Re: BG: Synoptic Apocalypse

From: Edgar M. Krentz (
Date: Wed Aug 30 1995 - 11:23:03 EDT

I have been following this topic with interest and communicate now only to
make one small point about B-GREEK.

The description of B-Greek that norms our discussion is given as follows:

"B-Greek is an electronic conference designed to foster communication
concerning the scholarly study of the Greek Bible. Anyone interested in New
Testament Studies is invited to subscribe, but the list will assume at
least a working knowledge of Biblical Greek. Those interested in learning
to study the Bible more personally and less exclusively academic should
join the BIBLE list."

I recently received personal reactions based on my "academically oriented"
postings to B-Greek asking me the following questions:

>I was reading some of your recent posts. I am curious about your beliefs
>>regarding the Deity of Christ? Do you believe that Jesus is Christ? Also, do
>>you believe that Christ is God? Your post are telling and I wonder if they
>>reveal your theology.

A later communication from the same person said:

>You seem to put Jesus on an exam table, as one to be studied as a science
>>project but certainly not to be obeyed. He is Lord of your life and not to be
>>disected with your theology. I did not keep your posts to reference. But, at
>>one point, I felt as if you treat Jesus as some man to be examined and not to
>>be followed after. This disturbed me. I wondered whether you are a Christian
>or >Or a professor who has detached himself from his Lord. Honoring him with
>your >lips but your heart is far from him. You tell me.

Then I read David Anvar's question to Jan Haugland:

> you deny the physical resurrection of the dead?

If we take the description of B-Greek given above seriously, such questions
should not be stimulated from what is intended to be academic discussions.
And they certainly should not be put out for all to read. Questions of
faith do not belong on an academic discussion list and, ideally, should
also not arise from it. Postings to this lest should be evaluated on the
basis of their philological, literary, and historical data and the cogency
of the argumentation involved. And all should be done in good faith, with
respect for others. That is just plain good manners.

If anyone does wonder about faith commitments, they should recognize that
they fall outside the scope of this list. And one should not make
inferences about the faith of someone else from an academic discussion.

I hope that all who read this will understand that after 42 years of
seminary teaching I was somewhat dumbfounded at the questions put to
me--and would not be amazed to discover that Jan Haugland felt the same
way. I have appreciated the academic, scholarly nature of this list and
hope that others do too! :-)!! Let's keep it that way.

Cordially, Ed Kkrentz

Edgar Krentz <>
New Testament, Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago
Voice: 312-753-0752; FAX: 312-753-0782

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