Re: Papyrologists and alledged earliest Gospel fragm.

From: Carl W. Conrad (
Date: Mon Aug 14 1995 - 14:34:56 EDT

I cite some pieces of information that I got from Ioudaios-L postings
regarding this article from last spring:

Thiede's article on P64 has been reprinted (with corrections) in _Tyndale
Bulletin_ 46 (1995): 'Papyrus Magdalen Greek 17 (Gregory-Aland P64: A
Reappraisal'. The same volume includes an article by Philip W. Comfort,
'Exploring the Common Identification of Three New Testament Manuscripts:
P4, P64 and P67', and another article by Thiede, 'Notes on P4'. A response
to Thiede is promised for the next issue (November, 1995).

Furthermore, I am asking for permission to post here the text of two
significant disscussions of the Thiede article that were posted to
Ioudaios-L in March and May of this year:

One is a note by Stuart Pickering, originally posted March 2, 1995 and with
the subject-heading: "Magdalen College Matthew." This was re-posted to
Ioudaios-L on May 21, 1995. The second is a rather thorough discussion by
Sigrid Petersen posted to Ioudaios-L on May 24, 1995. If I get permission I
shall re-post both of them here. Otherwise, those equipped with
web-browsers may find and read these on-line at:


Both of these discussions are skeptical of Thiede's dating of the papyrus.

Carl W. Conrad
Department of Classics, Washington University
One Brookings Drive, St. Louis, MO, USA 63130
(314) 935-4018 OR

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