 9:26 10:28 (v. Field, l.c.) Ac 17:34; τ. πόρνῃ, I Co 6:16; τ. Κυρίῳ, I Co 6:17; c. dat. rei, ἅρματι, Ac 8:29; τ. ἀγαθῴ, Ro 12:9; of sins joining together, ἄχρι τ. οὐρανοῦ, Re 18:5, of dust, Lk 10:11 (cf. τροσ-κολλάω).†

[NT: 1x] κολλούριον (TTr., κολλύ-, the more usual form), -ου, τό (dimin. of κολλύρα = κόλλιξ, a coarse bread roll), [in LXX: III Ki 12:24 hil B* ;]

1. a small bread roll (LXX, ll. c.).
2. (Usually in pl., LS, s.v.) an eye salve shaped like a roll: Re 3:18.†

[NT: 3x] *† κολλυβιστής, -οῦ, ὁ (< κόλλυβος, a small coin, a rate of exchange),

a money-changer: Mt 21:12, Mk 11:15, Jo 2:15 (of. κερματιοτής).†

κολλύριον, v.s. κολλούριον.

[NT: 4x] κολοβόω, -ῶ (< κολοβός, docked), [in LXX: II Ki 4:12 (קָצַץ pi.) * ;]

to cut off, amputate (LXX), hence, to curtail, shorten: Mt 24:22, Mk 13:20.†

Κολοσσαεύς, v.s. Κολασσαεύς.

[NT: 1x] Κολοσσαί (so in cl.; -ασσαί, Rec., LTr.), -ῶν, αἰ

Colossæ, a city on the Lycus in Phrygia: Col 1:2.†

[NT: 6x] κόλπος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX chiefly for חֵיק ;]

1. prop., the bosom: Jo 13:23; fig., of close association, ἐν (εἰς τὸν) τοῖς κ. Ἀβραάμ, Lk 16:22-23 (cf. IV Mac 13:16); ὁ ὢν εἰς τὸν κ. τ. πατρός, Jo 1:18
2. The bosom or fold of a loose garment falling over a girdle, used as a [p. 253] pocket, hence fig., εἰς τὸν κ. (Is 65:6, Je 32:18 : Lk 6:38
3. A bosom-like hollow, as a bay or gulf: Ac 27:39.†

[NT: 1x] ** κολυμβάω, -ῶ [in AI.: Is 25:11 * ;]

to dive, plunge into the sea: Ac 27:43 (cf. ἐκ-κολνμβάω).†

[NT: 3x] κολυμβήθρα, -ας, ἡ (< κολνμβάω), [in LXX for בְּרֵכָה, IV Ki 18:27, al. ;]

a swimming pool, pool: Jo 5:2, 4 5:7 9:7.†

[NT: 1x] *† κολωνία (Rec. -ώνια), -ας, ἡ (< Lat. colonic),

a colony: Ac 16:12 (v. Lft., Phi., 50 f.).†

[NT: 2x] * κομάω, -ῶ (< κόμη),

to wear long hair: I Co 11:14-15.†

[NT: 1x] κόμη, -ης, ἡ [in LXX: Nu 6:5, Ez 44:20 (פֶּרַע), al. ;]

the hair: I Co 11:15.†

[NT: 10x] κομίζω [in LXX for נָשָׂא, etc. ;]

1. to take care of.
2. to carry off safe.
3. to carry off as booty.
4. to bear or carry: Lk 7:37. Mid., to bear for oneself, hence,
(a) to receive: He 10:36 11:13, 39, I Pe 1:9 5:4, II Pe 2:13;
(b) to receive back, recover (in cl. so also act.): Mt 25:27, He 11:19; metaph., of requital, II Co 5:10, Col 3:25; παρὰ Κυρίου, Eph 6:8 (cf. ἐκ-, συν-κομίζω).†

* κομψός, -ή, -όν (< κομέω, to take care of),

well-dressed, elegant, fine; compar. neut., κομψότερον ἔχειν (cf. κόμψως ἔχειν, Epict., and colloq. Eng., "to be doing finely"): Jo 4:52.†

[NT: 2x] κονιάω, -ῶ (< κονία, dust, lime), [in LXX: De 27:2, 4 (שִׂיד), Pr 21:9 * ;]

to plaster or whiten over: of tombs, Mt 23:27; fig., of a hypocrite, Ac 23:3.†

[NT: 5x] κονιορτός, -οῦ, ὁ (< κόνις or κονία, dust, ὄρνυμι, to stir up), [in LXX for אָבָק, etc. ;]

in cl., dust stirred up (Ex 9:9, Is 5:24); in NT, simply dust: Mt 10:14, Lk 9:5 10:11, Ac 13:51 22:23.†

[NT: 3x] κοπάζω (< κόπος), [in LXX: Ge 8:1, Es 2:1 7:10 (שָׁכַךְ), Ru 1:18, al. (חָדַל), חָדַל), Jon.1.11-12 (שָׁתַק), al. ;]

to grow weary; of the wind (Hdt., Jh., l.c.), to abate, cease raging: Mt 14:32, Mk 4:39 6:51.†

[NT: 1x] κοπετός, -οῦ, ὁ (< κόπτω, mid.), [in LXX chiefly for מִסְפֵּד ;]

= cl. κομμός, a beating of the head and breast, lamentation: seq. ἐπί c. dat. pers., Ac 8:2.†

[NT: 1x] κοπή, -ῆς, ἡ (< κόπτω), [in LXX: Ge 14:17, Jos 10:20 (נָכָה hi., מַכָּה), De 28:25 (נָגַף), Jth 15:7 * ;]

1. in cl., a stroke, a pounding (as in a mortar).
2. In LXX, a smiting in battle: He 7:1 (LXX).†

[NT: 23x] κοπιάω, -ῶ (< κόπος), [in LXX chiefly for יָגַע ;]

1. (as in cl.) to grow weary: Mt 11:28, Jo 4:6, Re 2:3 (cf. Is 40:31).
2. Hence, in LXX and NT, to work with effort, to toil: absol., Mt 6:23, Lk 5:5 12:27, Jo 4:38, Ac 20:35, I Co 4:12, Eph 4:28, II Ti 2:5; c. acc rei, Jo 4:38; freq. in Paul. Epp., of ministerial labour: I Co 15:10 16:16; seq. ἐν, Ro 16:12, I Th 5:12 (v. M, Th., in l), I Ti 5:17; εἰς, Ro 16:6, Ga 4:11, Phl 2:16, Col 1:29, I Ti 4:10.†

[NT: 23x] κόπος, -ου, ὁ (< κόπτω) [in LXX chiefly for עָמָל, also for [p. 254] אָוֶן, etc. ;]

1. a striking, beating (in Je 45:3 = κοπετός)
2. laborious toil, trouble: Jo 4:38, I Co 3:8 15:58, I Th 3:5; κ. τ. ἀγάπης, I Th 1:3; ἔργα καὶ κ., Re 2:2; κ. καὶ μόχθος, II Co 11:27, I Th 2:9, II Th 3:8; pl., ἐν κ., II Co 6:5 10:15 11:23; ἐκ τ. κ., Re 14:13; κόπονς (-ον) παρέχειν (in cl. more freq. π. πράγματα, πονον), c. dat. pers., Mt 26:10, Mk 14:6, Lk 11:7 18:5, Ga 6:17.†
SYN.: μόλθος, labour; πόνος (q.v.), toil, painful effort; in cl., "π. gives prominence to the effort (work as requiring force), κ. to the fatigue, μ. (chiefly poetic) to the hardship" (Thayer, s.v. κ.)

[NT: 1x] κοπρία, -ας, ἡ [in LXX chiefly for אַשְׁפֹּת ;]

a dung hill (I Ki 2:8, Ps 113:7 al.): Lk 14:35.†
κόπριον, -ου, τό,
[in LXX (pl.): Je 25:33 (דֹּמֶן), Si 22:2, I Mac 2:62 * ;]
= κόπρος, dung: pl., Lk 13:8 (WH, mg., κόφινον κοπρίων).†

[NT: 10x] κόπτω [in LXX for כָּרַת, סָפַד, נָכָה hi., etc. ;]

1. to strike, smite.
2. to cut off: c. acc rei, seq. ἀπό, Mt 21:8; ἐκ, Mk 11:8. Mid., to beat one's breast with grief, to mourn, bewail: Mt 11:17 24:30; c. acc pers., Lk 8:52 23:27; seq. ἐπί, c. acc, Re 1:7 18:9 (cf. ἀνα-, ἀπο-, ἐκ-, ἐν-, κατα-, προ-, προσ-κόπτω).†
SYN.: θρηνέω, q.v

[NT: 1x] κόραξ, -ακος, ὁ [in LXX for עֹרֵב ;]

a raven: Lk 12:24.†

[NT: 8x] κοράσιον, -ου, τό (dimin. of κόρη), [in LXX chiefly for נַעֲרָה, Ru 2:8, al.; in Joel 4:3, Za 8:5 for יַלְדָּה ;]

a colloquial word which survives in MGr. (Kennedy, Sourcs, e154), girl, maiden: Mt 9:24-25 14:11, Mk 5:41-42 6:22, 28.†

*† κορβάν (Rec., T, -βᾶν), indecl. (Heb. קׇרְבָּן),

an offering, a gift offered to God: Mk 7:11 (cf. κορβανᾶς).†

κορβανᾶς, -ᾶ, ὁ (Heb. קׇרְבָּן),

the Temple treasury: Mt 27:6 (cf. κορβάν).†

Κορέ indecl. (in FlJ, -έου), (Heb. קֶרַח)

Korah: Ju 11.†

[NT: 2x] * κορέννυμι (< κόρος, surfeit), [in Symmachus.: Ps 22:27, Al, Ps 103:5 * ;]

to satisfy: pass., τροφῆς, Ac 27:38; metaph., of spiritual things, I Co 4:8.†

κορίνθιος, -α, -ον

Corinthian; as subst., ὁ Κ., a Corinthian: Ac 18:8 27:1-44 (WH, txt., R, omit), II Co 6:11; 1Co, 2Co, tit.†

[NT: 6x] Κόρινθος, -ου, ἡ

Corinth: Ac 18:1, 27 19:1, I Co 1:2, II Co 1:1 1:23, II Ti 4:20.†

[NT: 8x] Κορνήλιος, -ου, ὁ (Lat.)

Cornelius: Ac 10:1 ff.†

[NT: 1x] κόρος, -ου, ὁ (Heb. כֹּר), [in LXX: Le 27:16, Nu 11:32, Ez 45:13 (חֹמֶר); more freq., II Ch 27:5, al.(כֹּר) ;]

a cor, a Hebrew measure (AV, RV, measure): Lk 16:7.†

[NT: 10x] κοσμέω, -ῶ (< κόσμος), [in LXX for עָדָה, תָּקַן, etc. ;]

1. to order, arrange, prepare (in Hom. esp. of marshalling armies): Mt 25:7 (cf. [p. 255] Si 50:9, al.).
2. to adorn, furnish: οἶκον, pass., Mt 12:44, Lk 11:25; μνημεῖα, Mt 23:29; τὸ ἱερόν, pass., Lk 21:5; θεμέλιοι, Re 21:19; νύμφην, pass., Re 21:2; ἐαυτάς, seq. ἐν, I Ti 2:9. Metaph., c. acc pers., I Pe 3:5; c. acc rei, Tit 2:10.†

[NT: 2x] * κοσμικός, -ή, -όν (κόσμος)

1. pertaining to the world or universe.
2. of this world, earthly. He 9:1.
3. In ethical sense, worldly: ἐπιθυμίαι, Tit 2:12.†

[NT: 2x] κόσμιος, -ον (in cl. -α, -ον), (< κόσμος), [in LXX: Ec 12:9 (תָּקַן)* ;]

orderly, decent, modest: I Ti 2:9 (WH, mg., -ίως, q.v.) I Ti 3:2.†

* κοσμίως, adv. (< κόσμος),

decently, fittingly: I Ti 2:9 (WH, mg.).†

[NT: 1x] *† κοσμοκράτωρ, -ορος, ὁ (< κόσμος, κρατέω),

1. in Orphic hymns, al. (v. AR, Eph., l.c.), a ruler of the whole world (and so in Rabbinic writings: קוֺזמוֺקְרָטוֺר).
2. a ruler of this world (in contrast to παντο κράτωρ): οἱ κ. τ. σκότους τούτου, the rulers of this dark world, Eph 6:12.†

[NT: 186x] κόσμος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX: Ge 2:1, De 4:19 17:3, Is 24:21 40:26 (צבא), Ex 33:5, 6 Je 2:32 4:30, Ez 7:20 16:11 23:40 (עֲדִי), Is 61:10 (כְּלִי), al., Wi 2:24 and freq., Si 6:30, al ;]

1. order (Hom., Plat., al.).
2. ornament, adornment, esp. of women (Hom., al.): I Pe 3:3.
3. Later, the world or universe, as an ordered system (Plat., al.): Ac 17:24, Ro 4:13, I Co 3:22, Phl 2:15, He 4:3, al.
4. In late writers only, the world, i.e. the earth (= ἡ οἰκουμένη, cf. Mt 4:8 with Lk 4:5): Mt 4:8, Mk 16:[15], Col 2:20, I Ti 6:7, al.; hence by meton.,
(a) of the human inhabitants of the world: Mt 5:14 15:38, Mk 14:9, Jo 1:10 4:42 12:47, Ro 3:6, I Co 4:13, II Co 5:19, II Pe 2:5, al.;
(b) of worldly affairs or possessions: Mt 16:26, Mk 8:36, Lk 9:25, I Co 7:31, I Jo 2:16, al.;
(c) in ethical sense, of the ungodly: Jo 7:7 14:17, 27 I Co 1:21, Ja 1:27, I Jo 4:4, al.;
(d) metaph.: ὁ κ. τῆς ἀδικίας, Ja 3:6.
SYN.: αἰών, q.v. (cf . also Dalman, Words, 162ff.; Tr., Syn., §lix; Westc., additional note on Jo 1:10; DB, iv, 938ff.).

[NT: 1x] Κούαρτος, -ου, ὁ

(Lat.), Quartus: Ro 16:23.†

κούμ (Tr., txt., κοῦμ, Rec. κοῦμι) (Heb. imperat. masc., used as an interjection, קוּם),

koum (arise): Mk 5:41.†

[NT: 3x] κουστωδία, -ας, ἡ (Lat. custodia),

a guard: Mt 27:65-66 28:11.†

[NT: 1x] κουφίζω (< κοῦφος, light), [in LXX: Ex 18:22, Jon.1.5, al. (קָלַל hi.), Es 5:1, al. ;]

1. intrans., to be light (poetic chiefly).
2. to lighten, make light: c. acc, Ac 27:38.†

[NT: 6x] κόφινος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX: Jg 6:19 (סַל), Ps 81:6 (דּוּד)* ;]

a basket, probably of wicker-work, such as were carried by Jews for food: Mt 14:20 16:9, Mk 6:43 8:19 9:17 13:8, Jo 6:13 (cf. σφυρίς).†

**† κράβαττος (Rec. κράββατος), ου, ὁ (a Macedonian word, = Lat. grabatus, cl. σκίμπους), [in Aquila.: Am 3:12 * ;]

a camp bed, pallet: Mk 2:4, 9 2:11-12 6:55, Jo 5:8-11, Ac 5:15 9:33 (v. Swete, Mk., 24, and cf. κλίνη).†

[NT: 55x] κράζω [in LXX for זָעַק, צָעַק, קָרָא, etc. ;]

in cl. chiefly poët.,
1. prop. onomatop., of the raven, to croak, hence generally, of inartic. cries, to scream, cry out (Æsch., al.): Mk 5:5 9:26 15:39 (Rec., R, mg.), Lk 9:39, al.; of crying for vengeance (cf. Ge 4:10), Ja 5:4.
2. to cry, call [p. 256] out with a loud voice: c. acc rei, Ac 19:32; seq. orat. dir., Mk 10:48, Lk 18:39, al.; (ἐν) φωνῇ μεγάλῃ, Mk 5:7, Re 14:15, al.; λέγων, Mt 8:29, al.; of public teaching, Jo 1:15, Ro 9:27, al.; of importunate prayer (cf. Jb 35:12, Ps 3:5, al.), Ro 8:15, Ga 4:6; pf. with Pres. sense (vernac.; M, Pr., 147), Jo 1:15
SYN.: v.s. βοάω

[NT: 1x] * κραιπάλη (κρεπάλη, WH), -ης, ἡ (cf. κραιπαλάω for שִׁכּוֹר, Is 24:20 29:9)

drunken nausea (EV, surfeiting): Lk 21:34.†
SYN.: κῶμος, revelling; μέθη, drunkeness; οἰνοφλυγία, a debauch; πότος, a drinking bout (v. Tr., Syn., § lxi).

[NT: 4x] κρανίον, -ου, τό (< κάρα, the head), [in LXX: Jg 9:53, IV Ki 9:35 (גֻּלְגֹּלֶת)* ;]

a skull: Mt 27:33, Mk 15:22, Lk 23:33, Jo 19:17.†

[NT: 5x] κράσπεδον, -ου, τό [in LXX: Nu 15:38-39 (צִיצִת) De 22:12, Za 8:23 (כָּנָף)* ;]

1. in cl., an edge, border.
2. In LXX (v. supr.) and NT, a tassel or corner: Mt 9:20 14:36 23:5, Mk 6:56, Lk 8:44.†

[NT: 1x] κραταιός, -ά, -όν (< κράτος), (in cl. poët, form of κρατερός), [in LXX chiefly for חָזַק and cognates ;]

strong, mighty: I Pe 5:6.†

κραταιόω, -ῶ (late form of κρατύνω; < κράτος) [in LXX chiefly for חָזַק ;]

to strengthen; pass., to wax strong: Lk 2:40, I Co 16:13; πνεύματι, Lk 1:80; δυνάμει κ. διὰ τ. πνεύματος, Eph 3:16.†

[NT: 47x] κρατέω, -ῶ (< κράτος), [in LXX chiefly for חָזַק hi., also for אָחַז, etc. ;]

1. to be strong, mighty, hence, to rule, be master, prevail (so chiefly in cl.; in LXX: Es 1:1, I Es 4:38, Wi 14:19, al.).
2. to get possession of, obtain, take hold of (Hdt., Thuc., al.): c. gen. rei (M, Pr., 65), Ac 27:13; τ. χειρός, Mt 9:25, Mk 1:31 5:41 9:27, Lk 8:54; c. acc rei, Mt 12:11; c. acc pers., Mt 14:3 18:28 21:46 22:6 26:4, 48 ff., Mk 3:21 6:17 12:12 14:1, 44 ff, Ac 3:11 24:6, Re 20:2 (cf. II Ki 6:6).
3. to hold, hold fast (Æsch., Polyb., al.): c. acc rei, ἐν τ. δεξιᾷ, Re 2:1. Metaph.: c. acc pers., pass., Ac 2:24; c. acc rei, Re 2:13, 25 3:11; τ. κεφαλήν (i.e. Christ), Col 2:19; τ. παράδοσιν (-εις), λόγον, διδαχήν, Mk 7:3-4, 8 9:10, II Th 2:15, Re 2:14-15; c. gen. rei, He 4:14 6:18; of sins, to retain, Jo 20:23; of re­straint, seq. ἵνα μή, Re 7:1; pass., seq. τοῦ μή, Lk 24:16.†

[NT: 4x] κράτιστος, -η, -ον

superl, of κρατύς (Hom.),
1. strongest, mightiest (Hom.).
2. noblest, best (cf. κρείσσων), most excellent (find., Soph., al.): voc., κρατίστε, as title of honour and respect (DCG, ii, 727a), Lk 1:3, Ac 23:26 24:3 26:25.†

[NT: 12x] κράτος, -εος (-ους), τό [in LXX chiefly for עֹז, Jb 12:16, Ps 90:11 al. ;]

1. strength, esp. as in Hom., of bodily strength.
2. power, might: He 2:14; τὸ κ. τῆς ἰσχύος αὐτοῦ, Eph 1:19 6:10 (Is 40:26, Da TH Da 4:27); τ. δόςης αὐτοῦ, Col 1:11; κατὰ κράτος, mightily, Ac 19:20; a mighty deed, an act of power, Lk 1:51; in doxologies, I Ti 6:16, I Pe 4:11 5:11, Ju 25, Re 1:6 5:13.†

[NT: 9x] κραυγάζω (< κραυγή) [in LXX: Es 3:13 (רוּעַ hi.)* ;] = κράζω

1. of animals, to bay, to croak, etc.
2. Of men, to cry out, shout: [p. 257] Mt 12:19, Jo 12:13 19:15 Ac 22:23; seq. λέγων, Jo 18:40 19:6, 12; καὶ λέγων, Lk 4:41 (WH, κράζ -); φωνῇ μεγάλῃ, Jo 11:43 (cf. Abbott, JV, 269 f.).†

[NT: 6x] κραυγή, -ῆς, ἡ [in LXX for צְוָחָה, תְּרוּעָה, שַׁוְעָה, etc. ;]

crying, outcry, clamour: Mt 25:6, Lk 1:42, Ac 23:9, Eph 4:31, He 5:7, Re 21:4.†

κρέας, -έως, pl., κρέα [in LXX for בָּשָׂר (freq.) ;]

flesh, meat: Ro 14:21, I Co 8:13.†

κρείσσων (Epic and old Att..) and κρείττων (later Att..), prop. comparat. of κρατύς, strong, but in sense often (as in cl., v. LS, s.v.) as comparat. of ἀγαθός, [in LXX chiefly for טוֹב ;]

(a) as to ad­vantage or usefulness: I Co 11:17, He 11:40 12:24; πολλῷ μᾶλλον κ., Phl 1:23; κρεῖσσον ποιεῖν, I Co 7:38; ἐστιν, seq. inf., I Co 7:9, II Pe 2:21;
(b) as to excellence: He 1:4 6:9 7:7, 19 7:22 8:6 9:23 10:34 11:16, 35; κ. ἐστι, seq. inf., I Pe 3:17.†

κρέμαμαι, v.s. κρεμάννυμι.

[NT: 7x] κρεμάννυμι (also κρεμαννύω, κρεμάω; the Pres. is not found in NT), [in LXX (where also κρεμάζω, Jb 26:7) chiefly for תָּלָה ;]

trans., to hang, suspend: c. acc pers., seq. ἐπὶ ξύλου, Ac 5:30 10:39; pass., Lk 23:39; seq. περί, Mt 18:6. Mid., κρέμαμαι, intrans., to hang: seq. ἐκ, Ac 28:4; ἐπὶ ξύλου, Ga 3:13 (LXX); metaph., seq. ἐν, Mt 22:40.†

κρεπάλη, v.s. κραιπάλη.

[NT: 3x] κρημνός, -οῦ, ὁ (< κρεμάννυμι), [in LXX: II Ch 25:12 (סֶלַע)* ;]

a steep bank: Mt 8:32, Mk 5:13, Lk 8:33.†

[NT: 2x] Κρής, ὁ, pl., Κρῆτες

a Cretan: Ac 2:11, Tit 1:12.†

[NT: 1x] Κρήσκης, -εντος (BI., § 10, 4),

Crescens: II Ti 4:10.†

[NT: 5x] Κρήτη, -ης, ἡ (Lat.),

Crete: Ac 27:7, 12-13 27:31, Tit 1:5.†

[NT: 1x] κριθή, -ῆς, ἡ [in LXX for שְׂעֹרָה ;]

barley: pl. (as usually in cl.), Re 6:6.†

[NT: 2x] κρίθινος, -η, -ον (< κριθή), [in LXX for שְׂעֹרָה ;]

of barley: Jo 6:9, 13

[NT: 27x] κρίμα (B1., § 27, 2), -τος, τό (< κρίνω), [in LXX chiefly for מִשְׁפָּט ;]

the issue of a judicial process, hence,
1. judgment, the decision passed on the faults of others: Mt 7:2; in forensic sense, c. gen. pun., Lk 24:20; esp. of the judgment of God, Ro 2:2 5:16 11:33 (ICC, in l), II Pe 2:3, Ju 4; κ. λαμβάνεσθαι, Mt 23:13 (Rec., R, mg.), Mk 12:40, Lk 20:47, Ro 13:2, Ja 3:1; ἔχειν, I Ti 5:12; βαστάζειν, Ga 5:10; ἐσθίειν ἑαυτῷ, I Co 11:29; εἰς κ. συνέρχεσθαι, I Co 11:34; εἶναι ἐν τ αὐτῷ κ., Lk 23:40; c. gen. obj., Ro 3:8, I Ti 3:6, Re 17:1; of God's judgment through Christ, Jo 9:39; τὸ κ. ἄρχεται, I Pe 4:17; τ. κ. τ. μέλλον, Ac 24:25; κ. αἰώνιον, He 6:2; ἔκρινεν ὁ Θεὸς τ. κ. ὐμῶν, Re 18:20; of the right of judgment, Re 20:4.
2. a matter for judgment, a law-suit, a case: I Co 6:7.†

[NT: 2x] κρίνον, -ου, τό [in LXX chiefly for שׁוּשַׁן ;]

a lily: Mt 6:28, Lk 12:27.†

[NT: 114x] κρίνω, [in LXX chiefly for שׁפט, also for ריב ,דּין, etc. ;]

1. to [p. 258] separate, select, choose (cl.; in LXX: II Mac 13:15).
2. to approve, esteem: Ro 14:5.
3. to be of opinion, judge, think: Lk 7:43, I Co 11:13; seq. τοῦτο ὅτι, II Co 5:14; c. acc. et inf., Ac 16:15; c. acc. et pred., Ac 13:46 26:8.
4. to decide, determine, decree: c. acc., Ac 16:4, Ro 14:13, I Co 7:37, II Co 2:1; c. inf. (Field, Notes, 167), Ac 20:16 25:25, I Co 2:2 5:3, Tit 3:12 (cf. I Mac 11:33, Wi 8:9, al.); c. acc. et inf., Ac 21:25 27:1.
5. to judge, adjudge, pronounce judgment: absol., Jo 8:16, 26; seq. κατά, c. acc., Jo 7:24 8:15; κρίσιν κ., Jo 7:24; τ. δίκαιον, Lk 12:57 (Deiss., LAE, 118); in forensic sense, Jo 18:31, Ac 23:3, al.; pass., Ro 3:4 (LXX); of God's judgment, Jo 5:30 8:50, Ro 2:16 3:6, II Ti 4:1, I Pe 4:5, al.
6. = κατακρίνω, to condemn (cl.): Ac 13:27; of God's judgment, Jo 3:18 5:22 12:47, 48, Ac 7:7, Ro 2:12, I Co 11:32, He 10:30 (LXX), Ja 5:9, Re 19:2, al.
7. As in LXX (for שׁפט), to rule, govern ( IV Ki 15:5, Ps 2:10, al.): Mt 19:28, Lk 22:30, I Co 6:3.
8. to bring to trial (cl.); mid., to go to law: c. dat. pers., Mt 5:40; seq. μετά, c. gen. pers. (of the opponent), ἐπί, c. gen. (of the judge), I Co 6:1, 6 (cf. ἀνα-, ἀπο-, ἀντ-απο- (-μαι), δια-, ἐν-, ἐπι-, κατα-, συν-, ὑπο- (-μαι), συν-υπο- (-μαι)).
SYN.: v.s. δικάστης.

[NT: 47x] κρίσις, -εως, ἡ (< κρίνω), [in LXX chiefly for מִשְׁפָּט, also for רִיב, etc. ;]

1. a seperating, selection (Arist., al.)
2. a decision, judgment (cl.): Jo 8:16, I Ti 5:24, II Pe 2:11, Ju 9; κ. κρίνειν, Jo 7:24; in forensic sense, Ac 8:33 (LXX) (v. Page, in l); esp. of the Divine judgment, Jo 3:19 5:24, 27 5:29-30 12:31 16:8, 11, II Th 1:5, He 10:27, Ja 2:13 5:12, II Pe 2:4, Re 18:10; pl., Re 16:7 19:2; of the last judgment, Mt 10:15 11:22, 24 12:36, 41-42 Lk 10:14 11:31-32, He 9:27, II Pe 2:9 3:7, I Jn 4:17, Ju 6 15; τῆς γεέννης, Mt 23:33.
3. By meton. (as in LXX for מִשְׁפָּט, Is 5:7, al.; דִּישׁוֹן, Da 7:10), of the standard of judgment, right, justice: Mt 12:18, 20 (LXX, Isa 42:43) Isa 23:23, Lk 11:42; of the tribunal (a local court), Mt 5:21-22

[NT: 2x] Κρίσπος, -ου, ὁ

Crispus: Ac 18:8, I Co 1:14.†

[NT: 3x] κριτήριον, -ου, τό (< κριτής), [in LXX: III Ki 7:7 (מִשְׁפָּט), Da LXX TH Da 7:10, 26, (דִּין), Su 1:49, Ex 21:6, Jg 5:10 * ;]

1. a means of judging, test, criterion.
2. a tribunal: I Co 6:2 6:4, Ja 2:6.†

[NT: 19x] κριτής, -οῦ, ὁ (< κρίνω), [in LXX chiefly for שָׁפַט ;]

a judge: Mt 5:25, Lk 12:14, 58 18:2; τ. ἀδικίας, Lk 18:6; c. gem rei (obj.), Ac 18:15, Ja 4:11; (qual.), διαλογισμῶν πονηρῶν, Ja 2:4; of a Roman procurator, Ac 24:10; of God, He 12:23, Ja 4:12; Christ, Ac 10:42, II Ti 4:8, Ja 5:9; of those whose conduct is made a standard for judging, Mt 12:27, Lk 11:19; in the OT sense (Jg 2:16, Ru 1:1, al), of a ruler in Israel, Ac 13:20.†
SYN.: δικάστης, q.v

[NT: 1x] * κριτικός, -ή, -όν (< κρίνω),

critical, able to discern or judge: c. gen. obj., He 4:12.†

Κρούω [in LXX: seq. ἐπί Jg 19:22, Ca 5:2 (דָּפַק) ;]

c, acc, τ. αὐλαίαν, Jth 14:14 * ;]
to strike, knock: at a door (Κόπτειν, in Att..), [p. 259] Mt 7:7-8, Lk 11:9-10 12:36, Ac 12:16, Re 3:20; c. acc, τ. θύραν, Lk 13:25, Ac 12:13.†

κρύβω, v.s. κρύπτω.

[NT: 1x] *† κρύπτη (WH, R; κρυπτή, LT, Tr.; -όν, Rec.), -ης, ἡ,

a crypt, cellar: Lk 11:33.†

[NT: 17x] κρυπτός, -ή, -όν (κρύπτω) [in LXX for אָטַם, מִסְתָּר, etc. ;]

hidden, secret: Mt 10:26, Mk 4:22, Lk 8:17 12:2; ὁ κ. τῆς καρδίας ἄνθρωπος, I Pe 3:4; neut., ἐν τῷ κ., Mt 6:4, 6; ἐν κ., Jo 7:4, 10 18:20; ὁ ἐν κ. Ἰουδαῖος, Ro 2:29; pl., τὰ κ. τ. σκότους, I Co 4:5; τ. ἀνθρώπων, Ro 2:16; τ. καρδίας, I Co 14:25; τ. αἰσχύνης, II Co 4:2.†
κρυφαῖος, -αία, -αῖον
(< κρύφα = κρυφῆ) [in LXX for מִסְתָּר, Je 23:24, al. ;]
hidden, secret: ἐν τῷ κ., Mt 6:18.†

Κρύπτω [in LXX for חָבָא, טָמַן, סָתַר, צָפַן, etc. ;]

to hide, conceal: c. acc, Mt 13:44 25:18; seq. ἐν, Mt 25:25 (pass., Mt 13:44, Col 3:3); pass., Mt 5:14, He 11:23, I Ti 5:25, Re 2:17; ἐκρύβη (on the tense and its formation, v. M, Pr., 161; Bl., § 19, 3) κ. ἐξῆλθεν Jo 8:59; seq. εἰς, Lk 13:21, Re 6:15; ἀπό (in cl. more freq. dupl. acc), Re 6:16; pass., Jo 12:36, (Bl., § 34, 4). Metaph.: Mt 11:25 13:35, Lk 11:52, WH, mg., Lk 18:34 19:42, Jo 19:38 (cf.ἀτο-, ἐν-, περι-κρύπτω).†

[NT: 1x] *† κρυσταλλίζω (< κρύσταλλος),

to shine like crystal, be crystal-clear: Re 21:11 (ἅπ, λεγ.).†

[NT: 2x] κρύσταλλος, -ου, ὁ (< κρύος, frost), [in LXX: Jb 38:29, Ps 147:17, Ez 1:22 (קֶרַח), etc. ;]

crystal: Re 4:6 22:1.†

κρυΦῇ (prop. -ῆ, Rec.; later spelling is due to assimilation to dat.; cf. εἰκῆ), adv., [in LXX chiefly for סָתַר ;]

secretly, in secret: Eph 5:12.†

[NT: 7x] κτάομαι, -ῶμαι [in LXX chiefly for קָנָה ;]

in pres., impf., fut. and aor., to procure for oneself, get, gain, acquire (the pf. and plpf., to have acquired, hence to possess, do not occur in NT): c. acc rei, Mt 10:9, Lk 18:12, Ac 8:20; c. gen. pret., Ac 22:28; ἐκ c. gen. pret., Ac 1:18; τ,ψυχὰς ὑμῶν (MM, xvi), Lk 21:19; τ. ἑαυτοῦ σκεῦος κτᾶσθαι, I Th 4:4 (where if σ. = body, κ. must = pf., κέκτημαι; v. MM, xvi; M, Th., in l; Field, Notes, 72 f. But σ. is most freq. taken as = wife; v. Thayer, s.v.; Lft., Notes, 53 ff.; ICC, in l).†

[NT: 4x] κτῆμα, -τος, τό (< κτάομαι), [in LXX for כֶּרֶם, etc. ;]

a possession, property: Mt 19:22, Mk 10:22, Ac 2:45 5:1.†

[NT: 4x] κτῆνος, -ους, τό (< κτάομαι, hence primarily a possession), [in LXX chiefly for בְּהֵמָה Ge 1:25, al., also for מִקְנֶה, צֹנֵא, etc. ;]

a beast, (in late Gk. esp.) a beast of burden: Lk 10:34 pl. (as chiefly in cl.), Ac 23:24, Re 18:13; of quadrupeds, as Opp. to fishes and birds (cf. Ge, l.c.), I Co 15:39.†

[NT: 1x] **† κτήτωρ, -ορος, ὁ (κτάομαι) [in Sm.: Jl 1:11 * ;]

a possessor: Ac 4:34.†

[NT: 15x] κτίζω [in LXX chiefly for בָּרָא, Ps 51:10, al.; also for קָנָה, Ge 14:19, Pr 8:22; יָצַר, Is 22:11 46:11; Wi 2:23, Si 1:4, 9 (and freq.), [p. 260] I Es 4:53, a1. ;]

1. in cl., to people or found a region or city (1Es, l.c.).
2. In LXX and NT, of God, to create: Mk 13:19, I Co 11:9, Col 1:16 3:10 Eph 3:9, I Ti 4:3, Re 4:11 10:6; ὁ κτίσας, Mt 19:4 (WH, R, mg.), Ro 1:25; of the divine operation on the soul, Eph 2:10, 15 4:24 (cf. Ps., l.c.).†

[NT: 19x] κτίσις, -εως, ἡ (< κτίζω), [in LXX: Ps 104:24 (קִנְיָן), Pr 1:13 A (הוֹן), To 8:5, Wi 2:6, Si 16:17, III Mac 2:2, al. ;]

1. a founding, settling, foundation (cl.).
2. In LXX and NT,
(a) the act of creating, creation: Mk 10:6 (Swete, in l), Mk 13:19, Ro 1:20, II Pe 3:4;
(b) that which has been created, creation: Ro 1:25 8:39, He 4:13; καινὴ κ., II Co 5:17, Ga 6:15; πάσῃ ἀνθρωπίνῃ κ. (Hort., in l), I Pe 2:13; collectively, of the sum of created things (Wi 19:6, Jth 16:14), Mk 16:15, Col 1:15, 23 He 9:11, Re 3:14; of the irrational creation, Ro 8:19-22.†

[NT: 4x] ** κτίσμα, -τος, τό (< κτίζω), [in LXX: Wi 9:2 13:5 14:11, Si 36:20 (17), Si 38:34, III Mac 5:11 * ;]

1. (cl.) a colony.
2. a created thing, creature: I Ti 4:4, Ja 1:18, Re 5:13 8:9.†

[NT: 1x] κτίστης, -oυ, ὁ (< κτίζω), [in LXX: II Ki 22:32 (Heb., al.), Jth 9:12, Si 24:8, 2 24:1-34; IV Mac 5:1-38 * ;]

1. (cl.) a founder.
2. a creator: of God, I Pe 4:19.†

κυβεία, v.s. κυβία.

[NT: 1x] κυβέρνησις, -εως, ἡ (< κυβερνάω, Lat. gubernare, to guide), [in LXX: Pr 1:5 11:14 24:6 (תַּחְבֻּלָה) * ;]

1. steering, pilotage (Plat.).
2. Metaph., government: pl., I Co 12:28.†

[NT: 2x] κυβερνήτης, -ου, ὁ (v.s. κυβέρνησις), [in LXX for חֹבֵל, Ez 27:8, 27-28, Pr 23:24, IV Mac 7:1 * ;]

1. a steersman, pilot: Ac 27:11, Re 18:17.
2. Metaph., a guide, governor (Eur., Plat.).†

* κυβία (Mt. -εία, and so Rec.), -ας, ἡ (< κύβος, a cube, a die),

dice-playing; metaph., trickery, sleight: Eph 4:14.†

κυκλεύω (< κύκλος), [in LXX: IV Ki 3:25 B (סָבַב) * ;]

1. to make a circle, go round.
2. to encircle, surround: c. acc pers., Jo 10:24 (Tr., WH, mg.); c. acc rei, Re 20:9.†

[NT: 3x] κυκλόθεν adv., (< κύκλος), [in LXX chiefly for סָבִיב ;]

from all sides, round about: Re 4:3-4, 8,†

κύκλος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX chiefly for סָבִיב ;]

a ring, circle. Dat., κύκλῳ, as adverb., round about, around: Mk 3:34 6:6, 36, Lk 9:12, Ro 15:19; c. gen., Re 4:6 5:11 7:11

[NT: 4x] κυκλόω, -ῶ (< κύκλος), [in LXX chiefly for סָבַב ;]

1. to move in a circle, revolve.
2. to surround, encircle: c. acc pers., Jo 10:24 (WH, txt., cf. -εύω), Ac 14:20; pass., Lk 21:20, He 11:30 (cf. περι-κυκλόω).†

**† κύλισμα, -τος, τό (< κυλίω), [in Sm.: Ez 10:13 * ;]

1. a roll.
2. = κυλισμός (q.v.), a rolling, wallowing (or, as κυλίστρα, Xen., Eq., v. 3, a rolling place): II Pe 2:22 (Rec.).†

**† κυλισμός, -οῦ, ὁ (< κυλίω), [in Th.: Pr 2:18 * ;]

= cl. κύλισις, a rolling, wallowing: II Pe 2:22 (cf. κύλισμα)†

κυλίω late form of κυλίνδω, [in LXX: Jos 10:18, I Ki 14:33, al. [p. 261] (גָּלַל), IV Ki 9:33 (שָׁמַט), al. ;]

to roll, roll along. Pass., to be rolled; of persons (in Hom, as sign of grief), to roll or wallow: Mk 9:20.†

[NT: 4x] * κυλλός, -ή, -όν

1. crooked, crippled: Mt 15:30-31 (WH, txt. om.);
2. maimed: Mt 18:8, Mk 9:43.†

[NT: 5x] κῦμα, -τος, τό (< κύω, to be pregnant, to swell) [in LXX chiefly for גַּל ;]

a wave: pl., Mt 8:24 14:24, Mk 4:37; κ. θαλάσσης, fig., Ju 13.†
SYN.: κλύδων, q.v

[NT: 1x] κύμβαλον, -ου, τό (< κύμβη, a cup), [in LXX chiefly for מְצִלָּה ;]

a cymbal: I Co 13:1.†

[NT: 1x] κύμινον, -ου, τό [in LXX: Is 28:25, 27 (כַּמֹּן)* ;]

cummin: Mt 23:23.†

[NT: 4x] * κυνάριον, -ου, τό (in Att.. also κυνίδιον, dim. of κύων)

a little dog: Mt 15:26-27 Mk 7:27-28

[NT: 3x] Κύπριος, -α, -ον

of Cyprus, Cyprian: Ac 4:36 11:20 21:16.†

[NT: 5x] Κύπρος, -ου, ἡ

Cyprus: Ac 11:19 13:4 15:39 21:3 27:4.†

[NT: 3x] κύπτω [in LXX chiefly for קָדַד ;]

to bow the head, stoop down: Mk 1:7; seq. κάτω, Jo 8:6, 8 (cf. ἀνα-, παρα-, συν-κύπτω).†
[in LXX: IV Ki 9:32 (שָׁקַף hi.)* ;]
to bend down, stoop: Jo 8:8 (κάτω κύψας, Rec., WH, mg.).†

[NT: 6x] Κυρηναῖος, -α, -ον (< Κυρήνη),

of Cyrene, a Cyrenæan: Mt 27:32, Mk 15:21, Lk 23:2, Ac 6:9 11:20 13:1.†

[NT: 1x] Κυρήνη, -ης, ἡ

Cyrene, a city in Libya: Ac 2:10.†

[NT: 1x] Κυρήνιος (prop. -ίνιος, v. Bl., 13; -ῖνος L, -εῖνος, Tr., WH, mg.), -ου, ὁ,

Quirinus, prop. Quirinius: Lk 2:2.†

[NT: 2x] κυρία (Κυρία, T, WH, mg.), -ας, ἡ, [in LXX chiefly for גְּבֶרֶת ;]

a lady: II Jn 1 Jn 5 (on the interpretation, v. ICC, 167 ff.).†

[NT: 2x] **† κυριακός, -ή, -όν (< κύριος), [in LXX: κ. φωνη (Συριακή φ., R), II Mac 15:36 A * ;]

1. as freq. in Inscr. (LS, s.v.; Deiss., BS, 217 f.), of the lord or master, imperial.
2. of the Lord (i.e. Christ): δεῖπνον, I Co 11:20; ἡμέρα, Re 1:10. (cf. λόγια κ., Papias, Eus., HE, iii, 39, 1; γραφαὶ κ., Clem. Alex., etc; for eccl. usage, cf. Soph., Lex., s.v.)†

[NT: 7x] κυριεύω (< κύριος), [in LXX chiefly for מָשַׁל ;]

to be lord or master of, to rule (over): C. gen. obj., Lk 22:25, Ro 14:9, II Co 1:24; absol., I Ti 6:15; metaph., ὁ θάνατος, Ro 6:9; ἡ ἁμαρτία, Ro 6:14; ὁ νόμος, Ro 7:1 (cf. κατα-κυριεύω).†

[NT: 717x] κύριος, -α, -ον (also -ος, -ον), [in LXX (subst.) chiefly for יהוה, also for בַּעַל ,אָדוֹן, etc. ;]

having power (κῦρος) or authority; as subst., ὁ κ., lord, master;
1. in general: c. gen. rei, Mt 9:38 20:8, Mk 12:9 13:35, Lk 19:33; τ. σαββάτου, Mt 12:8, Mk 2:28, Lk 6:5; c. gen. pers., δούλου, etc., Mt 10:24, Lk 14:21, Ac 16:16, al.; absol, opp. to οἱ δοῦλοι, Eph 6:5, 9 al.; of the Emperor (Deiss., LAE, 161), Ac 25:26; θεοὶ πολλοὶ καὶ κ. πολλοί, I Co 8:5; of a husband, I Pe 3:6; in voc, as a title of respect to masters, teachers, magistrates, etc., Mt 13:27 16:22 27:63, Mk 7:28, Lk 5:12, Jo 4:11, Ac 9:5, al.
2. As a divine title (freq. in π.; Deiss., LAE, 353 ff.); in NT,
(a) of God: ὁ κ., Mt 5:33, Mk 5:19, Lk 1:6, Ac 7:33, He 8:2, Ja 4:15, al.; anarth. (Bl., §46, 6), Mt 21:9, Mk 13:20, Lk 1:17, He 7:21, I Pe 1:25, al.; κ. τ. οὐρανοῦ καὶ τ. γῆς, Mt 11:25; τ. κυριευόντων, I Ti 6:15; κ. ὁ θεός, [p. 262] Mt 4:7, 10 al.; id. seq. παντοκράτωρ, Re 4:8; κ. σαβαώθ, Ro 9:29; (ὁ) ἄγγελος κυρίου, Mt 1:20 2:13, Lk 1:11, al.; πνεῦμα κυρίου, Lk 4:18, Ac 8:39;
(b) of the Christ: Mt 21:3, Mk 11:3, Lk 1:43 20:44, al.; of Jesus after his resurrection (Dalman, Words, 330), Ac 10:36, Ro 14:8, I Co 7:22, Eph 4:5, al.; ὁ κ. μου, Jo 20:28; ὁ κ. Ἰησοῦς, Ac 1:21, I Co 11:23, al.; id. seq. Χριστός, Eph 1:2, al.; ὁ κ. ἡμῶν, I Ti 1:14, He 7:14, al.; id. seq. Ἰησοῦς, I Th 3:11, He 13:20, al.; Χριστός, Ro 16:18; Ἰ Χ., I Co 1:2, I Th 1:3, al.; Ἰ. Χ. (Χ. Ἰ) ὁ κ. (ἡμῶν), Ro 1:4, Col 2:6, Eph 3:11, al.; ὁ κ. καὶ ὁ σωτὴρ, II Pe 3:2; id. seq. Ἰ. Χ., ib. 18; anarth., I Co 7:22, 25 Ja 5:4, al.; κ. κυρίων, Re 19:16; c. prep., ἀπὸ (κατὰ, πρὸς, σὺν, etc.) κ., Col 3:24, al.
SYN: v.s. δεσπότης.

[NT: 4x] *† κυριότης, -ητος, ἡ (< κύριος),

lordship, dominion: Eph 1:21, II Pe 2:10, Ju 8; pl., Col 1:16 (cf. Lft., Col,; Mayor, Ju., in ll.; DB, i, 616 f.).†

[NT: 2x] κυρόω, -ῶ (< κῦρος, 1. authority. 2. validity), [in LXX for קוּם ;]

to confirm, ratify, make valid: II Co 2:8; pass., Ga 3:15 (cf. προ-κυρόω).†

[NT: 5x] κύων, κυνός, ὁ, ἡ (in NT masc. only), [in LXX forכֶּלֶב ;]

a dog: Lk 16:21, II Pe 2:22; metaph., as a word of reproach, Mt 7:6, Phl 3:2, Re 22:15.†

[NT: 1x] κῶλον, -ου, τό

a limb, member of a body,
[but in LXX (Le 26:30, Nu 14:29, 32-33, I Ki 17:46, Is 66:24*) for פֶּגֶר ;]
hence, carcase: He 3:17 (LXX).†

[NT: 23x] κωλύω (< κόλος), [in LXX for כָּלָא, מָנַע, etc. ;]

to hinder, re­strain, forbid, withhold: c. acc et inf., Mt 19:14, Lk 23:2, Ac 8:36 16:6 24:23, I Th 2:16, He 7:23; inf. om., Mk 9:38-39 10:14, Lk 9:49-50 11:52 18:16, Ac 11:17, Ro 1:13, III Jn 10; acc om., I Ti 4:3; c. acc pers. et gen. rei, Ac 27:43; c. acc rei, I Co 14:39, II Pe 2:16; id. seq. τοῦ μή, Ac 10:47; id. seq. ἀπό (like Heb. מִן כָּלָא, Ge 23:6, al.), Lk 6:29 (cf. δια-κωλύω).†

[NT: 28x] κώμη, -ης, ἡ [in LXX for בַּת, חָצֵר, עִיר, etc. ;]

a village or country town, prop, as opp. to a walled city: Mt 14:15, Mk 6:6, al.; πόλεις καὶ κ., Mt 9:35, al.; with the name added, Βηθλεέμ, Jo 7:42; Βηθανΐα, Jo 11:1; with the name of the district, τὰς κ. Καισαρίας, Mk 8:27; Σαμαρειτῶν, Lk 9:52, Ac 8:25

[NT: 1x] *† κωμόπολις, -εως, ἡ

a country town: Mk 1:38 (v. Swete, in l).†

[NT: 3x] ** κῶμος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX: Wi 14:23, II Mac 6:4 * ;]

a revel, carousal: Ro 13:13, Ga 5:21, I Pe 4:3.†
SYN.: v.s. κραιπάλη

[NT: 1x] * κώνωψ, -ωπος, ὁ

a gnat: Mt 23:24.†

Κῶς gen. Κῶ, ἡ,

Cos, an island in the Ægean Sea: acc Κῶ, Ac 21:1 (Κῶν, Rec.).†

[NT: 1x] Κωσάμ,

Cosam: Lk 3:28.†

[NT: 14x] κωφός, -ή, -όν (< κόπτω), [in LXX chiefly (Ex 4:11, al.) for אִלֵּם; for חָרָשׁ, Hb 2:18 ;]

blunt, dull. Metaph., of the senses, esp.
(a) of speech, dumb: Mt 9:32-33 12:22 15:30-31, Lk 1:22 11:14;
(b) of hearing, deaf: Mt 11:5, Mk 7:32, 37 9:25, Lk 7:22.†

[p. 263]


Λ, λ, λάμβδα, τό, indecl.,

lambda, l, the eleventh letter. As a numeral, λ' = 30; λ, = 30,000.

[NT: 4x] λαγχάνω [in LXX: I Ki 14:47 (לָכַד, v. Th., Gr., 38), Wi 8:19, 3Mac 61 * ;]

1. to obtain by lot, to obtain (in cl., c. gen.): c. inf. art. (B1., § 36, 3; 71, 3), Lk 1:9; c. acc rei, Ac 1:17, II Pe 1:1.
2. to draw lots: seq. περί, Jo 19:24

[NT: 15x] Λάζαρος, -ου, ὁ

colloquial abbreviation of Ἐλεαζάρ (άζαρος), q.v.),
1. of Bethany: Jo 11:1 ff. Jo 12:1-2, 9-10 12:17.
2. The beggar in the parable: Lk 16:20, 23-25.†

[NT: 4x] λάθρᾳ (Att..; in Hom., -ρῃ, Rec. -ρα), adv., [in LXX chiefly for ‎סֵתֶר ;]

secretly: Mt 1:19 2:7, Mk 5:33 (WH, mg.), Jo 11:28, Ac 16:37.†

[NT: 3x] λαῖλαψ, -απος, ἡ [in LXX: Jb 21:18 27:20 א (סוּפָה) Jb 38:1, Je 25:32 (סַעַר), Wi 5:14, 23, Si 48:9, 12 * ;]

a hurricane, whirlwind: Mk 4:37, Lk 8:23, II Pe 2:17.†
SYN.: θύελλα, q.v., and cf. ἄνεμος

[NT: 1x] * λακτίζω (< λάξ, with the foot),

to kick: Ac 26:14.†

[NT: 296x] λαλέω, -ῶ, [in LXX chiefly for דּבר pi., also for אמר, etc. ;]

1. to utter: of inanimate things, Re 4:1 10:4; metaph., He 11:4 12:24.
2. to talk, speak, say: absol., Mt 9:33 12:46, Mk 5:35, Lk 8:49; seq. ὡς, I Co 13:11, Re 13:11; εἰς, I Co 14:9; ἐκ, Mt 12:34; c. acc. rei, Mt 10:19, Mk 11:32, Jo 8:30, al.; c. dat. pers., Mt 12:46, Lk 24:6, Ro 7:1, al.; c. acc. rei et dat. pers., Mt 9:18, Jo 10:6, al.; c. prep., πρός, μετά, περί, Mk 6:50, Lk 1:19 2:33, al.; ἐν, ἐξ, ἀπό, Mt 13:3, Jo 12:49 14:10, al.; λ. τ. λόγον, Mk 8:32, al.; seq. orat. dir. (not cl.), Mk 14:31, He 5:5 11:18; Hebraistically (Dalman, Words, 25f.), ἐλάλησε λέγων, Mt 14:27, Jo 8:12, Ac 8:26, al.
SYN.: v.s. λέγω.

λαλία, -ᾶς, ἡ [in LXX chiefly for דָּבָר, דִּבְרָה ;]

1. loquacity = Very talkative.
2. talk, speech, conversation: Mt 26:73 (cf. Ca 43), Jo 4:42 8:43.†

[NT: 2x] λαμά (Heb. מָה, v.l. λεμά = Aram. לְמָא)

why: Mt 27:46 (WH, mg., λεμά TTr., WH, txt., λεμά L), Mk 15:34 (λεμά LT, λαμμᾶ, Rec.).†

[NT: 258x] λαμβάνω, [in LXX chiefly for לקח, also for אחז ,לכד ,נשׂא, etc. ;]

1. to take, lay hold of: absol., Mt 26:26, Mk 14:22; c. acc. rei, Mt 5:40 26:52, al. mult.; c. acc. pers., Mt 21:35, Mk 12:3, al.; pleonastic λαβών (M, Pr., 230; Bl., §74, 2), Mt 13:31 14:19, al.; so also indic., Mk 7:27, Jo 19:1, 40 Re 8:5, al.; metaph., c. acc. rei, ἀφορμήν, Ro 7:8, 11; ὑδόδειγμα, Ja 5:10; id. c. acc. pers., φόβος, Lk 7:16; πνεῦμα, Lk 9:39; πειρασμός, I Co 10:13; aoristic pf. (M, Pr., 145, 238; BL, §59, 4), Re 5:7 8:5, al.
2. to receive: absol., opp. to αἰτεῖν, Mt 7:8, al.; διδόναι, Mt 10:8, Ac 20:35; c. acc. rei, Mt 27:6, Mk 10:3o, al. mult.; c. acc. pers., Jo 6:21 13:20 19:27, II Jo 10; ῥαπίσμασιν (a vulgarism; Bl., §38, 3), Mk 14:65; metaph., τ. λόγον, Mt 13:20, Mk 4:16; τ. μαρτυρίαν, Jo 3:11; τ. ῥήματα, [p. 264] Jo 12:48; πρόσωπον (Heb. נָשָׂא פָּנִים, Dalman, Words, 30), Lk 20:21, Ga 2:6; ζωὴν αἰώνιον (Dalman, op. cit., 124f.), Mk 10:30 (cf. ἀνα-, ἀντι-, συν-αντι- (-μαι), ἀπο-, ἐπι-, κατα-, μετα-, παρα-, συν-παρα-, προ-, προσ-, συν-, συν-περι-, ὑπο-λαμβάνω).

[NT: 1x] Λάμεχ, indecl. (Heb. לֶמֶךְ),

Lamech (Ge 5:25): Lk 3:36.†

λαμμᾶ, v.s. λαμά.

[NT: 9x] λαμπάς, -άδος, ἡ (< λάμπω), [in LXX for לַפִּיד ;]

a torch (freq. fed, like a lamp, with oil): Mt 25:1 ff., Jo 18:3, Ac 20:8, Re 4:5 8:10.†

[NT: 9x] ** λαμπρός, -ά, -όν (< λάμπω), [in LXX: To 13:11, Wi 6:12 17:20, Si 29:22 33:13 (Si 30:25) Si 31:23, Ep. Je 60 * ;]

bright, brilliant: ποταμός, Re 22:1 (ΕΥ, clear); ἀστήρ, Re 22:16; of clothing, brilliant, splendid: Lk 23:11, Ac 10:30, Ja 2:2-3, Re 15:6 18:14 19:8.†

[NT: 1x] λαμπρότης, -ητος, ἡ [in LXX: Ps 110:3 (הָדָר), al. ;]

brightness, brilliancy: τ. ἡλίου, Ac 26:13.†

[NT: 10x] * λαμπρῶς adv.,

splendidly: of sumptuous fare (as freq.; cf. ἐδέσματα λαμπρά, Si 29:22), Lk 16:19.†

[NT: 7x] λάμπω [in LXX for נָגַהּ, etc. ;]

to shine: Mt 5:15-16 17:2, Lk 17:24, Ac 12:7, II Co 4:6 (cf. ἐκ-, περι-λάμπω).†

[NT: 6x] λανθάνω [in LXX for עָלַם ni., etc. ;]

to escape notice, be hidden (from): Mk 7:24, Lk 8:47; c. acc pers., Ac 26:26, II Pe 3:5 3:8; as in common cl. idiom, seq. ptcp., ἔλαθον ξενίσαντες, entertained unawares, He 13:2 (cf. ἐκ-, ἐπι-λανθάνω).†

[NT: 1x] λαξευτός, -ή, όν (< λαξεύω; < λᾶς, a stone, ξέω, to scrape), [in LXX: De 4:49 (פִּסְגָּה); in Aq.: Nu 21:20; Th.: Jg 7:11 * ;]

hewn (in stone); Lk 23:53 (elsewhere κοινή writers use λατομητός, IV Ki 12:12, al.; cf. λατομέω).†

Λαοδικεία, v.s. Λαοδικία.

[NT: 1x] Λαοδικεύς, -έως, ὁ

a Laodicean: Col 4:16.†

Λαοδικία (Rec. -εία), -ας, ἡ

Laodicea, a city on the Lycus in Phrygia: Col 2:1 4:13, 15-16, Re 1:11 3:14.†

[NT: 142x] λαός, -οῦ, ὁ, [in LXX very freq. for עַם, Ge 14:16, al.; occasionally for לְאֹם ( Ge 25:23, al.), etc. ;]

a word rarely found in Att. prose;
1. the people at large (Hom., al.), esp. of people assembled: Mt 27:25, Lk 1:21 3:15 al.; pl. (Hom., al., π.; v. MM, xvi), Ac 4:27.
2. a people, those of the same race and language (Pind., Æsch., al.: in LXX, Ge 26:11, Ex 9:16, al.): joined with γλῶσσα, φυλή, ἔθνος, Re 5:9 7:9 11:9, al.; pl., Lk 2:31, Ro 15:11; esp. as almost always in LXX, of Israel, Mt 4:23, Mk 7:6, Lk 2:10, Jo 11:50, He 2:17, al.; opp. to τ. ἔθνη, Ac 26:17, 23 Ro 15:10; πρεσβύτεροι (πρῶτοι, etc.) τοῦ λ., Mt 21:23, Lk 19:17, Ac 4:8, al.; ὁ λ. μου (αὐτοῦ, τ. θεοῦ), Mt 2:6, Lk 1:68, He 11:25, al.; of the people disting. from the rulers and priests ( I Es 1:10, Jth 8:9, al.), Mt 26:5, Lk 20:19, He 5:3, [p. 265] al.; of Christians, as the people of God, Ac 15:14, Ro 9:25, 26 He 4:9; περιούσιος, Tit 2:14; εἰς περιποίησιν, I Pe 2:9 (LXX).
SYN.: v.s. δῆμος.

[NT: 1x] λάρυγξ, -γγος, ὁ [in LXX chiefly for חֵךְ, Jb 6:30, al; Ps 5:9 (גָּרוֹן) ;]

the larynx, throat: metaph., of speech (cf. Si 6:5), Ro 3:13 (LXX).†

Λασέα (Rec. -αία), -ας, ἡ

Lasea, a city of Crete, otherwise un­known: Ac 27:8.†

* λάσκω

1. (in cl., poët.) to clang, crash, crack; in late prose, to crack or burst noisily: Ac 1:18 (ἐλάκησεν, perh., however, from λακέω, q.v.; Bl., in l).
2. (in cl., prose) to scream, shout.†
λακέω, Dor. for ληκέω = λάσκω, q.v

[NT: 2x] λατομέω, -ῶ (< λατόμος, a stonecutter, IV Ki 12:12, al.; < λᾶς, τέμνω; cf. λαξευτός) [in LXX: I Ch 22:2, al. (חָצַב); Ex 21:33, Num_21:18 (כָּרָה) ;]

to hew, hew out stones: Mt 27:60, Mk 15:46.†

[NT: 5x] λατρεία, -ας, ἡ (< λατρεύω, q.v.), [in LXX (always of divine service): Ex 12:25-26 13:5, Jos 22:27, I Ch 28:13 (עֲבֹדָה), I Mac 1:43 Mac 2:19 Mac 2:22, III Mac 4:14 * ;]

1. hired service, service.
2. (in cl. also) divine service, worship: Jo 16:2, Ro 9:4 12:1, He 9:1, 6.†

[NT: 21x] λατρεύω (< λάτρις, a hired servant), [in LXX (always, as λατρεία, of the service of God or of heathen divinities) chiefly for עָבַד, Ex 3:12, al.; in Da LXX TH (Da 3:12, al.) for פְּלַח ;]

1. to work for hire.
2. to serve; in cl., also of divine service, to serve, worship, and so always in NT: c. dat. pers., τ. θεῷ, Mt 4:10, Lk 4:8 (LXX), Ac 7:7 24:14 27:23, He 9:14, Re 7:15 22:3; of idol worship (cf. Ex 20:5, Ez 20:32), Ac 7:42, Ro 1:25; τ. θεῷ. ἐν τ. πνεύματί μου, Ro 1:9; id. ἐν καθαρᾷ συνειδήσει, II Ti 1:3; μετ' εὐλαβείας κ. δέους, He 12:28; ἐν ὁσιότητι κ. δικαιοσύνῃ, Lk 1:74; (without θεῷ) νηστείαις κ. δεήσεσι, Lk 2:37; πνεύματι θεοῦ, Phl 3:3; absol., Ac 26:7; ὁ λατρεύων, the worshipper, He 9:9 10:2; of ministerial service, c. dat. rei, He 8:5 13:10.†
SYN.: λειτουργέω, q.v

[NT: 4x] λάχανον, -ου, τό (λαχαίνω, to dig), [in LXX: Ge 9:3; III Ki 21:2, Ps 37:2, Pr 15:17 (יֶרֶק, יָרָק) * ;]

a garden herb, vegetable: Lk 11:42; usually in pl., Mt 13:32, Mk 4:32, Ro 14:2.†
SYN.: βοτάνη, q.v

λεββαῖος, -ου, ὁ (on the derivation, v. Dalman, Words, 50; Swete, Mk., l.c.),

Lebbæus: Mt 10:3, Mk 3:18 (WH, mg.; Θαδδαῖος, q.v., Rec., WH, txt., RV, cf. WH, App., 11, 24. In Lk 6:15, Ac 1:13, he is called Σίμων ὁ Ζηλωτής.)†

[NT: 4x] *† λεγιών (Rec. -εών), -ῶνος, ἡ, (Lat. legio),

a legion: Mt 26:53, Mk 5:9, 15, Lk 8:30.†

[NT: 2335x] λέγω, [in LXX very freq., chiefly for אמר; λέγει for נְאֻם, Ge 22:16, al. ;]

1. in Hom., to pick out, gather, reckon, recount.
2. In Hdt. and Att., to say, speak, affirm, declare: absol., Ac 13:15, 24:10; seq. orat. dir., Mt 9:34, Mk 3:11, Jo 1:29, al.; seq. ὅτι recit., Mk 3:21, Lk 1:24, Jo 6:14, al.; acc. et. inf., Lk 11:18, Jo 12:29, al.; after another verb [p. 266] of speaking, προσφωνεῖν κ. λέγειν, Mt 11:17, al.; ἀπεκρίθη (ἐλάλησεν) λέγων (καὶ λέγει; Dalman, Words, 24 ff.), Mt 25:9, Mk 3:33, 7:28, Lk 24:6, 7, al.; of unspoken thought, λ. ἐν ἑαυτῷ, Mt 3:9, Lk 3:8, al.; of writing, II Co 8:8, Phl 4:11, al.; λέγει ἡ γραφή, Ro 4:3, Ja 2:23, al.; c. acc. rei, Lk 8:8, 9:33, Jo 5:34, al.; σὺ λέγεις (a non-committal phrase; Swete, Mk., 359, 369f.), Mt 27:11, Mk 15:2, Lk 23:3, Jo 18:37; c. dat. pers., seq. orat. dir., Mt 8:20, Mk 2:17, al. mult.; id. seq. ὅτι, Mt 3:9, al.; c. prep., πρός, μετά, περί, etc., Mk 4:41, Jo 11:56, He 9:5, al.; to mean (cl.), Mk 14:71, Jo 6:71, I Co 10:29, al.; to call, name, Mk 10:18; pass., Mt 9:9, Mk 15:7, al (cf. ἀντι-, δια- (-μαι), προ-, συλ-λέγω).
SYN.: λαλέω, which refers to the utterance, as λέγω to the meaning of what is said, its correspondence with thought (Tr., Syn., Ixxvi; Thayer, s.v. λαλέω).

[NT: 1x] λεῖμμα (WH, λίμμα, v. their App., 154), -τος, τό (< λείπω), [in LXX: IV Ki 19:4 A (שְׁאֵרִית)* ;]

a remnant: Ro 11:5.†

[NT: 1x] λεῖος, -εία, -εῖον [in LXX: Ge 27:11, I Ki 17:40 R (חָלַק, חַלֻּק); ὁδὸς λ., Is 40:4 Α (בִּקְעָה); Pr 2:20 12:13 26:23 * ;]

smooth: opp. to τραχύς, Lk 3:5 (LXX).†

[NT: 6x] λείπω [in LXX: Jb 4:11, Pr 19:4 (פָּרַד), al. ;]

1. trans., to leave, leave behind; pass., to be left behind, to lack seq. prep. (as more usual in cl.), ἐν, Ja 1:4; c. gen. rei, Ja 1:5 2:15.
2. Intrans., to be gone, to be wanting: c. dat. pers., Lk 18:22, Tit 3:13; τὰ λείποντα, Tit 1:5
(cf. ἀπο-, δια-, ἐκ-, ἐπι-, κατα-, ἐν-κατα-, περι-, ὑπο-λείπω).†

[NT: 3x] λειτουργέω, -ῶ (< λειτουργός), [in LXX chiefly for שָׁרַת pi., also for עָבַד, צָבָא, etc. ;]

1. in cl., at Athens, to supply public offices at one's own cost, render public service to the State, hence, generally,
2. to serve the State, do a service, serve (of service to the Gods, Diod., i, 21): of the official service of priests and Levites (Ex 29:30, Nu 16:9, Si 4:14, I Mac 10:42, al.; cf. Deiss., BS, 140 f.), He 10:11; of Christians: c. dat. pers. seq. ἐν, Ro 15:27 (cf. Si 10:25); τ. κυρίῳ, Ac 13:2.†
SYN.: λατρεύω (q.v.), prop., to serve for hire, LXX (as some­times in cl.), always of service to the deity on the part of both priests and people (Ex 4:3, De 10:12, and similarly in NT). λειτουργέω "is the fulfilment of an office: it has a definite representative character, and corresponds with a function to be discharged". It is therefore used of serving in an office or ministry: in LXX always of priests and Levites, in NT, with its cognates (Ro 13:6 15:27, are not really exceptions), of services rendered either to God or man by apostles, prophets, teachers, and other officers of the church (cf. Tr., Syn., § xxxv; ICC on Ro 1:9; Westc., He., 232 ff.)

[NT: 6x] λειτουργία, -ας, ἡ (< λειτουργέω), [in LXX chiefly for עֲבֹדָה, Nu 4:24, I Ch 9:13, al. ;]

1. in cl. (chiefly of Athens), the discharge of a public office at one's own expense (v. LS, s.v.), hence,
2. a service, ministry; in π. (Deiss., BS, 140 f.) and in LXX (though here also of secular service, III Ki 1:4, al.), of religious service or ministration; and [p. 267] so in NT: of priestly ministrations, Lk 1:23, He 8:6 9:21; fig., θυσία καὶ λ. τῆς πίστεως ὑμῶν, Phl 2:17; of Christian beneficence, II Co 9:12, Phl 2:30.†

[NT: 1x] λειτουργικός, -ή, -όν [in LXX for עֲבֹדָה, שָׁרַת; ἔργα, Num_7:5; στολαί Ex 31:10 39:32; σκευή, Nu 4:12, 26, II Ch 24:14 * ;]

of or for service, ministering: πνεύματα, He 1:14.†

[NT: 5x] λειτουργός, -οῦ, ὁ (< λιός, ἔργον), [in LXX chiefly for שָׁרַת, Jos 1:1 A, III Ki 10:5, Ps 103:21, Si 7:30, al. ;]

1. in cl., one who discharges a public office at his own expense, then, generally,
2. a public servant, a minister, servant: τ. ἁγίων λ., He 8:2 (cf. Ne 10:39, Sir, l.c.); Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ, Ro 15:16; pl., τ. θεοῦ, Ro 13:6, He 1:7 (LXX); λ. ὑμῶν τ. χρείας μου, Phl 2:25.†
SYN.: v.s. διάκονος, λειτουργέω

λεμά, v.s. λαμά .

[NT: 2x] λέντιον, -ου, τό (Lat. linteum),

a linen cloth, towel: Jo 13:4-5.†

[NT: 1x] λεπίς, -ίδος, ἡ (< λέπω, to peel) [in LXX chiefly for קַשְׂקֶשֶׂת ;]

a scale: Ac 9:18

[NT: 4x] λέπρα, -ας, ἡ (< λεπρός), [in LXX for צָרַעַת ;]

leprosy: Mt 8:3, Mk 1:42, Lk 5:12-13

[NT: 9x] λεπρός, -ά, -όν (< λεπίς), [in LXX for צָרַע ;]

1. (in cl.) scaly, rough.
2. leprous; chiefly as subst., ὁ λ., a leper: Mt 8:2 10:8 11:5, Mk 1:40, Lk 4:27 7:22 17:12; of Simon, formerly a leper, Mt 26:6, Mk 14:3.†

* λεπτός, -ή, -όν (λέπω, to peel),

1. peeled.
2. fine, thin, small, light; hence, in late Gk., as subst. τὸ λ., a small coin (one-eighth of an as, AV, mite): Mk 12:42, Lk 12:59 21:2.†

Λευεί (indecl.) and Λευείς (Rec. -υΐ, -υΐς), gen. Λευεί, acc -είν, ὁ (Heb. H3878)

1. the son of Jacob: He 7:5, 9, Re 7:7.
2. Son of Melchi: Lk 3:24.
3. Son of Simeon: Lk 3:29.
4. Son of Alphæus (cf. Μαθθαῖος): Mk 2:14 (WH, mg., Ἰάκωβον), Lk 5:27, 29.†

Λευείτης (Rec. Λευΐτης), -ου, ὁ [in LXX for לֵוִיִּי ;]

a Levite: Lk 10:32, Jo 1:19, Ac 4:36.†

Λευειτικός (Rec. Λευϊτ-), -ή, -όν [in LXX: Le, tit.* ;]

Levitical: He 7:11.†

[NT: 2x] λευκαίνω (< λευκός), [in LXX: Ps 51:7, Is 1:18 (לָבַן hi.), etc. ;]

to whiten, make white: c. acc rei, Mk 9:3, Re 7:14.†

λευκο-βύσσινος, -ον (cf. λευκολινής, a robe of white flax, C.I., 155, 17),

white linen: Re 19:14 (WH, mg.).†
λευκός, ή, -όν
[in LXX chiefly for לָבָן ;]
1. bright, brilliant: of clothing, Mt 17:2, Mk 9:3 16:5, Lk 9:29, Ac 1:10, Re 3:5 4:4 6:11 7:9, 13 19:14 (cf. Ec 9:8); ὡς χιών, Mt 28:3; ἐν λ.. (sc. ἱματίοις), Jo 20:12, Re 3:4; θρόνος, Re 20:11.
2. white: Mt 5:36, Re 1:14 2:17 4:4 6:2 14:14 19:11; fig., of garments, Re 3:18; of ripened grain, Jo 4:35.†

[p. 268]

[NT: 9x] λέων, -οντος, ὁ [in LXX chiefly for אֲרִי, אַרְיֵה, also for כְּפִיר, etc. ;]

a lion: He 11:33, I Pe 5:8, Re 4:7 9:8, 17 10:3 13:2; metaph., II Ti 4:17, Re 5:5.†

[NT: 1x] λήθη, -ης, ἡ (< λήθω = λανθάνω) [in LXX: Le 5:15 (מַעַל), Wi 16:11, Si 14:7, al. ;]

forgetfulness: λ. λαβεῖν (on the phrase, v. Mayor, in l): II Pe 1:9.†

λημά, T, for λαμά, q.v., in Mt 27:46.†

[NT: 1x] λῆμψις (Rec. λῆψις, so in cl.), -εως, ἡ (< λαμβάνω), [in LXX (λῆψ-): Pr 15:29; λ. δώρων, Pr 15:27 (מַתָּנָה); λ. καὶ δόσις, Si 41:19 42:7 * ;]

receiving: δόσις καὶ λ., Phl 4:15.†

[NT: 5x] ληνός, -οῦ, ἡ (in some MSS., LXX and NT, ), [in LXX chiefly for יֶקֶב Nu 18:27, al.; also for רַהַט (Ge 30:38, 41), גַּת (Ne 13:15, al.), etc. ;]

a trough or vat; esp. for the treading of grapes: Mt 21:33, Re 14:20 19:16; τὴν λ. . . . τὸν μέγαν (a solecism perhaps inadvertent), Re 14:19 (cf. ὑπολήνιον).†

[NT: 1x] ** λῆρος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX: IV Mac 5:10 * ;]

silly talk, nonsense: Lk 24:11.†

[NT: 15x] λῃστής, -οῦ, ὁ (< Ep. ληίς = λεία, booty), [in LXX for גְּדוּד, etc. ;]

a robber, brigand: Mt 21:13 (LXX) Mt 26:55 27:38, 44, Mk 11:17 14:48 15:27, Lk 10:30, 36 19:46 22:52, Jo 10:1, 8 18:40, II Co 11:26.†
SYN.: κλέπτης, q.v

λῆψις, v.s. λῆμψις.

[NT: 12x] λίαν, adv. [in LXX chiefly for מְאֹד Ge 1:31 4:5, Je 24:3, al.; To 9:4, II Mac 11:1, al. ;]

very, exceedingly: Mt 2:16 4:8 8:28 27:14 Mk 1:35 6:51 (Rec. λ. ἐκ περισσοῦ) Mk 9:3 16:2, Lk 23:8, II Ti 4:15, II Jn 4, III Jn 3 (cf. ὑτερλίαν).†

[NT: 2x] λίβανος, -ου, ὁ (rarely ), (from the Semitic; cf. the Heb. equiv.), [in LXX for לְבוֹנָה Ex 30:34, Is 60:6; Si 24:15, al. ;]

1. in cl., the frankincense-tree.
2. (Occas. in cl.) frankincense (so Le 2:1; cf. λιβανωτός): Mt 2:11, Re 18:13.†

[NT: 2x] λιβανωτός, -οῦ, ὁ (< λίβανος), [in LXX: I Ch 9:29, III Mac 5:2 * ;]

1. in cl. (and LXX), frankincense, the gum of the libanus.
2. = Late Gk., λιβανωτρίς, a censer: Re 8:3, 5 (the same form appears in Inscr.; MM, xvi).†

Λιβερῖτνος, -ου, ὁ (Lat. libertinus),

a freedman: ἡ συναγωγὴ ἡ λεγομένη Λιβερτίνων Ac 6:9 (Bl. thinks the original reading was Λιβυστίνων, Phil. Gosp., 69 f.).†

[NT: 1x] Λιβύη, -ης, ἡ

Libya: Ac 2:10.†

[NT: 9x] λιθάζω (< λίθος), [in LXX (seq. ἐν λίθοις): II Ki 16:6 16:13 (סָקַל pi.)* ;]

1. to throw stones (Arist., Polyb., al.).
2. = λιθοβολέω (LXX, NT), to pelt with stones, to stone: c. acc pers., Jo 8:6 10:31-31 11:8, Ac 14:10; pass., Ac 5:26, II Co 11:25, He 11:37 (v. DB, Art., " Crimes and punish­ments," and cf. κατα-λιθάζω).†

[p. 269]

[NT: 3x] λίθινος, -η, -ον (λίθος) [in LXX for אֶבֶן ;]

of stone: Jo 2:6, II Co 3:3, Re 9:20.†

[NT: 7x] λιθο-βολέω, -ῶ (< λίθος, βάλλω), [in LXX for סָקַל, רָגַם, Ex 19:13, Le 20:2, al. ;]

to pelt with stones, to kill by stoning, to stone (cf. λιθάζω): c. acc pers., Mt 21:35 23:37, Lk 13:34 Ac 7:58-59 14:5; pass., He 12:20 (LXX).†

[NT: 59x] λίθος, -ου, ὁ (and, in Att.., of precious stones, ἡ.) [in LXX for אֶבֶן, Ge 11:3, al.; λ. τίμιος, for פָּז, Ps 19:10 21:3, Pr 8:19, al. ;]

a stone: Mt 4:6, al.; pl., Mt 3:9, al.; at the entrance of a tomb, Mt 27:60, 66 28:2, Mk 15:46 16:3-4, Lk 24:2, Jo 11:38, 32 11:41 20:1; λ. μυλικός, Lk 17:2, cf. Re 18:21; of building stones, Mt 21:42, [44], Mt 24:2, Mk 12:10 13:1-2, Lk 19:44 20:17-18 21:5-6 Ac 4:11, I Pe 2:7; metaph., of Christ, λ. ἀκρογωναῖος, ἐκλεκτός, ἔντιμος, I Pe 2:6 (LXX); λ. ζῶν, I Pe 2:4; προσκόμματος, I Pe 2:8, Ro 9:33; of Christians, λ. ζῶντες, I Pe 2:5; of precious stones, λ. τίμιος, Re 17:4 18:12, 16 21:11, 19; ἴασπις, Re 4:3; ἐνδεδυμένοι λ. καθαρόν, Re 15:6 (λίνον, Rec., R, mg., v. Swete, in l); metaph., λ. τίμιοι, I Co 3:12; of the tables of the law, II Co 3:7; of idols, Ac 17:29

[NT: 1x] λιθό-στρωτος, -ον (< στρώννυμι), [in LXX: II Ch 7:3, Es 1:6, Ca 3:10 (רִצְפָּה, רָצַף)* ;]

paved with stones, esp. of tessallated work (Ca, i.e.); as subst., τὸ λ., a tessallated pavement: Jo 19:13 (cf. Γαββαθᾶ).†

[NT: 2x] λικμάω, -ῶ (< λικμός = λίκνον, a winnowing-fan), [in LXX chiefly for זָרָה ni., pi., Ru 3:2 III Ki 14:15, Is 17:13, Je 31:10, Da 2:44, al. ;]

1. in cl., to winnow (so Ru, l.c.).
2. In LXX (ll c., exc. Ru), to scatter (as chaff or dust): Lk 20:18 (RV, scatter as dust, Deiss., BS, 225 f., quotes ex. in π. which suggests the meaning ruin, destroy; cf. Vg. comminuet, AV, grind to powder; cf. also Kennedy, Sources, 126), Mt 21:44 [WH], R, txt.†

λιμά, T7, for λαμά, q.v.

[NT: 2x] λιμήν, -ένος, ὁ [in LXX: Ps 107:30 (מָחוֹז), Ps 107:35, I Es 5:55 Es 5:1-2 Es 5:1-73 IV Macc 7:1-23 * ;]

a harbour, haven: Ac 27:8, 12 (cf. Καλοὶ Λιμένες).†

λίμμα, v.s. λεῖμμα.

[NT: 11x] λίμνη, -ης, ἡ [in LXX: Ps 107:35 114:8 (אֲגַם), Ca 7:5 (בְּרֵכָה) I Mac 11:35, II Mac 12:16 * ;]

a lake: of the Sea of Galilee (Mt, Mk, v.s. θάλασσα), Lk 5:2 8:22-23, 33; λ. Γεννησαρέτ (q.v.), Lk 5:1; λ. τ. πυρός, Re 19:20 20:10, 14-15; καιομένη πυρί, Re 21:8.†

[NT: 12x] λιμός, -οῦ, ὁ (so in Att..; in Dor. , and so sometimes in LXX, v. Th., Gr., 146; in NT: Lk 15:14, Ac 11:28; cf. M, Pr., 60), [in LXX chiefly for רָעָב ;]

hunger, famine: Lk 4:25 15:14, 17, Ac 7:11 (LXX) Ac 11:28, Ro 8:35, Re 6:8 18:8; λ. καὶ δίψος, II Co 11:27; pl., Mt 24:7, Mk 13:8, Lk 21:11.†

[NT: 2x] λίνον (Tr. λῖνον), -ου, τό [in LXX: Ex 9:31 (פִּשְׁתָּה), al. ;]

1. flax: Mt 12:20 (LXX).
2. linen: Re 15:6 (R, mg., v.s. λίθος).†

[NT: 1x] Λίνος (Rec. Αῖνος), ου, ὁ

Linus: II Ti 4:21.†

[NT: 1x] λιπαρός, -ά, -όν (< λίπος, fat), [in LXX: Jg 3:29, Ne 9:35, Is [p. 270] 30:23 (שָׁמֵן)* ;]

oily, fatty; metaph., of living, rich, dainty: τὰ λ. καὶ τ. λαμπρά, Re 18:14.†

[NT: 2x] *† λίτρα, -ας, ἡ (cf. Lat. libra),

1. a Sicilian coin = Rom. libra or as.
2. In weight, a pound: Jo 12:3 19:39.†

[NT: 1x] λίψ, λιβός, ὁ [in LXX chiefly for נֶגֶב, also for תֵּימָן, מַעֲרָב, etc., Ge 13:14, Nu 2:10, II Ch 32:30, al. ;]

the SW. wind: βλέποντα κατὰ λ., Ac 27:12 (v. Page, in l; Deiss., ES, 141).†

[NT: 2x] λογεία, v.s. λογία.

λογία (prop., -εία, v. BS, 142 ff.), -ας, ἡ (< λογεύω, to collect, a word found in π., v. Deiss., BS, l.c.; LAE, 70, 103; MM, xvi),

a collection: I Co 16:1-2.†

[NT: 40x] λογίζομαι (< λόγος), [in LXX chiefly for חָשַׁב ;]

1. prop., of numerical calculation, to count, reckon: c. acc seq. μετά, Mk 15:23 (LXX) (Rec., R, mg.), Lk 22:37.
2. Metaph., without reference to numbers, by a reckoning of characteristics or reasons;
(a) to reckon, take into account: c. acc rei, I Co 13:5; id. seq. dat. pers., Ro 4:3 (LXX), Ro 4:4, 6 4:8 (LXX), II Co 5:19, II Ti 4:16; seq. εἰς (cf. Heb. ל חָשַׁב; Bl., § 33, 3), Ac 19:27, Ro 2:26 4:3, 5 4:9-11, 22-24 9:8 Ga 3:6 (LXX), Ja 2:23 (LXX);
(b) to consider, calculate: c. acc rei, Phl 4:8; seq. ὅτι, Jo 11:50, He 11:10; τοῦτο, ὅτι, II Co 10:11; c. acc pers., c. inf., Ro 6:11; seq. ὡς, Ro 8:36 (LXX);
(c) to suppose, judge, deem: I Co 13:11; ὡς, I Pe 5:12; οὕτως, I Co 4:1; c. acc rei, II Co 3:5; id. seq. εἰς, II Co 12:6; ὅτι, Ro 8:18; τοῦτο, ὅτι, Ro 2:3, II Co 10:7; c. inf., II Co 11:5; acc et inf., Ro 3:28 14:14, Phl 3:13; c. acc pers. seq. ὡς, II Co 10:2;
(d) to purpose, decide: c. inf. (Eur., Or., 555), II Co 10:2
(cf. ἀνα-, δια-, παρα-, συλ-λογίζομαι).†

[NT: 2x] * λογικός, -ή, -όν (< λόγος, reason)

reasonable, rational: λατρεία, Ro 12:1; τὸ λ. (i.e. spiritual) γάλα (v. Hort, in l; MM, xvi), I Pe 2:2 (in support of AV, milk of the word, v. ICC, in l).†

[NT: 4x] λόγιον, -ου, τό (dimin. of λόγος, v. ICC, Ro., 70), [in LXX chiefly for אִמְרָה, אֵמֶר, Ps 18:30 19:14, al.; also for דָּבָר, Is 28:13, al.; (cf. λογεῖον (-ιον) for חֹשֶׁן the oracular breastplate of the H.P., Ex 28:15, al.) ;]

an oracle: Ac 7:38, Ro 3:2, He 5:12, I Pe 4:11 (on the eccl., λόγια τ. Κυρίου, v. Lft., Essay on Sup. Rel., 172 ff.).†

[NT: 1x] * λόγιος, -ον (< λόγος),

1. in cl., learned (Ac, l.c., R, txt.).
2. In late Gk., eloquent: Ac 18:24 (v. Page, in l; Field, Notes, 129).†

[NT: 2x] λογισμός, -οῦ, ὁ (< λογίζομαι), [in LXX: Ps 33:10-11, Pr 19:21, Is 66:18, al. (מַחֲשָׁבָה) ;]

a reasoning, thought: Ro 2:15, II Co 10:5.†

[NT: 1x] *† λογομαχέω, -ῶ (< λόγος, μάχομαι),

to strive with words: II Ti 2:14.†

[NT: 1x] *† λογομαχία, -ας, ἡ (< λογομαχέω),

a strife of words: pl., I Ti 6:4.†

[NT: 330x] λόγος, -ου, ὁ (< λέγω) [in LXX chiefly for דָּבָר, also for מִלָּה ,אֵמֶר, etc. ;]

I. Of that by which the inward thought is expressed, Lat. oratio, sermo, vox, verbum.
1. a word, not in the grammatical sense of a mere name (ἔπος, ὄνομα, ῥῆμα), but a word as [p. 271] embodying a conception or idea: Mt 8:8, Lk 7:7, I Co 14:9, 19 He 12:19, al.
2. a saying, statement, declaration: Mt 19:22 (T om.), Mk 5:36 7:29, Lk 1:29, Jo 2:22 6:60, Ac 7:29, al.; c. gen. attrib., Ac 13:15, Ro 9:9, He 7:28, al.; of the sayings, commands, promises, etc., of teachers, Mt 7:24 10:14, Mk 8:38, Lk 9:4, Jo 14:24, al.; λ. κενοί, Eph 5:6; ἀληθινοί, Re 19:9; πιστοί, Re 22:6; esp. of the precepts, decrees and promises of God, ὁ λ. τ. θεοῦ, the word of God: Mk 7:13, Jo 10:35, Ro 13:9, I Co 14:36, Phl 1:14, al.; absol., ὁ λ., Mt 13:21, 22 Mk 16:[20], Lk 1:2, Ac 6:4, He 4:12, al.
3. speech, discourse: Ac 14:12, II Co 10:10, Ja 3:2; opp. to ἐπιστολή, II Th 2:15; disting, from σοφία, I Co 2:1; ἀναστροφή, I Ti 4:12; δύναμις, I Co 4:19, I Th 1:5; ἔργον, Ro 15:18; οὐδενὸς λ. τίμιον (not worthy of mention), Ac 20:24; of the faculty of speech, Lk 24:19, II Co 11:6; of the style of speech, Mt 5:37, I Co 1:5; of instruction, Col 4:3, I Pe 3:1; c. gen. pers., Jo 5:24 8:52, Ac 2:41, al.; ὁ λ. ὁ ἐμός, Jo 8:31; c. gen. obj. (τ.) ἀληθείας, II Co 6:7, Col 1:5, Ja 1:18; τ. καταλλαγῆς, II Co 5:19; τ. σταυροῦ, I Co 1:18; of mere talk, I Co 4:19, 2o, Col 2:23, I Jo 3:18; of the talk which one occasions, hence, repute: Col 2:23.
4. subject-matter, hence, teaching, doctrine: Ac 18:15, II Ti 2:17, al.; esp. of Christian doctrine: Mt 13:20-23, Mk 4:14-20 8:32, Lk 1:2, Ac 8:4, Ga 6:6, I Th 1:6, al.; c. gen. pers., τ. θεοῦ, Lk 5:1, Jo 17:6, Ac 4:29, I Co 14:36, I Jo 1:10, Re 6:9, al.; τ. Κυρίου, Ac 8:25, I Th 1:8, al.; τ. Χριστοῦ, Col 3:16, Re 3:8; c. gen. appos., Ac 15:7; c. gen. attrib., He 5:13.
5. a story, tale, narrative: Mt 28:15, Jo 21:23, Ac 1:1 11:22; seq. περί, Lk 5:15.
6. That which is spoken of (Plat., al.; V. Kennedy, Sources, 124), matter, affair, thing: Mt 21:24, Mk 1:45 11:29, Lk 20:3, Ac 8:21; of a matter in dispute, as a case or suit at law, Ac 19:38; pl. (I Mac 7:33, al.), Lk 1:4.
II. Of the inward thought itself, Lat. ratio.
1. reason,
(a) of the mental faculty (Hdt., Plat., al.): κατὰ λόγον, Ac 18:14;
(b) a reason, cause: τίνι λόγῳ, Ac 10:29; παρεκτὸς λόγου πορνείας, Mt 5:32 19:9, WH, mg., R, mg.
2. account,
(a) regard: Ac 20:24, Rec.;
(b) reckoning: Phl 4:15, 17; συναίρειν (q.v.) λ., Mt 18:23 25:19; in forensic sense, Ro 14:12, He 13:17, I Pe 4:5; c. gen. rei, Lk 16:2; seq. περί, Mt 12:36, Ac 19:40, I Pe 3:15.
3. proportion, analogy: Phl 2:16 (Field, Notes, 193 f.).
III. ὁ λ., the Divine Word or Logos: Jo 1:1, 14; τ. ζωῆς, I Jo 1:1; τ. θεοῦ, Re 19:13 (v. Westc, Swete, CGT, in ll.; reff. in Artt., Logos, DB, DCG).

[NT: 1x] λόγχη, -ης, ἡ [in LXX for רֹמַח, etc. ;]

1. a spear-head.
2. a lance, spear: Mt 27:49 ([WH], R, mg.), Jo 19:34.†

[NT: 4x] λοιδορέω, -ῶ (< λοίδορος) [in LXX chiefly for רִיב ;]

to abuse, revile: c. acc pers., Jo 9:28, Ac 23:4; pass., I Co 4:12, I Pe 2:23 (cf. ἀντι-λοιδορέω).†

[NT: 3x] λοιδορία, -ας, ἡ (< λοιδορέω), [in LXX chiefly for רִיב, מְרִיבָה ;]

abuse, railing: I Ti 5:14, I Pe 3:9.†

[NT: 2x] λοίδορος, -ον [in LXX: Pr 25:24 26:21 27:15 (מִדְיָן) Si 23:8 * ;]

railing, abusive; as subst., ὁ λ., a railer: I Co 5:11 6:10.†

[NT: 2x] λοιμός, -οῦ, ὁ [in LXX for לוּץ, עָרִיץ, בְּלִיַּעַל, etc. ;]

pestilence: [p. 272] pl., Lk 21:11; metaph. (as in cl.; LXX: Ps 1:1, Pr 21:24, I Mac 15:21, al.), of persons, a pest: Ac 24:5 (also as adj., ἄνδρες λοιμοί, I Mac 10:61, al.).†

[NT: 55x] λοιπός, -ή, -όν (< λείπω), [in LXX chiefly for יָתַר, also for שְׁאָר, etc. ;]

the remaining, the rest,
1. pl., οἱ λ.: c. subst., Mt 25:11, Ac 2:37, Ro 1:13, al.; absol., Mt 22:6, Mk 16:13, Lk 24:10, al.; οἱ λ. οἱ (B1., § 47, 8), Ac 28:9, I Th 4:13, Re 2:24; οἱ λ. τ. ἀνθρώπων (LS, s.v., ad. init.), Re 9:20; τὰ λ., Mk 4:19, Re 3:2, al.
2. Neut. sing. (acc ref.), adverbially, τὸ λ.;
(a) for the future, henceforth: Mk 14:41, I Co 7:29 (Lft., Notes, 232 f.), He 10:13; anarth. (Deiss., LAE, 17616, 1885, 20), Ac 27:20, II Ti 4:8; τοῦ λ. (sc. χρόνου; LS, s.v.; M, Pr., 73; Bl., § 36, 13), Ga 6:17, Eph 6:10;
(b) besides, moreover, for the rest: Phl 3:1 4:8; anarth., I Co 1:16 4:2, I Th 4:1 (M, Th., in l; Lft., Notes, 51)

[NT: 3x] Λουκᾶς, -ᾶ, ὁ (prob. an abbreviation of Λουκανός; v. Lft., Col., 240; ICC, Lk., xviii; Bl., § 29; acc to Ramsay, Exp., Dec., 1912, pp. 502 ff., a by-form of Λούκιος, from Lat. Lucius),

Luke: Lk, tit., Col 4:14, II Ti 4:11, Phm 24.†

λούκιος, -ου, ὁ (Lat. Lucius),

Lucius: Ac 13:1, Ro 16:21.†

[NT: 2x] λουτρόν, -οῦ, τό (< λούω), [in LXX: Ca 4:2 6:5, (6) (רַחְצָה), Si 34:25 * ;]

a washing, bath: τ. ὕδατος, Eph 5:26; τ. παλιγγενεσίας, Tit 3:5 (v. AR, Eph., l.c.).†

[NT: 5x] λούω [in LXX chiefly for רָחַץ (freq. of ceremonial washing; cf. Deiss., BS, 226 f.) ;]

to bathe, wash the body: c. acc pers., Ac 9:37 (of a dead body); id. seq. ἀπό (Deiss., BS, l.c.), Ac 16:33; pass. ptcp. pf., Jo 13:10, He 10:22; mid., to wash oneself (Mayor, in l; M. Pr., 155 f., 238 f.), II Pe 2:22; metaph., Re 1:5, Rec., R, mg. (cf. ἀπο-λούω).†
SYN.: νίπτω, used of parts of the body-hands, feet, face; πλύνω, of things, as garments, etc. (v. Le 15:11; cf. Tr., Syn., § xlv)

λύδδα, -ας (Ac 9:38, -ης Rec.), ἡ and λύδδα, -ων, τά (Ac 9:32, 35; -αν, Rec.), (Heb. לֹד),

Lydda (modern Ludd): Ac, ll. c.†

[NT: 2x] Λυδία, -ας, ἡ

Lydia, a woman of Thyatira: Ac 16:14, 40.†

[NT: 1x] Λυκαονία, -ας, ἡ

Lycaonia, a region in Asia Minor: Ac 14:6.†

[NT: 1x] Λυκαονιστί adv.,

in Lycaonian (speech): Ac 14:11.†

[NT: 1x] Λυκία, -ας, ἡ

Lydia, a region of Asia Minor; Ac 27:5.†

[NT: 6x] λύκος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX for זְאֵב ;]

a wolf: Mt 10:16, Lk 10:3, Jo 10:12; fig. (as Ez 22:27, Ze 3:3, Je 5:6, al.), Mt 7:1, Ac 20:29.†

[NT: 1x] λυμαίνομαι (< λύμη, outrage), [in LXX chiefly for שָׁחַת pi., hi., also for כִּרְסֵם, etc. ;]

1. to outrage, maltreat: c. acc, Ac 8:3.
2. to corrupt, defile (Ez 16:25, Pr 23:8, IV Mac 18:8, al.).†

[NT: 26x] λυπέω, -ῶ (< λύπη), [in LXX for חָרָה, etc. ;]

to distress, grieve, cause pain or grief: c. acc pers., II Co 2:2 2:5 7:8; pass., Mt 14:9 17:23 18:31 19:22 26:22, Mk 10:22 14:19, Jo 16:20 21:17, Ro 14:15, II Co 2:4, I Th 4:13, I Pe 1:6; λ. καὶ ἀδημονεῖν, Mt 26:37; opp. to χαίρειν, II Co 6:10; κατὰ θεόν, II Co 7:9 7:11; τ. πνεῦμα τ. ἅγιον, Eph 4:30 (cf. συν-λνπέω),†
SYN.: v.s. θρηνέω

[p. 273]

[NT: 16x] λύπη, -ης, ἡ [in LXX for עֶצֶב and cogn. forms, etc. ;]

pain of body or mind, grief, sorrow: Jo 16:6, II Co 2:7; opp. to χαρά, Jo 16:20, He 12:11; ἀπὸ τῆς λ., Lk 22:45; ἐκ λ., II Co 9:7; ἡ κατὰ θεὸν λ., opp. to ἡ τ. κόσ-μου λ., II Co 7:10; λ. μοι ἐστιν, Ro 9:2; λ. ἔχω, Jo 16:21-22; id. seq. ἀπό, II Co 2:3; λ. ἐπὶ λ. ἔχω, Phl 2:27; ἐν λ. ἐλθεῖν, II Co 2:1 (to come sad and cause sadness); pl. (cf. Ge 3:16, Pr 15:13, al.), I Pe 2:19.†

[NT: 1x] Λυσανίας, -ου, ὁ

Lysanias: Lk 3:1.†

[NT: 2x] Λυσίας, -ου, ὁ

Lysias (Claudius L., Ac 23:26), Ac 24:7, 22.†

[NT: 1x] λύσις, -εως, ἡ (< λύω), [in LXX: Ec 8:1 (Ec 8:1) (פֵּשֶׁר), Da LXX 12:8, Wi 8:8 * ;]

a loosing: of divorce, I Co 7:27.†

** λυσιτελέω, -ῶ (< λυσιτελής, useful, prop., τὰ τέλη λύων), [in LXX: To 3:6, Si 20:10, 14 29:11 * ;]

1. prop., to indemnify, pay expenses.
2. to be useful, to profit; usually impers., λυσιτελεῖ, it profits: c, dat. pers., seq. εἰ . . . ἤ, Lk 17:2.†

λύστρα, -ας, ἡ

and (in Ac 14:8 16:2, 2Ti, l.c.) -ων, τά (cf. Λύδδα),
Lystra, a city of Lycaonia: Ac 14:6, 8 14:21 16:1-2, II Ti 3:11.†

[NT: 2x] λύτρον, -ον, τό (< λύω), [in LXX (Pent. .15 Pr .2, Isa .1) for פִּדְיוֹם and cogn. forms, גְּאֻלָּה, כֹּפֶר, מְחִיר ;]

a ransom (as for a life, Ex 21:30; for slaves, Le 19:20; for captives, Is 45:13): ἀντὶ πολλῶν, Mt 20:28, Mk 10:45 (v. Swete, in l, and for discussion of λ. and its cognates, Westc., He., 295 f.; Deiss., LAE, 331 f.; cf. also ἀντί-λύτρον).†

λυτρόω, -ῶ (< λύτρον, q.v.), [in LXX chiefly for פָּדָה, גָּאַל ;]

to release on receipt of ransom; mid., to release by paying ransom, to redeem: in spiritual sense, Tit 2:14; pass, I Pe 1:18; in general sense, to deliver (cf. Ex 6:6, Ps 69:18, al.): Lk 24:21.†

[NT: 3x] λύτρωσις, -εως, ἡ (< λυτρόω), [in LXX: Le 25:29, 48, Is 63:4 גְּאֻלָּה), Nu 18:16, Ps 49:8 111:9 130:7 (פָּדָה, פִּדְיוֹם, פְּדוּת), Jg 1:15 * ;]

a ransoming, redemption (αἰχμαλώτων, Plut., Arat., 11): of the mediatorial work of Christ, He 9:12; in general sense, deliverance(cf. Ps 4:8, l.c.): Lk 1:68 2:38.†

[NT: 1x] λυτρωτής, -οῦ, ὁ (< λυτρόω), [in LXX: of God, Ps 19:14 78:35 (גָּאַל)* ;]

a redeemer, deliverer: Ac 7:35 (not found elsewhere).†

[NT: 12x] λυχνία, -ας, ἡ (vulgar form of λυχνίον = λυχνοῦχος; v. Kennedy, Sources, 40), [in LXX for מְנוֹרָה (Ex 25:31 40:4, al.) ;]

a lampstand: Mt 5:15, Mk 4:21, Lk 8:16 11:33; of that in the Tabernacle, He 9:2; metaph., of the two witnesses, Re 11:4; of the seven churches of Asia, Re 1:12-13, 20 2:1; of the removal of a church from its position, κινεῖν τ. λυχνίαν κ.τ.λ., Re 2:5.†

[NT: 14x] λύχνος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX for נִיר (Ex 25:37), al.) ;]

a lamp (portable, and usually set on a stand, λυχνία): Mt 5:15, Lk 11:36; ἔρχεται ὁ λ., Mk 4:21; λ. ἅπτειν Lk 8:16 11:33 15:8; φῶς λύχνου, Re 18:23; id. opp. to φ.ἡλίου, Re 22:5; metaph., of the eye, Mt 6:22 Lk 11:34; of John the Baptist, [p. 274] Jo 5:35; of the Lamb, Re 21:23; of prophecy, II Pe 1:19; of spiritual readiness, pl., λύχνοι (as always in LXX; freq. in Att.. λύχνα), Lk 12:35.†
SYN.: λαμπάς, q.v

[NT: 42x] λύω [in LXX for פָּתַח, נָתַר hi., etc. ;]

1. to loose, unbind, release: of things, Mk 1:7, Lk 3:16, al.; of beasts, Mt 21:2, Lk 13:15, al.; of persons, Jo 11:44, Ac 22:30; of Satan, Re 20:3, 7; metaph., of the marriage tie, I Co 7:27; of one diseased, Lk 13:16; of release from sin, Re 1:5, WH, R, txt. (v.s. λούω).
2. To resolve a whole into its parts, loosen, dissolve, break up, destroy: Jo 2:19, Ac 27:41, Re 5:2; metaph., II Pe 3:11; of an assembly, to dismiss: Ac 13:43; τ. μεσότοιχον τ. φραγμοῦ, Eph 2:14; τ. στοιχεῖα, II Pe 3:10; οὐρανοί, II Pe 3:12; τ. ἔργα τ. διαβόλου, I Jn 3:8; τ. ὠδῖνας τ. θανάτου, Ac 2:24; of laws, etc., to break, annul, cancel (MM, xvi): ἐντολήν, Mt 5:19; τ. νόμον, Jo 7:23; τ. σάββατον, Jo 5:18; τ. γραφήν, Jo 10:35.
(cf. ἀνα-, ἀπο-, δια-, ἐκ-, ἐπι-, κατα-, παρα-λύω.)

Λωίς (Rec. Λωΐς), -ίδος, ἡ

Lois: II Ti 1:5.†

[NT: 4x] Λώτ, (Heb. לוֹט), indecl.,

Lot (Ge 11:27, al.): Lk 17:28-29, 32, II Pe 2:7.†



Maath: Lk 3:26.†


Magadan, an unidentified place on the coast of the Sea of Galilee: Mt 15:39 (Rec. Μαγδαλά; cf. Mk 8:10, where for Δαλμανουθά, D* has Μελεγαδά, D1 Μαγαιδά, some cursives Μαγαδά, and Euseb. Onomast. Μεγαιδάν; cf. DB, iii, s.v.).†

[NT: 1x] Μαγδαλά (Aram. מַגְדְֺּלָא = Heb. H4026, which in Jos 15:37 B is rendered Μαγαδά),

Magdala: Mt 15:39 (Rec. for Μαγαδάν, q.v.).†

Μαγδαληνός, -ά, όν

Magdalene, of Magdala: Μαρία (q.v.) MM. , Mt 27:56, 61 28:1, Mk 15:40, 47 16:1, 9, Lk 8:2 24:10, Jo 19:25 20:1, 18


Magedon : Re 16:16 (WH, Ἅρ Μ. for Ἁρμαγεδών, q.v.).†

μαγεία, v.s. μαγία.

[NT: 1x] * μαγεύω (Eur., Plut., al.),

1. to be a Magus, or skilled in Magian lore.
2. to practise magic: Ac 8:9.†

* μαγία (Rec. -εία), -ας, ἡ (< μάγος),

1. the lore of the Magians (Plat.).
2. magic: pl., magic arts, sorceries: Ac 8:11.†

[NT: 6x] μάγος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX for אַשָּׁף, Da LXX TH Da 2:2, 10, al. (cf. chief magian, Je 39:3, 13) ;]

1. one of the Μάγοι, a Median tribe (Hat).
2. a Magian, one of a sacred caste, originally Median, who seem to have conformed to the Persian religion, while retaining some of their old beliefs (v. DB, I vol., 565 f.; DB, iii, 203 ff.): Mt 2:1, 7 2:16
3. a wizard, sorcerer: Ac 13:6, 8 (cf. Wi 17:7, Ac 8:9; ?Ac 8:1).†

[NT: 1x] Μαγώγ, indecl. (Heb. מָגוֹג, Ge 10:2, Ex 38:2, al.),

Magog, associated with Gog: Re 20:8 (v. Swete, in l).†

[p. 275]

[NT: 1x] Μαδιάμ, indecl. (Heb. מִדְיָן),

1. son of Abraham (Ge 25:2).
2. An Arabian tribe (Ge 36:35, Ps 83:9, al).
3. γῆ Μ. (Heb. מִדְיָן אֶרֶץ), the land of Midian (Ex 2:15, al.): Ac 7:29.†

* μαζός, -οῦ, ὁ,

the breast: Re 1:13 (L for μαστός, q.v).†

[NT: 4x] *† μαθητεύω (< μαθητής),

1. intrans. (as prop. vb. in -εύω, and so Plut., mor. 837 c. and elsew.), to be a disciple: c. dat., Mt 27:57 (Rec., WH, mg.).
2. Trans., to make a disciple: c. acc, Mt 28:19, Ac 14:21; pass., seq. dat., τ. Ἰησοῦ, Mt 27:57 (WH, R); τ. βασιλείᾳ, Mt 13:52.†

[NT: 261x] μαθητής, -οῦ, ὁ (μανθάνω), [in LXX only as v.l. (A) in Je 13:21 20:11 26(46):9 * ;]

a disciple: opp. to διδάσκαλος, Mt 10:24, Lk 6:40; Ἰωάννου, Mt 9:14, Lk 7:18, Jo 3:25; τ. Φαρισσίων, Mt 22:16, Mk 2:18, Lk 5:33; Μωυσέως, Jo 9:28; Ἰησοῦ, Lk 6:17 7:11 19:37, Jo 6:66 7:3 19:38; esp. the twelve, Mt 10:1 11:1, Mk 7:17, Lk 8:9, Jo 2:2, al.; later, of Christians generally, Ac 6:1, 2 7 9:19, al.; τ. κυρίου, Ac 9:1.

[NT: 1x] μαθήτρια, -ας, ἡ (= μαθητρίς, fem, of μαθητής, q.v.)

a female disciple: Ac 9:36.†

Μαθθαθίας, v.s. (Ματταθίας).

Μαθθαῖος (Rec. Ματθ-, v. WH, App., 159; Bl., § 3, 11; on the Semitic form, v. Dalman, Words, 51; Gr., 142), -ου, ὁ,

Matthew: Mt title., Mt 9:9 10:3, Mk 3:18, Lk 6:15, Ac 1:13 (cf. Λευεί).†

Μαθθάν (Rec. Ματθ-, v.s. Μαθθαῖος), indecl. (Heb. מַתָּן),

Matthan: Mt 1:15.†

Μαθθάτ (T, -άθ; Rec. Ματθ-, v.s. Μαθθαῖος), ὁ, indecl. (Heb. מַתָּת),

Matthat: Lk 3:29 (cf. Ματθάτ).†
Matthat: Lk 3:24 (T, Μαθθάθ),†
Ματθάτ (v.s. Μαθθάτ),

Μαθθίας (Rec. Ματθ-, v.s. Μαθθαῖος), -α, ὁ (Heb. מַתָּת),

Matthias: Ac 1:23, 26.†

Μαθουσάλα (WH, -αλά), ὁ (Heb. מְתוּשֶׁלַח),

Methuselah: Lk 3:37.†

Μαϊνάν, v.s. Μεννά.

[NT: 5x] μαίνομαι [in LXX: Je 25:16 (הָלַל hith.) Je 29:26 (שָׁגַע pu.), Wi 14:28, a). ;]

1. to rage, be furious.
2. to rave, be mad: Jo 10:29, Ac 12:15 26:24-25, I Co 14:23 (cf. ἐμ-μαίνομαι).†

μακαρζω (< μακάριος), [in LXX for אָשַׁר pi., pu. ;]

to bless, pronounce blessed or happy: c. acc pers., Lk 1:48, Ja 5:11.†

[NT: 50x] μακάριος, -α, -ον (collat. form of poët. μάκαρ, in Hom., Hes., chiefly of the gods and the departed), [in LXX for אֹשֶׁר ;]

blessed, happy (DCG, i, 177, 213): θεός (δυνάστης), I Ti 1:11 6:15; ἐλπίς, Tit 2:13; esp. in congratulations, usually with the omission of the copula (M, Pr., 180; B1., § 30, 3), μ. ὁ, Mt 5:3 ff., Lk 6:20 ff. Jo 20:29, Re 1:3, al.; seq. ptcp., Lk 1:45, al.; ὅς, Mt 11:6, Lk 7:23, Ro 4:7-8; ὅτι, Mt 13:16, al.; ἐάν, Jo 13:17, I Co 7:40; compar., μ. . . . μᾶλλον, Ac 20:35; -ώτερος, I Co 7:40
SYN.: εὐλογητός, q.v

[NT: 3x] * μακαρισμός, -οῦ, ὁ (μακαρίζω)

a declaration of blessedness, felicitation: Ro 4:6, 9, Ga 4:15 (Plat., Arist.).†

[p. 276]

[NT: 22x] Μακεδονία, -ας, ἡ

Macedonia: Ac 16:9-10, I Co 16:5, II Co 1:16, Phl 4:15, al.; M. καὶ Ἀχαία, Ac 19:21, Ro 15:26, I Th 1:7-8

[NT: 5x] Μακεδών, -όνος, ὁ

a Macedonian: Ac 16:9 19:29 27:2, II Co 9:2 9:4.†

[NT: 1x] *† μάκελλον, -ου, τό (Lat. macellum),

a meat-market: I Co 10:25 (v. Deiss., LAE, 274; MM, xvi).†

[NT: 3x] μακράν (prop. fem. acc of μακρός, Sc. ὁδόν), adv. , [in LXX for רָחוֹק hi., רָחַק, etc. ;]

a long way, far: Lk 15:20, Ac 22:21; seq. ἀπό, Mt 8:30, Lk 7:6, Jo 21:8, Ac 17:27; id. metaph., Mk 12:34; οἱ εἰς μ., Ac 2:39 (cf. Is 2:2); metaph., οἱ ποτὲ ὄντες μ. (opp. to ἐγγύς), Eph 2:13; οἱ μ., Eph 2:17.†

[NT: 14x] μακρόθεν (< μακρός),

adv. (chiefly late),
[in LXX for רָחוֹק, רָחַק, etc. ;]
from afar, afar: Lk 18:13 22:54; ἀπὸ μ. (Ps 138:6, Es 3:13, al.), Mt 26:58 27:55, Mk 5:6 8:3 11:13 14:54 15:40, Lk 16:23 23:49, Re 18:10, 15 18:17.†

[NT: 10x] μακροθυμέω, -ῶ (< μακρό-θυμος, long-tempered; v.s. -ία), [in LXX: Ec 8:12 א2, Pr 19:11 (אָרַךְ, אַף אָרַךְ), Jb 7:16, Si 2:4, al. ;]

1. actively = καρτερέω, to persevere (Plut., 2, 593 F).
2. Passively, to be patient, long-suffering: absol., I Co 13:4, He 6:15, Ja 5:8; seq. ἕως, c. gen., Ja 5:7; ἐπί, c. dat., ib. (Si 2:4); πρός, c. acc, I Th 5:14; ἐπί, c. dat., Mt 18:26, 29, Lk 18:7; εἰς, II Pe 3:9.†
SYN.: ὑπομένω, q.v

[NT: 14x] μακροθυμία, -ας, ἡ (< μακρό-θυμος), [in LXX: Pr 25:15 (אַף אֹרֶךְ), Je 15:15 (אַף אָרֵךְ) Is 57:15, Si 5:11, I Mac 8:4 * ;],

patience, longsuffering: of men, esp. in experiencing troubles and difficulties, Col 1:11, II Ti 3:10, He 6:12, Ja 5:10; of God's forbearance, Ro 2:4 9:22, II Co 6:6, Ga 5:22, Eph 4:2, Col 3:12, I Ti 1:16, II Ti 4:2, I Pe 3:20, II Pe 3:15.†
SYN.: ὑπομονή (cf. Lft., Col., 138; Tr., Syn., liii)

[NT: 1x] *† μακροθύμως adv.,

with forbearance, patiently: Ac 26:3.†

[NT: 11x] μακρός, -ά, -όν [in LXX for אָרֹךְ, רָחוֹק and cognate forms, etc. ;]

of space and time, long: μακρὰ προσεύχεσθαι, Mk 12:40, Lk 20:47.
of distance, far, far distant: χώρα, Lk 15:13 19:12.†

[NT: 1x] μακρο-χρόνιος, -ον (μακρός, χρόνος), [in LXX. μ. γίγνεσθαι, εἶναι (יוֹם אָרַךְ), Ex 20:12, De 4:40 5:16 17:20 * ;]

of long duration, longlived: Eph 6:3 (LXX).†

μάλα adv., [in LXX for אֲבָל, III Ki 1:43, Da LXX 10:21, al.; compar. for מ, Nu 13:32 (31), al.; μᾶλλον ἠ (מ), Ge 19:9, al.; superlat., II Mac 8:7, IV Mac 4:22 12:9 15:4 ;]

I. Pos., very, very much, exceedingly (cl.; LXX ut supr.; in NT its place is taken by λίαν, σφόδρα, etc.).
II. Compar., μᾶλλον.
1. Of increase, more; with qualifying words: πολλῷ, Mk 10:48, Lk 18:39, Ro 5:15, 17, Phl 2:12, al.; πόσῳ, Lk 12:24, Ro 11:12, al.; τοσούτῳ . . . ὅσῳ, He 10:25.
2. Of comparison, the more: Lk 5:15, Jo 5:18, Ac 5:14, I Th 4:1, 10, II Pe 1:10; ἔτι μ. καὶ μ., Phl 1:9; c. compar., Mk 7:36, II Co 7:13; πολλῴ μ. κρεῖσον, Phl 1:23; μ. διαφέρειν, [p. 277] c. gen., Mt 6:26; μ. ἤ, Mt 18:13; c. gen., I Co 14:18; as periphr. for compar., Ac 20:35, I Co 9:15, Ga 4:27; μ. δέ (EV, yea rather), Ro 8:34.
3. Of preference, rather, the rather, sooner: with qualifying words, πολλῷ, Mt 6:30, al.; πολύ, He 12:25; πόσῳ, Mt 7:11, al.; in a question, οὐ μ., I Co 9:12; after a neg., Mt 10:6, al.; θέλω (εὐδοκῶ) μ., I Co 14:5, II Co 5:8; ζηλῶ, I Co 14:1; c. subst., τ. σκότος ἢ τ. φῶς, Jo 3:19; μ. δέ, Ga 4:9.
III. Superl., μάλιστα, most, most of all, above all: Ac 20:38 25:26, Ga 6:10, Phl 4:22, I Ti 4:10 5:8, 17, II Ti 4:13, Tit 1:10, Phm 16, II Pe 2:10; μ. γνώστης, Ac 26:3

[NT: 3x] μαλακία -ας, (< μαλακός), [in LXX chiefly for חֳלִי De 7:15 28:61, Is 38:9 53:3, al. ;]

1. prop., softness, effeminacy (Hdt., Thuc., al).
2. In NT, as in LXX, = ἀσθένεια, weakness, sickness: νόσος καὶ μ., Mt 4:23 9:35 10:1.†
SYN.: v.s. ἀσθένεια

[NT: 4x] μαλακός, -ή, -όν [in LXX: Pr 25:15 (רַךְ) Pr 26:22 (לָהַם)* ;]

1. prop., to the touch (opp. to σκληρός): of clothing, pl., Mt 11:8, Lk 7:25.
2. Of persons and their mode of living;
(a) mild, gentle;
(b) soft, effeminate: I Co 6:9 (prob. in obscene sense, cf. Deiss., LAE, 150, 4; MM, xvi; Zorell, s.v.).†

[NT: 1x] Μαλελεήλ (T, Μελ-), ὁ (Heb. מַהֲלַלְאֵל),

Mahalaleel: Lk 3:37.†

[NT: 12x] μάλιστα, v.s. μάλα.

μᾶλλον, v.s. μάλα.

[NT: 1x] Μάλχος, -ου, ὁ (Hellenistic form of Heb. מֶלֶךְ),

Malchus: Jo 18:10.†

[NT: 1x] ** μάμμη, -ης, ἡ (onomatop.), [in LXX: IV Mac 16:9 * ;]

1. in cl., a child's name for mother.
2. In late Gk. (= cl., τήθη), a grandmother: (LXX, l.c.), II Ti 1:5.†

[NT: 4x] *† μαμωνᾶς (Rec. μαμμ-), -ᾶ (Bl., § 7, 4), ό (Aram. מָמוֺנָא),

mammon, riches: Mt 6:24, Lk 16:9, 11 16:13.†

[NT: 1x] Μαναήν, (Heb. מְנַחֵם),

Manaen: Ac 13:1.†

[NT: 3x] Μανασσῆς, -ῆ, ὁ (Heb. מְנַשֶּׁה),

1. (a) the first-born son of Joseph;
(b) the tribe which bore his name: Re 7:6.
2. King of Judah: Mt 1:10.†

[NT: 25x] μανθάνω [in LXX chiefly for לָמַד ;]

1. to learn, esp. by inquiry: absol., I Co 14:31, I Ti 2:11, II Ti 3:7; c. acc rei, Jo 7:15 (sc. αὐτά), Ro 16:17, I Co 14:35, Phl 4:9, II Ti 3:14, Re 14:3; seq. quaes. indir., Mt 9:13; Χριστόν, Eph 4:20 (ICC, in l); seq. ἀπό, c. gen. rei, Mt 24:32, Mk 13:28; ἀπό, c. gen. pers., Mt 11:29, Col 1:7; παρά, c. gen. pers., II Ti 3:14; ἐν, c. dat. pers., I Co 4:6; "point" aorist (M, Pr., 117), to ascertain, seq. ὅτι, Ac 23:27; c. acc seq. ἀπό, Ga 3:2.
2. to learn by use and practice, acquire the habit of, be accustomed to: c. inf. (Bl., § 69, 4), I Ti 5:4, Tit 3:14; id. c. nom, in pred. (El., § 72, 1), Phl 4:11; c. acc rei seq. ἀπό, He 5:8; ἀργαὶ μανθάνουσιν (EV, they learn to be idle; Bl., § 73, 5; Field, Notes, 210), I Ti 5:13.†

[p. 278]

[NT: 1x] μανία, -ας, ἡ (< μαίνομαι) [in LXX: Ho 9:7-8 מַשְׂטֵמָה), Wi 5:4, al. ;]

frenzy, madness: Ac 26:24.†

[NT: 4x] μάννα, τό , (in FlJ, also ),

[in LXX: τὸ μάν, Ex 16:31 ff., elsewhere τ. μάννα, Nu 11:6 ff., al. (מָן, Aram. מַנָּא) ;]
manna: Jo 6:31, 49, He 9:4; symb., Re 2:17.†

[NT: 1x] μαντεύομαι (< μαντίς, a seer, diviner), [in LXX for קָסַם, De 18:10, al. ;]

to divine, practise divination: Ac 16:16.†
SYN.: προφητεύω, q.v., in distinction from which μ. is used in LXX and NT only of false prophets and those who practise the heathen arts of divination and soothsaying (cf. I Ki 28:8, and v. Tr., Syn., § vi)

μαραίνω [in LXX: Jb 15:30 (יָבֵשׁ pi.), Jb 24:24, Wi 2:8 19:21 * ;]

in cl.,
1. prop., to quench fire; pass., of fire, to die away, go out.
2. In various relations, to quench, waste, wear out (cf. Wi 19:21); pass., to waste away; in later writers (Plut., Luc., al.), of the withering of flowers and herbage (act., Jb 15:30; pass., Jb 24:24, Wi 2:8): Ja 1:11 (cf. ἀμάραντον).†

μαρὰν ἀθά (Rec. μαραναθά; Aram.: on the original form v. Dalman, Gr., § 41, 1; 74, 3; Words, 328),

Maranatha, i.e. the Lord cometh (but v. Dalman, ll. c.; Field, Notes, 180; ICC, in l): I Co 16:22.†

[NT: 9x] * μαργαρίτης, -ου, ὁ

a pearl: Mt 13:45-46, I Ti 2:9, Re 17:4 18:12, 16 21:21 (-ῖται, WH); proverbially, Mt 7:6.†

[NT: 13x] Μάρθα, -ας (Bl., § 7, 2), ἡ (Aram. מָרְתָּא),

Martha: Lk 10:38, 40-41, Jo 11:1, 5 11:19 ff. Lk 12:2.†

[NT: 27x] Μαρία, -ας (Hellenized form), and Μαριάμ, indecl., ἡ (Aram. מַרְיָם; Heb. (MT) מִרְיָם)

Mary. In NT;
1. the mother of Jesus: Mt 1:16 ff. Mt 2:11 13:55, Mk 6:3, Lk 1:27 ff. Lk 2:5, 16 2:19, 34, Ac 1:14
2. M. Magdalene (q.v.).
3. The wife of Clopas (Jo 19:25) and mother of James the little, and Joses: Mt 27:56, 61 28:1, Mk 15:40, 47 16:1, Lk 24:10.
4. The sister of Martha and Lazarus: Lk 10:39, 42 Jo 11:1-2, 19 ff. Jo 12:3.
5. The mother of John Mark: Ac 12:12.
6. A Christian greeted by St. Paul: Ro 16:6 (on the signification of the name, v. Zorell, s.v.; on the use of the alternative forms in NT, DB, iii, 278 bn).†

Μάρκος, -ου, ὁ,

Mark: Mk., title., Ac 12:12, 25 15:37, 39, Col 4:10, II Ti 4:11, Phm 24, I Pe 5:13 (v. Swete, Mk., Intr., xiii ff.; DB, iii, 245 ff).†

[NT: 1x] ** μάρμαρος, -ου, ὁ (< μαρμαίρω, to glisten), [in LXX: Ep. Je 7:2 * ;]

1. any crystalline stone (Hom., Eur., al.).
2. In later writers, marble: Re 18:12.†

μάρτυρ, v.s. μάρτυς.

[NT: 76x] μαρτυρέω, -ῶ (< μάρτυς), [in LXX chiefly for עֵד (עֵד (Ge 31:47-48, al.), also for עוּד hi. (Ge 43:3, La 2:13), עָנָה (Nu 35:30) ;]

(a) prop., to be a witness, bear witness, testify: absol. (find., al.), Jo 15:27, Ac 26:5; parenthetical (Bl., § 79, 7; MM, xvi), II Co 8:3; c. dat. pers. (comm. et incomm.; El., § 37, 2), Ac 22:5, He 10:15; id. seq. ὅτι, Mt 23:31, [p. 279] Ro 10:2, al.; acc et inf., Ac 10:43; c. acc rei (cl.), Jo 3:11, Re 22:16, 20; c. acc cogn., seq. περί, Jo 5:32, I Jn 5:10; c. dat. rei, Jo 5:33, Ac 14:3, al.; seq. περί, c. gen. (pers. et rei), Jo 1:7-8, 15 2:25 18:23 21:24, al.; id. seq. ὅτι, Jo 5:36 7:7; ὅτι, Jo 1:34 4:44 al.; ὅτι recit., Jo 4:39; κατά seq. ὅτι, I Co 15:15; pass., He 7:8; ptcp., Ro 3:21; impers., He 7:17;
(b) in late Gk., to witness favourably, give a good report, approve (Bl., § 54, 3; MM, xvi; Deiss., BS, 265): c. dat. pers., Lk 4:22; seq. ἐπί c. dat. rei, He 11:4; pass., Ac 6:3; seq. ἐν, I Ti 5:10, He 11:2; διά, c. gen. rei, He 11:39; c. gen. pers., Ac 10:22, al.; impers., III Jn 12 (cf. ἐπι, συν-επι-, κατα-, συν-μαρτυρέω)

[NT: 37x] μαρτυρία, -ας, ἡ (< μαρτυρέω), [in LXX: Ge 31:47 R (גַּלְעֵד), Ex 20:16, De 5:20 (17), Pr 25:18, Ps 19:7 (עֵד, עֵדוּת), Pr 12:19, Si 31:23-24, IV Mac 6:32 * ;]

witness, testimony, evidence: Mk 14:56, Lk 22:71, Jo 5:34 19:35 21:24, I Ti 3:7, Tit 1:13, III Jn 12, Re 11:7; c. gen. subj., Mk 14:59, Jo 8:17 (LXX aliter), I Jn 5:9; seq. κατά, c. gen. pers., Mk 14:55; esp. of witness concerning Christ and divine things, Jo 1:7 3:11, 32-33 5:32, 36 Re 6:9; c. gen. subj., Jo 1:19 5:31 8:13-14, Ac 22:18, I Jn 5:9-11, Re 12:11; c. gen. obj., Re 1:2, 9 12:17 19:10 20:4; μ. ἔχειν, Re 6:9 12:17 19:10.†

[NT: 19x] μαρτύριον, -ου, τό (< μάρτυρ) [in LXX chiefly for מוֹעֵד, also for עֵדָה, עֵדוּת and cogn. forms ;]

a testimony, witness, proof (Hdt., Thuc., al.): c. gen. subj., II Co 1:12, II Th 1:10; c. gen. obj., Ac 4:33, I Co 1:6 2:1 (WH, txt., R, txt., μυστήριον; II Ti 1:8; εἰς μ., Mt 8:4 10:18 Mt 24:14, Mk 1:44 6:11 13:9, Lk 5:14 9:5 21:13, He 3:5, Ja 5:3; τὸ μ. καιροῖς ἰδίοις (CGT, in l), I Ti 2:6; ἡ σκηνὴ τοῦ μ. (LXX for מוֹעֵד אֹהֶל), Ac 7:44, Re 15:5.†

[NT: 5x] ** μαρτύρομαι (< μάρτυρ), [in LXX: Jth 7:28, I Mac 2:56 א)* ;]

to summon as witness (M, Th., 25 f.; Hort., 1Pe., 53 f.; Lft., Notes, 29; Ga 203), hence,
(a) to protest, affirm solemnly: seq. ὅτι, Ac 20:26, Ga 5:3;
(b) to adjure, beseech: c. dat. pers., Ac 26:22; c. acc et inf., Eph 4:17; seq. εἰς, I Th 2:12 (cf. δια-, προ-μαρτύρομαι).†

[NT: 35x] μάρτυς (Æolic μάρτυρ), -υρος, ὁ (also ), [in LXX for עֵד ;]

a witness: Ac 10:41, I Ti 6:12, II Ti 2:2, He 12:1 (Westc., in l); in forensic sense, Mt 18:16 26:65, Mk 14:63, Ac 6:13 7:58, II Co 13:1, I Ti 5:19, He 10:28; c. gen. obj., Lk 24:48, Ac 1:22 2:32 3:15 5:32 10:39 26:16, I Pe 5:1; c. gen. poss., Ac 1:8 13:31, Re 11:3; c. dat. pers., Lk 11:48, Ac 22:15; of Christ, Re 1:5 3:14; of God, Ro 1:9, II Co 1:23, Phl 1:8, I Th 2:5 2:10; of those who have witnessed for Christ by their death (in later Xn. lit., martyr: Swete, Ap., 35), Ac 22:20, Re 2:13 17:6.†

[NT: 1x] μασάομαι (Rec. μασσ), -ῶμαι (Aristoph. and late writers, but not in Trag. or in good Att.. prose), [in LXX: Jb 30:4 (לֶחֶם), Si 19:9 A * ;]

to bite, chew: Re 16:10.†

μασθός, v.s. μαστός.

[NT: 7x] μαστιγόω, -ῶ (< μάστιξ) [in LXX chiefly for נָכָה hi. ;]

to scourge: [p. 280] c. acc, Mt 10:17 20:19 23:34, Mk 10:34, Lk 18:33, Jo 19:1; metaph., He 12:6 (cf. Pr 3:12, Je 5:3, Jth 8:27).†

[NT: 1x] μαστίζω (Ep. and late prose = Att.. μαστιγόω) [in LXX: Nu 22:25 (נָכָה hi.), Wi 5:11, II Mac 2:21 * ;]

to whip, scourge: c. acc, Ac 22:25.†

[NT: 6x] μάστιξ, -ιγος, ἡ [in LXX for שׁוֹט, etc. ;]

a whip, scourge: Ac 22:24, He 11:36; metaph., of disease or suffering as a divine chastisement (cf. Ps 89:33, Pr 3:12, II Mac 9:11), Mk 3:10 5:29, 34, Lk 7:21

[NT: 3x] μαστός, -οῦ, ὁ [in LXX chiefly for שַׁד ;]

the breast: pl., Lk 11:27 23:29, Re 1:13 (T, μασθοῖς; WH, App., 149; L, μαζοῖς).†

[NT: 1x] *† ματαιολογία, -ας, ἡ (< ματαιολόγος),

idle or foolish talk: I Ti 1:6.†

[NT: 1x] *† ματαιολόγος -ον (< μάταιος, λέγω),

talking idly: Tit 1:10.†

[NT: 6x] μάταιος, -ον (as in Att.., but -αία, -αιον, I Co 15:17, I Pe 1:18; < μάτην), [in LXX for שָׁוְא, הֶבֶל, כָּזָב, etc. ;]

vain, useless: ἀνωφελὴς κ. μ., Tit 3:9; πίστις, I Co 15:17; θρησκεία, Ja 1:26; διαλογισμοί, I Co 3:20 (LXX); ἀναστροφή, I Pe 1:18; of idols and heathen gods, τὰ μ. (Je 2:5, IV Ki 17:15, al.): Ac 14:15
SYN.: κενός, q.v

[NT: 3x] ματαιότης, -ητος, ἡ (< μάταιος), [in LXX for הֶבֶל, Ps 31:6 39:5 62:9, al., and nearly 40 times in Ec; for שָׁוְא, Ps 25:4, al.; רִיק, etc. ;]

vanity, emptiness, frailty, folly: Ro 8:20, II Pe 2:18; τ. νοός, Eph 4:17 (elsewhere only in Pollux, 6, 134, and Eccl.).†

ματαιόω, -ῶ (< μάταιος), [in LXX: IV Ki 17:15, Je 2:5, al. הָבַל, etc. ;]

to make vain, foolish: Ro 1:21.†

[NT: 2x] μάτην (prop. acc of μάτη, a fault, folly), adv., [in LXX for הָבַל, שָׁוְא, etc. ;]

in vain, to no purpose: Mt 15:9, Mk 7:7 (LXX).†

Ματθαῖος, -άν, -ίας, v.s. Μαθθ-.

[NT: 1x] Ματταθά,

indecl. (Heb. מַתַּתָּה),
Mattatha: Lk 3:31.†

[NT: 2x] Ματταθίας, -ου, ὁ

Mattathias (cf. Μαθθίας): Lk 3:25-26.†

[NT: 29x] μάχαιρα, -ης (Att.. -ας; v. WH, App., 1568; ΒΙ., § 7, 1), , [in LXX chiefly for חֶרֶב; also for מַאֲכֶלֶת, etc. ;]

1. (in Hom., al.) a large knife or dirk, for sacrificial purposes (Ge 22:6, 10, Jg 19:20 A).
2. a short sword or dagger (as disting. from ῥομφαία, a large broad sword and ξίφος, a straight sword for thrusting): Mt 26:47 ff., Mk 14:43, 47-48, Lk 22:36 ff., Jo 18:10-11 Ac 16:27, He 11:37, Re 6:4 13:10, 14; στόμα μαχαίρης (as in Heb. חֶרֶב פֶּה, Ge 34:26, al.), the edge of the sword: Lk 21:24, He 11:34; μ. δίστομος, He 4:12; ἀναιρεῖν μαχαίρῃ, Ac 12:2; τὴν μ. φορεῖν, Ro 13:4. Metaph., Mt 10:34 (opp. to εἰρήνη), Ro 8:35; μ. τοῦ πνεῦματος, Eph 6:17.†

[NT: 4x] μάχη, -ης, ἡ (< μάχομαι), [in LXX chiefly for רִיב ;]

1. a fight.
2. a strife, contention, quarrel: II Co 7:5, II Ti 2:23, Ja 4:1; pl., Tit 3:9.†

[NT: 4x] μάχομαι [in LXX chiefly for רִיב, also for נָצָה ni., etc. ;]

1. to [p. 281] fight: Ac 7:26.
2. to quarrel, dispute: II Ti 2:24, Ja 4:2; πρὸς ἀλλήλους, Jo 6:52 (cf. δια-μάχομαι).†


[NT: 1x] μεγαλ-αυχέω, -ῶ (= μεγάλα αὐχέω) [in LXX: Ez 16:50 (גָּבַהּ), al. ;]

to boast great things: Ja 3:5 (Rec. for μεγάλα αὐχεῖ, WH).†

[NT: 1x] μεγαλεῖος, -εία, -εῖον (< μέγας) [in LXX: Ps 71:19 (גָּדוֹל), al., freq. in Sir ;]

magnificent, splendid (Xen., Plut., al.) : Ac 2:11.†

[NT: 3x] μεγαλειότης, -ητος, ἡ (< μεγαλεῖος) [in LXX: Je 33:9 (תִּפְאָרָה), Da LXX 7:27, I Es 1:5 Es 4:40 * ;]

splendour, magnificence: Lk 9:43, Ac 19:27, II Pe 1:16 (freq. in π. as a ceremonial title, MM, xvi).†

[NT: 1x] μεγαλοπρεπής, ές (= μεγάλῳ πρέπων), [in LXX: De 33:26 (גַּאֲוָה) II Mac 8:15 Mac 15:13, III Mac 2:9 * ;]

befitting a great man, magnificent, majestic: II Pe 1:17 (cf. MM, xvi).†

[NT: 8x] μεγαλύνω (< μέγας) [in LXX chiefly for גָּדַל pi., hi. ;]

1. to make great: Mt 23:5, Lk 1:58.
2. to declare great, extol, magnify: Lk 1:46, Ac 5:13 10:46 19:17, II Co 10:15; pass., seq. ἐν, Phl 1:20.†

[NT: 1x] μεγάλως adv., [in LXX for גָּדוֹל, etc. ;]

greatly: Phl 4:10.†

[NT: 3x] μεγαλωσύνη, -ης, ἡ (< μέγας) [in LXX chiefly for גְּדוּלָה and cogn. forms, II Ki 7:23, Ps 145:3, al. ;]

greatness, majesty: He 1:3 8:1, Ju 25 (elsewhere Eccl. only).†

[NT: 240x] μέγας, μεγάλη, μέγα, [in LXX chiefly for גָּדֹול, also for מַרְבֶּה ,רַב (incl. μείζων), רֹב (μέγιστος) ;]

1. of external form, bodily size, measure, extent: λίθος, Mt 2:60; δράκων, Re 12:3; ἰχθῦς, Jo 21:11; πόλις, Re 11:8; μάχαιρα, Re 6:4, al.
2. Of intensity and degree: δύναμις, Ac 4:33; φόβος, Mk 4:41; ἀγάπη, Jo 15:13; ἄνεμος, ib. 6:18; κραυγή, Ac 23:9; φῶς, Mt 4:16; πυρετός, Lk 4:38; θλίψις, Mt 24:21.
3. Of rank;
(a) of persons: θεός (MM, xvi), Tit 2:13; Ἄρτεμις, Ac 19:27; compar. (v. infr.), Mt 18:1 (cf. Dalman, Words, 113f.); neut. for masc. (Bl., §32, 1), Mt 12:6;
(b) of things: ἁμαρτία, Jo 19:11; μυστήριον, Eph 5:32; = μεγίστη (v. infr., and cf. Field, Notes, 16f.), Mt 22:36; compar. for superl. (M, Pr., 78), I Co 13:13.
(a) Compar., μείζων: Mt 11:11 23:17, al.; neut. pl., μείζονα, contr. μείζω, Jo 1:51; double compar., μειζότερος (M, Pr., 236; Bl., §11, 4), III Jo 4;
(b) superl, μέγιστος (Deiss., BS, 365), II Pe 1:4.

[NT: 1x] μέγεθος, -ους, τό (< μέγας) [in LXX chiefly for קוֹמָה ;]

greatness: Eph 1:19 (cf. MM, xvi, s.v. μέγας).†

[NT: 3x] μεγιστάν, -ᾶνος, ὁ (< μέγιστος) [in LXX chiefly for שַׂר, Je 24:8, al.; רַבְרְבָן, Da LXX TH Da 5:23, al.; freq. in Sir (sing., Si 4:7) ;]

usually pl., οἱ μ., the chief men, nobles (Manetho, FlJ, al.): Mk 6:21, Re 6:15 18:23.†

[NT: 1x] μέγιστος, v.s. μέγας.

[NT: 8x] **† μεθερμηνεύω [in LXX: Sirach prologue 23 * ;]

to translate, interpret: Mt 1:23, Mk 5:41 15:22, 34, Jo 1:38, 42, Ac 4:36 13:8 (cf. ἑρμηνεύω).†

[NT: 3x] μέθη, -ης, ἡ [in LXX chiefly for שָׁכַר and cognate forms ;]

drunkenness: Lk 21:34; pl., Ro 13:13, Ga 5:21
SYN.: v.s. κῶμος

[p. 282]

[NT: 5x] μεθ-ίστημι and (late form, I Co 13:2) μεθιστάνω, [in LXX for סוּר hi., etc. ;] trans. in Pres., impf., fut. and aor. 1,

to change, remove: c. acc rei, ὄρη, I Co 13:2 (cf. Is 54:10); c. acc pers.: seq. εἰς, Col 1:13; seq. ἐκ, pass., Lk 16:4; of causing death (cf. similar intrans. sense, Eur., Alc., 21, al.), Ac 13:22. Metaph. (cf. τ. καρδίαν μ., Jos 14:8), c. acc pers., to pervert: Ac 19:26.†

*† μεθ-οδία (Rec. -εία; cf. 131., § 3, 5), -ας, ἡ (< μεθοδεύω, 1. to treat by rule. 2. to employ craft: IV Ki 19:27 *)

craft, deceit: Eph 4:14 6:11 (not found elsewhere; v. AR, in l).†

μεθ-όριον, -ου, τό (neut. of μεθόριος, -α, -ον) [in LXX: Jos 19:27 A * ;]

Rec. for ὅριον (q.v.),
a border, boundary: Mk 7:24.†

μεθύσκω [in LXX: Ps 23:5 (רָוָה), Pr 4:17 (שָׁתָה), etc. ;]

causal of μεθύω,
to make drunk, intoxicate; pass., to get drunk: Lk 12:45, Eph 5:18, I Th 5:7.†

[NT: 2x] μέθυσος, -α, -ον (also -ος, -ον; prop., only of women, but in late writers also = μεθυστικός, of men), [in LXX: Pr 23:21 (סָבָא) Pr 26:9 (שִׁכּוֹר), Si 19:1 26:8, IV Mac 2:7 * ;]

drunken: I Co 5:11 6:10.†

[NT: 7x] μεθύω (< μέθυ, wine, cf. μέθη), [in LXX chiefly for שָׁכַר, רָוָה ;]

to be drunken: Mt 24:49, Jo 2:10, Ac 2:15, I Co 11:21, I Th 5:7; metaph., Re 17:2, 6.†

μεῖγμα, -τος, τό, v.s. μίγμα, and cf. Bl., § 3, 5.

μείγνυμι, v.s. μίγνυμι, and cf. Bl., § 3, 5.

[NT: 1x] μειζότερος, v.s. μέγας.

[NT: 1x] μείζων, v.s. μέγας.

[NT: 3x] μέλαν, τό, v.s. μέλας.

[NT: 6x] μέλας, -αινα, -αν gen., -ανος, -αίνης, -ανος, [in LXX: Ca 1:5, Za 6:2 (שָׁחֹר), etc. ;]

black: Re 6:5, 12; opp. to λευκός, Mt 5:36; neut., τὸ μ., ink : II Co 3:3, II Jn 12, III Jn 13.†

[NT: 1x] Μελεά (Rec. -ᾶς, gen., -ᾶ)

indecl., (Heb. מְלֵאָה),
Melea: Lk 3:31.†

μέλει, v.s. μέλω.

[NT: 2x] μελετάω, -ῶ (< μελέτη, care), [in LXX chiefly for הָגָה m ;]

1. c. gen., to care for (Hes.).
2. C. acc to attend to, practise: I Ti 4:15 (RV, be diligent in; cf. Souter in Exp., VIII, vi, 429, but v. infr.).
3. to study, ponder: Ac 4:25 (LXX) I Ti 4:15 (AV, meditate on; cf. CGT, in l, but v. supr.; cf. προ-μελετάω).†

[NT: 4x] μέλι, -τος, τό [in LXX freq. (Ge 43:11, al.) for דְּבַשׁ; for נֹפֶת, Pr 5:3 ;]

honey: Re 10:9-10; ἄγριον (q.v.), Mt 3:4, Mk 1:9.†

[NT: 1x] *† μελίσσιος, -α, -ον (elsewhere † -αῖος, -ειος; < μέλισσα, a bee, cf. μέλι),

made by bees: Lk 24:42 (Rec., WH, R, mg.).†

[NT: 1x] Μελίτη (Rec., R, txt.), Μελιτήνη (WH, R, mg., v. WH, App., 160),

Melita, Melitene (mod. Malta) : Ac 28:1.†

[NT: 109x] μέλλω, [in LXX: Jb 3:8 (עָתִיד) 19:25 (אַחֲרוֹן); elsewhere for fut., and freq. in Wi, II, IV Mac ;]

to be about to be or do;
1. c. inf. (Bl., §62, 4; 68, 2; M, Pr., 114);
(a) of intending or being about to do of [p. 283] one's own free will: c. inf. praes., Mt 2:13, Lk 10:1, Ac 3:3 5:35, He 8:5, II Pe 1:12 (Field, Notes, 240), al.; c. inf. aor. (Bl., §58, 3), Ac 12:6, Re 3:16;
(b) of compulsion, necessity or certainty: c. inf. praes., Mt 16:27, Lk 9:31, Jo 6:71, Ro 4:24, al.; c. inf. aor., Ro 8:18, Ga 3:23, Re 3:2 12:4.
2. Ptcp., ὁ μέλλων: absol., Ro 8:38, I Co 3:22; τὰ μ., Col 2:17; εἰς τὸ μ. (Field, Notes, 65); c. subst., Mt 3:7 12:32 (ὁ αἰὼν ὁ μ.; LXX for עַד), Ac 24:25, I Ti 4:8, He 2:5, al.

[NT: 38x] μέλος, -ους, τό [in LXX chiefly for נֵתַח ;]

a member, limb of the body: I Co 12:14 12:19 12:26 Eph 4:16 (WH, mg.), Ja 3:5; pl. (as always in cl.), τὰ μ. : Mt 5:29-30, Ro 6:13, 19 7:5, 23 12:4, I Co 12:12 ff, Col 3:5, Ja 3:6 4:1. Metaph., πόρνης, I Co 6:15; of Christians, μ. ἀλλήλων, Ro 12:5, Eph 4:25; Χριστοῦ, I Co 6:15; σώματος Χριστοῦ, I Co 12:27, Eph 5:30.†

Μελχεί (Rec. -χί), indecl., ὁ (Heb. מֶלֶךְ),

Melchi: Lk 3:24, 28.†

Μελχισεδέκ indecl., (Heb. מַלְכִּי־צֶדֶק),

Melchizedek: He 5:6, 10 6:20 7:1, 10-11 7:15, 17.†

[NT: 10x] μέλω [in LXX: Jb 22:3 (חֵפֶץ), To 10:5, Wi 12:13, I Mac 14:42-43 * ;]

1. intrans., to be an object of care, be a care; commonly in third pers.: c. dat. pers., Ac 18:17; very freq. impers., I Co 7:21; seq. ὅτι, Mk 4:38, Lk 10:40; c. gen. rei (as freq. in Att..), I Co 9:9; seq. περί, Mt 22:16, Mk 12:14, Jo 10:13 12:6, I Pe 5:7.
2. Trans., in act. and mid., to care for (not in LXX or NT).†

[NT: 1x] *† μεμβράνα, -ας, ἡ (Lat. membrana),

parchment: II Ti 4:13.†

[NT: 2x] ** μέμφομαι [in LXX: Si 11:7 41:7, II Mac 2:7 * ;]

to blame, find fault: absol., Ro 9:19; c. acc, αὐτούς (WH, txt.; αὐτούς, Rec., WH, mg.; on rendering with αὐτούς v. Westc., in l), He 8:8.†

[NT: 1x] * μεμψίμοιρος, -ον (< μέμφομαι, + μοῖρα, fate, lot),

complaining of one's fate, querulous: Ju 16

[NT: 198x] μέν, conjunctive particle (originally a form of μήν), usually related to a following δέ or other adversative conjunction, and distinguishing the word or clause with which it stands from that which follows.

It is generally untranslatable and is not nearly so frequent in NT as in cl. Like δέ, it never stands first in a clause.

1. Answered by δέ or some other particle: μὲν . . . δέ, indeed . . . but, Mt 3:11, Lk 3:16, al.; with pronouns, ὃς μὲν . . . ὃς δέ, one . . . another, Mt 21:35, al.; pl., Phl 1:16, 17; ὃ μὲν . . . ὃ δὲ . . . ὃ δέ, some . . . some . . . some, Mt 13:8; τοῦτο μὲν . . . τοῦτο δέ, partly . . . partly, He 10:33; μὲν . . . ἔπειτα, Jo 11:6; μὲν . . . καί, Lk 8:5.

2. μέν solitarium, answered by no other particle: πρῶτον μέν (Bl., l.c.), Ro 1:8 3:2, I Co 11:18; μὲν οὖν in narrative, summing up what precedes or introducing something further (Bl., §78, 5), so then, rather, nay rather: Lk 11:28 (WH, μενοῦν), Ac 1:6 9:31, al.; μὲν οὖν γε (Phl 3:8, WH): v.s. μενοῦνγε.

Μεννά (L, Μεννᾶς, -ᾶ; Rec. Μαϊνάν) ,

Menna: Lk 3:31.†

μεν-οῦν = μὲν οὖν, v.s. μέν.

[NT: 3x] μεν-οῦν-γε

= μὲν οὖν γε
nay rather: Ro 9:20 10:18, Phl 3:8.†

[p. 284]

[NT: 8x] μέν-τοι

= μέν τοι,
yet, however: Jo 4:27, al.; εἰ μ., Ja 2:8 (if indeed).

[NT: 118x] μένω, [in LXX for קוּם ,עמד, etc. ;]

to stay, abide, remain.
1. Intrans.;
(i) of place: seq. ἐν, Lk 8:27, al.; παρά, c. dat. pers., Jo 1:40, al; σύν, Lk 1:56; καθ’ ἑαυτόν, Ac 28:16; c. adv., ἐκεῖ, Mt 10:11; ὧδε, Mt 26:38; metaph., I Jo 2:18; of the Holy Spirit, Jo 1:32, 33 14:17; of Christ, Jo 6:56 15:4, al.; ὁ θεός, I Jo 4:15, conversely, of Christians, Jo 6:56 15:4, I Jo 4:15, al.; ὁ λόγος τ. θεοῦ, I Jo 2:14; ἡ ἀλήθεια, II Jo 2, al.
(ii) Of time;
(a) of persons: Phl 1:25; seq. εἰς τ. αἰῶνα, Jo 12:34, He 7:24, I Jo 2:17; ὀλίγον, Re 17:10; ἕως ἔρχομαι, Jo 21:22, 23;
(b) of things, lasting or enduring: cities, Mt 11:23, He 13:14; λόγος θεοῦ, I Pe 1:23; ἁμαρτία, Jo 9:41.
(iii) Of condition: c. pred., μόνος, Jo 12:24; ἄγαμος, I Co 7:11; πιστός, II Ti 2:13; ἱερεύς, He 7:3; c. adv., οὕτως, I Co 7:40; ὡς κἀγώ, ib. 8; seq. ἐν, ib. 20, 24.
2. Trans. (Bl., §34, 1; Field, Notes, 132): c. acc. pers., Ac 20:5, 23 (cf. ἀνα-, δια-, ἐν-, ἐπι-, κατα-, παρα-, συν-παρα-, περι-, προσ-, ὑπο-μένω).

[NT: 14x] μερίζω (< μέρος), [in LXX chiefly for חָלַק ;]

to divide;
(a) to divide into parts : metaph., pass., I Co 7:34 (WH, R, ing.), I Co 7:34 (Rec., R, txt.) ( reading and punctuation, v. ICC, in l); μεμέρισται ὁ Χριστός, I Co 1:13; as in late authors, of factional division (cf. Polyb., viii, 23, 9), καθ' ἑαυτοῦ, Mt 12:25; ἐφ' εαυτόν, Mt 12:26, Mk 3:24-26;
(b) to distribute: c. acc rei et dat. pers., Mk 6:41; as in later usage (cf. Polyb., xi, 28, 9), to bestow: Ro 12:3, I Co 7:17, II Co 10:13, He 7:2; mid., c. acc rei seq. μετά, Lk 12:13 (cf. δια-, συμ-μερίζω).†

[NT: 6x] μέριμνα, -ης, ἡ [in LXX: Ps 55:22 (יְהַב), Jb 11:18, Si 30:24, al ;] (in cl. chiefly poët.)

care, anxiety: I Pe 5:7; pl., Lk 8:14 21:34; c. gen. obj., Mt 13:22, Mk 4:19, II Co 11:28.†

[NT: 19x] μεριμνάω, -ῶ (< μέριμνα), [in LXX: Ps 38:18 (דָּאַג), etc. ;]

1. to be anxious: absol., Mt 6:27, 31, Lk 12:25; μηδὲν μ., Phl 4:6; c. dat. rei, Mt 6:25, Lk 12:22; seq. περί, Mt 6:28, Lk 10:41 12:26; πῶς, Mt 10:19, Lk 12:11; εἰς τὴν αὔριον, Mt 6:34.
2. to care for: c. acc, τὰ τ. κυριου, I Co 7:32-34; τὰ τ. κόσμου, I Co 7:34; τὰ περί ὑμῶν, Phl 2:20; seq. ὑπέρ, I Co 12:25; c. gen. (a construction otherwise unknown), ἑαυτῆς (WH; τὰ ἑ. Rec.; v. Bl., § 35, 7), Mt 6:34 (cf. προ-μεριμνάω).†

[NT: 5x] μερίς, -ίδος, ἡ [in LXX chiefly חֵלֶק, חֶלְקָה ;]

1. (as in cl.) a part, portion: Lk 10:42, Ac 8:21, II Co 6:15, Col 1:12.
2. In later Gk (v. MM, xvi), as geographical term, a division, district: Ac 16:12.†

[NT: 2x] μερισμός, -οῦ, ὁ (< μερίζω), [in LXX for מַחְלְקָה, מַחֲלֹקֶת, Jos 11:23, Es 6:18 * ;]

1. a dividing, division: ψυχῆς κ. πνεύματος (i.e. between them or of the things themselves, v. Westc., in l), He 4:12.
2. a dis­tribution, bestowal (cf. μερίζω, 2); pl., He 2:4.†

[NT: 1x] *† μεριστής, -οῦ, ὁ (< μερίζω),

a divider: Lk 12:14.†

[NT: 42x] μέρος, -ους, τό (< μείρομαι), [in LXX chiefly for קָצֶה ;]

1. a part, share, portion: Jo 13:8, Ac 19:27 (Page, in l), Re 20:6 22:19; hence (cl.), lot, destiny, Mt 24:51, Lk 12:46, Re 21:8.
2. a part as opp. to the whole : Lk 11:36, Jo 19:23, Ac 5:2 23:6, Eph 4:16, Re 16:19; c. gen. (of the whole), [p. 285] Lk 15:12 24:42; τ. Φαρισαίων, Ac 23:9; pl., Jo 21:6; of the divisions of a province, Mt 2:22, Ac 2:10 19:1 20:2; of the regions belonging to a city, Mt 15:21 16:13, Mk 8:10; c. gen. appos., Eph 4:9; in adverbial phrases, ἀνὰ (κατὰ) μέρος, I Co 14:27, He 9:5; μέρος τι, ἀπὸ μ., in part, Ro 11:25 15:15, 24, I Co 11:18, II Co 1:14 2:5; ἐκ μ., I Co 12:27 13:9 13:12; τὸ ἐκ μ., I Co 13:10
3. A class or category (in cl. usually ἐν μ. τιθέναι, λαβεῖν, etc.) :ἐν μ., in respect of, Col 2:16; ἐν τ. μ, τούτῳ, in this respect, II Co 3:10 9:3.†

[NT: 2x] μεσημβρία, -ας, ἡ (μέσος, ἡμέρα), [in LXX chiefly for צֹהַר, Ge 3:16, al; also for נֶגֶב, Da LXX 8:4, 9, al. ;]

1. noon: Ac 22:6.
2. the South: Ac 8:26.†

[NT: 1x] * μεσιτεύω (< μεσίτης),

to interpose, mediate: ὅρκῳ, He 6:17 (MM, ii, 111).†

[NT: 6x] μεσίτης, -ου, ὁ (< μέσος), [in LXX: Jb 9:33 (בֵּין)* ;]

an arbitrator, mediator: Ga 3:19; c. dupl. gen. pers., θεοῦ κ. ἀνθρώπων, I Ti 2:5; c. gen. rei, διαθήκης, He 8:6 9:15 12:24; ὁ δε μ. ἑνὸς οὐκ ἔστιν, Ga 3:20 (v. Lft., in l; and for exx. of this word in π., v. MM, xvi).†

μεσο-νύκτιος (on v.l, μεσα-, v. Bl., § 6, 2), -ον (< μέσος, νύξ), [in LXX chiefly for לַיִל חֵצִי ;]

of or at midnight; as subst., neut., τὸ μ., midnight (Arist. and late writers) : gen., Lk 11:5; μέχρι μ., Ac 20:7; κατὰ τὸ μ., Ac 16:25; acc (Rec., gen.; v. Bl., § 34, 8), Mk 13:35.†
μεσανύκτιον, see. μεσονύκτιος

[NT: 2x] Μεσοποταμία, -ας, ἡ (sc. χώρα)

Mesopotamia: Ac 2:9 7:2.†

[NT: 58x] μέσος, -η, -ον [in LXX chiefly for תָּוֶךְ ;]

middle, in the middle or midst;
1. prop., as an adj.: Lk 23:45, Jo 19:18, Ac 1:18; c. gen. pl., Lk 22:55, Jo 1:26; gen. temp. (Bl., § 36, 13), μέσης νυκτός, Mt 25:6; μ. ἡμέρας, Ac 26:13.
2. In adverbial phrases, neut., μέσον, τὸ μ., as subst.: ἀνὰ μέσον, c. gen., between (cl.; in LXX: Ge 1:4, al.), elliptically (but v. M, Pr., 99), I Co 6:5; = ἐν μ., among, in the midst of (El., § 39, 2; 40, 8; cf. in LXX: Jos 19:1, Si 27:2), Mt 13:25, Mk 7:31, Re 7:17; διὰ μέσου, c. gen., Lk 4:30; διὰ μέσον (Rec. -ου, v. 81., § 42, 1), between, Lk 17:11 (ICC, in l); εἰς τὸ μ. (v.s. εἰς), Mk 3:3, Lk 4:35 5:19 6:8, Jo 20:19, 26; εἰς μ., Mk 14:60; ἐν τῷ μ., Mt 14:6; ἐν μ., Jos 8:3, 9, Ac 4:7; c, gen. loc., Mk 6:47, Lk 21:21 22:55, Ac 17:22, He 2:12 (LXX), Re 4:6 5:6 22:2. c. gen. pl., Mt 10:16 18:2, 20, Mk 9:36, Lk 2:46 8:7 10:3 22:27 24:36, Ac 1:15 2:22 27:21, I Th 2:7, Re 1:13 2:1 5:6 6:6; κατὰ μέσον τ. νυκτός, Ac 27:27 (Bl., § 47, 6); ἐκ τοῦ μ. (Lft., in l; Deiss., BS, 252 f.), Col 2:14; ἐκ μ.., II Th 2:7; ἐκ τοῦ μ., c. gen., Mt 13:49, Ac 17:33 23:10, I Co 5:2, II Co 6:17.
3. Neut., μέσον, adverbially, c. gen., in the midst of, Mt 14:24 (WH, txt., R, mg., aliter), Phl 2:15 (διὰ μέσου­v. supr.-also Jo 8:50, R, mg.).†

[NT: 1x] *† μεσότοιχον, -ου, τό (< μέσος, τοῖχος)

a partition wall: Eph 2:14 (not elsewhere, but v. LS, s.v. μεσότοιχος).†

[NT: 3x] μεσουράνημα, -τος, τό (< μεσουρανέω, to be in mid-heaven, of the sun at the meridian),

the zenith, mid-heaven: Re 8:13 14:6 19:17.†

[NT: 1x] μεσόω, -ῶ (< μέσός), [in LXX: μεσούσης τ. νυκός, Ex 12:29 (חֵצִי), [p. 286] etc. ;]

to be in the middle, esp. of time: τ. ἑορτῆς μεσούσης, in the middle of the feast, Jo 7:14.†

[NT: 2x] Μεσσίας, -ου, ὁ (Aram. מְשִׁיחָא = Heb. מָשִׁיחַ = Χριστός, q.v.),

Messiah: Jo 1:42 4:22.†

[NT: 9x] μεστός, -ή, -όν [in LXX: Na 1:10, Ez 37:1 (מָלֵא), Es 5:2, Pr 6:34 * ;]

full: c. gen. rei, Jo 19:29 21:11, Ja 3:8; metaph., of thoughts and feelings, Mt 23:28, Ro 1:29 15:14, II Pe 2:14, Ja 3:17 (cf. Pr, l.c.).†

[NT: 1x] ** μεστόω, -ῶ (< μεστός), [in LXX: III Mac 5:1 Mac 5:10 * ;]

to fill: pass., c. gen. rei, Ac 2:13.†

[NT: 469x] μετά (before vowel μετ’; on the neglect of elision in certain cases, V. WH, App., 146 b), prep. c. gen., acc. (in poet, also c. dat.), [in LXX for אַחַד ,עִם ,אֵת, etc.].

I. C. gen.,
1. among, amid: Mk 1:13, Lk 22:37 (LXX, ἐν) 24:5, Jo 18:5, al.; διωγμῶν, Mk 10:30.
2. Of association and companionship, with (in which sense it gradually superseded σύν, than which it is much more freq. in NT; cf. Bl., §42, 3): c. gen. pers., Mt 8:11 20:20 Mk 1:29 3:7 Lk 5:30, Jo 3:22, Ga 2:1, al. mult.; εἶναι μετά, Mt 5:25, Mk 3:14, al.; metaph., of divine help and guidance, Jo 3:2, Ac 7:9, Phl 4:9, al.; opp. to εἶναι κατά, Mt 12:30, Lk 11:23; in Hellenistic usage (but v. M, Pr., 106, 246f.), πολεμεῖν μετά = cl. π., c. dat., to wage war against (so LXX for נִלְחַם עִם, I Ki 17:33), Re 2:16, al.; c. gen. rei, χαρᾶς, Mt 13:20, Mk 4:16, al.; ὀργῆς, Mk 3:5, al.
II. C. acc,
1. of place, behind, after: He 9:3.
2. Of time, after: Mt 17:1, Mk 14:1, Lk 1:24, Ac 1:5, Ga 1:18, al.; μετὰ τοῦτο, Jo 2:12, al.; ταῦτα, Mk 16:[12], Lk 5:27, Jo 3:22, al; c. inf. artic. (BL, §71, 5; 72, 3), Mt 26:32, Mk 1:14, al.
III. In composition,
1. of association or community: μεταδίδωμι, μετέχω, etc.
2. Exchange or transference: μεταλλάσσω, μετοικίζω, etc.
3. after: μεταμέλομαι.

[NT: 12x] ** μετα-βαίνω [in LXX: Wi 7:27 19:19, II Mac 6:1 Mac 6:9 Mac 6:24 * ;]

to pass over from one place to another : Mt 17:20, Lk 10:7; with reference to the point of departure only, to withdraw, depart: Mt 8:34 11:1 12:9 15:29, Jo 7:3, Ac 18:7; of removal from this life, ἐκ τ. κότμου πρὸς τ. Πατέρα, Jo 13:1; metaph., ἐκ τ. θανάτου εἰς τ. ζωήν, Jo 5:24, I Jn 3:14.†

μετα-βάλλω [in LXX chiefly for הָפַךְ ;]

to turn about, change. Pass. and mid., to turn oneself about; metaph., to change one's mind: Ac 28:6.†

[NT: 2x] μετ-άγω [in LXX: III Ki 8:47-48, II Ch 6:37 (שָׁבָה) II Ch 36:3 (סוּר hi.), I Es 1:45 Es 2:10 Es 5:69, Es 8:17, Sir prol.16 Si 10:8, II Mac 1:33 * ;]

1. in Xen., Plut., and later writers, to transfer, transport (so LXX).
2. In sense other­wise unknown (v. Hort, in l), to turn about, direct: Ja 3:3-4.†

[NT: 5x] μετα-δίδωμι [in LXX: Pr 11:29 (שָׁבַר hi.), Wi 7:13, al. ;]

to give a share of, impart: c. dat. pers. et acc rei (in cl. more freq., c. gen. part., but acc of that which is imparted, whether part or whole, so here, v. Bl., § 36, 1), Ro 1:11, I Th 2:8, and (with ellipse of acc) Lk 3:11; c. dat. pers., Eph 4:28; absol., ὁ μεταδιδούς, Ro 12:8.†

[p. 287]

[NT: 3x] ** μετά-θεσις, -εως, ἡ (< μετατίθημι) [in LXX: II Mac 11:24 * ;]

1. change of position, removal : He 11:5.
2. change, as of that which has been established : He 7:12 12:27.†

[NT: 2x] μετ-αίρω [in LXX: IV Ki 16:17 25:11, Ps 80:8, Pr 22:28 (סוּר hi., גָּלָה hi., etc.)* ;]

1. trans., to remove (LXX, ll. c.).
2. (not cl.) to depart: Mt 13:53 19:1 (cf. Aq.: Ge 12:9).†

μετα-καλέω, -ῶ [in LXX: Ho 11:1-2 (קָרָא), I Es 1:50 * ;]

to call from one place to another. Mid., to send for: c. acc, Ac 7:14 10:32 20:17 24:25.†

[NT: 1x] μετα-κινέω, -ῶ [in LXX: De 19:14 (סוּג hi.), Is 54:10 (מוֹט), etc. ;]

to move away, remove (ὅρια, Deu, l.c.). Mid., to remove oneself, remove, shift: metaph., ἀπὸ τ. ἐλπίδος, Col 1:23.†

** μετα-λαμξάνω [in LXX: Es 5:1, Wi 18:9; IV Mac 12:1-19 * ;]

to have or get a share of, partake of: c. gen. rei, II Ti 2:6, He 6:7 12:10; τροφῆς, Ac 2:46 27:33-34; c. acc rei (of the whole), to get: καιρόν, Ac 24:25 (v. Bl., § 36, 1; MM, xvi).†

[NT: 1x] * μετά-λημψις (Rec. -ληψις), -εως, ἡ (< μεταλαμβάνω)

participation, taking, receiving: of food, I Ti 4:3.†

μετά-ληψις, v.s. μεάλημψις.

[NT: 2x] μετ-αλλάσσω [in LXX: Es 2:7 (מוּת), Es 2:20, I Es 1:31 Es 1:2 Mac.9 * ;]

1. to exchange: τ. ἀλήθειαν . . . ἐν τ. ψεύδει, the truth for a lie (v. Bl., § 36, 8), Rom_1:25.
2. to change: c. acc seq. εἰς, Rom_1:26 (ἀλλάσσω).†

[NT: 6x] μετα-μέλομαι [in LXX chiefly for נָהַם: ni. ;] depon., pass.,

to regret, repent one: Mt 21:30, 32 27:3, II Co 7:8, He 7:21 (LXX)
SYN.: μετανοέω, to change one's mind, repent. On the distinc­tion, difficult to maintain by usage, between these words, v. Thayer, s.v.; Tr., Syn., § lxix

**† μετα-μορφόω, -ῶ [in Sm.: Ps 34:1 * ;]

to transform, trans­figure: pass., of Christ's transfiguration, Mt 17:2, Mk 9:2 (cf. Lk 9:29); of Christians, Ro 12:2, II Co 3:18.†
SYN.: μετασχηματίζω, to change in fashion or appearance, v.s. μορφή, and cf. Lft., Phi., 125 ff

[NT: 34x] μετα-νοέω, -ῶ [in LXX for נָחַם ni., I Ki 15:29, Je 4:28, al. ;]

to change one's mind or purpose, hence, to repent; in NT (exc. Lk 17:3-4), of repentance from sin, involving amendment: seq. ἀπό, Ac 8:22; ἔκ, Re 2:21-22 9:20-21 16:11 (מִן שׁוּב); ἐπί, II Co 12:21; absol., Mt 3:2 4:17 11:20 12:41, Mk 1:15 6:12, Lk 11:32 13:3, 5 15:7, 10 16:30 17:3-4, Ac 2:38 3:19 17:30 26:20 2:5, 16 2:21 3:3, 19; c. inf., Re 16:9; ἐν σάκκῳ κ. σποδῷ, Mt 11:21, Lk 10:13.†
SYN.: μεταμέλομαι, q.v

[NT: 22x] μετάνοια, -οίας, ἡ (< μετανοέω), [in LXX: Pr 14:15, Wi 11:23 12:10, 19, Si 44:16 * ;]

after-thought, change of mind, repentance: He 12:17; of repentance from sin, Mt 3:8, 11 Lk 3:8 15:7 24:47, Ac 26:20, II Co 7:9-10; βάπτισμα (q.v.) μετανοίας, Mk 1:4, Lk 3:3, Ac 13:24 19:4; ἡ εἰς θεὸν Ac 20:21; μ. ἀπὸ νεκρῶν ἔργων, He 6:1; εἰς μ. καλεῖν, Lk 5:32; id. ἄγειν, Ro 2:4; ἀνακαινίζειν, He 6:6; εἰς μ. χωρῆσαι, II Pe 3:9; μ. δοῦναι, Ac 5:31 11:18, II Ti 2:25.†

[NT: 9x] μεταξύ (< μετά + ξύν = σύν), [in LXX: Ge 31:50, Jg 5:27, III Ki [p. 288] 15:6; III Ki 15:32, Wi 4:10 16:19 18:23 * ;]

1. adv. of place and time (in NT time only);
(a) between: ἐν τῷ μ. (s.c. χρόνῳ), Jo 4:31;
(b) in late writers (FlJ, Plut., al.), like μετά (adv.), after, afterwards: τὸ μ. σάββατον, Ac 13:42 (cf. Cl., Ro., I Co., 44, 2).
2. Prep. c. gen., between: of place, Mt 23:35, Lk 11:51 16:26, Ac 12:6; of persons, as to mutual relation, Mt 18:15, Ac 15:9, Ro 2:1-29 15:1-33.†

μετα-πέμπω [in LXX (mid.) : Ge 27:45 (לָקַח), Nu 23:7 (נָחָה: hi.), II Mac 15:31, III Mac 5:18 R, IV Mac 12:3 Mac 12:6 * ;]

to send after or for: pass., Ac 10:29 a. Chiefly in mid., to send for, summon Ac 10:5, 22 10:29 b Ac 11:13 20:1 24:24, 26 25:3.†

[NT: 2x] μετα στρέφω [in LXX chiefly for הָפַךְ ;]

to turn about, turn, change: pass., Ac 2:20 (LXX), Ja 4:9 (WH, txt., μετατρέπω, q.v.); in evil sense, to pervert, corrupt (cf. primary sense reverse) : Ga 1:7.†
[in LXX: IV Mac 6:5 Mac 7:3 Mac 7:12 Mac 15:11 Mac 15:18 * ;]
to turn about, turn (Hom., al., but not found in Att..) : c. acc, Ja 4:9 (WH, txt.; cf. μεταστρέφω).†

[NT: 5x] ** μετα-σχηματίζω [in LXX: IV Mac 9:22 * ;]

to change in fashion or appearance: c. acc rei, τ. σῶμα, Phl 3:21; mid., seq. εἰς, II Co 11:13-14; seq. ὡς, II Co 11:15; of a rhetorical device, to transfer by a fiction (Field, Notes, in l), seq. εἰς, I Co 4:6.†
SYN.: μεταμορφόω, q.v

[NT: 6x] μετα-τίθημι [in LXX: Ge 5:24 (לָקַח), De 27:17, al. (סוּג hi.), Si 44:16, II Mac 7:24, al ;]

1. to transfer to another place: c. acc, pass., He 11:5 (LXX); seq. εἰς, Ac 7:16
2. to change: c. acc, pass., He 7:12; seq. εἰς, fig., i.e. to make one thing a pretext for another, χάριν εἰς ἀσέλγειαν, Ju 4. Mid., to change oneself, pass over: seq. ἀπό et εἰς, Ga 1:6 (cf. 2Mac, l.c.).†

[NT: 1x] ** μετ-έπειτα, adv. [in LXX: Jth 9:5, Es 3:13, III Mac 3:24 * ;]

after­wards: He 12:17.†

[NT: 8x] μετ-έχω [in LXX: Pr 5:17 (עֵת), Pr 1:18, I Es 5:40 Es 8:70, Si 51:28, al. ;]

to partake of, share in: ἐπ' ἐλπίδι τοῦ μετέχειν, I Co 9:10; c. gen. rei, I Co 9:12 10:21 10:30, He 2:14; in sacramental sense, ἑκ τ. ἐνὸς ἄρτου μ., I Co 10:17 (cf. MM, xvi); metaph., γάλακτος, He 5:13; of belonging to a tribe, He 7:13.†

μετ-εωρίζω (< μετέωρος, (a) in mid air; (b) buoyed up; (c) in suspense; Thuc.; in π. opp. to ἀμέριμνος, v. Zorell, s.v.) [in LXX: Ob 4 (גָּבַהּ hi.), Mi 4:1 (נָשָׂא ni.), Ps 131:1, Ez 10:16-17, 19 (רוּם), II Mac 5:17 Mac 7:34, III Mac 6:5 * ;]

to raise on high (Thue., Xen., al.; Ob, Mi, Ez, ll c.). Metaph.,
(a) to buoy up; pass., to be elated, puffed up (Polyb., al., Ps 2:1-12, 3 Mac, ll. c.)
(b) to be anxious, in suspense (Polyb., v. 70, 10; FlJ, BJ, iv, 2, 5) : Lk 12:29.†

[NT: 4x] μετοικεσία, -ας, ἡ (= cl. μετολκία, -κησις; < μετοικέω, to change one's abode), [in LXX chiefly for גּוֹלָה and cogn. forms, Ez 12:11, Ob 20, al. ;]

change of abode, migration: of the Babylonian exile, μ. Βαβυλῶνος, Mt 1:11-12, 17.†

[p. 289]

[NT: 2x] μετ-οικίζω (< μέτοικος, an emigrant), [in LXX chiefly for גָּלָה hi. ;]

to remove to a new abode, cause to migrate: Ac 7:4, 43 (LXX).†

[NT: 1x] μετοχή, -ῆς, ἡ (< μετέχω), [in LXX: Ps 122:3 א R (חָבַר pu.) * ;]

sharing, fellowship: II Co 6:14.†

[NT: 6x] μέτοχος, -ον (< μετέχω), [in LXX chiefly for חָבֵר ;]

1. sharing in, partaking of: c. gen. rei, He 3:1 6:4 12:8; τ. Χριστοῦ, He 3:14.
2. As subst., ὁ μ., a partner, associate: Lk 5:7, He 1:9 (LXX)

[NT: 11x] μετρέω, -ῶ (< μέτρον), [in LXX: Ex 16:18, Nu 35:5, Ru 3:15, Is 40:12, (מָדַד), Da Th Da 5:26 (מָדַד), Wi 4:8 * ;]

1. to measure, of space, number, value, etc.: c. acc rei, Re 11:2 21:15, 17; c. dat. instr., Re 11:1 21:16. Metaph., ἑαυτὸν ἐν ἑαυτῷ, II Co 10:12.
2. to measure out, give by measure: prov., ἐν ὧ μέτρῳ κ.τ.λ., Mt 7:2, Mk 4:24, Lk 6:38 (WH, mg., cf. ἀντι-μετρέω).†

[NT: 1x] μετρητής, -οῦ, ὁ (< μετρέω), [in LXX: III Ki 18:32 (סְאָה), II Ch 4:5, (בַּת), etc. ;]

1. a measurer (Plat.).
2. = ἀμφορεύς, an Attic measure, = 11⁄2 Roman amphoræ or about 9 Eng. gallons: Jo 2:6.†

[NT: 1x] *† μετριοπαθέω, -ῶ (< μετριοπαθής, moderating one's passions),

to hold one's passions or emotions in restraint; hence, to bear gently with, feel gently towards: He 5:2.†

[NT: 1x] ** μετρίως adv. (μέτριος, moderate), [in LXX: II Mac 15:1-39 * ;]

moderately: litotes, οὐ μ., exceedingly, Ac 20:12.†

[NT: 14x] μέτρον, -ου, τό [in LXX chiefly for מִדָּה, also for אֵיפָה, etc. ;]

1. that which is used for measuring, a measure;
(a) a vessel: fig., Mt 23:32, Lk 6:38; ἐκ μ., by measure, Jo 3:34;
(b) a rod or rule: Re 21:15, 17; fig., Mt 7:2, Mk 4:24.
2. That which is measured, measure: c. gen. rei, Ro 12:3, II Co 10:13, Eph 4:7, 13 4:16.†

[NT: 8x] μέτωπον, -ου, τό (μετά + ὤψ, an eye), [in LXX for מֵצַח ;]

the forehead: Re 7:3 9:4 13:16 14:1, 9 17:5 20:4 22:4.†

μέχρι (bef. consonants, exc. Lk 16:16, μέχρι Ἰωάνου) and μέχρις (bef. vowels, Mk, Ga, ll. c., He 12:4; v. Bl., § 5, 4)

1. as prep., c. gen., as far as, even to, until;
(a) of place: Ro 15:19;
(b) of time : Mt 11:23 13:30 28:15, Lk 16:16, Ac 10:30 20:7, Ro 5:14, I Ti 6:14, He 3:6, 14 9:10;
(c) of measure or degree : Phl 2:8, 30, II Ti 2:9, He 12:4 (μ. αἵματος, cf. II Mac 13:14).
2. As conjunct. (as long as), until: Eph 4:13; μ. οὗ (Thuc., iii, 28, but more freq. μ. ἄν v. BI., § 65, 10), Mk 13:30, Ga 4:19 (μ. is prop, an adv., cf. Lat. usgue, seq. prep. or adv.; LS, s.v., and cf. ἄχρι).†

[NT: 1042x] μή, subjective negative particle,

used where the negation depends on a condition or hypothesis, expressed or understood, as distinct from οὐ, which denies absolutely. μή is used where one thinks a thing is not, as distinct from an absolute negation. As a general rule, οὐ negatives the indic, μή the other moods, incl, ptcp. [In LXX for אֵין ,אַיִן ,אַל ] [p. 290]
I. As a neg. adv., not;
1. with ref. to thought or opinion: Jo 3:18, Tit 1:11, II Pe 1:9.
2. In delib. questions, c. subjc. (M, Pr., 185): Mk 12:14, Ro 3:8.
3. In conditional and final sentences, after εἰ, ἐάν, ἄν, ἵνα, ὅπως: Mt 10:14, Mk 6:11 12:19, Lk 9:5, Jo 6:50, Ro 11:25, al.
4. C. inf. (v. M, Pr., 234f., 239, 255),
(a) after verbs of saying, etc.: Mt 2:12 5:34, Mk 12:18, Ac 15:38, Ro 2:21, al.;
(b) c. artic. inf.: after a prep., Mt 13:5, Mk 4:5, Ac 7:19, I Co 10:6, al.; without a prep., Ro 14:13, II Co 2:1, 13, 1 Th 4:6;
(c) in sentences expressing consequence, after ὥστε: Mt 8:28, Mk 3:20, I Co 1:7, II Co 3:7, al.
5. C. ptcp. (v. M, Pr., 231f., 239), in hypothetical references to persons of a certain character or description: Mt 10:28 12:30, Lk 6:49, Jo 3:18, Ro 4:5, I Co 7:38, I Jo 3:10, al.; where the person or thing being definite, the denial is a matter of opinion: Jo 6:64, I Co 1:28 4:7, 18, II Co 5:21, al.; where the ptcp. has a concessive, causal or conditional force, if, though, because not: Mt 18:25, Lk 2:45, Jo 7:49, Ac 9:26, Ro 2:14 5:13, II Co 3:14, Ga 6:9, Ju 5; where the ptcp. has a descriptive force (being such as), not: Ac 9:9, Ro 1:28, I Co 10:33, Ga 4:8, He 12:27, al.
6. μή prohibitive, in indep. sentences,
(a) c. subjc. praes., 1 pers. pl.: Ga 5:26 6:9, I Th 5:6, I Jo 3:18;
(b) c. imperat. praes., usually where one is bidden to desist from what has already begun (cf. M, Pr., 122ff.): Mt 7:1, Mk 5:36, Lk 6:30, Jo 2:16 5:45, Ac 10:15, Ro 11:18, Ja 2:1, Re 5:5, al.;
(c) forbidding that which is still future: c. imperat. aor., 3 pers., Mt 24:18, Mk 13:15, Lk 17:31, al.; c. subjc. aor., 2 pers., Mt 3:9 10:26, Mk 5:7, Lk 6:29, Jo 3:7, Ro 10:6, al.;
(d) c. optat., in wishes: II Ti 4:16 (LXX); μὴ γένοιτο (v. M, Pr., 194; Bl., §66, 1), Lk 20:16, Ro 3:3, al.; μή τις, Mk 13:5, al.
II. As a conj.,
1. after verbs of fearing, caution, etc., that, lest, perhaps (M, Pr., 192f.): c. subjc. praes., He 12:15; c. subjc. aor., Mt 24:4, Mk 13:5, Lk 21:8, Ac 13:40, Ga 5:15, al.; ὅρα μή (v. M, Pr., 124, 178), elliptically, Re 19:10 22:9; c. indic, fut. (M, Pr., l.c.), Col 2:8.
2. in order that not: c. subjc. aor., Mk 13:36, II Co 8:20 12:6.
III. Interrogative, in hesitant questions (M, Pr., 170), or where a negative answer is expected: Mt 7:9, 10, Mk 2:19, Jo 3:4, Ro 3:3 10:18, 19, I Co 1:13, al.; μή τις, Lk 22:35, al.; seq. οὐ (Ro 10:17, al. in Pl.), expecting an affirm, ans.; οὐ μή, Lk 18:7, Jo 18:11.
IV. οὐ μή as emphatic negation (cf. M, Pr., 188, 190ff.; Bl. §64, 5), not at all, by no means: c. indic, fut., Mt 16:22, Jo 6:35, He 10:17, al.; c. subjc. aor., Mt 24:2, Mk 13:2, Lk 6:37, Jo 13:8, I Co 8:13, al.

μήγε, v.s. γε.

[NT: 2x] μηδαμῶς (= μηδαμῆ, -δαμά, adv. fr. μηδαμός = μηδείς) [in LXX chiefly for הָלִלָה, הָלילָה ;]

by no means, not at all. μ., Κύριε (sc. τοῦτο γένοιτο), Ac 10:14 11:8.†

[NT: 56x] μηδέ

negative particle, related to οὐδέ as μή to οὐ,
1. as conic., continuing a negation or prohibition, but not, and not, nor: preceded by μή, Mt 6:25 22:29, Mk 12:24, Lk 14:12, al.; ἵνα μή, Jo 4:15; ὅπως μή, Lk 16:26; μηδέ . . . μηδέ, neither . . . nor, Mt 10:10, I Co 10:8-9.
2. As adv., strengthening a negation, not even: Mk 2:2, I Co 5:11, al

[NT: 90x] μηδείς, -δεμία, -δέν (and -θέν, Ac 27:33, a Hellenistic form; v. Bl., [p. 291] 6, 7; Thackeray, Gr., 58)

related to οὐδείς as μή to οὐ,
no, none, no one; neut., nothing: Mt 16:20, Mk 5:43 6:8, Lk 3:14, Ac 8:24, Ro 13:8, al.; c. gen., Ac 4:17 24:23; neut. acc, μηδέν, adverbially, in no respect, Ac 10:20 11:12; as acc. obj. after verb, βλάπτειν, Lk 4:35; ὠφελεῖσθαι, Mk 5:26; ὑστερεῖν, II Co 11:5; μεριμνᾶν, Phl 4:6; in double negation, strengthening the denial, μηκέτι μ., Mk 11:14, Ac 4:17; μὴ . . . μηδέν (μηδένα, μηδεμίαν), II Co 13:7, II Th 2:3, I Pe 3:6
μηθείς, see. μηδείς

[NT: 1x] μηδέποτε (μηδέ, ποτέ) adv.,

never: II Ti 3:7.†

[NT: 1x] μηδέπω (μηδέ, πώ), adv.,

not yet: He 11:7.†

[NT: 1x] Μῆδος, -ου, ὁ

a Mede, Median: pl., Ac 2:9.†

[NT: 22x] μηκέτι (< μή, ἔτι) adv.,

no more, no longer: c. 2 aor. subjc., Mk 9:25; οὐ μ., Mt 21:19; c. praes. subjc., Ro 14:13; c. praes. imperat., Lk 8:49, Jo 5:14 8:11 Eph 4:28, I Ti 5:23; c. optat., Mk 11:14; ἵνα μ., II Co 5:15, Eph 4:14; c. inf., Mk 1:45 2:2, Ac 4:17 25:24, Ro 6:6, Eph 4:17, I Pe 4:2; c. ptcp., Ac 13:34, Ro 15:23, I Th 3:1 3:5.†

[NT: 3x] μῆκος, -εος (-ους), τό [in LXX chiefly for אֹרֶךְ ;]

length: Eph 3:18, Re 21:16.†

μηκύνω (< μῆκος), [in LXX: Is 44:14 (גָּדַל pi.), Ez 12:25, 28 (מָשַׁךְ ni.) * ;]

to lengthen, extend: of causing plants to grow, Isa, l.c.; pass. (mid., Swete, in l), to grow: Mk 4:27.†

[NT: 1x] μηλωτή, -ῆς, ἡ (< μῆλον, a sheep or goat) [in LXX for אַדֶּרֶת, III Ki 19:13 19:19, IV Ki 2:8 2:13-14 * ;]

a sheepskin: He 11:37.†

[NT: 1x] μήν

a particle of assurance, verily, truly; εἰ (εἶ) μ. (= cl., ἦ μ. in LXX and π.), now verily, full surely: He 6:14 (LXX).†

μήν gen., μηνός, ὁ, [in LXX very freq. for חֹדֶשׁ, Ge 7:11, al.; a few times for יֶרַח ;]

a month: Lk 1:24, 26 1:36, 56 4:25, Ac 7:20 18:11 19:8 20:3 28:11, Ja 5:17, Re 9:5, 10 9:15 11:2 13:5 22:2; pl., of the festival of the new moon (cf. Is 66:23), Ga 4:10.†

[NT: 4x] ** μηνύω [in LXX: II Mac 3:7 Mac 6:11 Mac 14:37, III Mac 3:28, IV Mac 4:3 * ;]

to disclose, declare, make known: Lk 20:37, I Co 10:28; in forensic sense, to inform, report: Jo 11:57; pass., c. dat. pers., Ac 23:30.†

μὴ οὐκ, v.s. μή, III.

[NT: 25x] μήποτε (= μή ποτε, and so written in WH, exc. Mt 25:9),

negative particle, related to οὔποτε as μή to οὐ.
1. As neg. particle, never: He 9:17 (R, mg., but v. infr.; WH, txt., μή τότε).
2. As conjc., lest ever, lest haply (the idea of chance rather than of time seems to prevail in NT) : Mt 4:6 (LXX) Mt 5:25 7:6 13:15 (LXX), Mt 13:29 15:32 27:64, Mk 4:12 (LXX) Mk 14:2, Lk 4:11 12:58 14:12, 29, Ac 28:27; after verbs of fearing or taking heed, Lk 21:34, He 2:1 3:12 4:1; with ellipse of the verb or ptcp., Lk 14:8, Ac 5:39; in later writers (v. M, Pr., 192 f.), perhaps, Mt 25:9.
3. As interrogative;
(a) in direct questions, like μή, expecting a negative answer: Jo 7:26, He 9:17, (R, txt., cf. Westc., in l; but v. supr.);
(b) in indirect questions, whether haply, if haply: Lk 3:15, II Ti 2:25.†


[p. 292]

[NT: 2x] * μήπω (μή πω, LTr., in Ro, l.c.), adv.,

not yet: c. ptcp., Ro 9:11; c. acc et inf., He 9:8.†

[NT: 11x] μήπως

or μή πως (so WH),
negative particle,
1. as conjc., lest haply: in final sentences, I Co 9:27, II Co 2:7 9:4; after verbs of fearing or taking heed, I Co 8:9, II Co 11:3 12:20, Ga 4:11; with an ellipse of ptcp. (sc. φοβούμενος; cf. B1., § 65, 3; Burton, § 225), I Th 3:5 (but v. infr.).
2. As interrogative, whether haply: Ga 2:2, I Th 3:5 (cf. M, Th., in l, but v. supr.).†
(WH, μή που),
lest anywhere, lest haply: Ac 27:29.†

[NT: 1x] μηρός, -oῦ, ὁ [in LXX chiefly for יָרֵךְ ;]

the thigh: Re 19:16.†

[NT: 34x] μή-τε

negative particle, differing from οὔτε as μή from οὐ, neither, nor: μήτε . . . μήτε, neither . . .
nor, Mt 11:18, Lk 7:33 9:3, Ac 23:12, 21 27:20, He 7:3; μὴ (μηδὲ) . . . μήτε . . . μήτε, Mt 5:34, 36, Mk 3:20 T, Ac 23:8, II Th 2:2, I Ti 1:7, Ja 5:12, Re 7:1, 3.†

[NT: 83x] μήτηρ

μητρός, ἡ,
[in LXX chiefly for אֵם ;]
mother: Mt 1:18 2:11, al.; fig., of one who takes the place of a mother, ἰδοὺ, ἡ μ. μου, Mt 12:49 (cf. Mt 12:50, Mk 3:35, Jo 19:27, Ro 16:13, I Ti 5:2); of a city, ἥτις ἐσὶν μ. ἡμῶν, Ga 4:26; symbolically of Babylon, ἡ μ. τ. πορνῶν, Re 17:5

[NT: 17x] μή-τι

interrog. particle, expecting a negative answer: Mt 7:16 26:22, 25, Mk 4:21 14:19, Lk 6:39, Jo 8:22 18:35, Ac 10:47, II Co 12:18, Ja 3:11; in hesitant questions (v. M, Pr., 170.), μ οὗτός ἐστιν,
can this be, Mt 12:23, Jo 4:29; μ. ἄρα, II Co 1:17; On εἰ μήτι (Lk 9:13, cf. Bl., § 65, 6), v.s. εἰ.

[NT: 1x] μή-τι-γε (μήτι γε, Rec., L; μή τι γε, Tr.),

strengthened form of μήτι,
let alone: i.e. according to context;
(a) much less;
(b) much more: I Co 6:3.†

[NT: 0x] μή-τις Rec. for μή τις

(v.s. μή יׇקְמְעָם, I, III, and cf. Thayer, v.s. μήτις)

[NT: 2x] μήτρα, -ας, ἡ (< μήτμρ), [in LXX chiefly for רֶחֶם ;]

the womb: Lk 2:23 (LXX), Ro 4:19.†

[NT: 1x] * μητρολῴας (Rec. -αλῴας, in cl., -αλοίας, v. B1., § 3, 3; 6, 2), -ου, ὁ (< μήτρρ + ἀλοιάω, to smite)

(a) a matricide: I Ti 1:9 (AV, R, txt., but v. infr.);
(b) a smiter of his mother: I Ti 1:9 (R, mg., cf. Ex 21:15, and v. Ellic., CGT, in l).†

[NT: 1x] μητρό-πολις, -εως, ἡ [in LXX for אָב etc. ;]

a metropolis, chief city: ITi, subscr. (Rec.).†

[NT: 0x] μία, v.s. εἷς.

[NT: 5x] μιαίνω [in LXX chiefly for טָמֵא ;]

1. to dye or stain.
2. to stain, defile, soil;
(a) in physical sense;
(b) in moral sense : Tit 1:15, He 12:15, Ju 8;
(c) in ritual sense (cf. Le 22:5, al.): Jo 18:28.†
SYN.: μολύνω, to besmear, which also differs from μ. in that it is never used, as μ. in its primary meaning, in an honourable sense (cf. Tr., Syn., § xxxi)

[NT: 1x] μίασμα, -τος, τό (< μιαίνω),

chiefly in trag. and late writers;
[in LXX: Le 7:8, 18, (פִּגּוּל), Je 32:34 (שִׁקּוּץ), Ez 33:31 (בֶּצַע), Jth 9:2, 4 13:16, I Mac 13:50 * ;]
a stain, defilement: pl., II Pe 2:20.†

[NT: 1x] **† μιασμός, -οῦ, ὁ (< μιαίνω), [in LXX: Wi 14:26, I Mac 4:43 * ;] [p. 293]

1. prop., the act of defiling.
2. = μίασμα (q.v.) : II Pe 2:10 (cf. Plut., Mor., 393c).†

[NT: 1x] ** μίγμα (LT, cl., μῖγμα; on the orthogr., v. B1., § 3, 5), -τος, τό (< μίγνυμι), [in LXX: Si 38:8 * ;]

a mixture: Jo 19:39 (ἕλιγμα, WH, R, mg.).†

[NT: 4x] μίγνυμι (on the spelling μείγ-, ν. B)., § 3, 5) [in LXX for עָרַב hith., etc. ;]

to mix, mingle: c. acc et dat., Re 15:2; c. acc seq. ἐν, Re 8:7; seq. μετά, Mt 27:34, Lk 13:1.†
SYN.: κεράννυμι, q.v

[NT: 46x] μικρός, -ά, -όν [in LXX chiefly for קָטָן, מָעַט ;]

small, little;
1. of persons;
(a) lit., of stature: Mk 15:40 (MM, iii, xvi; on the view that age is meant, v. Deiss., BS, 144), Lk 19:3; οἱ μ., the little ones, Mt 18:6, 10 18:14, Mk 9:42;
(b) hence metaph., of rank or influence (cf. Dalman, Words, 113 f.) : Mt 10:42, Lk 17:2, Ac 8:10 26:22, He 8:11 (LXX), Re 11:18 13:16 19:5, 18 20:12; compar., -ότερος, Mt 11:11, Lk 7:28 9:48.
2. Of things;
(a) of size : Mt 13:32 Mk 4:31, Ja 3:5;
(b) of quantity: Lk 12:32, I Co 5:6, Ga 5:9, Re 3:8;
(c) of time : Jo 7:33 12:35, Re 6:11 20:3.
3. Neut., μικρόν, used adverbially;
(a) of distance: Mt 26:39, Mk 14:35;
(b) of quantity: II Co 11:1 11:16;
(c) of time : Jo 13:33 14:19 16:16-19, He 10:37; μετὰ μ., Mt 26:73, Mk 14:70.†

[NT: 3x] Μίλητος, -ου, ἡ, Miletus

a maritime city of Caria : Ac 20:15, 17, II Ti 4:20.†

[NT: 1x] *† μίλιον, -ου, τό

a Roman mile (1680 yds.) : Mt 5:41.†

[NT: 4x] μιμέομαι, -οῦμαι (< μῖμος, a mimic, an actor), [in LXX: Ps 31:6, Wi 4:2 15:9, IV Mac 9:23 Mac 9:13 : * ;]

to imitate: II Th 3:7 3:9 He 13:7, III Jn 11.†

[NT: 6x] * μιμητής, -οῦ, ὁ (< μιμέομαι),

in NT always (like the verb) in good sense, an imitator: I Co 4:16 11:1, Eph 5:1, I Th 1:6 2:14, He 6:12.†

μιμνήσκω (Bl., -ῄ-, § 3, 3), [in LXX chiefly for זָכַר ;]

to remind: mid, and pass.;
(a) reflexive, to remind oneself of, hence, to remember: c. gen. rei, Mt 26:75, Lk 1:54, 72 24:8, Ac 11:16, II Pe 3:2, Ju 17; c. neg., of sins, = to forgive, He 8:12 10:17 (LXX); c. gen. pers., Lk 23:42; seq. ὅτι, Mt 5:23 27:63, Lk 16:25, Jo 2:17, 22 12:16; ὡς, Lk 24:6; pf., μέμνημι, in Pres. sense (cl.), c. gen. pers. (rei), I Co 11:2, II Ti 1:4; pres., μιμνήσκομαι (only in late writers), c. gen. pers., in sense of caring for, He 2:6 (LXX) He 13:3;
(b) in passive sense, to be remembered, aor., ἐμνήσθην : seq. ἐνώπιον, c. gen. pers. (cf. Ez 18:22), Ac 10:31, Re 16:19 (cf. ἀνα-, ἐπ-ανα-, ὑπο- μιμνήσκω. The tenses of this verb are from the older μνάομαι).†

[NT: 40x] μισέω, -ῶ [in LXX chiefly for שָׂנֵא ;]

to hate: c. acc pers. Mt 5:43 24:10, Lk 1:71 6:22, 27 19:14, Jo 7:7 15:18-19, 23-26 17:14, Tit 3:3, I Jn 2:9 Jn 2:11 Jn 3:13 Jn 3:15 Jn 4:20 Re 17:16; pass., Mt 10:22 24:9, Mk 13:13, Lk 21:17; c. acc rei, Jo 3:20, Ro 7:15, Eph 5:29, He 1:9, Ju 23, Re 2:6; pass., Re 18:2. As the Heb. שָׂנֵא is sometimes found with the modified sense of indifference to or relative disregard for one thing in comparison with another (cf. Ge 29:30-31, De 21:15-16, Ma 1:3) so prob. μ. in the foll.: Mt 6:24, Lk 14:26 16:13, Jo 12:25, Ro 9:13 (LXX).†

[p. 294]

[NT: 3x] μισθαποδοσία, -ας, ἡ (< μισθός, ἀποδίδωμι; cl. μισθοδοσία),

pay­ment of wages, recompense; meton.,
(a) of reward: He 10:35 11:26;
(b) of punishment : He 2:2.†

[NT: 1x] μισθ-απο-δότης, -ου, ὁ (v. supr.),

one who pays wages; meton., a rewarder: He 11:6.†

[NT: 2x] μίσθιος, -α, -ον (also -ος, -ον), [in LXX: Le 19:13 A Le 25:50, Jb 7:1 (שָׂכִיר), To 5:11, Si 7:10 31:22 37:11 * ;]

hired; as subst., ὁ μ., a hired servant: Lk 15:17, 19 15:21 (Anth., Plut.).†

[NT: 29x] μισθός, -οῦ, ὁ [in LXX chiefly for שָׂכָר ;]

1. prop., wages, hire: Mt 20:8, Lk 10:7, Ro 4:4, I Ti 5:18, Ja 5:4, Ju 11; μ. ἀδικίας, Ac 1:18, II Pe 2:13 (but v. Mayor and ICC, in l), II Pe 2:15.
2. Generally, reward: Jo 4:36, I Co 9:18; esp. of divine rewards, Mt 5:12 6:1-2, 5 6:16 10:41-42 Mk 9:41, Lk 6:23, 35, I Co 3:8 3:14, II Jn 8, Re 11:18 22:12; ἔχειν μ., Mt 5:46, I Co 9:17.†

μισθόω, -ῶ (< μισθός) [in LXX (mid.) chiefly for שָׂכָר ;]

to let out for hire. Mid., to hire: c. acc, Mt 20:1, 7.†

[NT: 1x] μίσθωμα, -τος, τό (< μισθόω), [in LXX: De 23:18 (19), Mi 1:7, Ez 16:31, 34 16:41 (אֶתְנַן), Ez 16:33, (נֵדֶה, נָדָן), Ez 16:32, Pr 19:13 * ;]

1. price, hire (cl, and LXX).
2. In sense not found elsewhere, a hired dwelling: Ac 28:30.†

[NT: 3x] μισθωτός, -ή, όν (< μισθόω), [in LXX for שָׂכִיר, Ex 12:45, al. ;]

hired; as subst., ὁ μ., a hired servant, hireling: Mk 1:20, Jo 10:12-13.†

[NT: 1x] Μιτυλήνη, -ης, ἡ (late form - Strab., Plut. - of cl. Μυτιλ-),

Mytilene, Mitylene, chief city of Lesbos: Ac 20:14.†

[NT: 2x] Μιχαήλ, indecl. (Heb. מִיכָאֵל, who like God?),

Michael, the Archangel (cf. Da 12:1) : Ju 9, Re 12:7.†

[NT: 9x] μνᾶ, -ᾶς, ἡ (a Semitic word; cf. Heb. מָנֶה, Aram. מְנֵא, a weight and a sum of money = 100 shekels, cf. III Ki 10:17),

a mina (Let.), mna, in Attic a weight and sum of money = 100 δραχμαί (q.v.) : Lk 19:13, 16 19:18, 20 19:24-25.†

[NT: 21x] μνάομαι, v.s. μιμινήσκω.

[NT: 1x] Μνάσων, -ωνος, ὁ

Mnason: Ac 21:16.†

[NT: 7x] μνεία, -ας, ἡ (< μιμνήσκω), [in LXX for זָכַר, its parts and deriva­tives ;]

remembrance, mention (= μνήμη) : Phl 1:3; μ. ποιεῖσθαι, c. gen. pers., Ro 1:9, Eph 1:16, I Th 1:2, Phm 4 (cf. Ps 111:4); μ. ἔχειν, c. gen. pers., I Th 3:6, II Ti 1:3 (on the v.l. in Ro 12:13, v. ICC, in I.; Field, Notes, 163).†

[NT: 8x] μνῆμα, -τος, τό (< μνάομαι), [in LXX for קֶבֶר, קְבוּרָה ;]

1. a memorial.
2. a sepulchral monument, a sepulchre, tomb: Mk 5:3, 5 15:46 16:2 (WH, μνημεῖον), Lk 8:27 23:53 24:1, Ac 2:29 7:16, Re 11:9.†
SYN.: μνημεῖον

[NT: 40x] μνημεῖον, -ου, τό [in LXX for קֶבֶר, קְבוּרָה ;]

1. a memorial, record (cl., cf. Wi 10:7).
2. (a) (cl.) a monument: Lk 11:47;
(b) a sepulchre, tomb [p. 295] (Ge 23:6, 9, Is 22:16, al.): Mt 23:29, Mk 5:2, Lk 11:44, Jo 5:28, and freq. in Gospels, Ac 13:29
SYN.: μνῆμα

[NT: 1x] μνήμη, -ης, ἡ (< μνάομαι), [in LXX for זֵכֶר, זִכְרוֹן ;]

memory, remembrance, mention: μ. ποιεῖσθαι, c. gen., to remember, II Pe 1:15 (but in cl., π., μ. π. more freq. = to make mention, and so perh. here, cf. Mayor, in l; and for ex. from π., v. Zorell, s.v.).†
SYN.: μνεία, q.v

[NT: 21x] μνημονεύω (< μνήμων, mindful) [in LXX for זָכַר ;]

1. to call to mind, remember : absol., Mk 8:18; c. gen. pers., Lk 17:32, Col 4:18, I Th 1:3, He 11:15 (but v. infr.) He 13:7; τ. πτωχῶν, Ga 2:20; c. gen. rei, Jo 15:20 16:4, 21, Ac 20:35; c. acc obj. (as more freq. in cl.), of persons, II Ti 2:8; of things, Mt 16:9, I Th 2:9, Re 18:5; seq. ὅτι, Ac 20:31, Eph 2:11, II Th 2:5; πόθεν, Re 2:5; πῶς, Re 3:3.
2. to make mention of: c. gen., He 11:15 (but v. supr., and cf. M, Th., I, 18); seq. περί, He 11:22.†

[NT: 3x] μνημόσυνον, -ου, τό (< μνήμων, mindful), [in LXX freq. for זֵכֶר, זִכְרוֹן and cogn. forms ;]

a memorial: Mt 26:13, Mk 14:9, Ac 10:4 (where cf. Le 2:9, 16 5:12, Num_5:28, Si 45:16, al.).†

μνηστεύω [in LXX for אָרַשׂ pi., pu. ;]

1. to woo and win, espouse.
2. to promise in marriage, betroth; pass., of the woman, to be be­trothed: c. dat. pers., Mt 1:18, Lk 1:27 2:5.†

μογγι-λάλος, v.s. μογιλάλος.

[NT: 1x] μογι-λάλος, -ον (< μόγις, λάλος), [in LXX: Is 35:6 (אִלֵּם) * ;]

speaking with difficulty: Mk 7:32 (Tr., txt., μογγιλάλος, thick-voiced, v. Swete, in l).†

[NT: 1x] ** μόγις adv. (< μόγος, toil), [in LXX: Wi 9:16 א A (μόγις, B), III Mac 7:6 * ;]

with toil or difficulty, hardly: Lk 9:39 (μόγις, WH).†

[NT: 7x] μοιχαλίς, -ίδος, ἡ (= Att.. μοιχάς, fem. of μοιχός), [in LXX: Pr 18:22 30:20), Ez 16:38 23:45, Ho 3:1, Ma 3:5 (נַאֲפוּף, נָאַף) * ;]

an adulteress: Ro 7:3; meton., for μοιχεία, II Pe 2:14. Metaph., of infidelity to God (cf. Ez 16:15 ff. Ez 23:43 ff., al.), Ja 4:4; as an adj., Mt 12:39 16:4, Mk 8:8.†

μοιχάω, -ῶ (= cl. μοιχεύω), [in LXX (mid., absol. and c. acc, with party of either sex as subj.) : Je 3:8 5:7 7:9 9:2 23:14 29:23, Ez 16:32 23:37, 43 (נָאַף) * ;]

to commit adultery with: c. acc, fem. In NT always mid, in same sense; of the man : absol., Mt 5:32 19:9 (WH, txt., R, mg., om.); seq. ἐπ' αὐτήν, Mk 10:11; of the woman: Mk 10:12.†

[NT: 3x] μοιχεία, -ας, ἡ (< μοιχύω), [rn LXX: Ho 2:2 (נַאֲפוּף), Ho 4:2 (נָאַף), Je 13:27 (נִאֻף), Wi 14:26 * ;]

adultery: Jo 8:3; pl. (v. WM, 220; Bl., § 32, 6), Mt 15:19, Mk 7:21,†

[NT: 15x] μοιχεύω (< μοιχός), [in LXX: Ex 20:13, Le 20:10, al. (נָאַף) ;]

to commit adultery: absol., Mt 5:27 19:18, Mk 10:19, Lk 16:18 18:20, Ro 2:22 13:9, Ja 2:11; c. acc fem., Mt 5:28. Pass., of the woman, Mt 5:32 19:9 WH, mg.), Jo 8:4. Metaph., of idolatry (v.s. μιοιχαλίς, and cf. Je 3:9, a1.), seq. μετ' αὐτῆς, Re 2:22.†

[p. 296]

[NT: 3x] μοιχός, -οῦ, ὁ [in LXX for נָאַף ;]

an adulterer: Lk 18:11, I Co 6:9, He 13:4.†

[NT: 6x] μόλις adv. (< μόλος, toil)

post-Hom. alternative for μόγις,
[in LXX: Pr 11:31, Wi 9:16, al. ;]
with difficulty, hardly, scarcely: Lk 9:39 (T, μόγις), Ac 14:8 27:7-8, 16, Ro 5:7, I Pe 4:18 (LXX).†

[NT: 1x] Μολόχ, indecl. (Heb. מֶלֶךְ, prop. מֶלֶךְ King, but vocalized to read בֺּשֶׁת, shame, of. Βάαλ, and v. DB, iii, 415 f.),

Moloch, the god of the Ammonites : Ac 7:43 (LXX).†

[NT: 3x] μολύνω [in LXX: Ge 37:31 (טָבַל), Is 59:3 (גָּאַל ni.), Za 14:2 (שָׁכַב ni.), Si 21:28, al. ;]

to stain, soil, defile; in NT always symb. and fig.: I Co 8:7, Re 3:4 14:4.†
SYN.: μιαίνω, q.v

[NT: 1x] μολυσμός, -οῦ, ὁ (< μολύνω), [in LXX: Je 23:15 (חֲנֻפָה), I Es 8:83, II Mac 5:27 * ;]

defilement: c. gen. obj., II Co 7:1 (Plut., FlJ).†

[NT: 1x] * μομφή, ῆς, ἡ (< μέμφομαι),

poët. form of μέμψις,
blame, com­plaint: Col 3:13.†

[NT: 2x] ** μονή, -ῆς, ἡ (< μένω), [in LXX: I Mac 7:38 * ;]

1. in cl.,
(a) a staying, abiding;
(b) continuance (LXX, 1 c)
2. In late Gk.,
(a) a statson (Paus.);
(b) an abode: Jo 14:2, 23;
(c) a monastery (cf. MM, iii, xvi; so in MGr.).†

[NT: 9x] μονογενής, -ές (< μόνος, γένος), [in LXX: Jg 11:34, Ps 22:20 25:16 35:17 (יָחִיד), To 3:15 6:10, 14 8:17, Wi 7:22, Ba 4:16 * ;]

only, only begotten (DCG, ii, 281), of sons and daughters : Lk 7:12 8:42 9:38, He 11:17; of Christ, Jo 3:16, 18, I Jn 4:9; μ. παρὰ πατρός, Jo 1:14; μ. θεός, Jo 1:18.†

[NT: 2x] μόνον, v.s. μόνος.

[NT: 112x] μόνος, -η, -ον, [in LXX chiefly for לְבַד ;]

1. adj., alone, solitary, forsaken: c. verb., Mt 14:23, Mk 6:47, Lk 9:36, al.; c. pron., Mt 18:15, Mk 9:2, al.; c. subst., Mk 9:8, Lk 4:8, al.; pleonast., οὐκ . . . εἰ μὴ μ., Mt 12:4, Lk 6:4, al.; attrib., only, (ὁ) μ. θεός, Jo 5:44 17:3, Ro 16:27, I Ti 1:17, Ju 25.
2. As adv.,
(a) neut., (μόνον, alone, only: referring to verb or predic., Mt 9:21, Mk 5:36, Ja 1:22, al. (v. Bl., §44, 2); οὐ (μὴ) μ., Ga 4:18, Ja 1:22; οὐ μ. . . . ἀλλά (Bl, §77, 133), Ac 19:26, I Jo 5:6, al.; id. seq. καί (Bl., §81, 12), Ro 5:3 9:10, II Co 8:19, al.;
(b) κατὰ μόνας, alone (Bl., §44, 1), Mk 4:10, Lk 9:18.

[NT: 2x] * μον-όφθαλμος, -ον (< μόνος),

Ionic and κοινή,
one-eyed, having one eye: Mt 18:9, Mk 9:47.†

** μονόω, -ῶ (< μόνος), [in Aq.: Ge 49:6 ;]

to leave alone, forsake: of a childless widow, pf. ptcp. pass., I Ti 5:5.†

[NT: 3x] μορφή, -ῆς, ἡ [in LXX: Jg 8:18 A (תֹּאַר), Jb 4:16 (תְּמוּנָה), Is 44:13 (תַּבְנִית), Da LXX 3:19 (צֶלֶם), Da TH Da 4:33 5:6, 9-10 7:28 (זִיו), To 1:13, Wi 18:1, IV Mac 15:4 * ;]

form, shape, appearance (Hom., Eur., . sch., al.); in philos. lang. the specific character or essential form (Arist., v. Gifford, Inc., 26 ff.) : Mk 16:12, Phl 2:6-7.†
SYN.: μόρφωσις, the outline, delineation, semblance of the [p. 297] μορφή, as distinct from the μ. itself (Lft., Notes, 262); σχῆμα, shape, fashion, disting. from μορφή as the outward and accidental from the inward and essential (cf. Tr., Syn., § LXX; Lft., Phi., 125 ff.; Gifford., Inc., l.c.)

[NT: 1x] **† μορφόω, -ῶ (< μορφή), [in Aq.: Is 44:13 * ;]

to form: fig., Ga 4:19 (cf. μετα-, συμ-μορφόω)

[NT: 2x] μόρφωσις, -εως, ἡ (< μορφόω),

1. a forming, shaping (Theophr.).
2. form, outline, semblance: Ro 2:20; opp. to δύναμις, II Ti 3:5.†
SYN.: μορφή (q.v.), σχῆμα

[NT: 1x] μοσχο-ποιέω, -ῶ

to make a calf (as an image) : Ac 7:41 (LXX, ἐποίησε μόσχον).†

[NT: 6x] μόσχος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX chiefly for פַּר, also for שׁוֹר, עֵגֶל. etc. ;]

1. a young shoot or twig.
2. ὁ, ἡ, μ., offspring;
(a) of men;
(b) of animals; most freq. (as always in LXX), a calf, bullock, heifer: Lk 15:23, 27 15:30, He 9:12, 19 Re 4:7.†

[NT: 1x] μουσικός, -ή, -όν [in LXX: Ge 31:27, Ez 26:13 (שִׁיר), Da LXX TH Da 3:5 ff. (זְמָר), Si 22:6, al. ;]

skilled in the arts, esp. in music; as subst., ὁ μ., a minstrel, musician: Re 18:22.†

[NT: 3x] μόχθος, -ου, ὁ (= Hom. μόγος), in cl. chiefly poët., [in LXX for תְּלָאָה, עָמָל, etc. ;]

toil, labour, hardship, distress: II Co 11:27, I Th 2:9, II Th 3:8.†
SYN.: κόπος (q.v.), πόνος

[NT: 1x] μυελός, -οῦ, ὁ [in LXX: Ge 45:18 (חֶלֶב), Jb 21:24 (מֹחַ) Jb 33:24 * ;]

marrow: He 4:12.†

[NT: 1x] ** μυέω, -ῶ (< μύω, to shut the mouth), [in LXX: III Mac 2:30 * ;]

to initiate into the mysteries (so chiefly in cl.; LXX, l.c.); hence, to instruct: pass., Phl 4:12 (RV, I have learned the secret).†

[NT: 5x] ** μῦθος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX: Wi 17:4 A, Si 20:19 * ;]

1. speech, con­versation.
2. (a) a story, narrative (Hom.);
(b) later, opp. to λόγος (a true narrative) = Lat. fabula, a myth, fable, fiction: I Ti 1:4 4:7, II Ti 4:4, Tit 1:14, II Pe 1:16.†
SYN.. λόγος, q.v

** μυκάσμαι, -ῶμαι in cl. chiefly poët., [in Sm.: Jb 6:5 * ;]

prop., of oxen (onomatop.), to low, bellow; of a lion, to roar: Re 10:3.†

[NT: 1x] μυκτηρίζω (< μυκτήρ, the nose), [in LXX: IV Ki 19:21, Jb 22:19, Ps 80:6, al. (לָעַג), Pr 1:30 (נָאַץ) Pr 15:20 (בָּזָה), I Mac 7:34, al. ;]

to turn up the nose or sneer at, mock: pass., Ga 6:7 (cf. ἐκ-μυκτηρίζω).†

[NT: 1x] μυλικός, -ή, -όν (< μύλη, a mill),

of a mill: λίθος μ., Lk 17:2.†

*† μύλινος, -η, -ον (< μύλος),

1. made of mill-stone (C.l. 3371)
2. = μυλικός: Re 18:21 (μύλον, T).†

μύλος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX for רֵחֶה, Nu 11:8, De 24:6, al. ;]

1. = μύλη, a mill (Strab., Plut., LXX) : Mt 24:41, Re 18:22.
2. a mill-stone (Anth.) : Re 18:21 (T); μ. ὀνικός, Mt 18:6, Mk 9:42 (v. Swete, in l).†

μυλών, -ῶος, ὁ [in LXX: Je 52:11 * ;]

a mill-house: Mt 24:41 (Rec.; μύλος, WH, R).†

[p. 298]

[NT: 1x] Μύρα, Μύρρα (LT, Tr., WH), -ων, τά,

Myra, a city of Lycia : Ac 27:5.†

[NT: 8x] μυριάς, -άδος, ἡ (< μυρίος), [in LXX chiefly for רְבָבָה ;]

ten thousand, a myriad: pl., Ac 19:19, Re 5:11 9:16; hyperb., of vast numbers, Lk 12:1, Ac 21:20, He 12:12, Ju 14.†

[NT: 1x] * μυρίζω (< μύρον),

Ionic and poët. (comic),
to anoint: Mk 14:8.†
SYN.: v.s. ἀλείφω, and cf. μύρον

μυρίος, -α, -ον

1. numberless, countless, infinite: I Co 4:15 14:19.
2. As a definite numeral, in pl., μύριοι, -αι, -α, ten thousand: Mt 18:24.†

[NT: 14x] μύρον, -ου, τό [in LXX chiefly for שֶׁמֶן, Pr 27:9, Ps 133:2, al. ;]

ointment: Mt 26:7, 12, Mk 14:3-5, Lk 7:37-38, 46 23:56, Jo 11:2 12:3, 5, Re 18:13.†
SYN.: ἔλαιον, q.v

Μύρρα, v.s. Μύρα.

[NT: 2x] Μυσία, -ας, ἡ

Mysia, a province of Asia Minor: Ac 16:7-8.†

μυστήρισν, -ου, τό (< μυέω), [in LXX: Da LXX TH Da 2:18 ff. (רָז), To 12:7, 11, Jth 2:2, Wi 2:22 6:22 14:15, 23, Si 3:18 22:22 27:16-17, 21, II Mac 13:21 * ;]

1. that which is known to the μύστης (initiated), a mystery or secret doctrine, mostly in pl., τὰ μ. (Æsch., Hdt., al.).
2. In later writers (Menand., Incert., 168), that which may not be revealed (not, however, as in the modern sense, intrinsically difficult to understand), a secret or mystery of any kind (To, Jth, 2Mac, ll, c.).
3. In NT, of the counsels of God (cf. Th.: Jb 15:8, Ps 25:14 for סוֹד), once hidden but now revealed in the Gospel or some fact thereof;
(a) of the Christian revelation generally : Ro 16:25, I Co 2:7, Col 1:26-27, Eph 3:3, 9; τ. βασιλείας τ. θεοῦ, Mk 4:11; τ. θεοῦ, I Co 2:1, Re 10:7; τ. θ., Χριστοῦ, Col 2:2; τ. Χριστοῦ., Col 4:3, Eph 3:4; τ. θελήματος αὐτοῦ, Eph 1:9; τ. εὐαγγελίον, Eph 6:19; τ. πίστεως, I Ti 3:9; τ. εὐσεβείας, I Ti 3:16;
(b) of particular truths, or details, of the Christian revelation : Ro 11:25, I Co 15:51, Eph 5:32, II Th 2:7, Re 1:20 17:5, 7; pl., τὰ μ., I Co 13:2 14:2; θεοῦ, I Co 4:1; τ. βασιλείας τ. οὐρανῶν (θεοῦ), Mt 13:11, Lk 8:10 (cf. Westc., Eph., 180 ff.; AR, Eph., 234 ff.; Lft., Col., 165 f.; Hatch, Essays, 57 f.; DB, iii, 465 ff.; DCG, ii, 213 ff.).†

Μυτιλήνη, v.s. Μιτυλήνη.

[NT: 1x] *† μυ-ωπάζω (< μύωψ, closing the eyes, short-sighted; < μύω, ὤψ)

to be short-sighted: II Pe 1:9 (R, mg., closing his eyes; v. ICC, in l).†

[NT: 1x] μώλωψ, -ωπος, ὁ [in LXX for חַבּוּרָה, Ex 21:25, al. ;]

a bruise, wound from a stripe: I Pe 2:24 (LXX) (Arist., Plut., al.).†

[NT: 2x] μωμάομαι, -ῶμαι (< μῶμος),

poët. and late prose,
[in LXX: Pr 9:7 (מאוּם), Wi 10:14, Si 31:18 * ;]
to find fault with, blame: II Co 8:20; pass., II Co 6:3.†

[NT: 1x] μῶμος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX, of physical blemishes : Le 21:17 ff., De 15:21, Ca 4:7, al. (מאוּם); of mental defect, Si 20:24, al. ;]

1. in cl. poets and late prose, blame, disgrace.
2. In LXX, perb. because of resemblance to a physical blemish (cf. ἄμωμος, I Pe 1:19, and v. Hort., in l); metaph., of licentious persons, II Pe 2:13.†

[p. 299]

[NT: 4x] μωραίνω (< μωρός), [in LXX: Is 19:11, Je 10:14 51:17 (בָּעַר ni.), II Ki 24:10, Is 44:25 R (שָׂכַל ni., pi.)* ;]

1. cl., to be foolish, play the fool.
2. LXX and NT, causal, to make foolish: I Co 1:20; pass., to become foolish: Ro 1:22; of salt that has lost its flavour, become tasteless: Mt 5:13, Lk 14:34.†

[NT: 5x] ** μωρία, -ας, ἡ (< μωρός), [in LXX: Si 20:31 * ;]

foolishness: I Co 1:18 1:21 1:23 2:14 3:19.†

[NT: 1x] * μωρολογία, -ας, ἡ

foolish talking: Eph 5:4.†

[NT: 12x] μωρός, -ά, -όν [in LXX for נָבָל, etc.; freq. in Sir. ;]

1. prop., of the nerves, dull, sluggish (Hipp., Arist.).
2. Of the mind, dull, stupid, foolish: Mt 5:22 (v. Field, Notes, 3 ff.) Mt 7:26 23:17, 19 (T, WH, txt., R, om.) Mt 25:2-3, 8, I Co 3:18 4:10; of things, παράδοσις, Mk 7:13 (T, WH, txt., R, om.) : ζητήσεις, II Ti 2:23, Tit 3:9; τὸ μ. τ. θεοῦ, I Co 1:25; τὰ μ. τ. κόσμου, I Co 1:27.†

Μωυσῆς (Μωϋσῆς, T; Μωσῆς, Rec.), -έως, dat. - (as LXX: Ex 5:20, al.), and -εῖ, acc -ῆν (ac LXX) and -έα (Lk 16:29 only) (Heb. מֹשֶׁה),

Moses: Mt 8:4 17:3-4, al.; νόμος Μωυσέως, Lk 2:22 24:44, Jo 7:23, Ac 13:39 15:5 28:23, I Co 9:9, He 10:28; by meton., of the books of Moses, Lk 16:29 24:27, Ac 15:21, II Co 3:15


[NT: 3x] Ναασσών, indecl. (Heb. נַחְשׁוֹן),

Naasson: Mt 1:4, Lk 3:32.†

[NT: 1x] Ναγγαί,

Naggai: Lk 3:25.†

Ναζαρά (Mt 4:13­ L, -άθ­Lk 4:16)

Ναζαρέθ (Mt 21:11, Ac 10:38),
Ναζαρέτ (so always Rec.; WH, in foll, instances, where -έθ, T), ,
indecl. (Semitic form uncertain),
Nazareth: Mt 2:23, Mk 1:9, Lk 1:26 2:4, 39 2:51, Jo 1:45-46.†

[NT: 6x] Ναζαρηνός, -οῦ, ὁ (on the Semitic form, v. Dalman, Gr., 141 n.)

a Nazarene: Mk 1:24 10:47 14:67 16:6, Lk 4:34 24:19.†

[NT: 13x] Ναζωραῖος, -ου, ὁ (= -ρηνός, q.v.),

a Nazarene: Mt 2:23 (LXX) Mt 26:71, Lk 18:37, Jo 18:5, 7 19:19, Ac 2:22 3:6 4:10 6:14 22:8 24:5 26:9.†

[NT: 1x] Ναθάμ (Rec. Ναθάν), , indecl. (Heb. נָתַן),

Nathan: Lk 3:31.†

[NT: 6x] Ναθαναήλ, indecl. (Heb. נְתַנְאֵל),

Nathaniel, prob. to be identified with Bartholomew (q.v.): Jo 1:45-49 21:2.†

[NT: 33x] ναί

particle of affirmation,
yea, verily, even so; in answer to a question: Mt 9:28 13:51 17:25 21:16, Jo 11:27 21:15-16, Ac 5:8 22:27, Ro 3:29; seq. λέγω ὑμῖν, Mt 11:9, Lk 7:26; repeated for emphasis, ναὶ ναί (opp. to o o): Mt 5:37; ἤτω ὑμῶν τὸ ναὶ ναί, Ja 5:12; ν. καὶ οὔ, II Co 1:18-19; ἵνα ᾖ . . . τὸ ναὶ ναί, II Co 1:17; τὸ ν., II Co 1:20; in assent to an assertion: Mt 15:27, Mk 7:28, Re 14:13 16:7; in confirmation of a previous assertion: Mt 11:26, Lk 10:21 11:51 12:5, Phl 4:3, Phm 20; in solemn asseveration Re 1:7 22:20.†

[p. 300]

Ναιμάν (Rec. Νεεμάν), , indecl. (Heb. נַעֲמָן),

Naaman: Lk 4:27.†

Ναίν (Rec. Ναΐν), , indecl. (Heb. נָאָה),

Nain, a village of Galilee: Lk 7:11.†

[NT: 46x] ναός, -οῦ, ὁ (Att.. νεώς; < ναίω, to inhabit), [in LXX (νεώς, II Mac 6:2, al.) chiefly for הֵיכָל ;]

1. a temple (Hom., Find., al.).
2. The inmost part of a temple, the shrine (Hat., Xen., al.); in NT,
(a) generally: pl., Ac 17:24; of silver models of a heathen shrine, Ac 19:24;
(b) of the temple building proper, or sanctuary, at Jerusalem, as distinct from τ. ἱερόν (q.v.), the whole temple enclosure: Mt 23:16-17, 35 27:5, 40, Mk 14:58 15:29 Jo 2:19-20, Re 11:2; (τοῦ) θεοῦ, Mt 26:61 27:51, Mk 15:38, Lk 1:9, 21-22 23:45, I Co 3:17, II Co 6:16, II Th 2:4, Re 11:1; of the temple in the Apocal. visions, Re 3:12 7:15 11:19 14:15, 17 15:5-6, 8 16:1, 17 21:22 a. Metaph., of Christians, I Co 3:16 6:19, II Co 6:16, Eph 2:21; of Christ's body, Jo 2:21 (cf. Jo 2:19); ὁ θεὸς ν. αὐτῆς ἐστιν, Re 21:22 b.†
SYN.: ἱερόν

[NT: 1x] Ναούμ, indecl. (Heb. נַחוּם;),

Nahum: Lk 3:25.†

[NT: 2x] νάρδος, -ου, ἡ (Heb. נֵרְדְּ, both from Sanscrit narda, v. Boisacq, s.v.), [in LXX: Ca 1:12 4:13-14 (נֵרְדְּ)* ;]

(a) an Indian plant, the Nardostachys nardus jatamansi, used for the preparation of a fragrant ointment;
(b) ointment of nard: Mk 14:3, Jo 12:3.†

[NT: 1x] Νάρκισσος, -ου, ὁ

Narcissus: Ro 16:11.†

[NT: 2x] * ναυαγέω, -ῶ (< ναῦς, + ἄγνυμι, to break)

to suffer shipwreck: II Co 11:25; metaph., seq. περὶ τ. πίστιν, I Ti 1:19.†

[NT: 1x] * ναύ-κληρος, -ου, ὁ (< ναῦς, κλῆρος),

a shipowner, shipmaster: Ac 27:11.†

[NT: 1x] ναῦς, νεώς acc ναῦν, ἡ, [in LXX for עָנִי, אֲנִיָּה ;]

a ship: Ac 27:41 (elsewhere in NT always τ. πλοῖον; v. M, Pr 25:1-28 f.; Bl., Gosp., 186 f.).†

[NT: 3x] ** ναύτης, -ου, ὁ (< ναῦς), [in Aq.: Ez 27:9; Sm.: Ez 27:29 * ;]

a seaman, sailor: Ac 27:27, 30, Re 18:17.†

[NT: 1x] Ναχώρ, indecl. (Heb. נָחוֹר),

Nahor: Lk 3:34.†

[NT: 3x] νεανίας, -ου, ὁ (< νεάν = νέος) [in LXX for נַעַר, בָּחוּר ;]

a young man: Ac 7:58 20:9 23:17-18.†

[NT: 11x] νεανίσκος, -ου, ὁ (dimin. of νεανίας) [in LXX chiefly for נַעַר, also for בָּחוּר, etc. ;]

a young man, youth: Mt 19:20, 22, Mk 14:51 16:5, Lk 7:14, Ac 2:17 (LXX) Ac 23:18, 22, I Jn 2:13-14; of an attendant (cf. Ge 14:24, al.) : Ac 5:10.†

[NT: 1x] Νεάπολις, -εως, ἡ

Rec. for Νέα Πόλις (WH), the more freq. form (LS, s.v.),
Neapolis, a maritime city of Macedonia: Ac 16:11.†

Νεεμάν, v.s. Ναιμάν.

[NT: 128x] νεκρός, -α, -ον, [in LXX chiefly for מֵת ;]

I. as adj.,
1. prop.: Ac 5:10 20:9, Ja 2:26, Re 1:18, al.; ὡσεὶ ν., Mt 28:4, Mk 9:26, Re 1:17; [p. 301] of that which is subject to death, Ro 8:10.
2. Metaph.,
(a) of persons: Lk 15:24, 32; of those immersed in worldly cares, Mt 8:22, Lk 9:60; of spiritual death, Jo 5:25, Ro 6:13, Eph 5:14, Re 3:1; τ. παραπτώμασιν, Eph 2:1, 5 Col 2:13; of the opposite condition, ν. τῇ ἁμαρτίᾳ, Ro 6:11;
(b) of things regarded as inoperative, devoid of power: ἁμαρτία, Ro 7:8; πίστις, Ja 2:17, 26; ἔργα, He 6:1 9:14.
II. As subst., νεκρός, ὁ (Hom., al.), chiefly in pl. (οἱ) ν., the dead: Mt 11:5, Mk 12:26, Lk 20:37, I Co 15:15, al.; ἀνάστασις (τ.) νεκρῶν, Mt 22:31, Ac 17:32, al.; ν. . . . ζῶντες, Mt 22:32, Mk 12:27, Ac 10:42, al.; ἀπὸ νεκρῶν, Lk 16:30; ἐκ ν., Mk 6:14, Lk 24:46, Jo 12:1, Ac 13:34, Ro 10:7, al.; πρωτότοκος ἐκ τῶν ν., Col 1:18; ζωὴ ἐκ ν., Ro 11:15; constr. praegn., ἐκ ν. ζῶντες, Ro 6:13.

[NT: 3x] νεκρόω, (< νεκρός),

to make dead, put to death; pass., to be dead: hyperbolically, of impotent age, He 11:12; σῶμα, Ro 4:19. Trop., of carnal impulses, τὰ μέλη, Col 3:5.†

[NT: 2x] *† νέκρωσις, -εως, ἡ (< νεκρόω),

1. a putting to death.
2. a state of death, death: Ro 4:19, II Co 4:10 (v. Deiss., LAE, 94).†

νεομηνία (Att.. contr., νουμ-, Rec.), -ας, ἡ (< νέος, μήν), [in LXX chiefly for חֹדֶשׁ ;]

new moon: of the Jewish festival, Col 2:16.†

[NT: 24x] νέος, -α, -ον [in LXX for נַעַר (Ge 37:2, Exo_33:11, al.), חָדָשׁ (Le 23:16, Nu 28:26, al.), etc.; compar. -ώτερος for קָטָן, צָעִיר, etc. ;]

1. young, youthful: Tit 2:4.
2. new (prop., in respect of time; v.s. καινός): οἶνος (cf. οἶ. καινός, Mt 26:20), Mt 9:17, Mk 2:22, Lk 5:37-39; φύραμα (fig.), I Co 5:7; διαθήκη (cf. καινὴ δ., He 9:15), He 12:24; metaph., ἄνθρωπος (cf. καινὸς ἀ, Eph 2:15), Col 3:10.
3. Compar., -ώτερος, -α, -ον, younger: Lk 15:12-13 22:26, Jo 21:18; pl., οἱ ν., Ac 5:6 (Rackham, in l), I Ti 5:11, Tit 2:6; opp. to πρεσβύτεροι, I Ti 5:1, I Pe 5:5; αἱ ν., I Ti 5:2 5:14.
4. Νέα Πόλις, Neapolis: Ac 16:11 (Rec., Νεάπολις, q.v.)
νεώτερος, v.s. νέος
SYN.: καινός, q.v.

νεοσσός, v.s. νοσσοός.

[NT: 4x] νεότης, -ητος, ἡ (< νέος), [in LXX chiefly for נָעוּר ;]

youth: Mk 10:20, Lk 18:21, Ac 26:4, I Ti 4:12.†

[NT: 1x] νεό-φυτος, -ον (< νέος, φύω) [in LXX: Jb 14:9, Ps 144:12, Is 5:7 (נֶטַע), Ps 128:3 (שְׁתִל)* ;]

newly planted (LXX). Metaph., as subst., ὁ ν., a new convert, neophyte, novice: I Ti 3:6

[NT: 1x] Νέρων, -ωνος, ὁ

Nero: 2Ti subscr. (Rec.).†

[NT: 2x] νεύω [in LXX: Pr 4:5 21:1 * ;]

to nod or beckon, as a sign : c. dat. pers. et inf., Jo 13:24, Ac 24:10 (cf. δια-, ἐκ-, ἐν-, ἐπι-, κατα-νεύω).†

[NT: 25x] νεφέλη, -ης, ἡ (< νέφος), [in LXX chiefly for עָנָן, also for עָב, etc. ;]

a cloud (single and specific as opp. to νεφος, a great indefinite mass of vapour): Mt 17:5 24:30 26:64, Mk 9:7 13:26 14:62, Lk 9:34-35 12:54 21:37, Ac 1:9, I Th 4:17, Ju 12, Re 1:7 10:1 11:12 14:14-16; of the pillar of cloud in the wilderness (Ex 14:19-20, Ps 105:39, al.): I Co 10:1-2.†

Νεφθαλείμ (-λίμ, WH in Re, l.c.),

indecl. (Heb. נַפְתָּלִי)
Naphtali: Mt 4:13, 15 (LXX) Re 7:6.†

[p. 302]

[NT: 1x] νέφος, -ους, τό [in LXX for עָב, שַׁחַק, עָנַן ;]

a mass of clouds, a cloud (cf. νεφέλη); metaph. as in Hom., Hdt., al.), of a dense throng: He 12:1.†

[NT: 1x] νεφρός, -οῦ, ὁ [in LXX for כִּלְיָה, Ex 29:13, al.; metaph., Ps 7:9 16:7 26:2, Wi 1:6, al. ;]

a kidney; pl., the kidneys, reins; metaph., of the will and affections: ν. καί καρδίαι (thoughts), Re 2:23.†

[NT: 1x] * νεω-κόρος, -ου

a temple-keeper; as honorary title given to a city (v. DB, i, 722 b) : Ac 19:35.†

[NT: 1x] **† νεωτερικός, -ή, -όν (< νεώτερος), [in LXX: III Mac 4:8 * ;]

= νεανικός,
youthful, esp. of qualities: ἐπιθυμίαι, II Ti 2:22 (Polyb.).†

[NT: 1x] νή particle of affirmation employed in oaths, [in LXX: v. τ. ὑγίειαν, Ge 42:15-16 (חַי) * ;]

by: c. acc, I Co 15:31.†

[NT: 2x] νήθω [in LXX for טָוָה, שָׁזַר hoph., Ex 26:31 35:25, al. ;]

to spin: Mt 6:28, Lk 12:27.†

[NT: 1x] νηπιάζω (< νήπιος), (Hippocr., = νηπιαχεύω, Hom.)

to be a babe: I Co 14:20.†

[NT: 15x] νήπιος, -α, -ον [in LXX chiefly for עוֹלֵל, also for פְּתִי, etc. ;]

infant; of children and minors: Mt 21:16 (LXX), I Co 13:11, Ga 4:1 (v. Lft., in l). Metaph., childish, unskilled, simple (Ps 19:8, Pr 1:32 al.): Mt 11:25, Lk 10:21, Ro 2:20, Ga 4:3, Eph 4:14, I Th 2:7 (WH, fox ἤπιοι); opp. to τέλειος, He 5:13; ν. ἐν Χριστῷ, I Co 3:1.†

Νηρεί (Rec. -ρί), , indecl. (Heb. נֵרִיָּה),

Neri: Lk 3:27.†

[NT: 1x] Νηρεύς, -έως, ὁ

Nereus: Ro 16:15.†

[NT: 1x] νησίον, -ου, τό (dimin. of νῆσος), = νησίς (Hdt., Thuc., al.)

a small island: Ac 27:16.†

[NT: 9x] νῆσος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX for אִי ;]

an island: Ac 13:6 27:26 28:1, 7 28:9, 11 Re 1:9 6:14 16:20.†

[NT: 5x] νηστεία, -ας, ἡ (< νηστεύω), [in LXX for צוֹם ;]

fasting, a fast;
(a) of voluntary abstinence from food: Mt 17:21 (WH, R, txt., om.), Mk 9:29 (WH, txt., R, txt., om.), Lk 2:37, Ac 14:23; of the Day of Atonement, Ac 27:9;
(b) of involuntary abstinence: II Co 6:5 11:27.†
SYN.: ἀσιτία, q.v

[NT: 20x] νηστεύω (< νῆστις), [in LXX for צוּם ;]

to fast (Arist., Aristoph., al.): Mt 4:2 6:16-18 9:14-15 Mk 2:18-20, Lk 5:33-35 18:12, Ac 13:2-3.†

[NT: 2x] νῆστις, -ιος, ὁ, ἡ (< νη-, neg. prefix, + ἐσθίω),

in cl., chiefly poët.,
[in LXX: Da LXX 6:18 (19) (טְוָת)* ;]
not eating, fasting: Mt 15:32, Mk 8:3.†

[NT: 3x] * νηφάλιος (-λεος, Rec., in 1Ti, ll. c), -ον (in cl., -α, -ον), (< νήφω),

1. in cl., of drink, not mixed with wine.
2. In later writers (Plut., al.), of persons, sober, temperate: I Ti 3:2 3:11, Tit 2:2.†

[NT: 6x] * νήφω

to be sober, abstain from wine; metaph., of moral alertness, [p. 303] to be sober, calm, circumspect: I Th 5:6 5:8, II Ti 4:5 (v. Ellic., in l), I Pe 1:13 4:7 5:8 (cf. ἐκ-, ἐκ-νήφω, and v. MM, xvii).†
SYN.: ἀγρυπνέω, γρηγορέω

[NT: 1x] Νίγερ, ὁ (Lat. niger)

Niger: Ac 13:1.†

[NT: 1x] Νικάνωρ, -ορος, ὁ

Nicanor: Ac 6:5.†

νικἀω, -ῶ (< νίκη), [in LXX: Ps 51:4 (זָכָה), Pr 6:25 freq. (חָמַד); in 4Mac ;]

to conquer, prevail: absol., of Christ, Re 3:21 6:2; C. inf., Re 5:5; of Christians, Re 2:7, 11 2:17, 26 3:5, 12 3:21 21:7; seq. ἐκ (RV, come victorious from), Re 15:2; as law-term (cl.), Ro 3:4 (LXX); c. acc pers., Lk 11:22, Re 11:7 13:7 ([WH], R, mg., om.); of Christ, Jo 16:33 (τ. κόσμον), Re 17:14; of Christians, I Jn 4:4; τ. πονηρόν, I Jn 2:13-14; αὐτόν (ref. to ὁ κατήγωρ, I Jn 2:10), Re 12:11; c. acc rei, τὸν κόσμον, Jo 16:33, I Jn 5:4-5; τὸ κακόν, Ro 12:21; pass., μὴ νικῶ ὑπὸ τ. κακοῦ, ib. (cf. ὑπερ-νικάω).†

[NT: 1x] νίκη, -ης, ἡ [in LXX: I Ch 29:11 (נֶצַח), freq. in 1-4 Mac ;]

victory: I Jn 5:4.†

[NT: 5x] Νικόδημος, -ου, ὁ

Nicodemus: Jo 3:1, 4 3:9 7:50 19:39.†

[NT: 2x] Νικολαΐτης, -αυ, ὁ

a Nicolaitan: pl., Re 2:6, 15.†

[NT: 1x] Νικόλαος, -αυ, ὁ

Nicolaus: Ac 6:5.†

[NT: 1x] Νικόπολις, -εως, ἡ

Nicopolis, prob. the city of that name in Epirus (CGT, in l): Tit 3:12

[NT: 4x] νῖκος, -ους, τό late form of νίκη, [in LXX: La 3:18 (נֶצַח), I Es 3:9, II Mac 10:38, IV Mac 17:12; εἰς ν. (instead of εἰς τέλος, Jb 14:20), II Ki 2:26, Jb 36:7, Am 1:11 8:7, Je 3:5, La 5:20 (נֶצַח, as נ֝ in Syr., = victory)* ;]

victory: Mt 12:20 (Is 42:3, LXX ἀλήθεια), I Co 15:54 (Is 25:8, Aq., Th.), I Co 15:55 (Ho 13:14, LXX δίκη), I Co 15:57.†

Νινευείτης (Rec. -ενίτης, L, -ΐτης), -ου, ὁ

a Ninevite: Mt 12:41, Lk 11:30, 32.†

[NT: 1x] Νινευΐ, η (Heb. נִינְוֵה),

Nineveh: Lk 11:32, Rec.†

[NT: 1x] *† νιπτήρ, -ῆρος, ὁ (νίπτω)

a basin: Jo 13:5.†

[NT: 17x] νίπτω late form of νίζω, [in LXX chiefly for רָחַץ ;]

to wash, usually of a part of the body: c. acc pers., Jo 13:8; τ. πόδας, Jo 13:5-6, 8 13:12, 14, I Ti 5:10; mid., reflexive,
to wash oneself: Jo 9:7, 11 9:15; τ. χεῖρας, Mt 15:2, Mk 7:3; τ. πόδας, Jo 13:10; τ. πρόσωπον, Mt 6:17 (in cl. Att.. prose, used only in compounds; cf. ἀπο-νίπτω).†
νίζω, v.s. νίπτω
SYN.: λούω (q.v.), πλύνω

[NT: 14x] νοιεω νοέω, -ῶ (< νοῦς), [in LXX chiefly for בִּין, also for שָׂכַל hi., etc ;]

1. to perceive with the mind, understand (for the phrase νοῶν κ. φρονῶν, in wills, v. MM, xvii): absol., Mt 16:9, Mk 8:17; c. acc, Eph 3:4, I Ti 1:7; c. dat. instr., τ. καρδίᾳ, Jo 12:40; pass., Ro 1:20; seq. ὅτι, Mt 15:17 16:11, Mk 7:18; c. acc et inf., He 11:8.
2. to think, consider: absol., Mt 24:15, Mk 13:14, Eph 3:20; c. acc rei, II Ti 2:7
(cf. -εὐ, κατα-, μετα-, προ-, ὑπο-νοέω).†

[NT: 6x] ** νόημα, -τος, τό (νοέω) [in LXX: Si 21:11, Ba 2:8, III Mac 5:30 * ;]

a [p. 304] thought, purpose, design: II Co 2:11 10:5 11:3, Phl 4:7. Meton., of the mind, II Co 3:14 4:4.†

[NT: 1x] ** νόθος, -η, -ον [in LXX: Wi 4:3 * ;]

a bastard, base born, i.e. born of a slave or concubine: He 12:8.†

[NT: 2x] νομή, -ῆς, ἡ (< νέμω, to pasture), [in LXX chiefly for מִרְעֶה, also for נָוֶה, etc. ;]

1. a pasture, pasturage: fig., Jo 10:9
2. a grazing, feeding; metaph., of a spreading sore, II Ti 2:17 (Polyb.).†

[NT: 15x] ** νομίζω (< νόμος), [in LXX: Wi 13:2 17:3, Si 29:4, 1-28; II Mac 4:1-50, IV Mac 8:1-29 * ;]

1. to practise, hold by custom: Ac 16:13 (Rec., but v. infr.).
2. to deem, consider, suppose: Mt 5:17 10:34 20:10, Lk 2:44 3:23, Ac 7:25 8:20 14:19 16:13, 27 17:29 21:29, I Co 7:26 7:36, I Ti 6:5.†
SYN.: ἡγέομαι, q.v

[NT: 9x] ** νομικός, -ή, -όν (< νόμος), [in LXX: IV Mac 5:4 * ;]

1. relating to law: μάχαι, Tit 3:9.
2. learned in the law; as subst., ὁ ν. (EV, lawyer): Mt 22:35, Lk 10:25, Tit 3:13; pl., Lk 7:30 11:45-46, 52 14:3 (cf. MM, xvii).†
SYN.: γραμματεύς, q.v

[NT: 2x] ** νομίμως adv. (< νόμιμος, conformable to law), [in LXX: IV Mac 6:18 * ;]

rightly, lawfully: I Ti 1:8, II Ti 2:5.†

[NT: 1x] νόμισμα, -τος, τό (< νομίζω), [in LXX: Es 8:36 (דָּת), Ne 7:71 R (דַּרְכְּמוֹן), I Mac 15:6 * ;]

1. that which is established by usage, a custom.
2. The current coin of a state: Mt 22:19.†

[NT: 3x] *† νομο-διδάσκαλος, -ου, ὁ

a teacher of the law: Lk 5:17, Ac 5:34, I Ti 1:7 (NT and eccl. only; cf. νομοδείκτης, -διδάκτης, Plut.).†
SYN.: γραμματεύς, q.v

[NT: 1x] ** νομοθεσία, -ας, ἡ (< νόμος, τίθημι), [in LXX: II Mac 6:23, IV Mac 5:35 Mac 17:16 * ;]

legislation, lawgiving: Ro 9:4.†

νομοθετέω, -ῶ [in LXX for יָרָה hi. ;]

1. intrans., to make laws; pass., to be furnished with laws: He 7:11.
2. Trans., to ordain by law, enact: pass., He 8:6.†

[NT: 1x] νομο-θέτης, -ου, ὁ (< νόμος, τίθημι), [in LXX: Ps 9:20 * ;]

a law­giver: Ja 4:12.†

[NT: 194x] νόμος, -ου, ὁ (< νέμω, to deal out, distribute), [in LXX chiefly for תּוֹרָה, also for חֻקָּה, etc. ;]

that which is assigned, hence, usage, custom, then law; in NT (only in Mt, Jo, Ja, and the Lucan and Pauline bks.);
1. of law in general: Ro 3:27 5:13b; pl., of divine laws, He 8:10 10:16; ὁ ν. τ. Χριστοῦ, Ga 6:2; (τ.) ἐλευθερίας, Ja 1:25 2:12; βασιλικιός (Hort., in l.; Deiss., LAE, 267:3), Ja 2:8.
2. Of a force or influence impelling to action: Ro 7:21, 23a, 25 8:2.
3. Of the Mosaic law: Mt 5:18, Lk 2:27, Jo 1:17, Ac 6:13, Ro 2:15, I Co 9:8, I Ti 1:8, He 7:19; al.; Μωυσέως, Lk 2:22, Jo 7:23, Ac 15:5, al.; κυρίου, Lk 2:39; κατὰ τὸν ν., Ac 22:12, He 7:5 9:22.
4. [As printed, Abbott-Smith mistakenly numbers this as 3.] Anarthrous (Bl, §46, 8; ICC on Ro 2:12, 13), νόμος,
(a) of law in general: Ro 2:12, 14b 3:20, 21 4:15, al.;
(b) of the Mosaic law in its quality as law: Ro 2:14a 5:20 10:4, Ga 2:19, al.; οἱ ἐκ ν., Ro 4:14; ὑπὸ νόμον, I Co 9:20, Ga 4:5; ν. πράσσειν (πληροῦν), Ro 2:25 13:8.
5. Of Christian teaching: ν. πίστεως, Ro 3:27; τ. Χριστοῦ, Ga 6:2.
6. By meton., of the [p. 305] books which contain the law;
(a) of the Pentateuch: Mt 12:5, Jo 1:45, al.; ὁ ν. καὶ οἱ προφῆται, Mt 5:17, Lk 16:16, al.; ὁ ν. καὶ προφῆται κ. ψαλμοί, Lk 24:44.
(b) of the OT Scriptures in general (as Heb. תֹּורָה): Jo 10:34 12:34 15:25, I Co 14:21, al.

[NT: 1x] ** νοσέω, -ῶ (< νόσος), [in LXX (metaph.): Wi 17:8 * ;]

to be sick: metaph., of mental ailment, seq. περί, I Ti 6:4 (cf. Plat., Mor., 546 d).†

[NT: 1x] * νόσημα, -τος, τό (< νοσέω),

sickness: Jo 5:4.†

[NT: 20x] νόσος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX for חֲלִי, etc. ;]

disease, sickness: Mt 4:23-24 8:17 (Aq.) Mt 9:35 10:1, Mk 1:34, Lk 4:40 6:17 7:21 9:1, Ac 19:12.†
SYN.: v.s. ἀσθένεια

[NT: 1x] νοσσιά, -ᾶς, ἡ (< νοσσός),

late form of cl., νεοσσιά,
[in LXX chiefly for קֵן ;]
1. a nest of birds.
2. a brood of young birds: Lk 13:34.†

[NT: 1x] νοσσίον, -ου, τό dimin. of νοσσός, q.v., [in LXX: Ps 84:3 (אֶפְרֹחַ) * ;]

a young bird: Mt 23:37.†

[NT: 1x] νοσσός (νεοσσός, Rec., as in cl. Att.. -ττός; Phryn. rejects the dissyl. form), -οῦ, ὁ (< νόος), [in LXX chiefly for בֵּן ;]

a young bird: Lk 2:24 (LXX).†

νοσφίζω (< νόσφι, apart, aside), [in LXX: Jos 7:1 (לָקַח), II Mac 4:32 * ;]

1. in Hom., as depon., to turn away (from), abandon.
2. After Hom., in act., to set apart, remove. Mid., to set apart for oneself, peculate, purloin: absol., Tit 2:10 (for ex. in π., v. MM, xvii); seq. ἀπό, Ac 5:2-3.†

[NT: 8x] νότος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX chiefly for נֶגֶב, also for דָּרוֹם, תֵּימָן and קָדִים ;]

1. prop., the south wind: Lk 12:55, Ac 27:13 28:13
2. South: Lk 13:29, Re 21:13
3. the South, as a region (cf. נֶגֶב): Mt 12:42, Lk 11:31.†

[NT: 3x] ** νουθεσία, -ας ἡ (< νουθετέω),

= cl. νουθέτησις
[in LXX: Wi 6:6 * ;]
admonition: I Co 10:11, Eph 6:4, Tit 3:10 (Aristoph., Diod., al.).†

[NT: 8x] νουθετέω, -ῶ (< νοῦς, τίθημι, hence, put in mind), [in LXX: I Ki 3:13 (כָּהָה pi.), Jb 8:1-22 (יָסַר pi., בִּין), Wi 11:10 12:2, 26 * ;]

to admonish, exhort: c. acc pers., Ac 20:31, Ro 15:14, I Co 4:14, Col 1:28 3:16, I Th 5:12 5:14, II Th 3:15.†

νουμηνία, v.s. νεομηνία.

[NT: 1x] * νουνεχῶς adv. (< νοῦς, ἔχω)

sensibly, discreetly: Mk 12:34.†

[NT: 24x] νοῦς (contr. from νόος), , gen., dat., νοός, νοΐ (late forms, = cl., νοῦ, νῷ; Bl., § 9, 3), acc, νοῦν, [in LXX chiefly for לֵב, לֵבָב ;]

1. prop., of the ruling faculty, mind, understanding, reason (v. Lft., Notes, 88 f.; Vaughan on Ro 7:23): Lk 24:45, Ro 1:28 7:23 12:2 14:5, Eph 4:17, 23 Phl 4:7, II Th 2:2, I Ti 6:5, II Ti 3:8, Tit 1:15, Re 13:18 17:9; ν. τ. σαρκός (ICC, in l), Col 2:18; opp. to σάρξ, Ro 7:25; to πνεῦμα, I Co 14:14-15; to γλῶσσα, I Co 14:19
[p. 306]
2. By meton., of an act of mind, a mind, thought, purpose: Ro 11:34 = I Co 2:16 (LXX), I Co 1:10.†
νόος, v.s. νοῦς
SYN.: v.s. πνεῦμα

Νύμφα (Rec., R, txt., Νυμφᾶς, q.v.), -ης, ἡ,

Nympha (v. M, Pr., 48): Col 4:15, WH, R, mg.†

Νυμφᾶς, -ᾶ, (WH, R, mg., Νύμφα, q.v.),

Nymphas: Col 4:15, R, txt. (cf. ICC, Lft., in l).†

[NT: 8x] νύμφη, -ης, ἡ [in LXX chiefly for כַּלָּה ;]

1. cl., a bride, young wife, young woman: Mt 25:1, WH, mg., Jo 3:29, Re 18:23 21:2, 9 22:17.
2. As freq. in LXX (Ge 38:11, al., for כַּלָּה;
(a) bride;
(b) daughter-in-law) and in MGr. (νύφφη, νύφη), a daughter-in-law: Mt 10:35, Lk 12:53.†

[NT: 16x] νυμφίος, -ου, ὁ (< νύμφη), [in LXX for חָתָן ;]

a bridegroom: Mt 9:15 25:1, 5-6 25:10, Mk 2:19-20, Lk 5:34-35, Jo 2:9 3:29, Re 18:23.†

[NT: 3x] **† νυμφών, -ῶνος, ὁ (< νύμφη), [in LXX: To 6:13,16* ;]

the bride-chamber (Heb. חֻפָּה, LXX, παστός, Ps 19:5, Jl 2:16): Mt 22:10 (WE; γάμος, RV); οἱ υἱοὶ τοῦ ν. (cf. cl. νυμφαγωγός, νυμφευτής), the bridegroom's friends who have charge of the nuptial arrangements: Mt 9:15, Mk 2:19, Lk 5:34.†

[NT: 147x] νῦν, adv., [in LXX chiefly for עַתָּה ;]

1. prop., of time, now, i.e. at the present time: as opp. to past, Jo 4:18, Ac 7:52, Ro 13:11, II Co 7:9, Col 1:24, al.; opp. to fut., Jo 12:27, Ro 11:31, al.; c. art., ὁ (ἡ, τὸ) et subst., the present: Ro 3:26, Ga 4:25, I Ti 6:17, Tit 2:12, al.; απὸ τοῦ ν. (LXX for מֵעַתָּה), Lk 1:48, Ac 18:6, al.; ἄχρι τοῦ ν., Ro 8:22, Phl 1:5; ἕως τοῦ ν. (LXX for עַד עַתָּה), Mt 24:21, Mk 13:19; τὰ ν., as regards the present, Ac 5:38; c. pret., just now, but now, Mt 26:65, Jo 11:8 21:10; c. fut., now, presently, Jo 12:31, Ac 20:22; so c. praes., presently, forthwith, Jo 12:31 17:13; καὶ ν., Jo 11:22 17:5, al.; ἀλλὰ ν., Lk 22:36; ἔτι ν., I Co 3:2; τότε (πότε) . . . ν. (δέ), Ro 6:21 11:30; ν. ἤδη, I Jo 4:3; ν. οὖν, Ac 10:33, al.
2. Of logical sequence (often difficult to disting. from the temporal sense; cf. Lft., Notes, 113f.), now, therefore, now, however, as it is: Lk 11:39; καὶ ν., Ac 3:17, II Th 2:6, I Jo 2:28; id. seq. δεῦρο, Ac 7:34; ν. δέ, Jo 8:40 9:41 15:22, 24, 18:36, I Co 5:11 7:14 12:20, al. (cf. WM, 57911).

νῦνί an Attic strengthened form of νῦν (in cl. always of time, and most often strictly of the pres.), [in LXX : Jb 5:1-27, Ps 2:1-12, 1-12, IV Mac 4:1-26, Ep. Je* ;]

1. of time: c. praes., Ac 24:13, Ro 15:23, 25, I Co 13:13, II Co 8:11 8:22, Phm 9 11; c. pf., Ro 3:21; c. pret., Ro 6:22 11:30 (WH, mg.) Ro 7:6, Eph 2:13, Col 1:21 3:8; ἡ ν. ἀπολογία, Ac 22:1.
2. Of logical sequence (not so in cl.): Ro 7:17, I Co 5:11 (νῦν, WH) I Co 12:18 (νῦν, WH, txt.) I Co 15:20, He 8:6 (νῦν, WH, txt.), He 9:26 (cf. WM, 24, 579n).†

[NT: 61x] νύξ gen. νυκτός, ἡ, [in LXX chiefly for לַיִל ;]

night: Mt 12:40, Mk 6:48, Jo 13:30, al.; gen. temp. (of the time within which something [p. 307] happens; M, Pr., 73; B1., § 36, 13), νυκτός, by night, Mt 2:14, Jo 3:2, I Th 5:7, al.; ν. κ. ἡμέρας, Mk 5:5, I Th 2:9, al.; ἡμέρας κ. ν., Lk 18:7, Re 4:8, al.; μέσης ν., Mt 25:6; dat., νυκτί, in ans. to the question, "when?" (rare in cl.; Hdt., Soph.), ταύτῃ τ. ν., Lk 12:20, al.; ἐκείνῃ Ac 12:6; ἐπιούσῃ, Ac 23:11; acc durat. (Bl., § 34, 8; Kühner3, III, 314b), ν. κ. ἠμέραν, Lk 2:37 Ac 20:31; τ. νύκτας, Lk 21:37; διὰ νυκτός (= cl. νυκτός; Bl., § 42, 1; 46, 7), Ac 5:19 16:9 17:10 23:31; δι' ὅλης ν., Lk 5:5; κατὰ μέσον τῆς ν. (Bl., § 47, 6), Ac 27:27. Metaph.: Jo 9:4, Ro 13:12, I Th 5:5

[NT: 1x] ** νύσσω (Att.. -ττω), [in LXX: Si 22:19, III Mac 5:14 * ;]

to pierce: τ. πλευρὰν λόγχῃ, Jo 19:34, [Mt 27:49], WH.†

[NT: 2x] νυστάζω (cf. νεύω), [in LXX for נוּם, etc ;]

to nod in sleep, fall asleep: Mt 25:5. Metaph., of negligence or delay, ἡ ἀπώλεια αὐτῶν οὐ νυστάζει (cf. Ps 121:4, Is 5:27) : II Pe 2:3.†

*† νυχθήμερος, -α, -ον (< νύξ, ἡμέρα, v. B1., § 28, 4),

lasting a night and a day; as subst., (τὸ) ν., a night and a day: II Co 11:25 (pl., Or. Sib., 8, 203).†

[NT: 8x] Νῶε (as LXX, FlJ, who also gives Νώεος, Νῶχος), , indecl. (Heb. נֹחַ)

Noah: Mt 24:37-38, Lk 3:36 17:26-27 He 11:7, I Pe 3:20, II Pe 2:5.†

[NT: 2x] νωθρός, -ά, -όν [in LXX: Pr 22:29 (חָשֹׁךְ), Si 4:29 11:12 * ;]

sluggish, slothful: He 5:11 6:12 (for similar usage in π., v. MM, xvii).
SYN.: ἀργός (q.v.), βραδύς

[NT: 1x] νῶτος, -ου, ὁ in Att.. most freq. τὸ νῶτον, and in pl. always τὰ νῶτα, [in LXX, ὁ ν., pl., οἱ νῶτοι and τὰ νῶτα, chiefly for כָּתֵף, also for עֹרֶף, מֹתֶן ;]

/the back: Ro 11:10 (LXX).†


[NT: 2x] ** ξενία, -ας, ἡ (< ξένος), [in LXX: Si 29:27 Bl* ;]

hospitality, enter­tainment: Phm 22 (cf. ICC, in l, but v. infr.). By meton., a place of entertainment, a lodging-place: Ac 28:23, and so perh. Phm 22 (Lft., in l, Phi., p. 9; but v. supr., and cf. MM, xvii).†

[NT: 10x] ** ξενίζω (< ξένος), [in LXX: Es 3:13, Si 29:25, II Mac 9:6, III Mac 7:3 * ;]

1. to receive as a guest, entertain: c. acc pers., Ac 10:23 28:7, He 13:2; pass., Ac 10:6, 18 10:32 21:16.
2. In late writers (Polyb., al.; 2Mac, l.c.), to surprise, astonish by strangeness: Ac 17:20; pass., I Pe 4:4 4:12.†

[NT: 1x] * ξενοδοχέω late Gk. for -κέω (< ξένος, δέχομαι),

to entertain strangers: I Ti 5:10.†

[NT: 14x] ξένος, -η, -ον [in LXX chiefly for נׇכְרִי ;]

(a) foreign, alien: δαιμόνια, Ac 17:18; διδαχαί He 13:9;
(b) c. gen. rei, strange to, estranged from, ignorant of: Eph 2:12;
(c) strange, unusual: I Pe 4:12.
As subst., ὁ ξ.,
(a) a foreigner, stranger: Mt 25:35, 38 25:43-44 27:7, Ac 17:21, III Jn 5; ξέίνοι κ. τάροικοι (opp. to συμπολῖται, οίκεῖοι), Eph 2:19; ξ. καὶ παρεπίδημοι, [p. 308] He 11:13;
(b) one of the parties bound by ties of hospitality;
α the guest;
β the host (= ξενοδόκος, Hom., Ii, xv, 532) : Ro 16:23.†

[NT: 1x] **† ξέστης, -ου, ὁ (a Sicilian corruption of Lat. sextarius), [in Al. : Le 14:10 (לֹג, LXX κοτύλη)* ;]

1. a sextarius (about a pint).
2. In NT, a pitcher of wood or stone : Mk 7:4.†

[NT: 15x] ξηραίνω (< ξηρός), [in LXX chiefly for יָבֵשׁ ;]

to dry up, parch, wither. c. acc, τ. χόρτον, Ja 1:11; pass., to become or be dry or withered. of plants, Mt 13:6 21:19-20, Mk 4:6 11:20-21, Lk 8:6, Jo 15:6, I Pe 1:24; of ripened crops, Re 14:15; of liquids, Mk 5:20, Re 16:12; of members of the body, to waste away, Mk 3:1 (cf. III Ki 13:4) Mk 9:18.†

[NT: 8x] ξηρός, -ά, -όν [in LXX chiefly for יָבֵשׁ, its parts and deriva­tives, also for חָרָבָה, etc. ;]

dry: metaph. (of a sinner), ξύλον ξ., Lk 23:31; of members of the body shrunken by disease, withered: Jo 5:3; of the hand, Mt 12:10 Mk 3:3, Lk 6:6, 8; of the dry land, ἡ ξηρά (sc. γῆ, cf. Ge 1:9-10; Jh 1:19, al.): Mt 23:15; γῆ, He 11:29.†

[NT: 2x] ξύλινος, -η, -ον (ξύλον) [in LXX chiefly for עֵץ ;]

wooden: II Ti 2:20, He 9:20 (cf. Ep. Je 4:1-31 ff).†

[NT: 20x] ξύλον, -ου, τό [in LXX chiefly for עֵץ ;]

1. wood: I Co 3:12, Re 18:12.
2. a piece of wood, hence, anything made of wood, as,
(a) a cudgel, staff: pl., Mt 26:47, 55, Mk 14:43, 48, Lk 22:52;
(b) stocks, for confining the feet (Jb 33:11, סַד) : Ac 16:24;
(c) a beam to which malefactors were bound (late Gk.), in LXX, of a gibbet (De 21:22-23), in NT, of the Cross: Ac 5:30 10:39 13:29, Ga 3:13, I Pe 2:24.
3. In late writers (v. MM, xvii), a tree (Ge 1:29, Is 14:8, al.) : Lk 23:31; ξ. τῆς ζωῆς, Re 2:7 22:2, 14 22:19.†

ξυράω, -ῶ

late form of ξυρέω (q.v.) : I Co 11:6 (ξυρᾶσθαι, Rec. and Edd., but v.s. ξύρω).†

ξυρέω, -ῶ (< ξυρόν, a razor), [in LXX (also -άω) chiefly for גָּלַח pi., pu. ;] (no ex. of Pres. -έω),

to shave: pass. and mid., to shave oneself, have oneself shaved, aor., Ac 21:24; pf. (Att..), I Co 11:5.†

ξύρω, rare form of ξυρέω (Veitch, s.v.), aor. mid., ξύρασθαιι (Bl., § 24, s.v.; Zorell, s.v., etc.) for -ᾶσθαι (Rec., Edd.) : I Co 11:6.†


[NT: 20225x] , ἡ, τό, the prepositive article (ἄρθρον προτακτικόν), originally a demonstr. pron. (so usually in Hom.), in general corresponding to the Eng. definite article.

I. As demonstr. pron.
1. As freq. in Hom., absol., he (she, it), his (etc.): Ac 17:28 (quoted from the poet Aratus).
2. Distributive, ὁ μὲν . . . ὁ δέ, the one . . . the other: I Co 7:7, Ga 4:22; pl., Ac 14:4, 17:32, Phl 1:16, al.; οἱ μὲν . . . ἄλλοι δέ, Mt 16:14, Jo 7:12; οἱ μεν̀ . . . ὁ [p. 309] δέ, He 7:21, 23.
3. In narration (without ὁ μὲν preceding), ὁ δέ, but he: Mt 2:14, Mk 1:45, Lk 8:21, Jo 9:38, al. mult.
II. As prepositive article, the, prefixed,
1. to nouns unmodified: ὁ θεός, τὸ φῶς, etc.; to abstract nouns, ἡ σοφία, etc., to pl. nouns which indicate a class, οἱ ἀλώπεκες, foxes, Mt 8:20, al.; to an individual as representing a class, ὁ ἐργάτης, Lk 10:7; c. nom. = voc. in addresses, Mt 11:26, Jo 19:3, Ja 5:1, al.; to things which pertain to one, ἡ χεῖρ, his hand, Mk 3:1; to names of persons well known or already mentioned; usually to names of countries (originally adjectives), ἡ Ἰουδαία, etc.
2. To modified nouns: c. pers. pron. gen., μοῦ, σοῦ, etc.; c. poss. pron., ἐμός, σός, etc.; c. adj. between the art. and the noun, ὁ ἀγαθὸς ἄνθρωπος, Mt 12:35; the noun foll, by adj., both c. art., ὁ ποιμὴν ὁ καλός, Jo 10:11 (on ὁ ὄχλος πολύς, Jo 12:9, v. M, Pr., 84); before adjectival phrases, ἡ κατ’ ἐκλογὴν πρόθεσις, Ro 9:11.
3. To Other parts of speech used as substantives;
(a) neuter adjectives: τ. ἀγαθόν, etc.;
(b) cardinal numerals: ὁ εἶς, οἷ δύο, etc.;
(c) participles: ὁ βαπτίζων (= ὁ Βαπτιστής, Mt 14:2), Mk 6:14; πᾶς ὁ, c. ptcp., every one who, etc.;
(d) adverbs: τὸ πέραν, τὰ νῦν, ὁ ἔσω ἄνθρωπος;
(e) infinitives: nom., τὸ θέλειν, Ro 7:18, al.; gen., τοῦ, after adjectives, ἄξιον τοῦ πορεύεσθαι, I Co 16:4; verbs, ἐλαχεν τοῦ θυμιᾶσαι, Lk 1:9; and freq. in a final sense, ἐξῆλθεν ὁ σπείρειν, Mt 13:3 (on the artic. inf., v. Bl., §71).
4. In the neut. to sentences, phrases or single words treated as a quotation: τὸ Ἐι δύνῃ, Mk 9:23; τὸ ἔτι ἅπαξ, He 12:27; τὸ ἀνέβη, Eph 4:9, al.
5. To prepositional phrases: οἱ ἀπὸ Ἰταλίας, He 13:24; οἱ ἐκ νόμου, Ro 4:14; neut. acc. absol., in adverbial phrases, τὸ καθ' ἡμέραν, daily, Lk 11:3; τὸ κατὰ σάρκα, as regards the flesh, Ro 9:5.
6. To nouns in the genitive, denoting kinship, association, etc.: ὁ τοῦ, the son of (unless context indicates a different relationship), Mt 10:2, al.; τὰ τοῦ θεοῦ, the things that pertain to God, Mt 16:23; τὰ τῆς εἰρήνης, Ro 14:19 (cf. M, Pr., 81ff.; Bl, §§46, 47).

[NT: 2x] ὀγδοήκοντα

eighty: Lk 2:37 16:7.†

[NT: 5x] ὄγδοος, -η, -ον

the eighth. Lk 1:59, Ac 7:3 (LXX), Re 17:11 21:20; one of eight, with seven others (usually, in this sense, with αὐτός added, but cf. Plat., Legg., iii, 695 c; Plut., Pelop., 13; II Mac 5:27): II Pe 2:5.†

[NT: 1x] * ὄγκος, -ου, ὁ

bulk, mass; metaph., an encumbrance: He 12:1.†
SYN.: βάρος, a weight; φορτίον, a burden, that which is borne

[NT: 10x] ὅδε, ἥδε, τόδε (the old demonstr. pron., + the enclitic δε), = Lat. hicce, this (here),

referring prop, to what is present, can be seen or pointed out: of a person just named, τῇδε (= ταύτῃ), Lk 10:39; neut. pl., τάδε (λέγει), referring to words which follow (so in Att.., and v. MM, xvii) : Ac 21:11, Re 2:1, 8 2:12, 18 3:1, 7 3:14; εἰς τήνδε τ. πόλιν (= Att.. τῇ καὶ τῇ, Plat., Legg., iv, 721 B), such and such a city, Ja 4:13.†

[NT: 1x] ὁδεύω (< ὁδός), [in LXX : III Ki 6:12 A (metaph., הָלַךְ), To 6:5, Wi 5:7 (fig.)* ;]

to travel, journey: Lk 10:33 (cf.δι-, συν-οδεύω).†

[NT: 5x] ὁδηγέω, -ῶ, (< ὁδηγός) [in LXX chiefly for נוּחַ, also for דֶּרֶךְ hi., הָלַךְ hi., etc. ;]

to lead on one's way, to guide: c. acc pers., Mt 15:14, [p. 310] Lk 6:39; id. seq. ἐπί, Re 7:17. Metaph., to guide, instruct, teach: Ac 8:31; seq. εἰς τ. ἀλήθειαν (ἐν τ. ἀ., WH, mg.), Jo 16:13 (cf. Ps 25:5).†

[NT: 5x] **† ὁδηγός, -οῦ, ὁ (< ὁδός, ἡγέομαι) [in LXX : Es 8:1, Wi 7:15 18:3, I Mac 4:2, II Mac 5:15 * ;]

a leader on the way, a guide: Ac 1:16. Fig., ὁ. τυφλῶν, Ro 2:19; pl., Mt 15:14 23:16, 24.†

[NT: 1x] * ὁδοιπορέω, -ῶ (< ὁδοιπόρος, a traveller, Ge 37:25, al.),

to travel, journey: Ac 10:9.†

[NT: 2x] ** ὁδοιπορία, -ας, ἡ (v. supr.), [in LXX : Wi 13:18 18:3 19:5, I Mac 6:41 * ;]

a journey. Jo 4:6, II Co 11:26.†

[NT: 101x] ὁδός, -οῦ, ἡ, [in LXX chiefly (very freq.) for דֶּרֶךְ ;]

1. a way, path, road: Mt 2:12, Mk 10:46, Lk 3:5 al.; κατὰ τὴν ὁ., Lk 10:4, al.; παρὰ τὴν ὁ., Mt 13:4, al.; c. gen. pers, (subj.), τὴν ὁ. ἑτοιμάζειν (fig.), Mt 3:3, Mk 1:3, al.; c. gen. term. (obj.), ἐθνῶν, Mt 10:5; τ. ἁγίων (fig.), He 9:8; acc., ὁδόν, with force of prep. (like Heb. דֶּרֶךְ; Bl., §34, 8; 35, 5), ὁ. θαλάσσης, Mt 4:15 (LXX).
2. A traveller's way, journey: ἐν τ. ὁ., Mt 5:25, Mk 8:27, al.; ἐξ ὁ., Lk 11:6; εἰς ὁ., Mt 10:10; τ. ὁδὸν πορεύεσθαι, Ac 8:39; ὁ. ἡμέρας, Lk 2:44; ὁδὸν ποιεῖν (= cl., ὁ. ποιεῖσθαι; V. Field, Notes, 25), to make one's way, i.e. proceed on one's journey, Mk 2:23.
3. Metaph. (cl.; but esp. freq. in Heb.; v. Cremer, 442ff.), of a course of conduct, a way of thinking or acting: Ac 14:16, I Co 4:17 12:31, Ja 1:8 5:20; τοῦ Κάϊν, Ju 11; τ. Βαλαάμ, II Pe 2:15; εἰρήνης, Ro 3:17; ζωῆς, Ac 2:28; ἡ ὁ. ἡ ἀπάγουσα εἰς τ. ζωήν (Dalman, Words, 160), Mt 7:14; τ. δικαιοσύνης, Mt 21:32; σωτηρίας, Ac 16:17; αἱ ὁ. τ. θεοῦ (κυρίου), Ac 13:10, Ro 11:33, Re 15:3 (cf. Ho 14:9 Ps 94 (95):10, Si 39:24, al.); ἡ ὁ. τ. θεοῦ (the way approved by God), Mt 22:16, Mk 12:14, Lk 20:21; id., of the Christian religion, Ac 18:26; so, absol., ἡ ὁ., Ac 9:2 19:9, 23 24:22; of Christ as the means of approach to God, Jo 14:6.
4. Ellipsis of ὁ.: ποίας (sc. ὁδοῦ), Lk 5:19; ἐκείνης, ib. 19:4 (v. Bl., §36, 13; 44, 1).

[NT: 12x] ὀδούς, -όντος, ὁ [in LXX for שֵׁן ;]

a tooth: Mt 5:38, Mk 9:18, Ac 7:54; pl., Re 9:8, ὁ βρυγμὸς (q.v.) τ. ὀδόντων, Mt 8:12 13:42, 50 22:13 24:51 25:30, Lk 13:28.†

ὀδυνάω, -ῶ (< ὀδύνη), [in LXX: Za 9:5 (חוּל), Za 12:10 (מָרַר hi.), La 1:13 (דָּוֶה), Wi 14:24, al. ;]

to cause pain or suffering; pass. and mid., to suffer pain, be tormented or greatly distressed: Lk 2:48 16:24-25 (ὀδυνᾶσαι, v. M, Pr., 53 f.); seq. ἐπί, Ac 20:38.†

[NT: 2x] ὀδύνη, -ης, ἡ [in LXX for יָגוֹן, מַר, etc. (26 words in all) ;]

pain, distress, of body or mind : Ro 9:2, I Ti 6:10.†

[NT: 2x] ὀδυρμός, -οῦ, ὁ (< ὀδύρομαι, to lament), [in LXX : Je 31:15 (תַּמְרוּר), II Mac 11:6 * ;]

lamentation, mourning: Mt 2:18 (LXX), II Co 7:7.†

[p. 311]

Ὀζείας (Rec. Ὀζίας), -ου, ὁ (Heb. עֻזִּיָּה),

Uzziah: Mt 18:1-35 9:1-38.†

Ὀζίας, v.s. Ὀζείας.

[NT: 1x] ὄζω [in LXX: Ex 8:14 (בָּאַשׁ)* ;]

to smell (i.e. emit a smell): Jo 11:39.†

[NT: 15x] ὅθεν adv.,

(a) of direction or source: Mt 12:44, Lk 11:24, Ac 14:26 28:13; = ἐκεῖθεν ὅπου, Mt 25:24, 26 (cf. Thuc., i, 89, 3); ὅ. γινώσκομεν, I Jn 2:18;
(b) of cause, whence, wherefore: Mt 14:7, Ac 26:19, He 2:17 3:1 7:25 8:3 9:18 11:19.†

[NT: 2x] * ὀθόνη, -ης, ἡ (of Semitic origin, cf. Heb. אֵטוּן, yarn)

1. fine linen (Hom., al.).
2. Later, a sheet or sail: Ac 10:11 11:5.†

[NT: 5x] ὀθόνιον, -ου, τό (dimin. of ὀθόνη, q.v.), [in LXX: Jg 14:13 (סָדִין), Ho 2:5, 9 (פִּשְׁתֶּה)* ;]

a piece of fine linen, a linen cloth; Lk 24:12 (WH, R, mg., om.), Jo 19:40 20:5-7.†

[NT: 300x] οἶδα, (from same root as εἶδον, q.v.), [in LXX chiefly for ידע ;] pf. with pres. meaning (plpf. as impf.; on irregular tense-forms, v. App.),

to have seen or perceived, hence, to know, have knowledge of: c. acc. rei, Mt 25:13, Mk 10:19, Jo 10:4, Ro 7:7, al.; c. acc. pers., Mt 26:72, Jo 1:31, Ac 3:16, al.; τ. θεόν, I Th 4:5, Tit 1:16, al.; c. acc. et inf., Lk 4:41, al.; seq. ὅτι, Mt 9:6, Lk 20:21, Jo 3:2, Ro 2:2 11:2, al.; seq. quaest. indir., Mt 26:70, Jo 9:21, Eph 1:18, al.; c. inf., to know how (cl.), Mt 7:11, Lk 11:13, Phl 4:12, I Th 4:4, al.; in unique sense of respect, appreciate: I Th 5:12 (but v. also ICC on I Th 4:4).
SYN.: v.s. γινώσκω.

οἰκειακός, v.s. οἰκιακός

[NT: 3x] οἰκεῖος, -α, -ον (< οἶκος), [in LXX for דּוֹד, שְׁאֵר, etc.; in Is 58:7, οἰ. τοῦ σπέρματος for בָּשָׂר ;]

in or of the house (opp. to ξένος, ἀλλότριος);
(a) of things; τὰ οἰ., household affairs or goods;
(b) of persons, of the same family or kin; as subst., οἱ οἰ., kinsmen: I Ti 5:8; c. gen. pers., of the family of: metaph., τ. θεον, Eph 2:19; τ. πίστεως (Lft., in l), Ga 6:10.†
SYN,: συγγενής, ἴδιος (v. Cremer, 446; Deiss., BS, 123)

*† οἰκετεία, -ας, ἡ (< οἰκέτης),

a household (of servants): Mt 24:45.†

[NT: 4x] οἰκέτης, -ου, ὁ (< οἰκέω), [in LXX for עֶבֶד ;]

a house-servant: Lk 16:13, Ro 14:4; pl., Ac 10:7, I Pe 2:18 (In Plat., Hdt., Si 4:30 6:11, the pl. includes all the inmates of the house, the familia, οἰκετεία.)†
SYN.. v.s. διάκονος

[NT: 9x] οἰκέω, -ῶ (< οἶκος), [in LXX chiefly for יָשַׁב ;]

(a) trans., to inhabit: c. acc, I Ti 6:16;
(b) intrans., to dwell: seq. μετά (of married life), I Co 7:12-13; metaph., seq. ἐν: ἀγαθόν, Ro 7:18; ἁμαρτία, Ro 7:20; πνεῦμα θεοῦ, Ro 8:9, 11, I Co 3:16 (cf. ἐν-, κατ-, ἐν-κατ-, παρ-, περι-, συν-οικέω).†

[NT: 1x] οἴκημα, -τος, τό (< οἰκέω), [in LXX: Ez 16:24 (גַב), To 2:4, Wi 13:15 * ;]

a dwelling. As a euphemism for other definite terms (e.g. brothel. Hdt., ii, 121; cf. Ez, l.c.), a prison (Thus., iv, 47 f.); Ac 12:7.†

[p. 312]

[NT: 2x] ** οἰκητήριον, -ου, τό (< οἰκητήρ = οἰκήτωρ, an inhabitant), [in LXX: II Mac 11:2, III Mac 2:15 * ;]

a habitation: Ju 6; trop., II Co 5:2.†

[NT: 93x] οἰκία, -ας, ἡ (< οἶκος), [in LXX chiefly (very freq.) for בַּיִת ;]

a house, dwelling: Mt 2:11 7:24-27, Mk 1:29, al.; ἐν οἰκίᾳ (= cl. κατ ̓ οἰκίαν), at home, Lk 8:27; εἰς οἰ., II Jn 10; οἰ, c. gen. pers., usually has the art. (Mt 8:14, al., but cf. οἶκος and v. Bl., § 46, 9); ἡ οἰ. τ. πατρός μου, Jo 14:2.
(a) of the body as the dwelling of the soul: II Co 5:1;
(b) of property (as בַּיִת, Ge 45:18, LXX, τ. υπάρχοντα; III Ki 13:8, LXX, οἶκος) = οἶκος (q.v.): Mk 12:40, Lk 20:47;
(c) of the inmates of the dwelling, the household: Mt 12:25; c. gen. pers., Jo 4:53, I Co 16:15
SYN.: οἶκος, which in Attic law denoted the whole estate, οἰκία, the dwelling only. In cl. poets οἶκος has also the latter sense, but not in prose, except in metaph. usage, where it signifies both property and household. The foregoing distinction is not, however, consistently maintained in late Greek; cf. MM, ii, xvii, and v. Thayer, s.v. οἰκία

[NT: 2x] *† οἰκιακός (in Plut., al., -ειακός), ή, όν (< οἰκία), = οἰκεῖος

belonging to the household, one's own: Mt 10:36; opp. to οἰκοδεσπότης, Mt 10:25.†

[NT: 1x] οἰκο-δεσποτέω, -ῶ (< οἰκοδεσπότης)

to rule a household: I Ti 5:14.†

[NT: 12x] *† οἰκο-δεσπότης, -ου, ὁ (< οἶκος, δεσπότης),

the master of a house, a householder: Mt 10:25 13:27 20:11 24:43, Mk 14:14, Lk 12:39 13:25 14:21; ἄνθρωπος οἰ., Mt 13:52 20:1 21:33; pleonast., oἰ. τ. οἰκίας, Lk 22:11 (v. Bl., § 81, 4).†

[NT: 40x] οἰκοδομέω, -ῶ (< οἰκοδόμος), [in LXX chiefly for בָּנָה ;]

to build a house, to build: absol., Lk 11:48 14:30 17:28; οἱ οἰκοδομοῦντες, the builders (as Ps 118:22, בָּנָה), Mt 21:42, Mk 12:10, Lk 20:17, I Pe 2:7 (LXX); ἐ π ̓ ἀλλότριον θεμέλιον οἰ., proverb., Ro 15:20; c. acc rei, Ga 2:18; πύργον), Mt 21:33, Mk 12:1, Lk 14:28; ἀποθήκας, Lk 12:18; ναόν, Mk 14:58; pass., Jo 2:20; οἰκία, Lk 6:48; c. acc rei seq. dat. pers. (cf. Ge 8:20, Ez 16:24), Lk 7:5, Ac 7:47, 49; acc seq. ἐπί, Mt 7:24, 26 Lk 6:49; πόλιν ἐπ ̓ ὄρους, Lk 4:29; of rebuilding, or restoring, Mt 23:29 26:61 27:40, Mk 15:29, Lk 11:47, Metaph., τ. ἐκκλησίαν, Mt 16:18; of the growth of Christian character (cf. בָּנָה, in Ps 28:5, Je 24:6, al.), to build up (AV, edify): absol., Ac 20:32, I Co 8:1 10:23; c. acc pers., I Co 14:4, I Th 5:11; pass., Ac 9:31, I Co 14:17, I Pe 2:5; of blameworthy action (AV, embolden), I Co 8:10 (cf. ἀν-, ἐπ-, συν-οικοδομέω).†
οἰκο-δόμος, -ου, ὁ
(< οἶκος + δέμω, to build), [in LXX for בָּנָה, etc. ;]
a builder: Ac 4:11.†

[NT: 18x] οἰκοδομή, -ῆς, ἡ (< οἶκος, + δέμω, to build), [in LXX: I Ch 29:1 A (בִּירָה), Ez 17:17 40:2 (בָּנָה, מִבְנֶה), Si 22:16 40:19, al. ;]

= cl. οἰκοδομία (q.v.), -δόμησις (Thuc., Plat.),
1. the act of building; in NT always metaph., building up, edifying: Ro 14:19 15:2, I Co 14:26, II Co 10:8 13:10, Eph 4:29; c. gen. obj., I Co 14:12, II Co 12:19, Eph 4:12, 16; λαλεῖν, λαβεῖν, οἰ., I Co 14:3.
2. = οἰκοδόμημα, a building: Mt 24:1, Mk 13:1-2; metaph., I Co 3:9, II Co 5:1, Eph 2:21.†

* οἰκοδομία, -ας, ἡ (< οἰκοδομέω),

the act of building: metaph., I Ti 1:4 (BE for οἰκοδομία, q.v.).†

[p. 313]

[NT: 1x] οἰκονομέω, -ῶ (< οἰκονόμος), [in LXX: Ps 112:5 (כּוּל pilp.), II Mac 3:14 * ;]

to manage as house-steward, be a steward: absol., Lk 16:2; hence, generally (v.s. οἰκονομία), to manage, regulate, arrange (cl., 2Mac, Lc., III Mac 3:2 R).†

[NT: 9x] οἰκονομία, -ας, ἡ (< οἰκονομέω), [in LXX: Is 22:19, 21 (מַצָּב, מֶמְשָׁלָה)* ;]

1. prop. (Plat., Arist.), the office of οἰκονόμος, stewardship: Lk 16:2-4.
2. In later writers (Plut., al.; v. AR on Eph 1:10; MM, xviii), generally, administration, dispensation: I Co 9:17, Eph 1:10 3:2, 9, Col 1:25, I Ti 1:4.†

[NT: 10x] οἰκονόμος, -ου, ὁ (< οἶκος + νέμω, to manage) [in LXX chiefly for עַל ;]

1. prop., the manager of a household or estate, a house- or land-steward (usually a slave or freedman): Lk 12:42 16:1, 3 16:8, I Co 4:2, Ga 4:2; ὀ οἰ. τ. πόλεως (RV, treasurer; cf. I Es 4:49), Ro 16:23.
2. Metaph. (in wider sense; cf. οἰκονομία), an administrator, a steward: of Christian ministers, I Co 4:1, Tit 1:7; of Christians generally, I Pe 4:10.†

[NT: 114x] οἶκος, -οῦ, ὁ, [in LXX chiefly for בַּיִת, also for אֹהֶל ,הֵכָל, etc. ;]

1. prop., a house, dwelling: Ac 2:2 19:16; c. gen. poss., Mt 9:6, 7 Mk 2:11, Lk 1:23, al.; c. gen. attrib., ἐμπορίου, Jo 2:16; προσευχῆς, Mt 21:13, al.; of a sanctuary (Hdt., Eur.): οἶ. τ. θεοῦ, of the tabernacle, Mt 12:4, al.; the temple, Mt 21:13, al.; metaph. of a city: Mt 23:38, Lk 13:35; of the body, Mt 12:44, Lk 11:24; of Christians, I Pe 2:5; ἐν οἴ (M, Pr., 81f.), at home, Mk 2:1, I Co 11:34 14:35; so κατ ̓ οἶκον, Ac 2:46 5:42; οἱ εἰς (= οἱ ἐν; v.s. εἰς) τ. οἶ., Lk 7:10 15:6; κατ ̓οἴκους, from house to house, Ac 8:3 20:20; εἰς (κατ ̓) οἶκον, c. gen. (Bl., §46, 9), Mk 8:3, Lk 14:1, Ro 16:5, al.
2. By meton., a house, household, family: Lk 10:5, Ac 7:10, I Co 1:16, I Ti 3:4, 5 al.; of the Church, ὁ οἶ. τ. θεοῦ, I Ti 3:15, He 3:2, I Pe 4:17; of descendants, οἶ Ἰσραήλ (Δαυείδ, Ἰακώβ; Bl, §47, 9), Mt 10:6, Lk 1:27, 33 al. (cf. Ex 6:14, I Ki 2:30, al.).
SYN.: v.s. οἰκία.

[NT: 15x] οἰκουμένη, -ης, ἡ (fern. Pres. pass. ptcp. of οἰκέω; sc. γῆ) [in LXX chiefly for תֵּבֵל, אֶרֶץ ;]

the inhabited earth;
(a) in cl., the countries occupied by Greeks, as disting. from barbarian lands (Hdt., Dem., al.);
(b) in later writers, the Roman world: Lk 2:1, Ac 11:28 24:5; by meton., of its inhabitants : Ac 17:6 19:27;
(c) in LXX (Ps 23:1 71:8, al.) and NT, also of the whole inhabited world: Mt 24:14, Lk 4:5 21:26, Ro 10:18, He 1:6, Re 3:10 16:14; by meton. (ut supr.), Ac 17:31, Re 12:9;
(d) of the Messianic age, ἡ οἰ. ἡ μέλλουσα = ὁ αἰὼ ὁ μέλλων: He 2:5.†

*† οἰκουργός, -όν (< οἶκος + root of ἔργον),

working at home: Tit 2:5 (Rec. οἰκουρός, q.v.).†

* οἰκ-ουρός, -ον (< οἶκος + οὖρος, a keeper)

1. watching or keeping the house; as subst., ἡ οἰ., a housekeeper (Soph., Eur.; v. LS, s.v.).
2. keeping at home: Tit 2:5, Rec. (v. Field, Notes, 220 ff.; CGT, in l, and cf. οίκουργός).†

[NT: 1x] οἰκτείρω (< οἶκτος, pity), [in LXX for רָחַם pi., חָנַן, etc. ;]

to pity, have compassion on. c. acc pers., Ro 9:15 (LXX).†
SYN.: ἐλεέω, q.v

[p. 314]

[NT: 5x] οἰκτιρμός, -οῦ, ὁ (< οἰκτείρω), [in LXX, usually in pl., chiefly for רַחַם ;]

compassion, pity. σπλάγχνα οἰκτιρμοῦ, a heart of compassion, Col 3:12; in pl. (as LXX for Heb. רַחַם), οἰ. τ. θεοῦ, Ro 12:1, He 10:28; ό πατὴρ τῶν οἰ, II Co 1:3; σπλάγχνα κ. οἰ., Phl 2:1.†
SYN.: ἔλεος, q.v

[NT: 3x] οἰκτίρμων, -ον (< οἰκτείρω), in cl. poët, for ἐλεήμων (q.v.), [in LXX chiefly for רַחוּם ;]

merciful: Lk 6:36, Ja 5:1.†

[NT: 2x] οἰνο-πότης, -ου, ὁ (< οίνος + πότης, a drinker), poët. and late prose, [in LXX: Pr 23:20 (יַיִן סָבָא)* ;]

a wine-drinker, wine-bibber: Mt 11:19, Lk 7:34.†

[NT: 34x] οἶνος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX chiefly for יַיִן also for תִּירוֹשׁ, etc. ;]

wine; Mt 9:17, Lk 1:15, Jo 2:3, al.; οἴνῳ προσέχειν, I Ti 3:8; δουλοῦσθαι, Tit 2:3. Metaph., Re 14:8, 10 16:19 17:2 18:3 19:15. By meton. for ἄμπελος, Re 6:6

[NT: 1x] * οἰνοφλυγία, -ας, ἡ (< φλύω, to bubble up, overflow), cf. -γέω, De 21:20

drunkenness, debauchery: I Pe 4:3.†
SYN.: v.s. κραιπάλη

[NT: 3x] οἴομαι, οἶμαι [in LXX for הִנֵּה, Ge 37:7, al. ;]

to suppose, expect, imagine; c. acc et inf., Jo 21:25; c. inf., Phl 1:17; seq. ὅτι, Ja 1:7.†
οἶμαι, v.s. οἴομαι
SYN.. v.s. ἡγέομαι

[NT: 14x] οἷος, -α, -ον

relat. pron., qualitative (related to ὅς as qualis to qui), what sort or manner of, such as, in NT usually without its correl. τοιοῦτος : Mt 24:21, Mk 9:3, II Co 12:20, I Th 1:5, II Ti 3:11, Re 16:18; seq. τοιοῦτος, I Co 15:48 15:2 II Co 10:11; id. redundant, Mk 13:19; τ. αὑτὸν . . . σἷον, Phl 1:30; οὐχ οἷον δὲ ὅτι, elliptically, but it is not as though (RV), Ro 9:6.†

οἴσω, v.s. φέρω.

[NT: 1x] ὀκνέω, -ῶ (< ὄκνος, shrinking, hesitation), [in LXX: Nu 22:16 (מָנַע ni.), Jg 18:9 (אָצַל ni.), To 12:6, 13, Jth 12:13, Si 7:35, IV Mac 14:4 * ;]

to shrink from doing, hesitate to do (Hom., Thuc., al.); hence, to delay c. inf., Ac 9:38 (cf. Nu, l.c., and v. MM, xviii).†

[NT: 3x] ὀκνηρός, -ά, -όν (< ὀκνέω), [in LXX forPr 6:6, 9 al. ;]

shrinking, hesitating, timid: c. dat. (Bl., § 38, 2), Ro 12:11; hence, slothful: Mt 25:26. Of things, that which causes shrinking, irksome: Phl 3:1.†

[NT: 1x] *† ὀκταήμερος, -ον (< ὀκτώ, ἡμέρα),

of the eighth day, eight days old: c. dat. ref., περιτομῇ., Phl 3:5 (words of this class denote duration, cf. τεταρταῖος).†

[NT: 8x] ὀκτώ, οἱ, αἱ, τά

eight: Lk 2:21, Jo 5:5, al

ὀλέθριος, -ον (also -α, -ον, as in Wis, l.c.), [in LXX : III Ki 20:42 (חֵרֶם), Wi 18:15 * ;]

destructive, deadly: δίκην, II Th 1:9, L, txt (for ὄλωεθρος, q.v.).†

[p. 315]

ὄλεθρος, -ον (< ὄλλυμι, to destroy), [in LXX for שֹׁד. שָׁדַד, etc. ;]

ruin, destruction, death: I Th 5:3, I Ti 6:9; αἰώνιος, II Th 1:9 (L, txt., ὀλέθριος, q.v.); εἰς ὄ. τῆς σαρκός, for physical discipline, to destroy carnal lusts, I Co 5:5.†

*† ὀλιγοπιστία, -ας, ἡ,

little faith or trust: Mt 17:20.†

[NT: 5x] *† ὀλιγό-πιστος, -ον

of little faith or trust: Mt 6:30 8:26 14:31 16:8, Lk 12:28.†

[NT: 40x] ὀλίγος, -η, -ον (on οὐχ ὁλ., v. infr.), [in LXX chiefly for מָעַט ;]

of number, quantity, size, few, little, small, slight: Mt 9:37 15:34, Mk 6:5 8:7, Lk 10:2 12:48 (sc. πληγάς, opp. to πολλάς), I Ti 5:23, He 12:10, Re 3:4 12:12; οὐκ ὀ. (in the best uncials written οὐκ ὁ.; v. WH, App., 143; M, Pr., 44; Thackeray, Gr., 126 f.), Ac 12:18 14:28 15:2 (c. gen. part.) Ac 17:4, 12 19:23-24 27:20; pl., absol., Mt 7:14 20:16 (WH, txt., RV, om.) Mt 22:14, Lk 13:23, I Pe 3:20. Neut. sing (τὸ) ὀ.: Lk 7:47, II Co 8:15; πρὸς ὀλίγον, I Ti 4:8, Ja 4:14; ἐν ὀ., Ac 26:28-29 (with little effort; v. Page, in l); id., in brief, Eph 3:3; adverbially, ὀλίγον, of time, Mk 6:31, I Pe 1:6 5:10, Re 17:10; of space, Mk 1:19, Lk 5:3; pl., ὀλίγα, Lk 10:42, Re 2:14; ἐπ' ὀλίγα, Mt 25:21, 23; δι' ὀλίγων, in few words, briefly, I Pe 5:12 (cf. Plat., Legg., vi, 778 e).†
**ὀλίγως, adv.
(< ὀλίγος), [in Aq.: Is 10:7 * ;]
a little, almost, all but: II Pe 2:18.†

ὀλιγόφυχος, -ον [in LXX: Is 35:4 (מָהַר ni.), etc. ;]

faint-hearted: I Th 5:14.†

[NT: 1x] ὀλιγωρέω, -ῶ (< ὀλίγος + ὤρα, care), [in LXX: Pr 3:11 (מָאַס)* ;]

to esteem lightly, think little of: c. gen., He 12:5 (LXX),†

[NT: 1x] *† ὀλοθρευτής (Rec. όλ-), -οῦ, ὁ (< ὀλοθρεύω),

a destroyer: I Co 10:10 (not elsewhere).†

[NT: 1x] ὀλοθρεύω (< ὄλεθρος), late (Alex.) form of ὄλεθρεύω ω (cf. MGr., ξολοθρεύω) [in LXX for כָּרַת, שָׁחַת hi., etc. ;]

to destroy: He 11:28 (cf. ἐξ-ολοθρεύω).†
ὀλεθρεύω, v.s. ὀλοθρεύω

[NT: 3x] ὁλοκαύτωμα, -τος, τό (< ὅλος, καίω), [in LXX chiefly for עֹלָה ;]

a whole burnt offering: Mk 12:33, He 10:6, 8 (LXX) (of. Kennedy, Sources, 113 f.).†
SYN.: v.s. θυσία

ὀλοκληρία, -ας, ἡ (< ὁλόκληρος), [in LXX: Is 1:6 (מְתֹם)* ;]

completeness, soundness: Ac 3:16.†

[NT: 2x] ὁλό-κληρος, -ον (< ὅλος, κλῆρος, i.e. with all that has fallen by lot), [in LXX: Le 23:15, Ez 15:5 (תָּמִים), De 27:6, Jos 8:31 (9:2) (שָׁלֵם), Za 11:16 (נָצַב ni.), Wi 15:3, I Mac 4:47, IV Mac 15:17 * ;]

complete, entire; in NT in ethical sense (as Wis, 4Mac, ll. c.), I Th 5:23; ὁ. καὶ τέλειοι, Ja 1:4.†
SYN.: ὁλοτελής (q.v.), τελειος (Tr., Syn., § xxii)

[NT: 1x] ὀλολύζω (onomatop.), [in LXX chiefly for יָלַל hi. ;] (in Hom., of women crying to the gods in prayer or thanksgiving),

to cry aloud: Ja 5:1.†

[p. 316]

[NT: 111x] ὅλος, -η, -ον, [in LXX chiefly for כֹּל ;]

of persons and things, whole, entire, complete;
1. of indefinite ideas, c. subst. anarth.: Lk 5:5, Ac 11:26 28:30, Tit 1:11; ὅλον ἄνθρωπον (an entire man; v. Field, Notes, 93), Jo 7:23; ὅλη Ἰερουσαλήμ (= πᾶσα Ἰ, Mt 2:3; v. Bl., §47, 9), Ac 21:31.
2. Definite, c. art.;
(a) preceding subst.: Mt 4:23, 24 Lk 8:39, I Co 12:17, al.;
(b) following subst.: Mk 1:33, Lk 9:25, Jo 4:53, Ac 21:30, al.;
(c) between art. and subst., where subst. is an abstract noun (Plat., al.).
3. Attached to adj. or verb: Mt 13:33, Lk 13:21, Jo 9:34, al.; adverbially, δι ̓ ὅλου (MM, xviii), Jo 19:23.

[NT: 1x] *† ὁλοτελής, -ές (< ὅλος, τίλος),

complete, perfect.. I Th 5:23.†
SYN.: ὁλόκληρος (q.v.), τέλειος. "As regards meaning, ὁλόκληρος can hardly be distinguished from ὁλοτελής though, in accordance with its derivation, it draws more special attention to the several parts to which the wholeness spoken of extends, no part being wanting or lacking in completeness" (M, Th., 78)

[NT: 1x] Ὀλυμπᾶς (perh. contr. fr. Ὀλνμπιόδωρος, Bl., § 29), -ᾶ,

Olympas: Ro 16:15.†

[NT: 1x] ὄλυνθος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX: Ca 2:13 (פַּג)* ;]

an unripe fig, which grows in winter and usually falls off in the spring : Re 6:13.†

[NT: 4x] ὅλως adv. (< ὅλος),

altogether, assuredly, actually (c. neg., at all) : Mt 5:34, I Co 5:1 6:7 15:29.†

[NT: 1x] ὄμβρος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX: De 32:2 (שָׂעִיר), Wi 16:16, al. ;]

a storm of rain, a shower: Lk 12:54.†

ὀμείρομαι (Rec. ὁμ-, v. WH, App., 151), = cl. ἱμείρομαι (but prob. with different derivation, v. Bl., § 6, 4; Zorell, s.v.) [in LXX: Jb 3:21 (חָכָה)* ;]

to desire earnestly, yearn after: I Th 2:3.†

[NT: 4x] ὁμιλέω, -ῶ (< ὅμιλος), [in LXX: Pr 5:19 (רָוָה pi.), al. ;]

to be in company with, consort with; hence, to converse with: Ac 20:11; c. dat., Ac 24:26; seq. πρός, Lk 24:14-15.†

όμιλία, -ας, ή (< όμιλος), [in LXX: Ex 21:10 (עוֹנָה), al. ;]

company, association: I Co 15:33.†

[NT: 1x] ** ὅμιλος, -ου, ὁ [in Aq. : I Ki 19:20 * ;]

a crowd, throng: Re 18:17, Rec.†

[NT: 2x] ὄμμα, -τος, τό in cl. chiefly poët.; [in LXX for עַיִן (עַיִן (Pr 5:1-23, Wi 2:1-24, IV Mac 3:1-21)* ;]

an eye: p1., Mt 20:34 Mk 8:23.†

[NT: 30x] ὀμνύω (so Hdt. and some Att.. writers) and ὄμνυμι (so generally in Att.. prose and always in Trag.; Mk 14:71, -ύναι), [in LXX chiefly for שָׁבַע ni. ;]

to swear, affirm by oath: Mt 26:74, Mk 14:71, He 7:21; seq. εἰ (q.v), He 3:11 4:3; c. dat. pers., Mk 6:23; id. c. inf., He 3:18; seq. ὅρκῳ, Ac 2:30; ὀ. ὅρκον, πρός, c. acc pers. (cl.), Lk 1:73; c. acc (of that by which one swears; cl., v. MM, xviii), Ja 5:12; seq. κατά, c. gen. (LXX; Bl., § 34, 1), He 6:13, 16; seq. ἐν (εἰς), as in Heb. (El., § 39, 4), Mt 5:34, 36 23:16, 18 23:20-22 Re 10:6 (Bl., § 70, 3).†

[p. 317]

[NT: 11x] ὁμοθυμαδόν (< ὁμός, θυμός), [in LXX for יַחַד (freq. in Jb), Wi 10:20 18:5, 12, al. ;]

with one mind, with one accord: Ac 1:14 2:46 4:24 5:12 7:57 8:6 12:20 15:25 18:12 19:29, Ro 15:6 (Hatch, Essays, 63 f., argues that the un-cl. sense together, which is found in Jb 3:18 38:33, Nu 24:24, Wi 18:5, 12 (but not Wi 10:20), al., should be attached to the NT instances, but v. Abbott, Essays, 96; MM, xviii).†

[NT: 1x] ὁμοιάζω (< ὅμοιος),

to be like: Mt 23:27 (L, Tr., txt., WH, mg.) Mt 26:73 (WH, mg.) (not found elsewhere. cf. παρ-ομοιάζω.) †

[NT: 2x] ** ὁμοιοπαθής, -ές (< ὅμοιος, πάσχω), [in LXX: Wi 7:3, IV Mac 12:13 * ;]

of like feelings or affections: c. dat., Ac 14:15, Ja 5:17.†

[NT: 45x] ὅμοιος, -οία, -οιον [in LXX for כְּמוֹ, etc. ;]

like, resembling, such as, the same as: c. dat., of form or appearance, Jo 9:9, Re 1:13 (WH, mg., R, but v. infr.) Re 1:15 2:18 4:6-7 9:7, 10 (B1., § 37, 62) Rev_9:19; Rev_11:1; Rev_13:2; Rev_13:11; ὁράσει, Rev_4:3; of nature, condition, ability, etc., Mat_22:39, Act_17:29, Gal_5:21, 1Jn_3:2, Rev_13:4; Rev_18:18; Rev_21:11; Rev_21:18; of comparison in parables, Mat_13:31 ff. Mat_20:1, Luk_13:18-19; Luk_13:21; of thinking, acting, etc., Mat_11:16; Mat_13:52, Luk_6:47-49; Luk_7:31-32 (T, c. gen.; 131., § 36, 11) Luk_12:36, Joh_8:55, Jud_1:7; c. acc, Rev_1:13 (WH, txt.; Swete, Hort, in l) Rev_14:14.†

[NT: 2x] ὁμοιότης, -ητος, ἡ (< ὅμοιος), [in LXX: Ge 1:11-12 (מִין), Wi 14:19, IV Mac 15:4 * ;]

likeness: καθ' ὁμοιότητα, in like manner, He 4:15; id. c. gen. (MM, xviii), after the likeness (of), He 7:15.†

[NT: 15x] ὁμοιόω, -ῶ (< ὅμοιος), [in LXX chiefly for דָּמָה ;]

1. to make like, c. gen. et dat.; pass., to be made or become like: Mt 6:8 13:24 18:23 22:2 25:1, Ac 14:11, He 2:17; seq. ὡς (cf. Ez 32:2, Heb.), Ro 9:29.
2. to liken, compare: c. dat., acc, Mt 11:16, Lk 7:31 13:18, 20; πῶς όμοιώσωμεν, Mk 4:30; pass., Mt 7:24, 26 (cf. ἀφ-ομοιόω).†

[NT: 6x] ὁμοίωμα, -τος, τό (< ὁμοιόω), [in LXX for דְּמוּת, תַּבְנִית, תְּמוּנָה, etc. ;]

that which is made like something;
(a) concrete, an image, like­ness (Ps 106:20, Ez 1:5, I Mac 3:48, al.) : Re 9:7;
(b) abstract, like­ness, resemblance: Ro 5:14 6:5 8:3, Phl 2:7; ἐν ὁ. εἰκόνος, Ro 1:23.†
SYN.: εἰκών (q.v.), ὁμοίωσις

[NT: 30x] ὁμοίως (< ὅμοιος), adv.,

likewise, in like manner, equally: Mt 22:26, Mk 4:16, Lk 10:37, al.; c. dat., Mt 22:39, Lk 6:31; ὁ. καί, Mt 22:26, Mk 15:31, al.; ὁ. καθώς, Lk 17:28; καθὼς . . . ὁ., Lk 6:31; ὁ. μέντοι καί, Ju 8

[NT: 1x] ὁμοίωσις, -εως, ἡ (ὁμοιόω) [in LXX chiefly for דְּמוּת, Ps 58:4, al. ;]

1. a making like, becoming like (Plat.).
2. likeness: Ja 3:9 (LXX).†
SYN.: v.s. ὁμοίωμα, and cf. Tr., Syn., § xv

[NT: 26x] ὁμολογέω, -ῶ (< ὁμόλογος, of one mind: Da LXX Su 1:60 *), [in LXX: Jb 40:9 (14) (יָדָה hi.), Je 44:25 (נָדַר), al. ;]

1. to speak the same language (Hdt.).
2. to agree with (Hdt., Plat., al.).
3. to agree, confess, acknowledge (Plat., al.) : absol., Jo 1:20 12:42; pass., Ro 10:10; seq. ὅτι, ib., He 11:13; c. acc rei, Ac 23:8, I Jn 1:9, Re 3:5; id. c. dat. pers., Ac 24:14; c. acc cogn., I Ti 6:12; c. acc pers., I Jn 2:23 Jn 4:3; id. seq. pred. acc (Bl., § 34, 5; 73, 5), Jo 9:22, Ro 10:9, I Jn 4:2 Jn 4:15, II Jn 7; c. inf. (M, Pr., 229), Tit 1:16; c. dat. pers. seq. ὅτι, Mt 7:23; seq. ἐν, c. dat. pers. [p. 318] (M, Pr., 104; Bl., § 41, 2), Mt 10:32, Lk 12:8.
4. to agree, promise: τ. ἐπαγγελίαν, Ac 7:17; c. inf. obj. (Bl., § 61, 3), Mt 14:7.
5. = ἐξμολογέω, to praise: He 13:15 (Westc., in l).
(cf. ἀνθ-ομολογέομοι, ἐξμολογέω.) †

[NT: 6x] ὁμολογία, -ας, ἡ (< όμολογέω), [in LXX: De 12:6, 17. Am 4:5, Ez 46:12 (נְדָבָה), Le 22:18, Je 44:25 (נֶדֶר), I Es 9:8 * ;]

1. in cl., an agreement assent, compact (in π., of a contract; Deiss., BS, 249).
2. confession (prob. always in an objective sense): II Co 9:13, I Ti 6:12-13 He 3:1 4:14 10:13.†

[NT: 1x] ** ὁμολογουμένως adv. (< ὁμ oλογέω), [in LXX: IV Mac 6:31 Mac 7:16 Mac 16:1 * ;]

1. as agreed, conformably with.
2. confessedly, by common consent: I Ti 3:16.†

[NT: 1x] * ὁμότεχνος, -ον (< ὁμός, τέχνη),

practising the same craft, of the same trade: Ac 18:3.†

[NT: 4x] ὁμοῦ adv. (< ὁμός),

(a) prop., of place: Jo 21:2, Ac 2:1;
(b) without idea of place: Jo 4:36 20:4.†

ὀμόω, v.s. ὀμνύω.

[NT: 1x] * ὁμόφρων, -ον (< ὁμός, φρήν), = ὁμόνοος,

agreeing, of one mind: I Pe 3:8.†

[NT: 3x] ὅμως adv. (< ὁμίς),

yet: ὅ. μέντοι,
but yet, nevertheless, Jo 12:42; by hyperbaton, out of its proper position, I Co 14:7, Ga 3:15 (but v. Bl., § 77, 14).†

[NT: 6x] * ὄναρ, τό

indecl., used only in nom, and acc sing. (the other cases are supplied by ὄνειρος), a dream: κατ' ὄ. (in later writers only), in a dream, Mt 1:20 2:12-13, 19 2:22 27:19.†

[NT: 1x] * ὀνάριον, -ου, τό (dimin. of ὄνος),

a young ass: Jo 12:14.†

[NT: 9x] ὀνειδίζω (< ὄνειδος), [in LXX chiefly for חָרַף pi. ;]

to reproach, upbraid: absol., Ja 1:5; c. acc pers. (in cl. more freq. c. dat. pers.; Bl., § 34, 2; WM, 278), Mt 5:11, Mk 15:32, 34, WH, mg., Lk 6:22, Ro 15:3 (LXX); τ. πόλεις, Mt 11:20; pass., I Ti 4:10, WH, mg., I Pe 4:14; c. acc rei, Mk 16:14; c. dupl. acc, Mt 27:44.†

[NT: 5x] ὀνειδισμός, -οῦ, ὁ (ὀνειδίζω) [in LXX chiefly for חֶרְפָּה ;]

a reproach: Ro 15:3, He 10:33; εἰς ὀ. ἐμπεαεῖν, I Ti 3:7; ὁ ὀ. τοῦ Χριστοῦ He 11:26 13:13.†

[NT: 1x] ὄνειδος, -ους, τό [in LXX chiefly for חֶרְפָּה, also for כְּלִמָּה, etc. ;]

1. reproach, censure, blame.
2. matter of reproach, disgrace: Lk 1:25.†

[NT: 2x] Ὀνήσιμος, -ου, ὁ (i.e. profitable, < ὄνησις, profit),

Onesimus: Col 4:9, Phm 10 (a common name among slaves; v. MM, iii, xviii).†

[NT: 2x] Ὀνησίφορος, -ου, ὁ (i.e. bringing advantage),

Onesiphorus: II Ti 1:16 4:19.†

[NT: 2x] ὀνικός, -ή, -όν (< ὄνος),

of or for an ass. μύλος ὀ., Mt 18:6, Mk 9:42 (elsewhere only in π.; v. MM, xviii).†

[NT: 1x] ** ὀνίνημι [in LXX: To 3:8, Si 30:2 * ;]

to profit, benefit, help; mid., to have profit, derive benefit: optat. (M, Pr., 195), c. gen., Phm 20.†

[NT: 230x] ὄνομα, -τος, τό, [in LXX chiefly for שֵׁם ;]

1. in general, the name by which a person or thing is called: Mt 10:2, Mk 3:16, Lk 1:63, Jo 18:10, [p. 319] al.; ἄνθρωπος (etc.), ᾧ (οὗ) ὄ. (τ. ὄ), sc. ἦν or ἐστίν (BL, §30, 3), Mk 14:32, Lk 1:26, 27; with same ellipsis, καὶ τ. ὄ. αὐτοῦ, Lk 1:5, Jo 1:6, al.; ὀνόματι, seq. nom. prop., Mt 27:32, Mk 5:22, Lk 1:5, Ac 5:1, al.; acc. absol. (Bl., §34, 7), τοὔνομα (= τ. ὄνομα), Mt 27:57; ὄ. μοι (sc. ἐστίν; cf. Hom., Od., ix, 366), Mk 5:9 (cf. Lk 8:30); ἔξειν ὄ., Re 9:11; καλεῖν (ἐπιτιθέναι) ὄ. (Bl., §33, 1), Mt 1:21, Mk 3:16; τ. ὄ. ἐν (τ.) βίβλῳ ζωῆς (cf. Deiss., LAE, 121), Phl 4:3, Re 13:8, cf. Lk 10:20 (ἐν τ. οὐρανοῖς); ὄ. βλασφημίας, Re 13:1; the name as opp. to the reality, Re 3:1 (cf. Hdt., vii, 138); as a title: Eph 1:21, Phl 2:9, 10 (Lft., in l.).
2. By a usage similar to that with ref. to Heb. שֵׁם (Lft., Notes, 106f.), but also common in Hellenistic (M, Pr., 100; Bl., §39, 4; Deiss, BS, 146f., 196f.; LAE, 123:4, of all that the name implies, of rank, authority, character, etc.: of acting on one's authority or in his behalf, ἐν (εἰς) ὄ., c. gen. pers. (v. reff. supr.), Mt 10:41 21:9 28:19, Mk 11:9, Lk 13:35, Jo 5:43, Ac 8:16, I Co 1:13; of the name Christian, I Pe 4:16; esp. of the name of God as expressing the divine attributes: ἁγιάζειν (ἅγιον) τὸ ὄ. (τ. Πατρός, Κυρίου), Mt 6:9, Lk 1:49 11:2; ψάλλειν (ὁμολογεῖν) τῷ ὀ., Ro 15:9, He 13:15; δοξάζειν (φανεροῦν, φοβεῖσθαι) τὸ ὄ., Jo 12:28 17:6, 26 Re 11:18 15:4; βλασφημεῖν, Ro 2:24, I Ti 6:1, Re 13:6; similarly, of the name of Christ: τ. καλὂν ὄ. (Deiss., LAE, 276); πιστεύειν τῷ ὀ., I Jo 3:23; π. εἰς τ. ὄ. (Bl., §39, 4), Jo 1:12 2:23 3:18; ὀνομάζειν τὸ ὄ., II Ti 2:19; κρατεῖν, Re 2:13; οὐκ ἀρνεῖσθαι, Re 3:8; ἐν τ. ὀ. (v. reff. supr.), Mk 9:38 16:[17], Lk 10:17, Jo 14:13 16:23, 24 20:31, Ac 3:6 4:12, Eph 5:20, I Pe 4:14, al.; εἰς τ. ὄ. συνάγεσθαι, Mt 18:20; ἕνεκεν τοῦ ὀ., Mt 19:29; διὰ τὸ ὄ., Mt 10:22, Mk 13:13, al.; διὰ τοῦ ὀ., I Co 1:10; ὑπὲρ τοῦ ὀ., Ac 9:16, Ro 1:5, al.; id. absol., Ac 5:41, III Jo 7; πρὸς τὸ ὄ., Ac 26:9.
3. cause, ground, reason (in cl., usually in bad sense, pretext): Mk 9:41 (Swete, in l.; Dalman, Words, 305f.).
4. In late Greek (Deiss., BS., 196f.), an individual, a person: Ac 1:15, Re 3:4 11:13.

[NT: 10x] ὀνομάζω (< ὄνομα), [in LXX for זָכַר, נָקַב, קָרָא ;]

1. to name, mention, or address by name: Ac 19:13; pass., Ro 15:20, Eph 1:21 5:3; of the use of the Divine name in praise and worship, II Ti 2:19 (LXX, Nu 16:26; cf. Is 52:11, Am 6:10).
2. to name, call, give a name to: Mk 3:14 (T, R, txt. om.), Lk 6:13-14; pass., I Co 5:11; seq. ἐξ (cl.), Eph 3:15 (cf. ἐπ-ονομάζω).†

[NT: 5x] ὄνος, -ου, ὁ, ἡ [in LXX chiefly for חֲמוֹר, also for אָתוֹן, etc. ;]

an ass: Mt 21:2, 5 (LXX), Lk 14:5, Jo 12:15 (LXX); , Lk 13:15; , Mt 21:7 .†

[NT: 10x] ὄντως adv. (< ὤν, ptcp. of εἰμί, sum) [in LXX: Nu 22:37 (אׇמְנָם), Je 3:23 (אָכֵן), Je 10:19 (אַךְ), III Ki 12:24, Wi 17:14 * ;]

really, actually, truly: Mk 11:32, Lk 23:47 24:34, Jo 8:36, I Co 14:25, Ga 3:21 4:1-31 ἡ ὄ. ζωή, I Ti 6:19; ἡ ὄ. χήρα, I Ti 5:3 5:5 5:16

[NT: 6x] ὄξος, -εος (-ους), τό (< ὄξύς), [in LXX: Nu 6:3, Ru 2:14, Ps 69:21, Pr 25:20 (חֹמֶץ)* ;]

sour wine (posca, vin-Deu pays), the ordinary drink of labourers and common soldiers: Mt 27:48, Mk 15:36, Lk 23:36, Jo 19:29-30.†

ὄξύς, -εῖα, -ύ [in LXX: Ps 57:4, al. (חַד), Am 2:15 (קַל), [p. 320] Is 5:28 (שָׁנַן), etc. ;]

1. sharp: Re 1:16 2:12 14:14, 17-18 19:15.
2. Of motion, swift: Ro 3:15 (LXX ταχινός).†

[NT: 2x] ὀπή, -ῆς, ἡ [in LXX for חוֹר, חֲגָו, etc. ;]

an opening, a hole: Ja 3:11 (cf. Ex 33:22), He 11:33 (cf. Ob 3).†

[NT: 7x] ὄπισθεν adv. of place, [in LXX chiefly for אָחוֹר, אַחַר ;]

behind, after: Mt 9:20, Mk 5:27, Lk 8:44, Re 4:6 5:1. As prep. c. gen.: Mt 15:23, Lk 23:26, Re 1:10 (WH, mg.).†

[NT: 35x] ὀπίσω adv.

of place and time,
[in LXX chiefly for אַחַר and cogn. forms ;]
1. prop., as in cl., adv.,
(a) of time (not in NT);
(b) of place, back, behind, after: Mt 24:18, Lk 7:38; τὰ ὀ., Phl 3:13; εἰς τὰ ὀ., Mk 13:16, Lk 9:62 17:31, Jo 6:66 18:6 20:14.
2. By a usage not found in cl., and in LXX representing the Heb. prep. אַחַר (Bl., § 40, 8; Thackeray, Gr., 46 f.), but also prob. general in vernacular (M, Pr., 99), as prep. c. gen.;
(a) of time, after: Mt 3:11, Mk 1:7 Jo 1:15, 27 1:30;
(b) of place, behind, after: Mt 4:19 10:38 16:23-24, Mk 1:17, 20 8:33-34, Lk 9:33 14:27 19:14 21:8, 2Pe 2;10, Ju 7, Re 1:10 12:15; in constr. praegn. (v. Swete on Re, l.c.), Jo 12:19, Ac 5:17 20:30, I Ti 5:15, Re 13:3.†

** ὁπλίζω (< ὅπλον), [in Sm.: Je 52:25 * ;]

to make ready, equip; of soldiers, to arm. Mid., to arm oneself; fig., ἔννοιαν: I Pe 4:1 (cf. θράσος ὁ., Soph., Elec., 995), (cf. καθ-ὁπλίζω).†

[NT: 6x] ὅπλον, -ου, τό [in LXX for מָגֵן, צִנָּה, etc. ;]

1. a tool, implement, instrument: ὅπλα ἀδικίας (Opp. to ὅ. δικαιοσύνης), Ro 6:13.
2. Freq., in pl., arms, weapons: Jo 18:3, II Co 10:4; metaph., τ. φωτός, Ro 13:12; τ. δικαιοσύνης, II Co 6:7.†

[NT: 5x] ὁποῖος, -οία, -οῖον [in LXX: Ca 5:10, II Mac 11:37 * ;]

of what sort: I Co 3:13, Ga 2:6, I Th 1:9, Ja 1:24; τοιοῦτος ὁ., such as, Ac 26:29.†

[NT: 1x] ὁπότε

when: Lk 6:3, Rec. (WH, R, ὅτε).†

[NT: 82x] ὅπου adv.

of place, correlat. of ποῦ (q.v.), where.
I. Prop., of place,
1. where;
(a) in relative sentences, c. indic: Mt 25:24, 26, Mk 2:4 4:5, 15 5:40 13:14, Jo 3:8 6:62 7:34, 36 11:32 14:3 17:24 20:19, Ro 15:20, Re 2:13; after nouns of place, for relat. prepositional phrase (ἐν ᾧ., etc.), Mt 6:19-20 13:5 26:57 28:6, Mk 6:55 9:48 Lk 12:33, Jo 1:28 4:20, 46 6:23 7:42 10:40 11:30 12:1 18:1, 20 19:18, 20 19:41 20:12, Ac 17:1, Re 2:13 11:8 20:10; seq. ἐκεῖ., Mt 6:21, Lk 12:34 17:37 Jo 12:26; id. pleonast. (= Heb. שָׁם . . . אֲשֶׁר; Aram. תַּמָּן . . דּ; of. Ge 13:3), ὅ. . . . ἐκεῖ, Re 12:6, 14; ὅ. . . . ἐπ' αὐτῶν, Re 17:9; ὅ. ἄν, wherever (M, Pr., 168), c. impf. indic., Mk 6:56; c. Pres. subjc., Mt 24:28; ὅ. ἐάν, Mt 26:13, Mk 6:10 9:18 14:9, 14 a;
(b) in quaest. indir., c. aor. subjc.: Mk 14:14 b, Lk 22:11.
2. In late writers (sometimes also in cl.; Bl., § 25, 2), with verbs of motion, = ὅποι, whither: c. indic., Jo 8:21-22 13:33, 36 14:4 21:18, He 6:20, Ja 3:4; ὅ. ἄν, whithersoever, c. pres. ind., Re 14:4; subjc., Lk 9:57; ὅ. ἐάν, Mt 8:19.
II. Without strict local sense,
1. of time or condition: Col 3:11, He 9:16 10:18, Ja 3:16, II Pe 2:11.
2. Of cause or reason (AV, whereas): I Co 3:3.†

[p. 321]

ὀπτάνω [in LXX: III Ki 8:8 (רָאָה ni.), To 12:19 * ;]

late present as from ὤφθην (= ὁράω); mid., ὀπτάνομαι, to allow oneself to be seen, to appear. c. dat., Ac 1:3. (For exx. from π., v. Deiss., LAE, 79, 2526; MM, ii, xviii.) †

[NT: 4x] ὀπτασία, -ας, ἡ (< ὀπτάζομαι, Nu 14:14* = ὀπτάνομαι), later form of ὄψις, [in LXX: Ma 3:2 (רָאָה ni.), Da TH Da 9:23 10:1, 7-8 10:16 (מַרְאֶה, מַרְאָה LXX, ὅραμα, -σις), Es 4:7, Si 43:2, 16 * ;]

1. an appearing, coming into view (Ma, Es, Sir, ll. c.).
2. a vision: Lk 1:22 24:23, Ac 26:19, II Co 12:1 (Da, ll. c., also in MGr.).†

[NT: 1x] ὀπτός, -ή, -όν [in LXX: Ex 12:8-9 (צָלִי) * ;]

roasted, boiled Lk 24:42.†

ὄπτω, v.s. ὁράω.

[NT: 1x] ὀπώρα, -ας, ἡ [in LXX: Je 48:32 40:10, 12 (קַיִץ) * ;]

1. late summer, early autumn (the time between the risings of Sirius and Arcturus, i.e. late July, all August and early September).
2. By meton. (as being fruit-time), ripe fruits Re 18:14 (cf. φθινοπωρινά, Ju 12).†


I. Relat. adv. of manner, as, how: c. indic., Lk 24:20.
II. Conj., c. subjc. (in cl. also c. opt., indic.: so in Mt 26:59, LT, Tr.), in order that, to the end that, that;
1. final, denoting purpose or design (in which the original idea of modality has been merged): after pres., Mt 6:2, al.; pf., Ac 9:17, al.; impf., Ac 9:24; aor., Ac 9:2, al.; plpf., Jo 11:57; fut., Mt 23:35; imperat., Mt 2:8, al.; ὅ. μή (M, Pr., 185), Mt 6:18, Lk 16:26, Ac 20:16, I Co 1:29; ὅ. πληρωθῇ, Mt 2:23 8:17 13:35; ὅ. ἄν (B1., § 65, 2; WM, § 42, 5), Lk 2:35, Ac 3:19 15:17, Ro 3:4 (cf. Ge 12:13, Ps 59:7. 1Mac 1032, al.).
2. After verbs of asking, exhorting, etc.: Mt 9:38, Lk 7:3, Ja 5:16, al. (in late writers its place is often taken by the correl. πῶς, q.v.)

[NT: 12x] ὅραμα, -τος, τό (< ὁράω), [in LXX for חָזוֹן, מַרְאֶה, etc. ;]

that which is seen;
(a) a sight, spectacle: Mt 17:9, Ac 7:31;
(b) an appearance, vision: Ac 9:10, 12 (Rec.) Ac 10:3, 17 10:19 11:5 12:9 16:9-10 18:9 (cf. ὀπτασία).†

[NT: 4x] ὅρασις, -εως, ἡ (ὁράω) [in LXX chiefly for מַרְאֶה, חָזוֹן and cognate forms ;]

1. in Arist. and later writers, the act of seeing, the sense of sight, and by meton., pl., the eyes.
2. appearance (Nu 24:4, Ez 1:5, Si 41:20, al.): Re 4:3.
3. = ὅραμα, a vision: Ac 2:17 (LXX), Re 9:17.†

[NT: 1x] ὁρατός, -ή, -όν (ὁράω)

visible: τὰ ὁ., Col 1:16.†

[NT: 476x] ὁράω, -ῶ,

[in LXX chiefly for ראה, also for חזה, etc. ;] in "durative" sense (hence aor. act., εἶδον, pass., ὤφθην, fut., ὄψομαι, from different roots; v. M, Pr., 110f.), to see (in colloq. even the pres. is rare, its place being generally taken by θεωρέω, v. BL, §24).
1. Of bodily vision, to see, perceive, behold: absol., Mk 6:38, al.; ἔρχου καὶ ἴδε, Jo 1:46, al.; seq. ὅτι, Mk 2:16, al.; c. acc., Mt 2:2, Mk 1:10 16:7, Ga 1:19, al.; θεόν, Jo 1:18, I Jo 4:20, al.
2. to see with the mind, perceive, discern: absol, Ro 15:21; c. acc. rei., Mt 9:2 27:54, Ac 8:23, Col 2:18, al. [p. 322]
3. to see, take heed, beware: ὅρα μή, c. aor. subjc., Mt 8:4 18:10, Mk 1:44, I Th 5:15; id., sc. μὴ ποήσῃς, Re 19:10 22:9 (Bl., §81, 1); seq. imperat. Mt 9:30 16:6, Mk 8:15
4. to experience: τ. θάνατον, Lk 2:26, He 11:5; ζωήν, Jo 3:36; τ. διαφθοράν, Ac 2:27.
5. to visit: c. acc. pers., Lk 8:20, Jo 12:21, Ro 1:11, al.; c. acc. loc, Ac 19:21.
6. to see to, care for: Mt 27:4, Ac 18:15 (cf. ἀφ-, καθ-, προ-, συν-οράω).
SYN.: v.s. βλέπω.

[NT: 36x] ὀργή, -ῆς, ἡ [in LXX chiefly for אַף, also for חָרוֹן, חֵמָה, קָצַף, etc. ;]

1 1, impulse, propensity, disposition.
2. anger, wrath;
(a) of men: Mk 3:5, Eph 4:31, Col 3:8, I Ti 2:8, Ja 1:19-20;
(b) of God;
α that reaction of the divine nature against sin which in anthropomorphic language is called anger: Ro 1:18 9:22 12:19, (ICC, in l), I Th 1:10 2:16, He 3:11 4:3 (LXX) Re 14:10 16:19 19:15;
β of the effect of God's anger: Mt 3:7, Lk 3:7 21:23, Jo 3:36, Ro 2:5, 8 3:5 4:15 5:9 13:4-5 Eph 5:6, Col 3:6, I Th 5:9, Ja 1:20, Re 6:16-17 11:18; σκεύη ὀργῆς, Ro 9:22; τέκνα ὀργῆς, Eph 2:3.†
SYN.: v.s. θυμός

ὀργίζω (< ὀργή), [in LXX chiefly for חָרָה, also for קָצַף, etc. ;]

to make angry, provoke to anger; in cl. most freq. in pass., and so always in NT, to be provoked to anger, be angry: absol., Mt 18:34 22:7, Lk 14:21 15:28, Eph 4:26 (LXX), Re 11:18; c. dat., Mt 5:22; seq. ἐπί, c. dat. (III Ki 11:9, al.), Re 12:17 (cf. παρ-ὀργίζω).†

[NT: 1x] ὀργίλος, -η, -ον (< ὀργή), [in LXX: Pr 22:24 29:22 (חֵמָה), etc. ;]

inclined to anger, passionate: Tit 1:7.†

[NT: 2x] * ὀργυιά, -ᾶς, ἡ (< ὀρέγω),

the length of the outstretched arms, a fathom: Ac 27:28.†

** ὀρέγω [in Sm.: Jb 8:20, Ez 16:49 * ;]

to reach, stretch out; pass. and mid., to stretch oneself out, reach forth; metaph., to reach after, grasp at, aspire to: c. gen. rei, I Ti 3:1, He 11:16; φιλαργυρίας (v. Ellic. and CGT, in l), I Ti 6:10.†
SYN.: ἐπιθυμέω, to desire (q.v.)

[NT: 2x] ὀρεινός (WH, ὀριν-; v. MM, xviii,) -ή, -όν (< ὄρος),

mountainous, hilly; ἡ ὀ. (sc. χώρα), the hill-country (LXX for הַר): Lk 1:39, 65

[NT: 1x] ** ὄρεξις, -εως, ἡ (< ὀρέγομαι), [in LXX Wi 14:2 15:5 16:2-3, Si 18:30 23:6, IV Mac 1:33 Mac 1:35 * ;]

the most general ward for all kinds of desire, longing, appetite: of lust, Ro 1:27
SYN.: v.s. πάθος

[NT: 1x] *† ὀρθοποδέω, -ῶ (< ὀρθό-πους, going straight),

= cl. εὐθυπορέω, to walk straight: metaph., Ga 2:14 (not elsewhere).†

[NT: 2x] ὀρθός, -ή, -όν [in LXX chiefly for יָשָׁר ;]

(a) in height, straight, upright: Ac 14:10;
(b) in line, straight, direct: fig., He 12:13 (LXX).†

[NT: 1x] ὀρθοτομέω, -ῶ (< - ὀρθός, τέμνω), [in LXX: Pr 3:6 11:6 (יָשַׁר pi.)* ;]

to cut straight, as a road (τ. ὁδούς, fig., Pr, ll c.). Metaph., τ. λόγον τ. ἀληθείας, II Ti 2:15 (V. Ellic. and CGT, in l; not found elsewhere).†

[NT: 1x] ὀρθρίζω (< ὄρθρος), [in LXX chiefly for שָׁכַם hi., Ge 19:2, al.; also [p. 323] for שָׁחַר pi., Ps 63:1, al., etc. ;]

= cl. poët., ὀρθρεύω, to rise early: seq. πρός, c. acc pers. (as Ps, l.c., al.), Lk 21:38 (v. Thumb, Hellen., 123).†

[NT: 1x] ὀρθρινός, -ή, -όν (< ὄρθρος), [in LXX: Ho 6:4 13:3 (שָׁכַם hi.), Ha 2:14, Wi 11:22 * ;]

late form of ὄρθριος (q.v.), early: Lk 24:22.†

[NT: 1x] ὄρθριος, -α, -ον (< ὄρθρος), [in LXX: I Ki 28:14, Jb 29:7, 1-25; III Mac 5:10 Mac 5:23 * ;]

early, in the early morning: Lk 24:22, Rec. (v.s. ὀρθρινός).†

[NT: 3x] ὄρθρος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX for שַׁחַר, בֹּקֶר, etc. ;]

daybreak, dawn: ὄρθρου βαθέως (M, Pr., 73), at early dawn, Lk 24:1; ὄρθρου, Jo 8:2; ὑπὸ τὸν ὄ., Ac 5:21 (cf. MM, xviii).†

όρθῶς adv. (< ἀρθός),

rightly: Mk 7:35, Lk 7:43 10:28 20:21.†

[NT: 8x] ὁρίζω (< ὅρος, a boundary), [in LXX for אָסַר, גְּבוּל, etc. ;]

1. to separate, mark off by boundaries (so Nu 34:6, Jo 13:27).
2. to determine, appoint, designate: of time, c. acc, Ac 17:26, He 4:7; c. acc pers., Ac 17:31; c. inf., Ac 11:29; pass., Lk 22:22, Ac 2:23 10:42, Ro 1:4 (cf. ὀφ-, ἀπο- δι-, τρο-ορίζω),†

ὀρινός, v.s. ὀρεινός.

[NT: 14x] ὅριον, -ου, τό (< ὅρος, a boundary), [in LXX chiefly for גְּבוּל ;]

a boundary, bound; chiefly in pl., and so always in NT: Mt 2:16 4:13 8:34 15:22, 39 19:1, Mk 5:17 7:24, 31 10:1, Ac 13:50.†

[NT: 2x] ὁρκίζω (< ὅρκος), [in LXX: Ge 24:37, al. (שָׁבַע hi.) ;]

1. to make one swear (Xen., Polyb., a1.).
2. to adjure: c. dupl. acc, Mk 5:7, Ac 19:13 (cf. ἐν-, ἐξ-ορκίζω).†

[NT: 11x] ὅρκος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX chiefly for שֶׁוַע, שִׁבְעָה and cogn. forms ;]

an oath: Mt 14:7 26:72, Lk 1:73, Ac 2:30, He 6:16-17, Ja 5:12; p1., Mt 5:33 (LXX) Mt 14:9, Mk 6:26.†

[NT: 4x] ὁρκωμοσία, -ας, ἡ (< ὅρκος, ὄμνυμι; by metapl. for τὰ ὁρκωμόσια, asseverations on oath; v. MM, xviii), [in LXX: Ez 17:18-19 (עָלָה) 1Es 9:93* ;]

affirmation on oath, an oath: He 7:20-21, 28.†

[NT: 5x] ὁρμάω, -ῶ (< ὁρμή), [in LXX for שׁוּב, etc. ;]

1. causal, to set in motion, urge on.
2. Intrans., to hasten on, rush: seq. εἰς, Mt 8:32, Mk 5:13, Lk 8:33, Ac 19:29; ἐπί, c. acc, Ac 7:57.†

[NT: 2x] ὁρμή, -ῆς, ἡ [in LXX: Pr 3:25 (שׁוֹא), etc. ;]

1. a violent movement, impulse: Ja 3:4;
2. a hostile movement, onset, assault. Ac 14:5.†

[NT: 1x] ὅρμημα, -τος, τό (ὁρμάω) [in LXX: Ho 5:10, Am 1:11 (עֶבְרָה), etc. ;]

a rush: Re 18:21.†

[NT: 3x] ὄρνεον, -ου, τό = ὄρνις, [in LXX chiefly for צִפּוֹר ;]

a bird: Re 18:2 19:17, 21 (Hom., al.).†

*† ὄρνιξ (cf. Doric gen., ὄρνιχος, and MGr., ὀρνίχ; v. M, Pr., 45),

= ὄρνις: Lk 13:34 (T; WB, ὄρνις).†

[NT: 2x] ὄρνις, -ιθος, ὁ, ἡ [in LXX: ὄ. ἐκλεκταί, III Ki 3:1 4:23 (III Ki 5:3) (בַּרְבֻּר)* ;]

a bird; specif., a cock, a hen: Mt 23:3, Lk 13:34 (WH).†

[NT: 1x] ὁροθεσία, -ας, ἡ (< ὅρος, a boundary, + τίθημι)

a setting of boundaries; in pl., bounds; Ac 17:26.†

[p. 324]

[NT: 63x] ὄρος, -ους, τό [in LXX chiefly, and very freq., for הַר ;]

a mountain: Mt 4:8 17:1, Mk 9:2, Jo 4:20, II Pe 1:18, al.; opp. to βουνός, Lk 3:5 (LXX); ὄ. τ. ἐλαιῶν, Mt 21:1 24:3, al. (v.s. ἐ.); ὄ. Σιών (Σ., prob. in gem appos.), He 12:22, Re 14:1; ὄ. Σινά, Ac 7:30, 38 Ga 4:24-25; τὸ ὄ., of the hill district as distinct from the lowlands, esp. the hills above the Sea of Galilee, Mt 5:1 8:1, Mk 3:13 6:46, al.; τὰ ὄ., Mt 18:12, Mk 5:5, He 11:38, Re 6:14, al.; proverbially (cf. Rabbinic, הדים עקר), of overcoming difficulties, accomplishing marvels, ὄρη μεθιστάνειν, I Co 13:2, cf. Mt 17:20 21:21, Mk 11:23

[NT: 3x] ὀρύσσω [in LXX chiefly for חָפַר also for כָּרָה, etc. ;]

to dig: c. acc, ληνόν, Mt 21:33; ὁπολήνιον, Mk 12:1; γῆν, Mt 25:18 (cf. δι-, ἐξ-ορύσσω).†

[NT: 2x] ὀρφανός, -ή, -όν [in LXX for יָתוֹם ;]

1. prop., orphan, fatherless: Mk 12:40, WH, mg, Ja 1:27.
2. In a general sense (as also in cl.; v. LS, s.v.; and cf. MM, xviii), bereft, friendless, desolate: Jo 14:18.†

[NT: 4x] ὀρχέομαι, -οῦμαι [in LXX for רָקַד, etc. ;]

to dance; Mt 11:17 14:6, Mk 6:22, Lk 7:32.†

[NT: 1913x] ὅς, ἥ, ὅ, the postpositive article (ἄρθρον ὑποτακτικόν).

I. As demonstr. pron. = οὗτος, ὅδε, this, that, also for αὐτός, chiefly in nom.: ὅς δέ, but he (cf. ἦ δὲ ὅς, freq. in Plat.), Mk 15:23, Jo 5:11; ὃς μὲν . . . ὃς δέ, the one . . . the other, Mt 21:35, 22:5, 25:15, Lk 23:33, Ac 27:14, Ro 14:5, I Co 11:21, II Co 2:18, Ju 22; neut., ὃ μὲν . . . ὃ δέ, the one . . . the other, some . . . some, Mt 13:8, 23, Ro 9:21; ὃς (ὃ) μὲν . . . (ἄλλος (ἄλλο)) . . . ἕτερος, Mk 4:4, Lk 8:5, I Co 12:8-10; οὓς μέν, absol., I Co 12:28; ὃς μὲν . . . ὁ δέ, Ro 14:2.
II. As relat. pron., who, which, what, that;
1. agreeing in gender with its antecedent, but differently governed as to case: Mt 2:9, Lk 9:9, Ac 20:18, Ro 2:29, al. mult.
2. In variation from the common construction;
(a) in gender, agreeing with a noun in apposition to the antecedent: Mk 15:16, Ga 3:16, Eph 6:17, al.; constr. ad sensum: Jo 6:9, Col 2:19, I Ti 3:16, Re 13:14, al.;
(b) in number, constr. ad sensum: Ac 15:36, II Pe 3:1;
(c) in case, by attraction to the case of the antecedent (Bl., §50, 2): Jo 4:18, Ac 3:21, Ro 15:18, I Co 6:19, Eph 1:8, al.
3. The neut. with nouns of other gender and with phrases, which thing, which term: Mk 3:17 12:42, Jo 1:39, Col 3:14, al.; with a sentence, Ac 2:32, Ga 2:10, I Jo 2:8, al.
4. With ellipse of a demonstrative (οὗτος or ἐκεῖνος), before or after: before, Mt 20:23, Lk 7:43, Ro 10:14, al.; after, Mt 10:38, Mk 9:40, Jo 19:22, Ro 2:1 al.
5. Expressing purpose, end or cause: Mt 11:10 (who = that he may), Mk 1:2, He 12:6 al.
6. C. prep, as periphrasis for conjc.: ἀνθ’ ὧν ( = ἀντὶ τούτων ὧν), because, Lk 1:20, al.; wherefore, Lk 12:3; ἐξ οὗ, since, for that, Ro 5:12; ἀφ’ οὗ, since (temporal), Lk 13:25; ἐξ οὗ, whence, Phl 3:20; etc.
7. With particles: ὃς ἄν (ἐάν), v.s. ἄν, ἐάν; ὃς καί, Mk 3:19, Jo 21:20, Ro 5:2, al.; ὃς καὶ αὐτός, Mt 27:57.
8. Gen., οὗ, absol., as adv. (v.s. οὗ).

[NT: 3x] ὁσάκις (< ὅσος),

relat. adv.,
as often as: seq. ἐάν (q.v.), I Co 11:25-26, Re 11:6,†

[p. 325]

ὅσγε = ὅς γε, v.s. γέ.

[NT: 8x] ὅσιος, -ον (so sometimes in cl., but most freq. -α, -ον), [in LXX chiefly for חָסִיד, also for טָהוֹר, יָשָׁר, תָּמִים ;]

religiously right, right­eous, pious, Holy: of men, Tit 1:8. He 7:26; by meton., ὁ. χεῖρας, I Ti 2:8 (cf. De 32:4); of God, Re 15:4 16:5; as subst., ὁ ὅ., of the Messiah, Ac 2:27 13:35 (LXX); τὰ ὅ. Δανεὶδ τ. πιστά (Field, Notes, 121), Ac 13:34 (LXX).†
SYN.: v.s. ἅγιος (cf. also DB, ii, 399.b; iv, 352.b, and ref. s.v. -ίως)

[NT: 2x] ὁσιότης, -ητος, ἡ (< ὅσιος), [in LXX: De 9:5 (יֹשֶׁר), I Ki 14:41, III Ki 9:4 (תֹּם, תָּמִים), Pr 14:32, Wi 2:22 5:19 9:3 14:30 * ;]

piety, holiness: assoc. with δικαιοσύνη, Lk 1:75, Eph 4:24.†
SYN.: v.s. ἅγιος

[NT: 1x] ὁσίως (< ὅσιος), adv., [in LXX: III Ki 8:61, Wi 6:10 * ;]

piously, holily: ὁ. καὶ δικαίως κ. ἀμέμπτως (on the distinction here between these synonyms, v. M, Th., 24 f.), I Th 2:10.†

[NT: 6x] ὀσμή, -ῆς, ἡ (< ὄζω), [in LXX chiefly for רֵיחַ ;]

a smell, odour: Jo 12:3; metaph. (EV, savour), II Co 2:14 2:16; of the effect of sacrifice (cf. נִיחוֹחַ רֵיחַ, Ge 8:21, al., v.s. εὐωδία), ὀ. εὐωδίας, Eph 5:2, Phl 4:18.†

ὅσον, v.s. ὅσος.

[NT: 118x] ὅσος, -η, -ον, correlat. of τοσοῦτος,

how much, how many, how great, how far, how long, as much as, etc. (= Lat. quantus);
(a) of number and quantity: m. pl., Mt 14:36, Mk 3:10, Ro 2:12, al.; n. pl., Mt 17:12, Mk 10:21, Lk 11:8, al.; πάτνες (πάντα) ὅ., Mt 13:46, Lk 4:40, al.; seq. οὗτοι (ταῦτα), Ro 8:14, Phl 4:8; c. indic., Mk 6:56, Re 3:19; c. subjc. Mk 3:28, al.; ὅ. ἄν, Mt 18:18, Jo 11:22, al.;
(b) of measure and degree: Mk 3:8, Lk 8:39, Ac 9:13; in compar. sent., ὅσον seq. μᾶλλον, Mk 7:36; καθ’ ὅσον, c. compar.. He 3:3; seq. τοσοῦτο, He 7:20; οὕτως, He 9:27; τοσαύτῳ, c. compar. seq. ὅσῳ, c. compar., He 1:4; ἐφ’ ὅσον, inasmuch as, Mt 25:40, 45 Ro 11:13;
(c) of space and time: Re 21:16; ἐφ’ ὅσον, as long as, Mt 9:15, II Pe 1:13; ἐφ’ ὅ. χρόνον, Ro 7:1, I Co 7:39, Ga 4:1; ἔτι μικρὸν ὅσον ὅσον, yet how very short a time, He 10:37 (LXX).

[NT: 1x] ὅσπερ, v.s. ὅς.

[NT: 4x] ὀστέον (Att.. contr. ὀστοῦν, -οῦ, and so Jo, l.c.), -ου, τό [in LXX chiefly for עֶצֶם ;]

a bone: contr., ὀστοῦν (v. supr.), Jo 19:36 (LXX); uncontr. (as in Hom., Hdt.), ὀστέα, Lk 24:39; ὀστέων, Mt 23:27, He 11:22.†

ὅστις, ἥτις, ὅ τι (also written ὅ, τι and ὅτι; v. LS, s.v.; WH, §411; Tdf., Pr., 111), in NT scarcely ever except in nom. (M, Pr., 91), the only instance of the oblique cases being found in ἕως ὅτου (v.s. ἕως), relative of indef. reference (related to simple ὅς as Lat. quisquis to qui),

whoever, anyone who;
(a) of an indef. person or thing: in general statements, Mt 5:39, 41 13:12, and freq., Lk 14:27, Ga 5:4, al.; in relative sentences, Mt 7:26, Lk 15:7, Phl 3:7, al.; πᾶς, c. indic., Mt 7:24 10:32; ὅ ἄν (ἐάν), c. subjc., Mt 12:50 13:12, Jo 14:13, I Co 16:2, Ga 5:10, al.;
(b) of a definite person or thing, indicating quality, "either [p. 326] generic, which, as other like things, or essential, which by its very nature" (Hort on I Pe 2:11), who is such as: Mt 2:6 7:26, Lk 2:10 7:37, Jo 8:53, Ac 7:53, Ro 6:2, I Co 3:17, Ga 4:24, Eph 1:23, al.;
(c) where the relative sentence expresses a reason, consequence, etc. (M, Pr., 92), seeing that he (it, they), and he (it, they): Lk 8:3 10:42, Ac 10:47 11:28, Phl 4:3, al.;
(d) as in Ionic and late Greek (Bl., §50, 1; M, Pr., l.c.), differing but little from ὅς: Lk 2:4 9:30, Ac 17:10, Re 12:13.

[NT: 2x] ὀστράκινος -η, -ον (< ὄστρακον, an earthen vessel or potsherd), [in LXX chiefly for חֶרֶשׂ ;]

made of clay, earthen: II Co 4:7, II Ti 2:20.†

[NT: 1x] * ὄσφρησις, -εως, ἡ (ὀσφραίνομαι, to smell),

the sense of smell, smell­ing: I Co 12:17.†

ὀσφύς, -ύος, ἡ [in LXX chiefly for מֹתֶן;, also for חָלַץ, etc. ;]

the loin: Mt 3:4, Mk 1:6; metaph., περιζώννυσθαι (ἀναζ-) τ. ὀσφύας, Lk 12:35, Eph 6:14, I Pe 1:13; regarded, as by the Hebrews, as the seat of generative power, He 7:5, 10; metaph., καρπὸς τ. ὀσφύος, Ac 2:30

[NT: 123x] ὅταν (for ὅτ’ ἄν = ὅτε ἄν), temporal particle,

with a conditional sense, usually of things expected to occur in an indefinite future;
1. prop., whenever;
(a) (a) c. subjc. praes.: Mt 6:2, 5 Mk 14:7, Lk 11:36, Jo 7:27, Ac 23:35, I Co 3:4, al.; ἕως τ. ἡμέρας ἐκείνης, ὅ., Mt 26:29, Mk 14:25; seq. τότε, I Th 5:3;
(b) c. subjc. aor. (M, Pr., 185): Mt 5:11, Mk 4:15, Lk 6:22, Jo 2:10 8:28 (Field, Notes, 94), 10:4, al.
2. As in Hom. (LS, s.v.), but not in cl. prose, c. indic., when (M, Pr., 167f.; Bl., §65, 9): c. impf., Mk 3:11(cf. Ge 38:9, al.); c. praes., Mk 11:25; c. fut.. Re 4:9 (Swete, in l.); c. aor., Mk 11:19, Re 8:1 (Swete, in ll.; M, Pr., 168, 248; Field, Notes, 35).

[NT: 103x] ὅτε, temporal particle (correlat. of πότε, τότε),

when; c. indic., (so generally in cl., but also c. optat., subjc.; LS, s.v.), most freq. c. aor., Mt 9:25, Mk 1:32, Lk 4:25, Jo 1:19, Ac 1:13, Ro 13:11, Ga 1:15, Re 1:17, al.; c. impf., Mk 14:12, Jo 21:18, Ro 6:20, I Th 3:4, al.; c. pf., since, now that, I Co 13:11 (B, ἐγένομην); c. praes., Mk 11:1, Jo 9:4, He 9:17, c. fut. (Hom.; of a def. fut. as opp. to the indef. fut. of ὅταν c. subjc.), Lk 17:22, Jo 4:21, 23 5:25 16:25, Ro 2:16 (T, txt., WH, mg.), II Ti 4:3 (in all which instances, and c. pres., Jo, l.c., ὅ. follows a subst. of time, and is equiv. to a rel. phrase, ἐν ᾧ or ).

[Although this entry is out of order alphabetically, it is in this place in Abbott-Smith.] ὅτου v.s. ὅστις

[NT: 1389x] ὅτι, conjc. (prop. neut. of ὅστις).

I. As conjc, introducing an objective clause, that;
1. after verbs of seeing, knowing, thinking, saying, feeling: Mt 3:9 6:32 11:25, Mk 3:28, Lk 2:49, Jo 2:22, Ac 4:13, Ro 1:13 8:38 10:9, Phl 4:15, Ja 2:24, al.; elliptically, Jo 6:46, Phl 3:12, al.
2. After εἶναι (γίνεσθαι): defining a demonstr. or pers. pron., Jo 3:19 16:19, Ro 9:6, I Jo 3:16 al.; c. pron. interrog., Mt 8:27, Mk 4:41, Lk 4:36, Jo 4:22 al.; id. elliptically, Lk 2:49, Ac 5:4, 9, al.;
3. Untranslatable, before direct discourse (ὅτι recitantis): Mt 7:23, Mk 2:16, Lk 1:61, Jo 1:20, Ac 15:1, He 11:18, al. (on the pleonastic ὡς ὅτι, v.s. ὡς).
II. As causal particle, for that, because: Mt 5:4-12, Lk 6:20, 21, J0 1:30 5:27, Ac 1:5, I Jo 4:18, Re 3:10, al. mult.; διὰ τοῦτο ὅτι, Jo 8:47 10:17, al.; [p. 327] answering a question (διὰ τί), Ro 9:32, al.; οὐκ ὅτι . . . ἀλλ’ ὅτι, Jo 6:26 12:6.

oὗ (prop. gen. of ὅς),

adv. of place, where, whither;
(a) in answer to the question "where?" (= ubi): Mt 2:9 18:20, Lk 4:16-17 23:53, Ac 1:13 2:2 7:29 12:12 16:13 20:6, 8 25:10 28:14, Ro 9:26 (LXX), Col 3:1, He 3:9 (LXX), Re 17:15; of condition, Ro 4:15 5:20, II Co 3:17;
(b) in answer to the question "whither?" (= quo): Mt 28:16, Lk 10:1 24:28; seq. ἐάν, c. subjc., I Co 16:6.†

[NT: 1647x] οὐ, before a vowel with smooth breathing οὐκ, before one with rough breathing οὐχ (but improperly οὐχ ἰδού, Ac 2:7, WH, mg.; cf. WH, Intr., §409; M, Pr., 44, 244), [in LXX for אֵין ,אַיִן ,לֹא ;] neg. particle,

not, no, used generally c. indic, and for a denial of fact (cf . μή);
1. absol. (accented), οὔ, no: Mt 13:29 Jo 1:21 21:5; οὒ οὕ, Mt 5:37 Ja 5:12.
2. Most freq. negativing a verb or other word, Mt 1:25 10:26, 38, Mk 3:25 9:37, Jo 8:29, Ac 7:5, Ro 1:16, Phl 3:3, al.; in litotes, οὐκ ὀλίγοι (i.e. very many), Ac 17:4, al.; οὐκ ἄσημος, Ac 21:39; πᾶς . . . οὐ, c. verb, (like Heb. כֹּל . . . לֹא), no, none, Mt 24:22, Mk 13:20, Lk 1:37, Eph 5:5, al.; in disjunctive statements, οὐκ . . . ἀλλά, Lk 8:52 Jo 1:33 Ro 8:2o, al.; c. 2 pers. fut. (like Heb. לֹא, c. impf.), as emphatic prohibition, Mt 4:7, Lk 4:12, Ro 7:7, al.
3. With another negative,
(a) strengthening the negation: Mk 5:37, Jo 8:15 12:19, Ac 8:39, al.;
(b) making an affirmative: Ac 4:20, I Co 12:15.
4. With other particles: οὐ μή (v.s. μή); οὐ μηκέτι, Mt 21:19; with μή interrog., Ro 10:18, I Co 9:4, 5 11:22.
5. Interrogative, expecting an affirmative answer (Lat. nonne): Mt 6:26, Mk 4:21, Lk 11:40, Jo 4:35, Ro 9:21, al.

[NT: 1x] *† οὐά, interj.

of wonder or irony, ah! ha!: Mk 15:29.†

[NT: 46x] οὐαί interj. of grief or denunciation, [in LXX for הוֹי, etc. ;]

alas! woe! most freq. c. dat. pers.. Mt 11:21 23:14, Mk 13:17 14:21, Lk 6:24-26 Ju 11, al.; c. vocat. (nom.), Re 18:10, 16 18:19 (cf. Is 1:24, al.); c. acc, Re 12:12, seq. ἐκ, Re 8:13; c. dat. seq. ἀπό (v. M, Pr., 246), Mt 18:7. As subst., I Co 9:16 (cf. Je 6:4); ἡ οὐ., Re 9:12 11:14; pl., Re 9:12; οὐ., οὐ., οὐ., Re 8:13

[NT: 1x] ** οὐδαμῶς (< οὐδαμός, not even one), adv., [in LXX: 2-4Mac.8* ;]

in no wise, by no means: Mt 2:6 (OT).†

[NT: 143x] οὐδέ, negative particle, related to μηδέ as οὐ to μή.

I. As conjc., and not, also not, neither, nor: Mt 6:15, Lk 16:31, Ro 4:15, al.; οὐ . . . οὐδέ, Mt 5:15 10:24, Mk 4:22, Lk 6:43, 44, Jo 6:24, Ac 2:27, Ro 2:28, al. (v. Bl., §77, 10).

II. As adv., not even: Mt 6:29, Mk 6:31, Lk 7:9, I Co 5:1; οὐδὲ εἷς, Ac 4:32, Ro 3:10 (LXX).

[NT: 234x] οὐδείς, -δεμία, -δέν (also in WH, txt., the Hellenistic forms -θείς, -θέν, Lk 22:35 23:14, Ac 15:9 19:27 26:26, I Co 13:2, II Co 11:8; cf. BL, §6, 7; M, Pr., 56n, Thackeray, Gr., 58), related to μηδείς as οὐ to μή,

no, no one, none: with nouns, Lk 4:24, Jo 10:41, Ro 8:1, al.; absol., Mt 6:24, Mk 3:27, Lk 1:61, Jo 1:18, Ac 18:10, Ro 14:7, al. mult.; c. gen. partit., Lk 4:26, Jo 13:28, al.; neut., οὐδέν, Mt 10:26, al.; id. c. gen. partit., Lk 9:36, Ac 18:17, [p. 328] al.; οὐδὲν εἰ μή, Mt 5:13, Mk 9:29, al.; c. neg., strengthening the negation, Mk 15:4, 5 Lk 4:2, Jo 3:27, al.; adverbially, Ac 25:10, Ga 4:12, al.

[NT: 16x] οὐδέ-ποτε, adv. [in LXX: Ex 10:6 (לֹא), etc. ;]

never: Mt 7:23 9:33 26:33, Mk 2:12, Lk 15:29, Jo 7:46, Ac 10:14 11:8 14:8, I Co 13:8, He 10:1, 11. Interrog., Mt 21:16, 42, Mk 2:25

[NT: 4x] οὐδέπω adv., [in LXX: Ex 9:30 (טֶרֶם)* ;]

not yet: Lk 23:53, Jo 7:39 19:41 20:9, Ac 8:16.†

[NT: 47x] οὐκέτι neg. adv. of time, [in LXX chiefly for עוֹד c. neg., לֹא, etc. ;]

no longer, no more: Mt 19:6, Mk 10:8, Lk 15:19, Jo 4:42, Ro 6:9, Ga 3:25 Eph 2:19 He 10:18, al.; c. neg. (to strengthen the negation), Mt 22:46 Mk 5:3, Ac 8:39, al

[NT: 1x] οὐκοῦν adv. (< οὔκουν, not therefore),

with the negative element lost, therefore, so then: Jo 18:37.†

[NT: 499x] οὖν, particle

expressing consequence or simple sequence (never standing first in a sentence), wherefore, therefore, then: Mt 3:10, Lk 3:9, Jo 8:38, Ac 1:21, Ro 5:9, al.; in exhortations, Mt 3:8, Lk 11:35, Ac 3:19, Ro 6:12, al.; in questions, Mt 13:28, Mk 15:12, Jo 8:[5], Ro 6:1, al.; continuing a narrative or resuming it after a digression, Mt 1:17, Lk 3:18, Jo 1:22 2:18 (and very freq. in this Gospel), Ac 26:22, al.; ἄρα οὖν (v.s. ἄρα); ἐπεὶ οὖν, He 2:14; οὖν c. ptcp. (= ἐπεὶ οὖν), Ac 2:30, Ro 5:1, al.; ἐὰν οὖν (where οὖν rather in sense belongs to the apodosis), Mt 5:23, Lk 4:7, Jo 6:62, Ro 2:26, al.; ὡς οὖν, Jo 4:1, al.

[NT: 26x] οὔπω

neg. adv. of time,
not yet: Mt 24:6, Mk 13:7, Jo 2:4 3:24 6:17, al.; c. neg., Mk 11:2, Lk 23:53; interrog., Mt 16:9, Mk 4:40 8:17, 21

[NT: 5x] οὐρά, -ᾶς, ἡ [in LXX for זָנָב ;]

a tail: Re 9:10, 19 12:4.†

[NT: 9x] οὐράνιος, -ον (cl. usually -α, -ον), [in LXX: De 28:12 A (שָׁמַיִם), etc. ;]

of or in heaven, heavenly: Mt 5:48 6:14, 26 6:32 15:13 18:35 23:9, Lk 2:13, Ac 26:19.†

[NT: 2x] ** οὐρανόθεν (< οὐρανός), adv., [in LXX: IV Mac 4:10 * ;]

from heaven: Ac 14:17 26:13.†

[NT: 273x] οὐρανός, -οῦ, ὁ, [in LXX chiefly for שָׁמַיִם (hence, often pl., οἱ οὐ., v. infr.) ;]

1. of the vault or firmament of heaven, the sky and the aerial regions above the earth: opp. to ἡ γῆ, He 1:10, II Pe 3:5, 10; ὁ οὐ. καὶ ἡ γῆ, i.e. the world, the universe, Mt 5:18, Mk 13:31, Lk 10:21, Ac 4:24, Re 10:6, al.; ἀπ’ ἄκρων οὐ. ἕως ἄ. αὐτῶν (on the absence of art. aft. prep., v. Bl, §46, 5), Mt 24:31; ὑπὸ τὸν οὐ., Ac 2:5, Col 1:23; ὑψωθῆναι ἕως τοῦ οὐ., fig., Mt 11:23, Lk 10:15; σημεῖον ἐκ τοῦ οὐ., Mt 16:1, Mk 8:11, al.; αἱ νεφέλαι, Mt 24:30, al.; τὰ πετεινὰ τοῦ οὐ., Mt 6:26, Mk 4:32, al.; οἱ ἀστέρες τοῦ οὐ., Re 6:13, al.; pl. (οἱ) οὐ. (Bl., §32, 5), Mt 3:16, Mk 1:10, Jo 1:32, II Pe 3:7, 13 al.
2. Of the abode of God and other blessed beings: of angels, Mt 24:36, Mk 12:25, Ga 1:8, Re 10:1, al.; of Christ glorified, Mk 16:[19], Lk 24:51, Ac 3:21, Ro 10:6, al.; of God, Mt 5:34, Ro 1:18, al.; ὁ Πατὴρ ὁ ἐν τοῖς οὐ. (Dalman, Words, 184ff.), Mt 5:16 6:1, al.; θησαυρὸς ἐν οὐ., Mt 6:20, Mk 10:21, al.
3. By meton.,
(a) of the inhabitants of heaven: Re 18:20 (cf. ib. 12:12, Jb 15:15, Is 44:23);
(b) as an evasive [p. 329] reference to God, characteristic of later Judaism (Dalman, Words, 204ff.): Mt 21:25, Mk 11:30, Lk 15:18, Jo 3:27, al.; ἡ βασιλεία τῶν οὐ. (= τοῦ Θεοῦ); v.s. βασιλεία).

[NT: 1x] Οὐρβανός, -οῦ, ὁ (Lat. Urbanus),

Urban: Ro 16:9.†

[NT: 1x] Οὐρίας, -ου, ὁ (Heb. אוּרִיָּה),

Uriah: Mt 1:6.†

[NT: 36x] οὖς gen., ὠτός, τό, [in LXX chiefly for אֹזֶן ;]

the ear: Mt 13:16, Mk 7:33, Lk 22:50, I Co 2:9 12:16, I Pe 3:12; ἐν τ. ὠσί, Lk 4:21; εἰς τ. ὦτα ἀκούεσθαι, Ac 7:57; γίνεσθαι, Lk 1:44; εἰσέρχεσθαι, Ja 5:4; εἰς τ. οὖς ἀκούειν, Mt 10:27; πρὸς τ. οὖς λαλεῖν, Lk 12:3; τὰ ὦ. συνέχειν (MM, xviii), Ac 7:57. Metaph., of understanding, perceiving, knowing: Mt 13:16; ὁ ἔχων (εἴ τις ἔχει) οὖς ἀκουσάτω, Re 2:7, 11 2:17, 29 3:6, 13 13:9; ὁ ἔχων (ὃς ἔχει, εἴ τις ἔχει) ὦτα (ἀκούειν) ἀκουέτω, Mt 11:15 13:9, 43, Mk 4:9, 23 7:16 (R, mg.), Lk 8:8 14:35; τοῖς ὠ. βαρέως ἀκούειν, Mt 13:15 Ac 28:27 (LXX); ὦ. ἔχοντες οὐκ ἀκούειν, Mk 8:18; ὦ. τοῦ μὴ ἀκούειν, Ro 11:8; θέσθε εἰς τὰ ὦ., Lk 9:44; ἀπερίτμητος τοῖς ὠ., Ac 7:51.†

[NT: 2x] ** οὐσία, -ας, ἡ (< οὖσα, fem. part. of εἰμί), [in LXX: To 14:13, III Mac 3:28 * ;]

substance, property: Lk 15:12-13.†

[NT: 87x] οὔτε

negative particle, related to μήτε as οὐ to μή,
and not, neither, nor: οὐδεὶς . . . οὔτε, Re 5:4; οὐδὲ . . . οὔτε, Ga 1:12; οὔτε . . . καί, Jo 4:11; after a question with μή interrog., Ja 3:12; οὔτε . . . οὔτε, neither . . . nor, Mt 6:20, Mk 12:25, Jo 4:21, Ac 15:10, Ro 8:38-39, Ga 5:6, al

[NT: 1387x] οὗτος, αὕτη, τοῦτο, gen., τούτου, ταύτης, τούτου, [in LXX chiefly for זֹאת ,זֶה ;] demonstr. pron. (related to ἐκεῖνος as hic to ille),

1. as subst., this one, he;
(a) absol.: Mt 3:17, Mk 9:7, Lk 7:44, 45, Jo 1:15, Ac 2:15, al.; expressing contempt (cl.), Mt 13:55, 56, Mk 6:2, 3, Jo 6:42, al.; εἰς τοῦτο, Mk 1:38, Ro 14:9; μετὰ τοῦτο (ταῦτα; V. Westc. on Jo 5:1), Jo 2:12 11:7, al.;
(b) epanaleptic (referring to what precedes): Mt 5:19, Mk 3:35, Lk 9:48, Jo 6:46, Ro 7:10, al.;
(c) proleptic (referring to what follows): seq. ἵνα (Bl., §69, 6), Lk 1:43, Jo 3:19 (and freq.) 15:8, Ro 14:9, al.; seq. ὅτι, Lk 10:11, Jo 9:3o, Ac 24:14, Ro 2:3, al.; ὅπως, Ro 9:17; ἐάν, Jo 13:35;
(d) special idioms: τοῦτο μὲν . . . τ. δέ (cl), partly . . . partly. He 10:33; καὶ τοῦτο (τοῦτον, ταῦτα), and that (him) too, Ro 13:11, I Co 2:2, He 11:12; τοῦτ’ ἐστιν, Mt 27:46.
2. As adj., c. subst.;
(a) c. art.
(α) before the art.: Mt 12:32, Mk 9:29, Lk 7:44, Jo 4:15, Ro 11:24, Re 19:9, al.;
(β) after the noun: Mt 3:9, Mk 12:16, Lk 11:31, Jo 4:13, Ac 6:13, Ro 15:28, I Co 1:20, Re 2:24, al.;
(b) c. subst. anarth. (with predicative force; Bl., §49, 4): Lk 1:36 2:2 24:21, Jo 2:11 4:54 21:14, II Co 13:1.

[NT: 208x] οὕτως, rarely (Bl., §5, 4; WH, App., 146f.) οὕτω, adv. (< οὗτος), [in LXX chiefly for כֵּן ;]

in this way, so, thus;
1. referring to what precedes: Mt 5:16 6:30, Mk 10:43 14:59, Lk 1:25 2:48 15:7, Jo 3:8, Ro 1:15, I Co 8:12, al.; οὕτως καί, Mt 17:12, Mk 13:29, al.; pleonastically, resuming a ptcp. (cl.; v. Bl., §74, 6), Ac 20:11 27:17.
2. Referring to what follows: Mt 1:18 6:9, Lk 19:31, Jo 21:1, I Pe 2:15; bef. quotations from OT, Mt 2:5, Ac 7:6, I Co 15:45, He 4:4.
3. C. adj. (marking intensity): He 12:21, Re 16:18; similarly c. adv., Ga 1:6 (cl.).
4. As a predicate (Bl., §76, 1): Mt 1:18 9:33, Mk 2:1, 2 4:26, Ro 4:18 9:20, I Pe [p. 330] 2:15; οὕ ἔχειν (Lat. sic or ita se habere), Ac 7:1, al.; ἐκαθέζετο (as he was, without delay or preparation), Jo 4:6.
5. In comparison, with correlative adv.: καθάπερ . . . οὕ., Ro 12:4, 5 al.; καθὼς . . . οὕ., Lk 11:30, al.; οὕ. . . . καθώς, Lk 24:24, al.; ὡς . . . οὕ., Ro 5:15, al.; οὕ . . . ὡς, Mk 4:26, al; ὥσπερ . . . οὕ., Mt 12:40, al.; οὕ. . . . οὕ., I Co 7:7.

οὐχ, v.s. οὐ.

[NT: 54x] οὐχί

strengthened form of οὐ,
(a) in neg. sentences, not, not at all: Lk 1:60 12:51, Jo 13:10, al.;
(b) more freq. in questions where an affirm. ans. is expected (Lat. nonne) : Mt 5:46-47, Lk 6:39, Jo 11:9, al.

[NT: 7x] * ὀφειλέτης, -ου, ὁ (< ὀφείλω),

a debtor: c. gen. (of the amount), Mt 18:24. Metaph., of obligation or duty in general, with reference to favours received or injury done, etc.: Mt 6:12, Ro 1:14 8:12 15:27, Ga 5:3; of sinners, in relation to God (= Heb. חַיָּב; cf. Sir (He 8:5) (6)), Lk 13:4.†

[NT: 3x] *† ὀφειλή, -ῆς, ἡ (< ὀφείλω),

a debt: Mt 18:32; metaph., one's due: Ro 13:7, I Co 7:3 (found also in π.; v. Deiss., BS, 221; MM, xviii).†

[NT: 2x] ὀφείλημα, -τος, τό (< ὀφείλω), [in LXX: De 24:10 (מַשָּׁאָה), I Es 3:20, I Mac 15:8 * ;]

that which is owed, a debt: Ro 4:4; metaph. (as Aram. חוֺבָא חוֺב), of sin as a debt, Mt 6:12.†

[NT: 35x] ὀφείλω [in LXX: De 15:2, Is 24:2 (נָשָׁה), Ez 18:7 (חוֹב), Wi 12:15, 20, al. ;]

to owe, be a debtor: c. acc rei, Mt 18:28, Lk 7:41 16:7, Phm 18; id. c. dat. pers., Mt 18:28, Lk 16:5. Pass., to be owed, to be due: τ. ὀφειλόμενον, Mt 18:30, 34. Metaph.: absol. (= Rabbinic חַיָּב; v. McNeile, in l), Mt 23:16, 18; c. acc rei et dat. pers., Ro 13:8; c. inf., to be bound or obliged to do (of. Westc., Epp. Jo., 50), Lk 17:10, Jo 13:14 19:7, Ac 17:29, Ro 15:1, 27, I Co 5:10 7:36 9:10 11:7 11:10, II Co 12:14, Eph 5:28, II Th 1:3 2:13, He 2:17 5:3, 12, I Jn 2:6 Jn 3:16 Jn 4:11, III Jn 8; ὤειλον συνίστασθαι, I ought to have been commended, II Co 12:11. In peculiar Aram. sense of having wronged one (v.s. όφείλημα; but of. also Inscr. ἁμαρτίαν ὀφείίλω, Deiss., BS, 225), c. dat. pers., Lk 11:4 (cf. προσ-οφίελω).†

[NT: 4x] ὄφελον 2 aor. of ὀφείλω, without the augment (v. M, Pr., 201n), used to express a fruitless wish; [in LXX (with aor. indic.): Ex 16:3 (נָתַן מִי), Nu 14:2 Nu 20:3 (לוּא), Ps 119:5 (אַחֲלַי), etc. ;]

in cl. with an infin. (chiefly poët.),
would that: with indic. aor., I Co 4:8; impf., II Co 11:1, Re 3:15; fut., Ga 5:12 (a practicable wish, v. 131., 206 f., 220. The construction with indic. is only found in late writers.)†

[NT: 3x] ὄφελος, -ονς, τό (< ὀφέλλω, to increase) [in LXX: Jb 15:3 (יָעַל hi.)* ;]

advantage, help: I Co 15:32, Ja 2:14, 16.†

[NT: 2x] *† ὀφθαλμο-δουλία (Rec. -εία), -ας, ἡ (< ὀφθαλμός, δοῦλος),

eye-service: Eph 6:6, Col 3:22 (not found elsewhere).†

[NT: 100x] ὀφθαλμός, -οῦ, ὁ, [in LXX chiefly for עַיִן ;]

the eye (as in cl., chiefly pl.): Mt 5:38, Mk 9:47, Lk 6:41, Jo 9:6, al.; τοὺς ὀ. ἐξορύθσσειν (fig.), Ga 4:15; ἐπᾶραι, Lk 6:20, Jo 6:5; ἀνοῖξα, Ac 9:40; id., of restoring sight, Mt 20:33, Jo 9:10, al.; ἐν ῥιπῇ ὀφθαλμοῦ, I Co 15:52; by anthropom., of [p. 331] God, He 4:13, I Pe 3:12; pleonastically (cf. Thackeray, Gr., 42f.), εἶδον οἱ ὀ. μοθ, Lk 2:30 (similarly, ib. 4:20 10:23, Jo 12:40, I Co 2:9, I Jo 1:1, Re 1:7). Metaph. (as otherwise in cl.; v. LS, s.v.);
(a) of ethical qualities: ὀ. πονηρός (meton., for envy; cf. Heb. עַיִן רַע, Pr 28:22; cf. Si 14:10 34:13), Mt 6:22, 23 Mk 7:22, Lk 11:34; ἁπλοῦς, Mt 6:22, Lk 11:34; ἐπιθυμία (q.v.) ὀφθαλμῶν (cf. Ec 4:8, Si 14:9), I Jo 2:16; ὀ. μεστοὶ μοιχαλἰδος, II Pe 2:14;
(b) of mental vision: Mt 13:15, Mk 8:18, Lk 19:42, Jo 12:40, Ro 11:8, Ga 3:1, Eph 1:18, al.; ἐν ὀφθαλμοῖς seq. gen. (on the absence of the art., v.Bl, §46, 9II; M, Pr., 81), Mt 21:42, Mk 12:11.

[NT: 14x] ὄφις, -εως, ὁ [in LXX chiefly for נָחָשׁ ;]

a serpent, snake: Mt 7:10 Mk 16:18, Lk 10:19 11:11, Jo 3:14, I Co 10:9, Re 9:19; as typical of wisdom and cunning, Mt 10:16 23:23, II Co 11:3 (cf. Ge 31:1-55); of Satan (cf. Ge 3:1, Wi 2:23-24, IV Mac 18:8), Re 12:9, 14 12:11 20:2.†

ὀφρύς -ύος, [in LXX: Le 14:9 (עַיִן גַב) * ;]

an eyebrow, the brow of a hill: Lk 4:29.†

** ὀχλέω, -ῶ (< ὄχλος), [in LXX: To 6:7, III Mac 5:41 * ;]

to move, disturb; hence, generally, to trouble, vex: pass., Ac 5:6 (act. absol., = pass., to be in a tumult, 3Mac, l.c.; cf. ἐν-, παρ-εν-οχλέω, and v. MM, xviii).†

[NT: 1x] ὀχλο-ποιέω, -ῶ

to gather a crowd, make a riot: Ac 17:5 (not elsewhere).†

[NT: 175x] ὄχλος, -ου, ὁ, [in LXX for הָמוֹן (chiefly in Da TH), קָהָל ,חַיִל, etc. ;]

1. a moving crowd or multitude of persons, a throng: Mt 9:23, Mk 2:4, Lk 5:1, Jo 5:13, al.; pl., Mt 5:1, Mk 10:1, Lk 3:7, and freq.; ὄ. ἱκανός, Mk 10:46, al.; τοσοῦτος, Mt 15:33; οὐ μετ’ ὄχλου, Ac 24:18; ἄτερ ὄχλου, Lk 22:6; πᾶς ὁ ὄ., Mt 13:2, Mk 2:13, al.; ὄ. πολύς, Mt 20:29, Mk 5:21, al.; ὁ πολὺς ὄ. (ὄ. π.), the populace, the common people, Mk 12:37 (Swete, in l.; Field, Notes, 37), Jo 12:9 (Westc, in l.).
2. (As also cl., opp. to δῆμος, q.v., and cf. Tr., Syn., §xcviii), the populace, the common people (cf. ὁ πολὺς ὄ., supr.), Mt 14:5 21:26, Mk 12:12, Jo 7:12b; so with contempt (cl.), Jo 7:49. In a more general sense, a multitude: c. gen., ὀνομάτων (v.s. ὀ.), Ac 1:15; μαθητῶν, Lk 6:17, al.

[NT: 1x] ὀχύρωμα, -τος, τό (< ὀχυρόω, to fortify, make firm), [in LXX for מִבְצָר, etc. ;]

a stronghold, fortress (Ps 89:40, Na 3:12, 14 al.); in LXX and NT, also metaph. of that in which confidence is placed (Pr 10:29 21:22, al.): II Co 10:4.†

[NT: 5x] ** ὀψάριον, -ου, τό (dimin. of ὄψον, (1) cooked meat; (2) a relish or dainty, esp. fish, cf. MGr. τὸ ψάρι, fish; in comic poets and late prose writers only) [in LXX: To 2:2 א (Β, ὄψον)* ;]

fish: Jo 6:9, 11 21:9-10, 13

[NT: 3x] ὀψέ, adv. of time [in LXX: Ge 24:11, Ex 30:8 (עֶרֶב, עֶרֶב בֵּין), Je 2:23; τὸ ὀ., Is 5:11 (נֶשֶׁף)* ;]

1. long after, late.
2. late in the day, [p. 332] at evening (opp. to πρωί); in late writers used almost as an indecl. noun (v. MM, xviii): Mk 11:11, 19 13:35.
3. C. gen., late in or on; and, in late writers also after (M, Pr., 72 f.), a sense which seems to be required in Mt 28:1.†

** ὀψία, -ας, ἡ, v.s. ὄψιος.

[NT: 1x] ὄψιμος, -ον (< ὀψέ), [in LXX: De 11:14, Pr 16:15, Ho 6:4 (3), Jl 2:23, Za 10:1, Je 5:24 (מַלְקוֹשׁ), Ex 9:32 (אָפִיל)* ;]

poët. and late for ὄψιος, late: ὑετὸς ὄ.,
the latter rain (v. DB, s.v. "rain"), with ellipsis of ὑετός (v. WM, 740), Ja 57.†

[NT: 15x] ** ὄψιος, -α, -ον (< ὀψέ),

late: ἡ ὥρα, Mk 11:11 (Rec., WH, mg.). In late writers, ἡ ὀψία (sc. ὥρα), as subst., evening
[in LXX: Jth 13:1*]:
Mt 8:16 14:15, 23 16:2 20:8 26:20 27:57, Mk 1:32 4:35 6:47 14:17 15:42, Jo 6:16 20:10.†

[NT: 3x] ὄψις, -εως, ἡ [in LXX chiefly for מַרְאֶה ;]

1. the act of seeing, the sense of sight.
2. face, countenance: Jo 11:44, Re 1:16.
3. appear­ance: κατ' ὄ. κρίνειν (v. MM, xviii), Jo 7:24.†

**† ὄψώνιον, -ου, τό (< ὀψον- v.s. ὀψάριον— and ὠνέομαι), [in LXX: I Es 4:56, I Mac 3:28 Mac 14:32 * ;]

1. provisions, provision-money, soldiers' pay: Lk 3:14, I Co 9:7.
2. Generally, wages, hire: II Co 11:8; ὄ. τῆς ἁμαρτίας, Ro 6:23 (v. Deiss, BS, 148, 266).†


[NT: 1x] παγιδεύω (< παγίς), [in LXX: I Ki 28:9 (נָקַשׁ hith.), Ec 9:12 (יָקֹשׁ pu.)* ;]

to ensnare: metaph., c. acc, ἐν λόγῳ, Mt 22:15 (not elsewhere).†

[NT: 5x] παγίς, -ίδος, ή (< πήγνυμι), [in LXX for פַּח, מוֹקֵשׁ, רֶשֶׁת, etc. ;]

poët. (Aristoph., al.) and late for πάγη, a trap, snare; metaph. (as also in cl.): Lk 21:35, Ro 11:9 (LXX) I Ti 3:7 6:9, II Ti 2:26.†

Πάγος, v.s. Ἄρειος.

[NT: 16x] * πάθημα, -τος, τό (< πάσχω), like πάθος,

1. that which befalls one, a suffering, affliction: pl., Ro 8:18, II Co 1:6-7, Col 1:24, II Ti 3:11, He 2:10 10:32, I Pe 5:9; of Christ's sufferings: τὰ εἰς Χ., I Pe 1:11; τ. Χριστσῦ, I Pe 5:1; id. as shared by Christians, II Co 1:5, Phl 3:10, I Pe 4:13.
2. a passive emotion, affection, passion: Ga 5:24; τ. ἀμαρτιῶν, Ro 7:5
3. = τὸ πάσχειν, an enduring or suffering: c. gen. obj., He 2:9.†
SYN.: v.s. πάθος

[NT: 1x] * παθητός, -ή, -όν (< πάσχω),

1. one who has suffered.
2. subject to suffering (R, mg., v. M, Pr., 222) or destined to suffer (AV, R, txt.): Ac 26:23.†

[NT: 3x] πάθος, -ους, τό (< πάιτχω), [in LXX: Jb 30:31 (אֵבֶל), Pr 25:20, and very freq. in (IV Mac 1:1 n, al.)* ;]

like πάθημα;
1. that which befalls one, that which one suffers
2. a passive emotion or affection (esp. of [p. 333] violent emotion), a passion, passionate desire; in NT always in bad sense: Col 3:5; π. ἀτιμίας, Ro 1:26; π. ἐπιθυμίας, I Th 4:5.†
SYN.: π. = πάθημα, exc. that πάθημα is the more concrete and particular. In NT usage, π. represents the passive, ungoverned aspect of evil desire, as opp. to ἐπιθυμία, which is the active and also the more comprehensive term (v. Tr., Syn., LXXxvii); cf. also ὄρεξις

[NT: 3x] * παιδαγωγός, -oῦ, ὁ (< παῖς, ἄγω),

a guide, guardian, trainer of boys, a tutor (disting. from διδάσκαλος, Xen., Lac., 3, 1), usually a trusty slave: opp. to πατήρ, I Co 4:15; fig., of the Law, π. εἰς Χριστόν, Ga 3:24-25.†

[NT: 1x] παιδάριον, -ου, τό dimin. of παῖς, [in LXX chiefly for נַעַר ;]

a little boy, a lad (in late and colloq. Gk. the word seems to be used with greater latitude and even to lose its dimin. force entirely; cf. To 6:2-3, and v. MM, xviii): Jo 6:9.†
SYN.: v.s. παῖς

[NT: 6x] παιδεία (-ία, Τ), -ας, ἡ (< παιδεύω), [in LXX chiefly for מוּסָר ;]

1. the rearing of a child (Æsch.).
2. training, learning, instruction (Plat., al.): Eph 6:4, II Ti 3:16.
3. As in LXX (Pr 3:11 15:5, al.), chasten­ing, discipline: He 12:5 (LXX), He 12:7-8, 11.†

[NT: 2x] παιδευτής, -οῦ, ὁ (< παιδεύω), [in LXX: Ho 5:2 (מוּסָר), Si 37:19, IV Mac 5:34 Mac 9:6 * ;]

1. prop., a teacher, instructor: Ro 2:20.
2. a corrector, one who disciplines (cf. Ho, l.c.) : He 12:9.†

[NT: 13x] παιδεύω (< παίς), [in LXX chiefly for יָסַר ;]

1. as in cl., to train children, hence, generally, to teach, instruct: Ac 7:22 22:3, I Ti 1:20, Tit 2:12.
2. As in LXX (Ps 6:2, Pr 19:18, Wi 3:5, al., and for prob. ex. from π., v. MM, xviii), to chasten, correct, chastise: Lk 23:16, 22, II Ti 2:25, He 12:7, 10; of divine chastening, I Co 11:32, II Co 6:9, He 12:6, Re 3:19.†
SYN.: διδάσκω, q.v

παιδία, v.s. παιδεία.

[NT: 1x] παιδιόθεν (< παιδίον), adv., [in LXX: Ge 47:3 * ;]

= cl. ἐκ παιδός, παιδίον, from childhood: Mk 9:21.†

[NT: 52x] παιδίον, -ου, τό dimin, of παῖς, [in LXX chiefly for יֶלֶד, also for נַעַר, בֵּן, etc., freq. in To in ref. to full-grown youth ;]

a young child, a little one: Mt 2:8-9, 11, ff., Lk 1:59, 66 1:76, 80 2:17, 27 2:40, Jo 16:21, He 11:23; of older children, Mt 18:2, 4-5, Mk 5:39-41 7:30 9:24, 36, Lk 9:47-48 18:17, Jo 4:49; in pl., Mt 11:16 14:21 15:38 18:3 19:13-14, Mk 7:28 10:13 ff., Lk 7:32 11:7 18:16, He 2:13-14 Metaph., I Co 14:20. Colloq. in familiar address (as Eng. colloq., "lads "-v. M, Pr., 170n and Irish use of "boys"): Jo 21:5, I Jn 2:13 Jn 2:18 Jn 3:7
SYN.: v.s. παῖς

[NT: 13x] παιδίσκη, -ης, ἡ dimin, of παῖς, [in LXX for שִׁפְחָה, אָמָה, etc. ;]

1. a young girl, a maiden (נַעֲרָה, Ru 4:12).
2. Colloq., a young female slave, a maid-servant (v. Kennedy, Sources, 40 f.; Deiss., LAE, 186, [p. 334] 332.2): Mt 26:69, Mk 14:66, 69, Lk 12:45 22:56, Jo 18:17, Ac 12:13 16:16; of Hagar, Ga 4:22-23, 30 (LXX); id., metaph., Ga 4:31.†
SYN.: v.s. παῖς

[NT: 1x] παίζω (< παῖς), [in LXX: Ge 21:9 26:8, Ex 32:6 (צָחַק pi.); and more freq. (Jg 16:25, al.) for (שָׂחַק pi. ;]

prop., to play as a child, hence, generally, to play (as with singing and dancing) : I Co 10:7 (LXX) (cf. ἐμ-παίζω).†

[NT: 24x] παῖς, gen., παιδός, ὁ, ἡ [in LXX chiefly for עֶבֶד, also for נַעַר, נַעֲרָה, etc. ;]

1. a child, boy, youth, maiden: ὁ π., Mt 17:18, Lk 2:43 9:42, Ac 20:12; ἡ π. Lk 8:51, 54 (on the artic. fern, of address, v. M, Pr., 70 f., 235; B1., § 33, 4); pl., Mt 2:16 21:15; of parentage, c. gen., Jo 4:51
2. Like Heb. עֶבֶד, Lat. Auer, Fr. garcon, Eng. boy (Æsch., Aristoph., Xen., al.), servant, slave, attendant: Mt 8:6, 8 8:13 Lk 7:7 12:45 15:26; in late writers (Diod., LXX: Ge 41:37, al.), of a king's attendant or minister : Mt 14:2; so (= Heb. יְהֹוָה עֶבֶד) π. τ. θεοῦ (Ps 69:18, Is 41:8, Wi 2:13, al.), of Israel, Lk 1:54; of David, Lk 1:69, Ac 4:25; of Jesus (but v. Dalman, Words, 277 f.), Mt 12:18 (LXX), Ac 3:13, 26 4:27, 30.†
1. τέκνον, child, with emphasis on parentage and the consequent community of nature; υἱός, son, with emphasis on the privileged position of heirship; π. refers both to age and parentage, but with emphasis on the former. Cf. also (παιδάριον), (παιδίον), (παιδίσκη), and v. Westc. on I Jn 3:1.
2. v.s. θεράπων, and cf. Thackeray, Gr., 7 f

[NT: 20x] παίω [in LXX chiefly for נָכָה hi. ;]

to strike, smite: with the hand or fist, Mt 26:68, Lk 22:64; with a sword, Mk 14:47, Jo 18:10; of a reptile, to sting: Re 9:5.†

[NT: 1x] Πακατιανή, -ῆς, ἡ

Pacatiana, the Western part of the Province of Phrygia, as constituted in 4/A.D.: 1Ti subscr. (Rec.).†

[NT: 7x] πάλαι adv. of time, [in LXX: Is 48:5, 7 (אָז), etc. ;]

long ago, of old, in time past (denoting past time absolutely, as πρότερον relatively) : Mt 11:21, Lk 10:13, He 1:1, Ju 4; as adj., c. art., II Pe 1:9; of time just past, Mk 6:47 (WH, mg.), Mk 15:44 (WH, mg., R, txt.); c. durst. praes. (RV, all this time), II Co 12:19.†

[NT: 19x] παλαιός, -ά, -όν (< πάλαι), [in LXX: Le 25:22 26:10, Ca 7:13 (14) (יָשֵׁן), יָשֵׁן), Jos 9:4-5, Je 38:11 (בָּלֶה), etc. ;]

old, ancient; opp. to νέος, καινός: οἶνος, Lk 5:3; διαθήκη, II Co 3:14; ἐντολή, I Jn 2:7; ζύμη, I Co 5:7-8; ὁ π. ἄςθρωπος (for similar phrases, v. Westc., Eph., 68), Ro 6:6, Eph 4:22, Col 3:9; neut. pl., καινὰ καὶ π., Mt 13:52; of things not merely old, but worn by use (as Jo, l.c., LXX), Mt 9:16-17, Mk 2:21-22, Lk 5:36-37.†
SYN.: v.s. ἀρχαῖος

[NT: 1x] * παλαιότης, -ητος, ἡ (< παλαιός),

oldness: γράμματος, Ro 7:6.†

[NT: 4x] παλαιόω, -ῶ (< παλαιός), [in LXX chiefly for בָּלָה, pi., in pass. for בִּי qal. ;]

to make or declare old: He 8:13; pass., to become old: of things worn out by time and use (cf. Jo 9:13, Is 50:9, al., and v.s. παλαιός), Lk 12:33, He 1:11 (LXX); τὸ παλαιούμενον, He 8:13 (where this [p. 335] and the act., v. supr., may have the sense of abrogate, v. LS, Zorell, s.v.).†
SYN.: γηράσκω

[NT: 1x] * πάλη, -ης, ἡ (< πάλλω, to sway)

wrestling, hence, generally, fight, contest: fig., of the spiritual combat of Christians, Eph 6:12.†

παλιγγενεσία, v.s. παλινγενεσία.

[NT: 141x] πάλιν, adv., [in LXX for שׁוּב, etc. ;]

1. of place, back, backwards (LS, s.v.).
2. Of time, again, once more: Mt 4:8, Mk 2:13, Lk 23:20, Jo 1:35 (and freq.), Ac 17:32, Ro 11:23, Ga 1:9, He 1:6, al; pleonastically, π. ἀνακάμπτειν, Ac 18:21; ὑποστρέφειν, Ga 1:17; εἰς τὸ π., II Co 13:2; π. ἐκ τρίτου (Bl., §81, 4), Mt 26:44; ἐκ δευτέρου, Mt 26:42, Ac 10:15; π. δεῦτερον, Jo 4:54 21:16; π. ἄνωθεν ( Wi 19:6), Ga 4:9.
3. Rhetorically, again;
(a) further, moreover: Mt 5:33, Lk 13:20, Jo 12:39, al.;
(b) in turn, on the other hand (Soph.; LXX: Wi 13:8 16:23, al.): Lk 6:43, I Co 12:21, II Co 10:7, I Jo 2:8.

*† παλινγενεσία (Rec. παλιγγ-), -ας, ἡ (< πάλιν, γενεσις),

new birth, renewal, restoration, regeneration;
(a) of persons (Plut., Phil., al.), of spiritual regeneration, διὰ λουτροῦ παλινγενεστίας (gen. attr., v. Ellic., in l), Tit 3:5;
(b) of the world, as in Stoics, Jewish Apocal., al. (v. Dalman, Words, 177 ff.), Mt 19:28.†

παμπληθεί, v.s. πανπληθεί.

[NT: 1x] ** πάμπολυς, -πόλλη, -τολυ (< πᾶς, πολύς), [in Sm.: Jb 36:31, Ps 40:6 89:51 * ;]

very much, very great: Mk 8:1, Rec. (RV, Edd., πάλιν πολλοῦ).†

[NT: 5x] Παμφυλία, -ας, ἡ

Pamphylia, a province of Asia Minor: Ac 2:10 13:13 14:24 15:38 27:5.†

πανδοκεύς, v.s. πανδοχεύς.

πανδοκίον, v.s. πανδοχείον.

[NT: 1x] * παν-δοχεῖον (-δοκίον, Τ), -ου, τό (< πανδοχεύς),

late form of Att.. πανδοκεῖον,
an inn (khân, caravanserai): Lk 10:34.†

[NT: 1x] * παν-δοχεύς, -έως, ὁ (< πᾶς, δέχομαι),

late form of the Att.. πανδοκεύς (T, in l),
an innkeeper, host: Lk 10:35.†

[NT: 1x] πανήγυρις, -εως, ἡ (< πᾶς + ἄγυρας = ἀγορά), [in LXX: Ho 2:11(13) 9:5, Ez 46:11 (מוֹעֵד), Am 5:21 (עֲצָרָה) * ;]

prop., a national festal assembly in honour of a god; hence, generally, any festal assembly: He 12:23 (for exx. in π., v. MM, xviii).†
SYN.: ἐκκλησία (q.v.), συναγωγή

[NT: 1x] πανοικεί (Rec., LTr., -κί), adv. (< πᾶς, οἶκος), a word rejected by strict Atticists, though found once in Plat. (Eryx., 392c); [in LXX: Ex 1:1 (בַּיִת), III Mac 3:27 (where A in each case reads -κίᾳ, the Attic form, cf. Ge 50:8, al.)* ;]

with all the household: Ac 16:34.†

[NT: 3x] πανοπλία, -ας, ἡ (< πᾶς, ὅπλον) [in LXX: II Ki 2:21 (חֲלִיצָה), Jb 39:20, Jth 14:3, Wi 5:17, Si 46:6, 1-2; 4Mac.6* ;]

full armour: Lk 11:22; metaph. (cf. Wis, l.c.), τ. θεοῦ, Eph 6:11, 13

[NT: 5x] πανουργία, -ας, ἡ (< πανοῦργος), [in LXX: Jos 9:4, Pr 1:4 8:5 (עׇרְמָה), Nu 24:22, Si 19:25 21:22 31:10 (Si 34:10) (in all cases in good or [p. 336] indifferent sense)* ;]

cleverness, in cl. nearly always in bad sense, craftiness, cunning, knavery: Lk 20:23, I Co 3:19 (LXX, φρόνησις, for עׇרְמָה) II Co 4:2 11:3, Eph 4:14.†

[NT: 1x] πανοῦργος, -ον [in LXX chiefly for עָרוּם ;]

ready to do anything;
(a) in cl., chiefly in bad sense, knavish, crafty: II Co 12:16;
(b) in good sense, skilful, clever (Pr 13:1 28:2).†

*† πανπληθεί (Rec. παμπλ-, v. WH, App., 150), adv. (< πᾶς, πλῆθος),

= cl. παμπληθές, with the whole multitude, all together: Lk 23:18.†

πανταχῇ (Rec. -χῆ), adv., [in LXX: Is 24:11 (בַּחוּצוֹת), Wi 2:9, II Mac 8:7 * ;]

everywhere: Ac 21:28.†

[NT: 1x] πανταχόθεν adv., [in LXX: IV Mac 13:1 Mac 15:32 * ;]

from all sides: Mk 1:45, Rec.†

[NT: 7x] πανταχοῦ adv., [in LXX: Is 42:22 (כָּלַם)* ;]

everywhere: Mk 1:28 16:20, Lk 9:6, Ac 17:30 24:3 28:22, I Co 4:17.†

[NT: 2x] ** παντελής, -ές (< πᾶς, τέλος), [in LXX: III Mac 7:16 A* ;]

all-complete, entire, perfect; εἰς τ. παντελές, completely, utterly: Lk 13:11, He 7:25 (where perhaps in temp. sense, finally; v. MM, xviii).†

[NT: 1x] ** πάντῃ (Rec. -τη), adv. (< πᾶς), [in LXX: Si 50:22, III Mac 4:1 * ;]

every way, entirely: Ac 24:3.†

[NT: 3x] πάντοθεν adv. (< πᾶς), [in LXX: Je 48:31 (כֹּל), al. ;]

from all sides: Mk 1:45, Lk 19:43, He 9:4.†

[NT: 10x] παντοκράτωρ, -ορος, ὁ (< πᾶς, κρατέω), [in LXX: freq. in Jb 5:8, 17, al. (שַׁדַּי), and for צָבָא, in the phrase θεός (κυρίος) π., II Ki 5:10, al., and freq. in Am, Za, Ma; also in Wi 7:25, Si 42:17 50:14, 17 and freq. in Jth 2, 3Mac ;]

almighty: II Co 6:18, Re 1:8 4:8 11:17 15:3 16:7, 14 9:6, 15 21:22.†

[NT: 41x] ** πάντοτε adv.

of time
(< πᾶς), [in LXX: Wi 11:21 19:18 * ;]
in late writers (once in Arist.) for διαπαντός, ἑκάστοτε, at all times, always: Mt 26:11, Mk 14:7, Lk 15:31, Jo 6:34, Ro 1:10, and freq. in Paul. Epp

[NT: 8x] πάντως adv. (< πάς), [in LXX: IV Ki 5:11 (v. Thackeray, Gr., 47), To 14:8, al. ;]

altogether, by all means;
(a) without neg. (from Hdt. on) : I Co 16:12; esp. in strong affirmations, surely, at all events: Lk 4:23, Ac 21:22 28:4, I Co 9:10;
(b) c. neg. (so always in mom.), in a complete negation: Ro 3:9; in a partial negation (Bl., § 75, 7), I Co 5:10.†

[NT: 194x] παρά, prep. c. gen., dat., acc.,

with radical sense, beside.
I. C. gen. pers., from the side of, from beside, from, indicating source or origin, [in LXX for מֵאֵצֶל ,מִיַד ,מִלִּפְנֵי ;] after verbs of motion, Mk 14:43, Lk 8:49, Jo 15:26, al.; after verbs of seeking, receiving, hearing, etc., Mk 8:11 12:2, Jo 4:9, 52 10:18, Phl 4:18, II Ti 1:18, Ja 1:7, al.; after passive verbs, of the agent (like ὑπό), Mt 21:42, Mk 12:11, Lk 1:37; absol., οἱ παρ’ αὐτοῦ, his family, his kinsfolk, Mk 3:21 (cf. M, Pr., 106f.; Field, Notes, 25f.; Swete, in l.); τὰ παρ’ αὐτῆς (αὐτῶν, ὑμῶν, one's means, wealth, Mk 5:26, Lk 10:7, Phl 4:18.

[p. 337]
II. C. dat. pers. (exc. Jo 19:25, π. τ. σταυρῷ), by the side of, beside, by, with, [in LXX for בְּעֵינֵי ,בְּיַד ,אֵצֶל ;] Lk 11:37 19:7, Jo 1:40 4:40, Ac 28:14, al.; παρ’ ἑαυτῷ, at home, I Co 16:2; c. dat. pl., among, Mt 22:25, Col 4:16, al.; metaph., Mt 19:26, Mk 10:27, Lk 1:30, Ro 2:13, Ja 1:27, al.

III. C. acc., of motion by or towards, [in LXX for בְּעֵבֶר ,עַל יַד ,אֵצֶל ;]
1. of place, by the side of, beside, by, along: Ac 10:32, He 11:12; after verbs of motion, Mt 4:18, Mk 4:4, Lk 8:5, Ac 4:35, al.; after verbs of rest, Mt 13:1, Mk 5:21, Lk 8:35, al.
2. beside, beyond, metaph.;
(a) beyond, against, contrary to: Ac 18:13, Ro 1:26 4:18 11:24, al.; except, II Co 11:24;
(b) beyond, above, in comparison with: Lk 3:13, Ro 12:3 14:5, He 1:4, 9 3:3, al.;
(c) on account of: I Co 12:15, 16.
IV. In composition: beside, to (παραλαμβάνω, παράγω), at hand (πάρειμι), from (παραρρέω), amiss (παρακούω), past (παρέρχομαι), compared with (παρομοιάζω), above measure (παροργίζω).

[NT: 3x] παρα-βαίνω [in LXX for סוּר, עָבַר, פָּרַר, שָׂטָה, etc. ;]

1. in Hom. (twice), to go by the side of, stand beside.
2. In Æsch., Herod., Thuc., al., to go past or pass over, chiefly metaph., to overstep, violate, transgress (Jos 7:11, Ez 16:59, Si 40:14, al.) : τ. παράδοσιν, Mt 15:2; τ. ἐντολήν, Mt 15:3; seq. ἀπό (as מִן סוּר, De 17:20, al.), to turn aside, fall away (cf. π. τῆς ἀληθείας, Arist., Cael., i, 5, 2): Ac 1:25.†

[NT: 1x] παρα-βάλλω [in LXX: Pr 2:2 4:20 5:1, 13 22:17 (נָטָה hi.), Ru 2:16 (שָׁלַל), II Mac 14:38 (elsewhere as v.l.4)* ;]

1. to throw to or beside, as fodder to horses (Hom., al.).
2. to lay beside, compare (Hdt., Plat., al.): Mk 4:30, Rec.
3. Reflexive, to betake oneself, come near; of seamen, to cross over: εἰς Σάμον, Ac 20:15.
4. In mid. = παραβολεύομαι, q.v.†

[NT: 7x] παρά-βασις, -εως, ἡ (< παραβαίνω), [in LXX: Ps 101:3 (שֵׂט), IV Ki 2:24 A, Wi 14:31, II Mac 15:10 * ;]

1. a going aside, a deviation (Arist.).
2. In later writers, an overstepping; metaph., transgression (Plut., al.) : Ro 4:15 5:14, He 2:2 9:15; τ. νόμου, Ro 2:23; ἐν π., I Ti 2:14; τ. παραβάσεων χάριν, Ga 3:19
SYN.: v.s. ἁμαρτία

[NT: 5x] ** παρα-βάτης, -ου, ὁ (< παραβαίνω), [in Sm.: Ps 17:4 139:19, Je 6:28 * ;]

1. one who stands beside, the warrior who stands by the charioteer (of. παραβαίνω, 1).
2. a transgressor (Æsch., παρβάτης): Ga 2:18, Ja 2:9; π. νόμου, Ro 2:25, 27, Ja 2:11.†

[NT: 2x] παρα-βιάζομαι [in LXX: Ge 19:9, IV Ki 2:17 (פָּצַר), De 1:43 (זוּד hi.), I Ki 28:23 (פָּרַץ) v.1. 4 * ;]

1. prop., to force against nature or law.
2. to compel by force (Polyb.).
3. to constrain by entreaty (Ge, 1Sam, ll. c.): Lk 24:29, Ac 16:15.†

[NT: 1x] *† παρα-βολεύομαι

= cl. παραβάλλομαι (II Mac 14:38),
to expose oneself to danger, hazard one's life: c. dat. ref., τ. ψυχῇ (v. M, Pr., 64), Phl 2:30 (Rec. παραβουλ-). Cited by Deiss., LAE, 84, 120.†

[p. 338]

[NT: 50x] παραβολή, -ῆς, ἡ (< παραβάλλω), [in LXX (cf. McNeile, Mt., 185): Nu 23:7, De 28:37, Ps 44:14, Pr 1:6, Ez 12:22, al. (מָשַׁל), Si 47:17 (חִידָה), al. mutt. in Sir, Wi 5:3 ;]

1. a placing beside, juxtaposition (Polyb., al.).
2. a comparing, comparison (Plat., Arist., al.).
3. a comparison, illustration, analogy, figure (Arist., al.) : Mt 24:32, Mk 3:23, He 9:9 11:19; specif. of the pictures and narratives drawn from nature and human life which are characteristic of the synoptic teaching of our Lord, a parable: Mt 13:3, 10 Mk 4:2, 10, Lk 8:4, 9-11, al.; c. gen. ref., Mt 13:18, 36
4 4 Like Heb. מָשַׁל (I Ki 10:12, Pr 1:6, Si 3:29, al.), = παροιμία, a proverb or gnomic saying: Lk 4:23 5:36 6:39
SYN.: παροιμία (v. Abbott, Essays, 82 ff.)

*† παρα-βουλεύομαι,

to consult amiss, or perh. (v. LS, s.v.), a vulg. form of παρα-βολ- (q.v.) : Phl 2:30, Rec.†

[NT: 5x] * παρ-αγγελία, -ας, ἡ (< παραγγέλλω),

an instruction, charge, com­mand: Ac 5:28 16:24, I Th 4:2, I Ti 1:5 1:18. (In Xen., Polyb., of a military order.)†

[NT: 32x] παρ-αγγέλλω (< παρά, ἀγγὲλλω), [in LXX for שָׁמַע pi., hi., etc. ;]

1. to transmit a message (Æsch., Eur.).
2. to order, command (Hdt., Xen., al.) : c. inf., Ac 15:5; c. acc rei, I Co 11:17, II Th 3:4, I Ti 4:11 5:7; seq. ἵνα (M, Pr., 207; Bl., § 69, 4), Mk 6:8, II Th 3:12; c. dat. pers., Ac 17:30 R, txt., I Th 4:11; seq. λέγων, Mt 10:5; c. inf. aor., Mt 15:35, Mk 8:6, Lk 8:29, Ac 10:42 16:18 (aoristic pres.; v. M, Pr., 119); id. c. neg., μή, Lk 5:14 8:56, Ac 23:22, I Co 7:10; c. inf. pres., Ac 16:23, II Th 3:6; id. c. neg., ιή, Lk 9:21, Ac 1:4 4:18 5:28, 40, I Ti 1:3 6:17; c. acc, τοῦτο, seq. ὅτι (E1., § 70, 3), II Th 3:10; c. acc et inf., Ac 23:30, II Th 3:6, I Ti 6:13 (Bl., § 72, 5).†
SYN.: v.s. ἐντέλλω

[NT: 37x] παρα-γίνομαι (Ion. and late for -γίγν-), [in LXX chiefly for בּוֹא ;]

1. to be beside or at hand (Hom., Hdt., al.), hence, to stand by, sup­port (Æsch., Thuc., al.) : c. dat. pers., II Ti 4:16.
2. to come, come up, arrive (Hdt., Xen., al., and freq. in later writers; v. MM, xviii; Thackeray, Gr., 267.2): absol., Lk 14:21 19:16, Jo 3:23, Ac 5:21-22, 25 9:39 10:32-33 11:23 14:27 17:10 18:27 21:18 23:16, 35 24:17, 24 25:7 28:21, I Co 16:3; seq. εἰς, Jo 8:2, Ac 9:26 15:4; ἐπί, c. acc, Lk 22:52; πρός, c. acc, Lk 7:4, 20 8:19, Ac 20:18; id. seq. ἐκ, Lk 11:6; παρά, c. gen., Mk 14:43; ἀπὸ . . . εἰς, Mt 2:1, Ac 13:14; ἀπὸ . . . ἐπὶ . . . πρός, Mt 3:13; of a teacher coming forward in public: Mt 3:1, Lk 12:51, He 9:11.†

[NT: 10x] παρ-άγω [in LXX chiefly for עָבַר ;]

1. trans., to lead by, lead aside, lead into, lead forward, etc.
2. Intrans.,
(a) to pass by: Mt 9:9, 27 20:30, Mk 2:14 15:21, Jo 8:59 R, txt., Jo 9:1; seq. παρό, c. acc, Mk 1:16;
(b) to go away, depart; metaph., to pass away: I Co 7:31; mid., I Jn 2:8 Jn 2:17.†

[NT: 1x] παρα-δειγματίζω (< δείκνυμι), [in LXX: Nu 25:4 (יָקַע hi.), Je 13:22 (חָמַס ni.), Ez 28:17 (רַאֲוָה), Es 4:17, Da LXX 2:5 * ;]

to set forth as an example; in bad sense, to put to open shame: He 6:6 (Polyb., Plut., al.).†

[NT: 3x] παράδεισος, -ου, ὁ (an Oriental word, first used by Xen. of the parks of Persian kings and nobles) [in LXX chiefly for גַּן, Ge 1:8 ff., [p. 339] al.; also for עֵדֶן, Is 51:3; פַּרְדֵּס, Ne 2:8, Ec 2:5 ;]

1. a park, pleasure-ground, garden (LXX), an orchard (in π., v. MM, ii, xviii; Deiss., BS, 148).
2. Paradise, the abode of the blessed dead: Lk 23:43, II Co 12:4, Re 2:7.†

[NT: 6x] παρα-δέχομαι [in LXX: Ex 23:1 (נָשָׂא), Pr 3:12 (רָצָה), II Mac 4:22 R, III Mac 7:12 * ;]

to receive, admit;
(a) of things: Mk 4:20, Ac 15:4 16:21 22:18, I Ti 5:19;
(b) of persons: He 12:6 (LXX).†

[NT: 1x] *† παρα-δια-τριβή, -ῆς, ἡ

useless wrangling: v.l. in Rec. for διαπαρατριβή (q.v.), I Ti 6:5.†
δια-παρα-τριβή, -ῆς, ἡ
(< παρατριβή, friction, irritation)
mutual irritation (Field, Notes, 211), wrangling: I Ti 6:5 (Rec. παραδιατριβή).†

[NT: 119x] παρα-δίδωμι, [in LXX chiefly for נתן ;] correl. to παρδέχομαι,

1. to give or hand over to another: c. acc. et dat., Mt 11:27 25:14, Lk 4:6, al.; of being delivered up to a course of teaching, pass. seq. εἰς, Ro 6:17.
2. to commit, commend: Ac 14:26 15:40, I Pe 2:23.
3. to give or deliver up to prison or judgment: c. acc. pers., Mt 4:12, Mk 1:14, Ro 4:25, II Pe 2:4; id. seq. ὑπέρ, Ro 8:32; c. dat., Mt 5:25, Mk 15:1, Lk 12:58, Jo 19:11, al.; id. seq. ἵνα, Jo 19:16; c. inf., Ac 12:4; seq. εἰς, Mt 10:17 17:22 24:9, Lk 21:12, Ac 8:3, II Co 4:11, al.; τ. Σατανᾷ, I Ti 1:20; id. seq. εἰς, I Co 5:5; with the collat. idea of treachery (= προδίδωμι), c. acc. pers., Mt 26:25, Mk 14:11, Jo 6:64, al.; id. c. dat., Mt 26:15, al.; pres. ptcp., ὁ παραδιδοὺς, Mt 26:25, Mk 14:42, Jo 13:11.
4. to hand down, hand on or deliver verbally (traditions, commands, etc.): Mk 7:13, Lk 1:2, Ac 6:14, I Co 11:2 15:2; pass., II Pe 2:21, Ju 3.
5. to permit (for exx. in cl., v. LS, s.v.): Mk 4:29.

[NT: 1x] ** παράδοξος, -ον (< παρά, δόξα), [in LXX: Jth 13:13, Wi 5:2 16:17 19:5, Si 43:25; 2-4 Mac 3 * ;]

contrary to received opinion, incredible, marvellous: pl., Lk 5:26.†
SYN.: v.s. δύναμις

[NT: 13x] παρά-δοσις, -εως, ἡ (< παραδίδωμι), [in LXX: Es 7:26 (אֵסוּר), Je 32:4 (נָתַן ni.), Je 34:2 * ;]

1. a handing down or over, transfer, transmission (Arist., Polyb., al., LXX).
2. tradition of doctrine (Plat., Epict., al.); by meton., of the doctrine itself : Mt 15:2-3, 6, Mk 7:3, I Co 11:2, Ga 1:14, Col 2:8, II Th 2:15 3:9.†

[NT: 4x] παρα-ζηλόω, -ῶ [in LXX: De 32:21, III Ki 14:22, Ps 78:58 (קָנָא pi., hi.), Ps 37:1, 7-8 (חָרָה hith.), Si 30:3 * ;]

to provoke to jealousy: Ro 10:19 (LXX) Ro 11:11, 14, I Co 10:22.†

[NT: 1x] παρα-θαλάσσιος, -α, -ον (< παρά, θάλασσα) [in LXX: Je 47:7 (יָם חוֹף), etc. ;]

by the sea: Mt 4:13.†

[NT: 1x] * παρα-θεωρέω, -ῶ

1. to examine side by side, compare.
2. to over­look, neglect: pass., Ac 6:1.†

[NT: 3x] παρα-θήκη, -ης, ἡ (< παρατίθημι), [in LXX: Le 6:2, 4 (Lev 5:21, 23) (פִּקָּדוֹן), and in Tob 10:13, II Mac 3:10 Mac 3:15, v.l. for παρακαταθήκη (q.v.) * ;]

a deposit or trust: I Ti 6:20, II Ti 1:12 1:14 (for exx. of this form, v. MM, Exp., iii, xviii).†

[NT: 2x] ** παρ-αινέω, [in LXX: II Mac 7:25-26, III Mac 5:17 Mac 7:12 * ;]

to [p. 340] exhort, advise: c. acc pers. et inf. (v. Bl., § 72, 5; M, Pr., 205), Ac 27:22; absol., seq. λέγων, Ac 27:9.†

[NT: 12x] παρ-αιτέομαι, -οῦμαι [in LXX for בָּקַשׁ pi., etc. ;]

1. to beg of or from another: Mk 15:6 (Rec. ὅνπερ ᾐτοῦντο, v. Field, Notes, 43).
2. to deprecate;
(a) prop., c. neg., to entreat that not (Thuc., al.): He 12:19;
(b) to refuse, decline, avoid: o. acc, I Ti 4:7 5:11, II Ti 2:23, Tit 3:10, He 12:25 (EV; but v. Field, Notes, 234).
3. to beg off, ask to be excused, excuse (Polyb., al.) : Lk 14:18-19 (He 12:25, Field, l.c.).†


to sit down beside: seq. πρός, Lk 10:39 (Plut.).†

[NT: 1x] παρα-καθίζω [in LXX: Jb 2:13 (יָשַׁב)* ;]

to set beside; act. for mid., to sit down beside: Lk 10:39, Rec. (for -έζομαι, q.v.).†

[NT: 109x] παρακαλέω, -ῶ, [in LXX chiefly for נחם ni., pi. ;]

1. to call to one, call for, summon: Ac 28:20 (R, mg.; R, txt., entreat); hence (of the gods: Dem., Xen., al.), to invoke, call on, beseech, entreat: τ. πατέρα μου, Mt 26:53; τ. κύριον, II Co 12:8; in late writers (Polyb., Diod., al.; rarely in LXX; in π., v. Deiss., LAE, 17614), also of men: absol., Phm 9; c. acc., Mt 8:5, Mk 1:40, Ac 16:9, al.; c. inf., Mk 5:17, Lk 8:41, Ac 8:31, al.; seq. ἵνα (v. M, Pr., 205, 208), Mt 14"36, Mk 5:18, Lk 8:31, al.
2. to admonish, exhort: absol., Lk 3:18, Ro 12:8, II Ti 4:2, al.; c. acc., Ac 15:32, I Th 2:11, He 3:13, al.; id. seq. inf., Ac 11:23, Ro 12:1, Phl 4:2, I Th 4:10, al.; seq. ἵνα (v. M, Pr., l.c.), I Co 1:10, II Co 8:6, I Th 4:1, al.
3. to cheer, encourage, comfort (Plut., LXX: Jb 43, Is 35:3, Si 43:24, al.): c. acc., II Co 1:6, Eph 6:22, Col 2:2, al.; id. seq. ἐν, I Th 4:18; διά, II Co 1:4; pass., Mt 5:4, Lk 16:25, Ac 20:12.
SYN.: παραμυθέω (cf. M, Th., 25).

παρα-καλύπτω [in LXX: Is 44:8 (פָּחַד), Ez 22:26 (עָלַם hi.)* ;]

to cover by hanging something beside, to hide: metaph. (as Plat., al.), Lk 9:45.†

[NT: 2x] παρα-κατα-θήκη, -ης, ἡ (< παρακατατίθημι) [in LXX: Ex 22:8, 11 (מְלָאכָה), and elsewhere as v.l. for παραθήκη, q.v. ;]

more usual than its variant in Gk. writers for a trust or deposit: I Ti 6:20, II Ti 1:14, Rec.†

[NT: 2x] ** παρά-κειμαι [in LXX: Jdt.3.2-3, Si 30:18 34:16, Da LXX Bel 1:14, 2,3 Mac.5* ;]

to lie beside, be near, be present: Ro 7:18, 21.†

[NT: 29x] παρά-κλησις, -εως, ἡ (< παρακαλέω), [in LXX : Jb 21:2, Ps 94:19, Ho 13:14, Na 3:7, Is 57:18 66:11, Je 16:7 (נָחַם, its parts and derivatives), Je 38:9 (תַּחֲנוּן), Is 28:29 30:7, I Mac 10:24 Mac 12:9, II Mac 7:24 Mac 15:11 * ;]

1. a calling to one's aid, summons (Thus.), hence, appeal, entreaty (Strab., Plut., al., I Mac 10:24; of. Lft., Notes, 20) : II Co 8:4.
2. exhortation, encouragement: Ac 15:31, Ro 12:8, I Co 14:3, II Co 8:17, Phl 2:1, I Th 2:3, I Ti 4:13, He 12:5; λόγος (τῆς) π., Ac 13:15, He 13:22; υἱὸς π., Ac 4:36.
3. consolation, comfort (Phalar., LXX) : Lk 6:24, Ac 9:31, II Co 1:4-7 7:4 7:7 7:13, II Th 2:16, Phm 7; τ. γραφῶν, Ro 15:4; θεὸς τῆς π., Ro 15:5, II Co 1:3; π. τοῦ Ἰσραήλ (v. Dalman, Words, 109 f.), Lk

[NT: 5x] ** παρά-κλητος, -ον (< παρακαλεω), [in Aq., Th.: Jb 16:2 * ;]

called to one's aid in a judicial cause (Dion. Cass.); hence, most freq. as subst., ὁ π., an advocate, pleader, intercessor (Dem., al.; so in Rabbinic [p. 341] lit., פְּרַקְלִיטָא), "a friend of the accused person, called to speak to his character, or otherwise enlist sympathy in his favour" (Field, Notes, 102). In NT, specif., ὁ π.,
(a) of Christ, I Jn 2:1 (v. ICC, Jo. Epp., 23 ff.);
(b) of the Holy Spirit (AV, comforter; but v. opp. c.), Jo 14:16, 26 15:26 16:7 (cf. also Abbott, Essays, 86, 97; Deiss., LAE, 339 f.; MM, xviii; Westc., Jo., ii, 188

[NT: 3x] * παρ-ακοή, -ῆς, ἡ

1. a hearing amiss (Flat.)
2. Later, as following inattention, disobedience: Ro 5:19, II Co 10:6, He 2:2 (cf. παρακούω, and v. Tr., Syn., § lxvi).†

[NT: 4x] ** παρ-ακολουθέω, -ῶ [in LXX: II Mac 8:11 Mac 9:27 R* ;]

c. dat., to follow closely, accompany. Metaph., in various senses,
(a) to result: Mk 16:17;
(b) to follow up, trace, investigate: Lk 1:3 (so freq. in cl.);
(c) to follow as a standard of conduct: I Ti 4:6, II Ti 3:10. (For exx. from π., v. MM, xviii.)†

[NT: 3x] παρ-ακούω [in LXX: Es 3:3, 8 (עָבַר, עָשָׂה, c. neg.) Es 4:14 7:4 (חָרַשׁ hi.), Is 65:12 (שָׁמַע, c. neg.), I Es 4:11, To 3:4 * ;]

1. to overhear.
2. to hear amiss or imperfectly.
3. Later (as in LXX, Polyb., Plut.; also in π., v. MM, xviii), to hear without heeding, take no heed: Mk 5:36; c. gen., Mt 18:17.†

[NT: 5x] παρα-κύπτω [in LXX chiefly for שָׁקַף ni., hi. ;]

1. to stoop sideways.
2. to stoop to look: Lk 24:12 (R, txt.), Jo 20:5, 11, Metaph. (v. Hort, Ja., in l), to look into: seq. εἰς, Ja 1:25, I Pe 1:12.†

[NT: 49x] παρα-λαμβάνω [in LXX chiefly for לָקַח, also for יָרַשׁ, etc. ;]

1. c. acc rei, like παραδέχομαι, correl. to παραδίδωμι, to receive from another: Col 4:17, He 12:28; of the mind, I Co 11:23 15:1 15:3, Ga 1:9, Phl 4:9; c. inf., Mk 7:4; seq. παρά, c. gem, Ga 1:12, I Th 2:13 4:1, II Th 3:6; τ. Χριστόν (Lft., in l), Col 2:6.
2. C. acc pers., to take to or with oneself: Mt 2:13-14, 20-21 17:1 26:37, Mk 4:36 5:40 9:2 10:32, Lk 9:10, 28 11:26 18:31 19:16, Ac 15:39 23:18; γυναῖκα, Mt 1:20, 24; μεθ' ἑαυτοῦ, Mt 12:45 18:16, Mk 14:33; seq. εἰς, Mt 4:5, 8 27:27; κατ' ἰδίαν, Mt 20:17; mid., seq. πρὸς ἐμαυτόν, Jo 14:3; pass., Mt 24:40-41, Lk 17:34-36; ptcp., prefixed to other verbs (Bl, § 74, 2), Ac 16:33 21:24, 26 21:32; metaph., Jo 1:11.†

* παρα-λέγω

to lay beside; mid.,
(a) to lie beside (Hom.);
(b) later, of sailors, to sail past: c. acc, Ac 27:8, 13.†

[NT: 1x] παρ-άλιος, -ον (in cl., chiefly -α, -ον), [in LXX for יָם, חוֹף, etc., c. prep. ;]

by the sea; ἡ π. (sc. χώρα, in LXX ἡ παραλία, De 1:7, Jos 9:1, Jth 1:7, al.), the sea coast: Lk 6:17.†

[NT: 1x] παρ-αλλαγή, -ῆς, ἡ (< παραλλάσσω), [in LXX: IV Ki 9:20 (שִׁגָּעוֹן)* ;]

in various senses (LS, s.v.), change: Ja 1:17.†

[NT: 2x] παρα-λογίζομαι [in LXX chiefly for רָמָה pi. ;]

1. to miscalculate.
2. to reason falsely, hence, to mislead: Col 2:4, Ja 1:22.†

[NT: 10x] *† παρα-λυτικός, -ή, -όν (< παραλύω),

paralytic: Mt 4:24 8:6 9:2, 6, Mk 2:3-5, 9-10 Lk 5:24 (Rec., WH, mg.).†

παρα-λύω [in LXX: Je 6:24, Jer 27:43, Ez 21:7 (רָפָה), etc. ;]

1. to loose from the side, set free.
2. to weaken, enfeeble; pass., to be en­feebled, esp. by a paralytic stroke: Lk 5:18, 24, Ac 8:7 9:33, He 12:12 (LXX).†

[p. 342]

[NT: 4x] παρα-μένω [in LXX: Pr 12:7, Da TH Da 11:17 (עָמַד), etc. ;]

to remain beside or near: He 7:23, Ja 1:25; of remaining alive, I Co 16:6 (WH, κατα-), Phl 1:25 (cf. συμ-παραμένω).†

[NT: 4x] ** παρα-μυθέομαι, -οῦμαι [in LXX: II Mac 15:9 (Sm. 8)* ;]

1. to en­courage, exhort.
2. to comfort, console: c. acc pers., Jo 11:31, I Th 2:11 5:14; id. seq. περί, Jo 11:19.†
SYN.: παρακαλέω

[NT: 1x] ** παραμυθία, -ας, ἡ (< παραμυθέομαι) [in LXX: Es 8:13, Wi 19:12 * ;]

1. encouragement, exhortation.
2. comfort, consolation: I Co 14:3 .†
SYN.: παράκλησις

[NT: 1x] ** παραμύθιον, -ου, τό (< παραμυθέομαι) [in LXX: Wi 3:18 * ;]

1. an exhortation, persuasion, encouragement: Phl 2:1 (cf. Plat., Legg., vi, 773 E, al.; v. Lft. and ICC, Phi., l.c.).
2. assuagement, abatement, hence, consolation (Wis, l.c., and freq. in cl.).†

[NT: 1x] παρα-νομέω, [in LXX for הָלַל, etc., chiefly in Pss and 2Mac ;]

to be a παράνομος, to transgress the law: Ac 23:3.†

[NT: 1x] παρανομία, -ας, ἡ [in LXX: Ps 37:7 (מְזִמָּה), etc. ;]

law-breaking, transgression: II Pe 2:16.†

[NT: 1x] παρα-πικραίνω [in LXX chiefly for מָרַד qal., hi., מְרִי, most freq. in Psa and Eze ;]

to embitter, provoke: absol. (yet sc. τ. θεόν, cf. Ps 106:7, Ez 2:5-8, al., and with τὸν θ. added, Ps 5:4, Ez 20:21, al.), He 3:16 (cf. παραπικρασμός).†

[NT: 2x] παρα-πικρασμός, -οῦ, ἁ (< παραπικραίνω) [in LXX: Ps 95:8 (מְרִיבָה elsewhere rendered Λοιδόρησις, Ex 17:7; ἀντιλογία, De 33:8, al.; λοιδορία, Nu 20:24)* ;]

provocation: ἐν τῷ π. (Heb. at Meribah), He 3:8, 15 (LXX).†

[NT: 1x] παρα-πίπτω [in LXX: Ez 14:13 15:8 18:24 20:27 (מָעַל), Ez 22:4 (אָשַׁם), Es 6:10 (נָפַל hi.), Wi 6:9 12:2, II Mac 10:4 A* ;]

1. most freq. (Hdt., Thuc., al.), to fall in one's way, befall.
2. to fall into or in (seq. εἰς, Polyb.; c. dat., 2Mac, l.c.).
3. to fall away (En, Wis, ll. c.; in Polyb., c. gen.) : absol., He 6:6.
4. to fail (λόγος, Es, l.c.; cf. I Ki 3:19).†

[NT: 1x] * παρα-πλέω

to sail by or past: c. acc, Ac 20:16.†

* παρα-πλήσιος, -α, -ον (Hdt., Plat., al.; also -ος, -ον, Thuc., Polyb.), coming near, nearly resembling. Neut. -ον, adverbially,

= ίως, in a way nearly resembling: c. dat., Phl 2:27.†

[NT: 1x] ** παρα-πλησίως adv. (< παραπλήσιος) [in Quint.: Ho 8:6 * ;]

in like manner: He 2:14.†

[NT: 5x] παρα-πορεύομαι [in LXX chiefly for עָבַר ;]

1. to go beside, accom­pany.
2. to go past, pass by: Mt 27:39, Mk 11:20 15:29; seq. διά, c. gen., Mk 2:23 9:30 (WH, mg.).†

παρά-πτωρμα, -τος, τό (< παραπίπτω), [in LXX for מַעַל, פֶּשַׁע, etc. ;]

1. a false step, a blunder (Polyb.).
2. Ethically, a misdeed, trespass (LXX): Mt 6:14-15, Mk 11:25-26, Ro 4:25 5:15 ff Ro 11:11-12, II Co 5:19, Ga 6:1, Eph 1:7 2:1, 5, Col 2:13.†
SYN.: v.s. ἁμαρτία

[p. 343]

[NT: 1x] παρα-ρρέω [in LXX: Is 44:4 (יָבַל), Pr 3:21 * ;]

to flow by, drift away, slip away: He 2:1.†

[NT: 1x] ** παράσημος, -ον (< σῆμα, a mark) [in LXX: III Mac 2:29 * ;]

1. in cl., marked amiss, spurious, counterfeit. Later,
2. marked at the side, annotated (Plut.).
3. marked with a sign (LXX); as subst., a figure­head : Ac 28:11 (v. MM, xix).†

[NT: 4x] παρα-σκευάζω [in LXX: Je 50:42 (עָרַךְ), etc. ;]

to prepare, make ready: absol. (sc. τ. δεῖπνον, etc.; of. Hdt., ix, 82, II Mac 2:27), Ac 10:10; mid., to prepare, make preparations: I Co 14:8 (cf. Je, l.c.); pass., II Co 9:2-3.†

[NT: 6x] παρα-σκευή, -ῆς, ἡ [in LXX: Ex 35:24 39:42 (עֲבֹדָה, with v.l., ἀποσκ-, κατασκ-), Jth 2:17 4:5, I Mac 9:35 א, II Mac 15:21 * ;]

1. preparation.
2. equipment (Jth, ll c.).
3. In Jewish usage, the day of preparation for a Sabbath or a feast (= προσάββατον, q.v.) : Mt 27:62, Mk 15:42, Lk 23:54, Jo 19:31; c. gen., τοῦ πάσχα, Jo 19:14; τ. Ἰoυδαίων, Jo 19:42 (it is the name for Friday in MGr.).†

[NT: 1x] παρα-τείνω [in LXX: Nu 23:28 (שָׁקַף ni.), etc. ;]

to extend, pro­long: τ. λόγον, Ac 20:7.†

[NT: 6x] παρα-τηρέω, -ῶ [in LXX: Ps 37:12 (זָמַם), Ps 130:8 (שָׁמַר), Da TH Da 6:11 (12), Su 1:12,15,16* ;]

1. to watch closely, observe narrowly: so mid., τ. πύλας, Ac 9:24; with evil intent, Mk 3:2, Lk 20:20 (absol., v. Field, Notes, 74); so mid., Lk 6:7 14:1.
2. to observe scrupulously (of days and seasons; cf. Ex 12:42, Sm.): mid., Ga 4:10.†

[NT: 1x] **† παρα-τήρησις, -εως, ἡ [in Aq.: Ex 12:42 (v.s. παρατηρέω) * ;]

obser­vation: Lk 17:20 (Polyb., Plut., al.).†

[NT: 19x] παρα-τίθημι [in LXX chiefly for שׂוּם ;]

I. Act., to place beside, set before, c. acc et dat.: of food, Mk 6:41 8:6-7, Lk 9:16 11:6; τράπεζαν, Ac 16:34; pass. ptcp., Lk 10:8, I Co 10:27; metaph., of teaching, παραβολήν, Mt 13:24, 31.
II. Mid.,
1. to have set before one (Hom., Thuc., Xen., al.).
2. to deposit with another, give in charge or commit to (Hdt., Xen., Polyb., al.) : c. acc et dat., Lk 12:48 23:46, Ac 14:23 20:32, I Ti 1:18, II Ti 2:2, I Pe 4:19.
3. to bring forward, quote as evidence: seq. ὅτι, Ac 17:3 (v. Page, in l).†

[NT: 1x] * παρα-τυγχάνω

to happen to be near or present: Ac 17:17.†

[NT: 1x] παρ-αυτίκα adv. (< πάραυτα = παρ ̓ αὐτά, sc. τὰ πράγματα) [in LXX: Ps 70:3, To 4:14 * ;]

1. immediately.
2. C. subst., to express brief duration (cf. ἡ π. λαμπρότης, Thuc., ii, 64), momentary, for a moment: II Co 4:17.†

[NT: 4x] παρα-φέρω [in LXX: I Ki 21:13 (14) (הָלַל hithpo.), and as v.l. 2* ;]

1. to bring to, set before, esp. of food (Hdt., al.).
2. to take or carry away: c. acc rei, seq. ἀπό, Mk 14:36, Lk 22:42; pass., seq. ὑπό, Ju 12; metaph., pass., c. dat., He 13:9.†

[NT: 1x] παρα-φρονέω (< ιαρά, φρήν), [in LXX: Za 7:11 (סָרַר)* ;]

to be beside oneself, be deranged: II Co 11:23.†

[NT: 1x] *† παρα-φρονία, -ας, ἡ

= cl. παραφροσύνη,
madness: II Pe 2:16.†

[NT: 4x] * παρα-χειμάζω

to winter at a place: seq. εἰς, Ac 27:12; ἐν, Ac 28:11; πρὸς ὑμᾶς, I Co 16:6; ἐκεῖ, Tit 3:12.†

[p. 344]

[NT: 1x] *† παρα-χειμασία, -ας, ἡ (< παρα-χειμάζω)

a wintering: Ac 27:12 (Polyb., al.).†

[NT: 18x] παραχρῆμα adv. (= παρὰ τὸ χρῆμα), [in LXX: Nu 6:9 12:4, Is 29:5 30:13 (פִּתְאוֹם), etc. ;]

on the spot, forthwith, instantly: Mt 21:19-20, Lk 1:64 4:39 5:25 8:44, 47 8:55 13:13 18:43 19:11 22:60, Ac 3:7 5:10 12:23 13:11 16:26, 33 (on the usage in Mt, Lk, v. Dalman, Words, 28 f.).†

[NT: 1x] πάρδαλις, -εως, ἡ [in LXX for נָמֵר, Ca 4:8, Ho 13:7, Is 11:6, al. ;]

a panther, leopard: Re 13:2.†

[NT: 25x] πάρ-ειμι [in LXX for בּוֹא, etc. ;]

1. to be by, at hand or present;
(a) of persons: Re 17:8; παρών (opp. to ἀπών), I Co 5:3, II Co 10:2 10:11 13:2 13:10; seq. ἐπί c. gen., Ac 24:19; ἐνώπιον, Ac 10:33; ἐνθάδε, Ac 17:6; πρός, c. acc pers., Ac 12:20, II Co 11:8, Ga 4:18, 20;
(b) of things : of time, ὁ καιρός, Jo 7:6; τ. παρόν, He 12:11; ἡ ἀλήθεια, II Pe 1:12; ταῦτα, II Pe 1:9; τ. παρόντα, He 13:5.
2. to have come or arrived (Hdt., Thuc., al.; v. Field, Notes, 65) : Lk 13:1, Jo 11:28, Ac 10:21; seq. εἰς, Col 1:6; seq. ἐπί, c. acc rei, Mt 26:50 (cf. συν-πάρειμι).†

[NT: 1x] * παρ-εισ-άγω

1. to lead in by one's side, bring forward, introduce.
2. In late writers, to introduce or bring in secretly: II Pe 2:1.†

[NT: 1x] παρ-είσ-ακτος, -ον (< παρεισάγω),

brought in secretly (as spies or traitors) : Ga 2:4.†

[NT: 1x] * παρ-εισ-δύω (also -δύνω),

to slip in secretly, steal in: παρεισεδύησαν (vulgar aor.; pass. for act., El., § 19, 2), Ju 4 (cf. also MM, xix).†

[NT: 2x] * παρ-εισ-έρχομαι

1. to come in beside or by the way: Ro 5:20.
2. to come in secretly, steal in: Ga 2:4.†

[NT: 1x] * παρ-εισ-φέρω

to bring in or supply besides: σπουδὴν π. (late Gk. for cl. σ. ποιεῖσθαι; cf. Deiss., BS, 361), II Pe 1:5.†

[NT: 3x] *† παρ-εκτός = cl. παρέκ, -έξ, [in Aq.: De 1:36; Al., Le 23:38 * ;]

1. as adv., besides, in addition: τὰ π. (sc. γινόμενα), II Co 11:28.
2. As prep. c. gen., except: Mt 5:32 19:9 (WH, mg., R, mg.), Ac 26:29.†

[NT: 10x] παρ-εμ-βολή, -ῆς, ἡ (< παρεμβάλλω), [in LXX chiefly for מַחֲנֶה ;]

1. an insertion, interpolation (Æschin.)
2. In the Macedonian dialect (Rutherford, NPhr., 473), as a military term;
(a) an army in battle array: He 11:34 (cf. Ex 14:19-20, Jg 4:16, al.; freq. in Polyb.);
(b) a camp (Ex 29:14, al.) : He 13:11, 13 Re 20:9;
(c) barracks, soldiers' quarters: Ac 21:34, 37 22:24 23:10, 16 23:32 28:16 (WH, txt., R, om.).†
[in LXX freq. and chiefly for מַחֲנֶה ;]
1. to put in beside or between, interpose.
2. In late writers (Polyb., al., LXX) as technical military term;
(a) of soldiers, to draw up in line (freq. in I Mac 2:32, al.);
(b) of siege works, to cast up: c. acc et dat., χάρακά σοι, Lk 19:43.†

[NT: 1x] παρ-εν-οχλέω, -ῶ (cf. ἐνοχλέω), [in LXX for לָאָה hi. (Mi 6:3), etc. ;]

to annoy concerning a matter (παρά): c. dat. pers., Ac 15:19.†

[NT: 3x] παρ-επί-δημος, -ον (v.s. ἐπιδημέω), [in LXX: Ge 23:4, Ps 39:12 [p. 345] (תּוֹשָׁב)* ;]

sojourning in a strange place; as subst., ὁ π., a sojourner: of Christians, I Pe 1:1; ξένοι καὶ π., He 11:13; πάροικοι καὶ π., I Pe 2:11 (v. Deiss., BS, 149).†

παρ-ἐρχομαι [in LXX chiefly for עָבַר ;]

1. to pass, pass by;
(a) of persons: absol., Lk 18:37; c. acc pers., Mk 6:48; c. acc lot., Ac 16:8; seq. διά, c. gen., Mt 8:28;
(b) of things : τ. ποτήριον, Mt 26:39 (ἀπ' ἐμοῦ), Mt 26:42; of time, Mt 14:15, Mk 14:35, Ac 27:9, I Pe 4:3. Metaph.,
(a) to pass away, perish: Mt 5:18 24:34-35 Mk 13:30-31, Lk 16:17 21:32-33, II Co 5:17, Ja 1:10, II Pe 3:10;
(b) to pass by, neglect, disregard: c. acc rei, Lk 11:42 15:29.
2. to come to, arrive: Lk 12:37 17:7, Ac 24:7, R, mg. (cf. ἀντι-παρέρχομαι).†
SYN.: παραβαίνω

[NT: 1x] * πάρεσις, -εως, ἡ (< παρίημι),

1. a letting go, dismissal.
2. prætermission, passing by (of debt or sin) : Ro 3:25
SYN.: ἄφεσις, q.v

[NT: 16x] παρ-έχω [in LXX: Ps 30:7 (עָמַד hi.), etc. ;]

I. Active voice.,
1. to furnish, provide, supply; with ref. to incorporeal things, to afford, show, give, cause: c. acc, Ac 22:2, I Ti 1:4; c. acc et dat., Mt 26:10, Mk 14:6, Lk 11:7 18:5, Ac 16:16 17:31 28:2, Ga 6:17, I Ti 6:17.
2. to present, offer: c. acc et dat., Lk 6:29; c. prop. reflex. et acc pred., to show or present oneself (v. infr., and cf. B1., § 55, 1).
II. Middle voice.,
1. to supply, furnish or display of one's own part: c. acc et dat., Lk 7:4, Ac 19:24, Col 4:1.
2. In late writers, c. prop. reflex. et acc pred. (= act. ut supr.), to show or present oneself (Xen., FlJ, al.; cf. M, Pr., 248; Deiss., BS, 254) : Tit 2:7.†

[NT: 1x] ** παρηγορία, -ας, ἡ (< παρηγορέω, to address, exhort, console) [in LXX: IV Mac 5:12 Mac 6:1 * ;]

1. an address, exhortation (LXX, ll. c.).
2. comfort, consolation: Col 4:11.†

[NT: 1x] παρθενία, -ας, ἡ (< παρθένος), [in LXX: Je 3:4 (נָעוּר), Si 15:2 42:10, IV Mac 18:8 * ;]

virginity: Lk 2:36.†

[NT: 15x] παρθένος, -ου, ἡ [in LXX chiefly for בְּתוּלָה, Ex 22:16 (15), Jb 31:1, Is 23:4, al.; also for נַעַר, נַעֲרָה, Ge 24:14, 16 24:55 34:3, and for עַלְמָה, Ge 24:43, Is 7:14 ;]

a maiden, virgin: Mt 1:23 (LXX) Mt 25:1, 7 25:11 Lk 1:27, Ac 21:9, I Co 7:25 ff, II Co 11:2; masc., of chaste persons (CIG, 8784 b) : Re 14:4.†

[NT: 1x] Πάρθος, -ου, ὁ

a Parthian: Ac 2:9.†

[NT: 1x] παρ-ίημι [in LXX: Je 4:31 (פָּרַשׂ pi.), etc. ;]

1. to pass by or over, let alone, disregard: Lk 11:42.
2. to relax, loosen; pass., to be relaxed, weakened, exhausted: παρειμένας χεῖρας, He 12:12 (LXX ἀνειμ-).†

παρ-ιστάνω, v.s. παρίστημι.

[NT: 41x] παρ-ίστημι [in LXX for עָמַד, etc. ;]

I. Transitive verb. in present tense., imperfect., future tense., 1 aorist.;
1. to place beside, present, provide: c. acc, Ac 9:41 23:24, II Co 4:14, Col 1:28; c. acc et dat., Mt 26:53, Lk 2:22, Ac 1:3 23:33, I Co 8:8; seq. acc pred., Ro 6:13, 16 (late pres., παριστάνετε), Ro 6:19 12:1, II Co 11:2, Eph 5:27, Col 1:22, II Ti 2:15.
2. to present to the mind (cl.) : by argument, to prove (Xen., FlJ, al.), c. acc, Ac 24:13.
II. Intransitive. in [p. 346] perfect., pluperfect., 2 aorist.;
1. to stand by or beside one : c. dat. pers., Ac 1:10 9:39 23:2 27:23; ptcp., Mk 14:47, 69-70 15:35, 39 Jo 18:22 19:26.
2. to appear: c. nom. pred., seq. ἐνώπιον, Ac 4:10; c. dat. pers., Ac 27:24; so fut. mid. (of. LS, s.v., B, ii, 2), Ro 14:10.
3. to be at hand, be present, have come: Ac 4:26 (LXX); of servants in attendance, ἐνώπιον τ. θεοῦ, Lk 1:19; absol., οἱ παρεστῶτες, Lk 19:24; seq. αὐτῷ, Ac 23:2, 4; of time, Mk 4:29
4. to stand by for help or defence (Hom., Dem., Xen., al.): c. dat. pers., Ro 16:2, II Ti 4:17.†

[NT: 1x] Παρμενᾶς, ᾶ, ὁ

Parmenas: Ac 6:5.†

[NT: 1x] πάρ-οδος, -ου, ἡ [in LXX: Ge 38:14 (דֶּרֶךְ), etc. ;]

a passing or passage: ἐν π., in passing, I Co 16:7.†

[NT: 2x] παρ-οικέω, -ῶ [in LXX chiefly for גּוּר, also for יָשַׁב, שָׁכַן ]

in cl., to dwell beside (c. acc), among (c. dat.) or near by (absol.). In late writers, to dwell in a place as a πάροικος (q.v.) or stranger: Lk 24:18, He 11:9.†

[NT: 2x] παρ-οικία, -ας, ἡ (< παροικέω, q.v.), [in LXX: Es 8:35 (גּוֹלָה), Ps 34:4 55:15 119:54 120:5, La 2:22 (מָגוֹר; and cogn. forms), Hb 3:16, I Es 5:7, Jth 5:9, Wi 19:10, Sir prol. Si 1:26 16:8 41:5 44:6, III Mac 6:36 Mac 7:19 * ;]

a sojourning: Ac 13:17, I Pe 1:17.†

[NT: 4x] άρ-οικος, -ον [in LXX chiefly for גֵּר, תּוֹשָׁב ;]

1. in cl. Attic, dwelling near, neighbouring; as subst., a neighbour.
2. In late writers (LXX, Philo) and in Iuser. (Deiss., BS, 227 f.; Kennedy, Sources, 102), foreign, alien; as subst., an alien, a sojourner: Ac 7:6 (LXX), Ac 7:29; metapb., ξένοι καὶ π. (opp. to συμπολίτης), Eph 2:19; π. καὶ παρεπιδήμους (q.v.), I Pe 2:11 (v. Lft. on Clem. Rom., 1 Co., § 1).†

[NT: 5x] παροιμία, -ας, ἡ (< πάροιμος, by the way), [in LXX. Pr title Pr 1:1 25:1, (מָשַׁל) subscr., Si 6:35 8:8 18:29 39:3 47:17 * ;]

1. a wayside saying (Hesych.; v. LS, s.v.), a byword, maxim, proverb: II Pe 2:22.
2. In NT, of figurative discourse (as מָשַׁל, Is 14:4, al.), a parable, allegory: Jo 10:6 16:25, 29 (v. Abbott, Essays, 82 ff.).†
SYN.: παραβολή, q.v

[NT: 2x] πάρ-οινος, -ον

= cl., παροινικός (παρά, οἶνος),
given to wine, drunken: I Ti 3:3, Tit 1:7.†

[NT: 1x] * παρ-οίχομαι

to have passed by; of time, to be gone by: ἐν τ. παρῳχημέναις γενεαῖς, Ac 14:16.†

[NT: 1x] *† παρ-ομοιάζω

to be like: c. dat., Mt 23:27.†

[NT: 1x] * παρ-όμοιος, -ον (also (Hdt.), (Arist.), -ον),

much like, like: Mk 7:13.†

παρ-οξύνω [in LXX for נָאַץ, קָצַף, רָגַז, etc. ;]

1. primarily, but never so in cl., to sharpen (μάχαιραν, De 32:41, שָׁנַן).
2. Metaph., as always in cl.,
(a) to spur on, stimulate (Arist., Xen., al.);
(b) to provoke, rouse to anger (De 9:7, 18, Ps 106:29, al.) : pass., Ac 17:16, I Co 13:5.†

[p. 347]

[NT: 2x] παροξυσμός, -οῦ, ὁ (< παροξύνω), [in LXX: De 29:28, Je 32:37 (קֶצֶף)* ;]

1. stimulation, provocation: π. ἀγάπης, He 10:14.
2. irritation: Ac 15:39.†

[NT: 2x] παρ-οργίζω [in LXX chiefly for כַּעַס hi. ;]

(in cl., passive only), to provoke to anger: Ro 10:19 (LXX), Eph 6:4.†

[NT: 1x] παρ-οργισμός, -οῦ, ὁ (< παροργίζω), [in LXX: III Ki 15:30, IV Ki 23:26 (כַּעַס); IV Ki 19:3, Ne 9:18, 26 (נְאָצָה); Je 21:5 A (קֶצֶף) * ;]

irritation ("distinguished from ὀργή as implying a less permanent state"; ICC, Eph., 140; and v. Tr., Syn., § xxxvii) : Eph 4:26.†

[NT: 1x] * παρ-οτρύνω

to urge on, stir up: c. acc pers., Ac 13:50 (find., Hipp., and late writers).†

[NT: 24x] παρ-ουσία, -ας, ἡ [in LXX: Ne 2:6 A, Jth 10:18, II Mac 8:12 Mac 15:21, III Mac 3:17 * ;]

1. usually in cl., a being present, presence: I Co 16:17, II Co 10:10; opp. to ἀπουσία, Phl 2:12 (cf. II Mac 15:21).
2. a coming, arrival, advent (Soph., Eur., Thuc., al., v. LS, s.v.; so Jth, l.c., II Mac 8:12) : II Co 7:6-7, Phl 1:26, II Th 2:9; in late writers (v. M, Th., 145 ff.; MM, xix; LAE, 372 ff.) as technical term for the visit of a king; hence, in NT, specif. of the Advent or Parousia of Christ : Mt 24:3, 27 24:37, 39, I Co 15:23, I Th 2:19 3:13 4:15 5:23, II Th 2:1 2:8, Ja 5:7-8, II Pe 1:16 3:4 3:12, I Jn 2:28.†

[NT: 1x] * παρ-οψίς, -ίδος, ἡ (< παρά, ὄψον; v.s. ὀψάριον),

1. a side-dish of dainties (Xen., al.).
2. In Comic poets and late prose, the dish itself on which the dainties are served: Mt 23:25-26 (In this sense it is condemned by the Atticists; v. Rutherford, NPhr., 265 f.)†

[NT: 31x] παρρησία, -ας, ἡ (< πᾶς + ῥῆσις, speech) [in LXX; Le 26:13 (μετὰ π., קוֺמְמִיּוּת קוֹמְמִיּוּת), Pr 1:20 10:10, Wi 5:1, al. ;]

1. freedom of speech, plainness, openness, freedom in speaking (Eur., Plat., al.) : Ac 4:13, II Co 3:12; παρρησίᾳ, adverbially, freely, openly, plainly, Mk 8:32, Jo 7:13, 26 10:24 11:14 16:29 18:20; opp. to ἐν παροιμίαις, Jo 16:25; ἐν π., Eph 6:19; μετὰ π., Ac 2:29 4:29, 31 28:31
2. In LXX (I Mac 4:18, Wi 5:1, al.), FlJ, and NT, also (from the absence of fear which accompanies freedom of speech), confidence, boldness: II Co 7:4, Phl 1:20, I Ti 3:13; ἔχειν π., Eph 3:12, Phm 8, He 3:6 10:19, 35, I Jn 2:28 Jn 3:21 Jn 4:17 Jn 5:14; μετὰ π., He 416; ἐν π., Col 2:15; id. (as בפרהסיא in Rabbinic lit.; v. Westc., Jo., i, 262), in public, Jo 7:4 and (without ἐν) Jo 11:54.†

[NT: 9x] παρρησιάζομαι (< παρρησία), [in LXX: Jb 22:26 (עָנַג hithp.), Ps 12:5 94:1, Pr 20:9, Ca 8:10, Si 6:11 * ;]

to speak freely or boldly, be bold in speech: Ac 9:27-28 13:46 14:3 18:26 19:8 26:26, Eph 6:20, I Th 2:2.†

[NT: 1361x] πᾶς, πᾶσα, πᾶν, gen., παντός, πάσης, παντός, [in LXX chiefly for כֹּל ;]

all, every.

I. As adj.,
1. c. subst. anarth., all, every, of every kind: Mt 3:10 4:23, Mk 9:49, Lk 4:37, Jo 2:1o, Ac 27:20, Ro 7:8, Re 18:17, al. mult.; pl., all, Ac 22:15, Ro 5:12, He 1:6, al.; of the highest degree, π. ἐξουσία (προθυμία, χαρά), Mt 28:18, Ac 17:11, Phi 2:29, al.; also the whole (though in this sense more freq. c. art.), Mt 2:3, Ac 2:36, Ro 11:26.
2. C. art. [p. 348] (before the art., after the noun, or, denoting totality, between the art. and noun), all, whole: Mt 8:32 13:2, Mk 5:33, Lk 1:10, Ac 7:14, Ro 3:19, Ga 5:14, Eph 4:16, al.; pl., Mt 2:4, Mk 4:13, Ro 1:5, al.
II. As pron.,
1. masc. and fem., every one: Mk 9:49, Lk 16:16, He 2:9; seq. rel. pron., Mt 7:24, Ac 2:21, Ga 3:10, al.; c. ptcp. (anarth.), Mt 13:19, Lk 11:4; c. ptcp. (c. art.), Mt 5:22, Mk 7:8, Lk 6:47, Jo 3:8, Ro 1:16, al.; pl., πάντες, absol., all, all men, Mt 10:22, Mk 13:13, Lk 20:38, Jo 1:7 3:26, I Co 8:1, al.; οἱ π. (collectively, as a definite whole), Ro 11:32, I Co 1:17, Eph 4:13, al.; π. οἱ (ὅσοι), Mt 4:24, Mk 1:32, Lk 4:40, al.
2. Neut.,
(a) sing., πᾶν, everything, all: πᾶν τό, c. ptcp., I Co 10:25, 27, Eph 5:13, I Jo 2:16 5:4 (sc. ὄν); πᾶν ὅ, Jo 17:2, Ro 14:23; collectively, of persons (Westc., in l.), Jo 6:37, 39; c. prep., in adverbial phrases, διὰ παντός, always, Mt 18:10, al.; ἐν παντί, in everything, in every way, II Co 4:8, Phi 4:6, al.;
(b) pl., πάτνα, all things: absol., Jo 1:3, I Co 2:10, He 2:8, al.; of certain specified things, Mk 4:34, Lk 1:3, Ro 8:28, I Th 5:21, al.; acc., πάντα, adverbially, wholly, in all things, in all respects, Ac 20:35, I Co 9:25, al.; c. art., τὰ π., all things (a totality, as distinct from anarth. πάντα, all things severally; cf. Westc, Eph., 186f.), absol.: Ro 11:36, I Co 8:6, Eph 3:9, He 1:3, al.; relatively, Mk 4:11, Ac 17:25, Ro 8:32, al.; πάντα, c. ptcp., Mt 18:31, al.; πάντα ταῦτα (ταῦτα π.), Mt 6:32, 33, al.; πάντα, c. prep, in adverbial phrases, πρὸ πάντων, above all things, Ja 5:12, I Pe 4:8; ἐν π́, in all things, in all ways, I Ti 3:11, I Pe 4:11, al.; κατὰ πάντα, in all respects, Ac 17:22, al.
3. C. neg., πᾶς οὐ (μή) = οὐδείς, v.s. οὐ and μή, and cf. M, Pr., 245f.

[NT: 29x] πάσχα, τό indecl. (Aram. טַּסְחָא), [in LXX for פֶּסַח ;]

1. the festival of the Passover: Mt 26:2, Mk 14:1, Lk 22:1, Jo 2:13, 23 6:4 11:55 12:1 18:39 19:14, Ac 12:4, He 11:28; .ἡ ἐορτὴ τοῦ π., Lk 2:41, Jo 13:1.
2. By meton.,
(a) the paschal supper: ἑτοιμάζειν τὸ π., Mt 26:19, Mk 14:16, Lk 22:8, 13; ποιεῖν τό π., Mt 26:18;
(b) the pasohal lamb: θύειν τό π. (Ex 12:21), Mk 14:12, Lk 22:7; of Christ, I Co 5:7; φαγεῖν τὸ π. (lamb or supper), Mt 26:17, Mk 14:12, 14, Lk 22:11, 15, Jo 18:28 (cf. II Ch 30:17).†

[NT: 42x] πάσχω [in LXX: Am 6:6 (חָלָה ni.), Wi 12:27, Si 38:16, al. ;]

to suffer, be acted on, as opp. to acting, often limited by a word expressive of good or evil;
(a) of misfortunes (most freq. without any limiting word) : absol., Lk 22:15 24:46, Ac 1:3 3:18 17:3, I Co 12:26, He 2:18 9:26 13:12, I Pe 2:19-20 2:23 3:17 4:15 4:19; seq. ὑπό, c. gen., Mt 17:12; ὑπέρ, Ac 9:16, Phl 1:20, II Th 1:5, I Pe 2:21; c. dat. ref., I Pe 4:1; περί, c. gen. (seq. ὑπέρ), I Pe 3:18; διά, c. acc, I Pe 3:14; ὀλίγον (a little while), I Pe 5:10; c. acc, Mt 27:19, Mk 9:12, Lk 13:2 24:26, Ac 28:5, II Ti 1:12, He 5:8, Re 2:10; παθήματα, II Co 1:6; ταῦτα, Ga 3:4 (EV; cf. Lft., in l, but v. infr.); acc seq. ἀπό, Mt 16:21, Lk 9:22 17:25; ὑπό, Mk 5:26, I Th 2:14;
(b) of pleasant experiences (but always with qualifying word, εὖ or acc rei) : Ga 3:4 (cf. Grimm-Thayer, s.v.; Interp. Corn., in l, but v. supr.) (cf. προ-, συν-πάσχω).†

[NT: 1x] Πάταρα, -ων, τὰ

Patara, a maritime city of Lycia: Ac 21:1.†

[NT: 10x] πατάσσω [in LXX chiefly and very freq. for נָכָה hi., also for נָגַף, etc. ;]

1. in Hom., intrans., to beat (of the heart).
2. Trans. = πλήσσω, to strike, smite: absol., ἐν μαχαίρᾳ, Lk 22:49; c. acc pers., Mt 26:51, [p. 349] Lk 22:50; c. acc rei, Ac 12:7; of a deadly blow, Mt 26:31, Mk 14:27, Ac 7:24. Metaph., of disease: Ac 12:23, Re 11:6 19:15.†

[NT: 5x] πατέω, -ῶ [in LXX for דָּרַךְ, etc. ;]

1. intrans., to tread, walk: seq. ἐπάνω ὄφεων κ.τ.λ. (fig.), Lk 10:19 (cf. Ps 91:13).
2. Trans., to tread on, trample: τ. ληνόν, Re 14:20 19:15 (cf. Jg 9:27, La 1:15, al.); of the desecration of Jerusalem by its enemies, Lk 21:24, Re 11:2 (cf. κατα-, περι-, ἐν-περι-πατέω).†

[NT: 413x] πατήρ, πατρός, -τρί, τέρα, [in LXX chiefly and very freq. for אָב ;]

a father;
1. prop.,
(a) of the male parent: Mt 2:22, Lk 1:17, Jo 4:53; anarth., He 12:7 (M, Pr., 82 f.); pl., of both parents (cl.), He 11:23; οἱ π. τ. σαρκός, He 12:9;
(b) of a forefather or ancestor (in cl. usually in pl.; Hom., al.): Mt 3:9, Lk 1:73, Jo 8:39, al.; pl., Mt 23:30, 32 Lk 6:23, 26 Jo 4:20, I Co 10:1, al.
2. Metaph.,
(a) of an author, originator, or archetype (= αἴτιος, ἀρχηγός, etc.; Pind., Plat., al.): Jo 8:41-44, Ro 4:11, 12 16.
(b) as a title of respect or honour, used of seniors, teachers and others in a position of responsible authority (Jg 17:10, II Ki 2:12, Pr 1:8, al.): Mt 23:9 Ac 7:2 22:1, I Jo 2:13.
3. Of God (as in cl. of Zeus) as Father;
(a) of created things: τ. φώτων, Ja 1:17;
(b) of all sentient beings: Eph 3:14, 15 He 12:9;
(c) of men, esp. those in covenant relation with Him (freq in OT and later Jewish lit.; v. Dalman, Words, 184ff.): Mt 6:4, Lk 6:36, Jo 4:21, Ja 3:9, al.; ὁ π. ὁ ἐν (τ.) οὐρανοῖς, Mt 5:16, Mk 11:25; ὁ π. ὁ οὐράνιος, Mt 6:14 15:13; esp. in the Epp., of Christians: Ro 8:15, II Co 6:18, Ga 4:6, Eph 2:18 4:6, I Jo 2:1; c. gen. qual., τ. οἰκτιρμῶν, II Co 1:3; τ. δοξῆς, Eph 1:17;
(d) of Christ (Dalman, Words, 190 ff.);
(α) by our Lord himself: ὁ π., Mt 11:25-27, Lk 10:2, 22 Jo 5:20-23, al.; ὁ π. μου, Mt 11:27, al.; ὁ ἐν τ. οὐρανοῖς, Mt 7:11, al.; ὁ οὐράνιος, Mt 15:13; vocat., Jo 11:41 12:27, 28 17:1, 5, 11, 20, 25 (cf. Abbott, JG., 96 f.);
(β) by Apostles: Jo 1:14 (anarth.; v. M, Pr., l.c.), Ro 15:6, II Co 1:3 11:31, Eph 1:3, Col 1:3, He 1:5, I Pe 1:3, Re 1:6 (cf. Westc., Epp. Jo., 27-34).

[NT: 1x] Πάτμος, -ου, ἡ

Patmos, an island in the Ægean Sea: Re 1:9.†

* πατραλῴας v.s. πατρολῴας.

[NT: 3x] πατριά, -ᾶς, ἡ (< πατήρ), [in LXX chiefly for אָב, Ex 6:14, al., also for מִשְׁפָּחָה, Ex 6:15, IV Ki 14:7, Ps 22:27, al. ;]

1. lineage, ancestry (Hdt.).
2. = πάτρα (more common in cl.), a family or tribe (so sometimes in Hdt., in LXX of related people, in a sense narrower than φυλή and wider than οἶκος; v. Ex 12:3, Nu 32:28): Lk 2:4; in a wider sense (I Ch 16:28, Ps 22:27), Ac 3:25 (LXX) Eph 3:15.†

[NT: 4x] πατριάρχης, -ου, ὁ (< πατριά, ἄρχω), [in LXX: I Ch 24:31 (אָב), II Ch 19:8 26:12 (אָב רֹאשׁ), I Ch 27:12 (שַׂר), II Ch 23:20 (מֵאָה שַׂר), IV Mac 7:19 Mac 16:25 * ;]

a patriarch: Ac 2:29 7:8-9, He 7:4.†

πατρικίς, -ή, -όν (< πατήρ), [in LXX for אָב, Ge 50:8, al. ;]

paternal, ancestral: Ga 1:14.†

[NT: 8x] πατρίς, -ίδος, ἡ (< πατήρ), [in LXX chiefly for מוֹלֶדֶת ;]

prop. poët. fern. of πάτριος, of one's fathers; as subst., ἡ π. = πάτρα, [p. 350] fatherland, country, home, native place: Ac 18:27, WH, mg., He 11:14; of one's own town, Mt 13:54, 57, Mk 6:1, 4, Lk 4:23-24, Jo 4:44.†

Πατρόβας, -ᾶ, ὁ

Patrobas: Ro 16:14.†

[NT: 1x] * πατρολῴας (-αλῴας, Rec.; in cl. -αλοίας, v. Bl., § 3, 3; 6, 2, and cf. μητρολῴας), -ου, ὁ (< πατήρ + ἀλοιάω, to smite),

(a) a parricide: I Ti 1:9 (Av, R, txt.);
(b) a smiter of his father : ib. (R, mg.).†

[NT: 1x] *† πατρο-παρά-δοτος, -ον (< πατήρ, παραδίδωμι),

handed down from one's fathers, inherited: I Pe 1:18 (Diod., al.).†

[NT: 3x] πατρῷος, -α, -ον (< πατήρ), [in LXX: Pr 27:10 (אָב), Es 7:5, 2 -IV Mac 12:1-19 * ;]

of one's fathers, received from one's fathers: Ac 22:3 24:14 28:17.†

[NT: 158x] Παῦλος, -ου, ὁ (Lat. Paulus),

1. Sergius Paulus: Ac 13:7.
2. the Apostle Paul (cf. Σαῦλος): Ac 13:9, and freq. throughout Ac., Ro 1:1, I Co 1:1, al., II Pe 3:15.

[NT: 15x] παύω [in LXX for כָּלָה pi., etc. ;]

to make to cease, restrain, hinder: c. acc rei, seq. ἀπό I Pe 3:10 (LXX). Mid., to cease, leave off: Lk 8:24 11:1, Ac 20:1, I Co 13:8; c. ptcp., Lk 5:4, Ac 5:42 6:13 13:10 20:31 21:32, Eph 1:16, Col 1:9, He 10:2; c. gen., ἀμαρτίας, I Pe 4:1 (WH, mg., R, txt.); c. dat., ib. (WH, txt., R, mg.).†

[NT: 2x] Πάφος, -ου, ἡ

Paphos, a city in Cyprus: Ac 13:6, 13

παχύνω (< παχύς, thick) [in LXX: De 32:15, Is 6:10 (שָׁמֵן), al. ;]

to thicken, fatten; pass., to grow fat. Metaph., to make dull or stupid (τ. ψυχάς, Rut.); pass., to wax gross: ἡ καρδίαMt 13:15, Ac 28:27 (LXX).†

[NT: 3x] πέδη, -ης, ἡ (< πέζα, the instep), [in LXX for נְחֹשֶׁת, etc. ;]

a fetter: Mk 5:4, Lk 8:29.†

[NT: 1x] πεδινός, -ή, -όν (< πεδίον, a plain), [in LXX chiefly for שְׁפֵלָה (ἡ π.) ;]

level, plain: Lk 6:17.†

[NT: 1x] * πεζεύω (< πεζός)

to travel on foot or by land: Ac 20:13.†

πεζῇ, v.s. πεζός.

πεζός, -ή, -όν (< πούς), [in LXX for רַגְלִי ;]

1. on foot: Mt 14:13 (WH, mg., R, txt.).
2. Opp. to going by sea, by land: Mt 14:13 (WH, mg., R, mg.).
3. As adv., πεζῇ (sc. ὁδῷ), on foot or by land: Mt 1413 (WH, txt.), Mk 6:33.†

[NT: 4x] πειθαρχέω, -ῶ (< πείθομαι, ἀρχή) [in LXX: Da LXX 7:27 (שְׁמַע), Si 33:28, I Es 8:94 * ;]

to obey one in authority, be obedient: Tit 3:1; c. dat., Ac 27:21; θεῷ, Ac 5:29, 32.†

[NT: 1x] *† πειθός (πιθός, WH), -ή, -όν (< πείθω), = cl. πιθανός,

persuasive: I Co 2:4 (not found elsewhere).†

* Πειθώ, -οῦς, ἡ

1. Peitho, Persuasion (as a goddess).
2. per­suasion: ἐν πειθοῖ (so Orig., Eus. and some cursives in I Co 2:4 for πειθός, q.v.).†

πείθω, [in LXX chiefly for בָּטַח בֶּטַח, its parts and derivatives ;]

(i) Active;
1. trans., to apply persuasion ("conative" in pres.; v. M, Pr., 147), to prevail upon or win over, persuade: absol., Mt 28:14, [p. 351] Ac 19:26; seq. περί, c. gen. rei, Ac 19:8; c. acc pers., Ac 12:20 14:19 18:4, II Co 5:11, Ga 1:10; τ. καρδίας ἡμῶν, I Jn 3:19; c. acc seq. περί, Ac 28:23; c. acc et inf., Ac 13:43 26:28 (v. Field, Notes, 141 ff.); c. acc seq. ἵνα (Plut.), Mt 27:20.
2. Intrans., 2 pf. πέποιθα with Pres. sense (v. M, Pr., 147, 154; Bl., § 59, 2): to trust, be confident, have confidence: c. acc et inf., Ro 2:19; c. acc ref. (v. Ellic., in l) : Phl 1:6, 25; c. dat., Phl 1:14, Phm 21; ἑαυτῷ, c. inf., II Co 10:7; seq. ἐν, Phl 3:3-4; ἐν κυρίῳ ὅτι, Phl 2:24; ἐπί, c. dat., Mt 27:43 (WH, mg.), Mk 10:24 (T, WH, R, mg., om.), Lk 11:22 18:9, II Co 1:9, He 2:13; ἐπί, c. acc, Mt 27:43 (c. dat., WH, mg.); id. seq. ὅτι, II Co 2:3, II Th 3:4 (v. Lft., Notes, 127); εἰς, c. acc pers. seq. ὅτι, Ga 5:10.
(ii) Pass. and mid.;
1. to be persuaded, believe (v. M, Pr., 158) : absol., Lk 16:31, Ac 17:4 21:14, He 13:18; c. dat., Ac 28:24; c. acc et inf., Ac 26:26; so also pf., πέπεισμαι, πεπεισμένος εἰμί: c. acc ref. seq. περί, He 6:9; c. acc et inf., Lk 20:6; ὅτι, Ro 8:38, II Ti 1:5 1:12; id. c. ἐν κυρίῳ, Ro 14:14; περί, c. gen. seq. ὅτι, Ro 15:14.
2. to listen to, obey: c. dat. pers., Ac 5:36-37, 40 23:21 27:11, Ro 2:8, Ga 5:7, He 13:17, Ja 3:3 (cf. ἀνα-πείθω).†

Πειλᾶτος (Rec. Πιλάτος, Tr., -ᾶτος, v. WH, App., 155), -ου, ὁ,

Pontius Pilate: Mt 27:2, Mk 15:1, Lk 3:1, Jo 18:29, Ac 3:13, I Ti 6:13, al

πεῖν = πιεῖν, v.s. πίνω.

[NT: 23x] πεινάω, -ῶ [in LXX chiefly for = רָעֵב ;]

to hunger, be hungry: Mt 4:2 12:1, 3 21:18 25:35, 37 25:42, 44, Mk 2:25 11:12, Lk 1:53 4:2 6:3, Ro 12:20 (LXX), I Co 4:11 11:21 11:34 Phl 4:12, Re 7:16; metaph., Mt 5:6, Lk 6:21, 25, Jo 6:35.†

[NT: 2x] πεῖρα, -ας, ἡ (< πειράω), [in LXX: De 28:56 (π. λαμβάνειν, נָסָה pi.) De 33:8 (מַסָּה), Wi 18:20, 25, II Mac 8:9, IV Mac 8:1 * ;]

trial, experiment; π. λαμβάνειν, to make trial, have experience of: He 11:29, 36 (for exx., v. Field, Notes, 232 f.).†

[NT: 38x] πειράζω poët. and late prose form of πειράω, q.v., [in LXX for נָסָה pi. ;]

1. to make proof of (Hom.).
2. to try, attempt (Luc., Polyb., c. inf. (v. M, Pr., 205; B1., § 69, 4), Ac 9:26 16:7 24:6.
3. In LXX and NT, like Heb. נָסָה, c. acc pers., to test, try, prove;
(a) in a good sense : Jo 6:6, II Co 13:5, He 11:17, Re 2:2; esp. of trials and af6ictions sent or permitted by God (Ge 22:1, Ex 20:20, Wi 3:5, al.), I Co 10:13, He 2:18 4:15 11:17, 37, Re 3:10;
(b) in a bad sense (Apoll. Rhod., 3, 10): of the attempts made to ensnare Jesus in his speech, Mt 16:1 19:3 22:18, 35 Mk 8:11 10:2 12:15, Lk 11:16, Jo 8:6; of temptation to sin, to tempt, Ja 1:13-14 (v. Hort, in l), Ga 6:1, Re 2:10; esp. of temptations of the devil, Mt 4:1, 3 Mk 1:13, Lk 4:2, I Co 7:5, I Th 3:5; ὁ πειράζων, the tempter, Mt 4:3, I Th 3:5;
(c) in bad sense also (Ex 17:2, 7, Nu 14:22, al.), of distrustful testing, trying or challenging of God: Ac 15:10, I Co 10:9 (WH, mg., ἐξεπείρασαν), He 3:9; τ. πνεῦμα Κυρίου, Ac 5:9 (of. ἐκ-πειράζω).†
SYN.: δοκιμάζω, q.v

[NT: 21x] πειρασμός, -οῦ, ὁ (< πειράζω), [in LXX for מַסָּה, עִנְיָן ;]

1. = πεῖρα, an experiment Diosc.).
2. a trial, of ethical purpose and effect, whether good or evil (v. Hort on Ja 1:13)
(a) in good or neutral sense: Ga 4:14, Ja 1:12, I Pe 4:12; esp. of afflictions sent by God [p. 352] (De 7:19, Si 21:1-28, al.): II Pe 2:9, Re 3:10; pl., Lk 22:28, Ac 20:19, Ja 1:2, I Pe 1:6;
(b) of trial regarded as leading to sin, temptation: Lk 8:13, I Co 10:13, I Ti 6:9; of the temptation of Jesus by the devil, Lk 4:13; εἰσφέρειν (ἔρχεσθαι, εἰσέρχ-) εἰς π., Mt 6:13 26:41, Mk 14:38, Lk 11:4 22:40, 46;
(c) of the testing or challenge of God by man (v.s. πειράζω, 3, c.) : He 3:8 (LXX: Ps 95:9, where κατα τ. ἡμέραν πειρασμοῦ = מַסָּה the day of Massah).†
SYN.: δοκίμιον

[NT: 1x] πειράω more commonly as depon., πειράομαι, [in LXX for נָסָה ;]

to try, attempt: Ac 26:21.†

[NT: 1x] πεισμονή, -ῆς, ἡ (< πείθω),

persuasion: Ga 5:8.†

[NT: 2x] ** πέλαγος, -ους, τό [in LXX: II Mac 5:21, IV Mac 7:1 * ;]

the deep sea, the deep, the sea: Ac 27:5; τὸ π. τῆς θαλάσσης, Mt 18:6
SYN.: θαλάσσα (q.v.); and cf. ἄβυσσος

[NT: 1x] πελεκίζω (< πέλεκυς, a battle-axe),

to out off with an axe, esp. to behead: c. acc, Re 20:4 (Polyb., al.).†

[NT: 4x] πέμπτος, -η, -ον [in LXX for חֲמִישִׁי and cognate forms ;]

fifth: Re 6:9 9:1 16:10 21:20.†

[NT: 79x] πέμπω [in LXX chiefly for שָׁלַח ;]

to send;
(a) of persons: c. acc, absol., Mt 22:7, Lk 7:19, Jo 1:22, II Co 9:3, al.; ptcp. seq. verb., Mt 14:10, Ac 19:31, al.; ptcp. seq. διά (= Heb. יָד;, I Ki 16:20, al.), Mt 11:2 (cf. Re 1:1); of teachers sent by God, Jo 1:33 4:34, Ro 8:3, al.; c. acc et dat., I Co 4:17, Phl 2:19; seq. πρός, c. acc, Lk 4:26, Jo 16:7, al.; seq. λέγων (cf. Heb. אָמַר שָׁלַח Ge 38:25, al.), Lk 7:6, 19; seq. εἰς, c. acc loc., Mt 2:8, Lk 15:15, al.; seq. εἰς (of purpose), Eph 6:22, Col 4:8, I Pe 2:14; c. inf., Jo 1:33, I Co 16:3, Re 22:16;
(b) of things : Re 11:10; seq. εἰς, Re 1:11; id., of purpose, Ac 11:29, Phl 4:16; c. dat. pers., II Th 2:11; π. τ. δρέπανον σου (cf. εξαποστείλατε δρέπανα = מַגָּל שָׁלַח, Jl 3:13), Re 14:15, 18 (cf. ἀνα-, ἐκ-, μετα-, προ-, συν-πέμπω)
SYN.: ἀποστέλλω, q.v

[NT: 1x] πένης, -ητος, ὁ (< πένομαι, to work for one's daily bread), [in LXX for אֶבְיוֹן, עָנִי, דַּל, etc. ;]

one who works for his living, a labourer, a poor man: II Co 9:9.†
SYN.: πτωχός, properly a beggar and implying deeper poverty than π. (v. Tr., Syn., § xxxvi, Abbott, Essays, 78)

[NT: 6x] πενθερά, -ᾶς, ἡ (fem. of πενθερός), [in LXX for חֲמוֹת ;]

a mother-in-law: Mt 8:14 10:35, Mk 1:30, Lk 4:38 12:53.†

[NT: 1x] πενθερός, -οῦ, ὁ [in LXX chiefly for חָם, Ge 38:13, al.; also for חָתַן, Jg 1:16 A ;]

a father-in-law: Jo 18:13.†

[NT: 10x] πενθέω, -ῶ [in LXX chiefly for אָבַל ;]

to mourn (for), lament;
(a) intrans. : Mt 5:4 (5) Mt 9:15, I Co 5:2; π. καὶ κλαίειν, Mt 16:10, Lk 6:25, Ja 4:9, Re 18:15, 19; seq. ἐπί, c. acc, Re 18:11;
(b) trans., c. acc, II Co 12:21.†
SYN.: v.s. θρηνέω

[p. 353]

[NT: 5x] πένθος, -ους, τό [in LXX chiefly for אֵבֶל ;]

mourning: Ja 4:9, Re 18:7-8 21:4.†

[NT: 1x] πενιχρός, -ά, -όν (< πένομαι, v.s. πένης) [in LXX: Ex 22:25 (עָנִי), Pr 28:15 29:7 (דַּל) * ;]

chiefly in Comic poets and late prose (but Plato, Rep., 578 A), = πένης,
needy, poor: Lk 21:2 (for ex. in π., v. MM, xix).†

[NT: 1x] πεντάκις adv.,

five times: II Co 11:24.†

[NT: 6x] πεντακισ-χίλιοι, -αι, -α

five thousand: Mt 14:21 16:9, Mk 6:44 8:19, Lk 9:14, Jo 6:10.†

[NT: 2x] πεντακόσιοι, -αι, -α

five hundred: Lk 7:41, I Co 15:6.†

[NT: 38x] πέντε

indecl., οἱ, αἱ, τά,
five: Mt 14:17, al

[NT: 1x] πεντε-και-δέκατος, -η, -ον

the fifteenth: Lk 3:1.†

[NT: 7x] πεντήκοντα

indecl., οἱ, αἱ, τά,
fifty: Lk 7:41 16:6, Jo 8:57 21:11, Ac 13:20; ἀνὰ π., Lk 9:14; κατὰ π., Mk 6:40.†

πεντηκοστή, -ῆς, ἡ, v.s. πεντηκοστός.

πεντηκοστός, -ή, -όν [in LXX for חֲמִישִׁי, חֲמִישִׁי, Le 25:10-11, IV Ki 15:23 15:27; I Mac 4:1-61, II Mac 14:4; ἡ π., To 2:1, II Mac 12:32 * ;]

fiftieth. As subst., ἡ π.;
(a) (sc. μερίς), at Athens, a tax of two per cent.;
(b) (sc. ἡμέρα, i.e. the fiftieth day after the Passover), Pentecost, the second of the three great Jewish feasts (To, 2Mac, ll. c.; ἑορτὴ ἑβδομάδων, De 16:10, al.) : Ac 2:1 20:16, I Co 16:8.†

[NT: 6x] πεποίθησις, -εως, ἡ (< πείθω), [in LXX: IV Ki 18:19 (בִּטָּחוֹן)* ;]

confidence: II Co 1:15 3:4 10:2, Eph 3:12; seq. εἰς, II Co 8:22; ἐν, Phl 3:4 (the word is condemned by the Atticists, v. Rutherford, NPhr., 355).†

πέρ (akin to περί),

enclitic particle, adding force or positiveness to the word which precedes it: indeed, by far, etc. In the NT, it is always affixed to the word to which it relates, v.s. διόπερ, άἐνπερ, εἴπερ, ἐπείπερ, ἐπειδήπερ, ἤπερ, καθάπερ, καίπερ, ἅσπερ, ὥσπερ

* περαιτέρω (< πέρα, beyond),

compar. adv.,
beyond: Ac 19:39, L, Tr., WH (T, Rec., R, περὶ ἑτέρων).†

[NT: 23x] πέραν adv., [in LXX for עֵבֶר and cognate forms ;]

on the other side, across (usually with the idea of water lying between);
(a) as in the older poets, as prep. c. gen.: τ. θαλάσσης, Jo 6:1, 17 6:22, 25; τ. Ἰορδάνου, Mt 4:15 (LXX), Mt 4:25 19:1, Mk 3:8 10:1, Jo 1:28 3:26 10:40; τ. χειμάρρου τ. Κέδρων, Jo 18:1;
(b) τὸ π., the region beyond, the other side: Mt 8:18, 28 14:22 16:5, Mk 4:35 5:21 6:45 8:13; τ. θαλάσσης, Mk 5:1; τ. λίμνης, Lk 8:22.†

[NT: 4x] πέρας, -ατος, τό (< πέρα, beyond), [in LXX chiefly for קֵץ, קָצָה and cognate forms ;]

an end, limit, boundary;
(a) of space: chiefly in pl., τὰ π. τ. γῆς, Mt 12:42, Lk 11:31; τ. οἰκουμένης, Ro 10:18 (LXX);
(b) (opp. to ἀρχή) the end: c. gen., ἀντιλογίας, He 6:10.†

[NT: 2x] Πέργαμος, -ου, ἡ (so Xen., Paus., al., but -ον, τό in Strabo, Polyb., and most writers, also in Inscr.; in NT the termination is uncertain)

Pergamum, a city of Mysia: Re 1:11 2:12.†

[NT: 3x] Πέργη, -ης, ἡ

Perga, a city of Pamphylia: Ac 13:13-14 14:25.†

[p. 354]

[NT: 333x] περί, prep. c. gen., acc. (in cl. also c. dat.; cf. M, Pr., 105f.),

with radical sense round about (as distinct from ἀμφί, on both sides).

I. C. gen.,
1. of place, about (poët.).
2. Causal, about, on account of, concerning, in reference to: Mt 2:8, Mk 1:44, Lk 4:38, Jo 16:26, Ac 28:21, al. mult.; τὰ περί, c. gen., the things concerning one, one's state or case: Mk 5:27, Ac 1:3 28:15, Eph 6:22, al.; at the beginning of a sentence, περί, regarding, as to, I Co 7:1, al.; in the sense on account of (Mt 26:28, I Co 1:13, al.), often with ὑπέρ as variant (cf. M, Pr., 105).
II. C. acc.,
1. of place, about, around: Mt 3:4, Mk 1:6, Lk 13:8, Ac 22:6, al.; οἱ περί, c. acc. pers., of one's associates, friends, etc., Mk 4:10, Lk 22:49, Jo 11:19, Ac 13:13; οἱ περὶ τ. τοιαῦτα ἐργάται, Ac 19:25; metaph., about, as to, concerning: I Ti 1:19 6:4 II Ti 2:18 3:8, Tit 2:7; τὰ περὶ ἐμέ, Phl 2:23; αἱ περὶ τ. λοιπὰ ἐπιθυμίαι, Mk 4:19.
2. Of time, in a loose reckoning, about, near: Mt 20:3, 5 6, 9 27:46, Mk 6:48, Ac 10:3, 9 22:6.
III. In composition: round about (περιβάλλω, περίκειμαι), beyond, over and above (περιποιέω, περιλείπω), to excess (περιεργάζομαι, περισσεύω).

[NT: 6x] περι-άγω [in LXX: Am 2:10 (הָלַךְ hi.); Is 28:27, Ez 47:2 (סָבַב hi., ho.); Ez 37:2 46:21 (עָבַר hi), II Mac 4:38 Mac 6:10 * ;]

1. to lead about or around: c. acc pers., I Co 9:5.
2. Intrans., to go about: Ac 13:11; seq. ἐν, Mt 4:23; c. acc loc. (governed by the περι-, not so in cl., v. Bl., § 34, 1; 53, 1), Mt 9:35 23:15, Mk 6:6.†

[NT: 5x] περι-αιρέω, -ῶ [in LXX chiefly for סוּר hi. ;]

to take away that which surrounds, take away, take off (τείχη, Hdt., Thuc.; χιτῶνα, Plat.; δακτύλιον, Ge 41:42, cf. σφρηγῖδα, Hdt., ii, 151) : τ. κάλυΜΜα, pass., II Co 3:16; as nautical term (RV, cast off), ἀγκύρας, Ac 27:40; absol., to cast loose: Ac 28:13. Metaph., to take away entirely: ἐλπίς, pass., Ac 27:20; ἁμαρτίας, He 10:11.†

* περι-άπτω, [in LXX: III Mac 3:7 * ;]

1. to tie about, attach.
2. In late writers, to light a fire around, kindle: πῦρ, Lk 22:55.†
SYN.: θιγγάνω, ψηλαφάω. ἅ. is the stronger, θ., to touch, the lighter term. ψ. is to feel, as in search of something (Tr., Syn., § xvii; Lft., Col., 201 f.)

[NT: 2x] **† περι-αστράπτω [in LXX: IV Mac 4:10 * ;]

to flash around: c. acc, Ac 9:3; seq. περί Ac 22:6 (Eccl, and Byzant.).†

[NT: 23x] περι-βάλλω [in LXX chiefly for כָּסָה pi., also for לָבַשׁ, עָטָה, etc. ;]

to throw around or over, put on or over;
(a) of siege or defen­sive works: χάρακά σοι, Lk 19:43 (WH, mg.; παρεμβ-, WH, txt.);
(b) of clothing, to put on, wrap about, clothe with: c. acc rei, Lk 23:11; c. acc pers., Mt 25:36, 38 25:43; c. dupl. acc (not cl.; Bl., § 34, 4), Jo 19:2; pf. pass., to have wrapped round one: c. acc rei (cl.), Mk 14:51 16:5, Re 7:9, 13 10:1 11:3 12:1 17:4 18:16 19:13; c. dat. rei, Re 4:4 (WH, txt.; seq. ἐν, WH, mg.); fut., seq. ἐν (of. De 22:12, Ps 45:9, 13), Re 3:5. Mid., to clothe oneself, wrap round or put on oneself: absol., Mt 6:29, Lk 12:27, Re 3:18; c. acc rei, Mt 6:31, Ac 12:8, Re 19:8.†

περι-βλέπω [in LXX for שׁוּר, etc. ;]

to look around (at). Mid., to look about one (at) : absol., Mk 9:8 10:23; c. inf., Mk 5:32; c. acc pers., Mk 3:5, 34, Lk 6:10; πάντα, Mk 11:11.†

[NT: 2x] περι-βόλαιον, -ου, τό (< περιβάλλω), [in LXX chiefly for כְּסוּת, לְבוּשׁ and cognate forms ;]

that which is thrown around, a covering, [p. 355] in NT,
(a) a mantle (Ps 102:27, Is 59:17, al.) : He 1:12 (LXX)
(b) a veil: I Co 11:15 (but v. ICC, in l).†

[NT: 1x] περι-δέω [in LXX: Jb 12:18 (אָסַר)* ;]

to tie round, bind round: c. acc et dat., pass., Jo 11:44.†

[NT: 1x] ** περι-εργάζομαι [in LXX: Wi 8:5 א1, Si 3:23 * ;]

1. to waste one's labour about a thing.
2. to be a busybody: II Th 3:11 (cf. Plat., Apol., 19 B).†

[NT: 2x] * περίεργος, -ον

I. of persons;
1. over careful.
2. curious, meddling, a busybody: I Ti 5:13.
II. Of things;
1. over-wrought.
2. super­fluous.
3. curious, uncanny; τὰ π., curious arts, magic: Ac 19:19 (v. Deiss., BS, 3235.).†

[NT: 3x] περι-έρχομαι [in LXX chiefly for סָבַב ;]

to go about (as an itinerant): Ac 19:13 28:13 (περιελόντες, WH, R, mg.), He 11:37; τ. οἰκίας, from house to house: I Ti 5:13.†

[NT: 2x] περι-έχω, [in LXX for H661, H5362 hi., H6822 pi., etc. ;]

1. to surround, encompass: Lk 5:9 (cf. MM, xix).
2. to comprehend, include, contain, esp. of books: c. acc, Ac 23:25, Rec.; acc to a late usage, intrans. (BL, § 53, 1.3; MM, xix; Hort, in l), it stands written, I Pe 2:6.†

[NT: 6x] περι-ζώννυμι and -ύω (v. Veitch, s.v.), [in LXX chiefly for חָגַר, also for אָזַר, etc. ;]

to gird (c. dupl, acc, as ὁ περιζωννύων με δύναμιν, Ps 18:32): pass., αἱ ὀσφύες περιεζωσμέναι, Lk 12:35; π. ζώνην χρυσῆν, Re 1:13 15:6 (but v. infr.). Mid., to gird oneself: Lk 12:37 17:8 (and so perh. Re, ll. c. supr., cf. I Ki 2:4); c. acc rei (fig.), τ. ὀσφύν, Eph 6:14 (seq. ἐν, cf. I Ch 15:27).†

[NT: 1x] **† περί-θεσις, -εως, ἡ (< περιτίθημι), [in Sm.: Ps 32:9 * ;]

a putting around, putting on: I Pe 3:3.†

περι-ίστημι (Rec. ΐστημι) [in LXX: Jos 6:3 (סָבַב), II Ki 13:31 (נָצַב ni.), I Ki 4:16, Ep. Je 37:1-21, Jth 5:22, II Mac 14:9 * ;]

1. to place around.
2. to stand around: Jo 11:42; c. acc pers., Ac 25:7. Mid. (in late writers), to turn oneself about to avoid, to shun: c. acc rei, II Ti 2:16, Tit 3:9.†

[NT: 1x] περι-κάθαρμα, -τος, τό (< περικαθαίρω, to purify on all sides or completely, De 18:10, Jos 5:4, IV Mac 1:29*), [in LXX: Pr 21:18 (כֹּפֶר)* ;]

1. a victim, expiation (Pr, l.c).
2. refuse, rubbish: pl., I Co 4:13 (v. ICC, in l).†

περι-καθ-ίζω [in LXX for חָנָה, לָחַם ni., etc. ;]

1. to invest, besiege (Diod., IV Ki 6:24, I Mac 11:61, al.).
2. to sit around: Lk 22:55, L, txt.

[NT: 3x] περι-καλύπτω [in LXX for כָּסָה pi., שָׁבַץ pu., etc. ;]

to cover around, cover up or over. c. acc, Mk 14:65, Lk 22:64; pass., seq. χρυσίῳ, He 9:4.†

[NT: 5x] ** περί-κειμαι [in LXX: Ep. Je 24, 58, IV Mac 12:3 * ;]

1. to lie round about: μύλος, λίθος (RV, were hanged about), Mk 9:42, Lk 17:2; νεφος μαρτύρων, He 12:1.
2. to have around one, be clothed with: Ac 28:20; fig., ἀσθένειαν, He 5:2.†

[NT: 2x] περι-κεφαλαία, -ας, ἡ [in LXX for כּוֹבַע, קוֹבַע ;]

a helmet: fig., I Th 5:8; c. gen. explic., π. τ. σωτηρίου, Eph 6:17 (cf. Is 59:17).†

[p. 356]

[NT: 1x] **† περι-κρατής, -ές [in LXX: Da TH Sus 1:39 A * ;]

having full command of: Ac 27:16.†

*† περι-κρύβω, v.s. περικρύπτω.

[NT: 1x] *† περι-κρύπτω

to conceal entirely, keep hidden: late 2 aor., περιέκρυβσν (but v. BL, § 17; Soph., Lex., s.v. περικρύβω), Lk 1:24.†

[NT: 1x] περι-κυκλόω, -ῶ [in LXX chiefly for סָבַב ;]

to encircle, encompass: of a besieged city, Lk 19:43.†

[NT: 2x] *† περι-λάμπω

to shine around: c. acc, Lk 2:9, Ac 26:13.†

[NT: 2x] περι-λείπομαι depon. mid, and pass., [in LXX: II Ch 34:21 A (שָׁאַר ni.), II Mac 1:31 Mac 8:14, IV Mac 12:6 Mac 13:18 * ;]

to be left remaining, remain over, survive: I Th 4:15 4:17

[NT: 5x] περί-λυπος, -ον [in LXX: Ps 42:5, 11, I Es 8:69, al. ;]

very sad, deeply grieved: Mt 26:38, Mk 6:26 14:34, Lk 18:23.†

[NT: 1x] περι-μένω [in LXX: Ge 49:18 (קָוָה pi.), Wi 8:12 * ;]

to wait for: c. acce., Ac 1:4.†

[NT: 1x] ** πέριξ adv., [in Al.: Le 13:33 * ;]

round about: αἱ π. πολεῖς, Ac 5:16.†

[NT: 1x] * περι-οικέω, -ῶ

to dwell round about: c. acc, Lk 1:65.†

[NT: 1x] περί-οικος, -ον [in LXX for כִּכָּר, etc. ;]

dwelling around; as subst., ὁ π., a neighbour: Lk 1:58 (cf. πλησίον).†

[NT: 1x] περιούσιος, -ον (< περίειμι, to be over and above), [in LXX: Ex 19:5 23:22, De 7:6 14:2 26:18 (סְגֻלָּה, עַם)* ;]

one's own, of one's own possession: λαὸς π. (cf. LXX, ll. c.), Tit 2:14.†

[NT: 1x] περι-οχή, -ῆς, ἡ (< περιέχω), [in LXX for מָצוּד, מָצוֹר, etc. ;]

1. compass, circumference.
2. a portion circumscribed, a section: Ac 8:32.†

[NT: 95x] περι-πατέω, -ῶ [in LXX chiefly for הָלַךְ pi., hith. ;]

to walk: absol., Mt 9:5, Mk 5:42, Lk 5:23, Jo 1:36; c. pred., γυμνός, Re 16:15; ἐπάνω Lk 11:44; διά, c. gen., Re 21:24; ἐν, Mk 11:27 12:38, Jo 7:1 11:54, Re 2:1, al.; ἐν τ. σκοτίᾳ, fig., Jo 8:12 12:35, I Jn 1:6-7 Jn 2:11; ἐπί, c. gen., Mt 14:26; id. c. dat., Mt 14:25, 29; μετά, Jo 6:66, Re 3:4; παρά, c. acc, Mt 4:18. Metaph., of living, passing one's life, conducting oneself (like ἀναστρέφομαι in Xen., Plut., LXX, π.; M, Pr 11:1-31; Deiss., BS, 194) : ἀκριβῶς, Eph 5:15; ἀτάκτως, II Th 3:6 3:11; εὐσχημόνως, Re 13:13, I Th 4:12; ἀξίως, c. gen., Eph 4:1, Col 1:10, I Th 2:12; καθώς (ὥς), Eph 4:17 5:8, 15, Phl 3:17, I Th 4:1; οὕτως ὥς, I Co 7:17; seq. nom. qual., Phl 3:18; c. dat., Ac 21:21, Ro 13:13, II Co 12:18, Ga 5:16; seq. ἐν, Ro 6:4, II Co 4:2 5:7 10:3, Eph 2:2, 10 4:17 5:2, Col 3:7 4:5, He 13:9, II Jn 4 Jn 6, al.; ἐν Χριστῷ, Col 2:6; κατά, c. acc, Mk 7:5, Ro 8:4 14:15, I Co 3:3, II Co 10:2, II Jn 6 (cf. ἐν-περιπατέω).

[NT: 1x] περι-πείρω

to put on a spit, hence, to pierce: metaph., ἑαυτὸν . . . ὀδύναις, I Ti 6:10.†

[NT: 3x] περι-πίπτω [in LXX: Ru 2:3, II Ki 1:6 (קָרָה), Pr 11:5 (נָפַל), Da LXX 2:9, II Mac 6:13 Mac 9:7 Mac 9:21 Mac 10:4 * ;]

1. to fall around.
2. to fall in with, light upon, come across: c. dat., λῃσταῖς, Lk 10:30; πειρασμοῖς, Ja 1:2; seq. εἰς, Ac 27:41.†

περι-ποιέω, -ῶ [in LXX for pi., hi., etc. ;]

to make to remain over, preserve.
(a) to keep or save for oneself: τ. ψυχήν (cf. [p. 357] Xen., Cyr., iv, 4, 10; Arist., Pol., v, 11, 30), Lk 17:33;
(b) to get or gain for oneself, get possession of (Thuc., Xen., al.) : Ac 20:28, I Ti 3:13.†

[NT: 5x] περι-ποίησις, -εως, ἡ (< περιποιέω), [in LXX: II Ch 4:13 (12) (מִחְיָה) Ma 3:17 (סְגֻלָּה), Ha 2:10 (9) * ;]

1. preservation: He 10:39 (2 Ch, l.c.).
2. acquisition, obtaining: I Th 5:9, II Th 2:14 (and so perh. Eph 1:14, v. infr.).
3. a possession: Eph 1:14 (but v. supr., and cf. ICC, in l), I Pe 2:9 (LXX).†

[NT: 1x] ** περι-ρήγνυμι (Rec. -ρρ-, v. supr.) [in LXX: II Mac 4:38 * ;]

to break or tear off all around: freq. of garments, τ. ἰμάτια, Ac 16:22.†

περι-σπάω, -ῶ [in LXX chiefly for עָנָה ;]

to draw around, draw off or away. Metaph., to distract: pass., Lk 10:40.†

[NT: 4x] περισσεία, -ας, ἡ (< περισσευω), [in LXX: Ec 12:1-14 (יִתְרוֹן and cogn. forms, Ec 1:3, al.) * ;]

1. abundance, superfluity: Ro 5:17, II Co 8:2 10:15, Ja 1:21 (so also Inscr., v. LAE, 80).
2. (a) superiority (Ec, v. supr.);
(b) profit (ib.).†

[NT: 5x] περίσσευμα, -τος, τό (< περισσεύω) [in LXX: Ec 2:15 * ;]

that which is over and above, superfluity, abundance: opp. to ὑστέρημα (q.v.), II Co 8:13-14; pl., Mk 8:8; metaph., π. τ. καρδίας, Mt 12:34, Lk 6:45 (cf. Ec, l.c.; Plut., al.).†

[NT: 39x] περισσεύω (< περισσός), [in LXX: I Ki 2:33 (מַרְבִּית), I Ki 2:36 Ec 3:19 (יָתַר ni., יוׄתֵר), To 4:16, Si 10:27 11:12 19:24, Sir 30:38 (Si 33:29), I Mac 3:30 * ;]

I. Prop., intrans.,
1. of things, to be over and above the number (Hes.), hence,
(a) to be or remain over: Mt 14:20 15:37, Lk 9:17, Jo 6:12-13;
(b) to abound, be in abundance: Mk 12:44, Lk 12:15 21:4, Ac 16:5, Ro 3:7 5:15, II Co 1:5 8:2 9:12, Phl 1:26.
2. Of persons,
(a) to abound in, have in abundance: I Co 14:12 15:58, Phl 4:12, 18; c. gen., Lk 15:17 T;
(b) to be superior or better, to excel: absol., I Co 3:9 8:8; c. dat. ref., II Co 3:9; seq. ἐν, Ro 15:13, I Co 15:58, II Co 3:9 8:7, Col 2:7; μᾶλλον, I Th 4:1 4:10; μ καὶ μ., Phl 1:9; πλεῖον, Mt 5:20.
II. In late writers (Lft., Notes, 48 f.), trans.,
(a) to make to abound: c. acc seq. εἰς, II Co 4:15 9:8, Eph 1:8; pass., Mt 13:12 25:29; c. gen. rei, Lk 15:17, WH;
(b) to make to excel: c. acc pers., dat. rei, I Th 3:12 (cf. ὑπερ-περισσεύω).†
SYN.: πλεονάζω

[NT: 10x] περισσός, -ή, -όν [in LXX for יֶתֶר and cogn. forms ;]

1. more than sufficient, over and above, abundant: Jo 10:10, II Co 9:1; c. gen. (a popular substitute for πλειών, Bl., § 11, 3.4), Mt 5:37; id. c. ellips. gen., Mt 5:47 (EV, more than others; but v. infr.); εκ περισσοῦ, Mk 6:51, Rec., T. (on ὑπὲρ ὲκ π., v.s. ὑπερεκπερισσοῦ). Compar. neut., -ότερον: Lk 12:4, 48; c. gen., Mk 12:33; adverbially (cf. περισσῶς), more abund­antly, II Co 10:8, He 6:17 7:15; c. gen., π. πάντων, I Co 15:10; pleonast., μᾶλλον π., Mk 7:36.
2. out of the common, pre-eminent, superior: [p. 358] Mt 5:47 (Thayer, s.v., but v. supr.); τὸ π., as subst., Ro 3:1; compar., -ότερος, c. gen., Mt 11:9, Lk 7:26; c. subst., Mk 12:40, Lk 20:47, I Co 12:23-24, II Co 2:7.†

[NT: 1x] περισσότερον, -ως, v.s. περισσῶς.

[NT: 4x] περισσῶς adv. (περισσός) [in LXX: Ps 31:23 (יֶתֶר -עַל), Da TH Da 7:7, 19 8:9 (יַתִּיר, יֶתֶר) II Mac 8:27 Mac 12:44 A * ;]

beyond measure, exceedingly, abundantly: Mt 27:23, Mk 10:26 15:14, Ac 26:11. Compar.
(a) περισσότερον (v.s. περισσός);
(b) περισσοτέρως: II Co 1:12 2:4 7:15 11:23, Ga 1:14, Phl 1:14, I Th 2:17, He 2:1 13:19; π. μᾶλλον, II Co 7:13; opp. to ἧττον, II Co 12:15.†

[NT: 10x] περιστερά, -ᾶς, ἡ [in LXX chiefly for יוֹנָה ;]

a dove: Mt 3:16 10:16 21:12, Mk 1:10 11:15, Lk 2:24 3:22, Jo 1:32 2:14, 16

[NT: 17x] περι-τέμνω [in LXX chiefly for מוּל ;] (Ion., Epic. and late writers),

to cut around (Hdt.), hence, to circumcise (π. τὰ αἰδοῖα, Hdt.) : Lk 1:59 2:21, Jo 7:22, Ac 7:8 15:5 16:3 21:21. Pass. and mid., to be circumcised, receive circumcision: Ac 15:1, I Co 7:18, Ga 2:3 5:2-3 6:12-13 Metaph. (cf. De 10:16, Je 4:4, al.), Col 2:11 (v. Deiss., BS, 151 f.; MM, xix).†

[NT: 8x] περι-τίθημι [in LXX for נָתַן, שׂוּם, etc. ;]

to place or put around: c. acc et dat., Mt 21:33 27:48, Mk 12:1 15:36, Jo 19:29; of garments, etc., to put on: Mt 27:28 Mk 15:17 (Si 6:31). Metaph., like περιβάλλω, to bestow, confer (Thuc., al., Es 1:20): I Co 12:23.†

[NT: 36x] περι-τομή, -ῆς, ἡ (< περιτέμνω), [in LXX: Ge 17:13, Ex 4:25-26 (מוּל ni., מוּלָה), Je 11:16 * ;]

(a) of the rite itself : Jo 7:22-23 Ac 7:8, Ro 4:11, Ga 5:11, Phl 3:5;
(b) of the state of circumcision: Ro 2:25-28 3:1, I Co 7:19, Ga 5:6 6:15, Col 3:11; ἐν π. ὤν, Ro 4:10;
(c) by meton., π. = οἱ περιτμηθέντες, the circumcised: Ro 3:30 4:9, 12 15:8, Ga 2:7-9, Eph 2:11; οἱ ἐκ τῆς π., of Jews, Ro 4:12; of Jewish Christians, Ac 11:2, Ga 2:12, Tit 1:10; οἱ ἐκ π. πιστοί, Ac 10:45; οἱ ὄντες ἐκ π., Col 4:11 Metaph., Ro 2:29, Col 2:11, Phl 3:3.†

[NT: 1x] ** περι-τρέπω [in LXX: Wi 5:23 * ;]

to turn about, turn: c. acc et, dat., Ac 26:24 (cf. FlJ, Ant., ix, 4, 4).†

[NT: 1x] περι-τρέχω [in LXX: Am 8:12, Je 5:1 (שׁוּט pi.) * ;]

to run about: c. acc loc., Mk 6:55.†

[NT: 3x] περι-φέρω [in LXX: Ec 7:8 (7) (הָלַל po.), al. ;]

to carry about: Mk 6:55, II Co 4:10. Pass., metaph.: Eph 4:14.†

[NT: 1x] ** περι-φρονέω, -ῶ [in LXX: IV Mac 6:9 Mac 14:1 * ;]

1. to examine on all sides, consider carefully (Aristoph.).
2. = ὑπερφρονέω, to have thouphts beyond, to despise (Thuc., Plut., al.; 4Mac, ll. c.) : Tit 2:15.†

[NT: 9x] περί-χωρος, -ον [in LXX: chiefly (ἡ π.) for כִּכָּר ;]

round about, neighbouring (Dem., Plut., al.). In LXX and NT, as subst., ἡ π. (sc. γῆ), the region round about: Mt 14:35, Mk 1:28, Lk 4:14, 37 7:17 8:37, Ac 14:6; ἡ π. τοῦ Ἰορδάνου, Lk 3:3; by meton. for the people of the same region, Mt 3:5.†

[NT: 1x] **† περί-ψημα, -τος, τό (< περιψράω, to wipe off all round), [in LXX: [p. 359] To 5:18 * ;]

that which is wiped off, offscouring: metaph. (assoc. with περικάθαρμα, q.v.), I Co 4:13 (and so prob., To, l.c., as EV; but v. Thayer, s.v., for the meaning expiation, ransom, in To; and cf. LS, s.v. κάθαρμα; Lft., Notes, 200 f., and on Ign., Eph., 8).†

*† περπερεύοραι (< περπερος, vainglorious)

to boast or vaunt oneself: I Co 13:4 (elsewhere. only in Antonin.; v. Abbott, Essays, 87).†

[NT: 1x] Περσίς, -ίδος, ἡ

Persis: Ro 16:12.†

πέρυσι adv. (< πέρας),

last year, a year ago: ἀπὸ π. (as in π. v. Deiss., BS, 221; LAE, 70), II Co 8:10 9:2.†

πετεινός, -ή, -όν (< πέτομαι), [in LXX chiefly for עוֹף ;]

in trag., Ion. and late writers, winged, flying; as subst., τὸ π., a winged fowl, a bird: pl., Mt 6:26 8:20 13:4, 32, Mk 4:4, 32, Lk 8:5 9:58 12:24 13:19, Ac 10:12 11:6, Ro 1:23, Ja 3:7.†

[NT: 5x] πέτομαι [in LXX chiefly for עוּף ;]

to fly: Re 4:7 8:13 12:14 14:6 19:17 (Rec. πετάομαι, q.v.).†
[in LXX: De 4:17 * ;]
false form of ποτάομαι, poët., frequentat. of πέτομαι (Aristoph., al.), Rec. for πέτομαι (q.v., cf. Veitch, s.v.)

[NT: 15x] πέτρα, -ας, ἡ [in LXX chiefly for סֶלַע, צוּר ;]

a rock, i.e. a mass of live rock as distinct from πέτρος, a detached stone or boulder : Mt 7:24-25 27:51, 60 Mk 15:46, Lk 6:48 8:6, 13; of a hollow rock, a cave, Re 6:15-16 (of. Is 2:10, al.). Metaph., Mt 16:18 (on the meaning, v. Hort, Eccl., 16 ff., but cf. also ICC, in l), I Co 10:4; = πέτρος, Ro 9:33, I Pe 2:8 (LXX).†

[NT: 156x] Πέτρος, -ου, ὁ (i.e. a stone, v.s. πέτρα, Κηφᾶς),

Simon Peter, the Apostle: Mt 4:18 10:2, Mk 3:16, Lk 5:8, Jo 1:41, 43, al.

[NT: 4x] * πετρώδης, -ες (< πέτρα, εἶδος),

rock-like, rocky, stony: τὸ, τὰ π., of shallow soil with underlying rock, Mt 13:5, 20, Mk 4:5, 16.†

[NT: 1x] πήγανον, -ου, τό

περισσότερον, -ως, v.s. περισσῶς

[NT: 11x] πηγή, -ῆς, ἡ [in LXX chiefly for עַיִן, also for מָקוֹר, etc. ;]

a spring, fountain : Ja 3:11, II Pe 2:17; τ. δάτων, Re 8:10 14:7 16:4; of a well fed by a spring, Jo 4:6; π. τοῦ αἵματος, of a flow of blood, Mk 5:29; metaph., Jo 4:14, Re 7:17 21:6.†

[NT: 1x] πήγνυμι [in LXX chiefly for נָטָה, also for תָּקַע, etc. ;]

to make fast, to fix; of tents, to pitch: He 8:2 (cf. προσ-πήγνυμι).†

[NT: 2x] * πηδάλιον, -συ, τό (< πηδός, the blade of an oar),

a rudder: Ja 3:4; pl., Ac 27:40.†

[NT: 2x] πηλίκος, -η, -ον [in LXX: Za 2:2 (6) (כָּמַהּ), IV Mac 15:22 * ;]

interrog., how large, how great ? (prop., of magnitude, as πόσος of quantity): in exclamations, = ἡλίκος (v. Bl., § 51, 4), Ga 6:11; of personal greatness, He 7:4.†

[NT: 6x] πηλός, οῦ, ἁ [in LXX chiefly for חֹמֶר, טִיט ]

1. clay, as used by a potter: Ro 9:21 (cf. Is 29:16, al.).
2. - βόρβορος, wet clay, mud: Jo 9:6, 11 9:14-15

** πἡρα, -ας, ἡ [in LXX: Jth 10:5 13:10, 15 * ;]

a leathern pouch for [p. 360] victuals, etc., a wallet (Deiss. thinks an alms-bag, v. LAE, 108 ff.): Mt 10:10, Mk 6:8, Lk 9:3 10:4 22:35-36.†

[NT: 4x] πῆχυς, -εως gen. pl., -ῶν (for Att.. -εων, v. WH, App., 157; Thackeray, Gr., 151; Deiss., BS, 153), [in LXX chiefly and freq. for אַמָּה ;]

1. the forearm (Hom.).
2. As a measure of length, a cubit: Mt 6:27, Lk 12:25, Jo 21:8, Re 21:17.†

[NT: 12x] πιάζω (cf. MGr. πιάνω; v. Kennedy, Sources, 155), Doric and late Att.. for πιέζω in its later senses [in LXX: Ca 2:15 (אָחַז), Si 23:21 * ;]

1. to lay hold of: Ac 3:7 (Theocr.).
2. to take, capture, apprehend: Jo 7:30, 32 7:44 8:20 10:39 11:57 21:3, 10 Ac 12:4, II Co 11:32, Re 19:20 (v. MM, xx).†

[NT: 13x] πιέζω [in LXX : Mi 6:15 (דָּרַךְ)* ;]

1. to press, press down or to­gether: Lk 6:38 (cl).
2. Later, to seize (v.s. πιάζω).†

[NT: 1x] * πιθανολογία, -ας, ἡ (< πιθανός, persuasive, plausible),

in cl. (Plat),
the use of probable arguments, as opp. to demonstration (ἀπόδειξις); hence, persuasive speech: Col 2:4 (v. ICC, in l).†

πιθός, v.s. πειθός.

[NT: 4x] πικραίνω (< πικρός), [in LXX for מָרַד, קָצַף, etc. ;]

to make bitter: Re 10:9; pass., Re 8:11 10:10; metaph., to embitter (LXX) : pass., seq. πρός, Col 3:19.†

[NT: 4x] πικρία, -ας, ἡ (< πικρός), [in LXX chiefly for מַר and cognate forms ;]

(a) of taste (Arist., Je 15:17, al.);
(b) metaph., of temper, character, etc.: Ro 3:14 (LXX), Eph 4:31; ῥίζα πικρίας, He 12:15; χολὴ π., a malignant disposition, Ac 8:23.†

[NT: 2x] πικρός, -ά, -όν (poët. in cl.), [in LXX chiefly for מַר ;]

1. sharp, pointed.
2. sharp to the senses; of taste, bitter: opp. to γλυκύ, Ja 3:11; metaph., harsh, bitter: Ja 3:14

[NT: 4x] πικρῶς adv. (< πικρός), [in LXX for מַר, מָרַר pi. ;]

bitterly: metaph., (cf. πικρὸν δάκρυον, Hom.), ἔκλαυσε π., Mt 26:75, Lk 22:62 (v. MM, xviii, s.v. παρακολουθέω).†

Πιλάτος, v.s. Πειλᾶτος.

πίμπλημι [in LXX chiefly for מָלֵא, also for שָׂבַע ;]

trans. form in pres. and impf. of πλήθω (intrans. in these tenses), which supplies the other tense forms;
to fill: c. acc, Lk 5:7; c. acc et gen., Mt 27:48; pass., Mt 22:10, Ac 19:29; of that which fills or takes possession of the mind : pass., c. gen., Lk 1:15, 41 1:67 4:28 5:26 6:11, Ac 2:4 3:10 4:8, 31 5:17 9:17 13:9, 45. Metaph. (as in LXX for מָלֵא: Ge 29:27, Jb 15:32), to complete, fulfil: pass., of prophecy, Lk 21:22; of time, Lk 1:23, 57 2:6, 21-22 (cf. ἐμ-πίμπλημι).†
πλήθω, v.s. πίμπλημι
SYN.: πληροφορέω, πληρόω

[NT: 1x] πίμπρημι (in cl. prose, rare in the simple form), [in LXX: Nu 5:21-22, 27 (צָבֶה) * ;]

1. to blow, burn.
2. Later, to cause to swell; mid., of parts of the body, to become swollen (LXX) : Ac 28:6 (cf. ἐμπίπρημι).†

[NT: 1x] ** πινακίδιον, -ου, τό (dimin. of πινακίς, q.v.), [in Sm.: Ez 9:2 * ;]

a writing tablet: Lk 1:63.†

[p. 361]

** πινακίς, -ίδος, ἡ, [in Sm.: Ez 9:11 * ;]

= πινάκιον,
a tablet: Lk 1:63, Tr., mg. (v.s. πινακίδιον).†

[NT: 5x] ** πίναξ, -ακος, ὁ [in LXX: IV Mac 17:7 R * ;]

prop., a board, plank; hence, of various at wooden articles;
(a) a tablet;
(b) a disc, a dish: Mt 14:8, 11, Mk 6:25, 28 Lk 11:39.†

[NT: 73x] πίνω [in LXX chiefly for שָׁתָה ;]

to drink: absol., Lk 2:19, Jo 4:7, al.; c. acc rei, Mt 6:26, 31 Mk 14:25, al.; of habitual use, Lk 1:15, Ro 14:21, al.; by meton., τὸ ποτήριον, I Co 10:21, al.; of the earth absorbing rain (Hdt., al.), He 6:7; spiritually, of the blood of Christ, Jo 6:53-54, 56; seq. ἐκ (of the vessel), Mt 26:27, al.; id. (of the drink; Bl., § 36, 1), Mt 26:29, Jo 4:13-14 Re 14:10, al.; ἀπό, Lk 22:18 (cf. ἀπο-, συν-πίνω; on the form πίεσαι, Lk 17:8, v. Bl., § 21, 8, and on the contr. aor. πεῖν, M, Pr., 44 f., Thackeray, Gr., 63 f.)

[NT: 1x] πιότης, -ητος, ἡ (< πίων, fat), [in LXX chiefly for דֶּשֶׁן ;]

fatness: Ro 11:17.†

[NT: 9x] πιπράσκω [in LXX chiefly for מָכַר ni. ;]

to sell: c. acc rei, Mt 13:46 (on this pf., v. Bl., § 59, 5), Ac 2:45 4:34 5:4; c. gen. (of price), Mt 26:9, Mk 14:5, Jo 12:5; c. acc pers. (of slavery), Mt 18:25; hence metaph., Ro 7:14 (cf. IV Ki 17:17, I Mac 1:15, al.).†

[NT: 90x] πίπτω [in LXX chiefly for נָפַל ;]

to fall;
1. of descent, to fall, fall down or from: seq. ἐπί, c. acc loc., Mt 10:29, al.; εἰς, Mt 15:14, al.; ἐς μέσῳ, c. gen., Lk 8:7; παρὰ τ. ὁδόν, Mt 13:4, Mk 4:4, Lk 8:5; seq. ἀπό, Mt 15:27, al.; ἐκ, Mk 13:25, Lk 10:18, Re 8:10 9:1. Metaph.: ὁ ἥλιος, seq. ἐπί, Re 7:16; ἀχλὺς κ. σκότος, Ac 13:11; ὁ κλῆρος, Ac 1:26; ὑπὸ κρίσιν, Ja 5:12.
2. Of prostration,
(a) of persons, to fall prostrate, prostrate oneself: χαμαί Jo 18:6; seq. ἐπί, c. acc, Mt 17:6, Ac 9:4; id. c. gen., Mk 9:20; πρὸς τ. πόδας, Ac 5:10, Re 1:17; πεσὼν ἐξέψυξε, Ac 5:5; of supplication, homage or worship: πρὸς (παρὰ, ἐπὶ) τ. πὸδας, Mk 5:22, Lk 8:41, Ac 10:25, al.; π. καὶ προσκυνεῖν, Re 5:14 19:4; ptcp. c. προσκυνεῖν, Mt 2:11, al.; ἐνώπιον, Re 4:10 5:8; ἐπὶ πρόσωπον, Mt 26:39, al.;
(b) of things, to fall, fall down: Mt 21:44, Lk 23:30; of falling to ruin and destruction, Mt 7:25, Ac 15:16, He 11:30; ἔπεσε (timeless aorist; M, Pr.,134), Re 18:2. Metaph.: Ro 11:11; πόθεν πέπτωκας, Re 2:5; opp. to ἑστόναι, I Co 10:12; to στήκειν, Ro 14:4; of virtues, I Co 13:8; of precepts, Lk 16:17.
(cf. ἀνα-, ἀντι-, ἀπο-, ἐκ-, ἐπι-, κατα-, παρα-, περι-, προσ-, συν-πίπτω.)
συν-πίπτω (Rec. συμπ-),
[in LXX for נָפַל, etc. ;]
to fall together, fall in, etc.: of a house (cf. MM, xxiv), Lk 6:49.†

Πισιδία, -ας, ι

Pisidia, a region of Asia Minor: Ac 14:24

Πισίδιος, -α, -ον, = Πισιδικός,

of Pisidia: Ac 13:14.†

[NT: 241x] πιστεύω, [in LXX chiefly for אמן hi. ;]

1. intrans., to have faith (in), to believe; in cl., c. acc., dat., in NT also c. prep, (on the significance of the various constructions, v. M, Pr., 67f.; Vau. on Ro 4:5; Ellic. on I Ti 1:16; Abbott, JV, 19-80): absol., Mt 24:23, 26 Mk 13:21, I Co 11:18; c. acc. rei, Ac 13:41, I Co 13:7; c. dat. pers. (to believe what one says), Mk 16:[13, 14], I Jo 4:1; τ. ψεύδει, II Th 2:11; περί . . . ὅτι, Jo 9:18; esp. and most freq. with reference to religious belief: absol., Mt 8:13, Mk 5:36, Lk 8:50, Jo 11:40, al.; seq. ὅτι, Mt 9:28, al.; c. dat. (v. supr., and cf. DB, i, 829a), Jo 3:12 5:24 6:30 8:31, Ac 16:34, Ga 3:6 (LXX), II Ti 1:12, I Jo 5:10, al.; c. prep., (expressing personal trust and reliance [p. 362] as distinct from mere credence or belief; v. M, Pr., l.c.; DB, i, 829b), to believe in or on: ἐν (Ps 77 (78):22, al.), Mk 1:15 (v. Swete, in l.); εἰς, Mt 18:6, Jo 2:11 (v. Westc., in l.), and freq., Ac 10:43 19:4, Ro 10:14, Ga 2:16, Phl 1:29, I Jo 5:10, I Pe 1:8; εἰς τ. ὄνομα, Jo 1:12 2:23 3:18, I Jo 5:13; ἐπί, c. acc., Mt 27:42, Ac 9:42 11:17 16:31 22:19, Ro 4:5; ἐπί, c. dat., Ro 9:33 (LXX) 10:11 (ib.), I Ti 1:16, I Pe 2:6 (LXX); ptcp. pres., οἱ π., as subst., Ac 2:44, Ro 3:22, I Co 1:21, al.; aor., Mk 16:[16], Ac 4:32; pf., Ac 19:18 21:20 (on Johannine use of the tenses of π., v. Westc, Epp. Jo., 120).
2. Trans., to entrust: c. acc. et dat., Lk 16:11, Jo 2:24; pass., to be entrusted with: c. acc., Ro 3:2, I Co 9:17, Ga 2:7, I Th 2:4 (v. Lft., Notes, 21f.), I Ti 1:11, Tit 1:3.

[NT: 2x] *† πιστικός, -ή, -όν (πίστις),

1. having the gift of persuasion (Plat., Gorg., 455A).
(a) of persons, faithful, trusty (Plut.);
(b) of things, trustworthy, genuine: νάρδος π., Mk 14:3, Jo 12:3.

[NT: 243x] πίστις, -εως, ἡ (< πείθω), [in LXX chiefly for אֱמוּנָה ;]

1. in active sense, faith, belief, trust, confidence, in NT always of religious faith in God or Christ or spiritual things: Mt 8:10, Lk 5:20, Ac 14:9, Ro 1:8, I Co 2:5, II Co 1:24, I Ti 1:5, al.; c. gen. obj., Mk 11:22, Ac 3:16, Ro 3:22, Ga 2:16, Eph 3:12, Ja 2:1, al.; c. prep., ἐν, Ro 3:25, Ga 3:26, Eph 1:15, Col 1:24, I Ti 1:14 3:13, II Ti 1:13 3:15, II Pe 1:1; εἰς, Ac 20:21 24:24 26:18, Col 2:5, I Pe 1:21; πρός, I Th 1:8, Phm 5; ἐπί, c. acc. He 6:1; ἐν τῇ π. στήκειν (εἶναι, μένειν), I Co 16:13, I Co 13:5, I Ti 2:15; ὑπακοὴ τῆς π., Ro 1:5 16:26; ὁ ἐκ π., Ro 3:26 4:16, Ga 3:12; διὰ (τῆς) π., Ro 3:30, Ga 2:16, Phl 3:9. By meton., objectively, that which is the object or content of belief, the faith: Ac 6:7 14:22, Ga 1:23 3:23 6:10, Phl 1:26, 27 Ju 3, 20, and perh. also Ac 13:8 16:5, Ro 1:5 and 16:26 (v. supr.), I Co 16:13, Col 1:23, II Th 3:2 (Lft., Notes, 125), I Ti 1:19 3:9 4:1, 6 5:8 6:10, 12, II Ti 3:8 4:7 Tit 1:4, 13 3:15, I Pe 5:9.
2. In passive sense,
(a) fidelity, faithfulness: Mt 23:23, Ga 5:22; ἡ π. τοῦ θεοῦ, Ro 3:3;
(b) objectively, plighted faith, a pledge of fidelity: I Ti 5:12. (On the various shades of meaning in which the word is used in NT, v. esp. ICC on Ro 1:17, pp. 31ff.; Lft., Ga., 154ff.; Stevens, Th. NT, 422, 515ff.; DB, i, 830ff.; Cremer, s.v.)

[NT: 67x] πιστός, -ή, -όν (< πείθω), [in LXX chiefly for אָמַן ;]

I. Pass., to be trusted or believed;
1. of persons, trusty, faithful : Mt 24:45 25:21, 23 Lk 12:42, Ac 16:15, I Co 4:2 4:17 7:25, Eph 1:1 6:21, Col 1:2, 7 4:7, 9, I Ti 1:12, II Ti 2:2, He 2:17 3:2, 5, I Pe 5:12, Re 2:13 19:11; of God, I Co 1:9 10:13, II Co 1:18, I Th 5:24, II Th 3:3, He 10:23 11:11, II Ti 2:13, I Jn 1:9, I Pe 4:19; seq. ἐν, Lk 16:10-12 19:17, I Ti 3:11; ἐπί, c. acc, Mt 25:23; ἄχρι θανάτου, Re 2:10; ὁ μάρτυς ὁ π., Re 1:5; id. καὶ ἀληθινός, Re 3:14.
2. Of things, trustworthy, reliable, sure: Ac 13:34, I Ti 1:15 3:1 4:9, II Ti 2:11, Tit 1:9 3:8, Re 21:5 22:6.
II. Act., believing, trusting, relying: Ac 16:1, II Co 6:15, Ga 3:9, I Ti 4:10 5:16 6:2, Tit 1:6, Re 17:14; pl., Ac 10:45, I Ti 4:3 4:12; opp. to ἄπιστος, Jo 20:27; π. εἰς θεόν, I Pe 1:21; π. ποιεῖν, III Jn 5.
(On the difficulty of choosing in some cases between the active and the passive meaning, v. Lft., Gal., 157.) †

πιστόω, -ῶ (< πιστός), [in LXX chiefly for אָמֵן ni. ;]

to make [p. 363] trustworthy (Thuc., III Ki 1:36), hence, to establish (I Ch 17:14). Pass. and mid., to be assured of: c. acc rei, II Ti 3:14.†

[NT: 39x] πλανάω, -ῶ (< πλάνη), [in LXX chiefly for תָּעָה ;]

to cause to wander, lead astray. Pass., to go astray, wander: Mt 18:12-13 He 11:38, I Pe 2:25 (cf. Is 53:6). Metaph., to lead astray, deceive: c. acc pers., Mt 24:4-5, 11 24:24, Mk 13:5-6, Jo 7:12, II Ti 3:13; I Jn 1:8 Jn 2:26 Jn 3:7, Re 2:20 12:9 13:14 19:20 20:3, 8 20:10; pass., to be led astray, to err: Mt 22:29, Mk 12:24, 27, Lk 21:8, Jo 7:47, II Ti 3:13, Tit 3:3, He 5:2, II Pe 2:15, Re 18:23; τ. καρδίᾳ, He 3:10; ἀπὸ τ. ἀληθείας, Ja 5:19;μὴ πλανᾶσθε, I Co 6:9 15:33, Ga 6:7. Ja 1:16 (cf. ἀπο-πλανάω).†

[NT: 10x] πλάνη, -ης, ἡ [in LXX: Pr 14:8 (מִרְמָה), Wi 1:12, al ;]

a wandering. Metaph., a going astray, an error (in NT always with respect to morals or religion): Mt 27:64, Ro 1:27, Eph 4:14, I Th 2:3, II Th 2:11, Ja 5:20, II Pe 2:18 3:17 3:1-18; I Jn 4:6, Ju 11.†

* πλάνης, -ητος, ό, v.s. πλανήτης

[NT: 1x] πλανήτης, -ου, ὁ (< πλανάω), [in LXX: Ho 9:17 (נָדַד) * ;]

= πλάνης, a wanderer: ἀστέρες π. (cl. planets), wandering stars, Ju 13 (WH, mg., -τες).†

[NT: 5x] πλάνος, -ον [in LXX: Jb 19:4 (מְשׁוּגָה), Je 23:32 * ;]

1. wandering.
2. leading astray, deceiving: πνεύματα π., I Ti 4:1. As subst., ὁ π., a deceiver, impostor: Mt 27:63, II Co 6:8 6:1-18 II Jo 1:7.†

[NT: 3x] πλάξ, -ακός, ἡ [in LXX for לוּחַ ;]

anything flat and broad.
1. a plain (poët.).
2. In late writers (Luc., al.), a flat stone, a tablet: II Co 3:3, He 9:4.†

[NT: 1x] πλάσμα, -τος, τό (< πλάσσω), [in LXX chiefly for יֵצֶר ;]

that which is moulded or formed : Ro 9:20 (LXX).†

[NT: 3x] πλάσσω [in LXX chiefly for יָצַר ;]

to form, mould: Ro 9:26 (LXX), I Ti 2:13.†

[NT: 1x] * πλαστός, -ή, -όν (< πλάσσω),

1. formed, moulded (Hes., Plat., al.).
2. Metaph., made up, fabricated, feigned (Hdt., Xen., al.): II Pe 2:3.†

πλατεία, -ας, ἡ, v.s. πλατύς.

[NT: 4x] πλάτος, -ους, τό [in LXX chiefly for רֹחַב ;]

breadth: Eph 3:18, Re 21:16; τ. π. τῆς γῆς (Hb 1:6, מֶרְחָב), Re 20:9.†

[NT: 3x] πλατύνω (< πλατύς), [in LXX chiefly for רָחַב hi. ;]

to make broad, enlarge, extend: c. acc rei, Mt 23:5. Metaph. (cf. Ps 119:32, al.), pass., ἡ καρδία, II Co 6:11; ὑμεῖς, II Co 6:13.†

[NT: 3x] πλατύς, -εῖα, -ύ [in LXX for רָחָב ;]

broad: Mt 7:13. As subst., ἡ π. (sc. ὁδός),
[in LXX chiefly for רָחָב ;]
a street: Mt 6:5 12:19 (LXX), Mk 6:56, WH, mg., Lk 10:10 13:26 14:21, Ac 5:15, Re 11:8 21:21 22:2.†

[NT: 1x] ** πλέγμα, -τος, τό (< πλέκω), [in Aq., Th.: Is 28:5 * ;]

what is woven or twisted (as basket-work, nets, etc.); a braiding (sc. τριχῶν, cf. I Pe 3:3) : pl., I Ti 2:9.†

[NT: 3x] πλεῖστος, πλείων, v.s. πολύς.

[p. 364]

[NT: 3x] πλέκω [in LXX: Ex 28:14 (עֲבֹת), Is 28:5 (צְפִירָה)* ;]

to plait, twist, weave: Mt 27:29, Mk 15:17, Jo 19:2.†

πλέον, v.s. πολύς.

[NT: 9x] πλεονάζω (< πλέον), [in LXX for עֲדַף, רָבָה, etc. ;]

I. Intrans.
1. Of persons;
(a) to abound in (Arist.);
(b) to superabound: II Co 8:15 (LXX).
2. Of things, to abound, superabound: Ro 5:20 6:1, II Co 4:15, Phl 4:17, II Th 1:3, II Pe 1:8.
II. Trans. (Nu 26:54, Ps 71:21; not cl, v. Lft., Notes, 48 f.), to make to abound: I Th 3:12 (cf. ὑπερ-πλεονάζω).†
SYN.: περισσεύω, q.v

[NT: 5x] πλεονεκτέω, -ῶ (< πλεονέκτης, q.v.), [in LXX: Hb 2:9, Ez 22:27 (בָּצַע), Jg 4:11 B* ;]

1. intrans., to have more, to have an advantage (cl., c. gen. pers.).
2. Trans., in late writers (v. M, Pr., 65), to over­reach, defraud: c. acc pers., II Co 7:2 12:17-18; ἐν τ. πράγματιι, I Th 4:6 (v. M, Th., in l); pass., II Co 2:11 (as also in cl.; v. LS, s.v.).†

[NT: 4x] ** πλεονέκτης, -ου, ὁ (< πλέον, ἔχω), [in LXX: Si 14:9 * ;]

= ὁ θέλων πλέον ἔχειν (v. MM, xx),
one desirous of having more, covetous: I Co 5:10-11 6:10 Eph 5:5.†

[NT: 10x] πλεονεξία, -ας, ἡ (< πλεονέκτης), [in LXX for בֶּצַע ;]

the character and conduct of a πλεονέκτης.
1. advantage.
2. desire for advantage, grasping, aggression, cupidity, covetousness: Lk 12:15, Ro 1:29, II Co 9:5, Eph 4:19 (v. ICC, in l) Eph 5:3, Col 3:5, I Th 2:5, II Pe 2:3 2:14; pl. (v. Bl., § 32, 6), Mk 7:22.†
SYN.: φιλαργυρία, avarice (v. Tr., Syn., § xxiv)

[NT: 5x] πλευρά, -ᾶς, ἡ [in LXX (freq. pl. as in Hom.) chiefly for צֵלָע ;]

the side: Mt 27:49 ([[WH]] R, mg.), Jo 19:34 20:20, 25 20:27 Ac 12:7.†

[NT: 6x] πλέω [in LXX, seq. εἰς, Jon.1.3 (בּוֹא), I Es 4:23, Is 42:10; seq. ἐπί, IV Mac 7:3; c. acc (poët.), Si 43:24, I Mac 13:29 (cf. Ac 27:2, Rec.) * ;]

to sail: Lk 8:23, Ac 27:24; seq. εἰς, Ac 21:3 27:2, 6; ἐπί, Re 18:17
(cf. ἀπό-, δια-, ἐκ-, κατα-, παρα-, ὑπο-πλέω).†

[NT: 22x] πληγή, ῆς, ἡ (< πλήσσω), [in LXX chiefly for מַכָּה, also for מַגֵּפָה etc. ;]

1. a blow, stripe, wound: pl., Lk 10:30 12:48, Ac 16:23, 33, II Co 6:5 11:23; ἡ π. τ. θανάτου (RV, death-stroke), Re 13:3, 12; τ. μαχαίρας, Re 13:14.
2. Metaph., a calamity, plague: Re 9:18, 20 11:6 15:1, 6 15:8 16:9, 21 18:4, 8 21:9 22:18.†

[NT: 31x] πλῆθος, -ους, τό [in LXX chiefly for רֹב, also for הָמוֹן, etc. ;]

1. a great number, a multitude;
(a) of things : ἰχθύων, Lk 5:6, Jo 21:6; φρυγάνων, Ac 28:3; ἁμαρτιίῶν, Ja 5:20, I Pe 4:8; τ. πλήθει, in multitude, He 11:12;
(b) of persons: Ac 21:22 (WH, R, om.); c. gen., Lk 2:13, Jo 5:3, Ac 5:14; π. πολύ (πολὺ π.), Mk 3:7-8; id. c. gen., Lk 6:17 23:27, Ac 14:1 17:4
2. Of persons, c. art., the whole number, the multitude (in Plat., Thuc., Xen., al., = δῆμος, the commons, or-opp. to δῆμος-the populace) : Ac 2:6 15:30 19:9 23:7; τ. λαοῦ, Ac 21:36; τ. πόλεως, Ac 14:4; πᾶν τὸ π., Ac 15:12; c. gen., Lk 1:10 8:37 19:37 23:1, Ac 4:32 5:16 6:2, 5 25:24.†

[NT: 12x] πληθύνω (causal of πληθύω, to be full, < πληθύς, Ion. for πλῆθος), [p. 365] [in LXX chiefly for רָבָה hi. ;]

1. trans., to increase, multiply: II Co 9:10 6:14 (LXX); pass., to be increased, to multiply: Mt 24:12, Ac 6:7 7:17 9:31 12:24; c. dat. pers. (Da LXX TH 3:31(98) al.), I Pe 1:2, II Pe 1:2, Ju 2.
2. Intrans., to be increased, to multiply: Ac 6:1.†

[NT: 2x] ** πλήκτης, -ου, ὁ (< πλήσσω), [in Sm.: Ps 35:15 * ;]

a striker, brawler: I Ti 3:3, Tit 1:7 (Arist., Plut., al.).†

[NT: 1x] πλήμμυρα, -ης (for Att.. -ας, v. Bl., § 7, 1) (< πλήθω), [in LXX: π. γένεσθαι, Jb 40:18 (23) (נָהָר עָשַׁק) * ;]

a flood (of sea or river) : Lk 6:48.†

[NT: 31x] πλήν adv., [in LXX for רַק, בַּד, אַךְ, etc. ;]

1. introducing a clause (= ἀλλά, δέ; "it is obvious that πλήν was the regular word in the vulgar language": Bl., § 77, 13), yet, howbeit, only: Mt 11:22, 24 18:7 26:39, 64 (M, Pr., 86), Lk 6:24, 35 10:11, 14 10:20 11:41 12:31 13:33 17:1 18:8 19:27 22:21-22, 42 (WH, mg. om.) Lk 23:28, I Co 11:11, Eph 5:33, Phl 3:16 4:14, Re 2:25; π. ὅτι (Hdt., Plat., al.), except that, save that, Ac 20:23, Phl 1:18.
2. As prep., c. gen., except, save (cl.) : Mk 12:32, Jo 8:10, Ac 8:1 15:28 27:22.†

[NT: 16x] πλήρης, -ες [in LXX chiefly for מָלֵא ;]

1. full, filled: Mt 14:20 15:37; c. gen. rei, Mk 8:19; λέπρας, Lk 5:12; metaph., of the soul: πνεύματος ἀγίου, Lk 4:1, Ac 6:3 7:55 11:24; πίστεως, Ac 6:5; χάριτος, ib. Ac 6:8; χ. καὶ ἀληθείας (where π. is indecl.; v. M, Pr., 50; Milligan, NTD, 65, with reff. in each), Jo 1:14; δόλου, Ac 13:10; θυμοῦ, Ac 19:28; ἔργων ἀγαθῶν, Ac 9:36.
2. full, complete: μισθός, II Jn 8; σῖτος (π. prob. in­decl. here; v. on Jo 1:14, supr.), Mk 4:28.†

[NT: 6x] πληροφορέω, -ῶ [in LXX: Ec 8:11 (מָלֵא) * ;]

1. to bring in full measure, hence, to fulfil, accomplish: Lk 1:1, II Ti 4:5 4:17.
2. to persuade, assure or satisfy fully (so in π.; v. Deiss., LAE, 82 f.; M, Th., 9): pass., Ro 4:21 14:5, Col 4:12 (v. Lft., in l).
3. to fill: Ro 15:13, L, mg. (Cl. Ro., I Co 5:4); metaph., pass., to be filled with, hence, fully bent on (Ec, l.c.).†

[NT: 4x] *† πληροφορία, -ας, ἡ (< πληροφορέω),

full assurance, confidence: I Th 1:5; τ. συνέσεως, Col 2:2; τ. ἐλπίδος, He 6:11; πίστεως, He 10:22 (cf. Lft. on Col., l.c.; M, Th., 9).†

[NT: 86x] πληρόω, -ῶ [in LXX chiefly for מָלֵא ;]

1. to fill, make full, fill to the full, c. acc;
(a) of things : pass. (σαψήνη, φάραγξ), Mt 13:48, Lk 3:5 (LXX); fig., Mt 23:32; but chiefly of immaterial things: πᾶσαν χρείαν, Phl 4:19; ἦχος ἐλήρωσε τ. οἶκον, Ac 2:2; c. gen. rei (cl.), Ac 5:28; pass., seq. ἐκ, Jo 12:3 (cf. B1., § 36, 4); π. τ. καρδίαν, Jo 16:6, Ac 5:3; metaph., of the all-pervading activity of Christ, Eph 4:10; mid., Eph 1:23;
(b) of persons: to fill with, cause to abound in : c. gen. rei (cl.), Ac 2:28 (LXX), Ro 15:13; pass., to be filled with, abound in: Eph 3:19, Phl 4:18; c. gen. rei (cl.), Ac 13:52, Ro 15:14, II Ti 1:4; c. dat. (Æsch., al.), Lk 2:40 (c. gen., T), Ro 1:29, II Co 7:4; c. acc (so in π., v. MM, xx), Phl 1:11, Col 1:9; seq. ἐν, Eph 5:18, Col 2:10.
2. to complete;
(a) to complete, fulfil: of number, Re 6:11, WH, tat.; of time (MM, xx), Mk 1:15, Lk 21:24, Jo 7:8, [p. 366] Ac 7:23, 30 9:23 24:27; ἐυδοκίαν, II Th 1:11; τ. χαράν, Phl 2:2; pass., Jo 3:29 15:11 16:24 17:13, I Jn 1:4, II Jn 12; τ. ἔργα, Re 3:2; ἡ ὑπακυή, II Co 10:6; τ. πάσχα, Lk 22:16;
(b) to execute, accomplish, carry out to the full: Mt 3:15, Lk 7:1 9:31, Ac 12:25 13:25 14:26 19:21, Ro 8:4 13:8 15:19, Ga 5:14, Col 1:25 4:17, Re 6:11, T, WH, R, mg.;
(c) of sayings, prophecies, etc., to bring to pass, fulfil: Mt 1:22 2:15, 17 2:23 4:14 5:17 8:17 12:17 13:35 21:4 26:54, 56 27:9, Mk 14:49 15:28 (WH, R, txt. om.), Lk 1:20 4:21 24:44, Jo 12:38 13:18 15:25 17:12 18:9, 32 19:24, 36, Ac 1:16 3:18 13:27, Ja 2:23 (cf. Lft., Col., 255 ff.).†

[NT: 17x] πλήρωμα, -τος, τό (< πληρόω), [in LXX for מְלֹא ;]

the result of the action involved in πληρόω (Lft., Col., 255 if.; AR, Eph., 255 ff.), hence,
1. in passive sense, that which has been completed, complement, plenitude, fullness (in Xen., Luc., Polyb., al., of a ship's crew or cargo, and by meton. of the ship itself) : Jo 1:16, Ro 11:12, 25 15:29, I Co 10:26 (LXX) Eph 1:23 (AR, 42 ff.) Eph 3:19 (AR. 87 ff.) Eph 4:13, Col 1:19 2:9; of time, Ga 4:4, Eph 1:10; κοφίνων (σφυρίδων) πληρώματα, basketfuls, Mk 6:43 8:20.
2. In active sense (= πλήρωσις, as freq. in words of these formations, cf. κτίσις, and v. MM, xx);
(a) that which fills up (but v. Lft., l.c.) : Mt 9:16, Mk 2:21;
(b) a filling up, completing, fulfilment: Ro 13:10.†

πλησίον, v.s. πλησίος.

πλησίος, -α, -ον (< πέλας, near),

near, close by, neighbouring. As adv., πλησίον = πέλας, near: c. gen., Jo 4:5; c. art., ὁ π., one's neigh­bour
[in LXX chiefly for רֵעַ ]:
Lk 10:29, 36, Ac 7:27, Ro 13:10 15:2, Eph 4:25, Ja 4:12; ἀγαπήσεις τὸν π. σου ὡς σεαυτόν (Le 19:18, LXX), Mt 5:43 19:19 22:39, Mk 12:31, 33, Lk 10:27, Ro 13:9, Ga 5:14, Ja 2:8 (on the various senses of ὁ π. in OT, NT, v. DB, iii, 511; DCC, ii, 240 f.).†

[NT: 1x] πλησμονή, -ῆς, ἡ (< πίμπλημι), [in LXX chiefly for שָׂבֵעַ and cognate forms ;]

a filling up, satiety: πρὸς π. σαρκός (RV, against the indulgence of the flesh; but ICC, in l, for the full satisfaction of the flesh, op. cit., 276 ff.), Col 2:23.†

[NT: 1x] πλήσσω [in LXX chiefly for נָכָה hi., ho. ;]

to strike, smite: pass., Re 8:12 (cf. ἐπι, πλήσσω).†

[NT: 5x] * πλοιάριον, -ου, τό (dimin. of πλοῖον),

a boat: Mk 3:9, Lk 5:2 (πλοῖα, WH, txt., R), Jo 6:22-23 (πλοῖα, WH) Jo 6:24 21:8.†

[NT: 67x] πλοῖον, -ον, τό (< πλέω), [in LXX chiefly for אֳנִיָּה ;]

a boat, also (= obsol. ναῦς) a ship: Mt 4:21-22, and freq. in Gosp. and Ac, Ja 3:4, Re 8:9 18:19.

[NT: 3x] ** πλόος, πλούς gen., -όου, -oῦ (and in late writers also πλοός, like νοός from νοῦς), (< πλέω), [in LXX: Wi 14:1 * ;]

a voyage: Ac 21:7 27:9-10.†

[NT: 28x] πλούσιος, -α, -ον (< πλοῦτος), [in LXX chiefly for עָשִׁיר ;]

rich, wealthy: Mt 27:57, Lk 12:16 14:12 16:1, 19 18:23 19:2. Substantively, ὁ π., Lk 16:21-22, Ja 1:10-11; oἱ π., Lk 6:24 21:1, I Ti 6:17, Ja 2:6 5:1, Re 6:15 13:16; anarth., a rich man, Mt 19:23-24, Mk 10:25 12:41, Lk 18:25. Metaph., of God, ἐν ἐλέει (= cl., c. gen., dat.), Eph 2:4; of Christ, II Co 8:9; of Christians, Re 2:9 3:17; ἐν πίστει, Ja 2:5.†

[p. 367]

[NT: 4x] * πλουσίως adv.,

richly, abundantly: Col 3:16, I Ti 6:17. Tit 3:6, II Pe 1:11.†

[NT: 12x] πλουτέω, -ῶ [in LXX chiefly for עָשַׁר hi. ;]

to be rich, aor., to become rich: Lk 1:53, I Ti 6:9; seq. ἀπό (Si 11:18), Re 18:15; ἐκ, Re 18:3, 19; ἐν (= cl., c. gen., dat., acc, cf. πλούσιος), I Ti 6:18. Metaph., π. εἰς θεόν, Lk 12:21; of God, εἰς πάντας, Ro 10:12; aor., I became rich, I Co 4:8, II Co 8:9, Re 3:18; pf., I have become rich, Re 3:17.†

[NT: 3x] πλουτίζω (< πλοῦτος), [in LXX chiefly for עָשַׁר hi. ;]

to make rich, enrich: c. acc pers., pass., II Co 9:11. Metaph., of spiritual riches, c. acc: pers., II Co 6:10; seq. ἐν, pass., I Co 1:5.†

[NT: 22x] πλοῦτος, -ου, ὁ and (in II Co 8:2, Eph 1:17 2:7 3:8, 16, Phl 4:19, Col 1:27 2:2; v. WH, App., 158; M, Pr., 60) τό, [in LXX chiefly for עֹשֶׁר ;]

riches, wealth: of external possessions, Mt 13:22, Mk 4:19, Lk 8:14, I Ti 6:17, Ja 5:2, Re 18:16; of moral and spiritual conceptions, Ro 2:4 9:23 11:12, 33, II Co 8:2, Eph 1:7, 18 2:7 3:8, 16 Phl 4:19, Col 1:27 2:2, He 11:26, Re 5:12.†

[NT: 3x] πλύνω [in LXX chiefly for כָּבַס pi. ;]

to wash (inanimate objects, esp. clothing): τ. δίκτυα, Lk 5:2. Fig., τ. στολάς, Re 7:14 22:14 (cf. Ps 51:4, 9 and v.s. ἀπο-πλύνω).†
SYN.: v.s. λούω

[NT: 379x] πνεῦμα, -τος, τό, [in LXX chiefly and very freq. for רוּחַ ;]

1. of air in motion;
(a) wind: Jo 3:8; pl., He 1:7 (LXX);
(b) breath: π. ζωῆς, Re 11:11; π. τοῦ στόματος, fig., II Th 2:8 (cf. Ps 32 (33)6).
2. Of the vital principle, the spirit (Arist., Polyb., al.): Lk 8:55, Jo 19:30, Ac 7:59, al.; opp. to σάρξ, Mt 26:41, Mk 14:38, I Co 5:5, al.; to σῶμα, Ro 8:10, I Co 6:17 7:34, I Pe 4:6; to ψυχή, Phl 1:27, He 4:12; τὸ π. καὶ ἡ ψ. καὶ τ. σῶμα, I Th 5:23 (M, Th., in l.); dat., τῷ π., in spirit, Mk 2:8 8:12, Jo 11:33 13:21, Ac 18:25, Ro 12:11, I Co 7:34, I Pe 3:18, al.; of the human spirit of Christ, Ro 1:4, I Ti 3:16.
3. spirit, i.e. frame of mind, disposition, influence: Lk 1:17, Ro 8:15, I Co 4:21, Gal 6:1, Eph 2:2, II Ti 1:7, I Jo 4:6, al.
4. An incorporeal being, a spirit: Lk 24:37, 39 Ac 23:8; π. ὁ θεός, God is spirit, Jo 4:24; πατὴρ τῶν π., He 12:9; of disembodied human beings, He 12:23, I Pe 3:19 (ICC, in l.; DB, iii, 795); of angels. He 1:14; of demons or evil spirits, Mt 8:16, Mk 9:20, Lk 9:39, al.; π. πύθυωνα, Ac 16:16; πνεύματα δαιμονίων, Re 16:14; π. δαιμονίου ἀκαθάρτου, Lk 4:33; π. ἀσθενείας (Bl., §35, 5), Lk 13:11; π. ἀκάθαρτον, Mt 10:1, Mk 1:23, Lk 4:36, Ac 5:16; π. ἄλαλον (καὶ κωφόν), Mk 9:17, 25; πονηρόν, Lk 7:21, Ac 19:12, al.
5. Of the Holy Spirit, π. ἅγιον, τὸ ἅ. π., τὸ π. τὸ ἅ. τὸ π., π. (the article as a rule being used when the Spirit is regarded as a Person or a Divine Power, and omitted when the reference is to an operation, influence or gift of the Spirit; v. WM, 151:5; Bl., §46, 7): anarth., Mt 1:18 3:11, 16 4:1, Mk 1:8 (Swete, in l.), ib.10, Lk 1:15, Jo 7:39, Ac 19:2, Ro 5:5, I Co 2:4, al.; c. art., Mt 4:1 12:31, 32 Mk 1:10 3:29, Lk 2:26, Jo 7:36 14:26, Ac 4:31 5:3, Ro 8:16, al.; (τὸ) π. (τοῦ) θεοῦ, Mt 3:16, Ro 8:9, Eph 3:16, I Jo 4:2, al.; τὸ π. τ. πατρός, Mt 10:20; π. θεοῦ ζῶντος, II Co 3:3; (τὸ) π. τοῦ κυρίου, Lk 4:18, Ac 5:9 8:39; τὸ π. Ἰησοῦ, Ac 16:7; Χριστοῦ, Ro 8:9; Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ, Phl 1:19; τὸ π. τ. ἀληθείας, Jo 15:26 16:13, I Jo 4:6; λείγει (μαρτυρεῖ) τὸ π. (τὸ ἅγιον), Ac 21:11 28:25, I Ti 4:1, He 3:7 10:15, Re 14:13; seq. τ. ἐκκλησίαις, [p. 368] Re 2:7, 11 17, 29, 3:6, 12, 22; ἐν τ. π., Lk 2:27; κατὰ πνεῦμα, Ro 8:4, 5; ἐξ ὕδατος καὶ π., Jo 3:5, διὰ πνεύματος αἰωνίου, He 9:14; ἐν ἁγιασμῷ πνεύματος, II Th 2:13, I Pe 1:2; ἓν π., I Co 12:13, Eph 2:18 4:4; ὁ δὲ κύριος τὸ π. ἐστιν, II Co 3:17; of that which is effected or governed by the Spirit, opp. to γράμμα, Ro 2:29 7:6, II Co 3:6.
SYN.: νοῦς, which in NT is contrasted with π. as "the action of the understanding in man with that of the spiritual or ecstatic impulse" (DB, iv, 612); ψυχή — the usual term in cl. psychology—in NT, "expresses man as apart from God, a separate individual, π. expresses man as drawing his life from God" (DB, 1-vol., 872).

[NT: 28x] * πνευματικός, -ή, -όν (< πνεῦμα),

1. of or caused by the wind, air or breath (Arist., al.).
2. spiritual (opp. to σωματικός, Plut.);
(a) of created beings : τὰ π. (RV, the spiritual hosts), Eph 6:12; of that which is related to the human spirit, opp. to ψυχικός, I Co 15:44 15:46;
(b) of that which belongs to or is actuated by the Divine Spirit;
α of persons : I Co 2:15 3:1 14:37, Ga 6:1; οἶκος π., fig., I Pe 2:5;
β of things : Ro 1:11 7:14, I Co 2:13 10:3-4 12:1 14:1, Eph 1:3 5:19, Col 1:9 3:16, I Pe 2:5; opp. to τ. σαρκικά, Ro 15:27, I Co 9:11.†
SYN.: ψυχικός, q.v., and cf. DB, ii, 410, iv, 612

[NT: 2x] *† πνευματικῶς adv. (< πνεῦμα),

(a) by the aid of the Holy Spirit: I Co 2:13 (WH, mg.), I Co 2:14;
(b) in a spiritual sense : Re 11:8.†

[NT: 7x] πνέω [in LXX: Ps 147:7 (18) (נָשַׁב hi.), Is 40:24 (נָשַׁף), Si 43:16, 20, Ep. Je 61, II Mac 9:7 * ;]

to breathe, blow: of the wind, Mt 7:25, 27, Lk 12:55, Jo 3:8 6:18, Re 7:1; ηῇ πνεούσῃ (sc. αὔρᾳ), Ac 27:40 (cf. ἐκ-, ἐν-, ὑπο-πνέω).†
αὔρα, a breeze : τ. πνεούσῇ (sc. αὔρᾳ), Ac 27:40.†

[NT: 3x] πνίγω [in LXX: I Ki 16:14-15 (בָּעַת pi.) * ;]

to choke: c. acc, Mt 13:7 (WH, mg.); impf. (coniative), Mt 18:28; of drowning, pass., Mk 5:13 (cf. ἀπο-, ἐπι-, συν-πνίγω).†

[NT: 3x] * πνικτός, -ή, -όν (< πνίγω),

strangled : Ac 15:20, 29 21:25 (cf. Le 17:13-14).†

[NT: 2x] πνοή, -ῆς, ή (< πνέω), [in LXX chiefly for נְשָׁמָה ;]

1. a blowing, blast, wind: Ac 2:2.
2. a breathing, breath: Ac 17:25 (Ge 2:7, al.).†

[NT: 1x] ποδήρης, -ες (< πούς), [in LXX: Ex 25:6 (7) Ex 35:9 (חֹשֶׁן), Ex 28:4 Ex 29:5 (מְעִיל), Ex 28:27 (31) (אֵפוֹד), אֵפוֹד), Ez 9:2-3, 11 (בַּד), Za 3:5 (4) (מַחֲלָצָה), Wi 18:24, Si 27:8 45:8 * ;]

reaching to the feet. of a garment (sc. χιτών, cf. Ex, Ez, ll. c.; Xen., al.), Re 1:13 (for , LT7 read -ην; v. M, Pr., 49).†
SYN.: στολή, v. Tr., Syn., § 1

[NT: 29x] πόθεν adv.,

(a) of place: Mt 15:33, Lk 13:25, 27, Jo 3:8 6:5 8:14 9:29-30 19:9, Re 7:13; metaph., of condition, Re 2:5;
(b) of origin: Mt 13:27, 54 13:56 21:25, Mk 6:2, Lk 20:7, Jo 2:9, Ja 4:1; of parentage, Jo 7:27-28;
(c) of cause: Mk 8:4 12:37, Lk 1:43, Jo 1:49 4:11.†

[p. 369]

[NT: 568x] ποιέω, -ῶ, [in LXX for a great variety of words, but chiefly for עשׂה ;]

1. to make, produce, create, cause: c. acc. rei, Mt 17:4, Mk 9:5, Jo 9:11, Ac 9:39, Ro 9:20, al.; of God as Creator (c. acc. pers. also), Mt 19:4, Mk 10:6, Lk 11:40, Ac 4:24, He 1:2, al.; like Heb. עשׂה, absol. = ἐργάζομαι, to work, Mt 20:12 (cf. Ru 2:19; so AV, but v. infr.), Re 13:5, R, mg. (but v. infr.); σκάνδαλα, Ro 16:17; εἰρεήνην, Eph 2:15, Ja 3:18; ἐπίστασιν, Ac 24:12; συστροφήν, Ac 23:12; c. acc. rei et dat. pers., Lk 1:68, Ac 15:3; with nouns expressing action or its accomplishment, forming a periphr. for the cogn. verb: ὁδόν π. (cl. ὁ ποιεῖσθαι), to go on, advance, Mk 2:23; πόλεμον, Re 11:7, al.; ἐκδίκησιν, Lk 18:7, 8; ἐνέδραν, Ac 25:3; κρίσιν, Jo 5:27, Ju 15; ἔργα, Jo 5:36, al.; (σημεῖα), Jo 2:23 and freq., Ac 2:22, al.; so also mid. ποιεῖσθαι: μονήν, Jo 14:23; πορείαν, Lk 13:22; κοινωνίαν, Ro 15:26; of food, to make ready, prepare: δεῖπνον, Mk 6:21, al.; δοχήν, Lk 5:29 14:13; γάμους, Mt 22:2; of time, to spend (cl.): ὥραν, Mt 20:12, RV (but v. supr. and cf. McN, in l.); μῆνας, Re 13:5, R, txt. (cf. Swete, in l.; but v. supr.); ἐνιαυτόν, Ja 4:13; c. acc. seq. ἐκ, Jo 2:15, al.; c. acc. et acc. pred., Mt 3:3 12:16, Mk 1:3 3:12, Jo 5:11, al.; c. adv., καλῶς, Mk 7:37; ἑορτὴν π. (Dem., Ex 23:16, al.), Ac 18:21, Rec.; πάσχα, Mt 26:18; to make or offer a sacrifice (Plat., Xen., al.; Jb 42:8, III Ki 11:33; so some understand τοῦτο ποιεῖτε, Lk 22:19, but v. Abbott, Essays, 110ff.); seq. ἵνα (WM, 422f.; M, Pr., 228), Jo 11:37, Col 4:16, Re 3:9.
2. to do, perform, carry out, execute: absol., c. adv., καλῶς π., Mt 12:12, I Co 7:37, 38 Ja 2:19; id. seq. ptcp. (cl.; v. M, Pr., 228), Ac 10:33, Phl 4:14, II Pe 1:19, III Jo 6; οὕτως, Mt 24:46, Lk 9:15, al.; ὡς (καθώς), Mt 1:24 2:16, al.; ὁμοίως, Lk 3:11; ὡσαύτως, Mt 20:5; c. ptcp., ἀγνοῶν ἐποίησα, I Ti 1:13; c. acc. rei: τί interrog., Mt 12:3, Mk 2:25, Lk 6:2, al.; τοῦτο, Mt 13:28, Mk 5:32, Lk 22:19 (WH om.; v. supr., ref. to Abbott, Essays), Ro 7:20, al.; with nouns expressing command or regulation: τ. νόμον (not as in cl., to make a law), Jo 7:19, Ga 5:3 (cf. in LXX, Jos 22:5, I Ch 22:12, al.); τ. ἐντολάς, Mt 5:19; similarly with other nouns expressing conduct: τ. δικαιοσύνην, Mt 6:1, al.; τ. ἀλήθειαν, Jo 3:21, al., etc.; c. dupl. acc., Mt 27:22, Mk 15:12; c. acc. rei et dat. pers. (commod., incomm.; rare in cl.), Mt 7:12, Mk 5:19, 20 Lk 1:49, Jo 9:26, al.
SYN.: πράσσω, q.v. The general distinction between the two words is that between particular action and its habitual performance (cf. Tr., Syn., §xcvi; Westc. on Jo 3:21; ICC on Ro 1:32).

[NT: 2x] ποίημα, -τος, τό (< ποιέω), [in LXX chiefly for מַעֲשֶׂה (freq. in Ec) ;]

that which is made or done, a work: Ro 1:20, Eph 2:10.†

[NT: 1x] ποίησις, -εως, ἡ (ποιέω) [in LXX chiefly for מַעֲשֶׂה and cognate forms ;]

1. a making (Hdt., Thuc., al.).
2. a doing (Si 19:18 51:19): Ja 1:25.†

[NT: 6x] ** ποιητής, -οῦ ὁ (< ποιέω), [in LXX: I Mac 2:67 * ;]

in cl.,
1. a maker, author.
2. Esp., a poet: Ac 17:28. Later,
3. a doer: τ. νόμου, Ro 2:13, Ja 4:11 (1Mac, l.c.); ἔργου, Ja 1:25; λόγου, ib. Ja 1:22-23.†

[NT: 10x] ποικίλος, -η, -ον [in LXX for נָקֹד, רִקְמָה, etc. ;]

many-coloured, [p. 370] variegated. Metaph., various, manifold: Mt 4:24, Mk 1:34, Lk 4:40, II Ti 3:6, Tit 3:3, He 2:4 13:9, Ja 1:2, I Pe 1:6 4:10.†

[NT: 11x] ποιμαίνω (< ποιμήν), [in LXX chiefly for רָעָה ;]

to act as shepherd, tend flocks: Lk 17:7; c. acc, ποιμνην, I Co 9:7. Metaph., to tend, shepherd, govern: c. acc, Mt 2:6 (LXX), Jo 21:16, Ac 20:28, I Pe 5:2, Ju 12, Re 2:27 7:17 12:5 19:15.†
SYN.: βόσκω, q.v

[NT: 18x] ποιμήν, -ίνος, ὁ [in LXX for רָעָה ;]

a shepherd: Mt 9:36 25:32 26:31 (LXX), Mk 6:34 14:27, Lk 2:8, 15 2:18, 20 Jo 10:2, 12 Metaph., of Christ; Jo 10:11, 14 10:16 He 13:20, I Pe 2:25; of Christian pastors, Eph 4:11 (cf. Hom., Il, i, 263, ποιμένα λαῶν).†

[NT: 5x] ποίμνη, -ης, ἡ [in LXX: Ge 32:16 (17) (עֵדֶר), Za 13:7 A * ;]

a flock, prop., of sheep: Mt 26:31, Lk 2:8, I Co 9:7. Metaph., of Christ's followers, Jo 10:16.†

[NT: 5x] ποίμνιον, -ου, τό, = ποίμνη, q.v. [in LXX chiefly for צֹאן, also for עֵדֶר, etc. ;]

a flock, prop., of sheep. Metaph., of Christians: Lk 12:32, Ac 20:23, 28, I Pe 5:3; τ. θεοῦ, ib. I Pe 5:2.†

[NT: 33x] ποῖος, -α, -ον interrog. pronom. adj. (corresponding to the demonstr. τοῖος and the relat. οἷος), [in LXX chiefly for זֶה אֵי־ ;]

of what quality or sort: absol., n. pl., Lk 24:19; c. subst.;
(a) prop., in direct questions: Mt 19:18 21:23 22:36 24:42, Mk 11:28 12:28, Lk 6:32-34, Jo 10:32, Ac 4:7 7:49, Ro 3:27, I Co 15:35, Ja 4:14 (but v.s. ποία), I Pe 2:20;
(b) in indirect questions = ὁποῖος : Mt 21:24, 27 24:43, Mk 11:29, 33, Lk 12:39 20:2, 8, Jo 12:33 18:32 21:19 Ac 23:34, I Pe 1:11, Re 3:3; ποῖας (sc. ὁδοῦ), Lk 5:19.†

[NT: 7x] πολεμέω, -ῶ (< πόλεμος), [in LXX chiefly for לָחַם ni. ;]

to make war, fight: Re 12:7 b Re 19:11; seq. μετά (II Ki 21:15 and v. M, Pr., 106, 247), Re 2:16 12:7 a Re 13:4 17:14; hyperb., of private quarrels, Ja 4:2.†

[NT: 18x] πόλεμος, -ον, ό [in LXX chiefly for מִלְחָמָה ;]

1. war: Mt 24:6, Mk 13:7, Lk 14:31 21:9, He 11:34; π. ποιεῖν, seq. μετά, c. gen. (cf. πολεμέω), Re 11:7 12:17 13:7 19:19.
2. = μάχη, a fight, battle: I Co 14:8, Re 9:7, 9 12:7 16:14 20:8; hyperb., of private quarrels (cf. πολεμέω), Ja 4:1.†

[NT: 162x] πόλις, -εως, ὁ, [in LXX chiefly and very freq. for עִיר ;]

a city: Mt 2:23, Mk 1:45, Lk 4:29, Jo 4:8, al. mult.; opp. to κῶμαι (κ. καὶ ἀγροί), Mt 9:35 10:11, Mk 6:56, Lk 8:1 13:22; c. nom. propr. in appos. (cl.), Ac 11:5 16:14; c. id. in gen. appos. (BL, §35, 5), Ac 8:5, II Pe 2:6; gen., of the region, Lk 1:26 4:31, Jo 4:5; of the inhabitants, Mt 10:5, 23 Lk 23:51, Ac 19:35, II Co 11:32; c. gen. pers., of one's residence or native place, Mt 22:7, Lk 2:4, 11 4:29 10:11, Jo 1:45, Ac 16:20, Re 16:9; of Jerusalem: ἡ ἁγία π., Mt 4:5 27:53, Re 11:2; ἡ ἠγαπημένη, Re 20:19; π. τοῦ μεγάλου, Mt 5 ̈35 (cf. Ps 47 (48):2); of the heavenly city in the Apocalyptic visions, Re 3:12 21:2, 10 14ff. 22:14, 19. By meton., of the inhabitants of a city: Mt 8:34 12:25 21:10, Mk 1:33, Ac 14:21 21:30.

[NT: 2x] *† πολιτάρχης, -ου, ὁ

= πολίαρχος (Pind., Eur.),
the ruler of a city, a politarch: Ac 17:6, 8 (v. MM, xx).†

[p. 371]

[NT: 2x] ** πολιτεία, -ας, ἡ (< πολιτεύω), [in LXX: II Mac 4:11 Mac 6:23 Mac 8:17 Mac 13:14, III Mac 3:21 Mac 3:23, IV Mac 3:20 Mac 8:7 Mac 17:9 * ;]

1. citizenship: Ac 22:28 (3 Mac, ll. c., Hdt., Xen., a1.).
2. government, administration (Aristoph., Dem., al.).
3. a commonwealth: Eph 2:12.†

[NT: 1x] ** πολίτευμα, -τος, τό (< πολιτεύω), [in LXX: II Mac 12:7 * ;]

1. an act of administration.
2. a form of government.
3. = πολιτεία,
(a) citizenship : Phl 3:20 (R, txt.);
(b) community, commonwealth : Phi, l.c. (R, mg.; for exx, v. MM, xx).†

** πολιτεύω more freq. as depon., -ομαι, and so in LXX and NT (< πολίτης), [in LXX: Es 8:13, II Mac 6:1 Mac 11:25, III Mac 3:4 Mac 3:1-30; IV Mac 4:1-26 * ;]

to be a citizen, live as a citizen: metaph., of conduct as based on heavenly citizenship, Ac 23:1, Phl 1:27.†

[NT: 4x] πολίτης, -ου, ὁ (< πόλις), [in LXX chiefly for רֵעַ ;]

1. a citizen: c. gen. loc., Lk 15:15, Ac 21:39.
2. a fellow-citizen: c. gen. pers., Lk 19:14, He 8:11 (LXX).†

[NT: 18x] πολλάκις adv. (< πολύς),

often: Mt 17:15, al

[NT: 1x] *† πολλαπλασίων, -ον (< πόλυς),

= πολλαπλάσιος,
many times more: Mt 19:29, Lk 18:30.†
ἑπταπλασίων, -ον,
gen., -ονος,
[in LXX for שִׁבְעָתַיִם, Ps 79:12, al. ;]
sevenfold: Lk 18:30 (WH, mg., for πολλαπλ- WH, txt., RV; v. WH, Notes, 62).†

πολυ-εύσπλαγχνος, v.s. πολύσπλαγχνος.

[NT: 1x] πολυλογία, -ας, ἡ [in LXX: Pr 10:19 (דָּבָר רֹב)* ;]

much speaking, loquacity: Mt 6:7.†

[NT: 1x] *† πολυμερῶς adv. (< πολύς, μέρος),

in many parts or portions: He 1:1 (Plut., al.).†

[NT: 1x] * πολυ-ποίκιλος, -ον

1. much variegated, of greatly differing colours (Eur.).
2. manifold: Eph 3:10.†

[NT: 416x] πολύς, πολλή, πολύ, [in LXX chiefly for רַב and cognate forms ;]

1. as adj., much, many, great, of number, space, degree, value, time, etc.: ἀριθμός, Ac 11:21; ὄχλος, Mk 5:24; θερισμός, Mt 9:37; χόρτος, Jo 6:10; χρόνος, Mt 25:19; γογγυσμός, Jo 7:12; πόνος, Col 4:13; δόξα, Mt 24:30; σιγή, Ac 21:40; pl., προφῆται, Mt 13:17; ὄχλοι, Mt 4:25; δαιμόνια, Mk 1:34; δυνάμεις, Mt 7:22,
2. As subst., pl. masc, πολλοί, many (persons): Mt 7:22, Mk 2:2, al.; c. gen. partit., Mt 3:7, Lk 1:16, al.; seq. ἐκ, Jo 7:31, Ac 17:12; c. art., οἱ π., the many, Mt 24:12, Ro 12:5, I Co 10:17, 33 II Co 2:17; opp. to ὁ εἶς (Lft., Notes, 291), Ro 5:15, 19; neut. pl., πολλά: Mt 13:3, Mk 5:26, al.; acc. with adverbial force, Mk 1:45, Ro 16:6 (Deiss., LAE, 317), I Co 16:12, Ja 3:2, al.; neut. sing., πολύ: Lk 12:48; adverbially, Mk 12:27, al.; πολλοῦ (gen. pret.), Mt 26:9; c. compar. (Bl., §44, 5), π. σπουδαιότερον, II Co 8:22; πολλῷ πλείους, Jo 4:41.

Compar., πλείων, neut., πλεῖον and πλέον (v. WH, App., 151), pl., πλείονες, -ας, -α, contr., πλείους, -ω (cf. Mayser, 69), more, greater;
1. as adj.: Jo 15:2, Ac 18:2o, He 3:3; seq. παρά, He 11:4 (cf. Westc, in l. Was ΠΛΙΟΝΑ here a primitive error for ΗΔΙΟΝΑ ?); pi., Ac 13:31, al.; c. gen. compar., Mt 21:36; c. num. ( of comp. omitted), Ac 4:22 24:11, al.
2. As subst., οἱ π., the greater number: Ac 10:32 27:12, I Co 10:5 15:6; also (Bl., §44, 3) others, more, the more: II Co 2:6 4:15, Phl 1:14; πλείονα, Lk 11:53; πλειον, πλέον, Mt 20:10, II Ti 3:9; c. gen. comp., Mk [p. 372] 12:43, Lk 21:3; π. Ἰωνᾶ ὧδε, Mt 12:41; adverbially, Ac 4:17 20:9 24:4.
3. As adv., πλεῖον: seq. , Lk 9:13; c. gen. comp., Mt 5:20; πλείω: c. num., Mt 26:53.

Superl., πλεῖστος, -η, -ον,
(a) prop., most: Mt 11:20 21:8; adverbially, τὸ π., I Co 14:27;
(b) elative (M, Pr., 79), very great: ὄχλος π., Mk 4:1.

[NT: 1x] *† πολύσπλαγχνος, -ον (< πολύς, σπλάγχνον),

very pitiful: Ja 5:11.†

[NT: 3x] πολυτελής, -ές (< πολύς, τέλος) [in LXX for יָקָר, etc. ;]

very costly, very precious, of great value: Mk 14:3, I Ti 2:9; metaph., I Pe 3:4.†

[NT: 3x] * πολύτιμος, -ον (< πολύς, τιμή)

1. much revered (Menand.).
2. very costly, very precious: Mt 13:46 26:7 (βαρύτιμος, WH), Jo 12:3; comparat., I Pe 1:7.†

[NT: 1x] ** πολυτρόπως adv. (< πολύτροπος, 1. much turning. 2. manifold ), [in LXX: IV Mac 3:21 A * ;]

in many ways or manners: He 1:1 (Philo).†

[NT: 2x] πόμα, -τος, τό (< πίνω),

late form of Att.. πῶμα,
[in LXX.: Ps 102:9 (שִׁקּוּי), al. 4 * ;]
drink: I Co 10:4, He 9:10.†

[NT: 7x] πονηρία, -ας, ἡ (< πονηρός), [in LXX chiefly for רַע ;]

iniquity, wickedness: Mt 22:18, Lk 11:39, Ro 1:29, Eph 6:12; pl. (v. Bl., § 32, 6; WM, 220; Swete, Mk., 153), Mk 7:22, Ac 3:26; κακία καὶ π., I Co 5:8.†
SYN.: v.s. κακία.

[NT: 78x] πονηρός, -ά, -όν (< πονέω, to toil), [in LXX chiefly for רַע ;]

(a) of persons, oppressed by toils (Hes.);
(b) of things, toilsome, painful (καιρός, Si 51:12): Eph 5:16 6:13 Re 16:2.
2. bad, worthless;
(a) in physical sense: καρπός, Mt 7:17-18;
(b) in ethical sense, bad, evil, wicked;
(α) of persons: Mt 7:11 12:34-35 18:32 25:26, Lk 6:45 11:13 19:22, Ac 17:5, II Th 3:2, II Ti 3:13; γενεά, Mt 12:39, 45 16:4, Lk 11:29; πνεῦμια, Mt 12:45, Lk 7:21 8:2 11:26, Ac 19:12-13, 15-16; as subst., οἱ π., opp. to δίκαιοι, Mt 13:49; to ἀγαθοί, Mt 5:45 22:10; οἱ ἀχάριστοι καὶ π., Lk 6:35; sing., ὁ π., Mt 5:39, I Co 5:13; id. esp. of Satan, the evil one, Mt 5:37 6:13 (v. Lft., Notes, 125 ff.; but cf. McN, in l) Mt 13:19, 38, Lk 11:4 (WH, R, om.), Jo 17:15, Eph 6:16, II Th 3:3 (Lft., Notes, l.c.), I Jn 2:13-14 Jn 3:12 Jn 5:18-19;
SYN.: v.s. ἄθεσμος

[NT: 4x] πόνος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX for עָמָל, etc. ;]

1. labour, toil: Col 4:13
2. The consequence of toil, distress, suffering, pain (Xen., al., LXX): Re 16:10-11 21:4.†
SYN.: v.s. κόπος

[NT: 1x] Ποντικός, -ή, -όν

Pontic, of Pontus: Ac 18:2

[NT: 3x] Πόντιος, -ου, ὁ

Pontius, the prænomen of Pilate (v.s. Πειλᾶτος), Mt 27:2 (Rec., WH, mg.), Lk 3:1, Ac 4:27, I Ti 6:13.†

[NT: 2x] Πόντος, -ου, ὁ

Pontus, a region of Asia Minor, bordering on the πόντος Εὔξεινος: Ac 2:9, I Pe 1:1.†

[p. 373]

[NT: 2x] Πόπλιος, -ου, ὁ

(Latin), Publius: Ac 28:7-8.†

[NT: 2x] πορεία, -ας, ἡ (< πορεύω), [in LXX chiefly for הֲלִיכָה and cogn. forms ;]

1. a journey: Lk 13:22.
2. a going: metaph. ("the rich man perishes while he is still on the move," Hort., in l), Ja 1:11.†

[NT: 153x] πορεύω, (< πόρος, a ford, a passage), [in LXX chiefly for הלךְ ;]

in cl. (the act. becomes obsolete in late Gk.; v. M, Pr., 162), to cause to go over, carry, convey. Mid. (always in LXX and NT), ־ομαι, to go, proceed, go on one's way: c. acc., ὁδόν, Ac 8:39; seq. ἐκεῖθεν, Mt 19:15; ἐντεῦθεν, Lk 13:31; ἀπό, Mt 25:41, Lk 4:42; εἰς, Mt 2:20, Mk 16:12, Lk 1:39, Jo 7:35, al; εἰς εἰρήνην (cf. I Ki 1:17). Lk 7:50; ἐν εἰρήνῃ, Ac 16:36; ἐπί, c. acc., Mt 22:9, Ac 25:12, al; ἕως, Ac 23:23; οὗ, Lk 24:28, I Co 16:6; πρός, c. acc. pers., Mt 25:9, Lk 11:5, al.; κατὰ τ. ὁδόν, Ac 8:36; διά, c. gen., Mt 12:1, Mk 9:30; c. inf., Lk 2:3, Jo 14:2; σύν, Lk 7:6, al.; ἵνα, Jo 11:11; absol., Mt 2:9, Lk 7:8, Jo 4:50, Ac 5:20, al.; ptcp., πορευθείς (on the pass. form of the aor., v. M, Pr., 161f.), redundant (as in Heb. and Aram.; V. M, Pr., 231; Dalman, Words, 21), Mt 2:8, Lk 7:22, al. Metaph. (cf. Soph., O.T., 884; Xen., Cyr., 2, 2, 24, al),
(a) like οἴχομαι in cl., as euphemism for θνήσκω (so הלךְ in Ge 15:2); Lk 22:22 and perh. also 13:33 (v. Field, Notes, 66);
(b) in ethical sense (De 19:9, Ps 14:2, al; cf. M, Pr., 112; Kennedy, Sources, 107): seq. ἐν, Lk 1:6, I Pe 4:3, II Pe 2:19; κατά, c. acc., II Pe 3:3, Ju 16, 18; c. dat. (Bl, §38, 3), Ac 9:31 14:16, Ju 11;
(c) of disciples or partisans ( Jg 2:12, III Ki 11:10, Si 46:10): seq. ὀπίσω, c. gen. pers., Lk 21:8 (cf. δια-, εἰς-, (-μαι), ἐκ- (-μαι), ἐν- (-μαι), ἐπι- (-μαι), παρα- (-μαι), προ-, προσ- (-μαι), συν- (-μαι)).

[NT: 3x] ** πορθέω collat. form (in cl. chiefly poët.) of πέρθω, [in LXX: IV Mac 4:23 Mac 11:4 * ;]

to destroy, ravage: Ac 9:21, Ga 1:13, 23.†

[NT: 2x] **† πορισμός, -ου, ὁ (< πορίζω, to procure), [in LXX: Wi 13:19 14:2 * ;]

1. a providing.
2. a means of gain: I Ti 6:5-6 (Polyb., al.).†

[NT: 1x] Πόρκιος, -ου, ὁ

Porcius, prænomen of Porcius Festus (v.s. Φῆστος): Ac 24:27.†

[NT: 25x] πορνεία, -ας, ἡ (< πορνεύω), [in LXX for תַּזְנוּת and cogn. forms ;]

fornication: Ac 15:20, 29 21:25, I Co 5:1 6:13 6:18, II Co 12:21, Ga 5:19, Eph 5:3, Col 3:5, I Th 4:3 (Lft., Notes, 53), Re 9:21; pl. (v. WM, 220; Bl., § 32, 6), I Co 7:2; disting. from μοιχεία, Mt 15:19, Mk 7:21; = μοιχεία (Amos 8:17 Si 23:23, al.), Mt 5:32 19:9. Metaph. (of idolatry: De 23:2, Ho 1:2): Jo 8:41 (Westc., in l), and so perh. (Thayer-Grimm, s.v.; but v. Swete, in 11.), Re 2:21 14:18 17:2, 4 18:3 19:2.†

[NT: 8x] πορνεύω [in LXX for זָנָה ;]

1. to prostitute the body for hire.
2. to commit fornication: Mk 10:19 (WH, mg), I Co 6:18 10:8, Re 2:14, 20. Metaph. (as in LXX: I Ch 5:25, Je 3:6, Ho 9:1, al.), of idolatry (but v. Swete, Ap., 180 f.), Re 17:2 18:3, 9 (cf. ἐκ- πορνεύω).†

[NT: 12x] πόρνη, -ης, ἡ [in LXX chiefly for זָנָה ;]

a prostitute, harlot: Mt 21:31-32, Lk 15:30, I Co 6:15-16 He 11:31, Ja 2:25. Metaph. (v. Swete, Ap., 180 f.), of Babylon (i.e. Rome): Re 17:1, 5 17:15-16 19:2.†

[NT: 10x] ** πόρνος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX: Si 23:16-18 * ;]

1. a male prostitute (Xen., [p. 374] al.).
2. a fornicator: I Co 5:9-11 6:9, Eph 5:5, I Ti 1:10, He 12:15 13:4, Re 21:8 22:15.†

[NT: 3x] πόρρω adv. (in older Attic, πρόσω), [in LXX for רָחוֹק, etc. ;]

far off: Mt 15:8, Mk 7:6 (LXX), Lk 14:32; comparat., πορρώτερον (-ρω, T), Lk 24:28.†

[NT: 2x] πόρρωθεν adv. (< τόρρω, q.v.), [in LXX for רָחוֹק and cogn. forms ;]

from afar: Lk 17:12, He 11:13.†

[NT: 4x] πορφύρα, -ας, ἡ [in LXX for אַרְגָּמָן, אַרְגְּוָן ;]

1. the purple fish (cf. I Mac 4:23).
2. purple dye.
3. Later, = πορφυρίς, a purple gar­ment: Mk 15:17, 20, Lk 16:19, Re 18:12.†

πορφύρεος, -α, -ον contr., -οῦς, -ᾶ, -οῦν (< ποπφύρα), [in LXX for אַרְגָּמָן ;]

purple: Jo 19:2, 5; as subst., πορφυροῦν (sc. ἱμάτιον), Re 17:4 18:6.†

[NT: 1x] *† πορφυρόπωλις, -ιδος, ἡ

a seller of purple fabrics: Ac 16:14.†

[NT: 3x] ποσάκις

interrog. num. adv.,
how often: Mt 18:21 23:37, Lk 13:34.†

[NT: 3x] πόσις, -εως, ἡ (< πίνω), [in LXX: Da, LXX TH Da 1:10 (מִשְׁתֶּה) * ;]

1. prop., drinking: Ro 14:17, Col 2:16 (v. Lft.; ICC, in l).
2. = πόμα, drink: Jo 6:55 (cf. βρῶσις).†

[NT: 27x] πόσος, -η, -ον

adj. of number, magnitude, degree, etc.,
how much, how great, how many: Mt 6:23, II Co 7:11; of time, Mk 9:21; neut., absol., Lk 16:5, 7; dat., πόσῳ, adverbially, how much, Mt 12:12; id. seq. μᾶλλον, Mt 7:11 10:25, Lk 11:13 12:24, 28, Ro 11:12, 24, Phm 16, He 9:14; π. χείρονος τιμωρίας, He 10:29; pl., Mt 15:34 16:9-10 27:13, Mk 6:38 8:5, 19-20 15:4, Lk 15:17, Ac 21:20.†

[NT: 17x] ποταμός, -οῦ, ὁ [in LXX chiefly for נָהָר, יְאֹר ;]

a river, stream, torrent: Mt 3:5 7:25, 27, Mk 1:1-45 :, Lk 6:48-49, Ac 16:13, II Co 11:26, Re 8:10 9:14 12:15-16 16:4, 12 21:1-2. Fig., pl., π. ὕδατος ζῶντος, Jo 7:38.†

[NT: 1x] *† ποταμο-φόρητος, -ον

carried away by a stream:
Re 12:15 (for two exx. in π., v. MM, xxi).†

[NT: 7x] ** ποταπός (late form of cl. ποδ-), -ή, -όν, [in LXX: Da LXX Su 1:54* ;]

1. (= ποδαπός) from what country?
2. In late writers, = ποῖος, of what sort?: Mt 8:27, Mk 13:1, Lk 1:29 7:39, II Pe 3:11, I Jn 3:1.†

[NT: 29x] ποτέ

enclitic particle,
1. once, formerly, sometime: of the past, Jo 9:13 Ro 7:9 11:30, Ga 1:13, 23 2:6 (Lft., in l), Eph 2:2-3, 11 2:13 5:8, Col 1:21 3:7, I Th 2:5, Tit 3:3, Phm 11, I Pe 2:10 3:5 3:20; ἤδη ποτέ, now at length, Phl 4:10; of the fut., Lk 22:32; εἴ πως ἤδη ποτέ, if sometime soon at length, Ro 1:10.
2. ever: after a neg., Eph 5:29, II Pe 1:10 1:21; in a question, τίς π., I Co 9:7, He 1:5, 13.†

[NT: 19x] πότε

interrog. adv. of time,
when?: Mt 25:37-39, 44 Lk 21:7, Jo 6:25; ἕως π., how long: Mt 17:17, Mk 9:19, Lk 9:41, Jo 10:24, Re 6:10. In indir. questions, = ὁπότε, Mt 24:3, Mk 13:4, 33 13:35, Lk 12:36 17:20 (v. Bl., § 25, 4).†

πότερος, -α, -ον

which of two. Neut., adverbially, πότερον, whether: Jo 7:17.†

[p. 375]

[NT: 31x] ποτήριον, -ου, τό dimin. of ποτήρ (< πίνω), [in LXX chiefly for כּוֹס:]

a wine cup: Mt 23:25-26 26:27, Mk 7:4 14:23, Lk 11:39 22:17, 20 a (WH, R, mg., cm.), I Co 11:25, Re 17:4; πίνειν ἐκ τοῦ π., I Co 11:28; c. gen. rei, Mt 10:42, Mk 9:41; τ. εὐλογίας, I Co 10:16; by meton., of the contents of the cup, Lk 22:20 b (WH, R, mg., cm.), I Co 11:25-26; c. gen. pers., I Co 10:21 11:27. Metaph., of experience of divine providence; of prosperity (Ps 16:5, al.); of adversity (Ps 11:6, Is 51:17, al.): of the sufferings of Christ, Mt 20:22-23 26:39 10:38-39 14:36, Lk 22:42, Jo 18:11; of divine punishment, Re 14:10 16:19 18:6.†

[NT: 15x] ποτίζω (< πότος), [in LXX chiefly for שָׁקָה hi. ;]

to give to drink: c. acc pers., Mt 25:35, 37 25:42 27:48, Mk 15:36, Lk 13:15, Ro 12:20; c. dupl. acc, Mt 10:42, Mk 9:41; fig., γάλα, I Co 3:2; ἐκ τ. οἴνου Re 14:8; of plants, to water (Xen., Strab., al.; Ge 13:10), fig., I Co 3:6-8 Metaph. (cf. Is 29:10 Si 15:3), of the Spirit, I Co 12:13.†

[NT: 1x] Ποτίολοι, -ων, οἱ

Puteoli (mod. Pozzuoli), a city on the Bay of Naples: Ac 28:13.†

[NT: 1x] πότος, -ου, ὁ (< πίνω), [in LXX chiefly for מִשְׁתֶּה ;]

a drinking bout, carousal: I Pe 4:3.†
SYN.: v.s. κραιπάλη


enclitic particle,
1. anywhere, somewhere: He 2:6 4:4.
2. in some degree, perhaps, about: Ac 27:29 (T, μήπου), Ro 4:19; δή που (T, δήπου), surely: He 2:16.†

[NT: 52x] ποῦ interrog. adv., [in LXX for אַי, אַיֵּה, אָן ;]

1. prop., where?: Mt 2:2 26:17, Mk 14:12, 14, Lk 17:17, 37 22:9, 11, Jo 1:39 7:11 8:10, 19 9:12 11:34; ποῦ (ἐστιν), indicating that the subject in question is not to be found, Lk 8:25, Ro 3:27, I Co 1:20 12:17 12:19 15:55, Ga 4:15, II Pe 3:4; ποῦ φανεῖται, I Pe 4:18.
2. = ὅπου (WM, 640; B1., § 50, 5): c. indic., Mt 2:4, Mk 15:47, Jo 1:40 11:57 20:2, 13 20:15 Re 2:13; c. subjc., Mt 8:20, Lk 9:58 12:17.
3. In colloq. (as in Eng.) = ποῖ, whither: in direct questions, Jo 7:35 9:12 13:36 16:5; in indir. quest., Jo 3:8 8:14 12:35 14:5, He 11:8, I Jn 2:11.†

[NT: 1x] Πούδης (in π., gen. -εντος, v. Zorell, s.v.), (Latin)

Pudens: II Ti 4:21.†

[NT: 93x] πούς, ποδός, ὁ [in LXX chiefly for רֶגֶל ;]

a foot, both of men and beasts: Mt 4:6 (LXX), Mk 9:45, Lk 1:79, Jo 11:44, Ac 7:5, al.; ὑπο τοὺς π., Ro 16:20, I Co 15:25 15:27 Eph 1:22, He 2:8; ὑποκάτω τῶν π., Mt 22:44 (LXX); πρὸς (παρὰ) τοὺς π., Mk 5:22, Lk 8:41, al.; fig., Mt 15:30, Lk 10:39, Ac 5:2, al.; ἔμπροσθεν τῶν π., Re 3:9 19:10, al.; ἐπὶ τοὺς π., Ac 10:25. By meton., of a person in motion (Ps 119:101): Lk 1:79, Ac 5:9, Ro 3:15 10:15, He 12:13

[NT: 11x] πρᾶγμα, -τος, τύ (< πράσσω), [in LXX chiefly for דָּבָר ;]

1. that which has been done, a deed, act: Lk 1:1, Ac 5:4, II Co 7:11, He 6:18.
2. That which is being done (like Lat. res), hence, a thing, matter, affair: Mt 18:19, Ro 16:2, I Th 4:6 (v. M, Th., in l), He 10:1 11:1, Ja 3:16; in forensic sense (as freq. in π., v. Deiss., BS, 233), a law-suit: I Co 6:1.†

πραγματεία, v.s. πραγματία.

[p. 376]

[NT: 1x] πραγματεύομαι (< πρᾶγμα), [in LXX: III Ki 10:22 B, III Ki 9:19 A (חָשַׁק), Da LXX 8:27 (מְלָאכָה ־אֵת עָשָׂה) * ;]

1. to busy oneself.
2. to be engaged in business, esp. to trade: Lk 19:13 (cf. δια-πραγματεύομαι).†

πραγματία (Rec. -εία, as in cl.), -ας, ἡ (< πραγματεύομαι) [in LXX for חֲשַׁל, etc. ;]

1. careful application, hard work.
2. business, occupation: pl., II Ti 2:4.†

[NT: 8x] *† πραιτώριον, -ου, τό (Lat. prætorium)

1. headquarters in a Roman camp,
2. The palace or official residence of the Governor of a province: Mt 27:27, Mk 15:16 (v. Swete, in l), Jo 18:28, 33 19:9; τ. π. τ. Ἡρώδου, Ac 23:35.
3. the Prætorian Guard: Phl 1:13 (v. Lft., in l; ICC, 51 f.).†

[NT: 2x] πράκτωρ, -ορος, ὁ (< πράσσω), [in LXX: Is 3:12 (נָגַשׁ) * ;]

1. (poët.) one who does or accomplishes.
2. In Athens, one who exacts payment, a collector; hence, generally (freq. in π., v. Deiss., BS, 154), a court officer: Lk 12:58.†

[NT: 6x] πρᾶξις, -εως, ἡ (< πράσσω), [in LXX: II Ch 13:22 27:7 28:26 (דֶּרֶךְ), Jb 24:5 A (פֹּעַל), Pr 13:13, Wi 9:11, al. ;]

1. a doing, deed, act: Mt 16:27; pl., π. ἀποσπτόλων, Ac, title,; in late writers especially of wicked deeds or practices (freq. in Polyb.): Lk 23:51; p1., Ro 8:13, Col 3:9; with ref. to magic (v. BS, 3235), Ac 19:18.
2. an acting, action, business, function: Ro 12:4.†

[NT: 1x] πρᾷος, πρᾶος, v.s. πραΰς.

[NT: 9x] πρᾳότης, πραότης, v.s. πραΰτης.

[NT: 2x] ** πρασιά, -ᾶς, ἡ [in LXX: Si 24:31 * ;]

a garden-bed; metaph., of ranks or orderly groups of persons: Mk 6:40.†

[NT: 39x] πράσσω (Att.. -ττω, and so Ac 17:7 Rec.; cf. M, Pr., 25, 45), [in LXX chiefly for עָשָׂה, פָּעַל ;]

= Lat agere, as ποιέω (q.v.) = facere,
1. to do, practise, be engaged in: Ac 19:19, 36, I Co 9:17; τ. ἴδια π., to mind one's own business (τὰ ἑαυτοῦ, Soph., Plat.), I Th 4:11; intrans., to act, Ac 17:7.
2. to achieve, effect, accomplish, perform: Ac 26:20, 26 Ro 7:15 9:11, II Co 5:10, Phl 4:9; νόμον (ICC, in l), Ro 2:25; of unworthy acts (for WH. usually ποιέω in cl.), to commit, do: Lk 22:23 23:41, Jo 3:20 5:29, Ac 3:17 5:35 16:28 25:11, 25 26:9, 31, Ro 1:32 (ICC, in l), Ro 2:1-3 7:19 13:4, I Co 5:2, II Co 12:21, Ga 5:21.
3. to transact, manage, hence, of payment, to exact (cl.): Lk 3:13 19:23.
4. Reflexively, of state or condition, to do or fare Æsch., Hdt., al.): Eph 6:21; εὖ π. (v. M, Pr., 228 f.), Ac 15:29.†
SYN.: v.s. ποιέω

[NT: 4x] πραΰς, -εῖα, -ΰ, and πρᾷος (Or πρᾶος, ν. Bl., § 3, 3), -α, -ον (v. LS, Thayer, s.v.), [in LXX (always -ΰς, exc. II Mac 15:12, -ᾷος, v. Thackeray, Gr., 180 f.) for עָנָו, עָנִי ;]

gentle, meek: Mt 5:5 11:29 21:5 (LXX) I Pe 3:4.†

[NT: 11x] πραΰτης (Rec. -ότης, exc. Ja, 1Pe, ll. c., where πρᾳύτης), -ητος, ἡ, [p. 377] late form of πραότης, [in LXX: Ps 45:4 90:10 132:1 (עַנְוָה, עֱנוּת, Es 5:1, Si 6:1-37 * ;]

gentleness, meekness: I Co 4:21, II Co 10:1, Ga 5:23 6:1, Eph 4:2, Col 3:12 (v. Lft., in l), 2Ti_2:25, Tit 3:2, Ja 1:21 3:13, I Pe 3:15.†
SIN.: ἐπιεικία, q.v

[NT: 7x] πρέπω [in LXX: Ps 93:5 (נָאָה pi.), etc. ;]

1. to be clearly seen.
2. to resemble.
3. to be fitting or becoming, to suit: c. dat., He 7:26, I Ti 2:10, Tit 2:1; impers., c. dat., Eph 5:3; id. seq. inf., He 2:10; πρέπον ἐστίν, c. dat. pers. et inf., Mt 3:15; c. acc et inf., I Co 11:13 (v. Bl., § 72, 5).†

[NT: 2x] ** πρεσβεία, -ας, ἡ (< πρεσβεύω), [in LXX: II Mac 4:11 * ;]

1. age, seniority.
2. rank, dignity.
3. an embassy; by meton., of the am­bassadors, embassy: Lk 14:32 19:14.†

[NT: 2x] * πρεσβεύω (< πρέσβυς),

1. to be the elder, to take precedence.
2. to be an ambassador (v.s. πρεσβύτης): II Co 5:20, Eph 6:20.†

πρεσβευτής, v.s. πρεσβύτης.

πρέσβυς, -εως, ὁ poët. form of πρεσβύτης (q.v.), [in LXX (= πρεσβευτής, an ambassador): Nu 21:20 (21), al. (מֲלְאָךְ), Is 13:8 57:9 (צִיר), I Mac 9:70, al. ;]

an old man.
πρεσβύτερος, -α, -ον,
[in LXX chiefly for זָקֵן ;]
1. of age, elder: ὁ νἱὸς ὁ π., Lk 15:25; as subst., opp. to νεανίσκοι, Ac 2:17; to νεώτερος, I Ti 5:1-2; of the religious leaders of the past, Mt 15:2, Mk 7:3, 5, He 11:2 (= οἱ πατέρες, He 1:1).
2. Of dignity, rank or office (as found in π. and Inscr. of civil and religious offices, including priesthood, in Asia Minor and in Egypt; v. Deiss., BS, 154 ff., 233 If.; LAE, 373);
(a) among Jews: Mt 16:21 26:47, 57 27:3, 12 27:20, 41 28:12, Mk 8:31 11:27 14:43, 53 15:1, Lk 7:3 9:22 20:1 22:52, Jo 8:9, Ac 4:5, 8 4:23 6:12 23:14 24:1; τ. Ἰουνδαίων, Ac 25:15; τ. λαοῦ, Mt 21:23 26:3 27:1;
(b) among Christians: Ac 11:30 14:23 15:2, 4 15:6, 22-23 16:4 21:18, I Ti 5:17 5:19, Tit 1:5, II Jn 1, III Jn 1, I Pe 5:1 5:5; τ. ἐκκλησίας, Ac 20:17, Ja 5:14;
(c) in the visions of the Apocalypse: Re 4:4, 10 5:5-6, 8 5:11, 14 7:11, 13 11:16 14:3 19:4.
(On the NT use of this word and its relation to ἐπίσκοπος (q.v.), cf. Lft., Phi., 93 ff., 189 ff.; CGT, Past. Epp., lvi ff.) †

[NT: 3x] *† πρεσβυτέριον, -ου, τό (< πρεσβύτερος) [in LXX: Da TH Su 1:50 A * ;]

a body of elders, presbytery: of the Sanhedrin (cf. συνέδριον), Lk 22:66, Ac 22:5; of Christian presbyters, I Ti 4:14.†

πρεσβύτερος, v.s. πρέσβυς.

[NT: 3x] πρεσβύτης, -ου prose form of πρέσβυς, q.v., [in LXX chiefly for זָקֵן, Ge 25:8, al.; also (= πρεσβευτής), II Ch 32:31 Bl (לוּץ), I Mac 14:22 S, al. (v. Thackeray, Gr., 97) ;]

1. an old man: Lk 1:18, Tit 2:2, Phm 9 (R, txt., but v. infr.).
2. As in LXX, also = πρεσβευτής, an am­bassador: Phm 9 (R, mg., v. Lft. and ICC, in l).†

[NT: 1x] ** πρεσβῦτις, -ιδος, ἡ fem, of πρεσβύτης, [in LXX: IV Mac 16:14 * ;]

an aged woman: Tit 2:3.†

[NT: 1x] ** πρηνής, -ές (in Att.. also πρανής), [in LXX: Wi 4:19, III Mac 5:43 Mac 5:50 Mac 6:23 * ;]

headlong, prone: Ac 1:18.†

[p. 378]

[NT: 1x] πρίζω = πρίω, [in LXX: Am 1:3, Da TH Su 1:59 * ;]

to saw, saw asunder (= π. δίχα, Thuc., iv, 100): pass, He 11:37 (cf. δια-πρίω).†

[NT: 13x] πρίν

1. as adv. of time, before, formerly (cl.; III Mac 5:28 Mac 6:4 Mac 6:31)
2. As conic. (cl.), before;
(a) after a positive sentence, c. acc et inf.: Mt 26:34, 75, Mk 14:72, Lk 22:61, Jo 4:49 8:58 (where D. om. γενέσθαι and π. becomes prep. c. gen.; v. Bl., § 69, 7) Jo 14:29, Ac 2:20 (LXX), WH, txt.; πρὶν ἤ (not such good Attic in this construction; v. Bl., l.c.), Mt 1:18 Mk 14:30, Ac 2:20, WH, mg., Ac 7:2;
(b) after a negative sentence, πρὶν ἤ: a. subjc. (seq. ἄν, M, Pr., 169), Lk 2:26; c. optat., Ac 25:16.†

[NT: 3x] Πρίσκα, -ας, ἡ (Lat.), and Πρίσκιλλα, -ης, ἡ, Prisca: Rom_16:3, 1Co_16:19, 2Ti_4:19; Priscilla: Act_18:2; Act_18:18; Act_18:26; the wife of Aquila, vs. Ἀκύλας.†

[NT: 3x] Πρίσκιλλα, v.s. Πρίσκα.

πρίω, v.s. πρίζω.

[NT: 47x] πρό prep. c. gen., [in LXX chiefly for פָּנִים ;]

(a) of place: Ac 12:6, 14 14:13, Ja 5:9; π. προσώπου (= Heb. פָּנִים, De 3:18, Ma 3:1, al.; Bl., § 40, 9), Mt 11:10, Mk 1:2, Lk 1:76 7:27 9:52 10:1, Ac 14:13;
(b) of time: Mt 8:29 24:38, Lk 11:38 21:12, Jo 11:55 13:1 17:24, Ac 5:36 21:38, I Co 2:7 4:5, Eph 1:4, Col 1:17, II Ti 1:9 4:21, Tit 1:2, He 11:5, I Pe 1:20, Ju 25; π. ἐτῶν δεκατεσσάρων, fourteen years ago, II Co 12:2; π. προσώπου (v. supr.), Ac 13:24; c. gen. pers., Mt 5:12, Jo 5:7 10:8, Ro 16:7, Ga 1:17; c. gen. art. inf. (= πρίν; M, Pr., 100; Bl., § 69, 7), Mt 6:8 Lk 2:21 22:15, Jo 1:49 13:19 17:5, Ac 23:15, Ga 2:12 3:23; as in late writers (resembling a Latin idiom but indepen­dent of it; B1., § 40, 5; M, Pr., 100 f.; of. Am II Mac 15:36, and for other exx., Soph., Lex., s.v.), πρὸ ἓξ ἡμέρας τοῦ πάσχα, on the sixth day before the Passover, Jo 12:1;
(c) of preference: π. πάντων, Ja 5:12, I Pe 4:8;
(d) in compos.,
α c. subst., of position before: προαύλιον, πρόδρομος; priority of rank or order, προπάτωρ; anticipation, πρό γνωσις, πρό νοια;
β c. adj., intensity, πρόδηλος;
γ c. verb., of place, προάγω, προβαίνω; of preference, προαιρέομαι.†

[NT: 20x] προ-άγω [in LXX: I Ki 17:16 (נָגַשׁ), Wi 19:11, al. ;]

1. prop. trans., to lead on, lead forth or forward: c. acc pers., Ac 16:30 17:5; of bringing forth to trial, Ac 12:6 (WH, txt., προσάγ-); seq. ἐπί, c. gen. pers., Ac 25:26.
2. Intrans. (Plat., Polyb., and later writers; v. Bl., § 53, 1; MM, xxi);
(a) to lead the way, I Ti 1:18 (R, mg.), hence, to go before, precede: Lk 18:39; opp. to ἀκολουθέω, Mk 11:9; seq. εἰς, Mt 14:22, Mk 6:45, I Ti 5:24, He 7:18; c. acc pers., Mt 2:9 21:9, Mk 10:32; seq. εἰς, Mt 21:31 26:32 28:7, Mk 14:28 16:7;
(b) to go on, advance (Si 20:27): II Jn 9.†

προ-αιρέω, -ῶ [in LXX: for חָשַׁק, etc. ;]

to bring forth or forward. Most freq. in mid., to take by choice, prefer, propose: II Co 9:7.†

[NT: 1x] * προ-αιτιάομαι, -ῶμαι

to accuse or charge beforehand: Ro 3:9 (not elsewhere) .†

[NT: 1x] * προ-ακούω

to hear beforehand: Col 1:5 (v. Lft., in l).†

[NT: 2x] προ-αμαρτάνω

to sin before: II Co 12:21 13:2.†

[NT: 1x] * προ-αύλιον, -ου, τό (< πρό, αὐλή),

a porch, vestibule: Mk 14:68.†

[p. 379]

[NT: 5x] προ-βαίνω [in LXX chiefly for בּוֹא ;]

to go forwards, go on, advance: Mt 4:21, Mk 1:19. Metaph., of age (Ge 18:11, al., Lys., Diod., al.), ἐν τ. ἡμέραις, Lk 1:7, 18 2:36.†

[NT: 2x] προ-βάλλω [in LXX for חוּד, מָרַק, etc. ;]

1. to throw before.
2. to put forward: c. acc, Ac 19:33; of trees, to put forth, produce (sc. φύλλα), Lk 21:30.†

[NT: 1x] προβατικός, -ή, -όν (< πρόβατον) [in LXX (π. πύλη): Ne 3:1, 32 12:39 (צֹאן)* ;]

of sheep: ἡ π. (sc. πύλη, v. supr.), the sheep-gate, Jo 5:2.†

* προβάτιον, -ου, τό,

dimin. of πρόβατον (used as a term of endearment, v. El., § 27, 4), a little sheep: Jo 21:16-17 (πρόβατα, WH, mg.).†

[NT: 39x] πρόβατον, -ου, τό (< προβαίνω), [in LXX chiefly for צֹאן, also for שֶׂה, more rarely for כֶּבֶשׂ (כֶּשֶׂב), רָחֵל ;]

1. in Hom., Hdt., cattle, esp. of small cattle, sheep and goats.
2. In NT, as in Attic writers generally (cf. MM, xxi), a sheep: Mt 7:15, Mk 6:34, al.; πρόβατα σφαγῆς, Ro 8:36 (LXX). Metaph. (in cl. of timidity, stupidity or idleness), of the followers of a leader or master, esp. of those who are subject to the care of the Good Shepherd: Mt 10:6 15:24 26:31 (LXX) Mk 14:27 (LXX), Jo 10:7-8, 15-16 10:26-27 21:16-17 (WH txt., προβάτια), He 13:20; opp. to ἐρίφια, Mt 25:33.

[NT: 1x] προ-βιβάζω causal of προβαίνω, [in LXX: Ex 35:34 (יָרָה hi.), De 6:7 (שָׁנַן pi.) * ;]

to lead forward, lead on; metaph., to induce, incite, urge: Mt 14:8.†

προ-βλέπω [in LXX: Ps 37:13 (רָאָה)* ;]

to foresee: mid., He 11:40 (v. Bl., § 24, 55, 1).†

[NT: 1x] * προ-γίνομαι [in LXX: Wi 19:13 אA, II Mac 14:3 Mac 15:8 * ;]

to happen before: pf. pass. ptcp., Ro 3:25.†

[NT: 5x] ** προ-γινώσκω [in LXX: Wi 6:13 8:8 18:6 * ;]

to know beforehand, foreknow: II Pe 3:17; c. acc pers., Ac 26:5; of the Divine foreknowledge, Ro 8:29 11:2, I Pe 1:20.†

[NT: 2x] πρό-γνωσις, -εως, ἡ (< προγινώσκω) [in LXX: Jth 9:6 11:19 * ;]

fore­knowledge: Ac 2:23, I Pe 1:2.†

[NT: 2x] ** πρό-γονος, -ον (< προγίνομαι), [in LXX: Es 4:17, Si 8:4, al. ;]

1. born before.
2. As subst., in pl., οἱ π., ancestors, forefathers: II Ti 1:3; of living parents (so Plat.), I Ti 5:4.†

[NT: 4x] προ-γράφω [in LXX: Da LXX 3:3 cod., I Mac 10:36 * ;]

1. to write before: Ro 15:4, Eph 3:3, Ju 4.
2. to write in public, placard, proclaim (Dem., Plut., al.): Ga 3:1 (Lft., in l).
3. = ζωγραφέω, to pourtray, depict: Ga, l.c. (Syr. Pesh., Chrys.; Field, Notes, 189; CGT, in l).†

[NT: 3x] πρό-δηλος, -ον [in LXX: Jth 8:29, II Mac 3:17 Mac 14:39 * ;]

1. evident beforehand.
2. clearly evident: I Ti 5:24-25 He 7:14.†

[NT: 1x] προ-δίδωμι [in LXX: Ez 16:34 A (נָתַן), IV Mac 4:1, al. ;]

1. to give before, give first: Ro 11:35 (Jb 41:2 (11) LXX, al.).
2. to betray (4Mac, l.c.).†

[NT: 3x] * προ-δότης, -ου, ὁ (προδίδωμι) [in LXX: II Mac 5:15 Mac 10:13 Mac 10:22, III Mac 3:24 * ;]

a betrayer, traitor: Lk 6:16, Ac 7:52, II Ti 3:4.†

[NT: 1x] πρό-δρομος, -ον (< προτρέχω) [in LXX: Nu 13:21 (20), Is 28:4 (בִּכּוּר), [p. 380] Wi 12:8 * ;]

running forward, going in advance. As subst., ὁ π., an advance guard, forerunner: He 6:20.†

προ-εῖδον aor. without Pres. in use (v.s. προοράω), [in LXX: Ge 37:18 (רָאָה), Ps 139:3 (סָכַן hi.) * ;]

to foresee: Ac 2:31 (προϊδών; WH, προιδών), Ga 3:8.†

** προ-εῖπον 2 aor. from unused Pres. (v.s. εἶπον, and pf., -είρηκα (III Mac 6:35 *), pass., -είρημαι (II Mac 2:32, III Mac 1:26, al.),

1. to say before: Ga 1:9, I Th 4:6 (on the form -αμεν, v. WH, App., 164), He 4:7; seq. ὅτι, II Co 7:3 13:2, Ga 5:21; of prophecy, Mt 24:25, Mk 13:23, Ac 1:16, Ro 9:29, II Pe 3:2, Ju 17.
2. to proclaim publicly, declare openly or plainly (cl.): so R, mg., in II Co 13:2, Ga 5:21, I Th 4:6 (cf. προλέγω; but v. supr., and cf. M, Th., 38).†

προ-είρηκα, -είρημαι, v.s. προεῖπον.

[NT: 1x] *† προ-ελπίζω

to hope before: seq. ἐν, Eph 1:12.†

[NT: 2x] *† προ-ενάρχομαι

to begin before: II Co 8:6; c. acc, τὸ θέλειν, II Co 8:10 (not elsewhere).†

*† προ-επ-αγγέλλω

to announce before. Mid., to promise before: c. acc rei, Ro 1:2, II Co 9:5 (Dio. Cass.).†

[NT: 9x] προ-ερέω, -ῶ, v.s. προεῖπον.

[NT: 9x] προ-έρχομαι [in LXX: Ge 33:3, 14 R (עָבַר), Jth 2:19, Si 35:10 (Si 32:10) al ;]

1. to go forward, go on, advance: seq. μικρόν, Mt 26:39 and Mk 14:35 (WH, mg., προσελθών): ῥύμην μίαν (cf. Plat., Rep., i, 328e), Ac 12:10.
2. Of relative position, to go before, precede: c. gen. (cl.; Jth, l.c.); c. acc pers. (not cl.), Lk 22:47 (c. gen., Rec.); seq. ἐνώπιον, Lk 1:17 (cf. Ge 33:3).
3. Of time, to go before or in advance: Ac 20:5, 13 (WH, mg., R, mg.), II Co 9:5; c. acc pers. (= cl. φθάνω), Mk 6:33.†

[NT: 2x] προ-ετοιμάζω [in LXX: Is 28:24 B, Wi 9:8 * ;]

to prepare before: c. acc rei, Ro 9:23 (οἱς for by attraction), Eph 2:10.†

[NT: 1x] προ-ευαγγελίζομαι

to announce glad tidings beforehand: Ga 3:8.†

προ-έχω [in LXX: Jb 27:6 A (חָזַק hi.) * ;]

1. Trans., to hold before; mid., to hold something before oneself (Hdt.), hence, metaph., to excuse oneself: Ro 3:9, R, mg. (but v. Field, Notes, 152 f.; Lft., Notes, 266 f.; ICC and Vau., in l).
2. Intrans.
(a) to project;
(b) in running, to have the start, hence, metaph., to excel: pass., Ro, l.c., R, txt. (v. reff. supr.).†

προ-ηγέσμαι [in LXX: De 20:9 (בְּרוֹשׁ), Pr 17:14 (פָּנִים), II Mac 4:40, al. ;]

1. to go before as leader (in cl., c. gen., dat.): Ro 12:10 (Chrys., Vg., al.; v. ICC, in l).
2. In a sense not elsewhere found, ἀλλήλους προηγούμενοι = ἀ. ἡγούμενοι ὑπερέχοντας: Ro, l.c. (ICC, cf. I Th 5:13, Phl 2:3 and EV "preferring").†

[NT: 12x] πρό-θεσις, -εως, ἡ [in LXX: Ex 40:4, 23 (עֵרֶךְ), I Ch 9:32, al. (מַעֲרֶכֶת), II Ch 4:19 (פָּנִים), I Mac 1:22, II Mac 3:8, al. ;]

1. a setting forth (Plat., Plut., al.): οἱ ἄρτοι τῆς π. (cf. LXX, ll. c., elsewhere ἄρτοι ἐνώπιοι, Ex 25:29; οἱ ἄ. τοῦ προσώπου, Ne 10:33), Mt 12:4, Mk 2:26, Lk 6:4; ἡ π. τῶν ἄρτων, He 9:2.
2. a purpose (Mist., Polyb., al.; 2Mac, l.c.): Ac 11:23 27:13, Ro 8:28 9:11, Eph 1:11 3:11, II Ti 1:9 3:10.†

[p. 381]

** προ-θέσμιος, -α, -ον [in Sm.: Jb 28:3, Da 9:26 * ;]

appointed before­hand. In Attic law, as subst. (so always in cl.), ἡ π. (sc. ἡμέρα), a day appointed beforehand, a previously appointed time: Ga 4:2.†

[NT: 5x] ** προθυμία, -ας, ἡ (< πρόθυμος), [in LXX: Si 45:23 * ;]

eagerness, willingness, readiness: Ac 17:11, II Co 8:11-12 8:19 9:2.†

[NT: 3x] πρόθυμος, -ον [in LXX: I Ch 28:21, II Ch 29:31 (נָדִיב), Hb 1:8 (חוּשׁ), al. ;]

willing, ready: Mt 26:41, Mk 14:38; neut., τὸ π. = ἡ προθυμία (Thuc., al., III Mac 5:26), οὕτως τὸ κατ' ἐμὲ (= cl. τὸ ἐμὸν) π., Ro 1:15 (but v. ICC, in l).†

[NT: 1x] προθύμως [in LXX: II Ch 29:34 (יָשָׁר לֵבָב), To 7:8, al. ;]

eagerly, readily, with a ready mind: I Pe 5:2.†

πρόϊμος (Rec. πρώ-, of which προ- is a late form; v. Bl., § 6, 4; WH, App., 152), -ον, [in LXX: De 11:14 (יוֹרֶה), etc. ;]

= the more common πρώιος (q.v.),
early: of rain (as most freq. in LXX), Ja 5:7.†

[NT: 8x] προ-ΐστημι [in LXX: II Ki 13:17, Pr 23:5 26:17, Is 43:24, Am 6:10 (no proper Heb. equiv.), Da LXX Bel 1:7, I Mac 5:19, IV Mac 11:27 * ;]

1. trans. in fut., 1 aor., and mid. 1 aor., to put before, set over (Plat., al.).
2. Intrans., in pf., plpf., 2 aor. and mid. Pres. and impf.;
(a) to preside, rule, govern: Ro 12:8, I Ti 5:17; c. gen., I Th 5:12, I Ti 3:4-5 3:12;
(b) to direct, maintain: c. gen. rei, καλῶν ἔργων, Tit 3:8, 14 (on R, mg., profess honest occupations, v. CGT, in l; Field, Notes, 223 f.).†

** προ-καλέω, -ῶ [in LXX: II Mac 8:11 A * ;]

to call forth.
Most freq. in mid.,
(a) to challenge; hence, to provoke: Ga 5:26;
(b) to invite (2Mac, l.c.).†

[NT: 2x] *† προ-κατ-αγγέλλω

to announce beforehand: c. acc et inf., Ac 3:18; seq. περί, Ac 7:52.†

[NT: 1x] * προ-κατ-αρτίζω

to make ready beforehand: II Co 9:5.†

[NT: 5x] πρό-κειμαι [in LXX: Ex 39:18 (36), Nu 4:7 (פָּנִים), etc. ;]

used as pass. of προτίθημι;
1. to be set before one, to be set forth: He 6:18 12:1-2, Ju 7.
2. to present oneself, be present: II Co 8:12 (v. Mey., in l).†

[NT: 1x] * προ-κηρύσσω

1. to proclaim by herald.
2. Of one who acts as a herald, to proclaim: Ac 13:24.†

[NT: 3x] **† προ-κοπή, -ῆς, ἡ (< προκόπτω), [in LXX: Si 51:17, II Mac 8:8 * ;]

progress (prop., on a journey, then generally): Phl 1:12, 25, I Ti 4:15 (condemned by Atticists, v. Rutherford, NPhr., 158).†

[NT: 6x] ** προ-κόπτω [in Sm.: Ps 45:5 * ;]

to cut forward a way, for­ward, advance, in cl. trans. with neut. adj., as οὐδὲν π., τὰ πολλὰ π. In late writers (Polyb., al.), wholly intrans., to advance, progress: of time, Ro 13:12. Metaph., Lk 2:52, Ga 1:14, II Ti 2:16 3:9 3:13.†

[NT: 1x] *† πρό-κριμα, -τος, τό (< cl. προκρίνειν, 1. to prefer. 2. to judge beforehand),

pre-judging, prejudice: I Ti 5:21 (v. Cremer, 378).†

[NT: 1x] προ-κυρόω, -ῶ

to establish or confirm beforehand: Ga 3:17.†

[NT: 3x] ** προ-λαμβάνω [in LXX: Wi 17:11 א2, Wi 17:17 א2B * ;]

1. to take beforehand: c. acc, I Co 11:21 (but v. infr.).
2. to be beforehand, [p. 382] anticipate (in cl., c. acc, gen. or dat.): c. inf. (= cl. φθάνω, v. Bl., § 69, 4; Swete, in l), Mk 14:8.
3. to overtake, surprise: pass., Ga 6:1 (on the virtual disappearance of the temporal force of the preposi­tion in this compound here and perhaps also in 1Co, l.c., v. MM, xxi).†

[NT: 15x] προ-λέγω [in LXX: Is 41:26 (נָגַד hi.) * ;]

1. to tell or say before­hand: II Co 13:2, Ga 5:21, I Th 3:4 (R, txt.; cf. προεῖπον, but v. infr.).
2. to declare, tell plainly: 2Co, Ga, 1Th, ll. c. (R, mg.; v. MM, xxi, and cf. Isa, l.c.).†

[NT: 1x] *† προ-μαρτύρομαι

to protest beforehand (cf. μαρτύρομαι, and V. Hort, in l): I Pe 1:11 (elsewhere only in Theod. Met., xiv/AD.).†

[NT: 1x] * προ-μελετάω, -ῶ

to premeditate: Lk 21:14.†

[NT: 1x] *† προ-μεριμνάω, -ῶ

to be anxious beforehand: Mk 13:11.†

προ-μοέω, -ῶ and depon. -έομαι, οῦμαι, [in LXX: Da LXX 11:37 (בִּין), Wi 6:7, al. ;]

1. to foresee.
2. to provide (RV, take thought for): c. acc rei, καλά, Ro 12:17 (-ούμενοι), II Co 8:21 (-οῦμεν).
3. to provide for (seq. περί, Wis, l.c.): c. gen. pers., I Ti 5:8 (-εῖ, WH, mg., -εῖται).†

[NT: 2x] πρόνοια, -ας, ἡ (< πρόνοος, careful) [in LXX: Da LXX 6:18 (19) Wi 14:3 17:2, IV Ma 6:1-35 * ;]

foresight, forethought: Ac 24:3; π. ποιεῖσθαι, c. gen. (Dem., 546, 6), make provision for, show care for: Ro 13:14.†

[NT: 5x] προ-οράω, -ῶ [in LXX: Ps 16:8) (שָׁוָה pi.), I Es 5:63 A * ;]

to see before (as to place or time): c. acc, Ac 21:29. Mid., c. acc, seq. ἐνώπιόν μου, Ac 2:25 (LXX).†

[NT: 5x] *† προ-ορίζω

to predetermine, foreordain: c. acc, Ro 8:30; id. et inf., Ac 4:28; id. seq. εἰς, I Co 2:7, Eph 1:5; c. dupl. acc, Ro 8:26; pass., Eph 1:11.†

[NT: 1x] * προ-πάσχω

to suffer before: I Th 2:2.†

[NT: 9x] ** προ-πέμπω [in LXX: I Es 4:47, Jth 10:15, Wi 19:2, I Mac 12:4, II Mac 6:23 * ;]

1. to send before, send forth.
2. to set forward on a journey, escort: c. acc pers., I Co 16:11, Tit 3:13, III Jn 6; seq. εἰς, Ac 20:38; οὗ, I Co 16:6; ἕως, Ac 21:5; pass., Ac 15:3, Ro 15:24, II Co 1:16.†

[NT: 2x] προπετής, -ές (< προπίπτω), [in LXX: Pr 10:14 (אֱוִיל) Pr 13:3 (פָּשַׂק) Si 9:18 * ;]

falling forwards, headlong. Metaph., precipitate, rash, reck­less: of persons, II Ti 3:4; of things, Ac 19:36.†

προ-πορεύω [in LXX chiefly for הָלַךְ, also for עָבַר, etc. ;]

to make to go before. Pass. and mid., to go before: Lk 1:76, Ac 7:40 (LXX),†

πρός, prep. c. gen., dat., acc.

I. I. C. gen., of motion from a place, from the side of, hence metaph., in the interests of, Ac 27:34 (cf. Page, in l.).
II. II. C. dat., of local proximity, hard by, near, at: Mk 5:11, Lk 19:37, Jo 18:16 20:11, 12 Re 1:13.
III. C. acc., of motion or direction towards a place or object, to, towards.
1. Of place,
(a) after verbs of motion or of speaking and other words with the idea of direction: ἔρχομαι, ἀναβαίνω, πορεύομαι, [p. 383] λέγω, ἐπιστολή, etc., Mt 3:14, Mk 6:51, Lk 11:5, Jo 2:3, Ac 9:2, al. mult.; metaph., of mental direction, hostile or otherwise, Lk 23:12, Jo 6:52, II Co 7:4, Eph 6:12, Col 3:13, al.; of the issue or end, Lk 14:32, Jo 11:4, al.; of purpose, Mt 26:12, Ro 3:26, I Co 6:5, al.; πρὸς τό, c. inf., denoting purpose (cf. M, Pr., 218, 220; Lft., Notes, 131), Mt 5:28, Mk 13:22, Eph 6:11, I Th 2:9, al.;
(b) of close proximity, at, by, with: Mt 3:10, Mk 11:4, Lk 4:11, Ac 3:2, al.; after εἶναι, Mt 13:56, Mk 6:3, Jo 1:1, al.
2. 2. Of time,
(a) towards (Plat., Xen., LXX: Ge 8:11, al.): Lk 24:29;
(b) for: πρὸς καιρόν, Lk 8:13, I Co 7:5; πρὸς ὥραν, Jo 5:35, al.; πρὸς ὀλίγον, Ja 4:14.
3. Of relation
(a) toward, with: Ro 5:1, II Co 1:12, Col 4:5, I Th 4:12, al.;
(b) with regard to: Mt 19:8, Mk 12:12, Ro 8:31, al.;
(c) pertaining to, to: Mt 27:4, Jo 21:22, Ro 15:17, He 2:17 5:1;
(d) according to: Lk 12:47, II Co 5:10, Ga 2:14, Eph 3:4 4:14;
(e) in comparison with: Ro 8:18.
IV. In composition: towards (προσέρχομαι), to (προσάγω), against (προσκόπτω), besides (προσδαπανάω) .

[NT: 1x] προ-σάββατον, -ου, τό [in LXX: Ps 92:1-15 title. א (שַׁבָּת) שַׁבָּת) Ps 93:1-5 title., Jth 8:6 * ;]

the day before the Sabbath: Mk 15:42 (L, Tr., txt., πρὸς σ.).†

[NT: 1x] προσ-αγορεύω [in LXX: De 23:6 (7) (דָּרַשׁ), ?Es 10:11 (יָדָה hith.), Wi 14:22, I Mac 14:40, II Mac 1:36 Mac 4:7 Mac 10:9 Mac 14:37 * ;]

to address, greet, salute; hence, to call by name, address, style: c. dupl. acc, pass., He 5:10.†

[NT: 4x] προσ-άγω [in LXX chiefly for = קָרַב hi., also for נָגַשׁ etc. ;]

1. trans., to bring or lead: c. acc et dat., Ac 16:20; metaph., τ. θεῷ, I Pe 3:18; seq. ὧδε, Lk 9:41; pass., c. dat., Mt 18:24 (προσηνέχθη, T); in forensic sense, to summon: Ac 12:6 (προαγαγεῖν, T, WH, mg., R).
2. Intrans., to draw near, approach (Jos 3:9, Je 26:3 (Je 46:3), al.): c. dat., Ac 27:27 (WH, προσαχεῖν).†

* προσ-αν-έχω,

to approach: v.l. for προσαχέω, Ac 27:27 L.†

[NT: 3x] * προσ-αγωγή, -ῆς, ἡ (< προσάγω),

1. a bringing to.
2. approach, access (v. Lft., Notes, 284; MM, xxi): Ro 5:2, Eph 2:18 3:12 (but v. Ellic., Eph., 59 f., where the transitive sense "introduction " is advocated).†

[NT: 1x] προσ-αιτέω, -ῶ [in LXX: Jb 27:14 * ;]

1. to ask besides.
2. to continue asking; hence, to importune, beg, ask alms: Jo 9:8.†

*† προσαίτης, -ου, ὁ,

a beggar: Mk 10:46, Jo 9:8.†

[NT: 1x] προσ-ανα-βαίνω [in LXX: Ex 19:23, al. (עָלָה) ;]

1. to go up besides.
2. to go up higher: Lk 14:10.†

[NT: 1x] * προσ-αναλίσκω

to spend besides: Lk 8:43 (WH, R, mg., om.).†

[NT: 2x] ** προσ-αναπληρόω, -ῶ [in LXX: Wi 19:4 * ;]

to fill up by adding to, to supply fully: II Co 9:12 11:9.†

[NT: 2x] * προσ-ανα-τίθημι

to lay on or offer besides; mid.,
(a) to lay on oneself in addition, undertake besides;
(b) c. gen. pers., of giving or obtaining information, to consult, communicate: Ga 1:16 2:6 (Lft., in l; cf. ἀνα-τίθημι)

** προσ-απειλέω, -ῶ [in LXX: Si 13:3 א * ;]

to threaten further: Ac 4:21.†

προσ-αχέω, -ῶ,

Doric for προσηχέω
to resound: of land perceived by the roar of the surf, Ac 27:27 (WH, mg., cf. προσάγω).†

[p. 384]

[NT: 1x] *† προσδαπανάω, -ῶ

to spend besides: c. acc, Lk 10:35.†
SYN.: προσαναλίσκω

[NT: 1x] προσ-δέομαι [in LXX: Pr 12:9 חָסֵר חָסֵר Si 6:1-37 * ;]

to want further, need in addition: Ac 17:25.†

[NT: 14x] προσ-δέχομαι [in LXX chiefly for רָצָה ;]

1. to receive to oneself, receive favourably, admit, accept: c. acc pers., Lk 15:2, Ro 16:2, Phl 2:29; c. acc rei, Ac 24:15 (R, mg.), He 10:34 11:35.
2. to expect, look for, wait for: c. acc pers., Lk 12:36; c. acc rei, Mk 15:43, Lk 2:25, 38 23:51, Ac 23:21, Tit 2:13, Ju 21 (cf. δέχομαι).†

[NT: 16x] προσ-δοκάω, -ῶ (the simple verb exists only in the forms δοκέω, -εύω) [in LXX: Ps 104:27 (שָׂבַר pi.), etc. ;]

to await, expect: Mt 24:50, Lk 3:15 12:46, Ac 27:33 28:6; c. acc pers., Mt 11:3, Lk 1:21 7:19-20 8:40 Ac 10:24; c. acc rei, II Pe 3:12-14; c. acc et inf., Ac 28:6; c. inf., Ac 3:5.†

[NT: 2x] προσδοκία, -ας, ἡ (< ιροσδοκάω), [in LXX: Ge 49:10 (יִקָּהָה), Ps 119:116 (שֵׂבֶר) Wi 17:13, Si 40:2, al. ;]

expectation: c. gen. obj., Lk 21:26; c. gen. subjc., Ac 12:11.†

[NT: 1x] *† προσ-εάω, -ῶ

to permit further: Ac 27:7.†

[NT: 1x] προσ-εγγίζω [in LXX chiefly for נָגַשׁ, קָרַב ;]

1. trans., to bring near (Luc.).
2. Intrans., to approach: c. dat., Mk 2:4 (WH, προσενέγκαι).†

[NT: 1x] ** προσεδρεύω (< πρόσεδρος, sitting near), [in LXX: I Mac 11:40 * ;]

1. to sit near.
2. to attend regularly: c. dat., I Co 9:13, Rec. (v.s. παρεδρεύω).†
[in LXX: Pr 1:21 8:3 * ;]
to sit constantly beside, attend constantly (cf. MM, xix): τ. θυσιαστηρίω, I Co 9:13.†

[NT: 1x] * προσ-εργάζομαι

1. to work or do service besides (Hdt., Plut.).
2. to gain besides, by working or trading: Lk 19:16 (Xen.).†

[NT: 86x] προσ-έρχομαι [in LXX for קָרַב, נָגַשׁ, etc. ;]

to approach, draw near: absol., Mt 4:11, Lk 9:42, al.; c. infin., Mt 24:1, al.; c. dat. loc., He 12:18, 22; dat. pers., Mt 5:1, and freq., Jo 12:21, al.; ptcp., προσελθών, c. indic., Mt 8:2, and freq., Mk 1:31, Lk 7:14, al.; π. αὐτῷ, c. indic., Mt 4:3, Mk 6:35,
(a) of approaching God: absol. (Le 21:17, De 21:5, al.), He 10:1, 22; τ. θεῷ, He 7:25 11:6; τ. θρόνῳ τ. χάριτος, He 4:16; πρὸς Χριστόν, I Pe 2:4;
(b) in sense not found elsewhere (Field, Notes, 211), to consent to: ὑγιαίνουσι λόγοις, I Ti 6:3

[NT: 36x] προσ-ευχή, -ῆς, ἡ (< προσεύχομαι), [in LXX chiefly for תְּפִלָּה ;]

1. prayer to God: Mt 17:21 (WH, R, txt., om.) Mt 21:22, Mk 9:29, Lk 22:45, Ac 3:1 6:4 10:31, Ro 12:12, I Co 7:5, Col 4:2; pl., Ac 2:42 10:4, Ro 1:10, Eph 1:16 Col 4:12, I Th 1:2, Phm 4 22, I Pe 3:7 4:7, Re 5:8 8:3-4; οἶκος προσευχῆς, Mt 21:13, Mk 11:17, Lk 19:46 (LXX); π. καὶ δέησις, Eph 6:18, Phl 4:6; pl., I Ti 2:1 5:5; ἡ π. τοῦ θεοῦ, prayer to God (ef. Wi 16:28), Lk 6:12; πρὸς τ. θεόν, seq. ὑπέρ, Ac 12:5; pl., Ro 15:30; Hebraistically (B1., § 38, 3), προσευχῇ προσεύχεσθαι, Ja 5:17 (EV, prayed fervently).
2. a place of prayer: of a synagogue (III Mac 7:20, v.l.; v. Charles, APOT, i, 173; for other exx., v. Kennedy, Sources, 114); of a place in the open (FlJ, Ant., xiv, 10, 23), Ac 16:13, 16.†
SYN.: v.s. δέησις

[p. 385]

[NT: 85x] προσ-εύχομαι [in LXX chiefly for פָּלַל hith. ;]

to pray (always of prayer to God, or in cl., to gods): absol., Mt 6:5-7, 9 14:23 19:13 26:36, 39 26:41, 44, Mk 1:35 6:46 11:24-25 13:33 (WH, E, txt., om.) Mk 14:32, 38-39 Lk 1:10 3:21 5:16 6:12 9:18, 28-29 11:1-2 18:1, 10 22:44 (WH, E, mg., om.), Ac 1:24 6:6 9:11 10:9, 30 11:5 12:12 13:3 14:23 16:25 20:36 21:5 22:17 28:8, I Co 11:4-5 14:14, I Th 5:17, I Ti 2:8, Ja 5:13, 18; seq. λέγων, Mt 26:39, 42, Lk 22:41; c. dat. instr., I Co 11:5 14:14-15; μακρά, Mt 23:14 (WH, R, txt., om.), Mk 12:40, Lk 20:47; ἐν πνεύματι (ἁγίῳ), Eph 6:18, Ju 20; προσευχῇ π. (a Hebraism, v.s. προσευχή), Ja 5:17; c. acc rei, Lk 18:11, Ro 8:26; seq. ἐπί, c. acc pers., Ja 5:14; c. dat. pers., Mt 6:6, I Co 11:13; seq. περί, c. gen., Ac 8:15, Col 1:3 4:3, I Th 5:25, II Th 1:11 3:1, He 13:18; ὑπέρ, Mt 5:44 Lk 6:28, Col 1:9, Ja 5:16; seq. ἵνα, Mt 24:20, Mk 13:18 14:35, Lk 22:46, I Co 14:13; τοῦτο ἵνα, Phl 1:9; c. inf., Lk 22:46; seq. τοῦ, c. inf. (Bl., § 71, 3), Ja 5:17.†

[NT: 24x] προσ-έχω [in LXX for קָשַׁב hi., שָׁמַר ni., etc. ;]

1. to turn to, bring to (freq. ναῦν, expressed or understood, to bring to port, land; Hdt., al.).
2. τ. νοῦν, seq. dat., to turn one's mind to, attend to; in Xen. and later writers with νοῦν omitted (El., § 53, 1; 81, 1): Ac 8:6 16:14, He 2:1, II Pe 1:19; in sense of caring or providing for, Ac 20:28; π. ἑαυτῷ, to give heed to oneself (M, Pr., 157; cf. Ge 24:6, Ex 10:28, al.): Lk 17:3 21:34, Ac 5:35; id. seq. ἀπό (M, Pr., 102; B1., § 34, 11; 40, 3; v.s. βλέπω), Lk 12:1; (without dat.) Mt 7:15 10:17 16:6, 11-12, Lk 20:46 (cf. Si 6:13, al.); seq. μή, c. inf. (M, Pr., 193; Bl., § 69, 4), Mt 6:1.
3. to attach or devote oneself to: c. dat. pers., Ac 8:10-11, I Ti 4:1; c. dat. rei, I Ti 1:4 3:8 4:13 6:3 T (-ερχ-, WH, R), Tit 1:14, He 7:13.†

[NT: 1x] προσ-ηλόω -ῶ [in LXX: III Mac 4:9 * ;]

to nail to: c. acc et dat., fig., Col 2:14.†

[NT: 4x] προσήλυτος, -ον (< προοελαύνω), [in LXX for גֵּר ;]

1. one who has arrived, a stranger.
2. Of converts to Judaism, a proselyte (v. DB, s.v.): Mt 23:15, Ac 2:10 6:5 13:43.†

[NT: 4x] ** πρόσ-καιρος, -ον [in LXX: IV Mac 15:2 Mac 15:8 Mac 15:23 * ;]

1. in season.
2. for a season, temporary, transient: II Co 4:18, He 11:25; of plants, short-lived: Mt 13:21, Mk 4:17.†

προσ-καλέω, -ῶ [in LXX chiefly for קָרָא ;]

to call to. Mid., to call to oneself (v. M, Pr., 157): c. acc pers., Mt 10:1, Mk 3:13 6:7, Lk 7:19, Ac 5:40, Ja 5:14, al. Metaph., of the Divine call: Ac 2:39; c. inf., Ac 16:10 (v. Bl., § 69, 4); seq. εἰς, Ac 13:2.†

[NT: 10x] προσ-καρτερέω, -ῶ (< καρτερός, strong, stedfast) [in LXX: Nu 13:21 (חָזַק hith.), To 5:8 א, Da Th Su 1:6* ;]

to attend constantly, continue stedfastly, adhere to, wait on: c. dat. pers., Mk 3:9, Ac 8:13 10:7; c. dat. rei, Ac 1:14 2:42 6:4, Ro 12:12, Col 4:2; seq. ἐν, Ac 2:46; εἰς, Ro 13:6.†

[NT: 1x] *† προσ-καρτέρησις, -εως, ἡ (< προσκαρτερέω)

stedfastness, persever­ance: Eph 6:18.†

[NT: 1x] προσ-κεφάλαιον, -ου, τό [in LXX: Ez 13:18, 20 (כֶּסֶת), I Es 3:8 * ;]

a pillow, cushion: Mk 4:38.†

*† προσ-κληρόω, -ῶ

to allot to, assign to by lot; pass. (but perh. as nid., EV, consorted with, so Syr.): Ac 17:4 (for exx., v, Cremer, 749).†

[p. 386]

πρόσ-κλησις, -εως, ἡ,

LTr., mg., for πρόσκλισις, q.v

** προσ-κλίνω [in LXX: II Mac 14:24 * ;]

1. to make to lean against.
2. to make the scale incline one way or another; hence, metaph., of persons, to incline (sc. ἑαυτόν) towards: pass., Ac 5:36.†

[NT: 1x] *† πρόσ-κλισις, -εως, ἡ (< προσκλίνω),

inclination partiality: I Ti 5:21.†

προσ-κολλάω, -ῶ, [in LXX chiefly for דָּבַק ;]

to glue to; pass., reflexive, to stick to, cleave to (Plat.): metaph. (c. dat., Jos 23:8, Si 6:34 al.), seq. πρός, Mk 10:7 (R, txt.), Eph 5:31 (LXX).†

[NT: 6x] πρόσ-κομμα, -τος, τό (< προσκόπτω), [in LXX: Ex 23:33 34:12 (מוֹקֵשׁ), Is 8:14 (נֶגֶף), Jth 8:22, Si 17:25, al. ;]

(a) a stumble, stumbling: λίθος προσκόμματος (= נֶגֶף אֶבֶן, Isa, l.c.), fig., Ro 9:32-33, I Pe 2:8 (LXX);
(b) = προσκοπή, an occasion of stumbling, a stumbling-block: metaph., Ro 14:13, 20, I Co 8:9 (Plut.).†
SYN.: σκάνδαλον (cf. Cremer, 752 f.)

[NT: 1x] ** προσκοπή, -ῆς, ή (< προσκόπτω), [in Gr. Ven.: Pr 16:18 (כִּשָּׁלוֹן) * ;]

an occasion of stumbling, offence: II Co 6:3.†

[NT: 8x] προσ-κόπτω [in LXX for נָגַף, כָּשַׁל ni., etc. ;]

1. trans., to strike (e.g. hand or foot) against: c. acc seq. πρός, fig., Mt 4:6, Lk 4:11, (LXX)
2. Intrans., to stumble: absol. (To 11:9, Pr 3:23), Jo 11:9-10; of wind, to rush against, beat upon: c. dat, Mt 7:27. Metaph., in late writers,
(a) to offend (Polyb.);
(b) to take offence at, stumble at: seq. ἐν, Ro 14:21; c. dat., τ. λόγῳ, I Pe 2:8; τ. λίθῳ τ. προσκόμματος, Ro 9:32.†

[NT: 2x] * προσ-κυλίω

to roll up, roll to: c. acc et dat., Mt 27:60; acc seq. ἐπί, Mk 15:46.†

[NT: 60x] προσ-κυνέω, -ῶ (< κυνέω, to kiss), [in LXX chiefly for שָׁחָה hith. ;]

to make obeisance, do reverence to, worship;
(a) prop. (as in cl., of the gods: Hdt., Æsch., Plat., al.), of God, Christ and supra-mundane beings: absol., Jo 4:20 12:20, Ac 8:27 24:11, He 11:21 (Westc., in l), Re 11:1; πίπτειν καὶ π., Re 5:14; c. dat. (of the significance of this constr. as com­pared with the usual cl., c. acc, v. Abbott, JG, 78 f.; JV, 133 ff.), Jo 4:21, 23, Ac 7:43, I Co 14:25, He 1:6, Re 4:10 7:11 11:16 13:4, 15 14:7 16:2 19:4, 10 19:20 22:8-9; c. acc (v. supr.), Mt 4:10, Lk 4:8 24:52 (WH, R, mg., om.), Jo 4:22, 24, Re 9:20 13:4, 8 13:12 14:9, 11 20:4; Seq. ἐπώπιον, Lk 4:7, Re 15:4;
(b) as in cl., of homage to human superiors (cf. MM, xxi): absol., Mt 20:20, Ac 10:25; c. dat. (v. supr.), Mt 2:2, 8 8:2 9:18 14:33 15:25 18:26 28:9, Mk 15:19, Jo 9:38; πεσὼν., Mt 2:11 4:9; ἐνώπιον τ. ποδῶν, Re 3:9; c. acc, Mk 5:6 (dat. T).†

*† προσ-κυνητήν, -οῦ, ὁ (< προσκυνέω),

a worshipper: Jo 4:23.†

[NT: 2x] προσ-λαλέω, -ῶ [in LXX: Ex 4:16 AB2 (דָבַר pi.), Wi 13:17 * ;]

to speak to: Ac 28:20; c. dat. pers., Ac 13:43.†

προσ-λαμβάνω [in LXX: Ps 18:16 (מָשָׁה hi.), Ps 73:24 (לָקַח), etc. ;]

1. to take in addition.
2. to take to oneself, take, receive; in NT always mid., -ομαι;
(a) of things: of food, c. acc, Ac 27:33; c. gen. part., Ac 27:36;
(b) of persons: c. acc, Mt 16:22, Mk 8:32 (v. Swete, in l), Ac 17:5 18:26 28:2, Ro 14:1, 3 15:7, Phm 17.†

[NT: 1x] * πρόσ-λημψις (Rec. -ληψις, as in Att..), -εως, ἡ (< προσλαμβάνω),

1. an assumption (Plat.).
2. a receiving (cf. προσλαμβάνω): Ro 11:15,†

[p. 387]

[NT: 7x] προσ-μένω [in LXX: Jg 3:25 A (חוּל hi.), To 2:2 א, Wi 3:9, III Mac 7:17 * ;]

1. to wait longer, continue, remain still: Ac 18:18; seq. ἐν, I Ti 1:3.
2. C. dat., to remain with: Mt 15:32, Mk 8:32. Metaph., to remain attached to, cleave unto, abide in: τ. κυρίῳ, Ac 11:23 (R, txt.; ἐν τ. κ., R, mg., v. supr.); τ. χάριτι τ. θεοῦ, Ac 13:43; τ. δεήσεσιν, I Ti 5:5.†

* προσ-ορμίζω (< ὅρμος, an anchorage),

to bring a ship to anchor at; usually in mid., to come to anchor near, and so pass. in late writers (Ael., Dio Cass.): Mk 6:53.†

[NT: 1x] * προσ-οφείλω

to owe besides: Phm 19 (v. Field, Notes, 225).†

[NT: 2x] προσ-οχθίζω [in LXX: Le 26:15, al. (גָּעַל); Le 18:25, al. (קוֹא), Ps 95:10, Ez 36:31 (קוּט), Si 6:25, al. (other writers use ὀχθέω, rarely -ίζω) ;]

to be angry with: c. dat., He 3:10 (LXX), He 3:17.†

προσ-παίω = προσπίπτω,

Mt 7:25 L (v.s. προσπίπτω).†

πρόσπεινος, -ον (< πεῖωα, hunger),

hungry: Ac 10:10.†

[NT: 1x] * προσ-πήγνυμι

to fasten to: absol., to crucify, Ac 2:23.†

[NT: 8x] προσ-πίπτω [in LXX for נָפַל, נָגַע hi., כָּרַע ;]

1. to fall upon, strike against: c. dat., of wind, Mt 7:25.
2. to fall down at one's feet, fall prostrate before: absol., seq. πρός, Mk 7:25; c. dat. pers., Mk 3:11 5:33, Lk 8:28, Ac 16:29; τ. γόνασιν, Lk 5:8.†

προσ-ποιέω, -ῶ [in LXX: I Ki 21:13 (14) (הָלַל hithpo.), Jb 19:14, (Sir 34:30 (Si 31:30)), Da LXX Su 1:11 * ;]

to make over to, add or attach to. Mid., to take to oneself, claim; hence, to pretend; c. inf. (cf. Xen., Anab., iv, 3, 20), to make as if: Lk 24:28.†

[NT: 1x] προσ-πορεύομαι [in LXX for קָרַב, נָגַשׁ, etc. ;]

to come near, approach: c. dat. pers., Mk 10:35.†

[NT: 2x] **† προσ-ρήγνυμι [in Aq.: Ps 2:9 * ;]

to break against, dash against;
(a) trans. (παιδία πέτραις, FlJ, Ant., ix, 4, 6);
(b) intrans., c. dat.: Lk 6:48-49 (cf. προσπίπτω).†

[NT: 7x] προσ-τάσσω [in LXX chiefly for צָוָה pi. ;]

1. c. acc pers., to place at, to attach to.
2. to give a command, enjoin, appoint: Lk 5:14; c. dat. pers., Mt 1:24; c. acc rei, Mt 8:4, Mk 1:44; c. acc et inf., Ac 10:48; pass., Ac 10:33 17:26.†

[NT: 1x] * προστάτις, -ιδος, ἡ (fem, of προοτάτης),

a patroness, protectress: Ro 16:2.†

[NT: 18x] προσ-τίθημι [in LXX chiefly for יָסַף hi., also for אָסַף ni., etc. ;]

1. to put to.
2. to add, join to, give in addition: c. acc seq. ἐπί, Mt 6:27, Lk 3:20 12:25; ἐπὶ τὸ αὐτό, Ac 2:47; c. acc et dat., Lk 17:5, He 12:19 (v. MM, xxi); pass., absol., Ac 2:41, Ga 3:19; c. dat., Mt 6:33, Mk 4:24, Lk 12:31, Ac 5:14 11:24; προσιτέθη πρὸς τ. πατέρας (cf. Ge 26:8, Jg 2:10, al.), Ac 13:36; c. inf., of repeating or continuing the action signified by the following verb, as in Heb. idiom (Ge 4:2 8:12, al.; cf. WM, § 54, 5; Lft. on Clem., 1Co., xii; but v. also M, Pr., 67, 233; Deiss., BS, 67.1; MM, xxi), Lk 20:11, Ac 12:3; similarly ptcp., προσ-θείς, c. indic. (Ge 38:5, al.), Lk 19:11.†

[NT: 3x] προσ-τρέχω [in LXX for רוּץ ;]

to run to: Mk 9:15 10:17, Ac 8:30.†

[NT: 1x] προσφάγιον, -ου, τό (< φαγεῖν),

Hellenistic for ὄψον ὀψάριον)
a relish or dainty (esp, cooked fish), to be eaten with bread: Jo 21:5 [p. 388] (have ye taken any fish, Field, Notes, 109; Abbott, Essays, 105; cf. M, Pr., 170n; MM, Exp., xxi).†

[NT: 1x] πρόσφατος, -ον (on the derivation, v. Boisacq, s.v. and cf. -ως), [in LXX: Nu 6:3 (לַח), De 32:17, Ec 1:9 (חָדָשׁ), Ps 81:9 (זוּר), Si 9:10 * ;]

1. originally, freshly slain.
2. Generally (from Æsch. on), new, fresh, recent: ὁδός, He 10:20 (v. MM, Exp., xxi; Rutherford, NPhr., 471 f.).†

[NT: 1x] προσφάτως adv. (v.s. πρόσφατος), [in LXX: De 24:5 (חָדָשׁ), Jth 4:3, 5, Ez 11:3, II Mac 14:36 Mac 14:16 ;]

recently: Ac 18:2 (v. MM, Exp., xxi).†

[NT: 47x] προσ-φέρω [in LXX chiefly for קָרַב hi. ;]

1. to bring to, lead to: c. acc et dat. pers., Mt 4:24 8:16 9:2, 32 14:35 17:16, Mk 2:4 (WH, R, txt.; sc. αὐτόν) Mk 10:13, Lk 18:15 23:14; pass., Mt 12:22 (act., WH, txt.) Mt 18:24 (προσήχθη, WH) Mt 19:13; c. acc rei, Mt 25:20; id. c. dat. pers., Mt 22:19, Lk 23:36; τ. στόματι, Jo 19:29; metaph., c. dat pers., to deal with, He 12:7 (cl.).
2. to offer: Mt 2:11, Ac 8:18; esp. (as freq. in LXX; cf. FlJ, Ant., iii, 9, 3) sacrifices, gifts and prayers to God: absol., seq. περί (ὑπέρ), Mk 1:44, Lk 5:14, He 5:1, 3 9:7 10:12; pass., Ac 21:26; c. acc rei (δῶρον, θυσίαν, λυτρείαν, προσφοράν), Mt 5:23-24 (aoristic pres.; M, Pr., 247) Mt 8:4, Jo 16:2, Ac 7:42 21:26, He 5:1 8:3-4 9:7, 9 10:1-2, 8 10:11-12; δεήσεις τε κ. ἱκετηρίας, He 5:7; c. acc pers., He 11:17 (conative impf.; M, Pr., 129); of Christ, He 7:27 (ἀνενέγκας, WH, txt.) He 9:14, 25 9:28.†

[NT: 1x] ** προσφιλής, -ές (< φιλέω), [in LXX: Es 5:1, Si 4:7 20:13 * ;]

(a) of persons, in both act, and pass. sense (LXX, ll. c.);
(b) of things, pleas­ing, agreeable (EV, lovely): Phl 4:8.†

[NT: 9x] προσ-φορά, -ᾶς, ἡ (< προσφέρω), [in LXX: III Ki 7:48 (פָּנִים) Ps 40:6 (מִנְחָה), I Es 5:52, Si 14:11, al. ;]

1. a bringing to, offering (Plat., al.).
2. (Less freq. in cl.), a present, an offering; in NT, of sacrificial offerings: Ac 21:26 24:17, Eph 5:2, He 10:5, 8 10:14; περί ἀμαρτίας, He 10:18; c. gen. obj., Ro 15:16, He 10:10.†

[NT: 7x] προσ-φωνέω, -ῶ [in LXX: I Es 2:21 Es 6:6 Es 6:22, II Mac 15:15 * ;]

1. to address, call to; in cl., c. acc pers., c. dupl. acc (cf. 2Mac, l.c.); absol. (Hom., Od., v, 159, al.): Ac 21:40 In late writers, c. dat. pers.: Mt 11:16, Lk 7:32 13:12 23:20, Ac 22:2.
2. to call by name, summon: c. acc (as in cl.), Lk 6:13.†

[NT: 1x] *† πρόσ-χυσις, -εως, ἡ

a pouring or sprinkling upon: He 11:28.†

[NT: 1x] * προσ-ψαύω

in poët. and late writers,
to touch: c. dat., Lk 11:46.†

[NT: 1x] *† προσωπολημπτέω (Rec. -ληπτ-), -ῶ (< -λήμπτης, q.v.),

to have respect of persons: Ja 2:9.†

[NT: 1x] *† προσωπο-λήμπτης (Rec. -λήπτης, v. Bl., § 6, 8), -ου, ὁ (< πρόσωπον λαμβάνειν, v.s. πρόσωπον),

a respecter of persons: Ac 10:34 (on this group of cognate forms, v. Mayor, da., 78 f.; and cf. Thackeray, Gr., 44).†

[NT: 4x] *† προσωπολημψία (Rec. -ληψία), -ας, ἡ (< προσωπολήμπτης)

respect of persons: Ro 2:11, Eph 6:9, Col 3:25, Ja 2:1 (v. Mayor, in l).†

[NT: 76x] πρόσωπον, -ου, τό (< πρός, ὤψ), [in LXX chiefly and very freq. for פָּנִים ;]

1. prop., of persons (so always in cl.);
(a) the face, countenance: [p. 389] Mt 6:16-17, Mk 14:65, Lk 9:29, II Co 3:7, Re 4:7, al.; τὸ π. τῆς γενέτεως (EV, natural face), Ja 1:23; πίπτειν ἐπὶ (τὰ) π., Mt 17:6, Lk 5:12, Re 7:11, al.; ἀγνοούμενος τῷ π., Ga 1:22; π., οὐ καρδίᾳ, I Th 2:17; κατὰ πρόσωπον (in front, facing: Thuc., Xen., al.), when present, face to face, Ac 25:16, II Co 10:1 10:7, Ga 2:11; id. c. gen., as compound prep., in the presence of (not cl.; v. Bl., § 40, 9; M, Pr., 99 f.; Thackeray, Gr., 43 f.), Lk 2:31, Ac 3:13; similarly ἀπὸ π. (Heb. (פָּנִים מִלִּפְּנֵי); v. Dalman, Words, 29), from the presence of, Ac 3:19 5:41 7:45, II Th 1:9, Re 12:14 20:11; πρὸ π. (Heb. (פָּנִים לִפְנֵי), before, Mt 11:10, Mk 1:2, Lk 7:27 (LXX), al.; in other phrases resembling Heb. idiom (Thackeray, Gr., 42), βλέπειν (ὁρᾶν, θεωρεῖν, ἰδεῖν) τὸ π., to see one's face, i.e. see him in person, Mt 18:10, Ac 20:25, 38, I Th 3:10, Re 22:4; ἐμφανισθῆναι τῷ π. τοῦ θεοῦ, He 9:24; ἐν π. Χριστοῦ, II Co 2:10 4:6; μετὰ τοῦ π. σου with thy presence, Ac 2:28 (LXX); εἰς π. τῶν ἐκκλησιῶν, II Co 8:24; στηρίζειν τὸ π. (Heb. פָּנִים שׂוּם: Je 21:10, al.; v. Dalman, Words, 30), c. inf., to set one's face towards, Lk 9:51; similarly, τὸ π. αὐτοῦ ἦν πορευόμενον (op. cit., 31), Lk 9:53; τὸ π. τοῦ κυρίου ἐπί, I Pe 3:12 (LXX)
(b) form, person: καυχᾶσθαι. ἐν π. καὶ μὴ ἐν καρδίᾳ, II Co 5:12 (cf. I Ki 16:7); metaph., as in Heb. idiom, of judgment according to appearance, external condition or circumstances (פָּנִים H5387; v. Dalman, Words, 30; Thackeray, Gr., 43 f.): λαμβάνειν π., Lk 20:21, Ga 2:6; βλέπειν εἰς π., Mt 22:16, Mk 12:14; θαυμάζειν πρόσωπα, Ju 16.
2. Of things (cf. Dalman, l.c.)
(a) face, appearance (Ps 104:30): Mt 16:3 (WH, R, mg., om.), Lk 12:56, Ja 1:11
(b) surface (Ge 2:6): Lk 21:35, Ac 17:26

[NT: 1x] ** προ-τάσσω [in LXX: II Mac 8:36 R (Α, προστ-) * ;]

1. to place in front.
2. to arrange beforehand: Ac 17:26, Rec. (for προστ., Edd.).†

[NT: 1x] ** προ-τείνω, [in LXX: 2Ma_7:1-42, 3Ma_2:1 * ;]

to stretch out, stretch forth: of preparations for scourging (v. Field, Notes, 136 f.), Ac 22:25.†

πρότερος, and πρῶτος, compar. and superl. from πρό, opp. to ὕστερος, ὕστατος.

[NT: 11x] A. Compar., πρότερος, -α, -ον, [in LXX for רִאשׁוֹן ,לִפָנִים, etc. ;]

before, of time, place, rank, etc.; in NT always of Time, before, former: Eph 4:22. Adverbially, πρότερον, before, aforetime, formerly: Jo 7:50, II Co 1:15, He 4:6; opp. to ἔπειτα, He 7:27; τὸ π., Jo 6:62 9:8, Ga 4:13, I Ti 1:13; αἱ π. ἡμέραι, He 10:32; αἱ π. ἐπιθυμίαι, I Pe 1:14.†

[NT: 154x] B. Superl., πρῶτος, -η, -ον, [in LXX chiefly for רִאשׁוֹן, also for אֶחַד, etc. ;]

1. of Time or Place;
(a) absol., as subst., ὁ π.., Lk 14:18, Jo 19:32, I Co 14:30; ὁ π. καὶ ὁ ἔσχατος, Re 1:17 2:8 22:13; neut., τὸ π., opp. to τ. δεύτερον, He 10:9; τὰ π., opp. to τ. ἔσχατα, Mt 12:45, Lk 11:26, II Pe 2:20; anarth., Mt 10:2; pl., Mt 19:30, Mk 10:31, Lk 13:30; ἐν πρώτοις (EV, first of all), I Co 15:3;
(b) as adj.: πρώτῃ; (sc. ἡμέρᾳ) σαββάτου, Mk 16:[9]; φυλακή, opp. to δευτέρα, Ac 12:10; equiv. to adv. in English, Jo 8:[7] 20:4, 8 Ac 27:43, Ro 10:19, I Ti 1:16, I Jo 4:19; = πρότερος (v. infr.; cf. [p. 390] M, Pr., 79; Bl, §11, 5; Thackeray, Gr., 183f.): c. gen., π. μου ἦν (my chief: Abbott, Jg., 509ff.; but cf. M, Pr., 245), Jo 1:15, 30; c. art., Mk 14:12, Ac 1:1, al.; seq. ὁ δεύτερος, etc., Mt 22:25, Mk 12:20, al.
2. Of Rank or Dignity, chief, principal: Mt 20:27 22:38, Mk 9:35, Eph 6:2, al.; c. gen., Mk 12:28, 29 al.; πόλις (Field, Notes, 124), Ac 16:12; c. art., Lk 15:22 19:47, Ac 13:50, al.
3. Neut., πρῶτον, as adv., first, at the first;
(a) of Time: Mt 8:21, Mk 4:28, al.; τὸ π., Jo 10:40, al.;
(b) of Order: Ro 3:2, I Co 11:18, al.

προ-τίθημι [in LXX: Ex 40:4, 23, Le 24:8 (עָרַךְ) Ps 54:3 (שׂוּם), etc. ;]

1. to set before, set forth publicly; so also in mid.: c. acc pers., Ro 3:25 (for a suggested alt, rend., v. MM, xxii).
2. Mid., to set before oneself, propose, purpose: c. inf., Ro 1:13; c. acc rei, Eph 1:9.†

** προ-τρέπω [in LXX: Wi 14:18, II Mac 11:7, IV Mac 12:7 Mac 15:12 Mac 16:13 * ;]

to urge forwards, exhort, persuade. Mid., in same sense (as also in cl.): Ac 18:27.†

[NT: 2x] προ-τρέχω [in LXX: I Ki 8:11 (פָּנִים רוּץ), Jb 41:13 (14) A (דּוּץ), To 11:3 (seq. ἔμπροσθεν), I Mac 16:21 * ;]

1. to run forward.
2. to run on, run in advance: Jo 20:4; seq. εἰς τὸ ἔμπροσθεν, Lk 19:4.†

[NT: 2x] ** προ-ϋπ-άρχω [in LXX: Job 42:18* ;]

1. to be beforehand in.
2. to be before or previously: c. ptcp., Lk 23:12, Ac 8:9.†

[NT: 6x] πρό-φασις, -εως, ἡ (< φήμι), [in LXX: Ps 141:4 (עֲלִילָה), ??עֲלִילָה), ??Da 6:4-5(5-6) (עִלָּה) Pr 18:1, Ho 10:4 * ;]

a pretence, pretext: Mt 23:1 (WM, R, txt., om.), Mk 12:40, Lk 20:47 Jo 15:22, Ac 27:30, Phl 1:18, I Th 2:5.†

[NT: 2x] προφέρω [in LXX: Pr 10:13 (מָצָא ni.), To 9:5, al. ;]

to bring forth: c. acc rei, seq. ἐκ, Lk 6:45.†

[NT: 19x] προφητεία, -ας, ἡ (< προψητεύω) [in LXX for נְבוּאָה, חָזוֹן ;]

the gift (and its exercise) of interpreting the Divine will and purpose, prophecy, prophesying: of OT prophecy, Mt 13:14, II Pe 1:20-21; of NT prophecy, Ro 12:6, I Co 12:10 13:2 14:6 14:22, I Ti 4:14, Re 11:6 22:19; pl., I Co 13:8, I Th 5:20, I Ti 1:18; οἱ λόγοι τῆς π., Re 1:3 22:7, 10 22:18; τ. πνεῦμα τῆς π., Re 19:10 (Luc., FlJ, LXX, π.; v. Deiss., BS, 235 f.; MM, xxii).†

[NT: 28x] προφητεύω (< προφήτης), [in LXX chiefly for נָבָא ni., hith. ;]

to be a προφήτης (q.v.), to prophesy: in the primary sense of telling forth the Divine counsels, Mt 7:22 26:68, Mk 14:65, Lk 1:67 22:64, Ac 19:6, I Co 11:4-5 13:9 14:1 14:3-5 14:24 14:31 14:39, He 11:3; with the idea of foretelling future events (an idea merely incidental, not essential; v. Lft., Notes, 83 f.), Mt 11:13, Ac 2:17-18 (LXX) Ac 21:9; seq. περί, Mt 15:7, Mk 7:6, I Pe 1:10; ἐπί, c. dat., Re 10:11; λέγων, Ju 14; ὅτι, Jo 11:51.†
SYN.: μαντεύομαι, q.v

[144] προφήτης, -ου, ὁ [< πρόφημι, to speak forth), [in LXX chiefly for נָבִיא ;]

one who acts as an interpreter or forth-teller of the Divine will (v. Lft., Notes, 83f.; Tr., Syn., §vi), a prophet;
1. in cl. (Æsch., Hdt., Plat., al.), of the interpreters of oracles.
2. In NT, [p. 391]
(a) of the OT prophets: Mt 5:12, Mk 6:15, Lk 4:27, Jo 8:52, Ro 11:3, al.;
(b) of prophets in general: Mt 10:41 13:57 21:46, Mk 6:4, Lk 13:33, al.;
(c) of John the Baptist: Mt 21:26, Mk 6:15, Lk 1:76;
(d) of Christ: Mt 21:11, Jo 6:14, Ac 3:22, 23 7:37 (LXX);
(e) of Christian prophets in the apostolic age: Ac 15:32, I Co 12:28, Eph 2:20, al.;
(f) by meton., of the writings of prophets: Lk 24:27, Ac 8:28, al.;
(g) of a poet: Tit 1:12 (on the use of the term in π. and Inscr., v. Deiss., BS, 235f.; MM, xxii).

[NT: 2x] *† προφητικός, -ά, -όν (< προφήτης),

of prophecy, prophetic: Ro 16:26, II Pe 1:19.†

[NT: 2x] προφῆτις, -ιδος, ἡ fem, of προφήτης, [in LXX: Ex 15:20, Jg 4:4, IV Ki 22:14, II Ch 34:22, Is 8:3 (נְבִיאָה) * ;]

a prophetess: Lk 2:36, Re 2:20.†

[NT: 1x] προ-φθάνω [in LXX chiefly for קָדַם pi. ;]

c. ptcp. (as in cl., but more freq. the simple φθάνω, q.v.),
to anticipate: Mt 17:25.†

προ-χειρίζω (< πρόχειρος, at hand) [in LXX: Ex 4:13 (שָׁלַח), Jos 3:12 (לָקַח), Da LXX 3:22, II Mac 3:7 Mac 8:9 Mac 14:12 A * ;]

1. to put into the hand, deliver up: pass., Ac 3:20.
2. More freq. as depon., -ομαι, to take into one's hand; hence, metaph., to propose, determine, choose: c. inf., Ac 22:14; c. acc pers., Ac 26:16.†

[NT: 1x] * προ-χειρο-τονέω, -ῶ (v. χειροτονέω)

to choose or appoint beforehand: Ac 10:41 (Plat., al.).†

[NT: 1x] Πρόχορος, -ου, ὁ

Prochorus: Ac 6:5

[NT: 3x] * πρύμνα, -ης, ἡ

prop. fem. of adj. πρύμνο, -η, -ον, (sc. ναῦς), the hindmost part of a ship, the stern: Mk 4:38, Ac 27:29; opp. to πρῷρα, Ac 27:41.†

πρωί (Rec. πρωΐ), adv. (< πρό), [in LXX chiefly for בֹּקֶר ;]

in the morning, early: Mt 16:3 (R, txt.) Mt 21:18, Mk 1:35 11:20 13:35 15:1, Jo 18:28 20:1; λίαν π., Mk 16:2; ἅμα π., Mt 20:1; ἀπὸ π. (cf. ἀπὸ πρωΐθεν, Ex 18:13), Ac 28:23.†

πρωία, v.s. πρώιος.

πρώϊμος, v.s. πρόϊμος .

πρωινός (Rec. -ϊνος, v. WH, App., ή, -όν (< πρωί), [in LXX chiefly for בֹּקֶר ;]

= cl. πρώιος,
at early morn, early: ἀστήρ, Re 2:28 22:16.†

πρώιος (Rec. -ϊος), -α, -ον (< πρωί), [in LXX for בֹּקֶר בַּ לַּ ;]

at early morn, early; as subst., ἡ π. (sc. ὥρα, cf. ἡ ὥ. ἡ π., III Mac 5:24), early morning: Mt 27:1, Jo 21:4.†

[NT: 2x] * πρῷρα (Rec. incorrectly πρώρα, v. Bl., § 3, 3; LS, s.v.), -ης (for Att.. -ας, v. Bl., § 7, 1; Mayser, l 2), ,

the forward part of a ship, the prow: Ac 27:30; opp. to πρύμνα, ib. Ac 27:41.†

[NT: 1x] πρωτεύω (< πρῶτος) [in LXX: Es 5:11, II Mac 6:18 Mac 13:15 * ;]

to be first, pre-eminent, have the first place: Col 1:18.†

[NT: 4x] *† πρωτοκαθεδρία, -ας, ἡ (< πρῶιος, καθέδρα),

the chief seat: Mt 23:6, Mk 12:39 (v. Swete, in l), Lk 11:43 20:46.†

πρωτο-κλυτία, -ας, ἡ

the chief place at table (v. Swete, Mk., l.c.): Mt 23:6, Mk 12:39, Lk 14:7-8 20:46.†

[p. 392]

πρῶτον, πρῶτος, v.s. πρότερος

[NT: 1x] πρωτοστάτης, -ου, ὁ (< πρῶτος, ἵστημι) [in LXX: Jb 15:24 AB * ;]

prop., of soldiers, one who stands first, one in the front rank (Thuc., Xen.); hence, metaph., a leader: Ac 24:5.†

[NT: 1x] πρωτοτόκια, -ων, τά (< πρωτότοκος) [in LXX (with v.l. -εῖα, -εία): Ge 25:31 ff. Ge 27:36, De 21:17, I Ch 5:1 (בְּכוֹרָה) * ;]

the rights of the first-born, birthright (= cl. ἡ πρεσβεία): He 12:16.†

[NT: 8x] πρωτότοκος, -ον (< πρῶτος, τίκτω) [in LXX chiefly for בְּכוֹר ;]

first-born: Lk 2:7; pl., He 11:28. Metaph., of the priority of Christ (originally perh. a Messianic title, cf. Ps 89:28, He 1:6; v. ICC on Col 1:15): He 1:6; π. πάσης κτίσεως, Col 1:15; ἐν πολλοῖς ἀδελφοῖς, Ro 8:29; π. (ἐκ) τ. νεκρῶν, Col 1:18, Re 1:5; pl., of the elect, ἐκκλησία πρωτοτόκων, He 12:23.†

[NT: 5x] πταίω [in LXX chiefly for נָגַף ni. ;]

1. trans., to cause to stumble (I Ki 4:3, cf. Deiss., BS, 681).
2. Intrans., to stumble. Metaph., in moral sense, Ro 11:11, Ja 2:10 3:2, II Pe 1:10.†

[NT: 1x] πτέρνα, -ης, ἡ [in LXX for עָקֵב ;]

the heel: fig., ἐπαίρειν τὴν π. ἐπί, Jo 13:18 (LXX).†

[NT: 2x] πτερύγιον, -ου, -τό (dimin. of πτέρυξ), [in LXX chiefly for כָּנָף ;]

1. a little wing.
2. Anything like a wing, as a turret, battlement: τ. ἱεροῦ, Mt 4:5, Lk 4:9.†

[NT: 5x] πτέρυξ, -υγος, ἡ (< πέτομαι), [in LXX chiefly for כָּנָף ;]

a wing: of birds, Mt 23:37, Lk 13:34, Re 12:14; of creatures seen in a vision, Re 4:8 9:9.†

** πτηνός, -ή, -όν (< πέτομαι), [in Aq.: Jb 5:7 * ;]

winged; as subst., π., birds: I Co 15:39.†

[NT: 2x] πτοέω, -ῶ [in LXX chiefly for חָתַת ni. ;]

to terrify. Pass., to be terrified: Lk 21:9 24:37 (WH, mg., θροηθέντες).†

[NT: 1x] πτόησις, -εως, ἡ (< πτοέω) [in LXX: Pr 3:25 (פַּחַד), Sir 50:4 א1, I Mac 3:25 R * ;]

a fluttering, excitement, caused by any emotion, but esp. by fear, hence, terror: φοβεῖσθαι πτόησιν, to be afraid with (cogn. acc) or of any terror (v. ICC, in l): I Pe 3:6.†

[NT: 1x] Πτολεμαΐς, -ΐδος, ἡ

Ptolemais, a maritime city of Phœnicea: Ac 21:7.†

[NT: 2x] ** πτύον, -ου, τό [in Sm.: Is 30:24 * ;]

a winnowing shovel or fan: Mt 3:12, Lk 3:17.†

[NT: 1x] * πτύρομαι depon.,

to be startled, frightened: Phl 1:28. (The active πτύρω is also found in some late writers.) †

[NT: 1x] ** πτύσμα, -τος, τό, (< πτύω)

spittle: Jo 9:6 (Hipp., Polyb., al.).†

[NT: 1x] * πτύσσω

to fold; of a scroll, to roll up: βιβλίον, Lk 4:20 (cf. ἀνα-πτύσσω).†

[NT: 3x] πτύω [in LXX: Nu 12:14 (יָרָק), Si 28:12 * ;]

to spit: Mk 7:33 8:23, Jo 9:6 (cf. ἐκ-, ἐμ-πτύω).†

[p. 393]

[NT: 7x] πτῶμα -τος, τό (< πίπτω), [in LXX: Jg 14:8 (מַפֶּלֶת), Jb 16:15 (14) (פֶּרֶץ), Is 51:19 (שֹׁד), Jth 8:19, Wi 4:18, al. ;]

1. a fall, metaph., a misfortune, calamity (Trag., Plat., Polyb., al.; LXX).
2. That which has fallen;
(a) of buildings, a ruin (Polyb.);
(b) of living creatures, in cl. (poët. only) usually c. gen., νεκρῶν, etc., but also absol., as in late writers and NT, a fallen body, a carcase, corpse: Mt 14:12 24:28, Mk 15:45; π. αὐτοῦ, Mk 6:29; αὐτῶν, Re 11:8-9 (cf. Rutherford, NPhr., 472 f.).†

[NT: 2x] πτῶσις, -εως, ἡ (< πίπτω), [in LXX chiefly for נֶגֶף, מַפֶּלֶת, and cogn. forms ;]

a falling, fall (Plat., Plut., al.): Mt 7:27; metaph., Lk 2:34.†

[NT: 3x] πτωχεία, -ας, ἡ (< πτωχεύω), [in LXX chiefly for עֳנִי ;]

beggary, destitution: II Co 8:2 8:9, Re 2:9.†

[NT: 1x] πτωχεύω (< πτωχός), [in LXX: Jg 6:6, Ps 79:8 (דָּלַל); Jg 14:15 A, Pr 23:21 (יָרַשׁ); Ps 34:10 (רוּשׁ), To 4:21 * ;]

1. to be a beggar, to beg (so chiefly in cl.).
2. to be poor as a beggar, to be destitute, poor: opp. to πλούσιος ὤν, II Co 8:9.†

[NT: 34x] πτωχός, -ή, -όν (< πτώσσω, to crouch, cower), [in LXX for עָנִי, דַּל, רָשׁ, etc. ;]

of one who crouches and cowers, hence,
1. as subst., a beggar: Lk 14:13, 21 16:20, 22.
2. As adj.,
(a) prop., beggarly: metaph., στοιχεῖα, Ga 4:9 (v. Lft., in l);
(b) in broader sense (opp. to πλούσιος), poor: Mt 11:5 19:21 26:9, 11, Mk 10:21 12:42-43 14:5, 7, Lk 4:18 7:22 18:22 19:8 21:3, Jo 12:5-6, 8 13:29, Ro 15:26, II Co 6:10, Ga 2:10, Ja 2:2-3, 6, Re 13:16; π. τ. κόσμῳ, Ja 2:5; metaph., Lk 6:20, Re 3:17; π. τ. πνεύματι, Mt 5:3.†
SYN.: πένης, q.v

[NT: 1x] πυγμή, -ῆς, ἡ [in LXX: Ex 21:18, Is 58:4 (אֶגְרֹף) * ;]

the fist: πυγμῇ νίψασθαι τ. χῖρας (Τ, πυκνά; Vg., Goth., Copt., crebro), to wash the hands with the fist (diligently, R, txt.; up to the elbow, R, mg.; the exact meaning is doubtful; v. Swete, in l): Mk 7:3.†

[NT: 1x] * πύθων, -ωνος, ὁ

1. in cl., Python, a serpent slain by Apollo, who is hence surnamed the Pythian.
2. In Plut. (ii, 414 E), a name given to ventriloquist soothsayers (ἐγγαστρίμυθοι; cf. Le 19:31 20:6, 27, I Ki 28:7), and perhaps in this sense πνεῦμα πύθωνα, a python-spirit: Ac 16:16.†

πυκιός, -ή, -όν [in LXX: Ez 31:3 A (חֹרֶשׁ), III Mac 1:28 Mac 4:10, IV Mac 12:12 * ;]

1. close, compact, solid.
2. frequent: I Ti 5:23. Neut. pl., πυκνά, as adv., much, often: Mk 7:3 Τ (v.s. πυγμή), Lk 5:33. Comparat., πυκνότερον, very often or so much the oftener (v.Bl., § 44, 3,): Ac 24:26.†

[NT: 1x] * πυκτεύω (< πύκτης, a pugilist),

to box: I Co 9:26.†

[NT: 11x] πύλη, -ης, ἡ [in LXX chiefly and very freq. for שַׁעַר sometimes for דֶּלֶת, פֶּתַח ;]

a gate: Lk 7:12, Ac 9:24 12:10 16:13, He 13:12; ἡ Ὡραία Π. τ. ἱεροῦ, Ac 3:10. Metaph., Mt 7:13-14; πύλαι ᾅδου (Wi 16:13, III Mac 5:51, and cf. κλαῖς ᾅδου Re 1:18): Mt 16:18.†

[NT: 18x] πυλών, -ῶνος, ὁ (< πύλη), [in LXX chiefly for פֶּתַח, שַׁעַר ;]

1. the [p. 394] porch or vestibule of a house or palace: Mt 26:71, Lk 16:20, Ac 10:17 12:13-14
2. The gate-way or gate-tower of a walled town: Ac 14:13, Re 21:12-13, 15 21:21, 25 22:14.†

πυνθώ'ομαι [in LXX for דָּרַשׁ ;]

1. to inquire: c. acc rei, Jo 4:42, Ac 23:20; seq. quæst. indir., Mt 2:4, Lk 15:25 18:36, Ac 10:18 21:33; quæst. dir., Ac 4:7 10:20 23:10; seq. παρά, c. gen. pers., Mt 2:4, Jo 4:52.
2. to learn by inquiry: seq. ὅτι, Ac 23:34.†

[NT: 71x] πῦρ gen., πυρός, τό, [in LXX chiefly and very freq. for אֵשׁ ;]

fire: Mk 9:22, Lk 3:9, Jo 15:6, Ac 2:10, I Co 3:13, Ja 3:5, Re 8:5, al; π. καὶ θεῖον, Lk 17:29; κατακαίειν (ἐν) π., Mt 13:40, Re 17:16 18:8; καίεσθαι πυρί, He 12:18, Re 8:8 21:8; φλὸξ πυρός, Ac 7:30, II Th 1:8, He 1:7, Re 1:14 2:18 19:12; λαμπάδες πυρός, Re 4:5; στῦλοι πυρός, Re 10:1; ἄνθρακες πυρός, Ro 12:20 (LXX); γλῶσσαι ὡσεὶ πυρός, Ac 2:3; δοκιμάζειν (πυροῦσθαι) διὰ πυρός, I Pe 1:7, Re 3:18; ὡς διὰ. π. (Lft., Notes, 193), I Co 3:15. Of the fire of hell (cf. Dalman, Words,161): Mk 9:48 (LXX); τὸ π. τὸ αἰώνιον, Mt 18:8 25:41 (cf. IV Mac 12:12); ἄσβεστον, Mk 9:43; πυρὸς αἰωνίου δίκην ὑπέχειν, Ju 7; γέεννα τοῦ π., Mt 5:22 18:9; κάμινος τοῦ π., Mt 13:42, 50; ἡ λίμνη τοῦ π., Re 19:20 20:10, 14-15; πυρὶ τηρεῖσθαι, II Pe 3:7; βασανισθῆναι ἐν π., Re 14:10. Metaph.: βαπτίζειν πυρί, Lk 3:16; of the tongue, Ja 3:5; of strife and discord, Lk 12:49; ἐκ π. ἁρπάζειν, Ju 23; πυρὶ αλίζεσθαι, Mk 9:49; ζῆλος πυρός, He 10:27; of God, π, καταναλίσκον, He 12:29 (LXX)

[NT: 2x] ** πυρά, -ᾶς, ἡ (< πῦρ) [in LXX: Jth 7:5, Wi 17:6, al. ;]

a fire: Ac 28:2-3.†

[NT: 4x] πύργος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX chiefly for מִגְדָּל ;]

a tower: Lk 13:4; of a watch-tower in a vineyard (Is 5:2): Mt 21:33, Mk 12:1, and prob., Lk 14:28.†

[NT: 2x] * πυρέσσω (< πῦρ)

to be ill of a fever: Mt 8:14, Mk 1:3.†

[NT: 6x] πυρετός, -οῦ, ὁ (< πῦρ) [in LXX: De 28:22 (קַדַּחַת) * ;]

a fever: Mt 8:15, Mk 1:31, Lk 4:39, Jo 4:52, Ac 28:8; π. μέγας, a high fever: Lk 4:38 (on the technical phrase here, v. MM, xxii).†

[NT: 1x] πύρινος, -η, -ον [in LXX: Ez 28:14, 16 (אֵשׁ), Si 48:9 * ;]

fiery: Re 9:17.†

πυρόω, -ῶ (< πῦρ) [in LXX chiefly for צָרַף ;]

to set on fire, burn up. In NT always pass.,
1. to be set on fire, to burn: Eph 6:16, II Pe 3:12; ptcp., glowing, Re 1:15. Metaph., of grief or indignation, II Co 11:29; of lust, I Co 7:9.
2. Of metals (cf. Jb 22:25, Ps 12:7, Za 13:9), to be refined or purified by fire: Re 3:18 (and so in RV, Re 1:15, but v. supr.).†

[NT: 2x] πυρράζω (< πυρρός), [in LXX, πυρρίζω: Le 13:19, 42 ff. Le 14:37 (אֲדַמְדָּם) * ;]

to be fiery red: Mt 16:2-3.†

[NT: 2x] πυρρός -ά, -όν (< πῦρ) [in LXX for אֱדֹם ;]

fiery red: Re 6:4 12:3.†
Πύρρος, -ου, ὁ,
Pyrrhus: Ac 20:4.†

[NT: 3x] πύρωσις, -εως, ἡ (< πυρόω), [in LXX: Pr 27:21 (כּוּר), Am 4:9 (שְׁדֵפָה) * ;]

1. a burning: Re 18:9, 18.
2. a refining or trial by fire: metaph., I Pe 4:12.†

[p. 395]


enclit. part.,
yet, v.s. μή-πω, μηδέ-πω, οὔ-πω, οὐδέ-πω, πώ-ποτε

[NT: 22x] πωλέω, -ῶ [in LXX chiefly for מָכַר ;]

1. to exchange or barter.
2. to sell: Lk 17:28, Re 13:17; οἱ πωλοῦντες, Mt 21:12 25:9, Mk 11:15, Lk 19:45; c. acc rei, Mt 13:44 19:21 21:12, Mk 10:21 11:15, Lk 12:33 18:22 22:36, Jo 2:14, 16 Ac 5:1 (sc. αὐτά, αὐτόν), Ac 4:34, 37. Pass., I Co 10:25; c. gen. pretii, Mt 10:29, Lk 12:6.†

[NT: 12x] πῶλος, -ου, ὁ (in cl. also ) [in LXX chiefly for עַיִר ;]

a foal, colt, prop., of a horse, then the young of other animals; in NT of the colt of an ass: Mt 21:2, 5 (LXX), Mt 21:7, Mk 11:2, 4-5 11:7, Lk 19:30, 33 19:35, Jo 12:15 (LXX).†

[NT: 6x] πώ-ποτε adv.,

ever yet: Lk 19:30, Jo 1:18 5:37 6:35 8:33, I Jn 4:12.†

[NT: 5x] πωρόω, -ῶ (< πῶρος, 1. a stone. 2. a callus) [in LXX: Jb 17:7 B(כָּהָה), Pr 10:20 A * ;]

to petrify, harden, form a callus. Metaph., π. τ. καρδίαν, Jo 12:40. Pass., Ro 11:7; τ. νοήματα, II Co 3:14; ἡ καρδία, Mk 6:52 8:17

[NT: 6x] * πώρωσις, -εως, ἡ (< πωρόω),

a covering with a callus, a hardening: metaph., Mk 3:6, Ro 11:2, Eph 4:18.†

πως, enclit. part.,

at all; v.s. εἴπως, μήπως.

[NT: 100x] πῶς, interrog. adv., correl. of ὅπως,

1. prop., in direct questions, how?: c. indic., Mt 12:29, Mk 3:23, Lk 11:18, Jo 3:4, al.; καὶ π., Mk 4:13, Lk 20:44; π. οὖν, Mt 12:26; π. οὐ, Mt 16:11, Lk 12:56; in deliberative questions (cf. Bl., §64, 6), c. subjc., Mt 23:33 26:54; π. οὖν, Ro 10:14; π. δέ, Ro 10:14, 15; seq. ἄν, c. optat., Ac 8:31.
2. As sometimes in cl. but more freq. and increasingly so in late writers (v. WM, §57, 2; Bl., §70, 2; Thumb, MGr., 192; Jannaris, Gr., App., vi, 13f.), = ὅπως, ὥς;
(a) in indirect discourse: c. indic., Mt 6:28, Mk 12:41, Lk 8:36, Jo 9:15, Ac 9:27, al.; c. subjc., Mk 11:18, Lk 12:11;
(b) in exclamations: Mt 21:20, Mk 10:23, 24 Lk 12:50 18:24, Jo 11:36.


[NT: 2x] Ῥαάβ (and Ραχάβ, Mt 1:5; Ραχάβη, -ης, in FlJ), , indecl. (Heb. רָחָב)

Rahab (LXX, Jos 2:1, al.): He 11:31, Ja 2:25.†

ῥαββεί (Rec. -βί, v. WH, App., 155) (Heb. and Aram. רַב, my master; v. Dalman, Words, 327, 331 ff.),

a title of respectful address to Jewish teachers, Rabbi: Mt 23:7-8; of John, Jo 3:26; of Christ, Mt 26:25, 49, Mk 9:5 11:21 14:45, Jo 1:30, 50 3:2 4:31 6:25 9:2 11:8; κύριε ῥ Mk 10:51 (WH, mg., v.s. ῥαββουνεί).†

*† ῥαββουνεί (Rec. -βονί, v.s. ῥαββεί) (Aram. רַבּוֺנִי, later, רִבּוֺנִי my master; on the Greek vocalization and the relation of the word to ῥαββεί, v. Dalman, Words, 324, 340; Gr., 140; DB, iv, 190)

Rabboni: Mk 10:51 (WH, mg., κύριε ῥαββεί), Jo 20:16.†

[p. 396]

[NT: 2x] ῥαβδίζω (< ῥάβδος), [in LXX: Jg 6:11 Ru 2:17 (חָבַט) * ;]

to beat with a rod: Ac 16:22, II Co 11:25.†

[NT: 12x] ῥάβδος, -ου, ἡ [in LXX chiefly for מַטֶּה (e.g. Ge 47:31, MT, מַטֶּה, bed), also for מַקֵּל, שֵׁבֶט, etc. ;]

a staff, rod: He 9:4, Re 11:1; in particular,
(a) a staff, such as is used on a journey: Mt 10:10, Mk 6:8, Lk 9:3, He 11:21 (LXX);
(b) a ruler's staff, a sceptre: He 1:8 (LXX) Re 2:27 12:5 19:15;
(c) a rod for chastisement (cf. ῥαβδίζω): ἐν ῥ. (v.s. ἐν): I Co 4:21.†

[NT: 2x] * ῥαβδοῦχος, -ου, ό (< ῥαβδος, ἔχω),

one who carries a rod or staff of office;
(a) an umpire or judge (Plat.);
(b) in late writers, a Roman lictor: Ac 16:38.†

[NT: 1x] Ῥαγαύ (Rec. -αῦ), , indecl. (LXX for Heb. רְעוּ, Ge 11:18, al.),

Reu: Lk 3:35.†

[NT: 1x] * ῥᾳδιούργημα, -τος, τό (< ῥᾳδιουργέω, to act recklessly or wrongly)

1. a reckless act.
2. crime, villany: Ac 18:14.†

[NT: 1x] * ῥᾳδιουργία, -ας, ἡ (v.s. ῥᾳδιούργημα),

1. ease in doing, facility (Xen.).
2. easiness, laziness (Xen.).
3. recklessness, wickedness (of lewdness, Xen.; fraud, Plut.; in π., of theft, MM, xxii): Ac 13:10.†

[NT: 1x] * ῥακά (T, ῥαχά),

usually taken to represent the Aram. רֵיקָא, a shortened form of H7386, " empty," as vocalized in the Galilæan dialect; an expression of contempt, raca: Mt 5:22 (cf. DB, iv, 191 f.; and for other explanations, v. Zorell, s.v.).†

[NT: 2x] ῥάκος, -ους, τό [in LXX: Is 64:6 (5) (בֶּגֶד), Je 38:11 (סְחָבָה), Es 4:17 * ;]

1. a ragged garment (Hom.).
2. a rag, remnant, piece of cloth: Mt 9:16, Mk 2:21.†

[NT: 1x] Ῥαμά (Rec. -ᾶ), , indecl. (Heb. רָמָה),

Ramah: Mt 2:18 (LXX).†

[NT: 4x] ῥαντίζω [in LXX: Le 6:27 (20), IV Ki 9:33 (נָזָה), Ps 51:7 (חָטָא pi.) * ;]

= cl., ῥαίνω,
to sprinkle, besprinkle: c. acc, He 9:13, 19; id. et dat., He 9:21; pass., Re 19:13, WH; of cleansing by sprinkling, He 10:22 (v. M, Gr., ii, 100); mid., Mk 7:4 (WH, txt., R, mg.).†
(-ρραίνω, Rec., v. WH, App., 139 f.), [in LXX for נָזָה hi. ;]
to sprinkle around: Re 19:13 T (ῤεραντισμένον, WH; ῤε-, R, txt.; βεβαμμένον, Rec., R, mg.).†

[NT: 2x] ῥαντισμός, -ῦo, ὁ (< ῥαντίζω), [in LXX for נִדָּה ;]

sprinkling: of the ceremonial sprinkling of blood for purification, He 12:24, I Pe 1:2 (v. Hort, Pe., 23 ff.).†

[NT: 2x] ῥαπίζω (< ῥαπίς, a rod), [in LXX: Jg 16:25, He 11:4, I Es 4:11 * ;]

1. prop., to strike with a rod.
2. In late writers, to strike (the face) with the palm of the hand: Mt 26:67; c. acc pers., seq. εἰς τ. σιαγόνα, Mt 5:39 (cf. Field, Notes, 40, 105).†

[NT: 2x] * ῥαφίς, -ίδος, ἡ (ῥάπτω, to sew),

a needle: Mt 19:24, Mk 10:25 (cf. βελόνη).†

ῥαχά, v.s. ῥακά.

[NT: 1x] Ῥαχάβ, v.s. Ραάβ.

[NT: 1x] Ῥαχήλ, indecl. (Heb. רָחֵל),

Rachel: Mt 2:18 (LXX).†

[NT: 1x] Ῥεβέκκα, -ας (v. Bl., § 7, 2), ἡ, (Heb. רִבְקָה),

Rebecca: Ro 9:10.†

[p. 397]

*† ῥέδη (v. WH, App., 151), -ης, ἡ (a Gallic word),

a chariot: Re 18:13.†

[NT: 1x] Ῥεμφάν, Ῥεφάς, v.s. Ῥομφά.

Ῥομφά (-άν, T; Ῥεφάν, LTr.; Ῥεμφάν, Rec.; v. WH, App., 92), [in LXX: Am 5:26 (Ῥαιμφάν or Ῥεφάν, Heb. כִּיּוּן)* ;]

Rompha, Rephan (RV), one of the names of Seb, the Egyptian Saturn: Ac 7:43 (LXX).†

[NT: 22x] ῥέω [in LXX chiefly for זוּב ;]

to flow: Jo 7:38 (cf. παραρρέω).†

[NT: 1x] Ῥήγιον, -ου, τό

Rhegium, a town in Sicily: Ac 28:13.†

[NT: 1x] ῥῆγμα, -τος, τό (< ῥήγνυμι), [in LXX: III Ki 11:30-31 12:24, IV Ki 2:12 (קֶרַע), Am 6:12 (11) A (בְּקִיעַ) * ;]

1. cl. (and so in LXX), a fracture; then by meton., that which is torn.
2. In NT, ruin: Lk 6:49.†

[NT: 7x] ῥήγνυμι and (Mk 9:18) ῥήσσω, [in LXX chiefly for בָּקַע, also for קָרַע, etc. ;]

1. to rend, break asunder: Mt 7:6, Mk 2:22, Lk 5:37; pass., Mt 9:17.
2. Of the voice, c. acc, φωνήν, etc. (Hdt., al.), to break forth into speech: absol., Ga 4:27 (LXX).
3. = ῥήσσω (Dem., al.), to throw or dash down: Mk 9:18, Lk 9:42
(cf. δια-, περι-, προσ-ρήγνυμι).†
SYN.: θραύω, κατάγνυμι

[NT: 68x] ῥῆμα, -τος, τό [in LXX chiefly for דָּבָר, also for פֶּה, and Aram. פִּתְגָּם, etc. ;]

1. prop., of that which is said or spoken,
(a) a word: Mt 27:14, II Co 12:4; pl., τὰ ῥ., of speech, discourse, Lk 7:1, Jo 8:20, Ac 2:14, Ro 10:18, II Pe 3:2, al.;
(b) opp. to ὄνομα (a single word), a saying, statement, word of prophecy, instruction or command (in cl., phrase): Mt 26:75, Mk 9:32, Lk 1:38 2:50, Ac 11:16, Ro 10:8, He 11:3; ῥ. θεοῦ (κυρίου), Lk 3:2, Ac 11:16, Eph 6:17, He 6:5 11:3, I Pe 1:25 (LXX); τὰ ῥ. τ. θεοῦ, Jo 3:34 8:47; ῥ. ἀργόν, Mt 12:36;ῥ. ἄρρητα, II Co 12:4.
2. Like Heb. דָּבָר (but perh. also a Gk. colloquialism, v. Kennedy, Sources, 124; Thackeray, Gr., 41), of that which is the subject of speech, a thing, matter (Ge 15:1, De 17:8, al.): Lk 1:37 2:15, Ac 10:37; pl., Lk 1:65 2:19, 51, Ac 5:32 13:42

[NT: 1x] Ῥησά (L, -σᾶ), ὁ

Rhesa: Lk 3:27.†

ῥήσσω, v.s. ῥήγνυμι.

[NT: 1x] ῥήτωρ, -ορος, ὁ

a public speaker, an orator: Ac 24:1.†

[NT: 1x] *† ῥητῶς adv. (< ῥητός, stated, specified),

in stated terms, expressly: I Ti 4:1.†

[NT: 17x] ῥίζα, -ης, ἡ [in LXX chiefly for שָׁרַשׁ ;]

a root: Mt 3:10, Lk 3:9; ἐκ ῥιζῶν, Mk 11:20; ῥ. ἔχειν, Mt 13:6, Mk 4:6; id. seq. ἐν ἑαυτῷ, fig., Mt 13:21, Mk 4:17, Lk 8:13. Metaph. (as in various senses in cl.), of cause, origin, source, etc.;
(a) of things, ῥ. πάντων τ. κακῶν (Eur.), I Ti 6:10;
(b) of persons: of ancestors, Ro 11:16-18; ῥ. πικρίας, He 12:15. Of that which springs from a root, a shoot; metaph., of offspring, Ro 15:12 (LXX) Re 5:5 22:16.†

ῥιζόω, -ῶ (< ῥίζα), [in LXX: Is 40:24, Je 12:2 (שָׁרַשׁ), Si 3:28 24:12 * ;]

to cause to take root. Metaph., to plant, fix firmly, establish: pass. (EV, rooted), ἐν ἀγάπῃ, Eph 3:18(17); ἐν Χριστῷ, Col 2:7 (cf. ἐκ ριζόω).†

[NT: 1x] * ῥιπή, ῆς, ἡ (< ῥίπτω),

poët. in cl., any rapid movement such as the throw or flight of a javelin, the rush of wind or flame, the flapping of wings, the twinkling of lights; ῥ. ὀφθαλμοῦ, the twinkling of an eye: I Co 15:52 (L, mg., ῥοπή, q.v.).†

ῥοπή, -ῆς, ἡ (< ῥέπω, to incline) [in LXX: Is 40:15 (שַׁחַק), etc. ;]

inclination downwards, as the turn of the scale: L, mg., for ῥιπή, q.v., I Co 15:52 (v. Tdf., in l).†

[p. 398]

ῥιπίζω (< ῥιπίς, a fan) [in LXX: Da LXX 2:35 (נְשָׂא) * ;]

primarily, to fan a fire, hence generally, to make a breeze (Plut., al.). In pass. (cf. Philo, de inter. round., 24), to be tossed or blown by the wind: of waves, ἀνεμιζομένῳ καὶ ῥιπιζομένῳ, blown and raised with the wind (Hort, in l), Ja 1:6.†

[NT: 1x] ῥιπτέω, v.s. ῥίπτω.

[NT: 8x] ῥίπτω and (Ac 22:23) ῥιπτέω (strengthened form; v. Veitch, s.v. ῥίπτω, fin.), [in LXX chiefly for שָׁלַךְ hi. ;]

1. to throw, cast, hurl: c. acc rei, Mt 27:5, Ac 27:19, 29; c. acc pers., Mt 15:30, Lk 4:35; pass., Lk 17:2; ptcp., ἐριμμένοι, cast down, prostrate (Polyb., al.): Mt 9:36; of garments, to throw off (for flight, Eur., Xen., al.; ὅπλα, I Mac 5:43; so EV in Ac 22:23, but v. infr.).
2. = ῥιπτάζω, to shake, toss, throw about: τ. ἱμάτια, Ac 22:23 (EGT, Page, Rackham, in l; Field, Notes, 136; but v. supr.).†

[NT: 2x] Ῥοβοάμ, indecl. (Heb. רְחַבְעָם),

Rehoboam: Mt 1:7.†

[NT: 1x] Ῥόδη, -ης, ἡ

Rhoda: Ac 12:13.†

[NT: 1x] Ῥόδος, -ου, ὁ

the island of Rhodes: Ac 21:1.†

[NT: 1x] * ῥοιζηδόν adv. (< ῥοῖζος, the whistling of an arrow),

with rushing sound (as of roaring flames): II Pe 3:10.†

[NT: 7x] ῥομφαία, -ας, ἡ [in LXX chiefly for חֶרֶב ;]

a large broad sword, used by the Thracians (v. DB, iv, 634); then generally (in LXX used interchangeably with μάχαιρα, q.v.), a sword: Re 1:16 2:12, 16 6:8 19:15, 21; metaph., Lk 2:35.†

[NT: 1x] Ῥουβήν, indecl., (Heb. רְאוּבֵן),

Reuben: Re 7:5.†

Ῥoύθ, indecl. (Heb. רוּת),

Ruth: Mt 15:1-39.†

[NT: 2x] Ῥοῦφος, -ου, ὁ

(Lat.), Rufus: Mk 15:21, Ro 16:13.†

[NT: 12x] ῥύμη, -ης, ἡ [in LXX: Is 15:3 (רְחֹב), Pr 31:23 א, To 13:18, Si 9:7 א1* ;]

1. in cl., the force, rush, swing, of a moving body; esp. of a charge of soldiers.
2. In late Greek (as in Macedonian, v. Kennedy, Sources, 15), a narrow road, lane, street: in Polyb., of a road in camp; in LXX and NT (π. also) of streets in a town, Mt 6:2, Lk 14:21 Ac 9:11 12:10 (cf. Rutherford, NPhr., 488).†

[NT: 43x] ῥύομαι [in LXX chiefly for נָצַל hi., also for גָּאַל, פָּלַט pi., etc. ;]

to draw to oneself, hence, to rescue, deliver: c. acc pers., Mt 27:43, II Pe 2:7; id. seq. ἀπό, Mt 6:13, Lk 11:4 (Rec., R, mg.), II Ti 4:18; seq. ἐκ, Ro 7:24, II Co 1:10, Col 1:13, I Th 1:10, II Ti 3:11, II Pe 2:9; absol., ὁ ῥυύμενος, the deliverer, Ro 11:26. Passive: seq. ἀπό, Ro 15:31, II Th 3:2; seq. ἐκ, Lk 1:74, II Ti 4:17.†

[p. 399]

* ῥυπαίνω (< ῥύπος),

in Arist., Xen., and later writers, to make filthy, defile: pass., in ethical sense (on the tense, v. Swete, in l), Re 22:11 LT, Tr., WH, txt

*† ῥυπαρεύομαι

= ῥυπαίνομαι, q.v.: Re 22:11, WH, mg. (nowhere else).†

[NT: 1x] * ῥυπαρία, -ας, ἡ (ῥυπαρός)

filthiness: metaph., of moral defile­ment, Ja 1:21.†

[NT: 2x] ῥυπαρός, -ά, -όν (< ῥύπος), [in LXX: Za 3:4-5, (3-4) (צוֹא)* ;]

filthy, dirty: of old, shabby clothing (Za, l.c.), Ja 2:2; metaph., of moral defilement, Re 22:11.†

[NT: 1x] ῥύπος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX: Is 4:4 (צוֹאָה), Jb 14:4 (טָמֵא), etc. ;]

dirt, filth: I Pe 3:21.†

[NT: 1x] * ῥυπόω, -ῶ (< ῥύπος),

to make filthy: Re 22:11 Rec. (AV, tr. as = ῥυπάω, to be filthy).†

[NT: 3x] ῥύσις, -εως, ἡ (< ῥέω), [in LXX chiefly for זוֹב ;]

a flowing, issue: τ. αἵματος, Mk 5:25, Lk 8:43-44.†

[NT: 1x] * ῥυτίς, -ίδος, ἡ

a wrinkle: Eph 5:27.†

[NT: 1x] Ῥωμαϊκός, -ή, -όν

Roman, Latin: Lk 23:38 Rec.†

[NT: 12x] Ῥωμαῖος, -α, -ον

Roman: Jo 11:48, Ac 2:10 (RV, from Rome), Ac 16:21, 37-38 22:25-27, 29 23:27 25:16 28:17.†

[NT: 1x] Ῥωμαϊστί adv.,

in Latin: Jo 19:20.†

[NT: 14x] Ῥώμη, -ης, ἡ

Rome: Ac 18:2 19:21 23:11 28:14, 16 Ro 1:7, 15, II Ti 1:17.†

ῥώννυμι [in LXX: II Mac 9:20 Mac 11:21 Mac 11:28 Mac 11:33 Mac 11:1-38; III Mac 6:1-41 * ;]

to strengthen; most freq. in pf., ἔρρωμαι, to put forth strength, be strong, hence, often in imperat., ἔρρωσο, ἔρρωσθε, farewell (Lat. vale): Ac 15:29 23:30 Rec., R, mg.†


σαβαχθανεί (Rec. -νί; ζαφθανεί, Mt, l.c., WH, mg.) (Aram. שְׁבַקְתַּנִי),

sabachthani, i.e. thou host forsaken me: Mt 27:46, Mk 15:34 (Ps 22:2, Heb. עָזַב).†

ζαφθανεί (cf. Heb. עָזַב),

zaphthanei: Mt 27:46 (WH, mg., for Rec. σεβαχθανεί, q.v.; "probably an attempt to reproduce the Heb. as disting from Aram. forms," WE, Notes, 21; cf. also Dalman, Words, 53 f.).†

σαβαώθ indecl., [in LXX for צָבָא, chiefly in Isaiah (in other places, the phrase is also rendered by κύριος παντοκράτωρ, κ. τῶν δυνάμεων; v. DB, iii, 137 f.) ;]

Sabaoth, i.e. hosts or armies (v. DB, l.c.): Ro 9:29 (LXX), Ja 54.†

[NT: 1x] *† σαββατισμός, -οῦ, ὁ (< σαββατίζω, to keep the sabbath, Ex 16:30, al.),

a keeping sabbath, a sabbath rest: metaph., as in Mishna (Zorell, s.v.), He 4:9.†

[NT: 68x] σάββατον, -ου, τό (Aram. שַׁבָּתָא, transliterated σάββατα, and this being mistaken for a pl., the sing. σάββατον was formed from it), and σάββατα, -ων, τά [in LXX for שַׁבָּת, שַׁבָּתוֹן ;]

1. the seventh day of the week, the sabbath
(a) the sing. form -ον, τὸ σ.: Mt 12:8, Mk 2:27, Lk 6:5, [p. 400] al.; ἡ ἡμέρα τοῦ σ. (in LXX, Ex 20:8, al., usually τῶν σ., v. infr.), Lk 13:16 14:5; ὁδὸς σαββάτου, Ac 1:12 (cf. Mt 24:29); dat., of time (τῷ) σ., Lk 6:9 14:1; ἐν (τῷ) σ., Mt 12:2, Lk 6:7, Jo 5:16, al.; acc, of duration, τὸ σ., Lk 23:56; κατὰ πᾶν σ., Ac 13:27 15:21 18:4; pl., σ. τρία, Ac 17:2 R, txt. (but v. infr.);
(b) as most freq. in LXX (v. Swete, Mk., 17; Thackeray, Gr., 35) the pl. form, τὰ σ. (v. supr. on the Aram. form. There is also an analogy in the names of other festivals, τ. ἐγκαίνια, ἄζυμα, etc.): Mt 28:1, Col 2:16; ἡ ἡμέρα τῶν σ. (Ex 20:8, al.), Lk 4:16, Ac 13:14 16:13; dat. pl. (in LXX -τοις, but I Mac 2:38 as in NT) by metaplasmus (El., § 9, 3), σάββασι, Mt 12:1, 5 12:10-12 Mk 1:21 2:23 3:2, 4, Lk 4:31 6:2.
2. seven days, a week;
(a) the sing. form: πρώτη σαββάτσυ, Mk 16:9; δὶς τοῦ σ. (Bl., § 35, 4; 36, 13), Lk 18:12; κατὰ μίαν σαββάτου, I Co 16:2; pl., σ. τρία, Ac 17:2 R, mg. (but v. supr.);
(b) the pl. form: ἡ μία τῶν σ. (where the gen. = μετὰ τά; Soph., Lex., 43a), Mt 28:1, Mk 16:2, Lk 24:1, Jo 20:1, 19, Ac 20:7

[NT: 1x] σαγήνη, -ης, ἡ [in LXX chiefly for חֵרֶם ;]

a drag-net, seine: Mt 13:47.†
SYN.: ἀμφίβληστρον (q.v.), δίκτυον

[NT: 14x] Σαδδουκαῖος, -ου, ὁ (< Heb. צָדוֹק, II Ki 15:24, al.),

a Sadducee (cf. Swete, Mk., 277): Mt 3:7 16:1, 6 16:11-12 22:23-34 Mk 12:18, Lk 20:27, Ac 4:1 5:17 23:6-8.†

[NT: 2x] Σαδώκ, indecl. (Heb. צָדוֹק, v. supr., s.v. Σαδδουκαῖος)

Sadoc, Zadok: Mt 1:14.†

* σαίνω

1. prop. (Hom., al.), of dogs, to wag the tail, fawn.
2. Metaph., of persons, c. acc, to fawn upon, flatter, beguile: pass., I Th 3:3 (for conjectural emendations of the text, v. ICC, and M, Th., in l).†

[NT: 4x] σάκκος also written σάκος, -ου, ὁ (cf. Heb. שַׂק, which it renders in LXX),

1. a coarse cloth, sackcloth, usually made of hair: Re 6:12.
2. Anything made of sackcloth;
(a) a sack (Ge 42:25, al.);
(b) a garment of sackcloth, expressive of mourning or penitence: Mt 11:21, Lk 10:13, Re 11:3.†

[NT: 2x] Σαλά, indecl. (Heb. שֶׁלַח),

Sala, Shalah: Lk 3:32 (R, txt., Σαλμών, q.v.), Lk 3:35.†

[NT: 3x] Σαλαθιήλ,

indecl. (Heb. שְׁאַלְתִּיאֵל),
Salathiel: Mt 1:12, Lk 3:27.†

[NT: 1x] Σαλαμίς, -ῖνσς, ἡ

Salamis, the chief city of Cyprus: Ac 13:5.†

[NT: 1x] Σαλείμ, τό indecl.,

Salim: Jo 3:23 (v. Westc., in l; DB, iii, 354).†

[NT: 15x] σαλεύω (< σάλος), [in LXX for מוֹט, זוּעַ, etc. ;]

prop., of the action of wind, storm, etc., to agitate, shake: of a reed, Mt 11:7, Lk 7:24; a house, Lk 6:48, Ac 4:31 16:26; the earth, He 12:26; the heavenly bodies, Mt 24:29, Mk 13:25, Lk 21:26; of a vessel shaken in filling, Lk 6:38. Metaph.,
(a) to shake, i.e. to render insecure: τὰ σαλευόμενα, τὰ μὴ., He 12:27;
(b) c. acc pers., to cast down from a sense of security and happiness: [p. 401] Ac 2:25 (LXX);
(c) to unsettle or drive away: pass., seq. ἀπὸ τ. νοός, II Th 2:2;
(d) to stir up: τ. ὄχλους, Ac 17:13.†

[NT: 2x] Σαλήμ, (Heb. שָׁלֵם Ge 14:18),

Salem: He 7:1-2 (LXX).†

[NT: 2x] Σαλμών, indecl. (Heb. שַׂלְמוֹן),

Salmon: Mt 1:4-5, Lk 3:32 (Σαλά, WH, R, mg.).†

[NT: 1x] Σαλμώνη, -ης, ἡ

Salmone, a promontory of Crete: Ac 27:7.†

[NT: 1x] σάλος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX for מוֹט, etc. ;]

in poets and late prose, a tossing, as of an earthquake; esp. the tossing, the rolling swell of the sea: Lk 21:25.†

[NT: 11x] σάλπιγξ, -ιγγος, ἡ [in LXX chiefly for שׁוֹפָר, חֲצֹצְרָה ;]

a trumpet, used in war and in religious ceremonies: I Co 14:8, He 12:19, Re 1:10 4:1 8:2, 6 8:11 9:14 By meton., a trumpet blast: μετὰ σ. μεγάλης, Mt 24:31; ἐν σ. θεοῦ, I Th 4:16; ἐν τ. ἐσχάτῃ σ., I Co 15:52.†

[NT: 12x] σαλπίζω [in LXX chiefly for תָּקַע ;]

to sound a trumpet: Re 8:6 ff. Re 9:1, 13 10:7 11:15; metaph., Mt 6:2. Impers., the trumpet sounds: I Co 15:52.†

[NT: 1x] * σαλπιστής (so Inscr. and late writers for Mt. σαλπιγκτής), οῦ, ὁ,

a trumpeter: Re 18:22.†

[NT: 2x] Σαλώμη, -ης, ἡ (< Heb. שָׁלוֹם),

Salome: Mk 15:40 16:1.†

Σαμάρεια, v.s. Σαμαρία.

Σαμαρείτης (-ίτης, Τ; v. WH, App., 154; BI., § 3, 4), -ον, ό,

a Samaritan, i.e. an inhabitant of the city or the region of Samaria, in NT always the latter (v.s. Σαμαρία): Mt 10:5, Lk 9:52 10:33 17:16, Jo 4:9, 39-40, Ac 8:25; as an opprobrious epithet, Jo 8:48.†

Σαμαρεῖτις (-ῖτις, T, v. supr.), -ιδος, ἡ

1. in FlJ (B.J., i, 21, 2, al.), the region of Samaria.
2. a Samaritan woman: Jo 4:9.†

Σαμαρία (Rec. -άρεια), -ας, ἡ (Heb. שֹׁמְרוֹן; Aram. שָׁמְרַיִן),

(a) the city: Ac 8:5 (and perhaps also Ac 8:9, 14);
(b) the region: Lk 17:11, Jo 4:4-5, 7, Ac 1:8 8:1 (and perhaps also Ac 8:9, 14) Ac 9:31 15:3.†

[NT: 1x] Σαμοθρᾴκη (-θράκη, BE), -ης, ἡ

Samothrace, an island in the Ægean: Ac 16:11.†

[NT: 1x] Σάμος, -ου, ἡ

Samos, an island in the Ægean: Ac 20:15.†

[NT: 3x] Σαμουήλ, indecl. (in FlJ, Σαμούηλος; Heb. שְׁמוּאֵל),

Samuel (I Ki 1:20, al.): Ac 3:24 13:20, He 11:32.†

[NT: 1x] Σαμψών, indecl. (Heb. שִׁמְשׁוֹן),

Samson (Jg 13:1-25 ff.): He 11:32.†

[NT: 2x] σανδάλιον, -ου, τό (dimin. of σάνδαλον, prob. Persian), [in LXX: Jos 9:5, Is 20:2 (נָעַל, elsewhere rendered ὑπόδημα, q.v.), Jth 10:4 16:9 * ;]

a sandal: Mk 6:9, Ac 12:8.†

[NT: 1x] σανίς, -ίδος, ἡ [in LXX: Ca 8:9, Ez 27:5 (לוּחַ) * ;]

a board, plank: Ac 27:44

[p. 402]

[NT: 9x] Σαούλ, indecl. (in FlJ, Σάουλος; Heb. שָׁאוּל)

(a) the King of Israel: Ac 13:21;
(b) the Jewish name of the Apostle Paul, used in the indecl. form only in address (cf. Σαῦλος): Ac 9:4, 17 22:7, 13 26:14.†

[NT: 8x] ** σαπρός, -ά -όν [in Sm.: Le 27:14, 33 * ;]

rotten, corrupt, bad, worth­less: of trees and fruit (opp. to ἀγαθός, καλός), Mt 7:17-18 12:33 Lk 6:43; of fish, Mt 13:48.
Metaph., in moral sense: λόγος σ., Eph 4:29. "In Hellenistic . . . it became a synonym for αἰσχρός or κακός," MM, xxii.†

Σαπφείρα, -ης (v. B1., § 3, 4), ἡ (< Aram. שַׁפִּירָא)

Sapphia: Ac 5:1.†

σάπφειρος, -ου, ἡ [in LXX for סַפִּיר ;]

sapphire (perh. = lapis lazuli): Re 21:19.†

[NT: 1x] * σαργάνη, -ης, ἡ

1. a plaited rope (Æsch.).
2. a hamper, a basket made of ropes: II Co 11:33.†

[NT: 3x] Σάρδεις, -εων, αἱ

Sardis, the chief city of Lydia: Re 1:11 3:1, 4

[NT: 1x] σάρδινος, -ου, ὁ

= σάρδιον (q.v.), Re 4:3, Rec.†

[NT: 2x] σάρδιον, -ον, τ [in LXX for אֹדֶם, Ex 28:17, al.; also for שֹׁהַם ;]

the sardian stone, sard (of which carnelian is one variety): Re 4:3 21:20.†

[NT: 1x] * σαρδόνυξ (L, σαρδιόνυξ), -υχος, ὁ (< σάρδιον, ὄνυξ),

sardonyx, a stone marked by the red of the sard and the white of the onyx: Re 21:20.†

[NT: 1x] Σάρεπτα, -ων (Ob 20), τά (Heb. צָרְפַת),

Sarepta, a city of Sidon: Lk 4:26.†

[NT: 7x] * σαρκικός, -ή, -όν (< σάρξ) (v.l. for σάρκινος, Arist., H.A., x, 2, 7)

= Lat. carnalis, i.e.
(a) associated with or pertaining to the flesh, fleshly, carnal: Ro 15:27, I Co 9:11;
(b) in a more ethical sense, of the nature of the flesh, under the control of its appetites, fleshly, carnal, sensual (but including more than mere sensuality; cf. Hort, 1Pe., 133): I Co 3:3, II Co 1:12 10:4, I Pe 2:11.†
SYN.: σάρκινος (q.v.), ψυχικός; cf. Tr., Syn., §§ LXXi, LXXii; Lft., Notes, 184 f.; Vau. on Ro 7:14

[NT: 4x] σάρκινος, -η, -ον (< σάρξ), [in LXX: II Ch 32:8, Ez 11:19 36:26 (בָּשָׂר), Es 4:17, Pr 24:23 (Pr 29:27) * ;]

= Lat. carneus (the termination -ινος denoting the substance or material of a thing; v. Tr., Syn., § LXXii; Lft., Notes, 184; and for illustrations from π., v. MM, xxii), of the flesh, of flesh, fleshy (Plat., Arist., Plut., al.): Ro 7:14, I Co 3:1, II Co 3:3, He 7:16. (Rec. has -ικός in all these passages except II Co 3:3, but the evidence is decisive against it.)†
SYN.: σαρκικός, q.v

[NT: 147x] σάρξ, σαρκός, ἡ [in LXX chiefly for בָּשָׂר ;]

1. as in cl. generally,
(a) prop., of the soft substance of the animal body: I Co 15:39, II Co 12:7, Ga 6:13, al.; σ. καὶ αἷμα, I Co 5:50; σ. καὶ ὀστέα, Lk 24:39; pl., of the flesh of many or parts of the flesh of one (cl.), Re 17:16 19:18; φαγεῖν, Re, ll. c. (cf. κατεσθίειν, IV Ki 9:36, al., and βιβρώσκειν, freq. in l.); metaph., Ja 5:3; mystically, φ. (τρώγειν) τὴν σ. τοῦ υἱοῦ τ. ἀνθρώπου, [p. 403] Jo 6:52-56;
(b) Of the whole substance of the body, = σῶμα: Ac 2:26 (LXX), 31, II Co 12:7, Ga 4:14, Eph 5:29; μία σ., Mk 10:8; εἰς σ. μίαν (Ge 2:24), Mt 19:5, Mk 10:8, I Co 6:16, Eph 5:31; hence, of the material as opp. to the immaterial part of man (cf. Lft., Notes, 88): opp. to πνεῦμα, I Co 5:5, II Co 7:1, Col 2:5, I Pe 3:18, 4:6; to ψύχη, Ac 2:31, Rec.; of the present life, ἐν (τῇ) σ., Ro 7:5, Ga 2:20, Phl 1:22, 24 I Pe 4:2; of Christ's life on earth, αἱ ἡμέραι τ. σαρκὸς αὐτοῦ, He 5:7; of things pertaining to the body, ἐν (τῇ) σ., Ga 6:12, 13 Phl 3:3, 4.
2. As in Heb. idiom,
(a) of a living creature: πᾶσα σ. (Heb. כָּל־בָּשָׂר; cf. Bl., §47, 9), Mt 24:22, Mk 13:20, I Pe 1:24; esp. of man and his mortality (Ps 55 (56):5, Si 28:5, al.), Jo 1:14; πᾶσα σ. (v. supr.), Lk 3:6, Jo 17:2, Ac 2:17, ἐν σ., I Jo 4:2, I Ti 3:16;
(b) of natural origin and relationship (Ge 2:24, Is 58:7, al.): τέκνα τῆς σ., Ro 9:8; κατὰ σάρκα, ib. 3, 5, I Co 10:18, Ga 4:23, 29; ἡ σ. μου, Ro 11:14 (cf. Jg 9:2, II Ki 5:1, al.).
3. Of the physical nature as subject to sensation and desire (Plut.),
(a) without any ethical disparagement: Ro 7:18 13:14; opp. to πνεῦμα, Mt 26:41, Mk 14:38; τ. θέλημα τῆς σ., Jo 1:13; ἡ ἐπιθυμία τῆς σ., I Jo 2:16; pl., II Pe 2:18; παθεῖν σαρκί, I Pe 4:1;
(b) in ethical sense, esp. in Pauline Epp., of the flesh as the seat and vehicle of sinful desires: opp. to νοῦς, Ro 7:25; to πνεῦμα, Ro 8:4-9, 12, 13, Ga 5:16, 17 19 6:8 (cf. DB, ii, 14f.; iv, 165f.; Cremer, 844ff.).

Σαρούχ, v.s. Σερούχ.

[NT: 3x] * σαρόω, -ῶ

late form of σαίρω,
to sweep: c. acc, Lk 15:8; pass., Mt 12:44, Lk 11:25.†

[NT: 4x] Σάρρα, -ας, ἡ (Heb. שָׂרָה, Ge 17:15),

Sarah: Ro 4:19 9:9, He 11:11, I Pe 3:6.†

Σάρων, -ωνος (acc -ῶνα, WH), ὁ (Heb. שָׁרוֹן),

the plain of Sharon: Ac 9:35.†

[NT: 36x] Σατανᾶς, -ᾶ (so also Sir 21:30, but in III Ki 11:14, σατάν indecl.; Heb. שָׂטָן; Aram. סָטָנָא, whence the inflected Gk. form), ό,

Satan (i.e. the adversary, as in LXX, ll. c.): Mt 4:10 12:26, Mk 1:13 3:23, 26 4:15 Lk 10:18 11:18 13:16 22:3, 31, Jo 13:27, Ac 5:3 26:18, Ro 16:20, I Co 5:5 7:5, II Co 2:11 11:14, I Th 2:18, II Th 2:9, I Ti 1:20 5:15, Re 2:9, 13 2:24 3:9 12:9 20:2, 7; addressed in person of Peter, Mt 16:23 Mk 8:33; ἄγγελος Σατανᾶ, II Co 12:7.†

[NT: 2x] σάτον, -ου, τό (Aram. סָאתָא = Heb. סְאָה), [in LXX: Ha 2:17 (16)* ;]

a Hebrew measure (= about a peck and a half): Mt 13:33, Lk 13:21.†

[NT: 15x] Σαῦλος, -ου, ὁ (Hellenized form of Σαούλ, q.v.),

Saul, the Jewish name of the Apostle Paul: Ac 7:58 8:1, 3 9:1, 8 9:11, 22 9:24 11:25, 30 12:25 13:1-2, 7 13:9.†

[NT: 6x] σβέννυμι [in LXX chiefly for כָּבָה ;]

of fire or things on fire, to quench: c. acc, Mt 12:20, Eph 6:16, He 11:34; pass., Mt 25:8, Mk 9:48, [44, 46]. Metaph. (cf. Ca 8:7, IV Mac 16:4): τὸ πνεῦμα, I Th 5:19.†
ζβέννυμι, for σβ-, I Th 5:19 T (v. WH, Notes, 148).†

[NT: 43x] σεαυτοῦ, -ῆς, -οῦ (in NT not contracted, σαυτοῦ, as in Att..), reflex. prop. of 2nd pers. sing., used only in gen., dat. and acc

(of, to) thyself: Mt 4:6, Jo 8:13, I Ti 4:16, al. (In Hellenistic, the pl. is ἑαυτῶν (q.v.), not ὑμῶν αὐτῶν as in Attic, v. Bl., § 13, 1.) †

[p. 404]

[NT: 1x] ** σεβάζομαι (< σέβας, reverential awe), [in Aq.: Ho 10:5 * ;]

1. to fear (Hom).
2. In later writers, = σέβομαι, to worship: Ro 1:25

[NT: 2x] ** σέβασμα, -τος, τό (< σεβάζομαι), [in LXX: Wi 14:20 15:17, Da TH Bel 1:27 * ;]

an object of worship: Ac 17:23, II Th 2:4.†

* σεβαστός, -ή, -όν (σεβάζομαι)

1. reverend, august.
2. In late writers, with reference to the Roman Imperial name;
(a) ὁ Σ., Augustus, i.e. the Roman Emperor: Ac 25:21, 25;
(b) Augustan: σπείρα σ., Ac 27:1 (See further, Deiss., BS, 218.) †

σέβω [in LXX (chiefly for יָרֵא, Jos 4:24, al.) and NT always mid., σέβομαι, exc. IV Mac 5:24 ;]

to worship: c. acc pers., Mt 15:9, Mk 7:7, Ac 18:13 19:27; σεβόμενος τ. θεόν, Ac 16:14 18:7; σεβόμενοι (σ. προσήλυτοι, σ. Ἕλληνες), devout, Ac 13:43, 50 17:4, 17 (cf. προσήλυτος).†

[NT: 1x] σειρά, -ᾶς, ἡ [in LXX: Jg 16:13-14, 19 (מַחְלָפָה), Pr 5:22 (חֶבֶל) * ;]

1. (a) a cord;
(b) a chain (cf. Pr., l.c.): σειραὶ ζόφου, II Pe 2:4, Rec., R, mg. (v.s. σειρός).
2. a lock of hair (Jg, ll. c.).†

* σειρός (σιρός, T), -οῦ, ὁ (Rec., R, mg., σειρά, q.v.), = cl. σιρός,

a pit for the storage of grain: σειροὶ ζόφου, II Pe 2:4, WH, R., txt. (but v. Mayor, in l; Field, Notes, 241).†

[NT: 14x] σεισμός, -οῦ, ὁ (< σείω), [in LXX chiefly for רַעַשׁ ;]

a shaking, commotion, as a tempest at sea: Mt 8:24; esp. an earthquake: Mt 24:7 27:54 28:2, Mk 13:8, Lk 21:11, Ac 16:26, Re 6:12 8:5 11:13, 19 16:18.†

[NT: 5x] σείω [in LXX chiefly for רָעַשׁ ;]

to shake, move to and fro: τ. γῆν, He 12:26 (LXX); pass., ἡ γῆ, Mt 27:51 (LXX); συκῆ, Re 6:13. Metaph., to agitate, stir up, with fear or some other emotion: Mt 21:10 28:4 (cf. ἀνα-, δια-, κατα-σείω).†

Σέκουνδος (Rec. Σεκοῦνδος), -ου, ὁ

(Lat.), Secundus: Ac 20:4.†

Σελευκία (Rec. -εύκεια),

Seleucia, a city of Syria: Ac 13:4.†

[NT: 9x] σελήνη, -ης, ἡ [in LXX chiefly for יָרֵחַ (Ge 37:9, al.), also for לְבָנָה; (Ca 6:9(10), ?Is 24:23 30:26) ;]

the moon: Mt 24:29, Mk 13:24, Lk 21:25, Ac 2:20 (LXX), I Co 15:41, Re 6:12 8:12 12:1 21:23.†

*† σεληνιάζω (< σελήνη), act, in Manetho (Caren., 4, 81), in NT depon. -ομαι,

to be moonstruck, i.e. epileptic (epilepsy being supposed to be influenced by the moon): Mt 4:24 17:15.†

Σεμεείν (Rec. Σεμεΐ), , indecl.,

Semein: Lk 3:26.†

[NT: 1x] σεμίδαλις, -εως, ἡ [in LXX chiefly for סֹלֶת ;]

fine wheaten flour: Re 18:13.†

[NT: 4x] σεμνός, -ή, -όν (< σέβομαι), [in LXX: Pr 6:8 8:6 15:26, II Mac 6:11 Mac 6:28 Mac 8:15, IV Mac 5:36 Mac 7:15 Mac 17:5 * ;]

1. reverend, august, venerable, in cl. of the gods and also of human beings.
2. grave, serious; of persons: I Ti 3:8 3:11, Tit 2:2; of things: Phl 4:8 (v. Tr., Syn., § xcii; Cremer, 37; MM, xxii).†

[NT: 3x] ** σεμνότης, -ητος, ἡ (< σεμνός), [in LXX: II Mac 3:12 * ;]

gravity: I Ti 2:2 3:4 (Vg. eastitas, cf. Soph., Lex., and Zorell, s.v.), Tit 2:7.†

[NT: 1x] Σέργιος, -ου, ὁ

Sergius, surnamed Paulus: Ac 13:7.†

[p. 405]

[NT: 1x] Σερούχ (Rec. Σαρ-), , indecl. (Heb. שְׂרוּג),

Serug: Lk 3:35.†

[NT: 1x] Σήθ, (Heb. שֵׁת),

Seth (Ge 4:25): Lk 3:38.†

[NT: 1x] Σήμ, indecl. (Heb. שֵׁם),

Shem: Lk 3:36.†

[NT: 6x] σημαίνω (< σῆμα, a sign), [in LXX for רוּעַ hi., תָּקַע, etc. ;]

to give a sign, signify, indicate: c. acc rei, Ac 25:27, Re 1:1 (cf. MM, xxii); c. acc et inf., Ac 11:28; seq. quæst. indir., Jo 12:33 18:32 21:19.†

[NT: 77x] σημεῖον, -ου, τό [in LXX chiefly for אוֹת ;]

a sign, mark, token;
(a) of that which distinguishes a person or thing from others: Mt 26:48 Lk 2:12, II Th 3:17 (cf. Deiss., LAE, 153.2); seq. gen. epexeg., Ro 4:11; c. gen. obj., Mt 24:8, 30, II Co 12:12; c. gen. subj., Mt 16:3;
(b) a sign of warning or admonition: Mt 12:39 16:4, Lk 2:34 11:29-30, I Co 14:22;
(c) a sign portending future events (Soph., Plat. al.): Mk 13:4, Lk 21:7, 11 21:25, Ac 2:19, Re 12:1, 3 15:1;
(d) of miracles and wonders (MM, xxii), regarded as signs of a divine authority: Mt 12:38-39 16:1, 4 Mk 8:11-12 Lk 11:16, 29 23:8, Jo 2:11, 18 2:23 4:54 6:30 10:41 12:18, Ac 4:16, 22; pl., Mk 16:17, 20, Jo 2:11, 23 3:2 6:2, 14 6:26 7:31 9:16 11:47 12:37 20:30, Ac 8:6, I Co 1:22 (Lft., Notes, 162); the same ascribed to false teachers and demons: Mt 24:24, Mk 13:22, II Th 2:9, Re 13:13-14 16:14 19:20; σ. καὶ τέρατα (τ. καὶ σ.; cf. Tr., Syn., § xci), Mt 24:24, Mk 13:22, Jo 4:48, Ac 2:19, 43 4:30 5:12 6:8 7:36 14:3 15:12, Ro 15:19, II Th 2:9; id. seq. καὶ δυνάμεις, II Co 12:12, He 2:4; σ. καὶ δυνάμεις, Ac 8:13; δ. καὶ τ. καὶ σ., Ac 2:22; σ. διδόναι, Mt 24:24, Mk 13:22.†

σημειόω, -ῶ (< σημεῖον), [in LXX: Ps 4:6 (נָשָׂא)* ;]

to mark, note. Mid., to note for oneself: II Th 3:14 (freq. in π.; v. ICC, M, Th., in l).†

[NT: 41x] σήμερον (Att.. τήμερον), adv., [in LXX for יוֹם ;]

to-day: Mt 6:11, Lk 4:21, Ac 4:9, al.; opp. to αὔριον, Mt 6:30, Lk 12:28, Ja 4:13; χθὲς καὶ σ. καὶ εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας, He 13:8; ἡ σ. ἡμέρα, Ac 20:20; ἕως (ἄχρι) τῆς σ. ἡμέρας, Ro 11:8, II Co 3:14; μέχρι (ἕως) τῆς σ. (sc. ἡμέρας), Mt 11:23 27:8; as subst., τὸ σ., He 3:13; id. in appos., ὁρίζει ἡμὶραν, σ., He 4:7 R, mg., (v. Westc., in l)

[NT: 1x] σήπω [in LXX; Ps 38:5 (מָקַק ni.), Jb 33:21 (כָּלָה) Jb 40:7, Si 14:19, al. ;]

to make corrupt: 2 pf. act, with mid, sense (v. M, Pr., 154), σέσηπεν, has perished, become corrupted, Ja 5:2.†

σηρικός, v.s. σιρικός.

[NT: 28x] σής σητός (late gen. for cl. σεός), , [in LXX: Jb 4:19, Is 50:9 (עָשׁ), Is 51:8 (סָס), al. ;]

a moth, clothes moth: Mt 6:19-20, Lk 12:33.†

[NT: 1x] σητό-βρωτος, -ον (< οής, βιβρώσκω), [in LXX: Jb 13:28 (אָכַל עָשׁ) * ;]

moth-eaten: Ja 5:2.†

[NT: 1x] *† σθενόω, -ῶ (< σθένος, strength),

to strengthen: c. acc., I Pe 5:10 (Hesych.).†

[NT: 2x] σιαγών, -όνος, ἡ [in LXX for לְחִי ;]

the jawbone, jaw, cheek: Mt 5:39, Lk 6:29 (cf. MM, xxii).†

[NT: 10x] σιγάω, -ῶ (< σιγή), [in LXX for חָרַשׁ, חָשָׁה, etc. ;]

1. intrans., [p. 406] to be silent, keep silence: Lk 9:36 18:39 20:26, Ac 12:17 15:12-13, I Co 14:28 14:30 14:34.
2. Trans., to keep secret; pass., to be kept secret: Ro 16:25.†
SYN.: ἡσυχάζω, σιωπάω

[NT: 2x] ** σιγή, -ῆς, ἡ [in LXX: Wi 18:14, III Mac 3:23 * ;]

silence: Ac 21:40, Re 8:1.†

σιδήρεος, -α, -ον (-οῦς, -ᾶ -οῦν) (< σίδηρος), [in LXX chiefly for בַּרְזֶל ;]

of iron: Ac 12:10, Re 2:27 9:9 12:5 19:15.†

[NT: 1x] σίδηρος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX chiefly for בַּרְזֶל ;]

iron: Re 18:12.†

[NT: 9x] Σιδών, -ῶnος, ἡ (Heb. צִידוֹן),

Sidon, a maritime city of Phœnicia: Mt 11:21-22 15:21, Mk 3:8 7:24, 31, Lk 6:17 10:13-14, Ac 27:3.†

[NT: 2x] Σιδώνιος, -α, -ον (< Σιδών),

of Sidon, Sidonian;
(a) the region: sc. χώρα, Lk 4:26;
(b) the people: Ac 12:20.†

[NT: 1x] *† σικάριος, -ου, ὁ (Lat.; < sica, a dagger carried under their clothing by the Sicarii),

a bandit, assassin, one of the Sicarii (FlJ, B.J., ii, 17, 6, al.): Ac 21:38.†

[NT: 1x] σίκερα, τό indecl. (Aram. שִׁכְרָא), [in LXX for שֵׁכָר (also rendered μέθυσμα, Jg 13:4, Mi 2:11), Le 10:9, al. ;]

fermented liquor, strong drink: Lk 1:15.†

[NT: 8x] Σίλας, (acc to BL, § 29, W-Schm., 74, -ᾶς, -ᾶ), ὁ (Aram. שׁאִילָא; v. Dalman, Gr., 157.5),

Silas (called also Σιλουανός, q.v.): Ac 15:22, 27 15:32, 34 15:40 16:19, 25 16:29 17:4, 10 17:14-15 18:5

[NT: 4x] Σιλουανός (in MSS also Σιλβανός, a form freq. in π.), -οῦ, ὁ,

Silvanus, latinized name of Silas: II Co 1:19, I Th 1:1, II Th 1:1, I Pe 5:12.†

[NT: 3x] Σιλωάμ (indecl., but in FlJ, gen., ᾶ, B.J., ii, 16, 2), ὁ (Heb. שִׁלֹחַ),

Siloam (v. DB, iii, 515 f.): Lk 13:4, Jo 9:7, 11.†

[NT: 1x] *† σιμικίνθιον (also written σημι-), -ου, τό (Lat. semicinctium),

a work­man's apron: Ac 19:12.†

[NT: 75x] Σίμων, -ωνος, ὁ

a Greek name (transliterated סִימוֺן in Heb.) used as a substitute for Συμεών (q.v.), Simon
1. Simon Peter: Mt 17:25, Mk 1:29, al.
2. Simon the Zealot (v.s. ζηλωτής, Καναναῖος): Mt 10:4, Mk 3:18, Lk 6:15, Ac 1:13.
3. One of the Brethren of our Lord (v.s. ἀδελψός): Mt 13:55, Mk 6:3.
4. The father of Judas Iscariot, himself surnamed Ἰσκαριώτης (q.v.): Jo 6:71 12:4 (Rec.) 13:2,26
5. Simon the Cyrenian: Mt 27:32, Mk 15:21, Lk 23:26.
6. Simon the Pharisee: Lk 7:40, 43-44.
7. Simon of Bethany, surnamed ὁ λεπρός: Mt 26:6, Mk 14:3.
8. Simon Magus, a Samaritan sorcerer: Ac 8:9, 13 8:18, 24.
9. Simon the tanner, of Joppa: Ac 9:43 10:6, 17 10:32

Σινά (-ᾶ, Rec.),

indecl. (but τὸ Σιναῖον, FlJ, Ant., iii, 5, 1; τὸ Σιναῖον ὄρος, ib. ii, 12, 1), τό
(Heb. סִינַי),
Sinai (Ex 19:11, al.): Ac 7:30, 38, Ga 4:24-25

[NT: 5x] σίναπι, -εως, τό (prob. Egyptian), = Attic τὸ νᾶπυ

mustard: Mt 13:31 17:20, Mk 4:31, Lk 13:19 17:6.†

[p. 407]

[NT: 6x] σινδών, -όνος, ἡ [in LXX: Jg 14:12-13 A, Pr 31:24 (סָדִין), I Mac 10:64 A * ;]

fine linen cloth;
(a) as used for swathing dead bodies (cf. Hdt., ii, 86): Mt 27:59, Mk 15:46, Lk 23:53;
(b) a garment or wrap of this material (cf. ICC, Jg, l.c.): Mk 14:51-52.†

*† σινιάω (< σίνιον, a sieve), = σήθω,

to sift, winnow: fig., Lk 22:31.†

[NT: 1x] * σιρικός (by assimilation of vowels, for σηρικός; v. Mayser, 150; WH, Notes, 151), -ή, -όν (< οἱ Σῆρες, a people of India from whom the ancients got the first silk),

silk, silken; as subst., τὸ σ., silken fabric, silk: Re 18:12 (cf. FlJ, B.J., vii, 5, 4).†

σιρός, v.s. σειρός.

[NT: 3x] σιτευτός, -ή, -όν (< σιτεύω, to feed, fatten), [in LXX: III Ki 4:23 (אָבַס), etc. ;]

fattened: Lk 15:23, 27 15:30.†

[NT: 1x] **† σιτιστός, -ή, -όν (< σιτίζω, to fatten) [in Sm.: Ps 22:13, Je 46:21 * ;]

= σιτευτός, fattened; as subst., pl., τὰ σ., fatlings: Mt 22:4.†

[NT: 1x] *† σιτομέτριον, -ου, τό (< σιτομετρέω, Ge 47:12, 14 *, = Attic τὸν σῖτον μετρέω),

a measured portion of food: Lk 12:42 (for exx. in π., v. Deiss., BS, 158; LAE, 103.1).†

[NT: 14x] σῖτος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX chiefly for דָּגָן ;]

wheat, corn: Mt 3:12 13:25, 29-30 Mk 4:28, Lk 3:17 12:18 16:7 22:32, Jo 12:24, Ac 27:38, I Co 15:37, Re 6:6 18:13.†
σιτίοι, -ου, τό
(dimin. of σῖτος), [in LXX: Pr 30:22 (לֶחֶם)* ;]
1. corn, grain: Ac 7:12 (but v. 131., § 9, 1).
2. Mostly in pl., σιτία, bread, food, provisions (LXX, l.c., Hdt., al.).†

Σιχάρ, v.s. Συχάρ.

[NT: 7x] Σιών

in NT anarth., but in LXX when used of the city of Jerusalem, ἡ Σ.
(Heb. צִיּוֹן),
1. the mountain: in typical sense, of the Church, He 12:22; of heaven, Re 14:1.
2. The city, i.e. Jerusalem; in poetical sense;
(a) of the inhabitants: θυγάτηρ Σ, Mt 21:5, Jo 12:15 (LXX);
(b) in wider sense, of Israel: Ro 11:26;
(c) fig.: τίθήμι ἐν Σ λίθον, Ro 9:33, I Pe 2:6 (LXX).†

[NT: 10x] σιωπάω, -ῶ (< σιωπή, silence) [in LXX for חָשָׁה, חָרַשׁ hi., etc. ;]

to be silent or still, keep silence: Mt 20:31 26:63, Mk 3:4 9:34 10:48 14:61, Lk 19:4 , Ac 18:9; of one dumb, Lk 1:20 (cf. IV Mac 10:18); addressed rhetorically to the sea, σιώπα, Mk 4:39.†
SYN.: ἡσυχάζω, σιγάω (q.v.)

[NT: 29x] σκανδαλίζω (< σκάνδαλον), [in LXX: Da LXX 11:41 (כָּשַׁל ni.), Si 9:5 (Si 35:15 32:15) (יָקֹשׁ ho.) Si 23:8 (also in Aq., Sm., Th., and in Psa Sol Ps 16:7; not elsewhere, except NT and eccl.)* ;]

prop., to put a snare or stumbling-block in the way; in NT always metaph. of that which hinders right conduct or thought, to cause to stumble: c. acc pers., Mt 5:29-30 17:27 18:6, 8-9 Mk 9:42-43, 45 9:47 Lk 17:2, Jo 6:61, I Co 8:13. Pass., to be made to stumble, to stumble: Mt 11:6 13:21, 57 15:12 24:10 26:31, 33, Mk 4:17 6:3 14:27, 29, Lk 7:23, Jo 16:1, Ro 14:21 (WH, R, txt., om.), II Co 11:29,†

[p. 408]

[NT: 15x] σκάνδαλον, -ου, τό (late form of the rare word σκανδάληθρον, v. LS, s.v.) [in LXX chiefly for מוֹקֵשׁ, מִכְשׁוֹל ;]

prop., the bait-stick of a trap, a snare, stumbling-block (Le 19:14, Jth 5:1): fig., Ro 9:33, I Pe 2:8 (Is 8:14; aliter in LXX; στερεὸν σκανδάλου in Aq.). Metaph., of that which causes error or sin;
(a) of persons: Mt 13:41 16:23; Χριστὸς ἐσταυρωμένος, I Co 1:23;
(b) of things: Mt 18:7, Ro 11:9 (LXX) Ro 14:13, I Jn 2:10 Re 2:14; τὸ σ. τοῦ σταυροῦ, Ga 5:11; pl., Mt 18:7, Lk 17:1, Ro 16:17.†
SYN.: πρόσκομμα

[NT: 3x] σκάπτω [in LXX: Is 5:6 (עֲדַר ni.)* ;]

to dig: Lk 6:48 13:8 16:3.†

[NT: 3x] ** σκάφη, -ης, ἡ (< σκάπτω), [in LXX: Da LXX Bel 1:32, TH Bel 1:33 * ;]

anything scooped out, esp. a light boat, skiff: Ac 27:16, 30 27:32.†

[NT: 3x] σκέλος, -ους, τό [in LXX for רֶגֶל, etc. ;]

the leg from the hip downwards: ?Jo 19:3-33

[NT: 1x] * σκέπασμα, -τος, τό (< σκεπάζω, to cover),

a covering, esp. clothing: I Ti 6:8.†

[NT: 1x] Σκευᾶς, -ᾶ

Sceva: Ac 19:14.†

[NT: 1x] ** σκευή, -ῆς, ἡ [in LXX: III Mac 5:45 R * ;]

equipment, tackle: Ac 27:19.†

[NT: 23x] σκεῦος, -ους, τό [in LXX chiefly for כְּלִי ;]

a vessel, implement (for exx. in various senses, v. MM, xxii): Mk 11:16, Lk 8:16, Jo 19:29, Ac 10:11, 16 11:5, Ro 9:21, Re 18:12; pl., II Ti 2:20, Re 2:27; τὰ σ. τῆς λειτουργίας, He 9:21; pl., τὰ σ., utensils, goods, Mt 12:29, Mk 3:27, Lk 17:31; id. of the tackle or gear of a ship (Xen., Polyb., al.); so in sing., τὸ σ., Ac 27:17. Metaph., of persons: σ. ἐκλογῆς, Ac 9:15; ὀργῆς, Ro 9:22; ἐλέους, Ro 9:23; σ. εἰς τιμήν (cf. Ro 9:21), II Ti 2:21; of woman, ἀσθενέστερον σ., I Pe 3:7; so perh. τ. ἑαυτοῦ σ., I Th 4:4 (but v. infr.); of the body, II Co 4:7; so perh. I Th 4:4 (but v. supr., and v.s. κτάομαι).†

[NT: 20x] σκηνή, -ῆς, ἡ [in LXX chiefly for אֹהֶל, also for מִשְׁכָּן, סֻכָּה, etc. ;]

a tent, booth, tabernacle: Mt 17:4, Mk 9:5, Lk 9:33, He 11:9; αἱ αἰώνιοι σ., Lk 16:9; of the Mosaic tabernacle, He 8:5 9:2-3, 6 9:8, 21; σ. τ. μαρτυρίου, Ac 7:44; of its heavenly prototype, He 8:2 9:11, Re 13:6 15:5 21:3; of the temple, He 13:10; ἡ σ. τοῦ Μολόχ, Ac 7:43 (LXX); metaph., ἡ σ. Δαυείδ Ac 15:16 (LXX).†

[NT: 1x] σκηνοπηγία, -ας, ἡ (< σκηνή, πήγνυηι), [in LXX for סֻכָּה, De 16:16 31:10, Za 14:16, 18-19; I Es 5:51, I Mac 10:21, II Mac 1:9 Mac 1:18 * ;]

prop., the setting up of tents or dwellings (Arist.); in LXX and NT, ἡ σ., ἡ ἑορτή τῆς σ. (called also ἑορτὴ σκηνῶν, Le 23:34, al.; v. Deiss., LAE, 116 f.), the feast of Tabernacles: Jo 7:2.†

[NT: 1x] *† σκηνοποιός, -όν (< σκηνή, ποιέω),

making tents; as subst., ὁ σ., a tent-maker: Ac 18:3.†

[NT: 2x] ** σκῆνος, -ους, τό [in LXX: Wi 9:15 * ;]

= σκηνή,
a tent, tabernacle (C.1., 3071). Metaph., of the body as the tabernacle of the soul: II Co 5:1 5:4.†

[p. 409]

[NT: 5x] σκηνόω, -ῶ (< σκηνή), [in LXX chiefly for שָׁכַן ;]

to have one's tabernacle, to dwell (in π. of temporary dwelling, v. MM, Exp., xxii): seq. ἐπί, c. acc pers., Re 7:15; seq. ἐν, c. dat. pers., Jo 1:14; id. c. dat. loc., Re 12:12 13:6; seq. μετά, c. gen. pers., Re 21:3 (cf. ἐπι-, κατα-σκηνόω).†

[NT: 3x] σκήνωμα, -τος, τό (< σκηνόω), [in LXX chiefly for אֹהֶל ;]

a tent, tabernacle (cf. σκηνή, σκῆνος): of the temple as God's dwelling (Ps 132:5, al.), Ac 7:46. Metaph., of the body: II Pe 1:13-14.†

[NT: 7x] σκιά, -ᾶς, ἡ [in LXX chiefly for צֵל, IV Ki 20:9 ff., Ps 57:1, al.; but σ. and σ. θανάτου are also used for צַלְמָוֶת, Jb 3:5, Ps 3:4, Is 9:2 (1) (v. ICC, in l), al. ;]

1. shadow, shade, caused by interception of light: Mk 4:32, Ac 5:15; metaph., σ. θανάτου, of ignorance and error, Mt 4:16, Lk 1:79 (LXX).
2. a shadow, the image or outline cast by an object: fig., ὑπόδειγμα καὶ σ., He 8:5; opp. to σῶμα, Col 2:17; opp. to εἰκών, He 10:1.†

[NT: 3x] σκιρτάω, -ῶ [in LXX: Ge 25:22 (רָצַץ hithpo.), Ps 114:4, 6 (רָקַד), etc. ;]

to leap: Lk 1:41, 44 6:23.†

[NT: 3x] σκληρο-καρδία, -ας, ἡ (< σκληρός, καρδία), [in LXX: De 10:16, Je 4:4 (לֵבָב עׇרְלָה), Si 16:10 (cf. καρδία σκληρά, Si 3:26-27) * ;]

hardness of heart: Mt 19:8, Mk 10:5 16:14.†

[NT: 5x] σκληρός, -ά, -όν (< σκέλλω, to dry), [in LXX chiefly for קָשָׁה ;]

hard to the touch, rough, harsh, (opp. to μαλακός); metaph., in various uses;
(a) of men, hard, stern, severe: Mt 25:24;
(b) of things, hard, rough, violent: σκληρόν σοι (ἐστι), Ac 26:14; λόγος, Jo 6:60; ἄνεμος, Ja 3:4; σκληρὰ λαλεῖν, Ju 15.†
SYN.: αὐστηρός, q.v

[NT: 1x] σκληρότης, -ητος, ἡ (< σκληρός), [in LXX: De 9:27 (קְשִׁי), etc. ;]

hardness; metaph., of stubbornness: Ro 2:5.†

[NT: 1x] σκληρο-τράχηλος, -ον (σκληρός, τράχηλος), [in LXX: Ex 33:3, 5 (עֹרֶף ־קָשֶׁה), etc. ;]

stiff-necked: metaph., Ac 7:51.†

[NT: 6x] σκληρύνω (< σκληρός), [in LXX chiefly for קָשָׁה hi., also for חָזַק ;]

to harden. Metaph., to harden, make stubborn: c. acc pers., Ro 9:18; T. καρδίας (Ps 95:8), He 3:8, 15 4:7. Pass., to become hardened: Ac 19:9, He 3:13.†

[NT: 4x] σκολιός, -ά, -όν [in LXX: De 32:5 (עִקֵּשׁ), Pr 28:18 (σ. ὁδοῖς πορεύεσθαι, for: דֶּרֶךְ עָקַשׁ), Is 40:4 (עָקֹב), etc. ;]

curved, bent, winding (opp. to ὀρθός, εὐθύς): Lk 3:5 (LXX). Metaph., crooked, perverse, unjust: Ac 2:40, Phl 2:15, I Pe 2:18.†

[NT: 1x] σκόλοψ, -οπος, ὁ [in LXX: Nu 33:55 (שֵׂךְ), Ho 2:6 (8) (סִיר), Ez 28:24 (סִלּוֹן), Si 43:19 * ;]

anything pointed, esp.
1. in cl., a stake
2. In Hellenistic vernacular, a thorn (cf. LXX, ll. c.): σ. τῇ σαρκί, II Co 12:7 [p. 410] (cf. MM, i., xxiii; DB, iii, 700 f.; Deiss., St. Paul, 62 f.; Field, Notes, 187).†

[NT: 6x] ** ακοπέω, -ῶ (< σκοπός), [in LXX: Es 8:13, II Mac 4:5 * ;]

to look at, behold, watch, contemplate. Metaph., to look to, consider: c. acc rei, II Co 4:13, Phl 2:4; c. acc pers., Ro 16:17, Phl 3:17; seq. μή, Lk 11:35; σεαυτόν, seq. μή (v. M, Pr., 192), Ga 6:1 (cf. ἐπι-, κατα-σκοπέω).†
SYN.: βλέπω, θεωρέω, ὁράω

[NT: 1x] σκοπός, -οῦ, ὁ [in LXX chiefly for צָפָה ;]

1. a watcher, watchman (Ez 3:17, al.).
2. a mark on which to fix the eye (Wi 5:12, 21, al.). Metaph., of an aim or object: Phl 3:14.†

[NT: 5x] σκορπίζω [in LXX for פּוּץ hi., etc. ;]

in vernac. and in Ion, and late writers for σκεδάννυμι (v. MM, xxiii; Rutherford, NPhr., 295), to scatter: ὁ λύκος, Jo 10:12; ὁ μὴ συνάγων μετ' ἐμοῦ σκορπίζει, Mt 12:30, Lk 11:23; pass., seq. εἰς, c. acc loc., Jo 16:32; of one who dispenses blessings, II Co 9:9 (LXX) (of. δια-σκορπίζομαι).†

[NT: 5x] σκορπίος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX for עַקְרָב ;]

a scorpion: Lk 10:19 11:12, Re 9:3, 5 9:10

[NT: 3x] σκοτεινός (WH. -τινός), -ή, -όν (< σκότος), [in LXX chiefly for חֹשֶׁךְ and cogn. forms ;]

dark: opp. to φωτεινός, Mt 6:23, Lk 11:34, 36.†

[NT: 16x] σκοτία, -ας, ἡ [in LXX: Jb 28:3 (אֹפֶל), Mi 3:6 (חָשַׁךְ), Is 16:3 * ;]

in late writers = σκότος,
darkness: Jo 6:17 20:1. Metaph.,
(a) of secrecy (opp. to ἐν τ. φωτί): Mt 10:27, Lk 12:3;
(b) of spiritual darkness: Mt 4:16, Jo 1:5 8:12 12:35, 40, I Jn 1:5 Jn 2:8-9 Jn 2:11.†

σκοτίζω (< σκότος), [in LXX for חָשַׁךְ ;]

to darken; in NT always pass., -ομαι, to be darkened: of the heavenly bodies, Mt 24:29, Mk 13:24, Lk 23:45 (Rec., WH, mg.), Re 8:12. Metaph., of the mind, Ro 1:21 11:10 (LXX) (cf. σκοτόω).†

[NT: 31x] σκότος, -ου, ὁ the more usual cl. form (cf.σ., τό),

darkness: He 12:18, Rec.†

σκότος, -ους, τό, a form rare in cl. (cf. σ.) but freq. in LXX, [in LXX chiefly for חֹשֶׁךְ ;]

darkness: Mt 27:45, Mk 15:33, Lk 22:53 23:44, Ac 2:20, II Co 4:6; τὰ κρυπτὰ τοῦ σ., I Co 4:5; of blindness, Mt 6:23, Ac 13:11; by meton., of a dark place, Mt 8:12 22:13 25:30, II Pe 2:17, Ju 13. Metaph., of moral and spiritual darkness: Lk 11:35, Jo 3:19, Ac 26:18, II Co 6:14, Eph 6:12, Col 1:13, I Pe 2:9; by meton., of those who are in spiritual darkness, Eph 5:8; τ. ἔργα τοῦ σ., Ro 13:12, Eph 5:11; οκότους εἶναι, I Th 5:5; ἐν σ. εἶναι, I Th 5:4; οἱ ἐν σ., Lk 1:79, Ro 2:19; ὁ λαὸς ὁ καθήμενος ἐν σ., Mt 4:16 (LXX) (WH. οκοτίᾳ); ἐν σ. περιπατεῖν, I Jn 1:6.†

σκοτόω, -ῶ (< σκότος), [in LXX for חָשַׁךְ, קָדַר, שָׁחַר ;]

to darken: Re 9:2 16:10. Metaph., of the mind! pass., Eph 4:18 (cf. σκοτίζω).†

[NT: 1x] **† σκύβαλον, -ου, τό [in LXX: Si 27:4 * ;]

refuse, esp. dung (v. MM, ii, iii, xxiii): Phl 3:8.†

[NT: 1x] Σκύθης, -ου, ὁ

Scythian, an inhabitant of Scythia, i.e. Russia and Siberia, a synonym with the Greeks for the wildest of barbarians: Col 3:11.†

[p. 411]

[NT: 2x] σκυθρωπός, -όν (also -ή, -όν) (< σκυθρός, sullen, + ὤψ), [in LXX: Ge 40:7 (רַע), etc. ;]

of a gloomy countenance: Mt 6:16, Lk 24:17.†

[NT: 4x] * σκύλλω

1. in cl., to skin, flay, rend (Æsch., Anthol.).
2. In Hellenistic writers, to vex, trouble, annoy: c. acc pers., Mk 5:35, Lk 8:49; pass., ἐσκυλμένοι, distressed, Mt 9:36; mid., to trouble oneself, μὴ σκύλλου, Lk 7:6 (freq. in π.; v. MM, i, ii, and cf. M, Pr., 89; Abbott, Essays, 87; Kennedy, Sources, 82).†

[NT: 1x] σκῦλον (Rec. σκύλον), -ου, τό [in LXX chiefly for שָׁלָל ;]

mostly in pl., σκίλα, arms stripped from a foe, spoils: Lk 11:22.†

[NT: 1x] * σκωληκό-βρωτος, -ον (< σκώληξ, βιβρώσκω),

eaten of worms: Ac 12:23 (cf. II Mac 9:9, and v. MM, xxiii) †

[NT: 1x] σκώληξ, -ηκος, ὁ [in LXX chiefly for תּוֹלָע and cogn. forms ;]

a worm: of the kind which preys upon dead bodies, metaph., of fut. punishment, Mk 9:48 (LXX, Is 66:24; cf. Si 7:17, Jth 16:17).†

[NT: 1x] *† σμαράγδινος (< σμάραγδος, q.v.),

1. of emerald (Luc., V.H., ii, 11).
2. As in π. (Deiss., BS, 267), emerald-green: Re 4:3 (for the construction, v. Swete, in l; Zorell, s.v.).†

[NT: 1x] σμάραγδος, -ου, ἡ (and in late writers also ), [in LXX: Ex 28:9 (שֹׁהַם) Ex 36:17 (Ex 39:10) (בָּרֶקֶת), Ez 28:13 (יַהֲלֹם), etc. ;]

emerald or other trans parent green stone (LS, s.v.; DB, iv, 620; Swete, Ap., 67, 288): Re 21:19.†

[NT: 2x] σμύρνα (in some MSS, ζμ-; v. Bl., § 3, 9), -ης, ἡ, [in LXX for מֹר ;]

myrrh, a resinous gum used as an unguent and for em­balming: Mt 2:11, Jo 19:39.†

[NT: 2x] Σμύρνα (T, Ζμ-; B1., § 3, 9), -ας, ἡ

Smyrna, an Ionian city on the Ægean: Re 1:11 2:8.†
Ζμύρνα, -ης, ἡ,
Re 1:11 2:8 T, for Σμ-, q.v. (cf. B1., § 3, 9; Mayser, 204).†

[NT: 1x] Σμυρναῖος, -α, -ον

of Smyrna: Re 2:8, Rec.†

[NT: 1x] *† σμυρνίζω (< σιύρνα),

1. intrans., to be like myrrh (Diosc., i, 79).
2. Trans., to mingle or drug with myrrh: pass., Mk 15:23.†

[NT: 9x] Σόδομα, -ων, τά (Heb. סְדֹם),

Sodom (Ge 13:10, 12, al.): Mt 10:15 11:23-24 Lk 10:12 17:29, Ro 9:29 (LXX), II Pe 2:6, Ju 7, Re 11:8.†

[NT: 12x] Σολομών, -ῶνος (so prop., but Rec. has freq. -ῶν, -ῶντος, as also WH in Ac 3:11 5:12; in Ac 7:47 T has Σαλωμών, as LXX freq., indecl.; v. B1., § 10, 1; Tdf., Prol., 104, 119; WH, App., 158), ὁ (Heb. שְׁלֹמֹה),

Solomon: Mt 1:6-7 6:29 12:42, Lk 11:31 12:27, Jo 10:23, Ac 3:11 5:12 7:47.†

[NT: 1x] σορός, -οῦ, ἡ [in LXX: Ge 50:26 (אָרוֹן), Jb 21:32 A * ;]

(a) a cinerary urn (Hom.);
(b) a coffin (Hdt., i, 68, 3, a1.): Lk 7:14.†

[NT: 23x] σός, -ή, -όν

possess. prop. of second pers.,
thy, thine: Mt 7:3, al.; as subst., οἱ σοί, thy kinsfolk, friends, Mk 5:19; τὸ σόν, what is thine, Mt 20:14 25:25; τὰ σά, thy goods, Lk 6:30

*† σουδάριον, -ου, τό(Lat.),

handkerchief, kerchief: Lk 19:20, Ac 19:12; used as a head covering for the dead, Jo 11:44 20:7 (cf. Deiss., BS, 223).†

[p. 412]

Σουσάννα, -ης (cf. Da LXX TH Su, inscr., 2, 7, al.)

Susanna: Lk 8:3.†

σοφία, -ας, ἡ [in LXX chiefly for חׇכְמָה ;]

skill, intelligence, wisdom, ranging from knowledge of the arts and matters of daily life to mental excellence in its highest and fullest sense;
(a) of human wisdom: I Co 2:1 2:4-5, Ja 3:15, Re 13:18 17:9; σ. Σολομῶνος, Mt 12:42, Lk 11:31; Αἰγυπτίων, Ac 7:22; Ἕλληνες σ. ζητοῦσιν, I Co 1:22; σ. λόγου, I Co 1:17; τ. σοφῶν, I Co 1:19 (LXX); τ. κόσμου, I Co 1:20-21 3:19; ἀνθρωπίνη, I Co 2:13; σαρκική, II Co 1:12;
of wisdom in spiritual things: Lk 21:15, Ac 6:3, 10 7:10, I Co 2:6, Col 1:28 2:23 3:16 4:5, Ja 1:5 3:13, 17, II Pe 3:15; λόγος σοφίας, I Co 12:8; πνεῦμα σοφίας, Eph 1:17; σ. καὶ φρόνησις, Eph 1:8; σ. καὶ σύνεσις, Col 1:9;
(b) of divine wisdom: of God, Ro 11:33, I Co 1:21 1:24 2:7, Re 7:12; πολυποίκιλος, Eph 3:10
of Christ, Mt 13:54, Mk 6:2, Lk 2:40, 52, I Co 1:30 Col 2:3, Re 5:12;
of wisdom personified, Mt 11:19, Lk 7:35 11:49.†
SYN.: σύνεσις, intelligence; φρόνησις, prudence, which with σ. make up (Arist., N. Eth., i, 13) the three intellectual ἀρεταί. σ. is wisdom primary and absolute; in distinction from which φ. is practical, σύνεσις critical, both being applications of σ. in detail (cf. Lft., and ICC on Col 1:9; Lft., Notes, 317 f.; Tr., Syn., § LXXv; Cremer, 870 ff.).

σοφίζω (< σοφός), [in LXX chiefly for חָכָם ;]

to make wise, instruct: c. acc pers., II Ti 3:15 (cf. Ps 19:8 (Ps 119:98). As depon., -ομαι;
(a) intrans., to become wise (III Ki 4:27 (III Ki 5:11), Ec 2:15, and freq. in Si 7:5, al.);
(b) trans., to invent, devise cleverly: pass., II Pe 1:16
(cf. κατα-σοφίζομαι).†

σοφός, -ή, -όν [in LXX chiefly for חָכָם ;]

skilled, clever, wise, whether in handicraft, the affairs of life, the sciences or learning: Ro 16:19, I Co 3:10; of the learned, Ro 1:14, 22, I Co 1:19-20 1:26-27 3:18-20; of Jewish teachers, Mt 11:25, Lk 10:21; Christian, Mt 23:34; of those en­dowed with practical wisdom, I Co 6:5, Eph 5:15, Ja 3:13; of God, Ro 16:27; compar., τ. μωρὸν τ. θεοῦ σοφώτερον, I Co 1:25.†
SYN.: συνετός, φρόνιμος (v.s. σοφία, SYN.)

Σπανία, -ας, ἡ (= cl. Ἑσπερία or Ἰβηρία; late writers adopted the Roman name, Ἱσπανία (I Mac 8:3) or Σ. as here),

Spain: Ro 15:24, 28.†

σπαράσσω [in LXX: II Ki 22:8 B (גָּעַשׁ hith.), Jo 4:19 (הָמָה) Da LXX 8:7 (שָׁלַךְ hi.), III Mac 4:6 * ;]

1. to tear, rend, mangle.
2. to convulse: Mk 1:26 (v. Swete, in l) Mk 9:26, Lk 9:39
(cf. συν-σπαράσσω).†

σπαργανόω, -ῶ (< σπάργανον, a swathing-band) [in LXX: Jb 38:9, Ez 16:4 (חָתַל pu.)* ;]

to swathe, wrap in swaddling-clothes: Lk 2:7, 12 (Hipp., Arist., Plut.).†

σπαταλάω, -ῶ (< σπατάλη, wantonness, luxury, Si 27:13 *), [in LXX: Ez 16:49 (שָׁקַט hi.), Si 21:15 * ;]

to live riotously: I Ti 5:6, Ja 5:5 (Polyb.).†
SYN.: στρηνιάω, τρυφάω (v. Tr., Syn., § liv)

σπάω [in LXX chiefly for שָׁלַף, ;]

in cl. poët. for ἕλκω; mostly used in mid. (cf. M, Pr., 157),
to draw: μάχαιραν, Mk 14:47, Ac 16:27,†

[p. 413]

** σπείρα, -ης (on this form of gen., v. M, Pr., 38, 48; Bl., § 7, 1; Mayser, 12; Deiss., BS, 186), [in LXX: Jth 14:11, II Mac 8:23 Mac 12:20 Mac 12:22 * ;]

1. (= Lat. spira) anything wound or rolled up, a coil.
2. As a military term used (by Polyb. and later writers) of a body of soldiers, a maniple (third part of a cohort) or cohort (v. Swete, Mk., 375; Westc., Jo., 251 f.): Mt 27:27, Mk 15:16, Jo 18:3, 12, Ac 10:1 21:31 27:1.†

* σπείρω [in LXX chiefly for זָרַע ;]

to sow (seed): absol., Mt 6:26 13:3-4, 18 25:24, 26, Mk 4:3-4, Lk 8:5 12:24, Jo 4:36, II Co 9:10; c. acc rei, Mt 13:24, 27 13:37, 39, Mk 4:32, Lk 8:5, I Co 15:36-37; seq. εἰς, Mt 13:22, Mk 4:18; ἐν, Mt 13:24, 31; ἐπί, c. gen., Mk 4:31; ἐπί, c. acc, Mt 13:20, 23, Mk 4:16, 20; παρά, c. acc, Mt 13:19. Metaph.: I Co 9:11 15:42-44, Ga 6:7-8, Ja 3:18; in proverbial sayings, Mt 25:24, 26, Lk 19:21-22, Jo 4:37, II Co 9:6, Ga 6:7; in interpretation of parables, Mt 13:19-23 Mk 4:14-20

σπεκουλάτωρ, -ορος (Rec. -ωρος), ὁ (Lat. speculator),

1. prop., a spy or scout.
2. An executioner: Mk 6:27 (v. Swete, in l).†

σπένδω [in LXX chiefly for נָסַךְ hi. ;]

to pour out as a drink-offering, make a libation; pass., fig., σπένδομαι, I am poured out or offered as a libation (in the shedding of my life-blood): Phl 2:17 (v. Lft., in l), II Ti 4:6 (for exx. from π., v. Milligan, Selections, 114 f.; MM, xxiii).†

σπέρμα, -τος, τό (< σπείρω) [in LXX chiefly for זֶרַע ;]

(a) of plants: Mt 13:24, 27 13:37-38, II Co 9:10; pl., Mt 13:32, Mk 4:31, I Co 15:33; metaph., of an escaping remnant (שָׂרִיד, Is 1:9; cf. Wi 14:6; Plat., Tim., 23c; FlJ, Ant., xi, 5, 3), Ro 9:29;
(b) of men (as γονή; Lat. semen genitale; so in cl.; cf. in LXX, Le 15:16, al.): He 11:11; metaph., of the divine influence, I Jn 3:9; by meton. (as freq. in poets), seed, offspring, posterity: Mt 22:24-25, Mk 12:19-22, Lk 1:55 20:28 (LXX) Jo 7:42 8:33, 37 Ac 3:25 7:5-6 13:23, Ro 1:3 4:13, 18 9:7-8 11:1, II Co 11:22, Ga 3:16, 19, II Ti 2:8, He 2:16 11:18; pl. (FlJ, Ant., viii, 7, 6; Flat., Leg., ix, 853 c; IV Mac 18:1; in Ga, l.c., contrasted with sing., v. Lft., in l; Milligan, NTD, 105 f.), Ga 3:16; of spiritual offspring, Ro 4:16, 18 9:8, Ga 3:29, Re 12:17.†

* σπερμολόγος, -ον (< σπέρμα, λέγω)

a seed picker;
(a) prop., of birds (Arist., Aristoph, al.);
(b) in Attic slang, of an idler who lives on scraps picked up in the agora; hence, as subst., ὁ σ., an idle babbler: Ac 17:18.†

σπεύδω [in LXX chiefly for מָהַר pi., also for בָּהַל pi., hi., etc. ;]

1. most freq. intrans., to hasten: c. inf. (as freq. in cl.), Ac 20:16; ptcp. c. indic., Lk 2:16; c. imperat., Lk 19:5-6; σπεῦσον κ. ἔξελθε, Ac 22:18
2. Trans., c. acc;
(a) to hasten, urge on, accelerate (as Hom., Od., xix, 137; Eur., Med., 152; Si 33:8 (Si 36:8): II Pe 3:12, R, mg. (cf. Mayor and ICC, in l, but v. infr.);
(b) to desire eagerly (find., Pyth., iii, 110; Eur., Suppl., 161; Isa 165): 2Pe, l.c., R, txt. (but v. supr.).†

σπήλαιον, -ου, τό [in LXX chiefly for מְעָרָה ;]

a cave, cavern: Jo 11:38, He 11:38, He 6:15; σ. (EV, den) λῃστῶν (Jo 7:11), Mt 21:13, Mk 11:17, Lk 19:46.†

[p. 414]

* σπιλάς, -άδος, ἡ (on the gender in Ju, l.c., v. Mayor, Ju., 41),

1. poët. in cl., a rock or reef over which the sea dashes (Polyb., FlJ, al.). Metaph., of men whose conduct causes danger to others, Ju 12, R, txt. (but v. infr.).
2. In late writers = σπίλος (q.v.), a spot, stain; metaph., Ju, l.c., R, mg. (cf. Mayor, 41, but v. supr.).†

* σπίλος (Rec. σπῖλος), -ου, ὁ

1. a rock, cliff (Arist., al.).
2. In late writers = Att.. κηλίς (v. Rutherford, NPhr., 87 f.), a spot, stain; metaph.,
(a) of moral blemish: Eph 5:27
(b) of riotous and lascivious persons (cf. Dion. Hal., quoted by Mayor, in l): II Pe 2:13.†

**† σπιλόω [in LXX: Wi 15:4 * ;]

to stain, spot, defile: c. acc, Ja 3:6, Ju 23.†

σπλαγχνίζομαι (< σπλάγχνον), [in LXX (act., -ίζω): Pr 17:5 A, II Mac 6:8 (= -εύω) * ;]

to be moved as to the σπλάγχνα (q.v.), hence, to feel pity or compassion: absol., Lk 10:33 15:20; ptcp., σπλαγχνισθείς, c. indic., Mt 18:27 20:34, Mk 1:41; seq. ἐπί, c. dat. pers., Mt 14:14, Lk 7:13; ἐπί, c. acc, Mt 15:32, Mk 6:34 8:2 9:22; ωερί, Mt 9:36. (The word is elsewhere found only in Sm: I Ki 23:21, Ez 24:21, Test. Zeb., 4:6-7; v. Thayer, s.v.; MM, xxiii quote Thumb, Hellen., 123 as practically confirming Lft. on Phl 1:8, in the suggestion that the verb was a coinage of the Jewish dispersion.) †

σπλάγχνον, -ου, τό mostly (in NT always) in pl., σπλάγχνα, -ων, τά, [in LXX: Pr 12:10 (רַחַם, elsewhere rendered by οἰκτιρμοί, Ps 25:6 40:12 and by ἔλεος, Is 47:6), Pr 26:22 (בֶּטֶן), Wi 10:5, Si 30:7, II Mac 9:5 (6), al. ;]

the inward parts (heart, liver, lungs, etc.; Lat. viscera): Ac 1:18. Metaph., of the seat of the feelings and of the feelings themselves (in Gk. poets, of anger, anxiety, etc.), the heart, affections (the characteristic LXX and NT reference of the word to feelings of kindness, benevolence and pity, is found in π.; v. MM, xxiii; cf. Lft. on Phl 1:8): II Co 6:12 7:15, Phm 7 12 20, I Jn 3:17; σ. οἰκτιρμοῦ, Col 3:12; σ. καὶ οἰκτιρμοὶ, Phl 2:1; σ. ἐλέους θεοῦ; ἡμῶν, Lk 1:78; σ. Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ, Phl 1:8.†

* σπόγγος, -ου, ὁ

a sponge: Mt 27:48, Mk 15:36, Jo 19:29.†

σποδός, -oῦ, ὁ [in LXX chiefly for אֵפֶר ;]

ashes: He 9:13; ἐν σάκκῳ καὶ σ. (Is 58:5, Jo 3:6, Da LXX 9:3, al.), Mt 11:21, Lk 10:13.†

σπορά, -ᾶς, ἡ (< σπείρω), [in LXX: IV Ki 19:29 (זָרַע), I Mac 10:30 * ;]

1. a sowing.
2. seedtime.
3. seed sown (of human offspring, Soph., Tr., 316, 420): I Pe 1:23
(cf. σπέρμα, and v. Milligan, NTD, 105 f.).†

σπόριμος, -ον (< σπείρω) [in LXX: Ge 1:29, Le 11:37 (זָרַע), Sir 40:22 א1 * ;]

fit for sowing, sown; as subst., τὰ σ., corn-fields: Mt 12:1, Mk 2:23, Lk 6:1.†

σπόρος, -ου, ὁ (< σπείρω), [in LXX chiefly for זֶרַע ;]

= σπορά,
1. sowing or seedtime.
2. seed sown (so usually in late Gk.): Mk 4:26-27, Lk 8:5, 11, II Co 9:10 a (LTr.); metaph., of almsgiving, II Co 9:10 b.†

σπουδάζω (< σπουδή), [in LXX chiefly for בָּהַל ;]

to make haste; hence, to be zealous or eager, to give diligence: c. inf. (v. M, Pr., 205 f.), [p. 415] Ga 2:10, Eph 4:3, I Th 2:17, II Ti 2:15 4:9 4:21, Tit 3:12, He 4:11, II Pe 1:10 3:14; c. acc et inf. (on this construction v. Mayor in l; MM, xxiii), II Pe 1:15 (for other constructions v. LS, s.v.).†

σπουδαῖος, -α, -ον (< σπουδή), [in LXX: Ez 41:25 * ;]

in haste; hence, zealous, eager, diligent, earnest: seq. ἐν, II Co 8:22; compar., -οτεροσς II Co 8:17 (here in superl. sense, v. Bl., § 44, 3) II Co 8:22.†

** σπουδαίως adv. (< σπουδαῖος), [in LXX: Wi 2:6 * ;]

1. with haste or zeal, i.e. earnestly, zealously, diligently: Lk 7:4, II Ti 1:17, Tit 3:13; compar., -οτέρως, Phl 2:28 (RV, Lft., Weymouth, al., but v. infr.)
2. hastily, speedily: compar., -οτέρως, Phl 2:28 (Thayer, Zorell, s.v.; ICC, in l, al., but v. supr.).†

σπουδή, -ῆς, ἡ (< σπεύδω), [in LXX chiefly for בָּהַל, its parts and derivatives ;]

1. haste, speed: μετὰ σ. (Wi 19:2), Mk 6:25, Lk 1:39.
2. zeal, diligence, earnestness: Ro 12:11, II Co 7:11-12 8:7-8; ἐν σ., Ro 12:8 (v. M, Pr, 104); seq. ὑπέρ, II Co 8:16; σπουδὴν ἐνδείκνυσθαι, He 6:11; σ. παρεισφέρειν, II Pe 1:5; πᾶσαν σ. ποιεῖσθαι, Ju 3 (v. MM, xxiii; M, Pr., 214; Deiss., BS, 361, 364).†

σπυρίς, v.s. σφυρίς.

στάδιον, -ου, τό pl., στάδια (Jo 6:19, T), and metapl., στάδιοι (v. B1., 9, 1), [in LXX: Da LXX 4:9, Sus 1:37, II Mac 11:5 Mac 12:9 ff. * ;]

a stadium, i.e.
1. a measure of length = 600 Greek feet or 1⁄8 of a Roman mile Mt 14:24 (Rec., WH, txt., R, mg.), Lk 24:13, Jo 6:19 11:18, Re 14:20 21:16, and, this being the length of the Olympic course,
2. a race-course: I Co 9:24.†

στάρνος, -ου (ὁ and), ἡ [in LXX: Ex 16:33 (צִנְצֶנֶת), III Ki 12:24 14:3 (בַּקְבֻּק), Da LXX Bel, 1:32 * ;]

prop., an earthen jar for racking off wine, hence, generally, a jar: He 9:4.†

*† στασιαστής (< στασιάζω, to stir up sedition, Jth 7:15, II Mac 4:30 Mac 14:6 *)

= Att.. στασιώτης,
a rebel, revolutionist, one who stirs up sedition: Mk 15:7 (FlJ, al.).†

στάσις, -εως, ἡ (< ἵστημι), [in LXX chiefly for עָמַד, its parts and derivatives, also for רִיב (Pr 1714), etc. (v. Deiss., BS, 158 f.) ;]

1. a standing, place, status: σ. ἔχειν (Polyb., v, 5, 3; and cf. Lat. locum habere), He 9:8.
2. insurrection, sedition: Mk 15:7, Lk 23:19, 25, Ac 19:40 24:5.
3. In poets and late prose, strife, dissension (cf. MM, xxiii) Ac 15:2 23:7, 10.†

στατήρ, -ῆρος, ὁ [in Aq., Sm., for מִשְׁקָל ;]

a stater;
(a) a weight;
(b) a coin (used by late writers of the Greek τετράδραχμον): Mt 17:27 26:16, WH, mg.†

* σταυρός, -oῦ, ὁ

1. an upright pale or stake (Hom., Hdt., Thuc., al.)
2. In late writers (Diod., Plut., al.) of the Roman instrument of crucifixion, the Cross: of the Cross on which Christ suffered, Mt 27:32, 40 27:42, Mk 15:21, 30 15:32, Lk 23:26, Jo 19:17, 19 19:25, 31, Col 2:14, He 12:2; θάνατος σταυροῦ, Phl 2:8; τ. αἷμα τοῦ σ., Col 1:20. Metaph., in proverbial sayings: αἴρειν (λαμβάνειν, βαστάζειν) τὸν σ., Mt 10:38 16:24, Mk 8:34 10:21, [p. 416] 15:21, Lk 9:23 14:27 (for an interesting ex. of metaph. use in π., v. MM, xxiii) By meton., for Christ's death on the Cross: I Co 1:17, Ga 5:11 6:12, 14, Eph 2:16, Phl 3:18; ὁ λόγος ὁ τοῦ σ., I Co 1:18.†

σταυρόω, -ῶ (< σταυρός), [in LXX: Es 7:9 (תָּלָה), Es 8:13 * ;]

1. to fence with pales, impalisade (Thuc.).
2. In late writers (Polyb., FlJ; but ἀνασταυρόω is more common) to crucify: c. acc pers., Mt 20:19 23:34 26:2 27:22 ff. Mt 28:5, Mk 15:16 ff. Mk 16:6, Lk 23:21, 23 23:33 24:7, 20, Jo 19:6 ff., Ac 2:36 4:10, I Co 1:13 1:23 2:2 2:8, II Co 13:4, Ga 3:1, Re 11:8; metaph., Ga 5:24 6:14.†

σταφυλή, -ῆς, ἡ [in LXX for עֵנָב ;]

a bunch of grapes: Mt 7:16, Lk 6:44, Re 14:18. "σ. is properly the ripe grape-cluster as opp. to ὄμφαξ, cf. Ge 40:10, Jb 15:33; as contrasted with βότρυς, it describes the grapes rather than the cluster on which they grow" (Swete, Apoc., 187 f.).†

στάχυς, -υος, ὁ [in LXX chiefly for שִׁבֹּל ;]

an ear of corn: Mt 12:1, Mk 2:23 4:28, Lk 6:1.†

Στάχυς, -υος, ὁ

Stachys: Ro 16:9 (v. Lft., Phi., 174; MM, xxiii).†

στέγη, -ης, ἡ (< στέγω) [in LXX: Ge 8:13 (מְכַסֶּה), etc. ;]

a roof: Mk 2:4; of entering a house, εἰσέρχεσθαι ὑπὸ τὴν σ., Mt 8:8, Lk 7:6 (cf. MM, xxiii).†

** στέγω (cf. Lat. tego), [in LXX: Si 8:17 * ;]

1. prop., to cover closely, to protect by covering, esp. to keep water in or out (Soph., Plat., al.).
2. to cover, keep secret, conceal (Sir, l.c., Polyb., al.): I Co 13:7, R, mg.
3. By covering to ward of, bear up under, endure (for exx., v., Lft., Notes, 40; M, Th., 36): I Co 9:12 13:7, I Th 3:1 3:5.†

στεῖρος, -ον also -α, -ον, [in LXX for עָקָר ;]

barren: of a woman, Lk 1:7, 36 23:29, Ga 4:27 (LXX).†

στέλλω [in LXX (mid.): Ma 2:5 (חָתַת ni.), Pr 31:24 (26), Wi 7:14 14:1, II Mac 5:1, III Mac 1:19 Mac 4:11 * ;]

1. prop., to set, place, arrange, fit out; hence, mid., to set oneself for, prepare (Wis, xi Mac, ll. c.).
2. to bring together, gather up (in Hom. of furling sails), hence to restrain, check; mid., to restrain or withdraw oneself, hold aloof, avoid: II Co 8:20; seq. ἀπό, II Th 3:6
(cf. ἀπο-, ἐξ-απο-, συν-απο-, δια-, ἐπι-, κατα-, συ(ν)-, ὑπο-στέλλω).†

* στέμμα, -τος, τό (< στέφω, to put around, enwreath)

a wreath, garland: as used in sacrifices, Ac 14:13.†

στεναγμός, -οῦ, ὁ (< στενάζω), [in LXX for אֲנָחָה, אֲנָקָה, נְאָקָה, etc. ;]

a groaning: Ac 7:34 (LXX κραυγή), Ro 8:26.†

στενάζω [in LXX for אָנַח ni., אָנַק, etc. ;]

to groan ("the word denotes feeling which is internal and unexpressed," Mayor, Ja., 162): Mk 7:34, II Co 5:2 5:4, He 13:17, Ja 5:9 (EV, murmur); ἐν ἑαυτοῖς, Ro 8:23 (cf. ἀνα-, συ(ν)-στενάζω).†
SYN.: v.s. κλαίω

στενός, -ή, -όν [in LXX for צַר, etc. ;]

narrow: fig (v MM, xxiii), Mt 7:13-14, Lk 13:24.†

[p. 417]

στενο-χωρέω, -ῶ (< στενός + χῶρος, space) [in LXX: Jos 17:15 (אוּץ), Jg 16:16 (אָלַץ pi.), Is 28:19 (20) (קָצַר) Is 49:19 (צָרַר), IV Mac 11:11 * ;]

1. to be straitened (cf. Is 49:19); metaph., to be anxious (Hipp., al.).
2. In late writers, trans., to straiten, compress (LXX, Diod., al.; π. ap. MM, xxiii): pass., trop., II Co 4:8 6:12.†

στενοχωρία, -ας, ἡ (v. supr.) [in LXX for צוֹק, etc. ;]

narrowness of space, want of room (Thuc., al.). Metaph. (Ken., Polyb., De 28:53, Wi 5:3, al.), difficulty, distress: θλίψις καὶ () σ., Ro 2:9 8:35 (EV, anguish); pl. (cf. Bl., § 32, 6; WM, 220), II Co 6:4 12:10.†
SYN.: θλίψις, q.v

στερεός, -ά, -όν [in LXX: Nu 8:4 (מִקְשָׁה); σ. πέτρα, Is 5:28 (צַר), etc. ;]

hard, firm, solid: τροψή, He 5:12, 14; θεμέλιος, fig., II Ti 2:19. Metaph.,
(a) in bad sense, hard, cruel (Hom., al.);
(b) in good sense, steadfast, firm: τ. πίστει, I Pe 5:9.†

στερεόω, -ῶ (< στερεός), [in LXX: Is 42:5 (רָקַע), Je 5:3 (חָזַק pi.), etc. ;]

(a) to make firm or solid;
(b) to strengthen, make strong; c. acc pers., Ac 3:16; τ. βάσεις, pass., Ac 3:7. Metaph. (cf. Je, l.c.): τ. πίστει, pass., Ac 16:5.†

στερέωμα, -τος, τό (< στερεόω), [in LXX: Ge 1:6 ff., Ps 19:1 150:1, Ez 1:22-26 10:1 13:5, Da LXX, TH Da 3:56, Da 12:3 (רָקִיעַ), De 33:26 (שַׁחַק), Ps 18:2 71:3 (סֶלַע), Es 9:29, I Es 8:78 (82), Si 43:1, 8, I Mac 9:14 * ;]

a solid body;
(a) a support, foundation (Arist., al.); metaph., strength (Ps 17:1-15 70:1-5, 1Mac, ll. c.); steadfastness, firmness: τ. πίστεως, Col 2:5;
(b) the dome of heaven (believed to be a solid canopy), the firmament (LXX).†

Στεφανᾶς, -ᾶ, ὁ

Stephanas: I Co 1:16 16:15 16:17.†

στέφανος, -ου, ὁ (< στέφω, to encircle), [in LXX chiefly for עֲטָרָה ;]

1. that which surrounds or encompasses (as a wall, a crowd: Hom., al.).
2. a crown, i.e. the wreath, garland or chaplet given as a prize for victory, as a festal ornament, or as a public honour for disting­uished service or personal worth (so to sovereigns, especially on the occasion of a παρουσία, q.v.; cf. Deiss., LAE, 372 ff.; on its use in LXX for the golden crown of royalty (prop., διάδημα, q.v., cf. Hort and Mayor on Ja 1:12): Mt 27:29, Mk 15:17, Jo 19:2, 5, I Co 9:25, Re 4:4, 10 6:2 9:7 12:1 14:14. Metaph.: Phl 4:1, Re 3:11; τ. δικαιοσύνης (cf. Deiss., LAE, 312), II Ti 4:8; τ. δόξης, I Pe 5:4; καυχήσεως, I Th 2:19 (v. M, Th., in l); τ. ζωῆς (gen. appos.), Ja 1:12, Re 2:10.†

Στέφανος, -ου, ὁ

Stephen: Ac 6:5, 8-9 7:59 8:2 11:19 22:20.†

στεφανόω, -ῶ (< στέφανος), [in LXX for עָטַר ;]

c. acc pers.,
to crown: of a victor, II Ti 2:5. Metaph., δόξῃ κ. τιμῇ, He 2:7, 9 (LXX).†

στῆθος, -ους, τό [in LXX: Ex 28:23, 26 (29-30) (לֵב), etc. ;]

the breast: Jo 13:25 21:10, Re 15:6; as a sign of penitence, τύπτειν (εἰς) τὸ σ., Lk 18:13 23:48,†

[p. 418]

στήκω late Pres., formed from perf., ἕστηκα (v. B1., § 17; WH, App., 169; Kennedy, Sources, 158; M, Pr., 238; MM, xxiii), [in LXX: Ex 14:13 A, Jg 16:26 B, III Ki 8:11 B * ;]

= ἵστημι, to stand: Mk 3:31 11:25, Jo 1:26, Re 12:4 (ἕστηκεν T). Metaph., to stand firm, stand fast: absol., Ga 5:1 (but v. Field, Notes, 189 f.), II Th 2:15; seq. ἐν, Jo 8:44 (ἕστηκεν, T, R, mg.), I Co 16:13, Phl 1:27 4:1; c. dat., Ro 14:4.†

** στηριγμός, -οῦ, ὁ (< στηρίζω), [in Sm.: Is 3:1 * ;]

1. a setting firmly, supporting.
2. fixedness, firmness, steadfastness: II Pe 3:17.†

στηρίζω [in LXX for סָמַךְ, שׂוּם, etc. ;]

to fix, set fast, make fast: Lk 16:26; τ. πρόσωτον (Ez 6:2 13:17, al.; v. Dalman, Words, 30 f.), Lk 9:51. Metaph., to confirm, establish: c., acc, Lk 22:32, Ac 18:23, Ro 1:11 16:25, I Th 3:2 3:13, II Th 3:3, Ja 5:8, I Pe 5:10, Re 3:2; id. seq. ἐν, II Th 2:17, II Pe 1:12.†

** στιβάς, -άδος, ἡ, [in Aq.: Ez 46:23 (טִירוֺת) * ;]

a litter of leaves or rushes: pl., Mk 11:8 (Rec. στοιβ-).†

στίγμα -τος, τό (< στίζω, to prick), [in LXX: Ca 1:11 (נְקֻדָּה) * ;]

a tattoed mark or brand: τὰ σ. τοῦ Ἰησοῦ, Ga 6:17 (v. Lft., in l; Deiss., BS, 349; LAE, 303; MM, xxiii).†

στιγμή, -ῆς, ἡ (< στίζω, to prick), [in LXX: Is 29:5 (פֶּתַע), II Mac 9:11 * ;]

a prick, a point; metaph., σ. χρόνου, a moment: Lk 4:5.†

στίλβω [in LXX: Na 3:3 (לַהַב), etc. ;]

to shine, glisten: Mk 9:3.†

στοά, -ᾶς, ἡ [in LXX: Ez 40:18 (רִצְפָּה), etc. ;]

a portico: Jo 5:2; used of the covered colonnade in the Temple (EV, porch), Jo 10:23 Ac 3:11 5:12

στοιβάς, v.s. στιβάς.

Στοϊκός, v.s. Στωικός.

** στοιχεῖον, -ου, τό [in LXX: Wi 7:17 19:18, IV Mac 12:13 * ;]

prop., one of a row (στοῖχος) or series, hence,
1. the shadow-line of a dial (Aristoph.).
2. an elementary sound or letter of the alphabet (Anth., Plut., π.).
3. the elements or rudiments of knowledge (Arist., al.) He 5:12; πτωχὰ σ., Ga 4:9; σ. τοῦ κόσμου, Ga 4:3, Col 2:8, 20 (but v. infr.).
4. The material elements of the universe (Plat.; LXX, ll. c.): II Pe 3:10 3:12.
5. The heavenly bodies (Ding. Laert.).
6. The demons or tutelary spirits of nature (Enoch., Test., Sol., al.; for this sense in Ga, Col, ll. c., v. ICC on Col 2:8; Enc. Bibl., s.v. " Elements ").†

στοιχέω, -ῶ (< στοῖχος, a row), [in LXX: Ec 11:6 (כָּשֵׁר) * ;]

to be in rows (of waves, plants, etc., as well as of men), to walk in line (esp. of marching in file to battle; Xen., Cyr., vi, 3, 34, al.). Metaph., in late writers, to walk by rule: Ac 21:24; c. dat., to walk by or in (as a rule of life), Ro 4:12 (cf. MM, xxiii), Ga 5:25 6:16, Phl 3:16 (cf. συν-στοιχέω).†

στολή, -ῆς, ἡ (< στέλλω), [in LXX chiefly for בֶּגֶד, also for לְבוּשׁ, etc. ;]

1 1, an equipment, an armament (Æsch.).
2. Equipment [p. 419] in clothes, apparel, esp. flowing raiment, a festal robe: (cf. Jh 3:6, Es 8:15, I Mac 6:15): Mk 12:38 16:5, Lk 15:22 20:46, Re 6:11 7:9, 13-14 22:14.†

στόμα, -τος, τό [in LXX chiefly for פֻּם ;]

the mouth: of man, Mt 15:11, Jo 19:29, Ac 11:8, al.; of animals, Mt 17:27, II Ti 4:17 (fig.), He 11:33, Ja 3:3, al.; fig., of inanimate things (ποταμοῦ, Hom.), ἤνοιξεν ἡ γῆ τὸ σ., Re 12:16; σ. μαχαίρας (Heb. חֶרֶב ־פֶּה, Ge 34:26 al.), the edge of the sword, Lk 21:24, He 11:34; esp. of the mouth as the organ of speech: opp. to καρδία, Mt 12:34, Ro 10:8, 10; in various phrases (some cl., some resembling Hebrew; cf. Bl., § 40, 9): ἀνοίγειν τ. σ. (v.s. ἀνοίγω); σ. πρὸς σ. (פֶּה ־אֵל פֶּה Nu 12:8; = cl., κατὰ σ., Hdt., al.), face to face, II Jn 12, III Jn 14; διὰ τοῦ σ. (of the Holy Spirit), Lk 1:70, Ac 1:16, al.; ἀπὸ (ἐκ) τοῦ σ. (cf. ἀπὸ σ. εἰπεῖν, Plat., al.), of speaking by word of mouth, Lk 22:71, Ac 22:14; δόλος (ψεῦδος) ἐν τ. σ., I Pe 2:22, Re 14:5 (LXX); metaph., ἡ ῥομφαία τοῦ σ., Re 2:16. By meton., for speech (Soph.): Mt 18:16 (LXX), Lk 19:22 21:15, II Co 13:1

* στόμαχος, -ου, ὁ (< στόμα),

prop., a mouth, an opening;
(a) in early Gk. writers, the throat;
(b) of the opening of the stomach (Arist.);
(c) in later writers (Plut., al.), the stomach: I Ti 5:23.†

στρατεία (on the orthogr., v. Deiss., BS, 181 f.), -ας, ἡ (< οτρατεύω), [in LXX chiefly for צָבָא ;]

an expedition, a campaign, warfare: metaph., II Co 10:4 (-τιά, T), I Ti 1:18.†

** στράτευμα, -τος, τό (< στρατεύω), [in LXX: I Mac 9:34, II Mac 5:24 Mac 8:21 Mac 12:38 Mac 13:13; pl., Jth 11:8, IV Mac 5:1 * ;]

1. = στρατεία (Hdt., al.).
2. an army, a host: pl., Mt 22:7, Re 9:16 19:14, 19; = soldiers, company of soldiers, Ac 23:10, 27; pl., Lk 23:11.†

στρατεύω and depon., -ομαι, so always in NT (< στρατός, an encamped army), [in LXX for מההּ hith., יָצָא, צָבָא; metaph., IV Mac 9:23 ;]

used of the general, to make war, do battle, and (chiefly) of the soldiers serving under him, to serve as a soldier: Lk 3:14, I Co 9:7, II Ti 2:4. Metaph. (cf. MM, ii, xxiii), of spiritual conflict, to war, make war: II Co 10:3, I Ti 1:18, Ja 4:1, I Pe 2:11.†

στρατηγός, -οῦ, ὁ (< στραός, ἄγω), [in LXX chiefly for סָגָן (always in pl.), שַׂר ;]

1. a military commander, a general (Hdt., al.).
2. A civic commander, a governor, magistrate (Hdt., Xen., al.): Ac 16:20, 22 16:35-36, 38.
3. The commander of the Levitical guard of the Temple, ὁ σ. τ. ἱεροῦ (EV, captain of the Temple): Ac 4:1 5:24, 26; pl., Lk 22:4, 52.†
SYN.: ἄρχων (cf. EGT on Ac 16:20; Ramsay, St. Paul, 217).

στρατιά, -ᾶς, ἡ [in LXX chiefly for צָבָא ;]

1. = στρατός, an army, a host: of angels (III Ki 22:19, al.), Lk 2:13; of the stars of heaven (Je 8:2, II Ch 33:3), Ac 7:42.
2. As sometimes in cl. (poët.), = στρατεία: II Co 10:4, T (WH, RV, στρατεία).†

στρατιώτης, -ου, ὁ [in LXX; II Ki 23:8 B1, II Mac 5:12 Mac 14:39, III Mac [p. 420] 3:12; III Mac 3:4 Mac3 * ;]

a soldier: Mt 8:9, Mk 15:16, Jo 19:2, Ac 10:7, al.; metaph., σ. Χριστοῦ Ἰησ., II Ti 2:3.†

στρατολογέω, -ῶ (< στρατός, λέγω),

to levy a troop, enlist soldiers: II Ti 2:4 (Diod., Plut., al.).†

στρατοπέδ-αρχος (Rec. -ης), -ου, ὁ (< στρατόπεδον, ἄρχω), a military commander, esp. the Pretorian prefect: Ac 28:16 (WH, om.).†

στρατοπεδάρχης, v.s. στρατοπέδαρχος

στρατό-πεδον, -ου, τό (στρατός + πέδον, a plain), [in LXX: Je 34:1 (חַיִל), II Mac 8:12, al. ;]

(a) a military camp;
(b) an army: Lk 21:20.†

στρεβλόω, -ῶ (< στρέφω), [in LXX: II Ki 22:27 (פָּתַל hithp.), III Mac 4:14, IV Mac 9:17 Mac 12:4 Mac 12:11 Mac 15:14 * ;]

to twist, torture. Metaph. (cf. 2Ki, l.c.), to twist or pervert language: II Pe 3:16.†

στρέφω [in LXX chiefly for הָפַךְ, also for סָבַב, etc. ;]

to turn: c. acc rei dat. pers., Mt 5:39; = ἀποσ-, to bring back, Mt 27:3 (cf. Is 38:8); reflexively (WM, § 38, 1), to turn oneself, Ac 7:42; c. acc seq. εἰς, = μετασ-, to change, Re 11:6. Pass., reflexive, to turn oneself: seq. εἰς, Jo 20:14, Ac 7:39 13:46; ptcp., στραφείς, c. indic., Mt 7:6 9:22 16:23, Lk 7:9 9:55 14:25 22:61, Jo 1:38 20:16; id. seq. πρός, Lk 7:44 10:22 (WH, R, om.), Lk 7:23 23:28; metaph., to change: absol., Mt 18:3, Jo 12:40 (cf. ἀνα-, ἀπο-, δια-, ἐκ, ἐπι-, κατα-, μετα-, συ(ν)-, ὑπο-στρέφω).†

** στρηνιάω, (< στρῆνος, q.v.), [in Sm.: Is 61:6 (אָכַל) * ;]

a word which first appears in the middle comedy (Rutherford, NPhr., 475 f.), to run riot, wax wanton: Re 18:7-9 (cf. κατα-στρηνιάω).†
SYN.: σπαταλάω (q.v.), τρυφάω

στρῆνος, -ους, τό (cf. Lat. strenuus), [in LXX: IV Ki 19:28 (שַׁאֲנָן)* ;]

insolent luxury, wantonness: Re 18:3 (a late word, first found in a Comic poet, B.C. 300, v. Kennedy, Sources, 41, cf. στρηνιάω).†

στρουθίον, -ου, τό [in LXX chiefly for צִפּוֹר ;]

dimin. of στρουθός
a sparrow: Mt 10:29, 31, Lk 12:6-7.†

στρωννύω or στρώννυμι (v.Bl., § 23, 1; Veitch, s.v.), [in LXX for יַצַע hoph., etc. ;]

to spread: ἱμάτια ἐν τ. ὁδῷ (εἰς τ. ὁδόν), Mt 21:8, Mk 11:8; of making a bed, στρῶσον (sc. τ. κλίνην) σεαυτῷ, Ac 9:34; of furnishing a room, ἐστρωμένον, spread with carpets or carpeted couches (cf. Ez 23:41), Mk 14:15, Lk 22:12.†

* στυγητός, -όν (< στυγέω, to hate),

hated, hateful: Tit 3:3.†

στυγνάζω (< στυγνός, sombre, gloomy, sullen, Is 5:17, Wi 17:5, Da LXX 2:12*), [in LXX: Ez 27:35 28:19 32:10 (שָׁמֵם)* ;]

to have a sombre, gloomy appearance: of the human countenance (RV, his countenance fell), Mk 10:22; of the sky (so στυγνότης, Polyb., iv, 21, 1), Mt 16:3 ([WH], R, mg., om.).†

στύλος (T, στῦλος, as in cl.), -ου, ὁ [in LXX chiefly for עַמּוּד, also for קֶרֶשׁ, etc. ;]

a pillar, regarded especially as a support: σ. πυρός, Re 10:1; σ. ἐν τ. ναῷ, fig., Re 3:12, Metaph., Ga 2:9; τ. ἀληθείας, I Ti 3:15.†

[p. 421]

Στωικός (Rec. -ϊκός, T, Στοϊκός), -ή, -όν,

Stoic: Ac 17:18.†

[NT: 2907x] σύ, pron. of 2nd pers.,

thou, you, gen., σοῦ, dat., σοί, acc., σέ, pl., ὑμεῖς, -ῶν, -ῖν, -ᾶς (enclitic in oblique cases sing., except after prep. (BL, §48, 3), though πρὸς σέ occurs in Mt 25:39). Nom. for emphasis or contrast: Jo 1:30, 4:10, 5:33, 39, 44, Ac 4:7, Eph 5:32; so also perhaps σὺ εἶπας, Mt 26:64, al. (M, Pr., 86); before voc., Mt 2:6, Lk 1:76, Jo 17:5, al.; sometimes without emphasis (M, Pr., 85f.), as also in cl., but esp. as rendering of Heb. phrase, e.g. υἱός μου εἶ σύ (בְּנִי־אַתָּה, Ps 2:7), Ac 13:33. The gen. (σοῦ, ὑμῶν) is sometimes placed bef. the noun: Lk 7:48, 12:30, al.; so also the enclitic σοῦ, Mt 9:6; on τί ἐμοὶ κ. σοί, v.s. ἐγώ.

συγγένεια, -ας, ἡ (< συγγενής), [in LXX chiefly for מִשְׁפָּחָה ;]

1. kinship.
2. By meton., kinsfolk, kindred: Lk 1:61, Ac 7:3, 14

**† συγγενεύς, v.s. συγγενής.

σνγγενής, -ές (dat. pl., -εῦσιν, Mk 6:4, Lk 2:44, as though from -εύς, v. Swete, Mk., l.c.; Bl., § 8, 6; cf. I Mac 10:89 A א2 *;) (< σύν, γένος), [in LXX for דּוֹד, דּוֹדָה, מִשְׁפָּחָה ;]

1. congenital, natural, innate.
2. akin to; as subst., a kinsman: Mk 6:4, Lk 1:58 2:44 14:12 21:16, Jo 18:26, Ac 10:24; of tribal kinship, Ro 9:3 16:7, 11 16:21.†
SYN.: ἴδιος, οἰκεῖος (q.v.)

*† συγγενίς, -ίδος, ἡ,

late fem. form of σνγγενής, q.v.,
a kinswoman: Lk 1:36.†

συγγνώμη, v.s. συνγνώμη.

** συγκυρία, -ας, ἡ (< συγκυρέω, to happen), [in Sm.: I Ki 6:9 (מִקְרֶה) * ;] (more freq. in late writers, συγκύρησις, -ημα),

chance, coincidence: κατὰ σ. (v. MM, xxiii), Lk 10:31 (Hippocr., Eccl.).†

σύγχυσις, -εως, ἡ (< συγχέω), [in LXX: Ge 11:9 (בָּבֶל), I Ki 5:6 5:12(11) I Ki 14:20 (מְהוּמָה) * ;]

confusion: of a popular uproar, Ac 19:29.†

συκάμινος, -ου, ἡ [in LXX for שִׁקְמָה (pl.) ;]

the mulberry tree
(Lat. morus; cf. μόρον, I Mac 6:34 *),
the sycamine: Lk 17:6. (In LXX, σ. appears to represent the συκόμορος (v.s. συκομορέα), but St. Luke distinguishes between the two; v. ICC, in l; DB, iv, 634.) †

συκῆ (contr. fr. συκέα), -ῆς, ἡ (< σῦκον), [in LXX for תְּאֵן ;]

a fig-tree: Mt 21:19-21 24:32, Mk 11:13, 20-21 13:28, Lk 13:6-7 21:29, Jo 1:49, 51, Ja 3:12, Re 6:13.†

*† συκο-μορέα (Rec. -μωραία, L, -μωρέα), -ας, ἡ, more commonly (so Aq., Sm., Ps 78:47, Is 9:10) συκόμορος (< σῦκον + μόρον, the black mulberry),

a fig-mulberry, a sycamore: Lk 19:4 (cf. συκάμινος).†

σῦκον, -ου, τό [in LXX for תְּאֵן ]

a fig: Mt 7:16, Mk 11:13, Lk 6:44 Ja 3:12.†

[p. 422]

συκοφαντέω, -ῶ (< σῦκον, φαίνω), [in LXX: Ge 43:18 (גָּלַל hithpo.), Le 19:11 (שָׁקַר pi.), Jb 35:9, Ps 119:122, Pr 14:31 2:16 28:3, Ec 4:1 (עָשַׁק) ;]

to act the συκοφάντης (on conjectures as to the origin of the term, v. LS, s.v.), to accuse falsely (Aristoph., Xen., al.): Lk 3:14 (R, mg.) Lk 19:8 (RV, exact wrongfully; but cf. Hatch, Essays, 89 ff., v. also Field, Notes, 56 f.; MM, xxiv).†

συλαγωγέω, -ῶ (< σύλη, booty + ἄγω),

to carry off as spoil, lead captive (θυγατέρα, Heliod., Aeth., 10, 35): metaph., Col 2:8.†

** συλάω, -ῶ [in LXX: Ep. Je 1:18 * ;]

c. acc pers., to strip, plunder, spoil: II Co 11:8.†

συλ-λαμβάνω [in LXX for תָּפַשׂ, הָרָה, etc. ;]

1. c. acc, to bring together, collect.
2. to seize, take: c. acc pers., as a prisoner, Mt 26:55, Mk 14:48, Lk 22:54, Jo 18:12, Ac 1:16 12:3; pass., Ac 23:27; mid., in sense of act., Ac 26:21; σ. ἄγραν ἰχθύων, Lk 5:9.
3. C. dat. pers., to take part with, assist, succour; mid., in same sense: Lk 5:7, Phl 4:3.
4. Of a woman, to conceive: absol., Lk 1:24; seq. ἐν γαστρί, Lk 1:31; c. acc, Lk 1:36; ib. seq. ἐν τ. κοιλίᾳ, Lk 2:21; metaph., of lust producing sin, Ja 1:15.†

συλ-λέγω [in LXX chiefly for לָקַט ;]

to bring together, collect, gather up: c. acc rei, Mt 13:28-30; pass., Mt 13:40; c. acc, seq. ἀπό, Mt 7:16; id. seq. ἐκ, Mt 13:41, Lk 6:44; seq. εἰς, Mt 13:48.†

συλ-λογίζομαι [in LXX chiefly for חָשַׁב pi. ;]

1. to compute.
2. to reason: Lk 20:5.†

συμ-βαίνω [in LXX for עָשָׂה, קָרָא, קָרָה, etc. ;]

1. to stand with the feet together.
2. to come together, come to terms.
3. Of events, to come to pass, happen: c. dat. pers., Mk 10:32, Ac 3:10 20:19, I Co 10:11, I Pe 4:12, II Pe 2:22; absol., τὰ σνμβεβηκότα, Lk 24:14 (cf. I Mac 4:26); c. acc et nf., Ac 21:35.†

συμ-βουλεύω [in LXX chiefly for יָעַץ ;]

1. to advise, counsel: c. dat. pers., Jo 18:14; id. seq. inf., Re 3:18.
2. Mid., to take counsel, consult: seq. ἵνα, Mt 26:4 ("reciprocal middle," v. M, Pr., 157); c. inf., Ac 9:23.†

**† συμβούλιον, -ου, τό (< σύμβουλος), [in LXX: IV Mac 17:17 א * ;]

a word of the Græco-Roman period (of. Lat. consilium, and v. Deiss., BS, 238) = cl. συμβουλία (Arist., Xen.),
1. counsel: σ. λαμβάνειν, Mt 12:14 22:15 27:7 28:12; διδόναι, Mk 3:6 (ποιεῖν, Rec.); ποιεῖν, Mk 15:1 (ἑτοιμάζειν, WH, mg.).
2. By meton., a council (4Mac, l.c. א; συνέδριον, AR): Ac 25:12 (v. MM, xxiv).†

σύμβουλος, -ου, ὁ (< σύν, βουλή), [in LXX for יָעַץ and cogn. forms ;]

a counsellor, adviser: Ro 11:34 (LXX).†

Συμεών, indecl., (Heb. שִׁמְעוֹן),

Simeon (so always AV; RV in Lk 2:25, 34 only), Symeon, a Heb. name for which the Gk. Σίμων, q.v., was also used;
1. the son of Jacob (Ge 29:33): Re 7:7.
2. An ancestor of our Lord: Lk 3:30
3. An aged worshipper in the Temple: [p. 423] Lk 2:25, 34.
4. One surnamed Niger: Ac 13:1.
5. The apostle Peter: Ac 15:14, II Pe 1:1 (R, txt., WH, txt., Σίμων).†

συμμ-, v. passim συνμ-.

*† συμ-μορφίζω (T, συν-), (< σύμμορφος),

to conform to: pass. ptcp., Phl 3:10 (v. Lft., Phi., 128).†

*† σύμ-μορφος, -ον (< σύν, μορφή),

1. absol., similar (Luc.).
2. con­formed to: c. dat., Phl 3:21; c. gen., Ro 8:29 (v. B1., § 36, 11; 37, 6).†

συμ-μορφόω, -ῶ

Rec. for -ίζω (q.v.), Phl 3:10.†

συμπαθής, -ές (< σύν, πάσχω) [in LXX: Jb 29:25 A (אָבֵל), IV Mac 5:25 א, IV Mac 13:23 Mac 15:4 * ;]

1. affected by like feelings, sympathetic: I Pe 3:8.
2. exciting sympathy (Jb, l.c.; Dion. H.).†


Rec, for παρα-μένω (q.v.), Phl 1:25.†

συμπόσιον, -ου, τό (< συμπίνω), [in LXX: Es 7:7 (מִשְׁתֶּה יַיִן) Es 4:17, I Mac 16:16, II Mac 2:27, III Mac 4:16 Mac 5:36 Mac 6:33; σ. οἴνου, Sir 34:31 (31:31) Si 35:5 (32:5), Si 49:1 * ;]

1. a drinking party
2. By meton., of the party itself, the guests (Plut); pl., σ. σ. (colloq.; v. M, Pr., 97), in parties or companies: Mk 6:39.†

συμφ- v. passim συνφ-.

συμ-φέρω [in LXX: Je 33:14 (טוֹב), Pr 19:10 (נָאוֶה), Si 30:19, al. ;]

1. trans. to bring together: c. acc rei, Ac 19:19.
2. Intrans., and mostly impers., συμφέρει, it is expedient, profitable or an advantage: I Co 6:12 10:23, II Co 8:10; c. inf. (M, Pr., 210), Mt 19:10, Jo 18:14; c. dat., seq. ἵνα (Bl., § 69, 5), Mt 5:29-30 18:6, Jo 11:50 16:7. Ptcp., ςυμφέρων, profitable: I Co 12:7; pl., Ac 20:20; (οὐ σ. sc. ἐστιν; = οὐ συμφέρει; cf. Thuc., iii, 44, 2), II Co 12:1; as subst., τὸ σ., profit, He 12:10.†

** σύμ-φορος, -ον (< συμφέρω), [in LXX: II Mac 4:5 * ;]

profitable, useful, expedient. As subst., τὸ σ. (in cl. usually pl., τὰ σ.), advantage, profit: c. gen. pers., I Co 7:35 10:33.†

συμ-φυλέτης, -ου, ὁ (< σύν, φυλή; cf. σύμφυλος, Aq.: Za 13:7; and v. Rutherford, NPhr., 255 f.)

a fellow-tribesman, fellow-countryman: I Th 2:14 (v. M, Th., in l, and Intr. liii). Not found elsewhere.†

σύμ-φυτος, -ον (< συμφύω, to make to grow together) [in LXX: Za 11:2 (בָּצַר), Es 7:7 Es 7:8 א2, Am 9:13, III Mac 3:22 * ;]

1. congenital, innate (Plat., al.; 3Mac, l.c.).
2. grown along with, united with: τ. ὁμοιώματι τ. θανάτου αὐτσῦ (v. Field, Notes, 155 f.), Ro 6:5.†

συμ-φωνέω, -ῶ, [in LXX: Ge 14:3 (H2266) II Ki 12:8 (9) (H225 ni.), Is 7:2 (H5117), IV Mac 14:6 * ;]

prop., to agree in sound, be in harmony (Plat., Arist.). Metaph.,
(a) to agree with, agree together: Lk 5:36; c. dat. rei, Ac 15:15; seq. περί, Mt 18:19; pass., c. dat. pers., συνεφωνήθη ὑμῖν, Ac 5:9;
(b) to agree as to a price (Polyb., Diod.): c. dat. pers., gen. pret., Mt 20:13; seq. μετά . . . ἐκ, Mt 20:2.†

*† συμ-φώνησις, -εως, ἡ (< συμφωνέω),

concord, agreement: seq. πρός, c. acc pers., II Co 6:15.†

συμφωνία, -ας, ἡ (< σύμφωνος), [in LXX: Da LXX TH Da 3:5, 15, [p. 424] TH Da 3:7, 10 (סוּמְפּוֹנְיָה) IV Mac 14:3 A * ;]

1. symphony, music: Lk 15:25
2. a musical instrument (Polyb., al.; Da, ll. c.; v MM, xxiv).†

σύμφωνος, -ον (< ούν, φωνή), [in LXX: Ec 7:14 (עֻמָּה), IV Mac 7:7 Mac 14:7 * ;]

agreeing in sound. Metaph., harmonious, agreeing: ἐκ συμφώνου (for exx. from π., v. Deiss., BS, 255), by agreement, I Co 7:5.†

συμ-ψηφίζω [in LXX: Je 29:20 (Je 49:20) A * ;]

to reckon together, count up: Ac 19:19.†

[NT: 128x] σύν (old Att. ξύν), prep. c. dat.,

expressing association, fellowship and inclusion. It gradually gave way to μετά, c. gen. (cf. LS, s.v.; Bl., §41, 3), and is therefore comparatively infrequent in NT, being rare in Mt 4, Mk 6, Jo 3, and elsewhere (exx. Ja 1:11, II Pe 1:18) only in Lk (Gosp. and Ac) and Paul. With, together with: of companionship and association, Lk 2:13, Jo 21:3, Ac 10:23, al.; εἶναι σύν τινι, Lk 7:12, Ac 4:13, Phl 1:23, al.; of partisanship, Ac 4:13; οἱ σύν τινι, of attendants, companions or colleagues, Mk 2:26, Lk 5:9, Ac 5:17, al.; of assistance, ἡ χάρις τ. θεοῦ σὺν ἐμοί, I Co 15:10; of two or more things together, almost = καί, Lk 23:11, Ac 3:4 10:2 14:5 23:25, Eph 3:18; σὺν Χριστῷ ζῆν, II Co 13:4; besides (FlJ, LXX), σὺν πᾶσι τούτοις, Lk 24:21.

In composition: with (συνχαίρω), together (συνωδίνω), altogether (συντελέω)

συν-άγω [in LXX chiefly for אָסַף, also for קָבַץ, etc. (cf. Kennedy, Sources, 128) ;]

to gather or bring together: of things, Jo 6:12-13; seq. εἰς, Mt 3:12, al.; ἐκεῖ, Lk 12:18; ποῦ, Lk 12:17; συναγαγὼν πάντα (sc. εἰς ἀργύριον; v. Field, Notes, 68, MM, xxiv), having sold off all: Lk 15:13; of persons, Jo 11:52; esp. of assemblies, Mt 2:4, Jo 11:47, Ac 14:27, al. Pass., to be gathered or come together: Mt 22:41, Mk 2:2, Lk 22:66, al.; seq. ἐπί Mk 5:21, Ac 4:27; πρός, Mt 13:2, Mk 4:1, al.; εἰς, Re 19:17; ἐν, Ac 11:26; μετά, Mt 28:12; οὗ, Mt 18:20; ὅπου, Mt 26:57; ἐκεῖ, Jo 18:2, al.
In late writers (v. Kennedy, Sources, 128; cf. De 22:2, al.), to receive hospitably, entertain: Mt 25:35, 38 25:43 (cf. ἐπι-συνάγω)

συν-αγωγή, -ῆς, ἡ [in LXX chiefly for עֵדָה, also for קָהָל, etc. ;]

prop., a bringing together;
1. of things,
(a) a gathering in of harvest;
(b) a collection of money.
2. Of persons,
(a) a collecting, assembling (Polyb.);
(b) an assembly (MM, xxiv; Deiss., LAE, 101 ff.): Re 2:9 3:9; esp. of a Jewish religious assembly, a synagogue: Lk 12:11, Ac 9:2, al.; of a Christian assembly, Ja 2:2. By meton., of the building in which the assembly is held, a synagogue: Mt 10:17, Mk 1:21, al. (cf. Cremer, s.v. ἐκκλησία)
SYN.: ἐκκλησία (q.v.)

* συν-αγωνίζομαι

to strive together with, to help (prop., of sharing in a contest): c. dat. pers. et rei, Ro 15:30.†

* συν-αθλέω, -ῶ

= συναγωνίζομαι: c. dat. commod., Phl 1:27; c. dat. pers., seq. ἐν, Phl 4:3.†

συν-αθροίζω [in LXX chiefly for קָבַץ ;]

to gather together, assemble: c. acc pers., Ac 19:25; pass., Ac 12:12.†
(< ἀθρόος, assembled in crowds, MM, VGT, s.v.; < θρόος, a noise, tumult), [in LXX chiefly for קָבַץ ;]
to Gather, assemble: Lk 24:33.†

[p. 425]

συν-αίρω [in LXX: Ex 23:5 (עָזַב) * ;]

to take up together: σ. λόγον (of which there are several exx. in π.; v. Deiss., LAE, 118 f.; MM, i, xxiv; M, Pr., 160), to settle accounts, Mt 18:23-24; seq. μετά, C. gen. pers., Mt 25:19.†

συν-αιχμάλωτος, -ου, ὁ

a fellow prisoner (prop., of a captive in war, v. Lft., Col., 234): Ro 16:7, Col 4:10, Phm 23.†

** συν-ακολουθέω, -ῶ [in LXX: II Mac 2:4 Mac 2:6 * ;]

to follow along with, accompany: c. dat. pers., Mk 14:51, Lk 23:49; seq. μετά, c. gen. pers., Mk 5:37.†

** συν-αλίζω [in Al.: Ps 141:4 * ;]

to assemble with: Ac 1:4 (EV, mg., eating with, but on this rendering and on the force of the Pres. ptcp. here, v. Field, Notes, 110).†

* συν-αλλάσσω,

to reconcile: impf. (conative, v. M, Pr., 129), Ac 7:26.†

συν-ανα-βαίνω [in LXX for עָלָה ;]

to go up with: c. dat. pers., seq. εἰς, c. acc loc., Mk 15:41, Ac 13:31.†

**† συν-ανά-κειμαι [in LXX: III Mac 5:39 * ;]

to recline with or together at table: Mt 14:9, Mk 6:22, Lk 7:49 14:15; c. dat. pers., Mt 9:10, Mk 2:15, Lk 14:10.†

* συν-ανα-μίγνυμι (acc to Bl., 8, -μείγνυμι), [in LXX: Ho 7:8 A ( hithpo.), Ez 20:18 A * ;]

to mix up together; pass., reflex, and metaph., to associate with (Plut., Ath., al.): I Co 5:9 5:11, II Th 3:14 (v. M, Th., 117).†

συν-ανα-παύομαι [in LXX: Is 11:6 (רָבַץ) * ;]

c. dat. pers., to lie down to rest with, sleep with. Metaph., to be refreshed in spirit with: Ro 15:32 (L, om.).†

συν-αντάω, -ῶ [in LXX for פָּגַע, פָּגַשׁ, קָרָא, קָרָה, etc. ;]

to meet with: c. dat. pers., Lk 9:18, 37 22:10, Ac 10:25, He 7:1, 10. Metaph., of events, to happen, befall (Ding. L., Plut., al.): Ac 20:22.†

συν-άντησις, -εως, ἡ

Rec. for ὑπάντησις (q.v.), Mt 8:34.†

συν-αντι-λαμβάνομαι [in LXX: Ge 30:8 R (†), Ex 18:22, Nu 11:17 (נָשָׂא), Ps 89:21 (כּוּן ni.) * ;]

to take hold with at the side for assistance; hence, to take a share in, help in bearing, and generally, help (with various constructions, v. LXX, ll. c., Deiss., LAE, 83 f.): c. dat., Lk 10:40, Ro 8:26.†

συν-απ-άγω [in LXX: Ex 14:6 (לָקַח) * ;]

to lead away with or together (Ex, l.c.). Pass., metaph. (as συμπεριφέρομαι, v. LS, s.v.), to be carried away with: c. dat., Ga 2:13, II Pe 3:17; of accommodating one­self to (EV, condescend to) things or persons (on the meaning, v. ICC, in I.; Field, Notes, 163), Ro 12:16.†

** συν-απο-θνήσκω [in LXX: Si 19:10 * ;]

to die with or together: Mk 14:31, II Co 7:3 (v. Meyer, in l), II Ti 2:11.†

συν-απ-όλλυμι [in LXX chiefly for סָפָה ;]

to destroy with or together. Pass., to perish together (with): c. dat. pers., He 11:31.†

συν-απο-στέλλω [in LXX: Ex 33:2, 12 (שָׁלַח), I Es 5:2 * ;]

to send along with: c. acc, II Co 12:18 (cf. MM, xxiv).†

συν-αρμολογέω, -ῶ (< ἁρμός, λέγω), = cl. συναρμόζω,

to fit or frame [p. 426] together: of the parts of a building, Eph 2:21; of the members of the body, Eph 4:16 (Eccl.).†

συν-αρπάζω [in LXX: Pr 6:25 (לָקַח), II Mac 3:27 Mac 4:41, IV Mac 5:4 * ;]

"perfective " of ἁοπάζω (v. M, Pr., 113),
(a) to seize and carry away (so most commonly) : Ac 27:15;
(b) to seize and hold: Lk 8:29, Ac 6:12 19:29.†

** συν-αυξάνω [in LXX: II Mac 4:4, IV Mac 13:27 * ;]

to cause to increase or grow together. Pass., to grow together: Mt 13:30 (Xen., al.).†

συν-βάλλω (Rec. συμ-), [in LXX: II Ch 25:19 (גָּרָה hith.), Is 46:6 (זוּל), Je 43:3 (סוּת hi.), Wi 5:8, al. ;]

to throw together, hence,
(a) of speech (seq. λόγους, Eur., al.), to discuss, confer (sc. λόγους): c. dat. pers., Lk 11:53, WH, mg., Ac 17:18; seq. πρὸς ἀλλήλους, Ac 4:15;
(b) to reflect, consider, ponder: ἐν τ. καρδίᾳ, Lk 2:19;
(c) to meet with, fall in with: Ac 20:14; in hostile sense, εἰς πόλεμον, c. dat. (εἰς μάχην, Polyb.), Lk 14:31;
(d) mid., to contribute (Polyb., al.; cf. MM, xxiv): Ac 18:27.†

**† συν-βασιλεύω (Rec. συμ-), [in LXX: I Es 8:26 A * ;]

to reign together or with: metaph., of sharing the glories of the Kingdom of God, I Co 4:8, II Ti 2:12.†

συν-βιβάζω (Rec. συμ-), [in LXX: Ex 4:12, 15, Le 10:11, Jg 13:8, Ps 32:8 (יָרָה hi.); Ex 18:16, De 4:9, Is 40:13 (יָדַע hi.), Is 40:14 (בִּין hi.), Da TH Da 9:22 (שָׂכַל hi.) * ;]

1. to join or knit together, unite: Eph 4:16, Col 2:2 (but v. infr.), Col 2:19.
2. to compare, consider, conclude (Plat.): Ac 16:10.
3. to deduce, prove, demonstrate (Arist.): Ac 9:22.
4. As in LXX ("translation Greek," = ἐμβιβάζω, metaph.), to teach, instruct: I Co 2:16 Ac 19:33, R, mg. (also in Vg., Col 2:2, instructi, but v. supr.).†

** συν-γνώμη (Rec. συγγ-), -ης, ἡ (< συγγιγνώσκω, (a) to agree with; (b) to pardon), [in LXX: Sir prol.14 (B1N1 cm.) 313, Mac 14:20* ;]

1. confession.
2. fellow feeling; hence, concession, allowance: I Co 7:6 (v. ICC, in l).
3. pardon.†

σύν-δεσμος, -ου, ὁ (< συνδέω), [in LXX for קֶשֶׁר, קְטַר, etc. ;]

that which binds together, a bond: of the ligaments of the body, Col 2:19. Metaph., σ. ἀδικίας, Ac 8:23; τ. τελειότητος, Col 3:14; τ. εἰρήνης, Eph 4:3 (v. Lft., Col., ll. c.).†

συν-δέω [in LXX for שָׁבַץ, etc. ;]

(a) to bind together;
(b) to bind together with: pass., He 13:3.†

* συν-δοξάζω

1. to join in approving (Arist.).
2. In NT only, to glorify together: pass., Ro 8:17.†

σύν-δουλος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX: Es 4:7, 9 4:17, 23 5:3, 6 6:6, 13 (כְּנָת) * ;]

a fellow-servant: Mt 18:28-33 24:49; of servants of the same divine Lord, Col 1:7 4:7, Re 6:11; so of angels, Re 19:10 22:9.†

** συνδρομή, -ῆς, ἡ (< συντρέχω), [in LXX: Jth 10:18, III Mac 3:8 * ;]

concourse, esp. of a riotous gathering: Ac 21:30 (Arist., Polyb., al.).†

συν-εγείρω [in LXX: Ex 23:5 B2 (עָזַב), Is 14:9 (עוּר pil.), IV Mac 2:14 * ;]

to raise together: metaph., of the Christian's mystical resur­rection with Christ, Eph 2:6; pass., Col 2:12 3:1.†

[p. 427]

συνέδριον, -ου, τό (< σύν + ἕδρα, a seat) [in LXX: Pr 11:13 15:22, Je 15:17 (סוֹד), Ps 26:4 (מַת), Pr 22:10 (דִּין) Pr 26:26 (קָהָל); Pr 24:7 27:22 31:23, II Mac 14:5, IV Mac 17:17 * ;]

1. a council (Plat., Xen., al.; LXX; in π., σ. τ. πρεσβυτέρων, Deiss., BS, 156): of a local Jewish tribunal, Mt 10:17, Mk 13:9.
2. The supreme ecclesiastical court of the Jews, the Sanhedrin (i.e. Talmudic סַנְהֵדְרִין = συνέδριον): Mt 5:22 26:59, Mk 14:55 15:1, Lk 22:66, Ac 5:21, 27 5:34, 41 6:12, 15 22:30 23:1, 6 23:15, 20 23:28 (WH, R, mg., om.) Ac 24:20 of a meeting of the Sanhedrin, Jo 11:47; of the place of meeting, Ac 4:15.†

συν-είδησις, -εως, ἡ (< συνεῖδον), [in LXX: Ec 10:20 (מַדָּע), Wi 17:11, Si 42:18 א * ;]

1. consciousness: c. gen. obj., He 10:2, I Pe 2:19.
2. In ethical sense, innate discernment, self-judging consciousness, conscience (Stoics and late writers): Ro 2:15 9:1, I Co 10:29, II Co 1:12 4:2 5:11, I Ti 4:2, He 9:14; σ. ἀγαθή, Ac 23:1, I Ti 1:5 1:19, I Pe 3:16 3:21; ἀσθενής, I Co 8:7 8:10; ἀσθενοῦσα, I Co 8:12; ἀπρόσκοπος, Ac 24:16; καθαρά, I Ti 3:9, II Ti 1:3; καλή, He 13:18; πονηρά, He 10:22; ὁ νοῦς καὶ ἡ σ., Tit 1:15; διὰ τὴν σ., Ro 13:5, I Co 10:25 10:27-28; κατὰ σ., He 9:9; ὑπὸ (τῆς) σ., Jo 8:1-59 [9] (Rec.), I Co 10:29 (cf. Cremer, 233 ff.; ICC on Ro 2:15; DB, i, 468 ff.).†

** συν-εῖδον irreg. aor. of συνοράω (v.s. εἶδον), [in LXX: I Mac 4:21 א, II Mac 2:24 Mac 4:4 Mac 4:41 R II Mac 5:17 Mac 7:4 Mac 7:20 Mac 8:8, III Mac 2:8 A * ;]

1. to see together or at the same time (Arist., Xen.).
2. to see in one view, hence, of mental vision, to comprehend, understand (LXX, Polyb., Plut., al.) : Ac 12:12 14:6 (on the related σύνοιδα, v. s.v.).†

* σύν-ειμι (< εἶμι, to go),

to come together: Lk 8:4.†

* σύν-ειμι (< εἰμί to be), [in LXX: Je 3:20 (רֵעַ), al. ;]

to be with: Lk 9:18 (WH, mg., συνήντησαν), Ac 22:11.†

συν-εισ-έρχομαι [in LXX: Jb 22:4 (עִם בּוֹא), etc. ;]

to enter together: c. dat. pers., seq. εἰς, c. acc loc., Jo 6:22 18:15.†

συν-έκδημος, -ου, ὁ (< ἔκδημος, abroad),

a fellow-traveller: Ac 19:29, II Co 8:1.†

*† συν-εκ-λεκτός, -ή, -όν

chosen together with, co-elect: ἡ ἐν Βαβυλῶνι συνεκλεκτή (on the meaning, v. ICC, in l), I Pe 5:13.†

** συν-ελαύνω [in LXX: II Mac 4:26 Mac 4:42 Mac 5:5 * ;]

to drive together, force together: εἰς εἰρήνην, Ac 7:26, Rec. (WH, RV, συνήλλασσεν).†

* συν-επι-μαρτυρέω, -ῶ

to join in attesting, bear witness together with: He 2:4 (Arist., Polyb., a1.).†

* συν-έπομαι [in LXX: II Mac 15:2, III Mac 5:48 R III Mac 6:21 * ;]

to follow with, accompany: c. dat. pers., Ac 20:4.†

** συνεργέω, -ῶ [in LXX: I Es 7:2, I Mac 12:1 * ;]

1. prop., to work together (with): absol., Mk 16:20, I Co 16:16, II Co 6:1; c. dat., Ja 2:22; dat. commod., Ro 8:28, T, R, txt. (but v. infr.).
2. In Hellenistic writers (M, Pr., 65), trans., to cause to work together (cf. ICC, in l): c. acc rei, Ro 8:28 [WH] R, mg. (but v. supr.).†

[p. 428]

** συνεργός, -όν [in LXX: II Mac 8:7 Mac 14:5 * ;]

a fellow-worker: c. gen. pers., Ro 16:3, 9 16:21, Phl 2:25 4:3, I Th 3:2, Rec., Phm 1 24; θεοῦ (cf. Lft., Notes, 41, 188), I Co 3:9 (pl.), I Th 3:2 [WH] R, mg. (R, txt., διάκονον τοῦ θ.; on the original reading, v. ICC, in l); τ. χαρᾶς ὑηῶν, II Co 1:24; τ. ἀληθείᾳ, III Jn 8; seq. εἰς, II Co 8:23, Col 4:11.†

συν-έρχομαι [in LXX for הָלַךְ, בּוֹא, אָסַף ni., etc. ;]

1. (cl.) to come together, assemble: Mk 3:20 14:53, T, WH, txt., Ac 1:6 2:6 10:27 16:13 19:32 21:22 22:30 28:17, I Co 14:26; seq. εἰς, c. acc loc., Ac 5:16; ἐπὶ τ. αὐτό, I Co 11:20 14:23; c. dat. pers., Mk 14:53, WH, mg., R (πρὸς αὐτόν, v. Field, Notes, 40), Jo 11:33; ἐν ἐκκλησίᾳ, I Co 11:18; ἐνθάδε, Ac 25:17; Mk 6:33, WH, mg. (cf. WH, Intr., 95 ff.); ὅπου, Jo 18:20; c. inf., Lk 5:15; εἰς τ. φαγεῖν, I Co 11:33; εἰς τ. ἧσσον, I Co 11:17 11:34; of sexual intercourse (Xen., al.; γυναικί or absol.), Mt 1:18.
2. In later sense (v. exx. in Milligan, Selections, 64, 105), to accompany: c. dat. pers., Lk 23:55, Ac 1:21 9:39 10:23, 45 11:12; seq. σύν, Ac 21:16; εἰς, Ac 15:38.†

συν-εσθίω [in LXX: Ge 43:32, Ex 18:12 (אָכַל), IV Ki 12:17 (בָּרָה), Ps 101:5 * ;]

to eat with one: c. dat. pers., Lk 15:2, Ac 10:41 11:3, I Co 5:11; seq. μετά, c. gen. pers., Ga 2:12.†

σύνεσις, -εως, ἡ (< συνίημι), [in LXX for בִּינָה and cogn. forms, מַשְׂכִּית, דַּעַת, חׇכְמָה, etc. ;]

1. a running or flowing together (Hom.).
2. (a) understanding: Lk 2:47, I Co 1:19 (LXX), Eph 3:4, Col 1:9 2:2, II Ti 2:7
(b) the understanding, the mind or intelligence: Mk 12:33.†
SYN.: v.s. σοφία

συνετός, ή, -όν (< συνίημι), [in LXX for בִּין, חָכָם, etc. ;]

intelligent, sagacious, understanding: Mt 11:25, Lk 10:21, Ac 13:7, I Co 1:19 (LXX).†

** συν-ευ-δοκέω, -ῶ [in LXX: I Mac 1:57, I Mac 4:28 א1, II Mac 11:24 Mac 11:35 * ;]

to join in approving, consent, agree to or with: absol., Ac 22:20; c. dat. pers., Ro 1:32; c. dat. rei, Lk 11:48, Ac 8:1; c. inf., I Co 7:12-13 (chiefly in late writers).†

* συν-ευωχέω, -ῶ

to entertain together. Pass., to fare sumptuously or feast together or with: Ju 12; c. dat. pers., II Pe 2:13 (Arist., Luc., al.).†

* συν-εφ-ίστημι

to place over. Pass.,
1. to stand over (Thuc.).
2. to rise together: seq. κατά, c. gen. pers. (against), Ac 16:22.†

συν-έχω [in LXX for עָצָר, חָבַר, etc. ;]

1. to hold together (τ. συνέχον τ. πάντα, Wi 1:7): of closing the ears, Ac 7:57 (τ. στόμα, Is 52:15); to hem in, press on every side: Lk 8:45 19:43.
2. to hold fast;
(a) of a prisoner, to hold in charge (Luc.; cf. exx. in Deiss., BS, 160; MM, xxiv): Lk 22:63;
(b) to constrain: II Co 5:14; pass., Lk 12:50, Ac 18:5 (τ. λόγῳ; cf. Field, Notes, 128), Phl 1:23; in pass., of ills, to be seized or afflicted by, suffering from: Mt 4:24, Lk 4:38 8:37, Ac 28:8.†

* συν-ζάω (Rec. συζ-),

to live with: opp. to συναποθανεῖν, II Co 7:3; of life in union with Christ, here and hereafter, Ro 6:8, II Ti 2:11.†

συν-ζεύγνυμι (Rec. συζ-), [in LXX: Ez 1:11, 23 (חָבַר) * ;]

to yoke to­gether: metaph., of union in wedlock, Mt 19:6, Mk 10:9.†

[p. 429]

συν-ζητέω (Rec. συζ-), -ῶ, [in LXX: Ne 2:4 AB1 (בָּקַשׁ pi.) * ;]

1. to search or examine together (Plat.).
2. In NT (and π., v. MM, xxiii; also in MGr., v. Kennedy, Sources, 155), to discuss, dispute: Mk 1:27 12:28, Lk 24:15; seq. quæst. indir., Mk 9:10; c. dat. pers., Mk 8:11 Ac 6:9; seq. πρός, c. acc pers., Mk 9:14, 16, Ac 9:29; id. seq. quæst. indir., Lk 22:23.†

*† συν-ζήτηαις (Rec. συζ-), -εως, ἡ

disputation: Ac 28:29 (WH, R, txt., om.).†

*† συν-ζητητής (Rec. συζ-), -οῦ, ἁ (< συνζητέω),

a disputer, disputant: I Co 1:20.†

** σύν-ζυγος (Rec. ουζ-), or as WH, mg., Σύνζυγος, -ον (< συνζεύγνυμι), [in Aq., Ez 23:21 * ;]

a yoke fellow. Prob., as proper name, Σ. γνήσιε, genuinely Synzygus, S. properly so-called, Phl 4:3 (v. ICC, Lft., in l; MM, xxiii).†

συν-ζωο-ποιέω (Rec. συζ-), ῶ-,

to make alive or quicken together with; metaph., of the spiritual life: τ. Χριστῷ, Eph 2:5; σὺν τ. Χ., Col 2:13.†

* συν-ήδομαι

to rejoice together; c. dat., to rejoice with or in: τ. νόμῳ τ. θεοῦ, Ro 7:22 (v. Lft., Notes, 304).†

** συνήθεια, -ας, ἡ (< ἦθος), [in LXX: IV Mac 2:12 Mac 6:13 Mac 13:22 Mac 13:27 * ;]

1 1 intimacy.
2. habit, custom: Jo 18:39, I Co 11:16; c. gen. obj. (cf. Æschin., 23, 37, and v. MM, xxiv), habitual use, force of habit with respect to, I Co 8:7.†

συν-ηλικιώτης (< ἡλικία), = συνῆλιζ (Æsch.),

one of the same age, an equal in age: Ga 1:14.†

* συν-θάπτω

to bury together with: in symbolical sense, of baptism, σὐτῷ (with Christ), Ro 6:4, Col 2:12.†

συν-θλάω, -ῶ [in LXX for מָחַץ etc. ;]

to crush together, crush: Mt 21:44 ([WH], R, mg., om.), Lk 20:18.†

συν-θλίβω [in LXX: Ec 12:6 א A (רָצַץ), Si 34:14 (31:14), I Mac 15:14 A * ;]

to press together, press on all sides: Mk 5:24, 31.†

*† συν-θρύπτω

to break in pieces, crush: metaph., τ. καρδίαν, Ac 21:13.†

συν-ίημι and συνίω (v. Bl., § 23, 7), [in LXX chiefly for בִּין hi., שָׂכַל hi. ;]

1. to bring or set together.
2. Metaph., to perceive, understand: Mt 13:13-15 (LXX), Mt 13:19 15:10, Mk 4:9 (WH, mg.), Mk 4:12 7:14 8:17, 21 Lk 8:10, Ac 7:25 28:26-27, Ro 15:21 (LXX), II Co 10:12; c. acc rei, Mt 13:23, 51, Lk 2:50 18:34 24:45; seq. ὅτι, Mt 16:12 17:13; seq. quæst. indir., Eph 5:17; ἐπὶ τ. ἄρτοις, Mk 6:52; as subst., συνίων (ὁ σ., WH, mg.), a man of understanding, i.e. in moral and religious sense, Ro 3:11 (LXX).†

συνιστάνω and συνιστάω, v.s. συνίστημι.

συν-ίστημι [in LXX for צָוָה pi., קָהַל ni., etc.; I Mac 12:43, II Mac 4:24, III Mac 1:19 (and freq. in these books) ;]

1. trans.,
(a) to commend, recommend: c. acc pers., II Co 3:1 6:4 10:12 10:18; id. c. dat., Ro 16:1 (as freq. at the beginning of a letter; Deiss., LAE, 226), II Co 5:12; seq. πρός, II Co 4:2; pass., seq. ὑπό, II Co 12:11;
(b) to show, prove, establish: c. acc, Ro 3:5 5:8, II Co 6:4; dupl. acc, Ga 2:13; acc et inf., II Co 7:11
[p. 430]
2. Intrans., pf., συνέστηκα (as also 2 aor. and plpf.);
(a) to stand with or near: Lk 9:32;
(b) to be composed of, consist, cohere: Col 1:17 (v. Lft., in l), II Pe 3:5.†

συν-κάθημαι (Rec. συγκ-), [in LXX: Ps 101:6 (יָשַׁב) * ;]

to sit together or with: c. dat., Ac 26:30; seq. μετά, c. gen., Mk 14:54.†

συν-καθίζω (Rec. συγκ-), [in LXX for יָשַׁב, רָבַץ ;]

1. trans., to make to sit together: c. acc pers., seq. ἐν, Eph 2:6.
2. Intrans. = mid., to sit together: Lk 22:55.

*† συν-κακοπαθέω (Rec. συγκ-), -ῶ,

to bear evil treatment along with, take one's share of ill-treatment: II Ti 2:3; c. dat. commod., τ. εὐαγγελίῳ, II Ti 2:18.†

*† συν-κακουχέομαι (Rec. συγκ-), -οῦμαι, pass.

to endure adversity with: c. dat. pers., He 11:25. Not elsewhere.†

συν-καλέω (Rec. συγκ-), -ῶ, [in LXX for קָרָא ;]

to call together: c. acc, Mk 15:16, Lk 15:6, 9 (v.l. -εῖται, v. B1., § 55, 1), Ac 5:21. Mid., to call together to oneself: Lk 9:1 (and v.l. in Lk 15:6, 9 v. supr.) Lk 23:13, Ac 10:24 28:17.†

συν-καλύπτω (Rec. συγκ-), [in LXX chiefly for כָּסָה pi. ;]

to veil or cover completely: c. acc, pass., Lk 12:2.†

συν-κάμπτω (Rec. συγκ-), [in LXX: Ps 68:10, 23 (מעד hi.), etc. ;]

to bend completely, bend together: τ. νῶτον, fig., Ro 11:10 (LXX).†

συν-κατα-βαίνω (Rec. συγκ-), [in LXX: Ps 49:17 (יָרַד), Wi 10:13, Da LXX TH 3:49 * ;]

to go down with: Ac 25:5. In late writers also metaph. (Wis, l.c.), to condescend, on WH. v. Rutherford, NPhr., 485 f.†

*† συν-κατά-θεσις (Rec συγκ-), -εως, ἡ (< συνκατατίθημι)

concord, agreement: II Co 6:16 (Polyb., Plut., al.).†


συν-κατα-τίθημι (Rec. συγκ-), [in LXX: Ex 23:1 (שִׁית יָד), Ex 23:32 (בְּרִית), Da TH Su 1:20 * ;]

to deposit together. Mid., to deposit one's vote with, hence, to agree with, assent to: c. dat., Lk 23:51.†

*† συν-κατα-ψηφίζω (Rec. συγκ-),

1. to condemn with or together (Plut., Themist., 21).
2. to vote one a place among: pass., Ac 1:26. Not elsewhere .†

συν-κεράννυμι (Rec. συγκ-), [in LXX: Da LXX 2:43 (עֲרַב ithpa.), II Mac 15:39 * ;]

to mix or blend together, compound: c. acc, I Co 12:24; ptcp. pf. pass., He 4:2, T, WH, mg., R, mg.; id., of persons, c. dat. instr., to be united with, agree with, ib., WH, txt., R, txt. (v. Westc., in l).†

* συν-κινέω (Rec. συγκ-), -ῶ,

to move together. Metaph., to excite, stir up: τ. λαόν, Ac 6:12 (Arist., Polyb., al.).†

συν-κλείω (Rec. συγκ-), [in LXX chiefly for סגר ;]

to shut together, enclose, shut in on all sides: of a catch of fish, Lk 5:6; metaph. (Ps 31:9, al.), Ro 11:32, Ga 3:22-23.†

συν-κληρο-νόμος (Rec. συγκ-), -ου, ὁ

a co-inheritor, fellow-heir: Ro 8:17, Eph 3:6; c. gen. rei, He 11:9, I Pe 3:7 (for exx., v. Deiss., LAE, 88 f.).†

[p. 431]

* συν-κοινωνέω (Rec. συγκ-), -ῶ,

to have fellowship with or in (in cl., c. gen. rei, dat. pers.): c. dat. rei, Eph 5:11, Re 18:4; id. c. gen. pers., Phl 4:14.†

*† συν-κοινωνός (Rec. συγκ-), όν,

partaking jointly of: c. gen. rei, Ro 11:17, I Co 9:23; id. c. gen. pers., Phl 1:7; seq. ἐν, Re 1:9.†

συν-κομίζω (Rec. συγκ-), [in LXX: Jb 5:26 (עָלָה) * ;]

1. to bring together, collect (Hdt., Xen., al.).
2. to take up a body for burial (Soph., Aj., 1048): Ac 8:2 (v. Field, Notes, 116).†

συν-κρίνω (Rec. συγκ-) [in LXX chiefly for פָּתַר ;]

1. to compound, combine: I Co 2:13, R, mg.1 (Lft., Notes, 180 f.).
2. In Arist. and later writers (Wi 7:29, a1.) = παραβάλλω, to compare: 1Co, l.c., R, txt. (Field, Notes, 168), II Co 10:12
3. In LXX, of dreams, to interpret (Ge 40:8, 1Co, l.c., R, mg. 2 (but v. reff. supr.).†

συν-κύπτω (Rec. συγκ-), [in LXX: Jb 9:27 (עָזַב), Si 12:11 19:26 * ;]

1. to bend forwards (Arist., al.).
2. to be bowed down: Lk 13:11.†

συν-λυπέω (Rec. συλλ-), -ῶ, [in LXX: Ps 69:20, Is 51:19 (נוּד) * ;]

to make to grieve with (Arist.). Pass., to be moved to grief by sympathy: seq. ἐπί, c. dat., Mk 3:5.†

* συν-μαθητής (Rec. συμμ-), -οῦ, ὁ

a fellow-disciple: Jo 11:16 (on the use of συν- in such compounds as this, v. Rutherford, NPhr., 255 f.).†

* συν-μαρτυρέω (Rec. συμμ-), -ῶ,

to bear witness with: Ro 2:15; c. dat., Ro 8:16; seq. ὅτι, Ro 9:1.†

συν-μερίζω (Rec. συμμ-), [in LXX: Pr 29:24 א2 (חָלַק) * ;]

to distri­bute in shares. Mid., to have a share in: I Co 9:13 (Diod., al.).†

* συν-μέτοχος (Rec. συμμ-), -ον,

partaking together with; as subst., ὁ σ., a joint partaker (c. dat. pers. et gen. rei, FlJ, BJ, i, 24, 6): c. gen. rei, Eph 3:6; c. gen. pers., Eph 5:7 (Arist.).†

*† συν-μιμητής (Rec. συμμ-), -οῦ, ὁ

a fellow-imitator: c. gen. obj., Phl 3:17 (v. ICC, in l). Not elsewhere.†

συν-μορφίζω, v.s. συμμορφίζω.

συν-οδεύω [in LXX: Za 8:21 א1 (הָלַךְ), To 5:16 א, Wi 6:23 * ;]

to journey with: c. dat. pers., Ac 9:7 (Plut., al.).†

συνοδία, -ας, ἡ [in LXX: Ne 7:5, 64 (יָחַשׂ) * ;]

1. a journey in company (Plut., al.).
2. By meton., κ company of travellers, a caravan: Lk 2:44.†

σύν-οιδα, pf. with Pres. meaning (v.s. οἶδα), [in LXX: Le 5:1 (יָדַע), Jb 27:6; ptcp., I Mac 4:21 A, II Mac 4:41 A, III Mac 2:8 R * ;]

1. to share the knowledge of, be privy to (Hdt., Thuc., al.): ptcp., Ac 5:2.
2. C. prop. reflex., to be conscious of (Eur., Plat., al.), esp. of guilty consciousness: οὐδὲν γὰρ ἐμαυτῷ σ., for I know nothing against myself, I Co 4:4.†

συν-οικέω, -ῶ [in LXX for בַּעַל etc. ;]

to dwell together: of man and wife (Hdt., al.), c. dat. pers., I Pe 3:7,†

[p. 432]

** συν-οίκοδομέω, -ῶ [in LXX: I Es 5:68 * ;]

1. to build together or with (c. dat. pers., 1Esdras, l.c.).
2. Of various materials, to build up together (Thuc., al.): metaph., of Christians, Eph 2:22.†

* συν-ομιλέω, -ῶ

to converse with (absol., FlJ, Bl, v, 13, 1; seq. μετά, Cebes, 13): c. dat. pers., Ac 10:27.†

*† συν-ομορέω, -ῶ

to border on: c. dat., Ac 18:7 (Byz.).†

συν-οράω, v.s. συνεῖδον.

συν-οχή, -ῆς, ή (< συνέχω), [in LXX: Jg 2:3 (?), Jb 30:3 (שׁוֹא), Jb 38:28 A; Mi 5:1 (4:14), Je 52:5 (מָצוֹר) * ;]

1. a holding or being held together.
2. a narrow place (Hom., al.). Metaph., straits, distress: Lk 21:25; καρδίας, II Co 2:4.†

** συν-παθέω (Rec. συμπ-), -ῶ, [in LXX: IV Mac 5:25 AR IV Mac 13:23 * ;]

to have a fellow feeling for or with, sympathize with or in: c. dat. rei, He 4:15; dat. pers., He 10:34 (Arist., Plut., al.).†

συν-παρα-γίνομαι (Rec. συμπ-), [in LXX: Ps 83:8 (לָוָה ni.) * ;]

1. to come up or be present together: seq. ἐπί, Lk 23:48.
2. to come up to assist (Thuc., al.; II Ti 4:16, Rec.).†

* συν-παρα-καλέω (Rec. συμπ-), -ῶ,

to call upon or exhort together (Plat.). Pass., to be strengthened or comforted with and among: Ro 1:12.†

συν-παρα-λαμβάνω (Rec. συμπ-), [in LXX: Ge 19:17 (סָפָה ni.), Jb 1:4 (שָׁלַח ni), III Mac 1:1 * ;]

to take along with: as a companion, c. acc, Ac 12:25 15:37-38 (on the tenses, v. M, Pr., 130), Ga 2:1.†

συν-πάρειμι (Rec. σνμπ-), [in LXX: To 12:12 ΑΒ, Pr 8:27 (?), Wi 9:10 * ;]

to be present together or with: c. dat. pers., Ac 25:24.†

** συν-πάσχω (Rec. συμπ-), [in Al.: I Ki 22:8 * ;]

1. to suffer together or with: Ro 8:17, I Co 12:28.
2. to sympathize with (Plat., Arist.).†

* συν-πέμπω (Rec. συμπ-)

to send together with: c. acc et dat., II Co 8:22; id. seq. μετά, c. gen., II Co 8:18.†

συν-περι-λαμβάνω (Rec. συμπ-),

1. to enclose (Ez 5:3 (צוּר) *).
2. to embrace: c. acc pers., Ac 20:10.†

συν-πίνω (Rec. συμπ-), [in LXX: Es 7:1 (עִם שָׁתָה) ;]

to drink with c. dat. pers., Ac 10:41.†


συν-πληρόω (Rec. συμπ-), -ῶ, [in LXX: Je 25:12 (נָפַל) * ;]

1. to fill up completely (Thuc., of manning ships): of a ship filling with water, and by meton., of those on board, Lk 8:23.
2. to complete, fulfil: of time (Je, l.c., and v. MM, xxiv), Lk 9:51, Ac 2:1 (on the "durative inf.," v. M, Pr., 233).†

* συν-πνίγω (Rec. συμπ-),

to choke: of thronging by a crowd, Lk 8:42. Fig., of seed, τ. λόγον, Mt 13:22, Mk 4:7, 19, Lk 8:14.†

* συν-πολίτης (Rec. σνμπ-), -ου, ὁ

a fellow-citizen: pl., σ. τ. ἁγίων, opp. to ξένοι κ. πάροικοι, Eph 2:19 (Eur.; C.I., 6446; condemned by Atticists; v. Rutherford, NPhr., 255 f.).†

[p. 433]

συν-πορεύομαι (Rec. σνμπ-), [in LXX chiefly for הָלַךְ ;]

1. to journey together (Plat., al.): c. dat. pers., Lk 7:11 14:25 24:15.
2. to come together: Mk 10:1 (Plut., al.).†

*† συν-πρεσβύτερος (Rec. συμπ-), -ου, ὁ

a fellow-elder: I Pe 5:1 (Eccl.).†

συνσ-, v. passim συσσ-.

*† σύν-σωμος (Rec. συσσ-), -ον (< σῶμα),

of the same body: Eph 3:6 (Eccl.).†

* συν-σταυρόω (Rec. συσ-), -ῶ,

to crucify together with: pass., c. dat., Jo 19:32; id. seq. σύν, Mt 27:44, Mk 15:32. Metaph., of the mystical death of the Christian with Christ: Ro 6:6, Ga 2:20 (Eccl.).†

συν-στέλλω (Rec. συσ-), [in LXX: Jg 8:28 11:33 (כָּנַע ni.), Si 4:31, al. ;]

1. to draw together, contract, shorten: of time, I Co 7:29.
2. to wrap up: of enshrouding a body for burial (Eur.), c. acc, Ac 5:6.†

* συν-στενάζω (Rec. συσ-),

to groan together or with: Ro 8:22 (c. dat. pers., Eur., Ion., 935).†

συν-στοιχέω (Rec. συσ-), -ῶ,

to stand in the same rank or line (Polyb). Metaph., to correspond to: Ga 4:25 (v. Lft., in l).†

* συν-στρατιώτης (Rec. συσ-), -ου, ὁ

a fellow-soldier (Plat., Xen., al.). Metaph., of fellowship in Christian service: Phl 2:25, Phm 2 .†

* συν-σχηματιζω (Rec. συσ-), (< σχῆμα),

to conform to (Arist.). Pass., to be conformed to, conform oneself to: Ro 12:2, I Pe 1:14.†

συν-τάσσω [in LXX chiefly for צָוָה pi. ;]

to prescribe, ordain, arrange: c. dat. pers, Mt 21:6 26:19 27:10 (LXX).†

συντέλεια, -ας, ἡ (< συντελέω), [in LXX chiefly for כָּלָה and (in Da) for קוּם ;]

1. in cl., a joint payment or contribution for public service; hence, generally, joint action (Plat.).
2. In late writers (Polyb., al.), consummation, completion: σ. τ. αἰῶνος, -ων (cf. Da LXX TH Da 12:13, al.), Mt 13:39-40, 49 24:3 28:20, He 9:26.†

συν-τελέω, -ῶ [in LXX chiefly for כָּלָה pi., also for עָשָׂה, תָּמַם, etc. ;]

"perfective" of τελέω (cf. M, Pr., 118),
1. to complete, finish, bring to an end: Lk 4:13; pass., Lk 4:2, Jo 2:3, WH, mg., Ac 21:27.
2. to effect, accomplish, bring to fulfilment (cf. MM, xxiv): Mk 13:4, Ro 9:28, He 8:8.†

συν-τέμνω [in LXX chiefly for חָרַץ ;]

1. to cut in pieces.
2. to cut down, cut short: metapb., λόγον, Ro 9:28 (LXX) (Hdt., Plat., Fur., al.).†

συν-τηρέω, -ῶ [in LXX: Ez 18:19 (שָׁמַר), Da TH Da 7:28 A (נְטַר), Si 13:12 and freq., To 1:11, II Mac 12:42, al. ;]

"perfective" of τηρέω (v. M, Pr., 113, 116),
to preserve, keep safe, keep close: c. acc pers., Mk 6:20; c. acc rei, Mt 9:17; ἐν τ. καρδίᾳ, Lk 2:19 (Arist. and later writers; cf. MM, xxiv).†

συν-τίθημι [in LXX: I Ki 22:13 (קָשַׁר), etc. ;]

to place or put together, in various senses. Mid.,
(a) to observe, perceive;
(b) to determine, agree, covenant: c. inf., Lk 22:5; seq. τοῦ, c. inf., Ac 23:20; seq. ἵνα, Jo 9:22.†
[in LXX for שִׁית, etc. ;]
to help in putting on. Mid., to join in attacking (Thuc.): Ac 24:9 (RV, joined in the charge).†

συν-τόμως, adv. (< συντέμνω) [in LXX: Pr 13:23 23:28, [p. 434] III Mac 5:25 * ;]

concisely, briefly: Ac 24:4 (for a similar ex., v. MM, xxiv).†

συν-τρέχω [in LXX: Ps 50:18 (עִם רָצָה), עִם רָצָה), II Mac 2:1-32, Jdt.4.1-15 * ;]

to run together or with: seq. ἐκεῖ, Mk 6:33; πρόσ, c. acc, Ac 3:11; metaph., I Pe 4:4.†

συν-τρίβω [in LXX chiefly for שָׁבַר ;]

to shatter, break in pieces: Mt 12:20 (LXX), Mk 5:4 14:3, Jo 19:36 (LXX), Re 2:27; of persons and parts of the body, to break, crush, bruise: Lk 9:39; fig., Ro 16:20.†

σύν-τριμμα, -τος, τό (< συντρίβω), [in LXX (Le 21:19, al.) chiefly for שֶׁבֶר; also for שֹׁד (Is 59:7), etc. ;]

a fracture (Arist.; Le, l.c., al.). Metaph., calamity, destruction (Isa, l.c., Wi 3:3, al.): Ro 3:16 (LXX).†

σύν-τροφος, -ου, ὁ (< συντρέφομαι, to be brought up together) [in LXX: III Ki 12:24, I Mac 1:6 R, II Mac 9:29 * ;]

1. prop., one nourished or brought up with, a foster-brother: Ac 13:1 EV.
2. In Hellenistic usage, as a court term, an intimate friend of a king (v. Deiss., BS, 305, 310 f.): Ac 13:1 (cf. also MM, xxiv).†

** συν-τυγχάνω [in LXX: II Mac 8:14 * ;]

to meet with, fall in with: c. dat. pers., Lk 8:19.†

Συντύχη (T, -τυχή), -ης, ἡ

Syntyche: Phl 4:2.†


to play a part with, dissemble with: c. dat., Ga 2:13 (Polyb.).†

* συν-υπουργέω, -ῶ

to help together, join in serving: c. dat. instr., II Co 1:11.†

* σύν φημι (Rec. συμ-),

to consent, confess: c. dat., seq. ὅτι, Ro 7:16.†

** συν-φύω (Rec. συμ-), [in LXX: Wi 13:13 * ;]

to cause to grow together. Pass., to grow together or with (Plat. al.): Lk 8:7.†

συν-χαίρω (Rec. συγ-), [in LXX: Ge 21:6 (צָחַק), III Mac 1:8 R * ;]

1. to rejoice with: c. dat pers., Lk 1:58 15:6, 9, Phl 2:17-18, EV; c. dat. rei, I Co 12:26 13:6.
2. to congratulate (Æschin., Polyb., al.): Phi, l.c. (Lft., in I.; cf. MM, xxiv).†

συν-χέω (Rec. συγ-), [in LXX for בָּלַל, רָגַז, etc. ;]

to pour together, commingle, confuse; metaph., confound, throw into confusion, stir up trouble: Ac 21:27 (cf. συν-χύννω).†

συν-χράομαι (Rec. συγ-), -ῶμαι, [in Al.: I Ki 30:19 * ;]

to use together with. Metaph., c. dat. pers., to associate with: Jo 4:9 (Polyb., a1.).†

συν-χύννω (Rec. συγ-; and in Ac 9:22 with LTr., as in late writers generally, -χύνω)

Hellenistic form of -χέω (q.v.): Ac 2:6 9:22 19:32 21:31.†

*† σύν-ψυχος (Rec. συμ-), -ον (< ψυχή),

of one mind: Phl 2:2.†

* συν-ωδίνω

to be in travail together (Arist.): metapb. (Eur.), Ro 8:22.†

** συνωμοσία, -ας, ή (συνόμνυμι, to conspire), [in Sm.: Ez 22:25 * ;]

a conspiracy: Ac 23:13.†

Συράκουσαι, -ῶν, αἱ

Syracuse: Ac 28:12.†

Συρία, -'ιό, ή

Syria: Mt 4:24, Lk 2:2, Ac 15:23, 41 18:18 20:3 21:3, Ga 1:21.†

Σύρος, -ου, ὁ, fem. Σύρα

a Syrian: Lk 4:27, Mk 7:26, WH, mg.†

Συροφοινίκισσα (Rec. -φοίνισσα), -ης, ἡ

a Syropænician woman: Mk 7:26, WH, txt., RV (cf. ἡ Φοινίκη Συρία, Diod., 19, 93).†

φοινίκισσα (on the ending, v. Bl., § 27, 4, and cf. Φοῖνιξ),

a Phænician woman: Σύρα Φ. Mk 7:26, WH, mg., for Συροφοινίκισσα, q.v.†

[p. 435]

Σύρτις (L, σῦρτις), -εως, acc -ιν, ἡ,

Syrtis, the name of two large sand-banks on the Libyan coast: Ac 27:17.†

σύρω [in LXX: IV Ki 17:13 (סָחַב), IV Mac 6:1, al. ;]

to draw, drag: c. acc rei, Jo 21:8, Re 12:4; c. acc pers., of taking to trial or punish­ment, Ac 8:3; ἔξω τ. πόλεως, Ac 14:19; ἐπὶ τ. πολιτάρχας (cf. 4Mac, l.c.), Ac 17:6 (cf. κατα-ούρω).†

*† συ-σπαράσσω

to convulse completely: c. acc pers., Mk 9:20, Lk 9:42 (cf. σπαράσσω).†

σύσ-σημον (T, συν-), -ου, τό (< σῆμα), [in LXX: Jg 20:38, 40 (מַשְׂאֵת), Is 5:26 49:22 62:10 (נֵס) * ;]

a fixed sign or signal: Mk 14:44. (Strab., Plut., al.; condemned by Atticists, v. Rutherford, NPhr., 492 f.) †

*† συ-στασιαστής, -οῦ, ὁ,

a fellow-rioter: Mk 15:7, Rec.†

* συ-στατικός (Tr. συν-), -ή, -όν (< συνίστημι),

1. for putting together, constructive.
2. for bringing together, introductory, commendatory: ἐπιστολή (Arist., Diog. L., al.; and v. MM, xxiv), II Co 3:1.†

συ-στέφω [in LXX chiefly for קָשַׁר ;]

1. to twist together: c. acc rei, Ac 28:3.
2. Pass., of persons, to gather themselves together: Mt 17:22 (WH, R, mg.).†

συ-στροφή, -ῆς, ἡ (< συστρέφω), [in LXX: Ro 4:19 13:12 (צָרַר); σ. ποιεῖσθαι, Am 7:10 (קָשַׁר), etc. ;]

1. a twisting together (Plat.).
2. a concourse, a riotous gathering (Polyb.): Ac 19:40; σ. ποιεῖσθαι (Am, l.c.), to make a compact (RV, banded themselves together): Ac 23:12.†

Συχάρ (Ε, Σιχάρ), indecl.,

Sychar, a town of Samaria: Jo 4:5.†

Συχέμ indecl. (Heb. שְׁכֶם),

1. the son of Hamor (Ge 33:19): Ac 7:16 b, Rec.
2. A city of Samaria (AV, Sychem; in LXX also sometimes Σίκιμα, -ων, as in FlJ): Ac 7:16 a,b.†

σφαγή, -ῆς, ἡ (< σφάζω), [in LXX for טָבַח, הֲרֵגָה, etc. ;]

slaughter: Ac 8:32 (LXX); πρόβατα σφαγῆς, Ro 8:36 (LXX); ἡμέρα σφαγῆς, Ja 5:5.†

σφάγιον, -ου, τό (< σφαγή), [in LXX: Am 5:25 (זֶבַח), Ez 21:10, 15 21:28 (טֶבַח), Le 22:23 (נְדָבָה) * ;]

a victim for slaughter: Ac 7:42 (LXX).†

σφάζω [in LXX chiefly for שָׁחַט ;]

to slay, slaughter (esp. of victims for sacrifice): ἀρνίον, Re 5:6, 12 13:8; of persons, I Jn 3:12, Re 5:9 6:4, 9 18:24; ἐσφαγμένη εἰς θάνατον (RV, smitten unto death), Re 13:3 (cf. κατα-σφάζω).†

σφόδρα adv. (prop. neut. of σφοδρός, excessive, violent) [in LXX chiefly for מְאֹד ;]

very, very much, exceedingly: with verbs, Mt 17:6, 23 18:31 19:25 26:22 27:54, Ac 6:7; with adjectives, Mt 2:10, Mk 16:4, Lk 18:23, Re 16:21.†

σφοδρῶς adv.,

exceedingly: Ac 27:18.†

σφραγίζω [in LXX chiefly for חָתַם (De 32:34, al.), also for סָתַם (Da TH Da 8:26) ;]

to seal,
(a) for security: Mt 27:66, Re 20:3; τ. καρπὸν τοῦτον, fig. (cf. Deiss., BS, 238 f.; MM, xxiv; DB, iv, 427a), Ro 15:28;
(b) for concealment, hence, metaph., to hide (Da TH Da 9:24, Jo 14:17): [p. 436] Re 10:4 22:10;
(c) for distinction, Re 7:3-8; metaph., Eph 4:30; mid., II Co 1:22;
(d) for authentication (Es 8:8): Jo 3:33 6:27 (cf. κατα-σφραγίζω).†

σφραγίς, -ῖδος, ἡ [in LXX: Ex 28:11, al. (חוֹתָם) Ex 35:22 (חָח), Si 17:22, al. ;]

1. a seal, signet: Re 7:2.
2. The impression of a seal or signet, a seal (on its various purposes, v.s. σφραγίζω): on a book or roll, Re 5:1-2, 5 5:9 6:1, 3 6:5, 7 6:9, 12 8:1; metaph., Ro 4:11, I Co 9:2, II Ti 2:19, Re 9:4.†

*† σφυδρόν, -οῦ, τό

= σφυρόν,
the ankle: Ac 3:7 (v. BL, § 6, 8).†

* σφυρίς (T, Rec. σπυρίς, v. WH, App., 148; 131., § 6, 7), -ίδος, ἡ,

a flexible mat-basket for carrying provisions: Mt 15:37 16:10, Mk 8:8, 20 Ac 9:25 (v.s. κόφινος).†

σφυρόν, -οῦ, τό, [in LXX: Jb 41:21 (לָהַט) * ;]

the ankle: Ac 3:7, Rec. (T, WH, σφυδρόν; v. Bl., § 6, 8).†

** σχέδον adv. (< ἔχω), [in LXX: II Mac 5:2, III Mac 5:14 Mac 5:45 * ;]

1. of place, near.
2. Of degree, almost, nearly: Ac 13:44 19:26, He 9:22.†

σχῆμα, -τος, τό (< ἔχω), [in LXX: Is 3:17 (פֹּת) * ;]

figure, fashion: I Co 7:31, Phl 2:8.†
SYN.: v.s. μορφή

σχίζω [in LXX chiefly for בָּקַע ;]

to cleave, rend: Mt 27:51, Mk 1:10 15:38, Lk 5:36 23:45, Jo 19:24 21:11; metaph., in pass., to be divided into factions, Ac 14:4 23:7.†

* σχίσμα, -τος, τό (< σχίζω),

a rent (Arist., al.): Mt 9:16, Mk 2:21. Metaph., a dissension, division: Jo 7:43 9:16 10:19, I Co 1:10 11:18 12:25.†
SYN.: v.s. αἵρεσις

σχοινίον, -ου, τό (dimin. of σχοῖνος, a rush),

[in LXX chiefly for a rope (prop., one made of rushes): Jo 2:15, Ac 27:32.†

σχολάζω (< σχολή), [in LXX: Ex 5:8, 17, Ps 46:10 (רָפָה ni., hi.) * ;]

to be at leisure, hence, to have time or opportunity for, to devote oneself to, be occupied in: I Co 7:5; of things, to be unoccupied, empty (Plut., Eur., al.): οἶκος, Mt 12:44, Lk 11:25 (T [WH], R, om.).†

σχολή, -ῆς, ἡ [in LXX: Ge 33:14 (κατὰ σ., אַט), Pr 28:19, Si 38:24 * ;]

1. leisure.
2. Later (from Plato on),
(a) that for which leisure is employed, a disputation, lecture;
(b) the place where lectures are delivered, a school: Ac 19:9 (for the later sense of employment, v. MM, xxiv).†

[NT: 106x] σώζω (on the more accurate σῴζω, v. WH, Intr., §410; Bl., §3, 1-3), [in LXX chiefly for ישׁע hi., also for מלט ni., נצל ni., etc. ;]

to save from peril, injury or suffering: Mt 8:25, Mk 13:20, Lk 23:35, al.; τ. ψυχήν, Mt 16:25, al.; seq. ἐκ, Jo 12:27, He 5:7, Ju 5; of healing, restoring to health: Mt 9:22, Mk 5:34, al. In NT, esp. of salvation from spiritual disease and death, in which sense it is "spoken of in Scripture as either (1) past, (2) present, or (3) future, according as redemption, grace, or glory is the point in view. Thus (1) Ro 8:24, Eph 2:5, 8 II Ti 1:9, Tit 3:5; (2) Ac 2:47, I Co 1:18, 15:2, II Co 2:15; (3) Mt 10:22, Ro 13:11, Phl 2:12, He 9:28" (Vau. on Ro 5:9). Seq. ἀπό, Mt 1:21, Ac 2:40, Ro 5:9; ἐκ, Ja 5:20, Ju 23 (cf. Cremer, 532ff.).

[p. 437]

[NT: 142x] σῶμα, -τος, τό, [in LXX for גְּוִיָּה ,בָּשָׂר, etc., and for Aram. נְבֵלָה ;]

a body.
1. Prop., of the human body,
(a) as always in Hom. (opp. to δέμας), of the dead body: Mt 27:58, 59 Mk 15:43, al.;
(b) of the living body: Lk 11:34, I Co 6:13, al.; ἐν σ. εἶναι, He 13:3; as the instrument of the soul, τὰ διὰ τοῦ σ., II Co 5:10; opp. to πνεῦμα, Ro 8:10, I Co 5:3 7:4, Ja 2:26; to ψυχή, Mt 6:25 10:28, Lk 12:22 (cf. Wi 1:1, al.); to τὸ π. καὶ ἡ ψ., I Th 5:23; σ. ψυχικόν, opp. to σ. πνευματικόν, I Co 15:44; ὁ ναὸς τοῦ σ. αὐτοῦ (gen. epexeg.), Jo 2:21; τὸ σ. τ. ταπεινώσεως (Hebraistic "gen. of definition"; M, Pr., 73f.; Bl., §35, 5), opp. to τὸ σ. τ. δοξῆς αὐτοῦ, Phl 3:21; similarly, τὸ σ. τ. σαρκός, Col 1:22; σ. τοῦ θανάτου (subject to death), Ro 7:24; σ. τ. ἁμαρτίας, Ro 6:6;
(c) periphr., ἀνθρώπου, then absol., σῶμα (Soph., Xen., al.), a person, and in later writers (Polyb., al.), a slave: Re 18:13 (cf. MM, i, ii, xxiv; Deiss., BS, 160).
2. Of the bodies of animals: living, Ja 3:3; dead, He 13:11 ( Ex 29:14, al.).
3. Of inanimate objects (cf. Eng. "heavenly bodies"): I Co 15:37, 38 40 (Diod., al.).
4. Of any corporeal substance (Plat., al.): opp. to σκιά, Col 2:17. Metaph., of a number of persons united by a common bond; in NT, of the Church as the spiritual body of Christ: Ro 12:5, I Co 10:16, 17 12:13, 27, Eph 1:23 2:16 4:4, 12, 16 5:23, 30, Col 1:18, 24 2:19 3:15; ἓν σ. κ. ἓν πνεῦμα, Eph 4:4.

** σωματικός, -ή, -όν (< σῶμα), [in LXX: IV Mac 1:32 Mac 3:1 * ;]

(a) of or for the body, bodily: γυμνασία, I Ti 4:8;
(b) (opp. to ἀσώματος) bodily, corporeal: εἶδος, Lk 3:22.†

* σωματικῶς adv.,

bodily, corporeally: Col 2:9 (v. ICC, Lft., in l).†

Σώπατρος, -ου, ὁ

Sopater: Ac 20:4.†

σωρεύω [in LXX: Pr 25:22 (חָתָה), Jth 15:11 * ;]

(a) to heap on: c. acc seq. ἐπί c. acc, Ro 12:20 (LXX) (Arist., al.);
(b) to heap with: c. acc et dat., metaph., ἁμαρτίαις, II Ti 3:6 (overwhelmed with, Field, Notes, 217) (Polyb.).†

Σωσθένης, -ου, ὁ

(a) a Jewish ruler: Ac 18:7;
(b) a Christian: I Co 1:1.†

Σωσίπατρος, -ου, ὁ

Sosipater: Ro 16:21.†

σωτήρ, -ῆρος, ὁ (< σώζω), [in LXX for יָשַׁע and cognate forms ;]

saviour, deliverer, preserver, a freq. epithet of kings in the Ptolemaic and Rom. periods (Deiss., BS, 83; LAE, 368 f.; MM, xxiv), in NT,
(a) of God (as LXX: Ps 24:5, Is 12:2, al.): Lk 1:47, I Ti 1:1 2:3 4:10, Tit 1:3 2:10 3:4, Ju 25;
(b) of Christ: Lk 2:11, Ac 5:31 13:23, Phl 3:20; τ. κόσμου, Jo 4:42, I Jn 4:14 (for the general use of the word, v. Westc., in l); ἡμῶν, II Ti 1:10, Tit 1:4 3:6; θεὸς (κύριος) καὶ σ. (v. Deiss., LAE, 348.4; M, Pr., 84), Tit 2:13, II Pe 1:1 1:11 2:20 3:2 3:18; σ. τοῦ σώματος (i.e. of the Church; v.s. σῶμα, 5), Eph 5:23.†

σωτηρία, -ας, ἡ (< σωτήρ), [in LXX for יֶשַׁע, יְשׁוּעָה, תְּשׁוּעָה, פְּלֵיטָה, etc. ;]

deliverance, preservation, salvation, safety (Lat. salus): Ac 7:25 27:34, He 11:7; ἐξ ἐχθρῶν, Lk 1:71. In NT esp. of Messianic and spiritual salvation (v.s. σώζω): Lk 19:9, Jo 4:22, Ac 4:12 13:47, Ro 11:11, [p. 438] II Th 2:13, II Ti 3:15, He 2:3 6:9, II Pe 3:15, Ju 3; opp. to ἀπηώλεια, Phl 1:28; αἰώνιος-., He 5:9; ὁ λόγος (τὸ εὐαγγέλιον) τῆς σ., Ac 13:26, Eph 1:13; ὁδὸς σωτηρίας, Ac 16:17; κέρας σωτηρίας, Lk 1:69; ἡμέρα σωτηρίας, II Co 6:2 (LXX); κατεργάζεσθαι τὴν ἑαυτοῦ σ., Phl 2:12; κληρονομεῖν σ., He 1:14; ὁ ἀρχηγὸς τῆς σ., He 2:10; εἰς σ., Ro 1:16 10:1, 10, I Pe 2:2; σ. as a present possession (v.s. σώζω), Lk 1:77, II Co 1:6 7:10, Phl 1:19, II Ti 2:10; as more fully realized in the future: Ro 13:11, I Th 5:8-9, He 9:28, I Pe 1:5 1:9-10, Re 7:10 12:10 19:1.†

σωτήριον, v.s. σωτήριος.

σωτήριος, -ον (< σωτήρ), [in LXX for יְשׁוּעָה, שֶׁלֶם, etc. ;]

saving, bringing salvation, in NT always in spiritual sense (v.s. σώζω, σωτηρία): ἡ χάρις ἡ σ., Tit 2:1. Neut., -τὸ σ., as subst. (cl.), salvation: Lk 2:30; τ. σ. τ. θεοῦ, Lk 3:6, Ac 28:28; περικεφαλαίαν τοῦ σ., Eph 6:17.†

* σωφρονέω, -ῶ (< σώφρων),

(a) to be of sound mind or in one's right mind: Mk 5:15, Lk 8:35; opp. to ἐκστῆναι, II Co 5:13 (Hdt.);
(b) to be temperate, discreet, self-controlled (opp. to μαίνεσθαι, ὑβρίζειν, etc.; sch., Thuc., al.): Tit 2:6; opp. to ὑπερφρονεῖν, Ro 12:3; σ. καὶ νήφειν, I Pe 4:7.†

** σωφρονίζω [in Aq.: Is 38:16 * ;]

to make σώφρων, recall one to his senses, control (RV, train): c. acc pers., Tit 2:4.†

σωφρονισμός, -οῦ, ὁ (< σωφρονίζω),

(a) an admonishing (F1J, Plut., al.);
(b) self-control, self-discipline: II Ti 1:7 (on the reflexive meaning here, v. Ellic., in l).†

** σωφρόνως adv., [in LXX: Wi 9:11 * ;]

with sound mind, prudently, soberly: Tit 2:12.†

** σωφροσύνη, -ης, ἡ [in LXX: Es 3:13, Wi 8:7, II Mac 4:37, IV Mac 6:1-35 * ;]

(a) soundness of mind, good sense, sanity (opp. to μανία, Xen.): Ac 26:25;
(b) self-control, sobriety: I Ti 2:9 (v. Tr., Syn., § xx), I Ti 2:15.†

** σώφρων, -ον [in LXX: IV Mac 9:1-32 * ;]

(a) of sound mind, sane, sensible;
(b) self-controlled, sober-minded: I Ti 3:2, Tit 1:8 2:2, 5 (Arist.).†


Τ, τ, ταῦ, τό, indecl.,

tau, t, the nineteenth letter. As a numeral, τ' = 300, τ, = 300,000.

Ταβειθά (Rec. Ταβιθά), ἡ (Aram. טַבְיְתָא or טְבִיתָא),

Tabitha: Ac 9:36, 40 (cf. Δορκάς).†

*† ταβέρνη

(Lat. taberna), v.s. Τρεῖς Ταβέρναι.

Ταβιθά, v.s. Ταβειθά.

τάγμα, -τος, τό (< τάσσω), [in LXX chiefly for דֶּגֶל, also for חַי, רַגְלִי ;]

that which has been arranged or placed in order; esp. as military term, a company, troop, division, rank: metaph., I Co 15:23 (v. ICC, in l).†

τακτός, -ή, -όν (< τάσσω), [in LXX: Jb 12:5 (שַׁאֲנָן) * ;]

ordered, fixed, stated: ἡμέρα, Ac 12:21,†

[p. 439]

ταλαιπωρέω, -ῶ (< ταλαίπωρος), [in LXX Chiefly for שָׁדַד pu. ;]

1. to do hard labour, suffer hardship or distress: Ja 4:9.
2. In cl. occasionally trans., to weary, distress (so Ps 17:9, Is 33:1).†

ταλαιπωρία, -ας, ἡ (< ταλαίπωρος) [in LXX chiefly for שֹׁד ;]

1. hard work (Hippocr.).
2. hardship, suffering, distress: Ro 3:16 (LXX) pl., Ja 5:1 (v. B1., § 32, 6; WM, 220; Swete, Mk., 153).
(Hdt., Thuc., al.; and cf. MM, xxiv.)†

ταλαίωρος, -ον [in LXX: Ps 137:8 (שָׁדַד), Is 33:1 (ποιεῖν τ., שָׁדַד), To 13:10, Wi 3:11, al. ;]

distressed, miserable, wretched: Ro 7:24, Re 3:17.†

* ταλαντιαῖος, -α, -ον (< τάλαντον),

(a) worth a talent;
(b) of a talent's weight: Re 16:21.†

τάλαντομ, -ον, τ [in LXX for כִּכָּר ;]

1. a balance (Hom.).
2. that which is weighed, a talent;
(a) a talent in weight (in Horn. always of gold);
(b) a sum of money, whether gold or silver, equivalent to a talent in weight (v. DB, iii, 418 ff.): Mt 18:24 25:15 ff.†

ταλειθά (Rec. ταλιθά), (Aram. טְלִיתָא, v. Dalman, Gr., 150),

talitha, i.e. maiden: Mk 5:41.†

ταμεῖον (late syncopated form of cl. ταμιεῖον; v. M, Pr., 44 f.; Bl., § 6, 5; Thackeray, Gr., 63 ff.; Deiss., BS, 182 f.), -ον, τό, [in LXX chiefly for חֶדֶר ;]

1. a treasury (Thuc., al).
2. a store-chamber (Arist., Xen.; De 28:8): Lk 12:24.
3. an inner chamber (Xen., Hell., v, 4, 5 Is 26:20, al.): Mt 6:6 24:26, Lk 12:3.†

τάξις, -εως, ἡ (< τάσσω), [in LXX: Jb 38:12 (מָקוֹם), Ps 110:4 (דִּבְרָה), II Mac 9:18, al. ;]

1. an arranging, hence, in military sense, disposition of an army, battle array (Thuc., al.).
2. arrangement, order (Plat., al): Lk 1:8.
3. due order: Col 2:5 (ICC, in l); κατὰ τάξιν, I Co 14:40.
4. office, order (for exx., v. MM, xxiv): He 5:6 (LXX), He 5:6 6:20 7:11, 17 (LXX).†

ταπεινός, -ή, -όν [in LXX for שָׁפָל, עָנִי, etc. ;]

low-lying; metaph.,
(a) lowly, of low degree, brought low: Ja 1:9, II Co 7:6 (cf. Si 25:23); οἱ τ., opp. to δυνάσται, Lk 1:52; τ. ταπεινοῖς (neut., R, txt.; masc., R, mg.; v. ICC, in l), Ro 12:16;
(b) lowly in spirit, humble, in cl. usually in a slighting sense (v. Tr., Syn., § xlii; but v. also Abbott, Essays, 81), in NT in an honourable sense: II Co 10:1; seq. τ. καρδίᾳ, Mt 11:29 (cf. Ps 34:19); opp. to ὑπερήφανος, Ja 4:6, I Pe 5:5 (LXX).†

*† ταπεινοφροσύνη, -ης, ἡ (< ταπεινόφρων)

lowliness of mind, humility: Ac 20:19, Eph 4:2, Phl 2:3, Col 3:12, I Pe 5:5; of a false humility, Col 2:18, 23 (rare outside of NT, but found in bad sense in FlJ, BJ, iv, 9, 2; also in Epictet., v. Tr., Syn., § xlii).†

ταπεινόφρων, -ον (< ταπεινός, φρήν), [in LXX: Pr 29:23 (רוּחַ שָׁפָל)* ;]

humble-minded: I Pe 3:8 (in bad sense, Plut., 2, 336 E, cf. Deiss., LAE, 72.3).†

[p. 440]

ταπεινόω, -ῶ (< ταπεινός), [in LXX chiefly for עָנָה, also for שָׁפֵל, כָּנַע, etc. ;]

to make low: ὄρος (βουνόν), Lk 3:5 (LXX). Metaph., to humble, abase: Mt 18:4 23:12, Lk 14:11 18:14, II Co 11:7 12:21, Phl 2:8; pass., Mt 23:12, Lk 14:11 18:14, Phl 4:12; id. with mid. sense, Ja 4:10, I Pe 5:6.†

ταπείνωσις, -εως, ἡ (< ταπεινόω), [in LXX chiefly for עֳנִי ;]

abasement, humiliation, low estate: Lk 1:48, Ac 8:33 (LXX), Phl 3:21, Ja 1:10 (Plat., Arist., and later writers).†

ταράσσω [in LXX for בָּהַל, רָגַז, etc., forty-six words in all ;]

to disturb, trouble, stir up: primarily in physical sense (Hom., Eur.): τ. ὕδωρ, Jo 1:5 [4], Jo 1:7. Metaph., of the mind (Æsch., Plat., al.), to trouble, disquiet, perplex: Ac 15:24, Ga 1:7 5:10; ἑαυτόν (troubled himself; Westc., in l), Jo 11:33; of a crowd, to stir up, Ac 17:8, 13; pass., Mt 2:3 14:26, Mk 6:50, Lk 1:12 24:38, Jo 12:27 (Ps 6:4) Ps 14:1, 7, I Pe 3:14 (LXX); τ. πνεύματι, Jo 13:21 (cf. δια-, ἐκ-ταράσσω)

ταραχή, -ῆς, ἡ (< ταράσσω), [in LXX for חָלָה, מְהוּמָה, etc. ;]

trouble, disturbance: τ. ὕδατος, Jo 1:5 [4]. In pl. (as in cl.), tumults: Mk 13:8, Rec.†

τάραχος, -ου, ὁ (< ταράσσω), [in LXX for מְהוּמָה, etc. ;]

later form of ταραχή (Xen., al.; v. Thackeray, Gr., 159): Ac 12:18 19:23.†

Ταρσεύς, -έως, ὁ (< Ταρσός),

of Tarsus: Ac 9:11 21:39.†

Ταρσός, -oῦ

Tarsus, a city of Cilicia: Ac 9:30 11:25 22:3.†

*† ταρταρόω, -ῶ (< Τάρταρος, a Greek name for the underworld, esp. the abode of the damned),

to cast into hell: II Pe 2:4 (v. Mayor, in l).†

τάσσω [in LXX chiefly for שׂוּם, also for צָוָה pi., נָתַן, etc. ;]

primarily, in military sense, then generally, to draw up in order, arrange in place, assign, appoint, order: c. dat. (acc) et inf. (Bl., § 72, 5), Ac 15:2 18:2 (διατ-, WH) Ac 22:10; ἑαυτούς, I Co 16:15; pass., Mt 8:9 (T [WH], R, txt., om.), Lk 7:8, Ro 13:1; ὅσοι ἦσαν τεταγμένοι εἰς ζωὴν αἰώνιον (perh. in mid. sense; v. EGT and Page, in l), Ac 13:48; mid., to appoint for oneself or by one's own authority, Mt 28:16, Ac 28:23.†

ταῦρος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX chiefly for שׁוֹר ;]

a bull: Mt 22:4, Ac 14:13, He 9:13 10:4.†

ταφή, -ῆς, ἡ (< θάπτω), [in LXX chiefly for קָבַר and cognate forms ;]

burial: Mt 27:7 (Hdt., al.; for other meanings, v. LS, s.v., Deiss., BS, 355 f., MM xxiv).†

τάφος, -ου, ὁ (< θάντω), [in LXX chiefly for קֶבֶר ;]

1. a burial (Hom., al.).
2. a grave, tomb (Res., Hdt., al.): Mt 23:27, 29 27:61, 64 27:66 28:1, Ro 3:13 (LXX).†

** τάχα (< ταχύς), adv., [in LXX: Wi 13:6 14:19 * ;]

(a) (chiefly poët.), quickly, presently;
(b) perhaps: Ro 5:7, Phm 15.†

τάχειον, v.s. ταχύ.

ταχέως (< ταχύς) adv., [in LXX chiefly for מְהֵרָה and cognate [p. 441] forms ;]

quickly, hastily: Lk 14:21 16:6, Jo 11:31, I Co 4:19, Phl 2:19, 24, II Ti 4:9; with suggestion of rashness, Ga 1:6, II Th 2:2, I Ti 5:22.†

ταχινός, -ή, -όν [in LXX: Pr 1:16, Hb 1:6, Is 59:7 (מָהַר), Wi 13:2, Si 11:22 18:26 * ;]

poët. and late for ταχύς, swift: of swift approach, II Pe 1:14 2:1.†

τάχιστα, v.s. ταχύ.

τάχος, -ους, τό [in LXX chiefly for parts and derivatives of מָהַר ;]

swiftness, speed. Adverbially, ἐν τ. (< ταχέως), quickly, speedily, soon: Lk 18:8, Ac 12:7 22:18 25:4, Ro 16:20, I Ti 3:14, Re 1:1 22:6.†

ταχύ (neut. of ταχύς), adv., [in LXX chiefly for מָהַר pi. ;]

quickly, speedily, forthwith: Mt 5:25 28:7-8, Mk 9:39, Lk 15:22, Jo 11:29, Re 2:16 3:11 11:14 22:7, 12 22:2 o. Compar., τάχειον (T, Rec. τάχιον), = cl. θᾶσσον, θᾶττον (Att..), (v. Bl., § 44, 3): Jo 13:27 20:4, I Ti 3:14 (T, Rec.), He 13:19, 23 Superl., τάχιστα: ὡς τ., as quickly as possible (BL, § 11, 3), Ac 17:15.†

ταχύς, -εῖα, -ύ [in LXX chiefly for מָהַר pi. ;]

quick, swift, speedy: opp. to βραδύς, Ja 119.†

[NT: 215x] τέ, enclitic copulative particle (= Lat. -que as καί = et, ac, atque, not very freq. in NT, more than two-thirds of the occurrences being in Ac.

1. τέ solitarium, and, denoting a closer affinity than καί between words and sentences which it connects (BL, §77, 8): Mt 28:12, Jo 4:42, Ac 2:33, 37 40 10:22 11:21, al.
2. Denoting a closer connection than simple καί, τὲ . . . καί, τὲ καί, τὲ . . . τέ (Ac 26:16 Ro 14:8), as well . . . as also, both . . . and: Lk 12:45, Ac 1:1 15:9, 21:30, al.; τὲ . . . δέ, and . . . and, Ac 19:2; τὲ γάρ . . . ὁμοίως δὲ καί, Ro 1:26, 27.

τεῖχος, -ους, τό [in LXX chiefly for חוֹמָה ;]

a wall, esp. that about a town: Ac 9:25, II Co 11:33, He 11:30, Re 21:12-19

** τεκμήριον, -ου, τό (< τέκμαρ, a mark, sign), [in LXX: Wi 5:4 19:13, III Mac 3:24 * ;]

a sure sign, a positive proof: Ac 1:1-26 (for exx., v. MM, xxiv).†
SYN.: ἔνδειγμα, q.v

τεκνίον, -ου, τό (dimin. of τέκνον),

a little child: as a term of endearment, in voc. pl., Jo 13:33, Ga 4:19, I Jn 2:1 Jn 2:12 Jn 2:28 Jn 3:7 Jn 3:13 Jn 4:4 Jn 5:21.†

*† τεκνογονέω, -ῶ

to beget or bear children: I Ti 5:14 (Anthol.).†

* τεκνογονία, -ας, ἡ,

child-bearing: I Ti 2:15 (Arist.).†

[NT: 99x] τέκνον, -ου, τό (< τίκτω), [in LXX chiefly for בֵּן, also for יֶלֶד, etc. ;]

that which is begotten, born (cf. Scottish bairn), a child of either sex: Mk 13:12, Lk 1:7, Ac 7:5; pl., Mt 7:11, Mk 7:27, Lk 1:17, Eph 6:1, al.; τέκνα ἐπαγγελίας, Ro 9:8; τ. τῆς σαρκός, ib.; in a wider sense (as Heb. בָּנִים), of posterity, Mt 2:18, Lk 3:8, al.; specif., of a male child, Mt 21:28, Ac 21:21, a,l.; in voc. as a form of kindly address from an elder to a junior or from a teacher to a disciple, Mt 9:2 21:28, Mk 2:5, Lk 2:48; τ. μου (= cl. τ. μοι; v. Bl., §37, 5), Ga 4:19 (τεκνία, WH, txt.), II Ti 2:1. Metaph.,
(a) of disciples (apart from direct address, v. supr.): Phm 10, I Ti 1:2, Tit 1:4, III Jo 4;
(b) with reference to the Fatherhood of God (v.s. πατήρ, γεννάω), τέκνα τ. θεοῦ (cf. Is 30:1, Wi 16:21): Ro 8:16, Eph 5:1, Phl 2:15; and esp. in Johannine bks. (cf. Westc, Epp. Jo., 94, 120), [p. 442] Jo 1:12, I Jo 3:1 al.;
(c) of those who imitate others and are therefore regarded as the spiritual offspring of their exemplars: Mt 3:9, Lk 3:8, Jo 8:39, Ro 9:7, I Pe 3:6; τ. διαβόλου, I Jo 3:10;
(d) as in Heb. (LXX, Jl 2:23, Ps 149:2, I Mac 1:38), of the inhabitants of a city: Mt 23:37, Lk 13:34 19:44, Ga 4:25;
(e) with an adjectival gen., freq. rendering a Heb. expression, adopted from LXX or formed on the analogy of its language, but sometimes with parallels in Gk. writers (v. Deiss., BS, 161ff.): τέκνα φωτός, Eph 5:8; τ. ὑπακοῆς, I Pe 1:14; κατάρας, II Pe 2:14; ὀργῆς, Eph 2:3.
SYN.: v.s. παῖς.

* τεκνο-τροφέω, -ῶ

to rear young (of bees, Arist.),
to bring up children: I Ti 5:10.†

τέκτων, -ονος, ὁ [in LXX chiefly for חָרָשׁ ;]

an artificer in wood, stone or metal, but esp. a carpenter (v. MM, xxiv): Mt 13:55, Mk 6:3.†

τέλειος, -α, -ον (< τέλος), [in LXX chiefly for שָׁלֵם, תָּמִים and cogn. forms ;]

having reached its end, finished, mature, complete, perfect;
1. of persons, primarily of physical development,
(a) full-grown, mature: He 5:14; ethically: Phl 3:15; opp. to νήπιος (-άζειν), I Co 2:6 14:20, Eph 4:13; τ. καὶ πεπληροφορημένοι, Col 4:12; τ. ἐν Χριστῷ, Col 1:28;
(b) complete, perfect (expressing the simple idea of complete goodness, without reference either to maturity or to the philosophical idea of a τέλος; v. Hort on Ja 1:4): Mt 5:48 19:21, Ja 1:4 3:2; of God, Mt 5:48.
2. Of things, complete, perfect: Ro 12:2; ἔργον, Ja 1:4; νόμος, Ja 1:25; δώρημα, Ja 1:17; ἀγάπη, I Jn 4:18; τὸ τ., I Co 13:10; compar., τελειοτέρα (σκηνή), He 9:11.
(There is probably no reference in St. Paul's usage to the use of this term in the ancient mysteries; cf. ICC on Col 1:28; but v. also Lft., in l, and Notes, 173 f.) †
SYN.: v.s. ὁλόκληρος (and cf. Rendall, He., 158 ff.)

τελειότης, -ητος, ἡ (< τέλειος), [in LXX: Jg 9:16, 19 (תָּמִים), Pr 11:3 (תֻּמָּה), Wi 6:15 12:17, Je 2:2 * ;]

perfection, completeness: Col 3:14, He 6:1

τελειόω, -ῶ (< τέλειος), [in LXX: Ex 29:9, Le 4:5, al. (τ. χεῖρ מָלֵא pi.), II Ki 22:26, al. (תָּמַם), Wi 4:13, al. (cf. Westc., He., 64) ;]

1. bring to an end, finish, accomplish, fulfil: Jo 4:34, Ac 20:24; of time, Lk 2:43, Jo 5:36 17:4; pass., ἡ γραφή, Jo 19:28.
2. to bring to maturity or completeness, to complete, perfect;
(a) of things: He 7:19, Ja 2:22, I Jn 2:5 Jn 4:12 Jn 4:17 :
(b) of persons, in ethical and spiritual sense: He 2:10 9:9 10:1, 14; pass., Lk 13:32, Jo 17:23, Phl 3:12, He 5:9 7:28 11:40 12:23, I Jn 4:18 (for a different view of the meaning in He 2:10, al., v. Rendall, in l).†

** τελείως (< τέλειος), adv., [in LXX: Jth 11:6, II Mac 12:42, III Mac 3:26 Mac 7:22, R* ;]

completely, perfectly: I Pe 1:13.†

τελείωσις, -εως, ἡ (< τελειόω), [in LXX chiefly for מִלֻּא, Ex 29:22, al. ;]

fulfilment, completion, perfection: Lk 1:45, He 7:11.†

τελειωτής, -οῦ, ὁ (< τελειόω),

a consummator, finisher: He 12:2 (nowhere else).†

** τελεσφορέω, -ῶ (< τέλος, φέρω) [in LXX: IV Mac 13:20 * ;]

(a) of [p. 443] plants, to bring fruit to perfection (Theophr.): Lk 8:14
(b) of females, to bear perfect offspring (Artemid.; 4Mac, l.c.).†

τελευτάω, -ῶ (< τελευτή), [in LXX chiefly for מוּת ;]

1. trans., to complete, finish; esp. τ. τ. αἰῶνα, τ. βίον, to complete life, to die (Æsch., Hdt., al.).
2. Intrans., to come to an end, hence, to die (Hdt., al.): Mt 2:19 9:18 22:25, Mk 9:48, Lk 7:2, Jo 11:39, Ac 2:29 7:15, He 11:22; Hebraistically, θανάτῳ τελευτάτω (מוּת, Ex 21:17), Mt 15:4, Mk 7:10 (LXX).†

τελευτή, -ῆς, ἡ (< τελέω), [in LXX chiefly for מוּת, מָוֶת ;]

1. a finishing.
2. an end: τ. βίου (Hdt., al.): also without βίου, the end of life, death (Hdt., Plat., al.): Mt 2:15.†

τελέω, -ῶ (< τέλος), [in LXX for כָּלָה, pi., etc. ;]

1. to bring to an end, complete, finish: τ. δρόμον, II Ti 4:7; τ. λόγους, Mt 7:28 19:1 26:1; τ. παραβολάς, Mt 13:53; τ. πόλεις, Mt 10:23; pass., Re 15:8 20:3, 5 20:7; c. ptcp., Mt 11:1.
2. to execute, perform, complete, fulfil: Lk 2:39, Ac 13:29, Ro 2:27, II Co 12:9, Ga 5:16, Ja 2:8, Re 11:7; pass., Lk 12:50 18:31 22:37, Jo 19:28, 30, Re 10:7 15:1 17:17.
3. to pay (freq. in cl.): Mt 17:24, Ro 13:6
(cf. ἀπο-, δια-, ἐκ-, ἐπι-, συν-τελέω).†

τέλος, -ους, τό [in LXX for קֵץ, etc.; εἰς τὸ τ., chiefly for נֶצַח and cognate forms ;]

1. end: most freq. of the termination or limit of an act or state (in NT also of the end of a period of time, cl. τελευτή), Lk 1:33, I Co 10:11, II Co 3:13, I Pe 4:7; by meton., of one who makes an end, Ro 10:4; ἕως (ἄχρι, μέκρι) τέλους, I Co 1:8, II Co 1:13, He 3:14 6:11, Re 2:26; εἰς τ., to or at the end, Mt 10:22, Mk 13:13, Lk 18:5, Jo 13:1 (or here, to the uttermost, v. Westc., in l); τ. ἔχειν, Lk 22:37; adverbially, τὸ δὲ τέλος, finally, I Pe 3:8; of the last in a series, Re 21:6 22:13; of the issue, fate or destiny, Mt 26:58; c. gen. rei, Ro 6:21, al.; c. gen. pers., II Co 11:13, al.; of the aim or purpose, I Ti 1:5.
2. toll, custom, revenue: Ro 13:7; pl., as most usually, Mt 17:25

* τελώνης, -ου, ὁ (< τέλος, ὠνέομαι)

1. a farmer of taxes (Let. publicanus).
2. A subordinate of the former, who collected taxes or tolls in a particular district, a tax-gatherer (EV, publican): Mt 5:46 10:3, Lk 3:12 5:27, 29 7:29 18:10-11, 13; pl., τ. κ. ἁμαρτωλοί, Mt 9:10-11 11:19, Mk 2:15-16, Lk 5:30 7:34 15:1; τ. κ. πόρναι, Mt 21:31-32; ὁ ἐθνικὸς κ. ὁ τ., Mt 18:17 (cf. DB, iv, 172; ext., 394 f.; MM, xxiv).†

*† τελώνιον, -ου, τό (< τελώνης),

a custom house (so in MGr.), tollhouse, place of toll: Mt 9:9, Mk 2:14, Lk 5:27.†

τέρας, -ατος, τό [in LXX chiefly for מוֹפֵת ;]

a wonder, marvel: in NT always pl., τ. κ. σημεῖα, Mt 24:24, al. (v.s. σημεῖον)

Τέρτιος, -ου, ὁ

Tertius: Ro 16:22.†

Τέρτυλλος, -ου, ό

Tertullus: Ac 2:1-2.†

τέσσαρες (and Ion. and late -ερεν, and late acc -εν; v. WH, App., 150; M, Pr., 36, 45 f.), οἱ, αἱ, -αρα, τά, gen., -ων,

four: Mt 24:31, Mk 2:3, Lk 2:37, Jo 11:17 19:23, Ac 10:11, Re 4:4, 6, al

τεσσαρεσ-και-δέκατος, -η, -ον

fourteenth: Ac 27:27, 33.†

τεσσεράκοντα (Rec. τεσσαρ-, v, WH, App., 150; M, Pr., 45 f.; [p. 444] Thackeray, Gr., 62 f., 73 f.), οἱ, αἱ, τά, indecl.,

forty: Mt 4:2, Mk 1:13, Lk 4:2, Jo 2:20, Ac 1:3, al

** τεσσερακονταετίς (Τ, -έτης; Rec. τεσσαρ-, v. supr.), -ές

of forty years, forty years old: Ac 7:23 13:18.†

τεταρταῖος, -α, -ον (< τέταρτος), [in LXX: II Ki 3:4 A (רְבִיעִי) * ;]

of or on the fourth day: τ. εἶναι (Hdt., τ. γενέσθαι), to be four days dead, Jo 11:39.†

τέταρτος, -η, -ον [in LXX chiefly for רְבִיעִי ;]

fourth: Mt 14:25, Mk 6:48, Ac 10:30, Re 4:7 6:7-8 8:12 16:8 21:19.†

τετρααρχέω (Rec. τετραρχ-; v. WH, App., 145), -ῶ (< τετραάρχης),

to be tetrarch: c. gen., Lk 3:1 (FlJ, BJ, iii, 10, 7).†

τετραάρχης (Rec. τετράρχης, v. supr.), -ου, ὁ (< τετρα- in corp. = τέτορα, Doric for τέσσαρα, + ἄρχω),

a tetrarch, i.e.
(a) prop., the governor of a fourth part of a region (Strab.);
(b) any petty ruler (Plut.); in NT, of Herod Antipas: Mt 14:1, Lk 3:19 9:7, Ac 13:1.†

τετράγωνος, -ον (< τετρα-, v. supr., + γωνία), [in LXX for רָבַע and cogn. forms ;]

square: Re 21:16 (Hdt., Plat., al.).†

τετράδιον, ου, τό

a quarternion, a group of four: στρατιωτῶν, Ac 12:4 (Philo).

τετρακισ-χίλιοι, -αι, -α

four thousand: Mt 15:38 16:10, Mk 8:9, 20, Ac 21:38.†

τετρακόσιοι, -αι, -α,

four hundred: Ac 5:36 7:6 (LXX) 13:20, Ga 3:17.†

τετράμηνος, -ον [in LXX (neut.): Jg 19:2 A Jg 20:47 A (עַרְבָּעָה חֳדָשִׁים ) * ;]

of four months, four months; as subst., τ. (sc. ὥρα, but neut. in Rec.), Jo 4:35 (Thuc., al.).†

τετρα-πλόος, -η, -ον (-οῦς, -ῆ, -οῦν)

fourfold: Lk 19:8.†

τετρά-πους, -ουν [in LXX chiefly for בְּהֵמָה ;]

four-footed: of beasts, neut. pl., Ac 10:12 11:6, Ro 1:23.†

τετραρχέω -αρχής, v.s. τετρααρχέω, -αρχής.

τεφρόω, -ῶ (< τέφρα, ashes; Wi 2:3, al.),

to burn to ashes: II Pe 2:6.†

τέχνη, -ης, ἡ [in LXX for חׇכְמָה, מַעֲשֶׂה, עֲבֹדָה ;]

art, craft, trade: Ac 17:29 18:3, Re 18:22 (WH, R, mg., om.).†

τεχνίτης, -ου, ὁ (< τέχνη), [in LXX for חָרָשׁ, etc. ;]

a craftsman, artificer: Ac 19:24, 38, Re 18:22; of God (Wi 13:1), He 11:10.†
SYN.: δημιουργός, q.v., and cf. Tr., Syn., § cv

τήκω [in LXX for מָסַס ni., מָקַק ni., מוּג ni., etc. ;]

to melt, melt down; pass., to melt, melt away: II Pe 3:12.†

τηλαυγῶς adv. (< τῆλε, afar, + αὐγή, radiance), poët. and in late prose,

at a distance clearly: Mk 8:25 (W, mg., δηλαυγῶς).†

* τηλικοῦτος, -αύτη, -οῦτο (altern. of τηλικόσδε, -ήδε, -όνδε, strength­ened form of τηλίκος), [in LXX: II Mac 12:3, III Mac 3:9, IV Mac 16:4 * ;] [p. 445]

1. of persons,
(a) of such an age, so old;
(b) so young.
2. Of things, so great: II Co 1:10, He 2:3, Ja 3:4, Re 16:18.†

τηρέω, -ῶ [in LXX for שָׁמַר, נָצַר, etc. ;]

1. to watch over, guard, keep, preserve: Mt 27:36, Ac 16:23, al.; ἑαυτόν, II Co 11:9, I Ti 5:22, Ja 1:27, Ju 21; seq. εἰς, Jo 12:7, Ac 25:21, I Pe 1:4, II Pe 2:4 2:9 3:7, Ju 6; ἐν, Jo 17:11-12, Ju 21; ἐκ, Jo 17:15, Re 3:10; τ. πίστιν, II Ti 4:7, Re 14:12; τ. ἑνότητα τ. πνεύματος, Eph 4:3.
2. to watch, give heed to, observe: τ. σάββατον, Jo 9:16; τ. ἐντολήν (-άς), Mt 19:17, Jo 14:15 15:10, I Ti 6:14, I Jn 2:3-4 Jn 3:22 Jn 3:24 Jn 5:3, Re 12:17 14:12; τ. λόγον (-ους), Jo 8:51-52, 55 14:23-24 15:20 17:6, I Jn 2:5, Re 3:8, 10 22:7, 9; τ. νόμον, Ac 15:5, Ja 2:10; τ. παράδοσιν, Mk 7:9; τ. ἔργα, Re 2:26; τ. γεγραμμένα, Re 1:3 (cf. δια-, παρα-, συν-τηρέω)
SYN.: φυλάσσω, implying custody and protection: τ. expresses the idea of watchful care and "may mark the result of which φ. is the means" (Thayer s.v.)

** τήρησις, -εως, ἡ (< τηρέω), [in LXX: Wi 6:18, (Si 32:23), I Mac 5:18, II Mac 3:40, III Mac 5:44 * ;]

1. a watching, hence, imprisonment, ward (v. Deiss., BS, 267): Ac 4:3 5:18.
2. a keeping: τ. ἐντολῶν (cf. Sir, Wis, ll. c., and v. Westc. on I Jn 2:3.), I Co 7:19.†

[NT: 3x] Τιβεριάς, -άδος, ἡ (< Τιβέριος),

Tiberias, a city of Galilee: Jo 6:23, Jo 6:1 21:1 (cf Γεννησσαρέτ, Γαλιλαία).†

[NT: 1x] Τιβέριος, -ου, ὁ,

the Emperor Tiberius: Lk 3:1.†

[NT: 100x] τίθημι, [in LXX for שִׁית ,נתן ,שׂוּם, etc. ;]

1. causative of κεῖμαι,
(a) to place, lay, set: Lk 6:48, Ro 9:33, al.; of laying the dead to rest, Mk 15:47, Lk 23:55, Jo 11:34, Ac 7:16, al.; seq. ἐπί, c. gen., Lk 8:16, Jo 19:19, al.; id. c. acc., Mk 4:21, II Co 3:13, al.; ὑπό, Mt 5:15, al.; παρά, Ac 4:35, 37. Mid., to have put or placed, to place for oneself: of putting in prison, Ac 4:3, 5:18, 25, al.; of giving counsel, βουλήν, Ac 27:12; of laying up in one's heart, Lk 1:66 21:14 ( I Ki 21:12);
(b) to put down, lay down: of bending the knees, τ. γόνατα, to kneel, Mk 15:19, Ac 7:60, al.; of putting off garments, Jo 13:4; of laying down life, τ. ψυχήν, Jo 10:11, 15 17, 18 13:37, 38 15:13, I Jo 3:16; of laying by money, παρ ̓ ἑαυτῷ, I Co 16:2; of setting on food, Jo 2:10; metaph., of setting forth an idea in symbolism, Mk 4:30.
2. to set, fix, establish: ὑπόδειγμα, II Pe 2:6.
3. to make, appoint: Mt 22:44, Mk 12:36, Lk 20:43, Ac 2:35, Ro 4:17, al. Mid., to make, set or appoint for oneself: Ac 20:28, I Co 12:28, I Th 5:9, I Ti 1:12, al.; seq. ἵνα, Jo 15:16 (cf . ἀνα-, προσ-ανα-, ἀπο-, δια-, ἀντι-δια-, ἐκ-, ἐπι-, συν-επι-, κατα-, συν-κατα-, μετα-, παρα-, περι-, προ-, προσ-, συν-, ὑπο-τίθημι).

τίκτω [in LXX chiefly for יָלַד ;]

prop., of parents,
to beget, bring forth, but esp. the latter, and so always in NT: absol., Lk 1:57 2:6, Jo 16:21, Ga 4:27 (LXX) (v. M, Pr., 127), Re 12:2, 4; υἱόν, Mt 1:21, 23 1:25 Lk 1:31 2:7, Re 12:5, 13; pass., Mt 2:2, Lk 2:11. Metaph., of the earth, βοτάνην, He 6:7 (Æsch., al.); of lust, ἁμαρτίαν, Ja 1:15.†

τίλλω [in LXX: Es 9:3, Is 18:7, Da LXX 7:4 (מָרַט) * ;]

to pluck, pluck off: στάχυας, Mt 12:1, Mk 2:23, Lk 6:1.†

Τιμαῖος, -ου, ὁ (Aram. טִימַי (?), v. Zorell, s.v.),

Timæus: Mk 10:46.†

τιμάω, -ῶ (< τιμή), [in LXX for כָּבַד pi., עָרַךְ hi., etc. ;]

1. to [p. 446] fix the value, price: c. acc pers., of Christ, Mt 27:9 (LXX).
2. to honour: c. acc pers., Mt 15:4 (LXX), Mt 15:5, 8 (LXX) Mt 19:19 (LXX), Mk 7:6, 10 10:19, Lk 18:28 (LXX), Jo 5:23 8:49 12:26, Eph 6:2 (LXX), I Ti 5:3, I Pe 2:17; πολλαῖς τιμαῖς, Ac 28:10.†

τιμή, -ῆς, ἡ [in LXX for עֵרֶךְ, יְקָר, etc. ;]

a valuing, hence, objectively;
1. a price paid or received: c. gen. pers., Mt 27:9; c. gen. rei, Ac 5:2-3; pl., Ac 4:34 19:19; τ. αἵματος, Mt 27:6; ἠγοράσθητε τιμῆς, I Co 6:20 7:23; ὠνεῖσθαι τιμῆς ἀργυρίου, Ac 7:16.
2. esteem, honour: Ro 12:10 13:7, I Co 12:23, I Ti 5:17 6:1, He 5:4, I Pe 2:7 (R, txt., preciousness, cf. Hort, in l), I Pe 3:7; τ. διδόναι, I Co 12:24; ἔχειν, Jo 4:44, He 3:3; τ. καὶ δόξα (δ. κ. τ.), Ro 2:7, 10, I Ti 1:17, He 2:7 (LXX), He 2:9, I Pe 1:7, II Pe 1:17, Re 4:9, 11 5:12-13 7:12 21:26; τ. καὶ κράτος, I Ti 6:16; εἰς τ., Ro 9:21, II Ti 2:20-21; ἐν τ., Col 2:23; I Th 4:4; by meton., of marks of honour, Ac 28:10.†

τίμιος, -α, -ον (< τιμή), [in LXX chiefly for יָקָר ;]

valued, hence,
(a) precious, costly, highly valued: primarily, of money value, λίθος, Re 17:4 18:12, 16 21:19; pl., I Co 3:12; compar., -ώτεφος, I Pe 1:7, Rec.; superl., -ώτατος, Re 18:12 21:11; in extended sense, καρπός, Ja 5:7; αἷμα, I Pe 1:19; ἐπαγγέλματα, II Pe 1:4;
(b) held in honour, honoured, esteemed worthy: c. dat., Ac 5:34; ὁ γάμος, He 13:4; ψυχή, Ac 20:24 (where τ. is pleonastic, v. Page, in l).†

* τιμιότης, -ητος, ἡ (< τίμιος),

preciousness, worth: Re 18:19 (cf. Hort on τιμή, I Pe 2:7).†

Τιμόθεος, -ου, ὁ

Timothy: Ac 17:14-15 18:5, Ro 16:21, al.

Τίμων, -ωνος, ὁ

Timon: Ac 6:5.†

τιμωρέω, -ῶ (< τιμή + οὖρος, a guardian) [in LXX: Ez 5:17 14:15 (שָׁכֹל pi), Wi 12:20 18:8, al. ;]

1. to help.
2. to avenge; mid., to avenge oneself on, punish (Hdt., Eur., al): act, in this sense, Ac 22:5 26:11 (v. MM, xxiv).†

τιμωρία, -ας, ἡ (< τιμωρέω), [in LXX: Pr 24:22 (פִּיד), etc. ;]

1. help, assistance.
2. vengeance, punishment: He 10:29.†
SYN.: κόλασις, q.v., and cf. MM, xxiv

τίνω [in LXX: Pr 27:12 (τ. ζημίαν, for עָנַשׁ ni.), etc. ;]

to pay: t. δίκην (cf. Pr, l.c.), to pay penalty, II Th 1:9 (v. M, Th., in l).†

[NT: 496x] τις, neut., τι, gen., τινός, enclitic indefinite pron., related to interrog. τίς as πού, πως, ποτέ to ποῦ, πῶς, πότε.

I. As subst.,
1. one, a certain one: Lk 9:49, Jo 11:1, Ac 5:25, al.; pl., τίνες, certain, some: Lk 13:1, Ac 15:1, Ro 3:8, al.
2. someone, anyone, something, anything: Mt 12:29, Mk 9:30, Lk 8:46, Jo 2:25, Ac 17:25, Ro 5:7, al.; = indef., one (French on), Mk 8:4, Jo 2:25, Ro 8:24, al.; pl., τινες, some, Mk 14:4, al.
II. II. As adj.,
1. a certain: Mt 18:12, Lk 1:5 8:27, Ac 3:2, al.; with proper names, Mk 15:21, Lk 23:26, al.; c. gen. partit., Lk 7:19, al.

[NT: 566x] τίς, neut., τί, gen., τίνος, interrog. pron., [in LXX for מָה ,מִי ;] in masc. and fem.,

who, which, what?; in neut., which, what?, used both in direct and in indirect questions.
I. I. As subst.,
1. 1. masc., fem.: τίς; who, what?, Mt 3:7 26:68; Mk 11:28, Lk 9:9, al. mult.; c. gen. partit., Ac 7:52, He 1:5, al; seq. ἐκ (= gen. partit.), Mt 6:27, Lk 14:28, Jo 8:46; = ποῖος, Mk 4:41 6:2, Lk 19:3, Ac 17:19, al.; = πότερος (M, Pr., 77), Mt 21:31 27:17, Lk 22:27, al.; = ὅς or ὅστις (rare in cl.; cf. Bl., §50, 5; M, Pr., 93), Ac 13:25.
2. Neut.: τί; what?, Mt 5:47 11:7, Mk 10:3, al.; χάριν τίνος, I Jo 3:12; διὰ τί, Mt 9:11, al.; εἰς τί, Mt 14:31, al.; elliptically, ἵνα τί (sc. γένηται), why, Mt 9:5, al.; τί οὖν, Ro 3:9 6:1, 15 I Co 14:15, al.; τί γάρ, Ro 3:3, Phi 1:18; τί ἐμοὶ (ὑμῖν) καὶ σοί, v.s. ἔγω.
II. As adj.: who? what? which?, Mt 5:46, Lk 14:31, Jo 2:18, al.
III. As adv.: = διὰ τι [p. 447] (τί ὅτι), why, Mt 6:28, Mk 4:40, Lk 6:46, Jo 18:23, al.; in rhet. questions, = a negation, Mt 27:4, Jo 21:22, 23 I Co 5:12 7:16, al. in exclamations (like Heb. מָה), how (II Ki 6:20, Ps 3:2, al.), Lk 12:49.

**† τίτλος, -ου, ὁ (Lat. titulus), [in Aq., Sm., Th.: Je 21:4 * ;]

a title, inscription: Jo 19:19-20 (in Christian Inscr., epitaph, v. MM. xxiv).†

Τίτος, -ου, ὁ

1. St. Paul's disciple and companion: II Co 2:13 7:6 7:13-14 8:6 8:16 8:23 12:18, Ga 2:1, 3, II Ti 4:10, Tit 1:4, subscr., Rec. (Τῖτος).
2. One surnamed Justus: Ac 18:7, RV (T, WH, Τίτιος).†

Τίτιος, -ου, ὁ,

Titius, surnamed Justus: Ac 18:7, T, WH (RV., Τίτος).†

τοι-γαρ-οῦν an inferential particle, [in LXX: Jb 22:10 24:22, Si 41:16, al. ;]

wherefore then, so therefore: I Th 4:8, He 12:1 (Hat., Plat., al.).†

τοί-νυν an inferential particle, [in LXX: Is 3:10 5:13 27:4, Wi 1:11 8:9, a1. * ;]

accordingly, therefore: as in cl., after the first word in a sentence, I Co 9:26; acc to later usage, at the beginning, Lk 20:25, He 13:13.†

τοιόσδε, -άδε, -όνδε

such: II Pe 1:17.†

τοιοῦτος, -αύτη, -οῦτο (as usually in Att.. prose. Ep. and Ion. neut. -οῦτον in Al., Ac 21:25, Rec. only),

correlat. of οἷος, ὁποῖος, ὥς, etc.,
such as this, of such a kind, such: Mt 9:8 18:5, Mk 4:33 6:2 7:13 9:37 (T, τούτων), Jo 9:16, Ac 16:24, I Co 5:1 11:16, II Co 3:4 3:12 12:3, He 7:26 8:1 12:3 13:16, Ja 4:16; οἷος . . . τ., I Co 15:48, II Co 10:11; id. pleonast. (v. Bl., § 50, 4), Mk 13:19; seq. ὁποῖος, Ac 26:29; ὥς, Phm 9. As subst., anarth: pl., Lk 9:9; c. art., ὁ τ., such a one (Bl., § 47, 9; Ellic. on Ga 5:21): Ac 22:22, I Co 5:5, al.; pl., Mt 19:14, Mk 10:14, al.; neut. pl., Ac 19:25, Ro 1:32, al

τοῖχος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX chiefly for קִיר ;]

a wall, esp. of a house: fig., Ac 23:3 (cf. τεῖχος).†

τόκος, -ου, ὁ (< τίκτω), [in LXX for נֶשֶׁךְ, etc. ;]

(a) a bringing forth, birth;
(b) offspring. Metaph., of the produce of money lent out, interest, usury (cf. Merch. of Venice, I, iii, "a breed of barren metal "): Mt 25:27, Lk 19:23 (Soph., Plat., al.).†

τολμάω, -ῶ [in LXX: Jb 15:12 (לָקַח), Es 1:18 7:5 (לֵב מָלֵא) Jth 14:13, II Mac 4:2, III Mac 3:21 R, IV Mac 8:18 * ;]

to have courage, to venture, dare, be bold: absol, II Co 11:21; seq. ἐπί, II Co 10:2; c. inf. [p. 448] (Bl., § 69, 4), Mt 22:46, Mk 12:34, Lk 20:40, Jo 21:12, Ac 5:13 7:32, Ro 15:18, I Co 6:1, II Co 10:12, Phl 1:14, Ju 9; to submit to (in cl. usually absol. in this sense), Ro 5:7 (v. Field, Notes, 155); τολμήσας εἰσῆλθεν, took courage and went in (v. Field, op. cit., 44), Mk 15:43 (cf. ἀπο-τολμάω).†

* τολμηρῶς adv., (< τολμηρός, bold, daring),

boldly: compar., -ότερως (T, Rec. -ότερον), Ro 15:15.†

* τολμητής, -οῦ, ὁ (< τολμάω),

a bold, daring man: II Pe 2:10 (Thuc.).†

* τομός, -ή, -όν (< τέμνω),

sharp: compar., -ώτερος, metaph., He 4:12.†

τόξον, -ου, τό [in LXX chiefly for קֶשֶׁת ;]

a bow: Re 6:2.†

τοπάζιον, -ου, τό (and τόπαζος, ὁ), [in LXX: Ex 28:17 35:17 (Ex 39:10), Jb 28:19, Ez 28:13 (פִּטְדָה), Ps 119:127 (פָּז)* ;]

topaz: Re 21:20 (v. Swete, in l).†

[NT: 109x] τόπος, -ου, ὁ, [in LXX chiefly for מָקֹום ;]

place: Lk 4:37 10:1, 32 Jo 5:13 6:10, Ac 12:17, I Co 1:2, al.; τ. ἅγιος (cf. Is 60:13), Mt 24:15; ἔρημος, Mt 14:13, al.; πεδινός, Lk 6:17; ἄνυδρος (pl.), Mt 12:43, Lk 11:24; κατὰ τόπος (BV, in divers places), Mt 24:7, Mk 13:8; τραχεῖς τ., Ac 27:29; τ. διθάλασσος (q.v.), ib. 41; ἑτοιμάζειν τ., Jo 14:2, 3; ἔχειν, Re 12:6; διδόναι, Lk 14:9; c. gen. defin., τ. βασάνου, Lk 16:28; τ. καταπαύσεως, Ac 7:49; κρανίου, Mt 27:33, Mk 15:22, Jo 19:17; seq. οὗ, Ro 9:26; ὅπου, Mt 28:6, Mk 16:6, Jo 4:20 6:23 10:40 11:30 19:41; ἐν ᾧ, Jo 11:6; ἐφ ̓ ᾧ, Ac 7:33; of a place which a person or thing occupies, Re 2:5 6:14 12:8; τ. μαχαίρας, Mt 26:52; ὁ ἴδιος τ., Ac 1:25; of a place in a book, Lk 4:17 (cf. Clem. Rom., I Co., 8, 4). Metaph., of condition, station, occasion, opportunity or power: Ac 25:16, Ro 12:19 15:23, Eph 4:27 (cf. Si 38:12).
SYN.: χώρα (extensive), region; χωρίον (enclosed), a piece of ground. τ. is "a portion of space viewed in reference to its occupancy, or as appropriated to a thing " (Grimm-Thayer, s.v.).

τοσοῦτος, -αύτη, -οῦτο

(He 7:22) and (elsewhere, as usually in Attic) -οῦτον, correlat. of ὅσος, of quantity, size, number, so great, so much, pl., so many: Mt 8:10 Lk 7:9, He 12:1, Re 18:7, 16; of time, so long, χρόνος, Jo 14:9, He 4:7; pl., Lk 15:29 (ἔτη), Jo 12:37 21:11, I Co 14:10; seq. ὥστε, Mt 15:33; absol.: pl., Jo 6:9, Ga 3:4; of price, τοσούτου, Ac 5:8; dat., τοσούτῳ κρείττων, He 1:4; τ. μᾶλλον ὅσῳ, He 10:25; καθ' ὅσον . . . κατὰ τ., He 7:22.†

[NT: 160x] τότε, demonstr. adv. of time, correlat. of ὅτε,

then, at that time;
(a) of concurrent events: Mt 2:17 3:5 and freq., Ro 6:21; seq. ptcp., Mt 2:16, Ga 4:8; opp. to νῦν, Ga 4:29, He 12:26; ὁ τ. κόσμος, II Pe 3:6;
(b) of consequent events, then, thereupon: Mt 2:7 3:5 4:1 and freq., Lk 11:26; τ. οὖν, Jo 11:14 19:1, 16 20:8; εὐθέως τ., Ac 17:14; ὅτε . . . τ., Mt 13:26 21:1, Jo 12:16; ἀπὸ τ., Mt 4:17 16:21 26:16, Lk 16:16;
(c) of things future: Mt 24:28, 40 25:1, 31ff.; opp. to ἄρτι, I Co 13:12; καὶ τ., Mt 7:23, Mk 13:21, Lk 21:27, I Co 4:5, al.; ὅταν . . . τ., Mt 9:15, Mk 2:20, Lk 5:35, I Th 5:3, al. (more freq. in Mt than in the rest of the NT).

[p. 449]


by crasis for τὸ ἐνανίον, neut. acc, used adverbially, on the contrary, contrariwise: II Co 2:7, Ga 2:7, I Pe 3:9.†


by crasis for τὸ ὄνομα, acc absol.,
by name: Mt 27:57.†

τουτέστι = τοῦτ ̓ ἔστι

τράγος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX chiefly for עַתּוּד, also for צָפִיר, תַּיִשׁ ;]

a he-goat: He 9:12-13, 19 10:4.†

τράπεζα, -ης, ἡ [in LXX chiefly for שֻׁלְחָן, also for לֶחֶם, etc. ;]

1. a table, dining-table: Mt 15:27, Mk 7:28, Lk 16:21 19:23 22:21, 30; of the table of shewbread, He 9:2. By meton., of food provided (v. DB, iv, 670 a): Ac 16:34, Ro 11:9 (LXX) I Co 10:21; διακονεῖν ταῖς τ., Ac 6:2 (cf. Page, in l, but v. infr.).
2. A money-changer's table, a bank (Dem., Arist., al.): Mt 21:12, Mk 11:15, Lk 19:23, Jo 2:15; so also acc to Dr. Field (Notes, 113), Ac 6:2 (but v. supr.).†

* τραπεζείτης (Rec. -ζίτης, as in cl.), -ου, ὁ (< τράπεζα),

a money­changer, banker: Mt 25:27 (Dem., Plut., al.).†

τραῦμα, -τος, τό [in LXX for פָּצַע, חָלַל, etc. ;]

a wowed: Lk 10:34.†

τραυματίζω (< τραῦμα), [in LXX chiefly for חָלַל ;]

to wound: Lk 20:12, Ac 19:16.†

τραχηλίζω (< τράχηλος),

prop., of wrestlers,
to take by the throat, hence (Philo), to prostrate, overthrow. Metaph., but in what sense and from what age it is doubtful (v. Westc., Rendall, on He, l.c.; DB, iii, 625n), τραχηλισμένα, laid open (RV, Westc.; downcast, Rendall): He 4:13.†

τράχηλος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX chiefly for צַוַּאר, also forעֹרֶף, etc. ;]

the neck: Mt 18:6, Mk 9:42, Lk 17:2; ἐπιπεσεῖν ἐπὶ τὸν τ., to embrace (Ge 46:29), Lk 15:20, Ac 20:37. Metaph., ὑποθεῖναι τὸν ἑαυτοῦ τ. (for similar phrase in π., v. Zorell, s.v.), Ro 16:4; ἐπιθεῖναι ζυγὸν ἐπὶ τὸν τ., Ac 15:10.†

τραχύς, -εῖα, -ύ [in LXX: Is 40:4 (רֶכֶס), etc. ;]

rough: ὁδοί (Is, l.c.), Lk 3:5 (LXX); τοποί (i.e. rocky), Ac 27:29.†

Τραχωνῖτις, -ιδος, ἡ (< τραχύς)

Trachonitis, a rough region S. of Damascus (in FlJ, sometimes ἡ Τ., sometimes ό Τράχων): ἡ Τ. χώρα, Lk 3:1.†

τρεῖς, οἱ, αἱ, τρία, τά

three: Mt 12:40, al.; μετὰ τ. ἡμέρας = τῇ τρίτῃ ἡ., Mk 10:34, al. (cf. Field, Notes, 11 ff.)
Τρεῖς Ταβέρναι
(v.s. ταβέρνη),
Three Taverns (Lit. Tres Tabernae) a halting place on the Appian Way: Ac 28:15 (v. DB, iv, 690).†


to tremble, esp. with fear: Mk 5:33, Lk 8:47; c. ptcp. (in cl more freq. c. inf.), II Pe 2:10.†

τρέφω [in LXX for חָיָה hi., גָּדַל pi., אָכַל hi., etc. ;]

1. to make to grow, bring up, rear (cl.; I Mac 3:33 Mac 11:39): Lk 4:16 (T, WH, mg., ἀνατ-)
2. to nourish, feed: Mt 6:26 25:37, Lk 12:24, Ac 12:20, Re 12:6, 14; of a mother, to give suck, Lk 23:29; of animals, to fatten (Je 26:21 (Je 46:21), fig., Ja 5:5 (cf. ἀνα-, ἐκ-, ἐν-τρέφω).†

[p. 450]

τρέχω [in LXX chiefly for רוּץ ;]

to run: Mk 5:6, Jo 20:2, 4, I Co 9:24 9:26; c. inf., Mt 28:8; seq. ἐπί, Lk 24:12 [T [WH] R, mg., om.]; εἰς, Re 9:9; ptcp., δραμών, c. indic., Mt 27:48, Mk 15:36, Lk 15:20. Metaph., from runners in a race, of swiftness or of effort to attain an end: Ro 9:16, Ga 2:2 5:7, Phl 2:16; τ. ἀγῶνα (Hdt., Eur., al.), He 12:1; ὁ λόγος τ. κυρίου (cf. Ps 147:4), ἕως τάχους δραμεῖται ὁ λ. αὐτοῦ), II Th 3:1 (cf. εἰς-, κατα-, περι-, προ-, προσ-, συν-, ἐπι-συν-, ὑπο-τρέχω)
δράμω, obsol., to run, v.s. τρέχω

* τρῆμα, -τος, τό,

a perforation, hole: ῥαφίδος, Mt 19:24, WH, txt. βελόνης, Lk 18:25 (Aristoph., Plat., al.).†
SYN.: τρυμαλιά, τρύπημα

τριάκοντα, ἱο, αἱ, τά indecl. (< τρεῖς),

thirty: Mt 13:8, al.

τριακόσιοι, -αι, -α

three hundred: Mk 14:5, Jo 12:5.†

τρίβολος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX: Ge 3:18, Ho 10:8 (דַּרְדַּר), II Ki 12:31 (חָרִיץ), Pr 22:5 (צֵן)* ;]

a thistle: Mt 7:16, He 6:8.†

τρίβος, -ου, -ἡ (< τρίβω), [in LXX for מְסִלָּה, נָתִיב, etc. ;]

a beaten track, a path: Mt 3:3, Mk 1:3, Lk 3:4 (LXX).†

* τριετία, -ας, ἡ (< τρεῖς, ἔτος),

a period of three years: Ac 20:31.†

** τρίζω [in Aq.: Am 2:13; Sm.: Is 38:14 * ;]

1. prop., of sounds by animals, to cry, chirp, etc.
2. Of other sounds, e.g., trans., τ. ὀδόντας, to gnash or grind the teeth: Mk 9:18.†

τρίμηνος, -ον (< τρεῖς, μήν) [in LXX (neut.): Ge 38:24, IV Ki 23:31 B IV Ki 24:8, II Ch 36:2 36:9 (חֹדֶשׁ שָׁלוֹשׁ) * ;]

of three months; as subst., τὸ τ. (= cl. ἡ τ.), a space of three months (Polyb., al.; LXX): He 11:23.†

τρίς (< τρεῖς), adv.,

thrice: Mt 26:34, 75, Mk 14:30, 72 Lk 22:34, 61 Jo 13:38, II Co 11:25 12:8; ἐπὶ τ., Ac 10:16 11:10.†

**† τρίστεγος, -ον (τρεῖς, στέγη) [in Sm.: Ge 6:17(16), Ez 42:6 * ;]

of three stories: τὸ τ. (sc. ὄκημα),
the third story, Ac 20:9 (Dion., FlJ, al.).†

τρισ-χίλιοι, -αι, -α

three thousand: Ac 2:41.†

τρίτος, -η, -ον

the third: Mt 22:26, Mk 12:21 15:25, Lk 24:21, Ac 2:15, al.; τῇ τ. ἡμέρᾳ (i.e. the next day but one: Xen., al.; v. Field, Notes, 11 ff.), Mt 16:21, Lk 24:46, al.; substantively, acc masc., τρίτον, a third (servant), Lk 20:12; neut., τὸ τ., c. gen., the third part of: Re 8:7-12 9:15, 18 12:4. As adv., τὸ τ., the third time: Mk 14:41, Jo 21:17; anarth., τρίτον, a third time, Lk 23:22, Jo 21:14, II Co 12:14 13:1; in enumerations, thirdly, I Co 12:28; ἐκ τ., a third time, Mt 26:44

τρίχινος, -η, -ον (< θρίξ), [in LXX: Za 13:4 (שֵׂעָר), Ex 26:7 * ;]

of hair: στόκος, Re 6:12 (Xen., Plat., al.).†

τρόμος, -ου, ὁ (< τρέμω), [in LXX for רַעַד, רַעַד, פַּחַד, etc. ;]

trembling, quaking, esp. from fear: Mk 16:8; φόβος κ. τ. (as in Ge 9:2, Ex 15:16, De 2:25, Is 19:16, al.), I Co 2:3, II Co 7:15, Eph 6:5, Phl 2:12.†

τροπή, -ῆς, ἡ (< τρέπω), [in LXX: De 33:14, Jb 38:33, Wi 7:18, al. ;]

a turning: esp. of the revolution of heavenly bodies, fig., Ja 1:17 (v.s. ἀποσκίασμα).†

[p. 451]

τρόπος, -ου, ὁ (< τρέπω), [in LXX chiefly (ὃν τ.) for אֲשֶׁר ;]

1. a way, manner, fashion: Mt 23:37, Lk 13:34, Ac 1:11 7:28, II Ti 3:8, Ju 7; καθ' ὃν τ., Ac 15:11 27:25 (ef. MM, xxv); κατὰ πάντα τ., Ro 3:2; κατὰ μηδένα τ. (IV Mac 4:24, al.), II Th 2:3; (ἐν) παντὶ τ., Phl 1:18, II Th 3:16
2. Of persons, manner of life, character (Hdt., Æsch., al.): He 13:5.†

τροπο-φορέω, -ῶ [in LXX: De 1:31 B.l (נָשָׂא) * ;]

1. to bear another's manners (R, txt., suffered he their manners): c. acc pers., Ac 13:18 (Rec., WH, R, txt.; ἐτροφο-, T, R, mg.).
2. = τροφοφορέω (q.v.), (v. Kühner3, I, 276): Ac, l.c.†

τροφή, -ῆς, ἡ (< τρέφω), [in LXX for לֶחֶם, מָזוֹן, אֹכֶל, etc. ;]

nourishment, food: Mt 3:4 6:25 10:10 24:45, Lk 12:23, Jo 4:8, Ac 2:46 9:19 14:17 27:33-34, 36 27:38 Ja 2:15. Metaph.: He 5:12, 14.†

Τρόφιμος, -ου, ὁ

Trophimus: Ac 20:4 21:29, II Ti 4:20.†

τροφός, -oῦ, ἡ (< τρέφω), [in LXX: Ge 35:8, IV Ki 11:2, II Ch 22:11 Is 49:23 (יָנַק) * ;]

a nurse: I Th 2:7.†

τροφο-φορέω, -ῶ, [in LXX: De 1:31 (נָשָׂא), II Mac 7:27 * ;]

to nourish (Hesych.), bear like a nurse (R, mg., bare he them as a nursing-father): c. acc pers., Ac 13:18, T, Tr., R, mg. (WH, R, txt., τροποφορέω, q.v.).†

τροχιά, -ᾶς, ἡ (< τροχός), [in LXX: Pr 2:15 4:11, 26-27 5:6, 21 (מַעְגָּל), Ez 27:19 A* ;]

the track of a wheel, hence, a track, path: fig., He 12:13 (LXX)

τροχός, -οῦ, τό (< τρέχω), [in LXX chiefly for אוֹפָן ;]

a wheel: Ja 3:6 (v. Mayor, Hort, in l).†

τρύβλιον (Rec. τρυβλίον), -ου, τό [in LXX chiefly for קְעָרָה ;]

a bowl, dish: Mt 26:23, Mk 14:20 (Hippocr., Aristoph., Pint., al.).†

τρυγάω, -ῶ [in LXX for קָצַר, בָּצַר, etc. ;]

to gather in: c. acc,
(a) of the fruit, Lk 6:44, Re 14:18;
(b) of that from which it is gathered, Re 14:19.†

τρυγών, -όνος, ἡ (< τρύζω, to murmur, coo), [in LXX for תּוֹר ;]

a turtle-dove: Lk 2:24.†

τρυμαλιά, -ᾶς, ἡ (< τρύω, to wear away), [in LXX: Je 13:4 (נָקִיק), etc. ;]

= τρύμη, a hole: τ. ῥαφίδος, eye of a needle, Mk 10:25.†
SYN.: τρῆμα, τρύπημα

* τρύπημα, -τος, τό (< τρυπάω, to bore)

a hole: τ. ῥαφιδος, eye of a needle, Mt 19:24 (WH, txt., τρῆμα).†
SYN.: τρῆμα, τρυμαλιά

Τρύφαινα, -ης, ἡ

Tryphæna: Ro 16:12 (v. Lft., Phi., 175 f.; MM, xxv).†

τρυφάω, -ῶ (< τρυφή), [in LXX: Ne 9:25 (עָדַן hithp.), Is 66:11 (עָנַג hithp.), Si 14:4 * ;]

to live daintily, luxuriously, to fare sumptuously: Ja 5:5 (cf. ἐν-τρυφάω).†
SYN.: σπαταλάω (q.v.), στρηνιάω

[p. 452]

τρυφή, -ῆς, ἡ [in LXX chiefly for עָדַן ;]

softness, daintiness, luxuriousness: Lk 7:25, II Pe 2:13.†

Τρυφῶσα, -ης, ἡ, ς, ἡ

Tryphosa: Ro 16:12 (v. Lft., Phi., 175 f.).†

Τρῳάς (Rec. Τρω-), -άδος, ἡ

Troas, a city near the Hellespont: Ac 16:8, 11 20:5-6, II Co 2:12, II Ti 4:13.†

Τρωγύλλιον (also written -γύλιον, -γίλιον, -ία, v. Bl., § 6, 3), -ου

Trogyllium, a city of Ionia: Ac 20:15 (WH, txt., R, txt., om.).†

* τρώγω

1. prop., of animals, to gnaw, munch, crunch (Hom., al.).
2. Of men, to eat raw food, as vegetables, nuts, etc. (Hdt., al.).
3. In late vernacular, simply to eat (= ἐσθίω): Mt 24:38, Jo 6:54, 56-58 13:18 (LXX ἐσθίων) (v. Kennedy, Sources, 82, 155; MM, xxv).†

τυγχάνω [in LXX: De 19:5 (מָצָא), Jb 3:21 7:2 17:1, Pr 30:23 (without definite Heb. equiv.), Wi 15:19, I Mac 11:42, III Mac 3:7, al. ;]

I. Trans.
1. to hit (opp. to ἁμαρτάνω, to miss the mark: Hom., Xen., al.).
2. to hit upon, light upon;
(a) of persons, to meet with, fall in with: absol., ptcp., ὁ τυχών, a chance person, anyone (Lat. quivis), οὐ τυχών, not common or ordinary, Ac 19:11 28:2;
(b) of things, to reach, get, obtain: c. gen. rei. Lk 20:35, Ac 24:3 26:22 27:3, II Ti 2:10 He 8:6 11:35.
II. Intrans., to happen; of things, to happen, chance, befall: impers., εἰ τύχοι, it may be, perhaps, I Co 14:10 15:37; so ptcp., τυχόν (old acc absol.; v. M, Pr., 74), I Co 16:6
(cf. ἐν-, ὑπερ-εν-, ἐπι-, παρα-, συν-τυγχάνω).†
τυχόν, adv., v.s. τυγχάνω

τυμπανίζω (< τύμπανον, a kettle-drum), [in LXX: I Ki 21:13 (14) (17 pi?) * ;]

1. to beat a drum.
2. to torture by beating, beat to death (cf. Westc. on He, l.c.): pass., He 11:35.†

τύπος, -ου, ὁ (< τύπτω), [in LXX: Ex 25:39 (40) (תַּבְנִית), Am 5:26, III Mac 3:30, IV Mac 6:19 * ;]

1. the mark of a blow: τῶν ἥλων, Jo 20:25.
2. An impression, impress, the stamp made by a die; hence, a figure, image: Ac 7:43 (LXX).
3. form (Plat.): Ro 6:17; the sense or substance of a letter (3Mac, l.c.), Ac 23:25.
4. an example, pattern: Ac 7:44, He 8:6 (LXX); in ethical sense, Phl 3:17, I Th 1:7, II Th 3:9, I Ti 4:12, Tit 2:7, I Pe 5:3; in doctrinal sense, type (v. ICC, in l), Ro 5:14.†
τυπικῶς, adv.
(< τύπος),
(a) typically (Greg. Naz.)
(b) by way of example: I Co 10:11.†
SYN.: v.s. ὑποτύπωσις

τύπτω [in LXX chiefly for hi. ;]

to strike, smite, beat: c. acc, Mt 24:49, Mk 15:19, Lk 12:45, Ac 18:17 21:32 23:2-3; of mourners, τὰ στήθη, Lk 18:13 23:48; ἐπὶ τ. σιαγόνα, Lk 6:29; εἰς τ. κεφαλήν, Mt 27:30. Metaph., of God inflicting evil: Ac 23:3 (cf. Ex 8:2, Ez 7:9, al.); of disquieting conscience, I Co 8:12.†

Τύραννος, -ου, ὀ

Tyrannus: Ac 19:9.†

* τυρβάζω

to disturb, trouble: pass., Lk 10:41, Rec. (WH, R, θορυβάζω).†

Τύριος, -ου, ὁ, ἡ

a Tyrian: Ac 12:20.†

Τύρος, -ου, ἡ

Tyre, a maritime city of Phænicia: Mk 7:31, Ac 21:3, 7; Τ. κ, Σιδών, Mt 11:21-22 15:21, Mk 3:8 7:24, Lk 6:17 10:13-14.†

[p. 453]

τυφλός, -ή, -όν [in LXX for עִוֵּר ;]

blind: as subst., ὁ τ., Mt 9:27, Mk 8:22, Lk 4:18 (LXX), Jo 5:3, al. Metaph.: Mt 15:14 23:16-26, Jo 9:39-41, Ro 2:19, II Pe 1:9, Re 3:17.

τυφλόω, -ῶ (< τυφλός), [in LXX: Is 42:19 (עִוֵּר), To 7:7 א, Wi 2:21 א * ;]

to blind, make blind: metaph., Jo 12:40 (LXX, καμμύω), II Co 4:4, I Jn 2:11.†

* τυφόω, -ῶ (< τῦφος, smoke; metaph., conceit),

prop., to wrap in smoke; used only metaph., to puff up, becloud with pride: pass., I Ti 3:6 6:4, II Ti 3:4 (Dem., Arist., al.).†

* τύφω (< τῦφος, smoke),

to raise a smoke; pass., to smoke: Mt 12:20 (LXX, καπνιζόμενον).†

*† τυφωνικός, -ή, -όν (< τῦφων, a hurricane, typhoon)

tempestuous: Ac 27:14.†

τύχικος (T, Rec., Τυχικός), -ου, ὁ

Tychicus: Ac 20:4, Eph 6:21, Col 4:7, II Ti 4:12, Tit 3:12.†


ὑακίνθινος, -η, -ον (< ὑάκινθος), [in LXX for תַּחַשׁ, תְּכֵלֶת ;]

of hyacinth, hyacinthine (v.s. ὑάκινθος), "doubtless meant to describe the blue smoke of a sulphurous flame" (Swete): Re 9:17 (Hom., Eur., al.).†

ὑακίνθος, -ου, ό [in LXX chiefly for תְּכֵלֶת ;]

(a) in cl., a flower, prob. the dark blue iris;
(b) in late writers, a precious stone of the same colour, perhaps the sapphire: Re 21:20 (Phil., FlJ, al.).†

* ὑάλινος, -η, -ον (< ὕαλος),

of glass, glassy Re 4:6 15:2.†

ὕαλος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX: Jb 28:17 (זְכוּכִית) * ;]

1. (Hdt.) a clear transparent stone.
2. (from Plat. on) glass: Re 21:18, 21.†

ὑβρίζω (< ὕβρις), [in LXX for גֵּאֶה, etc. ;]

1. intrans., to wax wanton, run riot.
2. Trans., to outrage, insult, treat insolently: c. acc pers., Mt 22:6, Lk 11:45 18:32, Ac 14:5, I Th 2:2.†

ὕβρις, -εως, ἡ [in LXX chiefly for גָּאוֹן and cogn. forms ;]

1. wantonness, insolence.
2. = ὕβρισμα, an act of wanton violence, an outrage, injury: II Co 12:10; metaph., of a loss by sea (find.), Ac 27:10, 21 (v. MM, xxv).†

ὑβριστής, -οῦ, ὁ (< ὑβρίζω), [in LXX chiefly for גֵּאֶה ;]

a violent, insolent man: Ro 1:20, I Ti 1:13 (EV, injurious).†
SYN.: ἀλαζών, ὑπερήφανος, v. Tr., Syn., § xxix

[p. 454]

[NT: 12x] ὑγιαίνω (< ὑγιής), [in LXX chiefly for שָׁלוֹם, and freq. in To ;]

to be sound, healthy, in good health: Lk 5:31 7:10 15:27, III Jo 2. In Past. Epp. (as also in cl.) metaph., ὑ. ἐν τ. πίστει, Tit 1:13 ; τ. πίστει, τ. ἀγάπῃ, τ. ὑπομονῇ, Tit 2:2; ἡ ὑγιαίνουσα διδασκαλία, I Ti 1:10, II Ti 4:3, Tit 1:9 2:1 ; λόγοι ὑγιαίνοντες, I Ti 6:3 , II Ti 1:13.†

[NT: 11x] ὑγιής, -ές, acc., ὑγιῆ (Attic usually -ιᾶ), [in LXX for חַי, etc. ;]

sound, whole, healthy: Mt 12:13 15:31, Jo 5:[4], 6, 9, 11, 14, 15 7:23, Ac 4:10; seq. ἀπό, Mk 5:34; of words, opinions, etc. (as in cl.), metaph., λόγος, Tit 2:8.†

[NT: 1x] ὑγρός, -ά, -όν, [in LXX: Jg 16:7,8 (לַח), Jb 8:16 (רָשׂב), Si 39:13

wet, moist, opp. to ξηρός: of wood, sappy, green: Lk 23:31.†

[NT: 3x] ὑδρία, -ας, ἠ (< ὕδωρ), [in LXX for בַּד ;]

1. prop., a water-pot or jar: Jo 2:6, 7 John 4:28.
2. More freq. in Attic = ἄγγυς, a pot, urn or jar of any kind, as for holding wine, coins, etc. (v. Rutherford, NPhr., 23; MM, xxv).

ὑδροποτίω, -ῶ (< ὕδωρ, πίνω), [in LXX: Da LXX 1:12 שָׁתָה מַיִם) * ;]

to drink water, opp. to οἴνῳ χρῆσθαι: I Ti 5:23 (Hdt., i, 71; Plat., Rep., 561 c, al.).†

* ὑδρωπικός, -ή, -όν (ὕδρωψ, dropsy),

dropsical, suffering from dropsy: Lk 14:2.†


ὕδατος, τό,
[in LXX chiefly for מַיִם ;]
water: Mt 3:16, Mk 1:10, Lk 7:44, Jo 4:7, Ja 3:12, Re 8:10, al.; pl., Mt 14:28-29, Jo 3:23, Re 1:15, al.; βαπτίζειν (ἐν) ὕδατι, Mt 3:11, Mk 1:8, Jo 1:26, al.; τ. λυυτρὸν τοῦ ὕ., Eph 5:26; opp. to οἴνος, Jo 2:9 4:46; αἷμα, Jo 19:34, He 9:19, I Jn 5:6 Jn 5:8 Mt 17:15 Mk 9:22; πνεῦμα, Jo 1:26, 31 1:33; πνεῦμα καὶ πῦρ, Mt 3:11, Lk 3:16;ἐξ ὕ. κ. πνεύματος γεννηθῆναι, Jo 3:5; metaph., of divine truth and grace (τ.) ὕ. (τ.) ζῶν, Jo 4:10-11 (cf. Jo 4:13-15); τ. ὕ. τ. ζωῆς, of spiritual refresh­ment, Re 21:6 22:1, 17

ὑετός, -οῦ, ὁ (< ὕω, to rain), [in LXX chiefly for ;]

rain: Ac 14:17 28:2, He 6:7, Ja 5:18, Re 11:6; ὄψιμος (q.v.), sc. ὑ., Ja 5:7.†

*† υἱοθεσία, -ας, ἡ (cf. the cl. phrases, υἱὸν τίθεσθαι, θετὸς υἱός), freq. in Inscr. (v. Deiss., BS, 239), adoption of a son (or daughter); metaph., of God's relation established

(a) with Israel: Ro 9:4;
(b) with Christ­ians: Ro 8:15, Ga 4:5, Eph 1:5; of its consummation, Ro 8:23.†

[NT: 377x] υἱός, -οῦ, ὁ, [in LXX very freq. and nearly always for בֵּן, Ge 4:17, al.; for בַּר, Da LXX TH 7:13, al.; etc. ;],

a son;
1. in the ordinary sense: Mt 10:37, Mk 9:17, Lk 1:13, al. mult.; omitted with the art. of origin (WM, §30, 3; Bl., §35, 2), τὸν τοῦ Ἰεσσαί, Ac 13:22 (LXX); also c. gen. anarth. (cl.), Σώπατρος Πύρρου Βεροιαῖος, Ac 20:4; c. adj., προτότοκος, Lk 2:7; μονογένης, Lk 7:12; opp. to νόθος, He 12:8; in a wider sense, of posterity: ὁ υἱ. Δαυΐδ, of the Messiah (cf. Dalman, Words, 316ff.; DCG, ii, 653f.), Mt 22:42, 45 Mk 12:35, 37 Lk 20:41, 44 al.; υἱοὶ [p. 455] Ἰσραήλ, (cf. υἷες Ἀχαιῶν, Hom., Il., i, 162, al.), Mt 27:9, Ac 9:15, al.
2. Metaph.;
(a) as belonging to, being connected with or having the quality of that which follows (a usage mainly due to translation from a Semitic original; cf. Deiss., BS, 161ff.; Dalman, Words, 115f.; DCG, ii, 652f.): τ. πονεροῦ (διαβόλου), Mt 13:38, Ac 13:10; τ. νυμφῶνος (v.s. νυμφών), Mt 9:15, Mk 2:19, al.; τ. φωτός (Lft., Notes, 74), Lk 16:8, Jo 12:36, I Th 5:5; τ. εἰρεήμης, Lk 10:6; γεέννης, Mt 23:15; τ. ἀπωλείας, Jo 17:12, II Th 2:3; τ. αἰῶνος τούτου, Lk 16:8 20:34; τ. ἀπειθειάς, Eph 2:2 5:6; βροντῆς, Mk 3:17; τ. ἀναστάσεως, Lk 20:36; παρακλήσεως, Ac 4:36; τ. προφητῶν κ. τ. διαθήκης, Ac 3:25;
(b) υἱὸς τ. θεοῦ (cf. Dalman, Words, 268ff.; Deiss., BS, 166f.; DB, iv, 570 ff.; DCG, ii, 654ff.), of men, as partakers of the Divine nature and of the life to come: Mt 5:9, Lk 20:36, Ro 8:14 9:26, al.; υἱοὶ (κ. θυγατέρες) τ. ὑψίστου, Lk 6:35, II Co 6:18; in an unique sense of Jesus, Mt 4:3 8:29 28:19, Mk 3:4, Lk 4:41, Jo 9:35 11:27, al.; ὁ Χριστὸς ὁ υἱ. τ. θεοῦ ζῶντος (τ. εὐλογητοῦ), Mt 16:16, Mk 14:61;
(c) (ὁ) υἱὸς τοῦ ἀνθρώπου (in LXX for Heb. בּן אדם, Aram, בּר אנשׁ; cf. Dalman, Words, 234ff.; DB, iv, 579ff.; DCG, ii, 659ff.; Westc., St. John, i, 74ff.; other reff. in Swete, Mk, 2:10), based on the Aram. of Da 7:13, where the phrase, like the corresponding Heb. (as in Ps 8:5), means a man, one of the species, and indicates the human appearance of the person in question. It is used of the Messiah in Enoch, c. 46, §1-4, also in II Es 13:3, 12, al. Our Lord first makes the phrase a title, using the def. art. It seems to combine the ideas of his true humanity and representative character. Exc. in Ac 7:56 and (anarth.) Re 1:13 14:14, it is used of Jesus only by himself: Mt 8:20, Mk 2:10, Lk 5:24, Jo 1:52, al.

ὕλη, -ης, ἡ [in LXX: Jb 19:29 (†) Jb 38:40 (סֻכָּה), Ps 69:2 B.l א (יָוֵן), Is 10:17 (שָׁמִיר), Wi 11:17 15:13, Si 28:10, II Mac 2:24, IV Mac 1:29 * ;]

1. wood, forest, woodland (Thus., Xen., al.).
2. wood, timber, fuel (Hom., Hdt., Thuc., al.): Ja 3:5 (v. Hort, Ja., 70, 104 f.).
3. = Lat. materia, esp. in Philosophy, matter (Arist. and later writers; Wis, ll. c.).†

Ὑμέναιος, -ου, ὁ

Hymenæus: I Ti 1:20, II Ti 2:17.†

ὑμέτερος, -α, -ον

poss. pron. of second pers. pl. (= emphasized gen., ὑμῶν),
your, yours: Jo 7:6 8:17 15:20, Ac 27:34, Ro 11:31, I Co 16:17, II Co 8:8, Ga 6:13; as pred., Lk 6:20; τὸ ὑ., as subst., opp. to τ. ἀλλότριον, Lk 16:12 (WH, txt., R, mg., ἡμέτερον); objectively, ὑ. καύχησις, my glorying in you, I Co 15:31.†

ὑμνέω, -ῶ (< ὕμνος) [in LXX for הָלַל pi., שִׁיר, יָדָה hi., etc. ;]

1. trans., c. acc pers. (in cl. also c. acc rei), to sing to, laud, sing to the praise of: Ac 16:25, He 2:12.
2. Intrans., to sing: in LXX and NT, of singing hymns and praises to God (Ps 65:13, al.), Mt 26:30, Mk 14:26 (v. Swete, in l).†

ὕμνος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX for תְּהִלָּה, נְגִינָה, שִׁיר, etc. ;]

a hymn;
(a) in cl. a festal song in praise of gods or heroes;
(b) in LXX and NT a song of praise addressed to God: Eph 5:19, Col 3:16.†
[p. 456]
SYN.: ψαλμός, that which is sung to a musical accompaniment; ᾠδή, the generic term for song (cf. Tr., Syn., § LXXviii, Lft. on Col 3:16)


ὑπ-άγω [in LXX: Ex 14:21 (הָלַךְ hi.), elsewhere only as v.l., To 8:21, al. ;]

a word of the vulgar language, in Pres. and impf. only (Bl., § 53, 1).
I. Trans.
1. to lead or bring under, subdue (Hom., Hdt., al.; Ex, l.c.).
2. to lead on slowly (Hdt., Xen., al.).
II. Intrans., to go slowly away, withdraw oneself, depart (so less freq. in cl.; Thuc., Eur., al.): absol., Mt 8:32 13:44, Mk 6:33, Lk 8:42 17:14, Jo 6:67 8:2 11:44 14:5, 28 18:8; οἱ ἐρχόμενοι κ. οἱ ὑπάγοντες, Mk 6:31; ὑπῆγον κ. ἐπίστευον, Jo 12:11; ἵνα ὑπαγῆτε κ. καρπὸν ψέρητε, Jo 15:16; opp. to ἔρχεσθαι, Jo 3:8 8:14; imperat., ὕπαγε, Mt 4:10 8:13 20:14, Mk 2:9 T, Mk 7:29 10:52; εἰς εἰρήνην (ἐν εἰ.), Mk 5:34, Ja 2:16; id. prefixed to another imperat. (Bl., § 79, 4), Mt 5:34 8:4 18:15 19:21 21:28 27:65 28:10, Mk 1:44 10:21 16:7, Jo 4:16 9:7, Re 10:8; with καί inserted, Re 16:1; euphemistically, of death, Mt 26:24, Mk 14:21; c. adv.: ποῦ (q.v.), Jo 12:35 14:5 16:5, I Jn 2:11; ὅπου (q.v.), Jo 8:21-22 13:33, 36 14:4 Re 14:4; ἐκεῖ, Jo 11:8; c. prep.: πρός, Jo 7:33 13:3 16:5, 10 16:17; εἰς, Mt 9:6 20:4, 7, Mk 2:11 11:2 14:13, Lk 19:30, Jo 6:21 7:3 9:11 11:31, Re 13:10 17:8, 11; εἰς . . . πρός, Mt 26:18, Mk 5:19; ἐπί, Lk 12:58; μετά, Mt 5:41; ὀπίσω, Mt 16:23, Mk 8:33; c. inf., Jo 21:3.†

ὑπακοή, -ῆς, ἡ (< ὑπακούω), [in LXX: II Ki 22:36 (עֲנָוָה); in Aq.: II Ki 23:23 * ;]

obedience (opp. to παρακοή);
1. in general, absol., εἰς ὑ., Ro 6:16; c. gen. subjc., II Co 7:15 10:6, Phm 21; c. gen. obj., Ro 1:5 (Lft, Notes, 246) Ro 16:26, I Pe 1:22; τ. Χριστοῦ, II Co 10:5.
2. Of obedience to God's commands: absol., I Pe 1:2; opp. to ἁμαρτία, Ro 6:16; τέκνα ὑπακοῆς, I Pe 1:14; c. gen. subj., Ro 15:18 16:19.
3. Of Christ's obedience: absol., He 5:8; c. gen. subj., Ro 5:19.
(The word is not found except in LXX, NT and eccl.).†

ὑπακούω [in LXX: chiefly for שָׁמַע ;]

to listen, attend, hence,
(a) to answer a knock at a door (Plat., Xen., al.): Ac 12:13;
(b) to attend to, submit to, obey (Hdt., Thuc., al.): absol., Phl 2:12; c. inf., He 11:8; c. dat. pers. (Plat., al.; but more freq. c. gen.), Mt 8:27, Mk 1:27 4:41, Lk 8:25 17:6, Ro 6:16, Eph 6:1, 5, Col 3:20, 22, He 5:9, I Pe 3:6; c. dat. rei, Ac 6:7, Ro 6:12 10:16, II Th 1:8 3:14; seq. εἰς (by attraction, for dat.; v. ICC, in l), Ro 6:17.†

ὕπανδρος, -ον [in LXX: Nu 5:20, 29 (אִישׁ תַּחַת), Pr 6:24, 29, Si 9:9 41:21 * ;]

under or subject to a man, married: γυνή, Ro 7:2 (Polyb., Diod., al.).†

ὑπ-αντάω, -ῶ [in LXX: Da LXX 10:14 (קָרָה), Si 9:3, al. ;]

to go to meet, meet: c. dat. pers. (v. M, Pr., 64), Mt 8:28 28:9, Mk 5:2, Lk 8:27 17:12 (ἀπ-, WH, txt.), Jo 4:51 11:20, 30 12:18, Ac 16:16; of meeting in battle, Lk 14:31.†

ὑπ-άντησις, -εως, ἡ (< ὑπαντάω), [in LXX: Jg 11:34, εἰς ὑ. (קִרְאָה), etc. ;]

a going to meet: εἰς ὑ. (v. M, Pr 14:1-35 n), Mt 8:34 25:1, Jo 12:13.†

ὕπαρξις, -εως, ἡ (< ὑπάρχω), [in LXX for רְכוּשׁ, הוֹן, etc. ;] [p. 457]

1. subsistence, existence (Arist., al.).
2. In late writers, = τὰ ὑπάρχοντα, substance, property: He 10:34; pl., Ac 2:45.†

ὑπάρχω [in LXX for הָיָה, יֵשׁ, לוּן, etc.; τ. ὑπάρχοντα for מִקְנֶה, רְכוּשׁ, etc. ;]

1. to begin, make a beginning (Hom., Hdt., al.).
2. to be in existence, be ready, be at hand (Hdt., Thuc., al.): Ac 19:40 27:12, 21; seq. ἐν, Ac 28:18.
3. to be, prop, expressing continuance of an antecedent state or condition (cf. Gifford, Incarnation, 11 ff.; MM, xxv): c, nom, pred., Lk 8:41 9:48, Ac 4:34 7:55 8:16 16:3 19:36 21:20, I Co 7:26 12:22, Ja 2:15, II Pe 3:11; ptcp. c. pred., Lk 16:14 23:50, Ac 2:30, 32 17:24 22:3, Ro 4:19, I Co 2:15, II Co 8:17 12:16, Ga 1:14 2:14; pl., Lk 11:13, Ac 16:20, 37 17:29, II Pe 2:19; seq. ἐν, c. dat. rei, Lk 7:25 16:23, Ac 5:4 10:12, I Co 11:18, Phl 3:20; ἐν μορφῇ θεοῦ ὑπάρχων (R, mg., being originally), Phl 2:6; ἐν, c. dat. pers., (among), I Co 11:18; μακρὰν ἀπό, Ac 17:27; πρὸς τ. σωτηρίας, Ac 27:34.
4. to belong to (Thuc., Xen., al.): c. dat. pers., Ac 3:6 4:37 28:7, II Pe 1:8; τὰ ὑπάρχοντα, one's belongings, possessions: c. dat. pers., Lk 8:3 12:15, Ac 4:32; c. gen. pers., Mt 19:21 24:47 25:14, Lk 11:21 12:33, 44 14:33 16:1 19:8, I Co 13:3, He 10:34 (cf. προ-υπάρχω).†

** ὑπ-είκω [in LXX: IV Mac 6:35 * ;]

1. to retire, withdraw.
2. to yield, submit: metaph., He 13:17.†

ὑπ-εναντίος, -α, -ον [in LXX for אָיַב, צַר, etc. ;]

set over against, opposite. Metaph. (Plat., Arist., al.), opposed to, contrary to: c. dat. pers., Col 2:14; absol., as subst., ὁ ὑ., He 10:27 (cf. Is 26:11).†

[NT: 150x] ὑπέρ (when following subst.—poët.—ὕπερ; so as adv., II Co 11:23), prep. c. gen., acc.

I. C. gen., primarily of place (rest or motion), over, above, across, beyond, hence, metaph.,
1. for, on behalf of: of prayer, Mt 5:44, Ac 8:24, Ro 10:1, Ja 5:16, al.; of laying down life, Jo 10:11, Ro 9:3, al.; esp. of Christ giving his life for man's redemption, Mk 14:24, Jo 10:15, Ac 21:13, Ro 5:6-8, al.; opp. to κατά, Mk 9:40, Lk 9:50, Ro 8:31.
2. Causal, for, because of, for the sake of: c. gen. pers., Ac 5:41, Ro 1:5, Phl 1:29, II Co 12:10, al.; c. gen. rei, Jo 11:4, Ro 15:8, II Co 1:6, al.
3. = ἀντί (v. M, Pr., 105), for, instead of, in the name of: I Co 15:29, II Co 5:15, 21 Ga 3:13, Col 1:7, Phm 13 (cf. Field, Notes, 225).
4. In more colourless sense, = περί (M, Pr., l.c.), for, concerning, with regard to: Ro 9:27, II Co 1:6 8:23 12:8, Phl 1:7, II Th 2:1, al.

II. C. acc., primarily of place, over, beyond, across, hence, metaph., of measure or degree in excess, above, beyond, over, more than: Mt 10:24, 37 Lk 6:40, Ac 26:13, I Co 10:13, II Co 1:8, Eph 1:22 3:20, Phm 16, al.; after comparatives = than (Jg 11:25, al.), Lk 16:8, He 4:12.

III. As adv. (v. supr. ad init.), more: ὕπερ ἐγώ, I more, II Co 11:23; in compounds, v.s. ὑπεράνω, ὑπερλίαν, ὑπερπερισσῶς.

IV. In composition: over (ὑπεραίρω), beyond (ὑπερβάλλω), more (ὐπερνικάω), on behalf of (ὐπερεντυγχάνω).

ὑπερ-αίρω [in LXX: II Ch 32:23 (נָשָׂא ni.), etc. ;]

to lift or raise over. Mid., to uplift oneself: II Co 12:7; seq. ἐπί, c. acc, pers., II Th 2:4 (cf. II Mac 5:23).†

[p. 458]

*† ὑπέρακμος, -ον

past the bloom of youth: I Co 7:36 (Eustath.).†

ὑπερ-άνω compound adv., [in LXX for עַל, מֵעָל, etc. ;]

above: as prep. c. gen., Eph 1:21 4:10, He 9:5.†

* ὑπερ-αυξάνω

to increase beyond measure: II Th 1:3 (v. Lft., Notes, 98).†

ὑπερ-βαίνω [in LXX for עָבַר, etc. ;]

1. trans., to step over, trans­gress (R, overreach: I Th 4:6).
2. Intrans., to transgress: metaph., I Th 4:6 (R, txt.; v. M, Th., in l).†

ὑπερβαλλόντως [in LXX: Jb 15:11 א B (†) * ;]

above measure: II Co 11:23.†

ὑπερ-βάλλω [in LXX: Jb 15:11 A (†), Si 5:7 25:11, al. ;]

1. trans., to throw over or beyond.
2. Intrans., to run beyond. In both senses, metaph., to exceed, surpass, transcend: II Co 3:10 9:14, Eph 1:19 2:7; c. gen. obj., Eph 3:19.†

** ὑπερ-βολή, -ῆς, ἡ (< ὑπερβάλλω), [in LXX: καθ' ὑ., IV Mac 3:18 * ;]

a throwing beyond. Metaph., excess, superiority, excellence: II Co 4:7 12:7; καθ' ὑπερβολήν, beyond measure, exceedingly, Ro 7:13, I Co 12:31, II Co 1:8, Ga 1:13; κ. ὑ. εἰς ὑ., beyond all measure, II Co 4:17.†

ὑπερ-εῖδον, aor. [in LXX for עָלַם hi., מַעַל, etc. ;]

to overlook: c. acc rei, Ac 17:30

*† ὑπερ-έκεινα

comp. adv. (v. Bl., 28, 2; M, Pr., 99),
beyond: as prep. c. gen., τὰ ὑ. ὑμῶν, II Co 10:16 (Byz. and Ec 1:1-18.).†

*† ὑπερ-εκ-τείνω

to stretch out overmuch: metaph., ἑαυτούς, II Co 10:14.†

*† ὑπερ-εκ-χύννω (Rec. -ύνω), late form of -χέω

to pour out over. Pass., to overflow, run over: Lk 6:38 (not elsewhere).†

*† ὑπερ-εν-τυγχάνω

to intercede or make petition for (v. Deiss., BS, 121 f.): seq. ὑπέρ, Ro 8:26.†

ὑπερ-έχω [in LXX: Ge 25:23 (אָמַץ), Ex 26:13 (עֲדַף), Si 36:7, al. ;]

1. trans., to hold over or above.
2. Intrans. (when a noun follows, the case is governed by the prep.; v. Bl., § 34, 1; 36, 8), to rise above, overtop; metaph.,
(a) to be superior in rank, etc.: Ro 13:1, I Pe 2:13 (cf. Wi 6:6);
(b) to be superior, excel, surpass: c. gen. (cl.; v. supr.), Phl 2:3; c. acc (cl.; v. supr.), Phl 4:7; as subst., τ. ὑπερέχον, the excel­lency, the surpassing worth, Phl 3:8.†

ὑπερηφανία, -ας, ἡ (< ὑπερήφανος, q.v.), [in LXX chiefly for גָּאוֹן and cogn. forms ;]

haughtiness, arrogance, disdain: Mk 7:22 (Plat., Xen.).†

ὑπερήφανος, -ον (< ὑπέρ, φαίνομαι, c. η pleonast., v. Kühner3, I, 189) [in LXX for זֵד, גֵּאֶה, לוּץ, etc. ;]

showing oneself above others;
(a) in good sense (Plat., al.), pre-eminent, splendid;
(b) more freq. in had sense, and so always in Scr., arrogant, haughty, disdainful (v. Westc. [p. 459] Epp. Jo., 65b): Ro 1:30, II Ti 3:2; διανοίᾳ καρδίας, Lk 1:51; opp. to ταπεινός (as in Pr 3:34), Ja 4:6, I Pe 5:5 (LXX).†
SYN.: ἀλαζών, ὑβριστής, v. Tr., Syn., § xxix

*† ὑπερλίαν (Rec. ὑπὲρ λίαν, v. WM, § 50, 7n; B1., § 4, 1), adv.,

exceedingly, pre-eminently: II Co 11:5 12:11.†

**† ὑπερ-νικάω, -ῶ [in LXX: Da TH Da 6:3; in Sm.: Ps 43:1 * ;]

to be more than conqueror: Ro 8:37 (eccl.).†

ὑπέρ-ογκος, -ον [in LXX: De 30:11 (פָּלָא), etc. ;]

of excessive weight or size; metaph., excessive, immoderate, in late writers, of arrogant speech (v. Mayor on Ju, l.c.): n. pl., II Pe 2:18, Ju 16.†

ὑπερ-οράω, v.s. ὑπερεῖδον.

ὑπεροχή, -ῆς, ἡ (< ὑπερέχω) [in LXX: Je 52:22 (קוֹמָה), II Mac 3:11, al. ;]

a projection, eminence, as the peak of a mountain. Metaph. (Arist.), excellence, pre-eminence: λόγου ἢ σοφίας, I Co 2:1; οἱ ἐν ὑ (for a parallel to this phrase, v. Deiss., BS, 255, and cf. 2Mac, l.c.), I Ti 2:2.†

*† ὑπερ-περισσεύω

to abound more exceedingly: Ro 5:21. Mid., in same sense (RV, overflow): c. dat. rei, II Co 7:4.†

*† ὑπερ-περισσῶς adv.,

beyond measure, exceedingly: Mk 7:37.†

*† ὑπερ-πλεονάζω

to abound exceedingly: I Ti 1:14 (Ps Sol 5:19; Herm., Mand., v, 2, 5).†

ὑπερ-υψόω, -ῶ [in LXX: Ps 37:35 (עָרִיץ) Ps 97:9 (עָלָה ni.), Da TH Da 4:34 11:12 (רוּם), ib. LXX TH Da 3:52 ff.* ;]

1. to exalt beyond measure, exalt to the highest place: Phl 2:9.
2. to extol (Da, ll. c.).†

** ὑπερ-φρονέω, -ῶ [in LXX: IV Mac 13:1 Mac 14:11 Mac 16:2 * ;]

1. to be overproud, high-minded (Æsch.): μὴ ὑ. παρ' ὃ δεῖ φρονεῖν (on the paranom., v. Vau., in l), Ro 12:3.
2. to overlook, think slightly of (Thuc., Plat.).†

ὑπερῷον, -ου, τό (neut. of ὑπερῷος, above, < ὑπέρ) [in LXX for עֲלִיָּה and cogn. forms ;]

1. in cl., the upper story or upper rooms where the women resided (Hom., a1.).
2. In LXX and NT, an upper chamber, roof-chamber, built on the flat roof of the house (v. DB, iii, 674a): Ac 1:13 9:37, 39 20:8 (cf. IV Ki 23:22).†

ὑπ-έχω [in LXX: Ps 89:50 (נָשָׂא), La 5:7 (סָבַל), Wi 12:21, II Mac 4:48 * ;]

to hold or put under. Metaph., to undergo, suffer: δίκην, Ju 7 (Soph., Eur., al.).†

ὑπήκοος, -ον (< ὑπακσύω), [in LXX: Jo 17:13 (לָמַם) Pr 21:28 (שָׁמַע), etc. ;]

giving ear, obedient, subject: Phl 2:8; c. dat. pers., Ac 7:39; εἰς πάντα, II Co 2:9.†

** ὑπηρετέω, -ῶ (< ὑπηρέτης) [in LXX: Wi 16:21, 24-25 19:6, Si 39:4 * ;]

prop., to serve as rower on a ship (Diod., al.). In cl. always metaph., to minister to, serve: c. dat. pers., Ac 13:36 20:34 24:23.†

ὑπηρέτης, -ου, ὁ (< ὑπό + ἐρέτης, a rower) [in LXX: Pr 14:35 (עֶבֶד), Wi 6:4, al. ;]

prop., an under rower; hence, generally, a servant, attendant, minister: of a magistrate's attendant, Mt 5:25; of officers of the Synagogue or Sanhedrin, Mt 26:58, Mk 14:54, 65, Lk 4:20, [p. 460] Jo 7:32, 45-46 18:3, 12 18:22 19:6, Ac 5:22, 26; of the attendants of kings, οἱ ὑ. οἱ ἑμοί Jo 18:36; of Christian ministers, Ac 13:5 26:16; ὑπηρέται λόγου, Lk 1:2; Χριστοῦ, I Co 4:1; δοῦλοι κ. ὑ., Jo 18:18.†
SYN.: v.s. διάκονος

ὕπνος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX for שֵׁנָה, חֲלוֹם, etc. ;]

sleep: Mt 1:24, Lk 9:32, Jo 11:13, Ac 20:9; metaph., Ro 13:11.†

[NT: 211x] ὑπό (before smooth breathing ὑπ’, Mt 8:9b, Lk 7:8b; before rough breathing ὑφ’, Ro 3:9; on the neglect of elision in Mt, Lk, ll. c.a, Ga 3:22, v. WH, App., 146; Tdf., Pr., iv), prep. c. gen., dat. (not in NT), acc.

I. C. gen., primarily of place, under, hence, metaph., of the efficient cause, by: after passive verbs, c. gen. pers., Mt 1:22, Mk 1:5, Lk 2:18, Jo 14:21, Ac 4:11, I Co 1:11, He 3:4, al.; c. gen. rei, Mt 8:24, Lk 7:24, Ro 3:21, al.; with neut. verbs and verbs with pass, meaning, Mt 17:12, Mk 5:26, I Co 10:9, 10 I Th 2:14, al.
II. C. acc., under;
1. of motion: Mt 5:15 8:8, Mk 4:21, Lk 13:34; hence, metaph., of subjection, Ro 7:14, I Co 15:27, Ga 3:22, I Pe 5:6, al.
2. Of position: Jo 1:49, Ac 4:12, Ro 3:13, I Co 10:1, al.; hence, metaph., under, subject to, Mt 8:9, Ro 3:9, I Co 9:20, Ga 4:5, al.
3. Of time, about: Ac 5:21.
III. In composition: under (ὑποδέω), hence, of subjection (ὑποτάσσω), compliance (ὑπακούω), secrecy (ὑποβάλλω), diminution (ὑποπνέω).

** ὑπο-βάλλω [in LXX: ??Da 3:9 A, I Es 2:18 * ;]

to throw or put under. Metaph.,
(a) to subject, submit;
(b) to suggest, whisper, prompt;
(c) to suborn (v. Field, Notes, 113), instigate: c. acc pers., Ac 6:11.†

**† ὑπογραμμός, -οῦ, ὁ (< ὑπογράφω, (a) to write under; (b) to trace letters for copying), [in LXX: II Mac 2:28 * ;]

1. a writing-copy, hence,
2. an example: I Pe 2:11 (Philo).†

ὑπό-δειγμα, -τος, τό (< ὑποδείκνυμι), [in LXX: Ez 42:15, Si 44:16, II Mac 6:28 Mac 6:31, IV Mac 17:23 * ;]

used by later writers (Xen. onwards) for παράδειγμα (v. Rutherford, NPhr., 62),
(a) a figure, copy: He 8:5 9:23;
(b) an example: for imitation, Jo 13:15, Ja 5:10; for warning, He 4:11, II Pe 2:6.†
SYN.: ὁμοίωμα, τύπος, ὑποτύπωσις (v. DB, iii. 696b)

ὑπο-δείκνυμι [in LXX for נָגַד hi., etc. ;]

1. to show secretly.
2. to show by tracing out; hence, generally, to teach, make known: c. dat. pers., Lk 6:47 12:5, Ac 9:16; id. c. inf., Mt 3:7, Lk 3:7; seq., ὅτι, Ac 20:35.†

** ὑπο-δέχομαι [in LXX: To 7:8-9 Jth 13:13 A, I Mac 16:15, IV Mac 13:17 * ;]

to receive under one's roof, receive as a guest, entertain hospitably: c. acc pers., Lk 19:6, Ac 17:7, Ja 2:25; εἰς τ. οἶκον, Lk 10:38 (v. MM, xxv).†

ὑπο-δέω [in LXX: II Ch 28:15, Ez 16:10 (נָעַל) * ;]

to blind under, esp. of foot gear. Most freq. in mid, and pass. c. acc;
(a) of the foot, ὑποδησάμενοι τ. πόδας, your feet shod: Eph 6:15;
(b) of that which is put on, σανδάλια: Mk 6:9, Ac 12:8.†

[p. 461]

ὑπόδημα, -τος, τό (< ὑποδέω), [in LXX for נָעַל ;]

a sole bound under the foot, a sandal: Mt 3:11 10:10, Mk 1:7, Lk 3:16 10:4 15:22 22:35, Jo 1:27; τ. ποδῶν, Ac 7:33 (LXX) Ac 13:25.†
SYN.: σανδάλιον, q.v

* ὑπόδικος, -ον

brought to trial, answerable to: c. dat. pers., τ. θεῷ, Ro 3:19 (v. MM, xxv).†

ὑπο-ζύγιος, -α, -ον [in LXX for חֲמוֹר ;]

under the yoke; as subst., τ . (Hdt., al.), a beast of burden; colloq., an ass (v. Deiss., BS, 160 f.), and so always in LXX and NT: Mt 21:5 (LXX), II Pe 2:16.†

** ὑπο-ζώννυμι [in LXX: II Mac 3:19 * ;]

to undergird (Hdt., al.; ὑπὸ τ. μάστους, 2Mac, l.c.); of a ship, to undergird or frap: Ac 27:17 (v. DB, ext. 367a).†

ύπο-κάτω comp. adv. (v. M, Pr., 99), [in LXX chiefly for תַּחַת ;]

below, under: as prep. c. gen., Mt 22:44, Mk 6:11 7:28 12:36 (Rec., R, txt., ὑποπόδιον, as in LXX), Lk 8:16, Jo 1:51, He 2:8 (LXX), Re 5:3, 13 6:9 12:1.†

ὑπο-κρίνομαι [in LXX: (Jb 40:2) אּ1 (AB אּ2 ἀπο-, עָנָה), Si 1:29 35:15 (32:15) Si 36:2 (33:2), II Mac 5:25 Mac 6:21 Mac 6:24, IV Mac 6:15 Mac 6:17 * ;]

1. = Att.. ἀποκρίνομαι (q.v.), to answer, reply (Hom., Hdt., al.).
2. to answer on the stage, play apart (Arist., al.). Metaph., to feign, pretend (Demos., Polyb.): c. acc et inf., Lk 20:20 (cf. Ps sol 4:22).†

** ὑπό-κρισις, -εως, ἡ (< ὑποκρίνομαι, q.v.) [in LXX: II Mac 6:25 * ;]

1. a reply, answer (Hdt.).
2. play-acting (Arist., Polyb., al.). Metaph., pretence, hypocrisy: Mt 23:28, Mk 12:15, Lk 12:1, Ga 2:13, I Ti 4:2, I Pe 2:1 (Polyb., Pss Ca 4:7).†

ὑπο-κριτής, -οῦ, ὁ (< ὑποκρίνομαι, q.v.) [in LXX Jb 34:30 36:13 (חָנֵף) * ;]

1. one who answers, an interpreter (Plat.).
2. a stage player, actor (Plut., Xen., al.). Metaph. (in LXX and NT), a pretender, dissembler, hypocrite: Mt 6:2, 5 6:16 7:5 15:7 22:18 23:13-15 24:51, Mk 7:6 Lk 6:42 12:56 13:15.†

ὑπο-λαμβάνω [in LXX: Jb 2:4 4:1 and freq. (עָנָה), Ps 48:9 (דָּמָה pi.), To 6:17, Wi 17:2, III Mac 3:8 Mac 3:11, al. ;]

1. to take or bear up (by supporting from beneath): c. acc pers., Ac 1:9.
2. to receive, welcome, entertain (Xen.): III Jn 8.
3. to catch up in speech (Hdt., al.; Jb, ll. c.): Lk 10:30.
4. Of mental action, to assume, suppose (Xen., al.; To, Wis, 3Mac, ll. c.): Ac 2:15; seq. ὅτι (v. Bl., § 70, 2), Lk 7:43.†

ὑπολαμπάς, -άδος, ἡ,

a window: Ac 20:8 D (for λαμπάς; v. MM, xxv).†
SYN.: λύχνος, lamp, q.v.; φανός, torch or lantern; cf. Ruther­ford's NPhr., 131 f.; Tr., Syn., § xlvi; DCG, s.v. lamp; DB, iii, 43 f

ὑπό-λειμμα (WH, -λιμμα, v. their App., 154), -τος, τό, [in LXX chiefly for שָׁאַר ;]

a remnant: Ro 9:27 (Arist., al.; cf. κατάλειμμα).†

ὑπο-λείπω [in LXX chiefly (pass.) for יָתַר ni., שָׁאַר ni. ;]

to leave remaining (Hom., Thuc., al.): pass., of survivors, Ro 11:3.†

ὑπολήνιον, -ου, τό (< ὑπό, ληνός), [in LXX: Jl 3:13 (4:13), Ha 2:17, (16), Za 14:10, Is 16:10 (יֶקֶב) * ;]

a vessel or trough beneath a winepress to [p. 462] receive the juice (RV, a pit for the winepress): Mk 12:1 (v. Swete, in l, and cf. ληνός).†

ὑπό-λιμμα, v.s. ὑπόλειμμα.

*† ὑπο-λιμτάνω

collat. form of ὑπολείπω,
to leave behind: I Pe 2:21.†

ὑπο-μένω [in LXX chiefly for קָוָה, also for יָחַל hi., etc. ;]

1. in-trans., to stay behind: seq. ἐν, Lk 2:43; ἐκεῖ, Ac 17:14.
2. Trans.,
(a) c. acc, to await, wait for: Ro 8:24 (Hom., Hdt., Xen., al.);
(b) of things, to bear patiently, endure: absol., Mt 10:22 24:13, Mk 13:13, II Ti 2:12, Ja 5:11, I Pe 2:20; τ. θλίψει (dat. of circumstance), Ro 12:12; seq. εἰς, He 12:7; c. acc rei, I Co 13:7, II Ti 2:10, He 10:32 12:2-3, Ja 1:12.†
SYN.: μακροθυμέω (v.s. ὑπομονή)

ὑπο-μιμνήσκω [in LXX: III Ki 4:3 B ( hi.), Wi 12:1 18:22, IV Mac 18:14 * ;]

to cause one to remember, put one in mind or remind one of: c. acc rei, II Ti 2:14, III Jn 10; c. dupl. acc (Thus., al.), Jo 14:26; c. acc pers., seq. περί, II Pe 1:12; id., seq. ὅτι, Ju 5; c. inf., Tit 3:1; pass., c. gen. rei, Lk 22:61.†

ὑπόμινησις, -εως, ἡ (ὑπομιμνήσκω) [in LXX: Ps 71:6 א (תְּהִלָּה), Wi 16:11, II Mac 6:17 * ;]

a reminding, reminder: ἐν ὑ., II Pe 1:13 3:1; c. gen., II Ti 1:5.†

ὑπο-μονή, -ῆς, ἡ (ὑπομένω) [in LXX for מִקְוֶה and cogn. forms; freq. in 4Mac ;]

1. a remaining behind (Arist.).
2. patient enduring, endurance: Lk 8:15 21:19, Ro 5:3-4 15:4-5, II Co 6:4 12:12, Col 1:11, II Th 1:4, I Ti 6:11, II Ti 3:10, Tit 2:2, He 10:36, Ja 1:3-4 5:11, II Pe 1:6, Re 2:2-3, 19 13:10 14:12; δι' ὑπομονῆς, Ro 8:25, He 12:1; c. gen. pers., II Th 3:5 (ICC, in l), Re 3:10; c. gen. rei, Ro 2:7, II Co 1:6, I Th 1:3; seq. ἐν, Re 1:9.†
SYN.: v.s. μακροθυμία, and cf. Hort on Ja 1:3

** ὑπο νοέω, -ῶ [in LXX: Da TH Da 7:25 (סְבַר), To 8:16, Jth 14:14, Si 23:21 * ;]

to suspect, conjecture: Ac 25:18; c. acc et inf., Ac 13:25 27:27.†

ὑπόνοια, -ας, ἡ (< ὑπονοέω), [in LXX: Da LXX 4:16, 32 5:6 (רַעְיוֹן), Sir 3:34* ;]

a suspicion: I Ti 6:4.†

*† ὑπο-πλέω

to sail under, i.e. under the lee of: c. acc, Ac 27:4, 7.†

* ὑπο-πνέω

1. to blow underneath (Arist.).
2. to blow gently: Ac 27:13.†

ὑποπόδιον, -ου, τό (< ὑπό, πούς), [in LXX: Ps 99:5 110:1, Is 66:1, La 2:1 (הֲדֹם) * ;]

a footstool (= cl. θρᾶνος): Ja 2:3; metaph., Mt 5:35, Mk 12:36 (ὑποκάτω, WH, R, mg.), Lk 20:43, Ac 2:35 7:49, He 1:13 10:13 (all, except Mt, l.c., from LXX, Ps 110:1, Is 66:1) (for exx., v. Deiss., BS, 223).†

ὑπό-στασις, -εως, ἡ (< ὑφίστημι, to set under, stand under, support) [in LXX for מַצָּב (I Ki 13:23 14:4 B), תִּקְוָה (Ru 1:12, Ez 19:5), etc., also in Wi 16:21 ;]

1. a support, base or foundation (in various senses).
2. substance (Arist., al.; opp. to φαντασία, ἔμφασις): He 1:3
3. steadiness, [p. 463] firmness (Polyb., al.), hence, assurance, confidence: II Co 9:4 11:17, He 3:14 11:1 (here perhaps title-deed, as that which gives reality or guarantee; v. MM, xxv).†

ὑπο-στέλλω [in LXX: De 1:17 (גּוּר), Jb 13:8 (נָשָׂא פָּנִים), Hb 2:4 (עָפַל pu.), Ha 1:10 (כָּלָא), Ex 23:21, Wi 6:7, III Mac 5:28 * ;]

1. to draw in, let down (ἱστίον, οὐράν, etc.).
2. to draw back, withdraw: ἑαυτόν, Ga 2:12 (Polyb., al.; v. Lft., in l). Mid., to shrink or draw back: He 10:38 (LXX); seq. τοῦ, c. inf., Ac 20:27; οὐδέν, Ac 20:20.†

*† ὑπο-στολή, -ῆς, ἡ (< ὑποστέλλω),

1. a letting down, lowering (Plut.).
2. a shrinking back (Hesych.): οὐκ ἐσμὲν ὑποστολῆς (on the gen., v. Bl., § 35, 2), He 10:39.†

ὑπο-στρέφω [in LXX chiefly for שׁוּב ],

1. trans., to turn back or about (Hem.).
2. Intrans., to turn back, return: Lk 2:20, 43 8:37, 40 9:10 10:17 17:15 19:12 23:48, 56, Ac 8:28; c. inf., Lk 17:18; seq.. διά, Ac 20:3; εἰς, Lk 1:56 2:45 4:14 7:10 8:3 9:8 11:24 24:33, 52, Ac 1:12 8:25 13:13, 34 14:21 21:6 22:17 23:32, Ga 1:17; ἀπό, Lk 4:1 24:9, He 7:1; ἐκ, Ac 12:25, II Pe 2:21.†

ὑπο-στρωννύω [in LXX: Is 58:5 (יָצָא hi.), etc. ;]

late form of ὑπο-στορέννυμι, to spread or strew under: c. acc rei, Lk 19:36.†

** ὑπο-ταγή, -ῆς, ἡ [in LXX: Wi 18:16 A * ;]

subjection: II Co 9:13, Ga 2:5. I Ti 2:11 3:4.†

ὑπο-τάσσω [in LXX for דָבַר hi., דָּמַם, שׂוּם, שִׁית, etc. ;]

1. as a military term, to place or rank under (Polyb.).
2. to subject, put in subjection: I Co 15:27, Phl 3:21, He 2:5, 8; pass., Ro 8:20, I Co 15:27-28, I Pe 3:22, Eph 1:22. Mid., to subject oneself, obey: absol., Ro 13:5, I Co 14:34; c. dat. pers., Lk 2:51 10:17, 20, Ro 8:7 10:3 13:1, I Co 14:32 15:28 (ὑποταγήσεται; cf. M, Pr., 163), I Co 16:16, Eph 5:21-22 (T, WH, txt., R, om.), Eph 5:24, Col 3:18, Tit 2:5, 9 3:1, He 12:9, I Pe 2:18 3:1 3:5 5:5; imperat., Ja 4:7, I Pe 2:13 5:5.†

ὑπο-τίθημι [in LXX for שׂוּם, etc. ;]

to place under, lay down. Metaph., τ. τράχηλον ὑποθεῖναι, to risk one's life (v. Deiss., LAE, 119 f.): Ro 16:4; mid., to suggest: I Ti 4:6.†

* ὑπο-τρέχω

to run in under; of navigators, to run in the lee of: c. acc (v. M, Pr., 65), Ac 27:16.†

*† ὑπο-τύπωσις, -εως, ἡ (< ὑποτυπόω, to delineate),

an outline, sketch. Metaph., a pattern, example: I Ti 1:16, II Ti 1:13.†
SYN.: ὁμοίωμα, τύπος, ὑπόδειγμα (v. DB, iii, 696b)

ὑπο-φέρω [in LXX for נָשָׂא, etc. ;]

to bear by being under. Metaph., to endure: c. acc rei, I Co 10:13, II Ti 3:11, I Pe 2:19.†

ὑπο-χωρέω [in LXX: Jg 20:37 B (-), Si 13:9, II Mac 12:12 * ;]

to go back, retire: seq. ἐν, Lk 5:16; seq. εἰς, Lk 9:10.†

* ὑπωπιάζω (< ὑπώπιον, (a) the part of the face below the eyes; (b) a blow on the face),

to strike under the eye, give a black eye:
(a) of persistent annoyance (RV, wear out), Lk 18:6;
(b) of severe self-discipline (R, txt. buffet, mg. bruise), I Co 9:27 (v. Field, Notes, 71, 174).†
later form of ὑποπιέζω, to press slightly; metaph.,
to repress: I Co 9:27 T.7 for ὑπωπιάζω, q.v.†

ὗς, ὑός, ὁ, ἡ [in LXX for חֲזִיר ;]

swine: fem. (sow), II Pe 2:22,†

*† ὑσσός, -ο, ό, a javelin (v. ref. s.v, ὕσσωπος)

[p. 464]

ὕσσωπος, -ου, ἡ [in LXX for אֵזוֹב ;]

hyssop, of which a bunch was used in ritual sprinklings: He 9:19; of a branch or rod (?) of hyssop, Jo 19:29 (but v. Field, Notes, 106 ff., for suggestion to substitute ὑσσῷ here).†

ὑστερέω, -ῶ (< ὕστερος), [in LXX for חָסֵר, חָדַל etc. ;]

to come late, be behind (opp. to προτερέω, φθάνω; c. gen. rei, for; c. gen. pers., later than).
1. of persons,
(a) absol., to come short, fail: He 4:1; seq. ἀπό, He 12:15.;
(b) c. gen. pers., to come short of, be inferior to: II Co 11:5; οὐδέν (in nothing, in no respect), II Co 12:11;
(c) with reference to things, to come short (of ), be in want (of ): c. acc rei, Mt 19:20 (Si 51:24); c. gen. rei, Lk 22:35; so mid. (Diod., FlJ), Ro 3:23; absol., to be in want, suffer want, Lk 15:14, I Co 8:8, II Co 11:8, He 11:37 (Si 11:11); opp. to περισσεύειν, Phl 4:12; seq. ἐν, I Co 1:7.
2. Of things,
(a) to fail, be lacking: Jo 2:3; c. acc pers. (v. Swete, in l; Mozley, Ps 42:1-11), Mk 10:21;
(b) to be inferior: mid., I Co 12:24 (cf. ἀφ-υστερέω).†

ὑστέρημα, -τος, τό (< ὑστερέω), [in LXX: Jg 18:10 19:19-20, Ps 34:9 (מַחְסוֹר), Ec 1:15 (חֶסְרוֹן), Es 6:9 (ὑ. εἶναι, חֲשַׁח) * ;]

(a) that which is lacking, deficiency, shortcoming: c. gen. puss. (prop. pose.), I Co 16:17, Phl 2:30; c. gen. rei, Col 1:24, I Th 3:10;
(b) need, want, poverty (Ps 34:10, Jg 18:10, al.): Lk 21:4, II Co 9:12 11:9; opp. to περίσσευμα, II Co 8:13-14 (eccl.).†

**† ὑστέρησις, -εως, ἡ (< ὑστερέω), [in Aq.: Jb 30:3 * ;]

need, want: opp. to τὸ περισσεῦον, Mk 12:44; καθ' ὑ., Phl 4:11 (eccl.).†

ὕστερος, -α, -ον [in LXX for אַחֲרוֹן and cogn. forms ;]

latter, later: ἐν ὑ. καιροῖς, I Ti 4:1 (on the reading ὁ ὕ., WH, for ὁ πρῶτος, v. WH, App., in l). Neut., τὸ ὕ., used adverbially instead of ὑστέρως, afterwards, later: Mt 4:2 21:29, 32 21:37 25:11 26:60, Mk 16:14, Lk 20:32, Jo 13:36, He 12:11; c. gen., Mt 22:27.†

ὑφαντός, -ή, -όν (< ὑφαίνω), [in LXX chiefly for חָשַׁב ;]

woven: Jo 19:23.†
[in LXX for אָרַג, etc. ;]
to weave: Lk 12:27, T, WH, mg.†

ὑψηλός, -ή, -όν [in LXX chiefly for בָּמָה, also for בָּמָה, רוּם, etc. ;]

high, lofty: ὄρος, Mt 4:8 17:1, Mk 9:2, Re 21:10; τεῖχος, Re 21:12; μετὰ βραχίονος., fig., Ac 13:17 (cf. Ex 6:6, al); pl., ὑψηλά, of heaven (Ps 93:4, Is 33:5, al.), He 1:3; compar., ὑψηλότερος τ. οὐρανῶν, He 7:26. Metaph: Lk 16:15; ὑψηλὰ ψρσνεῖν, Ro 11:20 12:16, I Ti 6:17 (WH, txt., ὑψηλοφρονείν).†

*† ὑψηλο- φρονέω, -ῶ = μευαλοφρονεῖν (Xen., Plat., al.),

to be high-minded: I Ti 6:17 (WH, mg., ὑψηλὰ, φρονεῖν).†

ὕψιστος, -η, -ον superlat., without positive in use, in cl. chiefly poët. (Æsch., Soph., al.), [in LXX chiefly for עֶלְיוֹן, also for מָרוֹם, etc. ;]

highest, most high: of place, τὰ ὕ. (of the heavens), Mt 21:9, Mk 11:10, Lk 2:14 19:38 (cf. Joshua 16:19, Is 57:15); of God (in cl., of Zeus; Pind., Æsch., al.), ὕ., Lk 1:32, 35 1:76 6:35 (as freq. in Si 4:10, al.); ὁ ὕ., Ac 7:48; ὁ θεὸς ὁ ὕ., Mk 5:7, Lk 8:28, Ac 16:17, He 7:1 (cf. Ge 14:18).†

[p. 465]

ὕψος, -ους, τό [in LXX for קוֹמָה, מָרוֹם, etc. ;]

height: Eph 3:18 Ja 1:9, Re 21:16; of heaven (EV, on high), ἐξ ὕ., Lk 1:78 24:49; εἰς ὕ., Eph 4:8 (LXX)

ὑψόω, -ῶ (< ὕψος), [in LXX chiefly for רוּם, also for גָּבַהּ, נָשָׂא, etc. ;]

to lift or raise up: c. acc, Jo 3:14 8:28 12:32, 34; ἕως τ. οὐρανοῦ, fig., pass., Mt 11:23, Lk 10:15. Metaph., to exalt, uplift: Ac 2:33 5:31, II Co 11:7, Ja 4:10, I Pe 5:6; opp. to ταπεινῶ, Lk 1:52; ἑαυτόν, Mt 23:12, Lk 4:11 18:14 (cf. ὑπερ-υψόω).†

ὕψωμα, -τος, τό [in LXX: Jb 24:24 (†), Jth 10:8 13:4 15:9 * ;]

(a) height: Ro 8:39;
(b) that which is lifted up, a barrier: II Co 10:5.†


*† φάγος, -ου, ὁ (< φαγεῖν, v.s. ἐσθίω)

a glutton: Mt 11:19, Lk 7:34.†

φάγομαιHellenistic for cl. ἔδομαι, v.s. ἐσθίω.

φαιλόνης, v.s. φελόνης.

φαίνω [in LXX for אוֹר hi., רָאָה ni., etc. ;]

I. Act.,
1. to bring to light, cause to appear (so most freq. in cl.).
2. Absol., to give light, shine (Hom., Plat., al.): Jo 1:5 5:35, II Pe 1:19, I Jn 2:8, Re 1:16 8:12 18:23 21:23.
II. Pass., to come to light, appear, be manifest: Mt 2:7 13:26 24:27, 30, Lk 9:8, Phl 2:15, He 11:3, I Pe 4:18 (LXX); opp. to ἀφανίζεσθαι, Jo 4:14; c. dat. pers. (Bl. § 54, 4), Mt 1:20 2:13, 19 Mk 16:9; c. nom. pred., Mt 23:27-28, Ro 7:13, II Co 13:7; id. c. dat. pers., Mt 6:5, 16 6:18 (seq. nom. ptcp., but not as in cl.; v. Bl., § 73, 4); impers., Mt 9:33; of the mind and judgment (= δοκεῖ, q.v.), Mk 14:64 (cf. I Es 2:21), Lk 24:11.†
SYN.: v.s. δοκέω

Φάλεκ (T, Rec. Φαλέκ, L, mg., Φάλεγ), ὁ indecl. (Heb. D, Ge 1116),

Peleg: Lk 3:35.†

φανερός, -ά, -όν (< φαίνομαι) [in LXX: De 29:29 (28) (גָּלָה ni.), Pr 14:4, Si 6:22, al. ;]

open to sight, visible, manifest: Ga 5:19; seq. ἐν, Ro 1:19, I Jn 3:10; c. dat. pers., Ac 4:16 7:13, I Ti 4:15; φ. γίνεσθαι (in LXX for בָּחַן ni., Ge 42:16), Mk 6:14, Lk 8:17, I Co 3:13 14:25; id. seq. ἐν, I Co 11:19, Phl 1:13; φ. ποιεῖν, Mt 12:16, Mk 3:12; εἰς φ. ἐλθεῖν (cf. Bl., § 47, 2), Mk 4:22, Lk 8:17; ἐν τῷ φ. (opp. to ἐν τ. κρυπτῷ), Ro 2:28.†
SYN.: v.s. δῆλος

φανερόω, [in LXX: Je 40:6 (33:6) (גָּלָה pi.) * ;]

to make visible, clear, manifest or known: c. acc rei, Jo 2:11 17:6, Ro 1:19, I Co 4:5, II Co 2:14 11:6, Col 4:4, Tit 1:3; pass., Mk 4:22, Jo 3:21 9:3, Ro 3:21 16:26, II Co 4:10-11, Eph 5:13, Col 1:26, II Ti 1:10, He 9:8, I Jn 3:2 Jn 4:9, Re 3:18 15:4; c. acc pers., of Christ, Jo 7:4 21:1; pass., II Co 3:3 5:10-11, I Jn 2:19; of Christ, Mk 16:12, 14, Jo 1:31 21:14, Col 3:4, I Ti 3:16, He 9:26, I Pe 1:20 5:4, I Jn 1:2 (ἡ ζωή; v. Westc., in l) I Jn 2:28 Jn 3:2 Jn 3:5 Jn 3:8.†
SYN.: v.s. ἀποκαλύπτω

[p. 466]

** φανερῶς adv. (< φανερός), [in LXX: II Mac 3:28 * ;]

(a) manifestly, openly: Mk 1:45; opp. to ἐν κρυπτῷJo 7:10;
(b) clearly: Ac 10:3 (II Mac 3:28).†

φανέρωσις, -εως, ἡ (< φανερόω), [in LXX as v.l. for δήλωσις אוּרִים), Le 8:8, Cod. Ven. (Thayer, s.v.) * ;]

manifestation: I Co 12:7, II Co 4:2.†

* φανός, -οῦ, ὁ (< φαίνω),

a torch or lantern (v. Rutherford, NPhr., 131 f.): Jo 18:3.†
SYN.: v.s. λαμπάς

Φανουήλ, indecl. (Heb. פְּנוּאֵל),

Phanuel: Lk 2:36.†

** φαντάζω (< φαίνω) [in LXX: Wi 6:16, Si 31:5 (34:5)* ;]

to make visible. In cl. used in pass. only, = φαίνομαι, to become visible, appear: ptcp., He 12:21.†

φαντασία, -ας, ἡ (< φαντάζω), [in LXX: Za 10:1 (חֲזִיז), חֲזִיז), Hb 2:18-19 3:10, Wi 18:17 * ;]

1. as philos. term,
(a) imagination;
(b) = φάντασμα (Plat., Arist.).
2. In later writers (Polyb., al.), show, display: Ac 25:23.†

φάντασμα, -τος, τό (< φαντάζω), [in LXX: Jb 20:8 A (חִזָּיוֹן), Is 28:7 A, Wi 17:15 * ;]

= φάσμα, an appearance, apparition (Æsch., al.): Mt 14:26, Mk 6:49 (v. DCG, i, 111b).†

φάραγξ, -αγγος, ἡ [in LXX chiefly for נַחַל, also for גַּיְא, etc. ;]

a chasm, ravine: Lk 3:5 (LXX) (v. DB, iv, 845 f.).†

Φαραώ, indecl. (in FlJ, Ant., viii, 6, 2, Φαραών, -ῶνος), (Heb. פַּרְעֹה),

Pharaoh, the general title of the kings of Egypt: Ac 7:13, 21, Ro 9:17, He 11:24; Φ. βασιλεὺς Αἰγύπτου, Ac 7:10.†

Φαρές, indecl. (Heb. פֶּרֶץ, Ge 38:29),

Peres: Mt 1:3, Lk 3:33.†

[NT: 98x] Φαρισαῖος, -ου, ὁ (Aram. פְּרִישָׁא; v. Dalman, Gr., 157n, Words, 2n),

a Pharisee: Mt 23:26, Phl 3:5; usually in pl., Mt 9:11, Mk 2:18, al.; Φ. κ. γραμματεῖς, Mt 5:20, Mk 2:16, Lk 5:21, al.; Φ. κ. Σαδδυκαῖοι, Mt 16:1, Ac 23:6, 7 al.; ἀρχιερεῖς, Mt 21:45, Jo 7:32, al. (v. DB, iii, 826b).

φαρμακεῖα, v.s. φαρμακία.

* φαρμακεύς, -έως, ὁ (< φάρμακον)

a sorcerer: Re 21:8, Rec.†

φαρμακία (Rec. -εία), -ας, ἡ (< φαρμακεύω, to administer drugs)

poët. and late prose form of φαρμακεία,
[in LXX: Ex 7:11, 22 8:7, 18 (3, 14) (לָט, חַרְטֹם), Is 47:9, 12 (כֶּשֶׁף) Wi 12:4 18:13 * ;]
1. generally, the use of medicine, drugs or spells (Xen.).
2. (a) poisoning (Plut., Polyb.);
(b) sorcery, witchcraft: Ga 5:20 (v. Lft., in l), Re 9:21 (WH, txt., φαρμάκων) Re 18:23 (cf. LXX, ll. c.).†

φάρμακον, -ου, τό, [in LXX for כֶּשֶׁף ;]

(a) a drug;
(b) an in­cantation, enchantment: Re 9:21, Tr., mg., WH, txt. (RV, sorceries).†

φαρμακός, -ή, -όν [in LXX for כָּשַׁף, etc. ;]

devoted to magical arts. As subst., ὁ φ. = φαρμακεύς, a magician, sorcerer: Re 21:8 22:15.†

[p. 467]

φάσις, -εως, ἡ (< φαίνω), [in LXX: Es 4:17, Da TH Su 1:55, IV Mac 15:25 א1 * ;]

information, esp. against fraud or other crime: Ac 21:31.†

φάσκω [in LXX: Ge 26:20 (אָמַר), Da LXX Bel 1:8, II Mac 14:27 Mac 14:32, III Mac 3:7 * ;]

to affirm, assert: c. acc et inf., Ac 24:9 25:19; c. inf. et nom., Ro 1:22.†

φάτνη, -ης, ἡ [in LXX for אֵבוּס, etc. ;]

a manger: Lk 2:7, 12 2:16 13:15 (v. DB, iii, 234a, DCG, ii, 111a),†

φαῦλος, -η, -ον [in LXX: Pr 22:8 (עֶוֶל) Pr 29:9 (אֱוִיל), etc. ;]

slight, worthless, of no account, both of persons and things in various shades of meaning (v. LS, s.v.), in NT, as freq. in cl., always with distinct moral reference (v. Ellic., Past. Epp., 203; Hort, Ja., 85; Tr., Syn., LXXxiv), worthless, bad: Jo 3:20, Tit 2:8, Ja 3:16; opp. to ἀγαθός (q.v.), Jo 5:29, Ro 9:11, II Co 5:10.†
SYN.: v.s. ἄθεσμος

φέγγος, -ους, τό [in LXX chiefly for נֹגַהּ ;]

light, brightness, usually c. gen. of something that shines or reflects: of the moon, Mt 24:29, Mk 13:24; of a lamp, Lk 11:33 (WH, RV, φῶς).†
SYN.: αὐγή, q.v

φείδομαι [in LXX for חָמַל, חוּס, חָשַׂךְ, etc. ;]

to spare: II Co 13:2; c. gen. pers., Ac 20:29, Ro 8:32 11:21, I Co 7:28, II Co 1:23, II Pe 2:4-5; c. inf., to forbear, II Co 12:6.†

*† φειδομένως

adv. from ptcp. (v. 131., § 25, 1),
sparingly: II Co 9:6 (Plut.).†

*† φελόνης (Rec. φαιλ-), -ου, ὁ

by metath. for παινόλης (also φενόλης, φαινόλιον; Lat. pænula)
a cloak (v. DCG, i, 338; on the idea that the meaning here is book-cover, v. CGT, in l; Milligan, NTD, 20; Field, Notes, 217 f., where the view that the φ. here is an eccl. vestment is discussed): II Ti 4:13.†

φέρω [in LXX chiefly for בּוֹא. hi., also for נָשָׂא, etc. ;]

to bear;
1. to bear, carry: c. acc, Lk 23:26 24:1, Jo 19:39, He 1:3 (v. Westc., in l); pass., Ac 2:2 27:15, 17 He 6:1, II Pe 1:17-18; of the mind, II Pe 1:21.
2. to bear, endure: c. acc rei, He 12:20 13:13; c. acc pers., Ro 9:22.
3. to bring, bring forward: c. acc pers., Ac 5:16; id. seq. πρός, Mk 1:32 2:3 9:17, 19-20; ἐπί, Lk 5:18; c. dat., Mk 7:32 8:22; c. acc rei, Mk 6:27 11:2 12:15, Lk 15:23, Ac 4:34, 37 5:2, II Ti 4:13; id. seq. πρός, Mk 11:7; εἰς, Re 21:24, 26; ἐπί, Mt 14:11, Mk 6:28; ἀπό, Jo 21:10; c. dat., Mk 12:15, Jo 2:8; id. seq. ὧδε, Mt 14:18 17:17; seq. φαγεῖν (sc. τι), Jo 4:33; τ. δάκτυλον (χεῖρα), Jo 20:27; pass., ἡ χάρις, I Pe 1:13; διδαχήν, II Jn 10; θάνατον (cf. Field, Notes, 230), He 9:16; κρίσιν, II Pe 2:11; κατηγορίαν, Jo 18:29; αἰτίαν, Ac 25:18; αἰτιώματα, Ac 25:7, Rec.
4. to bear, produce, bring forth: καρπόν, Mt 7:18, Mk 4:8, Jo 12:24 15:2, 4-5 15:8, 16.
5. to bring, lead: Mk 15:22, Jo 21:18, Ac 14:13; metaph., of a gate (ὁδός, cl.), Seq. εἰς, Ac 12:10
(cf. ἀνα-, ἀπο-, δια-, εἰσ-, παρ-εισ-, ἐκ-, ἐπι-, κατα-, -παρα-, περι-, προ-, προσ-, συν-, ὑπο-φέρω).†
SYN: φορέω, which expresses habitual and continuous bearing [p. 468] as distinct from (φέρω) that which is accidental and temporary (cf. Mt 11:8, al., s.v. φορέω, and v. Tr., Syn., § lviii)

φεύγω [in LXX chiefly for נוּס, also for בָּרַח, etc. ;]

to flee from or away, take flight: absol., Mt 8:33 26:56, Mk 5:14 14:50, Lk 8:34, Jo 10:12, Ac 7:29; seq. εἰς, Mt 2:13 10:23 24:16 (WH, txt.), Mk 13:14, Lk 21:21, Re 12:6; ἐπί, c. acc loc., Mt 24:16 (WH, mg.); ἐκ, Ac 27:30; ἀπό, c. gen. loc. (cl.), Mk 16:8; id. c. gen. pers. (as in Heb.), Jo 10:5, Ja 4:7. Metaph.: absol., Re 16:20; c. acc rei, I Co 6:18, He 11:34 (v. M, Fr., 116); opp. to διώκειν, I Ti 6:11, II Ti 2:22; seq. άπό, c. gen. pers., Re 9:6; άπὸ τ. προσώπου, Re 20:11; c. gen. rei, Mt 3:7 (M, Pr., l.c.) Mt 23:33, Lk 3:7, I Co 10:14 (cf. ἀπο-, δια-, ἐκ-, κατα-φεύγω).†

φῆλιξ (L, Φή-), -ικος, ὁ

Felix, procurator of Judæa: Ac 23:24, 26 24:3, 22 24:24-25, 27 25:14.†

φήμη, -ης, ἡ (< φημί) [in LXX: Pr 16:2 (15:30) (שְׁמוּעָה), II Mac 4:39, III Mac 3:2, IV Mac 4:22 * ;]

a saying or report: Mt 9:26, Lk 4:14.†

φημί [in LXX chiefly for נָאַם, also for אָמַר; freq. in 2-4 Mac ;]

to declare, say: freq. in quoting the words of another, Mt 13:29 26:61, Lk 7:40 22:58, Jo 1:23, al.; interjected into the recorded words (cl.), Mt 14:8, Ac 23:35, al.; φησί, impersonal (Bl., § 30, 4), I Co 6:16 (Lft., Notes, 217; but cf. Bl., l.c.), II Co 10:10 (WH, mg., φασίν), He 8:5; joined with syn. verb (cf. LS, s.v., II, 2), ἀποκριθεὶς αὐτῷ ἔφη, Lk 23:3; seq. -πρός, Lk 22:70, al.; c. acc rei, I Co 10:15 10:19; acc et inf., Ro 3:8; seq. ὅτι (Bl., § 70, 3), I Co 10:19 15:50 (cf. σύν-φημι)

* φημίζω (< φήμη),

to spread a report: Mt 28:15, T, WH, mg. (v. δια-φ.).†

φῆστος, -ου, ὁ

(Porcius), Festus, procurator of Judæa: Ac 24:27 25:1 ff. Ac 26:24-25, 32.†

φθάνω [in LXX for נָגַע hi., מְטָא, etc. ;]

1. to come before another, anticipate (cl.): c. acc pers., I Th 4:15.
2. In late writers and MGr. (v. Kennedy, Sources, 156; Lft., Notes, 35), to come, arrive: Ro 9:31; seq. εἰς, Phl 3:16; ἄχρι, II Co 10:14; ἐπί (cf. Da TH Da 4:21, and v. Dalman, Words, 107), Mt 12:28, Lk 11:20, I Th 2:16 (cf. προ-φθάνω).†

φθαρτός, -ή, -όν (φθείρω) [in LXX: Le 22:25 (מִשְׁחָת), Is 54:17 A א3, Wi 9:15 14:8, II Mac 7:16 * ;]

perishable, corruptible: ἄνθρωπος, Ro 1:23 (opp. to ἄφθαρτος θεός); στέφανος, I Co 9:25 (opp. to αρτος); σπσρά, I Pe 1:23 (opp. to ἄφθ.); neut., τὸ φ. τοῦτο, I Co 15:53-54; pl., I Pe 1:18.†

φθέγγομαι [in LXX for עָנָה, נָבַע hi., etc. ;]

of men or animals, to utter a sound or voice: absol., Ac 4:18; seq. ἐν φωνῇ, II Pe 2:16; c. acc, ὑπέρογκα, II Pe 2:18.†

φθείρω [in LXX chiefly for שָׁחַת hi., pi., also for חָבַל, etc. ;]

to destroy, corrupt, spoil (on the varied usage and distinctive meaning of the word, v. Mayor on 2Pe, App., 175 ff.): c. acc, I Co 3:17 15:23, II Co 7:2; seq. ἀπό, II Co 11:3; ἐν, II Pe 2:12, Ju 10, Re 19:2; κατά, Eph 4:22 (cf. δια-, κατα-φθείρω).†

* φθιν-οπωρινός, -ή, -όν (< φθινόπωρον, late autumn),

autumnal: δένδρα φ., autumn trees (said to be without fruit therefore at a time [p. 469] when fruit might be expected; v. Mayor's elaborate note, Ep. Ju., 55-59, and reff. there): Ju 12.†

φθόγγος, -ου, ὁ (< φθέγγομαι), [in LXX: Ps 19:4 (קַו), Wi 19:18 * ;]

a sound: Ro 10:18 (LXX) I Co 14:7.†

** φθονέω, -ῶ (< φθόνος), [in LXX: To 4:7, 16 AB * ;]

to envy: c. dat. (L, txt., Tr., mg., WH, mg., acc), as in cl., Ga 5:26.†

** φθόνος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX: Wi 2:24 6:23, I Mac 8:16, III Mac 6:7 * ;]

envy: Ro 1:29, Ga 5:21, I Ti 6:4, Tit 3:3, I Pe 2:1; διὰ φθόνον, Mt 27:18, Mk 15:10, Phl 1:15; πρὸς φθόνον ἐπιποθεῖ τ. πνεῦμα (on the meaning, v. R, txt., mg. 1, 2; Hort, Ja., 93 f.), Ja 4:5.†

φθορά, -ᾶς, ἡ (< φθείρω) [in LXX for שַׁחַת, חֶבֶל, etc. ;]

destruction, corruption, decay (v. Mayor on 2Pe, App.,175 ff.): Ro 8:21, I Co 15:42, Col 2:22, II Pe 2:12; opp. to ζωὴ αἰώνιος, Ga 6:8; by meton., of that which is subject to corruption, I Co 15:50; of moral decay, II Pe 1:4 2:12 2:19 (cf. Wi 14:12).†

φιάλη, -ης, ἡ [in LXX chiefly for מִזְרָק ;]

a shallow bowl (= Lat. patera), used for pouring libations, etc.: Re 5:8 15:7 16:1-17 17:1 21:9.†

** φιλ-άγαθος, -ον [in LXX: Wi 7:22 * ;]

loving that which is good, loving goodness: Tit 1:8 (Arist., Polyb., a l.).†

Φιλαδελφία (Rec. -έλφεια), -ας, ἡ

Philadelphia, a city of Lydia: Re 1:11 3:7.†

φιλαδελφία, -ας, ἡ (< φιλάδελφος), [in LXX: IV Mac 13:23 Mac 13:26 Mac 14:1 * ;]

the love of brothers, brotherly love: of Christians' mutual love as brethren (v.s. ἀδελφός), Ro 12:10, I Th 4:9, He 13:1, I Pe 1:22, II Pe 1:7.†

* φιλ-άδελφος, -ον [in LXX: II Mac 15:14, IV Mac 13:21 Mac 15:10 * ;]

loving one's brother, loving like a brother (Soph., Xen., al.): of Christians' love for one another (EV, loving as brethren), I Pe 3:8.†

* φίλανδρος, -ον

1. loving men (Æsch.).
2. Of a wife, loving her husband (freq. in epitaphs, v. LS, s.v., Deiss., BS, 255): Tit 2:4.†

** φιλανθρωπία, -ας, ἡ (< φιλάνθρωπος, humane), [in LXX: Es 8:13, II Mac 6:22 Mac 14:9, III Mac 3:15 Mac 3:18 * ;]

humanity, kindness (v. Field, Notes, 147 f.): Ac 28:2, Tit 3:4 (cf. also DCG, ii, 356 ff.).†

** φιλανθρώπως adv., [in LXX: II Mac 9:27, III Mac 3:20 * ;]

humanely, kindly: Ac 27:3.†

* φιλαργυρία, -ας, ἡ (< φιλάργυρος), [in LXX: IV Mac 1:26 Mac 2:15 א1 * ;]

love of money, avarice: I Ti 6:1.†
SYN.: πλεονεξία, covetousness (v. Tr., Syn., § xxiv)

** φιλ-άργυρος, -ον [in LXX: IV Mac 2:8 * ;]

loving money, avaricious: Lk 16:14, II Ti 3:2.†

* φίλ-αυτος, -ον

loving oneself (Arist.); in bad sense (ib.), selfish: II Ti 3:2.†
SYN.: αὐθάδης (v. Tr., Syn., § xciii)

φιλέω, -ῶ (< φίλος), [in LXX: Ge 27:4, 9, al. (אָהַב), Ge 27:27, al. (נָשַׁק), La 1:2 (רֵעַ) Wi 8:2, al. ;]

1. to love (with the love of emotion and friendship, Lat, amare; v, SYN.): c. acc pers., Mt 10:37, Jo 5:20; [p. 470] Jo 11:3, 36 15:19 16:27 20:2 21:15-17, I Co 16:22, Re 3:19; ἐν πίστει, Tit 3:15; c. acc rei, Mt 23:6, Lk 20:46, Jo 12:25, Re 22:15; c. inf. (Is 56:10; cf. Bl., § 69, 4), Mt 6:5.
2. to kiss: c. acc pers., Mt 26:48, Mk 14:44, Lk 22:47 (cf. κατα-φιλέω).†
SYN.: ἀγαπάω ω (q.v.), the love of duty and respect

φίλη, , v.s. φίλος.

*† φιλήδονος, -ον (φίλος, ἡδονή),

loving pleasure: II Ti 3:4 (Polyb., Plut. al.).†

φίλημα, -τος, τό (< φιλέω), [in LXX: Pr 27:6, Ca 1:2 (נְשִׁיקָה) * ;]

a kiss: Lk 7:45 22:48; as a token of Christian brotherhood, φ. ἅγιον, Ro 16:16, I Co 16:20, II Co 13:12, I Th 5:26; φ. ἀγάπης, I Pe 5:14 (v. Lft., Notes, 90; DB, DCA, s.v. "Kiss").†

φιλήμων, -ονος, ὁ

Philemon: Phm 1.†

φίλητός (T, Φιλητός), -ου, ὁ

Philetus: II Ti 2:17.†

φιλία, -ας, ἡ (< φίλος), [in LXX chiefly for אַהֲבָה ;]

friendship: c. gen. obj., Ja 4:4.†

φιλιππήσιος, -ου, ὁ (for other forms in use, v. Lft., in l)

a Philippian: Phl 4:15.†

φίλιπποι, -ων, οἱ (on the pl., v. WM, § 27, 3)

Philippi: Ac 16:12 20:6, Phl 1:1, I Th 2:2.†

φίλιππος, -ου, ὁ

1. the husband of Herodias: Mt 14:3, Mk 6:17.
2. The tetrarch: Mt 16:13, Mk 8:27, Lk 3:1.
3. The apostle: Mt 10:3, Mk 3:18, Lk 6:14, Jo 1:44-49 6:5, 7 12:21-22 14:8-9, Ac 1:13.
4. The deacon and evangelist: Ac 6:5 8:5-40 21:8.†

* φιλό-θεος, -ον

loving God (Arist.): II Ti 3:4.†

φιλόλογος, -ου, ὁ

Philologus: Ro 16:15.†

** φιλονεικία, -ας, ἡ (< φιλόνεικος), [in LXX: II Mac 4:4, IV Mac 1:26 Mac 8:26 * ;]

love of strife, rivalry, emulation (Plat., al.), but mostly in bad sense (Thuc., al.), contentiousness, contention: Lk 22:24 (but v. Field, Notes, 75 f.).†

φιλό-νεικος, -ον (< νεῖκος, strife) [in LXX: Ez 3:7 (חָזָק ־מֵצַח)* ;]

fond of strife, contentious: I Co 11:16.†

* φιλο-ξενία, -ας, ἡ (< φιλόξενος),

love of strangers, hospitality: Ro 12:13, He 13:2.†

* φιλό-ξενος, -ον

loving strangers, hospitable: I Ti 3:2, Tit 1:8, I Pe 4:9.†

*† φιλο-πρωτιύω (< φιλόπρωτος, Plut., al.)

to strive to be first: III Jn 9 (eccl.).†

φίλος, -η, -ον [in LXX chiefly for רֵעַ, אָהַב ;]

1. pass., beloved, dear (Hom., Eur., al.).
2. Act., loving, friendly (in cl. less freq. and only in poets): Ac 19:31. As subst., a friend;
(a) masc., ὁ φ.: Lk 7:6 11:5 14:10 15:6 16:9 21:16 23:12, Ac 27:3, III Jn 14; opp. to δοῦλος, Jo 15:15; φ. ἀναγκαῖοι, Ac 10:24; c. gen. subj., Mt 11:19, Lk 7:34 11:6, 8 12:4 14:12 15:29, Jo 11:11 15:13-14; ὁ φ. τοῦ νυμφίου, Jo 3:29; τ. Καίσαρος (v. Deiss., BS 167; LAE, 382 f.), Jo 19:12; θεοῦ (v. Hort, in l), Ja 2:23; c. gen. rei, τ, κόσμου, Ja 4:4;
(b) fem., ἡ φ., Lk 15:9,†

[p. 471]

** Φιλο-σοφία, -ας, ἡ (< φιλόσοφος), [in LXX: IV Mac 1:1 Mac 5:10 Mac 5:22 Mac 7:9 Mac 7:21 * ;]

the love and pursuit of wisdom; hence, philosophy, investi­gation of truth and nature: of the so-called philosophy of false teachers, Col 2:8 (v. Lft., ICC, in l).†

φιλό-σοφος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX: Da LXX 1:20 (אַשָּׁף), IV Mac 1:1 Mac 5:35 Mac 7:7 * ;]

a philosopher: Ac 17:18.†

** φιλόστοργος, -ον (< στοργή, family affection), [in LXX: IV Mac 15:13 * ;]

tenderly loving, affectionate (Xen., Plut., al.): of Christians, Ro 12:10.†

** φιλότεκνος, -ον (< φίλος, τέκνον), [in LXX: IV Mac 15:4-6 * ;]

loving one's children (Hdt., Arist., Plut., al.): of women, joined with φίλανδρος, q.v., Tit 2:4.†

** φιλοτιμέομαι, -οῦμαι (< φίλος, τιμή), [in LXX: IV Mac 1:35 A ;]

to love or seek after honour, hence, to be ambitious, emulous (Plat., Plut., al.): c. inf., Ro 15:20, II Co 5:9, I Th 4:11.†

** φιλοφρόνως (< φιλόφρων) adv., [in LXX: II Mac 3:9, IV Mac 8:5 * ;]

kindly, with friendliness: Ac 28:7.†

* φιλόφρων, -ον (< φίλος, φρήν),

friendly, kind. I Pe 3:8, Rec.†

φιμόω, -ῶ (< φιμός, a muzzle), [in LXX: De 25:4 (חָסַם), Da LXX Su 1:61, IV Mac 1:35 א R * ;]

to muzzle: I Co 9:9, I Ti 5:18 (LXX); metaph., to put to silence: c. acc pers., Mt 22:34, I Pe 2:15; pass., to be silenced, silent: Mt 22:12, Mk 1:25 4:39, Lk 4:35.†

φλέγων, -οντος, ὁ

Phlegon: Ro 16:14.†

φλογίζω (< φλόξ), [in LXX: Ex 9:24 (לָקַח hith.), Nu 21:14 (†), Ps 97:3 (לָהַט pi.), Da TH Da 3:27(94) (חָרַךְ ithp.), Si 3:30, I Mac 3:5 * ;]

to set on fire, burn, burn up: fig., Ja 3:6 (on the meaning of the sentence, v. Hort, in l).†

φλόξ gen., φλογός, [in LXX chiefly for לַהַב, לֶהָבָה ;]

a flame: Lk 16:24; φ, πυρός, Ac 7:30, II Th 1:8, He 1:7 (LXX), Re 1:14 2:18 19:12.†

* φλυαρέω, -ῶ (< φλύαρος),

to talk nonsense: c. acc pers., ἡμᾶς (EV, prating against us), III Jn 10.†

** φλύαρος, -ον (< φλύω, to babble), [in LXX: IV Mac 5:10 * ;]

babbling, garrulous: I Ti 5:13 (EV, tattlers; of things, φιλοσοφία, 4Mac, l.c.).†

φοβερός, -ά, -όν (< φοβέω), [in LXX chiefly for יָרֵא, also for דְּחַל, אָיֹם ;]

fearful, whether act, or pass.;
1. act., = δεινός, causing fear, terrible (LXX): He 10:27, 31 12:21
2. Pass., = δειλός, feeling fear, timid (cl. in both senses).†

φοβέέω, (< φόβος) [in LXX chiefly for מִן יָרֵא ;]

1. in Hem., to put to flight. Pass., to be put to flight, to flee affrighted
2. to terrify, frighten (Wis 179; Hdt. and Att..). Pass. (so always in NT; cf. M, Pr., 162), to be seized with fear, be affrighted, fear: Mt 10:31 14:27, Mk 5:33 6:50, Lk 1:13 8:50, Jo 6:19 12:15, Ac 16:38, al.; opp. to ὑψηλοφρονεῖν, Ro 11:20; σφόδρα, Mt 17:6 27:54; c. cogn. acc, φόβον μέγαν, Mk 4:41, Lk 2:9 (I Mac 10:8); φόβον αὐτῶν (obj, gen., but cf. ICC, in l), I Pe 3:14; πτόησιν, I Pe 3:6; c. acc pers., Mt 10:26, Mk 11:18, Lk 19:21, Jo 9:22, Ac 9:26, [p. 472]
Ro 13:3, al.; seq. ἀπό (like Heb. יָרֵא, Je 1:8, al.; cf. M, Pr., 102, 104n„), Mt 10:28, Lk 12:4; seq. μή (cl.; Bl., § 65, 3; M, Pr., 184 f.), Ac 23:10 27:17; μήπως, Ac 27:29, II Co 11:3 12:20, Ga 4:11; μήποτε, He 4:1; c. inf. (Bl., § 69, 4; M, Pr., 205), Mt 1:20, Mk 9:32, al.; of reverential fear: Mk 6:20, Eph 5:33; τ. θεόν, Lk 1:50, Ac 10:2, I Pe 2:17, Re 14:7, al.; τ. κύριον, Col 3:22, Re 15:4; τ. ὄνομα τ. θεοῦ (v.s. ὄνομα), Re 11:18; οἱ φοβούμενοι τ. θεόν, of proselytes, Ac 13:16, 26 (cf. ἐκ-φοβέω)

φόβητρον (LTr., WH, -θρον), -ου, τό (< φοβέω), [in LXX: Is 19:17 (חָגָא) * ;]

that which causes fright, a terror: pl. (as always, exc.Isa, l.c.), Lk 21:11 (Hipp., Plat.).†

φόβος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX chiefly for יִרְאָה, also for פַּחַד, אֵימָה, etc. ;]

1. in Hom., flight.
2. That which causes flight, fear, dread, terror: Lk 1:12, Ac 5:5, I Ti 5:20. I Jn 4:18, al.; cogn. acc, φοβεῖσθαι φ., Mk 4:41, Lk 2:9; c. gen. obj., Jo 7:13 19:33 20:19, He 2:5, I Pe 3:14 (but cf. ICC, in l);ἀπὸ (τοῦ) φ., Mt 14:26, Lk 21:26; εἰς φ., Ro 8:15; μετὰ φόβου, Mt 28:8; φ. καὶ τρόμος (Lft., Notes, 172), I Co 2:3, II Co 7:15, Eph 6:5, Phl 2:12; by meton., of that which causes fear, Ro 13:3; of reverential fear, Ro 13:7, I Pe 1:17 2:18 3:2 3:15; τ. κυρίου, Ac 9:31, II Co 5:11 (v. Field, Notes, 183); Χριστοῦ, Eph 5:21; θεοῦ, Ro 3:18, II Co 7:1
SYN.: v.s. δειλία (and of. DCG, i, 381)

φοίβη, -ης, ἡ

Phæbe, a deaconess of Cenchræa: Ro 16:1.†

φοινίκη, -ης, ἡ

Phænicia: Ac 11:19 15:3 21:2 (v. DB, iii, 856b, 857a.n).†

Φοῖνιξ (on the accent, v. Bl., § 4, 2; WM, § 6, lc), -ικος, ὁ, [in LXX for תָּמָר תִּמֹּר ;]

the date palm, palm: τὰ βαΐα τῶν φ., Jo 12:13; of palm branches, φοίνικες (as Arist., II Mac 10:7, al.), Re 7:9.†

φοῖνιξ, -ικος, ο, ἡ

(a) a Phænician (also with fem., Φοίνισσα, Hom., al.);
(b) Phænix, a city of Crete: Ac 27:12.†

* φονεύς, -έως, ὁ (φόνος) [in LXX: Wi 12:5 * ;]

a murderer: Mt 22:7 Ac 7:52 28:4, I Pe 4:15, Re 21:8 22:15; ἀνὴρ φ., Ac 3:14.†
SYN.: ἀνθρωποκτόνος

φονεύω (< φονεύς), [in LXX chiefly for רָצַח ;]

to kill, murder. absol., Mt 5:21, Ja 4:2; μὴ (οὐ) φονεύσῃς (-εις), Mt 5:21 19:18, Mk 10:19, Lk 18:20, Ro 13:9, Ja 2:11 (all from Ex 20:13-14); c. acc, Mt 23:31, 35, Ja 5:6.†

φόνος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX for דָּם, פֶּה, etc. ;]

murder, slaughter: Mk 15:7, Lk 23:19, 25, Ac 9:1, Ro 1:29; φ. μαχαίρης (cf. Ex 17:13, al.), He 11:37; pl., Mt 15:19, Mk 7:21, Re 9:21.†

φορέω, -ῶ [in LXX: Pr 16:23 (יָסַף hi.), Si 11:5, al. ;]

frequent. of φέρω, denoting repeated or habitual action (cf. Tr., Syn., § lviii), most commonly used of clothing, weapons, etc., to bear constantly, wear: Mt 11:8, Jo 19:5, Ro 13:4, I Co 15:49, Ja 2:3.†

*† φόρον, -ου, τό

(Lat. forum): Ἀππίου Φ., v.s. Ἄππιος

φόρος, .-ου, ὁ (< φέρω), [in LXX chiefly for מַס, also for מִדָּה, [p. 473] etc. ;]

tribute paid by a subject nation (cf. I Mac 10:33): φ. δοῦναι (I Mac 8:4 Mac 8:7), Lk 20:22 23:2; ἀποδοῦναι, Ro 13:7; τελεῖν, Ro 13:6 (Hdt., al.).†
SYN.: κῆνσος, τέλος (q.v.)

φορτίζω (< φόρτος), [in LXX: Ez 16:33 (שָׁחַד) * ;]

to load: c. dupl. acc, Lk 11:46; pass., to be laden: metaph. (EV, heavy laden), Mt 11:28.†

φορτίον, -ου, τό (dimin. of φόρτος), [in LXX chiefly for מַשָּׂא ;]

a burden, load: of the cargo of a ship (Hdt., al.), Ac 27:10; metaph., Mt 11:30 23:4, Lk 11:46, Ga 6:5.†
SYN.: βάρος (q.v.), ὄγκος

* φόρτος, -ου, ὁ (< φέρω),

a load: esp. of a ship's cargo (Hom., Hdt., and late prose writers), Ac 27:10, Rec.†

φορτούνατος (Rec. Φουρ-, v. Mayser, 116 f.), -ου, ὁ

(Lat.) Fortunatus: I Co 16:17 (v. Lft., Cl. Ro., 1Co., 59).†

*† φραγέλλιον, -ου, τό

(Lat. flagellum), a scourge: Jo 2:15.†

*† φραγελλόω, -ῶ (< φραγέλλιον, q.v.),

to scourge: c. acc, Mt 27:26, Mk 15:15 (eccl.).†

φραγμός, -oῦ, ὁ (< φράσσω), [in LXX chiefly for גָּדֵר, גְּדֵרָה, also for גְּדֵרָה, etc. ;]

1. prop., a fencing in (Soph., OT, 1387).
2. = φράγμα, a fence: Mt 21:33, Mk 12:1, Lk 14:23. Metaph., μεσότοιχον (q.v.) τοῦ φ., gen. epexeg., Eph 2:14 (v. Ellic., in l).†

φράζω [in LXX: Jb 6:24 (בִּין hi.) Jb 12:8 (יָרָה hi.), Da LXX 2:4 (חָוָה pa.) * ;]

to show forth, tell, declare, explain: Mt 13:36 (WH, RV, διασάφησον) Mt 15:15.†

φράσσω [in LXX: Jb 38:8 (סָכַךְ hi.), Ho 2:6(8) (שׂוּךְ), Pr 21:13 (אָטַם), etc. ;]

to fence in, stop, close: στόματα λεόντων, He 11:33; στόμα, metaph., Ro 3:19; pass., καύχησις, II Co 11:10.†

φρέαρ, -ατος, τό [in LXX chiefly for בְּאֵר ;]

a well: Lk 14:5, Ca 4:11-12; φ. τῆς ἀβύσσου, Re 9:1-2.†

*† φρεν-απατάω, -ῶ (< φρεναπάτης),

to deceive one's mind (Lft., deceive by fancies, v. Ga., l.c.): c. acc pers., Ga 6:3.†

*† φρεναπάτης, -ου, ὁ (< φρήν, ἀπάτη),

a deceiver (B1., deceiver of his own mind, § 28, 5.2, where v. ref. to π.): Tit 1:10 (eccl.).†

φρήν gen., φρενός, ἡ, [in LXX most freq. in Pr (Pr 6:32, al.) and chiefly for לֵב; also III Mac 4:16 Mac 5:47 ;]

chiefly in Hom. and Trag., but also in Plat., al., both sing. and pl.;
1. in physical sense, the parts about the heart, midriff.
2. heart, mind, thought: pl., I Co 14:20 (v. Edwards, Eng.-Gr. Lex., App., 1).†

φρίσσω (Att.. -ττω, and so IV Mac 14:9 Mac 17:7) [in LXX: Jb 4:15 ( pi.), etc. ;]

1. to be rough, bristle.
2. to shiver, shudder, tremble, from fear: Ja 2:19 (v. Hort, in l).†

φρονέω, -ῶ (< φρήν), [in LXX: De 32:29, Za 9:2 (חָכָם), Ps 94:8 (שָׂכַל hi.), Is 44:18 (בִּין) Is 44:28, Es 8:13, Wi 1:1 14:30, I Mac 10:20, II Mac 9:12; [p. 474] II Mac 14:8 Mac 14:26 * ;]

1. to have understanding (Hon., al.).
2. to think, to be minded in a certain way: ὡς νήπιος, I Co 13:11; c. acc (usually neut., adj., or pron., as freq. in cl.), ὃ δεῖ, Ro 12:3; , Ac 28:22; τοῦτο, Phl 3:15; τι ἑτέρως, ib.; οὐδὲν ἄλλο, Ga 5:10; τ. αὐτὸ φ. (Deiss., BS, 256), to be of the same mind, II Co 13:11, Phl 2:2 4:2; id. seq. εἰς (ἐν) ἀλλήλους(οις), Ro 12:16 15:5; τ. ἓν φ., Phl 2:2 (Lft., in l); seq. ὑπέρ, Phl 1:7.
3. to have in mind, be mindful of, think of (Hdt., Xen., al.; Es, 1Mac, ll. c.): τὰ τ. θεοῦ, opp. to τ. τ. ἀνθρώπων, Mt 16:23, Mk 8:33; τὰ τ. σαρκός, opp. to τ. τ. πνεύρατος, Ro 8:5; τ. ἐπίγεια, Phl 3:19; τὰ ἄνω, opp. to τ. ἐπὶ τ. γῆς, Col 3:2; τοῦτο φρονεῖτε (RV, have this mind in you), Phl 2:5; ὑψηλά, Ro 12:16; φ. ἡμέραν (to observe a day), Ro 14:6; seq. ὑπέρ, Phl 4:10 (cf. κατα-, παρα-, περι-, ὑπερ-φρσνέω).†

** φρόνημα, -τος, τό (< φρονέω), [in LXX: II Mac 7:21 Mac 13:9 * ;]

that which is in the mind (the content of φρονεῖν, ICC, Ro., 88), the thought: Ro 8:6-7, 27.†

φρόνησις, -εως, ἡ (< φρονέω), [in LXX for בִּינָה, תָּבוּן, חׇכְמָה, etc. ;]

understanding, practical wisdom, prudence: Lk 1:17, Eph 1:8.†
SYN.: v.s. σοφία, and cf. Lft., Notes, 317

φρόνιμος, -ον (< φρονέω), [in LXX for בִּין, חָכָם etc. ;]

practically wise, sensible, prudent: Mt 10:16 24:45, Lk 12:42, I Co 10:15; opp. to μωρός, Mt 7:24 25:2, 4 25:8-9, I Co 4:10; to ἄφρων, II Co 11:19; φ. παρ' ἑαυτῷ (EV, wise in one's own conceit), Ro 11:25 12:16 (cf. Pr 3:7); compar., -ώτερος, Lk 16:8.†
SYN.: v.s. σοψός

φρονίμως adv.,

sensibly, prudently: Lk 16:8.†

φροντίζω (< φροντίς, thought), [in LXX: I Ki 9:5 (דָּאַג), Ps 40:17 (חָשַׁב), al. ;]

to give heed, take thought (in cl. usually absol., c acc, c. gen.), c. inf., Tit 3:8 (v. Bl., § 69, 4; M, Pr., 206 f.).†

φρουρέω, -ῶ (< φρουρός, a guard), [in LXX: I Es 4:56, Jth 3:6, Wi 17:16, I Mac 11:3 * ;]

to guard, keep under guard, protect or keep by guarding: II Co 11:32; metaph., Ga 3:23, Phl 4:7, I Pe 1:5.†

φρυάσσω (so Ps, l.c., NT; elsewhere depon., φρυάσσομαι, Att.. -ττ-), [in LXX: Ps 2:1 (רָגַשׁ), II Mac 7:34 R, III Mac 2:2 * ;]

prop., of horses, to neigh, whinny and prance (Plut., al.). Metaph., to be wanton, insolent: Ac 4:25 (LXX).†

φρύγανον, -ου, τό (< φρύγω, to parch), [in LXX chiefly for קַשׁ, also for חָרוּל, etc. ;]

a dry stick: pl., brushwood: Ac 28:3.†

φρυγία, -ας, ἡ (prop., the adj., Φρυγίος, -α, -ον; sc. γῆ, χώρα),

Phrygia, a region of Asia Minor: Ac 2:10; Φ. καὶ Γαλατικὴ χώρα (Γ. χ. κ. Φ.), Ac 16:6 18:23 (on these phrases v. DB, i, 89 f.; CGT, Gal., xxii f.).†

φύγελος (Rec. -λλος), -ου, ὁ

Phygelus: II Ti 1:15.†

φυγή, -ῆς, ἡ (< φεύγω), [in LXX chiefly for מָנוֹס and cogn. forms ;]

flight: Mt 24:20.†

φυλακή, -ῆς, ἡ (< φυλάσσω) [in LXX chiefly for מִשְׁמֶרֶת and [p. 475] cogn. forms, also for כֶּלֶא etc. ;]

(a) actively, a guarding, guard, watch (Hom., Plat., Xen., al.): cogn. acc, φυλάσσειν φυλακάς, to keep watch, Lk 2:8;
(b) of those who keep watch (as also Lat. custodia), a guard; pl., sentinels, a guard (Hom., al.): Ac 12:10;
(c) of the place where persons are kept under guard, a prison (Hdt., Thuc., al.): Mt 14:10, Mk 6:17, Lk 3:20, Ac 5:19, II Co 6:5, I Pe 3:19, Re 18:2, al.;
(d) of the time during which guard was kept by night (Lest. vigilia; Anthol.), a watch: Mt 14:25 24:43, Mk 6:48, Lk 12:38

**† φυλακίζω [in LXX: Wi 18:4 * ;]

to imprison: Ac 22:19.†

* φυλακτήριον, -ου, τό

1. an outpost, fortification (Thuc., al.).
2. a safeguard (Plat.).
3. an amulet (Plut., al.); in NT for the Talmudic תְּפִלִּין, a prayer fillet, a phylactery, a small strip of parchment on which portions of the law were written and worn on the forehead and next the heart (cf. Ex 13:16): Mt 23:5.†

φύλαξ, -ακος, ὁ (< φυλάσσω), [in LXX for שָׁמַר, צוּר ;]

a guard, keeper: Ac 5:23 12:6, 19.†

φυλάσσω [in LXX chiefly and very freq. for שָׁמַר, also for נָצַר, etc. ;]

to guard, watch;
(a) to guard or watch: c. cogn. acc, φυλακάς, Lk 2:8; c. acc pers., Ac 12:4 28:16; pass., Lk 8:29, Ac 23:35; c. acc rei, Ac 22:20;
(b) to guard or protect: c. acc, Lk 11:21, Jo 12:25 17:12, II Th 3:3, I Ti 6:20, II Ti 1:12 1:14, II Pe 2:5; ἑαυτὸν ἀπό, I Jn 5:21 (Westc., in l); metaph. of law, precept, etc., to keep, preserve, observe: Mt 19:20, Lk 11:28 18:21, Jo 12:47, Ac 7:53 16:4 21:24, Ro 2:26, Ga 6:13, I Ti 5:21. Mid., to be on one's guard (against), keep oneself from, beware of: c. acc, Ac 21:25, II Ti 4:15; seq. ἀπό., Lk 12:15; ἵνα μή, II Pe 3:17; as in LXX (Ex 12:17, Le 18:4, al.), of laws, etc., to keep, observe: ταῦτα πάντα, Mk 10:20 (cf. δια-φυάσσω).†
SYN.: τηρέω, q.v

φυλή, ῆς, ἡ [in LXX chiefly for; מַטֶּה, also for שֵׁבֶט, מִשְׁפָּחָה, etc. ;]

a body of men united by kinship or habitation, a clan or tribe: of the tribes of Israel, Mt 19:28, Lk 2:36 22:30, Ac 13:21, Ro 11:1, Phl 3:5, He 7:13-14, Ja 1:1, Re 5:5 7:4-8 21:12; of the tribes of the earth, the peoples and nations, Mt 24:30, Re 1:7 5:9 7:9 11:9 13:7 14:6.†

φύλλον, -ου, τό [in LXX chiefly for עָלֶה ;]

a leaf: Mt 21:19 24:32, Mk 11:13 13:28, Re 22:2.†

φύραμα, -τος, τό (< φυράω, to mix), [in LXX: Ex 8:3 (Ex 7:28) Ex 12:34 (מִשְׁאֶרֶת), מִשְׁאֶרֶת), Nu 15:20-21 (עֲרִיסָה) * ;]

that which is mixed or kneaded, a lump: of dough, Ro 11:16, I Co 5:6-7, Ga 5:9; of clay, Ro 9:21.†

* φυσικός, -ή, -όν (< ψύσις),

(a) produced by nature, innate (Xen., Arist., al.);
(b) according to nature (Arist., Diod., al.): opp. to παρὰ φύσιν, Ro 1:26-27;
(c) governed by mere natural instinct (of. Plut., Mor., 706 A): ζῷα γεγεννημένα φ. (RV, born mere animals; Mayor, born creatures of instinct; ICC, animals born of mere nature), II Pe 2:12,†

[p. 476]

* φυσικῶς adv.,

naturally, by nature: Ju 10.†

*† φυσιόω, -ῶ (< φῦσα, bellows), = cl. φυσάω,

to puff or blow up, inflate. Metaph., to puff up, make proud: I Co 8:1. Pass., to be puffed up with pride: I Co 4:18-19 5:2 13:4; seq. ὑπό, Col 2:18; seq. ὑπὲρ . . . κατά, I Co 4:6 (on the form of the subjc., v. M, Pr., 54; Bl., § 22, 3).†

** φύσις, -εως, ἡ (< φύω) [in LXX: Wi 7:20 13:1 19:20 אΑ, III Mac 3:29, IV Mac 1:20 Mac 5:7-8 Mac 5:25 Mac 13:27 Mac 15:13 Mac 15:25 Mac 16:3 * ;]

nature, i.e.,
(a) the nature (natural powers or constitution) of a person or thing: Ja 3:7, II Pe 1:4;
τέκνα φυσει ὀργῆς, Eph 2:3;
(b) origin, birth (Soph., Xen., al.): Ro 2:27, Ga 2:15;
(c) nature, i.e. the regular order or law of nature: I Co 11:14; dat., φύσει adverbially, by nature, Ro 2:14, Ga 4:8; παρὰ φύσιν, against nature, Ro 1:26 11:24; καρὰ φ., according to nature, naturally, Ro 11:21, 24.†

*† φυσίωσις, -εως, ἡ (< φυσιόω),

a puffing up, swelling with pride: pl., II Co 12:20.†

φυτεία, -ας, ἡ (< φυτεύω), [in LXX: IV Ki 19:29 (נָטַע), Mi 1:6, Ez 17:7 (מַטָּע) * ;]

1. a planting (Xen., al.; LXX).
2. = φύτευμα, that which is planted, a plant (Inscr.): Mt 15:13.†

φυτεύω (< φυτόν, a plant, < φύω), [in LXX chiefly for נָטַע, also for שָׁתַל, etc. ;]

to plant: Lk 17:28, I Co 3:6-8; c. acc, φυτείαν, Mt 15:13; ἀμπελῶνα, Mt 21:33, Mk 12:1, Lk 20:9, I Co 9:7; pass., seq. ἐν, Lk 13:6 17:6.†

φύω [in LXX: Pr 26:9, Ez 37:8 (עָלָה), etc. ;]

1. trans., to bring forth, produce (of men, to beget); pass., to spring up, grow: Lk 8:6, 8.
2. Intrans., in 2 aor., pf., plpf., and rarely in pres. (v. LS, s.v., A, II.), to spring up: He 12:15.†

* φωλεός, -οῦ ὁ

a hole, den, lair: Mt 8:20, Lk 9:58.†

φωνέω, -ῶ (< φωνή), [in LXX for קָרָא (Je 17:11, al.), etc. ;]

I. Intrans.
1. Of persons, to call out, cry out, speak aloud: Lk 8:8; φωνῇ μεγάλῃ, Mk 1:26, Ac 16:28; ἐφώνησε (φωνῇ μεγάλῇ) λέγων, Lk 8:54, Re 14:18; φωνήσαντες ἐπύθοντο, Ac 10:18.
2. Of the cries of animals (rarely in cl.; Is 38:14, Je, l.c.): of a cock, to crow, Mt 26:34, Mk 14:30, Lk 22:3, Jo 13:38 18:27.
II. Trans. (in cl. chiefly poët.), c. acc pers., to call, summon, invite: Mt 20:32 27:47, Mk 9:35 10:49 15:35, Lk 14:12 16:2 19:15, Jo 1:49 2:9 4:16 10:3 11:28 12:17 18:33, Ac 9:41 10:7; to address, call by name (Soph.), Jo 13:13 (cf. ἀνα-, ἐπι-, προσ-, συν-φωνέω).†

[NT: 139x] φωνή, -ῆς, ἡ, [in LXX chiefly and very freq. for קֹול ;]

a voice;
(a) prop., of persons, Mt 2:18 (LXX), al.; φ. αἴρειν (ἐπαίρειν), Lk 17:13, Ac 2:14, al.; φ. μεγάλῃ εἰπεῖν (λέγειν, φωνεῖν, etc.), Lk 8:28, Ac 7:57, Re 5:12, al.; γίνεται (ἔρχεται) φ. ἐκ τ. οὐρανῶν (ἐξ οὐρανοῦ), Mk 1:11, Lk 3:22, Jo 12:28, al. (cf. DCG, ii, 810a; Dalman, Words, 204f.); ἀκούειν φωνήν (-ῆς; v.s. ἀκούω), Ac 9:4, 7 al.; φ. βοῶντος, Mt 3:3, Mk 1:3, Lk 3:4, Jo 1:23 (LXX); τ. θεοῦ, Jo 5:37, He 3:7, al. By meton.,
(α) of the speaker, βλέπειν τὴν φ., Re 1:12;
(β) speech, language ( Ge 11:1, IV Mac 12:7, al.): I Co 14:10;
(b) of inanimate things: Mt 24:31, Jo 3:8, Ac 2:6, Re 1:15b 9:9 14:2, al. (cf. Tr., Syn., §lxxxix).

φῶς (Att.. contr. from φάος; < φάω), gen., φωτός, τό, [in LXX chiefly for אוֹר ;]

light (opp. to τὸ σκότος, ἡ σκοτία): Mt 17:2, 5, Jo 11:9-10, II Co 4:6; ἡλίου, Re 22:5; of a lamp, Lk 8:16 11:33, Jo 5:35, Re 18:23; of a [p. 477] supernatural heavenly light, Ac 9:3 12:7 22:6, 9 22:11 26:13; hence, ἄγγελος φωτός, II Co 11:14; ὁ κλήρος τ. ἁγίων ἐν τ. φ., Col 1:12; of the divine glory, Re 21:24; by meton., of that which gives light: of fire, Mk 14:54, Lk 22:56 (cl.; I Mac 12:29; cf. DCG, i, 595; pl., of a lamp or torch, Ac 16:29; of heavenly bodies, Ja 1:17.
(a) of God: I Jn 1:5 Jn 1:7; φῶς οἰκῶν ἀπρόσιτον, I Ti 6:16;
(b) of spiritual truth and its effects on the lives of men: Mt 4:16 5:16, Jo 1:4-5 3:19-21, Ac 26:18, 23, II Co 6:14, Eph 5:13, I Pe 2:9, I Jn 2:8; τ. φ. τ. ζωῆς, Jo 8:12; τ. ὅπλα τοῦ φ., Ro 13:12; καρπὸς τοῦ φ., Eph 5:9; έν τ. φ. περιπατεῖν (εἶναι, μένειν), I Jn 1:7 Jn 2:9-10; υἱοὶ (τέκνα) τοῦ φ., Lk 16:8, Jo 12:36, Eph 5:8, I Th 5:5; by meton., of one from whom truth shines forth: Ac 13:47 (LXX), Ro 2:19; esp. of Christ, Lk 2:32, Jo 1:7-8 12:35-36, 46; τ. φ. τ. κόσμου, Jo 8:12 9:5;τ. φ. τ. ἀληθινόν, Jo 1:9; of Christians, Mt 5:14, Eph 5:8;
(c) of the spiritual under­standing: τ. φ. τὸ ἐν σοί, Mt 6:23, Lk 11:35;
(d) adverbially, of that which is open to view (opp. to ἐν τ. σκοτίᾳ): ἐν τ. φ., Mt 10:27, Lk 12:3.†
SYN.: v.s. φέγγος

φωστήρ, -ῆρος, ὁ (< φῶς), [in LXX: Ge 1:14, 16 (מָאוֹר), Da LXX 12:3 (זֹהַר), I Es 8:79, Wi 13:2, Si 43:7 * ;]

a luminary, light: Phl 2:15, Re 21:11.†
SYN.: φέγγος, φῶς

* φωσ-φόρος, -ον (< φῶς, φέρω),

light-bringing; as subst., ὁ φ., the morning star (Plat., al.; cf. ἐωσφόρος, Is 14:12, Jb 3:9, Ps 110:3): metaph., II Pe 1:19 (v. Mayor, in l).†

** φωτεινός (WH, φωτινός), ή, όν (< φῶς), [in LXX: Si 17:31 23:19 * ;]

bright, light: νεφέλη, Mt 17:5; opp. to σκοτεινός, Mt 6:22, Lk 11:34, 36.†

φωτίζω (< φῶς) [in LXX for אוֹר hi, יָרָה hi., etc. ;]

1. intrans., to shine, give light (Arist., Plut., a1.): seq. ἐπί, Re 22:5.
2. Trans.
(a) to illumine, enlighten (Diod., Plut., al.): c. acc, Lk 11:36, Re 21:23; pass., Re 18:1. Metaph., of spiritual enlightenment (Ps 119:130, Si 45:17, al.): Jo 1:9, Eph 1:18 3:9, R, txt., He 6:4 10:32;
(b) to bring to light, make known (Polyb.): I Co 4:5, Eph 3:9, R, mg., II Ti 1:10 (cf. Kennedy, Sources, 107 f.).†

φωτισμός, -οῦ, ὁ (φωτίζω) [in LXX: Jb 3:9, Ps 27:1 44:3 78:14 139:11 (אוֹר), Ps 89:8 (מָאוֹר) * ;]

illumination, light: metaph., I Co 4:4 4:6.†


χαίρω [in LXX for שָׂמַח (Ge 45:16, al.), גִּיל (Pr 2:14, al.), etc.; inf., as greeting (v. infr.), Is 48:22 57:21 שָׁלוֹם), I Mac 10:18, II Mac 1:1 and freq. in these books ;]

1. to rejoice, be glad: Mk 14:11, Lk 15:5, 32 19:6, 37 22:5 23:8, Jo 8:56 20:20, Ac 5:41 8:39 11:23 13:48, II Co 6:10 7:7 13:9, Phl 2:17, 28, [p. 478] Col 2:5, I Th 5:16, I Pe 4:13, III Jn 3; χ. καὶ ἀγαλλιᾶσθαι, Mt 5:12; κ. σκιρτᾶν, Lk 6:23; opp. to κλαίειν, Ro 12:15, I Co 7:30; to κλαίειν κ. θρηνεῖν Jo 16:20; to λύπην ἔχειν, Jo 16:22; c. cogn. acc, χ. χαρὰν μεγάλην, Mt 2:10; χαρᾷ χ. (B1., § 38, 3; Dalman, Words, 34 f.), Jo 3:29; ἡ χαρὰ ᾗ χαίρομεν, I Th 3:9; c. prep. (Bl., 38, 2), ἐπί, c. dat. (simple dat. in cl.), Mt 18:13, Lk 1:14 13:17, Ac 15:31, Ro 16:19, I Co 13:6 16:17, II Co 7:13, Re 11:10; διά, Jo 3:29 11:15, I Th 3:9; ἐν, Phl 1:18; ἀπό, II Co 2:3; c. acc (Dem.), Phl 2:18; seq. ὅτι, Jo 14:28, II Co 7:9 7:16, II Jn 4; ἐν τούτῳ ὅτι, Lk 10:20; c. dat., Ro 12:1; ἐν κυρίῳ, Phl 4:10
2. In salutations, imperat., χαῖρε, χαίρετε,
(a) at meeting, hail: Mt 26:49 27:29, Mk 15:18, Lk 1:28, Jo 19:3; pl., Mt 28:9; so χχαίρειν λέγω, to give greeting, II Jn 11; in letters, χαίρειν (sc. λέγει; 81, 1), greeting: Ac 15:23 23:26 Ja 1:1;
(b) at parting, farewell: II Co 13:11;
(c) on other occasions, be of good cheer: ἐν κυρίῳ, Phl 3:1 4:4 (cf. συν-χαίρω).†

χάλαζα, -ης, ἡ [in LXX chiefly for בָּרָד ;]

hail: Re 8:7 11:19 16:21.†

χαλάω, -ῶ [in LXX: (Je 38:6) (שָׁלַח pi.), etc. ;]

(a) to slacken, loosen;
(b) to let loose, let go;
(c) to lower, let down: c. acc rei, Mk 2:4, Lk 5:4-5, Ac 9:25 27:17, 30; c. acc pers. (cf. Je, l.c.), pass., II Co 11:33.†

Χαλδαῖος, -ου, ὁ

a Chaldæan: γῆ Χαλδαίων, Ac 7:4.†

χαλεπός, -ή, -όν [in LXX: Is 18:2 (יָרֵא), Wi 3:19, Si 3:21, al. ;]

(a) hard to do or deal with, difficult;
(b) hard to bear, painful, grievous: καιροί, II Ti 3:1;
(c) of persons, hard to deal with, harsh, fierce, savage: Mt 8:28.†

*† χαλιναγωγέω, -ῶ (< χαλινός, ἄγω),

to lead with a bridle; metaph., to bridle, restrain: c. acc, γλῶσσαν, Ja 1:26; σῶμα, Ja 3:2.†

χαλινός, -οῦ, ὁ [in LXX chiefly for מֶתֶג ;]

a bridle: Ja 3:3, Re 14:20.†

χάλκεος, -έα, -εον (-οῦς, -ῆ, -οῦν) (< χαλκός), [in LXX chiefly for נְחֹשֶׁת ;]

brazen (i.e. of copper): Re 9:20.†

χαλκεύς, -έως, ὁ (< χαλκός), [in LXX for חָרָשׁ, etc. ;]

a worker, in metal, esp. a copper-smith: II Ti 4:14.†

*† χαλκηδών, -όνος, ὁ

chalcedony, "supposed to denote a green silicate of copper found in the mines near Chalcedon " (Swete): Re 21:19.†

χαλκίον, -ου, τό (< χαλκός), [in LXX: Jb 41:22(23) (סִיר), etc. ;]

a brazen (copper) vessel: Mk 7:4.†

*† χαλκο-λίβανον, -ου, τό

chalcolibanus, probably "a mixed metal of great brilliance" (Swete): Re 1:15 2:18 (RV, burnished brass).†

χαλκός, -oῦ, ὁ [in LXX chiefly for נְחֹשֶׁת ;]

copper: I Co 13:1, Re 18:12; by meton., of copper coin, Mt 10:9, Mk 6:8 12:41.†

χαμαί adv.,

on or to the ground: Jo 9:6 18:6.†

Χαναάν, indecl. (Heb. כְּנַעַן),

Canaan: Ac 7:11; γῆ Χ., Ac 13:19.†

Χαναναῖος, -α, -ον

Canaanite: γυνή, Mt 15:22.†

[p. 479]

χαρά, -ᾶς, ἡ (< χαίρω), [in LXX for שִׂמְחָה, שָׂשׂוֹן, etc. ;]

joy, delight: Lk 1:14 15:7, 10, Jo 15:11 16:22, 24 17:13, Ac 8:8, II Co 1:24 7:13 8:2, Ga 5:22, Col 1:11, Phl 2:2, I Jn 1:4, II Jn 12; opp. to κατήφεια, Ja 4:9; to λύπη, Jo 16:20; χ. τῆς πίστεως, Phl 1:25; ἀγαλλιᾶσθαι (χαίρειν, q.v.), χαρᾷ, Jo 3:29, I Pe 1:8; χ. ἔχειν, Phm 7; πληροῦν (-οῦσθαι) χαρᾶς, Ac 13:52, Ro 15:13, II Ti 1:4; ποιεῖν χ. μεγάλην, Ac 15:3; ἀπὸ τῆς χ., Mt 13:44, Lk 24:41, Ac 12:14; ἐν χ., Ro 15:32; μετὰ χαρᾶς, Mt 13:20 28:8, Mk 4:16, Lk 8:13 10:17 24:52, Phl 1:4 2:29, He 10:34 13:17; id. seq.πνεύματος ἁγίου, I Th 1:6; χ. ἐν π. ἁ, Ro 14:17; χ. ἐπί, II Co 7:4; διά, I Th 3:9; ὅτι, Jo 16:21; ἵνα, III Jn 4 By meton., of the cause or occasion of joy: Lk 2:10, II Co 1:15, WH, txt., R, mg., Phl 4:1, I Th 2:19-20, He 12:2, Ja 1:2; ἡ χ. τ. κυρίου, Mt 25:21, 23.†

* χάραγμα, -τος, τό (< χαράσσω, to engrave),

(a) a stamp, impress, mark: Re 13:16-17 14:9, 11 16:2 19:20 20:4 (v. Deiss., BS, 240 ff.);
(b) a thing graven: Ac 17:29.†

χαρακτήρ, -ῆρος, ὁ (< χαράσσω, to engrave), [in LXX: Le 13:28 (צָרֶבֶת), II Mac 4:10, IV Mac 15:4 א R * ;]

1. a tool for graving.
2. a stamp or impress: as on a coin or seal; metaph., χ. τ. ὑποστάσεως, He 1:3.†

χάραξ, -ακος, ὁ (< χαράσσω), [in LXX for סֹלְלָה, מָצוֹר, etc. ;]

1. a pointed stake
2. a palisade or rampart: Lk 19:43.†

χαρίζομαι (< χάρις), [in LXX: Es 8:7 (נָתַן), Ca 1:4 א, Si 12:3, 2 -IV Mac 9:1-32 * ;]

1. to show favour or kindness: c. dat. pers., Ga 3:18.
2. to give freely, bestow: c. acc et dat., Lk 7:21, Ac 3:14 25:11, 16 27:24, Ro 8:32, I Co 2:12, Phl 1:29 2:9, Phm 22.
3. In late Gk. (= Lat. condonare), to grant forgiveness, forgive freely: of debt, Lk 7:42-43 (EGT, in l); of sin, II Co 2:7 2:10 12:13, Eph 4:32, Col 2:13 3:13 (cf. DB, ii, 57a).†

χάριν, v.s. χάρις.

[NT: 155x] χάρις, -ιτος, ἡ [Abbott-Smith does not include the article here.] , acc., χάριν (χάριτα in Ac 24:27, Ju 4; v. WH, App., 157), [in LXX chiefly for חֵן ;]

1. objectively, that which causes favourable regard, gracefulness, grace, loveliness of form, graciousness of speech (cl.; Ec 10:12, Si 21:16, al.): Col 4:6; λόγοι τ. χάριτος (gen. qual.), Lk 4:22.
2. Subjectively,
(a) on the part of the giver, grace, graciousness, kindness, goodwill, favour: Lk 2:52, Ac 7:10, al.; esp. in NT of the divine favour, grace, with emphasis on its freeness and universality: Lk 1:30, Ac 14:26, Ro 1:7, I Co 1:3, al.; opp. to ὀφείλημα, Ro 4:4, 16; to ἔργα, Ro 11:6;
(b) on the part of the receiver, a sense of favour received, thanks, gratitude: Ro 6:17 7:25, al.; χ. ἔχειν, to be thankful, Lk 17:9, I Ti 1:12, al.
3. Objectively, of the effect of grace,
(a) a state of grace: Ro 5:2, II Ti 2:1, I Pe 5:12, II Pe 3:18;
(b) a proof or gift of grace (cl., a favour): Jo 1:16, Ac 6:8, Ro 1:5, I Co 3:10, II Co 9:8, Ga 2:9, Eph 3:2, I Pe 5:5, 10 al. (For fuller treatment of the NT usage, v. AR, Eph., 221ff.; DB, ii, 254ff.; DCG, i, 686ff.; Cremer, s.v.).

χάρισμα, -τος, τό (< χαρίζομαι) [in LXX: Si 7:33 א (AB, χάρις) Si 38:30 Bl (א AB2R, χρῖσμα) * ;]

a gift of grace, a free gift, esp. of extra­ordinary operations of the Spirit in the Apostolic Church, but including [p. 480] all spiritual graces and endowments (Lft., Notes, 148 f.): Ro 1:11 5:15-16 6:23 11:29 12:6, I Co 1:7 7:7 12:4 12:9 12:28 12:30-31, II Co 1:11, I Ti 4:14, II Ti 1:6, I Pe 4:10.†

χαριτόω, -ῶ (< χάρις), [in LXX: Si 18:17 (ἀνδρί κεχαριτωμένῳ; Vg., justificato; Syr., saintly) * ;]

to endow with χάρις (q.v.), i.e.
1. (a) to make graceful;
(b) to make gracious (Sir, l.c.).
2. In Hellenistic writings (for exx., v. AR, Eph., 227; Lft., Notes, 315),
(a) to cause to find favour;
(b) to endue with grace (i.e. divine favour): Lk 1:28, Eph 1:6.†


indecl. (in FlJ., Ant., i, 16, 1, Κάρρα, -ας, ib. 6, 5, Χαρρά, -ᾶς; so LXX: Ge 29:4 E, Ez 27:28 B, elsewhere -άν­Heb. חָרָן), Haran, a town in N.W. Mesopotamia: Ac 7:2, 4.†

χάρτης, -ου, ὁ [in LXX: Is 8:1 A, Je 36:2, 6 36:23 (מְגִלָּה) * ;]

a sheet of paper, made of papyrus strips (v. Kennedy, Sources, 42; Milligan, NTD, 10-12; DB, iv, 945 f.): II Jn 12 (Plat., Inscr.).†

χάσμα, -τος, τό (< χάσκω, to yawn), [in LXX: II Ki 18:17 (פַּחַת)* ;]

a chasm, wide space: Lk 16:26.†

χεῖλος, -ους, τό, gen. pl., -εων (v. Bl., § 8, 4; Thackeray, Gr., I, 151), [in LXX chiefly for שָׂפָה ;]

a lip (as in Heb., of the lip as the organ of speech): Mt 15:8, Mk 7:6, Ro 3:13, I Co 14:21, He 13:15, I Pe 3:10 (LXX). Metaph., of things, an edge, brink, etc. (Hom., Hdt., al.): of the sea­shore, He 11:12.†

χειμάζω (< χεῖμα, winter cold) [in LXX: Pr 26:10 (†) * ;]

1. to expose to winter cold, go into winter quarters.
2. to drive with storm; pass., to be driven with storm, tempest-tossed: Ac 27:18.†

χείμμαρος (shortened form of the more usual -οος, Attic contr., -ους), -ον (< χεῖμα, ῥέω) [in LXX chiefly for נַחַל ;]

winter-flowing; as subst., ὁ χ. (sc. ποταμός), a torrent: Jo 18:1.†

χειμών, -ῶνος, ὁ [in LXX for גֶּשֶׁם, סְתָו ;]

1. winter: Jo 10:22, II Ti 4:21; gen., χειμῶνος, in winter, Mt 24:20, Mk 13:18.
2. Prop., a winter storm, hence, generally, a storm, tempest: Mt 16:3 (T, WH, R, mg., om.), Ac 27:20.†

[NT: 177x] χείρ, gen., χειρος (acc., χεῖραν, I Pe 5:6 T), , [in LXX chiefly for יָד ;]

the hand: Mt 3:12, Mk 3:1, Lk 6:6, al. mult.; ἡ χ., acting subject, Lk 22:21; pl., Ac 17:25 20:34, I Jo 1:1; τ. ἔργα τῶν χ., Ac 7:41, Re 9:20; ὁ ἀσπασμὸς τ. ἐμῇ χ., I Co 16:21, Col 4:18, II Th 3:17; prepositional phrases, esp. those without art., similar to Heb. constructions (Bl., §32, 4; 40, 9; 46, 9), ἐν χ.; c gen. (Lft., in l.), Ga 3:19; σὺν χ. ἀγγέλου, Ac 7:35; διὰ (τῶν) χειρῶν (διὰ χειρός), Mk 6:2, Ac 5:12 7:25, al.; ἐπὶ χειρῶν, Mt 4:6, Lk 4:11; ellipse of χ. (ἡ δεξία, ἀριστερα; Bl., §44, 1), Mt 6:3, al. By meton., for the power or activity of an individual, Mt 17:22, Mk 9:31, Lk 9:31, Jo 10:39, Ac 12:11, al.; metaph., of the activity or power of God: Lk 1:66 23:46, Jo 10:29, Ac 11:21 13:11, al.

[p. 481]

χειραγωγέω, -ῶ (< χειραγωγός), [in LXX: Jg 16:26 A (יָד חָזַק), To 11:16 א * ;]

to lead by the hand: Ac 9:8 22:11.†

* χειρ-αγωγός, -όν (< χείρ, ἄγω)

leading by the hand. As subst., ὁ χ., one to lead by the head, a guide: Ac 13:11.†

**† χειρόγραφος, -ον (< χείρ, γράφω), [in LXX: To 5:3 9:2, 5 * ;]

written with the hand. As subst., τὸ χ., a handwriting (Inscr., Polyb., al.): metaph., Col 2:14.†

χειρο-ποίητος, -ον (< χείρ, ποιέω), [in LXX (of idols) for אֱלִיל ;]

made by hand (i.e. of human handiwork): of temples, Mk 14:58, Ac 7:48 17:24, He 9:11, 24; of circumcision, Eph 2:11.†

* χειρο-τονέω, -ῶ (< χείρ, τείνω)

1. to vote by stretching out the hand in the Athenian ἐκκλησία (Luc., Plut.).
2. to appoint:
(a) by vote, II Co 8:19
(b) without vote, Ac 14:23 (v. Rackham, in l) (cf. προχειροτονέω).†

χείρων, -ον, compar. of κακός [in LXX: I Ki 17:43 B, Wi 15:18 17:6, III Mac 5:20 * ;]

worse: Mt 9:16 12:45 27:64, Mk 2:21, Lk 11:26, Jo 5:14, I Ti 5:8, He 10:29, II Pe 2:20; εἰς (ἐπὶ) τὸ χεῖρον, Mk 5:26, II Ti 3:13.†

Χερουβείν (Rec. -βίμ), τά (Heb. כְּרוּב),

Cherubim: He 9:6 (cf. Ex 25:17 (18), al.; v. DB, i, 377 ff.).†

χέω, v.s. χύνω.

χήρα, -ας, ἡ [in LXX chiefly for אַלְמָנָה ;]

a widow: Mt 23:13 (Rec., R, mg.), Mk 12:40-43, Lk 2:37 4:25 7:12 18:3, 5 20:47 21:2-3, Ac 6:1 9:39, 41, I Co 7:8, I Ti 5:3-5 5:11 5:16, Ja 1:27; γυνὴ χ., Lk 4:26; of one of an ordo viduarum (v. CGT, in l), I Ti 5:9; metaph., of a city forsaken, Re 18:7.†

χθές, v.s. ἐχθές.

χιλίαρχος (in Hdt., al., -ης), -ου, ὁ (< χίλιοι, ἄρχω) [in LXX chiefly for אַלּוּף שַׂר ;]

a chiliarch, the commander of a thousand, esp. a Roman military tribune, the commander of a cohort: Jo 18:12, Ac 21:31-33, 37 22:24-29 23:10, 15 23:17-19, 22 24:7, 22 25:23; more generally, of officers of similar rank, Mk 6:21, Re 6:15 19:18 (v., DB, i, 352b; DCG, i, 271a, 307a).†

χιλιάς, -άδος, ἡ (< χίλιοι), [in LXX for אֶלֶף ;]

the number one thousand, a thousand: Lk 14:31, Ac 4:4, I Co 10:8, Re 5:11 7:4-8 11:13 14:1, 3 21:16.†

χίλιοι, -αι, -α

a thousand: II Pe 3:8 (LXX), Re 11:3 12:6 14:20 20:2-7.†

χίος, -ου, ἡ

Chios, an island in Ægean Sea: Ac 20:15.†

χιτών, ῶνος, ὁ [in LXX chiefly for כְּתֹנֶת:]

the garment worn next the skin (though two tunics were sometimes worn, v. Swete, Mk., 117), a tunic: Mt 10:10, Mk 6:9 14:63, Lk 3:11 9:3, Ju 23; dieting. from ἱμάτιον (q.v.), Mt 5:40, Lk 6:29, Jo 19:23, Ac 9:39 (v. DCG, i, 338, 340, 499)

[p. 482]

χιών, -όνος, ἡ [in LXX chiefly for שֶׁלֶג also (in Da) for תְּלַג ;]

snow: Mt 28:3, Re 1:14.†

* χλαμύς, -ύδος, ἡ [in LXX: II Mac 12:35 * ;]

a chlamys, or short cloak worn over the χιτών (q.v.): Mt 27:28, 31 (v. Tr., Syn., § 1).†

* χλευάζω (< χλεύη, a jest), [in LXX: Wi 11:14, II Mac 7:7, IV Mac 5:22 * ;]

to jest, mock, jeer: Ac 17:32.†

* χλιαρός, -ά, -όν (< χλίω, to become warm),

warm, tepid; metaph., of persons, luke-warm: Re 3:16.†

Χλόη, -ης, ἡ (i.e. tender foliage),

Chloe: I Co 1:11.†

χλωρός, -ά, -όν (< χλόη), [in LXX for יֶרֶק, etc. ;]

(a) pale green: χόρτος, Mk 6:39, Re 8:7; πᾶν χ., Re 9:4;
(b) pale: ἵππος, Re 6:8.†

χξς ́ (on ς, v.s. Z), in T, Tr., Rec. for ἑξακόσιοι ἑξήκοντα ἕξ,

six hundred and sixty-six (L, mg., R, mg., six hundred and sixteen), the mystical number of the Beast: Re 13:18 (on the interpretation, v. Swete, Ap., 172 f.).†

χοϊκός, -ή, -όν, (< χοῦς)

earthy, made of dust: I Co 15:47-49 (v. Field, Notes, 179 f.).†

χοῖνιξ, -ικος, ἡ [in LXX: Ez 45:10-11 (בַּת) * ;]

a chænix, a dry measure of rather less than a quart: Re 6:6 (EV, measure).†

** χοῖρος, -ου, ὁ [in Sm.: Is 65:4 66:3 ;]

a swine: pl., Mt 7:6 8:30-32, Mk 5:11-13, 16, Lk 8:32-33 15:15-16

** χολάω, -ῶ (< χολή), [in LXX: III Mac 3:1 R * ;]

1. to be melancholy mad (Aristoph.).
2. = χολοῦμαι, to be angry: c. dat. pers., Jo 7:23.†

χολή, -ῆς, ἡ [in LXX for רֹאשׁ, לַעֲנָה, מְרֵרָה ;]

gall: Mt 27:34 (here prob. = myrrh, cf. Mk 15:23, v. Swete, in l; DCG, i, 634); metaph., Ac 8:23.†

χόος, v.s. χοῦς.

Χοραζείν (Rec. -ζίν), ,

Chorazin, a town of Galilee: Mt 11:21, Lk 10:13.†

χορηγέω, -ῶ (< χορός, ἡγέομαι) [in LXX for כּוּל pilp. ;]

1. to lead a χορός (v. LS, s.v.).
2. to defray the cost of a χορός.
3. In late writers, metaph., c. acc (v. M, Pr., 65), to supply, furnish abundantly: II Co 9:10, I Pe 4:11 (Polyb., al.).†

χορός, -οῦ, ὁ [in LXX chiefly for מָחוֹל, מְחֹלָה ;]

a dance: pl., Lk 15:26.†

χορτάζω (< χόρτος), [in LXX for שָׂבַע, Ps 17:14 al. ;]

(a) prop., of animals (v. Lft. on Phl 4:12), to feed, fatten: Re 19:21;
(b) in late Gk. (Kennedy, Sources, 82, 156), of persons, to fill or satisfy with food: c. acc pers., Mt 15:33; pass., Mt 14:20 15:37, Mk 6:42 7:27 8:8, Lk 9:17, Jo 6:26, Ja 2:16; opp. to πεινᾶν, Phl 4:12; c. gen. rei, Mk 8:4; ἀπό, Lk 16:21; ἐκ, Lk 15:16, WH, txt.,; metaph., Mt 5:6, Lk 6:21.†

χόρτασμα, -τος, τό (< χορτάζω), [in LXX: Ge 24:25, 32 42:27 43:24, Jg 19:19 (מִסְפּוֹא), De 11:16 (עֶשֶׂב), (Si 33:24) Si 38:26 * ;]

fodder (Polyb., Plut., al.): pl., Ac 7:11 (RV, sustenance).†

[p. 483]

χόρτος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX chiefly for עֶשֶׂב, also for חָצִיר, etc. ;]

1. an enclosure, a feeding place (Hom.).
2. food, esp. for cattle, grass: Mt 13:26 14:19, Mk 4:28 6:39, Lk 12:28, Jo 6:10, I Co 3:12, Ja 1:10-11, I Pe 1:24 (LXX), Re 9:4; χ. χλωρός, Mk 6:39, Re 8:7.†

Χουζᾶς, -ᾶ, ὁ

Chuzas (EV, Chuza): Lk 8:3.†

χοῦς, -οός acc, οῦν, ὁ, (contr. from χόος), [in LXX chiefly for עָפָר ;]

1. earth, soil.
2. In later writers (Pint., LXX), = κονιορτός, dust: Mk 6:11, Re 18:19.†

χράομαι, χρῶμαι (< χρή), [in LXX for עָשָׂה, etc. ;]

to use, make use of: c. dat. (cf. M, Pr., 64, 158), Ac 27:17, I Co 9:12 9:15, I Ti 1:8 5:23; μᾶλλον χρῆσαι (i.e. the opportunity; v. M, Pr., 247), I Co 7:21; as some­times in late writers (cf. M, Pr., 64; Lft., Notes, 233), c. acc, I Co 7:31; of feelings, etc., to exercise, shew: II Co 1:17 3:12; c. adv., ἀποτόμως, to deal sharply, II Co 13:10; c. dat. pers. (cl.), to treat, deal with, Ac 27:3.†

χράω, κίχρημι [in LXX for לָוָה, etc. ;]

to lend: Lk 11:5.†

χρεία, -ας, ἡ [in LXX: II Ch 2:16 (15) (צֹרֶךְ), Es 7:20 (חַשְׁחוּת) freq. in Si 1:1-30 -2 Mac ;]

1. need, necessity: Ac 28:10, Tit 3:14; πρὸς οἰκοδομὴν τῆς χ. (RV, txt., for edifying as the need may be; but v. Field, Notes, 192), Eph 4:29; ἕστι χ., Lk 10:42, He 7:11; χ. ἔχειν, c. gen., Mt 6:8 21:3, Mk 11:3, Lk 9:11 15:7 19:31, 34 22:71, Jo 13:29, I Co 12:21 12:24, I Th 4:12, He 10:36, Re 21:23 22:5; seq. τοῦ, c. inf. (Bl., § 71, 3), He 5:12; absol. (sc. gen.), Ac 2:45 4:35; c. gen. pers., Mt 9:12 26:65, Mk 2:17 14:63, Lk 5:31; c. inf. (Bl., § 69, 5), Mt 3:14 14:16, Jo 13:10, I Th 1:8 4:9; seq. ἵνα, Jo 16:30, I Jn 2:27; absol., Mk 2:25, Eph 4:28, I Jn 3:17; οὐδὲν χ. ἔχειν, Re 3:17; ἡ χ., c. gen. subjc., Phl 2:25 4:16, 19; pl., Ac 20:34, Ro 12:13.
2. matter, business (so esp. in late writers, Polyb., al.; I Mac 12:45, al.): Ac 6:3.†

χρεοφειλέτης (Rec. χρεω-, WH, χρεοφιλ-; v. WH, App., 152, 154), -ου, ὁ, (< χρέος, a debt, + ὀφειλέτης) [in LXX: Jb 31:37, Pr 29:13 * ;]

a debtor: Lk 7:41 16:5.†

* χρή impers. (< χράω, v. LS, s.v.),

it is necessary: Ja 3:10 (cf. δεῖ.).†

χρῄζω (< χρή) [in LXX Jg 11:7, I Ki 17:18 A * ;]

to need, have need of: c. gen. rei, Mt 6:32, Lk 11:8 12:30, II Co 3:1; c. gen. pers. seq. ἐν, Ro 16:2.†

χρῆμα, -τος, τό (< χράομαι) [in LXX: Jos 22:8, II Ch 1:11-12 (נֶכֶס), Jb 27:17 (כֶּסֶף), etc.; freq. in Sir (5:1, 8, al.), 2 and 4 Mac ;]

a thing that one uses or needs (and generally, a matter, event, business); hence in pl.,
(a) wealth, riches: οἱ τά χ. ἔχοντες, Mk 10:23-24, Lk 18:24;
(b) money: Ac 8:18, 20 24:26; sing. (rare in cl.) of a special sum of money, Ac 4:37.†

χρηματίζω (< χρῆμα), [in LXX: Je 26:2 29:23 30:2 36:2, 4 A (דָבַר pi.), Je 25:30) (שָׁאַג), III Ki 18:27, Jb 40:8 * ;]

1. to transact business, hence, to consult, deliberate (Thuc., Dem., al.); hence in later writers,
2. to make answer (esp. of offcial pronounce­ments by magistrates, etc.; in π. of the royal reply to an ἔντευξις, q.v.; cf. Deiss., BS, 122); of an answer by an oracle (Died., Plut., al.); in FlJ, LXX and NT, of divine communications, to instruct, admonish, [p. 484] warn: pass. (Bl., § 54, 3), Mt 2:22, He 8:5 11:7 12:25; c. inf. (Bl., § 69,4; 70, 3; 72, 5), Mt 2:12, Lk 2:26, Ac 10:22
3. to assume a name (as in business), be called (Polyb., al.): Ac 11:26, Ro 7:3 (gnomic fut.; cf. Burton, § 69).†

χρηματισμός, -οῦ), ὁ (< χρηματίζω, q.v.), [in LXX: Pr 31:1 (מַשָּׂא), II Mac 2:4 Mac 11:17 * ;]

a divine response, an oracle: Ro 11:4 (Xen., Plat., al.).†

χρήσιμος, -η, -ον (< χράομαι), [in LXX: Ge 37:26 בֶּצַע etc. ;]

useful: II Ti 2:14.†

χρῆσις, -εως, ἡ (< χράομαι), [in LXX: I Ki 1:28 (שָׁאַל), Si 18:8, al. ;]

use: in a sexual sense, Ro 1:26; c. gen. obj., θηλείας, Ro 1:27 (for exx., v. Thayer, s.v.).†

*† χρηστεύομαι (< χρηστός),

to be kind: I Co 13:4 (eccl.).†

*† χρηστολογία, -ας, ἡ (χρηστός, λέγω),

fair speaking: in bad sense, Ro 16:18 (in good sense also, eccl.).†

χρηστός, -ή, -όν (< χράομαι), [in LXX chiefly for טוֹב (freq. of God: Ps 25:8, al.), also for יָקָר (Ez 27:22 28:13), יָשָׁר (Pr 2:21 א A) ;]

serviceable, good;
(a) of things, good, pleasant: of food (as often in cl.), οἶνος, Lk 5:39; ζυγός, Mt 11:30 (EV, easy); in ethical sense, ἤθη, I Co 15:33;
(b) of persons, good, kind, gracious: Eph 4:32; of God, Lk 6:35, I Pe 2:3; τ. χρηστὸν (= ἡ χρηστότης) τοῦ θεοῦ, Ro 2:4.

χρηστότης, -ητος, ἡ (< χρηστός), [in LXX for טוּב and cogn. forms ;]

1. goodness, excellence, uprightness: Ro 3:12 (LXX).
2. goodness of heart, kindness: Ro 2:4, II Co 6:6, Ga 5:22, Col 3:12, Tit 3:4; seq. ἐπί, c. acc pers., Eph 2:7; id., opp. to ἀποτομία, Ro 11:22.
SYN.: v.s. ἀγαθωσύνη.

χρίσμα (T, χρῖσμα, as in cl.; v. Tdf., Pr., 102; Bl., § 4, 2), -τος, το (< χρίω),

later form of χρῖμα (Æsch., al.),
[in LXX for מִשְׁחָה and cogn. forms (Ex 29:7, al.) ;]
an anointing, unction (the result of the action χρίειν; ICC, in l; but cf. Westc., in l, for the view that the oil, not the act, is meant): I Jn 2:20 Jn 2:27.†

Χριστιανός (D, Χρεισ-; on the form Χρησ-, v. Bl., § 3, 6; 27, 4 on the ending, -ανος, v. Bl., ll. c.; Deiss., LAE, 382), -οῦ ὁ,

a Christian, the name first given to the disciples by pagan gentiles at Antioch: Ac 11:26 26:28, I Pe 4:16 (v. reff. in Thayer, s.v.; also DB, i, 384).†

[NT: 529x] χριστός (Χρ-), -ή, -όν (< χρίω), [in LXX for מָשִׁיחַ and cogn. forms ;]

1. 1. as adj.,
(a) of things, anointing, to be used as ointment (Æsch., Eur., al.; τ. ἔλαιον τὸ χ., Le 21:10);
(b) of persons, anointed (ὁ ἰερεὺς ὁ χ., Le 4:5; οἱ χ. ἰευρεῖς, II Mac 1:10): ὁ χ. τοῦ κυρίου or Θεοῦ (I Ki 2:10, Ps 2:2, al.), of the Messiah (Aram., מְשִׁיחָא; cf. Dalman, Words, 289 ff.), Lk 2:11, 26 Jo 1:41, Ac 2:36 4:26, al.
2. As subst., ὁ Χριστός, the Messiah, the Christ: Mt 2:4, Mk 8:29, Lk 2:11, Jo 1:20, Ac 2:31, Ro 7:4, al.; Ἰησοῦς, Mk 1:1, Jo 1:17, Ac 2:38, al.; Χ. Ἰησοῦς, Mt 1:18, WH, mg. [p. 485] Ac 5:42, Ro 6:3, al.; Χ. κύριος, Lk 2:11; Ἰησοῦς Χ. ὁ κύριος, Ac 15:26, Ro 1:7, al.


to anoint (Hom., al.);
[in LXX chiefly for מָשַׁח of consecration to a sacred office: priest, Ex 28:41; prophet, III Ki 19:16; king, I Ki 10:1; of things, Ex 40:9, Le 8:10, al.].
In NT, metaph., of God's anointing,
(a) Christ: Ac 4:27; c. inf., Lk 4:18 (LXX); c. dupl. acc (v. B1., § 34, 4), He 1:9 (LXX); πνεύματι ἁγίῳ, Ac 10:38;
(b) Christians: II Co 1:21 (cf. Westc., Epp. Jo., 73) (cf. ἐν-, ἐπι-Χριω).†
SYN: v.s. ἀλείφω

χρονίζω (< χρόνος), [in LXX chiefly for אָחַר pi. ;]

to spend or take time, to tarry, linger, delay: Mt 24:48 25:5, He 10:37; seq. ἐν, c. dat. loc., Lk 1:21; c. inf., Lk 12:45.†

χρόνος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX chiefly for יוֹם, also for עֵת, etc. ;]

time (a space of time, whether long or short; cf. Lft., Notes, 70): Mt 2:7, Mk 9:21, Lk 1:57, Ac 3:21 7:17, 23 13:18 17:30 27:9, He 11:32, I Pe 1:17 4:3, Re 10:6; στιγμὴ χρόνου, Lk 4:5; πλήρωμα τοῦ χ., Ga 4:4; ποιεῖν χ., Ac 15:33 18:23; βιῶσαι, I Pe 4:2; διδόναι, Re 2:21; pl., χ. καὶ () καιροί (Lft., l.c.), Ac 1:7, I Th 5:1; ἐπ' ἐσχάτου τῶν χ. (χρόνου), I Pe 1:20, Ju 18; c. prep., ἄχρι, Ac 3:21; διὰ τὸν χ., He 5:12; ἐν χ., Ac 1:6, 21; ἐπὶ (πλείονα) χ., Lk 18:4, Ac 18:20; ἐφ' ὅσον χ., Ro 7:1, I Co 7:39, Ga 4:1; κατὰ τὸν χ., Mt 2:16; μετὰ τολὺν (τοσοῦτον) χ., Mt 25:19, He 4:7; πρὸ χ. αἰωςίων, II Ti 1:9, Tit 1:2, instr. dat. of extension of time (v. M, Pr., 75, 148; Deiss., LAE, 206), Lk 8:27, 29 Jo 14:9, Ac 8:11, Ro 16:25; acc, of duration of time, Mk 2:19, Lk 20:9, Jo 5:6 7:33 12:35 14:9, Ac 14:3, 28 19:22 20:18, I Co 16:7, Re 6:11.†
SYN.: v.s. καιρός

* χρονοτριβέω, -ῶ (< χρόνος, τρίβω),

to spend time: Ac 20:16.†

Χρύσεος, -εα, -εον (-οῦς, -ῆ, -οῦν; on acc sing. fem., -ᾶν, Re 1:13 and gen. pl. uncontr., -εων, Re 2:1, LTr., v. M, Pr., 48 and cf. Thackeray, Gr., x, 172 f.) (< χρυσός), [in LXX chiefly for זָהָב ;]

golden, i.e. made or overlaid with gold: II Ti 2:20, He 9:4, Re 1:12-13, 20 2:1 4:4 5:8 8:3 9:13, 20 14:14 15:6-7 17:4 21:15.†

χρυσίον, -ου, τό (dimin. of χρυσός, q.v.), [in LXX chiefly for זָהָב ;]

a piece of gold, gold: I Co 3:12, He 9:4, I Pe 1:7, Re 3:18 21:18, 21; of golden ornaments, I Ti 2:9 (WH, txt., RV), I Pe 3:3, Re 17:4 18:16 (WH, txt., R); of gold coin, money, Ac 3:6 20:33, I Pe 1:18.†

χρυσο-δακτύλιος, -ον

with a gold ring: Ja 2:2.†

χρυσό-λιθος, -ου, ὁ [in LXX: Ex 28:20 36:20 (Ex 39:13), Ez 28:13 (תַּרְשִׁישׁ) * ;]

a chrysolite (on its identification, v. Swete, Ap., 288 f.; DB, iv, 620): Re 21:20.†

*† χρυσό-πρασος, -ου, ὁ

a chrysoprase (v. Swete, Ap., 289): Re 21:20.†

χρυσός, -οῦ, ὁ [in LXX chiefly for זָהָב ;]

gold: Mt 2:11, Re 9:7; of golden ornaments, Mt 23:16-17, I Ti 2:9 (Rec., WH, mg.), Ja 5:3, Re 17:4 (Rec., WH, mg.) Re 18:12, 16 (Rec., WH, mg.); of images, Ac 17:29; of gold coin, Mt 10:9.†

χρυσοῦς, v.s. χρύσεος.

[p. 486]

χρυσόω, -ῶ (< χρυσός) [in LXX chiefly for צָפָה pi. ;]

to gild, cover with gold: pass., c. dat., χρυσίῳ (pleonast., cf. Ex 26:37), Re 17:4 18:16.†

χρώς, gen., χρωτός, ὁ [in LXX chiefly for בָּשָׂר ;]

in cl. rare in prose, the surface of the body, skin: Ac 19:12.†

χωλός, -ή, -όν [in LXX for פִּסֵּחַ ;]

lame, halt, maimed: Mt 11:5 15:30-31 18:8 21:14, Mk 9:45, Lk 7:22 14:13, 21, Jo 5:3, Ac 3:2 8:7 14:8, He 12:13.†

χώρα, -ας, ἡ [in LXX for אֶרֶץ, מְדִינָה, etc. ;]

1. most freq. in cl., a space, place.
2. land, i.e.
(a) a land, country, region: Mt 12:2, Mk 5:10 6:55, Lk 2:8 15:13-15 19:12, Jo 11:54, Ac 13:49 27:27; χ. Γαλατική, Ac 16:6 18:23; Τραχωνίτιδος, Lk 3:1; τ. Ἰουδαίας, Ac 26:20; τ. Ἰουδαίων, Ac 10:39; pl., τῆς Ἰουδαίας κ. Σαμαρείας, Ac 8:1; Γεργεσηνῶν (Γερασηνῶν, Γαδαρηνῶν) Mt 8:28, Mk 5:1, Lk 8:26; ἐν χ. καὶ σκιᾷ θανάτου, Mt 4:16;
(b) land, property: Lk 12:16;
(c) the country, opp. to the town; so in pl., Lk 21:21, Jo 4:35, Ja 5:4.†
SYN.: ἄγρος, τόπος (cf. DCG, i, 591a; LS, s.v. χώρα, ad init.).

Χωραζίν, v.s. Χοραζείν.

χωρέω, -ῶ [in LXX: Ge 13:6 (נָשָׂא), III Ki 7:26 7:38 (כּוּל hi.), II Ch 4:5 (חָזַק hi.), Wi 7:23-24, al. ;]

I. Intrans.,
1. to make room, give way, retire, pass: seq. εἰς, Mt 15:17; metaph. (EV, come), εἰς μετάνοιαν, II Pe 3:9.
2. to go forward, advance, progress (Plat., Polyb., al.) ὁ λόγος ὁ ἐμὸς οὐ χωρεῖ. ἐν ὑμῖν, Jo 8:37 (R, txt., hath not free course; R, mg., hath no place, for WH. cf. Field, Notes, 94 f.).
II. Trans., to have space for holding, to hold: Mk 2:2 (cf. Ge, l.c.), Jo 21:25; of measures (1Ki, 2Ch, ll. c.), Jo 2:6. Metaph., of having or making room in mind or heart: Mt 19:11-12 (EV, receive), II Co 7:2 (R, txt., open your hearts; mg., make room) (cf. ἀνα-, ἀπο-, ἐκ-, ὑπο-χωρέω).†

χωρίζω [in LXX: II Ch 12:8, al. (בָּדַל ni., etc.), Wi 1:3, II Mac 5:21, al. ;]

1. to separate, divide, put asunder: c. acc rei, opp. to συζεύγνυμι Mt 19:6, Mk 10:9; c. acc pers., seq. ἀπό (Wi 1:3), Ro 8:35, 39; pf. pass ptcp., He 7:26.
2. In late writers, mid. and 1 aor pass., to separate oneself, depart: Phm 15; seq. ἀπό Ac 1:4, ἐκ, Ac 18:1-2; of divorce (polyb., al.), I Co 7:10-11 7:15 (cf. ἀπο-, δια-χωρίζω).†

χωρίον, -ου, τό (dimin. of χώρα, χῶρος), [in LXX: I Ch 27:27 (כֶּרֶם), II Mac 11:5 Mac 12:7 Mac 12:21, IV Mac 15:20 * ;]

1. a place, region.
2. an estate, property, piece of land: Mt 26:36, Mk 14:32, Jo 4:5, Ac 1:18-19 4:34 5:3, 8 28:7.†

χωρίς adv.,

1. separately, apart: Jo 20:7.
2. As prep., c. gen.,
(a) separate from, apart from, without (practically equiv. to ἄνευ; v. Field, Notes, 103): Mt 13:34, Mk 4:34, Lk 6:49, Jo 1:3 15:5, Ro 3:21, 28 4:6 7:8-9 10:14, I Co 4:8 11:11, II Co 12:3, Eph 2:12, Phl 2:14, I Ti 2:8 5:21, Phm 14, He 4:15 7:7, 20 9:7, 18 9:22, 28 10:25 11:6, 40 12:8, 14 (οὗ χωρίς; v. Bl., § 82, 3), Ja 2:18, 20 2:26;
(b) besides: Mt 14:21 15:38, II Co 11:28.†

*† χῶρος, -ου, ὁ

(Lat. corus), the N.W. wind: Ac 27:12.†

[p. 487]


ψάλλω [in LXX chiefly for זָמַר pi. (Jg 5:3, Ps 7:17, al.), also for נָגַן pi. (I Ki 16:16 ff, al.) ;]

1. to pull, twitch, twang (as a bowstring, etc.; Æsch., Eur., al.), hence,
2. absol.,
(a) to play a stringed instrument with the fingers (Hdt., Plat., al.);
(b) later, to sing to a harp, sing psalms (LXX); in NT, to sing a hymn, sing praise: Ja 5:13; c. dat. pers., Ro 15:9 (LXX), Eph 5:19; dat. instr., I Co 14:15.†

ψαλμός, -οῦ, ὁ (< ψάλλω), [in LXX chiefly for מִזְמוֹר ;]

1. a striking, twitching with the fingers (Eur., al.), hence, a striking of musical strings (Æsch., a1.), and hence in later writers,
2. a sacred song sung to musical accompaniment, a psalm (LXX): I Co 14:26, Eph 5:19, Col 3:16; of OT psalms, Lk 24:44, Ac 13:33; βίβλος ψαλμῶν, Lk 20:42, Ac 1:20.†
SYN.: v.s. ὕμνος

*† ψευδ-άδελφος, -ου, ὁ

a false brother: of professing Christians, II Co 11:26, Ga 2:4.†

*† ψευδ-απόστολος, -ου, ὁ

a false apostle: II Co 11:13.†

ψευδής, -ές (< ψεύδομαι), [in LXX for שֶׁקֶר, שָׁוְא, כָּזָב; etc. ;]

lying, false, untrue (of persons and things): Re 2:2; μάρτυρες, Ac 6:13; as subst., ὁ ψ., a liar: Re 21:8.†

ψευδο-διδάσκαλος, -ου, ὁ

a false teacher: II Pe 2:1.†

* ψευδο-λόγος, -ον (< ψευδής, λέγω),

speaking falsely, lying: I Ti 4:2 (Aristoph., Polyb., al.).†

ψεύδομαι, v.s. ψεύδω.

ψευδο-μαρτυρέω, -ῶ [in LXX: Ex 20:16, De 5:20 (17) (עָנָה), Da TH Su 1:61 AB2R (v. ψευδομάρτυς) * ;]

to bear false witness: Mt 19:18, Mk 10:19, Lk 18:20 (LXX); seq. κατά, c. gen. pers., Mk 14:56-57 (Xen., Plat., al.).†

* ψευδο-μαρτυρία, -ας, ἡ

false witness: Mt 15:19 26:59.†

**† ψευδο-μάρτυς, -υρος, ὁ [in LXX: Da LXX Su 1:60-61 Bl * ;]

a false witness: Mt 26:60; c. gen. obj. (v. WM, § 30, 1a), I Co 15:15.†

ψευδο-προφήτης, -ου, ὁ [in LXX: Za 13:2, Je 1:9 (Je 6:13, al.) (נָבִיא)* ;]

a false prophet (= cl. ψευδόμαντις): Mt 7:15 24:11, 24, Mk 13:22 (v. Swete, in l), Lk 6:26, Ac 13:6, II Pe 2:1, I Jn 4:1, Re 16:13 19:20 20:10

ψεῦδος, -εος (-ους), τό [in LXX chiefly for שֶׁקֶר, also for כַּחַשׁ, כָּזָב ;]

a falsehood, untruth, lie: Re 14:15; opp. to ἡ ἀλήθεια, Jo 8:44, Ro 1:25, Eph 4:25, II Th 2:11, I Jn 2:21; to τὸ ἀληθές, I Jn 2:27; ποιεῖν ψ., Re 21:27 22:15; ἐν πάσῃ δυνάμει κ. σημείοις κ. τέρασιν ψεύδους (gen. qual., v. M, Th., 104; and on the meaning and construction, v. also ICC, in l), II Th 2:9.†

*† ψευδό-χριστος, -ου ὁ

a false Christ or Messiah, "a pretender to the [p. 488] Messianic office" (Swete, Mk., 309; cf. also Tr., Syn., § xxx): Mt 24:24, Mk 13:22 (cf. ἀντίχριστος).†

ψεύδω to deceive by lies; more freq. in the depon. mid, form ψεύδομαι (so always in NT), [in LXX chiefly for כָּחַשׁ pi. ;]

1. absol., to lie: He 6:18, I Jn 1:6, Re 3:9; οὐ ψεύδομαι, Ro 9:1, II Co 11:31, Ga 1:20, I Ti 2:7 c. dat. pers. (Ps 18:45, Jo 5:12, al.), Ac 5:4; seq. εἰς, Col 3:9; κατά, Ja 3:14 (Hort, in l).
2. Like act., c. acc, to deceive by lies (Æsch., al.): Ac 5:3.†

* ψευδώνυμος, -ον (< ψευδής, ὄνομα)

under a false name, falsely called: I Ti 6:20 (Æsch., Plut., a1.).†

** ψεῦσμα, -τος, τό (< ψεύδω), [in Aq., Th.: Jb 34:6, Pr 23:3; in Sm.: Jb 13:4, al. ;]

a lie, falsehood: Ro 3:7 (Plat., Plut. al.).†

ψεύστης, -ου, ὁ (< ψεύδω), [in LXX: Ps 116:11 (כָּזַב), Pr 19:22 A N2 (כָּזָב), Si 15:8 25:2 * ;]

a liar: Jo 8:44, 55, Ro 3:4, I Ti 1:10, Tit 1:12, I Jn 1:10 Jn 2:4 Jn 2:22 Jn 4:20 Jn 5:10 .†

ψηλαφάω, -ῶ (< ψάω, to touch), [in LXX for מוּשׁ, מָשַׁשׁ pi., etc. ;]

1. to feel or grope about; c. acc, to feel about for, search after: metaph., of seeking God, Ac 17:27.
2. to feel, touch, handle: c. acc pers., Lk 24:39, I Jn 1:1; προσεληλύθατε ψηλαφωμένῳ (ὄρει ?), He 12:18 (R, txt., a mount that might be touched; mg., a palpable and kindled fire; v. Westc., in l).†

ψηφίζω (< ψῆφος), [in LXX: III Ki 3:8 8:5 A (סָפַר ni..) * ;]

to count (prop., with pebbles), reckon, calculate: τ. δαπάνην, Lk 14:28; τ. ἀριθμόν (i.e. calculate the number's meaning), Re 13:18 (in cl. chiefly mid., to vote by casting a pebble; cf. συγ-κατα-, συμ-φηφίζω).†

ψῆφος, -ου, ἡ (< ψάω, to rub) [in LXX: Ex 4:25 (צֹר), La 3:16 (חָצָץ), Ec 7:26 (25) (צֹר), IV Ki 12:4 (5) A, Si 18:10, IV Mac 15:26 * ;]

1. a small smooth stone, a pebble: ψ. λευκή (for suggestions as to the meaning, v. Swete, in l), Re 2:17.
2. From the use of pebbles in voting, a vote: Ac 26:10.†

ψιθυρισμός, -οῦ, ὁ (< ψιθυρίζω, to whisper), [in LXX: Ec 10:11 (לַחַשׁ) * ;]

a whispering;
(a) of secret slander, II Co 12:20 (Plut.);
(b) of a murmured enchantment, Ec, l.c.†

* ψιθυριστής, -οῦ, ὁ (v. supr.),

a whisperer (as epithet of Hermes, Dem., 1358, 6): in bad sense, Ro 1:30.†
Syn.: καταλάλος, q.v

*† ψιχίον, -ου, τό

dimin. of ψίξ,
a crumb: Mt 15:27, Mk 7:28.†

[NT: 103x] ψυχή, -ῆς, ἡ, [in LXX very freq. for נֶפֶשׁ, sometimes for לֵבַב ,לֵב, etc. ;]

1. breath (Lat. anima), breath of life, life (Hom., al.; in Arist., of the vital principle): Mt 6:25, Mk 3:4 10:45, Lk 12:22, Jo 10:11, Ac 20:10, 24 II Co 1:23, Phl 2:30, I Th 2:8, al.
2. the soul,
(a) as the seat of the will, desires and affections: Mt 26:38, Mk 12:30 (LXX) 14:34, Lk 1:46, Jo 10:24, Ac 14:2, Phl 1:27, al.; ἐκ ψυχῆς, from the heart, heartily: Eph 6:6, Col 3:23;
(b) as a periphrasis for person or self (freq. in [p. 489] translation from Semitic originals, v. M, Pr., 87; Robinson, Gospels, 113ff.; but also freq. in cl., v. LS, s.v. II, 2; Edwards, Lex., App. A.): Mt 11:29, Mk 8:36, Ac 2:41, Ro 2:9, I Pe 3:20, al.; πᾶσα ψ., Ac 2:43 3:23 (LXX), Ro 13:1; ψ. ζῶσα (ζωῆς), I Co 15:45, Re 16:3;
(c) as the object of divine grace and eternal salvation: He 13:17, Ja 1:21 5:20, I Pe 1:9, 22 2:11 4:19, III Jo 2.
SYN.: v.s. νοῦς, πνεῦμα, ψυχικός, and cf. ICC on I Th 5:23, Lft., Notes, 88f.

** ψυχικός, -ή, -όν (< ψυχή) [in LXX: IV Mac 1:32 * ;]

of the ψυχή (as the lower part of the immaterial in man), EV, natural: opp. to πνευματικός, I Co 2:14 15:44 15:46; πνεῦμα μὴ ἔχοντες (EV, sensual; R, mg., natural or animal; better perhaps, of the mind; v. infr.), Ju 19; with ἐπίγειος, δαιμονιώδης, opp. to ἄνωθεν κατερχομένη (σοψία), of the mind (Hort, in l), Ja 3:15

ψύχος (LT, ψῦ-, as in cl.), -εος (-ους), τό (< ψύχω), [in LXX: Ge 8:22 (קֹר), Jb 37:9, Ps 147:17 (קָרָה), Za 14:6, Da LXX TH 3:67,69 * ;]

cold: Jo 18:18, Ac 28:2, II Co 11:27.†

ψυχρός, -ά, -όν (< ψύχω), [in LXX: Pr 25:25 (קַר), Si 43:20, IV Mac 11:26 * ;]

cold: sc. ὕδωρ (cf. Theogn., 263; Hdt., ii, 37), Mt 10:42; metaph., of indifferent persons, Re 3:15-16

ψύχω [in LXX for קוּר, שָׁטַח ;]

to breathe, blow; hence, to make cool. Pass., to grow cool: metaph., Mt 24:12.†

ψωμίζω (< ψωμός, a morsel), [in LXX chiefly for אָכַל hi. ;]

to feed with morsels (as children or the sick; Hippocr.), hence, generally, in late writers, to feed, nourish: c. acc pers., Ro 12:20 (LXX); c. acc rei, to give out for food, I Co 13:3 (cf. WM, § 32, 4an; for dupl. acc, cf. Nu 11:4, Si 15:3, al.).†

ψωμίον, -ου, τό

dimin. of ψωμός, a fragment, morsel: Jo 13:26-27, 30.†

ψώχω (< ψώω, collat. form of ψάω, to rub)

to rub: Lk 6:1.†


Ω, ω, ὦ μέγα (cf. μικρόν),

omega, ô, the twenty-fourth and last letter. As a numeral, ω' = 800, ω, = 800,000. As a symbol of the last (= τὸ τέλος), τὸ Ὦ (Rec. Ω, L, ὦ, T, ω), the Omega: Re 1:8 21:6 22:13 (cf. Ἄλφα).†

interj., c. vocat.,
(a) in simple address (less freq. than in cl.; M, Pr., 71); Ac 1:1 18:14 27:21, Ro 2:1, 3 9:20, I Ti 6:20; expressing reproof, Ja 2:20;
(b) in exclamations of surprise, etc.: Mt 15:28, Lk 24:25, Ac 13:10, Ro 11:33, Ga 3:1; c. nom. (Bl., § 33, 4), Mt 17:17, Mk 9:19, Lk 9:41.†

Ὠβήδ, v.s. Ἰωβήδ.

[101] ὧδε, adv., [in LXX for חֲלֹם ,פֹּה ,הִנֶּה, etc. ;]

1. prop., of manner, so (Hom., al.).
2. In poets (rarely) and late writers, of place,
(a) hither (BL, §25, 2): Mt 8:29, Mk 11:3, Lk 9:41, Jo 6:25, al.; ἕως ὧδε, [p. 490] Lk 23:5;
(b) here: Mt 12:6, Mk 9:1, Lk 9:33, Jo 6:9, al.; τὰ ὧδε, Col 4:9; opp. to ἐκεῖ, He 7:8; ὧδε . . . ἢ ὧδε (ἐκεῖ), Mt 24:23, Mk 13:21; metaph., here (i.e. in this circumstance or connection), I Co 4:2, Re 13:10, 18 14:12 17:9.

ᾠδή, -ῆς, ή [in LXX chiefly for שִׁיר ;]

a song, ode, whether sad or joyful; in LXX and NT always in praise of God or Christ: Re 5:9 14:3 15:3; ᾠ πνευματικαί Eph 5:19, Col 3:16.†

ὠδίν (late form of ὠδίς), -ῖνος, ἡ [in LXX for חֵבֶל חֶבֶל (and wrongly for חֶבֶל חֶבֶל, cf. Ac, l.c.), חִיל, etc. ;]

a birth pang, travail pain: I Th 5:3; metaph., of extreme suffering, Mt 24:8, Mk 13:8; ὠδῖνες θανάτου (Ps 18:4 מָוֶת חֶבֶל), Ac 2:24.†

ὠδίνω [in LXX chiefly for חוּל, also for חָבַל pi., etc. ;]

to have birthpangs, to travail: Ga 4:27 (LXX), Re 12:2; metaph., Ga 4:19 (cf. συν-ωδίνω).†

ὦμος, οὐ, ὁ, [in LXX chiefly for שְׁכֶם, כָּתֵף ;]

the shoulder: Mt 23:4, Lk 15:5.†

* ὠνέομαι, -οῦραι

to buy: ὠνήσατο (= cl. ἐπρίατο; v. Rutherford, NPhr., 210 ff.; Veitch, s.v.), c. gen. pret., Ac 7:16.†

ᾠόν (Rec. ὠόν), -οῦ, τό [in LXX for בֵּיצָה ;]

an egg: Lk 11:12.†

[NT: 100x] ὥρα, -ας, ἡ, [in LXX chiefly for עֵת and in Da for שָׁעָה ;]

1. any time or period fixed by nature, esp. a season (Hom., Hdt., Plat., al.).
2. A part of the day, and esp. a twelfth part of day or night, an hour: Mt 24:36, Mk 13:32, Ac 10:3, al.; accus. in ans. to "when"? (M, Pr., 63, 215; Bl., §34, 8), Jo 4:52, Ac 10:3, 30 I Co 15:30, Re 3:3; acc. of duration, Mt 20:12 26, Mk 14:37; inexactly, πρὸς ὥραν, for a season, for a time, Jo 5:35, II Co 7:8, Ga 2:5; πρὸς καιρὸν ὥρας, for a short season (ICC, in l.), I Th 2:17.
3. A definite point of time, time, hour: Mt 26:45; c. gen. rei, Lk 1:10 14:17, Re 3:10, al.; c. gen. pers., Lk 22:53, Jo 2:4 7:30, al.; ἡ ἄρτι ὥρα, I Co 4:11; ἐσχάτη ὥ., I Jo 2:18; seq. ὅτε, Jo 4:21, 23 5:25 16:25; ἵνα, Jo 12:23, al.; c. acc. et inf., Ro 13:11 (cf. DB, ext., 475b 476b).

ὡραῖος, -α, -ον (< ὥρα), [in LXX for נָאָה, טוֹב, יָפָה, etc. ;]

seasonable, timely, esp. of ripe fruits; hence, blooming, beautiful (both of things and persons): Mt 23:27, Ac 3:2, 10, Ro 10:15 (LXX, ὥρα).†

ὠρύομαι depon., [in LXX for שָׁאַג ;]

of animals (also of men, Hdt., al.), to roar, howl: λέων, I Pe 5:8.†

[NT: 435x] ὡς, adverbial form of the relative pron. ὅς, ἥ, ὅ.

I. As relat. adv. of manner, as, like as, just as, even as;
1. with a demonstrative, like οὕτως, expressed or understood: οὕτως . . . ὡς, Mk 4:26, I Co 3:15, Eph 5:28, Ja 2:12, al.; ὡς . . . οὕτως, Ac 8:32, I Co 7:17, al.; elliptically (sc. οὕτως, οὕτω), c. nom., Mt 6:29, al.; c. acc., Mt 19:19, Mk 12:31, al.; c. prep., Mt 26:55, Mk 14:48, Lk 22:52, Jo 7:10, al.; c. verb., Jo 15:6, II Co 3:1, Eph 2:3, I Th 5:6, al.; c. ptcp. (the ptcp. however not having the special force wh. it has in cl.; v. Bl., §73, 5; 74, 6), Mt 7:29, Mk 1:22, He 13:17, al.; freq implying opinion or belief, Ro 9:32; [p. 491] so esp, c. gen. absol., I Co 4:18, II Co 5:20, I Pe 4:12, II Pe 1:3.
2. Before numerals, about, nearly: Mk 5:13, Jo 1:40, Ac 5:7, al.
3. Before adjectives and adverbs, how: Ro 10:15 11:33, I Th 2:10; c. superl., ὡς τάχιστα, as quickly as possible, Ac 17:15.

II. As conjunction;
1. temporal,
(a) as, when, since: Mk 9:21 14:72, Lk 1:23, Jo 2:9, al.;
(b) while, when, as long as: Lk 12:58, Jo 12:36, Ga 6:10 (Field, Notes, 191); ὡς ἄν (M, Pr., 167, and v.s. ἄν), Ro 15:24, I Co 11:34, Phl 2:23.
2. Final, in order that; c. inf., in order to (M, Pr., 204n), Lk 9:52, Ac 20:24, He 7:9.

ὡσαννά (T, ὠσ-) (Heb נָא and הוֹשֵׁעַ; v. Dalman, Words, 220 IL; Gr., 249),

hosanna: Mt 21:9, Mk 11:9-10, Jo 12:13; τ. υἱῷ Δανείδ, Mt 21:9, 15.†

ὡσαύτως adv.,

strengthened for ὡς (in Hom, at the beginning of a clause, in the form ὣς δ' αὔτως, later in one word), in like manner, just so, likewise: Mt 20:5 21:30, 36 25:17, Mk 14:31, Lk 13:5 20:31, Ro 8:26, I Ti 5:25, Tit 2:6; with verb to be supplied from context, Mk 12:21, Lk 22:20, I Co 11:25, I Ti 2:9 3:8 3:11, Tit 2:3.†

ὡσεί adv.,

(a) as if, .as it were, like as, like: Mt 3:16 9:36, Ac 2:3 6:15, Ro 6:13, He 1:12; γίνεσθαι (φαίνεσθαι) ὡσεί, Mk 9:26, Lk 22:44 ([WH] R, mg., om.), Lk 24:11;
(b) in calculation, and with numbers, about: Mt 14:21, Lk 3:23 9:14, 28 22:41, 59 23:44, Ac 2:41 10:3 19:7; ὡσεὶ λίθου βολήν, Lk 22:41.†

Ὠσηέ (Tr., Ὁσ-), ὁ (Heb. הוֹשֵׁעַ),

Hosea: Ro 9:25.†

ὥσ-περ adv.,

just as, even as: Mt 6:2 20:28, Ac 3:17, I Co 8:5, I Th 5:3 al.; in protasis, with οὕτως (καί) in apodosis: Mt 12:40, Lk 17:24, Jo 5:21, Ro 5:19, Ga 4:29, Ja 2:26, al

* ὡσ-περ-εί adv.,

as, as it were: I Co 15:8.†


consecutive particle,
1. c. infin., expressing result, so as to: Mt 8:24 12:22, Mk 1:27, Lk 5:7, Ac 1:19, Ro 7:6, I Co 1:7, He 13:6, al.; of a designed result, Mt 10:1, Lk 4:29, al.; preceded by οὕτως, Ac 14:1; by τοσοῦτος, Mt 15:33.
2. C. indic.,
(a) so that: Ga 2:13, preceded by οὕτως, Jo 3:16;
(b) so then, therefore: Mt 12:12, Mk 2:28, Ro 7:4, I Co 3:7, Ga 3:9, al.
3. so then, therefore: c. subjc., I Co 5:8; c. imperat., I Co 3:21 4:5, Phl 2:12 I Th 4:18, I Pe 4:19, al

*† ὠτάριον, -ου, τό

= ὠτίον (q.v.),
the ear: Mk 14:47, Jo 18:10.†

ὠτίον, -ου, τό, dimin. of οὖς, [in LXX for אֹזֶן ;]

an ear: Mt 26:51, Lk 22:51, Jo 18:26.†

ὠφέλεια (WH, -λία), -ας, ἡ [in LXX for יָעַל hi., בֶּצַע, etc. ;]

1. assistance, help (Thuc., Plat., al.).
2. profit, advantage, benefit (Hdt., Plat., al.): Ro 3:1, Ju 16.†

ὠφελέω, -ῶ (< ὄφελος), [in LXX chiefly for יָעַל hi. ;]

to help, benefit, do good, profit: absol., Ro 2:25; οὐδέν (do no good; v. Field, Notes, 21), Mt 27:24, Jo 6:63 12:19; c. acc pers., He 4:2; c. dupl. acc, Mk 8:36, I Co 14:6, Ga 5:2; pass., He 13:9; c. acc, Mt 15:5 16:26, Mk 5:26 7:11, Lk 9:25, I Co 13:3.†

* ὠφέλιμος, -ον (< ὠφελέω),

useful, serviceable, profitable: c. dat. commod., Tit 3:8; seq. πρός, c. acc, I Ti 4:8, II Ti 3:16.†

[p. 492]


(See p. 135)

[p. 493]



The student is referred to the grammars for the tenses of the regular verbs. The following list comprises those verbs which do not conform to the regular types, with their principal parts and other tenses which occur in the NT, including some which are of regular formation. The list is confined, as a rule (but cf. ἀνοίγω, οἴγω), to simple verbs, from which the form of the compound may usually be determined without difficulty. When a tense occurs only in a compound, the simple form is preceded by a hyphen. Compare a similar list, with helpful notes, which has appeared since this was sent to press, in Moulton's Grammar, Vol. II, pt. ii, pp. 225 ff.

(a. = active; m. = middle; p. = passive. Alternative forms are enclosed in brackets.)

ἀγγέλλω, fut. -ἀγγελῶ, pf. ἤγγελκα, p. -ἤγγελμαι, 1 aor. ἤγγειλα, m. -άμην, 2 aor. p. {Bl., §19, 3) ἠγγέλην.

-ἄγνvμι, fut. -ἐάξω, 1 aor. -ἔαξα, 2 aor. p. -ἐάγην, with irreg. use of augment (Bl., § 15, 2) in fut. κατεάξω and 2 aor. subjc. p. κατεαγῶ.

ἄγω, fut. ἄξω, pf. p. ἦγμαι, 2 aor. ἤγαγον, 1 aor. a. -ἦξα, p. ἤχθην, 1 fut. p. ἀχθήσομαι, impf. m. ἠγόμην.

αἰνέω, fut. αἰνέσω (-αινέσω, ΙΙ Co 11:23, aor. subjc. ?), 1 aor. ᾔνεσα.

αἱρέω, fut. αἱρήσω (the simple verb m. only, -ομαι, in NT), ἑλῶ (late Gk., LXX), p. -αἱρεθήσομαι, pf. ᾔρηκα, ᾕρημαι, 2 aor. εἱλον (and -λα, a hybrid form with ending of 1 aor., Bl., § 21, 1 ; inf. ἑλεῖν), 1 aor. p. ᾑρέθην, 2 aor. p. εἱλόμην.

αἴρω, fut. ἀρῶ, pf. ἦρκα, ἦρμαι, 1 aor. a ἦρα (inf. ἆραι), p. ἤρθην, 1 fut. p. ἀρθήσομαι.

αἰσθάνομαι, 2 aor. ᾐσθόμην.

αἰσχύνομαι (p.), f. αἰσχυνθήσομαι, 1 aor. ᾐσχύνθην (-αισχύνθην).

ἀκούω, fut. ἀκούσω, -ομαι (Bl., § 18, 3), pf. ἀκήκοα, 1 aor. a. ἤκουσα, p. ἠκούσθην, 1 fut. p. ἀκουσθήσομαι.

ἀλείφω, fut. ἀλείψω, 1 aor. a. ἤλειψα, p. inf. ἄλιφθῆναι.

-ἀλλάσσω, fut. ἀλλάξω, 1 aor. a. -ἤλλαξα, pf. p. -ἤλλαγμαι, 2 aor. ἠλλάγην, 2 fut. p. ἀλλαγήσομαι.

ἅλλομαι, 2 aor. -ἡλόμην, α form -ἡλάμην (v.s. αἱρέω).

ἁμαρτάνω, fut. ἁμαρτήσω, pf. ἡμάρτηκα, 2 aor. ἥμαρτον, 1 aor. ἡμάρτησα.

ἀμφιέννυμι (-έζω, -άζω), pf. ἠμφίεσμαι.

ἀναλίσκω (-όω), fut. ἀναλώσω, 1 aor. a. ἀνήλωσα, p. ἀνηλώθην.

ἀνοίγω (v. Bl., §24, s.v. οἴγω), fut. ἀνοίξω, pf. ἀνέῳγα (M, Pr., 154), -γμαι, ἠνέῳγμαι, ἤνοιγμαι (M, Pr., l.c.), 2 aor. ἠνοίγην (M, Pr., 56), 1 aor. a. ἤνοιξα, ἀνέῳξα, ἠνέῳξα, p. ἠνοίχθην, ἀνεῴχθην, ἠνεῴχθην (inf. ἀνεῳχθῆναι, Lk 3:21), 1 fut. p. ἀνοιχθήσομαι, 2 ἀνοιγήσομαι.

ἀπο-καθ-ίστημι (v.s. ἵστημι), 1 aor. p. ἀπεκατεστάθην (double augment).

ἀρέσκω, fut. ἀρέσω, 1 aor. a. ἤρεσα.

[p. 494]

ἀρκέω, fut. ἀρκέσω, 1 aor. a. ἤρκεσα, 1 fut. p. ἀρκεσθήσομαι.

ἁρπάζω, fut. ἁρπάσω (M, Pr., 165), pf. ἥρπακα, 2 aor. p. ἡρπάγην (Bl., § 19, 3), 1 aor. a. ἥρπασα, p. ἡρπάσθην, 2 fut. p. ἁρπαγήσομαι, plpf. inf. -ηρπάκειν.

αὐξάνω (αὔξω, v. Bl., § 24), fut. αὐξήσω, 1 aor. a. ηὔξησα, p. ηὐξήθην.

ἀφίημι (-ιέω, -ίω, -έω ; v.s. ἵημι), impf. ἤφιον, pf. p. 3 pl. ἀφέωνται (cf. M, Pr., 38, 119).

ἀφοράω (v.s. ὁράω), 2 aor. subjc. ἀφίδω.

-βαίνω, fut. -βήσομαι, pf. -βέβηκα, 2 aor. -ἔβην (M, Pr., 110).

βάλλω, fut. βαλῶ, pf. βέβληκα, -μαι, 2 aor. ἔβαλον (α form -αν, Ac 16:37), 1 aor. p. ἐβλήθην, 1 fut. p. βληθήσομαι, plpf. p. ἐβεβλήμην.

βδελύσσομαι, pf. ἐβδέλυγμαι.

βιβρώσκω, pf. βέβρωκα.

βλαστάνω (άω), 1 aor. a. ἐβλάστησα (Bl., § 19, 1 · 24).

βούλομαι, 1 aor. p. depon. ἐβουλήθην (v.l. ἠβ-).

γαμέω (Bl, § 24), pf. γεγάμηκα, 1 aor. a. ἐγάμησα, ἔγημα, p. ἐγαμήθην.

γελάω, fut. γελάσω.

γηράσκω, 1 aor. a. ἐγήρασα.

γίνομαι (cl. γίγν-), fut. γενήσομαι, pf. γέγονα, γεγένημαι, 2 aor. ἐγενόμην, 1 aor. p. ἐγενήθην.

γινώσκω (cl. γιγν-), fut. γνώσομαι, pf. ἔγνωκα, p. ἔγνωσμαι, 2 aor. ἔγνων (subjc. γνῷ, γνοῖ ; BL, § 23, 4 ; M, Pr., 55, 196), 1 aor. p. ἐγνώσθην, 1 fut. p. γνωσθήσομαι.

γνωρίζω, fut. γνωρίσω, -ιῶ, 1 aor. a. ἐγνώρισα, p. ἐγνωρίσθην.

γράφω, fut. γράψω, pf. γέγραφα, γέγραμμαι, 1 aor. a. ἔγραψα, 2 aor. p. ἐγράφην.

δεῖ (impers.), subjc. δέῃ, inf. δεῖν, ptcp. neut. δέον (pl. δέοντα), impf. ἔδει.

δείκνυμι (-ύω), fut. δείξω, pf. δέδειγμαι, 1 aor. a. ἔδειξα, p. ἐδείχθην.

δέομαι, 1 aor. p. ἐδεήθην.

δέρω, 1 aor. a. ἔδειρα, 2 fut. p. δαρήσομαι.

δέχομαι, fut. δέξομαι, pf. δέδεγμαι, 1 aor. m. ἐδεξάμην, p. -εδέχθην.

δέω, fut. δήσω, pf. δέδεκα, δέδεμαι, 1 aor. a. ἔδησα, p. ἐδέθην.

διακονέω, impf. διηκόνουν, fut. διακονήσω, 1 aor. διηκόνησα, p. (inf.) διακονηθῆναι.

διδάσκω, fut. διδάξω, 1 aor. a. ἐδίδαξα, p. ἐδιδάχθην.

δίδωμι (όω ; Bl, § 23, 3, 4 ; M, Pr., 55, 196), fut. δώσω, pf. δέδωκα, δέδομαι, 2 aor. a. (pl.) ἔδομεν, m. ἰδόμην, 1 aor. a. ἔδωκα (subjc. 3 s. δώσῃ), p. ἐδόθην, 1 fut. p. δοθήσομαι.

δοκέω (-ῶ), 1 aor. a. ἔδοξα.

δραμεῖν, v.s. τρέχω.

δύναμαι, fut. δυνήσομαι, 1 aor. p. ἐδυνήθην, ἠδυνάσθην (Bl, § 24).

δύνω (δύω; Bl, § 24), pf. -δέδυμαι, 2 aor. ἔδυν, 1 aor. ἔδυσα m. -εδυσάμην.

ἐάξω (fut.), etc., v.s. ἄγνυμι.

ἐάω, fut. ἐάσω, 1 aor. εἴασα, impf. εἴων.

ἐγγίζω, fut. ἐγγίσω (Ja 4:8 A), -ιῶ, pf. ἤγγικα, 1 aor. a. ἤγγισα.

ἐγείρω, fut. ἐγερῶ, pf. ἐγήγερμαι, 1 aor. a. ἤγειρα. p. ἠγέρθην, 1 fut. p. ἐγερθήσομαι, impf. unaugmented διεγείρετο, Jo 6:18.

ἐδαφίζω, fut. ἐδαφιῶ.

ἐθίζω, pf. εἴθισμαι.

ἔθω, pf. εἴωθα, q.v.

εἶδον, v.s. ὁράω.

[p. 495]

εἰμί (to be), fut. ἕσομαι, impf. ἤμην (cl. ἦν), imperat. ἴσθι, pi. ἕστε, 3 pers. ἔστω (ἤτω), pi. ἔστωσαν, subjc. pres. ὦ, optat. εἴην, inf. εἶναι, ἔσεσθαι, ptcp. ὤν,


εἷμι (to go ; in NT, compound only), pres. 3 pi. -ἴασιfν), impf. -ᾔειν, pi. -ᾔεσαν, inf. -ἰέναι, ptcp. -ἰών.

εἶπον (2 aor.), εἴρηκα, etx;., v.s. λέγωι

ἐλαύνω, pf. pres. obsolete), -ἡλασα. pi. ela>6ecrav.

ἑλεῖν, v.8. αἱρέω. 1 aor. -^'Aacra.

ἐλήλυθα Θf.), ἐλθεῖν

ἑλκόω, pf. ειλκωμαι. (2 aor.), v.s. epxofiai.

ἑλκύω (ἕλκω), fuλ ἑλκύσω,

ἐλλογάω (-έω), fut. eXKvtro), 1 aor. etXKvcra, impf. €iXkoi/.

ἐλπίζω, (-eo)), impf. p. unaugmented.

ἐμέω, 1 fut. ἤμεσα. pf. ^'Xtvikq, 1 aor. a. ^'XTTwra.

ἐνεγκεῖν, vιs. TjfKcra.

ἕννυμι, v.s. ἀμφιέννυμι.

evvvfii, V.S. dfj.(f)ievvvni.

ἐργάζομαι, pf. εἴργασμαι, 1

-ἕπομαι, impf. -εἱπόμην.

ἑρμηνεύω, pf. e'ipyaafxai, 1 aor. p. -elpydardrjv, m. rjpyaa-afjLTjv (flpy-).

ἔρχομαι, fuλ ἐλεύσομαι, pf. epxofiaL, fut. eXevaofxai, pf. eXr)Xvda, 2 aor. ^X^ov (a form, 1 pL, -afiev ; inf. eX^eZv), (M, Pr., 154 ; Bl., § 24, s.v.).

ἐρῶ (fut.), v.s. λέγω.

ἐσθίω (ἔσθω ; Bl., § 24, s.v. ; M, Pr., 54, 111, 155), fut. φάγομαι (2 sing, εσαι in NT), 2 aor. ecpayov.

εὐαγγελίζω, augmented dευηγ-.

εὐαρεστέω, pf. εὐαρέστηκα (εὐηρ-), 1 aor. inf. εὐαρεστῆσαι.

εὐδοκέω, 1 aor. εὐδόκησα (ηὐ-).

εὑρίσκω, fut. εὑρήσω, pf. εὕρηκα, 2 aor. εὗρον (and -α, v.s. αἱρέω), m. εὑρόμην, θήσομαι. evpidrjv (ptcp. evpafxevoi. He 9^^ ; M, Pr., 51n), 1 fut. p. eipea-drjcropai.

ἐφίστημι (v.s. ἵστημι), 3 sing. m. ἐπίστατειι

ἐφοράω (v.s. ὁράω), 2 aor. imperat. ἔφιδε.

ἔχω, ^^^- ἕξω, pf- ἔσχηκα, 2 *or. ἔσχον (inf. σχεῖν), impf. εἶχον (α forms in pi.).

ζάω (Bl., § 24, 8.V. ; M, Pr., 54), fut. ζήσω (-ομαι), impf. ἔτην, 1 aor. ἔζησα.

ζέω, does not contract, -έω, -εο-.

ζωγρέω, pf. ἐζώγρημαι.

ζώννυμι {-vo)), fut. ^coorco, pf. p. -ἕζωσμαι, 1 aor. ἔιζωσα, m. ἐζωσάμην.

ἡττάω (ἤσσάω ; BL, § 24, S.V.), pf. ἥττημαι, 1 aor. p. ἡσσωθην.

θάπτω, 1 aor. ἔθαψα, 2 aor. p. ἐτάφην.

θέλω (cl. also ἐθέλω), fut. θελήσω, 1 aor. a. ἠθέλησα, impf. ἤθελον

θήσω, v.S. τίθημι.

θιγγάνω, 2 aor. ἔθιγον.

θλάω, 1 fut. p. -θλασθήσομαι.

-θνήσκω (θνῄσκω), fut. -θανοῦμαι, pf. τέθνηκα, 2 aor. -ἕθανον.

θραύω, pf. τέθραυσμαι.

θρέψω, etc., V.s. τρέφω.

θύω, pf. τέθυμαι, 1 aor. ἔθυσα, p. ἐτύθην.

ἰδεῖν, V.S. ὁράω.

ἰέναι, V.S. εἰμι.

[p. 496]

-ἴημι (cf. ἀφίημι), fut. -ἤσω, pf. -ἕωμαι (ptcp. -εἱμένος), 2 aor. inf. εἶναι, 1 aor. Ι

-ἤκα, p. -ἕθην, 1 fut. p. -ἑθήσομαιι χν

-ἱκνέομαι, 2 aor. -ιeκóμην.

ἱλάσκομαι, 1 aor. p. ἱλάσθην.

-ἵστημι (-άνω, -άω), fut. στήσω, -ομαι, pf. ἕστηκα (inf ιτάναι, ἑστακέναι, ptcp. -ἑστώς, -ἑατηκώς), plpf. ἱοηύκειν (also εἱσ-, ἑσ-), * jr. a. ἔστησα, p. ἐστάθην, 1 fut. p. σταθήσομαιι

καθαίρω, 1 aor. a. ἐxάθαρα, pf. p. κεκάθαρμαι.

καθαρίζω (-ερίζω), fut. καθαριῶ, pf. κεκαθάρισμαι, 1 aor. a. ἐκαθάρισα, p. ἐκαθα. ρίσθην.

καθέζομαι, augmented ἐκ-, as if not a compound.

καίω, fut. καύσω, pf. κέκαυμαι, 2 aor. p. -ἐκάην, 1 aor. ἔκαυσα, p. ἐκαύθην, 1 fut. υ- καυθήσομαι, 2 fut. p. -καήσομαι.

καλέω, fut. καλέσω, pf. κέκληκα, -μαι, 1 aor. a. ἐκάλεσα, p. ἐκλήθην, 1 fut. p. κληθήσομαι.

κάμνω, 2 aor. ἔκαμον.

κεῖμαι, impf. ἐκείμην, inf. κεῖσθαι, ptcp. κείμενος.

κείρω, 1 aor. ἔκειρα, m. ἐκειράμην.

-κέλλω, 1 aor. -ἕκειλαι

κεράννυμι, pf. κεκέρασμαι, κέκραμαι, 1 aor. a. ἐκέρασα.

κερδαίνω, fut. κερδανῶ, κερδήσω, 1 aor. a. ἐκέρδανα, ἐκέρδησα, 1 fut. p. κερδηθήσομαι.

κίχρημι (cf. χράω), 1 aor. ἔχρησα.

κλαίω, fut. κλαύσω, 1 aor. ἔκλαυσα.

κλάω, 1 aor. a. ἔκλασα, p. ἐκλάσθην.

κλείω, fut. κλείσω, pf. κέκλεισμαι, 1 aor. -ἔκλεισα, p. .ἐκλείσθην.

κλίνω, fut. κλινῶ, pf. κέκλικα, 1 aor. a. ἔκλινα, p. ἐκλίθην, 1 fut. p. κλιθἤσομαιι

κομίζω, fut. κομίσομαι, -ιοῦμαι, 1 aor. ἐκόμισα, m. ἐκομισάμην.

κύπτω, fut. κόψω, 2 aor. -ἐκόπην, 1 aor. ἔκοψα, 2 fut. p. κοπήσομαι.

κορέννυμι, pf. κεκόρεσμαι, 1 aor. p. ἐκορέσθην.

κράζω, fut. κράξω, κεκράξομαι, pf. κέκραγα, 2 aor. ἔκραγον, 1 aor. a. ἔκραξα, ἐκἔκραξα.

κρεμαννυμι (κρέμαμαι, and once impf. ἐκρέμπο from -ομαι), 1 aor. a. ἐκρέμασα, p. ἐκρεμάσθην.

κρίνω, fut. Κρινῶ, pf. κέκρικα, -pai, 1 aor. a. ἔκρινα, p. ἐκρίθην, m. ἐκρινάμην, 1 fut. p. κριθήσομαι.

κρύπτω, fut. κρύψω, pf. κέκρυμμαι, 2 aor. ἔxρvβον, p. ἐκρύβην, 1 aor. ἔκρυψα.

-κτείνω (-κτέννω, -ννυμι), f. -κτενῶ, 1 aor. a. -ἕκτεινα, p. -ἐκτάνθην.

κτίζω, א. ἔκτισμαι, 1 aor. a. ἔκτισα, p. ἐκτίσθην.

-κυέω (κύω), 1 S-or. a. -ἐκύησαι

ικυλίω, fut. -κυλίσω, pf. -κεκv̔λισμαι, 1 aor. -ἐκύλισα.

λαγχάνω, 2 aor. ἔλαχον.

λαμβάνω, fut. λήμψομαι (cl. λήψ-), pf. εἴληφα, p. ἑλͅημμαι, 2 aor. ἔλαβον (2 pL ἐλάβατε), p. ἐλαβόμην, 1 aor. p. ἐλήμφθην (cl. ἐλἤφ-), 1 fut. p. -λημφθῆσομαι (cl. ληφ-).

λανθάνω, pf. -λἑλησμαι, 2 aor. ἔλαθον.

λάσκω (or λακέω), 1 aor. ἐλάκησα.

λέγω (to say), fut. ἐρῶ (cf. Bl., § 24), pf. εἴρηκα, 2 aor. εἶπον, 1 aor. m. -ελεξάμην, p. -ελέχθην.

[p. 497]

λέγω (to gather, in NT only in comp.), fut. -λέξω, pf. λέλεγμαι, 1 aor. -ἔλεξα, m. -ἑλεξάμηνε

λείπω (λιμπάνω), fut. λεί ὤ, pf. λέλειμμαι, λέλιμμαι, 2 aor. -e̔λιπον, 1 aor. ἔλειψα, p. ἐλείφθην.

λούω, pf. λέλουμαι, λἑλο'ισμαι, 1 aor. ἆ. ἔλουσα, m. ἐλουσάμην.

μακαρίζω, fut. μακαριῶ.

μανθάνω, pf. μεμάθηκα, 2 aor. ἔμαθον.

μαραίνω, 1 fut. p. μαρανθήσομαι.

μαρτύρομαι, 1 aor. m. ἐμαρτυράμην.

μεθύω (-ύσκομαι), 1 aor. p. ἐμεθύσθην.

μέλλω, fut. μελλήσω, impf. ἔμελλον (ἤμ-).

μέλω, fut. -μελήσομαι, 1 aor. p. -ἐμελήθην, 1 fut. p. -μεληθήσομαι.

μένω, fut. μενῶ, pf. μεμένηκα, 1 aor. ἔμεινα.

μιαίνω, pf. μεμίαμμαι (cl. usually -ασμαι), 1 aor. p. ἐμιάνθην.

-μίγνυμι, pf. μέμιγμαι, 1 aor. a. ἔμιξα.

μιμνήσκω, fut. -μνήσω, pf. μέμνημαι, 1 aor. a. -ἔμνησα, p. ἐμνήσθην, 1 fut. p.


μνηστεύω, pf. ἐμνήστευμαι (v.l. μερ- ; BL, § 15, 6), 1 aor. p. ἐμνηστεύθην.

μωραίνω, 1 aor. ἐμώρανα, p. ἐμωράνθην.

-νέμω, 1 aor. p. -ἐνεμήθην.

νυστάζω, 1 aor. a. ἐνύσταξα.

ξηραίνω, pf. ἐξήραμμαι, 1 aor. a. ἐξήρανα, p. ἐξηράνθην.

ξυράω (cl. -έω), fut. ξυρήσομαι, pf. ἐξύρημαι.

-οἴγω, V.8. ἀνοίγω, an irregular compound.

οἷδα (pf. ; pres. obsolete), alternative form of 2nd pers. pi. ἴστε (cl.) and of 3rd pi. ἴσασι(ν), fut. εἰδήσω, plpf. ᾔδειν, imperat. ἴσθι, ἴστω, ἴστε, ἴστωσαν, subjc. εἰδῶ, inf. εἰδέναι, ptcp. εἰδώς.

οἰκτείρω, fut. οἰκτειρήσω.

οἴομαι, contr. οἶμαι.

οἴσω, V..S. φέρω.

οἴχομαι, pf. -ᾤχημαι.

ὀκέλλω, 1 aor. -ὤκειλα.

-ὁλλυμι (-ύω), fut. -ὀλέσω, ὁλῶ, οὑμαὶ, pf. -nωλα, 2 aor. -ὠλόμην, 1 aor. a. -ὤλεσα.

ὄμνυμι (-ύω), 1 aor. ὤμοσα.

ὀνίνημι, 2 aor. (α form ; V.S. αἱρέω), ὠνάμην (opt. ὀναίμην).

ὁράω (Bl., § 24), fut. ὄψομαι, pf. ἑώρακα (ἑόρ-), 2 aor. εἶδον (ἴδον in R« ; inf. ἰδεῖν), impf. ἑώρων (but cf. προορώμην), 1 aor. m. ὠψάμην, p. ὤφθην, 1 fut. p. ὀφθήσομαι.

ὁρίζω, fut. ὁριῶ, -ὁρίσω, pf. ὥρισμαι, 1 aor. a. ὥρισα, p. ὡρίσθην.

ὀρύσσω, 2 aor. -ὠρύγην, 1 aor. a. ὤρυξα, p. -ὠρύχθην.

ὀφείλω, 2 aor. ὄφελον (used as a particle ; cl. ώ́φ-), 1 aor. ὤφειλα.

παίζω, fut. -παίξω, 1 aor. -ἔπαιξα, p. -ἐπαίχθην, 1 fut. p. -παιχθήσομαἶ

πάσχω, pf- πέπονθα, 2 aor. ἔπαθον.

παύω, fut. -παύσω, παύσομαι, pf. πέπαυμαι, 1 aor. a. ἔπαυσα, m. ἐπαυσάμην, 2 fut. p. -παήσομαι.

πείθω, fut. πείσω, pf. πέποιθα, πέπεισμαι, 1 aor. ἔπεισα, p. ἐπείσθην, 1 fut. p. πεισθήσομαι.

πεινάω, fut. πεινάσω, 1 aor. ἐπείνασα.

πήγνυμι, 1 aor. a. ἔπηξα.

[p. 498]

πικραίνω, int. πικρανῶ, 1 aor. ἐπίκρανα, p. ἐπικράνθην.

-πͅίμπλημι, pf. πέπλησμαι, 1 aor. a. ἔπλησα, p. ἐπλήσθην, 1 fut. p. πλησθήσομαι

πίμπρημι (πίπρημι, πρήθω), 1 aor. -ἔπρησα.

πίνω, fut. πίομαι, pf. πέπωκα, 2 aor. ἔπιον (inf. πιεῖν, πεῖν ; Bl., § 6, 5), 1 aor. p. ἐπόθην.

πιπράσκω, pf. πέπρακα, -αμαι, 1 aor. p. ἐπράθην.

πίπτω, fut. πεσοῦμαι, pf. πέπτωκα, 2 aor. ἔπεσον (on α forms, V.S. αἱρέω).

πλάσσω, 1 aor. a. ἔπλασα, p. ἐπλάσθην.

πλατύνω, pf. πεπλάτvμμαι, 1 aor. p. ἐπλατύνθην.

πλέκω, 2 aor. p. -ἐπλάκην, 1 aor. ἔπλεξα.

πλέω (does not contract ἑο or ἔω), 1 aor. ἔπλευσα.

-πλήσσω, 2 aor. p. ἐπλήγην (in COUip. ἐξ-επλάγην), 1 aor. a. ωἕπληξω

πνέω (does not contract ἑο, ἔω, ἔη), 1 aor. ἔπνευσα.

πνίγω, 2 aor. p. -ἐπνίγην, 1 aor. ἔπνιξα.

πρίω (πρίζω), 1 aor. p. ε'πρίσθην.

πυνθάνομαι, 2 aor. ἐπυθόμην.

-ῥαίνω, pf. -ῥέραμμαι.

ῥαντίζω, pf. ῥεράντισμαι (v.l. ἐρρ- ; Bl., § 15, 6), 1 aor. a. ἐρράντισα (ἐραν-).

ῥέω, fut. ῥεύσω, 2 aor. p. ἐρρύην (ἐρυ-)ε '

ῥηθείς, V.S. λέγω.

ῥήσσω (ῥήγνυμι ; BL, i^ 24), fut. ῥήξω, 1 aor. ἔρηξα Cερρ-)ι

ῥίπτω (-έω), pf. p. ἔρριμαι (i'p-), 1 aor. ἔριψα.

ῥύομαι, fut. ῥύσομαι, 1 aor. m. ἐρυσάμην (ἐρρ-), p. ἐρύσθην (ἐρρ-).

ῥώννυμι, pf. ἔρρωμαι (in imper. ἔρρωσο, farewell).

σβέννυμι (-ύω), fut. σβέσω, 1 aor. a. ἔσβεσα.

σείω, fut. σείσω, 1 aor. a. ἔσεισα, p. ἐσείσθην.

σήπω, 2 pf. σέσηπαι

σκύλλω, pf. ἔσκυλμαι.

σπάω, fut. -σπάσω, pf. -ἔσπασμαι, 1 aor. a. -ἶσπασα, m. ἐσπασάμην, p. -ἐσπάσθην.

σπείρω, pf. ἔσπαρμαι, 2 aor. p. ἐσπάρην, 1 aor. ἔσπειρα.

-στἑλλω, fut. -στελῶ, pf. -ἔσταλκα, -μαι, 2 aor. p. -ἐστάλην, 1 aor. ἔστειλα,

στήκω, impf. ἔστvκον (late pre.s. and impf. = ἵστημι).

στηρίζω, fut. στηρίξω, -ίσω, pf. ἐστήριγμαι, 1 aor. a. ἐστήριξα (-ισα), p. ἐστηρίχθην.

στρέφω, fut. -στρέψω, pf. ἔστραμμαι (-εμμαι), 2 aor. ἐστράφην, 1 aor. ἔστρεψα, 2 fut. p. -στραφήσομaι.

στρώννυμι (-ύω), pf. ἔστρωμαι, 1 aor. a. ἔστρωσα, p. -ἐστρώθην.

σφάζω, fut. σφάξω, pf. ἔσφαγμαι, 2 aor. ἐσφάγην, 1 aor. ἔσφαξα.

σώζω (σώζω ; Bl., § 3, 3), fut. σώσω, pf. σέσωκα, -σμαι, 1 aor. a. ἔσωσα, p.

ἐσώόην, 1 fut. p. σωθήσομαι.

τάσσω, fut. -τάξομαι, pf. τέταχα, -γμαι, 2 aor. -ἐτάγην, 1 aor. a. ἔταξα, p. ἐτάχθην, m. ἐταξάμην, 2 fut. p. ταγήσομαι.

τείνω, fut. τενῶ, 1 aor. -ἔτεινα.

τελέω, fut. τελέσω, pf. τετέλεκα, -εσμαι, 1 aor. a. ἐτέλεσα, p. ἐτελέσθην, 1 fut. p.


τέλλω, fut. τελοῦμαι, pf. τέταλκα, -μαι, 1 aor. a. -ἕτειλα, in. -σ̓ειλάμην.

τέμνω, pf. τέτμημαι, 2 aor. -σ̓́εμον, 1 aor. p. -ἐτμήθην.

τήκω, 2 fut. p. τακήσομαι.

τίθημι (-fo)), fut. θήσω, pf. τέθεικα, -μαι, 2 aor. m. ἐθέμην, 1 aor. a. ἔθηκα, p. ἐτέθην, 1 fut. p. τεθήσομαι,

τίκτω, fut. τέξομαι, 2 aor. ἔτεκον, 1 aor. p. ἐτέχθην.

τίνω, fut. τίσω.

[p. 499]

τρέπω, pf. τέτραμμαι, 2 aor. p. -ε'τράπην, 1 aor. a. -ἔτρεψα, m. ἐτρεψάμην, 2 fut. p. τραπήσομαι.

τρέφω (root θρεφ), pf. τέθραμμαι, 2 aor. -ἐτράφην, laor. a. ἔθρεψα, m. -ἐθρεψάμηνι

τρέχω, 2 aor. ἔδραμον,

τρίβω, fut. τρίψω, pf. τέτριμμαι, 1 aor. -σ̓́ριψα, 2 fut. p. τριβήσομαι.

τυγχάνω, pf. τέτvχα (-ευχα), 2 aor. ἔτυχον.

φαγεῖν, V.s. ἐσθίω.

φαίνω, fut. φανοῦμαι, 2 aor. p. ἐφάνην, 1 aor. ἔφανα, 2 fut. p. φανήσομαι.

φαύσκω (φώσκω), fut. -φαύσω.

φέρω (defective ,́ M, Pr., 1, 10), fut. οἴσω, pf. -ἐνήνοχα, 2 aor. ἤνεγκον (inf. ἐνεγκεῖν), 1 aor. a. ἤνεγκα, p. ἠνέχθην.

φεύγω, fut. φεύξομαι, pf. πέφευγα, 2 aor. ἔφυγον.

φημί, impf. ἔφην.

φθάνω, pf. ἔφθακα, 1 aor. a. ἔφθασα.

φθείρω, fut. φθερῶ, pf. -ἔφθαρμαι, 2 aor. ἐφθάρην, 1 aor. a. ἔφθειρα, 2 fut. p.


φορέω, fut. φορέσω, 1 aor. ἔφορεσα.

φράσσω, 2 aor. p. ἐφράγην, 1 aor. ἔφραξα, 2 fut. p. φραγήσoμαι.

φύω, 2 aor. p. ἐφύην.

φώσκω, v.s. φαύσκω.

φωτίζω, fut. φωτίσω (-ιῶ), pf. πεφώτισμαι, 1 aor. a. ἐφώτισα, p. ἐφωτίσθην.

χαίρω, 2 aor. ἐχάρην, 2 fut. p. χαρήσομαι.

χαλάω, fut. χαλάσω, 1 aor. a. ἐχάλασα, p. ἐχαλάσθην.

-χέω (-χύννω, -χύνω), fut. -χεῶ, pf- -κέχυμαι, ■'■ '*''^^"- *• -ἔχεα, P* -ἐχύθην, 1 ^^^' P*


χράoμαι (-ήομαι(, pf. κέχρημαι, 1 aor. m. ἐχρησάμην.

χράω, V.S. κίχρημι,

χρίω, fut. χρίσω, 1 *or- *• ἔχρισα, ^^* ἐχρισάμην.

χρονίζω, fut. χρονιῶ (v.l. -ίσω).

ψάλλω, fut. ψαλῶ.

-ψύχω, 1 aor. -ἔψυξα, 2 fut. p. ψυγήσομαι.

-ὠθέω, 1 aor. a. -ῶ͂σα (-ἔωσα), 1 aor. m. -ὠσάμην.

ὠνέομαι, aor. ὠνησάμην (Attic ἐπ' ριάμην)-

[p. 500]



(The list includes only such forms as might reasonably cause the beginner some difficulty. Where several such forms belonging to the same verb occur, a selection only is given. The others will be recognized by their similarity to those in the list and can be found in Appendix A. Those which can be traced by the cross references in the previous list and in the body of the Lexicon are, as a rule, omitted here. The present tense, enclosed in brackets, is that to which, in the Lexicon, a given form belongs.)

ἀγάγετε (ἄγω), 2 aor. impv. a.

ἀγάγῃ (1εἀ.), 2 aor. subjc. a.

ἁγνίσθητι (ἁγνίζω), 1 aor. impv. p.

αἴσθωνται (αἰσθάνομαι), 2 aor. subjc.

αἰτείτω (αἰτέω), pres. impv.

ἀκήκοα (ἀκούω), 2 pf. a.

ἀλλαγήσομαι (ἀλλάσσω), 2 fut. p.

ἀλλάξαι (id.), 1 aor. inf. a.

ἁμαρτήσῃ (ἁμαρτάνω), 1 aor. subjc. a.

ἀμησάντων (ἀμάω), 1 aor. ptcp. a., gen. pi. ^

ἀνάβα, Ὅθι (ἀναβαίνω), 2 aor. impv.

ἀναβέβηκα (id.), pf. a.

ἀναγαγεῖν (ἀνάγω), 2 aor. inf. a.

ἀναγνούς (ἀναγινώσΚω), 2 aor. ptcp. a.

ἀναγνῶναι (id.), 2 aor. inf. a.

ἀναγνωσθῇ (id.), 1 aor. subjc. p.

ἀναγνωσθῇ αιἐα, α κvλιι ),pf. p.

ἀναλοῖ (ἀναλίσκω), pres. ind. a.

ἀναλωθῆτε (id.), 1 aor. subjc. p.

ἀναμνήσω (ἀναμιμνήσκω), fut.

ἀναπαήσομαι (ἀναπαύω), fut. m.

ἀνάπεσαι (ἀναπίπτω), 1 aor. impv. m.

ἀνάπεσε (id.), 2 aor. impv. a.

ἀνάστα, -οηηθι (ἀνίστημι), 2 aor. impv. a.

ἀνατεθραμμένος (ἀνατρέφω), pf. ptcp. p.

ἀνατεἱλῃ (ἀνατέλλω), 1 aor. subjc. a,

ἀνατέταλκεν (Ἰά,), pf. a.

ἀναφάναντες (ἀναφαίνω), 1 aor. ptcp. a.

ἀναφανέντες (id.), 2 aor. ptcp. p.

ἀναχθέντες (ἀνάγω), 1 aor. ptcp. p.

ἀνάψαντες (ἀνάπτω), 1 aor. ptcp. a.

ἀνέγνωτε (ἀναγινώσκω), 2 aor. a.

ἀνεθάλετε (ἀναθάλλω), 2 aor. a.

ἀνεθέμην (ἀνατίθημι), 2 aor. m.

ἀνέθη (ἀνίημι), 1 aor. p.

ἀνεθρέψατο (ἀνατέφω), 1 aor. m.

ἀνείλατο αιρειω;2aο . m.

ἀνείλατε, -εῖλαν (id.), 2 aor. a. (v.s.

αἱρέω, App. A).

ἀνειχόμην (ἀνέω), impf. m.

ἀνελεῖ (ἀνέω), λaε

ἀνελεῖν (id.), 2 aor. inf. a.

ἀνενεγΚεῖν {dvacbipa)), 1 aor. inf. a.

ἀνέντες (ἀνίημι), 2 aor. inf. a.

ἀνέξομαι (ἀνέχω), aor. ptcp. a.

ἀνέπεσεν (ἀναπίπτω), m.

ἀνέσεισα (ἀνασείω)ι 1 2 aor. a.

ἀνεστράφημεν (ἀναστρέφω),

ἀνεσχόμην (ἀνέχω), 2 aοr. m. aor. p.

ἀνέτειλα (ἀνατέλλω), 2 aor. m.

ἀνετράφη (ἀνατρέφω), aor. a.

ἀνwεῦαν (ἀνευρίσκω), 2 2 aor. p.

ἀνέῳγα (di/evpi'cr/cw), 2 aor. a.

ἀνήγαγον (ἀνάγω), pf. a.

ἀνέῳξα (id.), 1 aor. a.

ἀνεῳχθῆναι (id.), 1 aor. inf. p.

ἀνενέγκαι (ἀναφέρω), aor. a.

ἀνήγγειλα (ἀναγγέλλω), 1 aor. a.

ἀνήνεγκεν (id.), 2 aor. p.

ἀνήνεγκεν (ἀναφέρω), 1 (2) aor. act.

ἀνιηρέθην (ἀναιρέω), 1 aor. p.

ἀνήφθη (ἀνάπτω), 1 aor. p.

ἀνήχθην (ἀνάγω), 1 aor. p.

ἀνθέξεται (ἀντέχω), fut. m.

[p. 501]

ἀνθέστηκε (a̓νθίWμι), pf. ind. a.

ἀνθίστανται (id.), pres. m.

ἀνιέντες (ἀνίηρ-), pres. ptcp. a.

ἀνοιγήσεται (ἀνοίγω), 2 fut. p.

ἀνοιγῶσιν (id.), 2 aor. subjc. p.

ἀνοῖξαι (id.), 1 aor. int. a.

ἀνοίσω (ἀναφέρω), fut. a.

ἀνοιχθήσεται (ἀνοίγω), 1 fut. p.

ἀνταποδοῦναι (ἀνταποδίδωμι), 2 aor. inf. a.

ἀνταποδώσω (id.), fut. a.

ἀντέστη1 (ἀνθίατημι), 2 aor. ἆ.

ἀντιστῆναι (id.), 2 aor. inf. a.

ἀνῶ (ἀνίημι), 2 aor. subjc. a.

ἀπαλλάξῃ (ἀπαλλάσσω), 1 aor. SubjC. a.

ἀπαρθῇ (ἀπαίρω), 1 aor. subjc. p.

ἀπαρνησάσθω (ἀπαρνέομαι), 1 aor. impv. m.

ἀπαρνήσῃ (id.), fut. 2 8.

ἀπατάτω (ἀπατάω), pres. impv. act.

ἀπατηθεῖσα (id.), 1 aor. ptcp. p.

ἀπέβησαν (ἀποβαίνω). 2 aor. ».

ἀπέδειξεν (ἀποδείκνυμι) , 1 aor. a.

ἀπέδετο (ἀποδίδωμι), 2 aor. m.

ἀπεδίδουν (id.), iuij.f. a.

ἀπέδοτο, -δοσθε (id.), 2 aor. ω

ἀπέδωκεν (id.), 1 aor. a.

ἀπέθανεν (ἀποθνήσκω), 2 aor. a.

ἀπειπάμεθα (ἀπεῖπον), 1 aor. m.

ἀπεῖχον (ἀπέχω), impf. a.

ἀπεκατεστάθην (ἀποκαθίστημι), 1 aor., P-

απεκατέστην (id.), 2 aor. a.

ἀπεκρίθην (ἀποκρίνω), 1 aor. p.

ἀπεκτάνθην (ἀποκτείνω), 1 aor. p.

ἀπεληλύθεισαν (ἀπέρχομαι), plpf.

ἀπελθών (id.), 2 aor. ptcp. a.

ἀπενεγκεῖν (ἀποφέρω), 2 aor. inf. a.

ἀπενεχθῆναι (id.), 1 aor. inf. p.

ἀπεπνίγη (ἀποπνίγω), 2 aor. p.

ἀπέπνιξαν (id.), 1 aor. a.

ἀπεστάλην (ἀποστέλλω), 2 aor. p.

ἀπέσταλκα (id.), pf. a.

ἀπέστειλα (id.), 1 aor. a.

ἀπέστη, -ησαν (ἀφίστημι), 2 aor. a.

ἀπεστράφησαν (ἀποστρέφω), 2 aor. p.

ἀπετάξατο (ἀποτάσσω), 1 aor. m.

ἀπῄεσαν (ἄπειμι), impf.

ἀπήλασεν (ἀπελαύνω), 1 aor. a.

ἀπηλγηκότες (ἀπαλγέω), pf. ptcp. a.

ἀπῆλθαν (ἀπέρχομαι), 2 aor. a.

ἀπηλλάχθαι (ἀπαλλάσσω), pf. inf. p.

ἀπηρνησάμην (ἀπαρνέομαι), 1 aor.

ἀπηρνησάμην (ἀπασπάζομαι), 1 aor.

ἀποβάντες (ἀποβαίνω), 2 aor. ptcp. a.

ἀποβήσεται (id.), fut. 3 8.

ἀποδεδειγμένον (ἀποδείκνυμι), pf. ptcp., P-

ἀποδεικνύντα (id.), pres. ptcp. a.

ἀποδεῖξαι (id.), 1 aor. inf. a.

ἀποδιδόναι (ἀποδίδωμι), pres. inf. a.

ἀποδιδοῦν (id.), pr. ptcp. a. neut. a.

ἀποδοθῆναι (id.), 1 aor. inf. p.

ἀποδοῖ (id.), v.s. -δῶ.

ἀπόδος, -δοτε (id.), 2́ aor. impv. a.

ἀποδοῦναι, -δούς (id.), 2 aor, inf. (ptcp.) a.

ἀποδῷ (id.), 2 aor. subjc. a. 3 s.

ἀποθανεῖν (ἀποθνήσκω), 2 aor. inf. a.

ἀποκαθιστάνει (ἀποκαθιστάνω), pres. a.

ἀποκατηλλάwε (ἀποκαταλλάσσω) 2 aor. p.

ἀποκατιστάνει = ἀποκαθιστάνει.

ἀποκριθείς (ἀποκρίνω), 1 aor. ptcp. p.

ἀποκτανθείς (ἀποκτείνω), 1 aor. ptcp. p.

ἀποκτέννυντες (ἀποκτείνω), pres. ptcp. a.

ἀποκτενῶ (id.), fut. a.

ἀπολέσαι (ἀπόλλυμι), 1 aor. inf. a.

ἀπολοῦμαι (id.), fut. m.

ἀπολῶ (id.), fut. a.

ἀπόλωλα (id.), 2 pf. a.

ἀπορίψαντας (ἀπορίπτω), 1 aor. ptcp. a.

ἀποσταλῶ (ἀποστέλλω), 2 aor. subjc. p.

ἀποστείλας (id.), 1 aor. ptcp. a.

ἀποοηῦͅ (ἀφίστημι), 2 aor. subjc. a.

ἀπόστητε, -στήτω (id.), 2 aor. impv. a.

ἀποστραφῇς (ἀποστρέφω), 2 aor. subjc.

ἀπόαffρεψον (id.), 1 aor. impv. a.

ἀποταξάμενος (ἀποτάσσω), 1 aor. ptcp. m.

ἅπτου (ἅπτω), pres. impv. m.

ἀπώλεσα (ἀπόλλυμι), 1 aor. a.

ἀπωλόμην (ἀπόλλυμι), 2 aor. m.

ἀπωσάμενος (ἀπωθέω), 1 aor. ptcp. m.

ἆραι (αἴρω), 1 aor. inf. a.

ἄρας (id.), 1 aor. ptcp. a.

ἀρέσει (ἀρέσκω), fut. a.

ἄρη (αἴρω), 1 aor. subjc. a.

ἀρθῇ, -θῶσιν (1εά), 1 aor. subjc. p.

ἄρθητι (id.), 1 aor. impv. p.

ἀρκέσῃ (ἀρκέω), 1 aor. subjc. a.

ἆρον (αἴρω), 1 aor. impv. a.

ἁρπαγέντα (ἁρπάζω), 2 aor. ptcp. p.

ἁρπαγησόμεθα (id.), 2 fut. p.

ἀρῶ, -ωουσιν (αἴρω), fut. a.

αὐξηθῇ (αὐξάνω), 1 aor. subjc. p.

[p. 502]

ἀφέθην (ἀφίημι), 1 aor. p.

ἀφεῖλε, (ἀφαιρέω), 2 aor. a.

ἀφεῖναι (ἀφίημι), 2 adr. inf. a.

ἀφεὶς (id.), pres. ind. a. 2 8.

ἀφείς (id.), 2 iwT. ptcp. a.

ἀφελεῖ (ἀφαιρέω), fut. a.

ἀφελεῖν (id.), 2 aor. inf. ἔ1.

ἄφες (ἀφίημι), 2 aor. impv. a.

ἀφέωνται (id.), pf. pass.

ἀφῇ (id.), 2 aor. subjc. a.

ἀφῆκα (id.), 1 aor. a.

ἀφίενται and -ονται (id.), pres. p.

ἀφίκετο (ἀικνέομαι), 2 aor.

ἀφίστατο {d(pi(m]fu), pres. impv. m.

ἀφοριεῖ, -οῦσιν (ἀφορίζω),

ἀφῶμεν -ovaiv (cKpopi^o)), fut. ἆ.

dc^ayp-ev {d(j)ir]fjii), 2 aor. subjc. a.

ἀφωμοιωμένος (ἀφομοιόω), pf. ptcp. pass.

ἀχθῆναι (ἄγω), 1 aor. inf. p.

ἀχθήσεσθε (id.), 1 fut. pass.

ἅψας (ἅπτω), 1 aor. ptcp. a.

ἅψῃ (id.), 1 aor. subjc.

βαλῶ (βάλλω), fut. a.

βάλω, -ῃ (id.), 2 aor. subjc. a.

βαρείσθω (βαρέω), pres. impv. p.

βάψῃ (βάπτω), 1 aor. subjc. a.

βεβαμμένον (id.), pf. ptcp. p.

βέβηκα (βαίνω), pf. a.

βέβληκεν (βάλλω), pf. a.

βέβρωκα (βιβρώσκω), pf. a.

βληθείς (βάλλω), 1 aor. ptcp. p.

βλήθητι (id.), 1 aor. impv. p.

γαμησάτωσαν (γαμέω), 1 aor. impv. a.

γεγένημαι (γίνομαι), pf. pass.

γεγέννημαι (γεννάω), pf. pass.

γέγοναν (γίνομαι), 2 pf. a.

γεγόνει (id.), plpf. a. 3 s.

γενάμενος (id.), 2 aor. ptcp. m.

γενέσθω (id.), 2 aor. impv. 3 s.

γένησθε (id.), 2 aor. subjc. m.

γένωνται (id.), 2 aor. subjc. m.

γήμας (γαμέω), 1 aor. ptcp. a.

γήμῃς (id.), 1 aor. subjc. a.

γνοῖ = γνῷ.

γνούς (γινώσκω), 2 aor. ptcp. a.

γνῶ, γνῷ (id.), 2 aor. subjc. a. 1 and 3 s,

γνῶθι (id.), 2 aor. impv. a.

γνωριοῦσιν (γνωρίζω), fut.

γνωσθῇ (γινώσκω), 1 aor. subjc. p.

γνωσθήσεται (id.), 1 fut. p.

γνώσομαι (id.), fut. a.

γνώτω (id.), 2 aor. impv. a.

δαρήσομαι (δέρω), 2 fut. p.

δέδεκται (δέχομαι), pf.

δεδεκώς (δέω), pf. ptcp. a.

δέδεμαι (id.), pf. p.

δεδιωγμένος (διώκω), pf. ptcp. p.

δέδοται (δίδωμι), pf. p.

δεδώκεισαν (id.), plpf. a.

δέῃ (δέω), pres. subjc.

δεθῆναι (δέω), 1 aor. inf. p.

δείραντες (δέρω), 1 aor. ptcp. a.

δέξαι (δέχομαι), 1 aor. impv.

δέξηται, -ωνται (id.), 1 aor. subjC.

δῆσαι (δέω), 1 aor. inf.

δήσῃ (id.), 1 aor. subjc. 3 s.

διαβάς (διαβαίνω), 2 aor. ptcp. a.

διαβῆναι (id.), 2 aor. inf. a.

διάδος (διαδίδωμι), 2 aor. impv. a.

διακαθᾶραι (διαλλάσσω), 1 aor. inf. a.

διαλλάγηθι (διαλλάσσω), 2aor. impv. υ-

διαμείνῃ (διαμένω), 1 aor. subjc. a.

διαμεμενηκότες (id.), pf. ptcp. a.

διαμένεις (id.), pres. ind. a.

διαμενεῖς (id.), fut. ind. δ-

διανοίχθητι (διανοίγω), 1 aor. impv. p.

διαήξας (διαρήσσω), 1 aor. ptcp. a. (also -pp-)-

διασπαρέντες (διασπείρω), 2 aor. ptcp.

διασπασθῇ (διασπάω), 1 aor. subjc. p.

διαστάσης (διίστημι), 2 aor. ptcp. a.

διαστρέψαι (διαστρέφω), 1 aor. inf. a.

διαταγείς (διατάσσω), 2 aor. ptcp. p.

διαταχθέντα (id.), 1 aor. ptcp. p.

διατεταγμένος (id.), pf. ptcp. p.

διατεταχέναι (id.), pf. inf. a.

διδόασιν (δίδωμι), pres. a.

διέβησαν (διαβαίνω), 2 aor. a.

διεγείρετο (διεγείρω), impf. p. (unaugmented).

διεῖλον (διαιρέω), 2 aor. a.

διενέγκῃ (διαφέρω), 1 or 2 aor. subjc. a.

διέρηξεν (διαρήσσω), 1 aor. a. (also -p/)-).

διερησσετο (id.), impf. p.

διεσάφησαν (διασαφέω), 1 aor. a.

διεσπάρησαν (διασπείρω), 2 aor. p.

διεσπᾶσθαι (διασπάω), pf. inf. p.

διεστειλάμην (διαοτἐλλ0,-), 1 aor. m.

διέστη (διίστημι), 2 aor. a.

διεστραμένος (διαστρέφω), pf. ptcp. p.

διειταξαζ́διατά σσω),1aοrι a.

διεφθάρην (διαφθείρω), 2 aor. p.

διεφθαρμένος (id.\ pf. ptcp. p.

διηκόνουν (διακονέω), impf. δ-

διήνοιγεν (ὃιανοίγω), impf. a.

[p. 503]

διήνοιξεν (id.), 1 aor. a.

διηνοίχθησαν (id.), 1 aor. p.

διορυγῆναι (διορύσσω), 2 aor. inf. p.

διορυχθῆναι (id.), 1 aor. inf. p.

διώδευε (διοδεύω), impf. a.

διωξάτω (διώκω), 1 aor. impv. a.

διώξητε (id.), 1 aor. subjc. a.

διωχθήσονται (id.)j 1 fut. p.

δοθεῖσαν (δίδωμι), 1 aor. ptcp. p.

δοθῇ (id.), 1 aor. subjc. p.

δοῖ (Ἰά), 2 aor. subjc. a.

δός, δότε, δότω (id.), 2 aor. impv. a.

δοῦναι (id.), 2 aor. inf. a.

δούς (id.), 2 aor. ptcp. a.

δύνῃ (δύναμαι), pres. ind.

δῷ, δώῃ (δίδωμι), 2 aor. subjc. a.

δῳη (id.), 2 aor. opt. a.

δῶμεν, δῶτε (id.), 2 aor. subjc. a.

δώσῃ, -σωμεν (id.), 1 aor. subjc. a.

ἔβαλαν Θάλλω), 2 aor. a.

ἐβάσκανε (βασκαίνω), 1 aor. a.

ἐβδελυγμένος Θδελύσσω), pf ι ptcp. p.

ἐβέβλητο Θάλλω), plpf. p.

ἐβλήθην (id.), 1 aor. p.

ἔγγισαν (ἐγγίζω), 1 aor. a.

ἐγεγόνει (γίνομαι), plpf. a.

ἔγειραι (ἐγείρω), 1 aor. impv. ra.

ἐγεῖραι (id.), 1 aor. inf. a.

ἐγείρου (id.), pres. impv. p.

ἐγενήθην (γίνομαι), 1 aor. p.

ἐγεννήθην (γεννάω), 1 aor. p.

ἐγερεῖ (ἐγείρω), fut. a.

ἐγε ρθείς (id.), 1 aor. ptcp. p.

ἐγερθήσεται (id.), 1 fut p.

ἐγέρθητι (id), 1 aor. impv. p.

ἐ̓́γηγε ρμαι (id.), pf. p.

εyημ1 (γαεω), 1 aor. a.

ἔγνωκ' ανζ́γινώ κ ),p f. a.

ἐγνωκέναι (id.), pf. inf. a.

ἔγνων (id.), 2 aor. a.

ἐγχρίσαι (ἐγχρίω), 1 aor. impv. m.

ἐγχρῖσαι (id.), 1 aor. inf. a.

ἔγχρισον (iἀε), 1 aor. impv. a.

ἐδαφιοῦσιν (ἐδαφίζω), fut. a.

ἐδέετο, -εῖτο (δέομαι), impf.

ἐδεήθην (id.), 1 aor.

ἕδει (impers. δεῖ), impf.

ἔδειραν (δέρω), 1 aor. a.

ἔδvσα (δέω), 1 aor. a.

ἐδίωξα (διώκω), 1 aor. a.

ἐδολιοῦσαν (δολιόω), late impf.

ἔδραμον (τρέχω), 2 aor. a.

ἔδυ, ἔδυσεν (δύνω), 2 and 1 aor. a. 3 s.

ἔζησα (ζάω), 1 aor. a.

ἐζῆτε, ἔζων (id.), impf. a.

ἐθέμην (τίθημι), 2 aor. m,

ἔθηκα (id.), 1 aor. a.

ἔθου (id.), 2 aor. m.

ἔθρεψα (τρέφω), 1 aor. a.

εἴα (ἐάω), impf. a.

εἴασα (id.), 1 aor. a.

εἴδα = εἶδον (ὁράω, q.V.), 2 aor.

εἰθισμένον (ἐθίζω), pf. ptcp. p.

ἑλͅατο (αἱρέω), 2 aor. m.

ἑλͅηπται (λαμβάνω), pf. p.

ἑλͅηφα (id.), pf. a.

ἑλͅκον (ἕλΚω), impf. a.

ἑλͅκvσε, -αν (ἑλκύω), 1 aor. a.

εἱλκωμένος (ἑλκόω), pf. ptcp. p.

εἴξαμεν (εἴκω), 1 aor. a.

εἰσδραμοῦσα (εἰστρέχω), 2 aor. ptcp. ι

εἰσελήλυθα (εἰσέρχομαι), pf.

εἰσῄει (εἴσειμι), impf.

εἰσίασιν (id.), pres. ind.

εἱστήκεισαν (ἵστημι), plpf- *•

εἶχαν, -οσαν (ἔχω), impf.

εἴων (ἐάω), impf.

ἐκαθάρισεν, -ερ- (καθαρίζω, -ερ-), 1 aor. act.

ἐκαθαρίσθη, -ερ- (id.), 1 aor. p.

ἐκδώσεται (ἐκδίδωμι), fut. m.

ἐκέκραξα, ἔκραξα (κράζω), 1 aor. a.

ἐκέρασα (κεράννυμι), 1 aor. a.

ἐκέρδησα (κεδαίνω), 1 aor. a.

ἐκκαθάρα τεc̓εκκαθαί ω ,1 aor. impv.

ἐκκαθάρ‘η (id.), 1 aor. subjc. a.

ἐκκεχυμένος (ἐκχέω), pf. ptcp. p.

ἐκκοπήσῃ (ἐκκόπτω), 2 fut. p.

ἔκκοψον (id.), 1 aor. impv. a.

ἔκλασα (κλάω), 1 aor. a.

ἔκλαυσα (κλαίω), 1 aor. ἆ.

ἐκλέλησθε (ἐκλανθάνω), pf. m.

ἐκλήθην (καλέω), 1 aor. p.

ἐκόψασθε (κόπτω), 1 aor. m.

ἐκπλε ὗσαι (ἐκπλέω), 1 aor. inf. a.

ἔκραξα ((cpafo)), 1 aor. a.

ἐκρύβη κράζω), 2 aor. p.

ἐκσῶσαι (ἐκσώζω), 1 aor. inf. δ-

ἐκτενεῖς (ἐκτείνω), fut. a.

ἐκτησάμην (κτάομαι), 1 aor.

ἔκτισται (κτίζω), pf. p.

ἐκτραπῇ (ἐκτρέπω), 2 aor. subjc. p.

ἐκφύῃ (ἐκφύω), pres. or 2 aor. subjc. a.

ἐκχέαι (ἐκχέω), 1 aor. inf. a.

ἐκχέετε (id.), pres. or 2 aor. impv. a.

ἐλάβετε (λαμβάνω), 2 aor. a.

ἐλάκησεν (λάσκω or λακέω), 1 aor. a.

[p. 504]

ἔλαχε (λαγχάνω), 2 aor. a.

ἐλέησον (ἐλεέω), 1 aor. inipv. a.

ἐλεύσομαι (ἔρχομαι), fut.

ἐληλακότες (ἐλαύνω), pf. ptcp. a.

ἐλήλυθα (ἔρχομαι), pf.

ἑλιθάσθηααν (λιθάζω), 1 aor. p.

ἑλκύσαι (ἑλκύω), 1 aor. inf. a.

ἑλόμενος (αἱρέω), 2 aor. ptcp. m.

ἐλπιοῦσιν (ἐλπίζω), fut. 3 pi.

ἔμαθον (μανθάνω), 2 aor. a.

ἐμασῶντο (μασάομαι), impf.

ἐμβάς (ἐμβαίνω), 2 aor. ptcp. a.

ἐμβάψας (ἐμβάπτω), 1 aor. ptcp. a.

ἐμβῆναι (ἐμβαίνω), 2 aor. inf. a.

ἔμιξε (μίγνυμι), 1 aor. a.

ἐμπεπλησμένος (ἐμπίμπλημι), pf. ptcp. , P- .

ἐμπλησθῶ (id.), 1 aor. subjc. p.

ἐμώρανα (μωραίνω), 1 aor. a.

ἐνεδυναμοῦτο (ἐνδυναμóω), impf. p.

ἐνεἱλησα (ἐνειλέω), 1 aor. a.

ἐνένευον (ἐννεύω), impf. a.

ἐνέπλησεν (ἐμπίμπλημι), 1 aor. a.

ἐνέπρησε (ἐμπίπρημι, ἐμπρήθω), 1 aor. a.

ἐνέπτυον, -σαν (ἐμπτύω), impf. and 1 aor. a.

ἐνεστηκότα (ἐνίστημι), pf. ptcp. a.

ἐνεστῶτα, -ῶσαν, -ῶτος (id.), pf. ptcp. a.

ἐνετειλάμην (ἐντέλλω), 1 aor. m.

ἐνετύλιξα (ἐντυλίσσω), 1 aor. a.

ἐνεφάνισαν (Υ̓φανιζω), 1 aor. α.

ἐνεφύσησεν (εμφυσάω), 1 aor. a.

ἐνεχθείς (φέρω), 1 aor. ptcp. p.

ἐνήργηκα (ἐνεργέω), pf. a.

ἐνκρῖναι (ἐνκρίνω), 1 aor. inf. a.

ἐνοικοῦν (ἐνοικέω), pres. ptcp. a.

ἐντελεῖται (ἐντέλλω), fut. m.

ἐντέταλται (id.), pf. m.

ἐντραπῇ (ἐντρέπω), 2 aor. subjc. p.

ἐντραπήσονται (id.), 2 fut. p.

ἔνυξε (νύσσω), 1 aor. ἔ1.

ἐνύσταξαν (νυστάζω), 1 aor. δ-

ἐνῴκησεν (ἐνοικέω), 1 aor. a.

ἐξαλειφθῆναι, -λιφ- (ἐξαλείφω), 1 aor. inf. p.

ἐξαναστήσῃ (ἐξανίστημι), 1 aor. SubjC. a.

ἐξανέστησαν (id.)., 2 aor. a.

ἐξάρατε (ἐξαίρω), 1 aor. impv. a.

ἐξαρεῖτε (id.), fut. a.

ἐξαρθῇ (id.), 1 aor. subjc. p.

ἐξέδετο (ἐκδίδωμι), 2 aor. m.

ἐξε ἵλατο (ἑ ξαιέω), 2 aor. m.

ἐξε καύθ σ νζ̓́εκκα ω ,1 aor. υ-

ἐξέκλιναν (ἐκκλίνω), 1 aor. a.

ἐξεκόπης (ἐκκόπτω), 2 aor. p.

ἔξελε (ἐξαιρέω), 2 aor. impr. a.

ἐξελέξω (ἐκλέγω), 1 aor. m. 2 s.

ἐξέληται (ἐξαιρέω), 2 aor. subjc. m.

ἐξενέγκαντες (ἐκφέρω), 1 aor. ptcp. a.

ἐξενεγκεῖν (id.), 2 aor. inf. a.

ἐξένευσεν (ἐκνεύω), 1 aor. a.

ἐξεπέτασα (ἐκπετάννυμι), 1 aor. a.

ἐξεπλάγησαν (ἐκπλήσσω), 2 aor. p.

ἐξέπλει (ἐκπλέω), impf. a.

ἐξεστακέναι (ἐξίστημι), pf. inf. a.

ἐξέστραπται (ἐκστρέφω), pf. p.

ἐξετάσαι (C-̓ξετᾶζω), 1 aor. inf. a.

ἐξετράπησαν (ἑ κτρέπω), 2 aor. υ-

ἐξέχεε (ἐκχέω), 1 aor. a.

ἐξεχύθησαν (id.), 1 aor. p.

ἐξέωσεν = ἐξῶσεν.

ἐξῄεσαν (ἔξειμι), impf.

ἐξηραμμένος (ξηραίνω), pf. ptcp. p.

ἐξήρανα, -ράνθην (id.), 1 aor. a. and p.

εTηρανται (id.), pf. p. 3 8.

ἐξηραύνησα (ἐξεραvνάω), 1 aor. a.

ἐξηρτισμένος (ἐξαρτίζω), pf. ptcp. p.

ἐ,ξήχͅηταἵ(εξηχεω), pf. pass.

ἐξιέναι (ἔξειμι), pres. inf.

ἐξιστάνων (ἐξίστημι, q.V.), preS. ptcp.

ἐξοίσουσι (ἐκφέρω), fut. a.

ἐξῶσαι (ἐξωθέω), 1 aor. inf. δ-

ἐξῶσεν (id.), 1 aor. a.

ἑόρακα (ὁράω), pf. a.

ἐπαγαγεῖν (ἐπάγω), 2 aor. inf. ω

ἔπαθεν (πάσχω), 2 aor. a.

ἐπαισχύνθην (ἐπαισχύνομαι), 1 aor.

ἐπαναπαήσεται (ἐπαναπαύω), fut. m.

ἐπάξας (ἐπάγω), 1 aor. ptcp. a.

ἐπάρας (ἐπαίρω), 1 aor. ptcp. a.

ἐπεῖδεν (ἐπεῖδον), 3 8.

ἐπειράσω (πειράζω), 1 aor. m.

ἐπειρᾶτο, -ρῶντο (πειράω), impf. m.

ἔπεισα (πείθω), 1 aor. a.

ἐπείσθησαν (id.), 1 aor. p.

ἐπεῖχεν (ἐπέχω), ii^pf- *•

ἐπέκειλαν (ἐπικέλλω), 1 aor. a.

ἐπεκέκλητο (ἐπικαλέω), plpf. p.

ἐπελάθετο, -οντο (ἐπιλανθάνομαι), 2aor.

ἐπέλειχον (ἐπιλείχω), impf. δ-

ἐπεποίθει (πείθω), 2 plpf. a.

ἔπεσα (πίπτω), 2 aor. a.

ἐπέστησαν (ἐφίστημι), 2 aor. a.

ἐπέσχεν (ἐπέχω), 2 aor. a.

[p. 505]

ἐπετίμα (ἐπιτιμάω), impf.

ἐπετράπη (ἐπιτρέπω), 2 aor. p.

ἐπεφάνη (ἐπιφαινω), 2 aor. p.

ἐπέχρισεν (ἐπιχρίω), 1 aor. a.

ἐπηκροῶντο (ἐπακροάομαι), impf.

ἐπῄνεσεν (ἐπαινέω), 1 aor. a.

ἔπηξεν (πήγνυμι), 1 aor. a.

ἐπῆρα (ἐπαίρω), 1 aor. a.

ἐπήρθη (id.), 1 aor. p.

ἐπῆρκεν (id.), pf. a.

ἐπίασα (πιάζω), 1 aor. a.

ἐπιβλέψαι (ἐπιβλέπω), 1 aor. impv. m.

ἐπιβλέψαι (id.), 1 aor. inf. a.

ἔπιδε (ἐπεῖδον), impv.

ἐπίθες (ἐπιτίθημι), 2 aor. impv. a.

ἐπικέκλησαι (ἐπικαλέω), pf. m.

ἐπικέκλητο (id.), plpf. p.

ἐπικληθέντα (ἐπικαλέω), 1 aor. ptcp. p.

ἐπικράνθησαν (πικραίνω), 1 aor. p.

ἐπιλελησμένος (ἐπιλανθάνομαι), pf.

ptcp. p.

ἐπιμελήθητι (ἐπιμελέομαι), 1 aor. impv. . P-

ε ἔπιον (πίνω), 2 aor. a.

ἐπιπλήξῃς (ἐπιπλήσσω), 1 aor. subjc. a.

ἐπιποθήσατε (ἐπιποθέω), 1 aor. impv. a.

ἐπιστᾶσα (ἐφίστημι), 2 aor. ptcp. a.

ἐπίσταται (id.), pres. ind. m.

ἐπίσταται (ἐπίσταμαι), pres. ind.

ἐπίστηθι (ἐίστημι), 2 aor. impv. a.

ε,πιστωιθ ςfπιστοιω), 1 aor. p.

ἐπιτεθῇ (ἐπιτίθημι), 1 aor. subjc. p.

ἐπιτιθέασι (id.), pres. a.

ἐπιτίθει (id.), pres. impv. a.

ἐπιτιμάσαι (ἐπιτιμάω), 1 aor. opt. a.

ἐπιφᾶναι (ἐπιφαίνω), 1 aor. inf. a.

ἐπλανήθησαν (πλανάω), 1 aor. p.

ἐπλάσθη (πλάσσω), 1 aor. p.

ἐπλήγη (πλήσσω), 2 aor. p.

ἔπλησαν (πίμπλημι), 1 aor. a.

ἐπλήσθη, -θησαν (id.), 1 aor. p.

ἐπλουτήσατε (πλοwέω), 1 aor. a.

ἐπλουτίσθητε (πλουτίζω), 1 aor. p.

ἔπλυναν (πλύνω), 1 aor. a.

ἔπνευσαν (πνέω), 1 aor. a.

ἐπνίγοντο (πνίγω), impf. p.

ἔπνιξαν (id.), 1 aor. a.

ἐπ' ράθη (πιπράσκω), 1 aor. p.

ἔπραξα (πράσσω), 1 aor. a.

ἐπ' ρίσθησαν (πρίζω), 1 aor. p.

ἐπροφήτευσα (προφητεύω), 1 aor. a.

ἔπτυσε (πτύω), 1 aor. a.

ἐράντισεν (ῥαντίζω), 1 aor. a.

ἐράπισαν (ῥαπίζω), 1 aor. a.

ἐρριζωμένοι Θιζόω), pf. ptcp. p.

ἐριμμένοι Θ̔ίπτω), pf. ptcp. p.

ἔρριπται (id.), pf. p.

ἔριψαν (id.), 1 aor. a.

ἔρρωσο, -ωσθε (ῥώννυμι), pf. impv. p.

ἐρύσατο (ῥύομαι), 1 aor. m. (ἐρρ-).

ἐρύσθην (id.), 1 aor. p.

ἐσάλπισε (ιταλπίζω), 1 aor. a.

ἔσβεσαν (σβέννυμι), 1 aor. a.

ἐσείσθην (σείω), 1 aor. p.

ἐσήμανεν (σημαίνω), 1 aor. a.

ἐσκυλμένοι (σκύλλω), pf. ptcp. p.

ἐσπαρμένος (σπείρω), pf. ptcp. p.

ἐστάθην (ἵστημι), 1 aor. p.

ἑστάναι (id.), pf. inf. a.

ἑστήκασιν ζ́ͅστημι), pf. a.

ἔστηκεν (στήκω), impf.

ἑστηκώς Cιστημι), pf. ptcp. δ-

ἔστην (id.), 2 aor. a.

ἐστηριγμένος (στηρίζω), pf. ptcp. p.

ἐστήρικται (id.), pf. p.

ἔστησαν (ἵοηwμι), 1 or 2 aor. 3 pi.

ἐστρωμένον (στρώννυμι), pf. ptcp. p.

ἔστρωσαν (id.), 1 aor. a.

ἔστωσαν (εἰμί), impv.

ἐσφαγμένος (σφάζω), pf. ptcp. p.

ἐσφραγισμένος (σφραγίζω), pf. ptcp. p.

ἔσχηκα (ἔω), pf.

ἐσχηκότα (ἔχω), pf. ptcp. a.

ἔσχον (id.), 2 aor. a.

ἐτάφη (θάπτω), 2 aor. p.

ἐτέθην (τίθημι), 1 aor. p.

ἐτεθνήκει (θνήσκω), plpf. a.

ἔτεκεν (τίκτω), 2 aor. a.

ἐτέχθη (id.), 1 aor. p.

ἐτίθει (τίθημι), impf. a.

ἐτύθη (θύω), 1 aor. p.

εὐαρεWκένaι, εὐηρ- (εὐαρεστέω), pf. inf. a.

εὐξάμην (εὔχομαι), 1 aor.

εὕραμεν, εὗραν (εὑρίσκω), 2 aor. a.

εὑρέθην (id.), 1 aor. p.

εὑρηκέναι (id.), pf. inf. a.

εὐφράνθητι (ν)̓φραίνω), 1 aor. impv. p.

ἔφαγον (ἐσθίω), 2 aor. a.

ἐφαλόμενος (ἐφάλλομαι), 2 aor. ptcp.

ἐφάνην (φαίνω), 2 aor. p.

ἔφασκεν (φάσκω), impf. a.

ἐφείσατο (φείδομαι), 1 aor.

ἐφεστώς (ἐφίστημι), pf. ptcp. a.

ἔφθακα, -σα (φθάνω), pf. and 1 aor. a.

ἐφθάρην (φθείρω), 2 aor. p.

ἐφίλει (φιλέω), impf. a.

ἐφίσταται (ἐφίστημι), pres. m«

[p. 506]

ἔφραξαν (φράσσω), 1 aor. a.

ἐφρύαξαν (φρυάσσω), 1 aor. δ-

ἔφυγον (φεύγω), 2 aor. a.

ἐχάρην (χαίρω), 2 aor. p.

ἔχρισα (χίω), 1 aor. a.

f^paivro {)(pdopai), impf.

ἐψεύσω (ψεύδομαι), 1 aor. m,

ἑώρακα (ὁράω), pf. a.

ἑωράκει (id.), plpf. a.

ἑώρων (id.), impf. a.

ζβέννυτε = σβ- (σβέννυμι), pres.

ζῶσαι (ζώννυμι), 1 aor. iiiipv. ra.

ζώσει (id.), fufc. a.

ἠβουλήθην (βούλομαι, q.v.), 1 aor. p.

ἤγαγον (ἄγω), 2 aor. a.

ἠγάπα (ἀγαπάω), impf. a.

ἠγαπηκόσι (ἀγαπάω), pf. ptcp. a.

ἤγγειλαν (ἀγγέλλω), 1 aor. a.

ἤγγικα, -σα (ἐγγίζω), pf. and 1 aor. a.

ἤγειρεν (ἐγείρω), 1 aor. a.

ἠγέρθην (id.), 1 aor. p.

ἤγετο, -οντο (ἄγω), impf. p.

ἥγημαι (ἡγέομαι), pf.

ἡγνικότες (ἁγνίζω), pf. ptcp. a.

ἡγνισμένος (id.), pf. ptcp. p.

ἠγνόουν (ἀγνοέω), impf. a,

ᾔδεισαν (οἶδα), plpf.

ἠδυνήθη, όσθη (δύναμαι), 1 aor.

ἤθελον (θέλω), impf.

ἤκασι (ἥκω), pf. a.

ἠκολουθήκαμεν (ἀκολουθέω), pf. a.

ἥλατο (ἅλλομαι), 1 aor. 3 δι'

ἠλάττωσας (ἑλαπὀω), 1 aor. ptcp. a.

ἠλαύνετο (ἐλαύνω), impf. p. 3 δι'

ἠλεήθην (ἑλεέω), 1 aor. p.

ἠλεημένος (id.), pf. ptcp. p.

ἠλέησα (id.), 1 aor. a.

ἤλειψα (ἀλείφω), 1 aor. a.

ἦλθον (ἔρχομαι), 2 aor. a.

ἡλκωμένος (ἑλκόω), pf. ptcp. p.

ἤλλαξα1 (ἀλλάσσω), 1 aor. a.

ἤλπικα, -σα (ἐλπίζω), pf. and 1 aor. a.

ἡμάρτηκα (ἁμαρτάνω), pf. a.

ἥμαρτον (id.), 2 aor. a.

ἥμεθα, ἦμεν (εἰμί), impf.

ἤμελλον (μέλλω), impf.

ἤμην (εἰμ'0, impf.

ἠμφιεσμένος (ἀμφιέννυμι), pf. ptcp. p.

ἤνεγκα (φέρω), 1 aor. a.

ἠνέχθην (id.), 1 aor. p.

ἠν‘ῳγμένος (ἀνοίγω), pf. ptcp. p.

ἠνέῳξα (id.), 1 aor. a.

ἠνεώχθην (id,), 1 aor. p.

ηνοἰγην (id.), 2 aor. p.

ἤνοιξα (id.), 1 aor. a.

ἠνοίχθην (id.), 1 aor. p.

ἤξει (ἥκω), fut. a.

ἠξίου (ἀξιόω), impf. a.

ἠξίωται (id.), pf. p.

ἠπατήθη (ἀπατάω), 1 aor. p.

ἠπείθησαν (ἀπειθέω), 1 aor. a.

ἠπείθουν (id.), impf. a.

ἠπείλει (ἀπειλέω), impf. a.

ἠπίστουν (ἀπιστέω), impf. a.

ἠπόρει (ἀπορέω), impf. a.

ἥπτοντο (ἅπτω), impf. m.

ἦρα (αἴρω), 1 aor. a.

ἠργαζόμην, -σαμην (ἐργάζομαι), impf. and 1 aor.

ἠρέθισα (ἐρεθίζω), 1 aor. a.

ἤρεσα (ἀρέσκω), 1 aor. a.

ἤρεσκον (ἀρέσκω), impf. ἆ.

ἠρημώθη (ἐρημóω), 1 aor. p.

ἤρθην (αἴρω), 1 aor. p.

ἦρκεν (id.), pf. a.

ἠρμένος (id.), pf. ptcp. p.

ἠρνεῖτο (ἀρνέομαι), impf.

ἤρνημαι (id.), pf. pass.

ἠρνησάμην (id.)j 1 aor.

ἠρξάμην (ἄρχω), 1 aor. m.

ἡρπάγη (ἁρπάζω), 2 aor. p.

ἥρπασε (id.), 1 aor. a.

ἡρπάσθη (ἁρπάζω), 1 aor. p,

ἠρτυμένος (ἀρτύω), pf. ptcp. p.

ἤρχοντο (ἔρχομαι), impf.

ἠρώτων (ἐωτάω), impf. a.

ἦς,ἦσθ !εἰμ0,1εm ἦς, ἦσθα !εἰμ0, 1εmpf.

ἤσθιον (ἐσθίω), impf. a.

ἡσσώθητε (ἡπάω), 1 aor. p.

ᾐτήκαμεν (αἰτέω), pf. a.

ᾔτησα, -σάμην (id.), 1 aor. a. and m.

ἠτίμασα (ἀτιμάζω), 1 aor. a.

ἠτίμησα (ἀτιμάω), 1 aor. a.

ἡτοίμακα (ἑτοιμάζω), pf. a.

ᾐτοῦντο (αἰτέω), impf. m.

ἡπήθητε (ἤττάω), 1 aor. p.

ἥττηται (id.), pf. p.

ἤτω (εἰμί), pros, impv.

ηὐδόκησα (εὐδοκέω), 1 aor. a.

ηὐδοκοῦμεν (id.), impf. a.

ηὐκαίρουν (dευκαιρέω), impf.

ηὐλήσαμεν (αὐλἐω), 1 aor. δ-

ηὐλόγει (εὐλογέω), impf. a.

ηὐλόγηκα, -σα (lεἀ.), pf. and 1 aor. λ

ηὔξησα (αὐξάνω), 1 aor. a.

ηὐπορεῖτο (εὐπορέω), impf. m.

[p. 507]

ηὑρίσκετο (εὑρίσκω), impf. p.

ηὕρισκον (id.), impf. a.

ηὐφόρησεν (εὐφο ,έω), 1 aor. a.

ηὐφράνθη (εὐφραίνω), 1 aul". p.

ηὐχαρίστησαν (εὐχαριστέω), 1 aor. a.

ηὐχόμην (εὔχομαι), impf.

ἤφιε (ἀφίημι), impf.

ἤχθην (ἄγω), 1 f't>r. p.

ἠχρειώθησαν (ἀχρειόω), 1 aor. p.

ἡψάμην (ἅπτω), 1 aor. m.

θάψαι (θάπτω), 1 aor. inf. a.

θεῖναι, θείς (τίθημι), 2 aor. inf. and ptcp. a.

θέμενος (id.), 2 aor. ptcp. m.

θέντες (id.), 2 aor. ptcp. a. nom. pi. mas.

θέσθε (id.), 2 aor. impv. m.

θέτε (id.), 2 aor. impv. a.

θίγῃς, θίγῃ (θιγγάνω), 2 aor. subjc. a.

θῶ (τίθημι), 2 aor. subjc. a.

ἰάθη (ἰάομαι), 1 aor. p.

ἰαταὶ (id.), pf. p.

ἰᾶτο (id.), impf.

ἴδον = εἶδον.

ἴσασι (οἶδα), 3 pi.

ἴσθι (εἰμί), impv.

ἱστάνομεν, ἱστῶμεν (ἵστημι, (J.V.).

ἴστε (οἶδα, ind. or impv.

l(m'jKfiv {icrrrjpi), plpf. a.

ἰώμενος (ἰάομαι), pres. ptcp.

καθαριεῖ (καθαρίζω), fut.

καθαρίσαι (id.), 1 aor. inf. a.

καθεῖλε (καθαιρέω), 2 aor. a.

καθελῶ (id.), fut. a.

κάθ‘η (κάθημαι), pres. ind.

καθῆκαν (καθίημι), 1 aor. a.

καθήσεσθε (κάθημαι), fut.

καθῆψε (καθάπτω), 1 aor. a.

Κάθου (κάθημαι), pres. impv.

καλέσαι (καλέω), 1 aor. inf. a.

κάλεσον (id.), 1 aor. impv. a.

κάμητε (κάμνω), 2 aor. subjc. a.

κατάβα, κατάβηθι (καταβαίνω), 2 aor. impv. a.

καταβέβηκα (id.), pf. a.

καταβῇ (id.), 2 aor. subjc. a.

κατακαήσομαι (κατακαίω), 2 fut. p.

κατακαῦσαι (id.), 1 aor. inf. a.

κατακαυχῶ (κατακαυχάομαι), pres. impv.

καταλάβῃ (καταλαμβάνω), 2 HOT. subjc. a.

καταπίῃ (καταπίνω), 2 aor. Subjc. a.

καταποθῇ (id.), 1 aor. subjc. p.

καταρτίσαι (καταρτίζω), 1 aor. inf. or opt. a.

κατασκηνοῖν, -οῦν (κατασκηνόω), pres. inf. a.

κατάσχωμεν (κατέχω), 2 aor. subjc. a.

κατεαγῶσιν (κατάγνυμι), 2 aor. SubjC. p.

κατέαξα (id.), 1 aor. a.

κατεάξει (id.), fut. a.

κατέβη (καταβαίνω), 2 aor. a.

κατεγνωσμένος (καταγινώσκω), pf. ptcp. P-

κατειλημμένος (καταλαμβάνω), pf. ptcp. P- ι

κατειληφέναι (id.), pf. inf. a.

κατεκάη (κατακαίω), 2 aor. p.

κατέκλασε (κατακλάω), 1 aor. a.

κατέκλεισα (κατακλείω), 1 aor. a.

κατενεχθείς (καταφέρω), 1 aor. ptcp. p.

κατενύγησαν (κατανύσσω), 2 aor. p.

κατεπέστησαν (κατεφίWμι), 2 aor. a.

κατέπιε (καταπίνω), 2 aor. a.

κατεπόθην (id.), 1 aor. p.

κατεσκαμμένος (κατασκάπτω), pf. ptcp. P-

κατεστραμμένος (καταστρέφω), pf. ptcp. P-

κατεστρώθησαν (καταστρώννυμι), 1 aor. P- ,

κατευθύναι (κατευθύνω), 1 aor. inf. a.

κατευθύναι (id.), 1 aor. opt. a.

κατέφαγον (κατεσθίω), 2 aor. a.

κατήγγειλα (καταγγέλλω), 1 aor. a.

κατήνεγκα (id.), 2 aor. p.

κατήνεγκα (καταφέρω), 1 aor. a.

κατήντηκα, -σα (καταντάω), pf. and 1 aor. a.

κατηράσω (καταράομαι), 1 aor.

κατήργηται (καταργέω), pf. p.

κατηρτισμένος (καταρτίζω), pf. ptcp. p.

κατηρτίσω (id.), 1 aor. m. 2 δ-

κατῃσχύνθην (καταισχύνω), 1 aor. p.

κατήχηνται (κατηχέω), pf. p.

κατηχήσω (id.), 1 aor. «ubjc. a.

κατίωται (κατιόω), pf. p.

κατῴκισεν (κατοικίζω), 1 aor. a.

καυθήσομαι (καίω), 1 fut. p.

καυχᾶσαι (καυχάομαι), pres. ind.

κεκαθαρισμένος (καθαρίζω), pf. ptcp. p.

κεΚαλυμμένος (καθαίρω), pf. ptcp. p.

κεΚαλυμμένος (καλύπτω), pf. ptcp. p.

[p. 508]

κεκαυμένος (καίω), pf. ptcp. p.

κεκερασμένος (κεράννυμι), pf. ptcp. p.

κέκλεισμαι (κλείω), pf. p.

κέκληκα (καλέω), pf. a.

κέκληται (id.), pf. p.

κέκλικεν (κλίνω), pf. a.

κέκμηκας (κάμνω), pf. a.

κεκορεσμένος (κορέννυμι), pf. ptcp. p.

κέκραγε (κράζω), 2 pf. a.

κεκράξονται (id.), fut. m.

κεκρατηκέναι (κρατέω), pf. inf. a.

κεκράτηνται (id.), pf. p.

κεκρίκει (κρίνω), plpf. a.

κέκριμαι (id.), pf. p.

κεκρυμμένος (κρύπτω), pf. ptcp. p.

κεράσατε (κεράννυμι), 1 aor. impv. a.

κερδανῶ, κερδήσω (κερδαίνω), fut. a.

κερδάνω (id.), 1 aor. subjc. a.

κεχάρισμαι (χαρίζομαι), pf.

κεχαριτωμένος (χαριτóω), pf. ptcp. p.

κέχρημαι (χράομαι), pf.

κεχωρισμένος (χωρίζω), pf. ptcp. p.

κηρύξαι, (χωρίζω), ,1 aor. inf. a,

κλάσαι (κλάω), 1 aor. inf. a.

κλαύσατε (κλαίω), 1 aor. impv. a.

κλαύσω, ομαι (id.), fut.

κλεισθῶσιν (κλείω), 1 aor. subjc. p.

κληθῇς (καλέω), 1 aor. subjc. p.

κλῶμεν (κλάω), pres. ind. a.

κλώμενος (id.), pres. ptcp. p.

κλῶντες (id.), pres. ptcp. a.

κοιμώμενος (κοιμάω), pres. ptcp. p.

κολλήθητι (κολλάω), 1 aor. impv. p.

κομιεῖται (κομίζω), fut. m.

κομίσασα (id.), 1 aor. ptcp. a.

κορεσθέντες (κορέννυμι), 1 aor. ptcp. p.

κόψας (κόπτω), 1 aor. ptc. a.

κράξας (κράζω), 1 aor. ptcp. a.

κράξουσιν (id.), fut. a.

κράτει (κρατέω), pres. impv.

κριθήσεσθε (κρίνω), 1 fut. p.

κριθῶσιν (id.), 1 aor. subjc. p.

κρυβῆναι (κρύπτω), 2 aor. inf. p.

κτήσασθε (κταόμαι), 1 aor. impv. m.

κτήσησθε (id.), 1 aor. subjc. m.

λάβε, -βῃ (λαμβάνω), 2 aor. impv. and subjc. a.

λαθεῖν (λανθάνω), 2 aor. inf. a.

λαχοῦσι (λαγχάνω), 2 aor. ptcp. a.

λάχωμεν (id.), 2 aor. subjc. a.

λελουμένος, -σμένος (λούω), pf. ptcp. p.

λέλυσαι (λύω), pf. pass.

λημφθῇ (λαμβάνω), 1 aor. subjc. p.

λήμψομαι (id.), fut.

λίπῃ (λείπω), 2 aor. subjc. a.

μάθετε (μανθάνω), 2 aor. impv. a.

μάθητε (id.), 2 aor. subjc. a.

μαθών (id.), 2 aor. ptcp. a.

μαρανθήσομαι (μαραίνω), 1 fut. p.

μακαριοῦσι (μακαρίζω), fut.

μακροθύμησον (μακροθυμέω), 1 aor. impv. a.

μεθυσθῶσιν (μεθύσκω), pres. inf. a.

pfdva-Qma-iv (pedviTKCo), 1 aor, SubjC. p.

μεθιστάναι (μεθίσ7υμι, pres.

μείναντες (id.)j 1 ^'Or. ptcp.

μείνατε, μεῖνον (id.), 1 aor. impr.

μείνῃ, -ητε, -ωσιν (id.), 1 aor. subjC.

μελέτα (μελετάω), pres. impv. a.

μεμαθηκώς (μανθάνω), pf. ptcp. a.

μεμενήκεισαν (μένω), plpf. a.

μεμιαμμένος (μιαίνω), pf. ptcp. p.

μεμίανται (id.), pf. pass.

μεμιγμένος (μίγνυμι), pf. ptcp. p.

μέμνησθε (μιμνήσκω), pf. m.

μεμύημαι (μυέω), pf. p.

μενεῖτε (μένω), fut. ind.

μένετε (id.), pres. ind. or impv.

μετάβα, -βηθι (μεταβαίνω), 2 aor. impv. a.

μετασταθῶ (μεθίστημι), 1 aor. subjc. p.

μεταστραφήτω (μεταστρέφω), 2 aor. impv. p.

μετέθηκεν (μετατίθημι), 1 aor. a.

μετέστησε1 (μεθίστημι), 1 aor. a.

μετέσχηκεν (μετέχω), pf. a.

μετπέθησαν (μετατίθημι), 1 aor. p.

μετήλλαξαν (μεταλλάσσω), 1 aor. a.

μετῆρεν (μεταίρω), 1 aor. a.

μετοικιῶ (μετοικίζω), fut. a.

μετῴκισεν (id-), 1 aor. a.

μιανθῶσιν (μιαίνω), 1 aor. subjc. p.

μνησθῆναι (μιμνήσκω), 1 aor. inf. p.

μνήσθητι, τε (id.), 1 aor. impv. p.

μνησθῶ, -θῇς (id.), 1 aor. subjc. p.

νενίκηκα (νικάω), pf. a.

νενομοθέτηται (νομοθετέω), pf. pass.

νήψατε (νήφω), 1 aor. impv.

νόει (νοέω), pres. impv. a.

νοούμενα (id.), pres. ptcp. p.

ὀδυνᾶσαι (ὀδυνάω), pres. ind. m.

οἴσω (φέρω), fut. a.

ὀμνύναι, -ύειν (ὄμνυμι, -ύω), pres. inf. a.

ὀμόσαι (id.), 1 aor. inf. ω

[p. 509]

ὀμόσv (id.), 1 aor. subjc. a.

ὀναίμην (ὀνίνημι), 2 aor. opt. nu

ὁρῶσαι (ὁράω), pres. ptcp. a.

ὀφθείς (id-)) i 3,or. ptcp. p.

ὄψει, -ῃ (id.), fut.

ὄψησθε (id.), 1 aor. subjc. m.

παθεῖν (πάσχω), 2 aor. inf. a.

πάθῃ (id.), 2 aor. subjc. a.

παίσῃ (παίω), 1 aor. subjc. a.

παραβολευσάμενος (παραβολεύομαι), 1 aor. ptcp.

παραβουλευσάμενος (παραβοvλεύομαι), 1 aor. ptcp.

παραδεδώκεισαν (παραδίδωμι), plpf.

παραδιδοῖ, -δῷ (παραδίδωμι), pres. subjc.

παραδιδούς, παραδούς (id.), pres. and 2 aor. ptcp.

παραδῷ, -δοῖ (id.), 2 aor. subjc. a.

παραθεῖναι (παρατίθημι), 2 aor. inf. a.

παράθου (id.), 2 aor. impr. m.

παραθῶσιν (id.), 2 aor. subjc. a.

παραιτοῦ (παραιτέομαι), pres. impv.

παρακεκαλυμμένος (παρακαλύπτω), pf. ptcp. p.

παρακεχειμακότι (παραχειμάζω), pf. ptcp. a.

παρακληθῶσιν (παραχαλέω), 1 aor. subjc. p.

παρακύψας (παρακύπτω), 1 aor. ptcp. a.

παραλημφθήσπαι (παραλαμβάνω), 1 fut. p.

παραπλεῦσαι (παραπλέω), 1 aor. inf. a.

παραρυῶμεν (παραρέω), 2 aor. subjc. p.

παραστῆσαι (παρίστημι), 1 aor. inf. a.

παραστῆτε (id.), 2 aor. subjc. a.

παρασχών (παρέχω), 2 aor. ptcp. a.

παρατιθέσθωσαν (παρατίθημι), pres. impv. 3 pi.

παρεδίδοσαν (παραδίδωμι), impf. 3 pi.

παρέθεντο (παρατίθημι), 2 aor. m.

πάρει (πάρειμι), pres. ind.

παρειμένος (παρίημι), pf. ptcp. p.

παρεῖναι (παρίημι), 2 aor. inf. a.

παρεῖναι (πάρειμι), pres. inf.

παρεισάξουσιν (παρεισάγω), fut. a.

παρεισέδυσαν (παρεισάγω), 2 aor. p.

παρεισέδυσαν (id.), 1 aor. a.

παρεισενέγκαντες (παρεισφέρω), 1 aor. ptcp. a.

παρειστήκεισαν (παρίστημι), plpf. a.

παρεῖχαν (παρέχω), impf.

παρειχόμην (id.), impf. m.

παρέκυψεν (παρακύπτω), 1 aor. a.

παρελάβοσαν (παραλαμβάνω), 2 aor. a.

παρελεύσονται (παρέρχομαι), fut.

παρεληλυθέναι (id.), pf. inf. a.

παρελθάτω (id.), 2 aor. impr. a.

παρενεγκεῖν (παραφέρω) 2 aor. inf.

παρέξει, -jj (παρέχω), fit. a. and m.

παρεπίκραναν (παραπικραίνω), 1 aor. a.

παρεσκεύασται (παρασκευάζω), pf. p.

παρεWκότες, -εστῶτες (παρίστημι), pf. ptcp. ἆ.

παρέτεινε (παρατείνω), 1 aor. a.

παρετήρουν (παρατηρέω), impf. a.

παρήγγειλαν (παραγγέλλω), 1 aor. a.

παρηκολούθηκας (παρακoλουθéω), pf. a.

παρῄνει (παραινέω), impf. a.

παρῃτημένος (παραιτέομαι), pf. ptcp. p.

παρῴκησεν (παροικέω), 1 aor. a.

παρωξύνετο (παροξύνω), impf. p.

παρώτρυναν (παροτρύνω), 1 aor. a.

παρῳχημένος (παροίχομαι), pf. ptcp.

παυσάτω (παύω), 1 aor. impv. a.

πεῖ1 (πίνω), 2 aor. inf. a.

πείσας (πείθω), 1 aor. a.

πέπαυται (παύω), pf. m.

πεπειραμένος (πειράω), pf. ptcp. p.

πεπειρασμένος (πειράζω), pf. ptcp. p.

πέπεισμαι (πείθω), pf. p.

πεπιεσμένος (πιέζω), pf. ptcp. p.

πεπιστευκόσι (πιστεύω), pf. ptcp. a.

πεπλάνησθε (πλανάω), pt. p.

πεπλάτυνται (πλατύνω), pf. p.

πεπληρωκέναι (πληρόω), pf. inf. a.

πέποιθα (πείθω), 2 pf.

πέπονθα (πάσχω), 2 pf.

πεπότικεν (ποτίζω), pf. a.

πέπρακε (πιπράσκω), pf. a.

πέπραχα (πράσσω), pf. a.

πέπτωκα (πίπτω), pf. a.

πεπυρωμένος (πυρόω), pf. ptcp. p.

πέπωκε (πίνω), pf. a.

πεπωρωμένος (πωρόω), pf. ptcp. p.

περιάψας (περιάπτω), 1 aor. ptcp. a.

περιδραμών (περιτρέχω), 2 aor. ptcp. a.

περιεδέδετο (περιδέω), plpf. p.

περιεζωσμένος (περιζώννυμι), pf. ptcp.

περιέκρυβον (περικρύπτω), 2 aor. a.

περιελεῖν (περιαιρέω), 2 aor. inf. a.

περιέπεσον (περιπίπτω), 2 aor. δ-

περιεσπᾶτο (περιπίπτω), impf. p.

περιέσχον (περιέχω), 2 aor. a.

περιέτεμον (περιτέμνω), 2 aor. a.

[p. 510]

περίζωσαι (περιζώννυμι), 1 aor. impv. m.

περιῃρεῖτο (περιαιρέω), impf. p.

περιθέντες (περιτίθημι), 2 aor. ptcp. a.

περιπέσητε [περιπίπτω), pres. m. or p.

περιπέσητε (περιπίπτω), 2 aor. subjc. a.

περιρεραμμένος (περιραίνω), pf. ptcp. p.

περιρήξαντες (περιρήγνvμι), 1 aor. ptc}:). a.

περισσεῦσαι, -εύσαι (περισσεύω), 1 aor. inf. and opt. a.

περιτετμημένος (περιτέμνω), pf. ptcp. p.

περιτμηθῆναι (περιτέμνω), 1 aor. inf. p.

πεσεῖν (πίπτω), ὔ aor. inf. a.

πέτηται (πέτομαι), pres. SubjC.

πετώμενος (πετάομαι), pre.3. ptcp.

πεφανέρωται (φανερόω), pf. p.

πεφίμωσο (φιμόω), pf. impv. p.

πιάσαι (πιάζω), 1 aor. inf. a.

πίε, πιεῖν (πίνω), 2 aor. impv. aiid inf. a.

πικρανεῖ (πικραίνω), fut. a.

πλάσας (πλάσσω), 1 aor. ptcp. a.

πλέξαντες (πλέκω), 1 aor. ptcp. a.

πλεονάσαι (πλεονάζω), 1 aor. opt. a.

πληθυνθῆναι (πληθύνω), 1 aor. inf. p.

πληρωθιῆ (πληρόω), 1 aor. subjc. p.

πλήσας, -σθείς (πίμπλημι), 1 aor. ptcp. a. and p.

ποιήσειαν (ποιέω), 1 aor. opt.

ποιμανεῖ (ποιμαίνω), fut. a.

πραθείς (πιπράσκω), 1 aor. ptcp. p.

προβάς (προβαίνω), 2 aor. ptcp. a.

προγεγονώς (id.), pf. ptcp. a.

προγεγονώς (προγίνομαι), pf. ptcp. a.

προεβίβασαν (π ροβιβάζω) , 1 aor. a.

προεγνωσμένος (προγινώσκω), pf. ptcp. P-

προελεύσεται (προέρχομαι), fut.

προενήρξατο (προενάρχομαι), 1 aor.

προεπηγγείλατο (προεπαγγἑλλω), 1 aor. m.

προεστῶτες (προἳοηwμι), pf. ptcp. ἆ.

προέτειναν (προτείνω), 1 aor. a.

προεφήτευον (προφητεύω), impf. a.

προέφθασεν (προφθάνω), 1 aor. a.

προεωρακότες (προοράω), pf. ptcp. a.

προῆγεν (προάγω), impf. a.

προηλπικότας (προελπίζω), pf. ptcp. a.

προηλπικότας (προαμαρτάνω), pf. ptcp. a.

προῃτιασάμεθα (προαιτιάομαι), 1 aor.

π ροητοίμασα (π ροετοιμάζω) , 1 aor. a.

προκεκηρυγμένος (π ροκηρύσσω), pf. ptcp. p.

προκεχειρισμένος (προχειρίζω), pf ptcp. p.

προxεχειροτονημένος (προχειροτονέω), pf. ptcp. p.

προορώμην fπροοράω), impf. m.

προσανέθεντο (προσανατίθημι), 2 aor. m.

προσειργάσατο (προσεργάζομαι), 1 aor.

προσεκλίθη (προσκλίνω), 1 aor. p.

προσεκολλήθη (προσκολλάω), 1 aor. p.

προσεκύνουν (προσκvνέω), impf. a.

προσενήνοχεν (προσφέρω), pf. ἆ

προσέρηξεν (προσπίπτω), 2 aor. a.

προσέρηξεν (προσπίπτω), 1 aor. a.

προσεφώνει (προσέχω), pf. a.

προσεφώνει (προσφωνέω), impf. a.

προσεῶντος (προσεαω), pres. ptcp. a.

προσήνεγκα (προσφέρω), 1 aor. ἄε

προσηργάσατο (π ροσεργάζομαι), 1 aor.

προσηύξατο (προσεύχομαι), 1 aor.

πρόσθες (προστίθημι), 2 aor. impv. ἆ.

προσλαβοῦ (προσλαμβάνω), 2 aor. impv. m.

προσμεῖναι (πρόσ' μένω), 1 aor. inf. a.

προσπήξας (προσπήγνυμι), 1 aor. ptcp. a.

προστῆναι (προrοηwμι), 2 aor. inf. a.

προσωρμίσθησαν (προσορμίζω), 1 aor.

προσώχθισα (προσοχθίζω), 1 aor. a.

πρτρεψάμενος (προτρέπω), 1 aor. ptcp. m.

προυπῆρχον (προὐ̓πάρχω), impf. a.

πταίσητε (πταίω), 1 aor. subjc. a.

πτοηθῆτε (πτοέω), 1 aor. subjc. p.

πτύξας (πτύσσω), 1 aor. ptcp. a.

πτύσας (πτύω), 1 aor. ptcp. a.

πυθόμενος (πυνθάνομαι), 2 aor. ptcp.

ῥαντίσωνται (ῥαντίζω), 1 aor. subjc. m.

ῥεύσουσιν (ῥέω), fut.

ῥῆξον (ῥήγνυμι), 1 aor. impv. a.

ῥίψας (ῥίπτω), 1 aor. ptcp. a.

ῥυπανθήτω (ῥυπαίνω), 1 aor. impv. p.

ῥυπαρευθήτω (ῥυπαρεύομαι), 1 aor. impv. p.

ῥῦσαι (ῥύομαι), 1 aor. impv. m.

σβέσαι (σβέννυμι), 1 aor. inf. a.

σέσηπε (σήπω), 2 pf. a.

σεσιγημένος (σιγάω), pf. ptcp. p.

σέσωκα (σώζω), pf. a.

σημάναι (σημαίνω), 1 aor. inf. a.

σθενώσει (σθενόω), fut. a.

σπαρείς (σπείρω), 2 aor. ptcp. p.

[p. 511]

σπεῦσον (σπεύδω), 1 aor. impv. a.

σταθῇ, στάς, etc. (ἵστημι), 1 and 2 aor.

στηρίξαι (στηρίζω), 1 aor. inf. a.

στήσῃ (ἵστημι), 1 aor. subjc. a.

στραφείς (στρέφω), 2 aor. ptcp. p.

στρῶσον (στρώννυμι), 1 aor. impv. a.

σvγΚ-, v.s. σὺν κ-.

συλλα3οὐσα (συλλαμβάνω), 2 aor. ptcjJ. a.

συλλήμψῃ (id.), fut.

συμπ-, v.s. σvνπ-.

συναγάγετε (συνάγω), 2 aor. impv. a.

συνανέκειντο (συνανάκειμαι), impf.

συναπαχθέντες (συναπάγω), 1 aor. ptcp. p.

συναπέθανον (συναποθνῄσκω), 2 aor. a.

συναπήχθη (συναπάγω), 1 aor. p.

συναπώλετο (συναπόλλvμι), 2 aor. m.

συνᾶραι (συναίρω), 1 aor. inf. a.

συναχθήσομαι (συνάγω), 1 fub. p.

συνδεδεμένος (συνδέω), pf. ptcp. p.

συνέζευξεν (συνζεύγνυμι), 1 aor. a.

συνέθεντο (συντίθημι), 2 aor. m.

συνειδυίης (συνεῖδον), pf. ptcp. a.

συνειληφυῖα (συλλαμβάν ω), pf. ptcp. a.

συνείπετο (συνέπομαι), impf.

συνείχετο (συνέχω), infipf- P-

συνεκόμισαν (συνκομίζω), 1 aor. a.

συνεληλυθώς (συνέρχομαι), pf. ptcp.

συνεπέστη (συνεφίστημι), 2 aor. a.

συνέπιον (συνπίνω), 2 aor. a.

συνεσπάραξεν (σvσπαράσσω), 1 aor. φ.

συνεσπάραξεν (συστέλλω), pf. ptcp. p.

συνεστῶσα (συνίστημι), pf. ptcp.

συνέταξα (συντάσσω), 1 aor. a.

συνετάφημεν (συνθάπτω), 2 aor. p.

σύνετε (συνίημι), 2 aor. a.

συνετέθειντο (συντίθημι), plpf. m.

συνετήρει (συντηρέω), impf. a.

συνέφαγές (συνεσθίω), 2 aor. a.

συνέχεον (σvνχέω), impf. or 2 aor.

συνηγέρθητε (συνεγείρω), 1 aor. p.

συνηγμένος (συνάγω), pf. ptcp. p.

συνήθλησαν (συναθλέω), 1 aor. a.

συνηθροισμένος (συναθροίζω), pf. ptcp.

συνῆκαν (συνίημι), 1 aor. a.

συνήλασεν (συνελαύνω), 1 aor. ἆ.

συνήλλασσεν (συναλλάσσω), impf. ιΥ

συνήντησεν (σvναντάω), 1 aor. a.

συνήργει (συνεργέω), impf. a.

συνηρπάκει, -ήρπασαν (συναρπάζω), plpf. and 1 aor

συνῆσαν (σύνειμι), impf.

συνήσθιεν (συνεσθίω], impf.

συνῆτε (συνίημι), 2 aor. subjc. a.

συνήχθη (συνάγω), 1 aor. p.

συνιδών (συνεῖδον), ptcp.

συνιείς (συνίημι), pres. ptcp.

συνιόντος (σύνειμι), pres. ptcp. gen. s.

συνιστάνειν (συνίστημι), pres. inf.

συνίωσι (συνίημι), pres. subjc.

συνκατατεθειμένος (συνκατατίθημι), pf. ptcp. m.

συνκεκερασμένος (συνκεράννυμι), pf. ptcp. p.

συνπαρακληθῆναι (συνπαρακαλέω), 1 aor. inf. p.

συνόντων (σύνειμι), ptcp. gen. pi.

συνταφέντες (συνθάπτω), 2 aor. ptcp. P-

συντελεσθείς (συντελέω), 1 aor. ptcp. p.

συντετμημένος (συντέμνω), pf. ptcp. p.

συντετριμμένος (συντρίβω), pf. ptcp. p.

συντετρῖφθαι (id.), pf. inf. p.

συνυπεκρίθησαν (συνυποκρίνομαι), 1 aor. p.

συνφυεισaι (συνφύω), 2 aor. ptcp. p.

συνῶσι (συνίημι), 2 aor. subjc. a.

σωθῇ (σώζω), 1 aor. p.

σῶσαι (id.), 1 aor. inf. a.

τακήσεται (τήκω), fut. p.

ταραχθῆναι (ταράσσω), 1 aor. inf. p.

τεθέαται (θεάομαι), pf.

τέθεικα (τίθημι), pf. a.

τεθεμελίωτο (θεμελιόω), plpf- p.

τεθῇ (τίθημι), 1 aor. subjc. p.

τεθλιμμένος (θλίβω), pf. ptcp. p.

τεθνάναι (θνήσκω), pf. inf. a.

τεθνηκέναι (id.), pf. inf. a.

τεθραμμένος (τρέφω), pf. ptcp. p.

τεθραυσμένος (θραύω), pf. ptcp. p.

τεθυμένα (θύω), pf. ptcp. p.

τεθῶσιν (τίθημι), 1 aor. subjo. p.

τέκῃ (τίκτω), 2 aor. subjc. α.

τελεσθῶσιν (τελέω), 1 aor. subjc. p.

τέξῃ (τίκτω), fut.

τεταγμένος (τάσσω), pf. ptcp. p.

τέτακται (id.), pf. p.

τεταραγμένος (ταράσσω), pf. ptcp. p.

τετάρακται (id.), pf. p.

τεταχέναι (id.), pf. inf. a.

τετέλεσται (τελέω), pf. p.

τέτευχα (τυγχάνω), pf. a.

τετήρηκαν (τηρέω), pf. a.

τετιμημένος (τιμάω), pf. ptcp. p.

[p. 512]

τετραχηλισμένος (τραχηλίcω), pf. ptcp. P;

τετύφωται (τυφόω), pf. p.

τέτυχα (τυγχάνω), pf. a.

τεχθείς (τίκτω), 1 aor. ptcp. p.

τίσουσιν (τίνω), fufc. a.

ὑπέδειξα (ὑποδείκνυμι), 1 aor. a.

ὑπέθηκα (ὑποτίθημι), 1 aor. a.

ὑπέλαβεν (ὑπολαμβάνω), 2 aor. a.

ὑπελείφθην fὑπολείπω), 1 aor. p.

ὑπέμεινα, -μενον (ὑπομένω), 1 aor. and impf.

ὑπεμνήσθην (ὑπομιμνήσΚω), 1 aor. p.

ὑπενεγκεῖν (ὑποφέρω), 2 aor. inf. a.

ὑπενόουν (ὑπονοέω), impf. a.

ὑπέπλευσα (ὑπόπλεω), 1 aor. a.

ὑπεριδών (ὑπερεῖδον), ptcp.

ὑπέστρεψα (ὑποστρέ φῶ), 1 aor. a.

ὑπεστρώννυον (ὑποστρώννυμι), impf.

ὑπετάγη (ὑποτάσσω), 2 aor. p.

ὑπέταξα (id.), 1 aor. a.

ὑπῆγον (ὑπάγω), impf. a.

ὑπήκουον (ὑπακούω), impf. a.

ὑπήνεγκα (ὑποφέρω), 1 aor. a.

ὑπῆρχον (ὑπάρχω), impf. a.

ὑποδέδεκται (ὑποδέχομαι), pf.

ὑποδεδεμένος (ὑποδέω), pf. ptcp. p.

ὑποδῆσαι (id.), 1 aor. impv. m.

v̔ποδραμόντες(υeπoτρέχω), 2 aor. ptcp. a.

ὑπομείνας, -μεμνηκώς (ὑπομένω), 1 aor. and pf. ptcp. a.

ὑπομνῆσαι (ὑπομιμνήσκω), 1 aor. inf. a.

ὑποπνεύσας (ὑποπνέω), 1 aor. ptcp. a.

υeποατεἱληται fὑποστέλλω), 1 aor. subjc. m.

ὑποταγῇ (ὑπ' οτάσ σὼ), 2 aor. subjc. p.

ὑποτάξαι (iἀι), 1 aor. inf. a.

ὑποτέτακται (id.), pf. p.

ὑποτέτακται (ὑστερέω), pf. inf. a.

ὑψωθῶ (ὑψόω), 1 aor. subjc. p.

φάγεσαι (ἐσθίω), fut. 2 s.

φάνῃ (φαίνω), 1 aor. subjc. ἆ.

φείσομαι (φείδομαι), fut.

φεύξομαι (φεύγω), fut.

φθαρῇ (φθε ἱρῷ), 2 aor. subjc. p,

φθάσωμεν (φθάνω), 1 aor. subjc.

φθερεῖ (φθείρω), fut. a.

φιμοῖ1, οὑν (φιμόω), pres. inf. a.

φραγῇ (φράσσω), 2 aor. subjc. p.

φράσον (φράζω)) 1 aor. impv.

φυείς, φύς (φύω), 2 aor. p. and a.

φύλαξον (φυλάσσω), 1 aor. impv. a.

φυτεύθητι (φυτεύω), 1 aor. impv. p.

φωτιεῖ, τίσει (φωτίζω), fut.

χαλῶσιν (χαλάω), pres. a. 3 pi.

χαρῆναι (χαίρω), 2 aor. inf. p.

χαρήσομαι (id.), fut.

χρῆσαι (χράομαι), •''- ^^^" iTMPV' TM'

χρῆσον (κίχρημι), 1 aor. impv. a.

χρονίσει (χρονίζω), fut.

χρῶ (χράομαι), pres. impv.

χωρῆσαι (χωρέω), 1 aor. inf. a.

χωρίσαι (χωρίζω), 1 aor. inf. a.

χωροῦσαι (χωρέω), pres. ptcp. a.

ψηλαφήσειαν (ψηλαφάω), 1 aor. opt

ψυγήσεται (ψύχω), 2 fut. p.

ψωμίσω (ψωμίζω), 1 aor. subjc. a.

ὠκοδόμοvν (οἰκοδομέω), impf.

ὡμίλει (ὁμιλέω), impf.

ὡμολόγουν (ὁμολογέω), impf.

ὤμοσα (ὄμνυμι), 1 aor. a.

ὠνείδισα (ὀνειδίζω), 1 aor. a.

ὠνόμασα (ὀνομάζω)1 1 aor. a.

ὤρθριζεν (ὀρθρίζω), impf.

ὥρισα (ὁρίζω), 1 aor. a.

ὥρμησα (ὁρμάω), 1 aor. a.

ὤρυξεν (ὀρύσσω), 1 aor. a.

ὠρχήσασθε (ὀρχέομαι), 1 aor.

ὤφειλον (ὀφείλω), impf.

ὤφθην (ὁράω), 1 aor. p.