Re: Information request

Date: Wed Aug 09 1995 - 11:45:49 EDT

In a message dated 95-08-08 19:55:57 EDT, you write:

>Transparent Language is
>now available on a CD-ROM and has the advantage of being available for both
>Mac and Windows (don't know about regular DOS). For every sentence you can
>click on a word for vocabulary help, parsing, and information on the way
>the words construe in the sentence. I don't have the details on the
>publisher of Transparent Language but it's cataloged in all the mail-order

Thank you very much---should you happen across an address, phone number, or
e-mail address for Transparent Language, please keep me in mind. I've
checked all the software mail-order catalogs lying around here (how many
trees die daily for these things, I wonder?), but nothing on Transparent
Language. I'd appreciate it. Thanks!


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