Re: translation of "melle"

Date: Fri Aug 25 1995 - 14:59:03 EDT

Alan M Feuerbacher asked,
"I'd like to get some scholarly opinions about the translation of part of
Mark 13:4 and Luke 21:7. In the NRSV these read:

   what will be the sign that all these things are about to be
   accomplished? (Mark 13:4)"

I've often thought that the best way to translate MELLEIN with an infinitive
is with the old southern expression, "I'm fixing to."
The fact that it is in the subjunctive gives a note of contingency, but I
think that this is because it is in a question where the exact time is in
dispute or unknown. I think the best translation in Mark 13:4 in the
subjunctive and with the infinitive is, "what is the sign when all these
things will happen." In verse 4 of Mark both instances of TAUTA seem to
refer to the same events, what Jesus has just predicted. Its amazing what
the writer of Matthew has done with that question!

Carlton Winbery
LA College, Pineville, LA

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