Re: Pocket Greek NT?

From: Bruce Terry (
Date: Sun Aug 27 1995 - 18:36:13 EDT

On Sun, 27 Aug 1995, Rod Decker responded to David Housholder:

>If there is a publisher rep. listening, or someone who has the ear of one,
>I'd second David's suggestion: print a _small_, text-only Testament that is
>'pocket-portable.' I'd live with 7 or 8 point type and no apparatus or
>notes of any sort, and even relatively scant margins. Print it on the
>thinest 'India paper' available that doesn't show through (unlike UBS4!).
>Ideal size for this purpose would be 3/4 to 1/2 the size of an 'old Nestle'
>(i.e., NA25 or earlier). I'd even put up with (though this hurts immensely
>to say!) a TR text _IF_ that was the only way I could get one. I'd much
>prefer, of course, to have the NA26/27 = UBS3/4 text, or at least an NA25.
>The publisher's question will be, of course, how many could I sell and what
>would people pay for it? I'd order one immediately and I'd pay $20 without
>question, esp. it it had a leather cover (though I'd go $25 for that).

I would buy a copy too, although I would really like it with a minor apparatus
containing the 700+ places where the major English translations mark a variant
reading. My pocket RSV is 2-3/4" by 4-1/8", a real nice size. But I would
take a little larger since the 8 point type would be nicer as I get older.
Definitely a leather cover (for which I would easily pay $25 and maybe even
$30). Oh, yes, the "Standard Text," please, not the TR.

Bruce Terry E-MAIL:
Box 8426, ACU Station Phone: 915/674-3759
Abilene, Texas 79699 Fax: 915/674-3769

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