BG: Egyptian vs. Alexandrian text types

From: Bruce Terry (
Date: Mon Aug 21 1995 - 14:20:31 EDT

In reading Aland and Aland's _The Text of the New Testament_, I note on page
155 that they distinguish between the Alexandrian text type (which fits their
category I) and the Egyptian text type (which fits their category II). To my
shame I must admit that I had thought that those terms were synonymous. Does
anyone know what distinction Aland and Aland are making between these terms?
Surely this is not a revival of W&H's Neutral vs. Alexandrian distinction, is
it? Thanks for any help on this.

Bruce Terry E-MAIL:
Box 8426, ACU Station Phone: 915/674-3759
Abilene, Texas 79699 Fax: 915/674-3769

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