Latin vocabulary software

From: Ken Penner (
Date: Wed Aug 09 1995 - 02:39:06 EDT

On 8 Aug 95 at 16:41, wrote:

> Anyone know of a semi-decent (or even bad) program for drilling
> on Latin vocabulary and grammar? A Windows program would be
> nice, but I'll take just about anything at this point.

I'm in the process of writing such a Windows-based general-purpose
vocabulary drill program. (I hope this doesn't sound too
commercial; it's free at this point.)

I just made a "beta-test" version available on the net, for limited
distribution to those willing to report bugs and suggestions. For
now the test version only comes with a small set of Greek cards,
but you can create your own card files for Latin. I hope to have
Greek, Hebrew, and Latin cards available for September.

If anyone would like to help me test the program, it can be found

Ken Penner
Regent College, Vancouver

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