Re: BG: Synoptic Apocalypse

Date: Sun Aug 27 1995 - 17:07:12 EDT

> Jan said,
> Carlton Winbery saod:
> > Interestingly, just as the disciples' questions are clearly
> >blocked out in Matthew, so he also presents Jesus's answer in blocks
> >alternating between the destruction of the temple and the second coming."
> I think someone else said that not me.
> Carlton Winbery

My apologies. I did not see the ["] beginning and ending your extensive
quotation. It has become customary to precede all lines with quotations with a
">" or another symbol to make quoting obvious.


- Jan

   "This life is a test. It is only a test. Had this been an actual life,
   you would have received further instructions as to what to do and where
   to go."

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