subjective genitives

From: Mikeal Parsons (
Date: Mon Aug 07 1995 - 12:50:37 EDT

I take it from stephen carlson's recent posting that a discussion of pistis
ihsou took place on this list earlier. i wonder if the parallel problem with
works of the law (erga vomou) was also discussed? One can make a rather
compelling case that just as faith of Christ may be subjective, CHrist's
faith or faithfulness, so works of the law, contra Luther, may refer not
to the works one does in the law, but the law's work, ie. the law's function,
which for Paul has to do with the (in)adequacy of the law's soteriological
function. A key verse here is Galatians 2:16. but i won't venture off into
this discussion until i know whether this is ground already covered on
this list.
guess i'll go back to work now :-(
mikeal parsons
baylor university

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