apologies for doublets!

From: David Housholder (73423.2015@compuserve.com)
Date: Sat Aug 26 1995 - 22:57:55 EDT

It looks as though Paul Miller and I were both victims of a problem I think has
come up here before. The result was the double posting of my response to the
question of Greek/Hebrew fonts.

The problem was that I received a message containing the following:

>>Message Recipients: cas@dei.uminho.pt: transfer failure -- MTA congestion

And it told me delivery of my b-greek message had failed. I resent it, received
the same message, but by then received a reply from a list member showing me
that the message had, in fact, gone through.

May we safely ignore these failure messages?

David Housholder (DavidHousholder@XC.Org)
writing at 8:54 PM on Saturday, August 26, 1995

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