Re: BG: Egyptian vs. Alexandrian text types

From: Vincent Broman (
Date: Thu Aug 24 1995 - 16:47:55 EDT wrote:
> would seem that the distinction between
> Alexandrian and Egyptian is really a distinction between sub-families rather
> than between text types.

Colwell tried to reconstruct an archetype, or at least a center of gravity,
for the Neutrals+Alexandrians in several chapters of Mark, and he more-or-less
gave up on it as impossible. He found these witnesses split up so often
and in so many different constellations of alliances, that he described
them as one "broad stream" from the papyri down to the miniscules,
and he attributed their resemblances not just to common descent but also
to common editorial policy.

Since the Alands deny text type status to the Westerns and Caesareans,
their perspective has reduced itself to a one-dimensional scale of
"Textwert", with NA26/27 at one end of the scale, and a Majority text
at the other end. So I wouldn't take the Aland classifications to refer
to text types, only price points.

Vincent Broman, code 544 Bayside Email:
Naval Command Control and Ocean Surveillance Center, RDT&E Div.
San Diego, CA 92152-6147, USA Phone: +1 619 553 1641

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