Re: BG: Synoptic Apocalypse

From: David Anvar (
Date: Mon Aug 28 1995 - 22:50:34 EDT


        What does it mean that "And Jerusalem will be trampled by Gentiles
*until* the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled." Lk 21:24b Does this not
suggest a period of time between the destruction of Jerusalem and some other
great event to follow?
        Also what do you make of the saying that went about among the brethren
that John would not die? (Jn 21:23) This "saying" suggests that "If I will
that he remain till I(Jesus) come" then he will live a very long long time
i.e. until Christ returns. There may not have been such a strong aggreement
about how soon the Lord's return would be. you deny the physical resurrection of the dead?
David U.C. Berkeley

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